building insight
Table of contents
WHO WE ARE As the state’s largest trade association with nearly 8,000 member companies, responsible for approximately 188,000 jobs, we are the people who build, remodel and maintain homes.
BIAW wishes our members a happy holiday season. The BIAW office will be closed Dec. 23-Jan 2. We look forward to serving you in 2022!
We create economic opportunity and strong communities. BIAW champions the rights of our members and fights for affordable homeownership at all levels of government.
BIAW MANAGEMENT Executive Vice President Greg Lane Education and Workforce Development Director Al Audette
Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh Finance and Human Resources Director Stephen Hyer ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh
Meet your NAHB State Representative Your NAHB representative, Nick Scheel, wants to hear from you
Membership monopoly leaderboard
Thank you to our members and local associations for your recruiting efforts during BIAW’s membership drive
Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak General Counsel Jackson Maynard
Hall of Fame inductee Dave Main BIAW President Tracy Doriot inducts 2016 BIAW president and long-time member Dave Main
Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Communications Manager Bailee Wicks Layout and Design Lena Anderson
NAHB fall meeting offers updates and insights NAHB moves forward with plans for an in-person International Builders' Show Feb. 8-10 in Orlando
To submit editorial or advertise, contact communications@biaw.com.
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How a structural warranty adds value for builders and buyers For builders, a structural warranty builds trust and provides third-party validation november/december 2021
President’s message Happy holidays and a most heartfelt thank you to everyone who made serving as your 2021 BIAW President the honor of a lifetime. My most humble thanks go out to each one of our members. As I look at 2021 in the rearview mirror, I couldn’t be prouder of the success we’ve achieved. And when I say “we,” I mean all of us in the BIAW family, from your senior officers to our local associations to our individual builder, associate and remodeler members and to all the staff who support us. Coming into 2021, I shared my vision for the year. As we continued to struggle with the effects of COVID in our schools, businesses and communities, it was hard to predict what might lie ahead. With that in mind, I focused on three main goals: Protect, Promote and Prepare.
Tracy Doriot, BIAW Certified Builder President
Protecting the homebuilding industry and our workers Despite the challenges of a virtual legislative session and videoconference court hearings, BIAW continued its efforts to protect and promote our industry at all levels of government and in the courts. Week after week, you answered the call to submit virtual testimony and to weigh in on bills. We shifted our hill day strategy and held over 75 online meetings during our “Connecting Construction to the Capitol” virtual lobbying effort. Thanks to your work we killed a number of bad bills!
(l-r) Sen. Ann Rivers (R-La Center), BIACC member Aaron Marvin, BIAW Government Affairs Assistant Director Josie Cummings, BIACC member Dave Myllymaki, BIAW President Tracy Doriot and former BIACC Government Affairs coordinator Ryan Makinster participate in BIAW's virtual Hill Day.
We also filed multiple lawsuits to protect our rights and our businesses—and they continue to make their way through the courts. When our lawmakers become lawbreakers and infringe on the American Dream, it’s great to know we can “Release the Kraken” to help hold government accountable. And finally, ROII, our safety incentive program, produced the largest refund in history for its participants: over $27 million—proving that protecting our workers from workplace injuries truly does pay off. 4
building insight
Promoting the positive We all know the positive impact the residential building industry has on our state, our communities and the families who enjoy the homes we build. Telling our story is important as we work to increase our membership and persuade policy makers to do the right thing.
All across our state, members and staff worked together to hold job fairs, support local trades programs and hire the next generation of skilled trades people. Stronger than ever BIAW and our local associations have developed a new sense of teamwork and deeper respect. There’s no more "us and them." Instead, we’re a family. That unity, coupled with solid financial stewardship and our successful membership drive, sets us on a strong course for the future. Thanks to our good financial health, BIAW's board of directors approved paying off the mortgage on our new building in Tumwater, saving us hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest each year. At the same time, our Membership Monopoly membership drive helped us attract 400 new members to the association.
President Tracy Doriot unveils the new BIAW logo and tagline during the virtual winter board of directors meeting in Olympia in March.
This year, we rebranded the association with a clean new logo, a “Homes start here” tagline, an updated website and videos that bring our story to life in new ways. Whether in the news, through our podcast or on social media, we’re getting our story out across the state. Preparing the future generation We also expanded our workforce development efforts across the state, giving young people the ability to join our industry and pursue their own piece of the American dream.
President Tracy Doriot swears in BIAW's 2022 senior officers: (l-r) Treasurer Jay Roberts, First Vice President Gary Wray, Secretary Luellen Smith and Second Vice President Ryan Moore during the Installation and Awards Gala.
