Space (54) Shop

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shop ISSN 1022-5609

9 771022 560001





Prada's Epicenter, Tokyo Herzog & De Meuron


Lane Crawford, Shanghai Wongchoy Ltd


目錄C O N T E N T S


Escada Landmark Tint Concepts Ltd

Gay Giano Edge Architects Ltd

070 080 086 092

Cozzi San Interiors

Nu Skin Enterprises Plaza Fitop Design & Contracting Ltd

Kiston, California Space International Inc


Loang & Noi Jewellery Boutique, Singapore Wallflower Architecture + Design

108 114


Editor 編輯 - Miranda Li 李敏儀

Guess Kids Destination Ltd

Nordica Printing Co. (Panyu) Ltd洛德加印刷(番禺)有限公司

Direct Line


(852) 2515 7638



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Nike Inspired 1, Bangkok CL3 Architects Ltd


Publisher出版人 - George Lam 林達生 Administration & Business - Olivia Ko 高慧明


Pink Box, Guangzhou siDE Ltd

a02@XTD/a02@LCX Alexchoi Design & Partners Ltd



Exception, Guangzhou Ma Ke

Cover & Poster Design 面及海報設計- Frankie Wong@Ready Design

Globelink Container Lines (HK) Limited # 13-01 Natwest Centre, 15 McCallum Street,Singapore 069045 Tel: (65) 225 1833 Fax: (65) 225 8742 A. Strobel GmbH & Co KG Zur Feldmühle 9-11,Postfach 56 54,D-59806 Arnsberg, Germany Tel: (2931) 890012 Fax: (2931) 890014 Hotline Marketing Inc 871 Kapiolani Blvd, 2nd Floor Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Tel: (808) 524 3511 Fax: (808) 524 0891


134 Suzuya San Interiors XONE Flagship Shop, Shanghai


Edge Architects Ltd Mongkok Towngas Customer Centre Kinney Chan & Associates


Oregon Scientific Lifestyle Concept Shop Kingsmen Hong Kong Ltd Fortress Alexchoi Design & Partners Ltd


陳列室S H O W R O O M


Noevir, California Space International Inc

178 188 198

Lourve Gallery Joseph Sy & Associates

Homeless Concept Shop Homeless Ltd Edra Showroom, Milan Edra

202 208

Hewlett-Packard Demo Room, Chengdu DPWT Design Ltd

Orange Showroom IDS Concepts Ltd

214 220

Volve Showroom Atelier Pacific Ltd




Tung Tak Newspaper & Magazine Ltd Tel: (852) 2753 6663 Archidata Magazine Ltd B1, No. 30 Lane 33 Lin Yi Street, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: (02) 2392-5233

SPACE is Published quarterly by PACE Publishing Limted. © 2003 All rights reserved. No part of SPACE, written or pictorial, may be reproduced or published without the prior written permission of the Publisher. 《空間》乃貝思出版有限公司全資擁有,所有圖文皆有版權,非經書面同意不得轉載。 27/F Neich Tower, 128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 香港灣仔告士打道128號祥豐大廈27樓 Tel: (852) 2897 1688 Fax: (852) 2897 2888

索引I N D E X


經營了四載半,《空間》由月刊轉至季刊,內容更集中,務求提高 參考 。改革後,每期會設有一個特定的主題,從今期的商店,下期 的辦公室,以至及後的酒店、會所、餐館酒吧、文娛空間等等專輯 裡,《空間》會為大家搜羅本地及外國出色的室內設計項目。 雖然轉型了的《空間》以室內設計為大方向,但遇到傑出的建築設 計項目,還是按捺不住要向大家介紹,打響頭炮的就有由瑞士建築 設計大師Herzog & de Meuron操刀的東 Prada Epicenter旗艦店。 其實,建築是由許多個室內空間所組成,兩者有著密切的關係。室 內空間的安排和分佈取決於人們的行為模式,而這種邏輯運用於店 舖的設計上就更具主導 。從店面的設計為起點,公司品牌的商標要 掛在哪裡?哪些產品要先讓顧客看到?甚麼樣的陳列架最合適?試 身室、諮詢台、付款處應該設在甚麼位置?整個 物路線要如何鋪 排最為流暢?本輯收錄了廿多個本港和外地的商店及陳列室設計項 目,也許能為你揭示當中的一些竅門,甚至提供一點點靈感或實用 的資訊。期望你在翻閱這本書時,能享受一趟賞心悅目的視覺 物之 旅。 空間,並不是無限無盡的(那是宇宙),總得有些東西包圍著它, 人們才覺得有安全感;本書亦一樣,它的 面和 底界定了一個讓編 輯和讀者們都感安心的空間。然而,當處於一個可安身的地方之 時,人又總想出去闖蕩,正是一顆要往外馳騁的心驅使《空間》在 規限中探求突破的可能 ,在 面與 底以外發掘新的空間。 最後,請容許我在這裡衷心多謝Frnk, Yan, Jen, Nic, Karen, Yuki, Ok, Allan, Blondie, Laura, Giggs, Emily, Hung及Jerry。

After running for over four years, SPACE is transformed from a monthly magazine to a quarterly to provide a more profound and extensive coverage. The revamped SPACE will feature in every issue one specific theme. With themes ranging over retail - as in this issue, office - as in the next, as well as hotel, clubhouse, F & B and leisure space, SPACE aims to be a showcase of outstanding interior designs from both Hong Kong and overseas. Although interior design is the direction the new SPACE follows, our standing faith for architecture will not allow us to miss any remarkable architectural projects. Let us start in this issue with Prada's Epicenter store in Tokyo designed by Herzog & de Meuron, the renowned Swiss masters. Architecture is, in a sense, composed of interior spaces. The layout of the later is very much decided by our behaviours in, and our uses of them. This rationale is even more dominant in the design of shops. Starting right from the shop front: Where should the brand logo be placed? What are the products we want customer see first? What kinds of display racks are most suitable? Where should the fitting room, information desk and cashier counter be? And how about the whole shopping route? SPACE, in this issue, features more than twenty local and oversea retail and showroom designs. The techniques applied in them will provide you with not only design inspiration, but useful information as well. We hope that you will find it a rich and delightful visual shopping journey as you turn the colourful pages. Space is not boundless. (The boundless is the Universe.) Without the presence of boundary, we find it hard to experience the dimension of a space; we feel more secure being embraced. It is human nature, however, the desire to breakthrough boundaries, to explore the outside world. That is why we are going beyond the preset framework of this book, to hunt for new possibilities, new dimensions. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to Frnk, Yan, Jen, Nic, Karen, Yuki, Ok, Allan, Blondie, Laura, Giggs, Emily, Hung and Jerry.



Herzog & De Meuron Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan 30,140 sq ft Herzog & De Meuron 日本東京青山區 30,140平方呎

P r a d a ’ s

E p i c e n t e r ,

Prada’s Epicenter


Herzog & De Meuron

T o k y o


新店樓高六層,獨特的外形是由數以百計 的菱形玻璃框格幕牆所組成,既能透視店 內陳列的服飾,亦可欣賞店外景緻。晚上 的大樓像一顆亮麗剔透的水晶。 The Tokyo Store has six storeys with a remarkable appearance. Its facade is comprised of a diamond-shaped grid filled with hundreds of glass panels, offering unique views inwards of the products on display, and outwards across the city. The sculptural form and transparency made this Epicenter a landmark building. It looks like a crystal at night.

自1999年起,PRADA展開了Epicenter旗艦店計劃,目的是締造 嶄新的購物概念。建築大師為旗 艦店設計出創意滿盈的購物環境, 不但可容納更多種類的商品,店內 設計亦各有特色,讓顧客體驗全新 的購物樂趣。

Koolhaas設計位於紐約的首間旗艦店之後, PRADA Epicenter計劃的 第二炮。

座落日本東京青山區的PRADA亞 洲區旗艦店,於2003年6月揭幕, 總面積30,140平方呎,由瑞士建 築師Herzog & de Meuron工作 室負責籌建,是繼建築大師Rem

新店樓高六層,外形獨特,像一顆通透的水晶。外牆由數以百計的 菱形玻璃框格組成幕牆,既能透視店內陳列的服飾,亦可欣賞店外 景緻。室內空間層層相扣,彷如一個整體,顧客難以識別層與層之 間的分隔。

由於建築地點的四周沒有任何特色,加上周圍的建築物較矮,使Herzog & de Meuron在創作上有很大的自由度,並激發了他們設計的意 念:把大樓建造成具標誌性的高樓,同時預留公共空間來營造歐陸式 廣場,容許遊人即使不到旗艦店瀏覽,亦可到開闊的廣場休憩。

Herzog & De Meuron


Prada’s Epicenter


橫向的管道是樓層過渡的空間, 亦是層層扣合的一個媒體,它好 比山洞一樣,瀰漫安逸寧靜的氣 氛。這個設計並不只於滿足結構 性功能,同時亦成為外眺景觀的 長廊-站在管道內,透過半透 明外牆間的細小玻璃窗可以觀賞東 京市的迷人景色,令這座旗艦店成 為享受視覺感官的場所。而位於管 道盡頭的試衣間,座落於透明和磨 砂玻璃幕牆間,營造出時而模糊時 而澄明的效果。

PRADA專門店一向採用標準玻璃 陳列箱及貨架,但經過研究和測 試後,Herzog & de Meuron最終 制定出一套像市集貨攤的產品陳列 方式必須不用太高,讓桌面上的商 品盡收顧客的眼簾。此外,桌面亦 必須別具特色,予人深刻印象。有 見及此,Herzog & de Meuron構 思這些「陳列桌」時,特別採用了 圓形角位設計,產生柔和的效果, 並把此意念延伸至長椅式設計,同 時加入內置燈光。

Prada’s Epicenter


Herzog & De Meuron


水下通氣管是PRADA東京旗艦店內其中一項高科技設計,目的是要創造出仿如潛水艇水下通氣管的物體,以傳送影像、聲音與光線。 Snorkels are one of the hi-tech elements in the Tokyo flagship store. The idea was to create snorkel-like elements that transport images, sound and light. Herzog & De Meuron


Prada’s Epicenter


Prada’s Epicenter


Herzog & De Meuron


PRADA旗艦店內其中一項高科技 設計便是水下通氣管。設計目的是 創造出仿如潛水艇水下通氣管的物 體,以傳送影像、聲音與光線。這 些獨立的水下通氣管富有多樣化功 能,構成店內不同特色、大小及形 狀的螢幕,不單只能隨時展示紐約 PRADA旗艦店的佈置陳設,亦方 便日後革新設計路向。此外,水 下通氣管除可以用以展示PRADA 的不同產品系列外,還可作為管 道內的播音器,讓顧客在悠揚樂 章中享受購物的樂趣。

In 1999, Prada started the “Epicenter Store” programme which stemmed from the Company’s desire to reinvent the concept of shopping. Masters of architecture were invited to create innovative environments that accommodate more products and most importantly, focus on the individual’s perception and generate a fresh retail experience. Prada’s new Epicenter covers 30,140 sq ft. This flagship designed by architects Herzog & de Meuron, opened in June 2003 in Tokyo Aoyama, follows the opening of Rem Koolhaas’s Prada Broadway store in New York. The extreme heterogeneity of the area and the surrounding low-rise buildings gave a lot of freedom in creation as there is no need to meet any contextual requirements. Such freedom inspired Herzog & de Meuron to make the store more visible, which meant somehow higher and, in addition, to create the kind of public open space often seen in Europe. This plaza is a place where people can meet and relax, even without visiting the store. The Tokyo store has six storeys with a remarkable appearance akin to a crystal. Its facade, comprising

(左)獨立的水下通氣管除可用 以展示產品外,還可用作播放音 樂的播音器。 (Left) The snorkels are not only used as a form of product presentation but also function as Sound Showers in the tubes.

(右)大樓的柱子,橫向的玻璃管道、地板及格子 外牆兼容力學及美觀的考慮,設計師將獨特的結 構、空間及外形融為一體。 (Right) The vertical cores, the horizontal tubes, the floor slabs and the facade grilles define the space but, at the same time, they are the structure and the facade. The designer has made the structure, space and facade form a single unit.

Herzog & De Meuron


Prada’s Epicenter


a diamond-shaped grid filled with hundreds of glass panels, offers unique views inwards of the products on display, and outwards across the city. Inside the building, the space is fluid, with connections between each of the floors so that visitors do not really distinguish between floors but perceive the building as one continuous space. The horizontal tubes are like caves, like a special topographical feature of a landscape that cultivates an undisturbed, intimate atmosphere. They are not only structural, but they also act as viewing corridors, by directing people’s attention to the city around the building. In the tubes the glass of the facade is translucent, with small sections of clear glass offering a privileged view of the Tokyo cityscape, making the whole building an instrument of perception. The fitting rooms are at the ends of the tubes between glass walls that alternate between transparency and opaqueness, sharpness and blurring. Standardized glass display cases and shelving are usually adopted in Prada stores. However, Prada’s Epicenter


Herzog & De Meuron


Herzog & de Meuron wanted to develop a slightly more “primitive,” more archaic form of presentation, somewhat like a market stall. After experimenting with their shape and heights, they came to the conclusion that the tables should be low enough to be viewed in their entirety from above. It became clear that they should have an impact as independent objects. The edges of these “table-objects” were therefore rounded to soften their shape and make the act of walking around them even “smoother.” The tables led to the development of a bench type, which is also illuminated from within. Snorkels are one of the key elements under the IT projects in this flagship store. The idea was

店內空間層層相扣,由底部到頂部彷如一個整體,顧客難以識別層與層之間的分隔。 The space is fluid inside the building, so that visitors do not really distinguish between floors but perceive the building as one continuous space.

Herzog & De Meuron


Prada’s Epicenter


to create snorkel-like elements that transport images, sound and light. An important factor was that the snorkels could be used for different purposes, which ultimately determined the features, shape and size of the screen. These snorkels led to the possibility not only of presenting the content of the Epicenter in New York at any time, but also of taking a different direction in the future. Also, they function as Sound Showers in the tubes, where they generate an intimate space as well as an entirely different atmosphere that is separate from the acoustic background elsewhere.

建築設計師Architects HERZOG & DE MEURON 相關建築設計師Associate Architects Takenaka Corporation 結構工程Structural Engineering Takenaka Corporation WGG Schnetzer Puskas 機械工程Mechanical Engineering Takenaka Corporation Waldhauser Engineering 防火安全規劃Fire Safety Design Takenaka Corporation 外牆顧問Facade Consultants Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Arup Lighting 建築工程承辦Construction Management Takenaka Corporation 總建築承辦商General Contractor Takenaka Corporation 內部陳設製作Furniture Production Ram Contract srl. 水下通氣管/ 音樂播放項目SNORKEL / SOUND SHOWER 系統整合System Integration Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. 水下通氣管Snorkel Casing John Lay Electronics AG (Panasonic CH) 電器配置Custom Electronics Scharff Weisberg 影像投射項目PROJECTIONS 系統整合System Integration Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Wakasa Optics Co., Ltd. Fujitsu CoWorCo Co., Ltd.

Prada’s Epicenter


Herzog & De Meuron


Herzog & De Meuron


Prada’s Epicenter


Wongchoy Ltd Shanghai Times Square, PRC 20,000 sq ft Wongchoy Ltd 中國上海時代廣場 20,000平方呎

L a n e

C r a w f o r d ,

Lane crawford


wongchoy ltd



風格統一的不鋼和木製陳列裝置塑造出一份窗明几淨的氣息。 Stainless steel and wood display systems bring a bright and clean air into the space.

連卡佛 貨公司的上海旗艦店位於 繁忙的上海時代廣場裡,兩層合 共二萬多呎。此旗艦店與香港的 連卡佛有著大相逕庭的形像,設 計師因應客戶特別的要求而營造 出摩登時尚、煥然一新的環境。 貨公司由原來的多間舖位打通而 成,製造了一個開放的 物空間。 設計師在這開闊的空間裡以天花 和燈光去劃分出各個區域,包括 男女服裝、皮鞋、家居用品、別

wongchoy ltd


Lane crawford

緻的咖啡店以及零散的精品小 店。由於旗艦店位於大型 物商 場內,故此入口的位置、與商場 的連接點和過渡空間,以至指示 標誌都需要細心的處理。另一方 面,設計師以嶄新的固定裝置、 與別不同的裝飾和柔和的燈光, 賦予了旗艦店簡約、整潔、靈活 的感覺,同時與其他品牌的「店 中店」融匯為一體。風格統一的 不鋼和木製陳列裝置亦塑造出 一份窗明几淨的氣息。


(右頁)別緻的咖啡店無論在物料的採用以至 燈光都能夠與 貨公司內的各個部份相融。 (Right page) The chic cafe is harmoniously integrated into the environment in terms of the use of materials and lighting. (本頁)燈光柔和自然以突出陳列貨品。 (This page) The soft and natural lighting is used to set off the displays.

Lane crawford


wongchoy ltd


wongchoy ltd


Lane crawford


設計師以嶄新的固定裝置、與別不同的裝 飾和柔和的燈光,賦予了旗艦店簡約、整 潔、靈活的感覺。 The brand-new fixtures, unique decoration and soft lighting add a sense of simplicity, neatness and flexibility.

