BikeBiz November 2021

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B keB zOn ne b B zOn ne b BkeB keB zOn ne bkeb keb BBikeBizOnline keB zOn ne bbikebiz keb keB zOn ne keb zb zOn ne z keb BkeB keB zOn ne bkeb keb zzzzz zz BBB keB zOn ne bbb keb zkeb BikeBizOnline bikebiz B keB zOn ne B keB zOn ne b keb B keB zOn ne b keb B keB zOn ne b keb BkeB keB zOn ne bkeb keb BB keB zOn ne bb keb keB zOn ne keb zb zOn ne zbikebiz BkeB keB zOn ne bkeb keb zbikebiz BBB keB zOn ne bbb keb zkeb BikeBizOnline bikebiz BikeBizOnline BikeBizOnline BikeBizOnline keB zOn ne B zOn ne b zz zz B keB zOn ne keb B keB zOn ne b keb zzzzbikebiz CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT

CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT www www bCONTENT b keb keb zocom zocom com www bkeb keb zcom www b zcom com www b zcom CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT www keb zCONTENT www keb zkeb www b keb zocom www bbbCONTENT keb zCONTENT Ed Ed Ed Ed ocom CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z www b keb zcom com www b keb z com www www b b keb keb z com z com www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com James G oves www b keb z com James G oves James G oves James G oves www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com Ed o Ed o Ed o Ed o www Ed Ed oz Ed Ed oo www b keb zomed com www b keb zEd com www b keb zGmed www b keb com Editor Editor ocom Ed o www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com www www b b keb keb z com z com www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com ames g oves@b z a co uk ames g oves@b z med a ukuk ames g oves@b z aco co ames g oves@b z med a co uk www b keb z com James G oves www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com James oves James G oves James G oves www b keb z com James G oves www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com James G oves James G oves James G oves www www b b keb keb z com z com www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com Ed o Ed o Ed o Ed o www Ed o Ed o Ed o Ed o James Groves www b keb z com James Groves James G oves James G oves www b keb z com www b keb z com www b keb z com Editor Editor Editor Editor FOLLOW US FOLLOW US Ed o FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW US Ed oUS Ed o o US www bEdkeb z com

ames gJames zoves med auk ukukuk FOLLOW US ames goves@b oves@b zaoves aco ames g oves@b zmed med aco co ames goves@b oves@b zG med aco co uk FOLLOW FOLLOW US FOLLOW US ames gJames zoves med co uk ames goves@b zoves med a ames goves@b zG med aco ames oves@b zUS med aG co uk James James James oves G oves James G James G James G oves G oves ames g oves@b ze auk co uk ames g oves@b zG med a couk James Groves James Groves James Groves James Groves James G oves James oves G oves G oves FOLLOW FOLLOW US US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW FOLLOW US Sen oJames soves@b w e FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US Sen o sJames w Sen o s a w emed Sen o sFOLLOW a w FOLLOW US ames g oves@b zUS med auk ukukuk FOLLOW FOLLOW US FOLLOW US ames g ze med aco ames g oves@b zUS med aco co ames g oves@b zUS med aUS co uk FOLLOW US ames g oves@b zaUS amed co uk FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW US FOLLOW US ames g oves@b zamed med a co ames g oves@b zUS med amed co uk ames g oves@b zUS med a co uk FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US ames g oves@b z a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co ukuk ames g oves@b z a co ames g oves@b z med a co uk Rebecca ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey FOLLOW FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US Sen oUS sw aUS w FOLLOW FOLLOW US Sen oMo sw w eUS Sen o sa a w eUS Sen oFOLLOW sFOLLOW a w ee FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US Sen oSenior soSen aUS Sen oSenior so a eey Sen sFOLLOW a eUS Sen oFOLLOW sFOLLOW a ee FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW US FOLLOW US US staff writer FOLLOW FOLLOW US US FOLLOW US staff writer szw a w euk Sen szw a w e FOLLOW US FOLLOW FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US ebecca mo ey@b zo med co uk FOLLOW ebecca mo ey@b zey med a co B keB B keB zOn zOn ne ne b keb b keb zaey zUS ebecca mo ey@b med ae co mo ey@b med aUS co FOLLOW US B keB zOn ne b keb zuk Bebecca keB zOn ne b keb z uk B keB zOn ne b keb zey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Sen oSen s a w e Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Sen oSen s a w e keB zOn ne b keb z zOn ne b keb z BkeB keB zOn ne b keb z BBB keB zOn ne b keb z Rebecca Morley Rebecca Morley Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey staff Senior staff writer staff writer staff writer oSenior soSenior a ekeb Sen o s ekeb Sen sza a w oSenior szey@b a e ebecca mo zw med co uk ebecca mo ey@b zw med a ebecca mo ey@b med co uk B keB B keB zOn zOn ne ne b keb b zaezkeb ebecca mo ey@b za med aco co uk ebecca mo ey@b zw med aco co uk ebecca mo ey@b zb med co uk B keB zOn ne b B keB zOn bwriter zukuk B keB zOn ne b keb zzuk B keB B keB zOn zOn ne ne b keb b zabikebiz ebecca mo ey@b med amed mo ey@b med amed co uk B keB zOn ne b zey Bebecca keB zOn ne b zco B keB zOn ne b zey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey B keB zOn ne keb zzMorley B keB zOn ne b B keB zOn ne b keb B keB zOn ne b keb B keB zOn ne keb zzey keB zOn ne b keb zkeb zOn ne b keb zkeb BikeBizOnline BikeBizOnline bikebiz ebecca mo ey@b zbikebiz az co ebecca mo ey@b zMo aMorley uk BkeB keB zOn ne bzne keb zkeb BBB keB zOn ne keb zkeb BikeBizOnline BikeBizOnline bikebiz BikeBizOnline bikebiz Rebecca Morley Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Morley Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey B keB zOn ne b G aph c des gne B keB zOn ne b keb G aph c gne B keB zOn ne keb zuk B keB zOn ne keb zzkeb G aph cdes des gne G aph cb des gne ebecca mo zb med az uk ebecca mo ey@b zzakeb aco ukuk B keB B keB zOn zOn ne ne b keb b z z ebecca mo ey@b zmed med aco co ebecca mo ey@b zkeb med aco co uk B keB zOn ne b keb z ebecca mo ey@b zne med co uk B keB zOn b keb z B keB zOn ne b keb z ebecca mo ey@b zb med a co B keB B keB zOn zOn ne ne b keb b keb z ebecca mo ey@b zb med az uk ebecca mo ey@b zey@b med amed co uk B keB zOn ne b keb z B keB zOn ne b keb z B keB zOn ne b keb z B keB 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ukuk khood@da a co khood@da co uk khood@da aHood uk K seam ydes Hood K yc K seam yHood Hood K seam yaseam Hood K sCONTENT ydes Hood K Hood K syCONTENT yc Kaph sCONTENT ysG G aph cgne gne G aph c des gne aph des gne G aph des gne aph caph gne G c des gne G aph c des gne GG aph c des CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT Kirsty Hood Kirsty K sc yHood Hood K sc yHood Hood Graphic designer CONTENT Graphic designer Graphic designer Graphic designer CONTENT G c des gne CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT G aph c des gne G aph des gne G aph des gne CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT khood@da eam co ukukuk khood@da a eam co khood@da aHood eam co khood@da aHood eam co uk khood@da aHood co uk khood@da a co uk khood@da co uk khood@da aHood co uk CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT Ed o Ed Ed Ed o Ed oseam K seam ya K yaHood Ko seam yHood K yaseam K skhood@da yo K K syCONTENT yHood K CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT a eam co uk khood@da eam co uk CONTENT 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gJames oves@b zoves med aoves co uk ames gADVERT oves@b zS med a co uk ames gJames oves@b med a uk ames goves@b med aco co uk ames goves@b oves@b med aG co uk James G oves James G oves ADVERTISING SALES James G James oves James G oves ADVERTISING SALES ADVERT S NG SALES ADVERT NG James G oves James G oves ames goves@b oves@b a James oves James G oves G oves ames g zoves@b med aoves co uk ames g zzS med uk ames g oves@b zzG med aco uk ames g oves@b zzG med aG co uk ames gJames zoves@b med ao co uk James G oves ames goves@b oves@b zoves@b med a co uk ames g zG med a co uk ames g oves@b zG med aG co uk James oves James James oves James G oves James Groves James Groves James G oves Sa es manage James Groves James oves Sa es manage James Groves James G oves James Groves G oves Sa es manage James G oves Sa es manage James oves James G oves James G James oves James G oves ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk James ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e ADVERT S NG SALES ADVERT S NG SALES ADVERT S NG SALES ADVERT S NG SALES ADVERT S NG SALES James Groves ADVERT S NG SALES James Groves ADVERT S NG SALES ADVERT S NG SALES James Groves James Groves James G oves James G oves James G oves James G oves ames g oves@b z med a co ukuk ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a ames g oves@b z med aco co uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk Sen o s a w e ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk Sen o s a w e ames g oves@b z med a co uk Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e ADVERTISING SALES ADVERTISING SALES ADVERTISING SALES ADVERTISING SALES ADVERT S NG SALES ames g oves@b a co uk ADVERT S NG SALES ADVERT S NG SALES ADVERT S NG SALES ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b med a co uk ames oves@b zR med a co uk R cha d Se eey suk ames g zoves@b med a co cha d Se ew sa ames goves@b oves@b zg med co uk ames ggames oves@b zgSen med a co uk cha d Se eey suk R cha d Se e smed ames g oves@b zey uk ames gRebecca oves@b zes med co uk ames gR oves@b zae a co uk ames oves@b zemed med a co uk ames za med a co uk Sa es manage Sa manage Sa es manage Sa es manage Sa es manage Sa es manage Sa es manage Sa es manage Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e ames g oves@b z med co uk Sen o s w e Sen o s a w e o s a e g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co uk ames g oves@b z med a co Sen o s a w Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Sen Sales manager Sales manager Sa es Sa es manage Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Sen o sw a w esmanage Sen o sw a w esaSe Sen o s w e Sen o sw a w e Sen o s aSenior emed Sen so a e Senior staff writer Senior staff writer Sen o smo a w Sen oSen smo a e Senior staff writer Senior staff writer staff writer cha dSa se e s@b zMo med aseey co uk cha d se e s@b ze med aco ukuk cha d se emanage s@b zMo med aco co uk cha do se e s@b za med co uk R cha d Se saco R cha d Se e suk R cha d eey suk R cha dmed Se e suk R cha d Se ea R cha d Se e R cha d Se R cha d Se e s Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w s a w e ebecca mo ey@b z med a uk ebecca mo ey@b z a co ebecca mo ey@b z med a ebecca ey@b z med co ebecca ey@b z a co Sa es manage Sa es manage Sa es manage Sa es manage Sa es manage Sa es Sa es manage es manage Rebecca Rebecca ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca ey Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Richard Setters Sen o s w e Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e Richard Setters R cha d Se e s R cha d Se e s Sen o s a w e Sen o s a w e ebecca mo ey@b z med a co uk Sen o s a Sen o s a w e5307 ebecca mo ey@b zs co uk Sen o s a w ea5307 ebecca mo ey@b zmed med aMorley co uk ebecca mo ey@b zs med a co uk Sales manager Sen w e Sales manager Sales manager Sales manager Rebecca Mo ey Sa es manage Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca ey Rebecca Mo ey Sa es manage Sa es Sa es manage Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Morley Rebecca Morley Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Sen o a e Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Morley Sen o a emanage Sen o s a w e Sen o s w e Sen o s a e Senior staff writer Senior staff writer Sen o s a w e +44 0 779 480 5307 Senior staff writer Sen o s a w e +44 0 779 480 5307 Senior staff writer Sen o s a w e staff Sen oebecca s a w e +44 0 779 480 +44 0 779 480 Sen o szw a e Sen ose a e o s a esco Sen o s e Sen o szw a w e cha d se s@b zw asuk co uk cha d se s@b zMorley aco ukuk cha d se eSen s@b zs med asmed co uk cha d se zaco med aco co uk cha d s@b za med a co uk Senior writer cha d se e s@b zMo co uk cha d se eSenior s@b zMo med amed co uk cha se e s@b za med a co uk Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey R cha d Se eey swriter R cha d Se e R cha d Se e R cha dstaff Se e smed R cha d Se e swriter Senior staff writer R cha d Se es@b sco Senior writer R cha d Se R cha d Se e smed Senior staff writer Senior staff ebecca mo ey@b zw med a uk ebecca mo ey@b zw a uk Sen o s a e ebecca mo ey@b zw med a co uk ebecca mo ey@b zw med a co mo ey@b zd med a co Sen o szd a e Sen s a Sen o szey@b a e ebecca mo ey@b med uk ebecca mo ey@b zcha med amed uk ebecca mo ey@b zstaff a co uk ebecca mo ey@b zey med a co uk ebecca mo ey@b med a co uk ebecca mo med a co Rebecca Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey cha se e s@b zMorley auk co uk cha d se e s@b zMo med auk co uk Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca ey Richard Setters Richard Setters Richard Setters Richard Setters ebecca mo zw med aaey co R d Se e480 suk ebecca mo ey@b zw med a co uk ebecca mo ey@b zw med a co uk ebecca mo ey@b zw med a co uk R cha d Se sey R cha Se eey suk R cha d Se se Rebecca Mo ey ebecca mo ey@b zo med a779 co uk ebecca mo ey@b med co uk ebecca mo ey@b zc med a480 co ebecca mo ey@b med a co uk Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Morley Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Morley Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Morley Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Morley Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo +44 0 779 5307 Rebecca Morley +44 0 480 5307 +44 0 779 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 ebecca mo ey@b zgne med ae co uk ebecca mo ey@b ze med a5307 co ebecca mo ey@b za5307 med amed co uk ebecca mo ey@b zRebecca med a co uk G aph c des gne G aph c des G aph des gne G aph c des gne G aph c des gne cha d se e s@b zey med a5307 co uk cha d se e s@b zMo med aco ukuk cha d se s@b zco aco co uk cha d se e s@b zmed med a co uk cha d se eRebecca s@b Rebecca Morley cha d se e s@b Rebecca Morley cha d se eRebecca s@b cha dG se e s@b Rebecca Morley Rebecca Morley Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey Rebecca Mo ey ebecca mo ey@b z med a uk ebecca mo ey@b z med a co uk +44 (0)779 480 5307 ebecca mo ey@b z med a co uk ebecca mo ey@b z med a co ebecca mo ey@b z med a co uk +44 (0)779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 +44 0 779 480 ebecca mo ey@b z med a uk ebecca mo ey@b z med a co uk G aph c des gne ebecca mo ey@b z a co uk ebecca mo ey@b z a co uk G aph c des gne ebecca mo ey@b z med a co uk aph c des gne G aph c des gne ebecca mo med a co uk ebecca mo ey@b med a co cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk ebecca mo z779 med amed co uk ebecca mo z0 med a5307 uk ebecca mo ey@b z5307 med aco co uk ebecca mo ey@b med a co uk ebecca mo ey@b zCUSTOMER med a co uk SUBSCR BER SERV CE ebecca mo ey@b a co uk SUBSCR BER SERV CE ebecca mo ey@b zCUSTOMER med co uk ebecca mo ey@b zey@b med a co uk SUBSCR BER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE ebecca mo z5307 a ukukuk ebecca mo ey@b z480 med agne co uk ebecca mo ey@b zdes med aco ebecca mo ey@b med aco co ebecca mo ey@b za med aco co uk K szCUSTOMER ymed Hood K sey@b y779 Hood K sG Hood K szzyey@b yc Hood sey@b yHood Hood +44 0 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 0 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 +44 0 779 +44 0 779 480 G aph c des gne G aph c des gne ebecca mo zgne med a5307 co uk G aph des aph c gne aph des gne ebecca ey@b zdes med az5307 co uk ebecca mo ey@b zc med a480 uk ebecca mo med a co uk G c des gne G aph c des G gne G aph c des G aph c des gne G aph c des gne K+44 smo yK Hood K sG yey@b Hood K sG yc K sc yaph Hood +44 (0)779 5307 +44 (0)779 480 5307 +44 (0)779 480 5307 +44 (0)779 480 5307 G aph c des gne +44 0 779 480 5307 G aph c des gne aph c gne G aph des gne +44 0 480 5307 +44 0779 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 aph c des gne G aph c des gne Graphic designer Graphic designer G aph c des gne GG aph des gne Graphic designer Graphic designer Graphic designer SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER 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779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 cha d se e s@b zRichard med aseab co uk cha d se e s@b zRichard a uk cha d se e s@b zRichard med aco co uk se e s@b zSe med aSe co uk cha d se s@b zmay med aRecen co uk cha dn se e s@b zcha med a co uk cha d se eSSUU s@b zR med aRecen uk cha dew se e s@b zSe med aSe co uk Richard Setters R cha d Se eSe sback R cha d e sSetters R cha d e R cha d Se e smed Richard R cha d Se e paew ed on may be ava ab esco p ease ca Setters R cha de e she p n ed on be ava ease ca Setters R cha d Se e she Richard Setters R cha d Se e she p ed ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca pD n ed ed on may be ava ab eSetters p ease ca R cha d Se R cha d Se e sco R cha d Se e sback cha d e suk R d e sco vg ew on SSUU com back o vcha ew on com Recen o ved ew on SSUU com back ssues vew on SSUU com Recen back ssues o he on com Recen ssues ossues cha d se es s@b med a co uk on SSUU com Recen back ssues o he +44 0 779 480 5307 vD on com Recen back ssues ohe vvg on com Recen back ssues o he cha 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of the v ew on SSUU com Recen back v ew on SSUU com Recen back ssues o cha d se e s@b z med a co uk d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk Digital editions of the magazine Digital editions of the magazine are Digital editions of the magazine are available Digital editions of the magazine are available +44 0 779 480 5307 D g a ed ons o he magaz ne a e ava ab e oeohe +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 D g a ed ons o he magaz ne a e ava ab eooca D g a ed ons o he magaz ne a e ava ab oto D g a ed ons o he magaz ne a e ava ab e +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 (0)779 480 5307 +44 (0)779 480 5307 +44 (0)779 480 5307 +44 (0)779 480 5307 +44 (0)779 480 5307 cha d se e s@b zmay med a5307 co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on cha d se e s@b z med a co uk +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk cha d se e s@b z med a co uk p n ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca +44 0 779 480 5307 p n ed ed on be ava ab e p ease ca p n ed ed on may be ava ab e p ease p n ed ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca p n ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca p n ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca p n ed ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca p n ed ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 5307 +44 0 779 480 +44 0 779 480 5307 SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE v ew on SSUU com Recen back ssues o he v ew on SSUU com Recen back ssues o he v ew on SSUU com Recen back ssues o he v ew on SSUU com Recen back 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SUBSCRIBER CUSTOMER SERVICE +44 0+44 203 143 8779 o8779 mo eONAL n o ma on +44 0+44 143 8779 oadd mo enCE o ma on +44 0203 203 143 8779 o mo eonSERV n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 oyou mo eSERV ma on SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCRIBER CUSTOMER SERVICE SUBSCRIBER CUSTOMER SERVICE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCRIBER CUSTOMER SERVICE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCRIBER CUSTOMER SERVICE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCRIBER CUSTOMER SERVICE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER SERV CE SUBSCR BER CUSTOMER CE subsc be change add NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL ocheck on you cu en accoun sSERV aadd us o check on you cu en accoun sess aess us o check on you cu en accoun sus us oTo check on you cu en accoun saess a us ocheck check on you cu en accoun saSERV 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ons@b med auk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ARCH VES ARCH VES ARCH VES ARCH VES ARCH VES B keB zo and son con aand eaccoun ava eus o cens ng B keB and syou en a ava o cens ngng B keB zcon and scon con en a e ava eus o cens B keB zsubsc and syou con en aCon e ava eco o ng B keB zo and son con en a e ava ab e o cens ng or check on your current account status, B keB zo syou en e ava ab e o cens ng or check on your current account keB zand and scon en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB zo and szor en a e ava ab ecurrent o ng or check on your current account status, or check on your current account status, o check on you cu en accoun sab a us o check on you cu en accoun sab a us o check on you cu en accoun sab a oB check on you cu en accoun sab a us ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ARCH ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ARCH VES ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk email ARCH VES ARCH VES BikeBiz and its content are available for licensing BikeBiz and its content are available for licensing BikeBiz and its content are available for licensing BikeBiz and its content are available for licensing B keB z and s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB z and s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB z and s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB z and s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk email email ema subsc p ons@b zmed co uk co n w zauk med a ARCH VES email ema subsc ons@b zmed auk co uk co n knson@b nson@b zac med a co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co email ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk co nw w k nson@b zCon med a co uk co n w kp nson@b zzmed med a co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co ema subsc p ons@b zmed co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons op oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo es pe m ss ons and synd ca on eons@b use Con ac Co nons W kuk and synd ca on eand use ac Co n knson nson and synd ca on eVES use Con ac Co nW W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co nauk knson nson and synd ca on ekemail use Con Co nm W k nson email and synd ca on e use Con ac Co nuk kW nson email and synd ca on use Con ac Co nW k and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson email email ARCH VES ARCH VES ema subsc ons@b auk co uk ARCH VES ARCH VES ARCH VES ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ema subsc p zmed auk co uk ema subsc p ons@b zmed auk co uk ARCH VES ARCH ARCH VES ARCH VES ARCH VES for opportunities and permissions. for opportunities and permissions. oun oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe ss and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson ARCH VES and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson and syndication re-use. Contact Wilkinson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin ARCH VES and synd ca on e Con ac Co na W kuk nson ARCH VES ARCH VES ARCH VES and synd ca on euse use Con ac n kWilkinson nson and synd ca on eVES use ac Co nW W k nson and synd ca on eVES use Con ac Co nW W kColin nson ARCH VES ARCH ARCHIVES ARCHIVES ARCH VES ARCH VES ARCHIVES ARCHIVES ARCHIVES co n w kmagaz nson@b zeCon med aCo co uk co nARCH w kand nson@b zss med aab co uk co n w k nson@b zpe med co co n w k nson@b zne med a co uk ARCH VES co n w kco nson@b zVES med a co uk co nons w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk ARCH ARCH VES ARCH VES D g a ed ons o he magaz ne a ava ab e o D g a ed ons o he magaz ne e ava ab e o D g a ed o he magaz a e ava ab e o D g a ed ons o he magaz ne a e ava ab e o D g a ed ons o he ne a e ava e o o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and m ss ons oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o 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ne aava ea ava D g ed ons o he magaz ne e ava eco ohe co n w k nson@b zamed aeeab co uk co n w k nson@b zemed med aavailable uk co n w k nson@b zssues med co uk gvD a ed ons o magaz ne a ene ava ab e o Dew gaew aed ed ons oon he magaz ne a e ava ab o Digital editions of the magazine are available to Digital editions of the magazine are D a ed ons ohe he magaz ne amagazine ene ava ab ehe DD ons oed he magaz ne a ene ava ab e o Digital editions of the magazine are available toto Digital editions of the are Digital editions of the magazine are available vnD ew on SSUU com Recen back ssues o ed ons o he maga ne ep ava ab e o MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT D g a ed ons o he magaz a ab eava o D g ons o he magaz ne a eback ab eab o g aons ons o he magaz a eava ava ab e ohe D g ag ed ons o he magaz aene e ava ab eca o p ed ed may be ava ab eease p ease ca p n ed ed on may be ava ab eaback pava ease p n ed ed on may be ava ab p ease ca p 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(0)203 143 8779 for information. 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on 0 203 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 (0)203 143 8779 for more information. +44 (0)203 143 8779 for more information. +44 (0)203 143 8779 for more information. nn ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca p n ed on may be ava e p ease ca p n ed ed on may be ava ab e ease ca p nn ed ed on may be ava e p ca printed edition may be available please call printed edition may be available please nped ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca co n8779 w k nson@b zo med a co uk printed edition may be available please call pnp n+44 ed on may be ava eab p ease ca co n w kedition nson@b zavailable med a co uk printed edition be available please call n ed ed on may be ava ab emay p ease ca printed may be available please pp+44 ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca co n w nson@b zab med a co uk co n w kmay nson@b znson med a co uk +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on p n ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca p n ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca p n ed ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca p143 n ed ed on may ava ab e p ease cacall p n ed on may be ava ab p ease ca Co n W k Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co nbe kab nson Co n W k nson Co n W kW nson Co n W k nson Co nk W kab +44 0143 203 143 8779 o mo e n o +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo emore n oma ma on 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL Med a d ec o Med a ec o Med a d ec o Med a d ec o Med a ec o printed edition may be available call Med a d ec o printed edition may be available please call Med a d ec o Med a d ec o printed edition may be available please printed edition may please call p+44 n ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca pn n+44 ed ed on may be ava ab ee p ease ca p n ed ed on may be ava ab edirector p ease ca p+44 ed ed on may be ava ab e p ease ca +44 (0)203 143 8779 for information. +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo emore n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n oon ma on Colin Wilkinson +44 0 203 o mo ema oon oncall +44 0 203 143 8779 mo eplease nma oma ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo no onma on Colin Wilkinson Co n W knec nson Co n W k nson +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e nd o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o on NTERNAT ONAL +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo n o ma on NTERNAT ONAL 0 203 143 8779 od mo e no o ma on NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL Media director Media Media director Media director Med a d ec Med a d ec Med a d Med a d ec NTERNAT ONAL +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma +44 (0)203 143 8779 for more information. +44 (0)203 143 8779 for more information. +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 (0)203 143 8779 for more information. +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 (0)203 143 8779 for more information. +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 (0)203 143 8779 for more information. +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on +44 0 203 143 8779 o mo e n o ma on co n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w knW nson@b zk med a ukuk co n w k nson@b znson med aco co co n w k143 nson@b znson med auk co uk co n143 w nson@b znson med a co co w kNTERNAT nson@b zk med a uk co n w k nson@b znson med aco uk co n(0)203 w k143 nson@b znson med amed co uk Co kONAL nson Co nW k nson Co nW W Co n k Co n W knn 143 8779 for more information. Co n8779 kW nson (0)203 more information. Co W Co n143 W k +44 (0)203 8779 for more information. (0)203 143 for more information. NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT +44 0+44 203 143 8779 o8779 mo e nONAL o ma on NTERNAT NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL +44 0+44 203 143 8779 mo e nONAL o +44 0 203 8779 o mo e nma oma ma on +44 0+44 203 8779 o mo e nnson o on NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT NTERNAT co n w ko nson@b znson med aon co uk co nk w k nson@b znson aco co uk Colin Wilkinson Colin Wilkinson Colin Wilkinson Colin NTERNAT ONAL Co W kONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT NTERNAT ONAL Co nONAL kWilkinson nson Co nW W k Co n W kfor NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL NTERNAT NTERNAT ONAL INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL NTERNAT ONAL ONAL NTERNAT ONAL BB keB B keB zzand and zco sNTERNAT con sen con en en akw een a ava eab ab ab oONAL e cens ng ng Band keB zand en a ab eouk ouk cens ngng B keB zand and scon con ae eava ab ecens ouk cens BkeB keB zand and scon con en aeava eONAL ava ab cens co nnson@b w zONAL a uk co knson@b nson@b zeamed aco co ukng n k nson@b zemed med a co uk 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and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson and and syndication syndication re-use. re-use. Contact Contact Colin Colin Wilkinson Wilkinson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson B keB z and s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB z s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB z and s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB z and s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng its content are available for licensing BikeBiz and its content are available for licensing keB zdPkeB skeB con en a ava ab e oavailable cens ng P dBikeBiz b B oand P dCon and content are available for licensing B keB zand sco con en acon econtent ava ab e o cens ng BikeBiz its content are available for licensing zand and soppo con en aand e ava ab eCo o cens ng BikeBiz and its content are available for licensing P d b B ooppo P BBkeB zand and sand con en acon e ava ab e oavailable cens ng P d b B o P d d b B P dits keB B keB zo and zBikeBiz and sand sits con en en adun eare a ava eab ava ab ab e o e ouk cens cens ng ng PB dB B o P d B zand seun en a e ava ab ekfor o cens ng B keB zoand and scon con en a e ava ab e ong cens ng B keB zand and sun en aand e ava ab e o cens ng PkeB db b B o P d P d b B o P d P bkeB B o P d o un es and pe m ss ons synd ca on e use ac Co n W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac n W nson co n w n k w nson@b k nson@b z med z med a co a co uk uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co co n w k nson@b z med a co uk and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson BikeBiz its content are licensing BikeBiz and are available for licensing BikeBiz its content are available for licensing BikeBiz and its content for licensing o oppo es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons B z s con en a e ava ab e o cens o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons B z and s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB z s con en a e ava ab e o cens ng B keB z and s con en a e ava e o cens ng Printed by Buxton Press Ltd o oppo un es es and and pe pe m ss m ons ss ons Printed by Buxton Press Ltd o oppo un es and pe m ss ons P d b B o P d o oppo un es pe m ss ons P d b B o P d o oppo un es and pe m ss ons and synd ca on eCop use Con ac Co nCo W kk nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co knson synd ca on e use Con ac nW knson nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co nW W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co nW k and and synd synd ca ca on on eon use eopportunities use Con Con ac ac Co Co n W W kn nson knnColin nson co n w k nson@b zge med a co uk and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W kW nson and synd ca on euse use Con ac Co k nson co n k nson@b zac med a co uk and synd ca on e use Con ac Co nW W k nson co nw w nson@b zCon med a co uk co n w kun nson@b zon med a co uk co n w kuse nson@b med a co uk o oppo un es and pe m ss ons oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons for for opportunities opportunities and and permissions. permissions. o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo es and pe m ss ons SSN Cop for and permissions. for opportunities and permissions. for opportunities and permissions. o oppo un es and pe m ss ons SSN Cop g SSN g SSN Cop g SSN Cop g and synd ca on e use Con ac Co W kW nson SSN Cop g and synd ca e ac Co n W k nson SSN Cop g SSN Cop g synd ca on e use Con ac Co nn nson and synd ca on e Con ac Co n k nson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson and synd ca on e use Con Co n W knnn nson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W kW nson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson synd ca on ek use Con ac Co n k nson and syndication re-use. Contact and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson and and synd synd ca ca on on e use use Con ac ac Co Co W kco nson kuk nson and synd ca on eand use Con ac Co n W kWilkinson nson and synd ca e use Con ac Co n W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co n W k nson co n w kuse nson@b aa co uk P dand B o P d Pand db B o P dCon P d b B o P d Pdand d b B o P d o oppo un es and pe m ss ons B ob P d o oppo un es and pe m ss ons Pand db b B o P d onB un es and pe m ss P dsynd b B o P d o oppo un es ss ons PP d b B P d for opportunities and permissions. ISSN: Copyright 2020 ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright SSN Cop g SSN Cop g and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson syndication re-use. Contact Wilkinson and syndication re-use. Colin Wilkinson and syndication re-use. Contact Colin co n w kuse nson@b zCon med a co uk co n w k nson@b zContact med aColin co uk and ca on e Con ac Co W kons nson co n w k nson@b zmed med aons uk co n w k nson@b zpe med aco co n w k nson@b zam med co uk synd ca on e use ac Co n W kWilkinson nson synd ca on e ac Co n W k nson and synd ca on e use Con ac Co nuk W kW nson co co nPrinted w n koppo w nson@b k nson@b zand med zCon med a co a co uk co w k nson@b zpe med a co uk co n w k nson@b zpe med a co uk co w k nson@b zLtd med a co uk o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and m ss ons Printed by Buxton Press Ltd o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss Printed by Buxton Press Ltd ooppo oppo o oppo un un es es and pe pe m ss m ons ss ons by Buxton Press Ltd by Buxton Press o oppo un es and m ss ons dco b B o P d o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o1476-1505 oppo un es and pe m ss ons Pand d b o P d d b B o P d PP d b B o P d co n w k nson@b z2020 med a co uk n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk n w k nson@b z med co uk n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b med a co uk o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons for opportunities and permissions. for opportunities and permissions. oco un es and pe m ss ons for opportunities and permissions. oP oppo un es and pe m ss ons for opportunities and permissions. oPrinted oppo un es and pe m ss ons for opportunities and permissions. oSSN oppo un es and pe m ss ons Cop g o oppo o oppo un un es es and and pe pe m ss m ons ss ons SSN Cop g SSN Cop g SSN Cop g o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons o oppo un es and pe m ss ons SSN Cop g SSN Cop g SSN Cop g SSN Cop g co n w kn nson@b zand a co uk co n w kn nson@b zmed a co uk co n w k nson@b zmed med a uk n w kn nson@b znson@b med MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT for opportunities and permissions. for opportunities and permissions. for opportunities and permissions. for opportunities and permissions. oco oppo un pe ss ons oco oppo un es and pe m ss ons on oppo un es pe m ss oco oppo un es pe ons ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 ISSN: 1476-1505 2020 ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 ISSN: 1476-1505 2020 SSN g SSN gand SSN Cop gmed SSN ges co n w k nson@b zmed med aa co uk co w nson@b zm med aco co ukukuk co w kCopyright nson@b za med aons co n w k zco med aco co co w kCopyright nson@b zm med auk co uk co co n w k w nson@b nson@b zzand amed co ass co uk uk MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT w nson@b med co uk co n w k nson@b med a co uk w nson@b med co uk MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT co nnknson@b w kkCop nson@b zzmed co uk co nnco w kkCop nson@b zzamed aa co uk co n w k nson@b zzmed med co uk n w kkCop nson@b zznson@b aaco co uk co nco w kMANAGEMENT co uk co nco w nson@b zMANAGEMENT med a co uk n w k nson@b MANAGEMENT co nco w kco zknson@b med n w n w nson@b 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WC2E 7LN Med a d ec o Med a d ec o co n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN co n w k nson@b z med a uk 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN co n w k nson@b z med aco co uk co n w k nson@b z med a co uk 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson B z Med a L d 4 huk F oo Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson B z Med a L d 4 h F oo B z Med a L d 4 h F oo B z Med a L d 4 h F oo B z Med a L d 4 h F oo co n w k nson@b med a co uk B z Med a L d 4 h F oo Med a d ec o Med d ec o B z Med a L d 4 h F oo B z Med a L d 4 h F oo Med d ec o Med ec o Med d ec o Med a d ec o Med d ec o co nw k44 nson@b zColin med a co uk Med d ec o Med ec o co nwMed k44 nson@b zW med a co Med d ec o nw w nson@b zColin med a4 co uk co nco k44 nson@b med co uk Maiden Lane, London, WC2E 7LN Co nkW k nson Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n k nson co n w nson@b med a co uk Co nCo W k nson Co n W nson Colin Wilkinson Wilkinson Co n W k nson Co nk W k nson Colin Wilkinson Wilkinson Colin Wilkinson Biz Media Ltd, 4th Floor, Biz Media Ltd, 4th Floor, Med a d ec o Biz Media Ltd, 4th Floor, Biz Media Ltd, 4th Floor, Med a d ec o Med a d ec o Med a d ec o B z Med a L d 4 h F oo B z Med a L 4 h F oo Media director Media director Med a d ec o B z Med a L d 4 h F oo B z Med a L d h F oo Media director Med a d ec o Media director Med a d ec o Media director a d ec o Med a d ec o Med d ec o Med d ec o Med d ec o Med d ec o Colin Wilkinson Co n W kLane nson Co n W nson Co n k nson nn W nson Media director Media director Media director director co n w kMed nson@b znson med aaa co uk co n w nson@b znson med a uk 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN Med a d ec ok co n w kn nson@b zk med aco uk co nMedia w nson@b znson med aco co uk co w knson@b nson@b znson med aco co uk 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN Med a d ec 44 Ma den London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane WC2E 7LN a d ec o Med a ec o co n© w kw nson@b znson med aLane, co uk co w nson@b znson med co uk 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN co w k44 nson@b zLondon med a co uk co n w k nson@b znson med co uk co nco w nson@b znson med co uk 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN B Co n W k Co nW W ko © B M Co nkLane, W k nson © B M © B M Co n W Co nk W Co n W kd Co W k Co nk W k nson Co W k Co n W k co n w k nson@b med auk co uk co nn kn nson@b zColin med aaWilkinson co uk nn w kM nson@b zLondon med a co uk n w k zColin med uk co n w kknson@b nson@b zColin med aaco co uk co nco w k nson@b z med a co uk 44 Maiden Lane, London, WC2E 7LN co nco w k nson@b z med a co n w k z med a uk co nco w k nson@b z med a co uk Maiden Lane, London, WC2E 7LN 44 Maiden London, WC2E 7LN 44 Maiden London, WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN Co n W k nson 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane WC2E 7LN Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Colin Wilkinson Wilkinson Co n W k nson Colin Co n W k nson Wilkinson Co n W k nson Wilkinson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson Co n W k nson n w k nson@b z med a co uk co n kn nson@b zk med auk co nw w nson@b znson aco uk nn w kn nson@b znson@b med NN m m m mm N m m Nco m m mm Wilkinson Colin Colin Wilkinson Colin Co nm W kmed nson Co n kWilkinson nson Co nzW W Co nk W nson co n w kw nson@b zWilkinson med aaa co uk co n kColin nson@b zmed aco co ukuk co w kmed nson@b zaamed med auk co n w k zco med aco co uk co w knson@b nson@b zaco med auk co uk co w kw nson@b a co w kw nson@b med co uk co w k nson@b med co uk co n w k med co uk co w nson@b med co uk © B M © © B © B M © B M B ©n B M B M co n©kwnson@b k nson@b zzamed co uk co nn w k nson@b zzawmed 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Are we both asinan industry and as a Electric vehicles inin general have proved Electric vehicles general have proved Electric vehicles general have proved Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Are we both as an industry and as aor Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘Are we, both as an industry and as a ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or Are we both as an industry and as aor Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘Are we, both as an industry and as a ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or country, intoto danger of allowing this insufficiently practical, accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or opportunity to pass us by? affordable convert the masses affordable convert the masses affordable to convert the masses country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible oror insufficiently practical accessible insufficiently practical accessible or country, in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical, accessible or insufficiently practical, accessible insufficiently practical, accessible or country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable convert the masses affordable to convert the masses opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses opportunity to pass pass us by?’ affordable to convert the masses’ affordable to convert the masses or affordable to convert the masses opportunity to us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable convert the masses affordable to convert the masses opportunity to pass us by? affordable convert the masses affordable convert the masses affordable tototo convert the masses opportunity to pass us by?’ affordable to convert the masses’ affordable convert the masses’ affordable to convert the masses’ opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses

THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THEEDITOR EDITOR THE THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR When youas factor in the past We have witnessed this innovative THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR Electric THE EDITOR THE EDITOR Are we both an industry and a THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Are both as industry and as aas Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved vehicles inan general have proved When you factor in this the past We have witnessed innovative Wewe have witnessed this innovative

Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Are we both as an industry and as aor Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘When factor in the past Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘We have witnessed this innovative year and avehicles ha fyou an a ready productive marketplace take aaccessible central Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Are we both as an industry and as athis Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘Are we, both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved country in danger of allowing insufficiently practical accessible insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or Are we both as an industry and as a We have witnessed this innovative Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved We have witnessed this innovative A golden generation? country in danger of allowing this Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not insufficiently practical or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘We have witnessed this innovative year and a ha f an a ready productive We have witnessed this innovative marketplace take a central marketplace take a central My thanks go out to of you for Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘Are we, both as an industry and as a Are we both as an industry and as a ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Are we both as an industry and as a Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved country in danger of allowing this year-and-a-half, an already productive insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or industry becomes a thriving marketp ace marketplace take aaccessible central ‘Are we, both as an industry and as aor ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved ‘Electric vehicles, in general, have proved role our country saccessible recovery Are we both as an industry and as athis Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved Electric vehicles in general have proved A golden country in danger of allowing this Cycling as atechnology technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as atechnology technology – not insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or A golden generation? country in danger of allowing this Cycling as aaaatechnology – not Cycling as technology – not Cycling as ageneration? – not insufficiently practical or country, in danger of allowing insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical, accessible insufficiently practical, accessible or insufficiently practical, accessible or opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses country in danger of allowing this marketplace take a central insufficiently practical or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or marketplace take a central opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or marketplace take a central industry becomes a thriving marketp ace marketplace take a central we coming me into such a passionate role our country s recovery role our country s recovery A golden generation? country in danger of allowing this Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as technology – not insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or A golden generation? country, in danger of allowing this country in danger of allowing this Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as technology – not Cycling as a – not insufficiently practical, accessible practical accessible or insufficiently practical, accessible insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical, accessible ororor insufficiently practical accessible or country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible or insufficiently practical accessible oror industry becomes a thriving marketplace’ opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable convert the masses affordable to convert the masses opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses role our country’s recovery’ ACycling golden generation? country, in danger of allowing as a technology –the not Cycling as ainsufficiently technology –masses not Cycling as ainsufficiently technology –usby? not insufficiently practical, accessible insufficiently practical, accessible or insufficiently practical, accessible or country in danger of allowing this insufficiently practical accessible oror insufficiently practical accessible practical accessible orthis opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses opportunity to pass us affordable convert the masses affordable to convert the affordable to convert the masses opportunity to pass us by?’ affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses’ affordable convert the masses’ affordable to convert the masses’ opportunity to pass us by? role in our country recovery affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses role in our country sthe recovery merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable convert the masses affordable to convert masses opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses role in our country’s recovery’ innovative community role in our country ssthe recovery opportunity to pass by? affordable to convert the masses affordable convert the masses affordable to convert the masses opportunity to pass us by?’ opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses’ affordable to convert masses affordable convert the masses’ affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses’ affordable to convert the masses opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert the masses affordable convert the masses affordable to convert the masses Learn ng to r de a b ke s a cruc a r te o passage or any ch d For the rst opportunity to pass us by?’ affordable to convert the masses’ affordable convert the masses’ affordable to convert the masses’ opportunity to pass us by? affordable to convert masses affordable to convert the masses affordable to convert the masses merely aaa mode of transport merely of transport merely awe of transport merely mode of transport merely akemode mode of transport merely amode mode of transport Learn ngrto to ra amode ba s aa crucial cruc aour rof te otransport passage ortransport any ch dand For the rst Learn ngour to deride ade ba ske amode atorof teof o passage or ofor any ch child. d For theathe rstfirst merely a of transport merely a mode of transport Learning ake bike iscruc rite of passage any For merely mode transport merely a mode of transport merely mode merely transport tTHE me n ves ga naa access own method merely mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport THE EDITOR EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR Learn ng to r de a b s a cruc a r te o passage ortransport any ch dand For the rstfirst Learn ng to r de a b ke s cruc a r te o passage or any chtransport d For the rst THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR Learning to ride a bike is a crucial rite of passage for any child. For the Learn ng to r de a b ke s a cruc a r te o passage or any ch d For the rst t me n our ves we ga n access to our own method o and a t me n our ves we ga n access to our own method o a THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR time in our lives, we gain access toevo our own method of transport and THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR that comes w th reedom un exerc ndependence The wor d all The modern wor toce ebrate ng exc t tng techno bebe The modern wor doves oves tocece ebrate evo vand ng exc ng techno og The modern wor dtdoves to ebrate evo vsevng exc t ng techno ogog eseses be

THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR tEDITOR me n our ves we ga nto access toexerc our own method ong transport and tthat me n our ves we ga nto access to our own method otechno transport and abe THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR time in our lives, we gain access toevolving, our own method of transport and THE EDITOR THE EDITOR tThe me n our ves we ga n access to our own method ong transport and aa d all that comes w toves reedom un and The wor The modern wor doves oves to ce ebrate vexc ng exc ttechno ng techno og es be The modern wor oves to ce ebrate evo ng exc techno og es be The modern wor oves ce ebrate evo ng exc ng techno og es comes w tth reedom un exerc and ndependence The wor d The modern wor dwor to ce ebrate evo ng exc tindependence. ng og es be The modern wor dddoves to ce ebrate ng exc tndependence techno og es be The modern wor d oves ce ebrate evo tgence ng og es be THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR that comes with it: freedom, fun, exercise The world The modern world to celebrate exciting technologies, be The modern ddloves oves to ce ebrate evo vvand ng exc ttas techno og es be modern wor to ce ebrate evo vvse ng exc ttng ng techno og es be becomes our pth ayground t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cse avng nte atechno who ees These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cvevo avng nte gence as atechno who ees These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cevo avse nte gence as atechno who ees These THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR THE EDITOR that comes w th t reedom un exerc se and ndependence The wor The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng og es be The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng og es be The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng og es be that comes w th t reedom un exerc and ndependence The wor d The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo exc t ng techno og be The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og be The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og be that comes with it: freedom, fun, exercise and The world The modern loves celebrate evolving, technologies, bebe The modern loves to celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, The modern world loves celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, be that comes w th tdworld reedom un exerc ndependence The wor dd The modern wor toce ceto ebrate evo vng ng exc tindependence. techno bebe The modern doves oves toto ce ebrate evo vand ng exc tng ng techno og The modern wor dworld oves to ebrate evo vse exc t exciting ng techno ogog eseses be becomes our pwor ayground