As I turn over the gavel to your 2022 BIAW President Joseph Irons, I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve and proud of the work we’ve achieved. My role as past president will be as "Association Ambassador," working to strengthen the bond with our locals and tell our story of building the American dream. Thanks to everyone for working together to make 2021 so successful! We couldn’t have done it without you. Master Builders Association of King & Snohomish Counties members share job opportunities available in our industry with attendees during the Seattle Wood Technology Center job fair in September.
november/december 2021
Executive Vice President’s message When 2021 began, we were all grateful to be finished with 2020 and optimistic that this would be the year government-imposed COVID restrictions would end and lives could return to normal. Unfortunately, unlike other areas in the country, Washington’s governor and other elected leaders have chosen to endlessly extend their unchecked emergency powers, impose even more requirements on employers and force harsh consequences onto those who don’t comply with their mandates. Not surprisingly, we also began to feel the economic impacts of these government mandates in the form of dramatic supply chain delays, product shortages and cost increases.
Greg Lane
Executive Vice President
Despite these ongoing social, political and economic challenges, 2021 was a very successful year for BIAW. The organization made tremendous progress on many goals in our strategic plan. We continue to maintain a strong financial position. This success is due to the outstanding member leaders who have served the organization prior to the pandemic and throughout the pandemic. BIAW Presidents Kevin Russell, Rick Hjelm, Sherry Schwab and Tracy Doriot, working closely with Second Vice Presidents Debbi Boyd, Chris Lockhart, LouAnne Neil and Nick Gilliland, as well as the other senior officers and members of the BIAW executive committee, have all worked closely set a clear vision and stay focused on the mission of serving BIAW members, our industry and Washington communities. I am also thankful for the talented and dedicated BIAW staff team, all of whom are focused every day on the success of BIAW, our members and the industry.
2021 Milestones Government affairs The 2021 legislative session was historic for all of the wrong reasons. It was the first virtual session in state history and the majority party took full advantage of the limited public access, approving unprecedented spending increases, funded in part, by creating new income and payroll taxes. Without the ability to schedule meetings with legislators or to testify in person, BIAW’s government affairs team adapted quickly to utilize remote testimony and other wellestablished relationships to defeat the vast majority of anti-housing bills that also flooded the legislature. I want to thank all the members who signed in and testified on bills. Your efforts were critical and will be necessary again during the 2022 session. Legal BIAW’s legal team was active and aggressive all year long in defending the rights of our membership on several fronts. This included filing lawsuits challenging outrageous fine increases and
building insight
improper COVID emergency rules. Most importantly, BIAW is suing Gov. Inslee to protect the industry’s representation on the State Building Code Council. Earlier this year, the governor circumvented state law by refusing to appoint any of the nominees to the council submitted by BIAW. Workforce development BIAW invested a record $60,000 in scholarship and grants to fill the labor shortage gap. The member-led Workforce Development Task Force also started initiatives in many areas to expand and train the future workforce. These efforts included working with local associations to get Home Builders Institute (HBI) curriculum into seven different schools across the state. Communications BIAW’s communication department began the year by launching a fresh new brand for BIAW, which included a fantastic new logo and the “Homes start here” tagline. You no doubt have also noticed the improved quality and display of content, which is also now being distributed on a wider variety of platforms to increase the ways our members receive information. Thriving association If membership is a key indicator of the health of our industry and our association, then we are definitely healthy because membership grew extensively in 2021. In fact, our membership now slightly exceeds where it was prior to the start of the pandemic and BIAW’s retention rates are nearing all-time highs. The positive feedback we’ve received regarding the recent board meetings has been very gratifying. One of the goals in our strategic plan is to make BIAW board meetings more valuable and interesting to attend. It was encouraging to see the enthusiasm and delight that permeated our summer meeting at Suncadia and fall meeting in Renton. We hope you enjoyed these events and plan to attend our future board meetings in 2022. Finally, our two primary member-benefit programs—ROII and health insurance—also each had an outstanding year in 2021. Membership in our health insurance program grew for the first time in three years. And ROII had the largest refund in program history with a final adjustment of 43.5% and over $27 million dollars to give back to our participants. Thank you for being a member of BIAW. On behalf of everyone here, we wish you a happy and successful 2022!