With a total area of more than 20,000 sq ft, the two-level Lane Crawford Shanghai flagship store is located in the hustling and bustling Shanghai Times Square, erecting a totally different image from that of Lane Crawford in Hong Kong. The designer was asked to create a modern, luxury, clean and open environment. In this open shopping space originally comparted into smaller distinct stores, the designer defined various retail zones by the design of ceiling and lighting, including men's and women's wear, shoes, domestic products, cafe and boutiques. Since the flagship store is located in a large shopping mall, it called for a careful selection of common materials, attention to circulation, entrance location, transitional spaces and signs in order to maintain a store identity connecting two levels. On the other hand, the brand-new fixtures, unique decoration and soft lighting also add a sense of simplicity, neatness and flexibility, harmoniously integrated with the small boutiques in the department store. Stainless steel and wood display systems also bring a bright and clean air into the space.

Lane crawford


wongchoy ltd


wongchoy ltd


Lane crawford


位於中央的自 扶梯是 整個開放平面中的焦 點。圍繞著電梯的空間 亦用於陳列貨品。 The bank of escalators at the centre of the space was used to anchor the open plan. Encompassing the escalators is also display space.

Lane crawford


wongchoy ltd


二樓平面圖Second floor plan

客戶Client Lane Crawford (HK) Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor Shanghai Eagle Decorations 一樓平面圖First floor plan

燈光顧問Lighting Consultant Wongchoy Ltd 傢具Furniture Shanghai Eagle Decorations 攝影Photography Almond Chu Photography

wongchoy ltd


Lane crawford


Tint Concepts Ltd The Landmark, Central, HK 1, 750 sq ft Tint Concepts Ltd 香港中環置地廣場 1,750平方呎

Esc a d a

escada landmark



tint concepts ltd


許多國際性品牌都有其統一的室內設計概念,以貫徹各 地分店的形像。香港Escada的設計就是源自品牌德國總 部的意念,以米白色調的裝潢、不 抰 飾面的陳列工具來 襯托產品,而且這簡潔的佈置亦易於配合品牌季節性多 變的設計及主題。 在固有的設計元素上,設計師為店舖注入了三大特色, 分別是:斑馬皮造的凳子和地毯;人造石地面色調清 雅,融合整體中性的粉飾,而在一片米白色中,設計 師利用金屬飾面的馬賽克鋪了一條走道,從門口伸展 到牆上的嵌壁式陳列櫃,成為連繫兩者的一條觸目的 軸線。第三個特點是在柔和的場景燈光下,設計師加 設了兩盞水晶吊燈,營造出華貴而恬靜的氣氛,配合 店舖寬敞的佈局。

tint concepts ltd


escada landmark

金屬飾面的馬賽克鋪地從 門口伸展到牆上的嵌壁式 陳列櫃,成為連繫兩者的 一條觸目的軸線。 The metallic mosaic passage acts as an eyecatching axis that links up the entrance and the built-in display units on the wall. 設計師在天花上加設了兩 盞水晶吊燈,營造出華貴 而恬靜的氣氛。 The two crystal chandeliers add to the grand and tranquil atmosphere.


escada landmark


tint concepts ltd


米白色調的裝潢和簡潔的佈置易於配合品牌季節性多變的設計及主題。 The off-white tone and simple layout can be easily adapted to match the ever-changing seasonal themes.

tint concepts ltd


escada landmark


International brands usually have their uniform interior standards for their branches all over the world to follow. The design concept of Escada in Hong Kong is very much in keeping with its German headquarters identity in terms of the simple palette of off-white colour and stainless steel display units, which can also be adapted more easily to match the ever-changing seasonal themes. More elements are introduced into the original palette, such as the zebra hide stools and rug, the elegant sand stone flooring, and a metallic mosaic passage running through the off-white space as an eye-catching axis that links up the entrance and the built-in display units on the wall. The two crystal chandeliers add to the grand and tranquil atmosphere, which are also well integrated into the soft ambient lighting and the generous spatial layout.

escada landmark


tint concepts ltd


A cove-lit background creates a clear silhouette of the built-in display unit. 在柔和的場景燈光下,燈槽裡散發的光線 更能鉤勒出嵌壁式的陳列櫃。

斑馬皮造的凳子和地毯。 Zebra hide stools and rug.

不 抰 飾面的陳列架。 Stainless steel display units.

tint concepts ltd


escada landmark


escada landmark


tint concepts ltd


佈局圖layout plan

客戶Client escada (asia) ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor tint concepts ltd 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting iGuzzini

櫥窗立面圖shop front elevation

tint concepts ltd


escada landmark


Edge Architects Ltd Times Square, Causeway Bay, HK 2,000 sq ft Edge建築設計廔 香港銅鑼灣時代廣場 2,000平方呎

G a y

gay giano



edge architects ltd


設計師在有限的自由度裡發揮,透過調暗燈光和加入新材料,以 最少的改 為店舖注入了新鮮感,並同時提昇了商店的形像。 The designer tried to inject into the space some fresh air and uplift the store's image by giving it a new face in terms of lighting and display systems.

有時,翻新的工程要比從零開始 做設計來得困難,因為往往可改 的空間有限,就像Edge為已有十 年歷史的時代廣場Gay Giano店 做的翻新項目一樣,要盡少拆毀 原有的設施,而又能達到客戶的 要求,這對設計師來說確實是一 個大挑戰。 設計師M i c h a e l C h a n的目標是 要賦予店舖新鮮感,並且透過新 的裝潢來提升商店的形像,遂從 燈光及陳列工具著手。首先,他 把原來的棕色裝潢用灰銀色來代 替,並把場景燈光亮度調底一 半,製造了一個暗淡的背景。另 一方面,他在原有的金屬陳列架 上加設了用灰色磨砂玻璃造的 燈箱,使得產品更能「脫穎而 出」。

edge architects ltd


gay giano

矩形的店舖裡,離門口最遠的一 個角落通常是人流最少的地方, 要提高顧客參觀這個區域的興趣 是需要一些巧妙的花招的。M ichael利用一條斜的軸線由門口伸 展到店舖的「死角」位置,並去 除了兩者之間的一排陳列架,讓 顧客可以預覽那一區的陳列品; 與此同時,他為這區域注入了一 個特色──單面反光鏡陳列櫃, 鏡後的陳列空間漆上了黑色,並 把光度調至適中,使觀者在照鏡 的同時,又會看到內裡的陳列 品,因而產生出一種朦朧美。這 種具有玩味的陳列手法可以吸引 人們參觀店舖的角落位置。 此外,在這幽暗的氛圍裡,幾幅 巨型的海報燈箱成為了觸目點, 如收銀櫃檯後整幅「燈箱牆」就 是一幅極具魅力的背幕。


gay giano


edge architects ltd


(左頁)入口處採用了深色木 地板,它暖和的感覺正好能夠 平衡店裡灰銀粉飾的冷酷感。 那裡的一幅巨型海報燈箱是用 來吸引行人的。 (Left page) Warm-coloured wood flooring is employed at the entrance to balance the silver coldness inside the store. A huge poster lightbox there attracts attention from passersby.

(本頁)在適中的亮度下,顧客在單面反光鏡陳列櫃前既可以照鏡,又能看 到內裡的陳列品。這種具有玩味的陳列手法可以吸引人們參觀店舖的角落位 置。 (This page) Under a properly modulated luminance, the customer can see the products behind the one-way mirror while at the same time see himself in the mirror. The tricky design creates a nebulous beauty, which attracts more customers' attention to the corner.

edge architects ltd


gay giano



Sometimes the design of renovation projects is more difficult than brand new ones due to lack of choices of making changes. The renovation of the ten-year-old Gay Giano store at Times Square was a real challenge to Edge Architects Ltd, who had to meet the requirements of the client as well as undertake minimum removal of original facilities. Michael Chan, the designer, tried to inject into the space some fresh air and uplift the store's image by giving it a new face in terms of lighting and display systems. The original brown finish was replaced by grey silver. The ambient lighting was dimmed by 50% to create a more obscure environment. He also added grey frosted lightboxes on the original metal display shelves to highlight the products. The corner far from the entrance of such a rectangular space is usually the place that attracts the least attention. So it calls for gimmicks to bring up customers' interest in visiting the corner. Michael used a diagonal line to link up the entrance and the 'dead corner', between which a row of display shelves had also been removed for an unblocked view of the area. Moreover, another feature was introduced into the area - the one-way mirror display units. The display space behind the mirror is black painted. When the luminance is properly modulated, the customer can see the products behind the mirror while at the same time see himself in the mirror. The tricky design creates a nebulous beauty, which attracts more customers' attention to the corner. In addition, some huge poster lightboxes have become the highlights in such a dim environment - the 'lightbox wall' behind the cashier makes a very intriguing backdrop.

gay giano


edge architects ltd


1> 設計師在原有的金屬陳列架上加設了用灰色磨砂 玻璃造的燈箱,更能突顯產品,而玻璃桌面的反射 效果則能增強店舖的空間感。 Grey frosted lightboxes were added on the original metal display shelves to highlight the products. The reflective glass table enhances the sense of space in the store. 2> 收銀櫃檯後整幅的「燈箱牆」是一幅極具魅力的 背幕。 The 'lightbox wall' behind the cashier makes a very intriguing backdrop.


(上)平面圖 (Top) Layout plan (下)立面圖-金屬架上新設的燈 箱使陳列區更為觸目。 (Bottom) Elevation - The newly added lightboxes make the display area more eye-catching.

edge architects ltd


gay giano


Ma Ke Guangzhou, China 4,300 sq ft 馬可 中國廣州 4,300平方呎

E x c e p t i o n , Guangzhou exception


ma ke


到廣州農林下路逛街,或許你會 被一家店舖門面上反轉的英文字 EXCEPTION所吸引。這正是由中 國首屆十佳設計師馬可擔任設計 總監的中國品牌-- EXCEPTION de MIXMIND。 EXCEPTION是一個提倡質樸精神 的品牌。它自成一格,創造出簡 潔含蓄、舒適實用,兼具文化藝 術特質及時尚品味的「例外」風 格。農林下路是其第一家自營專賣 店,設計師在商店設計上貫徹這種 風格。店面以白色為主調,清新、 素雅,白色的張力使空間在感覺上 更為開闊。原木的長桌配以白色的 玫瑰花,透出幾分自然與簡樸的氣 息。不加修飾的水泥面收銀台,輔 以白色鋼管製成的簡樸坐椅,體現 了簡約的功能主義。 設計師在地面層橫跨面較大的屋頂 上,運用了大面積的磨砂玻璃封頂 並加以平行的白色木橫條作間隔, 既使空間通透光亮,又加強了空間 的縱深感。此外,設計師在樓梯 的拐彎處掛有一個如風扇狀的裝

ma ke



地面層的天花運用了大面積的磨砂玻璃封頂並加以平行的白色木橫條作間隔,既 使空間通透光亮,又加強了空間的縱深感。 On the ground floor, the designer used large area of frosted glasses as roof and separated them with parallel white wooden joists to enrich the space with light.


飾品,帶有幾分機械與另類的韻 味,似乎在向你暗示「樓上另有 一番異樣的體驗」。 店舖一樓為家居裝飾品區,色調與 地面層一致,依然以白色為主調。 然而在屋頂的處理上又異於地下。 開放式天花使空間更為輕鬆愉悅。 除了牆櫃以外,一樓不設高展櫃, 大部分家居裝飾品皆是「席地而 坐」,讓顧客一覽無遺,盡收眼 底。當然這「席」還是有一定的高 度與厚度,展示檯面下的長方形木 塊被塗成白色的微波爐形狀,這些 擔起支撐作用的檯腳充分體現了設 計師的前衛與時尚感。 一樓的擺設方面,白色方形燈罩有 序的排列於開放天花下,近距離 但柔和地打在商品上面。牆上不 規則的方形圓角壁櫃打破了沉寂 的氣氛,幾分輕鬆活潑的意味悠 然而生。在一旁的白色和式跪坐 方桌,為顧客提供片刻休息的場 所。偶爾幾片綠葉和幾枝鮮花的 隨意裝扮使整個室內生意藹然, 或許這正是EXCEPTION品牌服 飾、家品在盡顯樸素、含蓄、脫 俗與簡約之餘所要尋求的一絲活 力的體現吧。



ma ke


ma ke


店面以白色為主調,清新、 素雅。原木的長桌配以白色 的玫瑰花,透出幾分自然與 簡樸的氣息。不加修飾的水 泥面收銀台,輔以白色鋼管 製成的簡樸坐椅,體現了簡 約的功能主義。 White is the key colour of the shop that seems pure and clear; the wooden long table matches the white roses to offer natural calmness. The fare face concrete cashier contrasts with the white steel pipe seats to reveal functional simplicity.



設計師在樓梯的拐彎 處掛有一個如風扇 狀的裝飾品,帶有 幾分機械與另類的 韻味。 A unique fanlike decoration is hung at the turning corner of the stairs.



ma ke


If you go shopping on Nonglin Xia Road in Guangzhou, a shop front with an English word “EXCEPTION” written reversely would probably draw your attention. It is owned by a Chinese brand - EXCEPTION de MIXMIND, with Ma Ke, who has been elected as one of the top ten designers in China, as its design majordomo. EXCEPTION is a brand which promotes minimalistic spirit. The products are characterised by their quality of clear modesty, maintaining a balance between comforts and functional needs. And through the fusion of cultural and fashionable essences, the designer has created an “exceptional” style. This style has been extended and adopted into the first shop of the brand on Nonglin Xia Road. The main colour used was white. Its freshness and elegance had opened up the shop spatially. The wooden long table matches the white roses to offer natural calmness. And the fare face concrete cashier contrasts with the white steel pipe seats to reveal functional simplicity.

ma ke




(本頁)展示檯面下的長方形木塊被塗成白色的微波爐 形狀,這些擔起支撐作用的檯腳充分體現了設計師的前 衛與時尚感。 (This page) The low stands whose legs resemble white microwave ovens are highly fashionable. (右頁)一樓的擺設方面,白色方形燈罩有序的排列於 開放天花下,近距離但柔和地打在商品上面。 (Right page) White square lamps are arranged orderly under the open ceiling on the first floor. They lighten up the goods softly.



ma ke


On the ground floor, the designer employed large frosted glasses as roof and separated them with parallel white wooden joists toenrichthespacewithlight.Besides,a unique fanlike decoration is hung at the turning corner of the stairs as if suggesting the customers to another “exceptional� flavour upstairs. The first floor of the shop is for home decorations. Here white is still the key colour while the roof becomes an exposed open ceiling which makes the space more comfortable. No tall stand was used except closets, most of the home decorations are displayed virtually on the ground thus the customers can enjoy a clear vision in a glance. Actually, the products are not put directly

ma ke






ma ke






on the floor but on low stands whose legs resemble white microwave ovens. With this, the creativity of the designer had been demonstrated in a fashionable sense. White square lamps are arranged orderly under the open ceiling on the first floor. They lighten up the goods softly while the irregular round-edged closets break up the drowsy atmosphere. White square tables of Japanese style provide a resting place for customers. With the casual decoration of some green leaves and flowers, the environment becomes more vivid and exhilarating. This presence of liveliness in the tranquil approach had certainly given the “exceptional” motto of the shop a spatial representation.

1, 4> 牆上不規則的方形圓角壁櫃打破了沉寂的氣氛,幾分輕鬆活潑的意味悠然而生。 The irregular round-edged square surface of the closets breaks up the drowsy atmosphere 2, 3> 除了牆櫃以外,一樓不設高展櫃,大部分家居裝飾品皆是「席地而坐」,讓顧客一 覽無遺,盡收眼底。在一旁的白色和式跪坐方桌,為顧客提供片刻休息的場所。 No tall stand was used on the first floor except closets, most of the home decorations are exhibited virtually on the ground thus the customers can enjoy a clear vision in a glance. White square tables of Japanese style provide a resting place for customers.

撰文Text林帆/ 攝影Photography王艮

ma ke




San Interiors Tai Koo City Plaza 1,500 sq ft San Interiors 香港太古城中心 1,500平方呎

C o z z i cozzi


san interiors


2> 纖幼的不 抰 支架在硬朗之中予人細膩的感 覺,在冷酷硬朗與女性化之間取得了平衡。 The slender stainless steel structure plays games of balance between masculinity and femininity. 3> 在開闊的店鋪裡,為了爭取更多陳列空間, 設計師設置了半高弧形牆身,外面貼海報,內 裡則是貨品架。 The semi-height curving wall creates more display space. The outer side of the wall is decorated with posters while the inner side equipped with racks.



Cozzi是香港的連鎖店,出售本地設 計、同名牌子的時裝。設計指引是要 賦予店子簡潔、時尚的國際化形像, 而店的形像也要帶出時裝的性格。

1> 為了保持簡潔形像而又不失層 次感,設計師在不同部份選用不 同調子的灰紫色。 Different shades of grey purple are used to keep a simple yet multi-layered image. (左頁)半弧形的不 抰 支架既 加添了時裝的側掛空間,又不失 空間感。 (Left page) Semi-arc stainless steel racks add more display space, and also enrich the sense of space.

