Bellingham Muse 4th Edition (May/Jun 2014)

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Horse Therapy

The Chakra System

What If?

By Michele Siemion

By Kerri Burnside

By Mel Damski



A Highlight of Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit Events in Bellingham




Edition #4 By Kerri Burnside

May /June 2014

Inspiring the mind, body and spirit

Bellingham, Be Proud!

I grew up in Bellingham, and when I was in middle school my family moved to a new school district. So that I could finish the school year without having to change schools, I walked several miles to and from Whatcom Middle school every day. It was not “uphill both ways," but I did live on Sehome Hill, so the walk home was definitely a good workout. My friends and family thought that I was crazy, but I loved it. It set the stage for getting daily exercise and it gave me the excuse to hangout downtown

“this city by the bay has become a model for urban sustainability" Photo By Lissa Clear every day after school. Back then, downtown Bellingham was the place to be. Do any of you Hamsters remember eating at the counter at Woolworths, cruising Bunks, getting a burger at Herfey’s or shopping at the Bon Marché? Good times.

Once the Bellis Fair Mall was built, downtown became a ghost town. The plans to revitalize the downtown began in the late 80's and have gone through many changes, but we are definitely seeing the positive results. In fact, Bellingham was recently ranked 8th in the nation as having the best downtown according to the International Downtown Association (IDA). Downtown Bellingham currently is home to about 2,400 people and employs nearly 7,500 people. We have the second highest artist-related businesses to residents in the nation, giving Bellingham that quirkiness that we all love. With the successful “buy local” campaign supported by organizations like Bellingham Connections, Sustainable Bellingham, Downtown Bellingham

Partnership and more, we have created a culture of residents supporting the local economy. Hamsters are creating a great town to live in that is continuing to thrive. According to, “this city by the bay has become a model for urban sustainability.” The revitalization efforts have created a pedestrian and bike friendly community with easy access to trails, parks, restaurants and entertainment. Downtown’s art and architecture, coupled with the beautiful natural scenery makes a walk downtown a pleasure to the eye. The amazingly creative local businesses have combined culture with activities, making it fun to explore the downtown area. Continued on Page 3

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Bellingham Muse

A Letter From the Publishers Thank you for picking up a copy of Bellingham Muse! Happy Spring fellow Muse readers! With bursts of sunshine occasionally blessing us, it stirs that need to get outside. Getting outside means different things to different individuals. Some feel the need to get their hands dirty in the garden. Some feel the need to hike/bike/walk or explore. For others it can mean heading downtown to take part in community events like Saturday Market. However you feel driven with this renewed energy of spring growth, make sure you revel in the joy it brings! Speaking of heading downtown, can you believe Bellingham was named number 8 as best downtown in the U.S.? Way to go Hamsters! Let's celebrate by taking pleasure in what downtown has to offer and supporting all our wonderful local businesses here to serve us. The energy of spring growth has certainly added to our creative side here at the Muse. We have several exciting avenues of inspiration brewing, and hope to share them with you very soon. Keep your eye out for updates in future editions. Kerri Burnside is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Life Coach. Her background is in public speaking and teaching leadership courses in the corporate environment. She now teaches spiritual classes which focus on centering yourself in the present moment, and leading an authentically empowered life.

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In the meantime, we are continually striving to provide quality articles meant to motivate and encourage you down your path to fulfillment. We hope you keep your hearts and minds open to the many various thoughts, ideas and beliefs presented with each edition. People are all quite unique and we hope to have a little something for everyone. We encourage you to visit our website frequently as we will be updating and adding content regularly. Information available on the website that you will not find in the paper includes but is not limited to: *Updated calendar of events (Have an event you want listed? Add it on the website!) *Links to podcasts and videos *Special guest interviews *Sign up for the e-version *Input from our readers! (We would like to hear from our readers and invite you to share your own thoughts on your spiritual journey and anything that inspires the mind, body or spirit. ) A big heart felt thank you to all our wonderful contributors and our editor Anne Albosta! Thanks for letting the Muse inspire you. Alana & Kerri Alana Simler is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Pilates Instructor. As well as owning and running a successful massage practice for 18 years, she has instructed massage therapy at Ashmead School of Massage and Whatcom Community College

In This Issue... Mind Bellingham, Be Proud! . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Horse Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Have You Heard... - Snap Judgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The End of Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Body Happy, Healthy and Dancing . . . . . . . .5 Creating A Joyful Life - The Chakra System . . . . . . . . . . 10 How to Activate the Consciousness in Spring Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Optimal You - Take a Hike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9


Path of the Fool - The Empress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Stars Smile on Us . . . . . . . . . . . 6 If I Ran the Zoo - What If? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Is It In The Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

This and That Note From The Publishers. . . . . . . . . 2 Inspiring the Muse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Horoscopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 How to Make Ghee and Move Beyond the Low Fat Era................................14 Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Directory of Services . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19

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Bellingham Muse

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Inspiring The Muse Life's Percentages

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

"Life's Percentages" was written right after losing my baby at the beginning of my second trimester of pregnancy. The grief and anger I was feeling was for the loss of my child and the dreams that accompanied her. I hope that it both comforts and inspires all women who have experienced miscarriages to see the light in the darkness.

Bellingham Muse wants to know what inspires you! Keep an eye out for us in Bellingham as we snag locals and pick their minds. If you want to join the fun, go to our website, upload your picture and answer our latest question.

As women we are made with the potential for unbelievable joy, As we house the doorway for life. But with that doorway comes the potential for unimaginable sorrow, As we also house the entryway to death. We tread this sharp precipice of life and death And should the foul wind of an unbiased and sometimes cruel world blow our way We may find ourselves stumbling down the mountainside of jagged stone. Our bodies battered and beaten, our spirit shattered and broken. Sometimes this fall is the result of clumsy footing as we slip on the poor choices we have made. But sometimes our fall is the result of an undiscerning breeze that cares not the merit of our character Or the foundation of morality from which we build our house of good deeds. It cares not what beauty and joy we may have brought to the world Or what greatness awaits the future lives we touch. Its mighty fist crushes our spirit house with its indifference As it throws us down the crushing cliffs And leaves us stunned at the bottom, Questioning the good in this mysterious world. Questioning the foundation of belief from which we built our spirit house. It inspires the realization that there is no point to our human experience That we are at the mercy of pure probability and percentages That there is no guiding force There is only choice and probability. Sometimes the dice is in our favor And sometimes it isn’t. There is no point to this tragedy, only sorrow. But like all broken bones, mine will mend in time Leaving a knotted scar like the gnarled trunk of a mighty oak tree. I will climb back up the daunting mountain of life to walk the precipice again, Wiser to the cruel indifference of the mountain’s wind Bracing myself for its next inescapable gust. Respecting the sheer awesomeness of its beauty and the fine line I walk between life and death. May I never take for granted the miracle that is life, both mine and those of my loved ones. May I learn to focus on the light of joy potential in my womaness And not the balancing darkness of the sorrow it can bring. May I learn to love being a woman once again.

"Swim in a lake" Inspires Kamron Sammons

"Dig in the sandy beach" Inspires Adi Salcedo

"Camp" Inspires Amelia Yach and Katrina Shereko

By Sherri Leeper

Bellingham, Be Proud! Continued From Page 1

The staff at Bellingham Muse decided to create our own fun adventure for exploring and enjoying downtown Bellingham. We have hidden geocaches at some of our favorite places. Go to and search for the cache name "Muse Hunt" to start your treasure hunt. If you would like to read more about geocaching, read the

article Take a Hike on page 11. Hamsters, if you are not taking advantage of all that Downtown Bellingham has to offer, we recommend that you come see for yourself why it was ranked 8th in the Nation. But let’s just keep it our little secret.