november/december 2021
Government Affairs
Shining a light on the hidden costs of home building by Andrea Smith Building Codes and Policy Manager
Every day, BIAW members work to build homes for Washington families. These homes provide space to tuck children safely into bed at night, put up glimmering holiday lights and have barbeques with friends. This is important work. But it’s about more than safety, space and comfort. Homeownership is still the number one way for families to build generational wealth and future opportunities. Sadly, many policy makers don’t connect the dots between their decisions and the consequences. The delays, exactions and regulatory requirements they consistently advance just keep pushing homeownership further and further out of reach for people all across Washington. BIAW recently completed three studies that illuminate the hidden costs associated with permitting delays, restrictive zoning ordinances and government overregulation and how these costs drive up the overall sales price of Washington homes. Average permit delay is 6.5 months, resulting in holding costs of over $22,000 One new study shows the connection between the length of permitting delays and the median new home price in each county. We found the longer permits are delayed, the more holding costs a homeowner or builder can expect, and the higher the final sales price of the home will be. To ensure that families can access homeownership without a substantial cost burden, meaning more than 30% of their monthly income is spent on housing, BIAW
building insight
urges jurisdictions to identify best practices in technology and internal permitting processes to fix flaws that slow permit approvals and drive up home prices. Statewide, zoning accounts for $71,739 of the cost of a newly constructed home Zoning ordinances increase the cost of new home construction by nearly $4,800 and as much as $243,000, depending on location. Our research indicates that restrictive zoning regulations lead to higher home prices throughout the state. To combat skyrocketing housing prices and demonstrate a true commitment to homeownership opportunities for families in their jurisdictions, state and local governments should focus on zoning ordinances friendly to single-family home construction. Regulations from all levels of government represent $124,000 of the overall sales price of a new home Regulation that goes above and beyond protecting the health and safety of occupants does nothing more than limit the opportunities for families to achieve homeownership. BIAW will be working hard this legislative session to remind legislators they need to take bold steps to reduce or eliminate unnecessary regulations that make housing more expensive and less affordable to their constituents. Homeownership builds generational wealth, strong communities and a healthy future for Washington. Let’s cut the hidden costs so more families can enjoy the dream of homeownership.
NAHB State Representative
Meet your NAHB State Representative: Nick Scheel, Untamed Construction by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director
business, Arrow Contracting. He then evolved the business into a full-service design-build firm specializing in kitchen and bath remodeling before launching Untamed Construction, a specialty contracting company that designs, remodels and builds awardwinning projects.
When people think of young professionals in the building industry, Spokane’s Nick Scheel is often top of mind. Active in the Spokane Home Builders Association (SHBA) for more than a decade, Nick has established a reputation as a leader, an innovator and a bit of an instigator. “Nick has been extremely active at our state association for the past decade and his personality has made him a well-known figure at BIAW board meetings,” said SHBA Executive Officer Joel White.
Pathway to leadership Nick became more active in the SHBA during the recession when he stepped in as his company’s new representative to SHBA and its Remodelers Council. By 2012, he was chairing the council. Recognizing his leadership and impressed by his commitment to community service, SHBA recruited him to join its board as first vice president in 2014. He became SHBA president in 2016. Aware of the need to attract more young builders and associates, he helped create SHBA-NEXT, their award-winning young professionals group.
“Nick is one of the most reliable members the association has ever seen. His word is gold and he does what he says he is going to do.”
A state director since 2012, Nick chaired BIAW's Remodelers Council in 2018 and was elected National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) state representative in 2020.
Nick started his career in the construction industry working with his family’s remodeling
A voice for Washington As voting members of the NAHB board of directors, state
representatives keep NAHB leadership informed of key developments in their states that could have national implications. They also share information from NAHB with their respective local and state organizations. Nick regularly attends state representative meetings then seeks input and shares information back to members in Washington. Concerned that, left unchallenged, NAHB can sometimes take questionable positions, he wants to ensure his fellow Washington state builders have a voice. “Most importantly, I want to make sure I’m speaking for our members,” Scheel said. “While I have my opinions, and I’m not afraid to share them, I can be much more effective if I know I speak for all the builders in Washington. I’m concerned that some positions that have been taken are more about banking political capital than fighting against bad policy. I want to be a resource for members. Please reach out and let me know what you think.” Read highlights from his report on the NAHB Fall Leadership Meeting on page 24. Contact Nick Scheel at StateRep@biaw.com.
november/december 2021
Membership Drive: Winners Announced!
Membership Monopoly final leaderboard by Karen Hall Membership Manager
Thank you to our members and local associations for recruiting to WIN IT ALL in BIAW’s membership drive, Membership Monopoly.
to BIAW’s Recruiter Reception at the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) International Builders' Show in Feb. 2022.
Local association leaderboards Now it’s time to celebrate your local association’s recruitment ACHIEVEMENTS!
Here are your WIN IT ALL local associations:
Congratulations to Lower Columbia Contractors Association for finishing the drive with a retention rate of 86 percent. For all your work, you win a $1,000 cash prize. Local associations finishing the drive with a retention rate between 87 and 89 percent are: North Peninsula Building Association, Skagit/Island Counties Builders Association and Home Builders Association of Tri-Cities. You each win $2,500 in prize money. Finally, local associations finishing with a retention rate over 89 percent are: Spokane Home Builders Association, Central Washington Home Builders Association, Master Builders Association of Pierce County, Building Industry Association of Whatcom County, Building Industry Association of Clark County and Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties. You each win a whopping $5,000 cash prize. Congratulations to our local association staffers for your hard work. Your recruiting efforts played a crucial role in the success of BIAW’s Membership Monopoly membership drive. In addition to earning cash prizes, local associations could WIN IT ALL by meeting additional recruitment goals. Winners received the bonus ‘Advance to Orlando’ prize, which includes roundtrip airfare for two, a five-night hotel stay and entry for two 10
building insight
n Building Industry Association of Clark County n Kitsap Building Association n Master Builders Association of Pierce County n Skagit/Island Counties Builders Association n Building Industry Association of Whatcom County
Retention %
Local Association
(l-r) Chuck Neibert (BIACC), Corey Condron (SHBA), Sue Elkin (MBAPC), Kurt Wilson (MBAPC) and Tim Lovelass (CWHBA) are all smiles showing off their Membership Monopoly prizes.
