#35 Term 4, 2012

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Issue # 35


16 November | 2012

From The Principal

College News

My welcome to Les Murray from this week’s Secondary assembly: We are very fortunate today to have as our special guest, Les Murray, one of Australia’s most renowned poets. Les Murray was guest of honour at our school’s official opening, and officially opened the College on 13 July 1994. His association with us is a bit like a godfather’s is with a baptised child, although I doubt he would want to be called the Godfather. The glue that joins us together as a people, the glue that joins any people together is their language. Les Murray’s understanding of our language is such that our language is an art form for him. Our language is the conduit for our culture; for our history; for our traditions; and for our emotions. Without a strong understanding of language, our lives are hollow. Understanding nuance, idiom, genre and perspective are fancy terms we might use in an English class, but they are the tools that help us discern and articulate who we are as a people. In ancient cultures, traditions and enculturation were passed from generation to generation by the spoken word. The oral tradition of the Norse Sagas is one such example. Contemporary Australian culture is revealed via a crazy mix of mediums. Increasingly, this is a mixture of the spoken word, of social media, of YouTube, or the 6.30 news. This kaleidoscope is often shallow, because it relies on sound bites and sensationalised headlines to gain traction in our psyches. Les Murray is an artist of our written word. His poetry captures what we are as a people; where we come from; what it is that defines our experience. It helps define us as Australians – as distinct from others who share our English language. The English word ‘Sage’ comes from the Latin word ‘Sapere’, (to be wise). Les Murray is an Australian sage. His wisdom is in his ability to capture our Australian spirit and culture in his words. It is his gift to our nation and our culture – past, present and future. It is our great honour to have him here today to present awards in the poetry competition named in his honour. Please join me in welcoming Les Murray back to BDC. Many thanks to Mr Young who has devoted much time and energy into running this competition. Particular congratulations this week to our Les Murray Poetry Competition winners: Senior Secondary: 1st place – Roberto Pietralunga (10); 2nd place Louis Cox (10) Junior Secondary: 1st place – Annika Presser-King (9); 2nd place Emily Burgess First prize in each division was an iPad 3. Second prize in each division was a Dymocks book voucher. Each winner also won a new release “The Best Hundred Poems of Les Murray” Good luck to Jeb Freeman (11), who leaves for an 18 day tour of England and Ireland with the NSW Junior Cockatoos Under 18 Rugby team on Tuesday. Congratulations to Tom Sweeney (4) who has earned himself a place in the NSW State Little Athletics team to compete against teams from NZ and Asia next year. Congratulations too, to our fabulous young musicians on their two terrific nights of Ensembles Evenings this week. Both nights played to full houses, and I want to acknowledge the hard work of Mr Condon and the Music faculty for their preparation of our musicians. I also want to thank the ‘Friends of Music’ for the enthusiastic support of these performances. Well done to Hollows House who won the Primary House Shield for 2012. Breaking news . . . Congratulations to Mr Aaron Dewhurst, who has accepted the position of Assistant Head of English at Knox Grammar School in Sydney. Aaron has done a tremendous job as Head of English at BDC, and is looking forward to the challenge of working in a big boys’ school in Sydney. In replacing him, I will appoint an interim Head of Faculty, and will advertise nationally for a new Head of English in Term 2, 2013. Principal’s App of the week: TED Alan Ball Principal

Pastoral Care Chaplain’s chat Today has seen the escalation of violence again in Gaza. Innocent victims - children and adults - have been caught in the middle of the violence that has racked the area for many decades. Sadly there does not seem to be any end in sight for Palestinians who have been dispossessed of their homes, farms and freedom. Bishop Suheil Dawani, Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem speaking about the Christian presence in the Middle East said, “Christians are a bridge for others and we are a voice for reason in a region witnessing so many hardships and violence…we have a role to play … (as) we focus very much on a ministry of reconciliation.”





