March 2021 Building Insight

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building insight

Table of contents

BIAW unveils its new brand pg. 10 WHO WE ARE The Building Industry Association of Washington is the state’s largest trade association representing thousands of companies in the home building industry. BIAW is dedicated to ensuring and enhancing the vitality of the building industry for the benefit of its members and the housing needs of citizens.

BIAW MANAGEMENT Executive Vice President Greg Lane Education and Workforce Development Director Al Audette Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak General Counsel Jackson Maynard Finance and Human Resources Director Pam Hines

B U IL DI NG INSI G H T ED I TO R I A L S TA F F Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Communications Manager Bailee Wicks Layout and Design Lena Anderson

To submit editorial or advertise, contact

Longtime BIAW member and printing partner for Building Insight magazine courtesy of:


Legislation by sound bite pushes home ownership further out of reach


Home building heroes testify against SB 5278


ROII by the numbers


Celebrate national women’s history month


BIAW celebrates Certified Builders

For every $1000 in added costs, 2,500 households are unable to qualify for a mortgage.

The Contractor’s Liability bill dies in committee thanks to members’ testimony.

Now is the time to check out the state’s largest and longest-running retro program.

Did you know women working in construction began in the late 1800s?

Find out why being a Certified Builder can help your bottom line. march 2021


President’s message They say “March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb.” Let’s hope the same is true for the 2021 legislative session. Throughout this legislative session, despite all the challenges of COVID and remote testimony, builders and our advocacy team have been battling legislative lions every week in the form of bad bills. As builders, we share a common goal to expand access to housing at all levels. This helps address the state’s housing shortage. It also helps more families achieve the American dream of home ownership. Yet, we’re continuing to see bills that add to the complexity of building single-family homes. Some bills add hard costs to the expense of building a home. Others reduce the availability of housing. All of this drives up the total cost of a home at a time when the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) estimates an increase of just $1,000 means 2,524 families are priced out. Tracy Doriot, BIAW Certified Builder President

Below are a few of the bills BIAW is fighting this session and why. HB 1099 adds mandatory and enforceable climate change mitigation elements to the goals of the Growth Management Act. This creates an imbalance and makes it harder to find buildable lands for singlefamily homes across our state. People need more choices when it comes to where they can live, not less. Homebuilders in Washington must now comply with energy codes that only 11 states in our nation have adopted. These codes alone will add thousands to the cost of a new home—and that’s if we are able to source the materials necessary to build homes to this new code. HB 1084 takes things even farther—mandating residential and commercial construction to achieve a 70% reduction in annual net energy consumption by 2027. It eliminates on-site fossil fuel use for space heating and water heating, forcing builders to transition away from two home amenities that homebuyers love—gas-burning stoves and fireplaces. SB 5141 implements several recommendations of the environmental justice task force. Among them are a variety of requirements that state agencies consult with specific groups or conduct environmental justice assessments whenever they consider a “significant agency action.” It’s unclear how long this review will take or how expensive it can be. Projects and permitting will be dramatically slowed or stopped all together because of this broad language and low bar. I hope by the time you read this, we’ll have successfully tamed these lions into lambs. Now, perhaps more than ever, homes matter. Home builders and our associates believe anyone who wants to buy a clean, safe home should have options to do so—and all of these bills take us in the wrong direction. That’s why it’s crucial you join with us to share our stories with the legislature to promote good bills and protect against bad ones. Thank you for joining me in this work.


building insight

Legislative Update

Legislation by sound bite pushes home ownership further out of reach by Jan Himebaugh

Government Affairs Director

Almost every day we see new headlines about the hot housing market and the ongoing shortage of new construction. People in middle- and lower-income brackets are increasingly priced out of the market for home ownership, but that’s not stopping legislators from passing bills that significantly increase the cost of new homes.

just to qualify for a mortgage. At that price point, more than 72% of Washington’s roughly 3 million households are priced out already. And for every $1,000 in additional costs, 2,524 more households are unable to qualify for a new mortgage. Washington’s housing affordability pyramid shows how many households are priced out at various price points above and below the median price.

