Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 10 VOL 3

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truths revealed about VIDEO GAMES

HELP I want to read the Bible but...

fruitful & multiply child of God, stay away from




what is a christian rehab + IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD & Don't be Dissuaded BUT Fully Persuaded

VISION Romans 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture],“They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”

MISSION 1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].


MINISTER MONICA I am a Christian Influencer who encourages, motivates and equips others through the Word of God.



servants of God, lover of Jesus Christ , parents , grandparents and soul harvesters.

I am an energetic free spirit that loves life. In my spare time i love to do puzzles.




servant of God, businessman, father and husband. I love making people laugh! and traveling.

Author of Manna Daily Devotions book. The founder and overseer of Seobi Ministries International in Vereeniging, South Africa

married to one wife, Tiyiselani. I enjoy cooking and learning new stuff. I'm mostly passionate about serving God




Honored to serve. Ordained Minister, founder of Radiant Woman International, and Author of DISTORTED.

i am a loving husband and father of two. I love studying the Word of God.

Family Life Enthusiast, Author and Convener of Signature family building workshops|




Chef, wife , mother , Pastor, transformational Speaker and Relationship coach.

I'm philanthropist, author, public speaker, businesswoman, and an artistic person. Gracefully set apart and anointed by Him as a Prophetess.



Preacher of the Gospel in all forms and ways Business Analyst Spoken Word Artist Health enthusiast!

A qualified attorney with her Masters in Business Law, and woman of faith! ! Author of books titled :‘A SHEPHERD KING’ and AWAY FROM YESTERDAY all available on Amazon.



An intercessor, worshiper and student. A lover of beauty, fashion and Christian apologetics.

Completed her Degree in BCom Accounting and is currently studying Post Grad in Financial Accounting.

DR ANDRÉ & JENNY ROEBERT pastors , parents, lovers of Jesus Christ and His Word. Founders of Faith Tv

CRYSTELDA NAIDOO An avid nerd and an unapologetic dreamer from Durban, South Africa. Has launched a Christian lifestyle blog - Selah Blogger.

TSHOLOFELO MAHLATSI obtained her LLB degree from the North West University- She has since been admitted as an attorney of the High Court.




We at Beauty & The Gospel are big on Master Jesus,the Christian lifestyle and spreading the Gospel Of Jesus Christ. We cannot do it alone. We believe we are all gifted with different gifts by our God. We would love to have you on board . Whether it be Design, Reviews, Finance , Mental Health , Business, Rehabilitation, cooking etc.


Beauty & The Gospel


EXCLUSIVE An unapologetic woman of God, living in her calling and positioned for greatness. The founder of a dynamic and influential international organisation, Young & Spiritually Inspired.

TAKE HIM OUT THE BOX do you know He is a limitless God A SERVANT'S HEART 7 laps 7 lessons


editor's note Your majesty PURITY OF HEART Psalm 86:11-12 NLT 11 Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you. This beloved has to be one of my favourite Psalms. Lately the condition of my heart has been something I find myself pondering upon. After all, the things of life come from the heart. Can you just for a minute imagine having a pure heart, not only will it benefit you, but most definitely those around you and above all it honours the Lord, cummon now (praise break). For me it portrays the heart of the Father which we get to learn and experience on a daily basis which has no hidden motives or agendas BUT PURELY, PURE.. Remember when we look at Jeremiah 17 v 9, it explains in detail about the human heart. But David in this Psalm says: I will not be comfortable with this heart condition, but Lord grant me purity of heart. This too can be your heart’s cry, Purity of heart.

tsakani mhlongo editor-in-chief Photo by @kwaledi_photography Styled by @vintage__vybz

IT’s always and honor to work on this magazine for the Body of Christ and glory for my King. Write us your comments and thoughts to our email: it might just be printed! If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now, till next time, you’re loved by Him and I.


Thoughts Under Control by Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert "Hebrews 12:14 (TPT): "In every relationship, be swift to choose peace over competition, and run swiftly toward holiness, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord."

Weeds of discontent are eagerly waiting to sprout up in the garden of any ignorant believer's heart. When disappointment is allowed the slightest chance to germinate, it can quickly overrun the entire garden of your heart. It will sabotage the growth of any seed that was intentionally planted there. That's why the Word warns us to be vigilant and constantly on the lookout for any nurtured offence. Unforgiveness will case a root of bitterness to take a hold and torments us, and it defiles anyone who keeps company with us (Hebrews 12:15). Be careful to keep your heart full of the truth of God's Word. Be ever watchful over your thoughts. Like a careful gardener, identify and bring into submission any thought that tries to exalt itself above the knowledge of God. This process of examining and weeding out toxic thoughts ensures a pure and sincere lifestyle that's pleasing to the Lord. What's more, disciplining your thought life will bring the reward of seeing the Lord manifest Himself in every area of your life.

VOL. 10| NOVEMBER 2020


Churches Urged To Join Global Prayers For Persecuted Christians



A Christian aid group urged churches Wednesday to join the November 3 ‘International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church’ amid “genocide” and other attacks faced by believers. In remarks obtained by Worthy News, CFI stressed that Nigeria, militant Islamists, are conducting a “pure genocide” against Christians. “And in Egypt, Christian young women are abducted by Islamists, forcibly converted, and ‘married’ to Muslims to separate them from their families and faith.” In Asia, in Communist-run China, “pastors are jailed, churches destroyed and children banned from churches, CFI added. Besides, “pictures of Jesus in homes and churches are replaced with images of China’s rulers,” the group said. Even in the former British colony Hong Kong, “Christians face crushing threats from China’s oppressive regime,” it added. “We pray year-round for persecuted Christians, but this provides one day for churches to focus their whole service to inviting God’s powerful intervention,” said Wendy Wright, president of Christian Freedom International.

Where Bible Meets Innovation – Solving Hunger With Biblical Protein From Locusts New Global Mercy To Set Sail To Africa In 2021 DISCLAIMER B&TG NEWS is a Christian news segment that shares pre-published articles by writers around the world. Each article is sourced and linked to the origin, and each article is credited with the author’s name. We do not exclusively create our own content. Any views or opinions presented on this segment are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Beauty & The Gospel.

Atheism also grows on the other side of the Mediterranean Source:

The population that identifies as nonreligious has grown by about 10% in Morocco, a survey says. Disillusionment and a waning trust in religious leaders are among the main reasons. The loss of the importance of religion in the life of society is not only a reality that affects countries with a Christian tradition in Central and Western Europe. On the other side of the Mediterranean, in some North African countries with large Muslim majorities, the population that now identifies as non-religious has also grown. Morocco, a country where Islam is the official state religion and the king is considered as the "Commander of the faith", has seen how “close to 15% of the population identify as not religious, an increase from under 5% in 2013”, according to a report conducted for the BBC by the research group Arab Barometer.

Where Bible Meets Innovation – Solving Hunger With Biblical Protein From Locusts Source:

Six years ago, Dror Tamir, a serial entrepreneur for food and nutrition for over 15 years, decided to create a food source that would help with the looming threat of world hunger. For inspiration, he turned to the stories his grandparents told him of life on a kibbutz in the early days of Israel. Food was scarce and swarming locusts represented a lifethreatening catastrophe. The kibbutzniks would go into the fields, trying to scare the swarms away with pots and pans. But some people would come with sacks to collect and eat them. The consumption of these locusts was mostly done Yemenite, Moroccan, and Tunisian Jews who recently arrived in Israel.

They currently have three products for sale: whole grasshoppers freezedried, protein powder, and protein bars. But the possibilities are as endless as the human appetite. They are developing an assortment of locust-based products including protein powder, protein-enriched meats, nectars, chocolate, energy bars and so much more. Their lines of gummy bears and hot dogs were sold out.

The New Testament Reference Christians have already shown great enthusiasm for the product, perhaps due to the New Testament account that John the Baptist, an itinerant preacher in the early First Century CE who figured prominently in early Christianity, ate locusts dipped in honey.

Thousands of Panamanian evangelicals march to defend heterosexual marriage Source:

Thousands of people took the streets of Panama, asking the Supreme Court of Justice to rule in favor of the traditional family in the face of some lawsuits filed by homosexual couples seeking “recognition of their union”. Evangelical leaders supported the march and encouraged the participation of fellow believers. Some of them spoke during the event. Catholic and civic organisation leaders also joined the march.

With Panamanian flags and wearing masks, thousands of protesters defending the family “sent the judges a loud, clear and strong”, Delgado said.

“Panamanians do not believe in another marriage formula that is not a man and a woman”, José Luis Delgado, President of the National Committee for the Family of Panama, told the news agency EFE.

Delgado recalled that Panama “guarantees and gives protection to marriage between a man and a woman, because it is the only way to guarantee that there will be new citizens”.

We are here so that the magistrates, once and for all, after almost 4 years, rule in favor of the constitutionality of article 26 of the Family Code, which says that marriage is between men and women”, he stressed.

Christian Siblings In Uganda Abducted And Sold To Witchdoctor Source:

According to Morning Star News, Sulaiman Pulisi, a former Imam in eastern Uganda, became a Source: Christian in 2017 and led his two young children to Christ. In July 2018, Pulisi’s son, Abdulmajidu, then age 11, and daughter, then age 13, disappeared from their home in eastern Uganda.

New Global Mercy To Set Sail To Africa In 2021 Source:

Mercy Ships is constructing the world’s largest nongovernmental organization (NGO) hospital ship. She will sail to Africa in late 2021 and will more than double the ministry’s impact through volunteers and services. When beginning operation, Global Mercy will be the world’s largest NGO hospital ship. Mercy Ships, a faith-based global organization powered by charitable donors and volunteers, has been providing world-class surgical care to those in need for more than 40 years, free of charge. “The Global Mercy will be a true modern marvel—a fully custombuilt hospital ship with customized instruments, stateof-the-art technology and highlytrained talent of a modern hospital,” said Rosa Whitaker, president of Mercy Ships.

“It also represents a unique call to action for anyone called to serve, and it presents the opportunity for people to use their skill set to positively impact global health care.” Global Mercy will join the current flagship Africa Mercy, which was acquired in 1999 and refurbished for Mercy Ships missions. According to the Lancet Global Surgery 2030 Report, about 16.9 million people die yearly due to lack of access to surgical care. Over 93% of the population of subSaharan Africa does not have access to safe and timely surgery. Global Mercy will deliver a safe and clean environment to various African nations, providing help and resources from some of the most well-trained physicians in the world. Over the vessel’s 50-year expected lifespan, it is estimated that more than 150,000 lives will be changed onboard through surgery alone.

Morning Star News reports that on September 16, police rescued Pulisi’s daughter from a wellknown witchdoctor named Isifu Abdullah, known for human sacrifices. Abdullah reportedly took the daughter as his wife. Her brother, Abdulmajidu, was not found by police and it is feared that he may have been killed in a ritual sacrifice “We are mourning for our son who is alleged to have been sacrificed,” Pulisi told Morning Star News. “We are mourning with my daughter, who has been used as a sex object by the Muslim shaman.” A local shopkeeper told Morning Star News, “A radical Muslim woman called Sania Muhammad [from the same village as the Pulisi family] had connections with Muslim men [and] used to look for children of converts from Islam and sell them to this particular Muslim witchdoctor.” According to an Australian news outlet, Abdullah is one of many witchdoctors who are known to do human sacrifice using children’s blood, tissue, or organs in the belief that they will bring protection or good fortune.





In Israel’s Dead Sea nothing lives. The fresh, clean water from the Jordan River runs into it, but the water never leaves. The water becomes stagnant, lifeless, and useless. Far too many Christians are like the Dead Sea—they absorb all the love of our merciful Savior but never give out. Faith without works is dead faith—stagnant, lifeless, and useless.