vrtua rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art caawhen nte gence as who eoThese These rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art nte gence aewhole. who These rtua rea tydr dr ver ess cars or art nte gence as aas who These rtua rea ver ess cars or art cart acccch nte gence asng awho who ewho becomes our pty ayground tvrtua rtua rea ty dr ver ess or art awhen gence aor who eng These t creat vt creat rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cartificial accwhen nte gence as aas These becomes our playground. it reality, driverless or intelligence as aawho These ttvirtual vvhome rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or ccante aante nte gence anot eethe These ttvgolden vvtons rea ty dr ver ess cars or art gence as aas eeThese Desp te these bene ts the number dren own hav ons however are pure yor embryon compared w th that the ons however are pure ycars embryon compared w th that oaccess the creat however are pure ycars embryon co compared w th that oThese The A generation? stretch? Cycling as a technology – Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not A golden generation? Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not becomes our p ayground t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These becomes our p ayground t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars art c a nte gence as a who e These becomes our playground. it virtual reality, driverless cars or artificial intelligence as a whole. These it virtual reality, driverless cars or artificial intelligence as a whole. These it virtual reality, driverless cars or artificial intelligence as a whole. These becomes our p ayground t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These Desp te these bene ts the number oann ch dren own ng or hav ng access creat ons however are pure yembryon embryon cann when compared w th that othe the creat ons however are pure yembryonic embryon when compared w th that the creat ons however are pure embryon when compared w th that the Desp te these bene ts the number dren own ng or hav ng creat ons however are pure yembryon when compared w th that othat creat ons however are pure yembryon cch when compared w th that oaccess creat ons however are pure ypurely co cyears when compared w th that othat the The A golden home generation? stretch? Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not The home stretch? 500 days of summer Despite these benefits, the number owning or having A golden generation? creations, however, are when compared with of the Cycling as a technology – not creat ons however are pure yts embryon ccchildren when compared w th ooaccess the creat ons however are pure yyembryon cof when compared w th that oothe the Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not A golden generation? Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not to b kes has been dec n ng or severa (pre-COVID) Be ore the e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates 200th versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year Desp te these bene ts the number o ch dren own ng or hav ng access creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the Desp te these bene ts the number o ch dren own ng or hav ng access Farewell, cycle industry creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the The A golden home generation? stretch? Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not The home stretch? Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not 500 days of summer Despite these benefits, the number of children owning or having access creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with that of the creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with that of the creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with that of the A golden generation? Desp te these bene ts the number o ch dren own ng or hav ng access creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o The A golden home generation? stretch? A golden generation? Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not to b kes has been dec n ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore the e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year 500 days of summer to b kes has been dec n ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore the e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year emerely ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year A golden generation? Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not Cycling as a technology – not been declining for several years (pre-COVID). Before electric motor, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this ebikes ectr chas motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th syear. year eto ectr cwh motor wh ch cemated ebrates ts 200th ann versary th sog year pandem tmotor tbeen was est that 2% otransport ch dren cyc eth to schoo n the s s s And wh em ma ons among usus ock to these trendy techno og es And ea m ons among ock to these trendy techno og –Amazon Amazon And wh ehchas ons among us ock to these trendy techno es –es–Amazon merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport a mode of transport merely mode of transport merely a mode of merely mode of transport to b kes dec n ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore the e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary s year e ectr wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year to b kes has been dec n ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore the e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year Desp Learn te a ng our-week to r de extens a b ke on s a to cruc our country a r te o s Cov passage d-19 restr or any ct ons ch d n For the b the ke rst to bikes been declining for several years (pre-COVID). electric motor, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. motor, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. to belectric kes has been dec nce ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore eectr ectr cmotor motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th seyear eAnd ectr cwh motor wh ch ts 200th ann versary th syear year eng celectric wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th sdog pandem ctwh hout tons tons was est mated that otransport ch dren cyc to schoo n the And em m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es Amazon And wh ewas m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og Amazon And wh ehit, m ons among ock to these trendy techno og es –es Amazon pandem thas est mated that 2% o2% ch dren cyc estmas to schoo n the Learn to rstands de am bthat ke sa amode cruc aebrates rus te o passage or any ch For the rst And wh em ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es –to Amazon s sss s ss And wh ea m among us ock to these trendy techno og –Before Amazon And wh ehns among us ock to these techno es –es Amazon son merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely mode of transport a of transport merely a mode of merely a mode of transport pandemic it was estimated that 2% of children cycle to school in the And while millions among us flock to trendy technologies ––ke And ons among us ock to these trendy techno og ––Amazon’s Amazon wh emotor, ons among us ock to these techno og es –es Amazon merely a of transport merely mode of transport merely mode of UK to and rather nsp rte ng 49% od-19 ch dren ncont the Nether ands A exa stands as the most notab eexamp examp eCov –mob mob ty cont nues to run A exa as most notab etransport examp e?) –trendy mob ty nues to run Amerely exa stands out the most ethat –passage ty cont nues run on As 2021 beg ts sons ow w down to (dare say ttrendy the Chr per od Desp Learn te ng our-week rout de amode bthe on smated to cruc our country aour rof te othese sthese d-19 restr or any ct ons ch nes the bn the ke rst Desp Learn te aCompare ng our-week to rctwh de aeas bm ke on ske to cruc our country aus te oIto sof Cov passage restr or any ct ons ch dog nes For the bFor the rst pandem ta tmode was est oeof ch dren cyc etechnologies to schoo the And wh em m ons among ock to trendy techno og –and Amazon And ewas m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og –to Amazon And wh ehh m ons ock these trendy techno es –es Amazon Learn ng to rstands de aextens bthat ke samong aamode cruc aour rrof o passage or any ch d For the rst pandem cwh hns tout est mated that 2% o2% ch dren cyc estmas to schoo n the And wh em m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og –d Amazon son And ea m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og –and Amazon son And wh eAnd among us ock these trendy techno og es –es Amazon son Learn ng to rstands de ato bthat ke sextension abike cruc anotab rus te oto passage or any ch d For the rst merely a transport merely a mode of transport Despite Learning aato four-week to ride aextens is aamode to crucial our country’s rite of Covid-19 passage for restrictions, any child. in For the bike the first merely a mode transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a transport ndustry t me n at our east ves ee we s as ga though n access summer to s own n u method ow The o sun transport has na y a pandemic hit, it was estimated that 2% of children cycle to school in the As I beg n to s gn o th s month s B keB z many o you may a ready be aware that my while millions among us flock to these trendy – Amazon’s And while millions among us flock to these trendy technologies – Amazon’s And while millions among us flock to these trendy technologies – Amazon’s pandem c t t was est mated that 2% o ch dren cyc e to schoo n the Learn ng r de a b ke s a cruc a r te o passage or any ch d For the rst And wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon ss ss And wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon And wh e ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon sson merely a transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely mode of transport UK Compare to a rather nsp r ng 49% o ch dren n the Nether ands A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues run A exa out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run UK Compare to a rather nsp r ng 49% o ch dren n the Nether ands t me n our ves we ga n access to own method o transport and a A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on As 2021 beg ts s ow w nd down to (dare I say t ?) the Chr per od and A exa as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on Desp Learn te a ng our-week to r de extens a b ke on s a to cruc our country a r te o s Cov passage d-19 restr or any ct ons ch d n For the b the ke rst Desp Learn te a ng our-week to r de extens a b ke on s a to cruc our country a r te o s Cov passage d-19 restr or any ct ons ch d n For the b the ke rst merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport merely a mode of transport UK. 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Any material you m wto mown m w m w w m m m w w m m m w w m W m m w m m w w w m m BM M w w w m B M m B m w w m w w w m m m m w w m m w Bm M M m m mhave m m m m m m IfB you submit material to us, you warrant that you the material and/or have BM m grant websites, Biz Media social Ltd. media and its channels licensees and aw associated licence to products. publish your Any submission material you BIfM M m BBassociated m m m m w w mm Ifw you submit material to us, warrant that you own the material and/or have grant Biz Media Ltd. and its licensees aw licence to publish your submission in Ifm you submit material us, you warrant that you own the material and/or have you submit material tom us, you warrant you own the material and/or grant Biz Media Ltd. and its licensees a licence to publish your submission in grant Biz Media Ltd. and its licensees athat licence to publish your submission inin m mw m m m m m m m wto m m w w m m m wyou w m m w m m m w w w m w B M w w w m w w w m ww w w m m m w m w mon mm m m m m m m m m mW wmwm w B M mm B M mm any/all issues necessary and/or editions rights/permissions of publications, toevery in supply any format the material published and worldwide you automatically and m m m mautomatically mm ww m BM m submit isthe sent atmnecessary your own risk and, although care isthe taken, neither Biz Media Ltd. 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Any material you is sent at your own risk and, whole or in part in issues and/or editions of publications, in any format or in in issues and/or editions of publications, in any format associated products. Any material ism sent at your own risk and, associated products. Any submit is sent at your own risk and, wor wyou m w w w ww w w m w wassume m m w whole m wm m W m m B M m m m W m W m m W w w m M m B Mwebsites, m B M m the right tomaterial edit, amend, adapt all submissions. w w m w w w m w w m m B M m m m m w its employees, published agents, worldwide on associated or licensees websites, shall be social liable media for loss channels or damage. and w B M m Bon MB m B M mm msubcontractors m w m m w m m w published worldwide and associated websites, social media channels and wand m worldwide and on associated websites, social media channels and w w w m published worldwide and on associated social media channels and ww wnor www w m m wpublished w w m w w w m w w w m w wcare w m B M mw w B M m w B M m B M m m wsocial m wm W m mcare m w wchannels B M m m w channels m m wm m m w published worldwide and on associated websites, social media channels B M m although every the right is to taken, edit, amend, neither adapt Biz Media all submissions. 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Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and, mproducts. m w associated Any you submit is sent at your own risk and, m m w W mm m m w m w m m m w m W m m W m m m m W m m W mB m mm m m B M m mw m W m B M m B M m B M m associated products. Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and, m W subcontractors or licensees shall be liable for loss or damage. We assume all m W m m W m B M m m associated products. Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and, subcontractors or licensees shall be liable for loss or damage. We assume all associated products. Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and, associated products. Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and, subcontractors or licensees shall be liable for loss or damage. We assume all subcontractors or licensees shall be liable for loss or damage. We assume all M m B M m B M m m m w m m w m m m m w m m m m mB m m B m wLtd. mm wW mmm ww M m B M mnor B m m w m W m although every the care right is to taken, edit, amend, neither adapt Biz Media all submissions. 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Electric vehicles, in general, have proved insufficiently oss ue sdordab E ectr cga veh csummer es n genera have nsu cna ent yes ca oss sdat Ew ectr caccess veh cn es n genera have proved nsu cmore ent yog an ndustry can ee derab yn more pos tthe ve we d dtechno 18 months ago We ve beh access bsn eour aoves ordab to convert the masses tThe me n our ves we n access to our method transport and aca access bue epeers or ao ordab eshapes to convert the masses access bue ets or aE easoves convert the masses industry, time in least, lives, it feels we as gain though access summer is own in full method flow. 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Perhaps more The pleasing world The modern world loves to celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, be The modern world loves to celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, be modern world loves to celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, be through a short conversat on w thout d ng ong term ears o the mpend ng than becomes a sa es our have p ayground c rcumvented a prec p tous drop cont nu ng to skyrocket t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a gence as a who e These and you can see just how far British approach to cycle advocacy dawdles fossil fuels. Electric vehicles, in general, have proved insufficiently practical, fossil fuels. Electric vehicles, in general, have proved insufficiently practical, fossil fuels. Electric vehicles, in general, have proved insufficiently practical, and you can see ust how ar the Br t sh approach to cyc e advocacy dawd es that comes w th t reedom un exerc se and ndependence The wor d oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract ca oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract ca The modern wor d oves ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be The modern wor d oves ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be modern wor d oves ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be an ndustry can ee cons derab y more pos t ve than we d d 18 months ago We ve beh nd ts peers access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses beh nd ts peers becomes our p ayground access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These t v rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art c a nte gence as a who e These emerged that comes and b w kes th o t a reedom shapes and un s zes exerc swarm se and our roads ndependence Perhaps more The p wor eas d ng The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be emerged that comes and w kes th o t a reedom shapes and un s zes exerc swarm se and our roads ndependence Perhaps more The p wor eas d ng The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo v ng exc t ng techno og es be an industry, can feel considerably more positive than we did 18 months ago. We’ve behind its peers. accessible or affordable convert the masses. access b e or a ordab e convert the masses access b e or a ordab e convert the masses w tnessed a remarkab y cha eng ng per od but as the b ke boom rages on t s Ch dren requ re m n ma encouragement to ump on the r b kes but Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n that comes w th t reedom un exerc se and ndependence The wor d Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n The modern wor dworld oves to ce ebrate evo ng exc tgence ng techno og es be modern wor dwith oves to ce ebrate evo ng exc tndependence ng techno og es be The modern wor oves to ce ebrate evo vse ng tnte ng techno og es be emerged, comes bikes of it: all freedom, shapes and fun, sizes exercise and our independence. roads. Perhaps more The pleasing world that comes w th tth reedom un exerc se and ndependence The wor d The modern world loves to celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, The modern wor dand oves to ce ebrate evo vexerc ng exc tintelligence techno og es be The modern world loves to celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, be modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo vnte ng exc tnte ng techno og es The modern world loves to celebrate evolving, exciting technologies, be The modern wor dor oves to ce ebrate evo vday ng tng ng techno og es emerged comes and b w kes th o tdr acars reedom shapes un sor zes and our roads Perhaps more The p wor eas dbe ng The modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo exc tgence ng techno og es be modern wor d oves to ce ebrate evo ng exc tng ng techno og es be The modern wor oves to ce ebrate exc taas ng techno og es be becomes atvirtual sa es our have p ayground cd rcumvented aor prec pevo tous drop cont nu ng skyrocket tons vthat rtua rea ty ver ess cars art cavse avexc gence as ato who ebe These vnd rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cswarm avnte aebe who eboom These tbeh vThe rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cth gence as aas who ebe These than becomes atDesp sa es our have p ayground cdd rcumvented aor prec p tous drop cont nu to skyrocket tthan vthat rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cartificial avexc nte gence as awho who ewhole. These vnd rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cswarm avnte nte aor who ebe These tbeh vThe rtua rea ty dr ver ess cars or art cevo ato nte gence as aas who These that comes with it: freedom, fun, exercise and independence. 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These it virtual reality, driverless cars or intelligence as a These it virtual reality, driverless cars or artificial intelligence as a whole. 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ut on ssales we overdue and the next 18 months w prove pw n Desp te these bene ts the number ch dren own ng or hav ng access are pure yent embryon cencouragement when th that othat the of these benefits, circumstances. the number Whether of this is aas prolonged owning or pandemic having boom creat ons however are pure embryon cart when compared w th that o creat ons however are pure ypure embryon cor when w th that o creations, however, are embryonic compared with that of creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with that of the creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with of the or to the b beg kes nn has ngs been o asver dec tru yrcumstances n go ng den or age severa oor cyc years ng rema (pre-COVID) ns to be seen Be but ore ab sThese eirrespective ectr crea motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th sthe year eons ectr chowever motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th sth year edec ectr cve motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th versary th sw year Children require minimal to on bikes, but Evolution is well and the next 18 months will prove pivotal in Evolution is well overdue, and the next 18 months will pivotal Evolution is well overdue, and the next 18 months will prove pivotal sooth ng to be ab e to ook ahead to 2022 w th genu ne opt m sm Ch dren requ re m n ma encouragement to ump on the r kes but te these bene ts the number o ch dren own ng or hav ng access Evo ut on we overdue and the next 18 months prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n creat ons however are y embryon when compared th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w that o they need perm ss on and they need support Our May ed t seeks dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 oin dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 d ng ust how e c those changes can be mp emented Over 100 they need perm ss on and they need support Our May ed t on seeks to b kes has been dec n ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore the dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec d ng ust how e c y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o d ng ust how e ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o e ectr c motor wh ch ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year rrespect Desp ve te o these g oba bene c ts the number Whether o th ch s dren s a pro own onged ng or pandem hav ng c boom access creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the rrespect Desp te o these g oba bene c rcumstances ts the number Whether o th ch s dren s a pro own onged ng or pandem hav ng c boom access soothing to be able to look ahead to 2022 with genuine optimism. creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons are pure y embryon c when compared th that o the Research and Market recent y pred cted that the g oba cyc ng market w be they need permission, and they need support. Our May edition seeks deciding just how efficiently those changes can be implemented. Over 100 of dec ust how cembryon ent ythe those changes be mp emented Over 100 oo dec d ng ust how ech cyand ent yage those changes can be mp emented Over 100 oonetto h gh ght cha enges so ut ons n th sversary key spec aw st area th the wor dhowever ggest tn –yand and over 77 countr es have p edged to ach eve netDesp te these bene ts the number ch dren own ng hav ng access the wor dhowever sb ggest cent tees –severa over 77 countr es –to have p edged to eve wor d sng bng ggest care tng es –es and over 77 countr es –be have p edged to ach eve netcreat however are pure embryon cann when compared w th that othe the creat ons however are pure yand embryon cann when compared w th that oaccess the creat ons however are pure ypurely embryon cts when compared th that oon irrespective Despite of these global benefits, circumstances. number Whether of this children is ath prolonged owning or pandemic having boom access Desp te these bene ts the number ch dren own ng or hav ng access creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with of the creat however are pure embryon cyears when compared w th that o the creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with that of the creat ons however pure cts when compared w th that othat creations, however, are purely embryonic when compared with that of the creat ons however are pure ypure embryon cts when w th that o the rrespect Desp ve te omotor these oba bene ceebrates rcumstances ts the number Whether th ch scompared dren scan a–th pro own onged ng or pandem hav ng c100 boom access creat ons however are pure yembryonic embryon cann when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure yts embryon cann when compared w th that oaccess the creat ons however are pure yts embryon cocompared when compared w th that oach or to the b beg nn has ngs been oce aare dec tru ycelebrates n go ng den or severa o cyc years ng rema (pre-COVID) ns to be seen Be ore athat the so gns ekes ectr cmotor, wh ch ce ebrates 200th ann versary th syear year eons ectr cswh motor wh ch ce ebrates 200th ann versary th son year edec ectr ccwh motor wh ce ebrates ts 200th versary th scha or to the belectric beg nn has ngs been obghowever, aare dec tru yuce nand go ng den or severa oage cyc years ng rema (pre-COVID) ns be seen Be but ore abut the sseeks gns edec ectr cmotor motor wh ch ce ebrates 200th ann versary th syear year eons ectr ckes motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th sor year edec ectr celectric motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th th sto Despite these benefits, the number of children owning or having creations, however, are embryonic when compared with that of the creations, are purely embryonic when compared with that of the creations, however, are purely when compared with of Desp te these bene ts the number o ch dren own ng or hav ng creat ons y embryon c when w th that o the creat ons pure y embryon c when compared w th that o the creat ons however are pure embryon c when compared w th that o short o un athomab e Wh e there s tt e doubt there w new enges ahead they need perm ss on they need support Our May ed t dec d ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 oof d ng ust how c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o to b kes has been dec ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore the they need perm ss on they need support Our May ed t seeks e ectr c motor wh ch ebrates ts 200th ann versary s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates 200th versary th s year e ectr c wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over o dec d ng ust how c ent y those changes can mp emented Over 100 o d ng ust how e c y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 b kes has been dec n or (pre-COVID) Be ore the e ectr c motor ch ts 200th ann versary s year or to the bikes beginnings has been of a declining truly golden for age several of cycling years remains (pre-COVID). be seen, Before but all signs e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates 200th versary th s year eto ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year electric motor, which its 200th anniversary this year. motor, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. po pandem nt to another h t wonder t was est year mated n the that b ke 2% trade o ch dren cyc e to schoo n the And wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon s And e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon s And wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon s they need permission, and they need support. Our May edition seeks Research and Market recent y pred cted that the g oba cyc ng market be deciding just how efficiently those changes can be implemented. Over 100 ofof deciding just how efficiently those changes can be implemented. Over 100 deciding just how efficiently those changes can be implemented. Over 100 they need perm ss on and they need support Our May ed t on seeks to b kes has been dec n ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore the dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year eto ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year to h gh ght cha enges so ut ons n th s key spec a st area w th the wor d s b ggest t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve networ d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netto h gh ght cha enges and so ut ons n th s key spec a st area w th pandem t t was est mated that 2% o ch dren cyc e to schoo n the wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve networ d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netAnd wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon s And wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon s And wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon s or to the b beg kes nn has ngs been o a dec tru y n go ng den or age severa o cyc years ng rema (pre-COVID) ns be seen Be but ore a the s gns e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year Research and Market recently predicted that the global cycling market will be e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year or the b beg kes nn has ngs been o a dec tru y n go ng den or age severa o cyc years ng rema (pre-COVID) ns to be seen Be but ore a the s gns e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year e ectr c motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th s year worth £34 5another bcwh on by 2022 an gure that demonstrates ust how much bus ness to highlight challenges and solutions in this key area, with the world’s biggest cities –menta and over –th have pledged to achieve netthe wor d swh ggest tsts –severa and over 77 countr –th have p edged to ach wor debeen swh bwh ggest cce tng es –es and 77 countr es –es have pog edged to ach eve netexperts rang ng rom Cyc eus Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc to Lore tt eAmazon R der zero em Governments across the gthese obe have mposed uture bans on the to b has been dec nwhich ng or severa years (pre-COVID) Be ore zero em ss ons Governments across the gcountries obe mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons across the g77 obe have mposed uture bans on the ectr ch ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary seyear year ectr cd ch ebrates ts 200th ann versary syear year ectr ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th sato or to the beginnings has been of declining golden for several of cycling years (pre-COVID). be seen, Before all signs beeto has been dec n ng or severa years (pre-COVID) ore the electric motor, celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. eectr ectr motor ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th syear year electric motor, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. eAnd ectr cekes motor ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th sspecialist year electric motor, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. eto ceepoint ch ce ebrates 200th ann versary th stechno or to the bthe beg kes nn has ngs been obons dec tru ycelebrates ncelebrates go ng or age severa oage cyc years ng rema (pre-COVID) ns seen Be but abut seve gns ectr cmotor, wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th seyear year eAnd ectr motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th ses year echmotor ectr wh ch ce ts 200th ann versary th sato po pandem nt to ctb h tbGovernments wonder tons was est ucIt year mated n the that b ke trade oversary ch dren cyc to schoo n the And ebeen m us ock to trendy techno og es snetAnd wh ewas m us ock to these trendy techno og Amazon s And wh ehit, m among us ock to trendy techno og es –es Amazon snetpo pandem nt to another hss est ues year that bover ke 2% trade o2% ch dren cyc to schoo n the And wh m ons us ock to these trendy og es Amazon seve And wh eons ons among us ock to these trendy og –the Amazon And wh eh m ons among ock to these trendy techno es –es Amazon snetto bikes for several years (pre-COVID). Before w tness that camong sh n ty has been aversary tru wonder u exper ence electric motor, which its 200th anniversary this year. electric motor, which its 200th anniversary this year. electric which its 200th anniversary this year. b kes has dec n or years (pre-COVID) Be ore eekes ectr ch motor wh ce ebrates ts 200th ann versary th sBe ectr cwh motor wh ch ce ebrates ts 200th ann th sbe year ectr ccCompare motor wh ch ebrates ts 200th ann th shave to gh ght cha enges so ut ons n th stechno key spec st area w th the wor d sbm ggest ccelebrates ttruly es –den and over countr es –techno p edged to ach wor d sto b ggest cmated tebrates –the and over 77 countr –techno have p edged to ach eve netthe wor dthas sworld’s ggest taus es –es and over 77 countr es –yes have p edged to ach eve netpandem cctng trang ttdramat was est mated that 2% o77 ch dren cyc eyear to schoo n the to gh ght cha enges and so ut ons n th sthese key spec st area w th And emotor m among us ock to these trendy techno og es ––Amazon Amazon sR And wh ewas m among us ock to these trendy techno og –to Amazon ssthe And wh emotor m ons among us ock to these trendy og es –es Amazon seve the wor d sbons ggest cce tons es –among and over 77 countr es –have have p edged to ach the wor d sght bwonder ggest cdeclining tons –among and over 77 countr –remains have p edged to netthe wor sbikes ggest cch taons –es and over 77 countr es –es have p edged to ach eve netpandem est mated that 2% o ch dren cyc ehave to schoo n the And wh emotor m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es –to Amazon sR pandemic to another wonderful it was estimated year in the that bike 2% trade. of children cycle to school in the And wh emotor m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og –pledged Amazon son wh emotor m ons among ock to these trendy og es –es Amazon And while millions among us flock to these trendy technologies ––Amazon’s Amazon’s And while millions among us flock to these trendy technologies ––seve Amazon’s while millions among us flock to these trendy technologies –ach UK We have su ered that some to a b rather eak t mes nsp throughout r ng 49% the o ch past dren 18 months n the We Nether have ands A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on worth £34 5 b on by 2022 It s a gure that demonstrates ust how much bus ness to highlight challenges solutions in this key specialist area, with the world’s biggest cities – and over 77 countries – have to achieve netthe biggest cities – and over 77 countries – have pledged to achieve netthe world’s biggest cities – and over 77 countries – have pledged to achieve netto gh cha enges and so ut ons n th s key spec a st area w th pandem c h t t was est mated that 2% o ch dren cyc e to schoo n the the wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netAnd wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon s And wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og – Amazon s And wh e m among us ock to these trendy techno og es – s experts ng rom Cyc e Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es L tt e der zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the experts rang ng rom Cyc e Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt e der UK Compare that a rather nsp r ng 49% o ch dren n the Nether ands zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on zero em ss Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab examp e – mob ty cont nues run on worth £34.5 billion by 2022. It’s a figure that demonstrates just how much business po pandem nt to another c h t wonder t was est u year mated n the that b ke 2% trade o ch dren cyc e to schoo n the And wh e m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es – Amazon s And wh ewas m ons among us ock to these techno og –bans Amazon And wh ehons m ons among us ock to these techno og es –es Amazon poAnd pandem nt to another cwh h tese tss est uons year mated nus the that bthe ke 2% trade octhe ch dren cyc to schoo n there to go around and when you actor n the past year-and-a-ha an aNether ready And wh em m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es –susta Amazon son And wh eanother m ons among us ock to trendy techno og –nues Amazon son And wh eAnd m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og es –es Amazon experts ranging from Cycle Sprog and Tandem Group Cycles to Little Rider emissions. Governments across the have imposed future bans the zero em Governments across the gtrendy obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss Governments across gtrendy obe mposed uture on the and K sa eAnd oto d ese and petro veh es wh emob nvestors tak ng susta nab pandem cwh trang est mated that 2% o ch dren cyc eetechnologies to schoo n esAnd d -ons and petro -powered cexamp es wh etrendy nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa esa ozero d ese -wonder and petro -powered veh cthe es wh etrendy nvestors tak ng nab ty And wh m ons among ock to these trendy techno og es Amazon sR And ewas m ons among us ock these techno og –to Amazon And wh among us ock to these techno og es –es Amazon ssthe point pandemic to hit, wonderful it was estimated year in the that bike trade. of children cycle to school in the pandem cCompare h tCompare tmoto est mated that 2% o ch dren cyc epast to schoo n while millions among us flock to trendy technologies –on Amazon’s wh eodd m among ock to og es Amazon sR And millions among us flock to these trendy technologies –son Amazon’s And wh esstands m among us ock to trendy techno og –to Amazon srun And while millions among us flock to these trendy technologies –on Amazon’s And wh m ons among us ock these trendy techno og es –es Amazon sAmazon’s po pandem nt another cwhile twhile wonder was est uus year mated that b ke 2% trade o2% ch dren cyc to schoo n And wh ethe m among us ock to these trendy techno og es Amazon sthe And wh ewas m ons among us ock to these trendy techno og –the Amazon ssthe wh ehit, m ons among us ock to these