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College News


Issue # 35 16 November | 2012

The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem oversees the Anglican community in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, but only has 29 parishes and about 7,000 members. Its reach, though, is deeper and wider than what shows up in the pews, with direct support of two hospitals, five health clinics, five rehabilitation centers and 17 schools. “Our main influence is through the work of our institutions,” Bishop Dawani said. The biggest, and most diverse effort is the school system. About 80 percent of the 7,000 students they serve are Muslim. “We don’t intend to convert the Muslim students, but we want them to understand who are the Christians. Our schools have a message, we focus on values, and these values are very much welcomed by the Muslim parents who send their children there.” The Christian faith seeks to love all people in all places, to allow all to live in freedom and peace. In the continuing violence in Gaza pray that God’s love will spread throughout the area and all will be safe. Blessings, Rev David Morgan Assistant Chaplain

partnerships in learning Next Monday we are holding the first of a series of Partnerships in Learning seminars to work with parents in supporting their children. This time we will be exploring dyslexia. We have invited our school psychologist to talk about what we mean by the term ‘dyslexia’ and she will also run through the ways that people are diagnosed. Karen Curtin, who is our Learning Support Teacher in the Primary School, will discuss what we do at school to support students with dyslexia, and Jane will offer suggestions of how parents can support their children at home. Wa-Eda Brough, an Occupational Therapist, will explain the multi-sensory approach she uses in her practice, and Jaime McLellan will talk about how her organisation can assist students with dyslexia. Amy Place, a teacher/parent, will explain the journey she has been on to diagnosis and then the ten-minutes-a-day program that she uses at home with one of her children. We would like to end the session by working together to develop a strategy to create a Dyslexia Friendly School and encourage all you parents out there to join us. The meeting will run from 4pm-5.30pm and After School Care is available if you wish your children to be minded. For those interested, the P&F meeting will be held afterwards. If you have any questions or comments relating to this or anything else, please contact me: klisle@bdc.nsw.edu.au | 66515644 extension 269 Karin Lisle Director of Pastoral Care K-12



Partnerships in

Learning presents

Dyslexia What do Jamie Oliver, Keira Knightley, Richard Branson, Ted Turner, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein have in common? They are all internationally recognised in their chosen fields and they are dyslexic. Come to BDC to find out more about Dyslexia, how it is diagnosed and what we can do to help our children. Hear from parents with first hand experience as well as staff at the school who would like to share their knowledge.

Monday, 19 November, 2012 4:00pm - 5:30pm in the Primary Library After School Care will be available if you wish to book your children in. Just email Marielos at oshc@bdc.nsw.edu.au or call 6651 5644 ext 301

secondary school from the head of secondary Bravo I had the absolute pleasure of performing MC duties for the College Ensembles Evenings this week. The development of performance groups within the College over the past six years has been incredible. I have been blessed to be involved with these performances since 2007 and I remember the first night there was one ensemble and the rest were individual performers. Now we have performances over two nights with twenty ensembles entertaining audiences. The students involved are always filled with joy and excitement when they share their talents with us. The advantage we have at BDC is that we are a K-12 school and the young performers have the opportunity to hear, experience and learn from our older students. The age mix within some of the ensembles is so diverse and, it is an indication of the true sense of community displayed at the College. Congratulations to all of the Music staff, tutors, administration team and the Friends of Music. If you didn’t make it along this year, be prepared not to miss these wonderful concerts in 2013. College Pride I think this posting by an ex student on social media speaks for itself…….. I wear it (the uniform) with pride today, as today is my last HSC examination, (the last time I will ever wear this uniform). I wear it with pride to demonstrate the upmost respect I have for the teachers who have taught me despite the rough times we’ve had together, the things I have learnt and the times I have had at school. This uniform symbolises to me as a person honestly, what I have conquered, what I have achieved, the journey along the way and the people who pushed me to achieve my best. Without this uniform I would not be the person I am before you today, I would not have achieved what I have achieved and I would not be going where I am going in the future. So for the last time I can honestly say I wear this uniform with the proudest smile on my face and that’s how I say thank you to everybody who helped me get this far in life.