Behold, bless the LORD, All you servants of the LORD, . . . Praise the name of the LORD; Praise Him, O you servants of the LORD! (Ps. 134:1; 135:1)

We need to take an inventory of our service to the Lord by asking these questions: If everyone gave as I give, what would this church be?

If everyone prayed as I pray, how would God’s kingdom be blessed? If everyone attended church as I attend, how would Believers grow spiritually? If everyone served as I serve, what would this church be? The answer for some of us would point to a stagnant, lifeless, loveless church that is good for nothing. The person who lives for self also dies the same way—alone. It is easy to be selfish if you can get along without family and friends. We hear selfcenteredness in our speech: my house, my feeling, my desires, my future, my goals, and my church. The measure of a man’s greatness is not in the number of servants he has, but in the number of people he serves (see Matt. 20:26, 27; 23:11). The successful man is not the one who walks over others to get his way. Instead, the man is successful who helps others attain success in their endeavors.

His service drove Him to Samaria to minister to the social outcast. His service caused Him to touch the rotting flesh of lepers. His service stopped a funeral procession to raise the widow’s son back to life. Service can be done anywhere and anytime. But it is to be done for the glory of God before men, “that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). ARISE, SERVANTS OF GOD!

A Believer without service is a tree without fruit or a well without water. The church without service is an empty shell. Today’s church is obsessed with attracting the “right people.” Anyone who is lost or hurting is the right person. Anyone. God’s house should be a beehive of workers or the headquarters for an army of spiritual warriors. Our impact in the world would be great if everyone in our churches volunteered just a few hours of time to help the sick, reach the lost, minister to those in prison, or comfort the bereaved.


The serving Savior gave us numerous examples of where, what, when and why.

John Hagee


CHILD OF GOD , STAY AWAY FROM HOLLYWOOD by: Hollywood is more than a city in California.

industry, much of the entertainment

The word Hollywood has become

produced there is completely secular. Many

synonymous with glitz and glamor, as well

movies promote lavish materialism,

as the extravagant lifestyles and hedonistic

adultery, sensuality, self-worship,

philosophies of movie stars and celebrities.

homosexuality, nudity, and idolatry. Some

Love it or hate it, Hollywood exerts a vast

Hollywood movies exhibit a blatant anti-

influence on popular culture in the West

God bias. The lust of the flesh, the lust of

and around the world.

the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16) abound in the movies Hollywood produces.

We often use the term Hollywood to refer

Going to the theatre can be a dangerous

to anything pertaining to the entertainment

proposition for believers who wish to keep

industry, even though other cities such as

their minds pure. Should Christians boycott

New York and Nashville contribute to it

Hollywood? Should they be unthinking

also. Although there are many Christians

consumers of whatever entertainment

living in Hollywood and working in the film-

comes out? Or should they find a middle path?

Beauty & The Gospel



In forming a response to Hollywood, there

Entertainment can help unify a family on

are several questions to consider:

vacation, give teenagers something healthy to do, and bring enjoyment in stressful

1. What, exactly, so attracts us to Hollywood?


Part of Hollywood’s appeal is the covetousness it champions. From every

But in prosperous cultures entertainment

newsstand and television set, we are told that

has become an addiction. Entertainment for

we should want what the celebrities have.

its own sake steals time, money, and

Headlines such as “America Wants to Know!”

mental energy that could be spent on more

or “The Life Every Woman Dreams Of” scream

worthwhile pursuits. The world’s appetite

at us from checkout lines, planting the

for entertainment is Hollywood’s lifeblood.

message that we cannot possibly be content

Hollywood could not sustain itself without

if we are not following celebrities. Millions of

the public’s hunger for more. As with any

the discontent gobble it up and, in their

addiction, the craving for greater thrills

attempt to live like their idols, become

increases, and that’s why the public

indebted, anorexic, or promiscuous.

demands spectacles that are bigger, louder,

Hollywood is in the business of creating idols

more exciting, more beautiful, and more

and foisting them upon us whether we want

sensual. The lust for entertainment can

them or not.

replace the joy of the Lord until time with God is seen as an interruption in the

God has strong words for the sin of

pursuit of pleasure. At that point,

covetousness. He included it in His Top Ten

entertainment has replaced God as our

List (Exodus 20:17). Jesus said, “Watch out! Be

supreme delight and has become an idol

on your guard against all kinds of greed; life

(Exodus 20:3; 34:14; Jeremiah 2:13).

does not consist in an abundance of possessions” (Luke 12:15). Covetousness is a

Entertainment is also wrong when we allow

thief that steals joy, peace, and contentment

ourselves to be captivated by things that

—qualities God wants His children to have in

displease the Lord (Romans 1:32). When we

abundance (Galatians 5:22; 1 Timothy 6:6).

excuse a movie’s sex scenes with “It had a

For a Christian to become enamored with the

good message” or become fans of openly

lavish lifestyles of the rich and famous is to

immoral entertainers, we are crossing a

break God’s tenth commandment and forfeit

line. We are allowing Hollywood rather than

the contentment He wants us to develop.

God’s Word to define our values. When making entertainment choices, one good

2. Why is Hollywood so influential? Aside

question to ask is “If Jesus was coming to

from the materialism it wallows in, Hollywood

spend the weekend with me, would I be

has come to represent the great American

happy to share this with Him?” Would He

fascination with entertainment.

approve of the movie? reality show? new

Entertainment is an idol that has crept quietly

CD? Would He buy a People magazine and

through the back door of Western

feast on the stories of mate-swapping and

Christianity. It goes mostly unnoticed as a

infidelity? Would He applaud the sensual

threat because it does not wear the mask of

dancers on the stage? If He would not, then

evil. Entertainment itself is neutral. We use it

why do we?

to distract crying babies, quiet restless children, and relax weary workers.

Beauty & The Gospel



3. Do we excuse language and behavior in

false testimony, slander” (Matthew 15:19).

movies and television shows that we would

When our minds have entertained that

never endorse if it was done in our homes? If

which God calls evil, our thought life and

we willingly sit through acts of violence,

eventually our actions will be affected.

immorality, profanity, and anti-Christian

Proverbs 13:20 says, “Walk with the wise

themes without it bothering us, then perhaps

and become wise, for a companion of fools

we have allowed the values of Hollywood to

suffers harm.”

invade our lives. When we can fill our minds with vulgarities on Saturday night, yet show

How we spend our time eventually defines

up for worship on Sunday morning with no

us. If Hollywood is not reflecting the values

awareness of the inconsistency, we have

we claim to cherish, then we must be

fallen victim to the lure of the Hollywood god.

careful how much time we spend with it. To honor God, we must compare the values coming out of Hollywood to the unchanging

Philippians 4:8 instructs us about our

standard of Scripture. Then we must “hate

thought life: “Finally, brothers, whatever is

what is evil; cling to what is good” (Romans

true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just,

12:9). Hollywood flaunts what God

whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,

despises. Why do we suppose God is

whatever is commendable, if there is any

indifferent when a culture clamors for

excellence, if there is anything worthy of

depictions of sin? As Christians, we are to

praise, think about these things” (ESV). Jesus

seek after God and His righteousness

said, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts

(Matthew 6:33). If any form of

—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft,

entertainment does not support that goal, our response must be to reject it.

Beauty & The Gospel





An unapologetic woman of God, living in her calling and positioned for greatness. The founder of a dynamic and influential international organisation, Young & Spiritually Inspired. Q. Firstly, who is Jesus Christ to you? A. Jesus Christ, is my best friend literally. I speak to Him as the dearest friend. I have deep conversations with Him. He is my Father, He is my advocate most importantly He is the sacrifice I needed so I could make the difference in the world. Q. How and when did you get Born Again? A. I got baptized on the 4th of July 2017, that's when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and hope everyone makes that stand. Jesus is coming soon! Q. What do you wish you were told about your journey with King Jesus? A. I think for me, I've been privileged, highly favoured to have very transparent parents who spoke about the truth about being in Christ and also seeing close examples with family members who've left following Christ and

seeing how that would not be a way for me. For someone who doesn't not have a string background of a Christian as a sister I would say find your rhythm, make Him your first prioritY. Falling into sin doesn't mean you've fallen out of the grace of God. Repent, confess and walk in the light again. Q. You are the founder and CEO of a powerful organization “Young and Spiritually Inspired�. Share with us how it all started including the name? A. Well do we have the whole day, (giggles) but in a brief narration. Young and Spiritually Inspired was birthed in my darkest depressed moments. I left high school thinking I would follow the norm academically yet my purpose was curved through my past. I could not further my studies. I then was called to speak about my past and God started to formulate this seed in me. I've always had a way with words and speaking to a people and not through them. It was first hard to accept because I felt like God let me down yet I just did it anyway yet the conviction came when I started to see people's lives being transformed.


I wanted every young person to have a seat at God's table. I started a Facebook page in 2011 just to share God I was "listening" but with purpose for people to be part of the walk you need to own your calling not half-hearted. God requires excellence. The name to this day is a mystery but I think it came through the still moments I had with God when I would write. Q. Did you ever think it would be a powerful brand that it is today? A. I would have never imagined that it would grow into one of the most influential Christian organizations locally and internationally. I get so humbled continuously at the growth, I'm a very reserved person. Everyday till today, I am learning how to own it and that keeps me grounded. Q. What’s your desire when it comes to this organization? A. The goal that God yearns to see through Young and Spiritually Inspired is that it be one of thee biggest movements in Africa. To have world class content and events in the name of Jesus. Every young person should be proud, unashamed to be a believer-

and to those who feel undeserving to find a place they call home, we want to build a successful Christian Store and partnerships with churches abroad. To mentor young girls and have YSI AMBASSADORS all over the world. Q. How important is it to start with whatever one has (even if it’s “nothing” regarding the God given desire? A. Everything in our lives is commanded by two powers, the Divine power and the Devils and you choose who to be governed by so every intricate detail of your life as a child of God is Divine. How do you start? You start with prayer and fasting making sure if this is the will of God in your life, never walk out of the will of the I AM. When executing my personal goals, I write down, what's my why, who's my target, what message do I want people to get. I also get counsel not validation from those ahead the only validation you need is God. Q. You are also passionate about uplifting the youth and women, giving them a holistic approach to life’s challenges. Where does this passion stem from and how you desire to do that?


A. I've got a very empathic character and through that I love seeing people whole and healed. If I can just touch one soul or more it makes me fulfilled in a world where people want to look down on people based on their past. It's easy to gossip and leave people broken yet if you are a true believer when you think of the grace of God upon your life daily, every hour this cannot be your portion. Our highest calling should be uplifting each other. Q. As a faith influencer, how do you maintain your godly standards without conforming to the trends, customs and behaviors of this world? A. The greatest sermon ever preached is the one that is lived, I don't maintain, I make it a lifestyle. I actively decide and do it. When you maintain Godly standards, they will seem as a chore. Have boundaries that you will commit to, read the Bible and walk in the light. So, with all the convictions that you will have always action them in faith. Q. You’ve recently launched a podcast called “Inspired Talks”. What inspired you to start this podcast and how has the feedback inspired you to do more?

A. The podcast is to let people be inspired by life story and experience. I believe that many people knew me through my organization yet not Bulelwa personally, so this is letting people into my life and helping them heal through their own pain and traumas. This is literally me inviting people in so that they may see possibility through my testimony. Q. What do you wish to impart to the listeners? A. Everyone should feel whole and start their healing process. I want them to know healing is their responsibility, everything that happened should never pause your destiny. Q. Maybe we are dreaming or something but we see you publishing a book/ books. Are there any future plans of writing a book? A. Truth is, for years people have been asking me to publish a book, and I know that I have so much to share in depth about my life testimony. When God verifies that season in my life it shall be so, for now I'm obeying what He has assigned now. Q.What do you desire women your generation and younger learn from you?


