Congregation Beth Shalom Dec. 2009 Newsletter

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CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

DECEMBER 2009 – KISLEV / TEVET 5770 Volume 55 Issue 3

Congregation Beth Shalom Bulletin A Jewish Carol— Stan Sidlov Inside this issue: Rabbi’s Study


President’s Message


Sisterhood/Men’s Club




Ritual Committee






Hebrew School/PTO


Member Updates


Would you like to advertise in our Bulletin? Call Bea 973835-3500 and tell us if you’re interested. Pompton Lakes’ Holiday Stroll Saturday Evening, December 5th Visitors & Volunteers Needed! Call Mered Frankel 973-616-8048

We are at the traditional beginnings of the ‘holiday season’ and the number one movie is a new animated recreation of “A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.” Dickens is often credited with anti-Semitic portrayals of Jews notably Fagin in “Oliver Twist.” Jacob Marley in the case of “A Christmas C a r o l” was S c r oo g e ’ s partner. He is supposed to be Jewish according to some sources, but in reality, there is no mention of Jacob’s religion being anything other than money lending which at that moment in history in England was associated with Jews. It is interesting to note that it was during Dickens’ lifetime, that Jews in England were finally achieving emancipation; 5 years after Carol’s publication in 1853. It was then that Jews were able to be seated in Parliament freed from the restriction of swearing fealty with a Christian oath. (Baronet Nathan de Rothschild had been elected the first time as a MP, 11 years earlier but was unable to serve due to the oath until 1858, and in 1885 was elevated to the House of Lords as a full Baron), Sir David Salomons was the first Jew elected as Lord Mayor of London, only two years after “ACC” was published. Dickens published in “A Christmas Carol” along with the majority of his other works, scenes that described

the wretched conditions of the poor in Industrial England with the intent to reform the ‘poor house’ laws and working conditions. It originally had the working title of “The Sledge Hammer” perhaps with the intent to break the very chains that held Marley and Scrooge from righteousness with their lack of charity and compassion. Dickens was appalled at the conditions that children were forced to work under, having visited coal mines and s we a ts hops . D ick e ns , himself was also a victim of these very poor houses when he was 12 years old. His father was tossed into debtor’s prison for three months and Charles was forced to sell all of his books and work in a shoe polish factory located along the Thames River in London. Even when his father was released, Charles still had to work at the factory. “A Christmas Carol” is remembered as one of Dickens’ greatest works, and is credited with bringing back a vision of an expansive Christmas that had waned in England since the Puritans and their esthetic for simplicity and plainness. “A Christmas Carol” has a profoundly Jewish theme at its core. What is the first question asked by God (Continued on page 5)

SUNDAYS@ SCHECHTER: Sundays@Schechter present a wonderful opportunity for families with young children (ages 2 – 7) to visit the school and experience its warm community while enjoying an exciting morning of activities including music, arts & crafts, games and snacks. Next event: “Chanukah Sabbaba” featuring a special puppet show of “The Latke Man” by the nationally recognized Talking Hands Theatre. Reservations required. Sunday, December 13th from 10:00am-11:30am. 275 McKinley Avenue New Milford, New Jersey R e s e r v a t i o n s : 201-262-9898 x203 or

Sisterhood’s Golden Book Cards call: A-H Debbie Lees 973-839-6388 I-Q Anne Kirk 973-628-9064 R-Z Alice Spira 973-839-4940

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C o n g r e g a t i o n

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From The Rabbi’s Study Each year as stores start decorating for the Christmas/New Year season, there is much discussion regarding the “December Dilemma” including, “Is it better when Christmas occurs within close proximity to Chanukah?” The ultimate question is, “Do we correct people when they wish us a Merry Christmas?”

“So often we define ourselves as Jews by what we don’t do…. What is it about our lives that makes us Jewish?”

