ELAWC Annual Review 2020

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"Jennifer" Courtesy of Yolanda Gonzalez

2008 Promotora Contra La Violencia model expanded to include sexual and domestic violence with first federal grant.

2011 24-Hour Domestic Violence Response Team began offering crisis intervention at the Emergency Center at LAC+USC.



Irene MendezBanales and Connie Destito along with community members started The East Los Angeles Rape and Battering Hotline.

Launched the Promotora Institute and trained more than 1,200 Promotoras, created 6 collectives and provided training in 8 states.

1986 Established AIDS Infoline

1983 Established first Spanish-language self-defense class.

2009 1997 Launched Promotoras en Accion Contra el SIDA, the first in the nation focused on immigrant Latinas.

1980 Expanded services to provide culturally responsive domestic violence services.

Launched youth development programs. Created a satellite office at East Los Angeles College.

2015 Expanded services for human trafficking outreach.

1984 Child abuse prevention taught using Teatro throughout LA county.


Men’s Healing Circles launched in collaboration with the National Compadres Network,

ELAWC co-located at the Wellness Center @ LAC+USC with 23 other organizations to provide services, training & education.




EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Over a year ago, we

Established Domestic Violence Task force at LAC+USC. Promotora model expanded to address workplace sexual harassment and reach underserved industrial communities

embarked on a journey that changed us forever. Our communities suffered. Jobs


were lost, leaving many without the means to pay

Opened transitional housing for survivors and their families.

rent, buy food, or other life essentials. We grieved for family members lost, dreams vanished, and our nation finally began to painfully


confront deeply rooted social and racial injustice.

Established COVID Rapid Response Fund to provide comprehensive pandemic response - outreach, housing assistance, shelter & food distribution.

in domestic violence, stretching domestic violence

National lockdowns led to a devastating increase organizations and shelters to the limits. Throughout the pandemic, communities of color and marginalized populations suffered disproportionately. During this challenging time, ELAWC never stopped serving our communities. In fact, we increased our services to help survivors find safety and economic mobility. ELAWC provided groceries, PPE, and other essentials, while also expanding emergency shelter options for families. Promotoras served as a vital public health bridge, delivering PPE, COVID education, and referrals to more than 30,000 community members. Despite the many challenges, we gained a collective spirit to endure, to be resilient and compassionate, and to stand together against injustice. I am deeply grateful to our ELAWC staff, volunteers, and Promotoras for their tireless efforts helping survivors and families during this difficult time. I also want to acknowledge the individuals, corporations,


and foundations who supported our efforts. We depend on your kindness and donations to sustain

Introduced housing solutions for survivors.

survivors, families, and our communities.

> Implemented DV Housing First Model


years, we also acknowledge the challenges ahead.

> Opened Hope & Heart Emergency Shelter, the 1st U.S. hospitalbased shelter for women & families impacted by violence.

Certified by the State of California to provide substance abuse recovery services.

While recognizing our accomplishments over 45 We hope you will continue to support our efforts by volunteering, donating, or simply staying connected.

2021 Celebrating 45 years of raising the voices of survivors and communities

May 2021 be a year of renewal, success, and well-being.

Barbara Kappos, Executive Director, ELAWC



" We can't let people drive wedges between us...because there's only one human race.” — Dolores Huerta

THE MISSION of the East Los Angeles Women’s Center is to ensure that all women, girls and their families live in a place of safety, health, and personal well-being, free from violence and abuse, with equal access to necessary health services and social support, with an emphasis on Latino communities. 03

Statement of Commitment to Trauma-Informed Care

We recognize the strength of the survivors, their wisdom and journey.

