Jade Marie Brand Guidelines 2020

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CONTENTS 3 Mission Statement 4 Logo 5 Brand Values 6 Colour Palette 7 Typography 8 Photography 9 Pinterest Image Style 10 Working with Other Brands


Mission statement The ultimate mission Jade Marie wishes to achieve is to regularly talk about the darker side of mental health and life on the autistic spectrum, to try to break down some of the stigmas and misconceptions that still seem to be common; even in 2020! Jade Marie does this by collaborating with other brands to educate a wider audience and through blog posts, raw Instagram posts, and both in-person + online workshops. By raising awareness of such issues, Jade Marie hopes to educate more people on the topics and create an inclusive, safe community for people to openly talk about them.


Long Logo

Clear Space The clear space should add 30px to all sides of the logo

Minimum size 464px x 140px including clear space

position the logo in the centre or corner of an image


scale the logo to keep the dimensions proportionate

keep the tagline readable when scaling

use the long logo when there is enough space and doesn’t clash with other elements Small Logo/Favicon

colour variations Minimum size 91px x 86px including clear space

Clear Space The clear space should add 30px to all sides of the logo.

cut off the tagline scale the logo too small so the tagline can’t be read font variations


Brand Values Ethical Eco-friendly

Jade Marie is brand that prides itself on being down-to-earth and doing its best for the environment and community.


The values listed to the left are core brand values that every piece of content created must represent.


Jade Marie also works with other brands who represent the same values and does its best to form an open, inclusive community.




Colour Palette

#BC7A2f Paragraph Text

The Jade Marie brand colours illustrate a warm, cosy feeling.


Off-white should be the only colour used on-top of another brand colour, to ensure readability. Any brand colour can be used on-top of the off-white.

Primary Highlights (links) #A6572F Secondary Highlight/ Background #B29C95

Brand colours may be mixed when using the Tokyo Combination font, ensuring that a darker colour is used for the outline. If more than one colour is intended to be used (for example in a header), it is encouraged to not deviate from the specified colour palette.

Background #F5F2F0


Typography The Tokyo Combination is commonly used to highlight key words in headers

Use a darker colour for the outline so it is still eligible.

Only use the brand colours for the type in any piece of content

Tokyo Regular

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!?"&@ 1234567890

Raleway Regular

Tokyo outline Tokyo Combination Tokyo Combination

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!?"&@ 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!?"&@ 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!?"&@ 1234567890

Used for:

Used for:

Logo Headers

Paragraph text






Selfie Lifestyle Relevant to post content

Slight high angle Stack objects Pillow in background/object using brand colour

Warm Cosy Natural Light Lightroom Preset



Pinterest image style Titile


When designing a blog post image for Pinterest, it should be layed out in the format shown to the left. Headers should use the Tokyo Regular font. Topic text should be grey and title the primary brand colour. The extract should us Raleway Regular font. All type must follow the typography guides stated on page 7.


Website URL

Any images used will have a more muted tone compared to other brand photos but still ultimiatley follow the photography guides stated on page 8. The website URL is highlighted by using a colour box behind the text. It is advised to stick to the grey to keep the colour use consistent.


Working with other brands

Represent the same brand values as Jade Marie

Brands that encourage weight loss

Value Jade Marie as a person and a brand

Non-inclusive brands

Adhere to Jade Marie’s target audience and collaberate on content that they will find useful and educational

Anything that contradicts Jade Marie’s content and goes against brand values

Must be a brand that Jade Marie can endorse and finds what they do interesting

No opportunites to collaberate on educational content


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