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College News


Issue # 35 16 November | 2012

Presentation Evening The presentation evening for the Secondary school will be held on Tuesday 4 December, 6:30pm at C.Ex Club Coffs Harbour. This is a compulsory attendance evening for all students in Years 7-11. If there are issues with attendance for your child/children then I would request written notification via letter or email. It is important that we gather together as community to celebrate the academic, cultural and sporting successes of our students and to complete the year formally. I can be contacted at: tegan@bdc.nsw.edu.au Uniform 2013 - Girls skirts In reference to my newsletter item last week regarding the Uniform changeover period ending this year, I would like to remind parents that in order for Secondary girls to be ready for the beginning of 2013 and comply with the new regulation regarding the pleated skirt, please make sure you order your skirts from the Uniform Shop now. Please do not wait until the beginning of the academic year, next year, only to find that the Uniform Shop has run out of your size and we need to re-order. The Uniform Shop will be open until Friday 21 December 2012 and will re open on Monday 7 January 2013. Please phone and make an appointment if needed (ext 238). APP OF THE WEEK Get the latest stories from ABC News, live TV streaming, ABC TV and Radio podcasts and over 20 radio stations streamed live to your device. Tim Egan Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary)

Indigenous Literacy Fundraiser In Week 7 of this term, students will be running a bookstall from Tuesday 20 November to Thursday 22 November to raise awareness and fundraise for Indigenous Literacy. Staff and students at BDC have donated the books that will appear in the bookstall. Students are encouraged to donate a gold coin per book that they purchase. The bookstall will be held in C1 during recess and lunchtimes over the three days and parents are welcome to come to make purchases. For further information please contact me in the English Department on extension 227. Alison Hay English Faculty

monday sport Students have been fantastic in making their choices for 2013. There are only a few students yet to do so. If you would like to check the sports that your son/daughter has for next year they can login from home the same way they made their selections. To do this, they will need to login and go through the student moodle, and then follow the link to sport selection 2013. Sports have already been finalised, so if they change them through their login, this will not actually work. If they are not happy with their choice, students can come and see me in the PE staff room to change. With the weather continuing to warm up it is important to be sunsafe. While we provide rash shirts and suncream at water-based activities, it would help if suncream was applied at home and encouraged to be re-applied over the course of the day. Enjoy the great weather we have been having. The program for Years 7-10 Monday Sport enables many students to participate in a wide variety of activities. For some students it may be the only time they experience some of these sports. Below is a collection of photos that student have participated in over the last semester. What a good life they have!

Kellie Reinhold Teacher-in-Charge Monday Sport

Careers For new Year 12 and Graduating HSC students: Are you aware of Uni Connect? This is an online forum to connect rural, remote and regional secondary students with current tertiary students to talk all things university related. Gap years, exchange, residential colleges, courses and university life are topics of discussion. You can follow them on twitter http://twitter.com/UniConnectAU or visit their webpage http://uniconnectnsw.weebly.com or join the online facebook forum http://www.facebook.com/pages/UniConnect/326003044160185 Robyn Crisp Careers Advisor







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Issue # 35


16 November | 2012

College News

Les Murray visit Bishop Druitt College welcomed acclaimed poet Les Murray to the Secondary school to announce the winners of the inaugural Les Murray Poetry Prize. The Student Executive and Year 11 Co-ordinator Mr Drew Kadwell hosted a morning tea for Mr Murray in the new Primary Library. This was followed by a Secondary Assembly, where Year 11 student Emily Robertson read Les Murray’s poem for the College, “Under The Banana Mountains”. Principal Alan Ball spoke of Mr Murray’s official opening of the College in 1994. He described Mr Murray’s work as taking our language of Australian English and turning it into art. Mr Murray then presented prizes to the following students; Senior Section Roberto Pietralunga - first Louis Cox - second