In the event of an emergency Rabbi Senter can be contacted by cell phone at 973-713-8727

I’ve never really been bothered by these questions. Christmas and Chanukah sometimes coincide with each other and sometimes they do not. If someone wishes me a Merry Christmas, depending on my mood and the relationship with the individual, I might let them know that I’m Jewish and I celebrate Chanukah. People whom I know are Christian, I wish a Merry Christmas and if I don’t know I’ll use the generic Happy Holiday. The term “December Dilemma” has become popular in recent years. One might ask, What is the dilemma? Am I disturbed going to a birthday party when I’m not

celebrating my birthday? Why would I be disturbed by Christmas decorations when I’m not celebrating Christmas? Being surrounded by Christmas decorations and melodies does not make me a Christian, just like attending a birthday party does not make me a birthday boy. So often we define ourselves as Jews by what we don’t do. We don’t celebrate Christmas, we don’t celebrate Easter, and we don’t celebrate Halloween (although we enjoy trick or treating and collecting nosh). What is it about our lives that makes us Jewish? What do we do in a positive way to express our Judaism? Are our homes culturally Jewish? Do our personal values reflect the moral and ethical lessons of our Torah? What is it about us that defines us as Jews? Is there something that our children see within our lives that demonstrates the value of our tradition of faith? I have asked a lot of questions in hopes of challenging you to find

the answers which work for your family. When we incorporate Jewish values and culture into our lives, we define our Judaism positively. With a strong Jewish identity and value system there is no “December Dilemma”. If we know who we are, we can enjoy the celebrations, the carols, and even hum along. It won’t compromise our identity. With Torah Blessings and Best Wishes for a Joyous Chanukah,

Rabbi Senter



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Message from the President– Larry Tornow Shalom to all, We had a general membership meeting on the 12th of November and I used it as a discovery meeting about the direction that the Congregation is heading. I heard both negative and positive comments and a few suggestions as to what we must do to keep the congregation afloat as well as viable. I also heard that some of the wounds of recent time still need binding and healing. One of the many feelings was that our membership, you and I are somewhat apathetic about taking part in the life and activities that the congregation currently offers as well as what the congregation had offered. We have had plans for a trip into the City to attend the Jewish Heritage Museum and to see the city in its holiday displays. We did not realize that day was also the day of the Chanukah Supper but the response was very poor. When we had the trip to Yankee Stadium only about 20 percent of the bus occupancy was by CBS members. So, yes maybe there is an apathetic feeling. For the first time in a long time we have a very active

programming committee. We just had a fun time at the Sock Hop thanks to the members who came, the DJ and others that helped liven the place up. It was the first dance of any kind that we have had in a very long time. There are many more activities planned and already in the pipeline. For those who were not into dancing, if you have other ideas for a program get in touch with the committee members. There is an effort being made to have activities with the other congregations in Wayne and possibly Wanaque. Please make suggestions to me about what you would like to share with them and/or we can have them share with us. There is a great lack of financial wherewithal to maintain the congregation at this time for more than a few years at the rate that we are meeting our bills. We are looking into the potential of having Solar Panels on the roof if we can get a grant or financial support for the project to reduce our electricity costs as well as sell some of it to the Public Service. If we can’t get the finances for that we will abandon the concept. We are also looking into other ways to

reduce our costs and our deficit. We need your help with this endeavor. If you have any ideas or would like to help out with a committee for fundraising that does not involve being badgered for money from your own pockets, please let me know. I hope that you all had a good Thanksgiving and that we will have a great Chanukah season. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we move ahead to rebuild and grow. Larry

“..If you have any ideas or would like to help out with a committee for fundraising that does not involve being badgered for money from your own pocketplease let me know.”

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Sisterhood - Ellie Weiner

Sisterhood is an important part of the ‘life’ of Congregation Beth Shalom. Won’t you join and participate with us!