A. Every woman should know that Jesus is the Answer. Everything that you need is found in the Bible and prayer. A woman of significance is directed by Divinity. Never disposition who you are to fit in a façade of a lifestyle that God has not called you into. Own your calling and stay in your lane. Choose the right Divine Connections which are friends, don't rush into the dating space, build your life and succeed. Q. Being adopted, would you say this has propelled you to look and approach life and people differently, purposefully? A. Absolutely, I speak about this on the first episode of my podcast broken pieces. I was more intentional. I think once you understand what God has done in your life you are more purposeful and fuller of Grace. It's important to ask God what direction should you take. I think for years many people didn't understand why I move the way I did, but as my testimony unfolded it made sense. I remember a season in my life asking myself why don't I fit in the friendship spaces, it hurt so much yet now I realize I would have never been where I am because of trying to appease-

friends. When there's a mission in your life God will take you through uncomfortable situations so that He places you where you need to be. Q. You’ve made deliberate choices one of them being fully in the presence of God and rising above the "norms” of an adopted child. Take us deeper into this? A. One of the very deliberate choices was breaking a generational curse. I knew my biological parents might have had a dysfunctional relationship, and also said I wouldn't have sex outside marriage because the enemy would use that as an opportunity to continue the curses. You need to stop and make a deep introspective analysis over your life and where you want to go and where God is leading. Many of us are anointed but the enemy has kept us in cycles of sin. Also, with the relationships I get into, I take time because I know what I'm trying to break in my life and I need someone who won't help me continue it but help break the cycles. I am a woman whose on assignment, so everything that is not part of the will of God is removed.


I am one to pray, prayers of audacity where I ask God to remove things and people from my life. Q. Would you adopt? A. ABSOLUTELY, ABSOLUTELLLLY! By God's grace the vision I have, I pray it pulls through. Q. As an unapologetic woman of God, how has this shaped your life? A. I think it's a beautiful thing to stand boldly for being a child of God. Q. On the top of your head what’s that one sacrifice that you've had to make and you’re grateful you did? A. I had to let go of friendship I idolized and interesting enough that friendship broke before my ministry started. God knew. Q. If King Jesus were to visit you for one day. What would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? A. I would say thank you for choosing me to represent Who you are on this earth. I would spend it in ministry. I would ask Him to show me how to truly me a minister of God.

Q. What’s your life's greatest mission? A. To use my words to heal as my personal slogan says: “I use words to Heal”. Q. When people hear the name Bulelwa Mpinda, what do you want them to know? A. That she lived a life that was purposeful and that she helped many find strength in God not themselves. I want many people to say I learnt to love myself better and not judge myself harshly. Q. Message to the Church regarding these end times? A. That our highest calling at this time is to spread the Word and stop playing church, Jesus is coming. To pastors, you can be anointed by church and denied in heaven, stop using your position to lure woman in your beds.

'' I use words to heal"

bulelwa mpinda @bulelwa.mpinda

BY THE WAY.... Legacy is....... Building the kingdom of God


On the weekends you’ll find me … at home, I'm a home body

Can’t live without......God and tea⠀ Favorite hero of Faith.....Moses, currently reading the book of Exodus and I love Moses faith in God In my bag you’ll find...eye contact case, mask, sanitizer, pen, lip glosses and phone What you don’t know about me is … I use too play the guitar⠀ 2020 taught me.........that everything is temporary. Live life with meaning. Health is wealth.



You Are Loved The couple looked familiar to me as I saw them approaching, smiling, pushing a stroller toward me, but I couldn’t place their names. It was the annual summer meeting of my denomination, so I was used to renewing old -

acquaintances from all over the country. The husband was the first to speak, and he told me that he and his wife had met with me about adoption a few years earlier when they were students at the seminary I served.

They wanted me to see the little boy they had adopted, from a former Soviet state. I knelt down to talk with the little fellow as he shyly curled back in his seat. The little boy had beautiful olive skin coloring, looked as though he had Arabic or perhaps Persian roots, and-


had cute little chubby cheeks. As I played peekaboo with the little boy, I asked the parents if they’d had any trouble with bureaucracy along the way

How could a judge sit in his chair and deem that lovable child to be unworthy of love simply because of the shade of his skin?

.“The only problem we had was with the judge,” the wife said. “The judge thought there was some mistake that we’d want this child because he’s dark skinned. The judge said no one would want a child like that and that there were plenty of light-skinned babies available. He just couldn’t believe that we would want him and almost treated us as though we were up to something shady because we did.”

And then I remembered that my denomination, in whose deliberations I then sat, was formed in a dispute with other American Christians over the slavery of other human beings because of the color of their skin. And my people had been on the slaveholders’ side. Previous generations of preachers just like me (indeed probably some related to me) had argued that some children were unworthy of freedom because of the shade of their skin. My own ancestors had seen to it that children of a darker skin than themselves were made orphans. As the resolutions flew around the convention hall about “the sanctity of marriage,” I realized that previous generations of preachers in this very same context had propped up a system in which parents couldn’t marry legally because that would make it more difficult to sell them individually when necessary.

I wasn’t expecting that, and as I stroked this little boy’s cheek, those words struck me: “No one would ever want a child like that.” I picked him up from his stroller and hugged him, hoping I wouldn’t start crying in front of my denominational peers walking up and down the corridor of the convention hall. “You’re loved and wanted,” I told him. “Isn’t that great?” After I finished the conversation with the family and went back to the relative inanity of voting on resolutions and motions on the convention floor, I couldn’t get the horror of that situation off my mind. How could a judge sit in his chair and deem that lovable child to be unworthy of love simply because of the shade of his skin? What kind of backward Philistines were they dealing with in that courtroom?

A similar story could be told a billion times over in virtually every human society throughout history. There seems to be an orphanmaking urge among us, whether we see it in the slave culture of centuries past or the divorce culture of today. But where does it come from?

Satan’s Rage Against Christ and Children It’s not just impersonal economic and sociological factors at work. “The course of this world” is driven along by “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2). Jesus showed his disciple John what the story behind the story is. It’s the picture of a woman giving birth to “a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron” (Rev. 12:5). Crouching before this woman’s birth canal is a dragon, the Serpent of old, who seeks to “devour” the baby (Rev. 12:4). That dragon then “became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring” (Rev. 12:17) and has done so ever since. The demonic powers hate babies because they hate Jesus. When they destroy “the least of these” (Matt. 25:40, 45), the most vulnerable among us, they’re destroying a picture of Jesus himself, of the child delivered by the woman who crushes their head (Gen. 3:15). They know the human race is saved—and they’re vanquished—by a woman giving birth (Gal. 4:4; 1 Tim. 2:15). They are grinding apart Jesus’s brothers and sisters (Matt. 25:40). They are also destroying the very picture of newness of life and of dependent trust that characterizes life in the kingdom of Christ (Matt. 18:4).


Children also mean blessing—a perfect target for those who seek only to kill and destroy (John 10:10). But Satan always uses human passions to bring about his purposes. When new life stands in the way of power— whether that power is a Pharaoh’s military stability or a community leader’s reputation in light of his teenage daughter’s pregnancy—the blood of children often flows. Herod loved his power, so he raged against babies. In the middle of all of this stood Joseph, an unlikely demon wrestler. Looking to Joseph’s adoption of Jesus as a model, this short book encourages readers to view adoption as a way to protect children—born and unborn— from the injustices of abortion, abuse, and neglect.

Far More than Charity The protection of children isn’t charity. It isn’t part of a political program fitting somewhere between tax cuts and gun rights or between carbon emission caps and a national service corps. It’s spiritual warfare. Our God forbids Israel from offering their children to Molech, a demon-god who demands the violent sacrifice of human babies (Lev. 20:1–5). Indeed, he denounces Molech by name. He further warns that he will cut off from the people of God not only the one who practiced such sacrifice but also all who “at all close their eyes to that man when he gives one of his children to Molech” (Lev. 20:4). Behind Molech, God recognizes, there is one who is “a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44). The spirit of Molech is at work among us even now. Even as you read this page, there are bones of babies being ground to unrecognizable bits, perhaps even a few short miles from where you’re sitting.

There are babies lying in garbage receptacles waiting to be taken away as “medical waste.” These infants won’t have names until Jesus calls them out for the first time. There are little girls waiting in Asia for a knock at the door, for an American businessman who’s paid a pimp to be able to sexually assault them. There are children staring out the window of a social worker’s office, rubbing their bruises as they hear their mother tell the police why she’ll never do it again. Aborted babies can’t say, “Abba.” But the Father hears their cries anyway. Do we? The universe is at war, and some babies and children are on the line. The old Serpent is coiled right now, his tongue flicking, watching for infants and children he can consume. One night two thousand years ago, all that stood in his way was one reluctant day laborer who decided to be a father.




EXTEND GRACE TO YOUR FAMILY Grace is a gift available for everyone. Many times people are quick to extend grace to themselves and not to the next person. Jesus says, love is the means by which people will know we are His disciples. The greatest of the laws is love. Love the Lord your God with all your hearts, mind, soul and might and the other commandment is to love your neighbour as yourself. We can lose the practicalities of these commandments, not suggestions, in daily interactions with family members. As we encounter each other in our daily routines, we may say or think to ourselves: ‘I cannot understand why you did that’. With bewilderment, we can dismiss family members because they do not measure up to our expectations. I make allowances and excuses for myself in similar situations. I sometimes do not extend the same grace to people around me. Family members also need our love. We must also extend our affections and understanding to our family members.

BOLANLE ENANG | FamilyLife Enthusiast| Author| Convener of Signature family building workshops -The Table & Parent Talks| Accredited Facilitator: Evergreen Parenting| Family Wellness Consultant


Grace means different things to each person at different times. A lovely and well-used definition of grace is God's unmerited favour. Grace is God doing good for us when we do not deserve it. Grace is God giving me a blessing or good that I do not deserve. I want you to take a moment and reflect on this and relate it to your family. Give your spouse, child, parents, siblings and others what they do not deserve. The love and affection that has gone unnoticed and unappreciated can be hurtful. I encourage you to be like your heavenly Father, extend grace. When that person deserves a spiteful word, a hostile stare and a malicious week, remember another response is grace.

Decide not to give what the other person ‘deserves’. Grace is also a response. Familiarity can make it difficult to extend grace. Do not be entangled in the trap of familiarity with your family members. See the uniqueness God has placed on them. Love them like God loves them. Proverbs 15:1 says a soft word turns away anger. Another version says a gentle answer deflects anger. Make your home a heavenly place where life can be sweet and restful. The presence of grace in your life and home is a recipe for heavenly homes. Are you extending grace to yourself and family members? Do it today. Â


FREEDOM written by:

ANGUS & JILL BUCHAN Jill and I found Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour on the 18th of February 1979, just two years after settling in Greytown, Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands, South Africa. Originally from Zambia, we bought a piece of land on which we planned to farm crops and livestock. We had very little to start with but even as brand new Christians, we were content with our farm, which we later called SHALOM.

If we look at the Word of God in 1 Peter 2:16-17 (NKJV), the Bible says, “as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.

We need to pray for those in authority over us so that

Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God.

they too will hear the Word of God and be obedient

Honor the king.”

to whatever God tells them to do. When we are under authority, it gives us a tremendous sense of security

Because Jesus Christ has set you and I free and has

and peace. When we are doing our own thing so to

given us new life, new opportunities, forgiven us of all

speak (no such thing), then we are at our own mercy,

of our sins and given us an incredible future, life

our own destiny, which can be catastrophic. Let us

everlasting with Him, that does not give you and I

rather adhere to those whom God has put in

permission to disregard authority.

authority over us, whether it be our loved ones, our elders in them church, or our leaders in the nation.