Throughout the history of the East Los Angeles Women’s Center, we have recognized how deeply trauma has affected the lives of the survivors and their families who reach out to us seeking safety and healing. The histories of traumatic events, brought on by violent interpersonal relationships, physical and sexual assaults and abuse, have impacted the survivors’ sense of emotional safety and physical well-being. WE AS A COMMUNITY of advocates are committed to providing trauma-informed care in all aspects of our responses to the survivors who seek our services. WE ARE COMMITTED to a public health approach to trauma-informed care, which realizes the effects of trauma are widespread and have the capacity to affect anyone in our greater communities who have endured adverse experiences in their lives. WE AS AN AGENCY are committed to integrating the knowledge of traumainformed approaches into our policies, procedures and practices. We recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma and we resist the re-traumatization of each individual we encounter, including survivors who come through our doors, callers who reach out to our hotlines, staff and volunteers who provide support and services and the community members we collaborate with in our mission. OUR ORGANIZATION RECOGNIZES and addresses the origins of historical, collective, structural and intergenerational trauma and actively moves forward past cultural and gender biases. We recognize the strength of the survivors, their wisdom and journey. We outreach and offer access to services to those who may not feel welcome in other settings due to stereotypes or fears. We incorporate policies, protocols and procedures that are responsive to the racial, ethnic, gender-specific and cultural needs of the individuals and the community served.

- Promotora Institute - Promotora Collectives


- Promotora Community Engagement

- Nurturing Program - Project HealADD


- Sexual Assault Services - Domestic Violence Services - Human Trafficking


- Wellness Center @ LAC+USC

- HIV/AIDS Services - Substance Abuse Services

An interconnected model of services that is culturally responsive and trauma informed. - Leadership Development


- Violence Prevention



- Hope & Heart Project -

Hospital Based Emergency Services - Housing Assistance Program for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence

- Transitional Housing

- Men’s Healing Circle - Men’s Talking Circle


Our Impact

8,000+ received counseling, crisis intervention, advocacy, and referrals

80% of clients report improved quality of life and economic autonomy

The pandemic revealed the unsettling reality of great inequities in our communities to meet fundamental human needs

For 45 years, ELAWC has been a beacon of hope for survivors in a time of crisis. The COVID-19 crisis of 2020 was no different. With resilience, creativity, and fortitude ELAWC staff and volunteers were available for clients 24/7/365. Adapting to the realities of pandemic restrictions, staff and volunteers found new ways to connect, while also being socially distant, so no one was denied access to services. Innovations included: » hosting virtual support groups and events » responding immediately to thousands of online chats » implementing tele-health counseling » expanding emergency housing resources » establishing a rapid response fund to provide vital assistance to families » mobilizing Promotoras for public Covid outreach Today, we are taking the lessons learned in 2020 to expand access to services and programs to better serve our communities.

Rapidly Responding to Critical Needs with Pandemic Support

Personal Protective Equipment

Covid Resources

Food Distribution

Housing Assistance

Clothing And Personal Essentials
















Hotline Crisis Calls

Web Chats

Emergency Responses at Lac+USC Medical Center

Men Join Fatherhood & Men's Circles





Youth Engaged in Violence Prevention Outreach

Contacts with Community Members for PPE, COVID 19 Education, Testing, & Vaccine Resources

Receive HIV Prevention Education

Bed Nights for Women & Children




Attend Virtual Workshops & Film Screenings

Advocates Virtually Completed SA/DV 70-hour Certified Training

Receive Substance Abuse Recovery Services


HIV Navigation Services


Test for HIV


Housing Solutions

36.1% experiencing homelessness in LA County are Latinx

20% are headed by single mother with a history of DV ** (Los Angeles 2020 Homeless count)

Never has the availability of a safe and permanent home been more essential to health and well-being than in 2020

Domestic Violence is a Leading Cause of Homelessness for Women & Children ELAWC’s housing programs seek to prevent homelessness; help unsheltered families reach safety; provide temporary and transitional housing; and provide families with a path to permanent housing. As the pandemic gained in size and scope the need for emergency housing grew more urgent as fragile families faced evictions due to job and income losses, and vulnerable women confronted a surge in domestic violence. ELAWC staff was on call 24/7/365 to meet the emergency housing needs of families. More than 400 families found shelter at ELAWC’s Hope and Heart Emergency Shelter and through Project Safe Haven, an initiative of the LA Mayor’s office. Families also found stability and a path to sustained independence at ELAWC’s transitional housing and through Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) services.