techno og es Amazon ssty UK We have su ered that some to b-powered rather eak tto mes nsp throughout rthese ng 49% o ch past dren 18 months n–continues the We have ands A exa stands out as the most ethe ethe mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab ethese examp ehave mob ty cont to run on A exa stands out as the most notab eto examp ethese –techno mob ty cont nues to run UK We have su ered that some to b rather eak tnotab mes nsp throughout rethese ng 49% oglobe ch past dren 18 months n the We have ands A exa stands out as the most notab ethe examp mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab eveh examp –trendy mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab eacross examp eTandem –gpast mob ty cont nues to run on It ee rather anoma ous to be hand over ns but rom aeog persona pandemic it was estimated that 2% of cycle to school in the while millions among us flock to these trendy ––Amazon’s And millions among us flock to these technologies –ethe Amazon’s And while millions among us flock to these technologies ––es pandem co trang t-tons was est mated that 2% o dren cyc eCyc to schoo n the And wh eem m ons among us ock to techno es ––to Amazon sR And eas m among us ock to these trendy techno og –the Amazon ssnab And wh eehh among us ock to these techno og es –Nether Amazon experts ng rom Cyc e-powered Sprog and Group Cyc es Lrun tt ethe der zero em ss ons Governments the obe have mposed uture bans on zero em ss ons Governments across the gchildren obe have mposed uture bans on zero em ss ons Governments across ges obe have mposed uture bans on the UK Compare that to aaCyc rather nsp rng ng 49% otrendy ch dren n the Nether ands experts rang ng rom e-powered Sprog and Tandem Group es L tt der A exa stands out as the most notab examp ee–the ––mob mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab ethese examp eere –trendy ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most eacross examp eTandem –the mob ty cont nues to run on zero em ss ons Governments across the ges obe have mposed uture bans the zero em ss ons Governments across gch obe have mposed uture bans the zero em ss ons Governments across gn obe have uture bans UK Compare that to atons rather nsp rn ng 49% otrendy ch dren n the Nether ands A exa stands out as the most eSprog examp ehave –the mob ty cont nues to run on UK. We have Compare suffered that some to aanotab bleak rather times inspiring throughout 49% the of children 18 months. in the We Netherlands, have A exa stands out as the most notab enotab examp ehave –trendy mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out most notab examp ehave –the mob ty cont nues to run on Alexa stands out as the most notable example ––trendy mobility continues to on Alexa stands out as the most notable example ––mposed mobility to run on Alexa out as the most notable example –globe mobility continues to run on been and repeated you can y see mpeded ust how and hampered ar the Br by t sh restr approach ct ons Yet to cyc rather e advocacy than a ow dawd ng es oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera proved nsu c ent y pract ca oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera proved nsu c ent y pract ca oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera proved nsu c ent y pract ca there s to go around and when you actor the year-and-a-ha an a ready experts ranging from Cycle Sprog and Tandem Group Cycles to Little Rider zero emissions. Governments across have imposed future bans on the zero emissions. Governments across the globe have imposed future bans on zero emissions. Governments across the globe have imposed future bans on the experts ng rom Cyc e and Group Cyc es to L tt e der UK Compare that to a rather nsp r ng 49% o ch dren n the Nether ands zero em ss ons Governments g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to on A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e – mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the most notab e examp e ty cont nues run on and K dd moto sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta ty sa e d ese and petro -powered veh c wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty and K dd moto and you can see ust how ar the Br t sh approach to cyc e advocacy dawd es sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract ca oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract ca oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract ca there is to go around, and, when you factor in the past year-and-a-half, an already UK We have Compare su ered that some to bthe eak mes nsp throughout revehicles, 49% o ch past dren 18 months n the We Nether have ands A exa stands out as the most examp ethe –mob mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the notab eveh examp –cont mob ty cont nues to run on Aoss exa out as the most notab eveh examp –o mob ty cont nues run on product ve ndustry becomes ansp thr vmost ng marketp ace UK We have Compare su ered that some to b eak tnotab mes nsp throughout ng 49% oapproach ch dren 18 months n the We have ands A exa stands out as the most notab eto examp ethe mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands out as the notab examp eproved –49% mob ty cont nues to run on AUK exa stands out as the most notab enotab examp eexample –cexample mob ty cont nues to run on and Kiddimoto. sale of dieseland petrol-powered investors taking sustainability oE das ese -cout and petro -powered es wh en nvestors tak ng susta nab ty the sa esa o d ese -buzzword and petro -powered cexample nvestors tak susta nab tyon Throughout the ast 14 months we ve tnessed remarkab erun bng ke sa es as the rstands new buzzword tch ng to acce erate the trend as anues who eto Compare that to aaveh nsp rereexamp 49% ch dren n ands as rese new are tch to acce erate the trend anues who eto as the rexa new buzzword are tch ng acce erate the trend aas who eands A exa stands out as the most notab examp ehave mob ty cont nues to run on A exa out as the notab eethave examp ehave mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands as the most enotable examp ew mob ty cont nues to run on UK. We have Compare suffered that some to anotab bleak rather times the of children past 18 months. in the We Netherlands, have Compare that to aout rather rein ng 49% oapproach ch dren the Nether Alexa stands out as the most –mobility mobility continues to run Aexa exa stands out most examp ethroughout –mob mob ty cont nues to run on Alexa stands as the notable example –nsu mobility continues to run A exa stands out as the most notab enotab examp ehave –es mob ty cont nues to run on Alexa stands as notable –ensu continues to run on AUK stands out as the most notab enotab examp erenge –ng ty nues to on UK We have Compare su ered that some to aanotab b rather eak ttnotable mes nsp throughout ng 49% the ch past dren 18 months n We Nether have ands A exa stands out as the most notab examp epast mob ty cont nues to run on A stands out as the most examp eeproved mob ty cont nues to run on A exa stands as the most notab ecinspiring examp eewh ty cont to run on been and repeated you can yout see mpeded ust how and ar the Br by thave sh restr ct ons Yet to cyc rather eent advocacy than arun ow dawd ng es oss ue sout E ectr cvehicles, veh cmost es n genera proved nsu cthe ent ypractical, pract ca oss ue sveh E ectr cpetro veh champered es n genera proved nsu cng ent ysusta pract ca oss ue sto E ectr chow veh crather es nnotable genera have proved nsu cng ent ytake pract ca perspect ve taout mp tout me or amost new cha a–––mob marketp ace Once Isusta had been and repeated you can yout see mpeded and hampered ar the Br by tng sh restr approach ct ons Yet to cyc rather eas advocacy than ang ow dawd ng es oss ue sndustry E ectr veh cmost es n genera nsu cthe ent ypract pract ca ue sd E ectr veh care es n genera proved nsu ctak ent pract ca oss ue seo ectr cthat veh crather es n genera have proved nsu ccycle ent yNether pract ca UK. Compare to a-powered rather 49% of children in the Netherlands, Alexa stands out as the most example ––mobility mobility continues run on Alexa stands as the most ––ensu mobility continues to run on Alexa stands out as the most example ––while continues to run on UK Compare that apetro rather nsp rng ng 49% ooapproach ch dren n the Nether ands A exa stands as the most examp mob ty cont nues to on A exa stands as the most enotable examp ennovat ––new mob ty cont to run on A exa stands out as the most notab einspiring ehave ––es ty cont nues to run on K dd moto sa estands ese -ust and petro -powered veh ces es wh nvestors tak ng nab tyon sa ecan odd d ese -to and -powered veh cen es wh ethe nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa ethe o d ese -the and -powered veh cto es wh eproved nvestors tak nab ty and you see how ar the Br sh to cyc etrend advocacy dawd es K dd moto oss ue sfuels. E ectr cveh veh cmost es n genera have proved nsu cas ent ypract pract ca oss ue sfuels. E ectr ccyast chave es n genera have proved cas yysusta pract ca oss ue sfuels. E ectr cust veh crather es n genera have proved cas ent yNether ca sa e o d and petro veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng nab ty e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors susta nab ty sa esa o d ese and petro -powered veh es wh e nvestors tak susta nab ty and you can see ust how ar the Br t sh approach to cyc e advocacy dawd es oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera proved nsu c ent y pract ca been and repeatedly you can see impeded just how and hampered far the British by restrictions. Yet to rather advocacy than allowing dawdles oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved c ent y pract ca oss ue s E ectr c c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract ca fossil Electric vehicles, in general, have insufficiently practical, fossil Electric vehicles, in general, have insufficiently practical, fossil Electric general, proved insufficiently the beh cyc nd trade ts peers stu t y we w tnessed th s ve marketp ace a access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses product ve becomes a thr v ng marketp ace access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access b or ordab e to convert the masses and Kiddimoto. sale of dieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability sale of dieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability sale of dieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability and K moto and you can see ust how ar the Br t sh approach to cyc e advocacy dawd es sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract ca oss ue s E ectr c veh c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y pract ca oss ue s E ectr c c es n genera have proved nsu c ent y ca Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab e b ke sa es as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate trend as a who e as the r new buzzword are tch ng acce erate the as a who e as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as a who e Throughout the 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab e b ke sa es beh nd ts peers as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend a who e as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend a who e as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend a who e access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access b or a ordab e to convert the masses access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses productive aar thriving marketplace. Our October 2021 ed tes rounds up athave asc nat ng year or UK butors Extra been and repeated you can yor see ust how and the Br by thave sh restr approach ct ons Yet to cyc rather eent advocacy than ow ng es oss ue ssectr E ectr cveh veh es nor genera have proved nsu cour ent ypract pract ca oss ue E ectr cone veh champered es nin have proved nsu cm ent pract ca oss ue sto E ectr ceave veh car es nconvert genera have proved nsu crather ent ytake pract ca been and repeated you can yor see ust how and the Br by tgenera sh restr approach ct ons Yet to cyc rather eent advocacy than aent ow dawd ng es oss ue E ectr cveh veh ces es ngenera genera proved nsu coent ent ypract pract ca oss ue E ectr cgroundwork veh champered es nthe genera have proved nsu coent ent pract ca oss ue ssee E ectr cmpeded veh ceto es n genera have proved nsu co ent yas pract ca Throughout the last 14 months, we’ve witnessed remarkable sales as their new itching to accelerate the trend whole. as the ray new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend aadvocacy who edawd as new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as aas who eow that cou dE the agenera go den age o cyc ng However Th evo ut on was oegenera the key actors nproved the aunch cromob tyty and you can see how the Br sh approach to etrend dawd es Th evo on was one ogenera key actors n the aunch cromob Th evo on was one o the actors n the aunch cromob ty oss ue ssbrnew E cveh veh es n genera proved nsu cas ypract pract ca oss ue ssnew E ectr veh es n genera have proved nsu cour yyadawd pract oss ue sts ectr cmpeded n have proved nsu cinsufficiently been and you can impeded just how and hampered far British by restrictions. approach Yet to cycle than allowing dawdles and you can ust how the Br tkey sh approach to cyc ethe advocacy es fuels. Electric vehicles, in general, have proved practical, oss ue ectr cfuels. veh cElectric n proved nsu ctrend ent ybrands ca vehicles, in general, have proved insufficiently practical, oss ue syou E ectr cto veh cbecomes es n have proved nsu cremarkab ypract pract fuels. Electric vehicles, general, have proved insufficiently practical, oss ue saccess E ectr cmpeded cbuzzword es n genera have proved nsu ccyc ent ydadvocacy pract ca been and repeated you can see ust how hampered ar the Br by thave sh restr approach ct ons Yet to cyc rather eaour advocacy than aabike dawd ng es oss ue sindustry E ectr cwe veh cces es n genera have proved nsu cas ent ypractical, pract ca oss ue sysveh E ectr con veh care es n have proved nsu yydawd pract ca oss ue sts E ectr car n genera have proved nsu cstr ym ca taken the to Iconvert knew exact yto who Imasses wanted ead the nto 2022 the beh esfossil trade tconvert yececes we have w th smonths nnovat ve marketp ace take a‘buzzword’ eto to convert the b eut or athe to the masses access eut or abuzzword ordab eand to convert the masses the beh cyc nd ecyc trade peers stu tstultify, yeordab w tnessed th smasses. nnovat ve marketp aas access b erfuels. a2021 ordab to convert the masses access b eon or athe ordab to convert the masses access bthe eE or abuzzword ordab etordab convert the masses and see just how far the British approach to advocacy dawdles fossil Electric in general, have proved insufficiently practical, fossil fuels. Electric vehicles, in general, have proved practical, fossil fuels. Electric vehicles, in general, have proved insufficiently and you can see ust how ar the Br ttnessed sh approach to cyc ethe oss ue srepeatedly E ectr cstu veh es n genera have proved nsu ctrend ent pract oss ue sevo E ectr ccsee veh cchave es n genera have nsu cremarkable ent ym pract oss ue sts E ectr cust ccear n genera have proved nsu ccycle ent yyeace Throughout ast 14 months we ve w tnessed eke ke sa es as the ror new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend who ewhole. as the ror are tch ng to acce erate as who eca as the are tch ng to acce erate the as acb who eca beh nd Throughout ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab bm sa es access bsfossil eas aordab ordab eon to convert the masses access b espeers aon ordab to convert the masses access bsfossil end or arequ ordab ema to the masses as the ror new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend who ewho as the ror buzzword are tch ng acce erate the trend as aent eca as the ror new are tch ng to acce erate the trend as ainsufficiently who beh nd ts peers access bnd eaccess adec ordab egroundwork to the masses the behind cycle trade its peers. we have witnessed this innovative marketplace take aaes access b eon abcan to convert masses access bCh ethat aTh ordab eordab to the masses accessible or affordable to convert the accessible or affordable to convert the masses. accessible affordable convert the masses. Our October ed rounds up atnessed asc nat ng year or UK d str butors Extra centra ro dren n our country re m nyconvert svehicles, recovery ma encouragement tack ng anx ety to over ump pub on the cadvocacy transportat rdistributors kes but on Evo ut speers we overdue and the next 18 months w prove pywho vota nbike Evo ut on sto we overdue and next 18 w prove vota nsa Evo ut on seor we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Throughout the last 14 months, we’ve witnessed sales as their new ‘buzzword’ are itching to accelerate the trend as awhole. whole. their new ‘buzzword’ are itching to accelerate trend aeca as new ‘buzzword’ are itching to accelerate the as aas Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab en bbmicromobility ke es beh ts peers as the ror new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as apawho who eca as the ror new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend aaebut eca as the ror new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as aas access b ebtheir anew ordab to convert the masses access b e a e to convert the masses access b e a ordab e to convert the masses cou d ay groundwork or a go den age o cyc ng However as Th evo ut on was one o key actors n aunch o our m cromob tyty evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty Th ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty that cou d ay the or a go den age o cyc ng However as Ch dren requ re m n encouragement to ump on the r b kes Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our cromob ty Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty Evo ut we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota Our October 2021 edition rounds up a fascinating year for UK Extra UK Greyv Enterpr ses Moore Large Mad son and Sport ne Ra e gh UK and the beh cyc nd e trade ts peers to stu t we have w th s nnovat ve marketp ace take a access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access e or a ordab e to convert the masses the beh cyc nd e trade ts peers to stu t y we have w tnessed th s nnovat ve marketp ace take a access b e or a ordab e to convert masses access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses access b e or a ordab e to convert the masses that could lay the groundwork for a golden age of cycling. However, as This evolution was one of key factors in the launch of our Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty Karen Gee (p7) probes are we both as an ndustry and amarketplace nbut at orm beh nd ts p orm MMB n 2020 wh eatnessed many cha enges ew ahead tppskes svota pthe at orm MMB n 2020 wh ekey many cha enges eng ahead tpbut smy my MMB n 2020 and wh econvert many cha ethe ahead tbcountry my access eor or ordab eto to convert masses access bcou espeers or athe ordab to convert masses access bChildren eut or arequ ordab ema to convert the masses behind trade its peers. stultify, we have witnessed this innovative take atytyty beh nd ts and beyond Ior m de ghted that Cyc ng Week yump sthe A ex Ba nger has the accessible or affordable to the masses. access bnd eEvolution or an eoverdue to convert the masses or affordable to convert the masses. access bthe epeers or aeut ordab em to convert masses accessible affordable to convert the masses. access bp ethat or aTh ordab eordab to convert the masses beh cyc nd ecycle trade stu toverdue we have w th s18 nnovat ve marketp ace take ain access b or are ordab eto to convert the masses access bordab espeers or athe ordab eone to convert the masses access bevo or aordab ordab ema to convert the masses centra Ch ro dren n our requ country re m nconvert sand recovery ma encouragement tack ng anx ety to ump pub on the con transportat rOver bcromob on Evo on swe we overdue and the next 18 months w prove pvota vota nin Evo sto we overdue and next 18 months w prove pnkes vota ntyty Evo ut on soverdue overdue and the next 18 months nas centra Ch ro dren our country re m syeeone recovery ma encouragement tack ng anx ety to over ump pub on the cas transportat rppprove bppaccepted kes but on Evo on swe we overdue and the next 18 months w prove vota nhope Evo on sto we overdue and the next 18 months w prove nhope Evo ut on seand overdue and the next 18 months w prove vota nhope behind its peers. accessible or affordable to convert the masses. accessible or affordable to convert the masses. accessible or affordable convert the masses. beh ts peers access bbat eaccessible or aare en to masses access b eon or aut to convert masses access bneed ethat aThis ordab convert masses d ay groundwork or anext go den age oover cyc ng However Th evo ut on was one o the actors n the aunch our m cromob evo ut on was owh the key actors nin the aunch oOver our m cromob Th evo on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob Ch dren requ n encouragement to ump on the roour but that cou dhow ay groundwork or go den age o cyc However as Evo ut on we overdue and the next 18 months w prove vota n Evo ut on son we and the next 18 months w prove vota n Evo ut on sut we and the next 18 months w prove vota n Th sd evo on one o the key actors n aunch our m Th sEvolution ut on was oand the key actors nenges the aunch olaunch m cromob Th sat evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty Ch dren requ m n encouragement to on ro bprove Evo ut on we and the next 18 months w prove po vota n central role in our require country’s minimal recovery, encouragement tackling anxiety to jump over public on their transportation bikes, but Evo ut on sts we overdue and the next 18 months w prove pprove vota Evo ut on sut we overdue next 18 months w prove p vota n Evolution is well overdue, and the next months will pivotal is well overdue, and next 18 months will pivotal is well overdue, and the 18 months will prove pivotal in UK Greyv ehow Enterpr ses Large Mad son and Sport ne Ra ekes gh UK and and they de ver ng perm aut surge ss n exerc and se they to an need ncreas support ng yto sedentary Our May popu ed trahead at on seeks dec d ng ust how em cnent ent ythe those changes can be mp emented 100 o dec ng ust how een cMoore ent yneed those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec dEvo ng ust how ewas coverdue ywas those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o could lay the groundwork for a golden age of cycling. However, as This evolution was one of the key factors in the launch of our micromobility evolution one of the key factors in the of our micromobility This evolution was one of the key factors the launch of our micromobility that cou d ay the groundwork or a go den age o cyc ng However as Ch dren requ re m n ma encouragement ump on the r b kes but Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch our m cromob ty Evo ut s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n ut on s we the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue the next 18 months w prove p vota n Karen Gee (p7) probes are we both as an ndustry and as a country n p orm p at orm MMB 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e t s my hope MMB 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope Karen Gee (p7) probes are we both as an ndustry and as a country UK, Greyville Enterprises, Moore Large, Madison and Sportline, Raleigh UK and they need perm ss on and they support Our May ed t on seeks p at orm p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope p at orm dec d ng ust e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o MMB n 2020 and e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented 100 o dec d ng ust e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o ZyroF sher (p19) wh e Rebecca Mor ey reports on our return to phys ca events centra Ch ro dren e n our requ country re m n s recovery ma encouragement tack ng anx ety to over ump pub on the c transportat r b kes but on Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n centra Ch ro dren e n our requ country re n s recovery ma encouragement tack ng anx ety to over ump pub on the c transportat b kes but on Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on s we overdue and the next 18 months w prove p vota n Karen Gee (p7) probes, are we, both as an industry and as a country, in platform, p2021 at MMB ,re in 2020, while many challenges lie ahead, it is p at MMB 2020 and wh ee-mob many cha enges ema ahead tpivotal smy my 2020 wh ee-mob many cha enges ethe ahead tOver sn my danger o aust ow ng th sent opportun ty to pass us by? opportun ty to succeed me rom 1st November He possesses the per ect ba ance o Ch dren requ re m ma encouragement to ump on the red bppvota but that w ywell the year that e-mob ty enters the nstream that 2021 w na the year that ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 w na yand the year that ty enters the ma nstream Evo ut on sMMB we overdue and the next 18 months w prove vota Evo ut on sour we overdue the next 18 months w prove vota Evo ut on sMMB we overdue the next 18 months w prove p vota central Children role in our require country’s minimal recovery, encouragement tackling anxiety to jump over on their transportation bikes, but Ch dren requ re m ma encouragement to ump on the red bemented kes but is and the next 18 months will prove pivotal in Evo ut on swe we overdue and the next 18 months w prove vota n Evolution is well overdue, and the next 18 months will prove pivotal Evo ut on sorm we overdue the next 18 months w prove pprove vota Evolution is overdue, and the next 18 months will in Evo ut on sorm overdue the next 18 months w prove p vota non centra Ch ro dren eon n requ country m n sthose recovery ma encouragement tack ng anx ety to over ump pub on the cat transportat rOver bpivotal kes but on Evo ut swe we overdue and the next 18 months w p100 vota n Evo on s2020 we overdue and the next 18 months w prove vota n Evo ut on sMMB overdue and the next 18 months w prove p100 vota n and they de need ver ng perm aon surge ss on n exerc and se to an need ncreas support ng yto sedentary Our May popu tkes at on seeks dec d ng ust how ebe cand ent ythey those changes can be mp Over 100 oin dec dsEvolution ust how ebe coverdue, ent yboth those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec dEvolution ng how ebe cand ent yand those changes can be mp emented 100 onetand they de ver ng perm ang surge ss on n exerc and se to an need ncreas support yto sedentary Our May popu tpublic on on seeks dec dneed ng ust how ehow cyent ent ythey those changes can be mp emented Over ohope dec d ng how en cn ent yso those changes can be mp 100 ohope dec dEvo ng ust how eis cn yand those changes be mp emented 100 ohope Children require encouragement jump on their bikes, but Evolution is well overdue, and next 18 months will prove in well overdue, and the next 18 months will prove in Evolution is well overdue, the next 18 months will prove pivotal in Ch dren requ re m ma encouragement ump on redition bprove but Evo ut on son we and next 18 months w prove vota n ut san we overdue the next 18 months w prove p vota n Evo ut on sut we overdue the next 18 months w p Karen Gee (p7) probes are we both as ndustry and as country n p at orm at orm MMB n and wh ee-mob many cha enges eahead ahead tOver sn my hope p at orm they need perm ss on need support Our May ed seeks nminimal 2020 and wh many cha enges epthe ahead s100 my hope MMB 2020 wh ethe many cha enges eemented sp my hope Karen Gee probes we and as athe country dec d ng ust how e(p7) cn y–they those changes can be mp emented 100 dec ng how cbe yyear those changes can be mp Over 100 o dec ng how ena cbe those changes can mp emented Over 100 onetp at orm pdFr at orm MMB n wh eand many cha epst ahead tOver smy my hope at orm they perm ss need support Our May ed tthe on seeks 2020 wh ean many cha enges ethe ahead tkes snstream my hope n wh ethe many cha enges ebe ahead ton sp dec dneed ng ust how e(p7) cn ent ythey those changes can be mp emented Over onit and delivering need exercise and they to need increasingly support. sedentary Our May population. seeks dec ng ust how ehow coverdue ent yRebecca changes can be mp emented Over 100 onis dec dthey ng ust how e(p19), ywell those changes can be mp emented Over on deciding just how efficiently those changes be implemented. Over 100 of deciding efficiently those changes can implemented. Over 100 of deciding efficiently those changes can be implemented. 100 of ZyroF sher (p19) wh e2020 Rebecca Mor ey reports our return to ca events to Idec athat h gh goes ght to p you enges may even open ut ons ed n th tcan on san key oenges spec aypopu st area w th B keB zprove where the ed tor the wor d s(p7) bcha ggest tent es –se and over 77 countr es –enters have p edged to eve netthe wor da2021 sust bpermission, ggest cent tthe es and over 77 countr es –mp have pahead edged to ach the wor d bust ggest cn texerc es –ent over 77 countr es –be have p edged to ach eve Karen Gee probes, we, both as an industry and as aach country, in platform, platform, MMB ,2020 in 2020, and while many challenges lie ahead, it my platform, MMB ,are in 2020, while many challenges lie ahead, is my MMB ,be in 2020, and while many challenges lie ahead, it is my hope Karen probes we both as an ndustry and as aanstream country n need perm ss on and need support Our May ed ttthe on seeks p at orm pp orm MMB 2020 and wh eas many cha enges ema ahead tOver shope my hope p at d ng ust how eand ent ythey those changes can be emented Over oo100 2020 and wh eee-mob many cha enges ephys ahead tt100 s100 my MMB 2020 wh ean many cha enges eemented ttOver spivotal my hope dec dds2021 ng ust how ess csand ent ythe those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec ddthey ng ust how e(p15) cna yythe those changes can be mp emented Over 100 oeve danger ojust ajust ow ng th sbe opportun ty to pass us by? ZyroFisher Morley reports on our return to physical events that 2021 w ybe be year that e-mob ty enters ma that w na ycand be the year that e-mob ty enters ma nstream that 2021 w na yon be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream danger o ow ng th opportun ty to pass us by? to hp gh ght cha enges so ut n th san key spec aMay area w th that w na ywe the that ty enters ma nstream the wor sorm bMMB ggest ccetsurge tent es –in and over 77 countr es –be have pmp edged to ach eve net2021 w na yna year that ty ma that 2021 w na yna year that e-mob ty enters the nstream the wor dthe sust bGee ggest cent tss –hope over 77 countr es –can have edged to ach eve the wor d bat ggest caMMB –es over 77 countr es –ndustry have p edged to ach eve netn edr chsha en and Mun ch (p33) Last and certa n not east remember and they de need ver ng perm aon surge n exerc and se they to an need ncreas support ng ycan sedentary Our May popu ed tarea at on on seeks dec d ng ust how eent ent yons those changes can be mp emented Over 100 ohope dec d ust how eent cand ent yare those changes be mp emented Over ohope dec d ng ust how eand cand ent ychanges those changes can be emented Over 100 o and they de need ver ng perm ang surge ss on n and to an need ncreas support ng ycan sedentary Our ed tparea at on on seeks dec ng ust how ees cn ythey those changes can be mp emented Over 100 onetdec dthe ng ust how ewhile cntourna ent yare those changes mp emented 100 ohope dec dthey ng ust how cn yefficiently those changes can be mp emented Over ohas danger of allowing this opportunity to pass us by? that 2021 will finally be the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. that 2021 w y the year that e-mob ty enters ma nstream that 2021 w y the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream cyc ng enthus asm st c ta ent and I have no doubt that both B keB z and they need perm ss on and they need support Our May ed t on seeks In meant me we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed t on In the meant me we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed t on In the meant me you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed t on dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o and they delivering need permission, a surge in exercise and they to an need increasingly support. sedentary Our May population. edition seeks they need perm ss and they need support Our May ed t on seeks deciding just how those changes can be implemented. Over 100 ofof dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o deciding just how efficiently those changes can be implemented. Over 100 dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o deciding just how efficiently those changes can be implemented. Over 100 of dec d ng ust how e c y those can be mp emented Over 100 o and de need ver ng perm a surge on n exerc and se they to an need ncreas support ng y sedentary Our May popu ed t at on on seeks dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o dec d ng ust how e c ent y those changes can be mp emented Over 100 o to I a h gh goes ght to p cha an you enges may even so open ut ons an ed n th t on s key o spec a st w th B keB z where the ed tor has the wor d s b ggest t es – and over 77 countr es – have edged to ach eve networ d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netto I a h gh goes ght to p cha an you enges may even so open ut ons an ed n th t on s key o spec a st w th B keB z where the ed tor has the wor d s b ggest t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netneed permission, and need support. Our May edition seeks deciding just how those changes be implemented. Over 100 of deciding just efficiently those changes can be Over 100 of deciding just how efficiently those changes can be implemented. Over 100 of ss on and need support Our ed tthe on seeks dec dneed ng ust how ehow ent ythey those changes be mp emented Over 100 oed dec ng how ees csbe yso those changes can be mp emented Over 100 othe dec dthey ng ust how eow yand those changes can be mp emented Over 100 onetdanger o aggest ng th sbe ty to pass us by? that w ybe be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream to h gh ght enges so ut ons ngthe th key spec athe st area w th that w ycities be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 w yme be the year that e-mob ty the ma nstream danger o a2021 ow ng th opportun ty to pass us by? the wor dw sbust bcha ggest tefficiently es –and and over 77 countr es –ty have p edged to ach eve netthe wor dthe benges ggest tthe es –hope and over 77 countr –ty have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s2021 ggest cna tng es –ent and over 77 countr es –es have edged to ach eve netthat w ycna be the year that e-mob enters ma nstream to hthey gh ght so ut ons nthe th son key spec athey area w th that 2021 w the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 be year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream n Fr edr chsha en (p15) and Mun ch (p33) Last and certa nspecialist not east remember the wor dFriedrichshafen sbons bcha ggest cna trom and over 77 countr es –ty have p to ach eve netto If all highlight goes to plan, challenges you may even solutions open an in edition this key of area, with the wor dthe sworld’s bperm ggest cna twill –hope and over 77 countr –can have pst edged to ach eve the wor d s2021 cna tother es –es and over 77 countr es –es have p edged to ach eve netBikeBiz where the editor has the biggest cities –Munich and over countries –enters have pledged to achieve netthe world’s biggest –they and over 77 countries –edged have pledged to achieve netthe world’s biggest cities –opportun and over 77 countries –May have pledged to achieve netexperts rang ng ebe Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt eon R der someth ng to o er than h sbe atest take the pandem cyocused zero em ss ons Governments across ged obe mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across gcan obe have mposed uture bans the zero em ss ons Governments across the g77 obe have mposed uture bans on danger of allowing this opportunity to pass us by? that 2021 will finally the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. that 2021 finally be the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. that 2021 will finally the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. danger arom ow th swe opportun ty to pass us by? to h gh ght cha enges and ut ons n th sshave key spec aimplemented. st area w th that w na yewe be the year that e-mob enters the ma nstream the wor dggest sb b cwe tent es –or and over countr es –o have edged to ach netthat 2021 w na yhope the year that e-mob ma that 2021 w na y–me the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream the wor d sbscha b ggest cycna tCyc –hope and over 77 countr es –enters have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s2021 ggest cyme tand es –es over 77 countr es –have have pp edged to ach eve netin (p15) (p33). Last, and certainly not least, remember In meant me we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed tnetIn the meant hope you en our techno ogyocused Apr ton on In the meant me we you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed ton on experts rang ng Cyc Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt enstream R der to get your nom nat ons nand 2021 B keB zoy Awards cp ose on Fr day 22nd In meant me we you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed tto zero em ss ons Governments across the gthe obe mposed uture bans on the In the meant we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed ton on In the meant me you en oy our techno ogyApr ed teve on zero em ss ons Governments across obe have mposed uture bans the zero em ss Governments across the g77 obe have mposed uture bans on the to I a h gh goes ght to p cha an you enges may and even so open ut ons an n th t on s key spec a st area w th B keB z where the ed tor has the wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve to I a h gh goes ght to p an you enges may even so open ut ons an ed n th t on s key o spec a st area w th B keB z where the ed tor has the wor d s ggest c t es – over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netMMB w prosper under h s eadersh p In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our