Player leaderboard From July through October, members across the state recruited to win prizes in conjunction with NAHB's International Builders' Show in February. In order to earn prizes, members needed to earn at least five points. Congratulations to the following PLAYERS who earned five points and entry for two to the BIAW Recruiter Reception in Orlando: n Nicole Ahola, Ahola Benefit Consultants, CWHBA n Robert Disney, Disney & Associates, KBA n Tracy Doriot, Doriot Construction, BIACC n Tim Lovelass, Lovelass Construction, CWHBA n Tony Marnella, Marnella Homes, BIACC n Scott Walker, Rush Residential, MBAPC PLAYERS who reached at least 15 points, won a five-night hotel stay and entry to BIAW’s Recruiter Reception. Your winners are:
Finally, congratulations to our WIN IT ALL PLAYERS. These PLAYERS reached at least 20 points. They won roundtrip airfare for two to Orlando, plus a five-night stay at the DoubleTree Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld and entry for two to BIAW's Recruiter Reception. Your WIN IT ALL winners are: n Sue Elkin, Metropolitan Development Council, MBAPC n Chuck Neibert, Affinity Homes, LLC, BIACC n Bill Sager, Sager Family Homes Inc., MBAPC n Kurt Wilson, SoundBuilt Homes, MBAPC Congratulations to all our incredible local associations and PLAYERS! Your recruiting efforts helped make Membership Monopoly our most successful membership drive in over a decade— bringing in over 400 new members. Thank you! We couldn't have done it without your outstanding recruiting efforts.
n Nichole Banegas, Tri-City Lumber, HBATC n Corey Condron, Condron Homes, SHBA
november/december 2021
BIAW unveils new logo, tagline and website. First virtual hill day: “Connecting Construction to the Capitol” is overwhelmingly successful, with more than 75 meetings with lawmakers. Members testify virtually and kill SB 5278, the Direct Contractor Liability bill.
BIAW holds hybrid winter board of directors meeting.
Tracy Doriot becomes 2021 BIAW President announces to promote, protect and prepare our industry.
NAHB’s Priced Out report estimates an average new home in Washington costs $522,023, pricing out 72% of Washington’s households.
ROII reveals new branding materials. BIAW contract lobbyist Tom Kwieciak and the entire government affairs team tackle the first virtual legislative session.
FEBRUARY BIAW’s legal team delivers oral arguments against Gov. Inslee and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
BIAW partners with EdgeFactor to create videos featuring members to inspire and recruit a future workforce.
building insight
BIAW files an amicus brief supporting the challenge of an excessive fine against the Grocery Manufacturers’ Association. 2021 legislative session ends with many wins for members.
MAY Past Second Vice Presidents' Council defines purpose and responsibilities. ROII receives a recordbreaking refund with a final adjustment of 43.5% for the 2017-2018 plan year. New workforce development partnerships offer diverse on-demand classes.
ROII distributes over $27 million in refunds to participants.
BIAW partners with Perry Tech in Yakima to promote “Win a Home” raffle constructed by students.
BIAW hosts in-person summer board meeting at Suncadia Lodge in Cle Elum.
BIAW offers in-person class options once again.
BIAW announces Excellence in Remodeling Award winners in 20 different categories.
BIAW's communications team visits Certified Builder jobsites for brand refresh.
Western-themed Spike party celebrates BIAW’s top recruiters.
BIAW, MBAKS and Seattle Wood Technology Center host a job fair to attract students interested in the skilled trades.
JULY BIAW launches Membership Monopoly, first membership drive in almost a decade.
18 BIAW members announce their candidacy in local elections statewide.
OCTOBER Final push and last month of Membership Monopoly, BIAW's membership drive. BIAW celebrates Careers in Construction Month.
AUGUST BIAW distributes recordbreaking $60,000 in scholarships and grants to students and organizations statewide. ROII attends 14 local association golf tournaments around the state.
BIAW installs 2022 President Joseph Irons and senior officers during the Installation and Awards Gala. BIAW inducts Dave Main into BIAW's Hall of Fame.
Membership Monopoly membership drive winners announced.
november/december 2021
Top Honors
BIAW honors Builder, Associate and Remodeler of the Year by Bailee Wicks Communications Manager
Sherry Schwab | Builder of the Year
BIAW awarded its highest honors, Builder, Associate and Remodeler of the Year, during its annual Installation and Awards Gala Nov. 16. Past winners in their respective categories voted for nominees based on their significant contributions to BIAW, their local association and the home building industry. Congratulations to our award winners for an honor well-deserved.