Many of the bills have worthy goals like promoting environmental justice or reducing greenhouse gases. And they’re all great for sound bites, but WASHINGTON STATE HOUSEHOLDS BY HIGHEST PRICED HOMES THEY CAN AFFORD BASED ON INCOME: 2021 they all come with significant consequences for people trying to buy a new home at a price 18.4 >2.5 Million they can afford. So what’s behind the sound 58.9 1.55-2.5 Million bites? 1.2 -1.55 Million

925K -1.2 Million


n  Environmental justice: Creates another layer of bureaucracy to “improve equity” while actually making it harder for all families to buy homes by slowing the process. This reduces the number of new homes available and makes everything more expensive for the very families they’re trying to help. n Reducing greenhouse gases: Multiple, uncoordinated efforts to address climate change without waiting for current climate change efforts to produce results. This also affects families hoping to buy new homes.

775-925K 650-775K 550-650K 450-550K 350-450K 250-350K 150-250K

Homes drive household wealth The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) recently shared a report citing home ownership as the primary driver of household wealth. Across all racial and ethnic demographics, people’s homes were their largest asset. $1000 in added costs = 2,500+ households behind NAHB also released its 2021 Priced-Out Estimates, showing how higher home prices and rising interest rates affect people’s ability to buy new homes. In Washington state, the median home price is $522,023, requiring a minimum income of $112,295


107.0 137.7 165.6 192.5 262.8 359.3 443.9 498.0



WASHINGTON STATE HOUSEHOLDS (IN THOUSANDS) Source: Calculations by the National Association of Home Builders Housing Policy Department, based on income data from the 2019 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample File, US Census Bureau.

Your voice makes a difference As we enter the second half of the legislative session, we’re continuing to fight misguided bills that contribute to the rising costs of new homes. You can help! Make sure to read the Lawmaker Review and take action as directed. Please watch and share the BIAW Bulletin (AKA Hammer with Himebaugh) on social media and respond to our Voter Voice calls to action. Let your legislator know how they can help keep homes affordable for families in Washington. march 2021


Executive Vice President’s message March marks the beginning of a new era for our association. BIAW is launching a new branding plan, including utilizing a new logo, that better represents the mission of our association, the innovation of our industry and the future of home building. Meaning behind the change Consistent with the goals in our strategic plan, BIAW last year initiated a brand refresh to modernize and update the image of BIAW, our members and our industry. The new brand logo is stronger and simpler, but the image represents much more than just an acronym.

Greg Lane

Executive Vice President

Positive contributions Despite the challenges of COVID, our industry remains strong, leading the economy to recovery by surpassing previous year numbers even after being forced to shut down for four weeks last spring. The positive contribution home builders make to our communities and our economy is illustrated in our new logo by the blue and red arrows pointing upward. Powerful voices As you all know, BIAW is constantly fighting back against unnecessary government regulations at the legislature and in the courts, standing up as the voice for affordable home ownership. This year has posed more challenges to this cause due to the virtual session. A huge thank you to all the members who continue to sign in and testify on bills to show industry support and opposition. You are making an impact and legislators are noticing! Our dynamic and compelling new red and blue logo embodies the power and strength of these collective efforts. 3-in-1 benefit BIAW’s relationship and collaboration with the BIAW’s 14 local home builders associations has never been stronger. We are working cohesively in the best interests of our members statewide. Our unity as local, state and national associations is represented by the three stars in our new logo. “Homes start here.” The new tagline “Homes start here,” now the motto for our association, encompasses the work done by all our members. Homes start with each of you—builders, remodelers, designers, trades, bankers, insurance agencies, real estate professionals, etc. I want to acknowledge and thank the entire BIAW Communications team for their work developing this comprehensive branding plan. Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak, ROII Marketing Manager Leah Jaber, Communications Director Janelle Guthrie, Communications Manager Bailee Wicks, Digital Media and Content Manager Andy Arrants and Graphic Design Specialist Lena Anderson. All have done outstanding work for BIAW on this important project.


building insight

Government Affairs

Home building heroes testify against SB 5278

BIAW members and advocates present testimony in opposition to SB 5278, the Contractor’s Liability Bill, before the legislature.

by Bailee Wicks

Communications Manager

Legislative session always creates challenges in Washington. The added difficulties surrounding a virtual session during a pandemic have created a slew of bills good and bad to track.

