Ekl dec13 to mail

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Jarkko Oikarinen developed the first real-time online chat tool known as IRC (Internet Relay Chat) in 1988. During the Iraq-Kuwait war in 1991, though radio and TV signals were off the air, IRC made dissemination of up-to-date information. Robert Tappan Morris created one of the earliest worm viruses, namely, the Morris Worm, in 1988, and inadvertently sent it over the Internet causing massive financial and productivity loss. Ward Cunningham developed in 1994 the first Wiki (meaning ‘quick’ or ‘fast’ in Hawaiian) as a means to let people collaborate, create and edit online pages. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998 that changed the way we search and use the Internet. Brad Fitzpatrick created in 1999 the LiveJournal, one of the earliest blogging platforms. Contributions of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to the way we use computers today are tremendous. Bill Gates of Microsoft developed a new GUI (Graphical User Interface) for a disc operating system, which he called Windows in 1983. His famous mission statement was to position a PC on every desk at least in the developed countries, a goal he nearly achieved. Steve Jobs of Apple revolutionized the PC industry - both hardware and software. He changed the way we work, play and communicate. Shawn Fanning developed Napster, a file-sharing program designed to let music fans find and trade music in 1998. The service had more than 25 million users at its peak in 2001, and was shut down after a series of lawsuits, not before triggering the digital music revolution now dominated by Apple. (To be continued) [PR]

EKL Sudoku 85 [Hard]

Improve your concentration. Use reasoning and fill each row, column and 3 x 3 grid in bold borders with each of the digits from 1 to 9. Solution on page 30.

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