Sisterhood had their Annual Paid Up Membership Brunch on November 22nd this year. It was wonderful to see everyone catching up and enjoying themselves. We enjoyed a wonderful spread of Israeli foods and were able to work some of our calories off with a bit of Israeli dancing as well. Our thanks go out to Myrna Speert, Jennifer Karasik and Sharyn Nadel for an outstanding job this year with membership. A thank you also for Jill Berson and all our kitchen helpers for making our event so yummy! Let's keep the excitement going for all our upcoming events! In December we will have a casual get-together. More details to follow. We are still accepting donations for those tranquil moments enjoyed with our Tea-less Tea Fundraiser. We will be having a Sisterhood Shabbat service and dinner in January. We are also planning a trip to see Crossing Delancey at Morristown Theater on January 31st. Please keep your calendars open for these and many more events to come including our annual Tricky Tray and Fashion show, a wine and cheese night and a Progressive Dinner. These are all great events to fill up your calendar and we look forward to seeing you. Speaking of things to remember, please do not forget that Project Interfaith is still accepting food and coat donations. As the weather gets colder we need to remember those in need in our community.

Finally from our Sisterhood home to yours, let me wish everyone a Happy Hannukah! Spin a dreidel, eat some latkes, but mostly may you enjoy time with friends and family and share in the lights of the season.

cookbook from Sisterhood. Shalom, Ellie

Here is a little recipe for you to enjoy! Potato Latkes (pancakes)

4 large potatoes 1 onion 1 egg 1/2 tsp salt 2 Tbsp. matzoh meal 1/4 tsp baking powder Grate potatoes and onions. Add other ingredients, mixing well. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Tip: use cheesecloth to drain all the water from the mixture before frying for crispy results. Excerpt from Sisterhood Sampler p.s. If you want more great recipes please ask for a

Whether you still cook, nuke, or order in, you will enjoy our latest publication. More than 300 recipes Some old, some new, some borrowed just to please you! Get Your Copy ! Contact Sisterhood or Bea in the office

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Men’s Club—Bruce Weiner Bruce did not submit a article in time for the newsletter. Have some free time?

A Jewish Carol continued…. Looking for volunteers to work with some of our Hebrew School Students reading Hebrew! If you have some time on Sundays Morning and/or Tueday Afternoons, please call Bea 973-835-3500

Visit our web site and download a CURRENT bulletin in Color! Give it a Try & Tell Us!

Have a Special Occasion coming up? Share it with us! Sponsor an ONEG SHABBAT or KIDDISH! Contact Jennifer Karasik 973-839-1361

(Continued from page 1) after your death? "Nasata V'netata Be'emunah" which means roughly, “Were you honest in your business dealings?” The second question is “Did you study Torah?” Torah teaches the obligations of both ritual and social behavior and the Rabbis council that it is required that you go beyond the letter of the Law to be ethical and righteous in all the implications of your dealings both in business and in life. Tzedakah does not mean charity – simply the giving of money, it means justice, fairness and righteousness since it comes from the Hebrew root Tzadei-Dalet-Qof. Marley tells Scrooge after Scrooge asks ‘why he is chained since he did so well in business during his lifetime; “Business? Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business. Charity, mercy, forbearance and b e nev o le nce w ere a ll m y business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!" Isn’t this a Jewish ideal as much as it is a Christian one? Scrooge in redemption for his soul gives charity not only to those who need it, but to those who do not ask for it. He is generous to his own family, his workers, and the boy who runs errands for him. He certainly aspired to the higher levels of giving according to Rambam, in reverse order from lowest to highest: Giving begrudgingly Giving less than you should, but giving it cheerfully. Giving after being asked Giving before being asked Giving when you do not know

the recipient's identity, but the recipient knows your identity Giving when you know the recipient's identity, but the recipient doesn't know your identity Giving when neither party knows the other's identity Enabling the recipient become self-reliant