這所分店的設計形像較成熟,以不同 程度的灰紫色為主調,在簡潔中具 備玩味的細部:不 抰 造成的纖幼框 架,捕捉了現代女性對纖廋的趨慕心 態;半弧形掛衫間頂部的鐵珠鏈簾子 散發著一份女性的嫵媚,也帶有透明

san interiors




度和流動感。設計師認為顧客對消費 地點的要求提高了,所以設計著重空 間感;而空間處理特別針對消費行 為。時裝店分別設有正掛及側掛區, 正掛區的配襯套裝正面面向顧客,藉 以突出品牌形像,從一般純粹買賣的 銷貨場分別出來;側掛區則將衣物分 類側掛,並盡量配合鏡子的擺設,方 便顧客自由配襯。配件飾物刻意地陳 設在試衣間旁,以增強試衣者的配 襯意欲。




4. 5> 閃耀的鐵珠鏈簾令店子更具女性的嫵 媚和空間的流動感,緩和不 抰 的冷硬。 The shining metal pearl curtain emanates sort of female charms as well as a sense of openness and dynamic, which also mitigates the coldness and hardness of stainless steel. 6> 半弧形側掛區前的鏡子,為顧客提供即 時配襯的方便。 Mirrors in the hanging display area offer great convenience for customers to freely pair up their favorites. 7> 刻意將配件放在試衣間旁,無疑鼓勵了 試衣者的配襯活動。 Accessories purposely displayed beside the fitting room to help stimulate the buyers’ interest in formulating their own dress code.



san interiors




Cozzi, a chain store in Hong Kong, sells local designed fashion products of the same name. The design aims to erect a simple and trendy international image, and is also required to outstand the characteristics of the brand. The shop adopts a sophisticated design concept overwhelmed in a grey purple tone, simple yet equipped with interesting details: the slim stainless steel framework mirrors the envy of women for slender figures; the metal pearl curtain emanates sort of female charms as well as a sense of openness and dynamic. The designer noticed that customers had a higher demand for the standard of shopping places. So they heaved on the sense of space in the design and the treatment of space was particularly based on the study of consuming behavior. The boutique is divided into the frontal display area and hanging display area. Suit dresses are hung in the frontal display area with the front facing the buyers to highlight the brand image, while garments in the hanging display area are displayed in a classified way with the side facing the buyers. Mirrors arranged here offer great convenience for customers to freely pair up their favorites. Other accessories are purposely displayed beside the fitting room to stimulate the buyers’ interest in formulating their own dress code.

san interiors




付款區帶有建築結構的硬朗感,與貨品相對下,更能突出衣物的柔軟屬性。 The cashier area in a strong architectural structure forms a contrast to the softness of fashion products.



san interiors


弧形半高牆壁背後的掛 衣區及面向鋪面的正掛 區。大型正掛區的背景 所用的是灰紫色牆紙, 既可避免布質壁板的沉 重感,又方便將來變換 顏色。 Display area behind the semi-height curving wall and the frontal display area. Grey purple wallpaper is used as the background for the frontal display area, which looks more airy than fabric covering and easier for future changes.

佈局圖Layout plan

客戶Client Cozzi International Ltd 撰文Text 黃潔儀Blondie Wong san interiors




Fitop Design & Contracting Ltd Windsor House, Causeway Bay, HK 17,000 sq ft 英卓設計工程有限公司 香港銅鑼灣皇室堡 17,000平方呎

Nu Skin Enterprises Plaza





經營個人護理及營養補充產品傳銷的美國如新企業,在香港設立了亞 洲區最大的分銷店──如新廣場,由英卓設計工程有限公司承辦及設 計。如新廣場並非純粹售賣商品的地方,廣場內還設有美容俱樂部、 演講廳、商務中心、網絡區和健康諮詢站,提供一站式保健和美容服 務。 廣場佔地一萬七千呎,要在這寬敞的空間裡雅致地陳列貨品,而又不 至過於疏落實非易事。另外,客戶要求旗下的兩個品牌(營養補充品 Pharmanex及個人護理產品Nu Skin)的產品均得到相等的陳列空間, 還得突出兩者之不同,這對設計師來說極具挑戰 。 故此,設計師從行走路線著手,以顧客瀏覽的次序來分佈空間。首先 一出電梯,迎面是以兩個品牌的主色藍及綠為區分的玻璃陳列箱。要 令顧客安心 買營養補充品,產品的成份和功效必須清晰地顯示出來, 讓顧客一目了然,因此,設計師把營養補充品區大幅牆面都設計成玻 璃陳列櫃和展示板,提供豐富的資訊,讓直銷商邊帶領顧客參觀,邊 介紹產品。

(左頁)光和透明感是廣場的重要元素, 加上粉色和白色的配合,整體給人清新簡 潔的感覺。店內天花飾以弧形燈槽,為樓 底不高的空間營造了 感。 (Left page) Light and transparency are the key elements of the plaza, along with plain white finishes, an overall feeling of freshness and simplicity is projected. The ceiling of the store is decorated with curvy light slots, addressing a dynamic sense to this relatively low floor height room. (本頁)面對正門的是主任服務專櫃和接 待處。櫃台的玻璃燈箱透出悠悠的淺藍色 調,背後清晰可見兩個品牌的商標。 (This page) Facing the main entrance are the executive counter and reception desk which are lit by blue light. Behind the counter are the trademarks of the two brands.












設計師亦因應顧客的需要,在兩 個陳列區旁設置不同的配套設 施。在營養補充品的陳列區旁邊 是健康資料庫及網絡區,以便顧 客登上互聯網來查閱公司的各項 資料,或可到健康咨詢站去做檢 查以瞭解個人健康狀況,從而選 擇合適的產品。而個人護理產品 陳列區毗連的美容俱樂部,則是 進行教授美容化妝的課室。

1, 2> 設計師把網絡區設計成電 話亭般,由夾入了海報的玻璃 分隔,既可界定空間,又可當 作宣傳工具。 The internet zone is designed imitating the shape of call box and is separated by glass with posters which define the space and serve as promotion tool at the same time.

3> 健康資料庫裡的書櫃上噴了石頭漆、地面鋪設了米仔石,再配合 適當的桌椅和用作屏風的球形樹飾,為區內增添不少自然氣息。 The bookshelves in the health library are coated with stone paint, and the floor is lined with terrazzo tiles. All these combined with appropriate tables and chairs and round tree decoration, which used as screen, adding a natural sense to this section.

越過兩個陳列區便來到 貨中心。 兩線全系列的產品都陳列在弧形 的燈箱和玻璃架上,貨品仍然以 品牌的主色來分區,清楚易認。 經過付款櫃台,可到達「名人 堂」,那裡牆壁上掛滿公司直銷 領袖的照片,對直銷商們起著激 勵的作用。 從「名人堂」走出來,會經過一 個可容納三 多人的演講廳。每當 講座完畢時人潮便會湧現,為了 疏導人流,培訓室前的走廊較闊 落。而走道由闊到窄,亦加強了 透視感。另外,設計師特意採用 玻璃陳列架來當 貨中心的隔牆, 以讓進出演講廳的人們看到 貨中 心裡的活 、陳列的貨品及介紹產 品的海報,同時也營造了通透明 亮的環境。

Nu Skin Enterprise Hong Kong, engaged in the direct selling of personal care and health care products, established in Hong Kong the biggest retail shop in Asia - Nu Skin Enterprises Plaza, designed by Fitop Design & Contracting Ltd. Instead of a place solely for selling, this plaza including seminar room, business centre, internet zone and health consultation corner acts like an information centre, providing "one-stop service" of personal care and health care. The plaza covers 17,000 sq ft, so it needs extra efforts to display goods elegantly without giving the impression of scattering. In addition, the client required that its two brands (nutritional supplements: Pharmanex; personal care: Nu Skin) be highlighted by their different features while having a display room of same size. This is a great challenge for the designer. Therefore, starting with the route, the designer defined the space according to the order customers visit. First, visitors are presented with showcases distinguished by chief colours (blue and green) of the two brand names at the entrance. The designer turned large parts of metope of the green food section into showcase and exhibition board which provide abundant information including the ingredients and efficacy of the products. This is convenient both for the distributors to introduce the products while showing the visitors around and for the customers to have a clear view of the green food.





貨中心的形式如同超級市場,顧客可以自 由參觀選 貨品。 The form of the showcase section is like that of a supermarket where the customers could choose and buy goods freely.

貨中心予人開揚自然的感覺。設計師希望 能夠融合店舖的設計與產品,使商品的陳 列不至於太疏落,並可以隨市場推廣的需 要而變更。 The showcase section gives the feeling of spacious and natural. The design of the store and the products are well blended. The display of the goods are not too scattered for the consideration of promotion and marketing.

天花上一個飛船狀的橢圓形燈飾是 貨中心 的焦點所在,也方便日後市場部進行推廣 活 時,用作吸引點。 The elliptic light decoration resembling a flying machine in the ceiling is the focus of the showcase section. This spot serves as the attraction for promotion activity organised by the marketing department.

Pharmanex採用草藥材料製造,所以設計師 特別用仿竹的綠色長形光管來點綴陳列架, 增強其「天然」的形像。 The bamboo-like long green lighting pipes are used to decorate the display shelf to strengthen Pharmanex's natural image.

貨中心內,兩線全系列的產品都陳列在弧 形的燈箱和玻璃架上,貨品以品牌的主色 來分區,清楚易認。 In the showcase section, two sets of full series of products are on display in winding light boxes and shelves. The goods, distinguished by the chief colour of the brands, are made easy to recognise.





A complete set of facilities meets the need of the customers including a health library and internet zone next to the nutritional supplements section, where visitors could surf the internet for more company information or receive health tests in the health consultation corner to have a better understanding of the products which most fit. Closed to the personal care products section is a beauty house where make-up courses are held. Getting across the two exhibition areas, visitors would come to the showcase section. Full sets of products are on display in winding light boxes and glass shelves. These displays are also distinguished by the brand colours. Passing the distribution counter, visitors are presented with the "Hall of Fame", where photos of excellent distributors are put up to serve as a stimulant for the rest.

設計師採用玻璃陳列架來隔開 貨中心和走廊, 以增加兩者之間的視覺交流,並營造了通透明 亮的環境。玻璃陳列架不到頂,好讓空氣更流 通。另外,沿著玻璃牆的地上和天花都有射燈 以強調走道的透視感覺。 Glass display shelves, used to compart the showcase section and corridor, increase the visual communication of the two and help create a bright and clean environment. For better ventilation, the shelves are constructed without leading to the ceiling. Furthermore, spotlights are installed both along the floor and the ceiling of the wall to highlight the sense of perspective in the corridor.

After stepping out of the hall of fame, customers will then pass a seminar room with a capacity of 300 people. Every time a lecture comes to an end, there appears the stream. In view of this problem, the corridor in front of the room is featured by its broadness. And the design of the whole aisle in its reducing width strengthens a sense of perspective. In addition, glass shelves are used as the partition for the showcase section without blocking the view to the interior, allowing the visitors who come out from the seminar room to have a full view of the goods and posters on display. This design also helps to create a clean and bright environment.

客戶Client Nu Skin Enterprises Hong Kong Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor 英卓設計工程有限公司Fitop Design & Contracting Ltd






Space International Inc California, USA 2,500 sq ft Space International Inc 美國加州 2,500平方呎







突出的商店標誌如同一面窗 戶,向路人展示了商店內部 的構成元素。 The projection sign acts as a window revealing the interior components of the boutique and accentuates their volumetric play.

Kitson是一間2,500平方呎的精品 店,位於一個時尚購物區內。該商 店銷售的產品和品牌十分多樣,因 此需要其室內設計在保持和諧統一 的同時,又能夠提供高度靈活的展 示系統。於是,設計師沿商店四周 設了各種木架模件及著上黑鉛色的 玻璃展架,加上隨意的佈局,滿足 了客戶不斷變化的需要。天井的設 計顯露了建築物原有的結構,同時 也突出了下面的兩張中央陳列櫃檯 ──陳列櫃檯由木和玻璃展示箱以 不同的形式組合而成。木、鋁、玻 璃和強烈的色彩是整個商店的主要 設計元素;店面櫥窗與突出的商店 標誌也重複運用了這些元素,使其 充分展現在路人面前。








進入商店即可見一張宴會桌般的陳列櫃檯, 其中組合了各種木和玻璃造的展示箱,而中 央的陳列櫃檯可作不同的變化。 Upon entering the store one is greeted by a banquet like table housing a series of volumetric wood and glass displays. Banquet display at rest and with access components engaged.






牆壁內的燈光造成具有濃烈色彩 的背景,充分烘托出展品。 A background of cove-lit accent colour foregrounds the modulated product displays.




Kitson, a 2,500-sq-ft boutique in a fashionable shopping district on Roberston Boulevard, promotes a eclectic array of products and designers. The wide variety of products makes it necessary to devise a highly flexible display system while maintaining a coherent interior environment. A series of modular wood and glass shelves, stained with a graphite pigment, encompass the perimeter of the store at random intervals and adapt to the changing needs of the client. A sky-lit well exposes the existing structure and highlights two central “banquet” display tables, each housing a series of wood and glass volumes that showcase designer product lines. A subtle material palette of wood, aluminum, glass and accent colours are employed throughout the store and emerge at the storefront display and at a protruding window sign, exposing the interior elements to the urban streetscape.


交易櫃檯和陳列架形成了 一幅幾何構圖。 View towards exchange counter illustrating the geometric landscape of display systems employed.


客戶Client Joe Freeburn, Frazier Ross 總承辦商General Contractor Utopia Construction 粉飾Finishes 地面Floor - Bead blasted concrete 油漆 Paint- Dunn Edwards 木Wood- Ebonized Macasar veneer 外牆 Exterior- Anodized Aluminum Panels 照明Lighting 後置燈Recessed lighting by LITON 軌道燈Track lighting by Halo 吊燈 Noguchi Pendant lampby Modernica 門和玻璃Doors and Glazing Dorma-Glas 木工Millwork Custom millwork and built-ins by Utopia 攝影Photography Joshua White SPACE INTERNATIONAL INC




Wallflower Architecture + Design Paragon Shopping Mall, Singapore 1,500 sq ft Wallflower Architecture + Design 新加坡Paragon 物廣場 1,500 平方呎

L o a n g & Noi Jewellery Boutique

Loang & Noi jewellery boutique


wallflower architecture+design


有別於一般珠寶商,Loang & Noi 設計和製作的珠寶首飾是根據顧 客的喜好而度身定造,因此他們 的每一件出品都是獨一無二的。 其形像複雜、優雅、精緻,作品 突破傳統。他們為顧客提供貼身 和針對個人的服務,而謹慎的態 度亦是他們經營此門生意的重要 部分。

珠寶店的櫥窗和入口。 Shop front and entrance of the jewellery boutique.

以上種種誘發了室內設計師Wallflower Architecture + Design在 店舖裡使用在 質上相對的材料。 在平衡不同物料之使用的同時, 會產生一種刺激和緊張感。重要 的是,採用這些材料時必須忠於 它固有的視覺和觸覺本質,並且 需要考慮建築空間及其闡發的體 驗過程。 顧客從邊門進入即感受到拱形天 花的氣勢,然後在拱頂下、商

wallflower architecture+design


Loang & Noi Jewellery boutique


(本頁)木材的複雜紋理和溫暖質地與冰 冷光滑的大塊玻璃相映成趣。 (This page) The complex character and raw warmth of timber is in contrast to the cool, impeccable finish of large plates of glass. (右頁)作為建築焦點的拱狀天花板漆上 了麥芽白,既能烘托出木材、玻璃和窗紗 的色調,又能讓懸掛燈反射出均衡的光 線。 (Right page) The main architectural focus of the barrel vaulted ceiling is to be rendered in barley white as it reacts well with the contributory colours emitted by the timber, glass and the curtains. Also, it allows for a very smooth and gradual wash of light from the suspended uplighters. 白色大理石會客桌和噴上黑白漆的玻璃纖 維椅子並列在拱頂中軸線之下。 The white marble topped meeting tables with alternate white and black lacquered fiberglass chairs are lined axially under the ceiling vault.

店的中軸線焦點位置選 首飾精 品,這些都是他們對店舖的第一 印象。但店內的燈光和裝潢物料 ── 木材和玻璃,這兩種不同的 物料既相對又互補,木材的複雜 紋理和溫暖質地與冰冷光滑的大 塊玻璃相映成趣,帶給顧客與第 一印象些微不同的感覺。 為加強視覺和質感效果,設計師 使用了橄欖色透明薄窗紗來增加 光和色彩的層次;而在調和木材 和玻璃等平面元素的色彩之後, 便在作為建築焦點的拱狀天花板 漆上中 的白色。選擇麥芽白是因 為它能較好的反射光線,同時可 以烘托出木材、玻璃和窗紗的色 調。此外,懸掛射燈能夠在這片 白色上反照出均衡的光線。這樣 的光線既能鉤勒拱頂的曲度,同 時其亮度又能吸引人們朝上看。 反射光產生的色彩可通過調較光 線強度而轉變,且可以根據不同 的情景──無論是全新收藏品上 市,或是平日的零售服務──而 調節合適的氣氛。 因為其他色 彩都很和諧,為獲得一種別樣的 風情,會客桌的桌面上採用了白 色大理石,加上黑白交互的玻璃 纖維椅子,並列在拱頂中軸線之 下。 Loang & Noi jewellery boutique


wallflower architecture+design


wallflower architecture+design


Loang & Noi Jewellery boutique


Loang & Noi, unlike most other jewellers, specialise in designing and crafting jewellery to the very individual preferences of their clients so that every piece is unique. Their image suggested sophistication, elegance, subtlety, yet always with a twist that comes not from a corporate marketing tag line but evidenced from their work. Because of the close and very personal service with each client, discretion is an important part of its service and business operational mode. These led to conceptual ideas of the use of materials that are dichotomous in character and the balance of these materials would provide a subconscious intrigue and tension in spite of the balance. Importantly, the

Loang & Noi jewellery boutique


wallflower architecture+design


門口的陳列櫃。 Entrance display case.

wallflower architecture+design


Loang & Noi Jewellery boutique


Loang & Noi jewellery boutique


wallflower architecture+design


use of the materials must be honest to its inherent visual and tactile nature. It is however, the architectural space and processional experience as described by that space is everything else founded on. The entry from the side, to the initial experience of the vaulted volume, and the focus of being centrally aligned under the vault when being served all underlie the foundation for the experience, with light and material suggesting its nuances. Timber and glass are seen to be opposites that counter and complement each other - the complex character and raw warmth of timber is in contrast to the cool, impeccable finish of large plates of glass. To further the visual and textural experiences, olive sheer curtains provide another layer for light and colour filtering. Once the positioning of the planar elements of timber and glass is deemed to be colour balanced, the main architectural focus of the barrel

wallflower architecture+design


Loang & Noi Jewellery boutique


vaulted ceiling is to be rendered in the neutrality of white. Barley white is chosen as it reacts well with the contributory colours emitted by the timber, glass and the curtains. Most importantly, that white allows for a very smooth and gradual wash of light from the suspended uplighters. This helps the eyes to read the curvature of the vault, and the lightness draws the eyes upwards. The colour render resulting from the reflected light is adjustable subject to the light intensity. This adjustability allows for different moods, whether it is the launch of a new collection, or the day-to-day retail and service operations. As an accent, and because the rest of the colours are already deemed to be balanced, white marble topped meeting tables with alternate w h i t e a n d b l a c k l a c q u e re d fiberglass chairs are lined axially under the ceiling vault.