It might be your father, your mother, it might be your

Let us submit so that God will give us the authority to

school teacher, it might be your employer, it might

be able to help others as well.

indeed be the government of the country. Have a lovely month as you obey gladly (not with We have to lead the world by example. Now we are

clenched teeth), the Word of God that has been

not talking about going against the Bible. No matter

written by man under the inspiration of the Holy

who is in authority over you, if they are demanding

Spirit to benefit us in this short life in which we are

that you do something that is contrary to God’s

living before we enter into eternal bliss with the Lord

Word, the ten commandments and the love of God,

Jesus Christ.

then you cannot do it. However, that is the only time that you will stand against the authorities. Otherwise you must obey those who are put in place over you.

God bless,

Why you ask? Simply because God said so. He said so not only for your own benefit, but for the benefit of others as well.

Angus and Jill Buchan


FROM THE APOSTLE'S DESK ADRESSING THE PHILLISTINES, AMORITES, MEDIANITES AND THE AMALEKITES IN YOUR LIFE Who are the Midianites, the Amalekites, the Amorites and the Philistines in your life? Which voice are you listening to? The voice of God telling you who you are from His Word, which is the Bible, or. The voice of your circumstances, situation, your friends or colleagues, your husband, your wife hurling insults at you and all negative and discouraging words? Making you feel worthless and weak, diminishing you up to a nonexistence failure, good for nothing individual and rendering you null and void. When Jesus died on the cross; He carried all our sins, iniquities, all diseases yet to be invoked, poverty, illnesses, barrenness, frustrations, curses, and sacrifices, all the bad you may think of. He nailed it to the cross, making a spectacle of the devil right there, in the garden of the Skull.

Apostle Fumane Esther Seobi Mahlatsi I was born in the Priesthood Family. I Am the 4th Generation of active 5 fold Ministers. A teacher by profession with Honours In Psychology Degree and a business woman. A wife for 30 years, an author of Manna Daily Devotions book, a mother of four, and a founder and an overseer of Seobi Ministries International in Vereeniging...

How your life is at this moment, does not quantify nor qualifies as “who you are”. The feebleness you see in yourself is not what or how God sees you. You see yourself as a sick person, laying in the bed, God sees a healthy person who is reigning in the supernatural. Are you sick, poor, homeless, divorced, jobless, childless, lost all hope to live? That is not how God sees you. Abram was childless even in his old age, but God did not address him as a childless, fruitless, barren man. The world saw an old, childless Abram, but God saw in Abram, Abraham, the Father of Nations. Which voice are you listening to? Look at all that is negative in your life. Change your confession. Start speaking positive things in all the negative areas of your life, your marriage, your career, your children’s marriages, life’s, career, finances everything that has something to do with you. Speak life into dead branches of your being and walk in the word of your testimony. There is power in the tongue, to nullify and to speak things into existence. Proverbs 18:21 says. “The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it, will eat its fruits”. What are you proclaiming in your life? You will surely in due time, eat the fruits of your tongue, your declarations, decrees, and your confessions. Your word does not come back to you null and void, it is powerful and carries substance.

So, we start at Jesus’ finishing line, Him passing the baton to us. He conquered death and its snare, so we can be alive in Him. He overcame so we can be overcomers. He conquered so we can be conquerors. He gave us power in our tongues to nullify and to speak things into existence. He gave us the keys to bind and to lose. He gave us power to trample over the scorpions and the serpents. To tread over the lion and the cobra, the great lion, and the serpent. We are giants in the spirit. He gave us the right to be called sons and daughters of the Highest God. We are now co-heirs with Christ. Seated with Him at the righthand side of our Father, reigning supreme in the supernatural. He made us Kings and Priests of His Presence. Which voice are you listening to? There is no need to feel worthless and weak, horrible, and terrible, seedless, and barren. Believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, He will never put you to shame. Just as the Angel addressed Gideon as a “Mighty Warrior”, amidst his terrible situation and living conditions. Believe in what and who Christ Jesus says you are. Start proclaiming those words unto your health, confess them upon your life, declare and decree them into your career, your job, marriage, finances, business, and your destiny. Your life will never be the same again, that is definite. GOD PROMISES US NOT TO LEAVE US, NOR FORSAKE US. Which voice are you listening to?

" Speak life into dead branches of your being and walk in the word of your testimony. " There are about 25 verses in the entire Bible where our Lord and God promises us to never leave us nor forsake us, no matter what the circumstances we find ourselves in. In Judges 6:16 The LORD says to Gideon, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites leaving nonalive”. This is a confirmation I believe we all need in our lives. . The Lord’s assurance that in all our ways, he will be with us. In John 15:5, 6 &7 Jesus says “I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing”. Verse 6:” If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into fire and burned. Verse 7: says “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you”

Whose words are remaining in your life. Whose words are forever resounding in your heart, and mind even as you go to sleep and wake up? Jesus says, “It will be done for you”. Meaning that; you do not have to sweat and stress. You do not have to cry and lament, it will be done for you. Just let He and His words remain in you, which is a prerequisite. All that you ask for will be done for you. God will line up people and circumstances in your favour for His purpose to be fulfilled. Closed doors will be opened in a miraculous way. Opportunities will line up in a way that has never been seen before. Favour will locate you wherever you are. Your position will wait for you until you show up. Remain confidently knowing that He is with you. If you remain in Him, and Him in you – He promises you victory. When God is for you, then who can be against you. Even though Gideon was weak, trembling to the knees, not sure of himself, with zero self-confidence. He did not believe in himself, even to what the LORD was saying through the Angel. God sent His word to strengthen him. Can you relate with Gideon at this moment? Or do you know someone whom you can foresee this present Gideon. When all odds are against you, nothing and no one comes your way. Nothing is yielding, there is only stagnation, limitation, and hindrance. Whatever you try to build just comes tumbling down, nothing is working for you. Those are the Midianites, the Amalekites, the Philistines, and the Amorites standing in your path.

Run to Christ, the Author and the Finisher of your faith, your being, and your existence. Well do not lose hope, do not despair. There is still yet another door waiting for you to be opened. God’s Word has been written to strengthen us. It is our Manual, to live by and to refer to whenever we feel happy or unhappy, threatened, weak, disorientated, frustrated, violated, humiliated, invaded, diminished, worthless, barren, fruitless, unworthy, and unwanted.

Read your manual, read stories of heroes and heroines in it. Identify with them, learn how they found their way through tough lifethreatening situations they were faced with, and copy their strategies. Your life will never be the same. I am Esther, “AStar”. I studied Esther, in the Bible Book of Esther and her struggles and how she conquered. I therefore draw my strength from her ordeals. The Esther in me comes alive. A conqueror and an overcomer.

Shalom, Apostle Fumane Esther Seobi Mahlatsi


In his letter to the Believers of Thessalonica,

Paul declares four significant truths in his

Paul writes,


"And we also thank God continually for this, that when you received the word of God

1. The Gospel was preached.

[concerning salvation] which you heard from

2. The Gospel was heard.

us, you welcomed it not as the word of

3. Those that heard—believed.

[mere] men, but as it truly is, the word of

4. And for those who believe, the very the

God, which is effectually at work in you who

power of the Word comes alive in them to

believe [exercising its inherent, supernatural

accomplish what God desires.

power in those of faith]." 1 Thessalonians 2:13 AMP


Novemeber 2020

It is important to believe the promises of

With a very concerned expression on his face

God’s Word with our mind so that we can

he asked, “Momma, now that God has

receive it into our heart. Once this

answered your prayer at midnight, He is

phenomenon occurs, then we can experience

going to let you eat, right?”

the victorious life of a Believer. Why does the Lord consistently use children to illustrate

With tears welled in my eyes, I said yes. I

heavenly principles? Could it be because they

took the turkey from his hand and ate it as

believe what they are taught with an

he stood there with a look of relief on his

unbridled purity and expect what they hear

little face. He wanted to make sure his

to come to pass? In the mind and heart of a

Momma was taken care of, but most

child—there is no option. Therefore, we have

importantly, he had no doubt that God had

a great responsibility to teach our children

answered my prayer – it was his natural

and grandchildren the principles of truth


found in the Gospel. Things happen when children believe. I was “Your Word I have treasured and stored in my

caring for 5-year old Ellie and Joel one

heart, That I may not sin against You.” PSALM

weekend while their parents were away. As I


walked from our bedroom toward our kitchen, I noticed Ellie and Joel sitting at the

Things happen when children believe. Pastor

table with Ellie’s hands on Joel’s head. I came

Matt has always been compassionate toward

closer and realized that Ellie was praying

those he loves. When he was about 8 years

over Joel. I came into the room and asked my

old, I had chosen a 24-hour fast in

grandchildren why they were praying. Ellie

anticipation of receiving God’s answer to a

answered confidently, “I was praying for

particular situation. I tried very hard to keep

Joel’s healing. He doesn’t feel well.” And with

my children from knowing I was fasting so as

a smile on his face, Joel responded with

not to worry them. My attempt to hide this

equal confidence, “I feel better Nana!”

specific fast did not succeed – Matt wanted to know why I wasn’t eating dinner.

Ellie believed that the Word heals and Joel received that truth into his heart, mind, and

Pastor and I explained that I was waiting to

body – it was a natural expectation for them.

hear from God and was not eating until the following day but that all was well. That

Things happen when children believe. One

wasn’t good enough for Matt, he asked,

Easter weekend, Pastor came home with a

“When is tomorrow?” We explained that

rabbit for Tish who was 8-years old at the

“tomorrow” began at midnight but that I

time. On Sunday afternoon after hearing the

would be asleep at that time and would eat

resurrection story in Sunday school, Tish, her

again in the morning. We cleaned the

5-year old brother, Chris and one of his

kitchen, completed homework and went to

friends were playing in the garage with their

bed. Shortly after midnight, I was awakened

new pet. Pastor Hagee returned to church

by Matt standing in the doorway of our

ahead of us to attend a board meeting and

bedroom holding a slice of turkey.

the children and I were to meet him later -


November 20202

that evening. Chris and his friend were

I put the suspiciously contrite boys in the tub

having a great time playing with Tish’s rabbit

as Tish periodically ran downstairs to check

so I went upstairs to get dressed. Suddenly, I

on her pending miracle. Every trip intensified

heard a blood curdling scream and instantly

the drama...the rabbit remained dead and

ran downstairs.

Tish cried even louder. Through her tears, she asked a question I could not answer,

Once there, I found Tish with tears flooding

“When is God going to do it? When is He

her face, pointing at her brother, and

going to bring my rabbit back to life?” All I

screaming, “Chris killed my rabbit!” I scanned

could say was, “I don’t know, honey. I just

the room and saw the lifeless rabbit lying on

don’t know. We’ll ask Daddy when we get to

the garage floor and thought—“What am I


going to do?” I looked at a very despondent Chris and asked, “What happened?”

There I was, with two whimpering boys in the tub and a grieving little girl running up and down the stairs, waiting on her miracle. All I could say was, “Oh Jesus, help me please!”