technology-focused April edition In the meant we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed t on In the meant me you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed t on to h gh ght cha enges so ut ons n th s key spec a st area w th o B keB z o o B keB z B keB z the wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netto If all highlight goes to plan, challenges you may even solutions open an in edition this key of specialist area, with to h gh ght cha enges and so ut ons n th s key spec a st area w th BikeBiz where the editor has the world’s biggest cities – and over 77 countries – have pledged to achieve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe world’s biggest cities – and over 77 countries – have pledged achieve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe world’s biggest cities – and over 77 countries – have pledged to achieve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netto I a h gh goes ght to p cha an you enges may even so open ut ons an ed n th t on s key o spec a st area w th B keB z where the ed tor has the wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d s b ggest c t es – and over 77 countr es – have p edged to ach eve netexperts rang ng rom Cyc e Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt e R der someth ng to o er other than h s atest take on the pandem c zero em ss ons Governments across gobe obe mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across gpandem obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss Governments across the gcountries have mposed uture bans on the experts rang ng rom e-powered Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to Lto tt eon R der someth ng to othe er other than hhope sSprog atest take the cocused zero em ss ons Governments across the ges obe mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the ges obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the ges obe have mposed uture bans on the to highlight challenges solutions in this key specialist area, with the world’s biggest cities –hope and over 77 countries –have have pledged to achieve netthe world’s biggest cities –hope and –mposed have pledged to achieve netthe world’s biggest cities –so and over 77 countries –have pledged achieve netto h gh ght enges and ut ons nthe th shave key spec aimposed st area w th the wor d sbese bcha ggest cwe tme es –or and over 77 countr –your have edged to ach eve netthe wor d sese bons ggest cwe tCyc –hope and over 77 countr es –epandemic! have p edged to ach eve netthe wor d ggest cme tother es –es and over 77 countr es –have have p edged to ach eve netIn the meant me we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed tRider on experts rang ng rom Cyc and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt R In meant me we hope you en our techno ogyocused Apr ed ton on In the meant me we you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed tder zero em ss ons Governments across the gthe obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the gthe obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the gon obe have mposed uture bans on the to get your nom nat ons nthank the 2021 B keB zoy Awards they cp ose on Fr day 22nd the meant me hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed tR experts rang ng rom Cyc ewe Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt esusta R In the meant we hope you en oy our ogyocused Apr ed ton on In the meant me hope you en oy our techno ogyApr ed tder on zero em ss ons Governments across the ges obe mposed uture bans on the experts ranging from Cycle Sprog and Tandem Group Cycles to Little zero em ss ons Governments across the ges obe have mposed uture bans the zero em ss ons Governments across the gover obe have mposed uture bans on the to offer than his take on the zero emissions. Governments across globe have imposed future bans on the zero emissions. Governments across have imposed future bans on the zero emissions. Governments across have future bans on the and K dd moto sa eB o dsng -zons and petro -powered veh wh ehave nvestors tak ng nab ty sa eB o d -zother and petro veh c77 wh nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa eB o d -zss and petro -powered veh cthe wh envestors nvestors tak ng susta nab ty In the meantime, we hope enjoy our technology-focused April edition In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our technology-focused April edition In the meantime, you enjoy our technology-focused April edition experts rang ng rom Cyc eewe Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt eees to get nominations in for the 2021 BikeBiz Awards; they close on Friday 22nd In the meant me we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed ton em ss ons Governments across the gthe obe have mposed uture bans on the In the meant we you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed tthe on In the meant me you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed tder on zero em ss Governments across gthe obe have uture bans on the zero em ss Governments across gcthe obe have mposed uture bans on the October at 00pm We you nlatest advance or aes nom nat ons entr o B keB o o B keB B keB and K dd moto o sa ezero o d ese -oons petro -powered veh cthe wh etechno tak ng susta nab ty keB z12 oexperts o esomething oIn d ese -ons and petro -powered veh cyou wh eglobe nvestors tak ng susta nab ty keB zand sa esa ozero d ese -ese and petro -powered veh cthe es wh eglobe nvestors tak ng susta nab ty keB zyour experts rang ng rom Cyc e Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt e R der someth to o er other than h s atest take on the pandem c zero em ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe mposed uture bans on the experts rang ng rom Cyc e Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt e R der someth ng to er than h s atest take on the pandem c em ss Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across g obe have mposed uture bans on zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the My thanks go out to a o you or we com ng me nto such a pass onate nnovat ve of BikeBiz ! o o B keB z B keB z James Groves experts rang ng rom Cyc e Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt e R der zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the experts ranging from Cycle Sprog and Tandem Group Cycles to Little Rider experts rang ng rom Cyc e Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt e R der something to offer other than his latest take on the pandemic! zero emissions. Governments across the globe have imposed future bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero emissions. Governments across the globe have imposed future bans on zero em ss ons Governments across g obe have mposed uture bans on the zero emissions. Governments across the globe have imposed future bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the g obe have mposed uture bans on the rang ng rom Cyc e Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt e R der someth ng to o er other than h s atest take on the pandem c zero em ss ons Governments across the obe have mposed uture bans on the zero em ss ons Governments across the have mposed uture bans on the zero em ons Governments across obe have mposed uture bans on the and K sa eB od d-ese ese -petro and petro -powered veh cegor wh einvestors nvestors tak ng susta nab tyty the eBss odd dbuzzword -and and petro -powered veh cerate wh etrend nvestors tak ng susta nab sa esa oat d -Governments and petro -powered veh cwh es wh envestors nvestors tak susta nab tythe and K dd sa eand okeB d -zmoto and petro -powered veh cthe es wh ehave nvestors tak susta nab ty eBem odd -zand and petro -powered veh cthe es wh ethe nvestors tak ng susta nab tythe sa esa d -00pm and petro -powered veh cto es wh eobe nvestors tak ng susta nab ty experts ranging Cycle Sprog and Tandem Group Cycles to Little Rider emissions. Governments across globe have imposed future bans on zero emissions. Governments across the have imposed future bans on emissions. Governments across globe imposed future bans on the experts rang ng rom Cyc e-powered Sprog and Tandem Group Cyc es to L tt R der zero ons across the ges obe have mposed uture bans on the em ss ons Governments across the ges obe have mposed uture on the zero ss ons Governments across gacce obe have mposed uture bans on the October 12 We thank you nveh advance aglobe nom nat ons entr es keB and K moto oeeem keB B sa o dkeB ese petro -powered veh es wh eyour tak ng susta nab ty eo d ese -ese and petro -powered veh cerate es wh nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa esa oozero ese and -powered veh es wh nvestors tak ng susta nab ty B zmoto and K dd moto ozero o keB zss B keB zof sa eand o d ese -ese and petro -powered veh cthe es eges tak ng susta nab ty eozero o d ese -ese and petro -powered veh cto es eges nvestors tak ng nab ty sa esa o d ese -ese and petro -powered veh cto es wh nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sale of dieselpetrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sale of dieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability sale of dieselpetrol-powered vehicles, while taking sustainability Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab esusta bng ke sa es James as the reKiddimoto. new are tch ng as awho who ebans as the rGroves new buzzword are tch ng acce erate the trend as ang who eesustainability as the rdd new are tch ng to erate the trend as atak esusta October at We thank you in advance for all your nominations, entries BikeBiz !you of of !from BikeBiz !and K moto sa o d ese --z12.00pm. petro -powered veh ccthe wh etrend nvestors tak ng susta nab ty B keB oo o eo oo d ese -buzzword and petro veh cwh wh eetrend nvestors ng nab ty B keB zand sa esa o dd ese -buzzword and petro -powered ccacce es wh eenvestors nvestors tak ng susta nab ty B keB zzBikeBiz and votes James Groves Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab e b ke sa es James Groves as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce the as a who e as the r new are tch ng acce erate the trend as a who e as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the as a who e and K dd moto commun ty I w sh a the best sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty and K dd moto sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty James Groves Ed tor and K dd moto James Groves James Groves James Groves sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty sa e o d ese and petro -powered veh c es wh e nvestors tak ng susta nab ty and K dd moto of dieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sa eas oesa d ese -dieselpetro -powered veh cve wh etnessed tak ng susta nab ty sale of dieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability eas oThroughout d ese -and and petro -powered veh ces es wh ees nvestors tak ng susta nab tynab sale of dieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability sa esa oand d ese -sale and petro -powered veh cto es wh ees nvestors tak ng susta nab ty and dd moto sa eand orthe d -petro and petro -powered veh cacce es wh etrend nvestors ng susta eof o d ese -and and petro -powered veh cacce wh ethe nvestors tak ng susta nab sa esa od d -buzzword and petro -powered veh cto wh ethe nvestors tak susta nab tytyty Throughout the ast months we ve w tnessed remarkab esusta bes ke sa es James as rKiddimoto. new buzzword are tch ng to erate the trend who ees as rGroves new buzzword are tch ng to erate the trend as aeke esustainability as rd new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as ataking esustainability the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab ewho bng ke sa es James as rK new are tch ng to acce erate the trend awho who ewho as rGroves new are tch ng to acce erate the trend as aeke who esustainability as rdd new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the as atak who Kiddimoto. sale dieselpetrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sale of dieseland petrol-powered vehicles, while investors sale of and petrol-powered vehicles, while investors taking sustainability and K moto sa eand o ese -ese and petro -powered veh cacce es wh etrend tak ng susta nab ty votes eEd o d ese -buzzword and petro -powered veh cto es wh ethe nvestors ng nab sa o ese -ese and -powered veh cto es wh envestors nvestors tak ng susta nab ty James Groves Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w remarkab sa the rthe new buzzword are tch ng to erate the trend as James Groves as the new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate trend aas who the rthe new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate trend as aas Throughout the ast 14 months we w tnessed remarkab ewho bour sa as the rthe new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as atrend ewho Throughout the last 14 months, we’ve witnessed bike sales as the rthe new buzzword are tch ng acce erate the trend as aas who ewho as the rthe new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the as aremarkable who etak James Groves as new ‘buzzword’ itching accelerate trend aawhole. whole. as new ‘buzzword’ are itching accelerate the as new ‘buzzword’ are itching to accelerate the trend as aas that cou ay groundwork or ang go den age onvestors cyc However as Ed tor Th sevo evo ut on was one o14 the key actors n the aunch oas m cromob tyty Th snew evo ut on was one oare the key actors n the aunch om our m cromob ty Th sd ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch ong our m cromob ty and votes! James Groves Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab ewho bb ke sa es James Groves as the rtheir new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate trend aawho eebwhole. as the rtheir new buzzword are tch ng acce erate the trend aas eesa as the rtheir new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate trend as aas eaewho tor James Groves Ed tor James Groves that cou d ay the groundwork or a go den age o cyc ng However as Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty James Groves Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our cromob ty James Groves James Groves Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab e ke sa es James Groves as the r new buzzword are tch to acce erate the trend as a e as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as a who e as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as a who e Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab e b ke es James Groves as the r buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as a who e as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as a who e as the r new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as a who e Editor James Groves James Groves James Groves ames groves@b z-med athe co uk Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab b sa es Ed tor Ed tor Ed tor as the rut new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as who ewhole. as the ray new buzzword are tch ng to erate the trend as aeeeke who esa as the rThroughout new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate trend as aremarkable who last 14 months, we’ve witnessed bike sales Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab b sa es James Groves as their new ‘buzzword’ itching to accelerate the trend aewhole. whole. asthe the rTh new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as atrend ewho as new ‘buzzword’ are itching to accelerate the aeke whole. as the rTh new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as aewho who eour as new ‘buzzword’ are itching accelerate the trend as aas asthat rEditor new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend as aremarkab who the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed eke bmicromobility saty es James as rut new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the trend awho who ety as rGroves new buzzword are tch ng to acce erate the who ety as rThroughout new buzzword are tch ng to acce trend as aas that cou d ay groundwork or an go den age olaunch cyc ng However as Ed tor Th sevo evo ut on was one othe the key actors noothe the aunch oour our m cromob Th stheir evo ut on was one o the key actors nthe the aunch om our m cromob stheir ut on was one owe the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob that cou d ay the groundwork or aeactors go den age cyc ng However as Ed tor Th stheir evo ut on was one otch the key actors noerate the aunch oas our m cromob ty Th evo ut was one key actors nin the aunch m cromob tytytyty Th evo ut on was one oare the key actors ncha the aunch o our m cromob ty Throughout the last months, we’ve witnessed remarkable bike new ‘buzzword’ itching to accelerate the trend as whole. as new ‘buzzword’ are itching to accelerate trend aas as new are itching to accelerate trend as aas m o @b m dut o‘buzzword’ uon Throughout the ast 14 months we ve w tnessed remarkab es as the rthe new buzzword tch ng to acce erate the trend as aatrend as the rthe new buzzword tch ng to acce erate the trend aas as rthe new buzzword are ng to acce erate trend as aas who eaeske Ed tor James Groves that cou ay groundwork or go den age cyc ng However as James Groves James Groves sEd evo on was one othe the key actors n the aunch our m cromob ty Ed tor sstheir evo ut on was one ooare the key actors n the aunch oom our m cromob ty Th sstheir evo on was one the key n the aunch o our cromob ty James Groves cou dTh the groundwork or aare den age cyc ng However as James Groves James Groves Th sEd evo ut on was one owas the key actors nto the aunch olaunch our m cromob that could 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ty James Groves James Groves B M © B M m mmay © B M reserved. No part of this magazine bebe used, transmitted B© M reserved. No part of this magazine may stored, transmitted groves@b z-med co uk N m NP m m oror © B ©P BwM M ©©B B M Ed tor tor Gee (p7) probes we both as an ndustry and as aoolaunch country n ames groves@b z-med co uk James Groves pTh at orm Ed tor at orm non 2020 and wh eoamany many cha enges ecyc ahead tour smy my pKaren atp orm tor tor MMB non 2020 and wh eactors many cha enges eng ahead tour sour my hope MMB n 2020 and wh ethe cha enges enaunch ahead tlaunch saour hope P PP PdPbddP B Bbm oB P oAll d d2020 dbmob b B o P dw dm ocontents P dmM bm B oAll d that cou d ay the groundwork or aactors go den age othe ng However as Ed tor mm sevo evo ut on was one othe the key actors nondustry the aunch oour m cromob say evo ut was one the key actors the aunch om our m cromob Th sJames ut on was one oare the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob tytyty w w w w wBiz w munder w w ww m that cou d ay the groundwork or go den age o cyc However as Ed tor w w wMedia m Th sevo evo ut on was one o the key actors nan the aunch our m cromob ty Th sMMB evo ut on was one othe key actors nenges the aunch om m cromob ty Th sat ut on was one oare the key actors ncha the aunch o our m cromob ty contents © 2020 Media Ltd. or published licence. AllAll rights w w wMedia m w w w mB w w w m P d © 2020 Biz Ltd. or published under licence. rights All contents © Biz Ltd. published under licence. All rights that All ©B Biz Media Ltd. or published under licence. All rights © B M © B © B M Editor m otor @b m dut o uon Ed tor Ed m o @b m dut o uMMB B P Bb P oNP d dBw oNP P d PP P PddbdbPb o that cou d the groundwork or a go den age ng However as ames groves@b z-med a co uk ames groves@b z-med a co uk ames groves@b z-med a co uk wBwdB w m2020 B Th s evo on was one o the key actors n the aunch our m cromob ty Th s evo ut on was one o key actors n the aunch o m cromob ty Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our cromob ty w mM wreproduced wcontents m BMm M w m Bor MM that could lay the groundwork for a golden age of cycling. However, as cou d ay the groundwork or go den age o cyc However as Editor Nd mwwritten m This evolution was one of the key factors in the of our micromobility Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty N mwritten m NN© mm mm This evolution was one of the key factors in the of our micromobility Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob ty This evolution was one of the key factors in launch of our micromobility Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our cromob ty reproduced ind any way without the prior permission of the publisher. N m m m that cou d ay the groundwork or a go den age cyc ng However as Ed tor in any way without the prior permission of the publisher. w w w m w w m m m m Th s evo on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob N m m m m Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob Th s evo ut on was one o the key actors n the aunch o our m cromob Karen Gee (p7) probes we both as and as a country n p at orm p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope p at orm n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope Karen Gee (p7) probes we both as an ndustry and as a country n p at orm p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many enges e ahead t s my hope MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope m m that could lay the groundwork ae-mob golden age of cycling. However, as m mused, James Groves m m SSN Cop Cop gP g m m This evolution one of the key factors in the launch Cop gpart This evolution was one of the key factors in the launch of micromobility This evolution was one of the key factors in launch of micromobility m SSN Cop gd Cop g reserved. No part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted that cou devo the groundwork afor go den age othe cyc ng However as m mbe mm No part of this magazine may used, stored, transmitted Th sEd evo ut on was oaco the key actors nndustry the aunch oas m cromob tytytytyty reserved. No part of this may be stored, transmitted reserved. No of this may be used, stored, transmitted ororor or Th sames ut was one oyear the key actors nus the aunch o our m cromob sames evo ut on was one oaare the key actors nenges the aunch o m cromob ty groves@b z-med aare co uk N m Ed tor N m m mis m Karen Gee (p7) probes we both as an ndustry and as country nhope Ed tor Ed tor N mis, N mmmagazine mm SSN C pTh at orm ames groves@b z-med aare co uk pm at orm MMB n 2020 and wh ee-mob many cha enges ethe ahead tour smy my hope pEd at orm MMB nsbe 2020 and wh ee-mob many cha enges ema ahead tour shope my hope MMB n 2020 and wh ee-mob many cha enges ethe ahead tour sanstream hope Ed tor Gee (p7) probes we both as an ndustry and as ama country nis Ed tor tor pat at orm Karen Gee probes, are we, both as an industry and as country, in pmthat at orm MMB n 2020 and wh emany many cha eahead ahead tour smy my pKaren orm MMB non 2020 and wh eor many cha enges ethe ahead tof snstream my MMB n 2020 and wh eand cha enges eenters tour saanstream hope platform, platform, MMB ,z-med in 2020, while many challenges lie ahead, it my hope platform, MMB ,was in 2020, and while many challenges lie ahead, ithope is my hope MMB ,z-med in 2020, and while many challenges lie ahead, it ismicromobility my db bB d B bB B o o P P d b B ow P dm P d b B od P dmagazine P d B oP P d SSN C PSSN PSSN dPb B b o o P d mm PdPSSN d b Bb ow P d Pb dm bm dm P d bm B oP P danger ogroves@b aday ow ng th sbe opportun ty to pass by? SSN Cop g m monly w w m Cop g SSN Cop gpd that 2021 w na y2020 be the year that e-mob ty the ma Cop greserved. w w that 2021 w na yone the year that ty enters the ma that 2021 w na be the that e-mob ty enters ma nstream w wd w mmM w m All information contained in this publication for information and asas farfar James Groves w w wm All information contained in this publication is information and is, m m mmBB w w wm mfor w w w ww w m w w mm d B d Ed tor Editor Editor Editor otor @b m dz-med oy uy Karen Gee (p7) probes we both as an and country n ames groves@b uk p at orm Ed tor p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope p at orm tor Ed MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope d b B o P d o @b m o u(p7) P d B o P d d B oodP P d P d B o P dPress Ed tor dPbdb B ob P d ames groves@b co uk groves@b z-med a co uk PSSN b B ob P d w w m Printed Printed by Buxton by Buxton Press Press Ltd Ltd Pd dP b B oby P d PPSSN Bw ow P danger o a ow ng th opportun ty to pass us by? w w BMpermission Printed by Buxton Press Ltd w ww BMonly M ofof w w m Printed by Buxton Press Ltd Printed Buxton Press Ltd ames groves@b z-med a co uk that 2021 w na y be the year that ty enters nstream ames z-med a co uk ames groves@b a co uk 2021 w na the year that ty enters that 2021 w na y be the year that ty enters the ma nstream w w m B M w reproduced in any way without the prior written permission the publisher. w w m B M w m B M m B M reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the publisher. reproduced in any way without the prior written of the publisher. reproduced in any way without the prior written permission the publisher. w w w m w w w m w w w m w w m Printed by Buxton Ltd Karen Gee (p7) probes are we both as an ndustry and as a country n p at orm p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope Karen Gee (p7) probes are we both as an ndustry and as a country n p at orm p at orm MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope p at orm MMB n and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope MMB n 2020 and wh e many cha enges e ahead t s my hope m o @b m d o u PSSN dSSN bdSSN Bb oare PoC dm w PSSN d b B o PP dmgdat wMedia P dBd P PSSN dP bSSN o P d m wM Ltd. m w mB SSN Cop Cop gP gdat m mBiz Cop gthe m m m mmB SSN Cop Cop ames groves@b z-med aand co groves@b z-med ay2020, co as we are aware, time of going tom press. cannot m Cop Cop gCop as we aware, correct the going to Biz Ltd. cannot w w mof B w w mtime MMedia m Cop g mpress. m mm SSN Cop Cop Karen Gee (p7) probes are we both as an ndustry and as ama country nishope at orm at orm MMB n and wh ee-mob many cha enges eahead ahead tssaanstream smy my hope at orm MMB n 2020 and wh many cha enges ahead tit my hope MMB n 2020 and wh many cha enges ethe ahead tcountry hope Karen Gee (p7) are we, both as an industry and as country, in Karen Gee (p7) probes both an ndustry and as athe n platform, pat at orm platform, MMB ,aprobes, in 2020, and while many challenges my hope pthat at orm MMB n 2020 and wh eand many cha enges eenges ahead tsalie smy my hope platform, pthat orm MMB ,we in 2020, and while many challenges lie ishope my hope MMB nMMB 2020 and wh euk many cha enges eenges ahead tas snstream my hope MMB ,in in and while many challenges lie ithope isithope my MMB n 2020 and wh euk many cha enges eenges ahead tcountry Karen Gee (p7) probes are we both as an ndustry and as country nhope d B b B o o P d pames at orm p at orm MMB 2020 and wh ee-mob many cha ema ahead tit smy my ptor at orm P d b B oCopyright P dg MMB 2020 and wh ee-mob many cha enstream ahead tis shope my hope MMB n 2020 and wh ee-mob many cha elie ahead tcountry, sanstream hope P d b B od d P b B o P m PSSN PSSN dISSN: B b B o P P d d mand danger omeant awill ow ng th sbe opportun ty to pass us by? SSN Cop gg m monly PdP d b BAll oAll P d Pb d bm B P d P d b Bb o1476-1505 P SSN Cop g SSN ggdPress that 2021 w na ybe be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma Cop ggcorrect mm monly that w na be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma that 2021 w na ynswe be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream All information contained in this publication for information and is,as asis, far danger o a2021 ow ng th sbe opportun ty to pass us by? SSN Cop g m All information contained in this publication is for information only and is, as farfar Cop g information contained in this publication is for information only and as ISSN: ISSN: 1476-1505 1476-1505 Copyright Copyright 2020 2020 information contained in this publication isisfor information is, far SSN Cop gpo that 2021 w na ywe be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream Cop go that 2021 w na be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 w na yn be the year that e-mob ty enters the nstream ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 m mB ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 1476-1505 2020 m m m m m m Ed Karen Gee (p7) probes, are we, both as an industry and in ISSN: 2020 platform, platform, MMB ,2020 in 2020, and while many challenges ahead, it my platform, 2020, while many challenges lie ahead, isit hope MMB ,be 2020, while many challenges lie ahead, is my Gee (p7) probes we both as an ndustry and as n d b B oo P d ppat at orm ppames at orm MMB n 2020 and wh eas many cha enges ema ahead tahead, shope my ppKaren orm P B o P d MMB 2020 and wh eee-mob many cha enges eethe ahead tahead, ssnstream my MMB n 2020 and wh eee-mob many cha enges eenters tahead, my d B oo P d P d B o P dCopyright Printed Printed by Press Press Ltd Ltd dPSSN b B ob P d ames groves@b z-med ayear co uk danger ameant ow ng th opportun ty to pass us by? ames groves@b z-med co uk ames groves@b z-med aopportun co uk Printed Buxton Press Ltd PSSN b B ob P d w w m B Printed by Buxton Press Ltd Pd dP b B ob P d Printed by Buxton Ltd PPSSN bd B od P dBuxton that 2021 w na be the year that ty enters the ma that 2021 w na yyn year that ty enters w w m that 2021 w na be the year that ty enters the ma nstream w wBuxton m BM M w w m MM P Pb b d B b B oby P dLtd dm z-med aco co uk danger o agroves@b ow ng th sin opportun ty to pass us by? accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. ames groves@b z-med co ames groves@b z-med a,are uk P d b B P d w w m P d b B P dm P B oP P dm accept any responsibility danger of allowing this opportunity to pass us by? SSN Cop god that 2021 w na yna the year that ty enters the ma m wm m 2021 na yna be the that ty enters ma nstream wd w m 2021 w na yna be the year that ty enters the nstream w wby m BM MB w m BB BMM SSN Cop g SSN Cop g that 2021 finally be the year that e-mobility the mainstream. Cop g that 2021 will finally the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. that 2021 will finally the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. Editor In the me we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr t hope In the hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed ton on In the meant me hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr tmy on by Buxton Press Ltd w Printed Buxton Press Ltd mfo w by Buxton Press Ltd Printed Buxton Press w dPrinted Bd oby P d m w SSN SSN Cop Cop gaware, g PSSN db b o P d as we are aware, correct the time ofgoing going Media Ltd. cannot mg w P dPrinted b B owe P dm PP d b Bw o P wBiz m w SSN Cop g danger oomeant agroves@b ow ng th sbe ty to pass us by? SSN Cop g SSN Cop as are correct at the time of going to press. Biz Ltd. cannot as are correct at the time of going to press. Biz Media Ltd. cannot as we are aware, atat the of totoBpress. Biz Media Ltd. cannot ames z-med athe co uk SSN SSN Cop Cop gwe that 2021 w yyng be the year that e-mob ty enters ma nstream ames groves@b z-med aauk co uk ames groves@b z-med aare co uk that 2021 w yhope the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 w yyme be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream wBby Bpress. Cop g SSN Cop SSN Cop w m B M w mtime B M w MM In the meant me we you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed ted In the me we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed ton on In the meant me we hope you en oy our techno ogyocused Apr ed ted on w m w m w m w m mMedia m danger o aw ow th sbe opportun ty to pass us by? SSN Cop ggaware, m to m You are advised contact and retailers directly with regard SSN Cop g SSN Cop ggcorrect that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream SSN Cop ggto that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream mm w m w mmanufacturers danger o a ow ng th s opportun ty to pass us by? ISSN: ISSN: 1476-1505 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 2020 SSN Cop gw m mmmw ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 SSN Cop gw ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 SSN Cop gw ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream SSN Cop gaccept that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream SSN SSN Cop Cop gCopyright gresponsibility SSN Cop g SSN Cop g SSN Cop gCopyright danger o a ow ng th s opportun ty to pass us by? that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. danger of allowing this opportunity to pass us by? ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 danger o a ow ng th s opportun ty to pass us by? accept any for errors or inaccuracies in such information. accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 ISSN: 1476-1505 2020 that 2021 will finally be the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020 that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream m that 2021 will finally be the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream that 2021 will finally be the year that e-mobility enters the mainstream. that 2021 w na y be the year that e-mob ty enters the ma nstream m danger o a ow ng th s opportun ty to pass us by? 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WWW WWWW WBBz the price of products/services to in this publication. the products/services referred to in this publication. the of referred totoin publication. 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Apps and websites mentioned in this publication are not our control. Apps and websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control. Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN o B keB z o o B keB z B keB z w m 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN w m w m w m o B keB z o o B keB z B keB z of BikeBiz ! of of BikeBiz ! BikeBiz ! B zL Med Ld d 4hd F B zL Med ah LF 4oo hoo Fnot Groves B zaMedia a L4th h oo B zMed Med a L dFloor, 4 hFoo F oo in anywway B zL Med L d 4oo h4 F oo B zB Med aMedia 4d oo B Med d4 4 h Fdh oo B Med ad La 4 F oo zMed ad L d 4 hLtd, F oo B zMed Med a Ld d 4 h F oo zB Med La d F oo W W WW them. This magazine is fully independent and affiliated with m m ww ww m m w m m 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN WWW W 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN oB keB zkeB ooBB ooJames BkeB keB zEd B keB zkeB Ed tor ator 291 961 Advert sssng 07794 805 307 B zzBiz a LLm 4 h F Ed tor aa 07801 291 961 Advert ng 07794 Ed tor a07801 07801 291 961 Advert ng 07794 307 Groves za L 4 h F oo B zMed Med L d 4 h F oo B zB Med aaMedia L d 44 hh F B zare L d 4 h F oo B zMed Med a L h F oo B zB Med aMed d 4 ha F oo m zMed a d 4for haL F oo Ltd, Biz Ltd, 4th Floor, m m m m m m Biz Media Ltd, 4th Floor, Biz Media 4th Floor, Biz Ltd, 4th Floor, m Biz Media Ltd, 4th Floor, We are not responsible for their contents or any other changes updates m m m m m m We are not responsible for their contents or any changes or updates We are not responsible for their contents or any other changes or updates We not responsible their contents or any other changes ororw updates tototo to James o B z o B z W B keB z WWW Ed tor a 07801 291 961 Advert s ng 07794 805 307 Ed a 07801 291 961 Advert s ng 07794 805 307 tor 07801 291 961 Advert s ng 07794 805 307 z o o B keB z keB z m m w wWC2E m B z Med a L d 4 h F oo m m wLondon w m m w w mother w w m m m ww B z Med a L d 4 h F oo B z Med a d 4 h F oo B z a L d 4 h F oo m m w w m m w w m w w the companies mentioned herein. m w w m m m m m m m w w mmm w mmm 44 m w w 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN o B keB z 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN o o B keB z B keB z 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane WC2E 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London 7LN 44 Ma den Lane London WC2E 7LN of oB keB of ooBkeB of !a07801 keB zBGroves BikeBiz zof okeB keB ozkeB oBkeB BEd keB B keB zBikeBiz James Groves B zB Med aMedia LaisL d 4d h4 oo B zmagazine aMedia LLondon, 4 h4th FWC2E oo B zaMed Med a Lm h F oo B zBiz Med a L dF 4 h F oo zL Med L d h4 F oo B zB Med amagazine L d 4d h oo B Med d4 4 h Fd oo zMed Med a L d hm F oo B zB Med a L d 4 h F oo zB Med aMed L d h F oo them. This magazine is fully independent and not affiliated any way with them. This fully independent and not affiliated in any way with them. This is fully independent and not affiliated in way with oJames them. 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All rights reserved. M w w wpublished munder © B M All contents All © Biz © 2020 Media Ltd. Media or published Ltd. or published under licence. under licence. rights reserved. All rights ©contents B M ©© B M w w w mAll ames groves@b z-med aGroves co uk w w w m w w ww m m All contents © 2020 Biz Media Ltd. or published licence. All rights All contents © 2020 Biz Ltd. or published under licence. All rights All contents 2020 Biz Media Ltd. or licence. All rights Ed tor Ed tor m munder mm Ed tor m m mmin m mm m grant Biz Media Ltd. and its licensees apublished licence publish submission m m B© M m B© M B M m m m m m mm m m Ed tor James Groves James Groves James Groves NwN m m m w Ed tor w w w m N© m m m mw m w w2020 w w w w N mMedia m N m m m Nw m m m N m N m m mw myour w © B M w N m mw mmm N m mm mand N m mm B M wN mm B M w © Bw M w m ww w m mm m the necessary rights/permissions to supply the material you automatically m w m the necessary rights/permissions to supply the material and you automatically the necessary rights/permissions to supply the and you automatically the necessary rights/permissions to supply the material and you automatically m m m m m mw m m m m w wused, Ed tor James Groves James Groves James Groves Editor Ed tor James James Groves N m m James Groves James Groves James Groves m m w m min James Groves part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted or reproduced inm any way N m m m m m N m m m m m Ed tor m m m m © B © M B M James Groves NBNo m m m James Groves James Groves © Bm M © Bissues M © B M m w N m m m No of reserved. this magazine No part may of be this used, magazine stored, may transmitted be used, or stored, reproduced transmitted any or N m m m NB© m m B© © M B M m wtransmitted m m w m m wmaterial M m reserved. 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The rise and rise of e-bikes Rebecca Morley looks at how e-bike market growth has exploded since the start of the pandemic

