July/August 2022 Building Insight

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22141085 BIAW brings building issues to Capitol Hill Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04) on WOTUS and impacts on the housing industry As a BIAW leader, Smith says her membership has helped build strong connections with builders and remodelers Members urge representatives to address the effects of the energy code, labor and materials shortages and more ROII hits the ground running returning over $33 million to companies all over Washington state BIAW Education offers a variety of in-person, online and on-demand courses Table of contents 3 It’s raining checks with ROII BIAW partners to expand education offerings Reject WOTUS expansion to ensure affordable, reliable housing MBAKS’ Luellen Smith: Networking to national leadership july/august 2022 WHO WE ARE As the state’s largest trade association with nearly 8,000 member companies, responsible for approximately 188,000 jobs, we are the people who build, remodel and maintain homes. We create economic opportunity and strong communities. BIAW champions the rights of our members and fights for affordable homeownership at all levels of government. BIAW MANAGEMENT Executive Vice President Greg Lane Education and Workforce Development Director Al Audette Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh Managing Director of Operations Stephen Hyer ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak General Counsel Jackson Maynard BUILDING INSIGHT EDITORIAL STAFF Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Layout and Design Lena Anderson To submit editorial or advertise, contact communications@biaw.com. Building Insight is proudly printed by: On the cover: BIAW members and staff from across Washington traveled to the “other” Washington to advocate for builders and homebuyers during NAHB’s Legislative Conference.

President’sinsight message

President As the nation continues to struggle to build enough homes to meet demand and inflation skyrockets, roughly 40 BIAW members joined me, Executive Vice President Greg Lane and BIAW’s government affairs team in Washington, DC for the NAHB Spring Meeting and legislative conference. Our mission: Meet with as many members of our congressional delegation as possible to advocate for our state’s homebuilders and the thousands of Washington families who are priced out of buying a Mosthome.of those who traveled to DC for the spring meeting joined us in visiting seven of our 10 congressional representatives, both Democrats and Republicans. We joined roughly 600 NAHB members who held more than 200 individual meetings with their representatives and senators. This was the first time since 2019 the homebuilding industry was able to demonstrate our power in person.

4 building

Sharing state struggles In our meetings with our congressional delegation, we also urged them to: n Support residential construction as a successful career path to help us build the workforce we need n Continue to keep energy affordable by retaining our state’s hydroelectric dams and supporting energy options, including natural gas in new construction n Incentivize timeliness in residential permitting and address permit delays by federal agencies Congressman Dan Newhouse (WA-04), chair of the Western Congressional Caucus, went the extra mile for our association. He not only arranged for a tour of our nation’s capitol building, but he also held a special meeting of the Western Congressional Caucus where BIAW members and other members of NAHB could share our Checkconcerns.out photos of our trip in this issue and on the cover. I’m so grateful to all the BIAW members, both newer leaders and our more experienced ones, for joining us in D.C. I’m also proud of the bipartisan nature of our meetings. Kudos to our government affairs team for their hard work in making this an experience to remember!

Thank you to everyone who made the trip to help put a face behind our messaging. National focus On the national level, NAHB continues to focus on ever-changing lumber prices, supply chain disruption, the struggle to build affordable homes, the high cost of federal, state and local regulatory policies, rising interest rates and inflation and ongoing challenges in finding skilled labor to help us build homes. Find out more at: NAHB.org/advocacy/top-priorities

Tips for builders and associates

Owner and partner in Rhino Wine Cellars and Cooling Systems with her husband, Doug, Smith joined MBAKS so her company could take advantage of the many networking opportunities with building industry professionals and gain more tools to build her business.