Junior Section Annika Presser-King - first Emilee Burgess - second

First prize-winners received an iPad3 each and second prize-winners received a $200 book voucher each. HSC Extension English students were treated to a session with Mr Murray where he answered their questions about his career, his beliefs and his art. He was the Guest of Honour at a luncheon hosted by the students of Murray House and their Head of House, Mr Louis van Dartel. In the evening, Les Murray was Guest Speaker at the inaugural Northern New South Wales Philosothon competition at the College. Ian Young English Faculty

Visual Art Year 7 have completed their ceramic vessels ready for exhibition. The vessels were created using coiling as a clay making technique, then fired, and decorated with designs inspired by the artist Keith Haring. It is the our great pleasure to share some of the best with you to celebrate the students’ accomplishments. Rebecca Brown Visual Arts Faculty

primary school from the head of primary 2013 CLASSES Following the announcement of class teachers in the newsletter last week, please be advised that the window in which parents were able to contribute to the composition of next year’s classes has now closed. It is no longer possible to consider requests. Students will be advised of their classes and teacher for 2013 at Meet Your New Teacher day on Friday 30 November. CARPARK SAFETY The number one priority in our school is the safety of the children. The Kiss ‘n Ride may take some time and patience to navigate, but it has been designed with input from the RTA and, when used properly, is the safest place for your children to enter and leave a vehicle. Please DO NOT drop your children at the main entrance or ask them to meet you there in the afternoon. To expect Primary aged children to navigate the car park, not to mention buses and drivers who simply do not follow the directions of traffic wardens, is placing them in very real danger. The minutes spent waiting in queue at the Kiss ‘n Ride is a small price to pay for safe children. Graeme Naftel Assistant Principal (Head of Primary)

Year 6 Parents and Carers’ Celebration Year 6 parents are invited to celebrate the end of their children’s primary school years with catered finger food and BYO drinks in the Year 5 classrooms, during the Year 6 formal dinner event. This parent organised adult-only event will be open to all parents, carers and grandparents who wish to join the celebration. No under-18s will be admitted. Pre-payment of $30 per person will be required by November 23. Tickets may be purchased online at: http://www.trybooking.com/CDRN


Contact Louise Rose on 0414 868 736 for more information.




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Issue # 35 16 November | 2012


College News

Year 5 has been doing poetry this term. 5D has looked at Colour Senses Poems. Black by Oliver Whitelaw-Swift Black smells like rotting food. Black tastes like mouldy, slimy candy. Black looks like the twilight night. Black sounds like midnight owls hooting. Black feels soft like silk. We have also looked at Diamante Poems and Haiku. Diamante Poem by Luke Andrews Human Skinny, real running, retreating, freaking Homo sapien, mammal, myth, hunter shuffling, hunting, chasing undead, hungry Zombie Summer by Chloe Mann Sizzling hot beaches Bees pollinating flowers Sprinklers are all on Owl I fly through the night. Eyes are glowing, wings floating. Hoot. Hoot,I go by. By Evan Wu (5M) Storm The grey swamps the sky. As people bolt for cover. The sky opens up. By Cameron Williams (5M) Hawk Swooping bird of prey. Grasping, crushing, fierce talons. Silent, stealthy hawk. By Zane Misios (5M)

Levi Deane, Declan Mayben (5M) Sculptures

Cheetas Camouflaged they wait. Cheetahs flash past with sharp claws. Silently they’re gone. By Ratana Mac Guinness (5M) Depression Negative, Black Crumbles, Obliterates, Degenerates Destroying the Positive Life Melancholy By Jonah Summersell (5W) Flowers Beautiful, Pretty Grows, Widens, Opens Smells just like Mummy Flowers By Tahnee Marr (5W)

