April 2022 Building Insight

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Looking for a workers’ comp safety program? Be sure to read the fine print! Only ROII offers Reward #18: our promise to include all services with no surprise add-on fees. Other Retro programs may charge additional fees for services like help navigating a claim with L&I or return-to-work assistance. Costs that chip away at your bottom line— while adding to theirs. No wonder ROII is Washington state’s largest workers’ comp safety program.

Get started today at ROII.com

Table of contents WHO WE ARE As the state’s largest trade association with nearly 8,000 member companies, responsible for approximately 188,000 jobs, we are the people who build, remodel and maintain homes. We create economic opportunity and strong communities. BIAW champions the rights of our members and fights for affordable homeownership at all levels of government.

Cover photo: Little Jesse visits Kavanaugh Construction’s job site. Where will he be next?

BIAW MANAGEMENT Executive Vice President Greg Lane Education and Workforce Development Director Al Audette Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh


Top design trends for 2022 shaped by post-pandemic preferences


Governor to appoint BIAW and AGC nominees in important legal victory


BIAW: Membership has its privileges

Finance and Human Resources Director Stephen Hyer ROII Director Jenn Kavanaugh Association Services Director Brenda Kwieciak General Counsel Jackson Maynard BUILDING INSIGHT EDITORIAL STAFF Communications Director Janelle Guthrie Layout and Design Lena Anderson To submit editorial or advertise, contact communications@biaw.com.

NAHB reports this year’s trends reflect the way people work, play and live at home

Settlement brings representation on State Building Code Council and $70,000

Take a look at the savings you experienced thanks to our collective legislative advocacy


Safety pays


Area 15 Leadership Conference brings state and national leaders to Vancouver

How ROII helped Anderson Landscaping avoid a $160K claim

Building Insight is proudly printed by:

BIAW and NAHB look forward to in-person leadership training May 12 and 13

april 2022


President’s message As days get longer and we start spending more time outdoors, it’s the perfect time to reflect on some of the new trends we’re seeing in home building and across our industry. NW trends reflected nationally As a member of the NAHB Design Committee, we encourage and promote new and effective design concepts and solutions, and the use of building design to improve housing. Based on what we see there, NAHB releases its annual top trends in homebuilding that we’re spotlighting during National New Homes Month. Many of these trends mirror what we’re seeing here in Washington: creative outdoor spaces, seamless transitions from indoors to outdoors, resort amenities like outdoor lounges, lots of pet-friendly options and more focus on function. Joseph Irons CAPS, CGP, CGR, CMG, GMR, BIAW Certified Builder President

Meeting the needs of today’s home buyers The Northwest home buyer today also places a high value on balancing their desire for environmentally-friendly homes against the need for a home they can afford. Even before gas prices started increasing, Washington had one of the highest numbers of electric vehicles registered in the nation. With more and more home buyers driving electric vehicles, we are seeing more homeowners requesting home charging stations. As home builders and remodelers, we need to be prepared to adapt to these requests, even when they are not required. At Irons Brothers Construction, my team and I stay ahead of the trends by attending BIAW’s continuing education courses and national conferences annually. With this training, we’re able to provide the latest options to our clients, in the most cost-effective way possible. That’s why it’s important to have builders like all of us advising policymakers on new building rules and regulations so, instead of mandates, we have options for our clients. Safe workplace options benefit everyone Speaking of options, you may notice that BIAW’s ROII program has staged a Building Insight “takeover” as they encourage companies to take advantage of their highly successful retro program. Another important and ongoing trend is an emphasis on safe and responsible workplaces. As a member of the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties, I’ve been involved in a couple of different retro programs. What I like most about BIAW’s ROII program is that ROII’s claim representatives and staff are actively involved. They are supportive and successful in advocating for builders and helping our employees return to work safely. With ROII you do not have to be an expert with injuries and workers’ comp claims, the knowledgeable and experienced ROII staff guides you through the process with ease. If you’re not a retro member, I encourage you to learn more at ROII.com.


building insight

National New Homes Month

Improved indoor/outdoor connections

A BALA Platinum award winner, the Gladstone built by Urban NW Homes incorporates many of the top trends for 2022

Top design trends for 2022 shaped by post-pandemic preferences by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director

