BikeBiz July 2018

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July 18



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‘There is a total diffusion of responsibility with regards to actively driving change’

CONTENT Editor James Groves Editor-at-Large Carlton Reid Designer Marc Miller


Digital Director Diane Oliver

Diversity: Talking the talk

Production Manager/Executive Warren Kelly


Wherever you are in the world, the issue of diversity needs no introduction. In our industry, whether its gender imbalance, under-representation of ethnic minorities, or apathy towards those not at the core of the cycling community, the stats are not only damning – they’re outright embarrassing. Will Norman, London’s walking and cycling commissioner, recently vowed to tackle said issues, and is considering setting diversity targets for the capital’s cycling population to ensure progress is achieved. Exactly how that could be measured – not to mention what action would be taken should it fail to stay on target – remains to be seen. When concerns surrounding diversity are raised, we collectively nod our heads and concur that things need to improve. Here lies the heart of the problem: we pat ourselves on the back for being such considerate, inclusive individuals, and we continue with our everyday lives. There is a total diffusion of responsibility with regards to actively driving change. Our July edition looks to address this plethora of alarming issues, investigating what the industry can do to help improve matters in all corners of the community. Every movement needs pioneers and enablers. It’s time we all began walking the walk.

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James Groves

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20/06/2018 14:50

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08/05/2018 09:11:53



Accommodating for all


The BikeBiz guide to Eurobike 2018


Encouraging the female mechanic

The cycling industry isn’t the most inclusive place to be for those with disabilities, but it doesn’t have to be that way, says Bikeworks’ Emily Esche

The Diversity Issue

BikeBiz looks ahead to another great week of innovation and collaboration

Laura Laker revisits an age-old issue and questions the lack of female presence in the workshop

REGULARS 6 Industry opinions 61 Sector guides 76 In My Team: Wattbike 78 Spokesman 5 Contents final 2.indd 1


bikebiz 19/06/2018 16:07


Ask not what the industry can do for you, but what you can do for the industry! The cycling industry isn’t the most inclusive place to be for those with disabilities, but it doesn’t have to be that way, writes Bikeworks head of development Emily Esche


’ve been around the industry for a while, having occupied various roles in sales, marketing and blogging. While working as a rep, I looked for ways to encourage everyone to cycle and stumbled across my current employer, Bikeworks. I started volunteering at its All Ability Inclusive Cycling clubs, and now head up development to expand the programme and enable even more people to cycle, regardless of their ability – something that I feel very strongly about as a lifelong cyclist and hoarder of bikes!

6 | July 2018

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18/06/2018 16:45


When pondering what the industry can do to make cycling more inclusive, I always come back to the core idea of awareness and acceptance of others. We’re not all the same, we don’t all have the same needs, approach to life, or the same body. The cycling industry is slowly becoming more aware that we’re not all fit, skinny men, and this is a great thing for everyone. What I’d like to highlight more than anything here is that there are things we can do to take this further and make cycling the truly inclusive activity and mode of transport it was originally intended to be. The key is to really ask yourself: what can I do to help those furthest away from cycling to get on a bike and get going? Acceptance and knowledge Approach and attitude play a huge role in anyone’s bicycle-buying experience, and this is particularly true when working with those facing multiple barriers in everyday life. Imagine how it would feel to be told by society that For example, you can get dual pull brake levers, which you’re not able to do something, constantly fighting for allow both brakes to be operated from one lever. You acceptance, access, and to be understood and not belittled. can also integrate foot straps or one-sided SPD pedals. These are things members of the cycling community have Beyond this, there are a whole host of tricycles, to deal with on a daily basis. Buying a bike should be fun for everyone – it’s the start of recumbents, semi-recumbents and hand cycles out there which can enable practically anyone to ride. These are not a new adventure, after all. For people with disabilities, this readily available in shops and often have to be can be doubly true. Research by Wheels For ordered online – Mission Cycles, for example, Wellbeing, an inclusive cycling delivery and has a huge range of bikes and bits to adapt advocacy charity in London, has found that ‘Bike them to an individual’s needs. Being able to using a bicycle as a mobility aid is actually shops can set these bikes up for customers, adjust them easier for many people, and can significantly increase independence and freedom. These sometimes be correctly and service them, while not earning a sale, will earn a customer and open up cycling are all things worth bearing in mind when intimidating to so many people. thinking about how inclusive we are as an industry, from manufacturers through local to people who Try it! shops and clubs to consumers. Bike shops can sometimes be intimidating already cycle, There are opportunities to try cycling at inclusive cycling clubs across the country. I to people who already cycle, let alone those let alone work for a social enterprise in East London who don’t. If you don’t know what you’re those who which has been delivering All Ability cycling for looking for, you can feel very much out of nearly 12 years now. At Bikeworks, we believe place in that environment. Bike shops have don’t’ everyone should have the opportunity to ride a come on leaps and bounds in the last bike, and those who traditionally face a barrier decade with the rise of cycling as a serious to cycling have as much – if not more – to gain from getting hobby. However, if you happen to have a disability or have no cycling experience or confidence, you may not see a bike out on a bike, regardless of what shape it takes. The inclusive cycling clubs provide all equipment and shop as somewhere that caters to you. Unfortunately, for trained instructors to help people to start cycling, get the most part, this is an accurate assumption. onto a bike, make the alterations needed for them to ride There are small alterations that can be made to regular bicycles, shops and equipment that allow some people with comfortably and confidently, and generally encourage them to give it a go. Knowledge and awareness of these sessions disabilities to ride a ‘standard’ bike and enter the industry within shops and the cycling business could help to as a consumer. One thing the cycling industry could do to signpost potential cyclists to the service and the equipment. make cycling more accessible, therefore, is learning how to With a little awareness and acceptance, everyone can talk to people about their needs, and think creatively about what can be used to adapt a bike. share the joy that is riding a bike. n

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July 2018 | 7

18/06/2018 16:45

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29/05/2018 16:34 30/05/2018 09:47:00


Don’t be afraid to innovate with the classics By Eu-wen Ding, co-founder and CEO, Lumos Helmet


fter the bicycle, the helmet is the most important piece of gear for a cyclist, but it hasn’t changed much in over 30 years. We’ve seen different shapes and lighter material, but overall, the helmet has remained very similar. A classic. In recent years, there has been a renewal of interest in cycling, and more people have taken to the challenge of refining and redefining classics. Lumos is one of them. I don’t think anybody comes to the idea of ‘innovating a classic’ as an intention. It’s a much more natural process that comes from a need. What happened with Lumos was that I needed a solution to a problem I had: I’d keep forgetting my lights, or they’d get stolen. But I wouldn’t forget my helmet, and, thankfully, my helmet was never stolen. It was only then the question became “What if my helmet could do more?” Traditionally, helmets are only critical when it protects you from a crash, but not much otherwise. It’s a sort of ‘passive’ safety device most of the time. And this is something that obviously needs to be maintained. With the Lumos Helmet, we maintain that critical ‘passive’ safety aspect and give it an extra ‘active’ or pre-emptive element. The lights provide greater visibility (more lights, more visibility,

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fewer crashes) and it’s something that people intuitively understand and value. Despite considerable tension between cyclists and drivers on the road, everyone just wants to get home safely. Turn signals and hard brake lights are designed to help foster understanding between the cyclist and others on the road around them. It turned out that quite a few people agreed with this idea. Asides from its crowdfunding success, the Lumos Helmet has also recently launched in Apple stores, becoming the first helmet to do so. But some people haven’t been too happy about that. Some IBDs voiced concerns as to whether we are selling them short somehow by having our helmets at Apple. I completely understand the sentiment, but I do think, in the end, that having a bike helmet in the Apple Store is a net positive for IBDs and the bike industry as a whole. We repeatedly hear people citing safety concerns as their major reason for not cycling more regularly. This is exactly what we’re working to address. The safer and more accessible we can make cycling for people, the more people are going to pick it up, which is good for everybody. IBDs will always be a key partner for us. The experience of walking into a bike shop and getting helped by someone who knows the ins and outs about bikes is irreplaceable. Anyone who wants to properly start cycling will eventually find themselves in an IBD.

‘I truly believe cycling will have a renewed role in transportation worldwide’

July 2018 | 9

18/06/2018 16:32


With the rise of bike shares in some cities, years One of the big things we learned from working with of bicycle advocacy, growing government support, Apple was how to create an experience with the and simply an increase of people who are starting product that would really engage and bring delight to take out their bikes again, cycling is on the rise. to people who checked out the helmet in the store. However with bike shares, e-bikes, and even It is really important to Apple that visitors have e-scooters in the city, it is not clear if the coming surprising, positive and memorable experiences rise will look much like the golden age of bikes in when they visit one of its stores. the past. We’re not sure where all this is going to When a customer comes across something truly shake out, but as a product company, we’re focused unexpected and delightful, their in-store experience on the fundamentals: building good, useful products. becomes almost magical. It’s something that we’ve This involves building things that we worked hard to push to the next level would want to use for ourselves, and and are excited to make happen with ‘We repeatedly hopefully, others will see the value in our IBD partners as well. hear people citing that process too. I truly believe cycling Innovation doesn’t end with the safety concerns will have a renewed role in transportation product, but includes thinking creatively as their major worldwide (and not just in hallowed about how we want our customers to reason for not Copenhagen) if we are able to act on discover, learn and engage with us. this opportunity right. I, for one, am There are changes happening in the cycling more looking forward to it. n cycling space that call for innovation. regularly’

The Lumos Helmet recently launched in Apple stores

10 | July 2018

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18/06/2018 16:32

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05/06/2018 15:52:38

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23/05/2018 14:24:14


Defining the problem Ceri Dipple, BikeBiz Woman of the Year 2018, reflects on the challenges of life in a male-dominated industry: those that exist, those that don’t, and those that shouldn’t

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first opened a bike shop at the age of 22, having worked in the industry in various roles from the age of 16. Naturally, at 22, I knew exactly what I was doing and how I was going to make millions from selling bikes – in reality, I didn’t have a clue. While I knew one end of a bike from the other, that is where my knowledge ended. Fast-forward ten

years and after a rollercoaster ride, I still have the bike shop. I don’t have the millions, but I finally feel like I’m in a position where I can say that I know what I’m doing. Don’t get me wrong, I still make plenty of mistakes. I’m making it up as I go along, just like everyone else, but now I think I can safely say that I’ve got some experience on my side. July 2018 | 13

