Charolais Magazine January 2024

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CHAROLAIS Society Society of of Australia Australia Magazine Magazine

January January2024 2021



Society Contacts


President’s Perspective


Honorary Life Membership, Dr. Shirley Barker


GM’s View


R.A.S Challenge Success


Breed, Feed, Succeed


Charolais World Congress: Canada 2024


Complementary Charolais


Continued R.N.A. Success


Brisbane Royal 2023


Sought After Weaners


Beef Australia 2024


Adding the Extra Growth


Charolais Youth Australia


Garrett Youth Scholarships


Youth Education Day: Glen Innes


ARCBA Young Breed Leaders Workshop


Hobart Royal 2023


Southern Multibreed Project


Adelaide Royal 2023


Colour in Charolais


Perth Royal 2023


Melbourne Royal 2023


Charolais, Part of the Landscape, (Sale Summary 2023)


Charolais Sales Report 2023


From The Archives - 1974


Cross Into Profit with Charolais


Events Calendar


Advertising Index


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Charolais sired steers in the Queensland Charolais Feedlot Trial, head back to the pen. Image: Warwick, Queensland.


Federal Board

President: Matthew Collins Mob: 0412 265 017 E:

Charolais Society of Australia Ltd ABN: 45 147 918 279 PO Box 772, ARMIDALE NSW 2350 Shop 6, 108 Dangar Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 Tel: 02 6771 1666 Int: +61 2 6771 1666 General Manager Colin Rex 0408 661 255 Finance Hayley Clark Registrar/Member Services Deearn Walker

Vice President: David Whitechurch Mob: 0428 847 391 E: Honorary Treasurer: Brendan Scheiwe Tel: 0438 513 633 E: Youth Co-ordinator: Sapphire Halliday Mob: 0447 117 676 E: Alan Goodland Tel: 07 4993 2298 Mob: 0434 594 721 E: Murray Ferme Tel: 08 8636 4031 Mob: 0411 544 950 E: Robin Yost Tel: 08 9574 2035 Mob: 0411 651 013 E: CharolaisSociety

Honorary Life Members Anthony Hordern (dec) Harry Wadds (dec) J Martin Lenthall (dec) Rick Pistauro AM (dec) David Dixon (dec) Bill Hayes John Sullivan (dec) Harold Seeley AM (dec) Trevor Cottee (dec) Helen Trustrum Lesley Millner (dec) Rob Millner (dec) Michael Hargreaves (dec) Alex McLachlan AM Gary Noller David Bondfield Shirley Barker (Dr.) 6

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Charolais sired calves on Lincoln Red dams showing the benefits of Crossing Into Profit with Charolais. Image: Tone Bridge, Western Australia.

Regional Office Bearers

Charolais Youth Committee

Queensland: Chairperson: Ross Sticklen E: Secretary: Lauren Platzer E:

Chairperson: Joshua Fenech

Tel: 0418 605 959


Amy Whitechurch

Tel: 0437 617 149


Sophie Inder

Tel: 0476 209 643

Committee: Jaime Vosper

Tel: 0417 616 979

Tel: 0438 625 505 Tel: 07 5460 9407

New South Wales: Chairperson: David Whitechurch Tel: 0428 847 391 E: Secretary: Kristie O’Brien Tel: 0428 112 232 E: Victoria: Chairperson: Rob Abbott E: Secretary: Gwen Robinson E:

Tel: 0428 849 802

Youth Committee Email:

Tel: 0417 502 692 Tel: 03 5156 6397

South Australia: Chairperson: Daniel Ferme Tel: 0408 774 946 E: Secretary: Louise Smith Tel: 0400 373 791 E: Western Australia: Chairperson: Andrew Cunningham E: Secretary: Belynda Quilty E:

Amanda Cavenagh


Year Identification for

2024 Born Calves:

Tattoo Letter for 2024: V

Tel: 0438 764 699 Tel: 0419 953 489


President’s Perspective

Matthew Collins, CSA President

Who, would have predicted that Global beef markets now appear to be a two-part story with strong consumer demand in the USA accompanied by reduced cattle and beef supplies? Matching the other part of the equation, American cattle prices are at all time high levels and the Australian price has dropped dramatically down 28% since June and cattle slaughter still rises. Some commentators are forecasting that ultimately it will change the strength and influence in Australia’s direction, that should deliver increased production and cause exports to grow in 2024. In July I was fortunate to attend the Adelaide Junior Heifer Expo and was honoured to present Mrs Shirley Barker, Caithness Charolais Stud, Mount Barker a life membership from the Charolais Society. Shirley was a former Federal Board Member from 2000 to 2003 and was also the South Australian State Chair from 2000 to 2002. It is fulfilling to meet someone who has given so much and mentored others through her involvement as a Charolais breeder and exhibitor, competing in shows and carcase competitions. She has actively encouraged youth, who respected her to become involved with the Breed. The Board has introduced a new initiative that will recognise members who have reached fifty years full membership. The sentiment is we want to recognise the contribution that long standing members have made and give them a “thank you “gesture for their efforts and time commitment that has made the Society, what it is today.

The logistics have not been finalised however we are hoping the distribution could occur when a suitable gathering of members are present. Further information will be provided in the near future. Another item of business that the Board have been evaluating is Breed Plan Single Step analysis. The delay in moving forward with this project, has been the time taken to build a large enough genomic reference population that will accurately represent our breed. Single Step analysis presents potential to improve the quality of our raw data that should provide improved accuracy. To ensure our reference population remains useful, we need members to submit phenotypic data as well as genomic profiles. We encourage all members to be proactive in collecting correct data to enable accurate outcomes to be delivered for the improvement of our breed. It is timely that we dedicate the effort required to enable results to be achieved from across all our members. Later this year Beef 2024 Rockhampton will be held between May 5th to May 11th and that is fast approaching. As many of you know you need to book accommodation early to ensure you do not miss out on one of the greatest cattle shows in Australia. Special events at Beef 2024 includes recognition of the 200th anniversary of the Australian Company AACO, by paying tribute to an industry that helped build the nation. It is a worthwhile and enjoyable experience to attend Beef Australia, you will reunite with cattlemen and women from around Australia. This year organisers are expecting over 1,500 entries from over thirty breeds offering a competition showcase amongst the best in the country. The Charolais Society will be promoting Beef Australia as the Charolais National Show 2024. Plans are in hand to co-ordinate the Charolais judging and to celebrate fifty-five years since Charolais semen arrived in Australia. This presents a unique opportunity to attend the Charolais judging day coupled with attending a social dinner with fellow members. As President I would like to acknowledge the dedication and support that I have received from Hayley and Deearn over recent months. They have a very high customer focus and it is a pleasurable experience dealing with them. We are also extremely fortunate to have a General Manager with the knowledge and experience of the industry that Colin Rex has and his genuine commitment to the Charolais Breed.

Matthew Collins, President


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

THANK YOU to all Buyers & Underbidders at our 2023 Sale! Save the date for our 2024 Sale: 16th September

Top Price Bull Moongool Slingshot.

Supreme Performance Exhibit Winner at Queensland Charolais Feedlot & Carcase Competition 2023.

Contact Ivan 0428 265 031

Visit Our Site at Beef Australia 2024! 070 -072

President Matthew Collins, General Manager Colin Rex and Dr. Shirley Barker at the South Australian Junior Heifer Expo where Dr. Barker was presented with Honorary Life Membership of the Charolais Society. Images courtesy GB Creative.

Honorary Life Membership Awarded Judge Jim Ross, Scotland, Shirley Barker and Emma Kerrigan with Caithness Jacko J72E, Supreme Charolais Exhibit Adelaide Royal 2015.

Caithness Jacko J72E, Supreme Charolais Exhibit Adelaide Royal 2015, highlighting the Caithness type that Shirley has consistently focussed on in her Charolais breeding program.

Caithness Snowy S72, Champion Purebred Export Carcass exhibited by Unity College, Murray Bridge. One of many steers supplied to schools to assist agricultural studies involving youth.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Dr. Shirley Barker of Caithness Charolais stud, Mt Barker, South Australia was recently recognised for her long serving commitment to the Charolais breed. President Matthew Collins presented Dr. Barker with Honorary Life Membership of the Society at the South Australian Junior Heifer Expo. Shirley commenced her Caithness Charolais stud in 1971 after seeing the results of a South Australian government program, where Charolais semen was supplied to dairy farmers. Her family was involved in this opportunity and Shirley was very impressed with the weight for age of the calves produced. Charolais Society of Australia general manager Colin Rex, said Shirley, who remains enthusiastic about cattle breeding more than 50 years after the first calves in her Caithness stud were born, was a very worthy recipient. She was the South Australian Region chairperson from 2000 to 2002 and she has been attending SA state meetings longer than any other state member. Her dedication to promotion of the Charolais breed in South Australia has been unwaivering over an extended period of time.

Shirley served on the federal board from 2000-2003 as the South Australian delegate. Shirley also served a two year term on the federal board back in 1987/88. “All members contribute in different ways to a breed society but some people make that extraordinary contribution over a very long period of time,” Mr Rex said. “Shirley has certainly been one of those people that has put her hand up to take on positions, she has promoted the breed within the industry and especially across the youth which is one of the reasons why we decided to make the presentation at the South Australian Junior Heifer Expo.” Mr Rex also noted Dr Barker’s passion for carcase competitions that highlight the breeds attributes. Shirley was a long time committee member of the SA Beef Carcase Competition and South Australian State Beef Committee.

The Caithness herd has donated many steers to schools for the Royal Adelaide Show led steer competition. Caithness genetics have had considerable success over the years including 2022, where a Caithness steer shown by Unity College at Murray Bridge won the champion export carcase. Dr Barker said she was “speechless” to receive the honour and had really enjoyed the friendships she had made with fellow breeders over the years. Her involvement with young people and supplying many heifers and steers for Heifer Expo entrants since the mid 1980s has brought her a lot of joy. She is pleased many of these youth have found their way into the ag industry. “Who will take it on when we give up, we need them to follow us on,” she said. Shirley continued “I get a lot of joy seeing the students (many of whom wouldn’t otherwise have an opportunity to be responsible for an animal), bonding and falling in love with them”. There is a long list of breeders in the industry today that have been assisted by Shirley in their early career. Shirley and her late husband Vic, toured herds overseas and were passionate about performance in their genetics. Alongside the Caithness Charolais herd, the Bokara Simmental herd has prospered as well. “When we had the early Charolais, people could hardly believe the muscle and I do love their temperament, they are so quiet and so easy to handle,” she said. “Meat is the name of the game and Charolais had meat and Simmentals had meat so they were the two breeds that interested me.” Back in the 1970s the major breeds were Shorthorn and Hereford. After touring herds overseas, Vic and Shirley knew what the European breeds could offer the industry here in Australia. The Caithness herd was enrolled in Charolais BREEDPLAN in July 1990 and has been a strong contributor since. The Caithness property, literally on the boundary of Mount Barker township has been in Shirley’s family since the 1890s. The oldest registered Caithness animal in the Herd book is SBB G2, Caithness Gallicane born on the 16th April 1971. This heifer was sired by Salopiau from a Friesian dam. Artificial insemination was used extensively in the early days until two Full French genetic sires were introduced, Fairlawn 0120F and Sundowner Ranches 0352F. Shirley recalls blending the attributes of the bloodlines available to produce the type she was seeking. The ability to have muscle on a structurally sound frame was paramount and importantly, a sire must throw good uddered daughters. Temperament has been strongly selected for over the years. Shirley commented “I am a self-confessed stickler when it comes to breeding and have never followed what I call “breeding fashions. Being a doctor, I have always seen the necessity for structural correctness and I understand anatomy and know how joints, muscles, bones and internal organs should perform,” she said. General Manager, Colin Rex, a native South Australian said “Shirley has been an integral part of the beef industry in South Australia for such a long period of time. Her views on the attributes of the European breeds and their place in the Australian beef industry has been unwavering and consistent for the forty years that I have known her. Always one to ensure that things are done correctly, the Charolais breed and beef industry are fortunate to have had the input of Shirley and her wise counsel. She is well deserving of the Honorary Life Membership of the Charolais Society”. 11

Vince Lombardi

The achievements of an organisation are the results of the combined effort of each individual.

GM’s View

Colin Rex, General Manager

I am confident that there would be many readers happy to see the end of 2023. In northern areas, drought seemed almost inevitable, although as I write this column, good rain has been recorded in some areas. The cattle market was certainly more challenging than previous years and there have been some export hiccups. The resilience of the rural industry is awe inspiring but not surprising. When you have devoted years, sometimes generations of effort into developing genetics, your livestock become more than a commodity. A recent news article outlined a dairy family leaving the industry after 105 years and it was devastating to read. The emotion, the famers described of moving on their cows resonated through the words in the article. It truly highlighted the connection breeders develop with their livestock over the extended timeframe. As we enter the 55th year since Charolais semen entered Australia, we should all reflect back with a sense of pride in the contribution the breed has made to the Australian beef industry. We are now starting to see third generations of family involved in the Charolais stud herds. This is evidence that this breed, has made a significant contribution to profitability in the commercial world and earned longevity in the industry. There is no shortage of breeds introduced into Australia with great fanfare that have failed to thrive long term. Breed longevity requires purpose and relevant traits. To achieve the success the breed has enjoyed, no, earned, has required many people working together to promote the unknown. The quote on this page sums this up perfectly. Our early Charolais breeders put the breed at the forefront ahead of personal gain and worked together, against the odds for the betterment of the breed. It is our legacy now in the 2020’s to respect the commitment of our early membership and continue to ensure the role of Charolais in the Australian Beef Industry. It has to be remembered back in the late 1960’s, cattle with the muscle pattern and growth of the European breeds was unheard of. Tradition played a considerable role in breed selection. 12

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Obviously, these “new breeds” must have had some imperfections and there is no doubt that Charolais faced some challenges in the early years here in Australia. Over the years we have proven our ability to improve traits we may have been lacking in, and I am confident that our members will continue to add increased performance to their genetics into the future. The keys to success are easily defined, think in a growth mindset, embrace change and learn through your efforts, but, are not always as easy to implement. Carve the pathway to success into manageable pieces, clearly there are should be short- and long-term goals. Making progress on the easier attainable steps sets up a framework for success. As Charolais breeders our task is to ensure that Charolais genetics on offer to the commercial industry are on point and have the potential to increase productivity in a meaningful way. Increasing the $Dollar return to the industry across all sectors is crucial, whether it be by increasing weaning weight, feedlot performance or carcase quality. Having Charolais genetics recognised across the entire production chain should be our goal. It’s a balancing act and market signals often change requiring genetic directional changes but the core attributes that our breed is based on remains a constant, increased growth and muscle. With the breed composition here in the Australian industry these core attributes give us great opportunity. This is especially true in the north of the country. Up there it is critical to keep the female herd in tune with the environment but wow, the growth and muscle the Charolais can add is amazing. Not only that, the libido of the Charolais sire is super important in increasing calves on the ground, the number one profit driver in the northern industry. The photo facing this editorial also show the advantages in the southern breeding areas, just appreciate the attributes of this calf from an Angus female. Raised in real world commercial conditions this Charolais sired calf epitomises the benefits of crossing into profit with Charolais. cont page 14....

Thumping Charolais sired heifer calf as big as her Angus dam. Make every calf count. A great example of crossing into profit in a grassfed program. Images: Boyup Brook, WA.


GM’s View ...cont from page 12

Table 1: DNA Testing 2019 -2023 Early in January our breed takes another significant step forward with the introduction of Single Step Genomics into our BREEDPLAN analysis. Single-step BREEDPLAN evaluations are delivering increased accuracies of EBVs across the full range of EBVs and breeds. This improvement in accuracies allow more genetic progress, particularly for economically important traits that are generally low accuracy at the time of selection. Improvements in accuracy from single-step will also benefit the commercial beef sector through better genetic description across a broader range of EBVs and allow more precise matching of genetics to specific production systems and markets. Further increases in accuracies are possible from singlestep evaluations of particular breeds and traits by increasing the size of their reference populations. It is worth noting that adding genomic data to the analysis does not remove the need for phenotypic data. Members are strongly encouraged to continue to add birthweights, growth data and scan information to BREEDPLAN for use in the analysis. Where possible members are asked to consider adding other trait data such as Mature Cow Weight. Australian Charolais breeders have increased their adoption of genomic profiling which is assisting in developing the size of our reference population. This data is shown in Table 1 to the right. This table only shows the 50k or 100K tests undertaken and there are many more Poll, Parent verification tests undertaken as well. The exponential increase in the use of Tissue Sampling Units (TSU) and genomic profiling is adding value to our data set with long term benefits for the breed. When data from the Southern Multi Breed project flows into our analysis we will be a good position for development of future traits. These traits may be focussed around enhancing sustainability in our industry. Having the ability to identify animals with desirable traits at an early age will have significant benefits. The Homozygous poll test is a great example of this. What would have taken well over three years to identify a homozygous poll sire in the old days can now be achieved prior to weaning. Using more homozygous poll sires is increasing the percentage of poll calves in the population giving the commercial industry more choice of poll sires.

General Manager, Colin Rex and Andrew Cunningham represented the Charolais Society with a trade site at the Kimberley Pilbarra Cattlemans Association Annual Conference in Broome W.A. Images courtesy: KPCA.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

3500 3,213

3000 2,652

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0



50K + Profile



2023 Oct 31st

Tissue Sample Unit (TSU)

A full report on the 2023 Bull selling year is included in this publication. In the history of Charolais in Australia this ranks as the third best year ever. The average price declined to $10,287 with the top price bull, Moongool Slingshot (P) selling for $60,000 at the annual on property Moongool sale. On a pleasing side, the actual number of bulls sold at auction was the second highest in history at 1,724. Read the comprehensive report commencing on page 68. In marketing updates, the Society supported the Kimberley, Pilbara, Cattleman’s Association (KPCA) Conference in Broome this year with a trade site. This event gave us the opportunity to talk to the north western producers at a very well organised event. There was a great range of speakers from all over Australia as well as social events. The Society also actively advertised with the Northern Territory Cattleman’s Association yearbook to continue a presence in the northern industry. cont page 16....

Western Australia Minister for Agriculture and Food, the Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLC opened the Kimberley Pilbarra Cattlemans Association Annual Conference in Broome W.A.




Selling at

ROMA, 26th AUGUST 2024

Offering 30 Quality Brendale sires in 2024 by our walking sires

Performance drives profit Aim to succeed with Brendale

Charolais bulls to punch growth, muscle and shape into your calf drop. Using technology and good old cattle sense to breed docile sires that will perform in your environment. Thank you to our clients that supported the Advance Bull Sale, Aggrow, Brendale “Signature Collection” Female sale and our private purchasers.

Brendan & Marnie Scheiwe MARBURG, QUEENSLAND m: 0438 513 633 e:


GM’s View ...cont from page 14 I extend the appreciation of the Society to our Youth Committee. This very talented group of future leaders has taken on the task of re-establishing the Youth committee and have been very successful in getting a framework to operate under, fundraising and commenced offering events to our youth members. Big plans are in embryonic stages for 2024 and we look forward to more information rolling out early in 2024. Charolais Society of Australia will also host the Charolais, Charbray International Youth program this year. International Charolais and Charbray organisations can send two delegates here to network with our youth, get a better understanding of Australian agriculture and further their knowledge. A goal of the program is to foster networking amongst our future leaders in the global Charolais and Charbray organisation. So far, we have sent Heidi Nicholls, Sarah Nesbitt and Amanda Cavenagh to these events and all three have had glowing reports on their time overseas. Aside from the excellent International Technical Conference hosted by the Czech Republic, I also had the opportunity to visit with the American International Charolais Association (AICA) in Louisville, Kentucky, USA recently. Along with delegates from South Africa, Canada and Mexico we had the chance to network with American breeders in town for the Annual Fall meetings of the AICA, which I also attended. These meeting are highly informative and the updates on their marketing were extremely useful. Prior to the meetings and Charolais show, we had the opportunity to learn about agriculture in Kentucky thanks to Tim Hughes (Kentucky Department of Agriculture) and Floyd Wampler (AICA). Working in partnership with our international colleagues has great benefits for all concerned. I cannot thank the AICA enough for their excellent hospitality and time extended to us. Still in the global space, Canadian Charolais Association and the Charolais Banner have put together a super program for their World Congress in June, July 2024. These events showcase Charolais in the host country along with some local tourism and the chance to network with Charolais & Charbray enthusiasts from around the world. Check out the program and if you can, book to attend. Most of the hassles of international travels are taken care of and you can sit back and relax.

