High-quality animal fats
Our vision is to be the preferred partner in the fat industry by constantly striving for quality and value in everything we do. With our ongoing focus on product development, we ensure the continued creation of innovative solutions to our partners.
BHJ is a highly dedicated and considerable partner within animal fats with a disposition of more than 40,000 MT annually.
With decades of experience the knowledge base in BHJ within sourcing, production, refining and use of animal fats is a unique expertise, adding value to your business.
Through our extensive network of subsidiaries and distributors, the high-quality fats from BHJ are marketed all over Europe as well as in Asia.
At our EU approved production sites in Europe, we use top-of-the-line manufacturing processes to produce high end animal fats. Our own laboratories play an important role in our quality assurance management, based on HACCP. Specialist knowledge, direct benefits and service add up to real value.
Specialist knowledge
With the gathered experience from more than 1100 competent employees with many specialists across different market segments, we ensure you the best alternative for your specific application.
Direct benefits
Using our high-quality animal fats in your production adds value and reduces costs as well as your carbon footprint. We offer to comply with specific customer demands, adjusting for example the desired level of antioxidants. With our flexibility and many variants, we ease your day-to-day production process.
We are dedicated to giving you the best possible service – before, during and after sales. In addition to quality products, specialist knowledge and service, we offer just-in-time logistic solutions, making us a highly capable supply chain partner.
Discover more at www.bhj.com.
Palatability and sustainability
Dried pet food for dogs and cats is often coated with animal fat to secure that the level of energy and essential fatty acids in the food complies with the nutritional demands to a complete pet food. And not to forget, the fat also makes the food appear appetizing and palatable to the pets. When fed with dried pet food coated with fat, this is one of the first ingredient the dog or cat will meet. If the fat used in the production of pet food is rancid, dogs and cats will refuse to eat it. The human nose will not be able to notice a small degree of rancidity, but dogs and cats will sense even the slightest smell of rancidity.
A rancid smell indicates that the fat has been exposed to oxidation. Rancidity may also be the result of bad preservation or the fact that the fat was not fresh when first used in the production. Over time peroxides take to carbonyl connections and analyses showing anisidin will reveal rancidity due to oxidation. It is therefore important that the fat used for pet food production is fresh and with a very low peroxide value.
The use of fresh raw materials in the production of animal fat quickly after slaughtering and a careful fat melting process are imperative factors to obtain low figures of free fatty
BHJ high-quality fats
acids, peroxides and anisidin. As the high quality in the fat coating is directly linked to the taste of the pet food, the use of high-quality fats from BHJ will secure you appetizing and palatable servings.
As long as people eat meat, animal fats will be available. Taking the absolute best care of this fat and making really good use of it have in fact become an investment for the environment. Rendering plants processing fats from animal by-products actually capture substantial amounts of potential green house gases, securing that nothing is left to uncontrolled decomposition. Also for the use in biodiesel, animal fats make up a positive environmental alternative to vegetable fats with up to four times lower green house gas emission levels.
At BHJ, we focus daily on how to do things in a better way. As a result we offer you animal fats that leave behind the smallest footprint possible, but still make a positive difference on the bottom line for your business.
BHJ Professional Fats. Real value, both for you and the next generation.
Ole Arendttorp
Commercial Director Digest, Animal Proteins and Fats
Mobile +45 51 24 08 81 olar@bhj.dk
Dorte Thomsen
Area Manager
Mobile +45 20 23 83 78 dbt@bhj.dk
Hanne Alnor
Area Manager
Mobile +45 27 61 80 00 haal@bhj.dk
Ulsnæs 33 · DK-6300 Gråsten · Denmark
Tel +45 74 35 35 35 · petfood@bhj.dk · bhj.com