Tzdahkah is more than money; it is also the time and effort contributed to a just and righteous cause. CBS has a dire need to become more self reliant. It becomes that with help from members who are interested in its survival. We do not have any more property to sell other than the building we are in to carry us further into the future. We have come to a cross road where we can take a diminished road, play no part in any future for further generations and do what many congregations in our area have done, be subsumed into another, our fixtures and memories placed in a obscure corner or given away, our families scattered among our neighbors. Or we can come to a full consensus on what we want our future to be and work together as whole to achieve that. It is 41 years since we dedicated our current building without a group effort, it won’t be ours for 45. Which path is righteous and just? This is article composed with help from; ;; and

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It’s time to “chill” Do what you will To make it through the day. Take some “me” time Call it “tea” time And brew some right away. So, while you muse Kick off your shoes And send a check our way This is Sisterhood’s Mini Fundraiser. Please try to contribute by sending a check to CBS SISTERHOOD Good health to all

Buy Supermarket Gift Cards for A&P, ShopRite, and Stop & Shop These Cards return up to 5% of your purchases to the synagogue Your normal weekly shopping will contribute hundreds of dollars over the course of a year. Call: Leslie Kantrowitz 973-694-4821 (Bea also has gift cards in the office)

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Title P age 10

Title Rabbi Rabbi Synagogue Administrator Administrator Synagogue

Name Name

CPhone o n g Number r e g a t i o n

Phone Number

B e t h

E-mail S h a lAddress o m B u E-mail Address

l l e t i n

Rabbi David R. Senter Rabbi David R. Senter


Bea Katz Bea Katz

973-835-3500 F:973-835-9785 973-835-3500 F:973-835-9785

Synagogue Pres. Pres. Synagogue

Larry Tornow Larry Tornow


First VP VP First

Bruce Weiner Bruce Weiner

973-831-1715 973-834-1715

Sisterhood President President Sisterhood

EllieBursom Weiner Jill


Men’s Club Club President President Men’s

Bruce Weiner


Second VP VP Second

Jill Berson Jill Bursom


Corresponding Sect’y Sect’y Corresponding

Jacki Wasserman Jacki Wasserman

973-839-2627 973-839-2627

Recording Sect’y Sect’y Recording

Beverly Berkowitz Beverly Berkowitz

973-693-1323 973-693-1323

Finance&&Finance Budget Budget

Herb Kalmeyer Herb Kalmyer

973-696-3981 973-961-3981

Membership Committee Committee Membership

Ellie Weiner


Ritual Committee Committee Ritual

Dr. Charles Sokol


Education Youth & Education

Jennifer Karasik Jennifer Karasik

973-839-1361 973-839-1361

PTO President

Jennifer Karasik Jennifer Karasik

973-839-1361 973-839-1361

Event Programming

Anne Kirk


Youth Youth Activities Activities

Jennifer Karasik


Security Security

Bill Baig Bill Baig

973-835-4025 c:201-415-8494

Community Community Relations Relations

Mered Frankel Mered Frankel


Building Building & & Maintenance Maintenance Endowment Chair Endowment Chair

Mike Janel Mike Janel


Newsletter Newsletter

Stanley Sidlov

Memorial Plaques Memorial Plaques

Sandy Yenk

Cemetery Cemetery

Lou Katz

Supermarket Gift Cards Supermarket Gift Cards

Thelma Kalmeyer

Sisterhood Gift Shoppe Sisterhood Gift Shoppe

Debbie Lees

Library Committee Library Committee

Jennifer Karasik

Oneg Shabbat Oneg Shabbat Fundraising Chair Fundraising Chair

Jennifer Karasik


Eleanor Osborn


Financial VP VP Financial

Adult Education

Stanley Sidlov Sandy Yenk Lou Katz

Leslie Kantrowitz Debbie Lees

973-835-4025 c:201-415-8494 973-616-8048 973-835-0078





973-696-1130 c:973-768-5791

973-696-1130 c:973-768-5791






Jennifer Karasik


Jacki Wasserman


Jennifer Karasik



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3 4