KIMBERLY Ph.D Graduate, Dancer, Nature-lover Kimberly never imagined domestic violence could enter her idyllic life. Born in California, raised in Italy, Kimberly lived with her family in Washington before moving to Los Angeles in 2019 for graduate school. Completely on her own for the first time, her life changed suddenly. After dating a guy for a short time, Kimberly realized his behaviors were dangerous and abusive and cut off the relationship. Life quickly got scary as he stalked and threatened her — and her family. One day, he “ At first, I was scared to leave the shelter — it felt like when they release animals back into the wild after being caged. Now I know I’m OK. My abuser tried to take away my identity, but I didn’t let him defeat me. I’m free.”

violently abducted her from a local Starbucks. After weeks in isolation with her abuser, and a night of terrifying battering, she escaped. Arriving at LAC+USC hospital she asked for a DV screening and was invited to stay at the Hope & Heart Shelter to safely recover and reset. After 2 months in the shelter, she moved to ELAWC’s transitional home, where she found strength, safety, and renewed confidence. While living at the transitional home, Kimberly completed her graduate degree in International Affairs. Now living independently in her own place, Kimberly also landed her dream job where her confidence and joy are truly contagious.




" Even though I was afraid during the pandemic, I felt safe at Project Safe Haven. I am so excited because in a few weeks I will be moving into my very first apartment, thanks to the housing specialists and staff at ELAWC.” - Survivor

Total Households Supported

Households Secured Permanent Housing





Households Supported by DV Housing First Support

Households Supported by ELAWC Hope & Heart Emergency Shelter and Project SAFE HAVEN

JACKIE Mother, Protector, Optimist Domestic violence drove Jackie from her home, and her four children into out-of-home placement. At ELAWC’s Hope & Heart Shelter she found personal safety, and the resources to reunite with her children and secure a home of their own. Pandemic stay-at-home orders issued shortly after her arrival meant that Jackie was safe in the shelter, but without her children. As the courts went dark, Jackie’s dream of quickly reuniting with her children faded. She was told it might be months before her case was heard, but ELAWC’s

" When I was most vulnerable, ELAWC offered me the support I needed to reunite with my children and to move to our own home.”

determined social workers were able to bring the family together after only a few weeks. While living in the shelter, Jackie's children still wanted to connect with their father, now living in Mexico. The children were able to occasionally speak with him, but he later passed away from COVID. The loss was difficult for her kids, but with love and courage, they pulled together as a family to heal and begin their lives anew. Due to pandemic restrictions, Jackie and her children lived in the shelter for nearly a year. ELAWC helped Jackie's family move into an apartment of their own, with the support of DVHF funding. Now working at a new job Jackie is living proof that with persistence and faith, it’s possible to overcome the most challenging hardships, and create a better life.


Community Engagement

LA County COVID Outreach Project Promotoras reach 30,000+ residents in 8 weeks

Transforming the future of our communities by empowering better health and well-being

Recognizing the importance of community health workers, Supervisor Hilda Solis initiated a grassroots effort in LA County to deliver critical COVID public health information to highly impacted communities during the winter 2020 surge. 17 local organizations, including ELAWC, were enlisted to serve as vital public health bridges to deliver culturally appropriate education, information, and referrals in a time of extraordinary need. More than 70 Promotoras rapidly mobilized to: » Deliver PPE and information about COVID prevention and worker safety requirements » Dispel myths about the virus and the importance of contact tracing »  Connect residents to local resources for COVID testing, mental health services, and food and housing assistance. Promotoras connected with more than 30,000 East LA and Boyle Heights residents In November and December 2020.

VEVA Director, Community Leader, Change-Maker Raised in Boyle Heights, Veva joined ELAWC in 2008 as an Administrative Assistant. As the agency has grown, so has Veva. One of 14 staff members in 2008, Veva is now the Director of the Promotora Institute and a leader in the bustling 50+ person agency. Empathetic, humble, and passionate about her work, Veva witnessed domestic violence at home as a child. In college, she realized violence at home was not commonplace or normal — and decided to shape her life and

" Seeing Promotoras bravely step out of their comfort zone to make their voice, and the voices of the community heard — helped me overcome my own fears.”

career around helping others. Shortly after joining ELAWC, Veva helped create the Promotoras Contra la Violencia program, designed to help end violence against women by training Latinas (the majority are immigrant women) to become a bridge to their communities — with leadership training and by building the skills and confidence to make powerful personal change. With Veva’s dedication and enthusiasm, these pioneering programs have given hundreds of Latinas the opportunity to grow, personally and professionally, and to create communities of support for survivors throughout Los Angeles county.