Sherry Schwab of HCS Construction Services in Bellevue actively participates in the building industry through her local association, the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBAKS), BIAW and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). With over 42 years of experience in the trades, Schwab’s dedication is undeniable.
If you have questions about the builder, associate and remodeler of the year awards, please contact Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak at (360) 352-7800 ext. 113 or at brendak@biaw.com.
As BIAW president in 2020, Schwab led the association through the pandemic, helping to persuade the governor to reopen the construction industry a whole five weeks earlier than other industries. In 2021, she remained active as the immediate past president by identifying, recruiting and training new leaders in all facets of the association. Schwab’s dedication to training the workforce goes beyond BIAW, she founded the workforce development taskforce, comprised of members and local association staff statewide to build the future of the industry. Schwab continues her recruiting efforts and has earned over 1500 Spike credits, making her an “All-Time Big Spike.”
building insight
Schwab served on the MBAKS board of directors from 2000 to 2013, became president in 2012 and chaired the Professional Women in Building (PWB) committee in 2020. She founded the MBAKS retention committee in 1998, and has been an active member for the last 23 years.
Debbi Boyd | Associate of the Year
Tim Lovelass | Remodeler of the Year
Debbi Boyd of Real Estate of the South Sound in Lacey is a longtime member of the Olympia Master Builders (OMB) and heavily involved in all levels of membership.
Tim Lovelass of Lovelass Construction, LLC, in Selah actively participates at his local association, Central Washington Home Builders Association (CWHBA), at BIAW and in his community.
Boyd served as a local state board member for over 15 years, chaired the OMB scholarship committee 2014-2020, led OMB's Professional Women in Building committee 2020-2021, served as associate vice president in 2009, 2010, 2016 and 2017 and chaired the membership committee 2009-2011. Boyd’s expertise and dedication to the home building community earned her the OMB President’s Award three times, OMB Associate of the Year four times and the Norman A. Paulsen Award in 2015.
At CWHBA, Lovelass is currently serving his second term as president, (2021-2022). He has served as a local association director since 2018 and currently serves on its executive committee, governance committee, finance committee and political action council. He also participates in the CWHBA annual Tour of Homes event. For his dedication to the home building industry, Lovelass earned CWHBA Remodeler of Year, won the People’s Choice award in the CWHBA Tour of Homes and was featured in Pacific NW Magazine.
At BIAW, Boyd served as Spike chair in 2016, secretary in 2017 and second vice president in 2018. She stayed active as a member of the membership committee and associate council for eight years. Boyd has been a BIAW state director since 2016 and continues her involvement by recruiting new members. Boyd is a Super Spike, having earned over 250 Spike credits. In 2019, Boyd was appointed to the NAHB Associates Council and served as Vice-Chair to the Associate's Council Grant Sub Committee. She currently serves as the Associate's Council Leadership and Grant Sub-Committee chair.
Lovelass has been a BIAW state director since 2019 and serves on the following BIAW councils and committees: education, workforce development taskforce, remodelers and the local association presidents. In his community, Lovelass stays active in building the future workforce. He is a member on the Perry Technical Institute advisory council, welcomes Perry Tech students to his jobsites as part of their externship program and employs upcoming graduates in the construction program.
november/december 2021
Fall Board Meeting Highlights
building insight
All photos are (l-r). [1] BIAW President Tracy Doriot passes the gavel to 2022 President Joseph Irons to conclude the BIAW’s fall board of directors meeting. [2] BIAW contract lobbyist Steve Gano announces his retirement during the annual meeting as 2018 BIAW President Kevin Russell thanks him for all his work for the association. [3] Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties members Mike Tenhulzen, Traci Tenhulzen and Juli Bacon pose with the Associate of the Year award. [4] BIAW’s lobbying team: Josie Cummings, Bill Stauffacher, Jan Himebaugh, Steve Gano, Brent Ludeman, Jackson Maynard 9
and Nora Burnes are ready to get the party started. [5] Olympia Master Builders members Damien and Daniel Doyle strike a pose before they enter the event. [6] Senator Mark Mullet (D-Issaquah) addresses BIAW members about the challenges he foresees in the 2022 legislative session during the membership luncheon. [7] Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties member Tod Sakai enjoys the gala pre-event social. [8] BIAW Second Vice Presidentelect Ryan Moore with CWHBA Executive Officer Chelsea Snodgrass, Communications and Events Director Lindsay Brown and Membership Experience Manager Shelly Parker. [9] Building Industry Association of Clark County member Chuck Neibert and wife Sarah network during the pre-event social. [10] President-elect Joseph Irons, his daughters Venetia and Samaria and wife Melissa gather for a photo prior to the event.
november/december 2021
Hall of Fame
Dave Main: BIAW's newest Hall of Fame Inductee by Bailee Wicks Communications Manager
BIAW President Tracy Doriot inducted 2016 president and long-time member Dave Main into BIAW’s Hall of Fame during BIAW’s Installation Dinner and Awards Gala on Nov. 16. The Hall of Fame recognizes significant and lasting contributions and lifetime achievements in support of the home building industry.