Freddie Wasserfall (South Africa), Arnulfo de la Garza (Mexico), Floyd Wampler (Charolais USA), Colin Rex, Craig Scott, Helge & Candace By (Canada) and Marcos Gonzalez (Mexico) at the Kentucky State Capitol Building.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

These really are excellent opportunities to see our breed succeeding in different markets and environments as well as meet the nicest people. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Helge and Candace By at the Charolais Banner, they will be sure to help out (page 33). We are now over two years in our office space purchased in the Armidale CBD. The investment has proven to be very successful. Shifting operating space does not always turn out how it is planned and this was a concern. After our refit to utilise as an office space , we are pleased to advise the new office has become a great working environment. The new fittings and location should also see a good potential to increase the value of our investment. We are seeing considerable savings flow through the books from not renting and this gives us more stability for the future. I have to extend my appreciation to Deearn and Hayley in the Charolais office. These ladies are super skilled, efficient and provide great support for myself and members alike. Our staff team has been stable for over eight years and between the three of us we have nearly 60 years of breed administration experience. Lucy Main continues to provide excellent Graphic Design services from her southern base, which many members utilise. I also extend my appreciation to the Charolais Society Board members; these people are volunteers and devote their time to ensure our Society functions. They have their own business to operate but, find the time to invest into the future of the Charolais breed. This year marks the conclusion of the three-year term of our President, Matthew Collins. Matt’s experience in business governance has been appreciated and a valuable asset to the Charolais Society over an extended time on the Board. I thank Matt for his time in the Chair of the Society, it’s been a pleasure to work with him. You know every comment is considered and his high level of governance has been a pleasure to work with. To our members and regions that have promoted the breed last year, I also extend my appreciation. I return to the quote at the start of this editorial “The achievements of an organisation are the results of the combined effort of each individual” together we are formidable. Let’s see what 2024 rolls out, with Charolais in our paddock we start from a “poll” position (no pun intended) to increase profitability for Charolais breeders and their clients.

Dan Miller, Kentucky Beef Network, Tim Hughes, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Floyd Wampler, AICA, and Becky Thompson, Kentucky Beef Network at the Eden Shale Research Facility, Owenton, KY.

Colin Rex, General Manager

Charolais heifers at the Jefferies Farm, Kentucky.


Australia’s Largest Full French Stud

Quality unique gene etic cs – “GLEN LA AUREL” GULUGUB BA Qld 4418


Thank you all for your support through g out 20233

LOT 105 sold for $50,0 00 Keddstock P/L

Stud sire: ANC STUART S319F (PP)

Stud sire: ANC SKIDOO S799F (PP)


LOT 66 sold for $32,5 00 J & J Dann

LOT 40 sold for $30,0 00 Bauhinia Park Charo


Stud sire: ANC QUPID Q97F (PP)

Stud sire: ANC SABLE S368F (PP)

LOT 20 sold for $28,00 0 Barambah-Dale Charo lais

Stud sire: ANC PHOTOGRAPH P301F (PP)

Stud sire: ANC PERFECT P271F (PP)

LOT 92 sold for $28,0 00 Coyne Family Trust

LOT 30 sold for $27,5 00 Booth Family

ANC Stud Sires: Q182F Q495F Q453F – Homozyous Polls

ANDREW & NORAH CASS | mobile bil 0428 286 660 | phone h 07 4628 2109 email | website

LOT 70 sold for $22,0 00 Minnie Vale Charolai


Lilydale Invitational Sale Saturday 20th July 2024 Commencing 11am - Toogoolawah Q


Bird Hill


Sandy Ridge



Jay Tees

50 Bulls

15 Females

Lilydale Norah 14

Sire: Lilydale Maddox

Dam: Lilydale Norah 8

Reserve Champion Cow or Heifer RNA Brisbane 2023

Contact Ross Sticklen

Mobile: 0438 625 505

Lilydale Tambo

Sire: Lilydale Maddox

Dam: Lilydale Oprah 36

Weighed 836kg at 19 months


KANDANGA VALLEY 4th ‘Summer’ Bull Sale, on Property

January 20th, 2024, 10am start

Pho t We os on bsit e


BULLS 30 Charolais (15 Polled)

8 Polled Red

Angus composites Lot 5

Homozygous Polled

20 Charbray

(5 Polled/Scurred)

John & Roz Mercer, Kandanga (07) 54843359 / 0427 448 668,au 18

January 2024 Charolais Magazine



9th Annual Yearling Bull Sale Thursday 18th April 2024 "Culham" Toodyay WA Or via AuctionsPlus

60 Charolais & Shorthorn Bulls On Offer ▪ Semen Tested ▪ Vaccinated ▪ BVDV Negative ▪ DNA Verified ▪ Performance Recorded


Kevin 0400 651 021

Robin 0411 651 013


Charolais steers entered by the Millner Family, Rosedale Charolais, Blayney NSW in the RAS of NSW Feedlot Challenge. Image courtesy: Rosedale Charolais.

R.A.S. Challenge Success The Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales presented the awards for the 2023 Beef Challenge back in August. There was a spread of teams and breeds across the results at this year’s Royal Agricultural Society Beef Challenge competition. Contesting the Export and Domestic categories, Charolais genetics shone brightly in both divisions. Steers entered in the competition are fed together for either 70 or 100 day with cattle coming from highly regarded commercial breeding programs across New South Wales. This competition has used the same scoring system since its inception in 2011 and this allows comparison across the years, event official, Michael MacCue said. Entered animals are appraised extensively on Daily weight gain, Dressing percentage, Carcase, Profitability and Eating Quality Millner Ag, Millthorpe with Rosedale genetics, had good results in the 70-day domestic classes, with its Charolais/ Angus winning the champion team on a score of 698.27. P.A and L.M Weal, Orange, were awarded reserve champion team, also for Charolais/Angus, on 656.07. Millner Ag’s team was first in the feedlot total on 217.482, ahead of the Weal’s team on 217.091. These teams placed the same way in the Profitability judging with Millner Ag equated at $666.08 and the Weal’s team at $552.83. Third in the team profitability was MM Pastoral with Charolais cross giving Charolais all three profitability placings in the team section. Second in the Domestic Eating quality was Millner Ag’s champion team on 373.41 and P.A and L.M Weal’s reserve champion team third on 371.62.

In the individual classes, Y P.A and L.M Weal’s Charolais/ Angus steer stood in reserve on 134.981. This steer also placed second individually for profitability on $222.82. The cattle from the Weal Family had the top individual dressing percentage of 60.69% and also third at 57.109%. Millner Ag was first for eating quality with its Charolais/Angus steer with a Meat Standards Australia score of 64.440, with Angus heifers in second and third. The recognition of Charolais quality continued in the 100 day Export category. Millner Ag placed first for eating quality with its team of Charolais/Shorthorns on 382.82, with Rosedale’s Charolais team a close second on 382.77. Millner Ag was third with its Charolais/Angus team on 378.69. Five teams were awarded equal first in the carcase grid on countback scores of 125, with three of those from Millner Ag, with teams of Angus and Santa Gertrudis taking the other two. In the Export Dressing percentage, two Charolais steers from Rosedale placed second and third on 57.353% and 57.249%. Eating Quality awards saw Charolais second and third from Rosedale (65.9) and Millner Ag (65.8) respectively. Charolais also placed in daily weight gain and feedlot points. To cap off the recognition of Charolais Millner Ag and Rosedale Charolais placed second and third in the Export Profitability section.

Cross into Profit with Charolais 20

January 2024 Charolais Magazine


R 2024

• April Female S 70 Females


• July Winton B 40 Bulls


ull Sale

• August Clerm

ont Bull Sale


You can become part of our larger team to help you with your Charolais Stud Breeding and Marketing - Call us to discuss how!

60 Bulls

• December Fem

ale Sale

70 Females

Paddock sales of lines of polled bulls and fe males when you want them ye ar round!

SCX JEHU 233E Highest priced Charolais Bull ever sold in Canada at $CAD 235,000. A proven sire at 5 years old. Exclusive Australian semen rights owned by Glenlea and our partner studs. First progeny will be offered in 2024 in Australia. His progeny are exceeding our high expectations.

GLENLEA CHAROL 72ND (PP) Our donor cows like Charol 72nd (GLE J8E) have produced breed leading progeny sired by Jehu.




January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Alan Goodland, Clare Charolais, Eidsvold, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Carcase with Queenlsand Region Committee Member, Brendan Scheiwe at the awards presentation

Breed, Feed, Succeed From humble beginnings the Queensland Regions Feedlot and Carcase competition attracted a super entry of 320 head in 2023. Entries in the Queensland Region’s Feedlot and Carcase Competition highlighted the Charolais advantage in profitability. A dry winter saw the Charolais performance shine with some outstanding weight gains on feed. As part of the competition, breeders received comprehensive feedback on their progeny’s performance. Charolais Society General Manager, Colin Rex said this year’s competition was an exceptional showcase of what the breed can achieve. “This event takes a team to coordinate and the contribution of the team at Bartholomew & Co, Beaudesert is instrumental to the success that this event has achieved,” Mr Rex said. “They have been with the Charolais Society for all three trials to date and have proven fantastic in marketing the cattle to ensure exhibitors are rewarded for the quality cattle entered.” In total, 320 head of cattle were entered from 17 exhibitors across Queensland, including Emerald, Roma and across the Southern Downs.

Mr Rex said entries were up in 2023, attracting 150 entries in 2022, whilst in 2019 they had 50 entries. “This competition is building a bit of momentum and we see it as a very good way of showcasing what the Charolais breed can achieve,” he said. The cattle entered in the Queensland Region Feedlot and Carcase Trial performed with outstanding results after a dry, warm winter on feed. Entering the feedlot in April 2023 the 320 steers and heifers were processed in late August. The cattle were fed through a drier year than previous years and the top end really produced the goods. cont page 24.... 23

Breed, Feed, Succeed ...cont from page 23 Cattle are inducted under the protocols of the Freestone Feedlot and fed on their normal ration. The cattle receive no special treatment for the trial. The only difference to every other pen in the lot, the Society photographs the cattle prior to slaughter for promotion purposes and owner feedback. The trial undertakes to replicate real world feeding conditions in the Queensland environment. Through the trial feedback on weight gain, carcase quality and yield abilities are generated for entrants to analysis. The competition also generates great statistical information on gains and carcase attributes for the Charolais Society to quantify the attributes of the breed. Looking at a graphic analysis of carcase quality and lean meat yield the Charolais and Charolais cross cattle excelled in both traits which are important contributors to profitability. The Charolais breed is renowned for weight gain and adding carcase merit and applying pressure to eating quality traits will add to the value proposition. The carcases were graded under Meat Standards Australia (MSA) Index and yield measurements. The MSA index is a single number and standard national measure of the predicted eating quality and potential merit of a carcase. Meat Livestock Australia reported the MSA program delivered a record $204 million in estimated additional farm gate returns to MSA beef producers in 2020-21. The weight gain on feed section of the trial consists of Charolais cross cattle fed together for 103 days at the Freestone Feedlot at Warwick in Queensland before being processed. All cattle were given a settling period after entry into the feedlot until the starting date for feedlot weight gain. With cattle entered from all over Queensland, this gives all cattle the opportunity to fill and settle in their pen groups before the appraisal of weight gain commences. The cattle were weighed again just prior to leaving the feedlot with the daily weight gain calculated over 103 days. No cattle in the trial received HGP treatments. 24

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

The competition was open to milk, two and four tooth animals and carcases were appraised in weight ranges. In the pen classes all three carcases were required to fit the specifications of the class to qualify for awards. With the drier winter, the weight gain of the cattle was far better than 2022. Proving the belief that a Charolais cross heifer is as good as most other breed steers, the overall Champion animal for weight gain was a heifer entered by Ross and Paula Warren, Elridge Charolais. This pure Charolais heifer averaged 2.709kg/day during the feeding process. Second and third place in the Heifer weight gain section went to two entries from Clare Charolais, these two heifers averaged 2.58kg/day and 2.52kg/day. Across the 137 heifers on feed the daily weight gain average was 1.84kg/day. It should be remembered that the heifers on feed varied from pure Charolais to Charolais half bred heifers from a range of dams. This varied from Angus to Brahman cross breeds. Elridge Charolais were also successful in the Pen of Heifers Weight gain with their pen of three pure heifers grossing a gain of 700kg. Ross and Paula Warren entered 6 heifers and these averaged an impressive 2.18kg/day. Leading weight gain for a steer was an entry from Clare Charolais, Theodore Queensland. This steer gained 2.70kg/ day. Second best steer weight gain was an entry from Moongool Charolais, Yuleba with 2.68kg/day during the test period. A pen of three steers from Clare Charolais had the top Pen weight gain for steers with an accumulated 789kg. This year to encourage Charolais Youth, Black Duck Charolais, Cassaglen Charolais and the Queensland Region sponsored championships for entries from under 25 year olds. In the Weight Gain section, Fletcher, Darcy and Emmett Skillington had the Champion with their steer gaining 2.36kg/day. Reserve Champion in this section was Angus Haynes, Linville with his steer gaining 2.15kg/day.

Across the 320 head on feed, 182 steers averaged 190kg weight gain over the 103 days and the 138 heifers averaged 189.3kg. These performances are HGP free and in that context outstanding. The heifer’s performance in particular is noteworthy and highlights the capability of the breed. Considering half of the average producer calf drop is female, the ability of the Charolais heifer to go on feed and achieve outstanding weight gain is a tick for the breed. The grand champion carcase was won by the Goodland family of Clare Charolais, Eidsvold, with their heifer carcase which scored 92.43pts. The heifer had a HSCW of 330.8kg, EMA of 92cm2, and had 6mm rump fat, 8mm for rib fat and 63.56 MSA index score. Reserve champion Heifer Carcase was Jilabri Family Trust with their entry scoring 90.84 points on the hook. Moongool Charolais exhibited both the Champion and Reserve Champion Heifer Carcase Pens of Three. The Champion pen scored an aggregate 278.01 points and the reserve 275.51 points. In the steer carcase section Moongool Charolais (Keddstock Pty Ltd) exhibited the Champion and Reserve carcases. The champion, a Charolais Brahman cross scored 91.95 points with an MSA Index of 62.65 and an EMA of 95cm2. The Reserve carcase was a purebred Charolais that had an MSA Index of 62.70 and a 98cm2 EMA. This carcase was only 0.19 points behind the champion indicating the high quality of the champion carcases. In the Steer Carcase Pens Moongool and Palgrove both won classes. In this competition every animal is valued at the induction week saleyard prices. Then for each animal a dollar value add amount is calculated to the eventual carcase price. Clare Charolais had the highest gaining steer with a value add of $995.38 with Moongool in second place at $989.38. Clare Charolais also won the Heifer division of this competition with their entrant increasing $1,175.46. Ross and Paula Warren, Elridge Charolais took second in the heifer division with their animal gaining $1,168.77. Moongool Charolais stud was successful in claiming the Supreme Performance exhibit. The award was generated by their steer entry which scored 24th in feedlot weight gain, second in monetary increase in value and second in carcase placing. This carcase scored 91.76 points with a hot standard carcase weight of 338.8kg, eye muscle area of 98cm, 10mm rump fat and 4mm rib fat, and an MSA of 62.70. The steer had an increase in value of $989.38, with an overall carcase value of $2151.38. The Queensland Region were very happy with the success of the 2023 event and indicated increased prize pools for the 2024 event. cont page 26....

Bartholomew & Co - ESTABLISHED 1920 -

Beaudesert (07) 5541 1144 Boonah (07) 5463 1699

YOUR LOCAL LIVESTOCK AGENTS PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Beaudesert Store Sales fortnightly – Saturdays (Beaudesert’s only regular Store Sales) Moreton Liveweight Sales weekly – Tuesdays Paddock Sales & Direct-to-Works Consignments Clearing Sales our Specialty For any enquiries, advice or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Roy or Garth.


Roy Bartholomew 0437 411 144 Garth Weatherall 0438 793 100 – 07 5463 6140

REAL ESTATE A/H Garth Weatherall 0438 793 100 – 07 5463 6140

Servicing South East Queensland “BIG enough to do the job… SMALL enough for personalised service” 25

Feedlot Champions 2023 Queensland Region Feedlot & Carcase Trial




Champion Weight Gain (Youth) F, D & E Skillington, Dalveen Qld. Gain: 2.36kg/day Sponsored by Black Duck Charolais.

11 Reserve Champion Weight Gain (Youth) Angus Haynes, Linville Qld. Gain: 2.15kg/day Sponsored by Black Duck Charolais.

Champion Weight Gain (Steer) Clare Charolais, Theodore, Qld. Gain: 2.70kg/day Sponsored by Charolais Society of Australia.

Champion Weight Gain (Heifer) R & P Warren, Mothar Mountain, Qld. Gain: 2.71kg/day Sponsored by Charolais Society of Australia.



Reserve Champion Weight Gain Steer Moongool Charolais, Yuleba, Qld. Gain: 2.68kg/day Sponsored by Charolais Society of Australia.

Reserve Champion Weight Gain Heifer Clare Charolais, Theodore, Qld. Gain: 2.58kg/day Sponsored by Charolais Society of Australia.

Champion Weight Gain (Heifer) Pen of Three R & P Warren, Mothar Mountain, Qld. Total Pen Gain: 700kg Sponsored by Queensland Region Charolais




Champion Weight Gain (Steer) Pen of Three Clare Charolais, Theodore Qld. Total Pen Gain: 789kg Sponsored by Queensland Region Charolais



January 2024 Charolais Magazine



Results: Carcase Classes Single Steer 220.9kg to 260.9kg (9 entries) 1st: RGR Investments - 90.28 pts 2nd: Hartwig Pastoral - 90.19 pts 3rd: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 88.09 pts Single Steer 261.0kg to 340.9kg (92 entries) 1st: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 91.95 pts 2nd: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 91.76 pts 3rd: Juandah Grazing - 90.92 pts. Single Steer 341.0kg to 450.9kg (81 entries) 1st: Palgrove Pastoral Co - 90.58 pts 2nd: Palgrove Pastoral Co - 89.78 pts 3rd: Palgrove Pastoral Co - 88.49 pts Pen of Three Steers 261.0kg to 340.9kg (24 entries) 1st: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 280.43 pts 2nd: F, D & E Skillington - 276.46 pts 3rd: Hartwig Pastoral - 274.86 pts. Pen of Three Steers 341.0kg to 450.9kg (14 entries) 1st: Palgrove Pastoral Co - 274.97 pts 2nd: Clare Charolais - 270.03 pts 3rd: Clare Charolais - 260.83 pts Single Heifer 220.9kg to 260.9kg (12 entries) 1st: Jilabri Family Trust - 90.84 pts 2nd: Jilabri Family Trust - 89.51 pts 3rd: Jilabri Family Trust - 89.42 pts Single Heifer 261.0kg to 340.9kg (83 entries) 1st: Clare Charolais - 92.43 pts 2nd: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 90.73 pts 3rd: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 90.60 pts.

Successful Youth Exhibitors, Angus Haynes and Molly Hartwig with Emmett, Darcy and Fletcher Skillington in the front row.

Single Heifer 341.0kg to 450.9kg (41 entries) 1st: Palgrove Pastoral Co - 88.32 pts 2nd: LJ & PF Haynes - 88.01 pts 3rd: Palgrove Pastoral Co - 86.68 pts Pen of Three Heifers 261.0kg to 340.9kg (18 entries) 1st: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 278.01 pts 2nd: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 275.51 pts 3rd: Juandah Grazing - 273.13 pts. Pen of Three Heifers 341.0kg to 450.9kg (9 entries) 1st: Palgrove Pastoral Co - 261.08 pts 2nd: RW & RJ Holzwart - 259.11 pts 3rd: Palgrove Pastoral Co - 178.45 pts Youth Exhibitor (9 entries) 1st: F, D & E Skillington - 89.11 pts 2nd: Molly Hartwig - 88.31 pts 3rd: F, D & E Skillington - 87.74 pts

Queensland members with 30 years plus membership were acknowledged at the Feedlot Presentation dinner, Janelle & Rodney Freeman (RNJ’S), Katrina & Graham Blanch (Charnelle), Kate & Ross Sticklen (Lilydale) and Margaret & Bob Ferguson (Karinda).

Thank you to sponsors and supporters Freestone Feedlot Rosewood Veterinary Clinic Bartholomew & Co Zoetis Teys Australia Black Duck Charolais Janine Lau Brendale Charolais

cont page 28....

Cassaglen Charolais Lilydale Charolais Lockyer Charolais Charolais Society. 27

Carcase Champions 2023 Queensland Region Feedlot & Carcase Trial




Champion Carcase (Youth) F, D & E Skillington, Dalveen Qld. Score: 89.11 points Sponsored by Cassaglen Charolais.

