June 2021 Building Insight

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building insight

Table of contents

WHO WE ARE As the state’s largest trade association with nearly 8,000-member companies, responsible for roughly 188,000 jobs, we are the people who build, remodel and maintain homes. We create economic opportunity and strong communities. BIAW champions the rights of our members and fights for affordable homeownership at all levels of government.

BIAW MANAGEMENT Executive Vice President Greg Lane Education and Workforce Development Director Al Audette Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak General Counsel Jackson Maynard

B U I L DI NG INSI G H T ED I TO R I A L S TA F F Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Communications Manager Bailee Wicks Layout and Design Lena Anderson

To submit editorial or advertise, contact communications@biaw.com.

Building Insight is proudly printed by:

07 08 12 16 18

Millennials move to homeownership June is National Home Ownership Month

Legislative engagement critical in challenging political climate

More than 1,500+ sign-ins at hearings for 90+ bills all of which told the story of home construction to legislators.

Excellence In Remodeling 2021 winners

BIAW honors top remodeling projects across the state in 20 categories

BIAW welcomes newest certified builder Anthony Collins of Northlight Custom Builders, LLC, joins the Certified Builders program

Local Happenings Local association events around the state

june 2021


President’s message Every year before election season, you’ll hear us say “Elections matter.” This legislative session, more than ever, it was easy to see why. From a new cap-and-trade bill to a constitutionally questionable capital gains income tax exempt from voter referendum, Democratic majorities used the pandemic-induced virtual legislative session to pass sweeping changes, affecting businesses and families well into the future.

Tracy Doriot, BIAW Certified Builder President

COVID cloak of darkness limits access The COVID cloak of darkness protected legislators from some of the most powerful tools we have to influence their decisions. The Capitol Building lockdown meant no face-to-face meetings—and virtual meetings were hard to get as well, even during our virtual Hill Days. Then committees limited public testimony, often to only two minutes, with no way for the public to see if committee members were even paying attention. Coming into the session with a promise to limit its scope, the governor ended the session praising the Democratic majority for “unprecedented and legacy making advances as all-encompassing as any session in the last 25 years.” Home building heroes While our government affairs team continues to assess the damage, there are a few bright lights from both parties I’d like to recognize— and I know there will be more. Kudos to: n Sen. John Braun, Dist. 20, R-Centralia, who led the way with the support of both Republicans and Democrats on a failed effort to limit Gov. Jay Inslee’s emergency powers and reopen Washington’s economy sooner. n Sen. Mark Mullet, Dist.5, D-Issaquah, who boldly broke ranks and voted against the capital gains income tax bill. n Rep. Andrew Barkis, Dist. 2, R-Olympia, Sen. Lynda Wilson, Dist. 17, R-Vancouver, and others for their work to promote pro-building legislation. n Rep. Amy Walen, Dist. 48, D-Kirkland, who voted against the expensive and unnecessary Low Carbon Fuel Standard (HB 1091), recognizing the damaging effects the bill will have on those least able to pay for it. Thank you and continued help needed While there are certainly other legislators to thank, these few rose to the top. Special thanks to our BIAW members for 1,500+ sign-ins on 90+ bills and 750 emails to legislators in response to our calls to action. Elections have consequences—and we’re seeing the results of one-party rule here. Now is the time to hold legislators accountable and to start working to recruit more pro-building, pro-business and pro-housing candidates at all levels of government.


building insight


Clarification on taxes for design services: Two contracts may be better than one by Jackson Maynard General Counsel

The Department of Revenue (DOR) has begun auditing contracts to enforce a new provision of law from 2019 that clarified how design services will be taxed. This could especially impact remodelers who engage in both construction and design work. Under state law, design services are taxed at 1.75% while construction work is taxed at a higher sales tax rate. However, in 2019, the legislature approved RCW 82.04.051 to capture “hybrid agreements.” Under that provision, a contract or agreement under which a person is responsible for activities that are subject to tax as a service under RCW 82.04.290(2), and a subsequent contract or agreement under which the same person is responsible for constructing, building, repairing, improving or decorating activities subject to tax under another section of this chapter, shall not be combined and taxed as a single activity if at the time of the first contract or agreement, it was not contemplated by the parties, as evidenced by the facts, that the same person would be awarded both contracts. In other words, if design services were part of a single contract that included construction work, it