45 years in the home building industry With nearly 45 years in the home building industry, Main put his expertise to work at all levels of membership by serving in leadership at his local association, BIAW and National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). At his local association, the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBAKS), Main served as: n MBAKS president in 2010 n MBAKS Director 1997-1998 and 2004-2012 n MBAKS Membership chair 2005-2006. He remains a crucial member of the MBAKS Affordable Housing Council since joining in 2006. In his community, Main participated in over 10 Rampathon projects and served as the project manager for the Mercer Slough Environmental Center. For his dedication to his local association, 18
building insight
Main was honored as MBAKS Builder of the Year three times, Best Affordable Street of Dreams home twice and Green Builder of the Year. A legacy of leadership Main’s continuous contributions to BIAW are unmatched. Currently serving as chair of the Member Services Corporation, Main also sits on the following committees and councils: Bylaws and Nominations, Legislative Policy, Past Presidents and Washington Affordable Housing. Main served as BIAW president in 2016 and began the tradition of visiting each local association in the state during his term, a practice that continues still today. Leading in Olympia and beyond Main regularly testifies in the legislature to bring real-life perspective with his innate understanding of the challenges faced by builders and developers. Over the many years, Main fought to keep BIAW’s Association Health Plan alive at the state and federal levels. Main avidly recruits new members, earning Grand Spike status with 1,035 Spike credits. At the national level, Main served as the Washington state representative on the NAHB Corporate Board of Directors and is a long-time member of the Housing Finance Committee, State and Local Affairs Committee, a gold key participant of BUILD-PAC and a Life Trustee. Main’s passion in his work and ability to teach and mentor those both in and out of the industry undoubtedly personifies a BIAW Hall of Fame inductee. Thank you, Dave Main, for your dedication and commitment to the home building industry.
John Evans Nov. 1, 1942 - Aug. 2, 2021 San Juan Building Association
Ken Isenhart It is with deep sadness we share with you the loss of the following members and association leaders. Your dedication and unwavering support to the home building industry gives us our strength and unity. You will be missed.
Sept. 15, 1950 - Sept. 2, 2020 Building Industry Association of Whatcom County
Raymond “Rick” Wibbens Nov. 27, 1945 - Feb. 28, 2021 Skagit/Island Counties Builders Association
Ronald Edwards June 8, 1959 - Oct. 10, 2021 Building Industry Association of Clark County
Chad Hinkle Jan. 19, 1968 - Sept. 21, 2021
Tina Engebretson
Central Washington Home Builders Association
Oct. 9, 1969 - July 13, 2021
Don McDonald
Central Washington Home Builders Association
June 3, 1930 - July 10, 2021
William “Bill” Giesy
Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties
Nov. 1, 1947 - June 29, 2021 San Juan Building Association
november/december 2021
ROII: Safety Pays
Safety Land by Leah Jaber ROII Marketing Manager
Yahtzee! This year, ROII field representatives visited over 100 companies across Washington to discuss innovative safety implementation practices and new safety tech tools to take on the jobsite to help keep your people and business safer. We’ve also introduced new tools like our Workplace Injury Procedure Packets (WIPP) and online injury reporting to save our participants time and get them the help they need quicker. Right hand on green At the beginning of 2021, most of us weren’t sure what this new year had in store for us. Despite that, ROII had big plans to make 2021 the most memorable year yet! We unveiled our new logo and hit the ground running with new, sleek marketing materials in January 2021. Our ROII swag/logo wear was a huge hit! Some crowd (and staff) favorites include our super comfy sweatshirts, soft t-shirts and handy carpenter pencils. We’ve only just begun and plan to add more swag options for ROII in 2022. Collect $200 as you pass go At ROII, we believe we’re the best retro program out there. But the proof is in the numbers, and in 2021 we received a record-breaking refund. We finished the 2017-2018 plan year with a final adjustment of 43.5%, the highest finish in ROII history. ROII distributed over $27 million dollars to qualifying participants across Washington state in 2021.
building insight
Guess who? Do people still pronounce our name wrong? Yes, but we are changing that! ROII attended over 14 golf tournaments this year across the state and several awards ceremonies, skeet shooting events and installation dinners. Our golf swings didn’t get better, but with the visibility we’ve gained this year, people will forever know us as R-O-I-I. We’ve also added new staff to our claims team, giving you the best when you need help working through a claim or jobsite accident. Our team also welcomed a couple of ROII babies this year! Rhymes with All of us here at ROII want to thank you for making our favorite moments from this year possible and for being a part of this incredible community that’s committed to safety. From the ROII family to yours, have a safe and happy holiday season. If you are not a participant and want to see if ROII is a good fit for your company, go to ROII.com or contact us at (360) 352-7800 or enroll@roii.com.
november/december 2021
ROII Safety Services
Taking safety habits beyond the jobsite by Bob White ROII Safety Services Director
This story begins with an 18-year veteran roofer perched 20 feet above the forest floor during bow hunting season for deer. Here's his story: While sitting high in a tree stand, a three-point buck presented himself well within bow range. As I tried to raise my body enough to draw back my bow, I did not realize how far off-center I had become, and before I knew it, I was hanging just below the tree stand next to the fir tree. After 15 years of hunting, I had never fallen or thought of wearing fall protection, even though I worked as a professional roofer for many years.