Each year, NAHB’s Best in American Living Awards (BALA) celebrates dozens of new projects from the past year, spotlighting the most innovative layouts and eye-catching design elements. Congratulations to Urban NW Homes, member of the Building Industry Association of Clark County. The Vancouver-based company won a Platinum Award in the Specialty: Healthy Home category in the 2021 Best in American Living Awards announced at the International Builders’ Show earlier this year. They are the only Washington company recognized this year. Urban NW Homes’ Gladstone was certified to the highest level of the National Green Building Standard. It was the first home in Washington to earn the NGBS+ badge for wellness and the first home ever to earn the NGBS Universal Design badge, which supports the concept of aging in place. NAHB reports this year’s trends reflect the lingering effects of a global pandemic that shifted the way people work, play and live at home. Whether you’re looking to build new homes, designing a remodel or simply interested in what’s new in home design, here’s a glimpse into a few of the top trends straight from NAHB.

An increased emphasis on health and wellness has led to an increased focus on creating intentional, seamless transitions from indoors to outdoors. Material choices can play a large role by visually connecting adjoining spaces, but even details as subtle as skylights in the kitchen or glass walls to take advantage of the surrounding views can usher in these natural connections. Landscape designs are also improving to seamlessly blend the home with the surrounding area.

Creative outdoor spaces

Post-pandemic design continues to utilize the outdoors to develop spaces for relaxing, entertaining, home office or just taking in the views. Multilevel terraces, sunken living rooms with firepits and indoor courtyards are just a few examples of these designs.

More durable materials

As indoor and outdoor spaces continue to blend, materials that operate equally in both conditions are key to creating a smooth transition. This includes not only the doors or track systems to bridge the gap, but also selections such as ceiling treatments or flooring, where materials such as stone can provide a wow factor both inside and out. For more design trends and award-winning home designs, visit bestinamericanliving.com.

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Executive Vice President’s message This year has already provided numerous examples of how BIAW stands up to fight for the interests of our members and industry. This session, our advocacy efforts helped defeat another torrent of anti-housing legislation that threatened to drive up the cost of home construction even higher. Then, our legal team ensured a representative from our industry would remain on the state building code council. And finally, BIAW’s ROII program is delivering recordbreaking returns!

Greg Lane

Executive Vice President

Legislative advocacy protects your bottom line Advocating effectively in the Legislature takes a team effort. This session, when we asked BIAW members for your support, you rose to the occasion with 1,309 total sign-ins on bills and 787 emails to legislators. Couple that with the expertise of our government affairs and lobbying teams and we were able to kill numerous bills that would have added hundreds of thousands of dollars in added costs to builders. Check out this month’s government affairs update on page 8 for more details. Legal victory brings long-awaited representation on SBCC Last fall, BIAW sued Gov. Jay Inslee over his decision to appoint a representative of the housing industry to the Washington State Building Code Council (SBCC) who wasn’t nominated by BIAW. The SBCC makes critical decisions that impact not only our industry, but hundreds of thousands of homeowners and businesses. Years ago, BIAW carefully negotiated changes in the law to require the governor to appoint people nominated by our industry. Then inexplicably, he chose to go outside the law in this latest round of appointments, despite the fact we provided a list of nominees as required. After months of litigation, including a second lawsuit regarding his handling of a public records case related to this situation, we finally won representation for BIAW on the SBCC. It’s disappointing that it required legal action, but this is exactly the outcome we were seeking. Not only did BIAW receive $70,000 to settle the public records case, but the governor will also appoint from a list of our nominees and our industry will once again have representation on the council, as the law intends. Record ROII refunds anticipated Finally, the upcoming ROII refund check announcement is going to be historic! We’ll have more to share soon, but let’s leave it at this: Safety really does have its rewards! That’s thanks to all our ROII participants who continue to run safe and professional operations as well as to our outstanding and highly experienced ROII claim staff, field representatives, leadership and administrative staff. These are just three examples of the hard work and leadership BIAW exhibits on your behalf.


building insight


Governor to appoint BIAW and AGC nominees in important legal victory by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director

BIAW and the Associated General Contractors of Washington (AGC) and others won a major legal victory in our fight to secure representation on the Washington State Building Code Council (SBCC). In early April, the parties agreed to resolve the legal dispute with Gov. Jay Inslee over his handling of appointments last summer.

governor to appoint only people who have been nominated by trade associations representing those specific industries unless no names are put forth by the trade associations. This ensures that trade associations impacted by the code have a role in changes made to the code and the timing of the implementation.