“I don’t know...I didn’t mean to kill it! It just

Suddenly, on her sixth trip to the garage,

died! I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” As Chris

Tish screamed, “Thank You, Jesus; it’s alive!

was frantically expressing remorse, Tish was screaming, accusing her brother of murder

I thought, “What?!” I ran downstairs and

and much more – it was not a pretty sight.

there was her silly little rabbit hoping all over

There I stood with three crying and

the garage! I ask Chris again what had

traumatized kids... what to do? As I

happened and the truth finally came forth.

attempted to calm them, Tish cried, “We’ve

He confessed that he had grabbed the rabbit

got to pray for my rabbit. Pray God brings my

by its hind legs and swung it around in

rabbit back to life!” I thought, “Oh John,

circles, “...and then, the rabbit died!”

where are you when I need you?” I immediately realized what had happened – I had no option but to pray that God would

the Biology major that I was – the aggressive

resurrect the dead rabbit. I gathered the

spinning had caused the blood to rush away

three crying children and we circled the

from the rabbit’s head causing it to pass out,

motionless creature on the floor. It was a

and now it had regained consciousness. I

difficult prayer to say the least, mostly

didn’t have the heart to explain to the

because I didn’t believe anything would

children what had happened – all three

happen. However, as I looked down on the

believed that Jesus had raised Tish’s rabbit

faces of the children, I realized that they did

back to life. They were in a good place and so


was I. We were one happy family again.

After my feeble prayer, I convinced the

The children went to church and gave their

wailing trio to let the rabbit “rest in peace” in

testimony to their Dad, their friends, their

the garage while they went upstairs to take

children’s church teachers and anyone who

baths and dress for church.

would stand still and listen – they believed!


Novemeber 2020


Let’s Be Honest Do you find the Bible boring?

Paul called on the Philippians to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is

Not just those parts of Numbers and Leviticus

God who is at work in you, both to will and

that we conveniently skip during daily

work for his good pleasure” (Phil. 2:12–13). We

devotions. I mean all of it. Would you much

work to follow and obey God, but we cannot

rather be reading something—anything—

work apart from his working in us. We cannot

else? Does a mindless scroll through Facebook

change unless the Spirit changes us from

posts you’ve already read seem more

within (2 Cor. 3:18).

attractive than sitting down to read the Bible? We won’t love God’s word until he helps us to Or do you not want to admit that? If we’re

do it. And the beautiful thing is that he will. He

honest, I think we’ve all been there. It took

will not just help, he will uphold, sustain, and

years before I learned to enjoy and love the

carry you. He will do for you what you can’t

word—and that was after I became a

even do for yourself. Grace in Scripture is not

Christian. Here are a few things I learned as a

just something poured out on us once when

young person struggling to find a love for the

we’re saved—it’s an ever-flowing stream. It

Scripture. Perhaps they’ll be helpful for you

runs from the foot of the cross down to where

too. Ask for the Spirit’s Help

we trudge with our bent backs trying to-

follow God. The grace of God is given not just

Like meat and vegetables, we need it for daily

for our salvation, but for our sanctification—

nourishment. Like a school book, we need it

for loving and trusting God, for the good

to learn more—about God, this world, and

works he’s given us to do (Rom. 6:15; 12:6).

ourselves. Like Frodo’s vial, we need it to give us light in dark places (Ps. 119:105).

So pray for that grace: But knowing we need it doesn’t help us want Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for

it. It doesn’t make reading the Bible any less

revealing yourself to us. I confess I don’t want


to read the Bible. I have no real interest in studying or memorizing it. I never spend time

No—but reading the Bible will. How can you

in Scripture, or if I do, it’s only out of guilt or

learn to enjoy something if you never partake

looking for the praise of others. Please forgive

of it? We don’t learn to like vegetables

me, and give me a love for your word. Help

because our mothers tell us they’re good for

me to desire it more than money or the

us, nor because a heavenly lightning bolt

sweetest dessert (Ps. 19:10). You know my

grants us an ardent adoration of asparagus.

heart, and I ask you to soften it and give me

We learn to like them by eating them.

the love I don’t have. In the name of Jesus my


Savior, Amen. My grandfather gave us an illustration that Don’t stop praying that prayer. We’ll fight for

has never left me. At first, he says, the Bible is

this love our whole lives, and as long as we do,

like medicine. You know it’s good for you, but

we’ll need grace.

you hate the taste. After a while, it’s like oatmeal. You don’t hate it, but it’s not the best

Read It Anyway

thing in the world either. But finally, it becomes like honey. Sweet and delicious.

It’s hard to read the Bible when you don’t feel like it.

How can you learn to enjoy something if you never partake of it?

Well, that goes without saying. It’s hard to eat when you don’t feel like it, too. Who wants to

Don’t be afraid if the Bible is like medicine

eat dinner when you’ve just spent all day at

now. It will start to taste better—just take up

some event filling up on candy? But if you

and read.

don’t eat those vegetables, you’ll end up on a sugar crash, feeling sick for the rest of the

Dig Deeper

evening. If the Bible seems boring, perhaps it’s because Sometimes we just have to do the thing we

you’ve only ever known it on the surface. For

need to do, even though we’d rather do

years, I just read a chapter or two every day

anything else. And we do need to do it. Of

and promptly forgot them. I knew the

course, you know that, or you probably

skeleton of every story backwards and

wouldn’t be reading this.

forwards, and I could probably have told you-

every command, but I never went any deeper.

Let God Use It in Your Life

I couldn’t have told you why the stories

Some of those who love God’s word the most

mattered, or how they were important to the

are those who have walked with him the

great story of Scripture, to that long waiting

longest—those for whom Scripture has been

for a Redeemer. I didn’t see what the

a guide through winding paths and an anchor

commands taught about the love and

in the fiercest storms.

righteousness of God. I read the poetic books, but they were boring—largely because I didn’t

That doesn’t mean you can’t know and love


God’s word now—of course not! Read it, study it, memorize it. But don’t let it just stay in your

But then I started to study them, and it was

head. Let it guide your steps, even (and

like new vistas opening in front of my eyes.

especially) if you’re a young person (Ps. 119:9).

There is so much to learn in the Bible, more

Go to the word (not just other people, or the

than a lifetime of studying could begin to

distraction of screens) for comfort and help.

fathom. There is so much to see about who

Live your life according to the words of the

God is, and how he has created this world to

living God and let him use it in your heart to

work, what he has commanded us to do, and

make you more like himself.

what he has done for us in Christ.

-----------------------------------------------------Katherine Forster is a teenager who serves as

As I studied, what had been boring slowly

lead writer and managing editor for

became interesting., an online platform that reaches hundreds of thousands of Christian teens, parents, and youth workers

HEALTH & FITNESS change is possible



DARE TO BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS We often disappoint ourselves by not achieving our goals because we choose not to try. It seems easier to remain as you are than to reach out for a place you have not been before. It can be scary to take the first step and the enemy can easily convince us that it is impossible. Fear has dismantled so many of Gods children and as a result many have been deprived of living a God-give purposeful life.

A step towards achieving a healthy lifestyle can be daunting to many and often many have convinced themselves that it is better to remain as is. Thoughts such as what if I fail? What if I don’t make it? What if I give up along the way can choke out the possibility of success to a point of giving up. I would rather look at the situation in this manner, what if you don’t fail, what if you succeed and what if you have enough -

strength to achieve you goals. I say erase all that negativity – Dare to be bold and courageous after all is your Father in heaven not powerful and able to strengthen you along the way. Today we look at the journey of a young beautiful woman who dared to be bold and courageous. Who was tired of being in the same unhealthy body and overwhelmed with-

fatigue. She decided to step out of her comfort zone, go against all that she initially believed concerning her health and trust God for a better and healthier life.

Name: Ntombizodwa Sithole Jobe

Who is Ntombizodwa Sithole Jobe and what drives her: I am a 25 years old young woman who loves God. My life is what it is basically because He (Christ) is my Lord and Savior. I hail from the beautiful homelands of KwaZulu-Natal in a small town called Msinga (Emakhankane) South Africa. My family means so much to me and I can proudly say I have a beautiful twin sister whom I love so much. In my spare time I write and recite poetry, read a books or two and watch a whole lot of cartoons. My current favourite cartoon id Mordecai.


Tell us about your weight loss journey: My weight-loss journey started back in 2018. I've always been an overweight child in the family. I would get teased most of the time about my weight at school even at home (which was pretty much hurtful). I would wear oversized clothes just to hide my body, and I had no confidence at all. In 2016 I tried to lose weight but I gave up along the way because I thought it was impossible to achieve. I was also weighed down by the negative comments I got from people around who basically echoed my fears out loud.


Sadly I spent most of my time body shaming and hating on every part of my body which was very unhealthy.

What are your future aspirations concerning your journey: I aspire to be a bodybuilder one day, it sounds funny just thinking about where I used to be and my thoughts concerning health. Yes I am aware of the great work that I still need to do, but I am charged up and ready to achieve my goals. My daily mantra is “I can do all this through him who gives me strength”, Philippians 4:13 We are also working on a mobile gym #Keep_fit! I've fallen in love with fitness. God is doing something great in my life and I want to inspire other young men and women who think that it’s not possible. I started out weighing 85.6kg and I currently weigh 66.5kg. I am 19kg lighter, I can definitely attest to this being a fact Change Is Possible Today!!!

In 2018 I took a decision to try one more time but with a different approach. I would ask for strength from the Lord and have faith for the road ahead. I remember I was in my bedroom crying and praying to God. I spoke to Him about how unhappy I was concerning my weight and current body state. Immediately after the prayer I felt led to contact a sister of mine in the Lord (the lady writing this article – Tshegofatso Molekoa) who had been on a similar journey and was losing significant amount of weight. I found her quite inspirational because not only did she attribute her weight loss to herself but to the strengthening from the Lord. As we spoke she quoted the scripture “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13. She kept reiterating that all things are possible with God and I should ask Him for strength for this journey. I remember crying and asking the Holy Spirit to my personal trainer. From that moment onwards I have been at it and I find that the Lord always gives me strength. Even during times when I feel weak, He meets me at that point of weakness. During moments when I feel like giving up I find myself pumped up with new energy and zeal to continue working out. Glory be to God for I have seen great results on this journey.

What is your view concerning our bodies and the Lord: I believe that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we have to be good stewards with what the Lord has entrusted us with. God should definitely be glorified in how we lead our lives and how we take care of these bodies. It is important that we be well balanced Christians who prosper in every aspect as the Apostle John alludes in 3 John 1:2 “My dear friend, I pray that you may in all respects prosper and enjoy good health, just as your soul already prospers.”


Be bold, be courageous.

oa Tshegofatso Molek




''I believe that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we have to be good stewards with what the Lord has entrusted us with. God should definitely be glorified in how we lead our lives and how we take care of these bodies.''



May the Joy of the Lord overshadow

".........Let every man BE FULLY

you today in Jesus Christ name.

PERSUADED in his own mind." Romans.14:5.

"Beware lest Hezekiah PERSUADE you, saying, The LORD will deliver

"...........for I know whom I have

us. Hath any of the gods of the

believed, and am PERSUADED that

nations delivered his land out of the

HE IS ABLE....." 2Timothy.1:12.

hand of the king of Assyria?" Isaiah.36:18.

Those who always have enough reasons to believe a thing

"And being FULLY PERSUADED that,

particularly a Word from God or to

what He had promised, He was able

do something are said to be FULLY

also to perform." Romans.4:21.


These people get God to commit His

It doesn't matter that your name is

ability in their situation. Every man is

not attached to a particular promise

either persuaded or dissuaded; there

in bible; if that promise addresses

is no middle ground and nobody can

your situation, you can have it

help anybody take a stand. If they are

because JESUS said: "What I say to

not Persuaded.

one, I say to all...."Mark.13:37. Also, the Holy Spirit writing through the

Don't live in the realm of guesses and

Apostle Paul said, all the promises

uncertainties which slow down

of God are 'yes and Amen' in Christ


JESUS- 2 Corinthians. 1:20; and if you are in Christ, then all the

Being PERSUADED is a state of settled

promises of God are yours.

conviction. Abraham didn't mind his


old age or the ridicule or sympathy of concerned observers; he simply

Our opening scriptures reveal that

believed what God told him he'd

PERSUADED people are strongly

become. All the contrary evidences to

influential and inspirational. King

what God said, didn't move him. He

Hezekiah knew that no nation ever

never lost his sleep or his peace,

escaped the humiliation of captivity

rather he was giving thanks to God

in the hands of the Assyrians; yet he

because he knew that there is no

kept declaring boldly that the LORD

greater commitment than a promise

would deliver them- Isaiah.36:14-15

from God- Matthew.24:35; Luke.21:33,

& 18-21. When you are PERSUADED,

all say: "Heaven and earth shall pass

you can set a new record to change

away but My(God's) Words shall not

the course of history and your

pass away."