As I sat thinking about what had just happened, I began to realize the only reason I did not end up on the forest floor with possible broken bones was that my employer had instilled in me a habit that had become second nature.
Just one year before this incident, I had gone to work for a new employer. The pay was excellent, and the roofing company always had work available. The only downside was the owner had a 100% tie-off rule whenever a fall hazard was in effect. I slowly got used to the safety rule; it was just another part of getting the job done. After a few months, I did not think about it anymore. Fall protection was just an automatic task. After getting over the initial shock of falling, I was able to work my way back into a seated position in the tree stand. As I sat thinking about what had just 22
building insight
happened, I began to realize the only reason I did not end up on the forest floor with possible broken bones was that my employer had instilled in me a habit that had become second nature. I also began to think about what might have happened had I not been tied off. There’s no workers’ comp out here. What if my injuries prevented me from ever working again? Fast forward to today, I look back and think about how I was reluctant to use fall protection and my frustration with an employer that was always harping about safety. Thanks to my employer, I avoided a potentially devastating injury and took with me safety habits that will remain with me for the rest of my life.
At ROII, prevention is a top priority, and our mission is to help you find and implement effective safety strategies that can hopefully avoid devastating injuries. That’s why in 2022, ROII is offering specific safety classes free to ROII participants. We offer these free classes to help you stay at the top of your safety game. If you’re a ROII participant, you can register for any BIAW Education classes that are ROII sponsored at BIAW.com. For more information contact, ROII Safety Services Director Bob White at (360) 352-7800 ext. 109 or email bobw@biaw.com.
Want to learn more about ROII? Visit roii.com or email us at enroll@roii.com.
Healthcare Tip of the Month
Open enrollment season— changes bring opportunities by Bailee Wicks Communications Manager
Let’s face it; the annual open enrollment process for selecting benefits is a tedious and often laborious one, not only for the HR team but for employees as well. Making benefit decisions is important and the selections made affect employees and families in a personal and financial way throughout the year. Due to the pandemic that continues to affect all aspects of our work and personal lives, employees may need to reevaluate their benefits to make sure they have enough coverage. We can expect to see a greater focus on virtual care and new mental health services. As employers across the country make their way through enrollment season, there are a few lessons learned that are worth sharing to make the process as seamless as possible. Show examples One of the best ways to explain the benefit plans to employees is by illustrating different scenarios that may play out. Specifically, demonstrating how the benefit plan works if someone goes to the doctor, needs a prescription filled or has a more catastrophic issue can be more informative for employees than simply looking at numbers on a page.
Communication is key This is the one time a year where communicating to your employees on their benefit package can’t be overdone. Employers who engage, over communicate and actively seek out questions from their employees face far fewer concerns throughout the year. Start early Starting the communication process as early as possible gives both the HR team and employees and their families enough time to make educated decisions. No one likes to feel rushed and year-long benefit decisions shouldn’t be made in a hurry. Get help The BIAW Health Insurance program has a team of professionals dedicated to making the open enrollment process as smooth as possible. They are available for phone calls, questions, virtual meetings and strategy sessions to address any concerns you or your employees may have. Visit BIAWHealthTrust. com or call Capital Benefit Services at (425) 6418093 to learn more.
Insurance 101 Employers often take for granted that their employees understand the insurance lingo that is so commonly used. Take the time to explain what deductible, copay and coinsurance mean. It may sound simple, but many employees are unaware of even the most basic terminology.
november/december 2021
NAHB Fall Meeting Update
NAHB fall meeting offers updates and insights by Nick Scheel NAHB State Representative
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) fall meeting in Houston gave us an opportunity to connect with others across the nation for updates and insights on important issues. As your NAHB state representative, I want to share some highlights and offer to engage with you and your members even more in 2022. 2022 International Builders' Show (IBS) in-person NAHB is moving forward full-speed with plans for an in-person builders show Feb. 8-10 in Orlando. Consistent with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, NAHB will be following guidelines for masks and social distancing as well as requiring either proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test result to attend. A recent NAHB survey showed strong feelings on both sides of this issue with 30% of respondents saying they would not attend if these measures were in effect—and 30% adamant they would only attend if these measures were in effect. What are your thoughts? NAHB continues advocacy on supply chain, regulatory issues As lumber prices start to ease, the NAHB Government Affairs team plans to pivot their efforts towards larger supply chain issues. Plastics, glues and resins will likely be the next shortage that will dynamically affect housing. Look for a call to action effort in the coming months. With pushback on implementing new anti-growth building codes, we are starting to see codes and regulations being added in bureaucratic rulemaking and congressional legislation across the nation.