“I have been a contractor for 44 years and this has not been a problem. I can assure you we do not have the staffing or manpower to verify that every subcontractor we work with, including multiple layers of subcontractors below them, have paid their employees.” —BIAW President and BIA of Clark County member Tracy Doriot, Doriot Construction, Vancouver

Thank you to all who have voiced industry support or opposition by signing in or testifying online. A special thanks goes to BIAW President Tracy Doriot, Rick Hjelm, Corey Condron, BIAW First Vice President Joseph Irons, Clint Adamson, Ken Stryker, Kevin Russell, Jason Rasmus, Marty Hoye, Tram Bowen, Robert Disney and Russ Shiplett for testifying against SB 5278, the dreaded Contractor’s Liability Bill. Thanks to all your efforts, SB 5278 did not make it out of committee before cutoff on Monday, Feb. 15. All the policy bills needed to be approved by their house of origin policy committees by that date.

“The L&I numbers from 2018 show only five wage claims for every 1,000 construction workers. That’s half a percent to give you the scope of the problem.” —Tom Kwieciak, BIAW lobbyist

As we know, no bills are officially dead until the end of session, but BIAW members who took time out of their busy day to sign in opposed or testify made a huge impact with legislators and policy makers in that committee. Over 100 people signed in to oppose the bill. Keep up the great work, your legislators like to see you participating in session. Remember to get involved and show industry support or opposition on bills. You can find “This week’s bills” on the BIAW blog with an image featuring a red flag or in the Lawmaker Review weekly email. Your work is making a difference. For more information on session, contact BIAW Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh at (360) 352-7800 ext. 135 or

“There’s no mechanism for accountability here. If you hold us accountable, they (subcontractors who don’t pay their employees) will continue not paying and we will be liable.” —Central Washington HBA member Clint Adamson, Pleasant Ridge Construction, Grandview

march 2021


ROII Open Enrollment

ROII by the numbers by Jenn Kavanaugh ROII Director

ROII’s 2021 re-enrollment period is underway, and all of us here at ROII want to thank all of our participants for their continued commitment to safety. The numbers speak for themselves, and we’re looking at another solid year with fantastic refunds! Transparency is fundamental Transparency is a fundamental value here at ROII. We strive to be upfront and honest about our refunds, our services and the work it takes to keep your workers safe and protect your bottom line. As you receive emails and marketing from other retro groups over the next few months, please remember that predicting or projecting refunds on open plan years is not upfront or honest. Many groups live or die by their first adjustment percentage. But, as you know, it’s all about how you finish. A retro groups’

refund and a participants’ refund are not known until the third and final adjustment. The charts on the following pages show other group refund performance numbers compared to ROII’s from first adjustment to final adjustment. These charts will show whether a group has a trend of losing refund from the first to final adjustment, and ultimately how they finished the year. Partnering with you to prevent injuries While refunds are important, so are the services a group provides. The goal of ROII is to help every participant maximize their potential refund by partnering with you to prevent injuries, keep your employees working and protect your bottom line. We go beyond just claim assistance and focus our services on safety and prevention.

Other RETRO Groups Compared to ROII ROII compared to other RETRO groups


building insight

That’s why we have statewide field reps that help companies find simple ways to avoid injuries. It’s also why we have litigation services and will fight erroneous decisions by the Washington Department of Labor & Industries when our group interests are aligned with our members. For us, it’s more than just refunds. It’s about how we can help you, our participant and members. Competition makes us all better, and I’m glad that ROII participants have an opportunity to evaluate our program every year and decide what is best for them.

We value your membership and participation, and I hope that ROII will earn your business for another year. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have at (360) 352-7800 ext. 123 or Not already an ROII participant and want to be rewarded for safety in your workplace? Join the crowd by joining the state’s largest, longest-operating Retro (Retrospective Rating) safety incentive program: ROII. Get started at or

*Refund data is provided by L&I but may not include updated manual adjustments done after the published reports.

march 2021


Feature Story

Remodeling the BIAW brand: Homes start here. by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director

Linoleum floors and popcorn ceilings. Sponge paint and millennial pink. Home offices and outdoor living spaces. Housing trends have evolved over the years. Brands evolve as well. The Building Industry Association of Washington has developed a new strategic plan, moved into a new building and launched a new website. Now it’s time to celebrate with a new brand.


building insight

What’s in a brand? Simply put, a brand is a business or organization’s personality. When it came time to review our brand, BIAW contracted with Hemisphere, a Tacoma creative agency. We wanted a fresh look at the organization—what we stand for and who we really are.