Bellingham Muse

emotional contact, can often accept from a horse, and through therapy, can transfer these skills to their daily lives. The company of a horse can demonstrate love without restraint. I’m still care giving for my mother, but I’m much better at it than I used to be. I’ve learned to focus and relax, when overwhelmed by another doctor’s appointment or dealing with insurance adjusters. I set better boundaries around my time, so that when I’m helping with the grocery shopping I don’t feel rushed or resentful. I’ve learned that being a good caregiver means receiving the care you need, so I grab an apple and head out to the barn to see Dane.

Healing with Horses By Michele Siemion, LAc

"There's nothing like fear to bring you into the present, and there's nothing like the trust of an animal to keep you there." Eight years ago my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I became her caregiver. Caring for a parent can be rewarding and tender, but it's also emotionally draining and time consuming. After two years my stress levels were rising, and although I work in healthcare, I was having a hard time identifying and managing my anxiety. I needed a distraction, so I decided to take up horseback riding. It made no sense at the time, but I had always wanted to ride as a child and figured if I didn't start soon, I'd have trouble getting in the saddle. I knew riding would be fun and provide exercise, what I didn't anticipate was that spending time with horses would change the way I respond to stress and manage anxiety. Through time, I learned to relax my body when my mind was racing, and to stop and focus when my thoughts were scrambled. I learned that I can set compassionate boundaries without being cruel, how to take constructive criticism as an adult, and to leave my worries at the barn door. Not all these lessons came easily; it was with the help of a skilled trainer and forgiving animal. My horse could care less if I’ve had a hard day, all he wanted from me was kindness, consistency and focus. Not a bad lesson. My equine therapist is a Norwegian Fjord gelding named Dane. He greets me every time I arrived at the barn, and assesses my mood and energy level. He has an uncanny ability to recognize when my mind is wandering and responds accordingly. This usually translates as bolting across the arena or bucking. There's nothing like fear to bring you into the present, and there's nothing like the trust of an animal to keep you there.

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Michele and her equine therapist, Dane All animals are capable of unconditional love, though they choose to express it in different ways. Most of us can assess the behavior of dogs and cats, maybe our predator nature matches theirs. Horses are different, and without the help of a good trainer, I wouldn't have had any idea what was going on in his big head. Horses are prey and herding animals, which makes them extremely sensitive to their surrounding environment. Their very survival in the wild depends on identifying potential danger and responding quickly. They have a very complex social structure in the herd that's maintained with a flick of an ear, a soft nicker, or a stiff kick to the chest. If you pay attention, they'll tell you what's going on, but it won't be in the same manner as your retriever. This also makes them incredibly gifted therapy animals. I can tell you from experience, that time spent around horses will help you see yourself in a new way and give you the opportunity to be a better human. Because of their gifts, and the simple fact that we are drawn to them, horses are great therapy animals. They are used to help children and adults with physical limitations find their balance, help abused girls learn to set boundaries, calm veterans with PTSD, and as a gateway relationships for children with social anxiety and trust issues. People who are uncomfortable with physical and

For those of you interested in finding out more about equine therapy, we have some wonderful non-profit organizations in Whatcom county providing special services. Animals as Natural Therapy provides equine assisted therapy to the low-income community, helping families and individuals develop relationship skills. They have programs in place to support ‘youth at risk’. Scholarships are available and equine trained therapists and handlers are on staff. NorthWest Therapeutic Riding Center provides equine assisted activities and therapies to people of all ages with wide ranging disabilities. They have therapists, volunteers, handlers and several Norwegian Fjord horses on site to help clients learn new ways of moving in the world. For the rest of us, I'd recommend finding a knowledgeable trainer and a patient horse. I work with Marg Clumpner at Fox Bay Farm. She has a degree in physical education and 24 years teaching experience, which helps her work with adult beginners. Michele Siemion is a licensed acupuncturist, living and working in Bellingham. Dane is leased from her friend and partner in crime, Teressa Kandianis.

Bellingham Muse There has been much research over the effect of dance on the brain. Dance can increase memory; dance can help prevent Dementia and Alzheimer; dance helps decrease stress, and improves positive feelings. Dancing is good for the heart, the lungs, and the muscles. Dancing is one of the best full body workouts you can do. All of this is true, but it is also so much more. Dancing is a “full body workout”, mind, body and soul. Take the mind: Studies have shown that physical and mental activities influence mental acuity. Dancing beat out other activities by a large margin in regard to reducing risk of dementia. Dancing uses parts of the brain in a different way. It takes extreme focus to learn a new step or routine, exercising the mind even further by adding beats and rhythm to maintain, and by adding the traffic skills of a crowded dance floor. Dance is like a moving puzzle that is always changing and keeping its players on their toes adapting to the change. In teaching kids, dance can help with understanding math skills, increasing problem solving, and boosting their alertness and ability to focus.

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Happy, Healthy and Dancing By Mary Evans

How about the body? Dancing requires balance, working all the small muscles in your core as you learn to maintain balance with a partner, or in spinning; increases arm strength as you hold a frame or in embellishments to your movement. Dancing works the muscles in your legs in all your movement, and increases flexibility. As a person with Degenerative Arthritis, dance has helped me stay active and kept my joints loose. It is low impact so a good workout for all body types, and whether moving slow or fast it will improve your breathing, increase lung capacity and give you a great cardio workout (ie. Zumba classes across the country).

Path of the Fool The Empress By Chad Saunders Responsibility. Actions have consequence. thoughts of this nature the Fool had never before contemplated. The Fool still believes in his path but how will following this path affect others? The Fool loses himself in the thought and allows the road to take him where it may. The soft sounds of the river have a calming effect upon his thinking.

Dancing is excellent for the soul! Over my 18+ years of teaching dance I think this is the part that stands out the most. Confidence is the biggest boost I see. People, kids and adults, come in to learn dance. Maybe they don’t feel prepared or ready, maybe it feels like a challenge, but ultimately it is something they accomplish. It can build confidence from just learning something new to performing your skills to a group of people. I have seen kids who won’t talk to people begin asking others to dance, chatting with someone new, and volunteering to demonstrate skills for others to learn. People learn to be leaders and learn to work with others.

head was high, the Fool is surprised when his calm river is no longer soft or slow moving. So distracted in his thought he never noticed the change in the river or his surroundings. Looking around, the fool notices that he is no longer on the road but following a farming trail, through a field of wheat, that leads to a great waterfall that is the source of the river he has been following. The wheat is still growing and not quite ready for harvesting. Looking for a way up the waterfall the Fool continues to follow the trail to the waterfall. In the distance the Fool notices a woman sitting among the wheat with her back to the waterfall and the mountain. Only when he is near her does he realize that the reason he didn’t notice her earlier is because her robes are the same

Also good for your soul is the happiness dance can bring. It is almost impossible to learn a new step or sequence in a dance, lead or follow a partner, listen to the music, and still think about the rough day you had at work. Dancing has been shown to dramatically improve the mood of a depressed person, to reversing it altogether. With the endorphin rush of exercise, the social connection and the music, dancing is good therapy! So what do you take from this? Dancing is a great addition to your daily life. Find the dance that suits you, there is at least one for everyone. Think of the music you like to listen to for a start, then find something that uses that music. Or just go out and try different dances and places until you find your bliss. Bellingham has so much to offer in terms of dance, so go on Dance Your Happy!