平面圖Plan 1. Entrance 3. Showcase 5. Office 7. Pantry

Loang & Noi jewellery boutique


2. Gallery 4. Private Viewing Room 6. Display table

wallflower architecture+design


白色大理石會客桌加上黑 白交互的玻璃纖維椅成為 店舖裡的一個特色。 The white marble topped meeting tables and alternate white and black lacquered fiberglass chairs give an accent to the boutique.

客戶Client Loang & Noi Pte Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor   Match Interior Design & Display 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Tolomeo Suspension Lamp by Abraxas Design Pte Ltd General lighting by Golden Pace Enterprise Eyeball Spotlight by Emphasis 傢具Furniture V.S.O.P. chair by Logan's (The Retro Store) Custom-designed furniture by Wallflower Pte Ltd / Adman Deco 鋪地Flooring Black carpet, teakwood boards 窗紗Curtains/Blinds Pacific Rim Interior Resource 視聽系統AV System AV Links 攝影Photography Wallflower Pte Ltd

wallflower architecture+design


Loang & Noi Jewellery boutique


siDE Ltd Guangzhou, China 170 sq ft (Pink Box 1) 480 sq ft (Pink Box 2) 是但設計 中國廣州 170 平方呎 (Pink Box 1) 480 平方呎 (Pink Box 2)

P i n k

Pink box

B o x


siDe Ltd


設計師將沿窗的陳列櫃設計成柱狀,既能吸引行人又不 會擋住裡外的視線。銀器及鑽石首飾採用冷色調的燈光 來映襯;金飾則通過暖色調的燈光來烘托。 Display pillars are placed along the window in order to attract passers-by without blocking the view to the interior. Cold tone lighting is applied on silver and diamond products while warm lighting is used for the display of golden jewellery.

珠寶店總是令人覺得金碧輝煌, 但耀眼的究竟是珠光寶氣,還是 那強烈的射燈?「是但」為P i n k B o x設計位於廣州的兩間店舖都 一反「傳統」,漆黑的背景成為 該店特色之一。 店內整體佈局極具個 ,簡潔且富 於活力,體現了簡約雅致的設計 理念。一進門,呈現在顧客眼前 的便是頗為觸目的架門和精巧細 緻、通體透亮的粉紅色燈箱。燈 箱不單增加了店內的縱深度和豐 富了人們的視覺感受,同時也成 為“Pink Box”的象徵。 這個店鋪並非依靠浮華的裝飾來 顯現其豪華的魅力,而是通過柔 和的燈光、黑色木質與色彩濃烈 的傢具的強烈對比來突出珠寶店 的華麗感。射燈並未置於陳列箱 中,而是被安在天花板上或是陳 列櫥櫃下,這樣既能突出產品又 不至眩目。 Pink Box嶄新的設計一方面給人 耳目一新的形像,作為品牌重新 定立方向的一個里程,另一方 面,其富彈 的設計亦能適合用於 形狀不同的連鎖店。

Pink box 2 (左) Pink box的主要特點是觸目的架門和精緻的陳列櫥櫃。 (Left) the spectacular portal and exquisite display units are the main features of Pink box. Pink box 2平面圖 Plan of Pink box 2

siDe LtD


Pink box


Pink Box 2

黑木地板和深色粉飾突顯了粉紅色的陳列燈箱。在幽暗的背景燈光烘托之下,視線自然地被射燈所強調的產品吸引著。 Dark finishes and dark wooden flooring help outstanding the pink display light boxes. With dim ambience light, focus is drawn to the products highlighted by the spotlights.

Splendid and glittering are the signature of most jewellery shops. However, it is always difficult to tell whether it is the jewellery that is sparkling, or it is the spotlight that is dazzling. The two brand new Pink Box shops in Guangzhou designed by siDE Ltd feature a dark background, suggesting a breakthrough from the conventional jewellery boutique. Inspired by the essence of sleek elegance, the overall scheme displays a strong character of personality, simplicity and dynamics. Upon entering the entrance, visitors are presented with a spectacular portal and exquisite self-illuminated "pink boxes", forming the symbolic feature of the shop that doubles the perceived depth of the space and increases visibility. The luxurious sense of glamour is not expressed through grandiose decoration, but is convinced through soothing-to-the-eye lighting contrasts with dark wooden flooring and strong-coloured furniture. Instead of putting spotlights inside the showcases, they are found on top and sometime, under the displays. In this way, products are highlighted without producing any glare. The new Pink Box shops not only have an impressive fresh image, but their flexible layout is also adjustable to shops of different size and shape, enabling similar setting to be fitted into other chain stores. Pink box


siDe Ltd


(左)陳列箱的設計靈感源於“Pink box” 這一品牌名。粉紅色燈箱與不鋼框架的完 美組合構成了商店的標識。 (Left) Display units are inspired by the brand name "Pink box". the pink light boxes blended well with the stainless steel framework and form the icon of the shops.

(右)店面的滑 陳列櫥窗設計獨特, 既無框架、無鎖、亦無連接點,體現 了設計師對於細節部份細膩的關注。 (Right) the design of the sliding showcase at the shop front reveals the concern of designers on meticulous detail as one can find no joints or locks on these frameless case.

Pink box 1

Pink box 1滑 陳列櫥窗剖面圖 section of the sliding showcase at the shop front of Pink box 1 siDe LtD


Pink box

Pink box 1滑 陳列櫥窗立面圖 elevation of the sliding showcase at the shop front of Pink box 1




Pink box 1平面圖 Plan of Pink box 1

Pink box


siDe LtD


1> 切合店名的粉紅色燈箱上,是由玻璃和不鋼所造的陳列箱。 the showcase made of glass and stainless steel is supported by a pink light box which echoes with the brand name. 2> 玻璃、不鋼和排列整齊的黑木地板是設計的主要元素。 Glass, stainless steel and clean-lined dark wood panels are the key design elements. 3> 珠寶首飾陳列於塑膠玻璃上,塑膠玻璃底安置了射燈,從下而上地照射著產品。 Jewellery are displayed on top of perspex under which spot lights are installed to light up the products from below.


Pink box 1

客戶Client Pink box Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor king shing Construction Ltd (Pink box 1) 高輝裝飾工程 (Pink box 2) 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants siDe Ltd 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting PLC Group 傢具Furniture siDe Ltd PLC Group (Pink box 2) 藝術品Artwork Pink box Ltd

陳列櫃剖面圖 section of display window

siDe LtD


Pink box

114 ALEXCHOI Design & Partners Ltd Xintiandi, Shanghai, PRC 6,000 sq ft LCX, Tsim Sha Tsui, HK 3,000 sq ft

ALEXCHOI Design & Partners Ltd 中國上海新天地 6,000平方呎 香港尖沙咀LCX 3,000平方呎

a 0 2



alexchoi design & partners ltd


a02 @ Shanghai XTD 這所全新的a02商店座落於人來 人往的上海新天地。設計師A l e x Choi首要面對的問題便是把兩層 原本並不雙通的單位改建成一個 整體而中 的空間,以襯托出各式 各樣的商品。 除依據銅鑼灣旗艦店的既有設計 模式,A l e x在設計此項目時,特 別考慮到每種產品的陳列位置、 顏色的運用和空間的層疊法等 等,目的是要引領顧客自然地由 一點走向另一點,並沿途溜覽所 有商品。 從大街走入商店便會看到以咖啡 室及擺放生活用品為主的活 空 間。透過安排這兩類比較中 的空 間在地下入口處能有效地吸引路 人進入店舖。生活用品陳列區是

由層層上升的地台所組成的,帶領著顧客向上進 發,在不知不覺間到達一座螢光粉紅樓梯。這種 空間變化是經過細密的結構分析而得出的結果。 一樓的間隔是因應商店本身修長的形狀,各類貸 品整齊地由頭至尾排列在不同的區域之內,而在 店舖末端可再次找到生活用品區作為一個完滿的 結尾。開放式的陳列空間令所有商品一覽無遺。 為了突出a02產品的多元化,室內的裝潢必需盡 量保持自然和中 。Alex除了採用木條作為主要材 料來做層架和天花架的骨幹外,還選用了暗藏燈 盤作為基本照明。對於物料的運用,Alex有一份 堅持,就是要忠誠地表達出物料本身的特質,好 像那些木層架一樣,並不需要任何裝飾也能散發 出美感來;同樣地,那些光管雖然被一層玻璃包 圍著,但只要一亮燈,內裡的構造和空間便會顯 現眼前。

alexchoi design & partners ltd




a02 @ Shanghai XTD

咖啡室及擺放書本的陳列架 能吸引顧客停留。 The setting of the cafe and the book racks encourage customer to come and stay.

This new a02 shop is located in Shanghai Xintiandi where people from all walks of life come and shop. Designer Alex Choi is commissioned to renovate the two detached storeys to form a harmonic neutral space for displaying a variety of life products. With reference to a set of parameters already established in the design of Causeway Bay flagship store, Alex faced a new challenge in creating a clear and yet interesting path to link up various display spaces horizontally and vertically. By the precision in locating the products, the use of colour and layering of spaces, an exploratory route is developed to drive the customers naturally from one point to another.

改建前的建築外貌。 Exterior of the building before renovation.

改建後,商店通透光亮, 吸引途人。 After renovation, the shop looks transparent and the lighting can draw attention on street level.



alexchoi design & partners ltd


Immediately behind the full height glazed facade is a cafe and also a series of platforms for life style products as the inception point. These areas are considered as neutral spaces where people of all ages and g e n d e r s a re a t t r a c t e d . T h e gradual stepping up of the display platforms as a design tactic, encourages customers to move upward unconsciously and smoothly to a point where a bright red staircase is revealed in the centre of a double volume space. This spatial change is definitely not a coincidence but a thoughtful decision made by the designer after opening the existing structural slab. By now, going up would no longer be an obstacle for the shoppers. The linearity of shop profile on the first floor governs the arrangement of displays. Different kinds of products are placed section by section along the path to the end where the most attractive zone - life style product display area appears again. All the spaces are visually connected in the open plan.

一樓平面圖First floor plan

地面層平面圖Ground floor plan

alexchoi design & partners ltd






alexchoi design & partners ltd


In order to create a natural and neutral backdrop for the displays, wood is chosen to be the prime material for display racks and false ceiling grid whereas light trough is used in majority to provide background lighting. The modular wooden racks can accommodate a variety of products by altering the combination of shelves. Alex emphasized on the honesty in disclosing the quality of materials, just like the wooden display racks whose character is exposed without any decorative elements. Another example is the fluorescent light installed inside glass panels, its quality and spatial depth is exposed once the power is on.

客戶Client Azona Enterprises Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor Shenzhen King Rich Decorate Design Engineering Co Ltd 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Aluminium extruded ceiling hung linear light by Lumen Arts Ltd 傢具, 牆飾, 鋪地Furniture, Wall Covering, Flooring Shenzhen King Rich Decorate Design Engineering Co Ltd 藝術品Artwork Azona Enterprises Ltd 攝影Photography ALEXCHOI Design & Partners Ltd

a02 @ Shanghai XTD

alexchoi design & partners ltd




(右)通道的中心點設置了收銀櫃檯,它像一個控制台 察著整個店舖。天然木材及深色玻璃造的櫃檯不單典 雅,也是具有功能 的展示桌面。 (Right) The cashier counter acts like a control room overlooking the whole shop. Natural wood together with shaded glass creates an elegant counter top as well as a functional surface for display . (下)生活用品區 (Bottom) Life style product area



alexchoi design & partners ltd


a02 @ Ocean Terminal LCX 由於環境相異,這裡所創造的空間效果與上海新天地是截然不 同的。在海港城內,商店並沒有裡外之分,它本身已處於一 物 空間中,因此店舖的開放與隱蔽程度是這個設計項目的首要考 慮因素。 在店面部份,Alex再次利用開放式空間來擺放各種生活商品, 藉以吸引路人。為了加強外圍公共空間和內裡私密空間的對 比,設計師採用了實心木板來圍攏出這個生活商品區,只留有 中間作為通道。 隱藏了的位置便是擺放品牌自家設計以及外來託賣產品的地 方。與生活商品區不同,這裡利用了滿佈小孔的層板作為襯托 及分隔空間的工具,兩個區域相對之下,形成了有趣的虛實對 比。 中間的通道是連繫店舖裡三個陳列區的主要媒介。通道的中心 點設置了收銀櫃檯,它像一個控制台 察著整個店舖。天然木材 及深色玻璃造的櫃檯不單典雅,也是具有功能 的展示桌面。 一如上海新天地的a02 ,A l e x適當地運用了木天花、組合層 架、暗藏燈盤和混凝土地面來營造出一個中 的空間以烘托出多 元化的產品。與此同時,他亦加入了新元素例如印上白鴿圖案 的玻璃裝飾,為店舖增添了活潑氣氛。此外,它還具有實用 , 就是阻隔室外強烈的陽光。

alexchoi design & partners ltd



The spatial experience created here is totally different from that of Shanghai Xintiandi due to the differences in site condition. As a part of the Ocean Terminal shopping mall, there is no definite delineation between public circulation and retail space. To control the degree of openness and enclosure became the key issue in this design. The front part of the shop is fully exposed to the passers-by to form a welcoming sign. This area is dedicated for the display of life style products which can attract all kinds of people. In order to dramatise the difference between the public exterior and the private interior spaces, the life style product zone is backed up by solid partitions, leaving only the central


總承辦商Main Contractor City Decoration Works Ltd 藝術品Artwork Azona Enterprises Ltd 攝影Photography DDB 撰文Text eMe

area as the main access to the inside. The second and third zones of the shop are occupied by a02 and consignment fashion. In contrast with the life style display area, these zones are enclosed with perforated wooden s c re e n s . T h o s e t r a n s l u c e n t screens perform as display surfaces and at the same time enable visual communication with the spaces behind. The central circulation space links up all three displaying zones. Located in the middle of the path, the cashier counter acts like a control room overlooking the whole shop. Natural w ood toget her wit h shaded glass creates an elegant counter top as well as a functional surface for display. The use of wooden false ceiling grid, the modular display racks, the light trough and the plain concrete floor finishes is again adopted here to generate a neutral and natural background for displays. Nevertheless, new element like the orange pigeon is introduced to project vivid atmosphere. This imagery also helps to screen off some of the direct sunlight passing t h ro u g h t h e g l a z e d f a c a d e adjacent to the open courtyard.



alexchoi design & partners ltd


a02 @ Ocean Terminal LCX

佈局圖Layout plan

alexchoi design & partners ltd




CL3 Architects Ltd Bangkok, Thailand 4,600 sq ft CL3 Architects Ltd 泰國曼谷 4,600平方呎



nike inspired 1


1 , Bangkok

cl3 architects ltd


玻璃幕牆的鋁框架賦予建築物明快的線條,也揭示了內部簡潔 的空間和多彩的陳列品。 The aluminium frames on the glazed curtain wall creates a clean line to the architecture and reveals the simplicity of the interior and the colourful merchandise.

Nike Inspired 1位於一個深受年輕人喜愛的購物娛樂區內,是一幢四層高的獨 立建築,三面為繁忙的街道環繞。建築面積約4,600平方呎,下面三層是零售空 間,頂層用作倉庫。貫穿三層的中央空間形成了強烈的垂直動感效果。 三層零售空間外是一面玻璃幕牆,由鋁框架縱橫的分割開,一方面賦予建築物 明快的線條,同時也揭示了內部簡潔的空間和多彩的陳列品。 整個零售店的設計概念基本與Nike品牌特徵一致,以鮮艷的色彩板塊和網格佈 局為主。在此基礎上又吸收了周圍環境的因素並加以提煉和融合。簡潔的建築 設計和鮮艷的色彩十分引人注目。儘管建築物本身的規模相對有限,但是卻樹 立起一個非常活潑動感的形像。到了夜晚,燈光和色彩透過開放的外牆溢出大 樓,傾瀉到下面的街道上。

cl3 architects ltd


nike inspired 1


nike inspired 1


cl3 architects ltd


Located in a retail and leisure area popular with teenagers and young adults, Nike Inspired 1 store is a four-storey stand-alone building, surrounded on three sides by bustling streets. With a floor area of approximately 4,600 sq ft, the first three floors are dedicated to retail areas with the top floor retained for stock storage. A central void cut through the three storeys to give a strong vertical dynamic. For the first three floors the facade is very open with a glazed curtain wall, separated by horizontal and vertical aluminium frames. This not only creates a clean line to the architecture but also reveals the simplicity of the interior and the colourful merchandise.