Hemisphere completed an extensive review of the association before launching into the logo design. They conducted one-on-one interviews with members of the BIAW management team and executive officers from our local home builders associations. They held a focus group with senior officers. Then they reviewed a member survey with feedback from 48 more members.

symbolizes the positive contributions we make to our industry, our communities and our clients. Homes start here: Our tagline and anthem Hemisphere provided several ideas for a tagline, but it was BIAW Education and Certification Manager Hillary Vanatta and Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak who struck gold. Their suggestion, “Homes start here,” captures the roles all BIAW members play in providing homes in our state. The communications team also worked with the BIAW senior officers and management team to refine a brand anthem. The brand anthem is used as foundation text on our website and in other promotional materials. It’s both descriptive and inspirational. We are the people who build, remodel and maintain homes. We create jobs, economic opportunity and strong communities.

Hero, sage, everyman Based on their research, Hemisphere’s branding team determined BIAW’s main brand personality is that of a “Hero.” Heroes advocate for members, businesses, the industry and communities. Heroes are reliable, effective, strong and principled. BIAW’s personality mix also includes “sage,” a trait that represents its role as a trusted educator. Finally, BIAW also appeals to and represents the “everyman,” suggesting that our organization should speak with a straightforward, common sense tone. Clean and bold logo Consistent with other major brands, Hemisphere then modernized and simplified our logo, shifting away from spelling out the organization’s name and adopting the acronym. This is similar to how the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), Association of Washington Business (AWB) and others present themselves. The colors, image and font used is clean and bold, just like our brand personality. The image of a home represents both our industry and our commitment to the American dream of home ownership. The stars represent the 3-in-1 benefit of membership. The roofline and the foundation of the home point upward. This

As one of the largest home building associations in America, BIAW champions the rights of our members and fights for affordable home ownership at all levels of government. We provide award-winning education that builds and supports a strong workforce in the trades. Our relationships with community leaders foster housing opportunities for everyone. We strengthen our members by offering employee health care plans and the state’s largest, longest-operating Retro (Retrospective Rating) safety incentive program, ROII. We give a voice to thousands of builders, remodelers, skilled trades professionals and their associates who help Washington families enjoy the American dream of owning a home. What’s next? Prior to revealing our new brand, BIAW communications staff worked to update all our social media sites, letterhead, envelopes, business cards, the website and more! Consistent with our strategic plan, we’re excited to build on this brand launch to continue to drive positive public perception of our industry and our work. Welcome to BIAW in 2021. Homes start here.

march 2021


Women’s History Month

Celebrate National Women’s History Month by Bailee Wicks Communications Manager

March is National Women’s History Month. BIAW celebrates National Women’s History Month by highlighting women in construction from the past and how women can impact the future of home building. History of women in construction Construction is historically described as a nontraditional occupation for women. A nontraditional occupation is defined by the U.S. Department of Labor as having “25% or less of total construction employees being women.”

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the overall share of women in construction was 10.3% as of 2019. Although the number of women in construction remains low, the history of women working in the industry started long ago. The first documented woman in construction was in the late 1800s. Emily Roebling stepped in for her husband when he was incredibly ill and Roebling worked on the Brooklyn Bridge as an engineer.


Over time, the number of women in the construction industry has grown and word continues to spread that construction is a viable career.



Why women should consider construction as a career Construction continues to evolve and is one of the only industries where men and women share nearly equal wages.