When Abraham put together a few

Don't just be PERSUADED, be FULLY

things God had done in his life in the

PERSUADED and that means, you

past, he was PERSUADED that the next

have come to the point of absolute

promise, would not fail- Romans.4:17-

and unshakeable certainty based on


a Word from God. Don't look like somebody who is not sure of

When the Apostle Paul considered the

himself or just guessing through

several times God had preserved his


life from destruction, he boldly

Persuaded that Jesus Christ is

declared: "I know whom I have

coming back again? This is certainly

believed and am PERSUADED He is

going to happen because Jesus said

able to keep what I commit unto

so and His words will Never Fail.

Him...:" 2Timothy.1:12c. Dear friend, how many acts of God's generosity

Go about your work today being

and warnings would you like to see

Fully Persuaded that, the presence

before you are FULLY Persuaded

of the Almighty God is with you and

about God's word? This could be one

you need not to be afraid of any

major cause of some delays in your


life due to unbelief. God bless you richly.





Italian almond cake ¾ cup butter 1¼ cups sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract 1¼ cup flour ½ cup almond flour ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt Topping ¾ cup sliced almonds ½ tablespoon sugar


Use your creativity to plate and enjoy your dessert.

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven at 180 c 2. In a bowl, combine flour, almond flour, baking powder and salt. Stir to combine then set aside 3. In a bowl, melt the butter in the microwave 4. Add the sugar to the melted butter and whisk to combine 5. Add the eggs and whisk to combine 6. Add the lemon zest, vanilla and almond extracts 7. Then, with rubber spatula, stir in the flour mixture until well combined 8. Pour butter into the prepared spring form pow and top with the sliced almonds and sprinkle with the sugar 9. Bake for about 30 – 35 minutes.

BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE 4 tablespoon butter unsalted 1 cup of tightly packed dark brown sugar ¾ cup heavy whipping cream 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon kosher extract

Basil Ice-Cream For ice-cream, I used my own creation that I launched in September, the Basil ice-cream. You can use any good ice-cream as a substitute. You’re ready to plate and serve!


IT WAS THE HAND Greetings in The Mighty and Powerful Name of Our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. We Know and Believe that there is MIRACULOUS POWER of HEALING in the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST We would like to GIVE G-D ALMIGHTY ALL THANKS, ALL HONOR, ALL GLORY and ALL PRAISE for HE has Completely Healed Us during the Seventh month (July) “Symbolic of Perfection”. My Darling Husband and Myself had contracted the covid-19 virus.

OF GOD We Want to Testify and Assure All who shall read this, may You Know that Every Promise and Every Scripture in G-D’s Word is ALIVE and Forever Access-able.

During the most difficult moments, some of which were Extremely Challenging...I say the word “Challenging” only because as Children of the MOST HIGH G-D, we were Created with the Sole Purpose to LOVE, PRAISE, WORSHIP, PRAY, COMMUNE, HAVE A RELATIONSHIP and FELLOWSHIP with OUR HEAVENLY DADDY, so just like in the BIBLE during the times of the PROPHETS of The Old, we must Persevere and Press in, Forge Forward during times of difficulties and persecution.

We had Endured because we were unable to do what we were solely created to do and those were the most difficult moments because as We would begin to Sing, or Worship in Spirit, and even Pray audibly. We experienced shortness of breath to an extreme of having to be silenced due to symptoms from this dreadful virus and even though this virus does exist.


We need to remember that we are Redeemed CHILDREN of THE MOST HIGH G-D, I want You to KNOW that JESUS CHRIST is ALIVE and THERE is HEALING POWER in THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. This Day. We Declare and Decree that NO disease, NO plot, NO assignment, NO plan and definitely NO strategy of satan shall prevail in Our LIVES and in the LIVES of our Families. We Encouraged Ourselves in CHRIST JESUS for We Know that We Are Always Able to Hold on to HIS LIVING WORD. We Believe and Testify that There is SUPERNATURAL POWER, HEALING and RESTORATION in the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST...We are So Thankful to Share our experience. We had partaken of HOLY Communion and we Know that “ONLY JESUS CHRIST” has Healed Us, Set Us Free from this virus and HE has Restored Us. We Thank OUR PROPHET and All Our Wonderful SuperNatural family and Our immediate families. I just want to go on and share about G-D’s Divine Orchestration, that occurred in the Seventh Month and there were exactly seven people in total that G-D led and used to specially bless us so abundantly (they all Blessed us significantly and that had meant more than words could ever express: We so Thankful for their obedience to G-D) This is and can ONLY be G-D’s SuperNatural Provision in Our Lives. This scripture is what Our Lives represent as we Continue in CHRIST JESUS “Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5 KJV).

Just wanted to share all of this, as to Encourage You that even though You could be in a valley right now, G-D is with You Always and with HIM, You shall reach Your Mountain Tops G-D ALMIGHTY shall Never Leave You nor Forsake You. JESUS CHRIST Came to set Us free, because of that we have HOPE, we have STRENGTH, and most importantly we have ETERNAL LIFE


DARE TO SHOW UP “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise” Psalm 51:17 NIV. “Lord save me from myself” I desperately whispered in the dead of the night. There was no one to turn to, no one who could understand the brokenness of my heart, the despair from betrayal and the internal battle I was having to forgive those who hurt me. On July 1st, 2020, my very first book came out, “How We Met: Brokenness and Rejection Meets Jesus.” I was beyond excited because my dream has always been to become an author and God did exactly that. He helped me to write the book in a month and was there for me through the process of editing, formatting and marketing. I held on to God for dear life knowing I could do nothing without Him and as usual He remained faithful to me and the vision, He gave me.

@monicatheophilus founder @amomentwithmonica, minister, prayer warrior , writer and contributor at beauty&thegospel magazine .

My only thought while writing this book was, “God may someone come to know you, may this book be an encouragement to someone, may it be a blessing.” I knew I just wanted to be obedient and for God to get all the glory. @beautyandthegospel


I thought those who I trusted and claimed to love me would be the ones to rejoice with me, but it was the opposite. I was casted away, rejected and they claimed I was being prideful now that I became an author and I needed to humble myself. I never felt so betrayed in my life. I began questioning everything about myself. I started to despise the book and even promoting it was a struggle. So, slowly I stopped showing up in my life. I did not want to complete the next book, I paused blogging, I stopped posting on Instagram, I stopped encouraging myself and those who I was assigned to. I was silent. I let the enemy silence my voice even when I told myself I would not let him win. And every night when I felt my heart throbbing I whispered, “Lord Save me from myself.” And then I added “Revive me.” God heard me and as I was vulnerable with Him, He helped me to forgive.

He told me the book He placed in my heart four years ago was not a mistake and neither was I. He shook me up and let me know I was crippling myself in the spirit by believing the lies of the enemy. And then revival began… I found the courage to sing again at His feet. I found the strength to do what He assigned me to. I found the boldness to start showing up in my life even while healing. You see, what my enemies wanted was for me to back down because in their eyes I was doing too much. And I will admit I started to let them win until God reminded me of who I am. Loved. Called. Chosen. Anointed. Appointed. Set apart.


ROTUBIRTNOC Like Jesus told the blind man, “Get up! pick up your mat and walk” ( John 5:8 NIV). He was encouraging me to do the same. He had enough of my pity party and said, DARE TO SHOW UP! Show up when you are still healing, Still processing, Still coping, Still growing, Still learning, Still becoming, Still evolving, And even,When you do not know what is next How to feel, What to do with the situation, Still… Dare to show up and watch Me do the work for you. So, as I continue to heal I will show up in my life and I want you to show up despite whatever it is that you may be going through. You may feel weak, but you serve a strong God. Refuse to surrender to your enemies and allow God to fight your battles.



You Are


We'll all go through the process just like everyone else, but we carry something special, the answer from above. Hannah prayed to the Lord for a child and God answered her. Her answer came when she cried to God, but she still had to intercourse with her husband. The process still had to be followed, but this time around it was a divine appointment as the Lord has already answered.

Scripture reading: Psalms 138:3 “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.” The Bible records that God is not a man to lie, nor son of man to change His mind. So whatever He promises, He delivers! He will never forget His own, His love for us is beyond what we can ever think or imagine. He loves us bigger than our understanding, The Bible in the book of Jeremiah says: “call unto me, and I will answer…”. His ear is always open to hear our cry to Him.

The question should be, do we trust Him enough to call unto Him? Do we believe in Him answering our prayers? If the answer to the above questions is yes, then you are set for life. The above scripture says the day when I cried to you, you answered. So God doesn't take time, He answers immediately. If you ever prayed to God for anything, please note that He answered on that day you cried to Him. It's up to you to take a step of faith towards your answer. You prayed for that job, send out your applications in faith knowing that you are answered. Your application will be extraordinary because you are already answered.

When you go to that interview, you are different from other candidates, because you are answered. You'll still need to apply for that house, but your application is unique and special, because it's someone who got the answer from God. You receive a divine favor for all you do, take that bold step without fear, He answered you on the day you cried to Him. No one can reject what God has already approved. Jesus healed a man in the pool of Bethesda, and told him to stand and take him mat. If the man decided to remain seated after the healing, he would still be there even after being healed. But he took a step of faith and stood up. Child of God stop worrying about everything that you prayed for, it is done already, be bold enough to take a step forward. We don't move by sight but by faith. Start thinking of the names of the children you prayed for, go and test drive that car you prayed for, start to check out those houses. You are answered and start acting upon it… @beautyandthegospel


7 LAPS 7 LESSONS! If you read the sixth chapter of Joshua, you will see God’s directions to Joshua on how his army can defeat the enemies of Israel. He is very specific about what they need to do to gain total victory in Jericho. There were seven laps to be made, a seemingly redundant task… and yet, this is what the Lord required of Joshua and the Israelites that were standing beside him in battle. Remember, Joshua and the children of Israel have seen the Jordan waters part. They are no stranger to miracles. They were invited into the Promised Land. The promise God made to Abraham of a land flowing with milk and honey is just before them.

And yet, there stands the defiant, stubborn walls of Jericho. The wilderness is behind them, and now Joshua and the children of Israel have yet another battle to face. God’s goodness is just before them. But God is very clear with his direction… no inhabitant of Jericho is to be left behind. Why conquer Jericho? Why not just walk away? Because God promised Moses in Numbers 33 that if he failed to drive out all of the inhabitants of Canaan, they would become a thorn in their flesh. And so it is in our own lives. God is very clear. He is very specific.


He tells us how to defeat our enemies. We have seen great miracles and been triumphant in our own trials…and yet we sometimes fail to follow His instruction. Have you had a problem that God told you to deal with, that you avoided…come back to bite you? It became a thorn in your flesh because you didn’t do what God asked of you.


Your progress has been impeded; an area of your life has become more cumbersome and painful because you thought you had a better plan of how to handle the issue. Maybe you just avoided the problem altogether and just kept on moving. Joshua knew that he had to deal with Jericho. God told him to start taking some laps. (Have you been there? Have you followed His instruction, even when it seemed redundant?) Joshua followed God’s lead and learned something every time the Israelites took another lap around the city. Every single one of us has a Jericho in our lives. We have a stubborn situation looming in our immediate horizon. We have the choice to follow God’s lead or allow the issue to fester. Maybe your situation is personal, physical, financial, emotional… Over time you may have even allowed walls of frustration to build around the issue, encapsulating the problem instead of eradicating it. These walls that you have built for yourself may be higher and mightier than you, keeping you from enjoying God’s promises for your life.

