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We’ve got the tools and resources for you to help build the relationship with buyers and sellers alike. From physical pieces to auto emails informing them on what their home is worth, you have a way to provide value and build trust.

Branded Note Cards

If you really want to make an impact, write a hand-written note card and pop it in the mailbox. What a simple way to differentiate yourself from the rest! We suggest aiming to send two cards a day, whether it’s someone’s birthday, a previous customer’s “Homeiversary” or it’s a “just because” card! We’ve got a greeting card for you to use no matter the occasion!


Customize your own door hangers and have them professionally printed so you can have quality presentation. Or customize your own pop-by tags and use them to farm a neighborhood in a fun way!


The pre-listing questionnaire is the perfect way to start off a seller’s journey with you. According to a survey, 86% of sellers said the number one factor in choosing their agent was that they understood their needs. The questions on this sheet allow you to get to know the seller, their goals, and their home. All of this information really comes in handy when it comes to the marketing presentation so you can be sure to hit on their “pain points”.

Buyer Profile Sheet

The buyer profile sheet is the perfect way to start off a buyer’s journey with you. The questions on this sheet allow you to get to know the buyer, their goals, financial situation and overall expectations. All of this information really comes in handy when it comes to finding the potential homes you want to show them to get them to homeownership quicker.


A compelling non occupant owner letter is a crucial component of prospecting. Many, if not all, out of state owners do not know our local market statistics and what the true value of their property is today. By providing local market stats such as low listing inventory, high buyer demand, increasing home values and including an estimate on their net proceeds, will demonstrate to the owner you are the local market expert for the job!

What is this term we speak of?

A real estate review is a way for you to give anyone who is a homeowner an annual market update and how their home is “performing”. They are essentially an unsolicited CMA.

Why would you prepare a CMA for someone who doesn’t want to sell their home? A real estate review shows the homeowner how knowledgeable you are and it keeps you top of mind for when they do want to sell or have a referral to send your way.

We provide you the key pieces to put together a thoughtful, powerful and polished presentation, including:

• A step-by-step system

• Presentation Covers to coil bind your CMA/documents

• Real Estate Lifestyle and Planning Guide to go over their goals and be their FOREVER Agent may your birthday be full of merriment and shenanigans.

• Branded notecards so you can follow up with that personal touch!