will likely be taxed as a construction project. If the design work is a separate contract, but is also to be performed by the same entity as the construction work, then you still might be subject to the tax if DOR can conclude that the same person would have performed both contracts. While DOR does not identify what types of evidence they might consider, it is possible that contracts signed the same day by the same party or design contracts that are not competitively bid might come under scrutiny. The bottom line is that those who provide both design and construction services may want to consider how they are structuring agreements in order to ensure they are not over or under paying taxes. (Special thanks to Sherry Schwab for raising this issue to the Legal department.) If you have any legal questions and are a BIAW member, please reach out to BIAW General Counsel Jackson Maynard at jacksonm@biaw.com or (360) 352-7800 ext. 108.

june 2021


Executive Vice President’s message After 15 months of governor-imposed shutdowns and the constant changing of phases and safety protocols, it is tremendously relieving that our state is finally fully opening on June 30. Throughout the pandemic, BIAW staff has stayed focused on supporting you, your business and your employees as effectively as possible. This has included forcefully advocating for the construction industry to keep working, despite the forced shutdown of so many other sectors of our economy, and continually communicating all of the information you have needed to comply with the ever-changing COVID-related rules and conditions. The entire team here at BIAW is proud to have successfully advocated to restart construction activity a full month before any other industry—and that construction has remained open, strong and safe throughout the pandemic. Greg Lane

Executive Vice President

As I have emphasized before, this was a group effort that included the active work of all of the local associations and I want to thank everyone involved in supporting our members. BIAW wins two NAHB Association Excellence Awards NAHB recently recognized our organization’s work for our members and industry by awarding us two 2020 Association Excellence Awards. Congratulations to BIAW Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh and General Counsel Jackson Maynard for winning the “Best Regional Government Affairs Effort” Award, underscoring their outstanding work getting the construction industry re-opened in Washington. And congratulations to the BIAW Communications Team, including Communications Manager Bailee Wicks, ROII Marketing Manager Leah Jaber and Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak, for winning the “Best Public Relations Program Conducted” Award. Their exceptional work communicating with the news media to re-open construction and with BIAW members to get everyone back to work quickly and safely was instrumental to our success. BIAW’s Membership Monopoly While many state and local building associations around the country saw a dramatic decrease in membership during the pandemic, for BIAW, the 4% decline of statewide membership in 2020 was relatively small. However, it’s time to start building our ranks again. For the first time in nearly 15 years, BIAW is launching a membership drive campaign with great incentives for recruiting new members. Any BIAW member can qualify for prizes! All you need to do is recruit new builder and associate members to your local associations. We demonstrated during COVID the strength of our association is derived from our membership. The larger our association grows, the stronger we are as an organization.


building insight

National Home Ownership Month

Millennials move to homeownership by Bailee Wicks

Communications Manager

thus making it more affordable to live further away from a job and commute to work than to live close by.

June is National Home Ownership month and BIAW celebrates by highlighting the American Dream of home ownership for a large generational group, millennials.

According to the report, 73% of millennial prospective buyers were already active buyers in the first quarter of 2021, an increase from 54% a year earlier.

Interest in home buying has not slowed down this year, in fact it has risen just as the supply of housing has decreased. Among the different generational groups, millennials, those born 1981 to 1996, are showing the most enthusiasm when it comes to purchasing a home.

Several factors are driving this trend. Buyers are afraid of missing out on still relatively low mortgage rates. The pandemic has also increased the desire for more space at home. For example, another recent NAHB study on consumer preferences revealed that 63% of recent and

73% of millennial prospective buyers were already active buyers in the first quarter of 2021, an increase from 54% a year earlier.

According to the latest Housing Trends Report by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), millennials are the most likely generation to have moved on from planning a home purchase to actively searching for a home to buy in the first quarter of 2021.

prospective homebuyers want a home office for the accessibility of working from home. Another factor influencing home buying is the desire to move to the outlying suburbs. In the larger cities, the prices of homes are much higher than outlying neighborhoods,