Whilst the design concept is very much in keeping with the Nike retail identity in terms of the planes of bright colour and grid-based design, much of the refined concept was taken from the surroundings. The simple architecture and strong planes of colour appeal to the focus customer group and create a dynamic image despite the relatively small scale of the building. In the evening, the open facade allows light and colour to spill out of the building and into the street below.

cl3 architects ltd


nike inspired 1


客戶Client Nike International Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor Central Housing Co Ltd 攝影Photography Eddie Siu

(右)貫穿三層的中央空間形 成了強烈的垂直動感效果。 (Right) A central void cut through the three storeys to give a strong vertical dynamic. (下)簡潔的佈置加上強烈的 色彩為商店樹立起一個非常活 潑動感的形像。 (Bottom)The simple architecture and strong planes of colour create a dynamic image.

nike inspired 1


cl3 architects ltd


cl3 architects ltd


nike inspired 1


Destination Ltd Windsor House, Causeway Bay, HK 1,500 sq ft Destination Ltd 香港銅鑼灣皇室堡 1,500平方呎

G u e s s Kids

guess kids


destination ltd


(左頁)顏色的採用以公司標誌的紅色為 主,而背景則盡量簡化,以清淡的色調來 迎合多變的產品和佈置。 (Left page) The palette is dominated in red from the company’s logo. Light colour background and simple layout are used to cater for the ever-changing products and arrangement. (右)兒童海報是商店的主要圖像。 (Right) Posters of kids are the major graphics in the shop.

在這美國品牌的前提下,整體佈置都洋溢著美國的鄉村風格。陳列系 統以靠牆的衣櫃、陳列島和几案為主,都帶幾分田園氣息。但為了配 合本地市場,設計師Nathan Tsang 採用少量的不 抰 材,使風格中帶 一點現代化感覺。 背景以淺色的楓木及白色的手掃乳膠漆粉飾,清淡素雅,但為了強化商 店形像並回應品牌標誌的主色,門口特別鋪上了弧形的紅色地氈,給顧 客強烈的感覺,然後才過渡至淡色的木地板上。 商店售賣的是兒童服裝,為了方便孕婦及父母帶著孩子來購物,室內 佈置必須滿足安全和便利的要求,因此設計師盡量使用靠牆的衣櫃, 以保持空間寬敞及通道流暢;另外,在中央加設輕巧且沒有尖角的「 陳列島」。佈局上的另一特點是櫥窗採用了十分自由的形式,與選購 空間互相融合起來;加上落地玻璃窗的應用,裡裡外外都給人開放的 空間感。 為了加強空間的明亮度,假天花板上漆上白色的乳膠漆,並選用混合 了白光和黃光的三頭燈,增加亮度。試身室內特別選用了藍色燈光, 以強調另一端的空間,予人有空間延續的感覺,並且帶出柔和的氣氛 變化。

destination ltd


guess kids


陳列系統中的靠牆衣櫃及几案,都突出了鄉村的氣息。 Wardrobes and tables in rural style.

guess kids


destination ltd


Keeping with the American brand identity, the whole design is overwhelmed in an American country style. The display system is mainly composed of wardrobes, display islands and tables, all in a rural aura. However, Nathan Tsang, the designer, also employed stainless steel for some modernity to cater for the local market. The key tone of the shop should follow the brand ‘s logo, thus red is used to enhance the image of the shop. The background then becomes lighter in terms of light colour maple and white emulsion paint. A red rug in arc shape is specially arranged at the entrance to make a strong first sight impact on customers. The shop sells kids’ wear. To offer convenience to customers

like pregnant women and parents with their children, the design has to be safe as well as userfriendly. So it is necessary to keep a generous space and smooth circulation. The central display islands are also very light and delicate with few sharp angles. Another feature in the layout is the free-styled window display, which is well integrated into the shopping area; the use of full height glass window also adds to the openness of the space. To brighten up the space, white emulsion paint and white/yellow lights are employed on the artificial ceiling. However, blue light is specially used in the fitting room to address some soft change in atmosphere, which gives a sense of continuity in space.

落地櫥窗的陳列形式十分自 由,既融合成選購空間的 一部份,也給人開放的空 間感。為了配合本地的市 場,設計師採用少量的不 抰 材,在美國式的鄉村風格中 加入一點現代氣息。 The free-styled window display is well integrated into the shopping area and also adds to the openness of the space. The designer employed stainless steel for some modernity to cater for the local market.

destination ltd


guess kids


San Interiors Maritime Square, HK 1,500 sq ft San Interiors 香港青衣城 1,500平方呎

S u z u y a suzuya


san interiors


(左頁)弧形的藍色壁面配上商店標誌, 模仿了日本人姓氏門牌的特色,藉以突顯 商店的形像。 (Left page) The blue curved wall incorporated with the brand logo is reminiscent of Japanese name plate that helps highlight the image of the store.


1> 外形像燈籠的檯燈嵌入在陳列檯面 上,時尚之中予人一份家的溫馨感覺。 The lantern-like desk lamp is lodged into the display counter to give a home like feeling in modern style. 2> 不鋼框拼木條子的形式使自然質樸 的日本文化和現代時尚的格調得以兼融。 By combing stainless steel shelves and wooden framework, the designer blended Japanese culture with contemporary style. 3> 線條的櫸木皮木架是Suzuya連鎖店 的統一陳列形式之一。 The rough elm veneer shelf is a one of the unified languages applied in the chain store Suzuya.


Suzuya連鎖店在香港已有三十年歷史,新設計需賦予這老字號一身與 時並進卻又不失傳統風韻的外貌。設計師梁兆新以外地人看日本文化 的目光作框架,將日本的典型特色抽取出來,以豐富整體。 在要體現日本傳統的訴求下,設計意念上借用了日式鈴屋(日式房子 的姓氏門牌)的意義,象徵 地在獨一的藍色弧形壁面上放上商店標 誌;另外也在正掛區的底部排列了木凳及仿日式米糧包裝的腳凳,既 散發原始的風味,也巧妙地在現代風格中滲入日本風情。這些凳子甚 至有著飾品陳列及試身間座位的功能。 由於樓底高,天花板上也加設取意於日本鳥居的短木樑,並加強了建 築上的結構感。事實上,這與藍色壁面的處理手法一樣,以原身的結 構化為店內的裝飾。


為了增添現代感,正掛區的陳列木架框拼上了常用於建築的鋼絲網作 特色襯托;同時,不鋼架也配上木塊和木條子,以木的自然質樸來 柔和金屬剛冷的質感,使傳統的日本文化和現代時尚的格調得以兼 融。

san interiors





The chain store Suzuya has already had a 30-year history in the local market. The brand-new design imposed an ever-renewing image yet keeping the traditional essence at the same time. Designer San Leung, with the eyes of a foreigner, extracted the typical characteristics of Japanese culture to represent the totality. The brand logo on the curving monolithic blue-painted wall is reminiscent of the door-plate on Japanese house which is adopted to reflect traditional Japanese culture. The Japanese-style wooden chairs under the frontal display area not only function as display surface and seats in fitting rooms but also induced a raw Japanese savor in modernity. With the high floor height, San introduced the form of Torii (Japanese temple monument) by adding short wooden beams on the ceiling to enrich the structural sense. This is the same design tactic as the blue wall where the designer turned the structure components into interior decor. To enhance the modern stylish feeling, the wooden shelves at the frontal display area is set off by metal wire mesh commonly used in architecture. The stainless steel shelves are also incorporated with wooden plates and strips. The raw and natural quality of wood can soften the cool and hard texture of metal, symbolizing a fusion of traditional Japanese culture and contemporary style.



san interiors

4> 纖幼的不鋼陳列架在一片木色中帶出 現代的韻味。 The slim stainless steel display racks add modernity in a pool of wood. 5> 木凳與仿日式米糧包裝的腳凳淡淡地將 和式風情帶進店內。木架框以鋼絲網作底 襯,糅合了傳統與現代的格調。 The Japanese wooden chairs subtly bring Japanese aura into the shop. The wooden shelves are set off by the metal wire to blend tradition with modern style. 6> 試身間 Fitting room

客戶Client Suzuya International (HK) Co Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor Fingo Projects Ltd 鋪地Flooring Expona Hot Press Tile by The Jardine Eng. Corporation Ltd 撰文Text 黃潔儀Blondie Wong




佈局圖Layout plan

san interiors




Edge Architects Ltd Shanghai Xintiandi, PRC 1,200 sq ft Edge建築設計廔 中國上海新天地 1,200平方呎

X O N E Flagship Shop, Shanghai



edge architects ltd


佈局圖Layout plan

愛美是女人的天 。 女士們不只喜歡穿著漂亮的衣 服,更愛炫耀一身亮麗的打扮。 設計師陳詩華為X O N E設計的上 海旗艦店就是從女士買衫的流程 出發,設想在過程中發生有趣事 情的可能,以增添顧客 物的樂 趣。 每一個女 都希望自己擁有模特 兒的身段,穿著設計一流的衣 飾,走在天橋上,是以設計師特 別在店舖後方建造了一條修長的 「天橋」。玻璃燈箱造的地台及 其變幻的燈光,加上一整幅牆的 鏡子,營造了「霓虹天橋」的效

果。平台兩端各設有一個試身 室,女士們從試身室出來,穿著 新衣走在「天橋」上,邊照照鏡 子,邊幻想一下自己當了模特 兒,這正是設計師刻意安排的一 項另類 物經驗。 除了這個Catwalk區之外,整間店 舖就再沒有其他鏡子,所以人們 必須走到「天橋」前照鏡,使這 區域成為焦點。此外,設計師亦 加入了一點趣味和驚喜,在單面 反光鏡後設置了數台電視,隨機 地播放商店的服裝,或一些人的 笑臉,內容可隨需要而更新。因 利成便,此區亦是公司日後在店 裡舉行活 的最佳場地。

日與夜。旗艦店以簡約 的設計作主導。 Day and night. The design is dominated by a simple tone.

edge architects ltd






edge architects ltd


設計師從女士們喜歡穿著新衣照鏡的心態出發,重點放在一面大鏡子及燈光不斷變化的玻 璃燈箱地台上,製造出一個小型「天橋」,成為店舖的主要吸引點。 The raised lit platform made of glass together with the mirror wall creates a 'neon catwalk' effect.The changing light the light boxes give out adds vibrancy into the space and make this 'catwalk' fitting area the focal point of the boutique.

設計師透過採用不同的牆面和鋪地物料,清楚劃分出三個區域來,分 別是黑色大理石的櫥窗陳列區、木材為主的 物區和玻璃、鏡面的試衣 區,並同時營造出「框架」的視覺效果。 店面朝西向陽,所以為免室內過熱,遮陽設施是必要的;設計師遂在 櫥窗玻璃上貼上了條紋薄膠片,不單能夠遮擋陽光,同時又容許路人 望見店內情景,光影斑斕,與室內環境很配合。膠片的花樣圖案可按 店舖的季節 推廣而轉變。 簡約的設計成功為這個新品牌定立了一個高中檔的形像。

edge architects ltd






edge architects ltd


(左)舖蓋了黑色大理石的櫥窗陳 列區與以木材為主的 物區形成一黑 一白的強烈對比。 (Left) The window display area cladded by black marble and the shopping area dominated in wood create a strong black-and-white contrast.

Love of beauty is nature of all women. Women like beautiful dress. What's more, they like to show off the new dress they wear. Michael Chan, designer of the XONE flagship shop in Shanghai, had imagined various possibilities that could happen to a lady who was shopping, trying to bring more interests into the 'beautyseeking' experience.

(上)店面朝西向陽,設計師在櫥 窗玻璃上貼了條紋薄膠片,作為遮 陽工具,同時營造了光影斑斕的效 果。 (Above) Strips of films are employed on the window glass exposed to the west, which not only act as a window shade but also create a vibrant effect of light and shadow.

To be in a fashion model shape and walk along the catwalk in first class designer garment is the dream of all women. Therefore the designer specially created a long 'catwalk' at the rear part of the shop. The raised lit platform made of glass together with the mirror wall creates a 'neon catwalk' effect. There is a fitting room at both ends of the platform. A lady comes out of the fitting room and walks along the 'catwalk', looking at herself dressed up in the mirror, and imagining that she were at that moment a fashion model - that is exactly what the designer wanted, an alternative shopping experience. The mirror in the catwalk area is the only one in the shop, which makes the area the focal point that attracts the buyers. Moreover, TV screens behind the mirror randomly play images of the shop's products or people's smile faces, adding more interests and surprises into the space. It also boasts the best arena for activities.

edge architects ltd





1, 2> 設計師透過採用不同的牆面和鋪地物料,清楚劃分出三個區域 來,分別是黑色大理石的櫥窗陳列區、木材為主的 物區和玻璃、鏡面 的試衣區,並同時營造出「框架」的視覺效果。 Different materials used on walls and floors have clearly defined the three different zones; black marble for the window display area, wood for the shopping area and glass/mirror for the fitting area. They also create a 'framework' visual effect. 3> 接待處透視圖。 Perspective view of reception.

Different materials used on walls and floors have clearly defined the three different zones; black marble for the window display area, wood for the shopping area and glass/mirror for the fitting area. They also create a 'framework' visual effect.

4> 簡潔的陳列櫃用不鋼製造。低矮的陳列架上加設了燈箱以突出 貨品。 Display units made of stainless steel. Light boxes are designed to highlight products.

To avoid too much heat inside the shop with a western exposure, strips of films are employed on the window glass, which not only act as a window shade but also allow the passers-by on the street to peek into the shop. The vibrant spectrum of light and shadow fits well into the interior environment. The pattern of the films can be changed according to the store's seasonal promotion. The minimal design successfully erects a high and middle grade image for the new brand. 客戶Client Xone (Hong Kong) Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor Ghia International Ltd



edge architects ltd





edge architects ltd




Kinney Chan & Associates Mongkok, Hong Kong 2,300 sq ft Kinney Chan & Associates 香港旺角 2,300平方呎

M o n g k o k Towngas Customer Centre Towngas customer centre


kinney chan & associates


煤氣公司,一個已經創立140年的大型機構,但仍與時並 進,尋求突破,在設計新一代的煤氣客戶中心時注入創新概 念,使室內設計更富年青感和現代感,以全新面貌為客戶提 供更豐富的多元化增值服務。 位於旺角的煤氣客戶中心,佔地2,300平方呎,經過重新裝 修後,整個中心都採用了落地玻璃,使室內空間更為寬敞開 揚,感覺更為親切舒服。 設計師以新一代的年青夫婦為對像,替煤氣公司營造了一個 體貼周到、靈活多變的嶄新形像。客戶中心內以示範單位的 形式展示產品,提供更舒適自然的服務環境,讓人感受到家 的溫馨感覺。設計師將客戶中心分為三個區域:客戶服務、 煤氣產品展覽及明火美食推廣區,方便顧客尋找所需要的服 務。

(左頁)煤氣美食區除備有各國烹 飪書籍可供翻閱及選 外,亦不時有 即席烹飪示範。 (Left page) In the cuisine area, the published recipes from all over the world are available with live demonstration from time to time. (本頁) 煤氣客戶中心內陳列的爐 具,均以現代家居的形式展示。 (This page)The kitchen appliances are presented fashionably in the new Towngas Customer Centre.

kinney chan & associates


Towngas customer centre


一般的客戶服務專櫃都設於中心 的中央部分,而嶄新客戶中心則 打破傳統,把專櫃設於近門口的 位置,方便顧客作查詢。 現今都市人重視家居環境和生活 素質,卻沒有足夠的時間,因 此,新一代煤氣客戶中心提供一 站式服務,除售賣爐具產品外, 還提供相關資訊,增設了烹飪書 籍、家具精品和烹飪示範等等, 是締造完美現代家居和體現優質 生活的好地方。

客戶中心設計簡約而現代化,以 示範單位的形式展示產品,務求 為客戶提供更舒適自然的服務環 境,營造家的溫馨感覺。 In the minimal interior of modernity, products are presented in separate demonstration units where customers will find the service environment cosy and homey.

In spite of having 140 years of history, the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd (also known as Towngas) always seeks for new challenges to improve their standard of services. The company seized the chance to incorporate innovative concepts in designing the new customer centre which projects an energetic and modern image. The centre aims at offering valueadded and diversified services to customers with a fresh appearance. With full-height glass panels as main space defining partitions, the 2,300 sq-ft newly renovated centre appears to be even more spacious, cordial and comfortable.

Towngas customer centre


kinney chan & associates


kinney chan & associates


Towngas customer centre


Targeting on new generations of young married couples, the centre is designed into a considerate space allowing for flexibilities. Inside the centre, products are presented in separate demonstration units where customers will find the service environment cosy and homey. And for the convenience of the customers, the centre is divided into three zones according to the three major functions of the centre: the customer service area, products demonstration area and cuisine area. Customers can access to respective area directly and easily. Without following the tradition of placing the customer service counter in the centre of the space, the convenience of customers is again emphasized by locating the counter near to the entrance. Understanding the increasing demand on quality living of our citizens, the new generation Mongkok customer centre provides comprehensive one-stop service for those who look for excellence in standard of living.

Towngas customer centre


kinney chan & associates


嶄新客戶中心打破傳統,把 客戶服務專櫃設於近門口的 位置,方便顧客查詢。 Breaking free from the tradition, the service counter is placed near to the entrance for easy inquiry for the customers. 客戶中心採用落地玻璃,每 當有烹飪示範時便會吸引街 上人群觀看。 The centre is walled with glass panels which can attract attentions from the street when there is a cooking demonstration.