Later in history, World War II sent men out of the country and provided new job opportunities in factories and shipyards for women. They operated cranes, moved ships and worked as welders and riveters.



building insight



2009 2010

2011 2012



2015 2016



Although the percentage of women in the construction

industry nationally is lower than 25%, according to the National Association of Women in Construction, the construction sector has a smaller pay wage gap than the national average. Women in the U.S. earn on average 81.1% of what their men counterparts make across all sectors. However, in construction, women earn on average 99.1% of what men make. Unlike other industries, construction faces a skilled labor shortage with many open jobs ready to be filled. The labor shortage has become more severe over time as both more students and adults looking for career changes believe that a college degree is the only pathway to success. The skilled trades are family-wage paying jobs. Workers can fill jobs as framers, electricians, interior designers, plumbers, roofers and many more. The broad industry has something for everybody and provides skills that serve people in their personal lives outside of work. Women can be a part of the solution to fill the labor shortage gap. Not only would that assist all current and ongoing developments, but women in those positions could represent the future of homebuilding. Professional Women in Building There is a community for women in or supporting the industry. The NAHB Professional Women in Building (PWB) advocates for, supports, and inspires women in the building industry by providing opportunities for both professional and personal development, as well as engagement of our members.


In Washington, there are currently two PWB chapters: at the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties and Olympia Master Builders, with more in the startup process.

because of the support they receive from peer members. Recent studies show company earnings of PWB members are 22% higher than those who are not members.

Olympia Master Builders PWB Chair Debbi Boyd says she enjoys “connecting with female industry professionals who I can learn from and lend support to.”

For more information about National Women’s History Month or how you can get involved with PWB, please contact Communications Manager Bailee Wicks at (360) 352-7800 ext. 143 or

“Through PWB I have had the chance to reconnect and meet new people,” Boyd said. According to NAHB, PWB members agree that they are more successful business professionals

WOMEN IN THE WORKFORCE 2018* 5.9% 21.1%



44% *Source:

march 2021


Certified Builder

BIAW celebrates Certified Builders by Bailee Wicks Communications Manager

March is National Designation Month. As we celebrate, BIAW is excited to share its most prestigious designation: Certified Builder. Join the 32 outstanding tradesman and tradeswomen across Washington who rise above the rest. What is a Certified Builder? A Certified Builder is someone who strives to stand out from the rest. BIAW created the designation to bridge the communication gap and offer more transparency between builders and home buyers. Being a Certified Builder shows clients that builders are completely vetted. This creates a sense of trust in knowing Certified Builders go above and beyond what is asked of them from the state. Benefits of being a Certified Builder There are many benefits to becoming a vetted contractor in Washington including earning the immediate trust of customers and potential buyers. Certified builders also receive: n Lower rates on BIAW education classes n A marketing guide and materials to display on vehicles and business store fronts n Access to exclusive content For more information about the Certified Builder program, please contact BIAW Education and Certification Manager Hillary Vanatta at (360) 352-7800 ext. 106 or Start your Certified Builder application today at 14

building insight

“Being a BIAW Certified Builder showcases our priorities of professionalism and education to homeowners.” —Joseph Irons, Certified Builder, CAPS, CGP, CGR, GMB,GMR BIAW First Vice President Irons Brothers Construction, Shoreline

“The value in this certification is that the BIAW has taken the time to vet our business and deemed it as one that stands out from the crowd. We have worked hard over the years to get to where we are and becoming a Certified Builder helped us achieve recognition for all of our efforts.” —Paul Kocharhook, Certified Builder, CAPS, CGP, Pathway Design & Construction, Seattle

Strategic Update

BIAW makes progress on goals by Janelle Guthrie

Communication Director

Despite a year of delays and challenges driven by the COVID pandemic, BIAW made significant progress on its strategic goals. Executive Vice President Greg Lane shared highlights at the 2021 winter board meeting.

The Government Affairs team successfully continued effective advocacy in the state legislature. They also worked with local associations in their efforts and planned a virtual Hill Day to allow members access to their lawmakers during this virtual session. The legal team met its goal of identifying and engaging in opportunities for legal intervention. General Counsel Jackson Maynard recently challenged the governor’s authority to partially veto a 2019 bill before the Division II Court of Appeals. A win here could protect against thousand of dollars in penalties.