Millennials also continued a positive outlook about housing stock in regards to the near future. The share of millennial buyers who expect housing availability to ease up in the months ahead rose decisively between the first quarters of 2020 and 2021, from 26% to 42%. In contrast, the share declined slightly among the other generations. In terms of the actual number of homes for sale (that buyers like and can afford), 40% of Americans reported seeing more of these homes available in the first quarter of 2021 than the previous quarter, up from 31% a year earlier. The pandemic changed many aspects of our everyday lives, but the urge for more space and a permanent residence rose drastically. Millennials are just one of the many groups trying to find and afford a home in Washington during the housing supply shortage. Owning a house creates generational wealth and financial opportunities and that goal should be achievable for all. If you have any questions about the housing trends report or home ownership month, contact BIAW Communications Manager Bailee Wicks at baileew@biaw.com or (360) 352-7800 ext. 143. june 2021


Legislative Update

Legislative engagement critical in challenging political climate by Jan Himebaugh

Government Affairs Director

Coming into the 2021 legislative session, no one could have predicted how things ended. As the House of Representatives and Senate released plans for a remote legislative session with no access to the Capitol Building, people across the state struggled with the idea of 100-percent remote legislative hearings and having to meet legislators via videoconference instead of face-to-face. How could builders provide input into the process? How could builders break through the barriers of remote communication? How would legislators vote if they knew they didn’t have to look directly at anyone? Would there even be access? The remote session provided an opportunity to pass far-reaching and destructive bills like cap and trade, capital gains income tax and an expensive low-carbon fuel standard. But BIAW and its members were still able to use some of our most powerful tools to keep the focus off builders. Builders matter Early in the session, government affairs, communications and our contract lobbying team brainstormed new ways to get people’s attention. TikTok? Instagram? Billboards? Blimps? What could we do to break through the noise and get legislators’ attention?

Ultimately, BIAW developed a series of weekly videos, AKA the Hammer with Himbaugh. (Finally – they let me call this it’s true name!!!) Then we paired the videos with weekly legislative update calls and calls to action in the Lawmaker Review, the BIAW blog and social media urging members to testify or sign-in on important bills. Thank you for answering the call! More than 1,500+ sign-ins at hearings for 90+ bills—and 750 emails in response to calls to action—all of which told the story of home construction to legislators. Home Building Heroes Special thanks to the following for their continued, steady participation. These “Home Building Heroes” were top 10 who answered our legislative calls to action— signing in over 100 times: n Michael Fast, MBA of Pierce County n Kurt Wilson, MBA of Pierce County n Juli Bacon, MBA of King & Snohomish Counties n John Erwin, Olympia Master Builders n Nick Scheel, Spokane HBA n Kent Arola, MBA of Pierce County n Ron Perkerewicz, Kitsap Building Association n Evan Mann, MBA of Pierce County n Miriam Villard, Kitsap Building Association n Jay Roberts, Skagit/Island Counties BA


building insight

Connecting Construction to the Capitol In addition, you and your local associations met with legislators during the virtual annual Hill Days: Connecting Construction to the Capitol. Check out photos here. Thanks to your participation, compelling testimony, your emails and meetings with legislators, we staved off some really bad bills and passed some good ones. Stay tuned for the short session in 2022. It may be short, but there’s no telling what can happen. We stopped some bad bills for now, but like zombies, they can all come back to life in January! Rep. Eric Robertson, Dist. 31, R-Sumner, meets with Master Builders Association of Pierce County members and staff during BIAW’s 2021 virtual hill days, Connecting Construction to the Capitol.

Building Industry Association of Clark County members and staff talk with Rep. Monica Stonier, Dist. 49, D-Vancouver, to discuss pro-housing legislation.

Central Washington Home Builders Association members meet with Rep. Chris Corry, Dist. 14, R-Yakima, to discuss local and state legislative priorities.

Rep. Alex Ramel, Dist. 40, D-Bellingham, meets with San Juan Building Association members during BIAW’s hill days.