A fast track to success With more than 2,700 members, MBAKS is the largest and oldest local home builders association in the US. Smith says the MBAKS Fast Track to Success class taught her how to quickly navigate the many features and benefits the MBA has to offer. “I have gained valuable tips on how to strengthen and grow my business by participating in events, classes and networking opportunities with industry colleagues,” she said. “I was happy to learn that my membership also includes membership into BIAW and NAHB. The more knowledge I gained about how our local, state and national associations were representing our residential home building industry, I found myself becoming emotionally invested and wanting to become involved.” Stepping into leadership That involvement eventually led to serving as MBAKS board secretary in 2020 and 2021, as well as chair of MBAKS’ Professional Women in Building (PWB) Council, Remodeling Excellence Awards and Membership & Retention Committees. “Being involved in various councils and committees, plus serving in leadership roles at the local, state and national levels has been rewarding and an honor,” Smith says. “I appreciate the connections I have made as we champion workforce development and affordable housing in our community.”

Smith says her membership has helped her build strong connections with builders and remodelers.

“Being involved in Professional Women in Building, the Remodelers Council and on the Board of Directors for MBA and BIAW, I am in constant contact with others in the residential building industry,” she says. “My company, Rhino Wine Cellars & Cooling Systems, builds custom wine cellars and saunas. The connections I have made with builders have been invaluable. I highly encourage associate members to become more involved.”

As a BIAW leader, she served as the 2021 Spike Party chair and now serves as BIAW secretary. She’s also an NAHB Remodelers Trustee and PWB Trustee. She was named NAHB Remodelers Outstanding Associate Member in 2017, NAHB PWB Member of the Year in 2018, and MBAKS Associate of the Year in 2021.

5july/august 2022 Associate Spotlight

MBAKS’ Luellen Smith: Networking to national leadership

You can learn more about how your individual legislators voted by reviewing our voter scorecard on our website or in the May Building Insight. Also watch for our legislative endorsements after the August primary and consider the local endorsements by your local homebuilders’ association. Let your family and friends know who the candidates are who will help solve the housing crisis in Washington. Let’s make 2022 the year we all vote for more housing!

When you couple lack of supply with policy decisions restricting energy choice or increasing regulatory costs, the problem gets even Thisworse.is why the median price of a new home in Washington, as reported by Redfin, reached $643,400—more than $200,000 higher than the median home price in the US. Even more alarming, only 15% of Washington households have the income to qualify for the mortgage necessary to purchase that median-priced home—just 15%!

As we look to the 2022 mid-term election, polls show cost-of-living is a top issue for people across our state, including housing costs. Now more than ever, it’s important to hold elected officials accountable for the decisions they’re making that increase the cost of homebuilding in our state.

Greg Lane Executive Vice President 6 building insight I recently came across a news story in the Boston Globe (“Fingers always point at NIMBYs, but is our approval process fueling the affordable housing crisis?”). The article describes how arduous permitting processes and restrictive zoning policies will result in a deficit of 400,000 housing units in Massachusetts by 2040. Here in Washington, the fundamental flaws of the Growth Management Act have led us into a housing crisis well ahead of Massachusetts and nearly every other state in the country. In fact, studies show Washington is already roughly 270,000 housing units short. Over the last 30 years, our state’s population has increased by 60%, but we’ve only increased housing units by 33%.

Policymakers need to understand that the housing market is all Whenconnected.there is a lack of affordable housing supply to purchase, it traps potential homeowners in the rental market, which, in turn, causes rental rates to skyrocket. A recent KUOW story reported that rents in Seattle have jumped by 30%, with median rent now $3,000.

Home shortages drive rental costs

Executive Vice President’s message

Over the last several years, the majority party in Olympia has supported policies that have limited housing supply, increased regulatory costs and driven up housing prices.

Affordable home ownership must be more than lip service

and dedication to customer service in Washington’s home building industry. With a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in project management from the University of Maryland GC, Bobby understands what it takes to run a successful project and business. An Air Force veteran with more than 20 years of professional experience, he started NW Roots Construction in 2018. In just a few short years, NW Roots Construction has proven to be a leader in the construction industry, delivering exceptional quality homes. Certified as a featured Suncadia Builder, NW Roots has extensive experience building homes in Central Washington, specifically Suncadia, Nelson Preserve and Tumble ACreek.member of the Central Washington Home Builders Association board of directors, Bobby and his wife, Jennie, have four children.