19 Ride with Pride Richard Hearne, founder and chairperson, PRiDE OUT, pens an open letter to the UK cycling industry

22 Why should businesses invest in e-cargo bikes? Fully Charged’s Dan Parsons tells Rebecca Morley why electric cargo bikes are growing in interest


29 ewheeling and dealing ewheelers, a newly-launched platform for the buying and selling of e-mobility solutions, wants to become the eBay of the micromobility world

37 All systems go How many tasks require skill, and how many are simply routine? By Jake Voelcker, owner, Bicycleworks


40 Five minutes with: ABUS This month, BikeBiz sits down with Marius Schiller, ABUS area sales and marketing manager


For the full range visit



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‘It’s exciting that e-bikes are really starting to pique consumers’ interest’

The rise and rise of e-bikes Rebecca Morley looks at how e-bike market growth has exploded since the start of the pandemic


he rising interest of e-bikes has been welldocumented for a number of years now, with more and more people discovering the benefits of cycling but with a less strenuous option. And this has increased further since the outbreak of COVID-19 – with a new Shimano report of over 2,100 people in the UK revealing that 11% are more likely to use or buy an e-bike now than they were before the pandemic. The highest age group to consider buying or using an e-bike are those aged 25 to 34 years with 17%, compared to 12% of 35 to 44 year olds, and 9% to 11% across most other age groups. Of those who took part in the study, 40% said they felt the reason people are more likely to buy/use e-bikes now, compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic, is because they are a suitable alternative to using a motor vehicle. 37%

said lessening the impact on the environment by reducing their carbon footprint would be the main reason and 38% said it would be as an alternative to public transport. But what impact has COVID-19 had on businesses? “The way we move today is stuck,” says Cowboy co-founder Tanguy Goretti. “The pace and demand of modern city life allied with a congested reality means we are going faster, slower. This is not good for us, our cities or our environment as a whole. “The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated and accelerated the need for a safer, time-efficient, cleaner and healthier way to move in and around cities. “Prior to the inception of COVID-19, the majority of our users did ride their bikes to go to work – with most rides performed during weekdays around 8am and 5pm. In the last

November 2021 | 7


VOLT saw a 300% increase in sales across 2020 compared to the same period in 2019

12 months, we have observed a significant shift towards usage over the weekend now representing 24% of usage time as well as a much evenly distributed time of use during the day, pointing towards many more people working from home and hoping on their bike to just unwind, stay active and burn some calories or go shopping. “With COVID-19, logistic supply chains from Asia have become very complicated since the start of the pandemic, transit times have almost doubled and cost per container at least quadrupled. This has affected everybody in the bike industry, yet Cowboy less than others because we assemble our bikes in Europe through our partnership with world leader Flex. As a result, Cowboy saw a 100% revenue growth in Q1 2021 compared to Q1 2020.” A breakthrough moment Barry Bracken, UK spokesperson for VanMoof, says the e-bike market has been one experiencing a ‘breakthrough’ moment. “Steady growth has exploded into rapid growth, outperforming all predictions,” says Bracken. “Alongside that there’s been vastly increased public awareness of the environmental, practical and health benefits of e-biking for commutes and a really strong curiosity to test-ride. It’s a

8 | November 2021

product moving from niche to mainstream. Our own sales tripled in 2020. Half of all bikes sold in the Netherlands are now e-bikes, compared to just 11% ten years ago. While e-bikes are now the third largest cycling category in terms of total sales revenue in the US, ahead of road bikes.

“Steady growth has exploded into rapid growth, outperforming all predictions” Barry Bracken, VanMoof “COVID-19 has resulted in a rapid market acceleration that has truly supercharged sales and changed attitudes to cycling overnight. People simply will not accept being stuck in traffic anymore if they don’t have to be and many are still avoiding public transport, or would like to rely on it less. This is illustrated by the fact that US e-bike revenue grew by 240% in the 12 months ending in July 2021, year-over-year. That’s 16 times faster than regular bikes. “E-bike mainstreaming, especially for city cycling, has now happened in less than two years, when it might have been more gradual over the next five to ten years. Attitudes to

Premium Cycling Solutions

FEATURE In terms of expectations for the future, Bracken says: “We want to turn all cities into little Amsterdams and we believe our riders and anyone who loves cleaner, greener urban living are ready for the mobility revolution that is already underway and reshaping our streets.

“The pandemic has exposed millions of people overnight to the time-saving benefits of the e-bike commute” Linas Pozerskis, WAU Bike Linas Pozerskis, co-founder and CEO of WAU (right) with business partner Crystal Drury

e-bikes have also undergone huge change, particularly in non-traditional markets like the US. “That’s where VanMoof ’s sales are growing fastest and where our research has shown us that residents of huge cities like NYC and LA are now a third more likely to choose e-bikes for short journeys than before the pandemic.” VanMoof’s June survey – of 3,000 adults across London, Paris, Berlin, New York, and Los Angeles – revealed ​​that attitudes towards e-bike use have undergone a big change in US cities New York and Los Angeles, with 35% of New Yorkers and 32% of Los Angeles residents more likely to choose an e-bike for short journeys since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 64% of 25-34 year olds in New York said they would now be more likely to choose an e-bike for their city journeys.

“The enthusiasm of all the new riders you can see in cities like Paris and London, New York and Milan, Barcelona and LA, show us that our cities are evolving. It’s time for us to evolve too. “Let’s support this sea change, give it space to grow and harness the enthusiasm with imaginative and supportive policies to make riders feel safer, encourage more sustainable and equitable urban transport policies and keep the momentum going. We have a real opportunity here to set the tone for the coming decade and change the way we move around cities forever.” VanMoof also recently announced its very first hyperbike, the VanMoof V, to offer riders a ‘true car replacement’ for everyday life in cities and beyond. With integrated speed settings to match country regulations, the VanMoof V will be capable of hitting speeds up to 31 mph and will be

WAU recently opened a new factory in Essex 10 | November 2021

FEATURE full of new features optimised to ‘shrink even the biggest cities’, said the company. New habits Nottingham-based e-bike company WAU recently opened a new factory in Essex as the firm continues to expand to meet ‘surging’ demand. The site, which officially opened for production in July, is based in a central point for the firm in South Woodham Ferrers. After taking more than a year to develop, the new factory is already accommodating the rise in orders for electric bikes. On the changes of the e-bike market, Linas Pozerskis, founder of WAU Bike, says: “Electric bikes outsell electric cars, by a factor of four, and this difference will only continue to grow. The pandemic has exposed millions of people overnight to the time-saving benefits of the e-bike commute, such as the ability to skip the ever-growing traffic queues and experience the joy of effortlessly zipping around on your commute. “On average it takes three months for people to develop a new habit, but the pandemic has offered up more opportunity for the public to become accustomed to the newer forms of new EV personal transport. We have very quickly adapted and in turn are catching up with other leading green nations such as Germany, France and the Netherlands. “While this powerful social movement has created unprecedented shortages of electric bikes worldwide, the team at WAU work around the clock to meet the growing demand and welcome the surge with open arms. “The sheer volume of e-bike sales and revenue lead to some micro-EV companies having larger budgets, to further develop more functional and stylish electric bike designs – incentivising people to make the shift to new micro-EVs and leaving the old bare-bones bicycle designs in the past. “While most hardcore cyclists think electric bikes are cheating, the casual cyclists primarily want to save time on their commute, travelling at speed in comfort with smart surround lights, a cargo area and anti-theft controls to provide additional function, utility and safety on the road. The most popular option for micro-EV is always the electric bike – it is the future and is here to stay.” Changing demographic James Metcalfe, founder and CEO of VOLT Bikes, says the company has seen a steady rise in interest in e-bikes across the past ten years, but it really ‘exploded’ in 2020 – the combined effects of concern surrounding personal impact on the environment, the desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle amidst periodic lockdowns, and the reduced-cost of e-bikes versus other forms of powered personal transport.

“The COVID-19 outbreak meant that customers sought out electric bikes as a means of exercise and transport that also allowed them to remain socially distanced from others and because of this, we saw a 300% increase in sales across 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, and that increased level of activity has continued into this year,” says Metcalfe. “It’s exciting that e-bikes are really starting to pique consumers’ interest, and also to see the change in the demographic looking to go electric. The age of our average customer is shifting increasingly younger, as more people become aware of the benefits of powered cycling. “Previously, a lot of focus has been on encouraging people to switch to electric cars and electric bikes were unfairly overlooked in both government and general green initiatives. But, that’s changing, and the reality is: electric bikes are far cheaper, they don’t require any fancy at-home charging set-up, and the majority of car journeys people are seeking to replace with alternative transport are shorter than five miles – an ideal distance for an electric bike! “Thankfully, policymakers are finally starting to propose e-bikes as a viable transport alternative and have introduced various initiatives, such as the Active Travel Fund. Subsidies will not only be a boon to the growing UK e-bike industry but also the environment, the nation’s health, and our general wellbeing. There is no doubt that supporting public access to greener modes of transport will change our roads and our lives for the better.” n

VanMoof recently revealed its very first hyperbike, the VanMoof V

November 2021 | 11

APPOINTMENTS This month’s movers and shakers throughout the cycle industry... Alex Ballinger, BikeBiz and MMB James Groves has stepped down from his position as group editor on BikeBiz and MMB after three-and-ahalf years at the helm. He has been replaced by Cycling Weekly news editor Alex Ballinger, who started on 1st November. “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time in the cycling industry,” said Groves. “The market has continued to flourish throughout my tenure and I have no doubt that there are many great years ahead for such a passionate community of cycling businesses. It feels rather anomalous to be handing over the reins, but from a personal perspective, it’s simply time for a new challenge in a new marketplace.

Leon Stimpson, Reid Reid has welcomed Leon Stimpson to the team as its new product manager. Having previously been a role that both founder James Reid and managing director Rob Akam had undertaken, Reid now needs a dedicated employee in the role to help grow the brand and its products further. Stimpson joins Reid with experience in the biking world both professionally and for pleasure, having recently headed up product


“Once I had taken the decision to leave, I knew exactly who I wanted to lead the brands into 2022 and beyond, and I’m delighted that Alex has accepted the opportunity. He possesses the perfect balance of cycling enthusiasm and journalistic talent and I have no doubt that both BikeBiz and MMB will prosper under his leadership.” Ballinger said: “It feels slightly surreal to be part of this announcement, but I’m thrilled to be joining the team. Like many BikeBiz readers, I’ve grown up around bikes and the cycling industry, whether it’s MTB, commuters, road cycling, or BMX, and to be taking the step into the editor role feels like the right place at the right moment. “Thank you to James and the team. Hopefully, I can keep bringing you all the great stuff you’ve come to expect from BikeBiz. I look forward to meeting you all (hopefully in person!) soon.” n

development at Forme Bikes where he doubled its range size. Stimpson said: “[I] saw a lot of potential with Reid as they are an exciting brand with a great global presence. I also share the same values in that a bicycle can look great, ride well, but also be affordable. Reid is already very well established outside of the EU but hopefully I can help grow the love for the brand inside the EU in the near future. “I have already started on a refresh of the road bike range, some new Cruisers and I am overseeing some exciting new mid-level MTBs. I am really looking forward to getting stuck into Reid’s e-bike range, we use the Ananda system which has some very impressive stats and I can’t wait to see what I can do with it.” n

? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

12 | November 2021

Andrew Cullen, Simon Townsend and Duncan Kennedy, Ison Distribution

Andrew Cullen is joining ID as the North area account manager. Whilst joining from outside the industry, Cullen will be able to draw upon his previous experiences of working for a bicycle fitting retailer and previously a cycle distributor for a total of four years combined. Simon Townsend is ID’s second new appointment and will be covering the Southwest. Whilst Townsend’s previous employment is also from outside the industry, he’s rejoining the Ison family after a short break, having previously worked with them for five years. Finally, Duncan Kennedy is the third addition to the area account team. Kennedy is currently an ID employee, working in the brand management department. This evolving role sees Kennedy continue with some brand management duties, with the addition of three days out meeting accounts directly within the Southeast area. n

Ison Distribution has expanded its sales team with three new area account managers. This expansion sees sales manager Kevin Burton’s team expand from two customer care and sales members to a total of five, providing ID with both internal and external sales departments.

Lee Page, Evolving Sports Distribution Evolving Sports Distribution has appointed Lee Page as trade sales executive for the UK. “We are really excited to be able to secure Lee’s services as his knowledge of the cycle industry and dealers will allow EVO to achieve our goals in the UK,” said an EVO statement.


“Lee brings a strong knowledge of all things e-bike combined with strong account management experience and has already made a difference to our daily business.” Page added: “I am really enjoying my start with Evolving Sport. Having been in the bike industry for a decade it is great to be working for a company with huge ambitions and dedication to helping dealers grow their business, I am looking forward to visiting dealers in the coming weeks.” EVO is actively looking for new dealers throughout the UK. Page is contactable via 07521 053 938 and lee@ n

? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

November 2021 | 13

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17/11/2020 15:47


BA’s Industry Census 2021 An estimated £1 billion turnover has been covered in this year’s Census


he Bicycle Association (BA) has welcomed strong industry participation in the first ever UK Cycle Industry Census, which over the summer collected responses from companies across all sectors of the industry. The BA estimates that the responses cover between 30% and 65% of the whole UK cycling market by turnover, meaning that probably over £1 billion worth of business is counted in the Census results. A recent BA report indicated that in 2020, the cycle industry as a whole was valued at ca. £2.3 billion. Steve Garidis, BA executive director, said: “It is vital for us, as the industry trade body for the UK cycle industry, to learn about the priorities and capabilities of our sector. We’ll take this information to Government in our advocacy work, and also use it to help develop the BA’s work programme. “That’s why such an impressive response rate, covering a large percentage of the whole industry’s turnover, is so important. It provides clarity that the BA’s advocacy priorities are in tune with what the industry wants: to grow everyday cycling, to capitalise on e-bikes’ potential for growth, and to stress to national and local Government that there is a powerful business and economic case for investing in cycling provision.”

Headline findings from the Census include: • The industry priorities for growth were clearly identified as introducing newcomers to cycling, and ‘everyday’ cycling – supported by e-bikes as the priority growth technology • Rolling out safe cycling infrastructure is, unsurprisingly, confirmed as the key Government action needed to grow cycling. Significantly, as well as national lobbying through the BA, around two thirds of industry participants indicated readiness to engage in local or regional advocacy – potentially representing a powerful force to put the economic case for cycling and safe infrastructure investment to local decisionmakers. The BA is working to develop a ‘local economic case for cycling’ to support this work • It is also striking how, across the cycle industry, companies are engaging in ‘above and beyond’ work to encourage cycling in their communities – with well over half of retailers making special provision for key workers or

donating to local cycling activities, and many reaching out with free rides, classes or other activities The Census was wide-ranging, and also covered many more detailed aspects of industry structure. It also explored industry views on matters such as sustainability/recycling, recruitment and diversity in the industry, the issue of thefts from retailers, and the issues for retailers and others of endof-life e-bike batteries and their proper disposal. These detailed findings will inform BA initiatives to address particular issues. For example: • Over half of the cycle industry businesses who responded had worked in the last 12 months to reduce packaging or improve recycling • Around a third of retailers had experienced a significant theft over the last five years, with the average value of theft reported as almost £36,000 per incident • Almost all respondents identified e-bikes as the technology with the best potential to grow cycling over the next three years. Just under a third of respondents also named family cargo cycles as an area with strong potential for growth • Around half of all retailers had end-of-life e-bike batteries in store awaiting proper disposal • Asked about sales to the EU, 13% of retailers said they used to but no longer do so • Only ca. 20% of Census participants deal at all with e-scooters now, but ca. 35% of those not currently involved would reconsider if they were to be legalised • The industry still seems male-dominated, with ca. 80% of customer facing staff, 92% of workshop staff and 60% of administrative staff reported as identifying as male • Companies of all sizes would welcome efforts to professionalise the image of the industry in recruitment publicity, to help recruit and retain staff n

November 2021 | 15


MAGURA on its digital learning platform TechAcademy BikeBiz sits down with Timo Kieninger, director marketing and sales (ppa.) at MAGURA Bosch Parts & Services

Tell us about the MAGURA TechAcademy. Our new MAGURA TechAcademy offers specialist dealers yet another flexible online training option. A total of six online learning modules will provide participants with all the important information on innovations, products and topics related to maintenance and service. The training content is available in four different languages and primarily targets sales and workshop employees. It contains six learning modules of approximately 40 minutes each. Each of the four modules will provide information on MAGURA product groups, with the content allocated to product and service information, ranging from detailed explanations of product features to practical tips on bleeding a product and troubleshooting. Two of the modules will cover interesting facts about the MAGURA brand and company, plus information about the services provided by MAGURA Bosch Parts & Services. How and why did it come about? We recognised the need for flexible online learning content, even before the COVID pandemic. The product landscape of the bicycle industry is changing constantly and dealer trainings get more and more important. But trainings also take time and place heavy demands on dealers and staff. Online trainings are the time effective alternative – without travel time, heavy costs and harmless in the crazy times of the corona pandemic. We have already gained good online training experience with our successful live webinars in spring 2021, so we’re now looking forward to taking the next big step with the MAGURA TechAcademy! Our comprehensive and high-quality training content will be available to our customers from mid October on and in multiple languages.

employees will be able to access the training content online anywhere and at any time to complete the individual learning modules. When they pass an online test, the participants receive a personal certificate and the MAGURA TechTalk as a reference work. How much has MAGURA’s dealer network grown in recent years? Our dealer network in Europe has been growing steadily for years, but we haven’t yet been able to meet the demand for classroom training in every country. Thanks to the TechAcademy, we can now offer a comprehensive range of training courses in Europe, increasing knowledge in the trade about the MAGURA brand and giving it a solid international position for the future. Nowadays, our network covers a growing five-digit number of dealers in Europe. And growth still comes from all main markets in the EU as well as uprising markets in Eastern/ Northern Europe. What are your plans for 2022 and beyond? In addition to the now-expanded online training courses, classroom training and live webinars will also be offered in the MAGURA programme in the future. All three formats are part of an overarching training concept designed to meet the needs of as many dealers as possible. MBPS is planning to return to classroom training courses in 2022, but until then, the company is relying entirely on the newly created TechAcademy for the remainder of the year. n

What are the advantages of the new training platform? The significant advantage of the new digital training is its unrestricted availability – because all participating dealer 16 | November 2021






24/03/2021 12:43


Ride with Pride Richard Hearne, founder and chairperson, PRiDE OUT, pens an open letter to the UK cycling industry…


ear British Cycling, Cycling UK, Department for Transport, Sport England, Sustrans and UK Sport ... friends and allies, In November 2020, we published an open letter entitled The Diversity & Inclusion Problem in Cycling. Following this, we are calling on cycling and sporting organisations to acknowledge the specific challenges that LGBTQIA+ people face in cycling; we also seek a commitment to implement solutions which give everyone an equitable chance to ‘ride with pride’.