客戶Client The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited 攝影Photography Dick 撰文Text Pam kinney chan & associates


Towngas customer centre


Kingsmen Hong Kong Ltd Princes Building, Central, HK 800 sq ft 金明香港有限公司 香港中環太子大廈 800平方呎

O r e g o n S c i e n t i fi c L i f e s t y l e C o n c e p t S h o p

oregon scientific


kingsmen hong kong ltd


(左頁)概念店以玻璃為主 要建材,予人簡潔明亮的印 象,並增強店裡的空間感。 (Left page) Glass is the main material used in the shop to enhance the brightness and spaciousness in the interior. (本頁)木地板鋪設的弧 形路線引領人們走向「氧 吧」,並襯托出店舖的主要 鋪地材料──雲石地磚。 (This page) The curvy wooden path leads the customers to the oxygen bar, which also sets off the marble flooring.

自然與高科技,給人兩種截然不同的感覺。但金明香港有限公司為Oregon Scientific 設計的全球首間生活概念店,卻將高科技產品融入在自然環境之中,糅合兩種感覺, 帶出自由、無拘束的生活模式。 概念店除了用作陳列產品外,還能帶出點點的自然氣息,成為顧客舒綬壓力的場所。 因此設計師便興起建造「氧吧」這個獨特意念。「氧吧」設在店舖角落裡一個升高了 的弧形地台上,與陳列區分隔開來。「氧吧」的天花板上噴上雲彩紋,配合變幻的燈 光效果,再加上玻璃地面上的流水波紋和投影在牆上的大自然景色,人們只要安坐沙 發椅上便可放鬆身心。此外,「氧吧」還提供呼吸純氧氣、健康飲品等服務,對於在 繁忙的金融商業區工作的上班一族來說,Oregon Scientific生活概念店無疑提供了歇 息的空間。 此外,為了要帶出自由、無拘 束的生活模式,設計師想到 以水來代表這種自由無限的感 覺。如後印象主義大師塞尚所 言,大自然的世界裡本來就不 存在直線和矩形,而水的形狀 不一,隨意奔放的形態,就正 好反映了大自然既有的自由 感。店內很多不規則造型的創 作,例如天花燈飾和陳列架、 牆上的水波紋玻璃及弧形的木 地板鋪地,均以水的形態作為 創作靈感。 至於陳列區則以銀色噴漆為主 調,迎合其電子產品高科技、 時尚的形像;而店舖整體以玻 璃為主要物料,使店面保持明 亮及增強空間感。設計師認為 一間商店的焦點是在付款處, 因為無論是查詢、付款及取貨 都在這裡進行,是顧客和店員 互 交流較多的地方,設計師遂 把整個店裡所採用過的重要設 計元素,以「集大成」的手法 運用到櫃台的設計上,令它更 為突出。

kingsmen hong kong ltd


oregon scientific


(本頁)「氧吧」設在店舖角落裡一個升高了的弧形地台 上,台階上鋪上象徵水和自然的藍色紙皮石。 (This page) The oxygen bar is located on a raised arc platform in the corner of the shop. Blue mosaic tiles are paved on the steps to symbolize water and nature.

(右頁)透過天花的藍天白雲、色彩幻變的燈光、射燈照落到地台上的流水波紋以及屏幕 上放映的大自然風光,設計師為「氧吧」營造了自然舒適的氛圍。 (Right page) Under the ever-changing shining colour-lights, the clouds and sky sprayed on the ceiling, setting off by the ripple projected on the glass floor and the natural scenery . filled on oregon the wall, the oxygen bar is with natural andkong comfortable kingsmen hong ltd atmosphere. scientific


kingsmen hong kong ltd


oregon scientific


設計師把品牌的 縮寫OS設計成 陳列架。 The OS display shelf represents the abbreviation of the brand.

Nature and hi-tech project two completely different feelings, while the first lifestyle concept shop of Oregon Scientific designed by Kingsmen Hong Kong, blended hi-tech into natural environment, suggesting a free and unconstrained life mode.

The display area is finished with silver colour so as to match with hi-tech and fashionable image of electronic products. Glass is highly applied to make the shop look brighter and spacious. The designer believed that the cashier's counter is the focus of a shop as most interaction between customers and staff happened there such as inquiry, checking and taking goods. Therefore, it is highlighted by adding all the key design elements that were adopted in other parts of the shop.

Besides showcasing products, the concept shop also offers a place where its customers can refresh themselves. So a unique idea of building an oxygen bar came up to the designer's mind. The oxygen bar is set on a raised arc platform in the corner of the shop, separated from the display area. With the ever-changing shining colour-lights, the clouds sprayed on the ceiling, setting off by the ripple projected on the glass floor and the natural scenery on the wall, a cozy environment is created. Customers especially those who work hard in the busy financial district can relieve their stress in this comfortable oxygen bar. In addition, the designer wanted to use water to express the feeling of boundless freedom along with the unconstrained life mode. Post-impressionism master Paul Cezan once said: there are no straight lines and matrixes in nature. The irregular and unrestrained state of water thus inspired the forms of many objects inside the shop, such as the organic shapes of suspended lighting and shelves, the wave pattern on the glass showcases and the curvature of the wooden path.

oregon scientific


kingsmen hong kong ltd



不規則形的天花燈飾和陳列架、蝕刻了水波紋的玻璃牆身皆取材自大自然奔放自由的形態。 The irregular shapes of the suspended lighting and shelves, the wave pattern on the glass showcases on the wall are all inspired by the bold and unrestrained state of nature.

櫃台的設計集全店重要元素之大成,包括銀色噴漆、弧形台面、為呼應「氧吧」而採 用的藍色紙皮石以及配合木地板而選用的棕色紙皮石。 The design of the cashier's counter assembled all the key design elements including silver finishes, curvy tabletop, blue mosaics and brown mosaic that match with the oxygen bar and the wooden path respectively.

kingsmen hong kong ltd


oregon scientific


ALEXCHOI Design & Partners Ltd Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, HK 5,183 sq ft ALEXCHOI Design & Partners Ltd 香港尖沙咀漢口道 5,183平方呎

F o r t r e s s





(上)形像化和簡單化了的堡壘標誌,加上新 的顏色組合,使得品牌的形像更加鮮明。 (Above) Through the face-lift of the logo and the colour combination, a bright and vivid corporate image is created. (左頁)環型白色光管槽營造了一個柔和的環 境,而長形藍色光管槽則烘托出林林總總的電 器用品。 (Left page) Circular white light troughs are applied to provide general lighting while blue light troughs are employed to highlight specific products.

作為其中一間歷史悠久的家庭電 器商店,豐澤與時並進,最近邀 請了設計師Alex Choi為旗下店舖 重整形像,並且作出一連串的改 革行 ,以製造一個煥然一新的 物 環境。

沒有安裝常用的天花射燈而採用 了環型白色光管槽,既能減低反 光的程度,又能營造出一個柔和 的環境;另外,設計師在貨品陳 列架上方加設了長形藍色光管槽 來烘托林林總總的電器用品。有 別於一般的展示法,等離子電視 屏幕不再高掛在牆上,而是獨立 陳設於空間中,這樣,顧客便可 以一個嶄新的角度去欣賞產品纖 巧的特質。

普羅大眾對豐澤電器最深刻的印 象就是它的堡壘標誌以及橙和 藍色的配搭,因此,設計師首先 從堡壘標誌的形像化和簡單化入 手,把原來的顏色運用系統化, 務求令這個品牌的形像更加鮮 明。

在樓梯處,設計師選用了漆黑的 地面和灰色的玻璃扶手為背景, 襯以牆壁上跳 的電子屏幕,不但 為這連接三層的空間帶來了一股 流 感,亦使其成為一個融匯公司 其他尖端產品的資訊站。

除了重組標誌和顏色的系統之 外,Alex對於燈光和商品的排列 方法也有嶄新的構思。商店裡並




For tress as one of the wellestablished electrical appliance shops in Hong Kong, has recently invited Alexchoi Design & Par tners Ltd to facelift its corporate image by re-designing its logo as well as interior fittings of its branches. The castle-like logo and the combination of orange and blue colours are the icons of Fortress. These elements carry special meaning to the publ i c a n d t h e re f o re w e re k e p t with conditional modifications. By splitting up the existing rigid profile of the logo and


constraining the use of orange and blue, a bright and vivid corporate image is created. Above all, the designer injected new insight by means of lighting and display arrangement. Instead of using spotlight on metallic product that causes glare, circular white light troughs are applied to provide general lighting while blue light troughs are employed to highlight specific products. Difference from the conventional practice of hanging plasmas on walls, they are now free-standing in the shop to provide a better angle for the customers to appreciate their slimness. The staircase with dark flooring and grey-coloured glass railings is an "information hub" linking up the three floors. The flickering LED screens on wall, which keep on displaying useful information not only creates a dynamic ambience but also articulates the hi-tech products in the retail space.









牆壁上跳 的電子屏幕,在漆黑的地面和灰色的玻璃扶手映襯之下,為樓梯空間帶來了一股流 感。 The dark flooring, grey-coloured glass railings and the flickering LED screens on wall create a dynamic ambience in the staircase.





二樓平面圖Second floor plan

一樓平面圖First floor plan

客戶Client 豐澤電器Fortress 總承辦商Main Contractor Honic (E&M) Engineering Company 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Honic (E&M) Engineering Company 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Honic (E&M) Engineering Company 傢具Furniture Honic Decoration Company & Home Made Building & Decoration (HK) Co Ltd 牆飾Wall Covering Wah Sing Construction Company Ltd 藝術品Artwork ALEXCHOI Design & Partners Ltd & DDB 攝影Photography DDB 撰文Text eMe

地面層平面圖Ground floor plan ALEXCHOI DESIGN & PARTNERS LTD





Space International Inc California, USA 5,000 sq ft Space International Inc 美國加州 5,000平方呎

N o e v i r,

C a l i f o r n i a



Space International Inc


為Noevir日本化妝品製造商設計的 這間陳列廳及辦公室體現了自然與 科技相融合的設計特色。 除了辦公和發貨區以外,該項目還 設有一個零售陳列廳,其中包括了 接待 等候區、購物區、美容室、 會議室和咖啡 休閒廊。 地面層由一個倉庫改建而成,把原 先粗獷的工業化構架變成了優雅的 空間,用以展示該公司的天然化妝 品。為了體現「融科學於天然」的 企業特色,設計師將天然材料和人 工材料相結合,彰顯了平面與空 間、室內與室外、功能與造型之間 的內在關係。半透明玻璃「幕牆」 上節奏性地排列著一列縫隙,透過 縫隙可以望見室外的工業化景觀。 Space International Inc






Space International Inc


Space International Inc






Space International Inc


佈局圖Layout plan

架高的水磨石地面上擺放了壓克力 聚合物造的展台,並由半透明的壓 克力柱支撐著。接待服務區等多層 次空間將零售區和後面的辦公區分 隔開。其餘的功能空間如會議室、 咖啡廳和美容室,則通過石灰石板 牆和地面加以突出和強調。

Nature and technology are merged in this corporate showroom and offices for a Japanese cosmetics line. The project consisted of a retail showroom including reception/ waiting areas, purchasing area, a skin care salon, conference room, and cafe/ lounge, in addition to office and shipping areas.

Space International Inc



This ground floor conversion of a concrete tilt up warehouse called for a transformation of the harsh industrial shell to accommodate an elegant lounge like setting for the company’s display of natural beauty products. A combination




Space International Inc


Space International Inc






Space International Inc


of natural and artificial materials is used in a cooperative metaphor for the “scientific nature” of the space, each accentuating the intrinsic relationship between surface and volume, interior and exterior, program and form. A translucent glass “curtain wall” drapes the interior perimeter, veiling views of the industrial landscape through a series of slotted apertures. The raised terrazzo showroom floor frames monolithic display tables of acrylic polymer which float on translucent acrylic columns. A layered band of program contains the reception and service areas, separating the retail area from the offices behind. Limestone clad walls and floors accentuate the remaining programmatic volumes such as the conference room, cafe and salon. Space International Inc






Space International Inc


客戶Client Noevir USA, Inc./總承辦商General Contractor TODA Construction/石材地面和牆面Stone Flooring and Walls Honed limestone layed in a random ashlar bond pattern;上 層 Upper FloorWhite on white microterrazzo by General Polymers/照明 Lighting Track and recessed lighting by LITON; Combo lights by RSA; Pendant lighting by Leucos, Flos/水管 Plumbing Faucets by KWC; Sinks Corian/門Doors Dorma-Glas/玻璃Glazing white and clear laminated glass by Woodbridge Glass/窗膜 Window Films 3M, Madico (lumisty)/木工 Millwork walnut, Corian, acrylic/ 定製不 鋼會議桌和休閒廊桌Custom Stainless Steel Conference and Lounge TablesHypeArch/定製陳設 Custom Furnishings white solid surfacing by Corain/定製織物和窗簾 Custom Upholstery and Curtains Knoll Fabrics/ 休閒廊座椅Lounge Chairs Walter Knoll Office/會議室座椅Conference Chairs Herman Miller/凳子Stools and Occasional Chairs Cappelini/攝影Photography Benny Chan, Fotoworks

Space International Inc




Joseph Sy & Associates Central, Hong Kong 6,000 sq ft Joseph Sy & Associates 香港中環 6,000 平方呎

Lo u r ve Lourve Gallery

Gallery .

Joseph Sy & Associates



陳列室整體採用柔和的折射燈光,加上淡白的粉飾和灰色地面,形成 了中性的背景調子,以突出射燈照著的傢具上。 Soft indirect lighting, off-white finish and grey flooring, all these form a neutral background to highlight the products lit by downlights.

展覽廳與陳列室只有一線之差,分別並不在於展品是非賣或可買,而在 於前者展出的物品富於藝術性,後者則別具功能價值。而Lourve Gallery提出的一個概念就是「陳列室不只是陳列室,傢具亦不只是傢具, 顧客所看到的,是擺放在畫廊的藝術品。」故此,Lourve Gallery以展 廊形式將世界各地設計獨特的傢具、燈飾及擺設展現人前。 Lourve Gallery位於中環律敦治中心的Design Showcase內,面積達 六千平方呎,由Joseph Sy & Associates設計。沿梯而下,在Louvre Gallery外就可以瞥見三幅「立體畫」──三個經特別處理的玻璃櫥窗; 在厚厚的「畫框」內展示了獨特的傢具構圖,讓參觀者預覽陳列室的產 品。設計師在「畫架」兩邊掛上帷幔,帷幔向店裡收窄,其微微的斜度 足以加強畫面的透視感,仿若一個劇場空間,以更活潑的形式把陳列傢 具的個性顯露出來。

joseph sy & Associates


lourve gallery


Lourve Gallery


Joseph Sy & Associates


在如此寬敞的店舖裡,設計師利用 隔板、懸牆及輕柔的紗簾劃出不 同的空間和層次,這些組件靈活 性高,可因應陳列佈局的轉變而 更改。漆黑的天花予人無限的空 間感,而且更能突顯形狀不一的 天花板,有助劃分空間。每個區 域有其獨立的氛圍,如溫暖的、 冷酷的等等,構成與陳列品相配 的風格,而又有一定的連貫性, 加上在和諧的色系下,形成一延 綿的空間。 T h e d i ff e re n c e b e t w e e n a gallery and a showroom lies not in whether the exhibits are for sale or not, but mostly in that the exhibits in a gallery are usually more artistic, while those in a showroom are more practical. However, Lourve’s concept is “furniture is not only furniture, and showroom is not just a showroom - rather, it features works of art displayed in an art gallery environment”. That’s how Lourve Gallery showcases the furniture, light fittings and other furnishings of unique design from all around the world.

漆黑的天花予人無限的空間感,而形狀不一的 天花板則有助劃分空間,並且增加層次感。 The darkness of the ceiling brings a sense of depth. The different forms of the ceiling help divide the space. joseph sy & Associates


lourve gallery


Lourve Gallery


Joseph Sy & Associates


joseph sy & Associates


lourve gallery


Lourve Gallery


Joseph Sy & Associates


Lourve Gallery, designed by Joseph Sy & Associates, is located in Design Showcase at Ruttonjee Centre, Central, with a floor area of 6,000 sq ft. From outside the Gallery one is greeted by three “3D pictures” - specially treated glass windows, which “frame” a unique composition of furniture. The tilting drapes at both sides of the “frame” have enhanced the perspective sense of the theatre-like space, which exposes the character of the furniture display in a more dramatic way. In such a generous space, the designer used flexible partitions, pendent walls and soft gauze curtains to define different areas and layers. These components are very flexible and can be easily reorganised to meet the changes of display layout. The darkness of the ceiling brings a sense of depth, and the different forms of the ceiling help divide the space. Each area is compassed in a distinctive aura, warm or cold or something, to match the exhibits in it, while all the areas share a common continuity in design to form a smoothly flowing space.

joseph sy & Associates


lourve gallery


Lourve Gallery


Joseph Sy & Associates

(左頁)(Left page) 輕柔的紗簾劃出不同的空間和層次, 可因應陳列佈局的轉變而更改,極 富彈性。 Light and soft gauze curtains are employed to define different areas and layers. They are very flexible and can be easily reorganised to meet the changes of display layout.


(本頁)(This page) 店面的玻璃櫥窗就像「立體畫」般,由厚厚的「畫框」裱起,展示出獨特的傢具構圖。 The shop front windows act as “3D pictures”, framing a unique furniture layout.

每個區域有其獨立的氛圍,如溫暖 的、冷酷的等等,構成與陳列品相配 的風格。 Each area is compassed in a distinctive aura, warm or cold or something, to match the exhibits in it.