But your problems are not mightier than the God that we serve. Your personal Jericho is no match for our Creator. Now, you might have to take some time to walk around the problem and allow God to work in you, teaching you the lessons He wants to bring to fruition in your life so that He can use you…but give Him the time to impart His wisdom to you. It will make your life a much richer place, and take you on a journey that you never knew existed. God has something wonderful in mind for you, but you have to trust that He will lead you there. You may feel like you’re walking in pointless circles, but God is preparing you. There is a purpose in your pathway if you are walking hand-in-hand with the Lord. On the other hand, the Bible promises destruction for those who choose their own path that seems right but leads to folly. Don’t let sin take you down a dangerous pathway because you chose the easy route. God never promised that life would be easy, but He did promise to be the friend who sticks closer than any brother. He will be the fourth man in your fire.

You will come to your final lap around your own personal Jericho, just like Joshua did. And then, it is time to shout! It is time to celebrate and rejoice for the great things God has done. It is time to break the barriers and watch the walls fall down! Today, you might be shouting for help, for joy, for praise…or for complete triumph over an issue that has been destroying your peace for years. Freedom is found at the feet of Jesus. When God’s presence begins to infiltrate your life, He takes you to places that you have never been before doing things you never thought were possible. His blessings are for YOU! Open your mouth today and give Him the highest praise! The mountain of impossibility that you have been facing is about to crumble. Leave it in His hands. Trust that He will lead the way, and know that your victory is on the way through Christ our Lord! Hallelujah to the King of kings! He is the way maker!

Matt Hagee





GOODNESS I'm a philanthropist, author, public speaker, businesswoman, and an artistic person. Gracefully set apart and anointed by Him as a Prophetess. @k.goodness_ntombela


he Bible declares that your body is the temple of God. Now the word temple simply means: Temple It is a building used for worshipping God or gods. Anyone and everyone is the temple of God or gods depending on who they believe in and use their body to worship. For example, sangomas (witch doctors) are the temple of their ancestors which we call familiar spirits (gods). But as soon as you receive-

Christ as your personal Lord and Savior you are no longer just the temple of God but also the Throne of God. Now the word throne simply means:

[22]Through him you Gentiles are also being made part of this dwelling where God lives by his Spirit.

Throne A decorative chair used by a King, Queen, oremperor on important official occasions.

God is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, for Him and Christ are one. When you receive God you become His throne for He dwells inside of you. We call Him the inner man who is the Holy Spirit.

EPHESIANS 2:21-22 [21]We are carefully joined together in him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord.

JOHN 4:24 [24]For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.�


ROMANS 12:1 [1]And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. QUESTION: HOW DOES ONE BECOME THE THRONE OF GOD? ANSWER: THROUGH SALVATION JOHN 3:3 [3]Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” ROMANS 10:9-10 [9]If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. [10]For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.0rt man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 1 CORINTHIANS 3:16-17 [16]Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? [17]God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.

Prayer of Salvation of Acts 2:21... Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.


I ask Jesus to come into my heart to be the Lord of my life. I receive eternal life into my spirit and according to the book of Romans 10:9-10... That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shat believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. I declare that I am saved, I am born again, I am a child of God, I am born of the Spirit, I now have Christ dwelling in me, Greater is He that is within me than the one who is in the world. I now walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ Jesus. Amen. I WELCOME YOU TO THE FAMILY OF CHRIST, THE OLD IS GONE AND THE NEW HAS BEGAN. TRUST ME WHEN I SAY YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME WHEN YOU HAVE GOD LIVING IN YOU!!! THE 3 THRONES OF GOD 1. THRONE OF GOD THE FATHER (HEAVEN) PSALMS 11:4 But the lord is in his holy Temple; the lord still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. 2. THRONE OF GOD THE SON (RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER) COLOSSIANS 3:1 Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. HEBREWS 8:1 Here is the main point: We have a High Priest who sat down in the place of honor beside the throne of the majestic God in heaven. HEBREWS 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


3. THRONE OF GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT (OUR HEARTS) GALATIANS 4:6 And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” 1 JOHN 4:4 4. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

2nd CORINTHIANS 6:11-18 “Be Holy”. EPHESIANS 4:25-30 “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit”. 1st THESSALONIANS 4:1-8 “Plea for purity”. May you always remember that you are not just an ordinary person but you are the Throne of God. Stay blessed, God loves you and I love you too.

Who is this greater one in us? It is God the Holy Spirit whom we call the Inner Man.



1st CORINTHIANS 6:12-20 “Glorify God in your body and spirit”.




Pride Before a Fall by Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Proverbs 16:18 (NKJV): "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

When we have the right attitude of humility, we position ourselves to receive God's wisdom, grace, and favour without resistance. So what does it mean to be humble? Humility is willingly deciding to yield to God's will above our own. Even when everything inside us wants to act a certain way, and the Word of God tells us something different, humility chooses to give up our own desires to honour His instead. As a result, there is no limit to the favour and blessing we will reap. When we decide what is right for ourselves over and above what God's Word says, we elevate ourselves above the Lordship of Jesus, replacing Him on the throne of our hearts. It's this self-elevation that positions us for a fall. Know that as you choose to keep God on the throne of your heart, putting His will above your own, you can expect good success and promotion, since God resists the proud and gives more grace to the humble.




Reading the Words of God is a catalyst for growth. The Bible is one of the most underutilized tools for our maturity and walk with Christ. The Bible is still the number one seller and yet is rarely read by Christians. How do we expect to gain clarity today if we neglect the foundation of yesteryear? When Jesus spoke during his ministry, he was giving us breadcrumbs to digest his full meal. He taught in parables using the things people used or were prominent in their culture, for Heavenly metaphors. One of the “The kingdom of Heaven is like” teachings that sticks out for me is the one liner, “The kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.” (Matthew 13:33) Yes, we know yeast makes

dough rise but what else is there to give us light on this process.


It should also be naturally effective in its

caused by converting sugars into carbon

approach. Just as Jesus did using parables

dioxide and ethanol and dough

and stories to make his point.

maturation. The process is accelerated when you work the yeast through the

As we gain quality and structure, our

dough. The sugars that are converted into

message not only is clear through wisdom

carbon dioxide are glucose, levulose and

but tailored in a way God can use our


individual personalities. A Christlike quality that literally upholds love, joy,

Glucose is an energy source for the body.

faithfulness, gentleness, humility and self-

Levulose is an alternative metabolic

control. The Bible helps us to understand

energy source for the liver. Sucrose is an

the life that Christ exemplified in his

energy that helps store proteins for latter

ministry. Reading the Gospels and the

use. These sugars turn into an odorless

Bible as a whole helps to regulate our

gas, which causes the dough to rise.

ministry. The other aspect is studying our culture. Jesus knew the culture he was

The carbon dioxide causes the dough to

born into, so he knew how to talk to the

elevate. The ethanol gives flavor and

people. He talked in a way that would

quality. And through dough maturation, it

make many give a listening ear because it

becomes structure and flavorful. The yeast

didn’t condemn them but expanded their

brings multiplication, growth, flavor,

outlook on their own mysterious lives.

quality and structure. Therefore, the

Jesus excited and stimulated the world.

kingdom should be giving and showing all of these indicators because it is from

Have you allowed God to work through


you? Has your witness become deflated because of all the internal and external

As God works through us, we should be

struggles of this day? If you don’t feel

multiplying our communities in His name.

accomplished every day, it’s time to

As the Holy Spirit gains more and more

sprinkle a little yeast, the Word of God, in

control through our submission to his

your mind so the Holy Spirit can do his

Lordship, we simultaneously spread the

work. The Holy spirit knows all things, but

gospel to people that need to be “worked

He will not recall what you don’t pour into

through” to produce and gather another

it. Give God free reign over your entire life


and see how you will become a minister and enlarge his territory. All it takes is a

Our energy should be converted into

little Word to work its way into your heart

growth. Everyday we should feel like we’ve

and the heart of others.

accomplished something for God. Whether it is in person, through Zoom or

As always get started today because

social media platforms, our energy should


be seen. Our witness and teaching should be consistent without fail.


Yeast is a single cell fungi. Fermentation is


@MARLYN ROJAS Ordained Minister, founder of Radiant Woman International, cofounder of Sisters International, CEO of Inner Radiance Designs and Author of DISTORTED.

Jeremiah 32:27 (NKJV) “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind, is anything too hard for me?

“TAKE HIM OUT OF THE BOX!” As I love to say: I will be short, brief, concise, precise, and to the point. I will also try to keep it simple. DO YOU KNOW HE IS A LIMITLESS GOD!? Imagine yourself full of talents, full of personality, vibrant energy, full of knowledge, full of greatness, full of power, being fearless, creative, motivated, visionary, YET PLACED IN A BOX!

This verse reminds us that if GOD is, which HE is, the maker and creator of all mankind, then why we live our lives limiting Him and His doing. Our massive circumstances will never be too massive for our God. Our personal wisdom is foolishness before His Majesty. As 1 Corinthians 1:25 says “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (NKJV). Every day we should walk wanting His “foolishness” to be over our lives. Wanting His “weaknesses” to dwell over our lives. Why? Because it’s still greater than what we can ever do without Him. His grace is sufficient for us and in our weaknesses, He is made strong. Our own understanding and doing, that limits the GOD that is limitless. Matthew 19:26 : with God all things are possible.


Reminding us EVERYTHING IS POSSSIBLE, but WITH a condition, a subject- WITH GOD ALONE. Therefore, away from Him nothing is possible.

That’s the way we tend to keep God in our life, as if there was anything too hard for Him.

Our own doing will never go passed our human limitations.


"Our own doing will never go passed our human limitations." I am here to simply remind you to put GOD first, but also out of the limited mentality as if there’s anything too hard for Him. He is always willing to show His glory and do miracles over our lives.





Completed nearly 2,000 years ago, God’s Word does not explicitly teach whether or not a Christian should play video games. But the Bible’s principles still apply today regarding the best use of our time. When God shows us that a specific activity is controlling our lives, we should break away from it for a time. This “fast” could be from food, movies, TV, music, video games— anything that distracts our attention from knowing and loving God and serving His people. While some of these things may not be bad in and of themselves, they become idols if they distract us from our first love (Colossians 3:5; Revelation 2:4). Below are some principles to consider, whether the question is regarding video games, TV, movies, or any other earthly pursuit. It's vital you ask yourself these questions and if they tick the NO box , there yo have your answer.


1. Will video games edify or merely

Reading biographies of history’s

entertain me? To edify means to build

heroes such as Hudson Taylor, Amy

up. Will playing video games build up

Carmichael, Corrie Ten Boom, and

your love for God, knowledge of Him,

George Mueller will verify that.

and ministry to others? “‘Everything is

Certainly, these saints faced difficulty

permissible’—but not everything is

from the world, their own flesh, and

beneficial. ‘Everything is

the devil. They may not have had

permissible’—but not everything is

much of this world’s possessions, but

constructive” (1 Corinthians 10:23-24;

God accomplished great works

Romans 14:19). When God gives us

through them. At first, His will seems

relaxation time, we should find

impossible and too holy to be any

uplifting activities to enjoy. Do we

fun, but God will give us the power to

choose permissible over praiseworthy

perform it and the desires to delight

activities? When we have a choice

in it. “I delight to do Your will, O my

between good, better, and best, we

God” (Psalm 40:8a; see Hebrews

should choose the best (Galatians


5:13-17). 3. Does the video game glorify God? 2. Will playing video games obey self-

Some video games glorify violence,

will or God’s will? God’s will for His

lewdness, and dumb decisions (e.g.,

children can be summed up in His

“I’m out of the race, so I’ll just wreck

greatest commandment: “’Love the

my car”). As Christians, our activities

Lord your God with all your heart and

should bring glory to God (1

with all your soul and with all your

Corinthians 10:31) and help us to

strength and with all your mind’; and,

grow in the knowledge and grace of

‘Love your neighbor as yourself’”


(Luke 10:27). Our will has been polluted by sin. Because we have

4. Will playing video games result in

been saved from our selfish desires,

good works? “For we are his

we should surrender our will

workmanship, created in Christ Jesus

(Philippians 3:7-9). God’s will

for good works, which God prepared

transforms our will (Psalm 143:10).

beforehand, that we should walk in

Progressively, His desires for us

them” (Ephesians 2:10; see also Titus

become our deepest desires as well.