Mary Evans has been dancing most of her life, first as a carefree kid and now as a professional dance instructor. She owns Bellingham Dance Company and encourages everyone to reap the benefits of dancing.

color as the growing wheat. Upon her head she wears a crown with twelve stars and in her hand an orb scepter. The woman is with child and she is beautiful. What would it be like to live with one such as she? To give her children to raise as they follow the path together. Her gaze flows to the Fool as she looks over the fields and she smiles. “Good morning kind sir. You have made your way through my fields without disturbing the land and I appreciate that. I am the Empress of these lands and those beyond. Would you care to sit awhile? I don’t get many visitors during this time of year, but I enjoy watching the changes in the fields from day to day. Ah, but you look troubled. Maybe a talk can, in some way, ease your Continued on page 9 mind?”

Bellingham Muse

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The Beginning of Recorded Astrology

The Stars Smile On Us By Laya Shriaberg

Spring is the time for feeling happy, reaching up to the stars and remembering our dreams. We have done this for millennia. As the sun begins warming our bodies, and the gentle breezes caress our skin, we are spurred once again to dream of our future. What are your dreams for the rest of the year? Springtime is the time to be bold, to sow your wild oats, to take action on something you have never done before. To dare to be seen. To dare to feel yourself standing your ground, walking your path, celebrating the sunrise and striding into the sunset. If you’re my age, is there something you wish you had tried? If you are the age of my kids, is there something you think you SHOULD try before it’s too late? Ken Levine had a dream job in his midthirties. After a short career as a Top 40 deejay in which he called himself “Beaver Cleaver,” Levine joined up with David Isaacs to form a very successful TV comedy writing team, with credits on classic comedies like Cheers and Frasier. Levine and Isaacs wrote an episode of MASH that I directed. (No ageist jokes—it was VERY early in my career!) A dream job, but not HIS dream job. Levine grew up in Los Angeles, and the Brooklyn Dodgers moved west when he was 8 years old. He started listening to the incredible Vince Scully and an unusual imprinting took place: instead of wanting to grow up to be a baseball player, Ken wanted to grow up to be a baseball announcer. After a short-lived series with a very difficult leading lady, Levine decided the time had come. He would buy a ticket to the

experiences. By around 400BC, this new Imagine living in Mesopotamia some star language can describe the personality, 6000 years ago. We have recently settled character even the destiny of a newborn the fertile land between two teaming child. rivers. Our kings are fairly governing us. In the temple, our priests are petitioning The Stars Smile on Us the gods with heartfelt prayers for fertility. The temple marks the center of Have the stars ever talked to you? I mean, our world. The east and west horizons have they ever really affected how you set the boundaries of our lives. We are at felt? Have they ever radically changed peace. We know that we belong the land your grand philosophy of the world? I and our community. There is so much remember a few times when the stars promise and so much to learn about the have deeply moved me, even as a child. tilling of the land and living together. I’ll mention a few of these incidences here to maybe jog your own memories. The stars in the night time sky absolutely fascinate the priests who begin to record As a girl I remember staring out of my what they see: mysterious twinklings, bedroom window late at night as my little lights traveling across the sky and parents are assuming I am fast asleep. The still more little lights standing still. . To stars are twinkling at me from above. us, the moon, the sun and the wanderers They are playful fun friends who wink at (the original word for the planets)and me and speak to me in a secret language their cycles are the gods themselves all of their own. speaking to us! Soon, this new recorded language of the stars evolves into the art Twenty years later, I am already an and science of astrology. This language astrologer and bushwhacking up a steep helps the priests forecast our feelings and mountain slope in the wilderness. We

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If I Ran the Zoo What If? By Mel Damski upper deck at Dodger Stadium, bring a couple of microphones and some recording equipment, and he would practice calling the game that was unfolding in front of him in real time. Ken Levine & the immortal Dave Niehaus

He chose the Upper Deck because he didn’t think the people in the expensive box seats would appreciate “some idiot” doing play-byplay in their midst. He would sit in the front row, draping one mic over the railing to capture crowd noise while holding the other mic in his hand for his play-by-play. Far from offending the nearby fans, Levine developed a core of volunteer helpers–spotters who would use their binoculars and better sight lines to let him know who was warming up in the bullpens. After two years of rehearsals, Levine felt he had a good enough sample reel to submit for a real job calling a baseball game. Although they

had two young kids, he gave his wife Debby a list of 120 minor league cities and towns and she marked off 20 that she would be willing to move to. They ended up in Syracuse in Upstate New York where the Yankees AAA team was located and he was off. Syracuse wasn’t exactly their cup of tea—“My wife said if I had an affair, we could go to therapy but if I want to go back to Syracuse, the marriage is over”– so the next season, Ken called games in Tidewater, Virginia for the Mets AAA team. This lead him to his first major league game Continued on Page 13

Bellingham Muse

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Have You Heard... Snap Judgment By Joel Simler

Muse Tip - The following is a podcast review/suggestion. For more information on what a podcast is or how to access them, go to our website and select the 'Have you Heard' link under the 'Inspiring Articles' tab. If you’ve been through the marketplace of to the episode’s theme with a personal account One last episode to get you started, episode podcasts, you can see that there are a ridiculous amount of shows to choose from. Mostly these shows are all fairly similar to each other in content, format, and production value/style. If you are an avid gamer, love comedy, or interviews with everyone you have and have not heard of, or can stand endless tech talk, then you will never have to put down your ear buds. While there are some serious gems within those categories, if you are a first time browser, the task of choosing what to listen to can be quite daunting. Don’t worry intrepid listeners, I’m here to help point you in the right direction. What makes Snap Judgment stick out from the rest is a ripe concoction of creativity. The unique sound design, giving it a charismatic voice, really gets the listener emotionally into the stories. Snap producers employ music in a way that is unique in style and a driving force for the whole show, which is why a common line you’ll hear throughout the series is “story telling with a beat.” The outstanding stories they find, and the interesting people who tell them can make you listen to back to back episodes. But what really pulls the whole show together is Snap's host, Glynn Washington. In 2007, Glynn Washington arose from a pool of 1,400+ radio warriors who were vying to win the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s (CPB) Public Radio Talent Quest. This was a contest wherein two talent scouting groups, the Public Radio Exchange (PRX) and Launch Productions, sought out anchors/hosts/radio personalities with talent and potential and helped them produce a pilot show to be funded by the CPB. Because of that contest, we can all be thankful for Snap Judgment. Glynn begins nearly every show by alluding

from his life. The stories that Glynn tells are always interesting, some being pretty ordinary, and several seeming very farfetched. What makes them a treat to listen to is the way he tells them. His voice is so animated that often I feel that I am watching him, not just listening. Combine Glynn’s gift of storytelling, with the music and sound design to go along, and you take these stories that any of us could experience, and suddenly it becomes a tale of suspense, comedy, sadness, and all the emotions beholden to that moment. OK, so, where to begin… To anyone who is asking, I first recommend episode #326: The Great Outdoors. Number one reason I recommend this, is that it’s a flipping awesome episode! While the whole show consists of ear perking stories, and incredibly interesting situations, there is one in particular that I can never get out of my head. I’ll try not to spoil it, but they interview a true outdoorsman, Randy, and his family who lived in interior Alaska, surviving off of only what they could hunt and make for themselves. Randy decided to head off into the wilderness in 1976, when he was 19, and began his life. I’m talking about living in temperatures that got to minus 67 degrees Celsius below zero, and surviving solely off meat for years! The story goes over how his life was, how it is now, and how their family came together. Next I’d say check out episode #209: Road Trip, unlike the last recommendation, there isn’t a single story from this set that sticks out to me. And that is not a bad thing at all. This whole episode is really well rounded with some interesting adventures folks have while on various forms of road trips. Glynn begins this series of stories with a very entertaining tale involving free all day train rides in Japan, and drinking heavily with the Yakuza.