Long-time housing advocate, Rep. Mike Chapman, Dist. 24, D-Port Angeles, speaks with Jefferson County Home Builders Association Executive Officer Lizanne Coker (bottom) and BIAW staff about pro-builder legislation.

june 2021


Membership Monopoly Campaign

Are you ready to get on board with Membership Monopoly? by Karen Hall Membership Manager

Get ready for Membership Monopoly, BIAW’s 2021 membership drive! BIAW encourages all members to “get on the board,” become a “player” and recruit to win 2022 IBS “achievements” and prizes. Both members and local associations have a CHANCE to “roll the dice” and collect rewards. Get ready to play July 1- Oct. 31 You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity! Remember all members can play and there is no limit on how many can win. Do you have what it takes to #WinItAll? If you have any questions about Membership Monopoly, please contact BIAW Membership Manager Karen Hall at karenh@biaw.com or (360) 352-7800 ext. 137.


building insight

Recruit members: #WinItAll! n Earn 5 points: Win an exclusive entry for you and a guest to a BIAW-hosted Recruiter Reception at NAHB’s International Builders’ Show in sunny Orlando, Fla. n Earn 15 points: Win a five-night stay at a BIAW-designated hotel in Orlando for you and a guest, plus entry to attend BIAW’s exclusive Recruiter Reception. n Earn 20 points: Win a roundtrip airfare for you and a guest to Orlando, plus the five-night’s hotel stay and entry to BIAW’s exclusive Recruiter Reception.

RULES OF PLAY All BIAW members are eligible to play. All you need to do to become a Player is recruit new members and earn awesome achievements! Here’s how to get on the board Between July 1 and Oct. 31, all members including builders, associates and affiliates recruit to earn points. Points are directly related to the NAHB 2022 International Builders’ Show in Orlando, FL, Feb. 9-12, 2022. How to earn points: 1. A Player earns (1) point for each new member (builder or associate) recruited. 2. A Player may earn (1) extra point if the new member enrolls in BIAW’s ROII program (and is qualified). 3. A Player may earn (1) extra point if the new member enrolls in BIAW’s Health Insurance program (and is qualified). Players may earn a total of (3) points for recruiting one new member. Here’s how: n One new builder or associate member = 1 point

4. A Player’s ‘extra points’ must be enrolled and qualified in ROII and/or BIAW’s Health Insurance program by Oct. 31. Verification of enrollment in above program(s) is based on the program’s respective new enrollee report. 5. A Player’s new member tally is based on the ‘new member’ column from NAHB’s monthly Spike report. The Players’ final new member count is based on the Oct. 31, 2021 report. 6. A Player may not combine points with other Players. 7. There is no limit on how many Players can win! Each month during the drive, BIAW will post the leaderboard on BIAW’s social media channels. All winners will be announced no later than Nov. 30.

n + BIAW’s Health Insurance program = 1 point n + ROII program = 1 point


june 2021


Excellence In Remodeling Winners

BIAW reveals Excellence in Remodeling 2021 winners

KITCHEN OVER $140,001 Phase II, General Contractor, Inc. Lakewood

by Bailee Wicks Communication Manager

Each year, BIAW holds its annual Excellence in Remodeling (EIR) Award competition designed to recognize the state’s best remodeling and design work. The competition is open to all BIAW members.


In the 2021 EIR competition, BIAW members across the state submitted 39 entries in 20 different categories. Once submitted, projects are voted on by industry experts based on aesthetics, special or unique design solutions, quality craftsmanship, appropriate building materials, budgetary considerations and any challenges the project’s design requirement faced.

BATH UNDER $35,000 J & M Remodel


KITCHEN $45,001-$75,000

BATH $35,001-$60,000

J.M. Bogan Co. Inc.

Shirey Home Pro

Bridge City Contracting

Fall City



KITCHEN OVER $45,000 JTS General Contractor LLC

KITCHEN $75,001-$140,000 Phase II, General Contractor, Inc.

BATH $60,001-$80,000 Sockeye Homes




building insight


BATH OVER $80,001 J.M. Bogan Co. Inc.

ENTIRE HOUSE OVER $600,001 A Kitchen That Works LLC


Fall City

Bainbridge Island






J & M Remodel, Seattle

Hyland Cabinetworks, Federal Way

ENTIRE HOUSE $200,001-$400,000

BASEMENT/ADU OVER $125,001 Pathway Design + Construction


Gaspar’s Construction

Sockeye Homes, Kent

ENTIRE HOUSE $400,001-$600,000 Sockeye Homes, Kent


VanderBeken Remodel Marysville

GET AWAY ROOM Irons Brothers Construction, Inc.