The Communications team met its goal of incorporating more visual media into communication. Most recently, the team launched weekly videos, featuring legislative updates. The team also released the 2021 NAHB Priced Out information for Washington, drawing media coverage across the state. BIAW is using the info to persuade legislators to think twice before adding costly regulations that further increase the price of new homes.

BIAW’s Workforce Development director built a partnership with Edge Factor to leverage existing curriculum and raise awareness about careers in the field. He’s also collaborated with local schools to bring the Home Builders Institute curriculum to students. The association has increased its scholarship and grant programs to a record-breaking $60,000. Applications are open through May 14.

The COVID pandemic provided a perfect opportunity to develop new technology to increase access to our educational content by allowing remote participation. It also spotlighted our ability to quickly and accurately guide our members through new laws and regulations. The team will be expanding its catalog of online courses to help you keep yourselves and your employees on the cutting edge of our industry.

Despite the pandemic, BIAW was still able to move forward with plans to purchase the Parkside Building, which provided the opportunity to upgrade our technical infrastructure and service providers. We also made great strides in building a professional work environment which allowed BIAW to recruit and retain top talent. As the ability to meet in person continues to be a challenge, we’ve made progress in increasing the engagement of board members and driving more participation through the use of video conferencing. We’ve also started a successful enrollment drive for ROII and we’re exploring additional non-dues revenue programs that will help keep our financial position strong. On the horizon Moving forward, BIAW plans to update its mission and vision statements. We’ll also be establishing metrics to measure and report on goals, creating a strategic plan report for the website and continuing regular updates at BIAW board meetings. For more information on BIAW’s strategic plan, contact Executive Vice President Greg Lane at (360) 352-7800 ext. 102 or

march 2021


Board of Directors Meeting

Winter board of directors meeting recap by Bailee Wicks

Communications Manager

BIAW held its 2021 winter board meeting March 3 in our new headquarters in Tumwater, Washington. The recurring theme over the last year seems to be doing things ‘a little differently’ and this meeting was no different. Due to COVID restrictions, the meeting was a combination of in-person and virtual meetings. In the two weeks leading up to the board of directors meeting, committees and councils met virtually to go over goals and strategies for the year. Then, the BIAW’s first floor conference room transformed into a classroom allowing the senior officers and executive committee to social distance

with masks and report about their committees to members and staff attending the meeting virtually. The meeting was well attended with over 70 people signed in and actively participating. Congratulations to BIAW President Tracy Doriot for completing his first board meeting and thank you to all the staff who made this combination meeting possible. We hope to see you all in person for the summer board meeting if restrictions ease. For any questions regarding the winter board meeting, contact BIAW Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak at (360) 352-7800 ext. 113 or


02 16

building insight








[1] Executive Vice President Greg Lane reports progress on the strategic plan. [2] BIAW Treasurer Gary Wray (l) and BIAW Second Vice President Nick Gilliland listen to committee and council reports. [3] BIAW Past President Sherry Schwab accepts her Spike Award for the 1000+ category. [4] Olympia Master Builder President John Erwin attends his first meeting as Local Association Presidents’ Council Chair. [5] BIAW celebrates new branding with treats for the Executive

Committee. [6] Bylaws and Nominations Committee Chair Matthew Clarkson takes notes during commmittee reports. [7] BIAW President Tracy Doriot kicks off his first board meeting as president. [8] BIAW’s winter board meeting was well attended with over 70 members signing in online to participate. [9] BIAW Administrative Services Director Jan Rohila poses with farewell gifts as she transitions to her new role with ROII.

march 2021


ROII Safety Services

Sleep and accident mitigation by Bob White ROII Safety Services Director

Getting plenty of sleep is a very important part of your personal safety and the safety of your coworkers as well. Most people need 7.5 to 8.5 hours of sleep each 24-hour day. Sleep loss built up slowly over several nights can be as harmful as sleep loss in one night.

declining performance, slower reaction times, failure to respond to changes and inability to concentrate and make reasonable judgments.