#223: It Wasn't Me. Snap Judgment isn’t all epic stories and comedies, it also has a heavier side on certain occasions. But what makes Snap such a great listen is that is flows comfortably and seamlessly through emotion bending stories. Episode 223 deals with 2 specific stories that are completely different in content and atmosphere, and successfully draws listeners in despite the juxtaposition. Snap Judgment has 7 years of content, and with a show that’s been around that long, I’d say it’s an easy bet that anyone can find a worthwhile episode to listen to. Don’t hesitate to try any random episode. For more information on Snap Judgment and its team, check out Born in Seattle, raised in Bellingham, Joel is a real cloud loving, tree climbing, North Westerner. He can be found living by a Troll in Seattle, often exploring a vast array of breweries, and music happenings. He works as an audio/video technician in Redmond giving him a perfect drive for listening to podcasts. He is also a professionally certified dance instructor, and produces his own local concerts in his spare time.

Bellingham Muse

How to Activate the Consciousness Found in Spring Colors By Arlene Arnold In recent years, I have been more aware of communicating with the vibrations of colors. In fact, as a color therapist, I count on the colors to work with me. They do most of the work. I ask for their help, observe and hold focus as they proceed, and then thank them for what they did. The work goes faster and I know it is being done for the highest good of the client. Now that Spring is here and the beautiful, lively colors are all around us in flowers, bushes, and trees, we can activate a wonderful, conversation with these lovely color vibrations. They are waiting for us to shift our awareness to them.

You may have communicated with angels, guides, and even those who have died, but did you know you can talk to the spring colors? Everything has been birthed from the Source, which is consciousness; therefore, everything has that same attribute. Even rocks can interface with you. Of course, a rock has a different kind of consciousness than your friend, but still there is a Oneness that connects us all. Let’s explore how this works with color. What is your favorite spring color? Focus on a flower or anything in that color. Feel its vibration. Breathe in the color. Pay attention to how it feeds you

by adding its frequency to your energy field. Because you were attracted to this color, it has a message for you. If it could speak, what would it say? Write the message in your journal. Sometimes its meaning will come through slowly and sometimes you will understand it immediately. If there were something this color could do for you, what would it be? Ask for its help.

" Have you allowed worry or stress to take your vibration down a notch?" Let’s say your favorite spring color is yellow. If there were a message in its brightness, what would it be? Maybe it’s suggesting that you laugh more--lighten up. What is it that dampens your light? Have youallowed worry or stress to take your vibration down a notch? Ask yellow to come into every cell of your body to shine into those muted corners of life. I’ve been especially attracted to mint green this spring. It suggests that I stay present so I can savor the variety of weather (both showery and sunny) and

Page 8 experiences coming to me. It encourages me to grow in a lighter way with a minty sense of adventure. A rosy violet has also been hovering around me this spring. It encourages me to trust my intuitive sense of flow in life. I have asked it toremind me to feel my way into the next activity. Then, I will know the timing that is right for what comes next. As you bring flowers into your home, let them indicate which ones want to be with you. Notice how they brighten up the room and fill your heart with their loving presence. As you plant your vegetable or flower garden, see which colors, textures and vibrancy feeds you. Talk to the plants as they grow. Shower them with love and appreciation. They will grace your life with their own brand of conscious support and connection to the earth. Let’s remember to be present with the colors that come to us, not just pass them by. As with all creation, we can live in cocreation and supportive connection with all consciousness. What an amazing world this can be!

Arlene Arnold is a Certified Spiritual Guide and Healing Facilitator and Founder of Complementary Color Therapy. Her color therapy school trains people around the world. She will be in Bellingham at Inspiration Alley May 4. See the Events page (18) for more info.

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Optimal You Take a Hike By Alana Simler

Exploring, doesn't it make you feel like a kid? In fact, I did it all the time as a kid. I grew up in Colorado at the base of 'the bluffs' in Colorado Springs, which is the only name I ever knew them by. I hiked and discovered every nook, cave and cranny of those hills. Around fourth grade my grandparents moved to Oregon City, Oregon and we would often visit. There I discovered Mary S. Young Park. Oh man, was I in heaven! Talk about a whole new kind of exploring. I went from dry, rocky and see forever views to a lush rainforest with running water, bridges and keep you hidden foliage. I loved the extreme difference, but I think what fulfilled me most was the adventure of it all. Whenever I travel somewhere new I feel this urge to investigate my surroundings. Taking a walk through the neighborhood, hiking the local terrain or even riding a bike around fills that need. When I first came to Bellingham 19 years ago, one of the first adventures I took was in Whatcom Falls Park. We are incredibly lucky to have a park like this right in Bellingham. My heart connected and I knew I could call this place home. Not long after I met my partner, Loni, who had her own affection for Whatcom Falls Park. In her words, "Those are my childhood stompin' grounds." Now as adults we stomp those grounds together!

Knowing how much I love to get outside and explore, Loni came up with the great idea to try Geocaching. In case you haven't heard of this exciting outdoor treasure hunting game, I will elaborate. Anyone, almost anywhere in the world can take part in seeking out these hidden geocache (containers) located at specified GPS coordinates. There is a website ( with more information and all the lists/maps directing you where to go and how to do this. You can even hide a geocache yourself and list it on the website. These geocaches contain a logbook to record your find. Some of them hold small "treasures" with the general rule being that if you take something from the container you leave something of equal or greater value. There are over one dozen cache types. A couple examples: Puzzle Caches require you to solve a complicated puzzle to reveal the exact coordinates of the cache. Earth Caches are at a special geological location people can visit to learn about a unique feature of the Earth.

The empress Continued from page 5 “Thank you Empress. I travel my path but I wonder how that will affect others. As I walk I may crush a row of grain preventing some family from being able to eat this winter. Do I take from others as I make my gain?” “Sir, you think too deeply. Look upon these lands and respect them, but do not fear that one row will be the devastation of a family. I am here to support them as is my husband. Care is needed yes, however you must temper that with what must be done. Walk your path not in fear of the present but with hope of the future. “ “How can I not think about what happens now when so much can happen?”

“Very soon these fields will be harvested and then the snow will come. Many may die during that time, but I know that come spring my daughter will be born. Life doesn’t come from the deaths of those around but from those that are living. We must live so that we build and make the future a better place. You walk a We were amazed how many path but what is your place in that future. geocaches were located right in our What will you do when you get to the end of own neighborhood. We ended up this path?” finding trails very close to our home that we had never ventured on. My eyes were wide open once again with “I know where I want to go; I just don’t know renewed hunger for discovering where my place is.” hidden gems right under our noses. “To find your place you must find where you Continued on Page 12 want to be. Let my husband shelter you for the night. Talk with him and see where your path might lead from there. Our home is just at the top of the rise. Continue on and you shall arrive quickly. I shall follow shortly, I wish to sit a while longer." “Thank you Empress, I shall go and talk with your husband, and I hope we shall see each other again.” Bowing to the Empress, the Fool then turns and leaves the fields of wheat. Walking up the hillside the Fool thinks of where his place in the world might be. By Chad Saunders

Bellingham Muse

Creating a Joyful Life The Chakra System (Part 2 of 7) By Kerri Burnside, CHT

ownership of the sexual self. Someone with a balanced 2nd chakra is considerate, open, friendly, kind, creative and abundant. Out of Balance: When this chakra is out of balance or blocked people become unsure or unstable in sexual and emotional matters. It is difficult to be in touch with our true feelings and we may be unable to express emotions to others. We may experience difficulties knowing when to trust or mistrust. It is not always clear when to feel fear and when not to. There can be addictive behaviors, depression, sexual guilt and a tendency towards being controlled by others emotionally. It can also create a sense of being stuck in an undesirable situation.