19/06/2018 16:14


‘I’d rather deal with people who respect my advice and knowledge than waste my time talking to those who don’t’ Ceri Dipple

Dipple first opened her own bike shop at the age of 22

When James first contacted me about writing for BikeBiz, he was interested in hearing my opinion on what we, as a trade, should be doing to encourage more women to get involved. He asked whether I believe women are actively discouraged from being a part of the industry, or if the lack of female presence is more of an unfortunate hangover from the days when cycling was a solely male domain. But if I’m honest, for me, I don’t feel that there is an issue. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to dismiss the work that’s going on all over the world for equality, in terms of gender or otherwise. I have worked in the industry since my teenage years, and as a naïve 16-year-old, it didn’t even occur to me that gender could be a barrier. Had it been, I don’t think I would have had the career I’ve had to date. If we choose to believe that gender is such a large issue, it becomes easy to use it as an excuse as to why something didn’t go our way. Being a woman in a male-dominated industry certainly never stopped me from doing what I wanted to do, even though it would’ve been easier at times to blame my gender for the moments when I didn’t get the outcome I expected. Realistically, I probably just wasn’t the right person for the job, or perhaps it wasn’t the right opportunity for me. Does there always need to be another reason or excuse? I understand that I benefit from the hard work that other individuals and groups have put in over the years to ensure women have equal rights to men. However, I don’t think that gender is a particularly pressing issue within the bike industry. 14 | July 2018

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I’m sure that there are some companies within the industry that do discourage women on some level, but their practices and values are outdated, and I doubt that they will survive in the long-term. The real obstacles for women in the industry are the stereotypes that we come up against. Society expects the men to be the mechanics, with technical knowledge of the bike, while women work in the coffee shop and do the admin. From a retail perspective, which is where the majority of my experience lies, 90 per cent of interactions during the day are from customers (i.e. outside the industry), and it’s in these interactions where gender most appears to be an issue:

“Can I speak to the manager? Is he around?” “Can I speak to somebody about my bike? It’s a technical question.” “A girl in the workshop – do you know what you’re doing?” Sometimes it’s hard to contain the eye rolls, and more often than not I just find somebody else because it’s not worth the fight. Countless comments have been made, but I’ve never let them get to me or bring me down. If those individuals aren’t open-minded enough to cope with the wild concept of a woman in the workshop or selling a bike, then I’ll happily pass them over to somebody else. I’d rather deal with people who respect my advice and knowledge than waste my time talking to those who don’t. So yes, there is some sexism, but that exists everywhere – it’s not an issue specific to the bike trade. The industry supported me when I started my business at 22, and if being a woman had really been a problem then I wouldn’t be where I am today. Ultimately, I believe that the industry has significantly larger issues with which to contend, and these issues may affect whether there will be an industry for men and women alike to work in at all. n

19/06/2018 16:14

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28/06/2018 14:35

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28/06/2018 14:36


Safeguarding Britain’s bikes Back in May, BikeRegister extended its reach to over 750,000 rides. Managing director James Brown speaks to James Groves about how the cycle database has transformed UK policing 18 | July 2018

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19/06/2018 16:17


Bikes have been the subject of crime for longer than living memory. Owners are forced to endure a relentless battle against theft, be it individual parts or entire rides. Forever a target, bikes need more than a simple lock to keep them with their rightful owners. Launched in the late 1990s, BikeRegister sought to deliver exactly that, and today, the database serves all 43 local police forces throughout the UK, with around 800 searches made on a daily basis. Parent company Selectamark Security Systems purchased BikeRegister in 2001 – back when it was a very basic database. “We really built in from there,” says James Brown, BikeRegister managing director. “Over the last 17 years, we’ve built a trusted brand which is used and recommended by the police and insurance companies.” The concept gained significant traction in 2012 when the Metropolitan Police and TfL began searching for a partner to create a database for a marking and registration scheme for bicycles. BikeRegister fought off eight other applicants to win the tender, and its database grew exponentially over the subsequent months, rising from around 100,000 to where it is today, standing at over three-quarters of a million. “It provided a real springboard,” says Brown. “Met police began carrying out bike marking events at popular or busy locations such as train stations, London Bridge, Blackfriars… places where they would get a good footfall. For the first three years of that initiative, they were marking and registering upwards of 50,000 bikes per year in London.” The catalyst for this growth, according to Brown, was the “epidemic” of bike theft at the time. “They were suggesting around 25,000 bikes were being stolen every year in London,” he explains. “The police acknowledged at the time that many victims of bike theft didn’t feel there was much point in reporting it. What would it achieve? It’s a hassle to report it, and they’re not going to get it back. Depending on who we spoke to, some police officers thought that the figure was around a third of the actual number being stolen.” Such an abundance of crime, according to Brown, demonstrates that bike theft is not an opportunistic act. “The majority of it is organised – criminals are treating it as a business. They go out and gather up as many as they can, and they either sell them through whatever means possible in the UK, or they ship them off to another country. Some of them are broken down into parts if they think they can make more money from it. Ultimately, I think it’s been far too easy for bike thieves for a very long time.”

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“We’ve built a trusted brand which is used and recommended by the police and insurance companies” James Brown

Today, BikeRegister offers four solutions for the public to choose from – the first of which is basic registration, free of charge. “All they need to do is put in a frame number, which should provide you with a unique ID,” says Brown. “Unfortunately, not all frame numbers are unique. We make this clear during the sign-up process, and recommend using one of our three marking kits to safeguard properly against theft.” Brown continues: “The first of these is a highlydurable, tamper-resistant QR code, which we call the Membership Plus option. The middle option – the Permanent Marking Kit – allows the customer to etch a mark on the bike frame. It’s the same concept we offered back in the 90s before we purchased BikeRegister – marking your bike with a permanent ID. “The third option is our UV Covert kit. Some people prefer not to have a visible mark on their bike, so we give them the ability to mark it invisibly. Generally though, the police forces place our other, visible markings on the underside of a frame, so they aren’t particularly noticeable anyway.

July 2018 | 19

19/06/2018 16:17


“Our ideal scenario would be to build in registration from point of sale” James Brown

“Everyone is going to have a differing opinion depending on what type of cyclist they are, what value bike they have, whether they’ve been a victim of crime before. That’s why we’ve got three options – to cater for all types of bike users.” BikeRegister’s ‘middle’ option – the Permanent Marking Kit – is currently used by around 90 per cent of UK police forces. As simple as the concept sounds, all 43 of those forces are separate entities, so BikeRegister has to approach all of them individually. “Naturally, some will have a bigger budget, and some will place more of a priority on cycle theft,” explains Brown. “The reason they choose this option is that it’s so simple for them. They don’t need additional equipment to read or scan the code – it’s just a simple unique ID they can read and run through the database. With our police app, they can usually get an answer within seconds, and at most, minutes.” A bike checking facility is equally available to the public, with significantly less detail. “The public can check to see if any given bike is registered as stolen, which means buyers of second-hand bikes can ensure they’re not picking up a stolen bike,” states Brown. The cutting of police budgets has undoubtedly proved a challenge for BikeRegister. Regardless of its relationship with the forces throughout the UK, each has its own budget. Unsurprisingly, these budgets are being cut year-on-year, with various initiatives suffering as a result. “The number of kits we’re providing to forces has fallen, but they’ve seen crime spike again,” says Brown. “It’s not a one-hit fix: they spend some money and can appreciate the rewards moving forward. Clearly, they need to continue their efforts in order to maintain reductions in theft.”

20 | July 2018

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BikeRegister’s heatmap demonstrates the extent of UK bike theft Rather than any subscription-based model, BikeRegister offers its service at a one-off cost. Moving forwards, Brown wants retailers to get more involved and take responsibility to aid consumers in protecting their rides. “Our ideal scenario would be to build in registration from point of sale,” he says. “I’ve had meetings with people in government who are in agreement, so there’s strong backing for it. I think that’s how we’ll be able to move even further ahead in terms of the number of registrations on that database – continuing with our police work. “Every year we hold a cycle crime conference in the West Midlands, where we invite all UK police forces to a one-day conference to share knowledge and best practice in reducing cycle theft,” Brown continues. “This is not just pushing the BikeRegister message of marking and registration – it’s also around locking and secure cycle parking. It’s a really valuable conference that the police can come to at no cost, so we put that on every summer. This year will be our fourth event.” As with the rest of our industry, BikeRegister’s main focus will remain in retail. “Over the last four to five years, we’ve had really positive talks with both larger retailers and smaller independents,” says Brown. “They all recognise the benefit of marking bikes at the point of sale, but up to this point, it’s been very difficult to push it over the line and get it integrated into their business processes. I’m hopeful that over the next 12 months, we’re going to going to see some successes there.” n

20/06/2018 09:26

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14/06/2018 14:37:30











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20/06/2018 08:59:50


Crowdfunding: in retrograde Kieran Howells reflects on how the internet is not what it once was


nce exploding with potential, acting as a breeding ground for innovation, the world wide web represented the limitless possibilities for the human brain. Facebook was – and to some extent, still is – a hotbed of creative discussion. Those with entrepreneurial spark and a little sway could crowdsource focus groups to critique their ideas and even improve upon design and concept. In its heyday, Facebook was the global platform for creative conversation. Alas, in 2018, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a glimpse of that same creativity, and Facebook knows it. The platform recently changed its newsfeed algorithm due to friends’ status updates being overrun by three-minute videos on how to make an omelette.

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Facebook is no longer a place of human interaction; it’s a dinner table at which we consume endless servings of corporate-produced fluff. Similar conclusions can be drawn from the likes of Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, along with just about every other prominent digital ‘innovator’ of the past ten years. It’s easy to lay the blame with the creators, who are indeed reaping the rewards of advertising investment, but ultimately, on a user-content generated platform, what can anyone do? Inevitably, all such platforms are at the mercy of their marketing teams. The same can be said of crowdfunding. Not so long ago, websites such as Kickstarter and Crowdcube were populated almost exclusively with unique, inspired ideas.