MARIA (LULU) Promotora, Empowerment Advocate, Mother of 5 In 2018, Maria (Lulu) learned about ELAWC’s Promotora program. A busy mother of 5 boys, she was an active school and community volunteer. Motivated to help others, Lulu signed up for the 21-hour Contra La Violencia training, graduating as a volunteer Promotora in the Boyle Heights Collective. Becoming a Promotora has been life-changing for Maria Lulu. As a volunteer, she found a sense of personal independence, growth, and a way to positively impact the lives of survivors in her community. Lulu was invited to expand her involvement and enroll in the 70hour Spanish-Advocate hotline training. As she developed more skills, confidence, and strength, Lulu’s traditional husband began to feel

" Deseo vivir en un mundo mejor, libre de injusticia.”

neglected. With the support of ELAWC, Lulu assured him the work was strengthening — not weakening — their family. Lulu’s husband became supportive of her activities, often sharing the hotline number with clients and others in need. Lulu also serves as a Community Health Promotora. She is part of the COVID-19 outreach team that offers PPE, vaccine resources, and vital health information to hundreds of community members. An inspiration to others, Maria Lulu is a true advocate and a voice of empowerment for Latinas and her community.

Project Wrap

ELAWC is honored to be selected as a partner for California’s Labor Commissioner’s Office (LCO) Workplace Rights Ambassador Project (WRAP). Building on ELAWC’s Promotora’s experience working in the industrial sectors, ELAWC is implementing the first-trauma-informed initiative for the LCO. " Workers throughout California have lived various types of traumas that influence how they respond to workplace situations. The traumatic experiences of racism, sexual abuse, being working poor, childhood adversities, etc. alters a person’s perception of themselves and their safety, which may prevent them from exercising their basic rights at work. The immediate workplace situation does not stand alone; it may cause workers to relive past traumas. What appears to be a “simple dispute” or a “simple legal claim" can surface an internal storm of paralyzing pain. The traumatic experiences of workers have a chilling effect on learning, understanding and exercising workplace protections. WRAP is a trauma-informed approach that recognizes trauma and attempts to address long lasting impacts. WRAP invests in building bridges to organizations that are first responders for trauma survivors and creates pathways to heal the broken trust between workers and LCO. These strategies would not even be considered without trusted partners like the East Los Angeles Women’s Center." — Lilia Garcia –Brower, California Labor Commissioner


Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

We recognize the strength of the survivors — their wisdom and journey — and the signs and symptoms of trauma

Using a holistic, trauma-informed approach, ELAWC delivers bilingual, culturally responsive services for domestic violence and sexual assault. Programs are built on a foundation of best-practices including interdisciplinary evidence-based models designed to end the cycle of gender-based violence and homelessness.

Hospital-based Services

At the Wellness Center at LAC+ USC Medical Campus, ELAWC provides direct domestic violence and sexual assault services at the critical time when survivors seek health care. Crisis intervention, safety planning and advocacy is available at bedside for clients receiving medical treatment. Many survivors also opt to receive ongoing therapy from a trauma therapist and some require emergency shelter. ELAWC also provides domestic violence education and training to healthcare providers, social workers, and other hospital personnel annually. Training is designed to help staff identify victims of abuse during their initial health screening and intake.

Project Heal

Project Heal, launched in 2020, is designed to prevent future generational family violence and help families flourish, by delivering therapeutic services and interventions to support non-abusing parents and children exposed to domestic violence and abuse in the home. Using a range of trauma-informed, culturally and linguistically appropriate methods, a team of therapists, child development specialists, and case managers work with nonabusing Latinx survivors and children ages 0-18 years to build skills and strengthen the social, emotional, and developmental needs of children and youth experiencing violence. Training is provided quarterly to medical staff and other professionals. Project Heal Is funded by the U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services, Administration For Children And Families (ACF), Administration On Children, Youth And Families (ACYF), Family And Youth Services Bureau (FYSB), Specialized Services For Abused Parents And Children (SSAPC) Program.