Under the settlement, the two members of the SBCC the governor appointed will resign. Then the governor must replace them with nominees from BIAW and AGC. The governor’s office must also pay BIAW $70,000 in connection with a separate Public Records Act lawsuit. An important legal victory BIAW Executive Vice President Greg Lane said the settlement is important not only for builders, but for government accountability and for future home buyers. “This is a tremendous victory for the members of our association, for protecting the cost of housing and for holding elected officials accountable for following the law,” Lane said. “The Building Code Council makes critical decisions that impact hundreds of thousands of homeowners and businesses. The law was rightfully designed to ensure industries like residential construction, that are directly affected by the code, have a seat at the table when changes are considered.”

The settlement Under the terms of the settlement, the two members appointed by the governor last year to fill the residential/multi-family and general/industrial general construction positions on the SBCC will resign, but continue serving on the council as full voting members until the governor finalizes the new appointments.

The lawsuits In two separate lawsuits filed last fall, the groups alleged the governor violated the law in selecting appointees to positions representing the residential and commercial construction industries and in responding to a related public records request.

BIAW and AGC must nominate three candidates for those positions but they may not nominate anyone who has already served two terms on the council. Within five weeks of receiving the associations’ new lists of nominees, the governor will appoint a nominee from each of the new lists and each nominee will serve until Jan. 5, 2025. At that point, each will be eligible for reappointment.

The law reserves one of the two general contracting positions for residential construction and another for commercial construction. It also requires the

For more information on this and other BIAW legal matters, contact General Counsel Jackson Maynard at (360) 352-7800 ext. 108 or jacksonm@biaw.com. april 2022


Legislative Update

BIAW: Membership has its privileges

Total Reward Points


(AKA Total Advocacy Actions)

Log-ins to weekly Legislative Update Calls


As the ROII program takes over Building Insight magazine this month, you’ll hear lots of great information about why you want to be a member of that program—including generous retro refunds.

Emails sent to legislators


But ROII isn’t the only way your BIAW membership helps your bottom line. Like a grocery loyalty program or American Express, your membership has its privileges. And it pays off in various ways—including hundreds of thousands of dollars in “savings” we delivered by killing legislative proposals that would have harmed our industry.

Bills asked to sign into


Average advocacy actions per bill


by Jan Himebaugh Government Affairs Director

As the largest trade association in Washington with roughly 8,000 members, when BIAW shows up and engages in the legislative process, people pay attention. Take a look at your receipt for examples of the rewards you earned and savings you experienced thanks to our collective legislative advocacy. Rewards circle Congratulations to the members of our rewards circle, the top advocates this legislative session:


Bill sign-ins

Kurt Wilson, MBAPC


Juli Bacon, MBAKS


Kent Arola, MBAPC


Miriam Villiard, KBA


Ron Perkerewicz, KBA


Reminder: Elections Have Consequences 24 open seats mean 24 opportunities to change the current makeup of the Legislature. Vote for candidates that have a record of cutting the costs of housing. Watch for our vote scorecard next month! 8

Thanks for being a member!

building insight

Total bill sign-ins


BIAW Member Savings (Bad bills killed)

$57,000 per house*

HB 1770

*According to the Rocky Mountain Institute

HB 5801

$500,000 estimated savings per year for ROII

HB 1837

$4,000 per new employee hired* *According to Glassdoor

HB 1117

$78,000 per project*

HB 1099

$78,000 per project* *Assuming 3 months of added planning and/or approval waiting time

All sales are final. Make the most of your membership: Learn about ROII, our great health insurance, member rebates and the contract subscription service. Learn more at BIAW.com

Paid Media Campaign

BIAW launches campaign to bust myths about housing costs by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director

As the median price of a new home reaches an all-time high of $565,613 in Washington, the hot housing market continues to dominate news cycles and everyday conversation. At that price point, roughly 76 percent of Washington’s families are unable to buy a home. Yet most people, especially those below the age of 40 trying to buy their first home, don’t understand why housing prices in Washington are so high.

BIAW will support the campaign with regular updates to those who share their email addresses. This content, as well as the digital assets created for the ad campaign, will be shared on our three #CutTheCosts social media platforms, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, with an ultimate goal of encouraging people to sign up to receive more information, share content with friends and offer real-life stories that we can share with others.

Barriers to homeownership for millennials While homeownership continues to be the number one driver of household wealth, the homeownership rate among millennials was only 48%, according to 2020 census data, compared to 68% for all generations. And it’s easy to understand why when they’re paying 39% more than boomers did at the same age nearly 40 years ago!