Written Insured Warranties for New Home Construction SOLID COVERAGE FROM FOUNDATION TO RAFTERS BUILDER BENEFITS • Limits liability & risk. • Excellent sales & marketing tool to attract more buyers. • RWC’s strong insurance backing protects your bottom line. • Assistance & support with customer disputes, including free mediation. • Peace-of-mind protection. JOHN sales@rwcwarranty.com800.247.1812FELBAUMExt.2633www.rwcwarranty.com Bobby joins the elite group of just over 50 builders and remodelers to earn the BIAW Certified Builder Fordesignation.moreinformation about the features, rewards, and application review process associated with the BIAW Certified Builder designation, visit our dedicated website at BIAWCertifiedBuilder.com.

7july/august 2022

Certified Builder BIAW’s latest Certified Builder has NW roots by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director BIAW congratulates its newest Certified Builder, Bobby Graham, owner of NW Roots Construction. The excellence,programBIAW’sremodelersavailableprofessionalpreeminentcertificationtobuildersandinourstate,CertifiedBuilderrecognizesachievement

BIAW Executive VP Greg Lane (l) and Treasurer Jay Roberts (r) thank Rep. Dan Newhouse, chair of the Congressional Western Caucus, for hosting a roundtable with BIAW, NAHB and caucus members on building issues during NAHB’s Legislative Conference.

Reject WOTUS expansion to ensure affordable, reliable housing by Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04) When you hear “waters of the United States” or WOTUS, it’s likely that your mind immediately shifts to the impacts this regulation has on America’s agriculture industry. As a farmer, it’s on my mind constantly. WOTUS and an overbearing Clean Water Act have the potential to destroy the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers across the United States and hamstring our nation’s food supply. Unfortunately, the ramifications go far beyond food Oversecurity.the last year and a half as Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus, I have had the opportunity to travel to my colleagues’ districts across the country and work with state, local, and national stakeholders to highlight the significant impacts federal regulations have on rural communities. These travels and these partnerships have highlighted the onerous effects policies like the Obamaera WOTUS rule have placed on almost every aspect of our lives and our economy. Impacts on housing While the impacts of WOTUS are certainly felt by agricultural producers, one of the sectors most harmed by regulatory uncertainty and burdensome permitting delays is also one that is utilized by every family in the United States: housing.

Earlier this month, Western Caucus Members gathered for a working luncheon with state leaders from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). These home builders from across the United States shared their firsthand experience with burdensome regulations and highlighted the uncertainty floating around the Biden Administration’s ongoing efforts to revive WOTUS and the impacts this would have on the housing industry. Priced out In my home state of Washington, for every $1,000 increase in the price of a home, 2,200 families are priced out of homeownership. Permitting delays currently add an average of $26,000 to the price of a new home in our state. So, if you’re doing the math, that’s 57,200 families that are being priced out of homeownership because of WOTUShouseholdthetimeline,6.5-monthinconcernTheseredundantduplicative,burdensome,andoftentimespermittingdelays.statisticsareofparticularbecauseashomebuildersourstatefaceanaveragepermitapprovalWashingtonalreadyhasfewesthousingunitsperfamilyinthenation.Iftheruleisrevived,permitting

building insight8 Legislative Update

(l t r) BIAW Treasurer Jay Roberts, BIAW President Joseph Irons, and BIAW Immediate Past President Tracy Doriot meet with Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04), center.

Dan Newhouse represents Washington’s 4th Congressional District and serves as Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus. If the WOTUS rule is revived, permitting would take longer, fewer homes would be built, and the houses that do would become even more expensive.