The Seven Main Chakras

I am the master of my emotions I transform fear to love, anger to compassion, pain to comfort, scarcity to abundance, expectation to gratitude, and jealousy to generosity. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie Svadhishthana, the 2nd chakra (also known as the sacral chakra) is located below the navel and is your center of creativity, pure emotions and sexual energy. It balances the free giving and receiving of feelings and emotions. Our gut instincts can be felt here and emotionally it governs our sense of monetary security (or abundance), well being, and our sexuality.

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Physical manifestations can include: chronic spinal problems, back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, rectal tumors/cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, arthritis and skin problems.

SVADHISHTHANA 2nd Chakra Reproduction of Being Associated body parts: Reproductive organs, kidney, bladder, lower back, pelvic area, sperm, and all liquids and fluids of the body. Symbol: 6-Petaled lotus. Color: Orange Balancing color: Blue Mantra and tone: Vam, D Essential oils: Sandalwood, petitgrain, ylang ylang Moonstone, carnelian, Gemstone: tourmaline, orange calcite, bloodstone.

Exercise for bringing balance and clearing the 2nd chakra Allow your emotions to be felt. Most of the blocks occur from not being in touch with your emotions or allowing yourself to feel the ones that may be uncomfortable or socially unacceptable. The following steps can be beneficial.

1. Name it. What are you feeling? Anger, sadness, jealously etc. 2. Feel it. Move from thinking about the emotion to feeling it. Where do you feel it in your body? Allow yourself to fully feel it for at least 5 seconds without any thoughts or judgment. In Balance: When this chakra is in balance you 3. Release it. will find that it is easy to fully feel and share Imagine that you move the emotion up into your heart and release it as you exhale. your emotions with others and yourself. You are Part 3, The 3rd Chakra, will be continued in the next edition. creative, abundant and happily connected to life. Ideally this chakra brings us depth of feeling, You can read part one ( of this article on our website You will also find free guided meditations for clearing the chakras. connection with others emotionally and

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The End of Empire By Aspen ApGaia indefinitely given the resources available in that ecosystem. While there is a smaller populationthan what the ecosystem can provide for, the population tends to grow. When the population temporarily exceeds that number, they consume more resources than the ecosystem can provide and necessity forces the population to adjust to exist within the limits of the ecosystem.

In the late 1960's, an international think tank observed the growing population and increase in per capita resource utilization and realized that in a fixed system, like the planet there must be limits to what the system could provide. Working with researchers from MIT in what became some of the early use of computer modeling and forecasting. The resulting study, published in 1972 as the book, The Limits to Growth, predicted that if the trends continued, the earth’s resources would be unable to continue supporting our global economy by approximately 2030. In 2008, a follow up study titled "A Comparison of ‘The Limits to Growth’ with Thirty Years of Reality" evaluated the available data over the past thirty years to see how the predictions in the original study corresponded with now historical data. They determined that the existing data was in line with the predictions and that there was no reason to change the 2030 date for global economic collapse.

This maximum sustainable population for a given ecosystem and species is referred to as the carrying capacity.

In the graph, you can see the predicted trend lines for available resources, births, deaths, food consumption per capita, overall population, electrical consumption per capita, industrial output and greenhouse gas emissions. The dotted lines represent the actual data over the past thirty years in each of these areas. There are places where the actual data differs from the predictions.

was the application of chemical technology in the agricultural industry. Known as the ‘Green Revolution’ it allowed us to take advantage of petroleum based fertilizers and pesticides to increase the per acre yield of our industrial food production. Similarly, petroleum fueled machines improved the efficiency of our production and harvesting systems. Plus we deliver food over great distances in a distribution system made possible because of our access to relatively cheap petroleum based fuels. The end result of all this is that we have, effectively, found ways of turning cheap oil into additional people.

One of the greatest achievements of the 20th century that few of us are aware of

Any given species in any given ecosystem has a maximum population that can be sustained

Did you know that the staff of the Bellingham Muse has hidden geocaches at some of our favorite places? Go to and search for the cache name "Muse Hunt" to start your treasure hunt.

We can attempt to calculate the carrying capacity of humans for the whole earth. In doing so though, we have to take into account the use of technology to augment the carrying capacity. For example, the Neolithic era, through the use of high intensity agriculture allowed for an increase in the carrying capacity of humans on the earth. More recently, the green revolution represented a similar increase in carrying capacity. Unfortunately, it is dependent on access to a non-renewable resource, specifically, relatively cheap oil. As that resource becomes more expensive to secure, it will become increasingly expensive to sustain our population levels. In the mid-2000's the global extraction of light sweet crude oil peaked. That’s not to say that there’s no oil left, there is, but it will always be more expensive, economically and environmentally to access. As a result, more environmentally damaging technologies, such as tar sands, Continued on page 12

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Take a Hike Continued From Page 9 This led me to a desire for traversing all our local trails in the area. I did some searching on the internet and found a great list of trails that I printed out. I am systematically checking off one hiking/walking adventure at a time. ( → things to do → hiking)

The world becomes a brighter and more magical place if we take the time to appreciate it. Being out on the trails the colors of the earth seem brighter, the smells in the air are sweeter and the sounds of nature unite my being with the planet. Seeing a majestic view or the hidden secrets of a winding trail in front of you elevates your mood. As humans we have always been Moving your body on these journeys explorers of sorts. Exploring led us to releases stagnation and stimulates new worlds, the depth of the oceans, circulation and lymph fluids. and into unknown regions of space. Are you still here? Get out of here! It seems that we have an internal Go exploring and discover your own drive to take us to these places. I'm adventures on this beautiful planet not here to reveal our scientific we call home. Maybe I'll see you make-up that stirs this need, but I out there... would like to shed some light on the By Alana Simler, LMP benefits of going outside and finding Alana Simler, Rolo Joe and Loni Wiebe your own adventures.

The End of Empire Continued From Page 11 deep sea oil wells, and hydraulic fracturing have become economically viable. Due to our population and economy depending on the access to relatively cheap energy, exploiting these more environmentally dangerous resources has become an economic necessity regardless of the long term consequences. This is not about how much it costs to fuel up our cars. Oil is the foundation of the ‘green revolution’ that feeds our temporary

population overshoot, and it's the very foundation of our economy. Energy drives all economic activity. With our current economic structure, we must grow to avoid collapse and the cheap energy that makes growth possible is no longer available.

distress. By acknowledging them, we have time to develop important skills, collaborate with others and prepare, not for the end of this way of life, but for the beginning of a more sustainable and life affirming future.

Though we face some very real challenges, and there will be loss, acknowledging these challenges doesn't have to be a source of

To view the full length version of this article, please visit our website at:

By Aspen ApGaia

Bellingham Muse

The Stars Smile On Us Continued From Page 6

arrive at the top of the mountain. We are at the top of the world! The sun has already set and we savor some warm soup before burrowing into our sleeping bags. As I gaze into the night sky, I am awestruck by the pirouetting star showers and the misty veils of the Aurora Borealis arching over the skies. I am strangely at home and deeply at peace here, in this place where the earth meets the sky. Five years after that, I am camping out in a country parking lot at a bluegrass festival. It is 3am and the banjos and mandolins are a jammin' away with the singers and the bass players. As I stroll the grounds and gaze up at the clear night sky, my heart stirs with gratitude and I pen my first poem.