July 2018 | 23

19/06/2018 16:19


Tribe cut short its initial funding round after raising £1.75 million in four days

Individuals would come up with an innovative concept and simply upload it to any given funding site. Many products we now consider to be mainstays of both digital and physical retail arenas made their debuts just like that. As the ideas captured the imagination of their audiences, profits for many such projects swelled to far beyond the original funding goals. Few industries collectively embraced the concept quite like the cycling industry. A couple of years ago, the pages of BikeBiz were populated with various campaigns; ideas usually created by one or two lifelong cyclists with a concept that would facilitate increased safety, fun, or a combination of the two. As a passionate industry, we were keen to embrace thousands of products falling under the cycling umbrella. Tribe is a perfect example of industry-led crowdfunding success. It was created by three friends who believed they could offer a fresh take on nutrition. After a brief campaign of just four days, the funding round was cut short – the trio had raised £1.75 million from a total of 1,833 investors. “Significant increases are planned for our bespoke product service and participation event offering, both of which will directly benefit our investors, customers and future members alike,” said co-founder Guy Hacking at the time. Crowdfunding has been instrumental in the progression of the cycling industry’s start-up community.

24 | July 2018

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Tribe aside, the likes of milKit, Cycloc, SpeedX and KitBrix have propelled their ideas to the forefront of the industry on the back of such campaigns; but as with our social platforms, is the system dissolving into the mire of corporate gentrification? I recently sat down with Trigger Bell creator Stefan Buxton to chat about the concept of crowdfunding. “I genuinely think, given the way the platforms are going, that Trigger Bell just wouldn’t have received the traction to progress as a concept these days,” he said. “I knew nothing about manufacturing or product specifications. I had an idea, and people invested in that idea. It’s essential that inventors, start-ups and brands can do the same. Sadly, I don’t think it works that way anymore. I didn’t have £50,000 to spend on my campaign!” More recently, we’ve witnessed various announcements of large-scale crowdfunding projects from major brands as they look to launch new products. The concept is a clever one; if the public likes the idea, they invest and the product is made with minimal risk. If the product fails to attract appropriate interest, the campaign fails and the brand hasn’t lost out on the associated costs of bringing a flop to market. The danger for smaller brands comes from the algorithms used by sites such as Kickstarter, which pushes campaigns to prominence on the site depending on uptake and customer interest. As Buxton highlighted, smaller companies simply can’t compete with the major budgets of bigger brands. n

19/06/2018 16:19

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Eurobike 2018: Brands to see Have you already planned out your exploration of the 12 grand halls that make up Eurobike? If not, here are six exhibitors to see in 2018


e’re very excited to get back to Friedrichshafen this summer, and it remains to be seen whether the date change will have a positive or detrimental effect on attendance. One thing is certain, and that is that the organisers have been extremely active in modernising the schedule of the show and introducing a host of valuable talks and discussions.

26 | July 2018

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Eurobike’s heritage is matched only by its near inconceivable physical size. Set across no fewer than 12 gigantic zeppelin hangers on the outskirts of the idyllic Lake Constance, there simply isn’t enough time for the 40,000 annual trade attendees to explore every corner of the show. With that in mind, we’ve picked out six exhibitors to see this time around...

20/06/2018 15:07



As one of the largest distributors in the UK, ZyroFisher’s presence is very much felt on a large scale in Messe Friedrichshafen, and is something of a fan favourite judging by the consistently high attendance over the course of the show. This year, brands within the ZyroFisher portfolio will include TackX, CatEye, plus Scotts Valley, CA-based shoe and helmet specialist Giro, which will bring products including the latest MIPS-equipped Cartelle and Fixture models. Stand No. B3-300f

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True Italian heritage is worth its weight in gold in the cycling industry, due to its synonymy with quality. Miche doesn’t shout about its heritage all that much, but the brand has been quietly making products in its Treviso-based facilities since 1919. Its products are developed using sophisticated CAD programs; they take the form of 3D printers and, once made, they must pass a series of definitive safety and usage tests in the toughest conditions before being given the green light. Stand No. B5-202


Bafang is one of Asia’s leading manufacturers of e-mobility components and complete e-drive systems. This year, the brand will display a mini centre drive motor for e-road, e-gravel and e-cyclocross bikes. Now that the pedelec has reached almost every niche, the industry is looking to crack this last bastion of the market.With the right tech, the e-road bike and its sub-species could well be the next big trend after the e-MTB. This is the concept that is fuelling innovation within Bafang. Stand No. A1-302

July 2018 | 27

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Henry Squire & Sons


Just a stone’s throw from the giant zeppelin hangers of Friedrichshafen and residing on the side of Lake Constance, Simplon is well placed to bring its A-game to Eurobike. UK dealers may have managed to snatch some time with the brand at the recent London Bike Show, but this is the chance to truly see what the brand is offering for the coming seasons. New products hitting the market this year will include updates to the e-bike, mountain bike and road bike portfolios, along with new colours, component packages and improvements to a raft of existing products. Stand No. A3-100

28 | July 2018

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British brand Henry Squire & Sons has been at the forefront of the security sector for an indredible 230 years. Having turned its sights to bike locks in post-war Britain, it has continued to innovate and update its range ever since. Squire now divides its vast range up into three key categories: leisure, which includes lighter cable locks and D-locks, Urban, which includes heavy-duty chain locks, and sport, which includes the combination Snaplok. Stand No. A2-319

Park Tool

Distirbuted by Madison in the UK, American brand Park Tool has been manufacturing bicycle specific tools since 1963. Based out of St. Paul Minnesota, Park Tool prides itself on being one of the world’s largest bicycle tool manufacturers. The brand claims that the key to its success is its dedication to “quality, innovation, and customer service.” Park Tool continues to develop and refine bicycle repair tools and equipment to improve the service and efficiency of all bicycle mechanics, professional or hobbyist. Stand No. B3-400a

20/06/2018 16:08

M800 MINI MID MOTOR SYSTEM FOR E-ROAD RACING STYLE BIKES, INCLUDING GRAVEL AND CYCLOCROSS: 200 W output and a max torque of 55 Nm, system weight: less than 4.4 kg, double chainring compatibility, InTube battery with 200Wh, quiet and low resistance operation

NEW M800 | 55 Nm

BOOTH NO.: A1-302 JULY 08. – 10.2018

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13/06/2018 15:08:04

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07/06/2018 13:25:33


Extracurricular activities Eurobike isn’t just about the exhibitors. Kieran Howells looks at five alternatives open to attendees


ith a plethora of brands exhibiting over the course of Eurobike 2018 and just three days in which to see as much as you can, it’s easy to forget that the event also boasts a whole range of talks, activities and eyecatching extras for your education and entertainment. In fact, Eurobike has a near non-stop lineup of extracurricular activities to be getting on with from the moment the doors open on the 8th, to the moment they close on the 10th, and that doesn’t include the meetings, demos and get-togethers that happen around the standard opening hours. In previous years we’ve seen zeppelin rides, cycle-centric afterparties and even a celebratory demo from the Scottish MTB wizard himself Danny McAskill. Here are a few select goodies you can look forward to this year:

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Eurobike boasts not just one, but three individual test tracks around the exterior of the site. The ‘Small Test Track’ opens at 9am each day and presents a chance for those simply looking to scope out the feel of a bike to hop on for a quick ride. For those looking for a more advanced route, the appropriately named ‘Big Test Track’ (which opens at 11am) directs you onto a much larger route which is designed to also present some off-road riding around the local woodland. Finally, the MTB Test Track is available each day from 10am for those looking to test out any bike in the electric sector and includes a pump track and some optional off-road riding.


Those looking to broaden their knowledge of all things cycling may want to check out the Eurobike Academy, which takes place in the Congress Centre in Foyer East, first floor. Created for what the organisers call “knowledge transfer in anything that has to do with cycling, concentrating the expert know-how in the bike industry”, the area will play host to events such as the Bike Europe conference focusing on ‘Behind the scenes of online sales’, the Eurobike Academy’s ‘Bringing together the established bicycle industry and start-ups’ talk, ‘Cycling and mobility 2030: Mega trends mean mega business’, and a ‘Different ways of funding for start-ups’ talk, amongst others.

July 2018 | 31

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Want a quick rundown of the best the show has to offer? The Eurobike Awards is what you’re looking for. Every year, the presentation of the awards is one of the highlights of the show. Here, innovative products are honoured and presented to the visitors in an exclusive exhibition space. Before the decisions are made as to the winners, a renowned specialist jury assesses the products submitted according to specified criteria in a two-stage evaluation process. In the preliminary evaluation, all the digital applications are assessed using a uniform point system and those reaching a minimum score are selected for the final. For the next jury session, the finalists also submit their products physically so that the experts can actually put the products to the test themselves and assess these accordingly. The awards are then dolled out on the stage, and made available for visitors to view in an exhibition style.


On Monday 9th July, after the two ‘Business Days’, Eurobike’s trade visitors have the chance to get away from work and relax with lots of cold drinks and music at three different locations. Before Eurobike opens its doors for the final day, the event throws a kind of ‘private party’ for the B2B community, where everybody from the bike industry can get together and talk shop, make new connections or simply relax after a long day. The parties kick off at 6pm each night and take place in various locations including the western open-air grounds.

32 | July 2018

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For those who are attending to document the experience, Eurobike has announced the inclusion of a dedicated ‘blogger base’ specifically designed to offer international bloggers from the outdoor and travel industry a place to create content. Here, they can exchange information with exhibitor representatives and trade visitors, trace new trends and document the event in a slightly less chaotic environment. The continuously updated ‘social wall’ will provide an overview of all the blog contributions and posts that have been published on social media. The core of the Eurobike Blogger Base is situated in the Foyer East and will offer free Wi-Fi, along with complimentary coffee and snacks.

20/06/2018 15:09

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86 per cent of male cyclists in London are white – the figure rises to a shocking 94 per cent for women

A lack of progress Kieran Howells questions why more is not being done to encourage greater diversity in cycling


hile I’m sure we’d all like to claim cycling is an activity open to just about everyone in some form or another, it’s undeniable that various communities and groups have been marginalised by their positions. Research has repeatedly highlighted some of the glaring issues in this area, and the general consensus is that, regrettably, the cycling industry isn’t half as inclusive as it should be. While that’s a simplified conclusion, cycling historically has a negative association with the white middle class stretching back to its very inception. 34 | July 2018

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Back in our February edition, Laura Laker published an extensive history of Britain’s cycling suffragettes – women who used the bicycle as a means of liberation. We remember them as pioneers, and the fact that women now lead some of the most exciting, innovative, up-and-coming brands in the industry is a testament to their victory. Their fight, however, is far from over. Just last year, Trek announced it would be closing up the substantial gender gap in its prize funds for the UCI Cyclocross World Cup.