Champion Carcase (Heifer) Clare Charolais, Eidsvold, Qld. Score: 92.43 points Sponsored by Lilydale Charolais

42 Reserve Champion Carcase (Youth) Molly Hartwig, Dalby Qld. Score: 88.31 points Sponsored by Queensland Region.

Champion Carcase (Steer) Moongool Charolais, Yuleba, Qld. Score: 91.95 points Sponsored by Lockyer Charolais



Reserve Champion Carcase Heifer Jilabri Family Trust, Qld. Score: 90.84 points Sponsored by Lilydale Charolais

Reserve Champion Carcase Steer Moongool Charolais, Yuleba, Qld. Score: 91.76 points Sponsored by Lockyer Charolais

Champion Carcase (Heifer) Pen of Three Keddstock Pty, Yuleba, Qld. Total Pen Points: 278.01 points Sponsored by Queensland Region (Charolais Society)




Champion Carcase (Steer) Pen of Three Keddstock Pty, Yuleba, Qld. Total Pen Points: 280.43 points Sponsored by Brendale Charolais



January 2024 Charolais Magazine




Highest Weight Gain (Single) Heifer 1st: R & P Warren, Elridge Charolais - 2.709 kg/day 2nd: Goodland Family, Clare Charolais - 2.58kg/day 3rd: Goodland Family, Clare Charolais - 2.52kg/day Highest Weight Gain (Single) Steer 1st: Goodland family, Clare Charolais - 2.699kg/day 2nd: Keddstock Pty Ltd, Moongool Charolais - 2.68kg/day 3rd: Almafi Cattle Co, Veejay Charolais - 2.622kg/day Youth Exhibitor - Highest Weight Gain (Single) Steer 1st: Fletcher, Darcy and Emmett Skillington - 2.36kg/day 2nd: Angus Haynes - 2.15kg/day Highest Weight Gain Overall (Single) R & P Warren, Elridge Charolais - 2.709 kg/day Pen of Three Heifers Weight Gain 1st: Elridge Charolais - 700kg 2nd: Clare Charolais - 689kg Pen of Three Steers Weight Gain 1st: Clare Charolais - 789kg 2nd: Clare Charolais - 746kg Highest $ Value Add (Single) Heifer 1st: Clare Charolais - $1175.46 2nd: R & P Warren - $1168.77 Highest $ Value Add (Single) - Steer 1st: Clare Charolais - $995.38 2nd: Keddstock Pty Ltd - $989.38

Pen of Three Heifer Carcases 1st: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 278.01pts 2nd: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 275.51pts Pen of Three Steer Carcases 1st: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 280.43pts 2nd: F, D & E Skillington - 276.46pts Champion Heifer Carcase 1st: Clare Charolais - 92.43 pts 2nd: Jilabri Family Trust - 90.84 pts Champion Steer Carcase 1st: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 91.95 pts 2nd: Keddstock Pty Ltd - 91.76 pts Grand Champion Carcase Clare Charolais - 92.43 pts Supreme Performance Exhibit Keddstock Pty Ltd (Moongool Charolais) Tag 1001

Female & Bull Sale 15th Annual Sale Friday 15th March 2024 20 Charolais Females & 40 Polled Charolais Bulls Poll & BPA Tested Sire Verified Breedplan Recorded

Graeme Cook M: 0419 429 696 E: Charleroi, VIC Find us on Facebook


25th Annual On Property

Bull and Female Sale

1pm, Friday 9th of February 2024 Premium Charolais Genetics


Contact Rob Abbott 0417 502 692







Charolais World Congress Canadian Charolais Association will host the 2024 Charolais Charbray International World Congress. The itinerary and pricing are now available online at Charolais International website. Charolais World Congresses have their own unique activities depending on the host country. Canada is a spectacular country and this next congress promises to be a great trip. The World Congress is held in even numbered years and is open to all Charolais enthusiasts. The World Congress is hosted by a different country each year. Congresses aim to meet a balance between Charolais and industry visits, tourism and cultural understanding, with the formal meeting of Charolais Charbray International scheduled somewhere during the event. Word Congresses aim to achieve a balance of touring Charolais herds or shows, a view into the culture of the host country and social functions to encourage international networking. They offer a great opportunity to see and hear how Charolais and Charbray perform in different climatic and markets. The best thing, you sit back and relax, the tour is organised for you. With the Charolais influence across the globe, attendees come from all over. These events offer the chance to sit down over a meal or time on the bus and learn about how Charolais influence so many beef production systems. Most tours feature an insight into research in the host country and these presentations are extremely interesting. Most importantly, you get to visit with some amazing people from all walks of life and experiences that share a common interest in the Charolais breed. Oh, I should mention the food experience is pretty good too. This is the eighth time Canada has hosted either the World Congress or the Technical Conference. Canada is a vast country and this tour will take in the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

The Canadian tour starts in Toronto on the 21st June with three days in Ontario. Visits include the St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market in the Waterloo Region. This region is home to the largest population of Old Order Mennonites in Canada, you’ll often see farmers on local roads traveling to the market by horse and buggy. We fit in several herd visits as well as the iconic Niagara Falls. From Toronto the tour will head to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Naturally more Charolais visits, historical grain elevators and a unique zoo before heading into Saskatchewan. Visits are planned to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Charolais herds before heading to Moose Jaw, home of the Tunnels of Moose Jaw, a major attraction. Visits to BoviGen Transplant and Collection Facility, Norheim Ranching Equipment are worked in whilst at Moose Jaw. On the way to Alberta you will see one of the largest seedstock producers in Canada using Grow-Safe systems to identify more efficient gaining cattle. Driving through Alberta there are visits to wildlife parks feedlots, a film production ranch before spending time at the iconic Banff National Park. Canadian Charolais breeders will showcase their cattle throughout the tour. To cap off an amazing opportunity the Congress concludes with the Calgary Stampede. This quick overview doesn’t do the program justice, be sure to visit the website and see the full brochure including the herds that will be visited. Any questions, flick an email to tour organisers, Helge and Candace By, they will be only too happy to assist.

IMPORTANT DATES: Early Bird Pricing until: December 31st, 2023 Registrations close: March 31st, 2024

Mexico 2016


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Ireland 2019

Czech Republic 2023

United Kingdom 2022

Canada Welcomes You to the World Charolais Congress June 21 • July 6 Complete details and registration online at Join us for great hospitality, our beautiful country and our predominantly polled Charolais!

If you need more information, or have questions, contact: Helge or Candace By 1-306-584-7937

Complementary Charolais Reproduced with permission from Queensland Country Life Journalist: Ruth Schwager

CHAROLAIS genetics are helping the Mactaggart family produce progeny that performs well on grass while being adapted to the climate at Balcomba, Marlborough in Central Queensland. Charolais have been in the mix with Brahmans and British breeds since the 1990s, Andrew Mactaggart said. “We started with a Hereford base initially crossing with Brahman and then introducing Charolais to that cross and bringing in the Shorthorn and Red Angus as time progressed.” Mr Mactaggart and his wife Claire run the operation with his parents John and Julien and children Anna, Eliza, Sarah and Grace. “We run an open-ended composite herd aiming for around 40 per cent Bos Indicus, and the balance split between European and British genes,” he said. “We have the Bos Indicus influence to handle the heat, parasites and country, with Charolais bringing thickness and muscle. The Charolais bulls bring complementary genes to the Brahman and British genes. The program is aiming for a middle of the road cow that weans her first calf at 2.5 years and annually after that in a 90-day joining period. The family has trialled a few other European breeds, but they liked the genetic diversity within the Charolais breed, as well as the breed’s ability to handle the warmer climate. “We like the lighter coat for heat tolerance and lower buffalo fly burdens” Andrew said.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

The Charolais breed offers good depth in the gene pool and is complementary to the breed mix. “All Charolais genetics brought into the Balcomba program must be homozygous (PP) polled, with moderate growth and milking, low birth and proven fertility in the pedigree, in a solid data set, Mr Mactaggart said. He also wants them finished on grass or crops, actively avoiding grain prepared bulls. The MacTaggarts also look at figures and are doing genomic testing in our own herd and look for this in our seedstock.” The Mactaggart family mainly target feedlots and supply the grass finished market, depending on the premiums offered. “We’ve certainly got the ability to finish them on grass when the premiums are there over the feedlot market and the seasons align.” The cattle meet feedlot entry weights of 480 kilograms for steers and 380kg for heifers, and they’re sold to feedlots on the Darling Downs. “They’re on a mix of native and improved pastures with the dominant grass species being buffel and panic, and native bluegrasses. The prominent legumes are butterfly pea, desmanthus, seca stylo and native legumes.”

While the grassfed programs align with Mr Mactaggart’s goals, he chooses markets based premiums as well as the feed available. Pasture diversity is a priority, helping with seasonal variability. “We have a lot of diversity in our pastures with 15 to 20 species, and different species throughout the seasons. “Each species brings something different, giving good production synergies and a more balanced diet, resulting in more nutritionally dense beef.” About 65 per cent of heifers are kept to join as yearlings, joined to home-bred bulls, with new genetics brought in through artificial insemination, Mr Mactaggart said.

The family has trialled a few other European breeds, but they liked the genetic diversity within the Charolais breed, as well as the breed’s ability to handle the warmer climate.

“Each breed has its traits and they all work together. “Our goal is to maximise hybrid vigour and maintain a semiadapted beast for this environment balanced with market suitability. In terms of productivity it’s a live calf weaned that’s your measure.” All pregnancy tested empty and dry cows at weaning are removed. “Andrew’s thoughts are “a moderate sized female combined with hybrid vigour is a big driver of good conception rates. Our yearling joined heifers are expected to calve unassisted so birthweight is something we have to watch.”


2ND EVER SPECIAL FEMALE SALE Saturday 6th April 2024 3pm


All Polled Mixed Aged Cows R2 In Calf Heifers Halter Broken Calves Embryos Semen

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Sired by Evolution. This exceptional donor cow is the most impressive female we have bred

SILVERSTREAM OCELOT I100 Sired by Evolution and the dam of Silverstream Oatley O10

SILVERSTREAM WENDY M178 Sired by Geddes and the dam of Silverstream President P57.


Sired by Evolution and our number one breeding cow. 10 years old with 15 female descendants.

36TH ANNUAL BULL SALE WEDNESDAY 12TH JUNE 2024 Brent & Anna Fisher 2105 Christchurch Akaroa Rd, RD2, Christchurch 7672 +643 329 0994 or +6427 251 4791

14th Annual Invitational Female and Genetics Sale

Toowoomba Showgrounds (Undercover) Saturday 2nd March 2024 11:00 (Qld Time)

Charnelle Angel 10 (P)(R/F) GKA22T22E – Sire Johnny – Halter Broken – BPA Free.

Charnelle Ja-Cie 17 (P) GKA22T1E Sire: LT Authority BPA Free – Halter Broken.

Charnelle Nadia (P) GKA22T50E Sire: Pro Char Diamondback BPA Free – Halter Broken.

Charnelle Julie (P) GKA22T54E Sire Silverstream Padra – Bundle tests pending.

SCX Jehu (PP)– Sire of heifers, embryos & joinings.

Palgrove Quidmaker (P/S) Embryo Sire.

Palgrove Rockerfella (PP) Embryo Sire.

75 Females including 12 Cows & Calves, 6 Autumn Calving Cows 37 Joined Heifers including show prospects – Sires represented include Johnny, LT Authority, Charnelle Panama, SVY Pilgrim & Winn Mans Lanza 20 Unjoined Heifers including show prospects – Sires represented include Pro Char Diamondback, Silverstream Padra, SCX Jehu & Charnelle Panama Embryo Packages – Sires represented include SCX Jehu, Elder’s Blackjack, Palgrove Rockerfella, Palgrove Naturalism & Palgrove Quidmaker Invited Vendors: Bauhinia Park, Belervale, Black Duck, Calmview, Challambi, Cheyenne, Mountview, Silverwood & Warilla.

Contact Graham Blanch Ph: 0427 622 410 E: Find us on Facebook @charnellecharolais

The Best Value for Money Charolais Female Sale in Australia!

Juandah Charolais Champion Team Weight Gain in Class 37.

Greg and Kel Kelly, Juandah Charolais with their awards for Champion Team Weight Gain in Class 37.

Continued R.N.A. Success The hotly contested RNA Paddock to Palate competition presented by J.B.S has shown the abilities of the Charolais breed in a great light. Charolais genetics have consistently performed at the top end of this competition and this year was no exception. The three phase competition awards points for Weight Gain in the feedlot, Carcase attributes and MSA Eating Quality. With 600 head entered in the Classes 37, 38 and 40 from leading beef producers the results achieved are outstanding. Class 37 focusses on 100-day feed regime with HGP aiming for the Export market specifications. In this class Charolais cross steers took the top three places. Greg and Kel Kelly, Juandah Charolais, Gulugaba, Queensland team averaged 3.057kg/day gain. Palgrove Pastoral Co, placed second and third in the team weight gain with 2.895kg and 2.850kg/day respectively. The highest individual steer in this class was an entry from Juandah gaining 3.330kg/day. Kel Kelly said they were second in this class last year, and won it class back in 2014 - “so it is good to win”, she said. “We do carcase competitions to benchmark our cattle against our peers,” she said. “It too, is a form of marketing to promote our cattle and our stud bulls we sell.” In the Carcase phase of this Class Palgrove Pastoral Co teams placed second and third overall. Palgrove then stamped their authority on the class exhibiting the Champion Carcase and the Reserve Champion Carcase. Another Palgrove steer placed third in the Eating Quality section of this class. When the three sections were tabulated for this class Charolais excelled. Palgrove Pastoral Co with Charolais cross steers placed overall champions, third and fourth. Palgrove Pastoral Company have achieved the overall award for class 37, 100 Day HGP export, for the sixth year in a row. Their winning pen of seven had an average carcase weight of 374.36 kilograms, with an average dressing percentage of 55.59 per cent, and average P8 and rib fat measurements of 14 and 8mm respectively. 38

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Gemma Noller said she and Ben were very pleased to continue their winning streak, “I think it just shows the consistency in our genetics and our program, the relevance to the everyday market, and how productive our genetics are,” she said. “It’s a hard class to win, so we’re very excited about it. It’s the commercial relevance of that competition which draws us to it each year, and the feedback we get from it really helps our program”. Class 40 allow targets the Export specifications however is HGP free. In the team weight gain Palgrove Charolais had the highest combined weight gain averaging 2.445kg/ day average daily weight gain/ Equal second were another Palgrove team of Charolais cross and Jabinda Pastoral with Santa/Charolais/Angus cross steers. This team averaged 2.385kg average daily weight gain. The best individual steer weight gain in this class was a Palgrove Charolais cross with 2.870kg ADG. Palgrove’s Ben Noller said this year’s entries were bred on their NSW country near Glen Innes and Inverell. Their entries were Charolais, and Charolais/Angus cross. “We like to benchmark our livestock to confirm that our genetics contribute to the quality of the supply chain,” Mr Noller said. Overall Palgrove teams of Charolais cross steers placed third, fourth and seventh in Class 40. Simon and Miriam Daley placed tenth in this class overall with Charolais cross steers and Jabinda Pastoral twelfth.

Bardoo Charolais

SAVE THE DATE Annual On Property Bull Sale

Friday 22nd November 2024 Starting at 1:00pm (WA) Above and Below: Palgrove Pastoral Co teams entered in the 2023 Paddock To Palate competition. Images courtesy Palgrove Pastoral Co.

Bardoo Charolais, established in 1994, is based at Capel, two hours south of Perth.

BARDOO Trailblazer T23E Silverstream National embryo

In the EKKA Prime Beef Competition also focussing on commercial production, Connor Veraat won the Maud and Ernest White Memorial Trophy for the most successful exhibitor under 30 years of age. Connor exhibited a pen of three Charolais cross heifers which won the Auctionsplus Reserve Champion Pen of three head. One of these heifers then sold for $1,552.

Silverstream National embryo calf

BARDOO Kendall K119E & Silverstream Padra calf

The team from Palgrove Pastoral Co and their awards from the 2023 RNA Paddock to Palate competition. Image courtesy Palgrove Pastoral Co.

Cross Into Profit with Charolais

All bulls are bred from our 200 BREEDPLAN recorded female herd with high maternal capacity. Contact us to find out more. Barry & Dot Bell M: 0427 966 126 (Barry) E:

Plan a visit & view the herd !

@bardoocharolais 39


Date Claimer: Annual Bull Sale - 21st August 2024 Special thanks to everyone who supported our 2023 Bull Sale! Lot 44 Sky Rocket

(R/F) - $21,000

Equal Top

42o/4ld2 S Av,5g26 $13

Lot 1 Shamrock (PP) (R/F) - $20,000

Lot 5 Bauhinia Park Satellite - $20,000

Enquiries welcome - Ryan & Rachel Holzwart - “Kensington”, Emerald Qld 4720 - Ph: 0447 313 126

~ 2023 Melbourne Royal Grand Champion Charolais Bull ~



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January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Lot 32 Supercharger (P) (R/F) - $19,000

Mountview Charolais Breeding Charolais for 40 Years Ian & Katrina Bebbington, “Mount View”, 164 Ramsay Road, Ramsay QLD 4358

Dates for your 2024 Sal

es Calender

February All Breeds Bul l Sale. 13th February ~ CQLX G racemere. Charnelle Invitational Fe male Sale. 2nd March ~ Toowoomba Showgrounds.

Mountview Covergirl Top Priced Female at the 2023 Mountview Female Sale.

Thank you to everyone who supported us in 2023. Looking forward to catching up again this year.

Black Stump Invitationa l Bull Sale. 19th March ~ Blackall Sa leyards. Ag Grow Elite Multi Bre ed Bull Sale. 21st June ~ Ag Grow, Em erald.

CQ Premier Charolais B ull Sale. 12th September ~ CQLX Gracemere.

Mountview Charolais 20 Date to be advised ~ On

24 Female Sale.

Property & Online.

Private on property sales always welcome! Contact Ian Bebbington 0427 583 412 Email

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4 Ways Refine R32E (P) Senior & Grand Champion Female exhibited by Amy Whitechurch, Inverell, NSW.

Moongool Slingshot (P), Senior and Grand Champion Bull exhibited by Keddstock Pty Ltd, Yuleba, Qld.

Brisbane Royal 2023 Judge: Mr Scott Dunlop, Dunlop Santa Gertrudis Proston, Queensland.

Renowned Santa Gertrudis breeder, Scott Dunlop sorted through the largest entry of Charolais at the EKKA in many years. Following on from a very successful Taroom Feature in May, Queensland breeders were joined by several southern members to mount a great display of Charolais cattle. The depth throughout the judging was a credit to the breeders. Commencing his commentary, Scott Dunlop commented on his respect for the Charolais breed in the beef industry, he said it was a very important breed and worthwhile contributors, especially as crossbreeding sires in tropical herds. Junior heifer classes as usual were very strong with a great class of 11 head commencing the judging. Youth members, Gabriella, Alexander and Lachlan Stokes won this class with Clearview Actress 5, a daughter of Brendale Ridley. Clearview continued their success taking first and second in the next class Heifer 12 to 14 months with two daughters of Brendale Ridley placing first and second. Winner of this class, Clearview Actress 4 was later awarded Reserve Junior Champion Heifer. Mr. Dunlop commented on this female as “having clean lines, a strong topline displaying parallel lines full through the girth, from behind she has tremendous volume and width”. Junior champion heifer came from the 16 to 18 months class, Moongool Radical 30 sired by Airlie Kris. The dam of this heifer was the Interbreed Champion Female at Beef Australia 2021. The judge commented on Radical 30 “Good ones pick themselves, this heifer stands out, in the beef game we try and bend the curve and breed them big, fertile with muscle and fat, this heifer has the balance and the growth, she fills up the box, she has the length of body, the depth of body underline parallel to topline and thickness with the fleshing and she is powerful”. 42

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Brendale Yvette S57E (P) sired by 4 Ways Phantom won the 18 to 20 months class for the Scheiwe Family. This heifer had been Junior Champion at the Taroom Feature back in May. Milford Charolais took the Heifer 14 to 16 months class with Milford Megan (P), a heifer bred in the Tambo River program in Victoria. Youth members, West Moreton Anglican College showed their homebred West Mac Temperance (AI)(P) to place second to the Junior Champion selection in her class. Other studs to place second in class included CB, Charnelle and Tookawhile Charolais. Brendan and Marnie Scheiwe won the Bull 8 to 12 months class with their Brendale Tab (P)(R/F). This well grown red factor calf had a daily weight gain of 1.67kg/day and an EMA of 111cm2 at just under 12 months. Weighing in at 628kg, Brendale Tab is a son of Colinta Levi (P), a previous Brisbane Grand Champion Charolais bull. Taylors Livestock placed second in this class with a son of RBM Fargo Y111 (P). Brendale also won the 18 to 20 months class with their Brendale Scooter (P) also sired by Colinta Levi (P). Scooter a well grown deep bodied bull weighed in at 832 kilograms and scanned 137cm2 EMA. Junior champion bull came from the 14 to 16 months class. Moongool Trademark (P) sired by 4 Ways Noble Kahn (P) appealed strongly to the judge. Weighing 734kg at 14 months, Trademark had a daily weight gain of 1.59kg/day. The judge commented “ the Junior bull I thought would do the most things for most people in the seedstock industry, this bull is going out to breed bulls, he has a sires’ head, is a powerful calf that parades well. He has carcass with good cover, smoothness of body, smooth over the hips and carries width down through the thurls and stands on great bone”.

Moongool Radical 30 Junior Champion Female with Ivan Price and Marnie Scheiwe presenting the Brendale Award. Moongool Slingshot (P) Senior & Grand Champion Male. Chris Booby (International Animal Health), Andrew Meara (Elders), exhibitor Ivan Price, Rob Wilson (Trevor Cottee great grandson) presenting the “Trevor Cottee Memorial” Trophy and judge Scott Dunlop.

4 Ways Refine R32E (P) Senior Champion Female with Courtney Will, exhibitor Amy Whitechurch and Janine Lau.

Second in this class was Greg Nicolsons’ Black Duck Thor (AI) (ET)(P). This bull was sired by Silverstream Manhattan M171 (P) and weighed in at 690kg. Moongool also won the Junior Bull 16 to 18 months with an Ascot Headline (P) son, Moongool Takeover (P)(R/F). This bull had a daily weight gain of 1.57kg/day. Second in this class was Brendale Thunder T7E (P)(R/F) sired by trait leader for growth, Ascot Maximus M607E (P). The Reserve Junior Champion bull came from the Advance Charolais team. Advance Tango T1 (P)(R/F) sired by Smithston Mighty Mac (P)(R/F) won the 12 to 14 months bull class. Scott Dunlop said “the Reserve champion bull is smoothly made with a long body, parades out well, has ample thickness, with natural power. He is deceptively wide with great length and strength of spine”. Second in this class was MAW Viagra T62 (AI)(P) shown by Glenlea Charolais. Winner of the Heifer 20 to 24 months class, Lilydale Norah 14 exhibited by Sticklen Brothers was sired by Lilydale Maddox. This in calf female, went on to be awarded the Reserve Senior champion Female. Macintyre High School from Inverell NSW showed a heavily in calf female, Swanbrook Digna 8 (P) to win the Heifer 22 to 24 months class. Greg Nicolsons’ Black Duck team placed first and second in the senior female 24 months to 30 months. Winning the class was Black Duck Spritzer (AI)(P) sired by Silverstream Manhattan M171 (P). This first calving female had a heifer calf at foot and a very impressive udder. Second in the class was Black Duck Sassy Moon sired by Elders Blackjack 788B (P). The senior female class was won by 4 Ways Refine R32E (P) exhibited by Youth member, Amy Whitechurch from Inverell NSW. This cow was sired by Moongool Lunar Rise (AI)(P), the former Australian record priced bull at $83,000.