客戶Client Lourve Gallery 總承辦商Main Contractor Nam Wah Decor & Design Engrg. Ltd 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Joseph Sy & Associates 鋪地Flooring ABS Building Systems (PE) Ltd 藝術品Artwork Joseph Sy (photos) 攝影Photography Joseph Sy

joseph sy & Associates


lourve gallery


Homeless Ltd Yaumatei, Hong Kong 2,000 sq ft Homeless Ltd 香港油麻地 2,000 平方呎



C o n c e p t Shop




一件家庭用品剛從工廠生產出 來,便會放在貨倉或貨櫃,等待 合適的主人認領。創新家品店 Homeless便以此為設計概念, 將店舖設計成貨倉般,以紅色的 貨櫃作店舖入口,顧客從貨櫃的 一頭走進去,再從另一頭走進 來,就代表進入了這個貨倉,開 始他們對新一代創新傢具的探索 旅程。 要將店舖設計成貨倉般並不容 易,尤幸這個舖位樓底足有15、 16呎高,空間非常實用,而且 業主非常欣賞及鼓勵創新家品店 的概念,在內部裝修、前後門改 動和外牆特大招牌等各方面都很 願意配合,讓設計師Heyman可 以無後顧之憂,盡情發揮。Heyman不單包辦這個「貨倉」的室 內設計,他更是該店的設計總 監,獨家創作店裡售賣的傢具、 家品、擺設等。 工廠和貨倉都是原始簡樸的,為 了表現這種粗獷感,設計師採用 了深灰色的不 抰 、水管、半透 光的鐵絲網和以木線轆吊著的鋼 (右)從店面也可見店舖高 15、16呎的樓底。 (Right) The 15- to 16-feethigh ceiling can be seen from the storefront. (左頁)Homeless入口是個真貨櫃,穿過外白內紅的貨櫃,標誌著搜羅創新家 品的旅程正式開始。 (Left page) A real container is placed at the entrance of the store. After walking through the outside white and inside red container, the customers begin their journey of collecting innovative home products.









纜作裝潢。簡單的背景和顏色鮮艷的貨品形成強烈的對比,更加突顯 主題所在。 Heyman對貨倉的內部編排亦別有一番心思。貨倉分為上下兩層,上 層是辦公室和燈飾、蠟燭等小型傢具擺設的陳列區。將辦公室設在陳 列室之中,可方便設計師即時回應顧客的意見和要求,同時在介紹貨 品的過程中,或從與顧客的對話中,一有靈感,就可以馬上到樓上進 行創作。 Homeless家品店提供一個寬敞的空間讓顧客隨意選購家居組件,同時 希望與顧客分享每一件產品背後獨特的故事。所以這個貨倉其實是一 個展覽廊、一個藝術館,而不是一個特賣場。





Homeless室內設計成一個貨倉或 工廠的模樣,材料以不 抰 、水 管、鐵絲網和鋼纜為主。 Internal room of Homeless is designed into a warehouse or factory, and materials are mainly stainless steel, steel pipes, wire gauzes and cables.









牆上是店主的手繪壁畫。 On the wall is the owner’s hand-drawing fresco.

After the manufacturing process in a factory, domestic products are usually kept in warehouses or containers where they spend their time looking forward to a future “home”. The designer of Homeless, an innovative domestic product store, had captured the essence of this period and designed the store into a warehouse. Passing through the “outside-white and inside-red” container would bring customers into the store and commence an exploration of new-generation innovative furniture.

It is far from easy to design a store into a warehouse. Still, with 15 to16 feet in height, the space was functional and effective. Besides the land owner’s appreciation of the concept behind “homeless” had made the internal decoration, alteration of the front and rear accesses and installation of external huge signboard possible. Heyman, as the art director of the store, not only designs the furniture, domestic products and accessories sold, but also has expressed his talent freely in this interior design.


Factories and warehouses are primitive and rude. In order to convey this sense of rudeness, dark grey stainless steel, steel pipes, translucent wire gauzes and cables suspended from wood line rumble are used for installations. The plain background setting contrasts sharply with various colourful goods, creating an effect which reveals the theme. The designer also paid considerations to the internal layout of the warehouse. He divided the warehouse into












攝影Photographer Dick 撰文Text Pam

(左)15、16呎高的空間分為上下兩層 仍覺綽綽有餘,而設計師的辦公室亦設於 上層。 (Left) It is more than enough to divide the 15- to 16-feet-high space into two floors. The designer’s office is also located on the upper floor. (中)從不 抰 旋轉樓梯到上層可見小件 的擺設。 (Middle) The small furnishings on the upper floor can be seen from the stainless steel revolving stair. (右)收銀櫃檯也特別設計成幾何圖案。 (Right) The cash desk is specially designed into geometric pattern.




two floors and used the upper floor for office and display area for relatively small furnishings like lightings and candles. It is believed that by locating the office inside the display area, the designer can response to the customers’ requests and suggestions easily and directly. And while the designer gets inspired from having conversation with customers or other activities happening in the store, he can access his office and star t designing in convenience. While providing a capacious space for customers to shop for their home, the domestic product store would also like to share with them the story inherited in every product. With this will to share, this warehouse presents itself tobeanexhibitionspace,anartmuseumbutnevera marketplace.


EDRA Milan, Italy 10,760 sq ft EDRA 意大利米蘭 10,760平方呎

E d r a Showroom, Milan





米蘭Edra陳列館佔地10,760平方呎。這幢兩層高建築物的設計為商品提供了一個中 的展示 場景。底層陳列著公司的設計樣本,上層則是臨時展覽廳。陳列館既展出品牌的全部收藏 品,同時也像一所反映公司創造能力的設計中心。 由公司藝術總 Massimo Morozzi創作的Paesaggi Italiani系統包含不同色彩和質料,提供富 彈 的組合。陳列館採用此系統作為分割展示空間的工具,展示空間因此不受建築裝飾的限 制,也就更能突顯產品的真實特 。 展覽館內擺放了好些新設計的椅子。另外,在一大片白色中鮮明可見一個紅色區域,那裡陳 列了公司過去十五年內最具代表 的產品,作為具有歷史 的回顧展,同時亦讓參觀者對公司 的設計路向有初步的瞭解。

The Edra showroom in Milan covers a floor area of 10,760 sq ft. This two-storey building is designed as a neutral background for the products. The lower floor houses a sample of production, whilst the upper one is set aside for temporary exhibitions, forming a showcase for the entire collection as well as a design centre featuring the company's inventiveness. The flexible Paesaggi Italiani system with its vast range of colours and finishes, created by the company art director Massimo Morozzi, has been chosen to delineate and divide areas within a exhibition space that is free from architectural trappings, thereby enabling the true character of products to be revealed. edra




A new series of informal seats are presented in the showroom. In addition, a red mark within the general whiteness signals a historical review: a selection o f t h e m o s t re p re s e n t a t i v e products from fifteen years in business that provides a visual summar y of the company's design policy.

(上)在這個鮮紅色的房間中,Edra陳列 了近15年內所製造的最具代表 產品。 (Above) The company's most representative products from the last fifteen years are showcased in this redpainted room. (右下)巴西設計師Humberto Campana 及Fernando Campana特別為陳列館的開 幕而創作了嶄新的裝置。這個裝置是由一 系列的雕塑品和網狀屏幕組成;後者是由 一些纖細優美的鋁棒拼湊而成的。 (Bottom right) For the occasion of the opening, there was a brand new installation by Brazilian designers Humberto Campana and Fernando Campana, created with a series of sculptures and cobweb screens that were made from slender and graceful aluminium rods.





藝術總 Art Director Massimo Morozzi 攝影Photography Emilio Tremolada





DPWT Design Ltd Chengdu, China 400 sq ft DPWT Design Ltd 中國成都 400平方呎

H e w l e t t - Packard Demo Room, Chengdu

Hp showroom


dpwt design ltd


因著電訊科技的發展,現代的展 示廳已經不再需要陳列實質的物 件。透過視像的傳送,顧客可以 參觀千里以外的產品。這是位於 中國成都中國惠普有限公司辦公 室裡的一間展示室。 設計師陳軒明把原來的電腦房改 裝成現在的展示室,先把一整面 玻璃窗 蓋,以配合影像投射的需 要。在這間儼如小型電影院的密 空間中,設計師從天、地、牆三 塊平面的物料著手,營造出太空 艙的環境。

(本頁)為了配合公司的高科技 形像,設計師用了較cyber的表 現手法,例如近門口的銀色圓柱 形控制台。 (This page) To mirror the company's hi-tech image, the designer adopted a cybersome approach, such as the silver console table near the entrance. (左頁)設計師把室內唯一一根 柱子用燈箱圍攏著,並把後面的 空間用作儲物室。燈箱上的海報 以自然、城市、人和機器為主 題,帶出它們相互的關係。 (Left page) The only column in the room is surrounded by light boxes with posters themed by nature, city, man and machine. The space behind the column is retained for storage.

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hp showroom

房間樓底只有2.2米,故此,設計 師把天花的亮度調暗,只在漆黑 一片的天花上點綴以星光般的小 燈泡;另一方面則在發光的玻璃 地台上加入了產品的圖像,製造 出強烈的視覺效果,好把人們的 視線引到地面上。 另一面牆身舖蓋了鋁板,其垂直 條紋能夠把空間「拉高」;後置 的燈光通過鋁板上的橢圓形洞透 射出來。沿牆邊地台上,一條散 發著藍光的線條延伸至房間盡頭 的鏡子前,帶出透視感之餘,鏡 面亦加強了展示室的縱深度。而 藍色,正是公司品牌的主色。


纖幼的光柱上放了一部無線數碼相機,相機連接著打印 機,顧客可以即場拍照並取回相片。 The wireless digital camera atop the light tube is connected to a printer. Customers can get their photos right after they take pictures in the room.

為了配合公司的高科技產品,設計師用了較 cyber的表現手法,其中,近門口的銀色圓 柱包含所有視聽系統的按鈕;它半沉於架空 的發光強化玻璃地板,仿如在太空艙裡自 升出來的控制台。 展示室主要用來介紹上海的「方案中心」中 之大型設備,所以展示室內沒有「實質的」 貨品,單靠配套設施如屏幕和電視來投射/ 播放產品影像,加上可連線到「方案中心」 的電腦便可。這樣,人們只需要更新軟件, 而不需要轉換展品,方便、高效,而且空 間無需大,成為富彈 及國際 的嶄新陳列方 式。

Hp showroom


dpwt design ltd

展示室內沒有「實質的」貨品, 只單靠屏幕和電視來投射/播放 產品的影像。 The Demo Room presents no "real" products but only their images played on screens and televisions.


1 > 強化玻璃地板上夾入了品牌產品的圖 像。Pantone椅子流暢的形態容許人們隨意 地擺放。 Images of products are integrated into the tempered glass floor. Pantone chairs in a flowing form can be arranged in any casual layout. 2> 一面牆身舖蓋了鋁板,垂直條紋能夠把 空間「拉高」;後置的燈光通過鋁板上的 橢圓形洞透射出來。 One of the walls is cladded by aluminium panels with vertical lines, which make the space look 'higher'; the light behind the panels spills out from the oval holes. 3> 沿牆邊地台上一條發亮的藍線,延伸至 房間盡頭的一面鏡子,加強了展示室的縱 深度,使這狹隘的空間變得深邃而修長。 A shining blue line on the platform along the wall runs towards the mirror at the end of the room, which enhances the depth of the space.

The advancement of telecommunication technology makes virtual display possible in a modern showroom. With images being transmitted, visitors can 'see' the products thousand miles away. Here is one such showroom at the Hewlett-Packard office in Chengdu, China. The original computer room was transformed into a Demo Room with one full height glass window blocked for the purpose of image projection. In this small enclosed space, designer Arthur Chan created a space capsule environment by using different materials on the ceiling, the floor and the walls. The 2.2m high ceiling is painted in dark colour decorated with pin lights scattering like stars in the sky. 1 2


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hp showroom





Hp showroom


dpwt design ltd

207 4> 金屬網架後是漆上黑色 的天花,並點綴以星光般 的小燈泡。設計師刻意調 暗樓底的亮度,以突顯發 光玻璃地台的視覺效果。 The black painted ceiling behind the metallic wire structure is decorated with small pin lights scattering like stars in the sky. It helps highlight the illuminant glass platform.

I m a g e s o f p ro d u c t a re a l s o integrated into the illuminant glass platfor m, creating a strong visual effect that attracts attention from visitors. One of the walls is cladded by aluminium panels with vertical lines, which make the space look 'higher'; the light behind the panels spills out from the oval holes. A shining blue line on the platform along the wall runs towards the mirror at the end of the room, which enhances the depth of the space. And blue is the key corporate colour. To mirror the company's hi-tech products, the designer adopted a cybersome approach. The silver column near the entrance

houses buttons for all the AV s y s t e m s . I t g ro w s f ro m t h e raised luminous tempered glass floor like a console table that automatically rises in a space capsule.

5> 從辦公室接待處一進來便可見到一支銀色圓柱,是包含 所有視聽系統按鈕的總控制台。它半沉於架空地台,製造出 如同升出來的效果。左邊灰色牆原為一整面玻璃窗,現已 蓋了以營造小型電影院的密 空間。 The silver column near the entrance is actually a console table with buttons for all the AV systems. The original glazing on the left has been transformed into a grey wall to form a closed 'small cinema' space. 6> 從辦公室接待處瞥見展 示室,兩者由磨砂玻璃牆 相隔。 View of the Demo Room from the office. The two areas are divided by a frosted glass partition.

The Demo Room is designed to introduce the large-scale equipment from the Solution Centre in Shanghai. It presents no "real" products but only their i m a g e s p l a y e d o n s c re e n s , providing an online tour in the S o l u t i o n C e n t re . T h e re f o re , what we have to do is to update the software rather than the "hardware" (the exhibits) w h e n n e c e s s a r y, w h i c h i s very convenient, flexible, and efficient. As a brand new way of display, it has greatly got rid of the limit of space and region.


客戶Client中國惠普有限公司China Hewlett-Packard Co Ltd/總承辦商Main Contractor Successful World Decoration Ltd/燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Festive Decor/燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Pin light, Optic Faber by Festive Decor/傢具Furniture Pantone chair/牆飾 Wall Covering Aluminum perforated panel, polycarbonate panel/鋪地Flooring Double glazing/藝術品Artwork Perspex/視聽系統AV System Crestron by Media go

dpwt design ltd


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IDS Concepts Ltd Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 1,200 sq ft IDS Concepts Ltd 香港銅鑼灣 1,200 平方呎

O r a n g e Showroom

orange showroom


ids concepts ltd


(左頁)展示室內沒有擺放不必要的傢俱,以突出推廣中的最新通訊科 技產品。 (Left page) Without a piece of unnecessary furniture in the room, the latest communication products become more prominent under the emphasis of the spotlights. (本頁)不銹鋼和玻璃面板牆身加強室內空間感的同時,融入品牌主色 調之中,為本來活潑的橙色注入了一點清新的時代感。 (This page) As the semi-reflective property of stainless steel and glass panels fuse perfectly into the theme colour of the brand, a sense of freshness is brought to the lively orange.

為一片橙色主導的空間注入展望 未來的清新,設計師巧妙地融合 色調、物料和科技配套,在運作 中的Orange客戶服務及維修中心 內開闢出一個為迎接3G年代而設 的展覽及會議空間。 這兩個空間合共1,200 平方呎, 約佔整個客戶服務中心總面積的 三份之一。透過設計師安排的獨 立入口,在空間佈局上既能給予 進入展示室的顧客一種與別不同 的優越感,也可以表現對展示室 內陳列產品之重視。 打開入口大門後便呈現出一個簡 約的展示室。由於室內沒有擺放 不必要的傢具,所以在射燈的強 調下更能突出推廣中的最新通訊 科技產品。另外,設計師加入不 鋼和玻璃面板作牆身,這兩種 物料反映影像的特 能在加強室內 空間感的同時,融入品牌主色調 之中,為本來活潑的橙色注入了 一點時代感。牆上選用等離子顯 示屏作展示,其輕巧的設計令室 內環境顯得現代化。

ids concepts ltd


orange showroom


orange showroom


ids concepts ltd


通過展示室後可以進入 一個能容納五十多人的 演講和會議空間。在這 個項目的功能上而言, 會議室與展示室雖然同 等重要,但展示室著重 的是推廣中的產品,而 會議室內則著重參與演 說和會議的人。所以會 議室內採用白色作為牆 身主色,而供與會人仕 使用的坐位便用上較能 特出客戶品牌的兩種橙 色。一如其他的會議 室,坐椅還是一行一行 的排開,但採用了兩種 橙色後便達到在簡單的 佈置中加強空間層次感 的效果。

ids concepts ltd


orange showroom

整體而言,這個項目是 O r a n g e在步進3G年代 前,為其品牌的室內空 間加入新元素的一個嘗 試。所以設計師便在沒 有偏離以往的空間設計 和品牌形像的前題下, 成功地以簡單的手法為 Orange注入高科技而不 超越現實的清新,作為 對未來新通訊年代之準 備。


牆上選用等離子顯示屏來展示產 品,其輕巧的設計令室內環境顯 得現代化。 The slim design of the plasma displays on the wall further enhances the modernity of the space.