The singers were as children in a playground. And the stars smile on them.

Still 5 years after that, it is evening on a Gulf Island off the coast of British Columbia. I meander out of a sweat lodge then back to my sleeping bag on the deck of my friend's cabin. I lay down and look up. With utter velocity, I am transported upward into a vast colony of stars. I know in my bones that these starry colonies is my irrevocable home away from home. I belong both to this earth AND to the universal world of the stars. The starry patterns at the time of your birth can reveal the deep dark mysteries of who you are and why

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you have chosen to incarnate upon this earth at this time. Next time you have a chance, gaze deeply and silently into the night's sky. Do you feel your dreams moving in your body? Is the truth of the stars unravelling in your life? Now, take a slow breath, remember your magnificence, and take one humble yet firm step forward into your life! To view this article in full, see Laya Shriaberg has been an astrologer for 40 years. Her perspective is one of expansive wonder coupled with a deep determination to paint for you a detailed picture of why you chose to incarnate, your strengths and weaknesses, and what unique gifts you have to offer others in this lifetime.

If I Ran The Zoo What If? Continued from Page 6

as a radio play-by-play man in Baltimore. The Orioles were challenged that season, and Levine covered the 3rd, 4th, and 7th innings. The game was often out of reach by the time he took over, so he had to learn to hone his storytelling skills to keep the listeners from turning the dial. From Baltimore, Levine moved to Seattle and San Diego and Los Angeles, where he did the post game Dodger show while he continued to dabble in comedy writing for television. Now Levine is back on his second tour of duty with the Mariners. If you turn on AM 1430 this week, you’ll have a chance to hear his entertaining, offbeat style behind the mic. Unlike those baritone announcers who love the sound of their own voices, Levine sounds like a real person, a knowledgeable and enthusiastic

fan. His commentary is always infused with a colorful sense of humor. About a really talented player: “He’s not chopped liver!” About the Weeks brothers, both major league second basemen: “A little different than the family I grew up in!”

blog in advance: “Anyone who says Jewish girls don’t know how to dress didn’t see Sarah Silverman tonight in her Catholic Girl’s uniform.” And, “Six winners told their kids to go to bed. Five thanked Jesus. One told Jesus to go to bed.”

In deference to the recent passing of their Hall of Fame announcer, Dave Neihaus, the Mariners are rotating their radio broadcasters this season. Levine is doing only 40 games, and that has allowed him to continue to write a very popular blog: “by Ken Levine, the World as seen by a TV Comedy Writer”, rated by Time Magazine as one of the 25 most popular blogs on the internet. Levine didn’t get to watch the recent Emmy Awards because he was traveling with the Mariners to Cleveland for a day game on Monday, so he had to write his

But if Levine has his way, he will be back full time next season in Seattle creating “an entertaining radio broadcast”. After all, he took a major gamble and traveled a long way to get here. And in doing so, he’s taught all of us a valuable lesson about using a lot of talent and a little moxie to fulfill a childhood dream. Originally published in the La Conner Weekly News

By Mel Damski - the ProducingDirector of the TV series "Psych" and winner of the Best General Interest Column by the Washington Newspaper Association.

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How to Make Ghee and Move Beyond the Low Fat Era By Eric Johnson For many decades we have been hearing of the need to eat a low fat diet for good health from food manufacturers, government, and weight loss experts. The paradigm appears to be shifting with increasing evidence that dietary fat is not to be blamed for America’s health problems. Regardless of the origins of this low fat theory and the final outcome of this fifty-year experiment, I think the term low fat is overly simplistic and confusing to many people. First consider that the three primary macronutrients are fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Certainly we don’t believe that one of the three macronutrients should be removed from our diets, do we? Second, there are obviously many different types of fats with some being better than others. Much of what makes a type of fat good for cooking or eating depends on the fat’s chemical structure, how it is processed, and how it is cooked. Some of the better fats are those that are relatively stable, those that are extracted from their source using minimal processing, and those that are able to withstand a higher temperature during cooking. In Ayurveda coconut and sesame oil are very popular oils used for cooking, externally on the skin, or as carriers of medicinal herbs. Ghee is perhaps the food most representative of Ayurveda and is used extensively for it’s nourishing benefits. Ghee is simply butter with the water removed through evaporation and the solids removed through filtration. Yes, you read that correctly; I am advising you to eat butter. However, with the solids and water removed, the remaining pure butterfat is considered to be a completely different food

How to Make Ghee

with qualities that ordinary butter cannot claim. As a side note, in Ayurveda blanket statements are rarely made, and there are certain cases when ghee is not best for all. Anybody who reads food labels knows that there are many to recognize and understand these days, and when making ghee finding the ideal butter with the correct labels can be very challenging depending on where you live. In order from most to least necessary, the labels you need to look for when buying butter are as follows: unsalted, cultured, grass fed, and organic. If you can find all four of those labels from a local family farm then congratulations, you have access to a perfect source of butter. In Ayurveda ghee is always made from unsalted butter, and butter was traditionally made by fermenting raw cream, also known as buttermilk. Before the arrival of modern day factory farms raw cream always came from small family farms where animals were able to access pasture and eat grass. These animals were raised using methods similar to what we now refer to as organic. Though this might all seem like a nostalgic view of an agricultural system that no longer exists, the reality is that these products do still exist if you look hard enough, and the more people look the more farmers will begin to supply the demand. Again, meet as many of the four labels as is practical, and let’s move on to the recipe:

I usually prepare six pounds of butter, but you could make as little as a pound. Bring the butter to a light boil in a pot, and then reduce the heat to a very low simmer. After 30-45 minutes the butter should change from cloudy to clear. After 45-60 minutes watch carefully for signs that the ghee is ready, and avoid burning it. As the water evaporates there should be a point where if you look close enough there will no longer be any steam coming off the surface, don’t mistake smoke for steam. You should see foam on the surface and solids at the bottom. Another sign would be that the color changes from light golden to amber; the degree of darkness is based on your preference. When the ghee is ready turn off the stove and allow it to cool a bit. After cooling, slowly pour the ghee through a very fine strainer; I use a stainless steel loose-leaf tea filter.

You could also skim the foam off the surface before pouring if you want. I pour my ghee into glass canning jars. Avoid storing your ghee in the refrigerator and always use a clean, dry spoon to scoop the ghee out of the jar. I use ghee for everything from adding to my oatmeal, to frying an egg, to drizzling over steamed broccoli. Don’t be afraid of fat, give it a try, and for the less adventurous they do sell ghee in a jar. Eric Johnson lives in Bellingham and is a certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Guide. Visit for more information about food, lifestyle, preventive medicine, and environment.

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'Ele'-Mental Health Bipolar Disorder: The Catch-All Diagnosis Bipolar Disorder has become such a common diagnosis that almost all of us know someone who has it. So, what is “Bipolar Disorder” anyway? Bipolar describes someone who sometimes feels upbeat and happy, even manic, and at other times feels down or depressed. As is true of all psychiatric diagnoses in the United States, Bipolar is only a label, a description of the symptoms being passed off as a “diagnosis.” Well, if “Bipolar Disorder” is a diagnosis then so is “Walks Funny Disorder” a diagnosis for someone with a broken leg. This, too, is nothing but a description of the symptoms.