Furthering the Moongool influence in this female on the dam side the sire and grand sire were both Moongool bred, respectively Moongool Fairfax (P) and Moongool Barefoot Radler (P). The full brother to this female was 4 Ways Quantum (P/S), the Senior and Grand champion Charolais bull at Beef Australia 2021. Mr Dunlop then took this female through to collect Senior and Grand champion Charolais female ribbons. Outlining his decision, he commented “the Senior champion female is a phenomenal animal with capacity, she pushes the boundaries without being extreme, she has plenty of muscle, strong bone, terrific udder and thickness from behind. Milford Charolais exhibited a HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C daughter, Elite Estella Q4 (AI)(ET)(P) for second in the senior female class. Across all females classes the depth of quality was very strong. Senior and grand champion bull came from the Bull 27 to 30 months class. Moongool Slingshot (P) exhibited by Moongool paraded at 1,076kg and an impressive 147cm2 EMA at 28 months of age. Moongool Slingshot (P) is sired by Airlie Kris who also sired the Moongool Junior champion heifer. Slingshot was exceptionally smooth in his makeup. Judge Dunlop credited the bull for his balance, “if they are balanced, that means they are structurally correct, which means they’re going to be able to get out do the miles and get you the calves. We want those good cattle that will tackle the country, will survive and will breed and I think this bull is going to do all that”. Moongool took the double also exhibiting the Reserve Senior champion bull. Moongool Stagecoach (P)(R/F) sired by 4 Ways Nobel Kahn (P/S) won the 20 to 24 months class. This bull at 20 months weighed 918kgs and scanned well at 144cm2 EMA. cont page 44.... 43

Moongool Trademark (P) Junior Champion Bull with Ivan Price, Alison Price, amd Lillian Lawrence, Clermont Queensland.

4 Ways Refine R32E (P) Senior & Grand Champion Female. Chris Booby (International Animal Health), Andrew Meara (Elders), Courtney Will, exhibitor Amy Whitechurch, judge Scott Dunlop and Michael Millner, Rosedale Charolais.

Brisbane Royal 2023 ...cont from page 43 Second in this class was Brendale Supreme (P) shown by Brendale Charolais. This bull sired by 4 Ways Phantom (P) is from a Fernvale prefixed female tracking back to the outstanding breeder Fernvale Ja-cie (AI)(ET), This female line has produced influential sires such as Fernvale Prime Mover, Magnum and Trapper to name a few. Brendale Supreme (P) weighed in at 844kg and scanned 146cm2 EMA. Brendale Saxby also sired by the 4 Ways Phantom (P/S) sire, won the 22 to 24 months class for Brendale. Again, this bull scanned exceptionally well at 140cm² at 22 months.

Scott Beaumont exhibited Shandon Scout for second place in this class. Brendale won the next class as well with Lockyer Senator (P)(R/F) also a Phantom son. This young sire scanned at 150cm² at just over 24 months. A deep bodied bull with tremendous length, this bull has placed well in the lead up shows to the Royal. Second was Glenlea Superbowl S41 (P)(R/F). Again, scanning well at 152cm² and weighing 1,046kg this deep bodied bull was impressive on parade. This bull achieved success in the recent ACM Sire Shootout placing second in the European section.

Moongool Slingshot (P) Senior Champion Bull with Ivan Price and Abbey Sullivan, Riverglen Charolais.

The Group classes concluded the judging with the Pair of Bulls won by Brendale Charolais, The Breeders Group by Moongool Charolais and the Progeny Stakes by Clearview Charolais. The Queensland Region extend their appreciation to the sponsors of the champions in the Charolais judging.


Elstow Charolais Poll Bulls Sale: 11th September Bruce & Marg McConnaughty 02 6843 6258 Shannon Mob: 0427 197 901


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

On property

Over 36 Years perfecting the Elstow Style: Poll, Functional, Easy Doing, Docile

Bulls and females available year round





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BELBOURIEPARK PARKROYALTY ROYALTY BELBOURIE BELR4E | | Homozygous HomozygousPolled Polled| |BPA BPAFree Free BELR4E Semenavailable availablethrough throughWorld WorldWide Wide Sires Semen available through World Wide Sires Semen Sires

We are proud to offer and welcome an inspection ofthis thisunique uniqueline lineofof of Charolais cattle. We are Charolais cattle. are proud proud to to offer offerand andwelcome welcomean aninspection inspectionofof this unique line Charolais cattle. A that not only delivers excellence calvingease easebut butpromotes promotes optimal growth, optimal growth, A herd herd that that not not only onlydelivers deliversexcellence excellenceinin incalving calving ease but promotes optimal growth, positive IMF, fats and high indexing. Thus, optimising themodern modernAustralian Australian Charolais. Charolais. positive IMF, IMF, fats fats and andhigh highindexing. indexing.Thus, Thus,optimising optimisingthe the modern Australian Charolais. *100 % clearance this year at Ray White Barcaldine Sale.Bulls Bullswill will be offered for sale on *100 bebe offered forfor sale onon *100 % % clearance clearancethis thisyear yearat atRay RayWhite WhiteBarcaldine BarcaldineSale. Sale. Bulls will offered sale 27th September2024 2024through through Ray White Barcaldine. 27th Ray White Barcaldine. 27thSeptember September 2024 through Ray White Barcaldine.

Sam O’Donnell Sam O’Donnell 0410 0410 476 476 801 801

Lynton LyntonHarrison Harrison 0439 767 0439 767260 260

Sought After Weaners Reproduced with permission from Queensland Country Life (13/7/2023) Journalist: Ruth Schwager

Charolais sires are adding depth to Stephen Busby’s Brahmanbased herd, producing sought-after weaners and giving him a line of exceptional females. What began as a herd of four cows 24 years ago has slowly grown to a high quality crossbred herd of 1000 breeders run on 7300 hectares of leased coastal country at Targinie, north of Gladstone. Mr Busby, who works alongside his daughter Shannon, 22, has made the most of any opportunity to grow numbers over the years, but since adding Charolais to the mix, he’s been refining his females and plans to keep many of the Charolais-cross calves. “The steers are cracking calves, but the heifers are even better,” he said. On top of his lease country he has a 900 acre cropping block north of Biloela, with 380 acres flood irrigated. To make the most of market changes, Mr Busby has built a 300-head feedlot at the Biloela property, which is used to finish steers on grain grown on the property. “I’ve always loved the Charolais breed, and these Ascot Charolais bulls have really worked well for me. They’re quiet, they keep marching on, and you can look at a crop of calves in the paddock and they’re very even. “It’s the first time I’ve ever seen that consistency of cracking calves. “I’ve got some beautiful crossbred Brangus calves and they’re okay, but they don’t compare to the Charolais and the Angus don’t handle the country as well, plus they have the past problems with the black coat.” There was plenty of competition for his most recent run of weaners at Gracemere, with his 251.25kg Charolais sired, Charbray calves being awarded champion pen and making 382.2 cents a kilogram, “We’ll keep most of those heifers, they’re exceptional calves.

We’ll retain all the heifers that have the clean coat, and it’s the same with Brangus.” Ascot Charolais bulls have been used since 2020, and finding them was a happy accident. Mr Busby was originally looking to use Ascot’s Angus bulls. “I’d been to Rockhampton and bought a b-double of Montroes Brahman heifers and wanted some Angus bulls to put over them,” he said. “I had days mixed up and jumped on AuctionsPlus too late and almost all the Angus bulls had sold. “I bought one black bull, then the Charolais came on. They were cheaper than the Angus bulls and they looked good so I bought three of them.” Mr Busby had used Charbray bulls for a while, but given the predominantly grey Brahman breeder herd, there was too much Bos Indicus content in the progeny. “When you put a Charbray bull over grey cows the calves are considered Brahman so I’m consistently 30 cents behind at the saleyards,” he said. Market versatility is a big benefit of using Charolais bulls, with the weaners heavy enough to take advantage of good prices at the saleyards, but also having the ability to grow out and meet the EU market for finished cattle. The calves enter the feedlot around 380kg to 400kg and they’re finished to about 500kg, for a 240kg dressed weight. “Having set that up is another tool because we can meet the EU premium through that,” Mr Busby said.

Cross Into Profit 46

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

“I love the EU job because the heifer portion is only 5 cents a kilo less when you’re killing them. “It’s not such a big variation like the 30 to 40 cents difference between heifer and steers in the yards, then on top of that it can be a 30 to 40 cent drop for non EU. cattle.” Mr Busby is also willing to take advantage of other opportunities, like selling breeders. The first calves from the Charolais bulls were sold to a restocker at Springsure as part of a unit. “I put those Charolais bulls with 110 heifers and they all gave me cracking calves. Buyers at Springsure were prepared to pay $3000 a unit and they took the lot. I’m always chasing turnover, and I’m happy to trade cattle and work with the market.”

Charolais sires weaners bred by the Busby Family, Targinie, Queensland. This pen was awarded Champion Pen of Charbray steers at a Gracemere Weaner Sale.

Kenmere Charolais 11th Annual Bull Sale 8th March 2024 “Moorak”, Rankins Lane, Holbrook NSW

a a a a a a a a a

BREEDPLAN Recorded A Charolais “Five Star” level recording herd

Dominant Poll Lines Proven Pedigrees Progressive Ataxia Free Semen Tested Bulls DNA Tested Bulls Scan Data on Sale Bulls

All calves weighed at birth Consistent High Traits in Rib, Rump & IMF%, Calving Ease,Milk, Shorter Gestation Length compared to Breed Genetic Trends

Kenmere Charolais

Ann-Marie Collins 0412 608 043, Matt Collins 0412 265 017

Beef Australia 2024 Experience Australia’s premier beef industry event in Rockhampton, Queensland, May 5 -11. Beef Australia is here again and what a track record Charolais have at this event. Beef Australia’s rich history dates back to Australia’s bicentennial celebrations in 1988. The event program saw 1,400 stud cattle showcased in the ‘Stud Beef Cattle Show’ 2,000 cattle at the ‘Prime Cattle Show and Sale at the Gracemere Saleyards’, social events that included garden picnics and strolls through the Rockhampton Botanic Gardens and local restauranteurs coming together in “A Salute to Beef” each night, serving up a special beef dish to visitors and locals alike. Originally planned as a one-off event, its success was such that the event was held again in 1991, and then every three years since. The inaugural event was chaired by Ken Coombe OAM, who in his chairman’s message made mention that the theme of the 88’ program, “Living Together for a Better Tomorrow”, acknowledged the toil and sweat of our industry pioneers, recognised two centuries of achievements, and provided some direction for the future. That message rings true just as much today as it did back in 1988. The Charolais Society of Australia trade site will be located in the Exhibition Hall along with other genetic and industry providers. This hall is air conditioned and will have seating available for those looking to sit for a while. We anticipate a great entry of Stud Cattle to be exhibited. The Charolais breed has won eight of the twelve Interbreed Female Championships including the last three consecutive awards. Stud judging will take place on Tuesday 7th May and Wednesday 8th May. A Parade of Champions will take place on Thursday 9th May and will be showcased in alphabetical order of each of the 30 breeds represented.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

The Interbreed Championship will immediately follow The Parade of Champions, when the Supreme Champion (Interbreed) Bull, Female and Exhibitors Group will be judged from the Grand Champions of each breed. The Beef Australia website has everything you need to know including competition schedules and ticket information. Beef Australia is a great showcase of our industry and an event you must do at least once if you are in the beef industry. We know getting accommodation can be difficult but keep trying if you have not secured yours yet. History shows rooms become available as long-term bookings don’t eventuate and there is always Glamping and Tent City. On the Wednesday night, the 8th May, the Charolais Society is hosting a dinner to celebrate Beef Australia but more importantly the 55 year since Charolais semen arrived in Australia. The pandemic may have stopped out 50th anniversary and World Congress in 2020 but the Society deserves the opportunity to celebrate being the first European breed in the country. The dinner will be held at the iconic “Great Western Hotel” in Rockhampton and feature a sale of the best Charolais genetics in Australia. Entries will close shortly for this sale and we are looking for the best of the best lots to be offered. Great food, great company, dancing and much more, mark your calendar to be at this function. The Society would love to see large entries of Charolais across all the competitions and promote the breed.

Charolais Society site: E40 / E41

Key Dates

Exhibition Hall

Nominations Close Stud Cattle - 16th February Commercial Cattle - 15th March National Carcase Comp - 29th January N TIO OVA B INN HU























& UB










































































































Charolais Dinner Wednesday 8th May




Beef 2003 - Charolais Bull Class





















Judging Commercial - 5th May Commercial Sale - 6th May Stud Cattle - 7th -9th May

2024 SITE MAP 2024


Beef 2018 - Charolais Trade Site


Adding the Extra Growth Reproduced with permission from The Land (22/7/2023) Journalist: Ruth Schwager CHAROLAIS sires are bringing an extra kick of growth to the herd at Bundagra, Walcha, with Rob and Maria Ireland using the breed in a mix with Angus and Shorthorn. The couple has been crossbreeding for many years, focusing on bullock production, and began sourcing Charolais bulls about 30 years ago. With help from their children Jodie and her husband Matt Provost, and Matthew Ireland and his partner Jess Jones, they now run about 600 breeders on Bundagra, and finish all progeny on Beatomvale. “The cow base used to be Herefords when we first started and we’ve progressed into the Angus cows,” Mrs Ireland said. “We initially crossed Angus over the Herefords to get black baldies then we used Charolais over black baldies and Herefords, but it’s more a straight Angus cow now, using Charolais over them. “We’ve kept some of the first-cross Charolais heifers and we either put a Shorthorn or Angus bull over them.” The Irelands have been using Wakefield Charolais genetics since 2015 and look for a softer type of Charolais bull. “We like the red factor bulls because we find they’re a bit softer and we think they’re a bit quicker finishing, which is what we need - we’ve got to be able to get enough fat on them,” Mrs Ireland said. “The Wakefield bulls are good structured bulls with good feet and good temperament. We seem to get longevity out of their bulls with about five or six years of work”.

Getting the balance of fat to growth right is a priority as all calves are grown out. The steers go to either Wingham Beef Exports or JBS at Scone at 700 to 750 kilograms and heifers go to Coles at Scone, weighing between 550kg and 600kg at 20 to 24 months. The carcase feedback has been good, with good dressing percentages and almost all beasts grading MSA (Meat Standards Australia). “With any of the markets we sell into they have to grade MSA or they fall out of the grid,” Mrs Ireland said. “We’re producing for the grass-fed antibiotic-free market and there’s always a premium but it depends on the market at the time. “They’re all grass-finished so they need to have enough fat on them at the right weight.” Progeny is sold from 24 to 30 months, with the goal to get them off by two years of age off a turnip crop which is undersown to improved pasture that includes fescues, phalaris, ryegrass and clovers. “The earlier ones are on the turnips but if you have some with no crop they’ll finish on pasture. “They finish really well on the turnip crop and once they’ve eaten that out the pasture is ready for the rest of the season.” Calving is in early July, with the Irelands wanting all calves on the ground and going by spring to limit issues with scours. They haven’t had any issues with calving, with the breeders not joined to Charolais bulls until they’ve had their second calf.

your source for International Charolais / Charbray information and so much more

@charolaisinternational 50

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Thank You to all of our supporters for making 2023 a tremendous Success!

Elridge Solace 2023 Top Price Bull Ͳ $26,000 Purchased by Karinda Charolais

PARINGA PINAY P385 SIRE OF CHAMPIONS Queensland Charolais Carcass Classic 2023 Results 

Champion Feedlot Weight Gain

Champion Feedlot Gain Heifer

2nd Highest Value Add Heifer

Champion Feedlot Gain Ͳ Pen of 3 Heifers

Looking to invest in genetics for PROFITS

Talk to the team at ELRIDGE CHAROLAIS Ross, Paula & Porsha Warren

Annual Bull Sale Ͳ Offering 70 Bulls

1531 Noosa Rd , Tandur Q 4570 M. 0438 866 213

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Elridge & Clare Charolais

Charolais Youth Australia

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them Walt Disney

From the Chair

It has been a very busy time lately for the Charolais Youth committee. We have had many firsts within the last few months including “Funding the Future” Auction as well as a youth education day that took place in Glen Inness during September. The “Funding the Future Auction” was a great success, the committee was able to raise over $19,000. We are extremely grateful from the overwhelming support of our Charolais members that donated items into the auction to enable it to be of the high calibre that we anticipated. We are also grateful for the support of the Purchasers and underbidders for their support also. All support goes a long way. With a very successful fundraising campaign we are now looking to use those funds to fund future Youth Shows, educational events, and scholarships for the Charolais youth. Coming into 2024, the Charolais Youth committee have started planning a Charolais Youth Show. We have sent out a survey to all Charolais members asking them where they would like to see the youth show and when. We have some great ideas coming together and will be catered for all ages. We hope that we can get as many members as possible to participate to help create a great event.

As we head into 2024, we hope that we can get as many Charolais youth members as possible, to be out and about representing the breed. We are aware as the season continues to tighten in many places that this may become difficult but with Rockhampton Beef week and a Charolais Youth Camp ahead, I feel that there is no better year to be involved. With cattle prices, both Stud and Commercial at a low, I feel that there is an opportunity for Charolais youth to grow or start their herds. Investing now with lower capital outlay needed, and some great sales coming up I feel there may be a great opportunity to invest in some great genetics. We have been very fortunate enough to welcome Amanda Cavenagh onto the Charolais Youth Committee from Western Australia. Amanda adds representation from the west onto our committee and we are very excited to have her come on board. It was great to see so many Charolais youth members competing at the recent royal and country shows around the country. There has been some great success had by youth Members at Brisbane, Melbourne, and Adelaide show. The amount of time and effort that goes into preparing show cattle for an event is countless and is great to see. Congratulations to you all, thank you.

Youth Committee Chairperson Josh Fenech

Garrett Youth Scholarships 2023 The Charolais Society of Australia awarded two Garrett Youth Scholarships in 2023. The Garrett Youth Scholarship was established to assist Charolais youth complete tertiary education by providing a monetary scholarship. The 2023 Scholarships were valued at $2,000. Initially established by the generosity of our American friends, the late Joe Garrett and his wife Carolynne, the scholarship fund has grown with the latest contribution from the family of the late Jeff Noller. The scholarship funds are invested and the interest generated is used to fund the scholarships. The goal is to continue to grow the investment account to allow more scholarships to be awarded in the future. Aiding with assistance for our youth to continue their education is a powerful investment into the future of our breed. Both recipients this year hail from Queensland. 52 January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Oscar Cass from ANC Charolais, Gulugaba Qld is studying a Bachelor of Agriculture and Business at the University of New England. Benn Reid from Reids B Charolais, Haly Creek, Qld is studying a Bachelor of Agribusiness at the University of Queensland. Congratulations to Oscar and Benn.

Top Right: Board member Brendan Scheiwe presents Benn Reid with his scholarship at the Queensland Region dinner. Below Right: Scholarship winner Oscar Cass from ANC Charolais.

Youth Education Day - Glen Innes

The Charolais Youth Committee held an Education day at the Glen Innes showground in September. The entire youth committee contributed to the development of the day with Amy Whitechurch, Sophie Inder and Josh Fenech coordinating at the event. The day was aimed at increasing knowledge and giving attendees a range of new skills. The first half of the day was devoted to educational sessions. The attendees split into junior and senior age groups and worked through the program. It was planned to be a very fun educational day consisting of a range of educational workshops from very knowledgeable presenters as well as a junior judging competition. The smaller groups allowed close interaction with the presenters on the day. The educational workshops included Meat Quality from Dr Peter McGilchrist, University of New England, and Animal Health from Matt Faulkiner. More hands on type sessions included washing and blowing demonstration from Tyson and Courtney Will, Parading with Jane Dockrill, Halter making from Casey and Nigel Wieck, Animal structural assessment from Colin Rex and tattooing from Amy Whitechurch. The knowledge that these presenters brought to the education day and shared with the participants was phenomenal and everybody was able to learn a great deal.

Dr Peter McGilchrist gave a very comprehensive talk on meat science from the live animal through to the cooked product including tasting of different cuts. A junior judging competition was also held with Tim Bayliss as the over judge of the day. Three groups of animals were judged including Stud Heifers, Stud Bulls, and commercial steers. The Junior Judging competition was a great success with everybody across all ages showing strong eagerness to compete. All participants had the opportunity to talk publicly and explain their decisions. Champion Junior Judge, 10 year old Bella McAllister said “I learnt so much throughout the day, but my favourite part was competing in junior judging for the first time”. The Youth Committee extend their appreciation to all the presenters and helpers on the day. Youth Chairperson Joshua Fenech commented “the day wouldn’t of been possible without your help, the committee is very happy with the success of the day. Based on this day the committee look forward to running more education days across the country”.