OPEN UNDER $125,000 Seattle Foundation Repair



june 2021


ROII Enrollment

Quarterly enrollment is open Belong to the Workers’ Comp Safety Program Trusted by More Washington Businesses

Our goal here at ROII is simple: eliminate injuries through improvements in workplace safety and preventative strategies. If an employee is injured, we’ll help you help them get better quicker with a successful return-to-work experience. Businesses that participate and share our goal can earn a refund. All-inclusive services Along with top-tier refunds, ROII offers unequaled outcome-based claims assistance, safety and prevention services, risk management services and return-to-work assistance. And all of our services are provided in-house, with no hidden fees (unlike some Retro programs that use additional fees to chip away at your bottom line—while adding to theirs.) Getting started with ROII Although you may have missed the July enrollment period, ROII’s October quarterly enrollment period is now open: October enrollment provides coverage from Oct. 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. To get started and find out if ROII is a good fit for your company, go to ROII.com or contact us at (360) 352-7800 or enroll@roii.com.


building insight

save an average of 37% on workers’ comp

500 mil l ion


ROII consistently delivers better L&I refunds. In fact, ROII has returned over $500M in refunds to participating members since 1982. ROII



Want to be rewarded for safety in your workplace? Join the crowd—by joining the state’s largest, longest-operating Retro (Retrospective Rating) safety incentive program: ROII. Participants rely on ROII for the tools, programs and claims assistance they need to keep their businesses running smoothly.


43.5% 40%







42% 36%

42% 34%


20% 10% 0








ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh (center, left) poses with ROII participants of Pleasant Ridge Construction during CWHBA’s Golf Classic at the Yakima Elks Golf and Country Club on May 27.

ROII Safety Services

Three simple steps to effective toolbox talks by Bob White ROII Safety Services Director

In high-risk industries like construction, toolbox talks can have a significant impact on safety. But let’s face it: The people tasked with giving safety and toolbox talks in the world of residential home construction often have little experience leading trainings like this and not everyone likes public speaking. Presenting employee safety meetings and toolbox talks doesn’t need to be a daunting task, but you are required by law to take the time for these so make sure your workforce is benefiting from them.

Know your subject: Keep it short, on point and relevant to the worksite Just reading from a script while everyone signs in will not hold people’s attention or accomplish your purpose. This approach also signals to employees that workforce safety is not a company priority. Taking just a few minutes ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the subject and think of a few examples to make it relatable to what’s happening on the jobsite can mean the difference between providing useful information or 10 minutes of extra shut eye for your fellow workers. On-site toolbox talks do not have to be long and drawn out. Being enthusiastic about the subject, providing examples and staying on point will help hold everyone’s attention.

Keep it simple Present the subject in a clear and simple way. Trying to rush through lots of information causes information overload, one of the fastest ways to lose everyone’s attention. Avoid technical language, use simple phrases and make sure to take into consideration work experience, education level and language barriers. For many workers in construction, English may not be their first language. Engage and involve Looking at your audience when you speak, making eye contact and speaking loud enough for everyone to hear and feel engaged is crucial. Employees who feel “lost in the crowd” will hit cruise control and check out. Ask questions and request feedback. Engagement is key. Show attendees you are interested in their thoughts and opinions and that their feedback is valued and important. Employees who know you will normally ask questions to make sure everyone understands are more likely to stay focused and take away something useful from the conversation. After all, one good safety talk could be the difference between life and death. If you are an ROII participant and have a question about toolbox talks, contact ROII Safety Services Director Bob White at bobw@biaw.com or (360) 3527800 ext. 109.

If you are not an ROII participant and would like to see if you qualify, visit ROII.com. Remember, safety has its rewards.

june 2021


Meet Our Newest Certified Builder

Welcome Tony Collins Certified Builder by Bailee Wicks Communications Manager

Anthony (Tony) Collins

Northlight Custom Builders, LLC MBA of King & Snohomish Counties Northlight Custom Builders, LLC, was founded in 2014 by Tony Collins who has 25 years of construction experience. Northlight Custom Builders specializes in custom home remodels, additions, custom woodwork and in-house design. Collins and his team assist clients with design, layouts, permitting materials, electrical, plumbing and finishes. Located in Snohomish County, Northlight Custom Builders performs work across North/Northeast King County and Snohomish County. Northlight also is active in their community by working with local businesses and donating to charities. Their company strives to create long-lasting relationships with each client, laying out transparent expectations for their projects.