Our ultimate goal: Raise awareness about the hidden costs of homeownership and empower millennials to join us to #CutTheCosts so more of them can afford the American dream. Five ways you can help While many of us won’t receive the ads because we’re not the target audience, we can still support the campaign. Here are five easy ways to help:

BIAW has developed the #CutTheCosts campaign to help millennials see how decades of restrictive and costly housing policy have created a state where they can no longer find, let alone afford, the kinds of starter homes their parents and grandparents enjoyed.

1. Like and follow @cutthecosts on Facebook

We’re reminding them they have the power to change things and #CutTheCosts of new homes in the future.

5. Send your ideas for new content to communications@biaw.com.

Spreading the facts The #CutTheCosts campaign is using Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Google and YouTube to target first-time homebuyer millennials with digital ads and videos about the hidden costs of housing policy across thousands of websites and all major social platforms for the next three months.

2. Follow cutthecosts on Instagram 3. Subscribe to our CutTheCosts channel on YouTube. 4. Share our content with friends!

Thank you for your support! Let’s help millennials #CutTheCosts of new homes so more families can enjoy the American dream of owning a home.

april 2022



It’s a safe bet by Leah Jaber ROII Marketing Manager

Everyone wins when you have a great safety program Want to be rewarded for safety in your workplace? Join the crowd—by joining the state’s largest, longest-operating construction Retro (Retrospective Rating) safety incentive program: ROII. It’s the workers’ comp safety program trusted by more Washington businesses. Our goal at ROII is to eliminate injuries through improvements in workplace safety and preventative strategies. If an employee is injured, we’ll help you help them get better quicker with a successful return-to-work experience. Businesses that


building insight

participate and share our goal can earn an average refund of 37%. Only ROII has returned over $500 million in refunds to participating companies since 1982. We’re anxiously awaiting the 2022 adjustment refund results from Labor and Industries (L&I). We are expecting pretty stellar numbers, so be sure to read the May issue of Building Insight for the reveal! Last year safe companies enrolled in ROII from all corners of Washington earned over $27 million in refunds!

Matt Willard with Town & Country Homes LLC receives check in 2021 from ROII Field Staff Representative Kevin Patrick.

Eduardo Garcia with EGAS Construction shows off his 2021 ROII refund check.

Wondering how your current Retro group stacks up against ROII? Fill out the online inquiry at ROII.com to get a comparison and see how much you could have earned if you were enrolled in ROII.

These are just a few of our all-inclusive services. We don’t believe in add-ons, surprise charges, or “we outsource that.” (Unlike some Retro programs that use additional fees to chip away at your bottom line—while adding to theirs.)

In-house services you can count on

It’s not all about the refunds! While ROII offers more services than you can shake a 2” x 4” at, here’s a peek into some of our participants’ favorites: Claims Assistance Our seasoned claim reps go straight to L&I on your behalf to get claims closed quicker. Rest assured; we’ll keep a pulse on your claim every step of the way.

With rewards like these, not every business can qualify. Participants must share a high bar for excellence and safety. And in turn, they get to reap the rewards. Contact us by emailing enroll@biaw. com or call (360) 352-7800 or complete the online inquiry by going to ROII.com.

Safety and Prevention The best injury claim is the one that never happens. Because prevention is our top priority, we’re here to help you develop and implement effective safety strategies. Risk Management Our job is to identify risk and assist you with implementing preventative measures to avoid claims. If a claim does occur, we offer strategies to help control the severity and cost of the injury. Return-to-Work Our goal is to keep an injured worker engaged in the recovery process and connected with their employer to help ensure better outcomes. Each claim is unique, as is our customized return-towork strategy approach.

Renaud Electric Company, Inc proudly presents their 2021 ROII refund check.

april 2022



Safety pays by Leah Jaber ROII Marketing Manager

Joe Anderson, owner of Anderson Landscaping, avoided a $162,566 claim thanks to the tenacity and expertise of his ROII claim representative, Logan Gillihan.

Here at ROII, we know every claim is different. With every claim, we take the time to understand each unique situation and how to best advocate for our participants. Because ROII’s seasoned claim representatives have a keen eye and notice red flags right away, our participants consistently have better claim outcomes.