Right: Images from across the education sessions. Below: Members of the Youth Committee with successful participants in the Junior Judging Competition held on the day.


The Charolais Society delegates at the ARCBA Young Breed Leaders Workshop in Brisbane, Jaime Vosper, Harris Thompson and Ty Stanton.

ARCBA Young Breed Leaders Workshop The third edition of the Australian Registered Cattle Breeders Association [ARCBA] Young Breed Leaders Workshop was held in Brisbane last October. The two day workshop was attended by 32 representatives from 13 breeds including three Charolais delegates. Jaime Vosper, Harris Thompson and Ty Stanton represented our breed contributing strongly throughout the workshop. The focus of the workshop is to develop future leaders in the industry, be that board members, industry representatives or community leadership roles. A strong focus of the workshop, is that it is industry driven and not breed specific. Encouraging networking across the industry will hopefully lead to a cohesive beef industry in the future. The workshop sees delegates allocated groups, to work through questions and then present their decisions to the group. Before the question is posed a guest speaker, gives their views on the topic to be worked on. This year the guest speakers included, Jon Wright questioning the role of breed societies. His podcast on the subject includes, what are they, what is their purpose, and do they help or hinder the commercial industry in improving production and profitability? Let’s talk about it! This session was challenging to hear and led into the question, provide a strategy for a breed society, to ensure their financial future, protect the investment of their members and provide an environment for maximising genetic gain in their breed? Christian Coffey, Manager of Property Division for Australian Country Choice spoke on his career and his current role. Mr Coffey manages about 120 staff spread across 42 properties covering 1.7 million hectares (4.2m acres). A skill crucially important to him is listening. He told the group much of his role was about empowering and valuing the people in the organisation, he said “ultimately the most important thing for me is trust, not just to trust our people across what is a pretty widespread business, but also to be trusted by the people that make up the business.” The dinner guest speaker had a Charolais connection when Gemma Noller from Palgrove spoke on her Olympic journey, resulting in achieving gold medal success in Rio. 54

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

A highly emotional speech that reached everybody in the room, Gemma recounted the highs and lows and the personal attributes that had assisted her. Day two started with Professor Ben Hayes, Centre Director Animal Science at the University of Queensland speak on, how can we maximise genetic gain for profits with genomics? Genomics will impact our industry more and more in the future and having the availability of an internationally renowned speaker was of great benefit. The hypothetical after this talk was “Your breed organisation has received a government grant of $1 million dollars to develop genomic testing for production traits, select a trait that your group believes will offer the best opportunity to return on investment, why, and outline what would be required to progress the development of this trait? The final guest speaker was Meat, Livestock Australia’s Samantha Jamieson discussing Red meat consumer sentiment, focussing on sustainability & animal welfare. Charolais Youth committee member, Jaime Vosper reported “The ARCBA workshop was an experience that allowed us to connect with like minded youth with the greater goal of a positive future in the beef industry. Across the couple of days, we engaged in lectures and activities that aided us in developing new skills to go forward and make educated decisions within the sector. It was an opportunity for us to get a broader scope on what’s happening within other breed networks, and a chance for us to take on these idea and apply them within our own operations going forward. While creating strong relationships with the other delegates, the information has provided us with the skills to progress into leadership roles in the future.

It was a privilege to be selected as a representative for the Charolais Society and I encourage potential delegates in the future to attend if the opportunity arises. A huge thank you to the ARCBA committee for holding such a prestigious event for today’s youth”. Western Australian, Harris Thompson reported on his experience at the workshop. “The ARCBA Young Breed leaders’ workshop was an extremely eye-opening event that put me into scenarios, well and truly outside of my comfort zone. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and networking with new people from around Australia from a range of different breeds and backgrounds. From lunch time, through to group activities and even after-hours conversations, each of them was based around the same thing- how we can better the Australian beef industry and the breeds we are involved in and for me, that is my passion. From talking about the need to implement more cross breeding to gain the benefits of hybrid vigour through to how a junior show within a breed can be run better, there really wasn’t a conversation we didn’t cover off on. For me it was great to hear and meet with industry leaders and professionals such as Christian Coffey from Australian County Choice who gave us his insight into the steps he took for career progression. He outlined how he rose through the roles of one of Australia’s largest family owned companies through to the genetic selection side of their businesses. Something that very much interests me is the way a breed society runs at board level, and it was great to get an insight into that side of the industry from a range of different people involved in different facets of their relevant breeds. There was one presentation that really did what it was meant to do, and that was make the brain tick and challenge the way you think of things. I can say it has done that since the workshop. I would say the best thing I found about the workshop was that it presents you with a range of different ways to see things and provides you with the confidence to make informed decisions and how that could benefit your own business. I would strongly encourage any Charolais member under the age of 35 to apply to go the workshop. It will not only help you within your own program but it’ll be for the betterment of your breed too. I know that people I have met at the workshop, I will stay in contact with forever”.

ARCBA Chairperson, The Hon. Thomas George with the 32 delegates at the workshop representing 13 beef breeds.

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Females available for private sale

Kooyong Power (PP)(R/F) H2E P34E S: Harvie Redemption 36P (P) Semen available for sale 55

Murton Turtle: Junior & Grand Champion Male & Interbreed Junior Champion Bull,exhibited by Neville Fenton, Glenora, Tasmania. Image courtesy Tasmanian Charolais Region.

Pine Park Roxie (AI)(P)(TW): Senior Champion Female & Interbreed Senior Champion Female,exhibited by DR Dobson, Port Sorell, Tasmania. Image courtesy Tasmanian Charolais Region.

Hobart Royal 2023 Judge: Ms Sapphire Halliday, Waterford Charolais Mount Macedon, Victoria.

Three studs exhibited at Hobart before judge, Sapphire Halliday, Waterford Charolais, Mount Macedon, Victoria. A small, but quality line up of Charolais represented the breed. A strong class of heifers first up, resulted in Murton Tinkerbell exhibited by Neville Fenton receiving the Junior Champion Sash. This yearling heifer was sired by the homebred Murton Ricochet and from the New South Wales bred dam, Tawn Beatrix M3 (P). Reserve junior champion heifer was Pine Park Othelia exhibited by Denis and Trix Dobson. This heifer was sired by Bernhardiner Quinn (P) from the Glenlea Othelia A14E dam. This dam was 17 years of age when this heifer was born, highlighting the structural integrity and longevity of this line of females. Pine Park Roxie (AI)(P)(TW)with a thumping April born bull calf at foot, was the only Senior Female on parade but well deserving of the Senior Champion Ribbon. Roxie is sired by trait leader for milk, Paringa Rio Bravo D213E (P) and is from the highly successful Sedalia Queen Anne female who recorded over 40 progeny in the herdbook. Ms Halliday then awarded the grand champion to the junior heifer, Murton Tinkerbell. In the bull classes Murton Turtle was awarded Junior and Grand Champion Bull. This bull was sired by the same sire as the grand champion heifer. Maternally he features the well renowned “Pussycat” line that performed so well for Chenu and Airlie herds. Pine Park Takel was the Reserve Junior Bull.

Pine Park won the Breeders Group of 3 head and Murton won Breeders Pair of Juniors as well as Sires Progeny pair. In the Interbreed judged the following day, the Charolais breed performed well amongst the seven breeds on parade. Pine Park Charolais won the Interbreed “Best Group of 3 cattle” ahead of the Murray Grey group. Murton Charolais were Reserve Champion to the Murray Greys in the Junior Pair class. Murton Tinkerbell was awarded Interbreed Reserve champion heifer to an outstanding Murray Grey. Pine Park Roxie won the Senior Female award In the male interbreeds, Murton won Junior Interbreed Bull before being awarded the Interbreed Champion Bull of the show. The final class was the Supreme Beef Exhibit of the Show. After much deliberation between judges it was the Murray Grey Heifer that won over the Charolais Bull. However, the biggest recognition was yet to come. After all the presentations and speeches, a surprise presentation was made by Scott Gadd, R.A.S.T. CEO and Show President Peter Spotswood. Neville Fenton of the Murton stud was called forward to receive recognition for his 40 years service to the Beef Cattle committee and his involvement with organising the Beef Section of the Show. Neville was presented with Life Membership of the RAST. Congratulations Neville on your service and recognition.

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Southern Multibreed Project The Australian Beef industry could benefit from the data generated by the Southern Multi Breed (SMB) Project as early as 2024. Having reached almost 5,000 progeny across three cohorts, in as many years, SMB principal investigator Dr. Brad Walmsley said the research team had made significant strides in improving beef cattle genetics with efforts currently underway to make data available as soon as is practical to within breed, BREEDPLAN evaluations. Dr. Walmsley said SMB was the largest ongoing multibreed beef cattle research project in Australia in terms of the number of calves produced each year. “Of the nearly 5,000 progeny we have, and the 1,900 we’re expecting this year, they’ve been generated by 416 different sires from the six breeds used across the five SMB sites,” Dr. Walmsley said. “That’s a pretty big achievement to generate that many head out of that many sires.” The breeds included in this research project are Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn, Wagyu, Charolais and Brahman. The project also has linkage to the Northern Repronomics program. To date, more than 84,000 different individual phenotypes have been collected for the project. “We’re beginning to analyse data which will benefit industry,” Dr. Walmsley said. “We’ve got a very big distribution of birth weights across the project, and there is a clear impact of crossbreeding on birth weights for example. We’re starting to see results that will be very useful as we incorporate them into evaluations.” The Southern Multi Breed (SMB) project is a collaborative Research and Development project involving NSW DPI and the University of New England being conducted on five NSW DPI research stations, and the UNE Research Feedlot over the five years, 2020 to 2025. The SMB project, which is worth just under $10 million, will provide an invaluable source of information for seedstock and commercial cattle breeders. The project is co-funded by NSW DPI, UNE, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Commonwealth Government through the MLA Donor Company (MDC). The SMB project provides the basis of an accurate reference population to a new age of multi-breed genetic evaluation, which will assist in the direct comparison of six major cattle breeds (and composites), allowing producers to make more informed decisions to improve their herd.

The goal of the project is to create a SMB dataset using BREEDPLAN traits, allowing for future breed comparisons irrespective of hide colour. Additionally, the project will create genomic values with higher accuracy than what is currently achieved. The project will also build a reference for hardto-measure traits such as those influencing female reproductive performance (such as anoestrus, age at puberty), meat quality, carcass traits and feed efficiency, which will enable the development of a temperate multi breed genetic evaluation herd. This project will positively impact genetic improvement of beef productive and product value, particularly for traits that are of economic importance such as fertility, weaning rate, feed efficiency, sale weight and reduced mortality rate. These traits have significantly greater impact on farm profitability. All heifers remain on pasture following weaning until they successfully conceive and then join the respective cow herds for their first calving. All steers are backgrounded until a group average liveweight of between 430-450 kg is reached, at which point they enter the University of New England research feedlot “Tullimba” for finishing. The Hereford, Charolais, Shorthorn, Brahman and crossbred steers are all finished for approximately 100 days while all the Wagyu steers are finished for 270-300 days. To allow comparison of the Wagyu breed with the other breeds Angus steers are used as a linkage where half of the Angus steers undertake 100 days on feed while the other half are fed with the Wagyu steers for 270-300 days.

For more information:–/beef-cattle/breeding/smb-project 58

January 2024 Charolais Magazine


Visit the AICA website for information

Adelaide Royal 2023 Judge: Mrs Nichole Nicholls, Tookawhile Charolais Kyogle, New South Wales.

Shirley Barker had a tremendously successful Adelaide Royal show winning both grand champions. Only junior exhibits were on display at Adelaide under the eye of judge, Mrs Nicole Nicholls from Tookawhile Charolais stud, Kyogle, New South Wales. Nicole grew up in South Australia showing Charolais at Adelaide Royal with her families Temana Charolais stud before moving to northern New South Wales. Junior and grand champion female was Caithness Phillipa T54E (P)(R/F) exhibited by Dr Shirley Barker, Mt Barker SA. This lovely red factor heifer won the 16 to 18 months class. Nicole commented “ the junior champion is a lovely feminine heifer with the wedge shape that I look for. She has a good spring of rib with plenty of volume” when placing the heifer as junior champion. This heifer was sired by Rosedale Quantum (P)(R/F), a son of highly successful sire Rosedale Maverick (P) (R/F). Caithness purchased Quantum at the 2021 Rosedale sale for $26,000 and have been very happy with the bull’s progeny. Caithness Joyce T49E, another Quantum daughter placed second in this class highlighting the consistency of this sires progeny. Edwina Wiltshire exhibited a Cedardale Zeal 12Z daughter, Windjammer Tracey (AI)(P) for third in this class. In the class 14 to 16 months another Rosedale Quantum (P)(R/F) daughter had success. Caithness Alice T59E was the class winner in this division. Reserve junior champion heifer came from the 8 to 14 months class. Boulview Tori (P), a daughter of Chenu Profile (AI)(P) appealed to the judge for her development and growth. This heifer was shown by youth members, Alizah, Thomas and Eleni Fogden.

Boulview also placed second in this class with another Profile daughter, Boulview Texanna (P). Arabar Livestock placed third and fourth in this class with daughters of Palgrove Quinella Q1794E (P). Arabar Thunder Struck T12 (P), also by the Palgrove sire won the Bull class 8 to 14 months. A very smooth fronted calf he showed good development for his age. The judge later used this calf as the Reserve Junior Champion bull. Boulview placed second and third in this class with sons of Chenu Profile (P). This sire is a son of CJC Symbol B1067 (P) from the renowned Airlie Pussycat, female family. Caithness Trooper T66E (P), another Rosedale Quantum, son won the Bull 14 to 16 months class. In the 16 to 18 months class another two sons of the Quantum sire placed first and second. Caithness Topman T35E (P9R/F) placed first with stablemate Trailblazer T24E (P)(R/F) in second place. Windjammer Tim Tam (AI)(P), an LT Del Rey 6161 (P) son placed third for Edwina Wiltshire. The judge then selected Caithness Topman T35E (P) (R/F) as the junior and grand champion bull. Judge Nicholls said cattle needed to be able to perform, be practical and be profitable, and the bull was all of those things. “He is a real sire and will be able to go out and do the job once he’s matured a fraction more,” she said. “He moves well, he’s free, he’s good in the testicular department and he’s going to have that frame and muscling that we look for.” Nicole then selected the Grand champion female as the Supreme Charolais exhibit of the show, saying “she is just so hard to fault”.

Caithness Phillipa T54E (P)(R/F) Junior & Grand Champion Female and Supreme Charolais Exhibit. Judge Nicole Nicholls, Josh Wiltshire, Emma Kerrigan and exhibitor Shirley Barker.

Caithness Topman T35E (P)(R/F) Junior & Grand Champion Male. Emma Kerrigan, Richard Miller (Nutrien Studstock), exhibitor Shirley Barker and judge Nicole Nicholls.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Caithness Phillipa T54E (P)(R/F), Junior & Grand Champion Female & Supreme Charolais Exhibit exhibited by Dr Shirley Barker, Mount Barker, SA.

Caithness Topman T35E (P)(R/F), Junior and Grand Champion Bull exhibited by Dr Shirley Barker, Mount Barker, SA.

Caithness continued their successful day placing first in the Sires Progeny Class with a Rosedale Quantum (P)(R/F) team. Boulview placed second with progeny of Chenu Profile (P). Caithness then won the Breeders group with Boulview placing second. The Caithness stud was also the most successful Charolais exhibitor for the day. Shirley Barker after judging was thrilled with her stud’s performance and agreed with the judges selection for Supreme exhibit. She said “Her backline and udder placement is great, she works beautifully and shows every sign of being a top dam later on”. The success of the Caithness genetics was also evident in the Hoof and Hook Steer competition. This year in Adelaide the show featured the Steer competition as the feature of the Beef judging schedule. With some $60,000 available in the prize pool, the event attracted steers from across the country. Caithness Bobby T55, exhibited by Unity College won first on the hoof in THE THOMAS FOODS INTERNATIONAL PRIZE, Schools Purebred Export 600 to 710 kgs class. Judge Mr Tim Bayliss praised the exhibits, saying it was the strongest school’s competition he had judged throughout Australia.

On the Hook this steer was assessed as the Reserve Champion Purebred Export Steer. This carcase scored 28 out of 30 for Market Specification points. Also in Hoof judging, a Charolais Angus cross calf, Nickolls Brothers Teddy T250 placed first in the THE THOMAS FOODS INTERNATIONAL PRIZE Crossbred Heavy Domestic 454 to 496 kgs. This calf was by a sire bred at the Scharwyn Charolais stud in Loxton SA. In carcase classes this steer placed second in his class. Venturon Livestock, Boyup Brook, Western Australia exhibited a Charolais steer sired by Venturon New Generation for a Class win in the Purebred Heavy Domestic Carcase class. This carcase was also the Reserve Champion Heavy Domestic Carcase and the highest scoring Charolais carcase. This carcase scored perfect points for Market Specifications. The score for this carcase was the fourth best in the competition.


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Colour in Charolais Surprisingly, it has been written that there are only two basic coat colours for cattle; red and black. What this means is that the gene at the ‘coat colour locus’ (not its real name) has two possible alleles - red and black. Black is ‘completely dominant’ over red. This would result in either homozygous black (BB); heterozygous black (Br) or homozygous recessive red (rr). (This situation has been documented with Angus cattle and in particular the fact that some Angus carry the red gene yet appear black). The only commercially available test for determining coat colour is the test that identifies base coat colour. As not all cattle are black or red, (and the fact that so far this does nothing to explain white) the variety in colours is a result of the interaction of alleles at other loci. The Externtion (E) locus is responsible for most of the variation in cattle coat colour. (Olson 1999) There are three alleles present at this alleles present at this locus, and in order of dominance are: E(d) (dominant black) > E(+) (wild type allele responsible for combinations of red/reddishbrown/black) > e (recessive red). This takes the base coat colour one step further by suggesting that the shades of brown (between black and red) are explained by the wild type allele. Based on the fact that genetically there are only two basic colours, and combining this with the effects of the extention locus, the genetic background for Charolais is e/e (homozygous recessive red). However, there are numerous more loci with other impacts to determine the outcome of coat colour especially considering we have not mentioned white yet. This is by far the most difficult piece of information to digest - the fact that the base coat colour of Charolais is actually red. The most influential locus for Charolais is that of the Dilution locus. The two alleles are D, which is responsible for the white coat colour for Charolais and completely dominates over its wild type (non-diluting) allele d. “Most Charolais are homozygous for both e and D, with the red coat that would have been produced by the e/e genotype being modified to an essentially white one by D/D” (Olsen 1999) To reiterate, the genetics that influence the white coat colour of Charolais is known as the “diluter gene” which effectively masks the red base colour and allows Charolais the distinctive colour of White. Alleles can interact in two ways: ‘dominance’ describes how alleles interact with each other at a particular locus; ‘epistasis’ describes how genes interact with genes at other loci (Bullock 2006). 62

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

An example of ‘dominance’ is the fact that the diluter gene D completely overrides the not diluting d such that Dd would result in the same dilution effect as DD. An example of ‘epistasis’ is the interaction of the diluter D masking the background colour e/e. In fact it does such a good job of masking the background colour that it is very nearly completely dominant. The result of this fact - that it is ‘nearly’ dominant, goes some way to explain the effects when the diluter gene is not there and is represented by the wild type homozygous d/d. The presence of the non=diluter gened/d means that the background colour (or otherwise) of the allele, a degree of red colouring may show through. The coat may show anything from a light straw colour to apricot. Actually, the French describe ‘not white’ Charolais as “Blonde” and most choose to cull these. (Therefore the French may in fact be selecting against the recessive wild type - non diluting gene d/d). Rather than thinking of Charolais having the diluter genes making the cattle either white or not, we need to recognize that the diluter gene, just as its name suggests, dilutes the red base colour rather than rids it. There are other alleles which influence the coat colour. With Charolais, a spotting allele is also present. This allele highlights the skin pigment which is otherwise hidden by the dilution gene so that when the animal has the non-dilution gene, broken colour will show up if the spotting allele is switched on. It has often been said that the broken colour that is visible in the coat of red factor animals has more to do with the pigmentation of the white Charolais. Effectively, the spotter gene (which causes broken colour) can be present in Charolais that are white and go unnoticed due to the effect of the diluter gene masking any difference in colouring. It is only when the diluter gene is less prevalent that such a spotter gene becomes visible. The point is that animals with broken colour are not necessarily crossbred animals, even if they do appear so. Having said that, there are regulations in place to ensure that the image of Charolais is not compromised from misconceptions that broken colouring can cause. It is not the red factor (or lack of diluter gene) that is totally responsible for broken colour, but more likely that the broken colour (spotter gene) will be more visible when the diluter gene is less prevalent. As mentioned, the colour of Charolais is determined by its genes. Management and selection pressure can influence the outcomes. This is true for any genetic selection.

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Perth Royal 2023 Judge: Mr Ted Laurie, Knowla Angus Moppy, New South Wales.