Dec 11



Dec 18 4:12PM Jan 1


7:30 PM


6 + 7 graders help lead Friday night service

Oneg Shabbat sponsored by Herb & Thelma Kalmeyer in honor of their anniversary

Dec 4



Hebrew School’s Honor Roll Ceremony for first marking pe riod


Dec 25

Executive Board meeting

Pompton Lakes’ Holiday Stroll PTO meeting

10:30 - 11:30 AM

Youth Group – cooking & Chanukah party

1:00 – 3:00 PM

Sisterhood Board meeting

7:45 PM


CBS Board meeting

7:30 PM


Erev Chanukah Oneg Shabbat sponsored by Paulette Schwartzman in honor of a family member’s birthday


First day of Chanukah Shabbat services at Cedar Crest, none at CBS


Second day of Chanukah PTO’s Chanukah Supper – RSVP a MUST!!



3:00 PM

Oneg Shabbat sponsored by Mike & Sue Fisch “Chanukah Wishes to All” Family Shabbat service – 7th grade helps lead service 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM Junior Congregation

10:30 - 11:30 AM


Oneg Shabbat sponsored by Stewart & Sharyn Nadel in honor of Stewart’s “special birthday”


Shabbat services at Cedar Crest, none at CBS

12/27- 1/3

No Hebrew School classes – Winter vacation

NOTICE Please respect our Sanctuary Turn off your cell phones All men and boys should wear yarmulkes. Those past Bar Mitzvah age should wear tallit if appropriate Women and girls should dress modestly Very casual wear is not appropriate except for the very young


CBS New Year’s Eve Party



OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY – THURSDAY 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM CBS’s Newsletter welcomes comments and articles each month from members on any topic. Deadline is the 10th of the month for the following month. Email Stan Sidlov, Editor

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C o n g r e g a t i o n

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The 2010 ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS are now available. $30 each and packed with over $16,200 in local savings: • 248 Dining Discounts • 138 Attraction Discounts • 197 Shopping Discounts • Over $15,000 in Travel Discounts • Movie Ticket Discounts • And Much More... You can pick yours up from Bea in the synagogue office during regular office hours or call for different arrangements. SIMCHA TREE LEAVES and ROCKS There are spots available on the Simcha Tree which is prominently displayed in our lobby. The cost of each engraved leaf is $180 and each engraved rock is $1,800. Please call Bea in the office if you’d like to honor someone with a special gift such as this.

Simcha Tree Leaves and Rocks

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _________________________________ Total:

Method of Payment Name

Check Address

Bill Me



C o n g r e g a t i o n

B e t h

21 Passaic Avenue Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442

S h a l o m

Phone: 973-835-3500 E-mail:

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YAHRZEITS to be read on DECEMBER 18 + 19

Al Berson, brother of Richard Berson

Jacob Wolfson, father of Lester Wolfson

Jennie Klein, mother of Blossom Lerner

Sidney Fietelson, brother of Marvin Fietelson

Jewel Florence Flon, mother of Michael Flon

Helen Isenberg, mother of Nancy Freifeld and Larry Isenberg and grandmother of Tara Freifeld

Ida Lerner Ruchlin, mother of Thelma Kalmeyer Dorothy Goldstein, sister of Libby Saltzman

Jean Klein, mother of Norman Klein

Bernard Kanefsky, father of David Kanefsky

Isadore Atkins, uncle of Dr. Jack and Dr. Verna Atkins

Mayer Wasserstrum, grandfather of Dr. Alan Wasserstrum

Siegfried Katz, father of Sy Katz

Philip Freilich, father of Leslie Kantrowitz Melvin Marcus, father of Debbie Greenspan and grandfather of Melissa Molnar

Rhoda Oshacker Goldberg, sister of Bea Goldberg Paul Steinberg, brother of Phyllis Brettschneider Arthur Edelstein, father of Alan Edelstein

Robert Einhorn, husband of Nathalie Einhorn Harold Shwartz, father of Patty Shwartz