No employer wants to dictate to their employees what they should or shouldn’t be doing while off duty on their personal time. It is, however, worthwhile at safety meetings and toolbox talks to communicate with employees about the need to get proper rest and come to work refreshed each day. It is worth educating staff on how a lack of sleep can affect the safety of not only the individual worker, but the team as a whole. A lack of sleep results in

Safety services, including regular trainings and weekly toolbox topics, is just one benefit for ROII participants. To find out how to enroll, contact ROII Enrollment Manager Jessica Bass at jessicab@ If you currently are enrolled in the ROII program and have safety questions, contact ROII Safety Director Bob White at (360) 352-7800 ext. 109 or

Signs that may indicate a lack of sleep: n Poor communication n Impaired motor skills n Slow response time n Easily distracted n Impairment when operating machinery n Increased number of errors n Poor assimilation and memory n Inability to deal with stress n Inappropriate moods n Falling asleep on the job n Increased incidences of risk-taking behavior n Unable to quickly make necessary adjustments n Improper safety enforcement 18

building insight

Training employees to be observant and to recognize the signs of co-worker fatigue can mean the difference between life and death or a serious injury.

Healthcare Tips

How to get enough “sunshine vitamin” during winter months by Bailee Wicks

Communications Manager

What can you do to make sure you are getting enough vitamin D? Eat nutrient rich foods Although diet alone typically does not provide enough vitamin D, eating vitamin D rich foods such as eggs, liver and salmon can be helpful.

Getting enough vitamin D during the winter months in the Pacific Northwest is always challenging with the gray weather and shortened hours of sunlight. But with COVID safety protocols keeping us at home even more than usual, it might be feeling downright impossible these days. Many of us know vitamin D as the “sunshine vitamin” due to the fact that our bodies can absorb it through sunlight. It plays a vital role in keeping us healthy by promoting calcium absorption in order to keep bones and teeth strong, supporting our immune systems and reducing inflammation. These are just a few of the ways you can make sure you are getting enough vitamin D to stay physically and mentally healthy during such a challenging time. If you want to make sure you and your employees stay healthy with access to excellent health care at the best possible price, the team at BIAW’s Health Insurance Program is here to help. If you haven’t looked into the benefits of the program, now is the perfect time. Give us a call at (425) 641-8093 or visit us online at *This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your physician before starting a supplement or exercise program or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.

Take a supplement Some people may benefit from a vitamin D supplement, but consult a physician before taking any new medications.

Exercise regularly Physical activity helps with the body’s natural production of vitamin D.

Get outside When the sun is shining, being outside for 20 minutes a few times a week is a great, natural way to make sure you are getting enough vitamin D.

march 2021




Building Industry Association of Washington 300 Deschutes Way SW, Ste. 300 | Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 352-7800 | |

BIAW presented its 2020 Spike Awards to category leaders during the winter board meeting March 3 in Tumwater. These seven top recruiters signed up 98 new members in 2020. Congratulations to all!

Congratulations to the 2020 Spike Category Winners SHERRY SCHWAB

MBA of King & Snohomish Counties 8 New Members | 1000+ category


MBA of King & Snohomish Counties 9 New Members | 500-999.5 category


Kitsap Building Association 9 New Members | 250-499.5 category


BIA of Clark County 35 New Members | 100-249.5 category



Kitsap Building Association 18 New Members | 50-99.5 category


Kitsap Building Association 10 New Members | 25-49.5 category


BIA of Clark County 9 New Members | 6.5-24.5 category A special congratulations to Chuck Neibert who not only won his category, but was named BIAW Top Spike, recruiting 35 new members. In addition, Chuck was one of nine members who won an all-inclusive trip to Napa Valley, in NAHB’s 2020 membership drive campaign. Have an incredible time, Chuck. You deserve it! BIAW would not be the same without our recruiters. Thank you all for continuing to strengthen our membership and grow the association. We hope to see you all in person (if COVID restrictions allow) to celebrate at the Spike party during the summer board meeting.

BIAW’s Excellence in Remodeling Awards, presented by Phase II General Contractor, is NOW accepting entries! This annual event honors quality craftsmanship by members all across the state. Submit your entries ONLINE at by April 9th. Important Dates Now | Call for entries April 9 | Deadline to submit entries May 3 | Winners announced (via email) June 7 | EIR Awards reception in conjunction with the BIAW summer board meeting Questions Contact Brenda Kwieciak at (360) 352-7800, ext. 113 or

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