19/06/2018 16:31


“Breaking down the barriers to wider participation from black and ethnic minority groups remains the great unconquered goal for British cycling” British Cycling coach Dave Brailsford in 2009

OVO Energy’s Tour of Britain followed suit as late as March this year, but many similarly major events are still yet to acknowledge the absurdity in such dramatic imbalances in the way women are perceived and rewarded. The weight and depth of this disparity are not limited to gender imbalances. One would be forgiven for presuming that London, one of the most culturally diverse and cycle-centric cities in the UK, would offer something of a standard by which the rest of the country could aspire to, but even in such a vast metropolitan area, cycling is woefully segregated by the same old issues. It’s not as though these issues haven’t been highlighted and debated over the years. In 2015, then-Mayor Boris Johnson acknowledged the mounting concern: “I want more women cycling, more older people cycling, more black and minority ethnic Londoners cycling, more cyclists of all social backgrounds – without which truly mass participation can never come.” All the way back in 2009, British Cycling coach Dave Brailsford said of the issue: “Breaking down the barriers to wider participation from black and ethnic minority groups remains the great unconquered goal for British cycling.”

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Yet the numbers are still against us. Despite improved infrastructure, wider advocacy and an increase in the volume of inclusive cycling events, a gigantic 86 per cent of male cyclists in the city are white, while for women, the figure rises to a shocking 94 per cent. The figures don’t get much better from there: only seven per cent of Asian Brits cycle regularly, and around five per cent of all British Chinese residents cycle for leisure. When it comes to disability cycling, the numbers are equally low. While 14 per cent of adults with no disability cycle at least once a week, only six per cent of those with limiting physical disabilities cycle at all. So what can we do to promote a societal change in these areas? According to lecturer and cycling specialist Rachel Aldred, it’s a matter of infrastructure. “In surveys, many people from underrepresented groups and communities say they would like to cycle if it were safer. On our roads, cycling is too often scary, and is seen as something only for a weird, committed, super-fit, and risk-tolerant minority. This image puts off people from all backgrounds, but may particularly affect people from underrepresented groups. It is reinforced by policy, planning, and marketing documents that show only a narrow demographic of people as cyclists,” she says. “Building safe cycle routes is very important, and as well as dealing with the safety barrier, it can help make cycling cultures more inclusive by breaking down the ‘only for the super-keen and sporty’ image,” continues Aldred. “We need to keep a close eye on where new infrastructures and services are going in, to check it is equitable. For instance, does cycle hire serve all communities, or is it disproportionately found in richer or whiter areas (London’s docked hire bikes do tend to be located in wealthier parts of the capital)? Are cycle tracks being built only to serve city centre commutes, or are routes also going in that will serve community shops and schools? July 2018 | 35

20/06/2018 09:33

It has been suggested that the London Cycle Hire scheme has not been effective in reaching those from minority or deprived backgrounds

Aldred adds: “How inclusive is outreach to publicise routes – does it target all communities, and do materials show a range of different people and bikes?” Transport for London is one of the many institutions to have conducted research in this area, and its findings demonstrate a very similar perspective on the barriers to cycling. “Research has demonstrated that overall, the main barriers to cycling are safety concerns (associated with traffic and crime),” reads its official report. It also claims that current infrastructure has done little to change the situation. “The London Cycle Hire scheme has not been effective in reaching those from minority or deprived backgrounds. Users are very similar in profile to cyclists in London; just 12 per cent are from BAME groups and only five per cent have a household income of less than £20,000 per year compared to 40 per cent of London residents.” “The profile of Cycle Superhighways users is similar: only seven per cent of CS7 and four per cent of CS3 users have a household income of less than £20,000 per annum, and seven per cent of CS7 users/12 per cent of CS3 users come from a BAME background.” The universal conclusion on successful programmes to facilitate cycling in these groups is the prominence of community projects. Tuition and coaching in a recreational environment have demonstrated the success sustainable goals for those wishing to participate, as evidenced by TfL’s findings: “A focus on having fun and building confidence has been effective in breaking down the barriers to cycling in hard-to-reach communities in Hackney.” One such project in the Hackney area is the Tower Hamlets Cycling Club, which has been running for over five years and currently boasts a membership of over 120 followers. The project was started by Lakhdar and Janice Djelloul, both of whom have been dedicated members of their local community for decades. 36 | July 2018

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“We need to keep a close eye on where new infrastructures and services are going in, to check it is equitable” Rachel Aldred When discussing the issue recently, Lakhdar said the pair’s intimate connection with their community was a major factor in the cycling club’s success. “Cycle providers need to find a successful way to approach and work with the BAME community. For example, being local Muslim residents for over 20 years ourselves opens many more doors to our particular community than if we were an outside, short-term project wanting to set up as part of a cycling campaign.” As with TfL’s findings, Lakhdar believes that while London’s dockless bike infrastructure does make cycling more accessible for some, the financial constraint on utilisation severely marginalises the BAME communities. He says: “Making cheap cycle hire possible for all is a key point. This requires safe space and a bicycle fleet on the side of the cycle provider. Bike maintenance takes a lot of time and I’m not sure that all providers would be willing to provide this level of voluntary support. Running as a non-profit-making organisation is the way we do it, but that takes a lot of personal vision and longterm commitment. Encouraging family cycling is so important – getting everyone trained up and out together as a family is a wonderful achievement.” It’s evident when taking a step back from the issue that no one fix will transform the way cycling is perceived among marginalised communities, but there is ample room for the industry to make good on its promise to invest in ensuring everyone has the means to cycle. This could mean lobbying for safer and more segregated infrastructure, it could mean dedicating advocacy for equality in a professional arena, or as is the case with Lakhdar and Janice Djelloul, simply getting out into local communities and sharing your passion for cycling with those around you. As with our iconic cycling suffragettes, the most important step toward a more inclusive industry is the first one. n

19/06/2018 16:31





ARE YOU READY FOR THE FUTURE? THE FIRST SCIENTIFIC AUTO-SCAN & SELF-ADJUSTING BIKE FITTING SYSTEM IN THE WORLD We are looking for UK idmatch BIKE LAB partners. To find out more and arrange a demo session, please contact Sales Manager Neil Davidson on or 07891 545773 C








• Auto adjusting scientific bike fitting system • 3D motion capture technology • Markerless data acquisition • Dynamic analysis of the rider • User friendly software • Fully integrated software and hardware package • A highly accurate, safe and efficient bike fit


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20/06/2018 08:56:53

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21/05/2018 09:19:59


Inspiring change Laura Laker investigates why women aren’t becoming mechanics, and what the industry can do to even the odds


omen are underrepresented in a variety of roles in the cycle industry, perhaps none more so than in bike mechanics. Cytech, an industry training and accreditation scheme for cycle technicians, estimates just two per cent of its trained mechanics worldwide are women. Cycle Training UK says 49 per cent of all mechanics course attendees were women, but at more advanced levels, the numbers of women drops drastically. Of 32 City and Guilds Level 2 Cycle Mechanics Qualifications it has delivered since 2017, just five were to women. Social issues – starting from a young age Isla Rowntree, founder of Islabikes, wanted to study design for her O-levels. “I was told that girls didn’t do design, and I would be disadvantaged because the boys had already studied subjects like technical drawing, which prepared

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them for the design course, while I had been doing cooking and sewing with the girls,” she says. “I refused to take ‘no’ for an answer, but the ensuing debate meant that I started the course later than other students. In spite of all this, I got an ‘A’ and design went on to become a significant part of my career.” Whether it’s the toys girls and boys are given, what we teach boys and girls to do, or subconscious cues children receive about gender-appropriate behaviour, some assumptions about what men and women are capable of persist into adulthood – regardless of whether they are actually true. Fortunately, our industry can help reverse that trend, and there are various companies and individuals like Isla Rowntree and Islabikes leading the way. Jenni Gwiazdowski, founder of London Bike Kitchen (LBK), a DIY bike workshop, suggests starting with training and the “traditional pathway” into the industry. July 2018 | 39

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Huerzeler has ‘bike rental stations’ in 13 locations on the island

She says: “Many people start in a bike shop as a ‘Saturday boy’ – though I don’t like that phrase – where they absorb a lot of knowledge.” This pathway tends to attract men, who then go into professional courses understanding the basics, while women find themselves at a disadvantage. “That’s why I encourage people to come to LBK instead,” adds Gwiazdowski. By tinkering on their own bike, via courses or in the open workshop, Gwiazdowski says, people learn common problems that don’t come up with brand new bikes used on professional courses. “Most of my knowledge has come from encountering bikes and issues on a daily basis,” she says. “It becomes a puzzle-solving situation.” Some bike shops can be intimidating environments, so LBK and Broken Spoke Co-op in Oxford, which was co-founded by Ellie Smith, offer regular women and gender variant courses and open workshops to try to counter that. An accomplished mechanic herself, Smith says more workshops need to make an effort to encourage a variety of customers, describing a recent bike shop experience as “like walking into a teenage boy’s den”. She explains: “There was metal music playing and I instantly felt uncomfortable. I thought: ‘You haven’t made any conscious effort to have any diversity; it’s all about making a comfortable environment for people who are like you’. If it’s alienating for me, as somebody who totally knows what they are talking about, it’s going to be pretty alienating for someone who doesn’t.” Training issues Smith and Gwiazdowski regularly encounter women who believe they won’t be any good at bike mechanics.