By Linda Van Zandt

:(: never designed to cure anyone, just palliate the symptoms. Patients are intentionally turned into lifelong, lucrative “customers” of psychiatric goods and services for a reason: billions of dollars in profits. What I’ve learned from many years of experience is that American mental health care is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

My family went the usual drug + talk therapy routine which, of No one would ever accept such a course, was an epic fail. We ridiculous label for physical (finally) dumped it and learned problems so why do we accept how to use an approach called them for psychiatric problems? I “Orthomolecular Medicine” (for believe the answer is because more information on this please we’ve been hoodwinked. American see The Bellingham Muse mental health care was March/April 2014).

“Orthomolecular” may be a long, technical-sounding term but it means something very simple: restoring a person’s biochemistry with substances normally present in the body. As one’s biochemistry is restored, the psychiatric symptoms disappear. Over the last 70 or 80 years, several biological problems have been identified and proven to cause psychiatric symptoms including a histamine imbalance, wheat allergy, an adrenal metabolism disorder known as “pyroluria,” pellagra (a vitamin B-3 deficiency) and others.

Disorder.” In reality, he had pellagra and pyroluria. He recovered with B-3, 5-HTP and other nutritional medicine. Another relative was labeled “Uni-Polar Bipolar” when he was depressed, then “Bipolar with Psychosis” when he became psychotic. In reality, he had both pyroluria and histamines that were much too high. This “incurable” relative recovered 100% because he, too, was treated appropriately: he was given lab tests and the nutritional medicine he needed to restore his biochemistry as he was slowly weaned off three liver-destroying antipsychotic drugs.

What all Americans need to know is that America’s smoke and mirrors approach in mental health care is delivered exactly the same way in every little town and big city across the country. It has three In my own family, one person was parts: 1) the “diagnosis,” which is “diagnosed” with “ADHD” and only a description of the “Slight, Atypical Bipolar Continued on Page 16

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'Ele'-Mental Health Bipolar Disorder: The Catch-All Diagnosis Continued From Page 15

symptoms; 2) talk therapy to talk about the symptoms; and 3) expensive, man-made drugs which were never designed to cure anyone, just suppress their symptoms. There is no attempt whatsoever to uncover the biological cause(s) of “Bipolar Disorder” or anything else—and if you don’t know the cause, how are you possibly going to cure your illness? The answer is, you can’t. One caveat though: If you are a danger to yourself or others, you legally have no choice but to follow your psychiatrist’s orders.

Everyone else does have a choice. (However, you can still use orthomolecular treatment in addition to any psychotropic drugs you are currently taking.) When the diagnosis is provided by a lab test ordered by your family doc or naturopath, a psychiatrist isn’t needed to provide you with a label. When a biological problem is found, talk therapy isn’t needed because no amount of talking will ever restore one’s histamine level, vitamin B-3 deficiency, GABA deficiency, etc, to normal so, once again, the psychiatrist isn’t needed. Since biochemicals are used to restore someone’s biochemistry, (or in the case of Lyme Disease, antibiotics), drugs are no longer needed which means the psychiatrist is no longer needed to prescribe them. So you see, all three services provided by conventional psychiatrists are no longer needed. Their income plummets.

Just because the American Psychiatric Association and Big Pharma want you to take drugs to mask your symptoms doesn’t mean that’s what’s best for you—that’s merely what is best for their income. They have been fighting Orthomolecular Medicine since the 1950s. If “Bipolar Disorder” is harming you or your loved one, or if you simply don’t like being a psychiatric patient, I hope you’ll look into Orthomolecular Medicine.” It has worked miracles for many thousands of people worldwide. --Linda Van Zandt, M.Ed. author of The Secrets to Real Mental Health: How one family escaped America’s failed, profit-driven system and found care that works: Orthomolecular Medicine (correcting the biochemistry)

Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band presents: A concert of traditional and contemporary Band repertoire May 22nd in the PAC Concert Hall. The concert is at 8:00PM and is free to the public. The Symphonic Band, under the direction of Zach Smith, will perform music spanning a time period of over 150 years. The concert will begin with an exciting overture from the mid-19th century by Franz Von Suppé. The set will then move forward to the early 20th century in England with a classic piece for band by Ralph Vaughn Williams. The first half will then close with the end of the 20th century in America with an early composition by Eric Whitacre. The Wind Symphony, under the direction of Christopher Bianco, will present a concert of Wind Band music that is "All in the Family" of the Western community. They will be performing pieces by composers that have a connection to the university. The program will begin with a work composed by Bertil van Boer Sr., the father of WWU Faculty member and noted Musicologist Bertil van Boer. The ensemble will then shift to more contemporary fare with works by WWU Faculty member Roger Briggs, WWU Alum and guest composer Pat Harlin and a piece by Western graduate student composer and conductor Jon Bash. Please join us for this event that will showcase the outstanding musicianship and creativity of Western students and faculty.

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Bellingham Muse

Horoscopes Taurus (4/20-5/20)- Your energy will be bountiful during this time and now is the time to bring those ideas into fruition. There is a chance of material gain if you work with the natural world. Get back to basics and get to work.

Good Days: May 26 & 27 and June 22 & 23

Is it in the Cards?

Scorpio (10/23-11/21)– Your ability to look deeper into an issue will help you during this time. Knowing your strengths By Sungoddess ashley will help you overcome your weaknesses. You may desire solitude but don’t deny others Anne: How can I communicate better in relationships, especially their pleasures, even if it is concerning vulnerability and emotions? merely your company.

Good Days: May 13 & 14 and Sungoddess Ashley: I pulled 5 cards from the Witches Tarot deck to June 9, 10 & 11 Gemini (5/21-6/20)- This will be the time where you inspire others. Social interaction will bring about a different point of view, and maybe help give you that change you’ve been looking for. Be the dreamer and question everything, it’ll be fun.

Good Days: 1, 2, 28, 29 & 30 and June 24, 25 & 26 Cancer (6/21-7/22)-– Trust your instincts, your foundation is strong. Don’t be afraid to support others don’t over think about it too much. The more you help others the more you find that it is actually helping yourself.

Good Days : May 3, 4, 5 & 31 and June 1, 27 & 28 Leo (7/23-8/22) – This is the perfect time to express your dynamic nature artistically. Paint, write, or act just get out there and show the world who you are. Your caring nature will be greatly appreciated during this period. Good Days: May 6 & 7 and June 2, 3, 4, 29 & 30 Virgo (8/23-9/22)– When thinking about what is important versus what should be left behind remember you must take care of yourself and not give everything to others. This is going to be a time to cut away those things that prevent you from succeeding.

Good Days: May 8, 9 & 10 and June 5 & 6 Libra (9/23-10/22) – Be careful that you don’t go too far when trying to see all sides of a problem, others may see you as being two-faced. Your careful consideration is appreciated but be sure not to neglect what is really important. Good Days: May 11 & 12 and June 7 & 8

see how you could communicate better in your relationships.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) - Be careful in how you express what you only see as the truth. There is a chance your direct nature may be misinterpreted as uncaring. Your fair point of view can be a welcome change.

The Center: The King of Swords. He is someone who has mastered the art of communication and rules this realm. This is your current goal and what/who you are aspiring to become more like at this time. He is also clear with his words, is honest, direct and forthright as an effective communicator. These attributes are what you are bringing into focus Good Days: May 15 & 16 and now. June 12 & 13 Capricorn (12/22-1/19)– This is a time of focus. You see to the heart of the matter and are able to help get to the desired goal. Get out there and help organize that public event you’re the one to cut through the red tape.