Keelan Singh (5D) Grandparent’s Day

There was a big feast on planet Ood And so much yummy food Clean up your plate Or suffer a fate And those words unlighted the mood By Daniel Oroszvari (5W) There once was a fellow named Gyle Who liked to dance to Gangnam Style He ended up in class dancing But only started prancing That very peculiar fellow named Gyle By Ishaan Dhabuwala (5W) Emily Stuart, Emma Caldwell, Ireland White, Seth Lewis, Keanu Chapman (5W) - Clay Sculptures

Musical Notes Ensembles Evenings Our annual Ensembles’ Concerts were held this week, over two nights. On Tuesday 13 November, 10 musical ensembles performed to a packed audience. Approximately 195 students, with some doubling up of vocalists and instrumentalists, gave excellent musical performances to parents, friends and their teachers. The following evening, another 10 musical ensembles performed, with 163 students taking the stage. How incredible to imagine that 358 Primary and Secondary School musicians have contributed to the success of the event. From small chamber groups to our Symphony Orchestra, the quality and enthusiasm was apparent. I could not be more proud of our students and the music staff who prepared them so magnificently. I thank my colleagues who gave, so generously, their time to supervise backstage and onstage. Your help was vital to the success. To our parents, a huge thank you for everything that you do in supporting your children musically. It is not an easy job, motivating, supporting and getting them to a performance level, in conjunction with the music staff.





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Issue # 35 16 November | 2012

College News

You were wonderful audiences, who generously supported our major fundraising drive for 2012 and 2013, being the purchase of Timpani Drums and a Bass Drum. We are well on our way to our target of $10,000. To our Friends of Music (FOM), under the incredible leadership of Karen Luke, I thank you sincerely. Your tireless work and attention to detail made the event an outstanding success. Thanks to Mrs Egan, in the music office, who put in countless hours of work preparing the programs and organising the food and drinks. This article could not conclude without making special mention of two remarkable donations to our FOM, each of $1,000. Your incredible generosity moves us closer to our target, and highlights the strength and esteem of our musical community. I am truly humbled by the experience. Bravo!

Primary and Secondary Assembly Performances Thanks to 2I, 5M, Concordia Ensemble, Edward Condon and Gergely for their performances at assembly this week.

Students continuing lessons in 2013 We are looking into the first term of 2013 for timetabling music lessons. If your child(ren) learns an instrument at the College, you will have received an intention to continue studies form for next year. Please return these to the Music Office by November 23.

Change in music fees As of 2013, payment must be made via the College website www.bdc.nsw.edu.au and the link to TryBooking. Payments will also be accepted at the Accounts Department if you do not have Internet access or a credit card. Full instructions will be issued shortly. The account needs to be settled prior to the commencement of each term and reminder notes will be sent home with ample notification time. Dale Condon Head of Music K-12

college sport Athletics Tom Sweeney (Year 4) competed at the Little Athletics Trans Tasman Trials, held at Shellharbour two weeks ago. Tom cleared 1.36m to finish second in the event and win a place in the NSW Team to compete against teams from New Zealand and a composite Asian team in 2013. Fantastic effort Tom!

Cricket The BDC Open team played against TAS in the first round of the Douglas Shield State Knockout competition on Tuesday 6 November. In what was a very closely contested match, our side played very well, but ran out of wickets in the end. Our bowlers worked hard, with Luke Corlis taking 2-29 and James Corcoran 2-11. Our batsmen played some delightful shots but lost a bit of concentration when it mattered. Jenny Taffs smashed her way to 18 but was caught when it looked like she would score 50 or more, and Ben Welsh also played some great shots to finish top scorer on 20.

Gymnastics Monique Orme competed at the CIS Gymnastics Championships in Sydney last week. Monique was one of only two qualifiers representing NCIS and competed in the Women’s all-round program participating in floor, beam, bars and vault. Monique had an outstanding performance in a highly competitive level of competition to finish in 9th place overall. Congratulations Monique!