Certified Builders are builders who go above and beyond standards set forth by the state of Washington. Every BIAW Certified Builder is fully vetted during the application process, ensuring they meet or exceed BIAW’s comprehensive standards. Congratulations to our new Certified Builder Anthony Collins. If you are not a Certified Builder, but are interested in applying, please visit BIAWCertifiedBuilder.com, or if you have any questions, contact BIAW Education and Certification Manager Hillary Vanatta at hillaryv@ biaw.com or (360) 352-7800 ext. 106.


building insight

Healthcare Tip of the Month

Leveraging technology to help keep you healthy by Bailee Wicks Communications Manager

With many health insurance plans now covering the cost of telemedicine, you can see your doctors from the comfort of your own home at no additional cost. As we continue to grapple with the ways in which COVID has left an indelible mark on our world, one of the positive changes has been the ways in which technology has made the world more accessible, especially when it comes to our health. In 2021, most of us are constantly connected to the world through a smart phone in our pocket, computer on our desk and other smart devices that take commands with just the sound of our voice. But what you may not have considered before is how this technology could be used to help keep you and your family healthier. Smart watches and fitbits One of the most popular ways to leverage technology for better health is the use of a wearable fitness tracker. These devices range in complexity from a simple pedometer that counts the number of steps you take each day to a smart watch that tracks your exercise, sleep and heart rate. There are now smart watches that can measure blood pressure and respiration rate for even more detailed health information. Monitoring your health and exercise using this technology can help you stay more active and may even help you see early warning signs of larger health issues.

Consider telemedicine In addition to tracking your own health, many patients now see their doctors using “telemedicine” for treatment of common health conditions. In a world where many of us have grown accustomed to meetings on video chat, this means you can also communicate with your doctor via video conference to receive a diagnosis without ever leaving your house. With many health insurance plans now covering the cost of telemedicine, you can see your doctor from the comfort of your own home at no additional cost. The team at the BIAW Health Insurance Program is here to help you and your employees make the most of your health insurance benefits. Contact them to learn more or to get a free quote at BIAWHealthTrust. com or (425) 641-8093. Disclaimer: This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek the advice of a qualified medical professional before beginning or ending medical treatment or if you have questions regarding a medical condition.

june 2021


Local Happenings

Local happenings around the state 1. BIAW class instructor Moira Walters (r) helps student Michael Kral interpret the training materials for the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Recertification class, taught by Alex Zimmerman. Kral, who is hearing impaired, attended the class at BIAW’s headquarters in Tumwater.


2 2. BIA of Clark County, a sponsor of Dozer Day Drive-thru in Vancouver, WA, helped spread the word about sustainable communities, industry opportunities and workplace safety. Over 700 cars participated in the day-long event.


building insight


4. Students of the Spokane Home Builders Association’s workforce development camp strike a pose in front of the completed shed built during the two-day skilled trades camp.


3. Brice Baxter (r), Central Washington Home Builders Association member, Baxter Construction LLC, donates house paint to a member, Kay Philp (l), for her dedication to her community and family.

june 2021


upcoming events

Building Industry Association of Washington 300 Deschutes Way SW, Ste. 300 | Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 352-7800 | BIAW.com |

FALL BOARD 2021 Nov. 15-17, 2021

Hyatt Regency Lake Washington at Seattle’s Southport, Renton Reservations:

(877) 803-7534 or Hyatt.com

(Discount code has not been issued)

Room block held until 10/22/2021 $189 single/double $214 triple $239 quad

WINTER BOARD 2022 Feb. 21-23, 2022

Hotel Red Lion, Olympia Reservations:

800–RED-LION or RedLion.com/Olympia (Discount code has not been issued)

Room block held until February 1, 2022 $120 single/double

SUMMER BOARD 2022 June 6-8, 2022

Skamania Lodge, Stevenson Reservations:

(844) 432-4748

THANK YOU EVENT SPONSORS PREMIER American Insurance Associates Conover Insurance Dunn Lumber MBA of King & Snohomish Counties ROII

(Discount code has not been issued)

$215/superior guestroom $215/premier Gorge suite

FALL BOARD 2022 Nov. 16-18, 2022

Hilton Vancouver Washington, Vancouver Reservations:

1-800-HILTONS or Hilton.com

(Discount code has not been issued)

$159/queen $159/king

Platinum Shoemaker Manufacturing Phase II General Contractor Inc Gold Cyneburg Services, LLC Print NW HBA of Tri-Cities

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