9july/august 2022 would take longer, fewer homes would be built, and the houses that do would become even more expensive. Common sense for clean water I represent rural Central Washington, where our population is growing exponentially, and our homebuilding industry is struggling to keep up in the face of these regulations. If we are going to ensure that each family has access to affordable, reliable housing, we must reduce the regulatory burden on our homebuilders—that starts by delivering commonsense clean water regulations, not an expansive WOTUS rule. The Supreme Court is poised to hear a case—Sackett v. EPA—that could help provide a clear definition of “navigable waters” and the certainty communities across the nation need. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration continues to barrel forward with the rulemaking process to dismantle the 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule and impose restrictions on industries and landowners throughout the country. Alongside my fellow Western Caucus Members, I submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of the Sackett case and continue to be steadfast in my support for empowering state and local farmers, ranchers, conservationists, landowners, and—of course—homebuilders to protect our clean water. I will continue to lead the Western Caucus in efforts to restore the Clean Water Act to its original congressional intent because we understand that the strongest environmental protections occur at the state and local levels—not from the federal government.

10 building insight NAHB Spring Meeting Highlights

MembersConference.urged their

the effects

[1] (l to r) Rep. Suzan DelBene (c) meets with Executive Vice President Greg Lane, MBAKS Interim Executive Officer (EO) Jerry Hall, Master Builders Pierce (MBP) Government Affairs Director Jason Gano, MBP member Kent Arola, BIAW GA Assistant Director Josie Cummings, MBP EO Officer Jesse Gamble, BIAW 2020 President Sherry Schwab, MBAKS members Alex Dudko and Jennifer Robnett, MBAKS Director of Membership and Councils Colby Goodman and BIAW Secretary Luellen Smith.


BIAW brings building issues to Capitol Hill by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director

shortages and



[2] (l to r) BIAW Immediate Past President Tracy Doriot, BIAW Executive Vice President Greg Lane and BIACC member Glen Yung connect with Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03).

housing shortage. Thank you

Roughly 30 BIAW members joined President Joseph Irons, Executive Vice President Greg Lane and the BIAW Government Affairs (GA) team in Washington, DC, to meet with Washington’s Congressional Delegation during NAHB’s 2022 Legislative representatives to address of the energy code, labor and materials regulatory costs the nation’s to all the BIAW members who joined in advocating for our 8,000


11july/august 2022

[5] (l to r) BIAW President Joseph Irons, 2020 President Sherry Schwab, MBAKS members Juli Bacon, Kimberley Martin and Phil Frisk, and BIAW Treasurer Jay Roberts with Rep. Kim Schrier (WA08) outside the Capitol Building.

[6] (l to r) MBAKS member Phil Frisk, MBP GA Director Jason Gano, BIAW GA Director Jan Himebaugh, MBP EO Jesse Gamble, MBP member Ken Arola and BIAW Executive Vice President Greg Lane meet with Rep. Marilyn Strickland (WA10). 6

[3] A large contingency of BIAW members and staff meet with Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers (WA05) during the Capitol Hill visit. (l to r) MBP GA Director Jason Gano, SHBA President Corey Condron, CWHBA member Bobby Graham, NAHB State Representative Nick Scheel, 2021 Past Second Vice President Nick Gilliland, McMorris, BIAW GA Director Jan Himebaugh, BIAW Policy and Research Manager Andrea Smith, SHBA GA Director Jennifer Thomas, SHBA EO Joel White and MBP member Kent Arola.

[4] (l to r) MBP GA Director Jason Gano, MBA member Kent Arola, BIACC member Glen Yung, Immediate Past President Tracy Doriot, BIAW First Vice President Gary Wray, MBP EO Jesse Gamble, BIAW Executive Vice President Greg Lane and BIAW GA Assistant Director Josie Cummings visit with Rep. Derek Kilmer (WA06) in his office.

Like counselors and therapists, clinical social workers receive training to evaluate mental health and use specialized therapeutic techniques. They are also trained in case management and advocacy services.