From Domestic Violence to Homelessness

ELAWC published a study identifying the pathways that lead DV survivors to homelessness. Research included bilingual interviews with clients and experts in domestic violence and homelessness. The study traces how systemic issues such as sexism, racism, family dynamics, institutional entities, child welfare, and the cycle of poverty lead to homlessness for survivors, and explores strategies for prevention and permanent housing. READ THE STUDY: www.elawc.org/publications


Male Engagement Healing generations and strengthening relationships

" The most revolutionary thing we can do is to heal ourselves. Recapturing the sacredness of what it means to be a man." - Jerry Tello

Since 2015, ELAWC has partnered with the nationally-recognized National Compadres Network (NCN) to offer culturally-based healing programs for men and fathers in our community. Today, we are further strengthening this collaboration by expanding services to engage men as facilitators and community peer workers and by creating restorative healing circles — for men who have experienced personal trauma and for those who have caused harm — to end violence within families and communities. Co-founded in 1988 by Jerry Tello, the work of the National Compadres Network is rooted in the idea of La Cultura Cura (Culture Cures). This culturally-based health and healing philosophy recognizes the profound influence of indigenous ancestors and seeks to restore sacred cultural values and traditions as a foundation for personal transformation. We are grateful for our ongoing partnership with Jerry Tello and the National Compadres Network. We also offer special thanks to Osvaldo “Ozzie” Cruz, Sr., Armando Lawrence, the late and unforgettable Bobby Verdugo for their wisdom and commitment to our communities. We also thank ELAWC staff Luis Mendoza for his dedication to helping make this project a success.


A Safe Place to Learn, Share, and Heal MEN'S CIRCLES A place to begin repairing harm caused by intimate partner violence Circulos give men a safe space to reflect and share life experiences; to learn how to establish and maintain positive, healthy relationships; and to master coping and conflict resolution skills. By shifting the paradigm from punitive to restorative, participants learn how to create, and sustain, lives without violence.

MEN’S FATHERHOOD PROGRAM A guided 12-week family-strengthening process Designed to reinforce positive cultural values, honorable manhood and fatherhood, the program focuses on building, strengthening, and maintaining positive and healthy relationships between fathers and their children, their partners, families, and community.


Celebrating Resilience & Creativity


While we missed being in-person, we were surprised and delighted to reach so many more individuals through virtual events and classes.

MARCH 3RD ANNUAL HEALTH + RESOURCE FAIR Celebrating health and wellness with workshops, screenings, and kids activities. The last in-person event in 2020.

AUGUST CAFÉ CON ROSA 135 attended a virtual screening of the short film For Rosa and a lively conversation with the filmmakers.

SEPTEMBER LUNAFEST® 120 joined the virtual film festival to raise more than $2,500 to support our COVID Rapid Relief Fund.

OCTOBER Supervisor Hilda L. Solis — Thank you for your leadership and making a difference in the lives of those impacted by the pandemic.

23RD ANNUAL MUJERES DE PAZ CANDLELIGHT VIGIL A beautiful and moving virtual tribute to survivors and those we have lost to domestic violence, — reaching over 5,000 individuals through FaceBook and YouTube.

NOVEMBER—DECEMBER LA COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH COVID OUTREACH Promotoras reach more than 25,000 individuals with vital COVID public health information and resources.



2020 was a very difficult year for the entire globe. We are looking forward to a better 2021, including proudly celebrating 45 years of serving our communities.

Look for announcements for these upcoming events:


| Café Con series


| 4th Annual LunaFest Film Festival


| Annual Mujeres de Paz Candlelight Vigil


| 45th Anniversary Mujeres de Paz Awards (Hybrid)


STAFF STORIES Embodying the spirit & the work at ELAWC

" My wish for ELAWC’s next 45 years is…"


“We continue to grow and positively impact the lives of survivors, and our ELAWC family continues to blossom.”