Logan Gillihan, Anderson Landscaping’s dedicated ROII claim representative, expedited the process of creating a formal light duty job offer and worked to obtain a job history. He later coordinated with the injured worker to fill gaps in their job history to have the best opportunity for disbursing liability amongst all previous employers.

Individualized assistance One such case was a recent occupational disease claim with Anderson Landscaping located in Wenatchee. Occupational disease claims are What is Occupational notoriously complicated. Disease? With these types of claims, it’s essential to look at the Occupational diseases employee’s work history include any illness or and any prior workers’ comp condition associated with claims in order to paint a a particular occupation or industry that happens over larger picture. Something a period of time. with this claim just didn’t seem right.

Going the extra mile Logan even contacted the worker’s doctor to see if any of their previous work history could have contributed to their shoulder problems. As Logan suspected, the doctor acknowledged that all of their prior work experience could have been a contributor. This information was then sent to Labor and Industries (L&I) to decide who was liable for the claim.

Examples: Asbestosis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Anderson Landscaping employed a worker who previously owned their own landscaping business for 28 years. During those 28 years, and even further back, this worker developed a shoulder condition that impaired their ability to do specific tasks on the job.


building insight

Shortly after the information was presented, L&I determined Anderson Landscaping was not, in fact, liable for the claim at all. Hard work pays off ROII put in the hard work, and it paid off. Anderson Landscaping was not responsible for the claim that L&I determined would cost a whopping $162,556. “We had a tricky claim that could have cost us over $160,000,” said Joe Anderson, owner of Anderson Landscaping. “Our ROII claim representative Logan was there with us every step of the way, and the

support that ROII gives us is invaluable. Even after the claim was closed, they came out to help us with best hiring practices, and they are coming out to have a staff safety training day. We couldn’t have done it without them!”

Innovative approaches Our innovative approach to claims assistance is one of the many services ROII provides. In fact, many participants say this is the most valuable service we provide.

Best practices and safety moving forward Logan and local ROII Field Representative Kevin Patrick later visited with Anderson Landscaping to help go over best hiring practices and the importance of obtaining a complete work history upon hiring a new employee. Anderson Landscaping was eager to learn more ways to avoid these types of claims in the future, so ROII Safety Director Bob White has planned a visit to do a safety presentation for their entire staff.

None of our services are outsourced or come with hidden fees; we do the hard work in-house to help you resolve claims quicker and equip you with the tools to help prevent injuries. Even if that means driving to your job site and educating your workers on safety and prevention, our local field representatives service all of Washington and are passionate about helping you meet your safety goals. With ROII, safety has its rewards! Now is the time to see if ROII is the right fit for your company. Get started today at ROII.com.

save an average of 37% on workers’ comp.

While participating in ROII has more rewards than you can shake a 2x4 at, Reward #17 is one folks rave about year after year. Because ROII consistently delivers better L&I refunds as a reward for businesses like yours. No wonder ROII is Washington State’s largest workers’ comp safety program.

get started at roii.com

april 2022


ROII Tech Tools

Safety solutions 2.0 by Jesse Balbin ROII Field Representative

When it comes to the latest and greatest safety tech, tools and products, I’ve got you covered. As your trusted safety tech guru, my goal is always to find affordable and easy ways to prevent some of the most common injuries and accidents you see on your job sites. ROII has more services than you can shake a 2x4 at. This is only one of the many unmatched services we offer to our participants. And now we’re offering it to all of you because safety isn’t a secret!

HexArmor® Helix® 1092 – Breakaway gloves Gloves are easily one of the most underrated pieces of safety gear. We find people either aren’t using the correct type of glove or they aren’t using them at all. These 15-gauge nylon blend shell gloves offer 360° degree cut protection, but what makes these gloves unique is the Safe Finger Release (SFR) Technology. If a worker catches their finger using a power tool like a drill, the glove fingers break free, keeping hands free and safe from injury. $5.49 on Amazon

Lock Jaw Ladder Grip Lock Jaw Ladder Grip is a fantastic ladder stabilizer designed to mitigate preventable ladder injuries and even fatalities. The Lock Jaw Ladder Grip quickly and easily secures and stabilizes your ladder to any gutter so that you can avoid injuries and work more efficiently. Within five seconds, you can secure your ladder and keep it secure while you’re moving materials onto a roof. It’s an easy and affordable way to prevent falls from any height. $119 on Amazon 14

building insight

SteepSeat® by KainBuild The SteepSeat® by KainBuild is the world’s first cable-suspension walkboard system for steep roofs. It eliminates roof penetrations, and no nails are ever required to attach the rubber-mounted roof brackets. Set up only takes minutes and repositioning takes seconds, making you more productive. Starting at $1,749 at KainBuilt.com