Certified peer specialists

Increasing access to behavioral and mental health care continues to be a key priority for Regence and our provider partners. When it’s time to find mental health support, knowing the different provider types can help you understand what to expect and know where to go to help you get the care you need when you need it. Your primary care provider (PCP), pediatrician or family nurse practitioner is a good place to start if you are unsure where to find mental health support. They can recommend a specialist or other therapy as well as prescribe medication. They can work with your mental health provider to help guide the best course of treatment.

A certified peer specialist has lived experience with a mental health condition or substance misuse. They are not therapists or licensed, but they are trained and certified to support recovery by helping set goals and developing strengths as a mentor and guide. Check with your health plan as many certified peer specialists may not be covered under your benefits.

Finding the right behavioral health provider these days is harder than ever as both demand and wait times have increased. Therapists are reporting significant increases in the number of people seeking mental health care. And 75% of clinicians surveyed said there was an increase in wait times to get an appointment, with nearly one in three reporting a minimum three-month wait time.

12 building insight Healthcare Corner

Learn about the different behavioral health provider types

Psychologists Psychologists evaluate your mental health using clinical interviews, psychological evaluations and diagnostic testing. They provide individual and group therapy and may be specially trained in specific types of behavioral therapy interventions.

Clinical social workers

If you have a mental health condition that may benefit from medication, you should probably consult a mental health specialist, such as a Ifpsychiatrist.you’reseeking help with emotions, behaviors and thinking patterns, you should locate a psychologist, therapist or counselor. These provider types have specialties, too, so you can find one that specializes in what you are experiencing.

It is common to feel unprepared or unsure of what to do when a loved one is experiencing a crisis. The best approach is to be patient and remain calm. Don’t argue or raise your voice. Instead offer your support, show you care, talk openly and be honest.

Even if you don’t think your condition will require medical treatment, talk to your doctor about your symptoms and they can help you by making a referral to a mental health specialist.

If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call 911 immediately. If you are in crisis or are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Hotline: 988 For substance abuse and mental health crises, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit samhsa.gov.

When to seek one of these mental health professionals

If you’re uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can also text NAMI to 741-741 to connect with a free, trained crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line. Regence members can access a spectrum of behavioral health resources Whether you need occasional emotional support or ongoing mental health care, Regence has a variety of programs to prevent, identify and treat mental health and substance use disorders. Regence members who want to understand what is available under their health plan can sign in to their account on regence. com, or call us for help finding the right behavioral health resources. Your health and the health of your employees are important and the BIAW Health Trust can help. The BIAW Health Trust team is proud to assist you in offering affordable health insurance benefits to your employees and their families. To find out more about the trust or to receive a free, no-obligation quote, visit us online at BIAWHealthTrust.com or call us at Read425-641-8093.thisentire article at: https:// capitalbenefitservices.com/blog/learn-about-thedifferent-behavioral-health-provider-types/

What to do in a crisis

Counselors, clinicians and therapists

These mental health care professionals operate under a variety of job titles based on the treatment setting, including licensed professional counselor (LPC), licensed certified professional counselor (LCPC), licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), and licensed clinical alcohol & drug abuse counselor (LCADAC). They evaluate a person’s mental health and use therapeutic techniques to help reduce symptoms and improve thinking, feeling and quality of life. Psychiatric or mental health nurse practitioners Nurse practitioners, who specialize in psychiatry, assess, diagnose and provide therapy for mental health conditions and substance misuse. In some states, they are qualified to prescribe medications.