YAHRZEITS to be read on DECEMBER 25 + 26

Hyman Malc, father of Steven Malc Rose Kleiner, grandmother of Dr. Verna and Dr. Jack Atkins

Dorothy Boyle, mother of Elaine Nussbaum

Markus Eisig, father of Elaine Heilweil

Max Steinberg, father of Phyllis Brettschneider

David Speert, father of Dr. Arnold Speert

Kenneth Kaufman, father of Marilyn Jeshion

Idel Mathias, father of Bea Katz

Ernest Cohen, father of Dr. Harvey Cohen

Ida Bilus, aunt of Dr. Jack and Dr. Verna Atkins

Sara Eliasch, sister of Dr. Bernard Tell

Louis Kobre, grandfather of Patty Shwartz

Raymond Isaac Rosen, father-in-law of Ellen Rosen

Lillian Levy, mother of Renee Reiss

Frances Berson, mother of Richard Berson Louis Youngman, father of Howard Youngman

YAHRZEITS to be read on DECEMBER 11 + 12 Pauline Shwartz, aunt of Patty Shwartz Sarah Marshak, mother-in-law of Goldie Marshak Yvonne Boals, sister of Mary Greenberg Sadie Barth, grandmother of Dr. Alan Wasserstrum Vera Atkins, grandmother of Dr. Jack and Dr. Verna Atkins Nancy Beth Ritter, sister of Lois Goldstein

If you wish to discuss any needs for a gravesite or multiple sites together, please contact Cemetery Chairman: Lou Katz 973973-696696-1130

Arthur Gross, late husband of Faye Sheid Ilze Yagev, aunt of Michael Fisch

MEMORIALS Donate Etz Hayim (or Chumash) to the Synagogue. Honor a beloved departed with a plaque on our NEW Memorial Board. Call Sandy Yenk: 973-839-4908

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“For all your Judaic Shopping” Congregation Beth Shalom Gift Shoppe


We have Chanukah Gelt and Candles! And a selection of dreidels and Chanukiahs!





Always open during Synagogue Office hours (see Bea Katz) or by appointment with Debbie Lees 973-839-6388

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SYNAGOGUE FUND Debbie Lees, in memory of beloved mother, Sylvia Leibowitz

Gilda & Ed Norin

Sy Bressler, Happy birthday


Debbie Lees, in memory of beloved mother, Sylvia Leibowitz

Lester & Marianne Wolfson

JEWISH NATIONAL FUND Debbie Lees, in memory of beloved mother, Sylvia Leibowitz Vivian & Alan Lovitch; Joan & Jerry Krantz Henny Mathias & family, in memory of beloved mother, Ilse Mathias Bea, Sy, & Caryn Katz, Jessi & Drew Corry and Erica Mathias Evelyn Mathias & family, in memory of beloved mother, Ilse Mathias Bea, Sy, & Caryn Katz, Jessi & Drew Corry and Erica Mathias Ernest Mathias & family, in memory of beloved mother, Ilse Mathias Bea, Sy, & Caryn Katz, Jessi & Drew Corry and Erica Mathias

ELIOT SAKOLSKY FUND Debbie Lees, in memory of beloved mother, Sylvia Leibowitz

Lester & Marianne Wolfson

Blumenthal family, in memory of beloved Aunt Gertie Billy & Harvey Sakolsky; Ella Ross; Wendy & Mitchel Rosen Ruth Kessler, in memory of beloved sister, Gertie

Billy & Harvey Sakolsky

Irv Nurik, in honor of “special birthday”