​We are calling for a commitment to the following: 1. Celebrate lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex and ace/ asexual (LGBTQIA+) cyclists and their stories, not just on key dates ... but all year round! 2. Assist with the creation (and strengthening of existing networks) similar to British Cycling’s ten year-old ‘Breeze’ rides for women, encouraging underrepresented communities to cycle more e.g. ethnically diverse communities, LGBTQIA+ people and people with disabilities 3. Adopt strict zero-tolerance policies of biphobia, homophobia, lesbophobia and transphobia (and similar) 4. Lobby for reliable LGBTQIA+ cycling participation statistics

to be compiled and published by Sport England, Sport Scotland and Sport Wales 5. Guarantee LGBTQIA+ cyclists and groups receive funding which is proportional to the size of the LGBTQIA+ population 6. Ensure organisational representation of LGBTQIA+ people at all levels, and publish workforce makeup statistics detailing the proportion of paid employees We’re ready to enable far greater LGBTQIA+ participation in cycling... are you? We believe there are five key challenges preventing much greater LGBTQIA+ participation in cycling, from grassroots to elite level, and everything in-between: acknowledgement, prejudice, visibility, statistics and funding. Acknowledgment LGBTQIA+ people are more likely to earn less, feel lonely, drink/take drugs, be depressed, take their own life and nearly twice as likely to be inactive (affecting their physical and mental health). There are also many stigmas LGBTQIA+ people face; often these manifest from a young age, perhaps because of experience of hate crime or prejudice, not seeing people who ‘look like them’ or having a sense that they are different to others.

November 2021 | 19


That’s why there are believed to be more than 250+ LGBTIA+ sports groups around the UK, working hard to create safe spaces where people have an opportunity to be their true selves, without fear of prejudice or harassment. We believe opportunities for LGBTQIA+ people to access and enjoy cycling are not equal for many reasons; this can be anything from the cost of owning a bike and accessories, poor experiences of physical education at school or simply a feeling of ‘sport/ physical activity isn’t for me’. We don’t profess to know all the answers, but we’ve tried to highlight the most obvious barriers as we see them, in the hope that meaningful solutions can be put in place. Prejudice There have been massive strides in equality for LGBTQIA+ people and allies over recent decades. But prejudice and hate crimes still happen. Regrettably, on 13th June 2021, PRiDE OUT experienced a hate crime during one of our organised rides; a group of men shouted ‘f*cking queers’ at us repeatedly, whilst they laughed hysterically. In recent months, we have seen disturbing allegations of homophobia and transphobia surfacing at an elite level in cycling: • In Clay Davies’ interview in July 2021 with the British Continental and on the BBC LGBT Sport Podcast, he raised issues of ‘homophobic slurs being thrown around, management led issues, nothing being done when anything inappropriate, laddish or homophobic is said’ plus ‘coaches and team management finding it hilarious’ • In another British Continental article, a male junior rider reported ‘laddish behaviour, homophobic slurs and said: ‘In my experience, British Cycling does not care about this issue. Countless times I have been at British Cycling-run sessions and a rider has said something homophobic, transphobic... in front of commissaires and none of them has reacted in the slightest’ On 10th September 2021, six weeks after the allegations, British Cycling released a statement. Chief executive Brian Facer said: ‘It has been deeply worrying to read in recent weeks reports about the homophobia and transphobia to which some of our fellow cyclists have been subjected… I wanted to take an opportunity to say this: homophobia and transphobia are not acceptable in our sport.’ Visibility ‘If you can’t see it, you can’t aspire to be it.’ Visibility can be difficult to quantify, but if you look closely, there are clear signs that visibility of LGBTQIA+ people in cycling is lacking. • In April 2021, ten respected people and organisations wrote to British Cycling to implore they ‘remain on the path to inclusion’ for trans people, but their recent strategy to 2024 makes no reference of trans people whatsoever • David Bradford from Cycling Weekly wrote an article in June

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2021 entitled ‘Why is the peloton hiding its true colours?’, in which it reports, ‘a conspicuous absence of openly LGBTQ+ riders in the pro peloton.’ The article went on to highlight ‘of the 978 riders in the men’s pro peloton, none are gay’ and proposed ‘the probability that all are straight is one in ten trillion’ • In 2020, Sustrans ‘teamed up with ARUP to create a guide to support people in local government and the transport sector to make cycling more inclusive for everyone.’ The 87page report has reference of multiple demographics, but not LGBTQIA+ people • In the UK, we believe there to be approximately 3,200 cycling clubs, of which 2,000 are registered with British Cycling and 1,000 are registered with Cycling UK. This roughly equates to one cycling club for every 20,875 people in the general population. We know of only three cycling clubs that are primarily focused on getting more LGBTQIA+ people (and allies) cycling around the UK; they are Cycle Out London, PRiDE OUT and Cardiff Queer Bike Gang. Working on the basis that 11.65% of the UK’s ~68 million population is LGBTQIA+ (see why we suggest this in the following paragraph), it equates to only one dedicated cycling club for every 2.6 million LGBTQIA+ people to cycle, potentially 12,649% less safe-spaces compared to the ‘general population’. Why does this matter? See the prejudice paragraph above! Statistics The precise size of the LGBTQIA+ population in the UK is unknown and estimates vary greatly: • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 17% of British youth under 25 years old identify as LGBQ or gender diverse • The Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggests it’s around 6.3% (those who don’t identify as ‘straight/heterosexual’) – the average of the last two figures is 11.65% • Hannah Shrimpton, associate director of market research company Ipsos MORI, is quoted as saying: ‘Just about half of Gen Z say they are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex’ It’s well documented that women, ethnically diverse communities and people with disabilities typically cycle 2-3 times less than white men without disabilities. According to Sport England, cycling is the third most popular physical activity, after walking and fitness activities. Even though participation statistics exist by age, sex, socio-economic background, disability and ethnicity, no participation statistics exist for LGBTQIA+ people; nor is there a single reference of LGBTQIA+ people in Sport England’s Active Lives Survey or its 54-page ten-year-vision document, Uniting The Movement. Once there is acknowledgement of the issues faced by the LGBTQIA+ community, along with greater visibility and tackling prejudice, we hope organisations such as Sport England will have greater confidence to collect vital sexual orientation


and gender identity data. This will help ensure LGBTQIA+ people are not overlooked and feature in future strategies which promote active lifestyles. Funding ‘Money talks’, and we think it really does! Global Citizen advise: ‘Equality essentially means providing everyone with the same amount of resources, regardless of whether everyone needs them; in other words, each person receives an equal share of resources despite what they already have, or don’t have. Equity is when resources are shared based on what each person needs, in order to adequately level the playing field.’ Over the past 15 months, PRiDE OUT has engaged in many conversations with 100+ year-old cycling charity Cycling UK. We have also corresponded with its chief executive Sarah Mitchell. We asked how we could help with greater diversity and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in cycling. On 21st December 2020, Sarah wrote to say: ‘We are in the process of a diversity audit at the moment. We expect that to report in the new year and will be developing a set of phased actions from those findings. Really appreciate your offer to help but also we wouldn’t want to take advantage of your generosity.’ Nine months later, we are yet to hear anything. In May 2020, we received £1,464 from Cycling UK to help establish our cycling group and it published an article about


PRiDE OUT. Subsequently, we started receiving countless requests from people around the UK, asking if we could put on inclusive LGBTQIA+ bike rides in their area (copies available on request). As a result, we requested additional funding from Cycling UK’s Big Bike Revival, which is provided by the Department for Transport (DfT). Unfortunately, our requests have been repeatedly declined. In July 2021, we submitted a Freedom of Information request, which highlighted Cycling UK has received ~£7 million of taxpayer funding since 2014, but only ~£6,629 has been spent directly targeting LGBTQIA+ people, just 0.09%. And finally... Over the past 12 months, we have reached out to British Cycling, Cycling UK, the Department for Transport, Sport England, Sustrans and UK Sport to urge more be done about homophobia and transphobia, a lack of LGBTQIA+ participation statistics, inadequate representation of LGBTQIA+ cyclists and unsatisfactory funding. ​We sincerely hope this letter communicates our determination to be a part of the solution, through our lived experiences and network of LGBTQIA+ cyclists across the UK. If you share our values, we would love to hear from you and we stand, pedal-ready, to make a meaningful difference to people’s lives. n


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November 2021 | 21



Fully Charged opened its new e-bike service centre earlier this year

Why should businesses invest in e-cargo bikes? Fully Charged’s Dan Parsons tells Rebecca Morley why e-cargo bikes are growing in interest and how they are helping businesses become more efficient


-cargo bikes have a host of benefits that make them perfect for city deliveries, taking up less road space than vans, easing congestion and improving a company’s efficiency. And with many businesses looking for more sustainable methods of transporting goods, the rising popularity of electric comes as no surprise. Earlier this year Fully Charged opened its new e-bike service centre in central London, which, in addition to the workshop’s six e-bike stands and two e-cargo bays, also houses an e-cargo showroom, showcasing offerings from the likes of Urban Arrow, Butchers & Bicycles, Tern Bicycles and Riese and Müller. “Our focus has always been on the service and support of our customers,” says Dan Parsons, founding partner

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and head of business at Fully Charged. “Our workshop is ten times bigger than the showroom, and we’re all about looking after the client. Anyone can sell you an e-bike – it’s the ongoing service and support that’s so incredibly important. “A proportion of it is actually an electric cargo showroom. And these are big machines, far bigger than you might imagine, and so you need a lot of space to be able to not only show and allow budding businesses to see, learn and try them, but also service them. “The electric cargo bike side of things has come from nowhere, over the last probably three years. We might have [previously] got two calls every couple of months, it’s now multiple calls a day about electric cargo.”


eCargo Bike Grant Fund September saw Fully Charged host an event showcasing the Energy Saving Trust’s eCargo Bike Grant Fund at the central London e-cargo showroom, with opportunities to see and trial a range of e-cargo bikes and learn from businesses already reaping the benefits. The DfT and its delivery partner Energy Saving Trust recently announced a £400,000 funding round to help and support small businesses investing in e-cargo bikes. Funding covers up to 40% of the total cost of an e-cargo bike, up to a maximum of £2,500 for twowheel models and £4,500 for three-wheel models, with applications capped at five bikes per organisation. “It’s come about really because of a response to the rise in interest in electric cargo bikes in the UK now,” explains Parsons. “If the stats are correct, about 2,000 electric cargo bikes were reportedly sold in the UK last year, and that number is about 80,000 in Germany. “It’s an enormous potential sector for growth. And we have a very big percentage of that 2,000 units in the UK. That’s really fun and exciting but it requires the service centre backing to be able to effectively service and support those clients because that is their business, and keeping those bikes on the road is absolutely prudent for them. It’s not like hobbyists being without their bike for a week between rides, these guys rely on it day to day.”

Parsons says there are a number of reasons for the rise in interest in e-cargo bikes, but it’s mostly come out of necessity through infrastructure changes, and also policy and legislation, certainly in the city. “We’ll take London as an example because it’s our local city,” says Parsons. “You have the congestion charge, which has risen, you’ve got ULEZ, which has risen in cost and also increasing in its diameter around London, so any highly emitting vehicles are being taxed considerably through those two things. “You’ve got rising fuel costs and you’ve got an increase in congestion. The pandemic has meant that e-commerce has boomed – you’ve got the likes of Amazon needing more delivery methods, and they’ve mostly gone into white vans, but then those white vans have restricted access into areas of the city which they literally can’t get to. “The e-cargo bike has allowed these businesses to continue delivering the same number of parcels, or more, to areas which the vans now can’t get to, or can get to, but take longer and it’s incredibly expensive. E-cargo bikes can park right outside the customer, right outside the pick-up place, and not have to go round and pay exhaustive parking fees. “There’s also been an increase in awareness now – we’re seeing more of them on the road. Stats by the Active Travel Academy, which is part of the University of Westminster, quote electric cargo bikes as being

E-cargo bikes are an ‘enormous’ potential sector for growth

November 2021 | 23


60% more efficient than vans. A European study said that 51% of freight deliveries services in urban centres could be replaced by electric cargo bikes. That’s a very big number – so the rise in electric cargo bikes is enormous.” Part of the struggle though, Parsons continues, is trying to sell businesses a new, not yet understood technology. Delivery companies know how a white van works, but to offer a new technology and a new way of doing business is something that takes some education in order to prove it can work. “What typically happens is they’re going ‘£8,000 for a bike, are you mental?’ They don’t understand that the cargo bike at £8,000 is a direct replacement of their white van, which actually costs them considerably more, not only to buy, but to run and maintain, and you need tax, MOT and insurance etc. “Once you’ve convinced them that it might be a good idea, they then dip their toes in and buy one or two, and the decision is made easier by the grant, and they’re going ‘oh my God, why have we never done this before?’” Upward trajectory The rising numbers of people walking and cycling have been well reported since COVID-related restrictions began, with the pandemic causing enormous gains across the board. But e-bikes were on an upward trajectory already, says Parsons. “I think what the pandemic did is just accelerated the change. It also brought a lot of change in infrastructure, so we had COVID cycle lanes coming in. There were a lot fewer cars on the road – a lot of people felt safer to go on and cycle, and therefore there was an uptick through that as well. “There has also been a perfect storm the other way because we’ve had the most shocking of supply periods. In my nearly 15 years in the industry, in electric bikes,

I’ve never had a period like it. It’s been devastating and the growth could have been significantly higher if there hadn’t been all the issues that the industry experienced through lack of availability and lack of supply. COVID has increased it and throttled it at the same time.” Speaking to the suppliers, most of them are saying that they need another year to recover, Parsons says, and then we’re not going to get to any form of normality until at least the end of next year. “The suppliers’ suppliers are struggling. They’ve already put their pre-orders in and they’re designing stuff for this next year. “And many of our suppliers are capping us with the number of e-bikes that we can buy, which is incredibly frustrating because as a business we obviously want to continue to grow but the stock clearly isn’t there, or certainly of the bike that we want to be marketing, promoting and selling.” But many businesses across different industries are also having the same issues – and at least it’s better this way than the other way round, Parsons says. “It’s a nice problem to have but it’s a problem nonetheless, and it’s a very costly problem because when our phone rings 300 times a day, a large proportion of those are ‘any news on my bike?’ You’re paying for staff to be sitting answering calls on behalf of the suppliers. It’s very difficult and very costly, but it is what it is.” But one good thing about working with commercial businesses is that their bikes are on the road nearly 24/7, so more e-bikes being seen on the road is a good thing for everybody, including consumers, Parsons concludes. “We’re fully invested in this side of the business and I cannot wait to see what the next 12-18 months has to offer.” n

Stats by the Active Travel Academy quote e-cargo bikes as being 60% more efficient than vans 24 | November 2021












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Tips for more effective email marketing By Jack Davey, Unearth Marketing


good mailing list can be a goldmine, but for online and in store sales. However it’s more than simply gathering a large list of email addresses and hammering their inbox with offers. Your emails are a direct connection between your brand and the customer, quite literally to the palm of their hand. Incessant demands to spend will not ingratiate you with them, but well-built emails will grow loyalty as well as revenue. Here’s a short list of key considerations to help you create better marketing emails. Quality over quantity It’s a phrase that’s wheeled out all too often, but it is vital here and applies both to your mailing list and the emails you send. Having a vast database of contacts is all well and good but it’s meaningless if only 10% are opening your newsletters. That’s not to say that gathering more email addresses isn’t important, but keep those new contacts engaged by delivering high quality content in each email. Set aside time to put together a multi-feature email that ties into your broader strategy and business calendar. If you’re scrabbling around for something to put out that evening, you’re better off leaving it for another time. Entertain first, sell second Marketing emails are tools to drive footfall and site traffic, and ultimately make sales, but they are also a key connection between your brand and your customer. Inject the unique character of your store into every bit of copy, and don’t immediately make a play for their money. After all, you wouldn’t start guiding a customer over to the till the moment they set

foot in the shop, would you? Discuss the latest goings-on, shop rides, trips the team have made. Dropping in some product recommendations here is much more amenable than a neon price tag and an outstretched palm. Bringing in links to videos or articles the team have picked up on lately is a great way to bring a flavour of the store to a newsletter without having to create entirely new content yourself – comment on why your store liked it and why it might be interesting to the reader. When your readership knows that your emails are entertaining to read they’re more likely to open regularly, take it all in, and be positively disposed towards spending with you. Make it relevant These days, we have data coming out of our ears and it’s a powerful tool. Use the customer purchase data from your till and e-commerce systems to create audience segments – this way, when you’ve got a big MTB-focused email prepared, you can give the roadies a break. You could even figure out who’s most likely to need a certain product based on when they last bought said product from you! Tailoring the features of an email to the recipient will be sure to yield better engagement and build long term trust of your output. The results will take a little time to reveal themselves, but in the long run it is well worth the effort. An engaged mailing list is fantastic for your customer retention rate and brings your cost per conversion right down. If you’d like more advice on email or other areas of marketing, get in touch with us at n

November 2021 | 27

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ewheeling and dealing ewheelers, a newly-launched platform for the buying and selling of e-mobility solutions, wants to become the eBay of the micromobility world… Can you give us a little background about ewheelers? ewheelers was born out of the frustrations of a Yorkshire based e-mountain bike enthusiast looking to upgrade his e-mountain bike. Simon Capewell wanted to sell his old e-bike and buy a new one, but found there was no dedicated space to do this. Spotting a gap in the market, Simon decided to create his own website, ewheelers. A platform to buy and sell all e-bikes: road, mountain, hybrid, tricycles, cargo etc and accessible for all users: the dedicated, the starter, the commuter, the leisure cyclist. His vision was to not only create an easy way to buy and sell, but also to build a community and an information hub for life on e-wheels. The e-bike market is a growing exponentially, but it is currently very fragmented. ewheelers plans to change this as it develops into the single site for all things micromobility.

However, neither of these are national sites solely dedicated to micromobility. By having a dedicated platform, buyers get more choice. They can browse and purchase from individual sellers, independent bike shops, retail chains, dealers and manufacturers. Likewise, sellers get to showcase their stock directly to interested buyers across the UK.

What makes ewheelers unique? ewheelers is unique as it is the first player, a pioneer of this market. Of course, there are other places to buy and sell e-bikes, such as eBay or Facebook Marketplace.

November 2021 | 29


The inclusion of expert help and advice, a link to BikeRegister to ensure sales are genuine, and links with insurance companies mean that ewheelers is a trusted resource for first-time purchasers. Unlike other sales platforms, we are fully supporting sustainability and the circular economy. Individuals can sell and buy their e-bikes, or use them as trade-in collateral when buying a new bike from our participating dealers. In a rather bizarre twist of fate, COVID-19 has provided a significant boost to the cycling industry. What has been the impact on the launch of ewheelers? There has been much-documented growth in the e-bike market. More people were getting out and exploring on two wheels. More people saw how this experience could be made more pleasurable with a little electrical assistance. As people began returning to their offices, they were also looking for a less crowded commute, but one that didn’t see them arriving to the office sweaty. This e-bike boom saw manufacturers and distributors struggling to keep up with demand. It was this impact that was the driving force for the business. ewheelers would enable these new enthusiasts get their hands on an e-bike, new or second-hand.

participants a chance to try e-biking and e-mountain biking for the first time, both on the fantastic Olympic MTB course and on roads. We’ve had some great feedback from this unique day, and definitely saw some e-bike grins. We plan to hold more of these events, inviting people to try e-biking on some of the most exciting trails around the country. These will be for first timers as well as those looking to try more challenging off-road routes on an e-bike. As well as working with BikeRegister, we will be working directly with manufacturers. This will be for bikes as well as motors, accessories and clothing. The manufacturers will provide us with useful insights and special offers that we can share with the ewheeler community. What sort of feedback have you received from the industry? That there is a real gap in the marketplace! As the micromobility world increases into e-scooters, e-skateboards as well as all types of e-bikes (from road to cargo to mountain and beyond, two wheels or three, sole rider or tandem) then so will our offering. If it is electric, on wheels and a mobility solution, then ewheelers will be there. n

What is your target market? Our buyers, in the most simple terms, will be anyone looking to purchase or find out more about e-bikes. We know that there will be some – particularly commuters – who will know exactly what they want and use the site purely as a shop window. However, we want to be there to help the curious first-time purchasers. For them, we will have expert advice, events and forums to help them get the best bike for their needs. We are not looking to convert the hardcore cyclists who will probably always see e-bike as cheating! Our target consumer customers are those looking to reduce their car journeys, those wanting to travel further faster or those looking to enjoy cycling without the grunt. We help them get their e-bike smile. As for our sellers, ewheelers is working with independent bike shops, many of whom do not have their own e-commerce offering, as well as the bigger chains. We are partnering from the smallest outlet to the largest to build this e-wheeling community. We will also make trade-ins a possibility for all e-bike retailers. Having just launched, what are your plans for the year ahead? We have just launched the website and had our first Life On e-Wheels event. This took place at Hadleigh Park and gave

30 | November 2021

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Get your e-bike manufactured in Wrocław Xin Xu outlines how bike brands can utilise the EBFEC Group’s manufacturing power at a time of global supply chain disruption and production capacity shortage


n the west suburb of Polish city Wrocław lies the gigantic production base of the EBFEC Group. Trucks loaded with electric bicycles depart from here for European countries every day. Though only one year old, this factory has risen to become one of the largest bicycle factories in the region. At a time of global supply chain disruption and production capacity shortage, the EBFEC Group offers its solutions by welcoming all bicycle brands to utilise its manufacturing power. “Get your e-bikes manufactured in Wrocław!” announces Nico Law, CEO of the EBFEC Group. More than 200,000 units per year The facility covers an area of about 10,000 square metres, with two professional e-bike production lines in operation.

32 | November 2021

The annual output is designed to exceed 200,000 units. “Now we’ve got 60 co-workers around,” says Law. “Soon 40 new colleagues will join, then the capacity can jump to 249,600 units a year. And expansion is certainly on the way. In addition to assembly, we will set up a wheelset line from Holland Mechanics next February and a powder coating line next June. Both are open to brands, meaning you can get these processes done in one single place, that is, our facility.” The factory meets local and European standards of environment and safety. “Since commencement, we have received many factory visits and inspections from brands and authorities,” adds Law. “I am proud to say that all of the visitors were pleased. Of course, new inspection requests are welcomed. Just make an appointment with me.”


“We are applying for ISO 9001 quality management certification, as well as EUR1 documents and exemption of certain anti-dumping measures. We believe these accreditations may give more assurance to the clients.” OEM, OBM and ODM EBFEC offers three different cooperation modes to brands: OEM, OBM and ODM. “For OEM, we have come up with ten e-bike prototypes for the year 2022,” says Law. “And for ODM, we have a professional R&D team and supply chain management team on standby to provide side-by-side assistance. For OBM, we will help you get everything nicely prepared and organised.” The EBFEC Group is specialised in supply chain management. The group works closely with manufacturers to ensure predictable and controllable supply of parts, which is becoming more and more difficult at this time. Apart from the traditional ones, the group also partners with some emerging manufacturers, including SHENGYI, L-Twoo, NUTT, Logan, Jak, etc. “The industry has been struggling with supply issues for quite some time,” says Law. “By introducing new suppliers of parts, we want to restore clients’ confidence of orderly and timely delivery. Our network in Asian countries is broad and our intercontinental teams have tens of years of experience in the global bicycle industry. I would say this is the core advantage of us.” Just drop us a call Having come back from Eurobike, Law is still excited about the grand presentation at the exhibition. “On Eurobike we got very positive feedback. Our professionalism and

openness were highly remarked. 2022 is approaching and it’s the right time for bicycles to be produced. To make that happen, just drop us a call.” n Any inquiry about manufacturing can be sent directly to Nico Law at or via +48 512 337 221.

November 2021 | 33


The changing attitudes to e-bike use Rebecca Morley takes a look at Shimano’s new State of the Nation report on attitudes towards cycling and e-bikes across Europe


-bike interest is continuing to grow, with behaviour changes, prompted by COVID-19 and environmental concerns, encouraging more people to consider buying or hiring an e-bike in the next 12 months. This is according to a new report by Shimano, which examined attitudes towards e-bike usage in 12 European countries. It found that younger people are a particular area for e-bike growth but while cost is a barrier across all age groups, it is highest amongst those under 44 in most countries. In these groups, there is interest and desire to purchase, but the barrier is the practical consideration of cost.

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“Potentially, it is those under 35 who would benefit most from hire schemes and subsidies,” it said. “Whilst cycling is growing in popularity, uptake may still be hampered by a ‘lack of knowledge’. This barrier followed closely behind cost in many countries, particularly Poland (39%). However, there is no correlation between a lack of knowledge and the perception that e-bikes are expensive.” • Europe-wide, the most likely age groups to consider e-bikes were 25-34 and 35-44 • Older respondents were more likely to view an e-bike as a car replacement – 41% of over 55s


• France and the Netherlands are the countries most concerned by the cost of e-bikes, and Denmark is the least concerned Environmental concerns and the COVID-19 pandemic have been ‘major drivers’ in behaviour change in the last 12 months, said the report. “With regard to COVID-19, there is a difference between nations, with some more concerned about catching COVID19 on public transport than others. Italy (55%), Sweden (47%) and Spain (48%) give the reason of avoiding public transport as their motivation to use an e-bike. In the area of environmental concerns there are age-group differences with those over 55 seeking an alternative to a personal motor car and those under 24 saying they would choose an e-bike to lessen their impact on the environment.” The report says environmental concerns and the pandemic are ‘pushing people towards e-cycling’, however, for the two-thirds still unlikely to use an e-bike, feeling unsafe is still a ‘powerful deterrent’. • 27% of Europeans have said they are more likely to use or buy an e-bike now than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic • Over half of those in Italy (55%) would consider using an e-bike to avoid public transport, whereas in Spain, 50% would use an e-bike as an alternative to using a motor vehicle • For the 66% of Europeans who are less likely to buy or use an e-bike, 24% say it’s due to a lack of safe cycling infrastructure in their towns and cities • Over one third (37%) of those under 24 said they would use an e-bike to lessen their impact on the environment

• 9% more men than women like the sportier e-mountain bikes and 8% more women than men prefer the practical city e-bike • 18-24 year olds (12%) and 25-34 year olds (13%) are the age groups most likely to buy an e-cargo bike • One in three (31%) said they were likely to buy or use a city e-bike in the next 12 months Bike shops play an important role in the recovery of the high street and in the education of potential e-bike users, the report said. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, shopping habits changed, with a large proportion of shopping shifting to online. Bricks and mortar bike shops however provided an important service with many European countries allowing bike shops, as essential businesses, to open throughout lockdowns. Over a quarter (26%) of bike owners say they will visit a bike shop in the next 12 months. “Along with bike sales and bike servicing bike shops offer an invaluable source of expertise, this is especially relevant in countries that cite ‘lack of knowledge’ as a barrier to e-bike use. Buying advice and demo rides have been shown to play a ‘significant’ role in supporting potential users to make e-bike purchases, but firstly newcomers to cycling have to be attracted in the door.” • Only 11% of UK bike owners are likely to visit a bike shop in the next 12 months compared with 40% of Dutch bike owners and 42% of Polish bike owners • Only 14% of Dutch respondents don’t own a bike, compared to 51% of UK residents • Nearly one in three (31%) said they were likely to buy or use a city e-bike in the next 12 months n

The report also found that city e-bikes are the preferred choice with those likely to buy or use an e-bike in the next 12 months, showing the role e-bikes can play in urban mobility. “There is a slight gender difference between the style of bikes preferred and the reasons for riding (although this varies country to country),” the report said. “More women choose city bikes than men. Over one third (38%) of people likely to use an e-bike say that they would use one as an alternative to a car, although it is mainly the younger age-groups who are considering an e-cargo bike. “As it is also the younger age-groups most affected by cost as a barrier, subsidised e-cargo bike sales or e-cargo bike hire schemes may further encourage this group to use e-cargo bikes on a regular basis.”