13july/august 2022

A psychiatrist is a licensed medical doctor (MD or DO) who has completed psychiatric residence training. They diagnose mental health conditions, prescribe medication and provide therapy. Crisis resources

building insight14 ROII It’s raining checks This check season is one for the books! ROII attended over 12 check events across Washington and returned over $33 million to well-deserving companies who have chosen to make safety a priority. In fact, for the 2018-19 plan year, ROII participants earned an average refund of 53%, and over half of our participants got 56% back on their L&I premiums. [1] Lower Columbia Contractors Association member and ROII participant Jammie’s Environmental shows off their ROII refund check. [2] (l to r) BIAW Education and Workforce Development Director Al Audette, ROII Claim Representative Dawn Peterson and ROII Assistant Director Michael Couthran (far right) present an ROII refund check to Johnny Grose, Lisa Grose and Jonathan D’Amato of Diamond Structures. [3] Kitsap Building Association member Wayne Keffer (c) of WRK, Construction (c) proudly displays his ROII refund check as ROII Marketing Manager Leah Jaber (l) and ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh stand by. 1 2 3

15july/august 2022 Want to Learn More About ROII? ROII’s October quarterly enrollment is now open—October enrollment provides coverage from October 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. To get started, go to ROII.com or contact us at (360) 352-7800 or enroll@roii.com. [4] ROII Claim Services Manager Ben Bower and the team from The Sign Post, members of BIA of Whatcom County (BIAWC), take a quick time out to pose with their ROII refund check during the BIAWC check distribution event held at their office. [5] BIAW 2014 President and Skagit/Island Counties Builders Association (SICBA) member Bob Johnson receives his ROII refund check from ROII Field Marketing Manager Jan Rohila. 54

ROII has returned over $33 million to companies all over Washington state. In fact, for the 2018-19 plan year, ROII participants earned an average refund of 53%, and over half of our participants got 56% back on their L&I premiums. See how you could get money back on your L&I premiums by getting started at ROII.com

. 1 2

16 building insight ROII ROII knows how to bring the party ROII has hit the ground running this summer, and we’ve attended over 19 local builders association golf tournaments and other events all over Washington. We’re just getting started and have many more events we’re sponsoring this year. If you haven’t made it to the ROII hole at the golf tournaments, you need to come visit us. We know how to get the party started!

[5] Golfers representing ROII participant New Tradition Homes pick up some ROII swag from ROII Field Representative Kevin Patrick during the HBA of Tri-Cities Golf Tournament.

[6] BIAW President and ROII participant Joseph Irons and wife Melissa golfed with longtime friend Chris Hjorten to the ROIIsponsored hole at the MBAKS golf tournament. 5 6 4

[2] CWHBA member and ROII participant DH Construction grabs some swag from ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh and ROII Field Representative Kevin Patrick during the CWHBA Golf Tournament.

[1] Mitch Barham from Barham Marketing tests out The Pitch Hopper with ROII Field Representative Jim Breidenbach at the SHBA golf tournament.

[3] New ROII participants, Cornerstone Masonry, sport their new ROII swag at the BIACC golf tournament.

17july/august 2022

[4] ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh, ROII Claim Representative Krystal Lucas, ROII Claim Coach Dawn Peterson, BIAW Managing Director of Operations Steve Hyer, and ROII Administrative Assistant Sabrina Arrants handed out swag and got the party started at OMB’s golf tournament.

This rule requires covered employers to: n Have a written wildfire smoke response plan. n Determine employee smoke exposure levels before work and periodically during each shift when smoke is present. n Train employees on wildfire smoke hazards. n Train supervisors on how to respond to health issues caused by wildfire smoke. n Inform employees of available protective measures against wildfire smoke. When wildfire smoke conditions reach Air Quality Index (AQI) 101, additional requirements include: n Alert employees of the smoke levels.

18 building insight ROII Safety by Bob White ROII Safety Services Director

n Provide respirators and encourage their use.

