Asia Pacific Landscape Design

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irrigation and serves an important


community and cultural focus. The lake


The design approach for The Bridges

was designed to be the central focal

was premised on creating a sustainable

point for the village which required

landscape with a balance of both 'soft'

careful planning of view lines. !"#$%&'()*+,


providing immediate appeal, through the

treatments was essentially kept simple


hard elements, whilst also allowing for

in form. These comprised broad lawn


it to develop over a period of time,

areas, detailed paving treatments and


through the planting. An additional

a sparing use of shrubbery to soften the

benefit in this approach was the

harder edges and interfaces. Stabilised

reduced requirement for heavy

rammed earth retaining walls have been


expenditure on mature plants.

used to emphasise the level changes

and thereby make a clear definition


creation of a new lake. This lake was


formed by excavating the site to expose


the shallow ground water table. Spoil

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from this operation was used to fill in the


residential allotments providing


additional topographic variety and


of important landscape elements, most notably the bridges - which inspired the name for the village. This lake is an example of the creative use of the physical constraints of the site. There was a need identified in the regional drainage plan for a stormwater retention basin within the village. The lake was thus designed to contribute to the management of stormwater quantity, quality and ground water level Type




Lakeside landscape master plan !"#$%

Blackwell & Associates Pty Ltd

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between private and public land.

the opportunity to introduce a number



interest. The lake setting also provided




The balance of the landscape

The sub-division was based around the

D e s i g n a n d C o m p l e t i o n D a t e


approach had the advantage of

and 'hard' landscape elements. This



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