Harvey Sakolsky

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Hebrew School - Bea Katz

The PJ Library® -

Congratulations to all of the students that made the Honor Roll for the first marking period. Please join us on Friday, December 4th when they will each be recognized. Services that evening will be lead by the 6th and 7th grade students. It’s already that time of year again when we are getting ready for the winter season. And what better way to welcome it than by having our annual Chanukah Supper on Sunday, De-

cember 13th at 3:00 PM. We will again be entertained by RJ, the Magician whom we saw a couple of years ago. Please keep in mind that this is our school’s second “Special Event” for this year. Invite all of your family, grandchildren and friends to come and join us for this fun filled and delicious afternoon. Please see the flyer in this newsletter and get your reservation in on time. If you are available to help us out in any way

with this, please let either Jennifer Karasik or me know. I’m also happy to say that our Sunday preschool/1st grade combo class is going very well. The students are really having fun and learning at the same time. Also, Youth Group has already met twice each one filled with fun activities. It’s not too late to enroll your child. Best wishes for a wonderful Chanukah!

Jewish Bedtime Stories & Songs for Families. Receive free books monthly for children!

PTO, Youth Group & Library— Jennifer Karasik With the Hanukkah supper right around the corner, we want to remind you to get your reservations in asap. We are excited to be bringing back RJ the Magician and look forward to a funfilled afternoon. Please join us and bring your children and grandchildren. What better way to spend Hanukkah than with your family and extended family. As something to think about while shopping or cleaning out your closets, we are starting to gather toys etc. for our annual Purim celebration and Tricky Tray. Please keep the CBS children in mind. They really do enjoy this type of venue.

Youth Group On Sunday, November 15th, our Youth Group met and made crafts for Hanukkah. Fun was had by all! Thanks to my many helpers and parents. There is still time to sign up. Our next Youth Group meeting will be held on Dec. 6th from 1pm-3pm. We are looking forward to making some yummy Hanukkah goodies. HEBREW SCHOOL We are pleased to announce that instead of having a preschool reading hour at the Library, our hebrew school will offer a Sunday class for

our youngest members. This class is opened to our 4, 5, 6 and 7 year olds. It is never to early to start learning about their heritage. History, holidays and Alef-Bet will be introduced. Please let your child be a part of our growing family. Thank you. Best regards, Jennifer Karasik

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Member Updates

Our newly recreated Memorial Board was inaugurated in time for the High Holidays. The Board is dedicated to Lester Wolfson’s late wife, Kate. We thank Lester for his time and contribution to this modernization of our Memorial Board. A single Eternal Flame will illuminate your loved ones’ plaques all year. If you have a family member, loved one or friend you would like to have remembered on our board, please contact Sandy Yenk at 973-839-4908

Get Well: Richard Charnet Don Fritz Sandy Goodkin Fran Green Mary Greenberg Anita & Sol Maizel Marvin Newman Leo Raven Sheila Robbins Mazel Tov to: Herb Diamond on the recent marriage of his granddaughter

Congratulations to: Dena and Mitch Lurin on Allison’s recent marriage

Sock Hop Rocks The Frankels contemplate the music (right) While the Yenks and Kalmeyers get swinging.(below)

Thank you for the donations you made to the temple and other funds on my behalf and your thoughtful phone calls and caring visits. The plant and flowers Sisterhood sent me cheers me up every day I do appreciate your kind get well wishes. They have given me so much positive healing energy. With lots of love. Thank you. Fran Green

Photos courtesy of Alan Lovitch

NONNON-PROFIT ORG. C o n g r e g a t i o n S h a l o m

B e t h


21 Passaic Avenue Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442

Wayne, NJ PERMIT NO. 439

Phone: 973-835-3500 E-mail:

Return Service Requested

We’re on the Web !

Dated Material Delivery by November 30, 2009 requested (always deliver)



Report Cards


6th + 7th graders help lead Shabbat service

8:00 PM

Honor Roll Ceremony during services 6

11 12-19

PTO meeting to plan the Chanukah Supper

10:30 - 11:30 AM

Youth Group - cooking and Chanukah party

1:00 - 3:00 PM



2nd "SPECIAL EVENT" - Chanukah Supper

3:00 PM


Family Shabbat service - 7th grade helps lead service

10:15 AM- 12:00 PM

Junior Congregation

10:30 - 11:30 AM

Winter Recess

No Classes


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