November 2021 | 35


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20/10/2021 10:14


All systems go! By Jake Voelcker, owner, Bicycleworks

• It is more expensive to hire staff, because they must be experienced and skilled • It is difficult for the business to grow, because it is limited by the owner’s availability • It gets very draining when every task requires a judgement call or a decision • Staff become demotivated because they cannot do most tasks on their own • Mistakes happen, because 80% of the tasks rely on your memory or judgement 20% skill, 80% routine The answer is to systematise your business. No, this doesn’t mean sacking everyone and buying robots. It simply means putting in place systems and procedures. 80% of all tasks should be systematised, and only 20% should rely on skill.


f you write a list of all the tasks carried out in your business, how many do you think must be done by someone with years of experience or training? And how many could be done by a trainee or apprentice? Often the ratio is about 80/20... but which way around is it? How many tasks require skill, and how many are simply routine? 80% skill, 20% routine Many small businesses run on this basis. A few tasks are automated, or are routine enough to be delegated to a new member of staff. Examples could be changing an inner tube, or restocking shelves. But most tasks are not systematised, and so they require judgement or skill or experience. Examples include repairing bikes, or reordering stock. The problems with running a business like this are: • The owner is tied to the business, because their expertise is required for most tasks

“But I can’t systematise the job of a skilled mechanic!” Yes you can. At our Bristol store we have developed the following system: • The manager does an assessment on any complex bikes. A simple “show-stoppers” checklist establishes whether there are any problems which could stop the job • Any jobs which are simple enough to be done by the apprentice mechanic are delegated. There are checklists for brakes, gears, wheels, and other areas which allow the apprentice to systematically work through the bike, and allow the manager to check the work afterwards • More complex jobs are delegated to the head mechanic. This means they can play to their strengths and work on the more challenging bikes, instead of simple jobs. Again, there are checklists to ensure nothing is forgotten • The manager is free to get on with management duties, instead of spending time replacing inner tubes or brake blocks

November 2021 | 37


“What about handling unhappy customers?” Some small business owners feel only they are capable of handling customer complaints. But many parts of customer service can be systematised, including complaints: • Set up some email templates for handing common customer issues • Use these templates as training for staff to handle complaints • Write out three or four rules detailing how much refund or discount is available for various customer problems. Then any member of staff can take the decision • Set up a courtesy calls list, so that once a week the manager can check if there have been any unhappy customers, and contact them if required. This takes ten minutes of the manager’s time per week, instead of being on call all the time By systematising most parts of your business, you will have happier staff who can work independently. It will become easier to recruit, because you can recruit based on attitude more than skill or experience. Fewer mistakes will be made. And when the time comes to sell your business, a well systematised shop will attract more buyers, and the sale price will be much higher, compared to a business which relies on the constant presence of the owner. In the meantime, you will have time to concentrate on the really important tasks... or perhaps take a well-earned break!

for these, and save them as draft emails. Now you can delegate the task of answering most emails, and you only need to get involved if there is an unusual query. 5. Set up an e-commerce store for your most important products even if you don’t sell online. Nowadays e-commerce websites are so easy to set up, it makes sense to showcase your products and use it as your instore sales tool. It will handle stock control. The product information is there at their fingertips for the staff to use. It increases the likelihood that customers will select upgrades and add-ons. See for an example: over 90% of our bike sales are in-store, yet they all go through the website. n

Jake Voelcker set up a small bike repair workshop in Bristol in 2008. The business grew, and in 2015 we launched our own bike brand, Bristol Bicycles, designed and built right here in the UK. Now we are franchising this model to other cities in the UK, and we currently have shops in Brighton and Bath. We are actively seeking partner shops in other UK cities.

Five top tips to systematise your shop 1. Implement checklists for everything. It saves time. It improves quality. And it means the job can be done reliably by someone less skilled. 2. Use an online booking system for your workshop. Customers will love the convenience. But also, it saves hours of your time on the phone every week. 3. Computerise your stock control. It means staff can reorder stock in minutes, instead of you spending hours every week deciding how many widgets to buy and trying to remember where to buy them from! 4. Use email templates for all your common enquiries. Look back through your emails and find the questions which keep popping up. Then write standard answers

38 | November 2021


Our Airless Tires are completely solid but ride like normal bike tires. Starting at just 370g Tannus Tires weigh the same as most Tire+Tube+Rim tape combinations. Guaranteed to last 5,000 miles with only a 1.5mm of wear. If you have the existing clincher type rim, it can be used with Tannus Tires. You can ride confidently with Tannus Airless Tires.



minutes with... This month, BikeBiz sits down with Marius Schiller, ABUS area sales and marketing manager

Can you give us a little background on ABUS? I know many people have already heard of us, especially seen as we’ve been around for almost a hundred years now. ABUS started as a family-run business in Germany in 1924, primarily making locks which is still a massive focus for us today. These days we’ve branched out much wider into home and business security solutions, as well as creating a full range of bicycle helmets for every level of rider, whether they’re racing in the Tour de France or just starting out on their very first bike.

focused on the whole cycling community – the need for mobile security, whether that be a lock, chain, or even a helmet, stretches across all price points and market segments. Although our reach is broad, we focus on fully understanding the requirements of each sub-segment within cycling. For example, the requirements of a daily commuter who needs a lightweight and easily transportable lock is very different to someone who rides an e-MTB and is looking for the strongest possible home-security setup.

What area of the market does ABUS target? As we’re such a big company, our reach is very broad, but for the mobile security segment, we’re

What makes ABUS unique – what does it offer that its competitors perhaps do not? ABUS has extensive research and development

40 | November 2021

facilities located in Germany which allows us to be extremely reactive to changing market needs. We also have very versatile manufacturing and testing facilities here too which means we can bring those new ideas to market quicker than a lot of our competitors and ensure that our products not only meet but exceed many of the existing standards. In a rather bizarre twist of fate, COVID-19 has provided a significant boost to the cycling industry. What impact has it had on ABUS? Like many people, we’ve seen a significant increase in sales across all categories in line with the increased consumer interest in cycling. However, we’ve seen helmet sales grow more than the lock market which suggests that though many consumers understand the necessity for a helmet, many still aren’t considering security at home. There has been a rise in thefts from home during the past couple of years, with many high value bikes being taken from what people believe to be secure storage – usually a locked garage or shed. We really want to reinforce the message that every cyclist should have some sort of ground anchor or suitable home security setup to not only deter would-be thieves but ensure that the requirements of their home insurance is also met should the worst happen.

in addition to the 100db alarm and Sold Secure Gold level mechanical protection also. What are your plans for 2021 and beyond? It may sound a little contrived, but each year is always exciting at ABUS as we’re constantly developing and innovating, and 2021 has been no exception. We recently showcased our new range of mountain bike helmets which are going to be a major focus for 2022. We’ve been working on these for quite a while now, and brought in some big names including Cedric Gracia and Gabriel Wibmer, Micayla Gatto and Steffi Marth to help develop the new range. The new helmets really widen the reach of ABUS in the mountain bike sector, catering to everyone from XC and trail, all the way to elite level Enduro and downhill! We’re also going to be identifying a small number of dealers to start our Premier Partner programme. Very broadly, this is where dealers will receive an unprecedented amount of support, with access to a huge resource of training materials and even a trip to ABUS HQ when times allows. This is all in the works at the minute but we’re very excited to start rolling this out – we really value the infrastructure of IBDs and want to try and work with them as closely as possible to really cement this relationship between ABUS and our dealers. n

What innovations in the industry are exciting you at the moment? We’ve seen the massive rise in popularity with e-bikes which has increased access for a lot of people into cycling. We supply several manufacturers including Cube, Riese & Müller and Cannondale with our lock system for their e-bike batteries. With our One Key system, customers can now purchase locks from their local ABUS dealer that is matched to the barrel on their e-bike battery compartment, meaning they can just use the same key for both. It’s one less thing to worry about and people can create a secure system that’s also extremely convenient, which applies to e-commuters who want a transportable lock, as much as it does e-MTB bikes locked up at home. We’ve also pioneered the Smart locks such as our Bordo 6500 SmartX and 770a SmartX D-lock. With the almost unanimous use of smart phones, we have been able to utilise their connections to be able to lock and unlock a bike using an app, locate the bike, and even remotely unlock a bike if required. This is

November 2021 | 41


Bafang, one of the leading manufacturers of e-mobility components and complete e-drive systems, has been developing solutions for electric vehicles since 2003. Bafang concentrates in all global e-mobility trends of the future: whether for individual e-bikes, e-scooters or for public bike-sharing schemes. More information at


E-bikes and accessories 1


3 4






Exposure Lights


Black Iron Horse

Eovolt Confort X

FLEX eBike Light



Distributor: Pinpoint CE

Distributor: USE

Distributor: Gone Biking Mad

Distributor: Black Iron Horse

The premium version of the best selling Eovolt Confort. It stands out in particular for its pneumatic suspension fork allowing for extra comfort in all circumstances and its Bafang motor, LCD and torque sensor. The Eovolt Confort models are 20” wheel, lightweight and ultra-compact folding electric bikes. Also equipped with hydraulic disc brakes and a Shimano 7 speed transmission.

The new Flex, three White XPL2 LEDs is Exposure’s brightest light with a potential output of up to 3300 lumens in a lightweight and compact unit. Powered by the bike’s onboard battery/motor system. The Flex utilises our REFLEX ++ technology ensuring the rider automatically gets the right lumens for the right speed or terrain.

Built long and tough, the MoTowWhee is designed for the big adventures an electric bicycle or motorcycle will take you on. You can hook your bicycle up to your friend with an e-bike or pull a broken motorcycle back to the truck. Small and lightweight to keep in your pack, this super stretchy tow bungee will keep you prepared just in case a tow is necessary.

The PONY is the perfect cargo bike for young families. We’ve combined 25 years of cargo bike design experience with the newest e-bike technology to create the smoothest, most stable ride possible. All aspects of the rear-wheel steering have been optimised based on customer feedback, resulting in unmatched maneuverability for city riding.


? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

November 2021 | 43


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Wolf Tooth




Remote BarCentric Dropper Lever


Samedi 27 Trail 8


Distributor: Saddleback

Distributor: MAGURA Bosch Parts & Services

Distributor: 2pure

Distributor: About the Bike (UK only)

MTB fans looking to clean up their e-bike cockpit will love the Wolf Tooth Remote BarCentric Dropper Lever. It takes up just 15mm between the left grip and levers and has 4 potential lever positions, so it won’t obstruct front shifters, lockout levers or e-bike controls. Compatible with cable actuated dropper posts, the vertical action lever has an Enduro sealed bearing that encircles the entire bar for the smoothest action possible.

Maximum performance and safety for e-bikes. With its new eSTOP brakes, MAGURA presents two disc brakes that are specially adapted to e-bike requirements. In combination, the new SPORT pads and the MDR-C or MDR-P rotors offer increased braking power and stability for e-bikes.

For the 2nd time in its history, the Moustache Trail 8 has been awarded best e-MTB of the year by the readers of Vélo Vert, a French MTB magazine. Made of 6061 T4, T6 Aluminium, Hydroformed tubes with varied thickness, ultra-integrated battery, 150mm travel and a Balanced geometry for a lively and dynamic ride.

The first self-charging electric folding bike is the lightest and most compact electric folding bike in its class. Its exclusive and award-winning design, and a variety of specially developed innovations, ensure a comfortable ride in the city.


? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

44 | November 2021

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Vote now! Voting is now open for the BikeBiz Awards 2021 in association with Tannus Tyres. Visit to view the shortlist and choose your favourite for each category

• BikeBiz Woman of the Year • Best Omnichannel Retailer • Bike Distributor of the Year • Best Independent Bike Dealer • P&A Brand of the Year • Best Retailer Services • P&A Distributor of the Year • Bike Brand of the Year • Innovation from a Newcomer • Cycle Advocacy Award

Voting closes on Friday 3rd December For sponsorship and promotion opportunities, please contact Richard Setters on or 07794805307.


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Claud Butler


Kinesis UK



Smithfield e-bike

LYFE Equipped e-city bike


Distributor: Tandem Group Cycles

Distributor: Sportline

Distributor: Upgrade Bikes

Distributor: Batribike

Available in 2 colour options, the Haste-E offers the perfect entrance into the world of e-MTB. Using the semiintegrated battery design allows the bike to maintain the same geometry as a “standard” mountain bike, whilst the 250W rear hub motor supports you up to 25kph and will keep you there for up to 45km.

With timeless looks that ooze style, the Smithfield e-bike is an urban bike that’ll turn heads wherever it goes. Using a Shimano STEPS E6100 motor, you get up to 150km of pedal assistance in ECO mode and just a 2hr charge time back up to 80% or 4hrs to full charge.

LYFE e-city bikes provide a relaxed riding position with ergonomic contact points across four model sizes. Lightweight double butted 6061 Alloy frame and fork keep deliver a respectable 17kg (large), so an easy to lift and live with bike. The widely respected MAHLE “Ebikemotion X35” rear hub system and slimline hidden battery give up to 75km range from three assistance levels.

The Nebula is a stylish city e-bike with a high torque (90Nm) centre motor. Suspension forks and lights included in this excellent package. Three battery size options. Powered by Promovec Danish design and electrics. Industry leading, transferable warranty of 3 years on the battery and motor. RRP from £1,549.


? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

November 2021 | 47




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Tern Bicycles

Tern Bicycles



Tern HSD S+

Tern HSD S8i



Distributor: Moore Large & Co

Distributor: Moore Large & Co

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Distributor: ZyroFisher

With a max gross vehicle weight of 170 kg, a powerful Bosch Performance Line motor, and a 500 Wh battery for a range of up to 118 km, the HSD is mighty but mini. The top-of-the-line HSD S+ features integrated automatic shifting that shifts up as you accelerate from a standstill, and shifts down when you reach a stoplight –so all you need to do is pedal.

Enormously useful. Surprisingly smaller. The HSD S8i is easy to handle, easy to share, extremely comfortable to ride, carries a whole lot of cargo – and all of this in a compact design that’s shorter than a standard bicycle. Features include a Bosch Active Line Plus motor, 400 Wh battery for a range of up to 110 km, and a Gates Carbon Drive CDX belt for a smooth ride.

Designed for the rider who prefers not to choose between style and performance. Borrowing cues from BMC’s high performance road bikes, the Alpenchallenge AMP Sport is the ideal machine for an amplified riding experience. A fine expression of Swiss design and engineering, the all-new Alpenchallenge AMP is in a class of its own.

Keep your e-bike safe from thieves with the Hiplok E-DX. The E-DX includes Hiplok’s Bicycle Diamond Rated DX lock and a 10mm hardened steel loop-end chain. The chain can be looped through itself and secured with the DX lock, providing up to 1m locking circumference ideal for larger frame e-bikes. Plus there’s a Z LOK security tie included for added protection of wheels and accessories.


? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

48 | November 2021












Benno Bikes

Benno Bikes

Trekking 6

XLC E-Bike Rucksack BA-S94

Boost CX

Utility Front Tray

Distributor: Raleigh UK

Distributor: Raleigh UK

Distributor: Ison Distribution

Distributor: Ison Distribution

With Crossbar, mid step and low step options, the Trekking 6 is a staple of the Haibike Trekking range with an option for all riders. The powerful and dependable Yamaha PW-SE 70Nm motor and 500Wh battery supports even on longer rides. Your equipment will fit on the standard carrier and the integrated powerful lights show you the way when the day’s ride gets a little longer than anticipated.

XLC has created a 23-litre rucksack specifically designed with e-bike riders in mind. It has a special compartment for e-bike batteries keeping them safe and secure. Combined with an integrated protective back plate, drinking bubble compartment, anatomically shaped straps and a rain cover. Its ergonomic backing allows for airflow and ventilation.

Features an aluminium frame and big 24” x 2.6” custom tyres combined with the Bosch Performance Line CX Electric motor to provide a powerful yet composed ride. The unique upright riding position and ergonomic handlebar design lets you ride with purpose without sacrifice! Including an interchangeable rack and rail system lets you choose from dozens of configurations.

With a huge 20kg capacity, the Utility Front Tray means you can load your Benno with all you need from the shops, the school run, for work, or a picnic out with the family!


? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

November 2021 | 49










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Wisper Bikes




Wisper Wayfarer Mid-Drive

Bordo 6405 Plus Bosch

Pedelec 2.0

Stormex Single E-bike Cover

Distributor: Wisper Bikes

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: Oxford

The Wisper Wayfarer Mid-Drive is the perfect choice for the rider who wants maximum comfort paired with maximum power. The Wisper Wayfarer has a 100Nm mid drive motor that will ease up even the steepest of hills. The Wayfarer is also hugely customisable with choices of either a crossbar or step-through frame and either a 700 or 450 battery.

The perfect solution to use the same key to unlock your e-bike battery and BORDO folding lock thanks to ABUS Keyed Alike system. Available with mounting brackets for either the frames downtube or pannier rack. Any other ABUS X-PLUS D-Locks, Chain or folding locks can also be “Keyed Alike” with ABUS Battery locks.

The Pedelec 2.0 is certified to safety standard NTA 8776. Tested at a bigger impact speed, they can dissipate significantly more energy compared to a standard helmet and this makes it ideal to be used with e-bikes or e-scooters. Features such as the Fidlock magnetic buckle, a rear mounted LED light with 180° visibility and the integrated rain hood all ensures you’re not only safe but also comfortable.

The Oxford Stormex is a premium e-bike cover that is suitable for indoors and outdoors. Oxford’s most famous bike cover has a reputation to protect! With a tough outer it will protect your bike from all kinds of weather. On top of that, the inside has a luxurious padded lining.


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November 2021 | 51














Rox 2.0 and Rox 4.0

Supreme Hybrid Pro 625

E-Power iLink 180 Factory

e-Bike Kits

Distributor: Oxford

Distributor: Oneway Bike Industry BV

Distributor: EBCO

Distributor: Direct

The Rox 2.0 and 4.0 GPS bike computers are perfect for all those recreational athletes who use all the essential advantages of a GPS bike computer but don’t want to spend a fortune for one. The computers establish a connection with the compatible e-bike system and shows the current assist mode, battery status, light and other data on display.

Simple, elegant, safe and practical: those are the qualities embodied by the new Supreme Hybrid’s frame. The PowerTube design incorporates the Bosch battery inside the frame for sleek looks and ease of use. The Easy Entry design does exactly what it says, making access simple for any rider.

The Ultimate in Full Suspension off road riding. Featuring a full carbon frame with 180 mm travel. Corratec’s unique I link system features auto lockout giving maximum traction. A mind bending list of hi performance components and with Bosch Performance CX motor. Coupled to the 625 Power tube battery, you will be riding all day enjoying the uphills as well as the downs.

These three kits come in a range of price points to suit multiple budgets and contain products that withstand harsh conditions and higher torque loads: • The Ultimate Kit – everything required to take care of an e-bike • The Essentials Kit – a small but mighty bundle of awesomeness • The Clean, Protect Lube Kit – keeps e-bikes running sweetly in all conditions


? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

52 | November 2021


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micromobilitybiz (MMB) is a unique media outlet delivering regular updates to the burgeoning micromobility industry.

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For more information about MMB and its respective editorial and advertising opportunities, please get in touch via the details below:

Delivered by the BikeBiz team, MMB focuses on sustainable transport solutions, from e-bikes and e-scooters to bike-sharing and hire schemes. MMB offers a free weekly newsletter, delivering the latest updates directly to readers’ inboxes, from market trends and product updates to Government initiatives and evolving legislations. With a database of over 4,000 professionals in the sector, MMB is a must-read for those with an interest in the business. Our dedicated team can help you reach your business goals.

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InUrban Pro 1.0 Single Speed

Adventure Neo 3

Distributor: Lyon Cycle

Distributor: Windwave

Distributor: Insync UK

Distributor: Cycling Sports Group UK

E-Glow is a waterproof handlebar bag with a couple of nifty features to make it highly relevant to the e-bike leisure cyclist. The bag itself features an integral LED strip which can be powered by the bike’s heads up display aiding visibility, whilst bottle cage mounts on both sides of the bag give an option for carrying water bottles when the e-bike frame lacks space.

All-mountain riding: performance and style. The new MIG-R is the perfect e-bike for those who love all-mountain riding and care about quality components. With a SHIMANO EP8 drive unit, a 630 Wh battery, FOX suspension and mullet wheel setup, the MIG-R can handle long rides on every type of terrain.

Minimalist in design and strong in performance: equipped with high-quality hydraulic brakes, a lighting system integrated into the bike and a sturdy mudguardluggage rack combination, this e-bike is perfect for urban adventures. It is controlled via the specially developed app, the smartphone can simply be put on top of the stem. The Urban Pro Single Speed is available in Sport and Comfort versions.

An electric bike built for the city streets, the town pathways, and the great open roads. You are just one ride away from a good mood. It’s built for getting around and going to work. Lightweight aluminium step-thru frame. Bosch Active Line Plus 250W drive-unit / 400Wh battery / range: up to 120 km.


? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

November 2021 | 55


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Yeti Cycles


Likoo Bikes

Perry eHopper


E-Wild Tyres


P4 eScooter

Distributor: Silverfish UK

Distributor: Silverfish UK

Distributor: Direct

Distributor: Perry

The Shimano powered 160E is the first e-MTB and suspension platform built specifically for the demands of e-MTB racing on the most demanding courses. Yeti took a ground-up approach creating the Sixfinity suspension design – a patent-pending 6-bar linkage which has a lower link that switches direction as the shock progresses through its travel, similar to the company’s Switch Infinity suspension design.

Michelin E-Wild tyres are specifically designed to meet the needs of e-MTB riders. Using E-GUM-X, a new rubber to optimise grip, with a tread pattern from the Enduro ranges for a better traction. This new generation of top of the range compounds give lower rolling resistance and reduce energy consumption for longer battery life.

A new name in e-bikes here in the UK, Likoo has immediate stock availability from its German warehouses. The initial range from this Thai brand consists of two folders, a city bike and some MTBs including a fat e-bike but plans are afoot to add to this range further in 2022. Each bike has a mix of Shimano and other brand name components and, whilst new in the UK, warranty support is already available here.

The Perry P4 electric scooter is designed for everyday journeys in all conditions. With a 18km range, class-leading waterproof chassis and 8.5” puncture-resistant tyres. The P4 is built to take a 120kg load and its 350W, three-speed motor means you’re free to explore wherever you want. With front electronic and rear disc brakes, front and rear lights.


? - THINK CHICKEN For the full range visit

56 | November 2021

THE ONE-SIZEFITS-ALL E-BIKE Powerful shimano disc brakes Bosch PowerPack 500

Bosch Drive Unit Performance Gen3



ACID panniers Waterproof PVC-free ACID mounting system Including shoulder strap £ 129,95

EVENTS We look ahead to upcoming cycling industry events...


4th-6th November – London ‘Rouleur Live LDN returns to host the stars of the sport alongside the finest bicycles and kit at London’s iconic Victoria House over three days this November. Amongst the first names to be announced as guests is Ineos Grenadiers’ Tour de France winner Geraint Thomas who will headline the Rouleur Live Theatre. Formerly known as Rouleur Classic, this year the show’s name has been changed to Rouleur Live to better reflect what it is – the embodiment of the magazine in an exquisite exhibition format.’


‘Small Business Saturday UK is a grassroots, non-commercial campaign, which highlights small business success and encourages consumers to ‘shop local’ and support small businesses in their communities. The day itself takes place on the first Saturday in December each year, but the campaign aims to have a lasting impact on small businesses. On Small Business Saturday, customers across the UK go out and support all types of small businesses, online, in offices and in stores. Many small businesses take part in the day by hosting events and offering discounts.’


8th-9th December – New Jersey ‘CABDA East is the newest location for CABDA. Located in Secaucus, New Jersey, the Meadowlands Expo Center is convenient to New York City as well as the entire mid-Atlantic region. Our first year in New York was greatly impacted by the onset of the COVID pandemic in early 2020. But East Coast bike dealers are far too resilient to give up on! We anticipate significant growth in this important and under-served market!’

THE BIKEBIZ AWARDS 10th December – online

The BikeBiz Awards 2021 in association with Tannus Tyres is taking place in a digital format, offering an array of expertly-curated accolades designed to reflect the varied and vibrant nature of the sector: from prizes that honour local independents and distribution giants through to awards for innovative brands and those providing essential services to the industry including training, advocacy and beyond. For sponsorship and promotion opportunities, please contact Richard Setters at richard.setters@

58 | November 2021

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14/10/2021 09:54:17

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