40 | July 2018

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“It’s on you to prove yourself as a woman, and you’re afraid to ask for help, in case you look stupid. It really affects your ability to learn” Ellie Smith

“Women will always need to tell me they aren’t very good, and that they don’t have experience,” says Smith. “It’s setting out your stall so you don’t fail and look stupid. Men don’t say that to me; they tend to come in, pick up a tool and use it wrong, and I have to give them the feedback. “It’s on you to prove yourself as a woman, and you’re afraid to ask for help, in case you look stupid. It really affects your ability to learn.” Unfortunately, both women report themselves or their friends experiencing incidents in male-dominated workshop environments ranging from ‘micro-aggressions’ to ‘overt sexism’, to one incident of ‘rape jokes’. “It’s so important to create special opportunities that are for women and non-binary people,” says Smith. “A lot of men don’t understand why that’s needed, and will actively resist it, but it reminds women there are others doing this, and it’s okay to be new at it. Last year, we had a big festival of women and bikes, in Oxford, to help showcase women in the industry and inspire others.” Gwiazdowski, who wrote the book How to Build a Bike, adds: “Women make really good mechanics. I think because they second-guess themselves, they are a bit more careful with their work.” Smith found that while men tend to choose intermediate level courses, women opt for beginner’s, and these often do not correlate with ability. At Broken Spoke, Smith ditched those descriptions, instead billing courses in terms of the depth of learning on offer. As a result, approximately half of workshop and course participants are now women, while 30 per cent of workshop volunteers (all mechanical roles) are female.

19/06/2018 16:40

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21/05/2018 14:34:32


‘“Women make really good mechanics. I think because they second-guess themselves, they are a bit more careful with their work” Jenni Gwiazdowski

Meanwhile, four of LBK’s mechanics are women, with one black female wheel building teacher, and three men. Its fortnightly WAG nights are well-attended, though it took time for the numbers to build. Gwiazdowski says she has continued to run them because she believes them to be very important. Smith says: “Sometimes I would get feedback like ‘I don’t feel like we need Beryl’s night because the general workshop feels so welcoming’, but I would never do away with it. Some women will come with a lot of confidence, but that’s not always the case. I wanted to keep those safe space options.” Islabikes boasts 42 per cent of its bike mechanics are women, for which the company thanks a ‘massive effort’ to avoid gender stereotyping. Recognising the fact that women are less likely to hold the qualifications, its mechanic job adverts ask for transferable skills instead, and offer training on the job. “We don’t necessarily look for a proven track record in cycle mechanics,” says company spokesman Steve Chapman. “It’s more about getting people with the right attitude and transferable skills.” This means women looking for a career change have a way into the industry, and Islabikes gets the employees that fit. The company also has a flexible working policy that suits mothers returning to work after having children, and is soon to introduce parity in parental leave for both parents – an unusual move for any company. “We all have different time constraints, and knowing your employer is going to invest in and work with you means a lot,” says Chapman. 42 | July 2018

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“It’s fairly simple, it’s about thinking how our adverts come across and not narrowing your pool too much, there’s no reason all companies shouldn’t do that.” What the wider industry can do What Broken Spoke, LBK and Islabikes had in common – at least until Smith left the former for LBK recently – is that there is a woman in charge. Isla Rowntree is Islabikes’ female founder, and the employee in charge of recruitment, Suzanne, is also a woman. “We need women at the top, setting the tone,” says Smith. “Women should be leaders and given real responsibilities.” This should apply at all levels of the company, she says, and done in an authentic way, with women-only courses led by women, ideally. Smith and Gwiazdowski argue for “positive discrimination” to rebalance the ratio, such as mechanical training scholarships for women. “It’s on the cycling industry to honestly look at their own organisations, at the gender balance, and what roles women are doing,” says Smith. “I have never met a female sales rep for a distributor in all my years in the industry. Delivery drivers often give things to my male volunteers. We all make assumptions, but I think the industry can change; the cycle has been revolutionary, giving people more freedom, more rights, it is this really cool thing that has big potential for change.” Gwiazdowski concludes: “This isn’t something we can just give up on. We don’t have gender equality in cycling, and that’s why people saying ‘I don’t think there’s a problem’ is rubbish. It’s an ongoing issue, it’s not going to be fixed quickly and people need to be made aware of it.” n

19/06/2018 16:43

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14/06/2018 11:12:14


Light saddle with wide ergonomic channel (“PAS� system) which reduces contact with the pelvic area, eliminates peaks of pressure and improves the blood flow.


The saddle is 245mm long and 143mm wide; the shorter nose eliminates contact between soft tissues in the aerodynamic position or maximum pushing phase (on the drops) The sitting area has increased support to spread the pressure on the surface.

DESIGN I n n o va t i ve :

Guarantees Comfort, performance and reduces weight; its shape and size makes this saddle perfect for all users.

Technical partner of ROAD TEAMS

DISTRIBUTED BY: I-Ride - Chicken Cyclekit

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05/06/2018 10:59:43


Data: Obstacle, or opportunity? Max Bikes PR’s Keith Jepson contemplates the effects GDPR could have on the cycle market


hroughout the last few weeks, I’ve received a huge number of questions regarding GDPR and what it will mean for brands and retailers throughout the UK. The first thing to do is not panic. Any initial non-compliance will not lead to huge fines or EU agents waiting on your office doorstep on Monday morning. The guidelines are in place to help companies adhere to the legislation. General Data Protection Regulation is now in UK law as part of the Data Protection Act 2018. It governs individuals’ data rights, including the way companies handle, collect, store and use data, and the compensation an individual can claim for any misuse of that data. So, how does all this affect the cycling trade? Regardless of company or mailing list size, all brands must now go through due diligence and ask recipients if they are happy to continue hearing from them. Rather than seeing this as a chore – as many seemingly are – you should see this as a positive opportunity to clean your data and reconnect with the customers on your contact list. Clarity is the key here. In all communications to customers across all platforms, you must now get permission to communicate with customers.

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Have a question for Keith? Get involved via or on Twitter @MaxBikesPR “Opt-out” to not receive future communications is no longer an option. You must ask your customers to “Opt-in” – positive consent is what you are looking for! Typical questions now appearing on communications include “Do you still want to hear from us?” or “Are you still happy hearing from us?” followed by a call to action that illustrates clear consent. You must be clear in your messaging and language: openly ask your customer base if they still wish to receive news and offers from you. As long as you make the news interesting and varied – and your offers great – they will stay connected.

It’s fair to assume your database will drop initially, but keep your communications interesting, and it will grow back. As someone who receives a large number of regular communications from varied companies, I have used the GDPR deadline as an opportunity to remove myself from many ‘lists’ and have chosen to stay connected with a group of core companies that I am truly interested in. The new guidelines are fairly simple – ensure the information and data you are supplying is as accurate as possible, and update it as often as is appropriate. Maintain data only for as long as you need to, and make sure you have all necessary security measures in place to store data. If you are sensible and follow the guidelines to the best of your ability, you will be complying with GDPR’s “integrity and confidentiality” principle. While the above seems fairly generic, the guidelines have to be, as companies collect and use data for a number of different reasons. As long as you are clear in what you are doing and what you want to achieve from your communications, and can accurately and openly convey this message to your audience, you are in no danger of falling foul of the new legislation. n July 2018 | 45

19/06/2018 16:35


Kitting out Formed in January this year, the Polartec-Kometa team has already seen one of its riders make the leap into the professional cycling category, with Matteo Moschetti securing a place in the Trek-Segafredo for the next two years. BikeBiz caught up with Moschetti, along with Polartec international product manager Tomas Carrara, to discuss the team’s formation and how the brand’s fabric technologies optimise performance


ow long was the Polartec-Kometa team in the pipeline prior to its formation? TC: The partnership between Polartec and Alberto Contador’s foundation started with friendship and a story of mutual respect back in September 2014. It was during a Contador event in Bormio, Italy that we met and the relationship grew organically from there, to the point where we are today – the co-title sponsor of the Fundacion Contador Cycling Team, ranging from Junior cyclists, through the Under 23s to the newlyformed Continental Team. As far as the Continental Team is concerned, the route to becoming official was not easy, but has been always been part of the plan. The possibility presented itself in July 2017 when Kometa came on board as a new sponsor. It was then that the Fundacion

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Contador broached the idea for a new Continental Team, and in November, the announcement was made.” How do you go about designing fabric technologies specific to cycling? TC: We started from an excellent research base because of our extensive testing across outdoor sports for the Polartec collection. From there, together with the help of the Foundation, we moved into a field test phase. We have created a consistent testing system taking into account atmospheric conditions, and over these three seasons have progressively improved each garment, and our fabrics, in order to obtain a perfect layering system for every cycling activity – from training to racing. The teams and coaches are a constant source of information and feedback for us.

July 2018 | 47

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How much does the chosen kit differ depending on the individual rider? TC: The choice of the kit is customised to weather conditions and the type of race. The kit includes items that are capable of coping with cold temperatures, rain and hot conditions. From there, each cyclist chooses according to his habits and his coach’s suggestions. How much difference does good kit make during both training and the race itself? MM: For sure, a good kit is very important to get the best performance while training and racing. The comfort is also very important because often we train for many hours on the bike and wearing good kit, as the one we have from Polartec, makes everything easier and more comfortable. How does Polartec’s kit differ from what you’ve used in the past? MM: The most important difference that I felt between past kits and the one I’m wearing today is the choice of high-quality fabric and the care with which they are realised. I really love to wear the summer kit in Polartec Delta because it keeps me cool when the temperature is high.

48 | July 2018

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To what extent does the kit improve performance? MM: The kit can very much influence my performance, especially in extreme weather conditions like very hot or very cold. From my point of view, a good kit can improve the performance under different aspects, especially during a time trial stage. What are your targets for the rest of the year and beyond? MM: It has been a really positive season, although we still have a lot of months to face. I hope to keep going like I’ve done until now. My focus is to keep going in the same direction and get the most out of the next competition where I will race. For the future, I wish to make a great career for myself as a cyclist and learn a lot to improve as much as I can. n

“We have progressively improved each garment, and our fabrics, in order to obtain a perfect layering system for every cycling activity” Tomas Carrara

19/06/2018 16:50










Vittoria Air-Liner is a revolutionary performance insert for tubeless mountain bike tires. Air-Liner increases cornering grip, braking traction, and lateral stability, while eliminating rim-strike impacts and bead-burping.