The Pitch Hopper

Easily a crowd favorite at all of the golf tournaments we’ve sponsored, the Pitch Hopper helps reduce fatigue and saves you time so you can get more jobs done, all while keeping you safe. How does it work? We’re happy you asked! The Pitch Hopper has a superior grip surface that uses friction force to keep The Pitch Hopper in place. It’s a roof wedge for even the steepest asphalt roofs up to a 12/12 pitch and has been tested to take over 3,000 pounds of weight. The Pitch Hopper comes in 24- and 32-inch steps and works at different angles depending on how steep the roof you’re working on is. Starting at $99 at ThePitchHopper.com

Stop-a-Ladder This product is designed to stop ladders from slipping on slick surfaces. The foam on the bottom of the Stop-a-Ladder creates tiny suction cups that grip the surface, even when wet, and prevents damage on surfaces like hardwood floors or composite decking. It’s lightweight and fits most extension ladders up to 21 inches wide. $150 on Amazon

ROII isn’t affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with any of the products mentioned above or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates.

If you’d like to level up your safety game and earn an average refund of 37% on workers’ comp, get started at ROII.com. Do you have questions about any of the safety products? Contact Jesse Balbin at (360) 352-7800 ext. 157 or jesseb@biaw.com.

april 2022


ROII Safety Services

A candid talk about safety glasses by Bob White ROII Safety Services Director

As the Safety Services Director for ROII, I have the ominous privilege of looking at injuries daily. Too often, I read about workers suffering eye injuries when material flies into their eyes while they’re grinding, drilling, milling, sawing or doing similar work. Ironically, I’ve read many accident reports where injured worker statements say “my safety glasses didn’t do their job.” Often, these workers sustain eye injuries or need to have materials removed from their eyes despite wearing safety glasses. In many cases, they’re wearing both a face shield and safety glasses.

Many manufacturers offer safety glasses with removable foam gaskets. Some even come in kits that can convert regular safety glasses into tightfitting, gasketed goggles for greater protection from flying objects and grindings. Affordable options available Here’s an example of the affordable glasses we include in our Builder Basics Bag, where we have carefully selected inexpensive and straightforward safety items that could help prevent common injuries on the job site.

That leads me to the conclusion there are specific tasks where it’s inevitable that wood or metal pieces will fly through the air at high speeds. At this velocity, materials can bounce and ricochet off safety glass lenses or frames, and/or cheeks and foreheads, and find just the right angle to get into an operator’s eyes. Gasketed safety glasses or goggles can help In many cases, when performing these types of tasks, gasketed safety glasses could have prevented objects from getting around the safety glasses. “We forget and often take for granted just how precious and important our eyesight really is,” said one worker who has lived with only one good eye for 59 years. It may be worthwhile to evaluate tasks performed at your place of business and ask whether any of these tasks warrant tight-fitting safety goggles or gasketed safety glasses? You can help prevent a severe eye injury by visiting with employees about this subject and placing sealed eye protection PPE near grinders, drilling tools, etc., where material can fly through the air at high speeds. 16

building insight

As an ROII participant, you already receive our weekly safety topic emails. If you want to be added to our email list, reach out to ROII Safety Services Director Bob White at (360) 352-7800 ext. 117 or bobw@biaw.com.

Associate Spotlight

Aqua-Terr Systems provides environmental consulting for developers by Joshua Ryan Contributing Writer

As the Washington housing market continues to boom unabated, more builders and developers are seeking new sites on which to build. Many nature lovers move to the Pacific Northwest to enjoy the great outdoors and to be ensconced near the water, forests and byways that make Puget Sound one of the most popular regions in the nation.

ATSI’s Molly Harding, in purple mask, and Tony Gallina, in black mask, facilitated a cleanup project for the Meadows Homeowner’s Association in Ferndale, WA. Credit: Leo Spenser

For environmental specialists like Tony Gallina of Aqua-Terr Systems, Inc. (ATSI), it fuels a passion to provide accurate, detailed reports of estuaries, wetlands and other sites, inspired by the beauty nature has to offer. Based in Bellingham near the Canadian border, ATSI was founded in 1982. Tony and his wife, Karla, principal biologist, have overseen the consultancy’s rapid growth since 2016. The couple welcomed a new baby girl in March.