As a preparation for the coming of 3G era, an exhibition space and a conference room were needed in the currently operating Orange customer service and maintenance centre. Through the intelligent manipulation of colour, materiality and technology, the designer introduced a freshness of future vision into the "Orange" space. The two spaces measure more than 1,200 sq ft, taking up 1/3 of the total area of the customer service centre. For better spatial definition, the new area is accessed through an independent entrance. Apart from granting the users with a sense of superiority, this arrangement also pays recognition to the displayed products in the exhibition space. Customers will first confront a concise and minimalistic showroom after passing through the entrance. Without a piece of unnecessary furniture in the room, the latest communication products become more prominent under the emphasis of the spotlights. To create a spacious feeling, the designer added stainless steel and glass panels together with their semi-reflective property onto the walls. As their materiality fuses perfectly into the theme colour of the brand, a sense of freshness is brought to the lively orange. In addition, the slim design of the plasma displays on the wall further enhances the modernity of the space.

客戶Client Hutchison Telecommunications (HK) Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor IDS Contracting Co. Ltd 撰文Text 符致軒Nicholas Foo

After the exhibition area, one enters into a conference room which can accommodate more than 50 people. Although functionally, the two spaces in this project enjoy equal importance; the exhibition area emphasizes on the promoted products, while the conference room pays more attention to the users of the room. Elaborating this into the design, white is chosen as main wall colour, and two tones of orange which represent the brand are used on the seats as an accent. When aligning these seats into rows to form a simple setting for a conference, the two orange tones multiply and render impressive layering effect in space. For Orange, this project is a trial to add new elements to their interior spaces before entering the 3G era. So without deviating from previous interior spatial concepts and brand image, the designer demonstrated simple techniques to introduce a fresh sense of "hi-tech" into "Orange" spaces as a preparation for the next communication era.

orange showroom


ids concepts ltd


(上)orange客戶服務及維修中心整體平面圖。 (above) general plan for the orange customer service and maintenance centre. (左平面圖)展覽及會議空間合共1,200平方呎, 約佔整個客戶服務中心總面積三份之一。 (left layout plan) the showroom and meeting spaces cover 1,200 sq ft, taking up 1/3 of the total area of the customer service centre. 演講和會議空間能容納五十多人。會議室的白色牆襯托出 兩種橙色坐椅,在簡單的佈置中加強了空間的層次感。 the conference room can hold more than 50 people. the white walls with the highlight of two tones of orange seats strengthen the layering of space in simple settings.

ids concepts ltd


orange showroom


Atelier Pacific Ltd Wanchai, Hong Kong 5,800 sq ft Atelier Pacific Ltd 香港灣仔 5,800平方呎

V o l v o volvo showroom

Showroom .

atelier pacific ltd


(左頁)接待櫃檯 (Left page) Reception desk (本頁)兩邊主牆均採用了明亮的落地玻璃窗, 讓開闊的陳列室完完全全地展露於路人眼前。 (This page) Clear glass facade along the two primary sides of the space suggests a maximum exposure for the showroom.

Atelier Pacific Ltd為富豪汽車設計的香港新展廳位於雲集眾多頂尖汽 車陳列室的灣仔區,佔地5,800平方呎。這個地方以前是銀行大樓,除 了入口就沒有別的窗戶,而且室內地面比街外高1.2米,這些都給設計 師帶來了挑戰。為了創造一個合適的環境,大的改建工程是必要的。 設計師將主立面的牆身拆除,從而將室內空間盡量展現到外面,同時 把陳列室內部改造成一個大型開放空間,提供很大的自由度讓客戶隨 意去擺放和展示其汽車產品。 設計師採用簡樸的材料並注重細節,加上白色的粉飾和定製的傢具, 使得陳列室具備一種北歐的風格,也可以說是對來自瑞典的Volvo生活 方式的另一種表章。 此外,陳列室還特別加入了配套設施,包括小網吧、咖啡吧、玻璃圍 成的會議室和兒童活 區,讓人感覺到這裡並不僅僅是一個汽車陳列 室。

atelier pacific ltd


volvo showroom


開放式空間和簡樸的佈置使得汽車的展示非常靈活。 Open plan and simple settings allow a flexible display of cars in the interior.

佈局圖Layout plan

volvo showroom


atelier pacific ltd


atelier pacific ltd


volvo showroom


小網吧和咖啡吧位於陳列 室的最盡頭。 Internet corner and coffee bar are founded at the far end of the showroom. 毗鄰網吧的是用玻璃圍成 的會議室。 Adjacent to the internet corner are the glass enclosed meeting rooms.

volvo showroom


atelier pacific ltd


Taikoo Motors, representing Volvo in Hong Kong, requested Atelier Pacific's assistance in completing the vision set out in the Volvo corporate environment guidelines to create a new showroom for Hong Kong. Located amongst all of the prime car showrooms in Wanchai, the 5,800 sq-ft former banking hall posed a number of challenges in its transformation. Windowless, except for the entry, and raised 1.2m above the street, major restructuring was required to create a suitable environment. By removing the existing facade along the two primary sides of the space, maximum exposure for the showroom was created with the interior converted into a large open plan in which cars can be freely arranged for display. Simple materials and detailing, a white colour scheme and the custom designed furniture all contribute to the "Scandinavian" style of the space, all of which supports the presentation of the Volvo lifestyle as promoted by Sweden. "Extra" amenities including an internet corner, coffee bar, glass enclosed meeting rooms and a children's area, all contribute to the sense of this being more than just a car showroom. 客戶Client Taikoo Motors 總承辦商Main Contractor Pat Davie Ltd 設施顧問Services Consultants Ferrier Chan & Partners 鋪地Flooring - Oak mosaic parquet, grey stone, high pressure laminate floor, carpet Louis de Poortere, rubber flooring 外牆External Facade - Clear glass frameless shop front with stainless steel 攝影Photography Andrew Loiterton atelier pacific ltd


volvo showroom


設計師檔案D E S I G N E R’ S PROFILE Name

Projects Awards


ALEXCHOI Design & Partners Ltd Customer Service Section of Mobile Communication World Exhibition Centre of Guangdong Mobile Communication Co Ltd Winner of Commercial category in Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 2001 Honourable Mention of Exhibition/Showflat category in Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 2001

Atelier Pacific Ltd G.O.D. Causeway Bay Store, Hong Kong Louis Vuitton, Shanghai, PRC L'Oreal, Giorgio Armani Comestic, Chater House, Hong Kong Private House, Tuscany, Italy Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation

CL3 Architects Ltd Hong Kong Seibu Lane Crawford, Hangzhou, PRC EDAW Office, Hong Kong The Marco Polo Hotel, Beijing,PRC Cole Haan Stores, Hong Kong & Asia American Institute of Architects HK - Merit Award for Architecture (Project: 2001 for Nike Inspired 1) Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards: Winner Bar/Restaurant category 2000/Winner Corporate category 2000/Winner Hotel category 2002/Winner Corporate category 2002

DPWT Design Ltd IBM Linux Centre Nokia R & D Centre Canon Beijing Headquarter Office, PRC Jones Lang LaSalle Beijing Office, PRC Kerry Logistic Centre, Yantian 1st Prize of HKIA Design competition - Improvement to office accommodation for Wing Shun Street vehicle pound, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong Outstanding Design Prize - Pride of Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade Beautification ,Open Competition by Tourist Commission of Hong Kong Winner of District - D Central Park Design Competition, Chaoyangmenwei Street, Beijing, PRC


EDGE Architects Ltd Luxurtant City, Beijing, PRC New Times Centre, Guangzhou, PRC Karaoke of "Kartheque" at Convention Plaza Limited/Henderson Data Centre Winner, Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 1998, Corporate Category for OFFICE FOR OGILVY & MATHER ASIA PACIFIC, HK Honourable Mention, Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 2000 (Residential Category), (PROJECT: SHOW FLAT AT PALM BEACH, FLAT C, HK) Honourable Mention, Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 2000 (Commercial Category), (PROJECT: SPACE SHOP AT RUTTONJEE CENTRE, HK) 2001: Honourable Mention, ‘Public Housing in the New Era - Shiu Chuen O’ Architectural Design Competition 2002: Winner, Landscape Design for the Second Ring Road West, Beijing

Fitop Design and Contracting Ltd. Del Monte Fresh Produce (Asia-Pacific) Ltd Hitachi Data Systems Ltd Jardine Shipping Services Moody's Asia Pacific Ltd Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd

Herzog & de Meuron Laban Dance Centre Stone House in Tavole, Italy Ricola Warehouse in Laufen, Switzerland Signal Box Auf dem Wolf in Basel, Switzerland Tate Modern in London, UK Deutscher Kritikerpreis (1993) Brunel Award (1995 and 1996) Rolf Schock Prize for the Visual Arts (1999) Max Beckmann Award (1996) Prix Equerre d'Argent (2001)

Homeless Ltd ­­ Mainly furniture and product design Illustration for new HIPS salon interior The Forks Ltd (BBQ park) RSA Travel Award for design new market L.G. Award for future home


IDS Concepts Ltd Pacific Century CyberWorks Ltd New World PCS Ltd Amway Asia Pacific Ltd, Hong Kong Branch Johnson & Johnson (Hong Kong) Ltd SBI E2-Capital China Holdings Ltd

Joseph Sy & Associates Eu Yan Sang Plaza Premium Lounge, Chek Lap Kok Peninsula - Chinese Gourmet Dining, PRC Deluxe Restaurant, PRC Lourve Gallery, Central APIDA Awards, HKDA Awards, CSD Awards, Nashop Lighting Awards

Kingsmen Hong Kong Ltd Burberry at Duty Free Shop Polo at Duty Free Shop Philippe Charriol L'Oreal United Oversea Bank

Kinney Chan & Associates Mayfair Hotel, Shanghai, PRC Belvedere Service Apartment, Shanghai, PRC Golden Bauhinia Restaurant, Hong Kong Convention Centre, Hong Kong Arnhold Showroom Boca Spanish Tapas 2001 APIDA Winner (Restaurant Category)

San Interiors Suzuya, New Town Plaza, Shatin, Hong Kong Cozzi, Park Lane & Festival Walk, Hong Kong Kookai, Harbour City & City Citic Plaza, Hong Kong


siDE Ltd CTWCM Advertising Firm, Central, Hong Kong Le Manege, Central, Hong Kong Wanilu Play Ltd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Renovation works for Shantou University Dormitories, Shantou, PRC Renovation works for G.O.D. Ltd, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong

Space International Inc Kitson, Beverly Hills, CA, USA Cynthia Leight Opticians, Beverly Hills, CA, USA Japanese Weekend, USA Noevir, USA IIDA Will Ching Award, 2003 DuPont Benedictus, Honorable Mention, 2003

Tint Concepts Limited Escada Escada Sport The Body Shop

Wallflower Architecture + Design Balaclava, Suntec City Mall, Singapore Shiro (Japanese Restaurant, Greenwood Avenue, Singapore Olio Dome Restaurant, Wheelock Place, Singapore Balaclava - Singapore Institute of Architect / ICI - Gold - Interior Category - 2002. Balaclava - Singapore Institute of Architect / ICI - Interior Category - 2003.

Wongchoy Ltd The new Wrangler Retail Outlets, major cities in greater China On Pedder Shoes, Gateway II, Hong Kong Golden Village Mongkok Multiplex, 8 screens, Hong Kong Golden Village Hollywood Multiplex, 6 screens, Hong Kong Ownhouses on Oxford Road, Hong Kong Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards - Commercial Category 2001 Hong Kong Designers Association Award 1998



Company Arco Design Consultant Ltd Atelier Pacific Ltd Atelier Pacific Ltd Axiom Oval Ltd Axiom Oval Ltd Axiom Oval Ltd Bvlgari in-house architects Chopsticks Design Workshop Curiosity Inc Dickon Yewn Environetics Design Group Int l Inc F.C.S Interior Design & Construction Co Giorgio Armani, Claudio Silvestrin Giorgio Armani, Massimiliano & Doriana Fuksas Giorgio Armani, Massimilliano, Doriana Fuksas Giorgio Armani & Gabellini Associates HAK Studio I.T. in-house project design team I.T. Interiors James Law Cybertecture International JFC International Ltd Jun Aoki, Eric Carlson and David MacNulty Keith To Architects Ltd Lui Design Ltd Marti Guixe (New York flagship store), Song Yih (Hong Kong store) Michael J Design Ltd Michaelchan Architects and Interiors Ltd Oval Partnership Rena Duma Architecture Interieure San Interiors Sauerbruch Hutton Architects Sky Workshop STUDIOS Architecture Takenaka Corporation Team 7 International Thomas Chan Design Ltd Tommy Li Design Workshop

The index provides readers with more retails and showroom projects featured in previous issues of SPACE.

Project FCK-Fashion Community Kitterick GRAHAM 32 G.O.D. I.T. Shop I.T. Shop Bvlgari Flagship Store Optometric Centre Issey Miyake Stores Life of Circle AURORA s Office Furniture Showroom Samsung Cyber Garden and Samsung Anycall Giorgio Armani/ Chater House Armani Lifestyle Emporio Armani/Chater House Emporio Armani Store Vivienne Westwood Store I.T. Shanghai Baboon PCCW Intelligent Multimedia Cybertecture Store - Version One KOT Asia Ltd Louis Vuitton on Omotesando Avenue Porsche Showroom Tse New York Flagship Boutique Camper 555 Flagship Shop Space Showroom Town Gas Avenue Shop Hermes Boutique Exception Zumtobel Staff Showroom / Zumtobel O-O Optical Shop Compaq Computer s European VIP Marketing Centre LCX Mercedes Benz Showroom Ligne Rosei Queen s Konditorei

Month Jan-02 Jan-01 Sep-01 Jun-00 Sep-01 Apr-01 Jan-03 Apr-02 Dec-02 May-03 Dec-00 Feb-02 Dec-02 Jan-03 Dec-02 Jan-02 Dec-02 Dec-02 Apr-01 Jan-03 Aug-00 Dec-02 Mar-00 Apr-01 Dec-02 Aug-00 Mar-00 Aug-02 Apr-01 Dec-02 Oct-00 Apr-02 Jan-00 Dec-02 Feb-03 Mar-01 Mar-00

Issue 37 25 33 18 33 28 49 40 48 53 24 38 48 49 48 37 48 48 28 49 20 48 15 28 48 20 15 44 28 48 22 40 13 48 50 27 15

Pages 92-99 44-49 70-75 62-67 54-59 40-45 52-57 68-71 52-59 69-73 76-83 79-82 36-41 58-65 42-45 84-91 80-81 46-51 54-56 90-95 66-69 60-65 66-71 48-51 66-71 70-73 54-58 90-95 52-53 72-75 54-57 72-75 54-57 76-79 48-53 52-59 72-75


Project 555 Flagship Shop Armani Lifestyle AURORA s Office Furniture Showroom Baboon Bvlgari Flagship Store Camper Compaq Computer s European VIP Marketing Centre Emporio Armani Store Emporio Armani/Chater House Exception FCK-Fashion Community Kitterick G.O.D. Giorgio Armani/ Chater House GRAHAM 32 Hermes Boutique I.T. Shanghai I.T. Shop I.T. Shop Issey Miyake Stores KOT Asia Ltd LCX Life of Circle Ligne Rosei Louis Vuitton on Omotesando Avenue Mercedes Benz Showroom O-O Optical Shop Optometric Centre PCCW Intelligent Multimedia Cybertecture Store - Version One Porsche Showroom Queen s Konditorei Samsung Cyber Garden and Samsung Anycall Space Showroom Town Gas Avenue Shop Tse New York Flagship Boutique Vivienne Westwood Store Zumtobel Staff Showroom / Zumtobel

Company Michael J Design Ltd Giorgio Armani, Massimiliano & Doriana Fuksas Environetics Design Group International Inc I.T. Interiors Bvlgari in-house architects Marti Guixe (New York flagship store), Song Yih (Hong Kong store) STUDIOS Architecture Giorgio Armani & Gabellini Associates Giorgio Armani, Massimilliano, Doriana Fuksas San Interiors Arco Design Consultant Ltd Atelier Pacific Ltd Giorgio Armani, Claudio Silvestrin Atelier Pacific Ltd Rena Duma Architecture Interieure Axiom Oval Ltd I.T. in-house project design team Axiom Oval Ltd Axiom Oval Ltd Curiosity Inc JFC International Ltd Takenaka Corporation Dickon Yewn Thomas Chan Design Ltd Jun Aoki, Eric Carlson and David MacNulty Team 7 International Sky Workshop Chopsticks Design Workshop James Law Cybertecture International Keith To Architects Ltd Tommy Li Design Workshop F.C.S Interior Design & Construction Co Michaelchan Architects and Interiors Ltd Oval Partnership Lui Design Ltd HAK Studio Sauerbruch Hutton Architects

Month Aug-00 Jan-03 Dec-00 Apr-01 Jan-03 Dec-02 Jan-00 Jan-02 Dec-02 Dec-02 Jan-02 Sep-01 Dec-02 Jan-01 Apr-01 Jun-00 Dec-02 Sep-01 Apr-01 Dec-02 Aug-00 Dec-02 May-03 Mar-01 Dec-02 Feb-03 Apr-02 Apr-02 Jan-03 Mar-00 Mar-00 Feb-02 Mar-00 Aug-02 Apr-01 Dec-02 Oct-00

Issue 20 49 24 28 49 48 13 37 48 48 37 33 48 25 28 18 48 33 28 48 20 48 53 27 48 50 40 40 49 15 15 38 15 44 28 48 22

Pages 70-73 58-65 76-83 54-56 52-57 66-71 54-57 84-91 42-45 72-75 92-99 70-75 36-41 44-49 52-53 62-67 46-51 54-59 40-45 52-59 66-69 76-79 69-73 52-59 60-65 48-53 72-75 68-71 90-95 66-71 72-75 79-82 54-58 90-95 48-51 80-81 54-57

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