An outstanding heifer in the judges’ eye was awarded the Supreme Charolais Exhibit at Perth Royal. Mr Ted Laurie from the highly successful Knowla Angus stud ran with Venturon Reminisce T54E (P) through to the final decision. Selecting the heifer in the Female 14 to 18 months class he commented “this is a clear winner, very complete, great feet and legs with tremendous capacity”. This heifer exhibited by Venturon Livestock was made grand champion female over the senior female also shown by Venturon. Commenting further when awarding the Supreme Exhibit ribbon, he added “she has the strength throughout, great structure and broad muzzle. Sired by the $52,000 Moongool Pilgrim (P) sire, this heifer won her class when exhibited at Sydney Royal this year. In the same class a heifer shown by Elgin Park Charolais placed second. This heifer Elgin Park Lorenza T28E (P) was the calf at foot of the Grand champion female at Perth in 2022. Bardoo Charolais exhibited the third place heifer in this class with a daughter of Bardoo Quadrant (P). Reserve Junior champion heifer was Liberty Tralee Rose (P) exhibited by the Yost Family, Toodyay. This heifer won the 9 to 12 months class and is sired by multi trait leader, Liberty Just Ramblin Along (P). The judge commented on this heifer “she exhibits mid maturity with a beautiful front end and is very feminine”. A Venturon entry, Venturon Calista T146 (P) sired by Ascot Ramrod R104 (P) placed second in the class to the reserve junior champion heifer. Venturon also won the Heifer 18 to 21 months with Venturon Fancy Like T24 (P). This heifer was a well developed daughter of AI sire, Turnbulls Duty Free 358D (P). Maternally this heifer tracks back to Venturon Gayle (P) and Venturon Cool Cat who have been tremendous breeders in the Venturon program.

Second in this class was a Palgrove Poundmaker P2046E (P) (R/F) daughter, Liberty Touch Of Class T65 (P). The dam of this heifer is sired by Liberty Major General (P)(R/F) who was Supreme Exhibit at the 2017 Perth Royal show. Third in the biggest class of the day was Elgin Park Topaz T16E (P) sired by LT Del Rey (P) exhibited by Elgin Park, In the Senior female classes Venturon Natural Beauty (P) won the Female over 33 months before being awarded Senior Champion Female. This large framed daughter of former Perth Champion, Venturon Keystone (P) paraded with a four month old heifer calf at foot. The judge commented she was a true working cow, very sound and feminine. For an older female she also had a good udder. Natural Beauty is no stranger to the front row being the Junior Champion heifer at Perth Royal in 2018 and Reserve Junior Champion heifer at Adelaide in the same year. Second in the class and Reserve Senior Champion Female was Liberty Red Cherokee R28E (P)(R/F). The judge commented this female had a more moderate maturity pattern and showed very functional traits. This female was sired by Kooyong Powerplay. Liberty Charolais was successful in the bull classes with their young red factor, Liberty The Captain T119E (P)(R/F) taking the class 9 to 14 months before being awarded Junior and Grand champion bull. Sired by Palgrove Payday P499E, this bull has the same dam as the Reserve Junior Champion heifer. Parading at 676kg at 12 months impressing the judge. Mr Laurie commented “he has tremendous weight gain with a modern maturity pattern and good structure. He is excellent through the front end, good testicles and clean sheathed”.

Venturon Reminisce T54E (P) Supreme Charolais Exhibit. Judge Ted Laurie, Robin Yost with Harris, Anne and Andrew Thompson, Venturon Livestock.

Venturon Reminisce T54E (P) Junior & Grand Champion Female and Supreme Charolais Exhibit exhibited by Venturon Livestock, Boyup Brook, W.A.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Second in this class and Reserve Junior bull was Liberty The Bartender T115E (P). This twelve-month-old calf was sired by WC Milestone 5223 (P). Another deep bodied bull this bull placed above Venturon Trust T237 (P) exhibited by Venturon Livestock. Venturon Livestock from Boyup Brook won the Breeders Group of Three and later that day was awarded the Most Successful Exhibitor Award. During judging, the Western Australian Region Patrons, Bernard and Pat Herrera, made their annual presentation to a member that has best promoted the Charolais breed. This year, Youth Member, Amanda Cavenagh from 1AC Charolais and family Elgin Park stud was the recipient. Amanda was the Charolais International Scholarship winner in 2022 travelling to the United States. Amanda is a well deserving recipient of this award. In other Youth success, Sam Lynch from Bardoo Charolais placed second in the Western Australian State Parading finals. Sam also won the Champion Student Parader with brother Jake winning his heat of this championship. A Charolais steer entered by Liberty Charolais later in the week was awarded the Reserve Champion Extra Heavyweight Carcase scoring 90 points.

The Charolais breed had super success in the Interbreed classes. All judges participate in the Interbreed judging with Kerrie Sutherland and Haydon Green joining Ted Laurie to adjudicate. Venturon Livestock won the Group of Three Heifers bred and Exhibited by the owner. Their three heifers showed great uniformity which impressed the judges along with their development. Venturon Reminisce T54E (P) won the Junior Interbreed Champion Heifer. Perth Royal had an inaugural Interbreed Pair where breed champions team up to represent their breed. Liberty The Captain T119E (P)(R/F) shown by the Yost Family and Venturon Reminisce T54E (P) exhibited by the Thompson Family won this award for the Charolais breed. This capped off a great Charolais breed display at Perth Royal this year.

Venturon Natural Beauty (P) Senior Champion Female with Robin Yost, exhibitor Harris Thompson and Bron McNair.

Venturon Reminisce T54E (P) Junior Champion Heifer with Andrew and Harris Thompson.

Amanda Cavenagh was awarded the Patrons Trophy by Bernard and Pat Herrerra for Charolais breed promotion in Western Australia.

Reserve Extra Heavyweight Carcase with 90 points exhibited by Liberty Charolais Stud, Toodyay, W.A.

Liberty The Captain T119E (P)(R/F), Junior and Grand Champion Bull exhibited by Liberty Charolais Stud, Toodyay, W.A.


Melbourne Royal 2023 Judge: Mr David Bondfield, Bondfield Agriculture Dalveen, Queensland.

Associate: Mr Matt Cooney

Charolais spectators ringside and livestreaming were treated when Life Member David Bondfield adjudicated the classes at Melbourne Royal. Working alongside Associate judge Matt Cooney, David gave a comprehensive commentary into his evaluation of the cattle on parade. It was great to see the level of inclusion David gave to Matt, during the judging. To see through the eyes of a master breeder such as David Bondfield is a tremendous opportunity for an Associate. Heifer classes in Melbourne are always strong with a firsttime exhibitor, Vanessa Selleck taking the 9 to 12 months class. Winkel Park Penny (AI)(P) sired by SVY Trust 6H (P) appealed to the judges for her capacity and correctness on her feet and leg structure. This heifer was the progeny of Vanessa’s foundation purchase Myona Penny R15 (P), a class winner at Sydney Royal this year. Second in this class was Geoff and Noelene King with Hazel Downs Twilight (P). Youth Member James Barton showed Hazel Downs Toffee Apple (P) for third place. Both Hazel Downs heifers were sired by Kenmere Quinn Q24E (P). Youth member Jaime Vosper, won the next class Heifer 12 to 16 months with Montaaro Quack Like A Duck 3 sired by Turnbulls Duty Free 358D (P). Later in judging, the judges awarded this heifer, Reserve junior champion heifer. Rangan Charolais placed second and third in this class with heifers from their famous Showgirl family. Rangan Showgirl T147 (P) (R/F) sired by Rangan Redemption P117 was placed second with Rangan Showgirl T55 (P) sired by Turnbulls Duty Free 358D (P) third. Eight heifers paraded in this class. The heifer Golden Rose Fairy Floss T1875 (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) exhibited by Murray Van Der Drift and Erin Ferguson won the Heifer 16 to 18 months class. Sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B and out of DSK TGL Flossy M50E, this well built red factor heifer had many admirers.

Dam, DSK TGL Flossy M50E (P) was purchased for $12,000 at the DSK Female sale in 2021 and had been successful on the show circuit herself. The judges selected this heifer as the junior champion heifer before using her for grand female and Supreme Charolais exhibit. David Bondfield commented “this heifer fits into an optimum growth curve which would suit many markets and has the ability to finish, she is a nice kind animal that pulls up square on the halter, just 16 months, sweet, upheaded and strong toplined, she is deep bodied, angular and is definitely three dimensional”. Second in class to this heifer was Rangan Estella T7 (AI) (P) sired by Rangan Quid Q40 and from the Rangan Estella M95 (P) that would become senior champion female later in judging. Youth member Teagan Neutze exhibited Calmview Gidget T14E for third in this class. The Cook Family exhibited the Senior Champion female, Rangan Estella M95 (P). This huge volume, seven year old paraded with well grown twin heifer calves at foot. She has had six calves registered at seven years of age. Sired by Rangan Pinay F21, she had a functional udder and was structurally very sound. The judge commended her length, functionality and added he thought she was super maternal. The senior cow class was truly impressive with five quality units on parade. Second in the class was Mayfield Park stud from Sutton Forest in New South Wales with Palgrove Dulcie P909E (P)(R/F). This exceptionally smooth, red factor, great uddered female paraded with a super bull calf at foot sired by LT Vista (P). Third in this class was Rowallan Park Charolais with their Webb Angel sired by Turnbull Dutys Free 358D (P). The judges used the Palgrove Dulcie P909E (P)(R/F) female as their Reserve Senior Champion Female.

Golden Rose Fairy Floss T1875(AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) Supreme Charolais Exhibit. Associate judge Matt Cooney, Judge David Bondfield, exhibitors Murray Van Der Drift, Erin Ferguson, sponsors Rebecca Dalton and International Animal Health, Shannon Lawlor.

Rangan Estella M95 (AI)(P) Senior Champion Female. Handlers Lachie Brodie, Laura and Jess Cook, sponsor Loretta Harvey, Associate judge Matt Cooney and Judge David Bondfield.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Golden Rose Fairy Floss T1875 (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) Junior & Grand Champion Female & Supreme Charolais Exhibit exhibited by M Van Der Drift & E Ferguson, Macorna, Victoria. Image courtesy Golden Rose.

Windjammer Tim Tam (AI)(P), Junior and Grand Champion Bull exhibited by Edwina Wiltshire, Flinders, Victoria. Image courtesy Branded Ag Marketing.

Golden Rose Charolais won the Female 20 to 24 months class with Waterford Sunflower S130 (P)(R/F). A daughter of previous Melbourne Royal Interbreed winner, Waterford Neon Lights, she descends from the well known Waterford Wildflower cow line. Edwina Wiltshire took the major awards in the bull classes with her Windjammer Tim Tam (AI)(P) winning junior and grand champion bull. This calf won the 18 to 20 months class weighing in at 682kgs with 128 cm2 Eye Muscle Area [EMA]. He showed an ability to cover, with 10mm on both the Rib and Rump. Sired by LT Del Rey 6161 (P) the judges commented on this bull “this bull profiles well, but is also three dimensional with a good scrotal, he has depth of flank and a hair type that indicates softness with good feet and legs. He has lots of muscle and is well put together, he is really safe bull with extra length, strong hip and loin with plenty of extension through the front”. The Reserve Junior champion bull came from the 15 to 18 months class and was exhibited by Golden Rose stud. Golden Rose Trigger T1876 (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) was a flush brother to the heifer that was awarded Supreme Exhibit and showed tremendous growth for age. He paraded at 862kg with a scan of 135cm2 EMA. The Wilson Family from South Australia won the baby bull class with their Arabar Thunderstruck T12 (P) sired by Palgrove Quinella Q1794E. This calf was exceptionally smooth in his makeup and well balanced.

Tuerong Springs Charolais took second in this class with a Silverstream National calf (P), Myona Thunder Struck T12 (P). This calf had great shape and real dimension. Rachael Cochrane and James Duggan exhibited Lorna Doone Thunder to win the Bull 20 to 24 months class and Senior Champion bull. The judged commented on this exhibit “the senior bull displays a power of muscle and is really well balanced, alert on the move, nice clean polled bull with strength of loin and clean underneath, a good safe type of Charolais bull”. After judging the Golden Rose stud owned by Murray van Der Drift and Erin Ferguson was announced as the Most Successful Exhibitor. The Victorian Region held a successful dinner that night at IL Duca Restaurant where after dinner David Bondfield gave a presentation on his involvement with the Charolais breed. David mentioned the early days of Charolais in Australia and some of his observations over the years which was extremely well received. Later in the show, Charolais Youth members competed in the State Final of Parading and Junior Judging. In Parading the Charolais youth swept the pool taking the top three placings, respectively James Barton, Jamie Vosper and Tegan Neutze. James Barton continued his success being announced Champion Junior judge as well.

Windjammer Tim Tam (AI)(P) Junior and Grand Champion Male with Associate judge Matt Cooney, judge David Bondfield, Jaime Vosper amd Rob Abbott.

Lorna Doone Thunder (AI)(P) Senior Champion Male with exhibitor Rachael Cochrane and Jane Wedgwood.

Golden Rose Fairy Floss T1875 (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) Junior Champion Heifer with exhibitor Erin Ferguson and Liz Cook.


Moongool Slingshot (P)

ANC Snazzy (P)

#1: $60,000 Vendor: Moongool Charolais Purchaser: Thomas Burnett

#=2: $50,000 Vendor: ANC Charolais Purchaser: Moongool Charolais

Palgrove Statement (P)(R/F) #=2: $50,000 Vendor: Palgrove Charolais Purchaser: L Bode

Charolais, Part of the Landscape Charolais sales backed up exceptionally well after the record breaking, bull selling season in 2022. The 2023 trading year could be best described as challenging for the beef industry. Between reduced rainfall, softening cattle prices and export restrictions there were many factors against confidence in the bull buying public. Against all this, Charolais breeders sold at auction over 1,700 sires, the second highest number in the Australian history of Charolais sales. The results for the sales in 2022 which saw 1,823 Charolais bulls sold for an average $13,680 and gross of $24,938,882 were exceptional for Charolais and stamped the breed as an integral breed in the Australian beef industry. Amongst a plethora of breed choices, commercial cattle breeders are choosing to utilize the advantages of Charolais genetics in their breeding programs. This reflects the strong demand for Charolais sired steers and heifers especially in the northern breeding areas.

Overall for 2023, the breed sold 1,724 bulls at a clearance of 87% to average $10,287. The gross overall was just shy of $18 million ranking the year gross vales as the third best on record. See the results in Table 2. Topping the sales for 2023 was the Price Family with their homozygous poll Moongool Slingshot (P) selling for $60,000. The 2023 Ekka Charolais Grand champion bull, Slingshot, sold to Thomas Burnett, Dirranbandi. His sale day stats at 29-months of age were, 1,180kgs, EMA of 155cm2, IMF 5.1%, scrotal circumference of 40cm, and P8 and rib fat measurements of 10 and 7 millimetres, respectively.

Table 1: Top Ten Auction Sales 2023 Rank Bull





Moongool Slingshot (P)

Airlie Kris K737E (P)



ANC Snazzy (P)

GDA Premier (AI)(ET)(P)



Palgrove Statement (P)(R/F)

Palgrove Platinum P931E (AI)(P)(R/F) $50,000


Palgrove Schooner (P)(R/F)

Palgrove Naturalism (P)



Reids Seamus (P)(R/F)

Reids Pompeii P90E (P)(R/F)



Moongool Simulcast (P)

GDA Parfait (AI)(ET)(P)



Palgrove Silver Service (P/S)

Palgrove Platinum P931E (AI)(P)(R/F) $40,000


Palgrove Sheriff (P)(R/F)

Palgrove Platinum P931E (AI)(P)(R/F) $38,000


Moongool Social Media (P)

Ascot Headline L68E (P)



ANC Stuttgart (P)(Tw)

GDA Premier (AI)(ET)(P)


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Sired by Airlie Kris K737E (P) and from a Temana Golden Logie G66E (P) (R/F) daughter, Slingshot appealed to Mr Burnett who commented in the Queensland Country Life “there’s a lot of softness in him, and really good depth, his EBV’s were phenomenal, up against a lot of competition from all of the other sires at the sale. He was a well configured animal and will do a lot of justice and improve the quality of my herd back at home”. The annual Moongool sale achieved the second best average for the year with 82 bulls selling for $15,335 average. Bulk buyers at Moongool included GKW Pastoral Holdings, Injune, who purchased nine bulls averaging $14,778, Moongool also sold the equal fifth top price bull last year with Moongool Simulcast (P) selling for $42,500 to Ascot Charolais stud. Sired by GDA Parfait (AI)(ET)(P), the result of an imported embryo from France this homozygous poll sires dam is a Silverstream Evolution E168E (P) daughter. GDA Parfait is also the sire of the record breaking $265,000 Moongool Revolution (P) sire purchased by 4 Ways Charolais at the 2022 Moongool sale. From the fifteen sons registered to date by this sire, five are working in Charolais studs.

Palgrove Schooner (P)(R/F)

Reids Seamus (P)(R/F)

Moongool Simulcast (P)

Moongool Charolais backed up their great sale by investing in new sires for their herd. They selected ANC Snazzy (P) from Andrew and Norah Cass for $50,000, the second top price of the season and a herd record for ANC. Snazzy (P) is sired by GDA Premier (P) who was imported as an embryo in the same shipment that GDA Parfait (sire of top price bull) was included in. Both of these imported embryos are grandsons of Exotic (P/S). In the ANC catalogue, Premier was described as “the highest performance sire we have ever used”. ANC Snazzy weighed in at 1,015kg on sale day, with purchaser Ivan Price commenting “the nicely balanced bull had all the breed characteristics one would want to see in a bull, citing muscle and fat coverage especially. As well as intra-muscular fat of 4.7 per cent, the son of GDA Premier had an eye muscle area of 145 cm2, bulls like that are always dear, there’s always people chasing them, we like to use French genetics every third cross”.

The ANC sale recorded a total clearance and an average of $13,946 for the 120 bulls offered. This average was up on the 2022 result for $13,764. GDA Premier (AI)(ET)(P) also sired the 10th top price sire in ANC Stuttgart (P)(Tw) at $32,500. Palgrove also sold two sires at $50,000 equalling the second top price for the season. Palgrove Statement S1336D (AI)(P)(R/F), was the first to reach $50,000, selling to the Bode family of McKinlay. The 25-monthold son of Palgrove Platinum, out of Palgrove Helena M629C, weighed 930kg, with a 140cm2 EMA, 5.5pc IMF, 42cm scrotal circumference, and P8 and rib fat measurements of 8mm and 5mm, respectively. This sire ranks in the top 10% for both Charolais Indices. His sire, Palgrove Platinum P931E (P)(R/F) himself sold for $48,000 back in 2021, also to the Bode Family. Palgrove Platinum P931E (AI)(P) (R/F) was also the sire of the 7th and 8th top priced Charolais bulls this year at $40,000 and $38,000 respectively.

The Bode family also secured the other $50,000 sire, Palgrove Schooner S2252E (AI)(P)(R/F), a 24-month-old son of Palgrove Naturalism, out of Palgrove Digna L339E. He weighed 928kg, with an EMA of 150cm2, IMF of 3.8pc, scrotal circumference of 43 cm2, and P8 and rib fat measurements of 6 and 5mm, respectively. Schooner is a homozygous poll sire. Highlighting the consistency of the Palgrove breeding program, Statement is the product of a Palgrove Hallmark son over a Silverstream Holster H187E daughter and Schooner is the product of a Holster grandson over a Hallmark daughter. The spring Palgrove sale achieved the top average of the year at $15,646 for the 96 bulls sold for a total clearance. David and Helen Reid sold Reids Seamus (P)(R/F) at the CQ Premier sale for $42,500. This homozygous poll bull was purchased for stud duties at Bettafield Charolais stud, Emerald Queensland. He was described by the vendors as “a real performance bull with plenty of power and bone”.

#=2: $50,000 Vendor: Palgrove Charolais Purchaser: L Bode

#=5: $42,500 Vendor: Reids Charolais Purchaser: Bettafield Charolais

#=5: $42,500 Vendor: Moongool Charolais Purchaser: Ascot Charolais

cont page 70....

Table 2: Charolais Auction Summary 2014 - 2023 Year

# Sales




Top $

Ave $

Gross $
















































































$5,466,614 69

Charolais, Part of the Landscape ...cont from page 69

Through the year fifteen Charolais bulls sold for $30,000 plus with 14 of these at Queensland sales. The Imberti family sold Silverstone Son of A Gun S119E to Clare Charolais for $30,000 at their Western Australian sale. Analysis indicates the breed held up well against the ruling market forces, data from Angus Australia website (data 11th October 2023) indicate less Angus bulls were sold at auction with a similar drop in average showing the industry as a whole felt the challenge of the market forces in play. At the herd level, Queensland sales dominated the top averages. Palgrove and Moongool achieved sales over $15,000 average. Venturon Charolais in Western Australia averaged $11,938 in Western Australia to make the top ten averages list indicated in Table 3 below. Ayr Charolais offered and sold 137 bulls for a total clearance and average of $8,971. ANC Charolais also had a total clearance of 120 bulls at auction and average of $13,946. The only other sale to sell over 100 bulls in the one sale was the Barambah-Dale/Kilkenny, Woolooga sale where 117 bulls sold for an average $11,923 at a total clearance. Thirteen sales of the 45 held in 2023 achieved a total clearance at auction. Western Australian sales were topped by the poll Silverstone Son of A Gun S119E (P) selling to Clare Charolais, Eidsvold, Queensland for $30,000. This bull features a very strong influence of the highly regarded Kooyong program. Venturon Start The Party (P) also sold to Queensland being selected by Bauhinia Park for $26,000. This bull then went on to be grand champion bull at Sydney Royal last year. Venturon had the top average for the state at $11,938 with the Liberty Yearling sale having the highest gross of $328,000. They sold 40 bulls for an average of $8,200. Most sales in Western Australia are early in the year and the cattle market still had some strength prevailing at the time. In Victoria the top price of $22,000 was reached twice. Firstly at Mount William on property sale when Mount William Sure Grip (P)(R/F) sold to the Brendale stud, Marburg Qld. This poll sire is a son of the highly proven and regarded Palgrove Hannibal (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) from a Blelack Digger dam. This bulls EBV’s rank him in the top 1% for Eye Muscle Area and top 5% for IMF%.