Air-Liner resets the traditional compromise of stability vs traction, providing increased tyre and rim protection, control, performance and durability. Air-Liner allows your tyres to remain stable, grippy and controlled in even the toughest of conditions. THE TOP CHANNEL provides room for the tunable air chamber that sits directly beneath the tire tread. Upon impact, the corner edges of the channel flex first, and progressively build to the thicker portion, as the tire is compressed. This allows the tread to remain flexible, which increases traction, without sacrificing impact resistance. THE BOTTOM CHANNEL allows for easy fine-tuning of the air chamber, and allows for full compatibility of all valve core styles.


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20/06/2018 08:54:23

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04/06/2018 15:29:30


The shifting face of nutrition

When it comes to nutrition, the criteria of the consumer has shifted greatly over the past few years. Kieran Howells sits down with Nuun CEO Kevin Rutherford and R&D manager Vishal Patel to learn more


utrition is an area often overlooked in our industry. While it’s true that no bike shop is going to significantly inflate its profit margins by selling gels, the fact remains that hydration and energy boosters can define the quality of a ride. We’ve witnessed an interesting shift in the concept and consumption of nutrition by the general public. In years gone by, a select minority of brands held an overwhelming stake in the market, and the vast majority of consumers were committed athletes, resigned to the poor taste of various products. Those days are long gone, and the sheer number of up-and-coming brands is testiment to how the demand for nutrition-packed bars, drinks, gels and blocks has evolved almost unrecognisably. Gone are the days where nutrition offered two options: there are now thousands available in a plethora of tastes and textures.

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July 2018 | 51

19/06/2018 16:53

FEATURE Few brands have impacted UK sports nutrition like Nuun. Founded in 2004, it’s safe to say Nuun has been a pioneer in remoulding nutrition to meet consumers’ evolving demands. Pronounced ‘noon’, the brand was founded by a British triathlete who was looking for a convenient way to bring sports hydration with him while on long rides. Frustrated by the lack of diversity in the available options, which were exclusively in ready-to-drink bottles, he resolved to design his own alternative. “Around that time there was some breakthrough research in sports hydration coming out of Stanford University from Stacy Sims that debunked the high-calorie, high sugar sports drink model and demonstrated the need to separate hydration from fuelling,” says president and CEO Kevin Rutherford. “Nuun was the first to develop a low-carb sports drink, and if you look at the brands that are the most relevant in the current market, they are built on this premise.” Effervescent tablets have always been popular in the UK and European supplement markets, so the potential to create a technically successful product was already within the realms of possibility. R&D manager Vishal Patel knew he could pack all of the hydrating electrolytes needed for endurance athletes in a small dissolving tablet that could be carried in bulk in a tube. “Portability was the original reason for Nuun to be delivered in a tablet form. And, as Nuun served more athletes across the globe, we became a solution for reducing the reliance on single-use disposable bottles,” explains Rutherford. “Preserving the planet is a priority at Nuun, and since we started, we have saved over 72 million throw-away bottles. Don’t expect to see Nuun bottles at your local cycling shop anytime soon!” 52 | July 2018

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Of course, the brand has had to develop and improve as tastes have changed. In the food industry, there’s been a significant shift in preference from highly-processed products to much more natural ingredients. This modern demand for healthier, less artificial supplements is also being demanded by consumers of sports nutrition products. Nuun was reformulated two years ago to take this into account. Consistent with this philosophy, all of the current ingredients are plant-based, vegan and gluten-free. “Utilising both the latest in exercise physiology research, as well as natural foods sourcing, creates products that perform really well while providing clean sources of nutrients as close to nature as possible,” says Patel. “One of our primary innovation principles with the new formula for Active and Boost was for every ingredient to serve a functional and physiological purpose, with the ultimate goal of creating a more efficient, hydrating product,” Patel adds. “The addition of non-GMO dextrose is a perfect example of this, allowing us to increase the fluid and nutrient delivery of the products.” Nuun’s optimal electrolyte blend has been the foundation of the line’s performance benefits, which includes sodium, potassium and magnesium. “Electrolytes synergistically work together, aiding in fluid retention, internal water and electrolyte balance, and muscle function,” continues Patel. “A proper mix of electrolytes hydrates much better than water alone, moving fluid to work muscles. This is most critical for athletes, especially for longer duration activities like cycling.” Ingredients like stevia, beet juice powder, avocado oil and green tea might be more commonly found in your favourite natural food

Nuun was reformulated two years ago to take into account the demand for more natural supplements

‘Preserving the planet is a priority at Nuun – we have saved over 72 million throw-away bottles. Don’t expect to see Nuun bottles at your local cycling shop anytime soon!”

Kevin Rutherford

19/06/2018 16:53

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14/06/2018 10:34:17


products, but these plant-based ingredients have also been added to the Nuun formula. “We went back to the drawing board, challenging ourselves with achieving product purity in tablet manufacturing,” says Patel. “Take avocado oil for example, which is used as a lubricant in the manufacturing process, and to keep the tablets from sticking together in the tube. This was the first time a non-synthetic ingredient has been used in the industry for this purpose and is a direct result of prioritising our nutrition philosophy.” Talking with Patel specifically about sports nutrition for cyclists, he emphasises the importance of riders

recognising a division between using their bottle for hydration and keeping solid food for fuel consumption, which he says make a dramatic change in the optimisation of each. “Hydration starts to become compromised when there are over 19g of carbohydrates per 500ml of fluid consumed,” explains Patel. “At these levels, water actually has to be pulled into the small intestines to dilute the concentration before your body has the ability begin absorption. This is a counter to what the body needs during exercise, causing dehydration by moving water away from muscles.” Nuun Active has 4g of carbohyrdrates per 16oz.

Patel adds: “A scenario I often talk to endurance athletes about, especially cyclists, is how your hydration needs to change drastically in hot conditions, while your fuelling needs are not weather-dependent. On a warm day out on the bike, you need to increase your fluid intake as your sweat rate increases – regulating the body’s ability to cool itself. Your hourly calorific needs are unchanged; it’s most effective to separate your fueling from hydration so both can be properly managed.” When it comes to fuelling, Patel insists there’s no such thing as a ‘one size fits all’ solution. He says it takes experimentation and practice to determine what foods work best with the user’s body during training and competition. “My recommendation is to use as much real food as possible during training, as many of the sports nutrition products on the market are highly-processed and include large amounts of added sugar,” he says. “There are scenarios in racing where you will need carb sources that are convenient and more quickly absorbed, so look for those that include fewer ingredients and nothing artificial.” There’s little doubt requirements and demand for nutrition will continue to evolve, and if Nuun’s past confirms anything, it’s that it’s willing to change and grow with its audience. “We believe activity is the solution to a lot of the challenges in our society,” concludes Rutherford. “We strive to be a change agent, encouraging those out on the roads and trails and continually working to foster others to become part of this community.” n

‘“My recommendation is to use as much real food as possible during training”

Vishal Patel 54 | July 2018

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19/06/2018 16:53











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B2B.CO.UK 20/06/2018 09:03:17

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Come see us at Eurobike! We are delighted to be exhibiting at Eurobike this year, where we will present to you our Airless tyre range plus some exciting new developments. We look forward to welcoming all our existing and new customers and meeting you in person. Please get in touch to make an appointment.

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Leisure 15/06/2018 13:41:21

Raising awareness


Laura Laker investigates to what extent our industry caters to disability cycling, and how the infrastructure can be improved


ccording to research, two-thirds of disabled cyclists find biking easier than walking, and yet the vast majority are unaware that cycling is an option for them at all. Although this is very much a specialist subject, there are several actions those in the industry can take to help people with mobility issues get into cycling, and there are plenty of experts available for advice. Isabelle Clement is a director of Wheels for Wellbeing, a disability cycling charity.

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She was completely unaware she could cycle until she was in her 30s, when she discovered a hand cycle adaption for her wheelchair. With electrical assist, the adaption allows her to get around independently, saving her the inconvenience and expense of taxis. In a recent Wheels for Wellbeing report – Invisible Cyclists – the charity highlighted a lack of imagery of disabled cyclists in policy documents – an issue echoed throughout the cycling industry. July 2018 | 57

20/06/2018 09:47


Neil Andrews, campaigns and policy officer for Wheels for Wellbeing, said: “The need to promote non-standard cycles, especially through things such as imagery, are definitely ideas that we would want to see the industry carrying out more of, as well as generally making the public – and disabled people in particular – aware of the variety of cycles out there.” Who are disabled cyclists and what do they ride? Statistically, disabled people are more likely to suffer social isolation and have lower incomes than enabled individuals. However, it’s important not to pre-judge anyone. In Cambridge, one in four disabled people’s commutes are by bike, while retirees with disabilities may look to do short trips or leisure rides. In less cycle-friendly places, disabled cycling rates are – rather unsurprisingly – lower. Most disabled people who use cycles as mobility aids do so with a regular bicycle, but cycles can vary widely. These include trikes and tandem tricycles, recumbent trikes, side-by side-cycles, quadricycles, hand cycles, detachable wheelchair tandems and, of course, electric assist cycles. Get Cycling is a not-for-profit community disability cycle specialist based in York. It offers a try-out centre at its store, in addition to roadshows and schools around the country. It also sells new and second-hand cycles from 25 different manufacturers. Its experts provide one-to-one cycle assessments and impartial advice: whether fixed or freewheel gears are best, whether to have one lever operating both brakes. They could also aid with concepts such as eccentric crankshafts, or adaptations like ‘pedal sandals’ to keep feet in place. They can also offer advice to the industry. Jim McGurn, chief executive of Get Cycling CiC, says: “We tend to get ten phone calls a day from people wanting advice, and it’s often not to buy one of our bikes.

