ELAWC Annual Review 2020

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Housing Solutions

36.1% experiencing homelessness in LA County are Latinx

20% are headed by single mother with a history of DV ** (Los Angeles 2020 Homeless count)

Never has the availability of a safe and permanent home been more essential to health and well-being than in 2020

Domestic Violence is a Leading Cause of Homelessness for Women & Children ELAWC’s housing programs seek to prevent homelessness; help unsheltered families reach safety; provide temporary and transitional housing; and provide families with a path to permanent housing. As the pandemic gained in size and scope the need for emergency housing grew more urgent as fragile families faced evictions due to job and income losses, and vulnerable women confronted a surge in domestic violence. ELAWC staff was on call 24/7/365 to meet the emergency housing needs of families. More than 400 families found shelter at ELAWC’s Hope and Heart Emergency Shelter and through Project Safe Haven, an initiative of the LA Mayor’s office. Families also found stability and a path to sustained independence at ELAWC’s transitional housing and through Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) services.

KIMBERLY Ph.D Graduate, Dancer, Nature-lover Kimberly never imagined domestic violence could enter her idyllic life. Born in California, raised in Italy, Kimberly lived with her family in Washington before moving to Los Angeles in 2019 for graduate school. Completely on her own for the first time, her life changed suddenly. After dating a guy for a short time, Kimberly realized his behaviors were dangerous and abusive and cut off the relationship. Life quickly got scary as he stalked and threatened her — and her family. One day, he “ At first, I was scared to leave the shelter — it felt like when they release animals back into the wild after being caged. Now I know I’m OK. My abuser tried to take away my identity, but I didn’t let him defeat me. I’m free.”

violently abducted her from a local Starbucks. After weeks in isolation with her abuser, and a night of terrifying battering, she escaped. Arriving at LAC+USC hospital she asked for a DV screening and was invited to stay at the Hope & Heart Shelter to safely recover and reset. After 2 months in the shelter, she moved to ELAWC’s transitional home, where she found strength, safety, and renewed confidence. While living at the transitional home, Kimberly completed her graduate degree in International Affairs. Now living independently in her own place, Kimberly also landed her dream job where her confidence and joy are truly contagious.


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