L&I’s “emergency” wildfire smoke and heat exposure rules

The Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) recently announced new emergency rules related to Wildfire Smoke and Heat Exposure for Washington businesses and their employees. In response to the initial rule proposals, BIAW and other business groups weighed in and raised concerns about the need for, and legality of, “emergency” rules in these two areas. L&I essentially ignored this input and proceeded ahead as planned.

n When feasible, limit employee exposure to wildfire smoke. Specific requirements If the AQI is at 69 or higher, employers are encouraged to limit their workers’ exposure to smoke by: n Reducing, rescheduling or relocating work.

n Providing enclosed buildings or vehicles where the air is filtered. n Reducing the work intensity or increasing rest Whenperiods.theAQI is at 101 or higher, employers must take steps to limit workers’ exposure to smoke whenever feasible. At AQI 69 or higher, L& I encourages employers to provide respirators at no cost to the workers and allow workers to wear respiratory protection if they choose. At AQI 101, employers must provide respirators for voluntary use—an increase in protection from last year’s wildfire smoke rule.

What do employers need to know about the new “emergency” Wildfire Smoke and Heat Exposure rules?

The rules for Wildfire Smoke and Outdoor Heat Exposure are effective June 15 through Sept. 30. Wildfire smoke

L&I also recommends employers take action to reduce employee exposure to dangerous air at even lower AQI levels, especially for sensitive groups including those with asthma or other lung conditions. Outdoor heat exposure When temperatures rise to 89 degrees or above, the emergency heat rules combined with existing rules require employers to: n Provide enough sufficiently cool water for each employee to drink at least a quart an hour.

n Ready access to at least one quart of drinking water per worker per hour. n An annual outdoor heat exposure safety program with training.

Employers must provide their employees with and require them to wear more protective respirators when particulates from wildfire smoke are measured at 555 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/ m3) or higher, a level both extremely hazardous and rare that is beyond the top of the AQI scale of 500. You can find the AQI at AirNow.gov from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Employers may also use their own air monitoring equipment if it meets specific qualifications.

n 52° F – Non-breathable clothing n 77° F – Double-layer woven clothing n 89° F – Regardless of clothing type

Employers may substitute other means of lowering body temperature for shade, like an air-conditioned trailer or a misting station. Employers must monitor temperatures and have a system in place, like a mandatory buddy rule, regular check-in by phone or radio or another effective method to catch signs of heat-related illness. If there are signs of illness, employers must relieve workers from duty, provide shade or other means of cooling down, and determine if additional medical attention is needed.

n Require a 10-minute, paid cool-down break every two hours. Existing rules already require: n An Outdoor Heat Exposure Prevention Plan as part of your required Accident Prevention Program.

n Provide sufficient shade that is large enough for and close enough to workers.

n Encourage and allow workers to take paid preventative cool-down breaks as needed.

19july/august 2022

n An appropriate response to workers who are experiencing heat-related illness symptoms. Depending on the type of clothing workers are wearing, the temperature at which the requirements kick in may be even lower:

ROII participants already receive Weekly Safety Topic emails. To join the list, contact ROII Safety Services Director Bob White at (360) 352-7800 ext. 109 or bobw@biaw.com.

n Once a quarter, you’ll submit a claim form if you have any completed residential addresses that used any of the participating manufacturers. No receipts necessary You don’t need to track receipts to process the rebates as HBA Rebates uses the addresses of your builds and manufacturer salespersons to verify the information through their distribution. This keeps the paperwork to a minimum and saves you time. It makes good sense Bob Disney at Disney & Associates, Inc. told us it makes good sense to use this program.

When first introduced to the program, Bob and his staff recognized they used a lot of the materials listed. Bob likes the wide variety of manufacturer offerings as he can use them across the custom homes, housing communities and multifamily homes they Staffersbuild.at Disney really like the hands-on approach and follow-up that HBA Rebate staff offers. They also research on products to get more rebates. Bob says he uses the income from the program to offset the costs of his employee’s health insurance and other benefits. “I can’t see a downside to this rebate program,” he said. “The fact is—it doesn’t take much to benefit the bottom line so I can incentivize and grow employee Accordingcompensation.”tothe HBA Rebates website, more than 70% of those participating paid for their HBA membership out of their rebates alone. Learn more at: HBARebates.com/biaw/ The fact is—it doesn’t take much to benefit the bottom line so I can incentivize and grow employee compensation. “