“Some bike shops do want to be seen as associated with disability, but others have a very sporty image and don’t want it diluted” Jim McGurn 58 | July 2018

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“If a bike shop needs advice on what bike or adaptation might be needed for a person who has come into a shop, we can offer that, but often it can take two to three hours, so it can be better to have a demo [on a few bikes]. If people need a demo, then they need to come to York.” Get Cycling also aids those looking to bring a roadshow to their town or city. It offers help in organising the event and finding local funding, and could bring 15-20 different specialised bikes to any given show. “There’s usually funding available from disabled activity budgets within the local authority, or an opportunity to be sponsored by a large local business,” says McGurn. “Some bike shops do want to be seen as associated with disability, but others have a very sporty image and don’t want it diluted.” He adds: “Another option is a sponsored bike ride (which also generates sales for their shop) to fund a disabled bike for a specific local disabled person, so that person can enjoy cycling as other bike shop customers do. We also do disabled cycling holidays – that’s another thing bike shops could help fundraise for.” Many towns and cities have local all-ability cycling groups, where people with disabilities can try out different cycles in a fun, off-road and supported environment. Bike shops could link up with these groups by offering maintenance and servicing for those bikes. There’s a database of disabled cycling groups nationwide at, while Wheels for Wellbeing has a fleet of more than 200 inclusive cycles to try out in South London. Inclusive cycles can be expensive, with tricycles costing up to £3,000. Funding is available from a variety of streams, from Personal Budgets – available to those eligible for community care services – to the Cycle to Work Scheme. Wheels for Wellbeing offers advice for people looking to fundraise for an inclusive cycle online at wheelsforwellbeing. – as does Get Cycling: www. For general queries or advice on disabled cycling, contact or call 01904 636 812. n

20/06/2018 09:47


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11/06/2018 15:15:03

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Untitled-1 1

15/06/2018 11:15:29

Women-specific bikes and accessories












Selle San Marco


Datum W

GC Women’s Cycling Socks

Era Lady

Lanao 5.7

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Distributor: Hotlines

The Era Lady Dynamic saddle features size, shape and graphics specifically designed for women who love cycling and look for a saddle that must be comfortable. The Era Lady Racing saddle is designed for female riders wanting a pro racing saddle which offers excellent performance and rider comfort. The Xsilite rails provide increased strength and durability and allow the full use of the entire rail to fit the perfect position on the bike.

Ghost’s Lanao 5.7 is the ideal bike for those riders looking for progression. Sensible geometry, reliable Shimano XT groupset and performance ready Fox suspension make this a very capable ride. 27.5” wheels and a four-bar linkage give a great platform for riders to feel confident as their riding develops. All of this comes in a package that’s affordable and is also available in a subtle black colourway for those not keen on the neon pink!


Contact: 0132 319 1444

Distributor: Sportline Already regarded as a modern classic, the Genesis Datum was a gravel bike before gravel bikes were cool. Built around an all carbon frame and fork and coming with 32mm tyres as standard, the Datum is your companion for all-day riding on whatever terrain you choose. The women’s model is built around the same geometry as the men’s, so there’s no compromise in performance, but the contact points have been tailored to allow for a more comfortable fit. Contact:

61-64 SG Specific Bikes final.indd 1

Distributor: Tenn Outdoors The Eurosport GC women’s Socks are an ideal summer sock, providing great comfort during those long rides - the sweat wicking properties also help to keep moisture away from your feet. Key Features: 4 x Colour options, one size fits all - 21cm/ EU 34-41. 63% combed cotton, 25% elastic, 12% spandex Contact: 01424 854411 simon.bever@tenn-outdoors.

July 2018 | 61

20/06/2018 09:57











Georgia in Dublin

Rixen Kaul




Distributor: Silverfish UK

Distributor: Direct

Reisenthel Stylebag - KF879

SR Sport Gel Womens Saddle

Developed specifically with women in mind, the Allure delivers attributes that relieve and eliminate soft tissue pressures. The Allure starts with a durable nylon fibre base material, yet appropriately softens ups with the anatomically shaped cut-out. The lightweight LPU foam blends with the cut-out and supportive platform in the Optimal Rideable Area (ORA) of the Allure. Ideal for a multitude of disciplines, from Road to Mountain and available in variable railed options.

Combat the rain with the original Rainwrap, wrap-around rain waterproof skirt. A perfect alternative to waterproof trousers, it’s blissfully easy to take on and off without the palaver of pulling over shoes. To put on simply, wrap it around like an apron with the reflective strap to the back. It comes with a garter to prevent it from riding up in the wind. Also, the garter can be used to fasten the Rainwrap in a tube shape so you can carry it around easily. Contact:

Distributor: Greyville Enterprises

Distributor: Extra UK

The name says it all - a combination of style and function. Quick and simple to fit on handlebars using Rixen Kaul KF850 Klickfix Fitting when riding, but then easily converts to a stylish casual shoulder bag. The internal design includes several separate zipped compartments for those essentials ladies always require, making a handbag redundant. A really functional accessory for any lady. Contact:

In the average female, the pubic symphysis (front cartilage connecting the two halves of the pelvis) is positioned lower than in a male pelvis, and the angle of the pubic bones towards each other is wider. Furthermore, mobility is higher in women, so when in the saddle, their pelvis often rocks further forwards. This can create high pressure in the genital area. The centre relief, which is positioned far at the front, as well as the wider saddle flanks help distribute the pressure of the sitting area. Contact: 01933 672 170

Contact: 01752 843 882 62 | July 2018

61-64 SG Specific Bikes final.indd 2

20/06/2018 09:57

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30/05/2018 09:43:40











Osprey Europe

Sella Italia

CafeRacer Uno

The Woman Vesper Jacket

Raven 10

Diva Gel Flow

Distributor: Direct

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Featuring a women’s specific fit, the Raven 10 and integrated 3 litre Hydraulics reservoir ensure that you can carry all the required gear and liquid to perform your personal best. The AirScape ventilated foam back panel and harness keep you cool whilst still offering flexibility for movement without restriction. Our unique LidLock attachment provides a quick and secure attachment point for your helmet.

The ultimate womens-specific saddle. The self-shaping padding and anatomical cut-out make the Diva Gel Flow a perfect solution for those seeking performance without compromising comfort. After achieving previously unexplored results in the anatomic study of ladies saddles the Diva Gel Flow has been introduced. Using Gel Flow gel inserts under sit bones and around the cut-out improves long term comfort while the anatomic design and use of cut-outs reduces pressure to sensitive areas.

Distributor: Hotlines The ladies’ Caferacer Uno is a beautiful, classic “mixte” bike with a sensible price. It has all the features you need to ride every day with speed and comfort, including full length mudguards, front rack and lights. The bike is full of great parts that will ensure smooth and efficient functioning. The 3 speed internal gear hub integrated with a coaster brake is clean and service-free, plus with timeless looks and 4 colours to choose from, this is a ride that will never go out of fashion. Contact: 0131 319 1444 64 | July 2018

61-64 SG Specific Bikes final.indd 3


Distributor: Direct This lightweight, packable cycling jacket, weighing only 46 grams, is designed as an out-of-the-pocket layer of protection thanks to its wind and water repellency. The Vesper is a must-have for every kind of cyclist, combined with mesh side panels for a better fit and breathability. Contact:

Contact: 01202 413 920


20/06/2018 09:58


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New to the UK for 2018, Geardrive cassettes offer an exciting alternative with increased margins over existing brands. Hyperglide compatible, Geardrive cassettes are available in 8 to 11 speed with a great range of ratios from 11/23 roadie up to 11-50t wide range for 1X setups. Extensive pre production testing has ensured Geardrive cassettes offer first class function with durability so creating a new brand that’s here to stay.


Order from our easy to use B2B ordering system for next day delivery.

01543 251328 BikeBiz FP Template_210x265mm.indt 1

14/06/2018 09:38:08


Cycle Lights



4 3







Exposure Lights

Nite Ize

Sol 300 SE

Mini Luxo set

Six Pack Sync

Radiant 750 Pro

Distributor: Moore Large

Distributor: Madison

Distributor: Direct

Distributor: Burton McCall

The Guee SOL 300 SL light is responsive and clever. The Smart Ambient Sensor auto brightness controls the light and responds to light changes, which makes this the perfect commuting light. A 360-degree horizontally adjustable bracket, compact and tool-free design makes it easy to attach and detach. It features a tidy built-in rechargeable battery, easy to charge by USB cord wherever, plus an aluminium CNCmachined housing with heat free technology. Contact: 01332 274 252 Graham.Darby@moorelarge.

Perfect for those urban rides where you’re trying to be seen, the Infini Mini Luxo twin pack gives you two stylish lights for urban riding. USB-rechargable, they’ll power back up at your desk while you’re working to make sure that you have enough power for the way home. Contact:

Within the 2019 range launch at Eurobike will be a new way of controlling the output of three of Exposure Lights’ range. The Diablo Helmet Light, Maxx D and Six Pack Handle Bar lights will have connectivity to your smart phone, iOS or Android, to enable the rider to have program personalisation. Once the light and phone are connected through SYNC technology the rider can, from their phone, choose burn time/Lumen output to enable it to suit the ride perfectly to their specifications. Contact: 01798 839 300

The Radiant 750 Rechargeable Bike Light is 750 lumens and provides 180° of bright white illumination to see and be seen, day or night. It features high, low, and attention-getting day-safe flash modes, and is easily recharged via USB. It attaches to handlebars with a unique threaded-clamp style handlebar mount that allows the light to slide on and off a bike to be used independently or for security purposes. This handlebar mount has a swivel feature, allowing you to aim the light as needed.

66 | July 2018

66-69 SG-Cycle Lights final.indd 1

Contact: 01162 344 611

20/06/2018 10:28












Oxford Products






Distributor: Bob Elliot & Co

Distributor: Tandem Group Cycles

Distributor: Direct

Distributor: ZyroFisher

A new addition to our Ultra Torch range the UT500 packs a bright punch for what appears a small torch, making it perfect for cycling on the road at night. Turn it on and it is anything but a small torch, the CREE T6 LED gives out 500 lumens of light, giving a clear view of the road ahead. The UT500 has 4 settings: a high, medium and low constant as well as a flashing setting. The battery life differs between the settings, with the low constant setting lasting six hours.

A smarter solution for all cyclists, all SYNC lights can be turned on/off through one button on the SYNC Core front light. No separate remote is required. CatEye SYNC also makes you stand out. You can synchronise the flash timing of rear lights for improved visibility to other vehicles on the road, day or night. CatEye SYNC includes the new SYNC app, which allows you to customise light settings and then monitors the power levels of up to seven SYNC lights.

