Prostitution world situation

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World situation Laws on prostitution can vary considerably around the world

Europe • Most countries allow prostitution but associated activities such as brothels and pimping are illegal • In Sweeden, Norway and Iceland is illegal • In some countries where prostitution is legal they are having problems – Flat rate brothels – The increasing of human trafficking

Africa • Prostitution is illegal in most of the countries • But it spreads due to poverty • Lots of diseases are spread too like AIDS • Transactional sexual relationships consist on the exchange of gifts for sex and they may not call themselves prostitutes but girlfriend or boyfriend. This is particularly common in sub-Saharan


Asia • In most countries prostitution is illegal but in countries like Thailand where the law says its illegal, its tolerated and regulated in practice. • In Asia, child prostitution is a serious problem • Asia has the lowest incidence (5.2%) in HIV and AIDS

North America • In the U.S prostitution is illegal in every state but Nevada where its only legal in the brothels. • The situation in Canada creates confusion because the exchange of sex for money has never been illegal but the prohibition of activities surrounding sex trade makes it difficult to practice prostitution without breaking any law.

South America • Prostitution is legal in most all the South American countries but in some brothels and other activities related are illegal. • Other countries like Suriname where its illegal its widely spread. • human trafficking is an increasing problem in South America.

Oceania • Laws in prostitution in Australia vary depending on the zone • In New Zealand most forms of prostitution are legal. • Indonesia, although its legally considered as a “crime against decency or morality” it is widely practiced, tolerated and regulated

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