Table 3: Top Ten Averages: Sales 2023

Charolais Merchandise Items See order form online or telephone the office 02 6771 1666


January 2024 Charolais Magazine



$ Ave

# Bulls

Palgrove (Qld)












Bauhinia Park




Kandanga Valley (Jan)








Kilkenny/Barambah Dale




Palgrove (HV)













(*Auction results only)


# Sales




































Rangan Supertramp S145E (P) a homozygous poll son of Rangan Quartermaster Q19(P) also made $22,000 selling to Minnie-Vale Charolais at Narrabri NSW. This bull features a strong Full French influence in his immediate pedigree. Purchaser Jason Salier said “the most important thing to us is that he was homozygous polled and softly built with a very good temperament, he was also structurally sound with a really good spread of estimated breeding values data”. The Rangan sale achieved the best average in Victoria at $9,447 with a total clearance of their 38 bulls on offer. This average was an increase of almost a $1,000 than the 2022 sale. Top price in New South Wales for the year was Palgrove Sheriff (P)(R/F) at $38,000. This bull was purchased by Ben Avery, Blackall, Queensland. Palgrove also sold Palgrove Southern Style S1548E for $24,000 to the Inder Family from Rockwell Charolais, Merriwa NSW. Return buyer Sophie Inder has been buying from Palgrove for over 6 years and “has never been disappointed” with her purchases. The Palgrove Hunter Valley sale also had the top average in New South Wales at $11,766 for their 47 bulls offered. Daryl, Kaye and Sean Jenkins also sold a bull for $24,000 with Violet Hills Shamrock (P) selling for sire duties at Elridge Charolais, Gympie, Qld. Violet Hills Shiloh closely followed at $23,000 bought by Futurity Pastoral, Baradine. Rosedale Snoop Dog (P) made $23,000 selling to Spinifex Pastoral Co, Swan Hill, Victoria at the annual Rosedale on property sale. Their top-priced bull, Rosedale Snoop Dog (P), was a Rosedale Maverick son, 21 months old, and weighed 750 kilograms with seven and five millimetres of rump and rib fat, a 123cm2 Eye Muscle Area combined with a scan of 5.4 per cent intramuscular fat and a 41 centimetre scrotal circumference. This bull was the top bull in a draft of six Charolais bulls that averaged $16,167 purchased by volume buyer, Spinifex Pastoral, Swan Hill. These included Rosedale Stallone (P), another Maverick son at $22,000 and Rosedale Senator at $20,000. These sales contributed to Rosedale achieving the second best sale average in the state at $10,780.

Top $ Average $

Gross $

The value of the Queensland market to the Charolais breed cannot be overstated. Some 70% of Charolais bulls sold at auction in Australia were knocked down at one of the twenty three sales in the state. Overall the average price in Queensland was $11,124, well above the national average. Considering most of these sales were held on a softening market and dry outlook, this is a great result. If we use the annual Toogoolawah Weaner sale held in mid May as a reference for the price differential 2022 to 2023. The best priced pen at this sale in 2022 was $2,400 for a weaner steer. The top priced steer pen in 2023 was $1,400 per head highlighting the contraction in the cattle market. The Woolooga Charolais sale of Kilkenny and BarambahDale Charolais studs had a great result selling 117 bulls at a total clearance and average of $11,923. This sale topped at $24,000 twice for Barambah-Dale Salvage (P) selling to Moongool Charolais and Barambah-Dale Scully selling to Riverleigh Pastoral, Woolooga. Both of these were sired by ANC Charolais sires. Kandanga Valley started the year on a high averaging $13,107 for 46 bulls at their Summer Sale in January. This sale topped at $21,000 twice. John and Roz Mercer then averaged $10,391 at their spring sale. The February All Breeds posted a good result with 29 Charolais bulls averaging $10,483. Clare and Elridge Charolais studs selling at their Eidsvold sale had a tremendous clearance and average of $11,313 and top of $28,000. This sale achieved a full clearance later in the season. Ascot and Advance bull sales also had very good averages of $10,790 and $10,586 respectively. We know that a large number of Charolais bulls are also sold privately adding to the 1,700 plus sires sold at auction. These numbers easily ensure that Charolais can be considered the major European breed in Australia


Bull Sales Report 2023

Mt Barker MultiBreed Sale

Mount William Sale

Kenmere On Property Sale

Offered: 9 Sold: 6 Average $6,583 Top: $9,500: Quicksilver Schooner (P) Sire: Quicksilver Quantum (AI)(ET)(P) Purchaser: Graham Ayers Livestock, Bonholm

Top: $22,000: Mount William Sure Grip (P)(R/F) Sire: Palgrove Hannibal(ET)(AI)(P)(R/F) Purchaser: Brendale Charolais, Marburg Qld.

Top: $13,000: Kenmere Silver Moon (AI) (P) Sire: LT Badge 9184 (P) Purchaser: David Wigg, Maffra, Vic.

Date: 17 January Mt Barker WA Vendor: Quicksilver Charolais (D & D Giles)

Kandanga Valley Remax (R/F)

Date: 10 February Willaura Vic. Vendor: Mount William Charolais Offered: 41 Sold: 24 Average $7,542

February All Breeds Sale

Date: 14 February Rockhampton Qld Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 33

Sold: 29

Average $10,483

Top: $22,000: Quicksilver Shotgun (AI)(ET)(P) Sire: JWX Downtown 7C (P) Vendor: D & D Giles, Quicksilver Charolais. Purchaser: Parker Grazing

Date: 10 March Holbrook NSW. Vendor: Kenmere Charolais Offered: 40 Sold: 22 Average $6,409

Silverstone On Property Bull Sale Date: 14 March Narrikup WA Vendor: Silverstone Livestock Offered: 27

Sold: 23

Average $9,522

Top: $30,000: Silverstone Son of a Gun S119E (P) Sire: Silverstone Quietly Spoken Q164E (P) Purchaser: Clare Grazing, Theodore, Qld

Kandanga Valley Rumpus (P)

Kandanga Valley Summer Sale

Date: 21 January Kandanga Qld Vendor: JD & RJ Mercer Offered: 31

Sold: 28

Average $13,107

Top: $21,000: Kandanga Valley Remax (R/F) Sire: Allednaw Prince (P) Purchaser: Bernie Duncombe, Nanango Qld Top: $21,000: Kandanga Valley Rumpus (P) Sire: Minnie-Vale Nouveau (P/S) Purchaser: PS Kennedy Family Trust, Mooloo Qld.

Morgiana Sale

Date: 7 February Hamilton Vic. Vendor: Allan J Crozier Offered: 18 Sold: 10 Average $5,750 Top: $7,500: Morgiana House So Awesome S2 (P) Sire: Palgrove How Awesome (AI)(P) Purchaser: Peter Burchard, Millicent SA Top: $7,500: Morgiana House Louis S30 (AI) Sire: Necessaire


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Venturon On Property Bull Sale

Black Stump Bull Sale

Offered: 25

Offered: 8

Date: 24 February Boyup Brook WA Vendor: Venturon Livestock Sold: 16

Average $11,938

Top: $26,000: Venturon Start The Party (P) Sire: Venturon Hamish (P) Purchaser: Bauhinia Park Charolais, Emerald, Qld

Goodnwindi Sale

Date: 6 March Furner SA. Vendor: Goodnwindi Charolais Offered: 12 Sold: 7 Average $6,427 Top=: $7,000: Goodnwindi Signature Purchaser: Leigh Clifford, Furner, SA Top=: $7,000: Goodnwindi Seducer Purchaser: K & B Walker, Beachport, SA

Date: 14 March Blackall, Qld. Vendor: Mountview Charolais Sold: 8

Average $10,062

Top: $21,000: Mountview Sydney (P/S)(R/F) Sire: Ascot Primetime P552E (P)(R/F) Purchaser: W & K Gleeson, Alpha, Qld

Rangan On Property Sale

Date: 17 March Charleroi, Vic. Vendor: Rangan Charolais Offered: 38 Sold: 38 Average $9,447

Liberty On Property Sale

Date: 20 April Toodyay WA. Vendor: Liberty Charolais Offered: 40 Sold: 40 Average $8,200

Violet Hills On Property Bull Sale Date: 4 May Rydal NSW. Vendor: Violet Hills Charolais Offered: 39

Sold: 37

Average $8,986

Top: $22,000: Rangan Supertramp S145 (P) Sire: Rangan Quartermaster Q19 (P) Purchaser: Minnie Vale Charolais, Narrabri, NSW.

Top: $14,500: Liberty Toblerone T32 (P)(R/F) Sire: Palgrove Poundmaker P2046E (P)(R/F) Purchaser: Couper Brothers, Dowerin, WA.

Top: $24,000: Violet Hills Shamrock (P) Sire: Violet Hills Jacquard (P) Purchaser: Elridge Charolais, Gympie, Qld

WALSA Supreme Bull Sale

Challambi Online Sale

Rosedale On Property Sale

Top: $15,000: Kooyong Solid Gold (AI) (P)(R/F) Sire: Glenlea Just Red (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) Purchaser: Liberty Charolais, Toodyay, WA.

Top: $9,000: Challambi Trumpet (AI)(P)(R/F) Sire: Valley View Leader (P)(R/F) Purchaser: Maritana Charolais, Lockington, Vic..

Top: $23,000: Rosedale Snoop Dog (P) Sire: Rosedale Maverick (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) Purchaser: Spinifex Pastoral, Swan Hill, Vic.

Talgoona On Property Sale

Clarinda Dispersal Sale

Palgrove Hunter Valley Sale

Top: $6,500: Talgoona Spencer (P) Sire: Rockwood Magic M127 (P)

Top: $8,500: Clarinda Duty Free T33 (AI)(ET)(P) Sire: Turnbulls Duty Free 358D (P) Purchaser: Southern MultiBreed (NSW DPI).

Top: $38,000: Palgrove Sheriff S1395E (P)(R/F) Sire: Palgrove Platinum P931E (AI)(P)(R/F) Purchaser: Ben Avery, Blackall, Qld.

Date: 25 March Yerong Creek NSW. Vendor: Talgoona Charolais Offered: 18 Sold: 9 Average $4,500

Date: 20 April Tooma NSW. Vendor: Challambi Charolais Offered: 19 Sold: 14 Average $5,192

Date: 3 May Hansonville Vic. Vendor: Clarinda Charolais Offered: 16 Sold: 13 Average $5,115

Date: 17 May Blayney NSW. Vendor: Rosedale Charolais Offered: 53 Sold: 41 Average $10,780

Date: 2 June Scone NSW. Vendor: Palgrove Pastoral Co Offered: 47 Sold: 47 Average $11,766

“They’re incredible workers,” Mr Booth said. “I’ve been putting them with 50 to 60 cows and they’ll come back in good condition. “They don’t even need a spell so they’re obviously really good doers.” Charlie Booth, Wandoan, Qld

Date: 19 March Brunswick WA. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 17 Sold: 16 Average $8,563


Bull Sales Report 2023

Ag Grow Bull Sale

Date: 23 June Emerald Qld. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 38 Sold: 36 Average $8,944 Top: $22,000: 4 Ways MLR S35E (P) Sire: Moongool Lunar Rise (AI)(P) Vendor: 4 Ways Charolais, Inverell, NSW Purchaser: M & G Shan, Cantuar Park, Qld.

Kilkenny / Barambah -Dale Bull Sale

Date: 28 July Woolooga Qld. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 117 Sold: 117 Average $11,923 Top: =$24,000: Barambah-Dale Salvage (P) (pic) Sire: ANC Leonardo Vendor: Barambah-Dale Charolais Purchaser: Moongool Charolais, Yuleba, Qld. Top: =$24,000: Barambah-Dale Scully Sire: ANC Medal Vendor: Barambah-Dale Charolais Purchaser: Riversleigh Pastoral, Woolooga, Qld.

Top: $11,500: Glenlea Just Red S6 (P)(R/F) Sire: Glenlea Just Red (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) Purchaser: Willsdown Pastoral, Boulia, Qld.

Lilydale Invitational Bull Sale

Date: 15 July Toogoolawah Qld. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 50 Sold: 46 Average $7,043 Top: $15,000: Bird Hill Samson Sire: Bird Hill Kudo (AI) Vendor: J & J Spreadborough, Blenheim Qld Purchaser: Eskdale Cattle, Eskdale West, Qld.

Date: 29 July Casino, NSW. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 21 Sold: 20 Average $8,450 Top: $16,000: PJ Sundance (P) Sire: PJ Quickdraw (AI)(P)(R/F) Vendor: PJ Charolais Purchaser: King Family.

Coolabunia Charolais Bull Sale

Glenlea Beef, Fairfield Winton Bull Sale Date: 14 July Winton Qld. Vendor: Glenlea Beef Offered: 35 Sold: 35 Average $7,714

Casino All Breeds Bull Sale

Minnie-Vale On property Bull Sale

Date: 28 July Narrabri, NSW. Vendor: S & J Salier Offered: 46 Sold: 34 Average $7,853 Top: $17,000: Minnie-Vale Stardom (P) Sire: Palgrove Lord (AI)(P) Purchaser: Lawlor Pastoral, Taroom, Qld.

Kandanga Valley On property Bull Sale Date: 29 July Kandanga, Qld. Vendor: J & R Mercer Offered: 46 Sold: 46 Average $10,931 Top: $18,000: Kandanga Valley Sultan (P) Sire: Minnie-Vale Nouveau (P/S) Purchaser: Queensland Trust For Nature, Qld.

“Weigh Ahead of the Rest”,

Date: 17 August Coolabunia, Qld. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 50 Sold: 44 Average $7,659 Top: $19,000: Charnelle Stationmaster (AI)((TW) (P) Sire: Johnny (P) Vendor: Charnelle Charolais Purchaser: Top Camp Cattle Co, Qld.

Wakefield Charolais Bull Sale

Date: 18 August Wollomombi, NSW. Vendor: GJ & JM Frizell Offered: 37 Sold: 35 Average $7,786 Top: $14,000: Wakefield Strut Your Stuff (P) Sire: Wakefield Noble (AI)(ET)(P) Purchaser: D & J Campbell, Eltham, NSW.

Cross Into Profit with Charolais


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Glenlea Beef Clermont Bull Sale

Advance Bull Sale

4 Ways Charolais Bull Sale

Bauhinia Park Bull Sale

Futurity Charolais Bull Sale

Eidsvold Charolais Bull Sale

Hopgood Charolais Bull Sale

Premier CQ Charolais Bull Sale

Date: 23 August Emerald, Qld. Vendor: R & R Holzwart Offered: 41 Sold: 41 Average $13,317 Top=: $21,000: Bauhinia Park Sky Rocket (R/F) Sire: 4 Ways Mario (P) Purchaser: Mulgrave Pastoral Co, Barcaldine, Qld.

Date: 28 August Roma, Qld. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 37 Sold: 29 Average $10,586 Top: $24,000: Brendale Supreme (P) Sire: 4 Ways Phantom (P) Vendor: Brendale Charolais Purchaser: Parker Family, Jericho, Qld

Date: 31 August Baradine, NSW. Vendor: Futurity Pastoral Co Offered: 34 Sold: 26 Average $8,511 Top: $17,000: Futurity Senator S126E (P) Sire: Minnie-Vale Pirate (P) Purchaser: PJ & CA Dunford, Gunningbland, NSW

Top=: $21,000: Bauhinia Park Stateman (R/F) Sire: ANC Lastovski Purchaser: Lamb Pastoral Co, Biloela, Qld.

ANC Charolais Bull Sale

Date: 25 August Gulugaba, Qld. Vendor: ANC Cattle Co Pty Ltd Offered: 120 Sold: 120 Average $13,946 Top: $50,000: ANC Snazzy (P) Sire: GDA Premier (AI)(ET)(P) Purchaser: Moongool Charolais, Yuleba, Qld.

Date: 31 August Clermont, Qld. Vendor: Hopgood Cattle Co Pty Ltd Offered: 42 Sold: 36 Average $8.583 Top: $18,000: Hopgood Steadfast (P)(R/F) Sire: Palgrove Hallmark (AI)(P)(R/F) Purchaser: G & R Peck, Purtora, Blackall Qld

Date: 4 September Emerald, Qld. Vendor: 4 Ways Charolais Offered: 30 Sold: 24 Average $9,333 Top: $22,000: 4 Ways MLR S54E (P)(TW) Sire: Moongool Lunar Rise (AI)(P) Purchaser: Appleton Cattle Co., Charters Towers Qld

Date: 5 September Eidsvold, Qld. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 64 Sold: 64 Average $11,313 Top: $28,000: Clare Snoop Dog (P)(R/F) Sire: Moongool P747 (R/F) Vendor: Clare Charolais Purchaser: Moongool Charolais, Yuleba, Qld.

Date: 7 September Gracemere, Qld. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 67 Sold: 51 Average $10,196 Top: $42,500: Reids Seamus S50E (AI)(P)(R/F) Sire: Reids Pompeii P90E (P)(R/F) Vendor: DJ & HL Reid Purchaser: Bettafield Charolais Stud, Emerald Qld

The Charolais genetics complement the large framed Santa Gertrudis cross cows, “We get paid on weight at the end of the day so if you’re producing weaners it pays to have European blood to get them heavier younger.

Charlie Booth, Wandoan, Qld

Date: 18 August Clermont Qld. Vendor: Glenlea Beef Offered: 37 Sold: 35 Average $6,985 Top: $11,500: Glenlea Muscles T630 (P) Sire: Challambi Muscles (AI)(ET)(P) Purchaser: Woonon Grazing, Sarina, Qld.


Bull Sales Report 2023

Golden Opportunity Bull Sale

Ascot Charolais Bull Sale

Glenlea Beef Roma Bull Sale

Moongool Charolais Bull Sale

Elstow Bull Sale

Bardoo Charolais Bull Sale

Date: 12 September Coonamble, NSW. Vendor: Multi Vendor Offered: 23 Sold: 10 Average $6,400 Top: $10,000: Myona Stoplight S18 (P) Sire: Silverstream National N40 (P) Vendor: Myona Charolais Purchaser: Vanessa Selleck, Merrick North, Vic.

Date: 15 September Warwick, Qld. Vendor: Ascot Charolais Offered: 64 Sold: 62 Average $10,790 Top: $23,000: Ascot Trademark T115E (P) Sire: Ascot Juggernaut J134E (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) Purchaser: Appleton Cattle Co., Charters Towers, Qld.

Palgrove Charolais Bull Sale

Date: 8 September Chinchilla, Qld. Vendor: Palgrove Pastoral Co Offered: 96 Sold: 96 Average $15,646 Top=: $50,000: Palgrove Statement S1336D (P)(R/F) Sire: Palgrove Platinum P931E (AI)(P)(R/F) Purchaser: L Bode, McKinley, Qld Top=: $50,000: Palgrove Schooner S2252E (P)(R/F) Sire: Palgrove Naturalism (P) Purchaser: L Bode, McKinley, Qld Date: 13 September Roma, Qld. Vendor: Glenlea Beef Offered: 87 Sold: 30 Average $7,367 Top: $20,000: Glenlea Sonny S339 (P) Sire: Challambi Muscles (AI)(ET)(P) Purchaser: Moondoogundi Charolais, Home Rule, NSW.

Ayr On property Bull Sale

Date: 11 September Moura, Qld. Vendor: G, RM & DG Cass Offered: 137 Sold: 137 Average $8,971 Top: $22,000: Ayr Angola’s Surrey 2 Sire: Ayr M.H’s Angola Purchaser: Kuskie Investments, Kilkivan, Qld

Date: 13 September Baradine, NSW. Vendor: B & M McConnaughty Offered: 28 Sold: 18 Average $5,706 Top: $9,000: Elstow Spark Plug (P)(R/F) Sire: Ascot Hitman H88E (AI)(ET)(P) Purchaser: W & G Steiner, Egerland, Coonamble, NSW

“Weigh Ahead of the Rest” Cross Into Profit with Charolais 76

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Date: 18 September Yuleba, Qld. Vendor: Keddstock Pty Ltd. Offered: 82 Sold: 82 Average $15,335 Top: $60,000: Moongool Slingshot (P) Sire: Airlie Kris K737E (P) Purchaser: Thomas Burnett, Dirranbandi, Qld.

Date: 24 November Capel, WA. Vendor: BW & DJ Bell. Offered: 27 Sold: 22 Average $5,909 Top=: $8,000: Bardoo S161E (AI)(P) Sire: SCR Triumph 2135 (P) Purchaser: MH Collins & Co, Nyabing, WA. Top=: $8,000: Bardoo T95E (AI)(P)(R/F) Sire: LT Venture 3198 (P) Purchaser: OM Dunnet & Co, Nannup, WA.