Contact: 01993 862 300


- DuaLens Optical Design for road biking mode, providing broad closed range flood light with anti-glare low beam for commuting, no dazzle and glare for oncoming traffic. - HiLo Beam System for Mountain Biking and Emergency Modes, providing illuminating light similar to automotive headlight with far reaching high beam and low beam. - Intelligent Memory circuit remembers the last used brightness level and mode when turned on again. Contact:

66-69 SG-Cycle Lights final.indd 2

Available from August, the brand new Pulse Torch is a great all-round solution. Constructed with a compact, lightweight and durable alloy body it’s perfect for use off the bike, whilst the tool-free rotating mount allows you to quickly fix it onto almost any bike. Charged through a USB port, the 450 lumen headlight has a burn time of 2.5-5 hours over the 3 different settings. RRP £29.99 Contact: 0121 748 8050

July 2018 | 67

20/06/2018 10:28














HighbredLux 3F

Fly6 CE


Distributor: ZyroFisher

Distributor: Ison Distribution

Distributor: Madison

Distributor: Silverfish UK

The Hiplok FLX combines a light and lock in one easy to carry compact package. Great for mountain bike or road rides when you can only take the essentials. The integrated 10 lumen rear light with flash mode will keep you visible while the 1 metre retractable cable lock provides protection against the opportunist thief. A 3 digit resettable combination and integrated clip for easy attachment to bags and belt straps, add to the practicality.

Li-Polymer Battery: 250mah, Solar panel tops up the battery during daylight, Up to 9 hours runtime on a full charge, Tool free fitting.

The Fly6 CE is the new generation of Cycliq’s integrated rear-facing safety light and bike camera, engineered to give users a highly visible 100-lumen safety light with built-in super-sharp looping video recording, and impressive battery life (up to 7 hours). The Fly6 CE is the new generation of Cycliq’s integrated rear-facing safety light and bike camera, engineered to give users a highly visible 100-lumen safety light with built-in, super-sharp looping video recording, and impressive battery life (up to seven hours).

The Knog+ front bike light is a super-bright, 100% waterproof and totally versatile USB rechargeable bicycle light. Mount the light to your handlebars or forks, or use the integrated wearable clip to attach the light to your shirt pocket or panniers. More of a runner than a cyclist? No dramas. The Plus light also doubles up as a wearable night running light. Just attach the light to your tshirt, shorts, socks or headband using the smart integrated clip.




68 | July 2018

66-69 SG-Cycle Lights final.indd 3


Contact: 01353 662662

20/06/2018 10:28













Dayblazer 1100 Front, 65 Rear


Aero Combo

Burner Brake

Distributor: Silverfish UK

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: Direct

Topeak safety light combo including both Whitelite Aero USB 1W & Redlite Aero USB 1W. Rubber strap allows tool-free mounting and removal. Low battery indicator. 3 Super Bright LED’s. 4 Modes: High Beam, Low Beam, Blinking, Pulse. Burn Time (approx): 2hr (High), 4hr (Low), 15hr (Blinking), 50hr (Pulse).

Lights up when you slow down. The Burner Brake is powered by beryl’s bespoke braking algorithm, letting you automatically communicate with everyone on the road when you reduce your speed. Burner Brake is USB charged and has a 200 lumen output when you’re riding. Choose “day flash mode” for maximum visibility during the day, or switch between high and low brightness, depending on your surroundings. You also have the choice of two animation patterns, to suit your personal preferences.

Distributor: ZyroFisher The Dayblazer 1100 packs a 1100 lumen punch onto a tiny bar perch. Weighing in at just 140g, this light hits way above its weight class. Want to hit the local trail for a midnight shred, or commute home on a November evening? The 1100 has you covered, particularly when paired with Blackburn’s brightest rear light, the Dayblazer 65. Contact:


The PWR Trail is part of a product ecosystem that includes additional lightheads tailored to your ride, plus outdoor products like a Bluetooth speaker, outdoor camping lantern, and headtorch. Aside from its multi-functionality, as a bike light it’s best in class. With Modemaker app to programme modes, touch sensitive battery indicator, twist-head operation, and advanced optics in the one 1000 lumen lighthead, the PWR range gives you endless ways to sell a bike light (and more). Contact:

66-69 SG-Cycle Lights final.indd 4

Contact: 01933 672 170

Contact: July 2018 | 69

20/06/2018 10:28







72 | July 2018

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15/06/2018 15:28




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72-74 BB150 MARKETPLACE_v1.indd 2







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July 2018 | 73

15/06/2018 15:28





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74 | July 2018

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15/06/2018 15:28


This month

we’re tackling some difficult issues with our crowd-sourced statistics. We asked our followers three key questions surrounding inclusivity in the industry, and the results – we’re sad to say – are pretty damning. When asked if the industry as a whole is an inclusive environment, a massive 61 per cent of people said they believe that this isn’t the case. This was further confirmed by questions surrounding fair representation of women in the industry and for those with disabilities. While 70 per cent of people agreed that women aren’t well-represented, every single one of those polled believe that our industry does not cater to those with disabilities. It appears we have some major ground to make up in these areas...

61% NO

75 StatsAndFigures final.indd 1

0% YES 100% NO

Do women receive fair representation in the cycling industry?


39% YES

Do you feel like the cycling industry caters well to those with disabilities?




Do you think the cycling industry is an inclusive, welcoming environment?

30% YES 70% NO July 2018 | 75

20/06/2018 10:33


Wattbike This month, training brand Wattbike talks competition, culture and community

How many members of staff do you have? We currently have around 50 members of staff. Who’s your most passionate cyclist? I’m not sure it’s possible to put this down to one person! We have a number of highly passionate cyclists at Wattbike, ranging from people that ride for fun or fitness and the simple joy of cycling, to people that race at a national level.

76 | July 2018

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Who are the longest standing members of staff? Ian Wilson, our founder. He dreamt up the Wattbike concept in 1996 and has helped us evolve ever since. What are the current team goals? The team is very motivated to grow the Wattbike brand presence globally. We want to create a global fitness community around our products and continue to innovate both our physical product and our software.

20/06/2018 10:50

What sets you apart from other companies in the industry? The accuracy and the reliability of the data we provide are unrivalled. Our users can ride an Atom at home, a Wattbike Pro in their local gym and a Wattbike Trainer when on holiday. They can be confident they are looking at comparative data. Our performance analysis tools and connectivity make the date easy to track and interpret, and features such as our Polar View and Pedalling Effectiveness Score set the benchmark in performance analysis. What motivates the team? We have a very talented team who are extremely selfmotivated. There is a desire that runs throughout the team to be the best we can be individually and as a collective. We are just at the start of what is growing into a very successful business. This allows the team to have a real stake in our success, and in doing so provides huge motivation. Tell us about past and recent successes. The launch of the Wattbike Atom has been our biggest achievement in the past 12 months. This has transformed Wattbike into a true e-commerce business. As a young business, none of this would have been possible without our initial footings. From the beginning, we became the only cycling ergometer to have been endorsed by British Cycling, and we are the bike of choice for all major nations across Olympic sports – cycling just being one. Others include rowing, athletics, rugby and boxing.

(L-R) Steve Evans, Richard Baker, Ian Wilson, John Wilson What projects are you working on that the industry should know about? After the early success of the Wattbike Atom, we started to work on a commercial version of the bike for both cycling studios and gyms. We are also commissioning our latest research project, which will inform the development of our future products. It will also enable us to create the best training interventions that aid the rider’s performance – more will be announced on this shortly.

‘We want to create a global fitness community around our products’

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What are your greatest strengths as a company? Our products. This goes back to working with Peter Keen (then performance director of British Cycling) and the British Cycling team. Even in the early days, our goal was clear – we wanted to create the world’s leading cycling ergometer. We also have the desire to keep pushing the boundaries of performance research, and have what it takes to continue being the best cycling ergometer/home trainer for improving performance. This is a defining factor when we consider our market.

What role does technological advancement play in the development of Wattbike products? Technology is at the heart of everything we do. Our strategic commitment in this area is what separates us from our peers. It ensures we continue to protect our reputation as the creators of the best stationary cycling training products in the world. We’re always scanning the horizon, looking into the future for trends and benchmarking our products to ensure we stay where we have always been - ahead of the competition. This is not just isolated to the development of our own hardware and software; our approach to modern working is responsive and we adopt the best systems to ensure we can remain productive and competitive. Why do you think people want to work with Wattbike? There are a number of reasons that come to mind, and our reputation as a positive employer goes a long way to helping with recruitment and retention. We’re a business driven by our technology, this offers a really good opportunity to be different and work in a more creative and disruptive way to the conventional and traditional cycling and fitness brands and distributors – it’s exciting! We have a fantastic internal culture created by a great team. n

Contact: Unit 16 Nottm South & Wilford Ind Est Nottingham NG11 7EP tel: 0115 945 5450

July 2018 | 77

20/06/2018 10:50


Turning sharers into buyers Carlton Reid revisits the booming world of dockless bikes


ike sharing has become increasingly prevalent over the past few years. As it continues to burgeon, the big question is whether this concept – and specifically the dockless bike share – should be considered a threat or an opportunity. Getting bums on saddles has always been a priority for the industry, which has to compete against apathy, laziness, and prejudice against cyclists, as well as facing all manner of competition be it Xboxes, buses, cars, gyms, Netflix, iPhones, not to mention concerns about road danger, sore bums and helmet hair. Involving Generation X and millennials in cycling therefore has to be a fillip. But in the share society – where mobility as a service has its own acronym (MaSS), the fact that people choose to ride bikes without owning one has to be cause for concern. Perhaps one of the biggest threats to cycling (yet also an opportunity for bike shops) is the pavement scooter. This rise has largely been down to safety matters – parents prefer their children to avoid the roads. 78 | July 2018

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‘Dockless is not something that is going to disappear, but it remains to be seen whether this phenomenon will serve as a gateway for newbies to get hooked and start buying their own rides’ As a result, many dockless bike share companies are planning to drop adult scooters into metropolitan areas. While these electric scooters are not bikes, they are a natural fit for (some) bike shops. Expect a backlash, though, because e-scooters will be ridden on pavements and will inevitably irritate pedestrians. Could urban bans wipe out the putative market? Dockless is not something that is going to disappear, but it remains to be seen whether this phenomenon will serve as a gateway for newbies to get hooked and start buying their own rides. Of course, not having to worry about theft is a significant factor in the appeal of dockless. But if the concept truly breaks into the mainstream – creating genuine newbies – then a percentage will undoubtedly become bike shop customers. Exactly how many becomes moot. n

20/06/2018 14:44

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08/06/2018 11:13:01

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