building insight
In the State and Local Government Affairs committee, members reported a variety of hotbutton issues, including an increased number of jurisdictions imposing building moratoriums, buildto-rent bans, natural gas bans and a push towards net-zero ramping up. Municipalities across the nation are adopting local ‘sustainable action plans.’ NAHB awarded the Spokane HBA $10,000 in legal action funds for its work in countering the natural gas ban the Spokane City Council was advancing. The NAHB State and Local Government Affairs committee is developing a model legislation toolkit to help local members draft better legislation. National effort to increase engagement The Membership Working Group I serve on recommends encouraging state representatives to take a more active role and engage with their local members and executive officers. The recommendation includes a request for funding to defray state representatives’ state travel costs. As I proposed this recommendation, I will be pushing to move this initiative forward. In the meantime, I’ve also secured support from BIAW's board to increase outreach to local associations as well. Please contact me if you’d like me to attend an upcoming meeting. As your state representative to NAHB, it’s important to hear your viewpoints and ideas. If you’d like to join the mailing list to receive regular NAHB state rep updates, contact the BIAW communication team at communications@biaw.com.
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The BIAW Health Insurance Program is proud to offer members of the building and construction industries exclusive savings on their health insurance premiums while providing topnotch employee benefit plans.
Come by & visit us at www.BIAWHealthTrust.com
© 2021 BIAW Health Insurance Trust. All rights reserved.
november/december 2021
Structural Warranty
How a structural warranty adds value for builders and buyers Contributed by Patti Nolan-Lento, Regional VP-West 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
No one expects a new home to have structural issues. Responsible builders and careful buyers always do everything they can to mitigate this problem. But when this unexpected event does occur, a structural warranty from 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2-10 HBW)—the industry leader in structural warranty coverage—can be a business and budget saver. Let’s see some ways a structural warranty adds value for builders and buyers. For builders and buyers, it can be a budget saver Building and buying a new home is expensive. For builders, each new home you build creates a long tail of liability. Because for each home you build, you’re responsible for guaranteeing that the home’s structure is sound. That kind of liability can really add up quickly. In fact, the average cost to address a structural defect ranges between $42,000 and $113,000 per claim. With a structural warranty from 2-10 HBW, you transfer those liabilities to us. If any of your covered homes faces a structural defect, 2-10 HBW’s industry-leading coverage protects your bottom line. Instead of having to find the money, time and resources to address the issue, 2-10 HBW does it for you. That lets you do what you do best—build quality homes.
building insight
For your buyers, a structural warranty protects their budgets, too. Because you’ve transferred your liabilities to us, your buyers don’t need to worry about trying to address covered structural issues themselves. When you protect your buyers’ budgets, it’s a great way to build trust. For builders, a structural warranty builds trust and provides third-party validation Buyers want to buy from builders they trust. Covering your buyers’ homes with a structural warranty from 2-10 HBW is an important step to building that trust. That’s because you’re telling potential buyers three things when you cover their home with a structural warranty from 2-10 HBW: n Building a quality home matters, and I’m backing up my commitment to quality with a structural warranty. n We’re working with and vetted by the industry leader in structural coverage. That means your home and budget are in the best hands. n If something goes wrong with the structural integrity of your home, we have the best solution possible. When buyers have one less thing to worry about thanks to your 2-10 HBW builders warranty, it builds trust.
Additionally, a structural warranty from 2-10 HBW provides valuable third-party validation. Third-party validation is worth its weight in gold. To understand why, think about the last time you wanted to go to a new restaurant. You likely went online to see what the Google ratings were, and perhaps you sought out an expert’s opinion in a “Best Restaurants” list.
Four of five buyers value a third-party, insurancebacked structural warranty.
Now imagine how much more third-party validation a potential buyer will seek out when purchasing a new home from you. Working with 2-10 HBW provides that third-party validation, because Builder Members must meet certain criteria to work with us. And when the industry leader vouches for you, it goes a long way in proving that you provide added value.
These facts alone motivate many builders to cover all their homes with 2-10 HBW. You can give buyers something they really want and give them the best possible version of what they want. When you’re speaking to your buyers’ needs before they even ask, it shows how much you understand them.
For buyers, a structural warranty affects their buying decision When buyers understand what a structural warranty does for them, it can affect their buying decisions. Consider two important facts about how buyers view structural coverage.
94% of prospective buyers say that they’re more likely to purchase a new home from a builder who offers a structural warranty, according to a joint survey from the National Association of Home Builders and 2-10 HBW.
Learn how you can protect your business and add valuable selling points to your new builds with a 2-10 HBW structural warranty. Questions? Contact Membership Manager Karen Hall at (360) 352-7800 ext. 137 or email karenh@biaw.com.
november/december 2021
Building Industry Association of Washington 300 Deschutes Way SW, Ste. 300 | Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 352-7800 | BIAW.com |