“We remain united and continue to heal and lift each other up — with passion and purpose — for the greater glory of God and human dignity."


“Happy anniversary! May we continue to be the voice of so many that are unheard so that one day we can celebrate a day without violence.” 14

(left to right) Alva Moreno, past ELAWC Executive Director, Leticia Chacon, founding member, Connie Destito, co-founder, Irene Mendez-Banalez, co-founder, Diane Araujo, founding member



Marilyn Ladd, Chair

Diane Araujo, Ed.D, Founding Member

East Los Angeles College, Emeritus

East Los Angeles Women’s Center

Katherine D. Emerson, Vice Chair

Norma Bastidas, Athlete

DPA, MSW, Consultant

Spokesperson on Human Trafficking

Dr. Irma Licea, Treasurer

Connie Destito, MSW, LCSW, Co-founder

Los Angeles County Metropolitan

East Los Angeles Women's Center

Transportation Authority Beatriz Zaragoza, Secretary Allstate Insurance Gerri Guzman, Member Educator, Consultant Silvia De La Riva, Member Private Practice, School Neuropsychologist Yvette Rodriguez, Member PhD, Engineer, Department of Defense

Linda Fischer, Author, Public Speaker Yolanda Gonzalez, Artist, Sculptor, Creator Georgia N. Kezios, Attorney Law Offices of Georgia N. Kezios Dr. Melora Sundt, Chief Academic Officer Noodle Partners Jerry Tello, CoFounder of the National Compadres Network, Director of Training and Capacity Building, and Author Elvira Valenzuela, Vice President, EastWest Bank, Corporate Development and Legislative Affairs


Bezos Day 1 Families Fund ELAWC was Honored to be Selected by the Bezo's Day 1 Families Fund to Receive a One-Time $2.5 Million Grant to develop and deploy solutions for families experiencing homelessness. With the rise in domestic violence and economic hardships throughout the counrty, this generous investment in ELAWC’s housing programs means we can serve many more at-risk and homeless families with children and create real pathways to permanent homes. LEARN MORE: www.bezosdayonefund.org/day1familiesfund






Program Services

Government Grants


Corporate Donations*

10.05% Foundations



Administration Support



In Kind Contributions

0.77% Other

* reflects a one-time gift from the Day One Families Fund

* reflects a one-time gift from the Day One Families Fund


Emergency Support Services

4.52% Fundraising


thank you




" The work of ELAWC saves lives, and as it is said, —to save a life is to save the entire world." - Donor

art by

Anna Alvarado www.artbyannaalvarado.com

IN-KIND DONORS In-kind or non-monetary contributions are items, products, or services provided free of charge to East Los Angeles Women’s Center. These are dollars saved that we are able to apply directly to support our programs and services. Mr. and Mrs. McCrimlisk

Curacao Foundation

Leanna Moreno

Adnant LLC

Current Air

Lisa Becker


DaVita Inc.


D'nelle Almanza

Barrio Los Angeles

Frontline Foods

Los Angeles Police Department – Olympic Division

Bella + Canvas

Highly Likely Cafe

Big Sunday

Homeless But Not Mask-less!

Brenda Lepe Capuyo Cafe Catholic Daughters of The Americas - St. Alphonsus Celeste Levey

José René Bolaños & Erick Rodriguez Kaiser Permanente – LA and East LA Medical Center

Luisa Lopez and Friends Maria Wodtke National Alternative Work Centers (NAWC) Nike, Inc – West Region Norma Leyva Omega Phi Beta Sorority

Our Place Healing Hearts Foundation Pajama Program Scout McLaglen Voss Water x blackbear Westside Mother's Collective Nora Ross Inc Olive Faye Earrings Claire Donahue Rotary Club of East Los Angeles

We have taken great care to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this list, and regret any errors or omissions. Should corrections be necessary, please contact Heidy Rodriguez at 323-526-5819



U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services, Administration For Children And Families (ACF), Administration On Children, Youth And Families (ACYF), Family And Youth Services Bureau (FYSB)

Cal OES Governor’s Office of Emergency Services US Dept. of Justice — Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) LA County Dept. of Public Health — Office of Women’s Health