20 building insight Membership Benefits As prices rise, HBA Rebates help you get money back by BIAW staff As gas prices, labor shortages and inflation continue to bring challenges to builders and remodelers across Washington, HBA Rebates are a silver lining. According to the latest report from HBA Rebates, 170 BIAW members received an average of $3,269.86 in refunds in Q1 2022. Founded in 2002, this rebate program helps small- to mid-sized builders enjoy the same types of loyalty benefits available to larger builders. The program now serves members of 44 state home building associations and over 600 local HBAs, offering rebates from more than 50 participating manufacturers. Participating is easy n Visit HBARebates.com and register for the program.

n Check out the calendar to see when you submit your claim. You can even set reminders for your calendar or sign up for texts.

Builder and Remodeler Members may claim for residential jobs completed between April through June 2022. The Q2-2022 claim deadline is Friday, Aug. 26, 2022. HBA Rebates offers personalized assistance at HBARebates.com/contact/

21july/august 2022

22 building insight Education BIAW partners for expanded education offerings MindEdge courses help build your business Whether you are looking to expand your skill set, earn professional credits, or learn something new, BIAW’s partnership with MindEdge means you have access to a catalog of online professional development courses and certificates that pair perfectly with a busy schedule. Self-paced and online, you can access these courses from anywhere and on mobile devices. Founded in 1998 and developed by Harvard and MIT educators, MindEdge courses help you and your team refresh your skills, learn new skills and feed your need for lifelong learning. MindEdge offers courses and certificates across a broad range of interests, including: n Entrepreneurship n HR skills and management n Management n Marketing n Project management n Small business management n Understanding and managing budgets Find your next course today at: Catalog.mindedge.com/biaw PIM Savvy provides L&I-approved safety training BIAW is helping the Department of Labor & Industries publicize its new contract with PIM Savvy Inc. PIM Savvy is providing outreach, educationoriented products and workplace health and safety training free of charge for Washington small businesses and non-profit employers with 2-50 Theyemployees.recently held a free virtual workshop on L&I Workplace Hazards and Fall Prevention. They also have several helpful blog posts on topics like: n Fall protection plans n Toolbox talks n How to create a working accident prevention program (APP) n Licensing and permits for general contractors and subcontractors Visit PIMSavvy.com/safety for more information. BIAW Education offers a variety of in-person, online and on-demand courses to help you and your employees gain the knowledge you need. What education needs can BIAW help you meet? Contact Education Manager Andy Arrants at AndyA@biaw.com or (360) 352-7800 x 147.

23july/august 2022 Open your NAHB UPS account to start saving today. Take advantage of UPS Smart Pickup® with your new account. When you enter your shipping information, this FREE service automatically notifies a UPS driver to pick your package up that day. To enroll, www.1800member.com/nahbvisit: Or speak to a Member Care Specialist by calling 1-800-MEMBERS M-F,(1-800-636-2377)8:00a.m.-5:00 p.m. ET Turn today’s building challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities. New Flat Discount In today’s competitive landscape, you have to keep up with ever-evolving technologies and growing customer expectations to position yourself for continued success. That’s where your NAHB UPS Savings Program comes in NAHB members save: © 2020 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark and the color brown are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Easy enrollment with no volume requirements. • 50% on Domestic Next Day / Deferred • 30% on Ground Commercial / Residential • 10% on Domestic Next Day Air® Early • 75% or more on less-than-truckload (LTL) freight shipments over 150 lbs. • Up to 50% on additional services A simpler way to manage shipping costs.

Building Industry Association of Washington 300 Deschutes Way SW, Ste. 300 | Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 352-7800 | BIAW.com | Prepared by local attorneys familiar with the Washington building industry’s unique needs, these contracts will be regularly updated with the latest legal mandates and case law so your contracts are always up to date. ONLY $ 399(plus tax) for a subscription through March 2024 BIAW.com/legal Exclusively for BIAW builder members in Washington

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