NCIS Basketball Bishop Druitt College sent five teams to the NCIS Basketball Gala Day, held in Grafton last week. Our teams showed great sportsmanship during the day and congratulations to the Primary and Secondary girls’ teams who won their divisions. A big thank you to those students who not only played, but also umpired on the day, and also to Julie Black and Craig McMahon for assisting with coaching some of the teams.

Australasian Futsal Championships Last week our boys U16 Futsal team travelled to Queensland to compete in this high level competition. With very little Futsal practice, the boys started slowly, losing the first 2 games but came back with a draw and a win to complete day one. The boys played exceptionally well in patches over the next two days, narrowly missing the finals. Je Jacobs and Jack Malouf were the standout performers over three days of very tough competition.





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Issue # 35


16 November | 2012

Up Coming Events

College News

19 November BDC Secondary Golf Championships – Coffs Harbour G.C. 22-25 November Australasian Futsal Championships – Girls 14 Years 26 November JNJG Gala – (Primary only) – Coffs Harbour G.C. Jim Webber Sports Administrator K-12

college community important dates and events 19 Nov Partnerships in Learning: Dyslexia information session - 4:00pm in BDC Primary Library BDC Golf Championships 23 Nov Year 10 Snorkling 27 Nov BDC Carols Evening - 6:30pm 29-30 Nov Year 10 Retreat 30 Nov Year 6 Graduation

cccc “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

out of school hours care This week we have been creating all kinds of art projects. Children have made beautiful fish posters out of cellophane, foils and newspaper. We then made fish bowl collages and jellyfish hangers for the OSHC room. Later Rachel and the children turned old tin cans into beautiful pencil and texta holders, using a hot glue gun, rhinestones and sequins. Next week we are hitting the oval with our movement week starting off with netball skills with Krystell and later move onto rugby skills with Mr Murphy. Throughout the week children will also be randomly selected to feed Papa Smurf. Children did a great job last week feeding him and cleaning out his bowl. We will also be heading back into the OSHC garden, as we will be planting some lettuce seeds. This week we will also be making Piñata’s in the OSHC Room starting by creating a paper mache shape out of a balloon and will then get to decorate it using cellophane. To place a booking for After School Care please contact Marielos on 66517400 or via email oshc@bdc.nsw.edu.au.

parents and friends Next Meeting – AGM Monday 19 November, 6.30pm The Annual General Meeting is next Monday 19 November at 6.30pm. P&F members are invited to nominate and vote on Executive Positions for 2013. Everyone is welcome for the meeting following with College information and discussion with other parents. Refreshments provided. Dyslexia All interested parents or persons who would like to know more about Dyslexia and how we can help BDC become more dyslexia friendly, please contact Sue Robertson on sue-mal@bigpond.com.au or 0414343027. P&F Cookbook For just $25 you can share hundreds of yummy homemade recipes contributed by the BDC community. They are available either through the Accounts office or send in the following order form to the Front Office. P&F Cookbook order form. upcoming events Community Carols - 27 November - Mark it in your diary now! Canteen Volunteers Needed If you have a spare hour or more, especially between 10.30am and 12pm (recess service) or 1pm and 2pm (lunch service) the Canteen Manager, Ben Pike would be greatly appreciative. If you can offer a hand please fill in the form located on the BDC website and return to the College or for further enquiries please email Ben on bpike@bdc.nsw.edu.au Contact Us For more information, to view our Constitution or read our latest meeting minutes, click on “Our Community” then “Parents and Friends” on the College Website. We look forward to your support. President: Allan Williams 0408 332 082 akwillo@live.com.au P & F email: parentsandfriends@bdc.nsw.edu.au Next Meeting: AGM Monday 19 November, 6.30pm, Senior Common Room, refreshments provided


The Bishop Druitt College Parents and Friends Association is an organisation that supports the aims and objectives of the College. It does so through the promotion of fundraising, fellowship, friendship and fun.




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16 November | 2012

College News


Issue # 35



Please RSVP via www.bdc.nsw.edu.au/events





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