Best Lawyers in Maryland 2016

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I was always drawn toward helping injured people, and to their gratitude, no matter what the result.

Gregory K. Wells Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs Washington, D.C. ■ Rockville’s Gregory Wells is a legal polymath. In addition to product liability litigation, the partner at Shadoan, Michael & Wells takes on mediation and, occasionally, business litigation cases, focusing his practice especially on representing plaintiffs in catastrophic personal injury, wrongful death cases, and medical malpractice, where he finds the most intellectual stimulation. Although Wells exudes solemn confidence in much daunting legal territory, he is no less impressive on stage, where his guitar playing runs the gamut from blues and jazz to blues-rock and R&B. “Music is what I do when I’m not at work. My major influences growing up were probably a tossup between Jimi Hendrix, Carlos Santana, and B.B. King.” Wells got his start in law representing defendants in medical

malpractice cases and spent 15 years working on behalf of hospitals in complex situations. “When I was defending cases, I sometimes represented patients or families of deceased patients who died as a result of medical negligence, when there was no conflict. I was always drawn toward helping injured people, and to their gratitude, no matter what the result,” says Wells. Wells recently litigated a major medical malpractice case with partner Robert Michael in which three defendants squabbled in court over who was responsible for what happened to the firm’s client. Wells and Michael won a $3.5 million verdict for their client, who was left paraplegic and wheelchair-bound after symptoms of a serious disorder were misdiagnosed in the emergency room.

“Working with families and clients who have been catastrophically injured and are dealing with the consequences of those injuries, while at the same time going through trial preparation and the trial process, is always challenging,” Wells notes. Wells also provides pro bono representation in other types of cases. “If I am able to help someone and feel strongly that they are not getting what they deserve and need help, I occasionally take cases to help folks who can’t afford to pay.” After 9/11, Wells worked pro bono for a young man who was left without family support after his father was killed at the Pentagon. Says Wells, “I was able to successfully pursue a claim for him and get him a substantial award, which allowed him to go on with his college education.” Written by Nathaniel Barr | 9

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