“We live in a beautiful part of the world,” Gallina said. “We started in Whatcom County but have projects we’re consulting now in King County and throughout the state.” Assessing impacts “We realize builders want to explore spaces to see if a space might be available for a project,” he said, explaining how ATSI helps assess how development might impact protected species or streams that may once have been considered habitat for spawning salmon. “We have a reputation for supporting and working with builders,” Gallina said. “And we’re known for accurate work so environmentalists and potential homeowners alike know any building has been done in a way that’s harmonious in the area where they live. This generally helps the project go through the permitting process the first time.” First step in wetlands mitigation If a contractor or land developer is considering a location and notices water or various species like reed grass on the site, what should they do? “They should call ATSI,” Gallina said. “We’ll know the area already or be ready to start an assessment with recommendations early in the process. We understand people

Olin Anderson and Steven Walker survey a field. Credit: Karla Gallina

need places to live, and we believe that can be done while still being responsible stewards of the land and water around us. “After all, with a new baby of our own, we want future generations to know we partner with developers to always try to do the right thing,” he said. Aqua-Terr Systems, Inc. is an associate member of the Building Industry Association of Whatcom County. For more information on wetland mitigation and environmental services, contact Tony Gallina at (360) 824-2379 or tonyg@AquaTerrSystemsInc.com.

Joshua Ryan is a contributing writer for Building Insight. Joshua is an Emmy-nominated writer and has contributed to many publications. He is also the Builder Pro Manager for Metropolitan Appliance in Seattle. Joshua may be reached at joshua@metropolitanappliance.com.

april 2022


Healthcare Corner

Understanding diabetes and its risk factors by Regence BlueShield

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 34 million people in the US—10 percent of the population—have diabetes. Another 88 million people—more than a third of adults in the US—have prediabetes, where their blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed. People with diabetes are unable to manage how much glucose exists in their bloodstream. Glucose, a type of sugar, is the main source of energy for the cells in our bodies. A hormone called insulin controls glucose levels, and people who have diabetes often require insulin injections to help maintain healthy glucose levels. The different types of diabetes There are three types of diabetes—type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is, by far, the most common, representing about 90 percent of people with diabetes. It’s usually diagnosed in adults, and type 2 diabetes is both preventable and sometimes reversable through weight loss, exercise and a healthy diet. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition where a person’s pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin, usually diagnosed in children. The third type is gestational diabetes, which develops for some pregnant women who have never had diabetes. Over the last 20 years, the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than doubled. It’s the seventh leading cause of death in the US, and people with diabetes are twice as likely to have heart disease or a stroke, and more likely to have serious complications from COVID.


building insight

How to prevent developing diabetes Type 2 diabetes sneaks up on us. It develops over many years, and the symptoms are often not noticeable. Eighty-four percent of people who have prediabetes don’t know they have it, and one in five people with diabetes don’t know they have it. The known risk factors for prediabetes and developing type 2 diabetes include: n Being overweight n Lack of physical activity n Age (45 or older) n Genetics—e.g. having a close relative with type 2 diabetes If you have risk factors, talk to your doctor about getting your blood sugar tested. Regence members also have access to health plan resources for managing and preventing diabetes—more information is available at Regence.com, and members can also call customer service for help. The BIAW Health Insurance program partners with Regence BlueShield and Capital Benefit Services to provide excellent benefits at a great rate for you, your employees and their families. To learn more or receive a free quote for benefits visit BIAWHealthTrust.com or call (425) 641-8093.

*This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your physician before starting an exercise program or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.

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The BIAW Health Insurance Program is proud to offer members of the building and construction industries exclusive savings on their health insurance premiums while providing topnotch employee benefit plans.

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april 2022


Certified Builder Program

Newest Certified Builder is an award-winning remodeler by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director

April Bettinger

Nip Tuck Remodeling, LLC

For the past 25 years, April Bettinger has carved out for herself a respected niche in the construction industry. Her father was a custom homebuilder in this area during the 70s and 80s, so she grew up watching and learning about excellent customer service and what it takes to build a high-quality project.

