Westminster & Holborn Law Society May 2022

Page 26


Managing employee mental health in times of uncertainty


ith the rising cost of living, global conflicts including war in Ukraine, and the ongoing effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is no surprise that the UK workforce is experiencing high levels of mental health conditions. It is important for employers to take action to recognise that workplaces are not all business – they are filled with employees who have real hopes, fears and stresses.

are well equipped to identify potential causes of stress and have effective means to manage their staff. Leadership should ensure that employees feel comfortable and are encouraged to have regular conversations about their health and wellbeing. Encouraging workplace conversations about real-world issues affecting employees will not only serve to help workers feel supported but can also strengthen a company’s culture.

What is causing the increase in employee mental health conditions? After two years of the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions easing, many were hoping that life would return to ‘normal’. However, research conducted by Reassured has shown that more than a third of UK workers have actually felt more stressed since lockdown restrictions ended.

Developing a more general awareness of mental health among employees is also hugely important. This can be done by making information, tools and support easily accessible. Support can include access to employee assistance programmes intended to help employees deal with personal problems that might adversely impact their work performance, health and wellbeing. Training and utilising mental health first aiders is also a great way to ensure there is a real awareness of employee wellbeing embedded within the workplace. Many employers have also introduced concepts such as employee wellbeing days or offer wellness activities to give individuals the opportunity to recharge.

Social media and news feeds continue to be filled with conflict, loss, negativity and confusion, resulting in a perpetual feeling of pessimism, anxiety and frustration. ‘Doomscrolling’ – becoming fixated on monitoring news relating to an ongoing crisis – has become a coping mechanism for many individuals trying to gain control over the situation by absorbing as much information as possible, however this can become draining when individuals are left feeling powerless. Work can aggravate pre-existing conditions and stresses, causing an increase or worsening of symptoms experienced. These stresses can be a reaction to events or experiences in an employee’s home life or work life, although often it is a combination of both, and it can become hard to separate workrelated stress from existing problems. What can employers do to help? Employers should focus on prevention and take a proactive approach when it comes to mental health. One crucial step is to give meaningful training to management to ensure they 26 | CENTRAL LONDON LAWYER

Undeniably, pressures of increasingly demanding work cultures contribute massively to issues surrounding employee mental health. Start conversations with employees to ask what they feel would genuinely improve their work-life balance and offer flexible or remote working where this is possible. By encouraging a culture of openness, employees will hopefully feel able to speak up about any anxieties or pressures they are struggling with. Ensure employees are encouraged to take breaks during the working day and use their annual leave. In addition to giving employees time to switch off, having a routine can be helpful in times of uncertainty, adding structure and a sense of predictability to an employee’s day. A good work-life balance will also result in a workforce who are more efficient, productive and motivated.

Articles inside

LONDON LEGAL WALK – 28th June 2022

page 30

Restorative Justice: Colombia and the Special Jurisdiction of Peace

page 30

Financial and economic sanctions imposed by United Kingdom on Russia in light of the invasion of Ukraine

page 29

Managing employee mental health in times of uncertainty

pages 26-27

TLS and equality of arms – missing in action

page 24

Footwear Innovation: Nike’s Super Shoes

page 23

John Davies

page 19

Rescue my Bitcoin – Tulip Trading Ltd v Bitcoin Association for BSV and others

pages 18-19

Freedom from Torture challenges refugees-to-Rwanda policy

page 17

Lawyers assist Ukraine

page 16

International Update

page 16

Twinning with Palermo Bar Association

page 16

FBE CONFERENCE IN GIRONA | 23-26 MARCH 2022 - The rights of the vulnerable before the courts

page 15

Ukraine Appeal

page 14

In search of the first Cowrie law scholar

page 13

Spotlight: CWHLS CSR & Pro Bono Committee

page 12

Where is the promised Employment Bill?

page 11

Membership Benefits

page 10

Why the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022 may prove to be so important

page 10

Upcoming WHLS Events

page 9

Meet the Editorial Team

page 8

The President’s Foreword

page 5
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