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From the Archives - 1974’s “the message has stood the test of time and still rings true” Editorial

Frank Hodder, Chief Executive Officer August 1974 Magazine I have reached the conclusion that we have a lot of pessimists within the Beef Cattle industry and for their benefit, I would l like to unequivocally state that the World is not coming to an end. Because of the existing credit restrictions. The breeding of cattle is for ever and particularly with a Charolais up-grading project, the effluxion of time will be one of our most important attributes to quality. Too easily do we forget the crisis in the wool and sheep industry a few years ago and before that the prices we had to accept for cattle. World economic situations fluctuate therefore cattle prices will vary but there should be no reason for anyone to predict a gloomy future. There are good and not-so-good times within any Industry SO it becomes imperative that Charolais breeders now set the tempo for a more productive and economic structure. We are extremely fortunate that we sponsor breed that is modern and has the elements of high growth factor, and lean tender Beef to enable higher returns for our end product. It is the responsibility of every one of us to eat more beef and to explain and promote, agitate and stir if necessary but, more than anything else, to have confidence in Beef and Australia. Promote optimism, practice economy, exhibit Charolais whenever and whenever possible. If our carcasses keep taking out the major commercial show awards it will be very difficult for cattlemen to select other than Charolais bulls if their business is beef production. Study your markets and rather than saturate a sale with all your bulls, select four different venues if you have, say 20, to dispose of. One’ of our members donated 12 bulls to three large commercial operators recently and if they prove successful, I know someone, at least, who must sell bulls a bit later on. Exhibit bulls so that cattlemen can see them. A pen at your local show or adjacent to commercial selling centres can evoke interest. There is nothing like success for promoting success so everyone should now set out to be a Super Salesman for Charolais. Enthusiasm is the most infectious trait you can adopt and if you really believe in Charolais you can have almost one half of Australia’s retail butchers on side. Every purveyor of beef is interested in cutability and the most productive carcass must be the Charolais cross, so it will be in your interests if you encourage your local butcher to try, one. It may be possible for you to guarantee a continuing supply to your mutual benefit. Please do not let us develop Charolais as a word to remember but as a name we will never forget, that is, A HOUSEHOLD WORD. FRANK HODDER EDITOR 78

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Brisbane Royal 1974 September 1974 Magazine

C-Day, and C is for Charolais Cross and Champion! February 1974 Magazine

It was C-Day in Adelaide on Monday; the day results of the 1974 S.A. Beef Carcass Competition were known. And C was for Charolais. This breed, relatively new to Australia, triumphed in the carcass judging with champion and reserve champion pens and first prize single yearling heavyweight all sired by Charolais bulls. It has really made the S.A. beef fraternity sit up and take notice. Charolais cross cattle have been with us a few years now and, generally speaking, have been pretty well accepted, even by the “died in the hide’ conventional breeders who won’t hear of the exotics being in any way superior to the cattle they have been used to, and breeding successfully, for decades. All sorts of stories filtered through from overseas when Charolais semen first arrived in Australia on the merits of a breed which would revolutionise the industry. Being naturally conservative, not too many of our beef breeders took much notice of these inflationary testimonials on “the white breed, a native of France” And there was probably good reason for this complacent attitude. Australia has now reached a stage where efficiency and quality in its beef industry is of a very high standard. Apart from satisfying our local beef demand, we are the world’s biggest meat (including beef) exporter. Many countries look to Australia first for their supplies. The more conventional British breeds are the cattle that have got Australia where it is today, so why change? Many were not prepared to risk years of building up a quality herd by introducing a new breed which might put them back where they had started. And there were many stories-and we still hear them-of the calving difficulties experienced with Charolais cattle. There still might be some element of truth in these stories. The wins by Charolais cross cattle in this year’s S.A. competition, however, has set the seal on their assured future in this country, even if only as a terminal, or crossing breed. The S.A. wins came on top of sweeping successes by the breed at Smithfield, U.K., where Charolais cross entries featured among the majority of winners, including the Champion of the show. Charolais crosses also dominated at the recent fat stock show in Argentina. So, it is a world-wide success story for the Charolais. We are not suggesting for one moment that beef breeders rush off to order a batch of Charolais semen as we believe the British breeds have, and will continue to do the job for Australia under Australian conditions. But to consider the Charolais merely as a “fly by night” fad appears a long way from the truth. On the contrary, it seems Charolais will play an even more important role in our beef industry in the years ahead. We say good luck to the people who took the gamble to at least give them a try. They have now proved a point. Stock Journal, January 17.

Champion Steer

February 1974 Magazine The steer pictured above is a very good steer bred by S.D.W. (Mick) Bryon, Latrobe Tasmania, which was one of the demonstration Charolais crosses at the Launceston Show and Hobart Royal, 1973. It is by Argent from a Friesian. This steer won under 15 months All Breeds at Burnie, it won Champion steer at 15 months at Ulverstone (biggest one day show in Tasmania); it was winner under 17 months over All breeds at Devonport with very strong opposition from all breeds. Mick advises that his steer weighed 1400lbs (635kg) at 15 months.

Blood Typing Costs Up August 1974 Magazine

University of Queensland, Veterinary Blood Grouping Laboratory, Veterinary School Farm, Moggill Road, Kenmore, 4069, advises that as from 1st September 1974 blood grouping charges will be increased to $12.00 per blood sample. This is the first increase since 1969. The cost of a parentage determination will depend on the number of animals whose blood samples are submitted for testing. Charges per individual animal brings us into line with overseas laboratories.



Cross Into Profit with Charolais Carefully planned and well managed crossbreeding systems are a tool which have the potential to deliver significant benefits to beef producers. Travel anywhere in regional Australia and you are bound to see numerous herds of crossbred cattle, with many commercial producers taking advantage of the performance “boost” created by mixing two or more purebreds. The main benefits of crossbreeding result from: • Additional performance as a result of hybrid vigour (also known as heterosis). • The ability to combine the benefits of different breeds (also known as breed complementarity). Hybrid Vigour (or Heterosis) Hybrid vigour is the amount by which the performance of the crossbred animals exceed (or differ from) the average performance of the purebred parents that are used in the cross. An example of this for weaning weight is demonstrated in Figure 1.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

This was further illustrated in a crossbreeding research trial undertaken by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries which highlighted the benefits achieved through a structured crossbreeding program for weaning weight. This trial included crosses of Hereford, Angus and Shorthorn cattle in Southern Queensland.

The results of this trial are demonstrated in Figure 2. Compared to the straight bred calves, the F1 crossbred calves showed on average an 8.5% increase in weaning weight per cow mated. While significant, a larger increase of 23.3% was observed is the F2 calves, being those calves bred from F1 cows. The additional “boost” was obtained from maternal heterosis. Importantly, heterosis is not just observed for weaning weight but in many economically important beef cattle production traits, especially in traits of “low” heritability such as reproduction and adaptability traits. Table1 below illustrates the relationship between heritability and heterosis for different categories of beef cattle traits.

The amount of hybrid vigour achieved will depend on the type of crossbreeding or composite system implemented. A composite breeding program is a crossbreeding system that is stabilised (inter-mating the crossbreds). Table 2 lists the types of crossbreeding systems, the levels hybrid vigour (both individual and maternal) retained and estimates of increases in weaning weight per cow mated. To re-iterate, to fully benefit from hybrid vigour the cow herd should also be crossbred to also take advantage of maternal heterosis. Crossbred cows when compared to purebred females will generally have: • increased conception rates • improved calving ease • increased percentage of calves weaned • a longer production life (i.e. longevity)

Reproduction and maternal traits have low heritability and the traditional response to selection in breeding programs will generally be slower compared to high heritability traits. At the same time however, significant improvement in these traits can be made through programs that maximize heterosis. The inverse is true with carcase traits. Significant and rapid progress can be made through selection for carcase traits in a breeding program, while crossbreeding has little or no heterosis effect. Growth traits are moderate for both heritability and heterosis, making progress possible through both selection and crossbreeding. cont page 82.... 81

Cross Into Profit with Charolais ...cont from page 81 Breed Complementarity Breed Complementarity results when combining the strong traits of one or more breeds to compensate for the weak traits of another breed.

Figure 3 illustrates the benefits of combining selection with crossbreeding.

For example, a British breed female (eg. Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn) mated to a European breed sire (eg. Charolais, Simmental, Limousin) complement each other exceptionally well. In general terms, the British breed female contributes early maturity, easy finishing and calving ease while the European breed sire contributes high growth and muscle. Alternatively, a simple cross breeding system could utilise two different British breeds (eg. Shorthorn/Hereford and Angus genetics). This example requires two joining mobs, with the daughters of the Angus sires being joined to the Shorthorn/Hereford sire and vice versa (known as a crisscross mating system). These breeds work in this system as they both have maternal qualities, and are complementary in carcase and maturity patterns. In addition, the system is relatively easy to manage, generates its own replacement females, which in turn provide the benefits from the maternal hybrid vigour that will expressed. Crossbreeding Considerations There some considerations that need to be taken into account regarding the implementation of a crossbreeding program. These include: • Managing and/or sourcing replacement females (depending on crossbreeding system implemented). • Crossbreeding programs may require more joining groups than a purebred system. This could be eased by purchasing replacement heifers although locating a source of heifers available on a regular basis with suitable health status and known breeding may be difficult. • Hybrid vigour may result in higher birth weights when sires of a high growth rate breed are joined to heifers of a smaller breed. Selection of suitable genetics is essential to counteract this negative. • Crossbred females may be larger and therefore consume more feed than purebred females. Research has indicated that productivity per hectare still favours the crossbred female. Selection & Crossbreeding Crossbreeding should not be seen as an excuse for using “low” performing genetics (i.e. bulls) within a breeding program. Regardless of hybrid vigour, the performance of the crossbred herd will depend largely on the genetics of the parent, the management level and the environment that is used.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Several tools should be utilised within the beef producer’s tool kit to ensure the “best” genetics are used in the crossbreeding program, including: BREEDPLAN EBVs BREEDPLAN is a genetic evaluation system for beef cattle breeders offering the potential to accelerate genetic progress in their herds, and to provide objective information on stock they sell to commercial breeders. BREEDPLAN uses the world’s most advanced genetic evaluation system (based on Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) technology) to produce Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) of recorded cattle for a range of important production traits (e.g. weight, carcase, fertility). Included in the calculation of EBVs are the animal’s own performance, the performance of known relatives, the heritability of each trait and the relationship between the different traits BreedObject Selection Indexes Selection Indexes enable cattle producers to make “balanced” selection decisions, taking into account the relevant growth, carcase & fertility attributes of each animal to identify the animal that is most profitable for their particular commercial enterprise. Selection Indexes reflect both the short term profit generated by a sire through the sale of his progeny, and the longer term profit generated by his daughters in a self-replacing cow herd. Utilising both selection and cross breeding will result in maximum benefit within a breeding program. More information on using BREEDPLAN and Selection Indexs can be obtained from ABRI Extension Services ABRI, UNE ARMIDALE NSW 2351 Extension Team 0409 102 644 0427 018 982 0437 468 159

Charolais Progeny from British Breed dams

x Angus

x Hereford

x Lincoln Red

x Murray Grey

x Red Angus British breeds are traditionally associated with maternal traits, early maturity, easy finishing and calving ease. They are very popular in southern beef systems and many of the breeds have focussed on improving carcase attributes. Commercial breeders can add a Charolais sire over these breeds and benefit from heterosis without altering stocking rates. Charolais sires over these females add growth and muscularity with the calves taking advantage of the maternal attributes of the dam. The British breed female (eg. Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn) mated to a Charolais complement each other exceptionally well. In general terms, the British breed female contributes early maturity, easy finishing and calving ease while the European breed sire contributes high growth and muscle. These crosses work well in southern breeding systems looking to market progeny as weaners.

x Murray Grey

x Red Poll

x Shorthorn

cont page 84.... 83

Cross Into Profit with Charolais ...cont from page 83

Charolais Progeny from Bos Indicus dams

x Santa Gertrudis

x Charbray

x Droughtmaster

x Hereford/Brahman

Bos Indicus breeds are traditionally associated with adaptability, and calving ease. They are very popular in northern beef systems where grazing conditions and parasites can be major issues. Commercial breeders can add a Charolais sire over these breeds and benefit from heterosis weight gain. Charolais sires over these females add growth and muscularity with the calves taking advantage of the adaptive traits of the dam. The Bos Indicus breed female (eg. Brahman, Santa Gertrudis, Brangus) mated to a Charolais complement each other exceptionally well. In general terms, the Bos Indicus female contributes adaptive and heat tolerance traits and calving ease while the European breed sire contributes high growth and muscle. These crosses work well in northern breeding systems looking to increase weight in their weaners.

x Brahman

x Brangus

x Brahman

x Santa Gertrudis cross 84

January 2024 Charolais Magazine

Charolais Progeny Harnessing Maternal Heterosis

x Black Baldy

x Angus/Friesian

x Charolais/Hereford

x Hereford/Friesian Heterosis steps up a notch when the power of maternal heterosis is added. Crossbred cows when compared to purebred females will generally have increased conception rates, improved calving ease, increased percentage of calves weaned and a longer production life (i.e. longevity). Charolais sires over these females add growth and muscularity with the calves taking advantage of the maternal attributes such as an Angus x Friesian or the adaptive traits of their crossbred dam such as a Hereford Brahman cross dam. These systems do require a little more work than straight crossbreeding eg Charolais over Angus in a terminal cross.

x Hereford/Brahman

x Angus/Friesian

x Hereford/Friesian

x Angus Friesian cross 85

Events 2024

All event/sale information is based on information supplied. For the latest information, event updates and new events January 2nd

Charolais office opens for trading 2024.

March 8 Kenmere On Property Bull Sale On Property “Moorak” Holbrook NSW. Web:

January 16 Great Southern Bull Sale Mt Barker Selling Complex, Mt Barker WA. Contact Doug Giles 0427 720 010

March 12 Silverstone Charolais On Property Bull Sale On property, Narrikup WA. Web:

January 20 Kandanga Valley Summer Bull Sale Kandanga via Gympie Qld. Web: January 31 2024 Charolais Membership Fees Due February 9 Mt William On Property Charolais Sale Mt William Station, Willaura Vic. Web: February tba Morgiana On Property Charolais Sale On property Hamilton Vic. Contact Alan Crozier 03 5573 4561 February 13 February All Breeds Bull & Female Sale CQLX, Gracemere Qld. Contact Agents Nutrien & Elders February 23 Venturon Annual On Property Bull Sale Boyup Brook, WA Web: March 2 Charnelle Charolais Invitational Female Sale Toowoomba Showgrounds, Toowoomba Qld. Web:


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

March 15 Rangan On Property Bull Sale Rangan Park, Charleroi Vic. Web: March 19 Black Stump Bull Sale Blackall Sale Yards, Blackall Qld. Contact: GDL March 20 Supreme Bull Sale Brunswick Showground WA. Contact Agents: Nutrien Livestock & Elders March 20 -22 New Zealand Charolais Tour Palmerston North, North Island. Contact: March 23-25 Sydney Royal Show - Charolais/Interbreed Judging Web: March 31st - Autumn HMF Status reports due. April 6 Silverstream Female Sale On property Silverstream, Christchurch N.Z. Contact: April 18 Liberty Yearling Bull Sale On property “Culham” Toodyay WA. Contact: Kevin & Robin Yost 08 9574 2035

April 18 Challambi Online Bull & Female Sale Online format Contact: Nigel Spink 0427 828 804

July 20 Lilydale Invitational Charolais Bull Sale Toogoolawah Showgrounds, Toogoolawah Qld Contact Ross Sticklen 0438 625 505

Apr 19 Glenlea Beef Easter Special Female Sale Web:

July 26 Minnie Vale On Property Bull Sale “Bexley”, Narrabri NSW. Web:

May 2 Violet Hills On Property Bull Sale On Property Rydal NSW. Web:

July (tbc) Casino All Breeds Bull Sale NRLX, Casino NSW Web: Aug (tbc) Charolais/Charbray International Youth Program Hosted by Charolais Society of Australia Web:

May 8 The Charolais National Sale Rockhampton, Qld

Aug 3 Kandanga Valley On Property Bull Sale Kandanga via Gympie Qld. Web:

May 17 Rosedale On Property Bull Sale On property Rosedale, Blayney NSW. Web:

August 7-10 Brisbane Royal [EKKA] Cattle judging Brisbane Qld

June 7 Palgrove Hunter Valley Bull Sale Scone Saleyards, Scone NSW. Web:

August 15 Coolabunia Classic Charolais Bull Sale Coolabunia Sale Complex, Coolabunia Qld. Contact: Graham Blanch 0427 622 410

June 21 Supreme Beef Bull Sale AgGrow Field Days, Emerald Qld Web:

August 16 Glenlea Beef Clermont Bull Sale Clermont Qld Web:

June 21 - Jul 6 Charolais World Congress Toronto to Calgary, Canada Web: July 12 -14 Charolais Youth Event Queensland tbc Web: July 19 Glenlea Beef Winton Bull Sale Winton Qld Web:

August 16 Wakefield Charolais Bull Sale On property, Wollomombi via Armidale NSW Web: August 21 Bauhinia Park Charolais Bull Sale AgGrow Selling Complex, Emerald Qld Web: August 23 Kilkenny Charolais & Emjay Charbray Sale Woolooga Saleyards, Woolooga Qld Tel: Michael Lawlor 0428 745 095


September 13 Palgrove Charolais Annual Bull Sale Chinchilla, Qld. Web:

Events 2024 August 26 Advance Bull Sale Roma Selling Complex, Roma Qld. Web: August 29 Futurity Charolais & Shorthorn Bull Sale On property Glen Ayr, Baradine NSW Web: August 30 ANC Annual On Property Bull Sale Glen Laurel, Guluguba Qld. Web: August 31st -Spring HMF Status reports due. September 4 Ways Charolais & NK Brahman Bull Sale Ag Grow Complex, Emerald, Qld. Contact: David Whitechurch 0428 847 391 September 3 Eidsvold Charolais Bull Sale Eidsvold Saleyards, Eidsvold, Qld. Contact: R Warren 0438 866 213 A Goodland 0434 594 721 September 6 Barambah-Dale Charolais Bull Sale On property, Wingfield, Dalby, Qld. Web: September 9 Ayr Charolais On Property Bull Sale On property, Mungabunda, Moura Qld. Web: September 11 Elstow Charolais On Property Bull Sale On property, Baradine NSW. Contact Bruce McConnaughty 02 6843 6258 September 12 Premier CQ Charolais Bull Sale CQLX Gracemere Qld Contact James Pisaturo 0429 188 523


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

September Golden Opportunity Sale Coonamble Saleyards, Coonamble NSW Web: September tba Adelaide Royal Show Adelaide Showgrounds, Adelaide SA September 16 Moongool On Property Bull Sale On property, Moongool, Yuleba Qld. Web: September 18 Glenlea Beef Roma Bull Sale Roma Qld Web: September 20 Ascot Annual On Property Bull Sale On property, North Toolburra Warwick Qld. Web: September tba Royal Perth Show Claremont Showgrounds, Perth WA September tba Royal Melbourne Show Melbourne Showgrounds, Melbourne Vic. September 26 Curragindi Annual Sale on The Monaro Online Auctionsplus Contact: Sarah Nesbitt 0419 434 153 September 27 Barcaldine Ray White Bull Sale Barcaldine Saleyards, Barcaldine, Qld. Tel: 07 4651 6039 November 22 Bardoo Charolais On Property Bull Sale On property, Elgin WA. Contact Barry Bell 0427 966 126 December 6 Glenlea Beef Female Sale Roma, Qld Web:

The National




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Advertising Index:

January 2024 Charolais Magazine CHAROLAIS STUDS ANC 17 Ayr 11 Bardoo 39 Bauhinia Park 40 Belbourie Park 45 Brendale 15 Charnelle 37 Elstow 32 Futurity 57 Glenlea 21 Kandanga Valley 18 Kenmere 47 Kooyong 55 Liberty 19 Lilydale 18 Moongool 9 Mount William 31 Mountview 41 Palgrove BC Rangan 29 Rosedale IBC Silverstream 36 Venturon IFC Windjammer 40 COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS American Charolais 59 Auctionsplus 77 Aust Com. Media 63 Bartholomew & Co 25 Canada World Congress 33 Designs By Lucy 61 Eidsvold Bull Sale 51 GDL 30 International Charolais 50 National Sale (Beef 24) 89 Optiweigh 49

American International Charolais Association promotion booth at the NAILE, Louisville Kentucky. USA.

Eden Shale Research Farm, Owenton KY. Evaluating different hay feeding structures over time based on establishment cost, fodder waste, cattle access and mud. Charolais Magazine: January 2024 Editor: Charolais Society of Australia Ltd Design: Charolais Society of Australia Ltd Printed by Lithoart, Darra Qld. Contributors: Charolais Society of Australia Ltd, ACM Photographic Credits: Charolais Society of Australia Ltd, Australian Community Media, GB Creative, KPCA,T Hughes, Rosedale Charolais, Palgrove Pastoral Co, Tasmanian Region, Golden Rose Charolais, Branded Ag,Charolais Sale vendors. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Council of the Charolais Society of Australia Ltd. Neither the Editor nor the Charolais Society of Australia Ltd takes any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, nor for the outcome (including consequential loss) of any action taken by readers or other based on information contained therein. The publishers reserve the right to refuse or cancel without notice any advertisement in a publication issued by them.


January 2024 Charolais Magazine

35TH ANNUAL BULL SALE SALE DATE: Friday 17th May 2024 - 12pm 90 Bulls • 60 x Polled Charolais Bulls • 30 x Charolais Composite Bulls

15 Females • 15 Select Charolais Heifers

James Millner m: 0425 341 341 e:

Page 1

Rosedale Charolais – 31st Annual Bull Sale 2020

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