Throughout her career in construction, April has held key roles in finance, budgeting, customer service, team building, and sales management, preparing her to own and operate her own company. She founded Nip Tuck Remodeling in 2010 on the heels of the recession with a vision and determination to create a construction company with extraordinary craftsmanship and a focus on professionalism. She is driven to make a difference in the construction industry and leads her company with vision and purpose. April is in her second term on the Board of Directors (BOD) for the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish County (MBAKS), is an active member of the BOD Finance Committee, Remodelers Council 2020 Chair, 2020 Remodeler of the Year for MBAKS Remodelers Council and 2019 Remodeler of the Year for MBAKS. Nip Tuck Remodeling has won annual awards for design and service both locally and nationally. 20

building insight


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Leadership Conference

Area 15 Leadership Conference brings state and national leaders to Vancouver by Janelle Guthrie Communications Director

After multiple postponements, BIAW and NAHB look forward to welcoming homebuilding association leaders and staff to gather in person for the Area 15 leadership conference May 12 and 13 in Vancouver, Wash. “This two-day conference at the beautiful Heathman Lodge offers member leadership and HBA staff training designed to help everyone improve, empower and reach their professional development and association performance goals,” said Greg Lane, BIAW Executive Vice President. “We look forward to welcoming leaders and staff from across Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington to Vancouver.” Regardless of an HBA’s membership or budget, this conference will help uncover and identify challenges and opportunities while providing meaningful solutions to elevate HBAs and staff across the region to the next level. Thanks to funding from BIAW and presenting sponsor Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties, conference registration is just $195. Wide variety of educational sessions The conference offers a variety of sessions for staff and member leadership designed to help local staff and member leadership

develop into effective and efficient home building industry advocates. Conducted by highly experienced and qualified instructors from NAHB and across Washington, the sessions cover government affairs, membership, revenue generation, social media, marketing, governance and human resources. National keynote brings new ideas and practical tools “Thought ReConstructor” Tim Lansford will present two keynotes: One Thursday during lunch and another Friday morning during breakfast. A highly effective, inspirational and motivational speaker, Tim has a way of blending new ideas and practical tools with real-life stories. As a speaker, trainer, and executive coach, Lansford has presented keynote speeches, workshops, and seminars to various industries over the last 20 years.

community groups, public hearings, legislative meetings and more. We’re also adding a bonus session: How to Succeed on LinkedIn Tips and tricks to help you promote yourself and your organization. This optional training is Wednesday, May 11, 1 – 5 pm, for $145. For more information, contact Administrative Services Director Brenda Kwieciak, at (360) 352-7800 x113 or brendak@biaw.com.


Public Speaking Training*

5:30 pm

Welcome & Social Hour *Optional Training

THURSDAY, MAY 12 7:15 - 8:15 am

Breakfast Social

Optional half-day training on public speaking and professionalism Local public relations training and executive counseling professional Dianne Danowski Smith and I will present a four-hour interactive presentation on public speaking, presence and professionalism.

8:30 - 11:45 am

Breakout Sessions

11:45 am - 12:45 pm

Lunch featuring Keynote Speaker Tim Lansford

1 - 5 pm

Breakout Sessions

7:30 - 8:30 am

Breakfast Social featuring Keynote Speaker Tim Lansford

We’ll teach you how to speak with confidence before membership and board meetings, local

8:45 - 11:45 am

Breakout Sessions

11:45 am - 12 pm

Conference Wrap Up


april 2022


Local Happenings




2 [1] Tim Lovelass, Central Washington Home Builders Association president, gives kids roller rides at Dozer Day Yakima March 26 and 27. [2] CWHBA member experience manager Shelly Parker has a “wheel” fun time volunteering at Dozer Day. [3] The team from CRD Design Build join a packed house at the April 12 Professional Women in Building luncheon at the Master Builders of King and Snohomish Counties. (l-r) Lucille Nicholson, Jenny Zimmerman, Kerby Fleurine, Michelle Woods and Lizzie Armstrong.


building insight

5 [4] Jahleel Vester of Summit Funding, Astra Persue of Schaefer Construction and Katie Smith of Blue Water Design Build LLC network after the MBAKS PWB luncheon. [5] Rep. Michelle Caldier, BIAW Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh and Rep. Kelly Chambers connect during the Master Builders Association of Pierce County 2022 Housing Summit on April 7.

NAHB Member Put your membership to work.

Exclusive discounts that benefit you, your business and your family


april 2022


Building Industry Association of Washington 300 Deschutes Way SW, Ste. 300 | Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 352-7800 | BIAW.com |

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for a subscription through March 2024


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