Bezos Day One Fund


Weingart Foundation



Roy + Patricia Disney Family Foundation

The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation



California Community Foundation

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)

Kaiser Foundation Hospitals


Rehrig Pacific Company

The California Endowment


Blue Shield of California Foundation

David Suroviec


CEMEX Foundation

Robert E Fraser Foundation

Abigail Lloyd

Constance Marie

Barry Gribble

Law Offices of Samer Habbas

Brittney Lee


Emergency Food and Shelter Program Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority City of Los Angeles AIDS Coordinator’s Office (ACO) Los Angeles County – Department of Public Social Services

Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Health – Division of HIV and STD Program Department of Public Social Services Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) California Dept of Public Health

J.B & Emily Van Nuys Charities

Rose Hills Foundation The Annenberg Foundation

Select cast members of the feature film SCREAM

The California Wellness Foundation Anonymous

Women’s Foundation of California

The Durfee Foundation Natalia Olenicoff Ostensen

Wendy vanden Heuvel

JP Sports & Entertainment The Mary See Foundation on behalf of Don Cheadle

Discover a Star Foundation

John Dwyer (THEE OH SEES)

Maria Oropeza Fujimoto

Rose McGowan

Diz Rivera

Josh Levine

Marilyn Ladd

Rose Marcario

Alison Faith Charitable Fund

Danny Getzoff

Julia Rickles

Martha Cristo

Rotary Club of East Los Angeles

David Valdez

Julie Miyoshi

Alison Locke

David Champagne

Kamaye Defensor

Ana Garcia

Donna Fulks

Katherine Emerson

Andy Kondrat

Dr. Irma Licea

Katherine Kurnick

Ari Briski

Elizabeth Pickrel

Kathleen Kyriacou

Audrey Freudberg

Emily Baird

Keena Garcia

Aurora Anaya-Cerda

Eric Hsu

Laurie Newbound

Beatrice Viramontes

Gina Frierman-Hunt

Linda Zahradka

Brianne Amato

Hero Theatre, Inc

Carmen Chavez

Hon. Valerie Salkin

Lions Club of Los Angeles

Chris Rusak

Jerry Tello

Lisa Quintela

Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles

Louis Provost Luisa Lopez

JoAnn Diaz

Maria Demming

AACN Chapter at Keck Medical Center

Constance Destito DCAST Music

Special Thanks to our Monthly Sustainers

Maria Foster

Melissa Earnhart Melora Sundt Michael Lens Michelle Davis Michelle Ghoulmore Michelle Martinez Mike Dill Mikel Maron Moms Club of Culver City West & Mar Vista Momentum Solutions Philip Swartz Rajesh Luhar Richard Chang Rori Baron

Sally Martin Sara Saedi Sarah Levine SGV New Generation Rotary Club Shawn Jacy Nova Silvia De La Riva Steven Kennedy Steven Weinstein Tammy Tosounian The American Online Giving Foundation Virginia Yount Zach Negin

Alexandra Wheatley

Gina DeVitis

Liz Horman

Teresa Contreras

Ana Maria Garcia

Jason Orellano

Mark McGrath

Victor Klaus

Danielle Surra

Katherine Emerson

Natalie DeJohn

Erickka Gonzalez

Laurie Newbound

Sally Martin


How You Can Help DONATE at www.elawc.org VOLUNTEER to become a Hotline Advocate JOIN our Embajadoras de Paz Membership Network ATTEND our annual Mujeres de Paz awards dinner WALK with us at AIDS Walk LA and the Mujeres de Paz Vigil SPONSOR a family in need during our Holiday Giving Campaign

INVITE ELAWC to speak at your school, workplace or service club SHARE the great work ELAWC provides on your social media channels FOLLOW us on Twitter and like us on Facebook JOIN our advisory committee or refer a colleague GIFT new, unused clothing and essential goods to women and children for the Hope & Heart Shelter

1431 South Atlantic Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90022 office  323 . 526 . 5819 fax 323 . 526 . 5822 email  info@elawc.org Crisis Hotline 800 . 585 . 6231 The Wellness Center 213 . 481 . 6035 02

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