The Bottom: The Sun. The Sun is what is supporting you and motivating you in obtaining your goal. The Sun is giving you more energy to express yourself like the King of Swords, who knows what is appropriate to say and when to say it.

The Past: 3 of Cups. This is what you have learned so far and can Good Days: May 17 & 18 and continue to integrate. This card represents sharing of feelings in June 14 & 15 relationships, whether or not they were done clearly in the past. When you pair this with the role of the King, you are able to express your Aquarius (1/20-2/18)– Take advantage of your creative feelings more effectively with others by being open and honest. It is thinking to help with your about speaking your truth from a loving and respectful place. financial needs. You won’t be undermining who you are by thinking a little more about The Top: 9 of Pentacles. The King is pointing up to this card with his material gain. It may help you sword, which indicates your thoughts. This woman here is very much in in the long run. control of her life, and in this case, her tongue and the words she Good Days: May 19, 20 & 21 chooses. Be conscious that you alone are in control of how, what, and and June 16 & 17 when you communicate. Your thoughts are about self-mastery. Also, it is Pisces (2/19-3/20) – Don’t let saying that it is important to take the time to organize your thoughts your curious nature get the before you speak. better of you. You will find the answer; it just might not come from the direction you are The Future: 9 of Cups. To accomplish your goal of becoming more currently looking. This is a good time to focus on your like the King of Swords, you are working towards expanding your communicative skills by building on what you have already learned. The relationship.

3 of cups from the past has multiplied itself to the 9 of cups here in the future position, indicating growth in expressing your feelings from both truth and kindness. Be open to sharing more, because there is a wider Aries (3/21-4/19) Take advantage of your impulsive ability of self-expression that you are working on for greater satisfaction nature. Your energy will help in your personal relationships. Good Days: May 22 & 23 and June 18 & 19

you to come out ahead. Procrastination will be your enemy during this time. Be *The shadow card gives me a summary of the reading, or a supplemental ready to take advantage of message. The Empress is the archetypal mother that has a caring and situations as they come up. loving role in her relationships. She nurtures others and herself. She Good Days : May 24 & 25 and loves everyone as she does her own children, and treats them with June 20 & 21 kindness. What is important is that she also treats herself kindly the way

Good days are those days that the moon has moved into your sign she would a child, even her inner-child. She continually births new and making it a good time to start something new. These are the days when creative ways to do this. Since we are talking about communication, she is willing and able to speak to people gently and with kindness as she things just seem to fall into place. By Chad Saunders By Sungoddess ashley does herself.

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Events in May and June Inspiration Alley Special Events

Occurring Weekly

Sunday, 05/04/2014 Special guest Arlene Arnold, author of ColorCards and Humpty Dumpty Get’s It Together. Complementary Color Therapy Founder

Aikido of Bellingham Adult General Class 5:30 -7:00 Monday – Thursday 1101 North State Street - Suite 200 360-671-6858 Photo By Lissa Clear

Mat Pilates Mondays 9:00am By Simler Massage and Pilates Bellingham Dance Co. 1705 N. State Street $10 drop in Kirtan & Bhagavad Gita Thursdays 6:00pm-8:00pm Krishna Lounge, 1111 N. State St. Sundays 5:00pm-7pm 1109 N. State St. Fluid Frequency Explore the waves and rhythms of the body's inherent motion. Fridays, 5:30pm-6:45pm Inspire Studio 1411 Cornwall Ave #201 by donation

Be Stress Free! Guided Meditation Saturdays 10:00-11:00am Krishna Lounge 1111 N. State St.

"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson

Workshops How to Read the Cards -with Sungoddess Ashley Friday May 9th,30-8pm Cost: $15 This is an introductory class for beginners and people interested in learning tarot. We will cover the major arcana & minor arcana's suit & court cards. We will each be doing a card layout, so please bring a deck of your liking. Bliss born Birth Hypnosis Course What if birth could be easier, more comfortable, empowering and blissful? Blissborn is the natural birth program that is changing birth! Blissborn combines the best of science, medical knowledge, mindbody therapy and childbirth education in a FUN and inspiring course. It emphasizes the power of your own mind to create the birth you desire! Blissborn's proprietary techniques benefit the baby as well, by reducing the causes of distress and helping to create calmness in the baby that often lasts well into the first year. This 5 week Course (2 hours/week) is intended for third-trimester moms and their birth partners and includes set of 6 CDs, handouts, and a 234-page comprehensive manual. Facilitated by Jeni Miller, CMS-CHt, BHE. More Info: 360-647-3726. Thursdays, May 15-June 12, 6:00-8:00PM, in Bellingham.

Reiki level II Sunday 5/18/2014 9am-5pm Krishna Lounge, 1111 North State Street. $150, Register by 05/04 and save $20. To reserve a seat call Anu at: (360)483-7327 Yoni Tour Knowing Circles Saturday, May 24, 2014. 2 - 4pm. Location: Spiral Suns Healing Studio. (Happy Valley) Cost: $20. To Register: Call Laya at 360-734-1596 or email Description: Our bodies are our main resource, our temple while living on this planet. Through education, inquiry and guided meditation, these knowing circles are an invitation to find our way back to an engaged relationship with our wombs.

Transformational Sessions by Appointment To schedule call, 206-255-7965 1121 N. State St. Bellingham, WA

WWU Spring Concert Line up Saxophone Night Tuesday, May 13th at 7:00pm Guitars of Western Friday, May 16th at 8:00pm Back 2 Bellingham Choral Concert 2014 Sunday, May 18th at 3:00pm Wind Symphony & Symphonic Band Concert Thursday, May 22nd at 8:00pm WWU Orchestra Monday, June 2nd at 8:00pm Band Pops! II 2014 Wednesday, June 4th at 8:00pm All concerts are at the Performing Arts Center and free. See our website for a current calendar of events or to list your own event.

Bellingham Muse

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Directory of Services Bodywork Anu Healing Anu Byal, LMP, Offering transformational healing on a soul level through energy healing, cranio-sacral, and massage therapy. Save $20 on first session. Call Now! (360)483-7327

The Massage Studio Dana Duvall L.M.P. (360) 303-4947

"Helping People Heal" Save with a package of 3 Massages $165!

Lauryn Marino, LMP Massage therapy and Pilates-orthopedic rebalancing and ancient Hawaiian healing. Call Today! (360) 389-8889/

Learn Well, Laugh Well, Grow Well, Be Well Tai Chi, Qigong, Reiki, and Baby Sign Language classes. Website: Phone/text: 360-633-3983 Simler Massage and Pilates Alana M Simler, LMP ~ MA00008372 Working with you to find the results you deserve Visit Facebook and Yelp for more info and reviews (360)738 -9557

Spiral Suns Laya Schriaberg, LMP Cranio Sacral Approach ~ Energy Healing ~ Aromatherapy (360) 734-1596/

Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Readings Illuminated Growth ~ Creating a Joyful Life Kerri Burnside, CHT, CHI Services: Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Readings, Energy Medicine Visit www.illuminated for more info. Schedule your appointment today! (360)612-2277 Sungoddess Ashley Tarot & Astrology Private phone or in-person readings. Party event entertainment.

Call Ashley Owens today! * (714) 510-7444

Tarot & Astrology Chad J. Saunders Tarot readings and astrology charts Get your answers now! (360) 353-4188

Healing Arts

Bellingham Muse

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