2:11-14 and 1 Peter 2:15). Laziness and selfishness violate God’s purpose

Many people believe the will of God is

for us—to do good works to others (1

boring and humiliating. They picture

Corinthians 15:58; see also Galatians

a monk in a lonely monastery or a


resentful church janitor. On the contrary, people who follow God’s will

5. Will playing video games exhibit

for their lives are the most joyful,

self-control? Many people have said

adventurous people ever.

that video games can become an addiction or an obsession.


There is no room in the Christian life

We love to play. Non-Christians become

for such things. Paul compares the

addicted to entertainment such as

Christian life to an athlete

movies, sports, and music because they

disciplining his body so he may win

do not have a purpose higher than to

the prize. Christians have a greater

enjoy life before death. These

motivation to live a set-apart life of

amusements cannot truly satisfy

self-control—eternal reward in

(Ecclesiastes 2:1). When Christians

heaven (1 Corinthians 9:25-27).

become addicted to the same things as non-Christians, can we truly say that

Will playing video games redeem the

we are exhibiting the new life “in a

time? You will give account for how

crooked and depraved generation, in

you use your limited minutes.

which you shine like stars in the

Spending hours at a time playing a

universe” (Philippians 2:15)? Or do we

video game can hardly be called a

prove to others that we are really no

good use of time. “Be very careful,

different than they are and that Christ

then, how you live—not as unwise but

has not made a significant difference in

as wise, making the most of every

our lives?

opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but

Paul considered knowing, loving, and

understand what the Lord’s will is”

obeying God to be his highest priority.

(Ephesians 5:15-17). “Live for the

“I consider everything a loss compared

rest of the time in the flesh no longer

to the surpassing greatness of knowing

for human passions but for the will of

Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I

God” (1 Peter 4:2; see also

have lost all things. I consider them

Colossians 4:5, James 4:14, and 1

rubbish, that I may gain Christ....I want

Peter 1:14-22).

to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of

Does it pass the test of Philippians

sharing in his sufferings, becoming like

4:8? “Finally, brothers, whatever is

him in his death,” (Philippians 3:7-10).

true, whatever is noble, whatever is

Will playing video games be showing

right, whatever is pure, whatever is

my love for God or my love for the

lovely, whatever is admirable—if

things of the world? (1 John 2:15-17).

anything is excellent or praiseworthy —think about such things”

The question is not “Can I play video

(Philippians 4:8). When you play

games?” but “Would video games be

video games, is your mind focused on

the best choice?” Will this edify me,

godly or secular things?

show love to my neighbor, and glorify God? We are to pursue praiseworthy

Will playing video games fit in with

activities, not simply permissible ones.

my life purpose? Paul wrote that in

However He leads you, passionately

the final days people would be “…

follow Him above all else. Prepare for

lovers of pleasure rather than lovers

eternity. Every sacrifice will seem

of God” (2 Timothy 3:4). Western

insignificant when we meet Jesus.

culture fits that description.






When the world ends, which side of history will you be on? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live through the prophesied years of tribulation? Have you ever wondered how your faith would carry you, where it would lead you and how determined you would be to see as many innocent lives saved as possible? In an apocalyptic world, where the planet has been ravaged by cataclysmic events and taken over by the Global Federation, we meet our protagonist James Janis.

Janis’ life and faith have put him on the run across the world to join resistance factions fighting for freedom before the impending revelation of the antichrist and the mass loss of innocent lives. I couldn’t help myself but put myself in Janis’ shoes. The thrill of knowing fulfilment of prophesy is on the horizon coupled beautifully with the action and adventure we’ve come to crave from film and secular fiction. James is a fugitive, freedom fighter and Christian.

Following your faith and finding your purpose is a reality many of us are faced with. This was not just a beautiful debut novel from Jonah White, but was a highly relatable tale told as a thrilling, action-packed story. I was delighted to have received an advanced reader copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. If you know anything about me, you know that Christian fiction is one of my favourite genres to read. Shadows of Darkness is a captivatingly fast-paced read! This is a beautiful bled of fiction meeting faith. A solid 4 star rating from me (there was quite a bit of violence so viewer discretion is advised). When the end comes, will you stand up to the enemy? Link to the original review here: /book/shadows-of-darknessjonah-white#review





John 11:25-26 “Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" Invest in Jesus Solomon writes an important point in Ecclesiastes 9:5 “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten".

Background Jesus speaks powerful and important words in Matthew 6:19-21 “"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”

@beautyandthegospel 22

"See the world has preference and classes but God is not limited to save people by class, background or status He is a gracious God who saves all because He has intentions to save all through the Gospel"

Pastor , loving Husband, father and a lover of the Word of GOD!


Jesus speaks about means and measures of how we live our lives, in fact he genuinely asks people to make an informed and important invest with their lives. This man was a broker of something far greater and what He is calling people to is so precious we cannot even put value to it. Jesus will never pass someone or people without telling people about this precious jewel that He had, John 4: He meets a Samaritan woman and they start talking and then in verse 14 He says whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst and will have eternal life in John 6:51 He says I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE WHOEVER EATS ME WILL LIVE FOREVER. The fact of the matter is that we might be living our lives, but we do not know what is going to happen tomorrow, but we live in anticipation of tomorrow. James 4:14-15“Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that” We have big plans with the lives we live, but in fact we do not know what tomorrow will bring for us, even though we live lives everyday we do not when it will end, how it will end.

Christ is calling People to invest their lives in him The question is, who is He calling to invest? All/everyone is called to give their lives to Jesus. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him will be saved". Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." See the world has preference and classes but God is not limited to save people by class, background or status He is a gracious God who saves all because He has intentions to save all through the Gospel in Mark 16:15 “Christ says God into all the world and preach the gospel because the Gospel is the pwner of God to save. Romans 1:16 because it saves everyone who is willing to be saved.

What is Christ demanding that we invest Paul says offer you bodies as living sacrifice to God in Romans 12:1. God wants us to be with Him with our whole heart, we need to choose to be His and. Romans 14:7-8 “For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. We can only belong to the Lord if we have given Him our lives, see if we can give Him our lives we can be able to talk like Paul when He said in Galatians 2:20 “I HAVE BEEN CRUCUFIED WITH CHRIST AND IT IS NO LONGER I WHO LIVES BUT Christ in me and now the life I live in the flesh I Live by faith in the son of God” The benefits of investing with Jesus The fact of the matter is that for every input there is an output. Philippians 1:21 “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain… Paul says we should make our lives the business of Christ, we should be devoted (DEVOTION means dedication of all to Christ Romans 12:1 offer yourself as a sacrifice live a life devoted to Christ).


James teaches that we need to plan our lives around God who is good, great and gracious if our lives and that when we-

plan we should consider the possibility that we should give our lives to God today rather than tomorrow 2 Corinthians 6:2 “ For he says, "In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you." Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

Everything that has to do with your life, your family, your work, your hobbies all that has to do with you has to be His business Remember JAMES 4:14 “WHAT IS YOUR LIFE……. IT IS LIKE A MIDST THAT APPEARS FOR A MOMENT”. This life is realised by faith Hebrews 11:6 “it is impossible to please God without faith. . If He oversees your life even when you die there is a lot to gain”. Deprived of the sinful body. (2) Freed from temptation. (3) From his enemies. (4) From suffering. (5) From death. When we die as Christians, we our life are not altered but elevated because we gain.

The Christian’s death is a gain by acquiring something. Christ said in Matthew 10:39 “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. That is why Christ says to Mary in John 11:25-26 “Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" He is the resurrection and the life and if we give Him our lives He will reward us with everlasting life ,Jesus reassures Mary here that even though Lazarus is no more but he has the power to bring him back, this is the comfort we have as-

Word of faith or Bongani Gama

Christians that as long as there is Christ we can not fear death like Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:55 “o death where is your sting” Christ is the way the truth and the life and he is the only one who has the key to eternal life PUT YOUIR LIFE IN HIM ,because he will never derail you from the plan and the direction of God John 14:6 I am, the way the truth and the life no one can go to my father except through me ,he is the only one who is willing to make sure that your investment will be protected and given back with eternal bonus so invests before it is too late ,if you want to know how to invested and what to invests ask me how on the following details :

@solly_gama @bongani4653




Question: "What is Christian rehab? When should a Christian consider going to rehab?" Answer: Addiction is a serious issue with far-reaching effects. Many times a person’s behavior becomes so entrenched and so harmful that he or she needs treatment in a formal rehabilitation program to begin the process of recovery. Colloquially referred to as "rehab," most treatment programs include detoxification, group therapy, psycho-education, introduction to outside support groups (generally 12-step programs), and individual counseling. Many treatment centers also provide psychiatric support for dual diagnoses (such as treatment for underlying depression or bipolar disorder), programs for affected family members, and training in life skills. Rehab is often thought of as an inpatient program, although outpatient rehab facilities do exist. There are many similarities among treatment centers, but each has a unique mélange of programs and theoretical foundations. Some rehab facilities market themselves as Christian. Although specific approaches may differ, Christian rehabs generally consider God to be the primary healer in overcoming addiction, and they incorporate Christian tenets in the recovery process. Many Christian centers view addiction as primarily a spiritual problem, with biological, social, and emotional co-factors.


Addiction is often linked to a desire to


fill a void or to a fear of facing painful emotions. Christians understand that only God can fully satisfy and that He is

Most individual churches are not equipped

able to carry our heartache (Matthew

to handle the complexities of addiction.

11:28-30; 1 Peter 5:7; John 16:33).

But many Christian treatment facilities

Christian rehab also views spirituality as

exist to function as the Body of Christ to

an avenue of healing. The substance of

an addict.

abuse clearly cannot take God’s place; developing a person’s relationship with

If a Christian finds himself ruled by an

God will help him or her to stop using. In

addiction, he may want to consider

most Christian rehab, then, patients

entering a rehab program. A Christian

receive physical, psychological, and intellectual support, as well as spiritual guidance. Biblical truth becomes a key treatment tool. Both the Bible and society speak against addiction, but this does not make Christians immune from the struggle. In Christ we are set free from sin (Romans 6:6-11; 8:2; John 8:36). However, we must also make an effort to live in that freedom. Paul talks about the Christian’s struggle against sin in Romans 7. In Ephesians 4:22-24 Paul writes, "You were

rehab program has the benefits of recognizing the true Healer and of addressing the spiritual heart of addiction issues. However, it should be mentioned that some "Christian" rehabs do not follow current medical and psychological standards in providing addiction treatment. Some may also have faulty theological beliefs. Some non-Christian rehabs offer poor programs or have faulty theoretical stances, as well. Before entering into any rehab program, it behooves a potential patient (or family member) to fully vet it. Ensure that the program addresses each aspect of

taught, with regard to your former way

addiction (spiritual, physical,

of life, to put off your old self, which is

psychological, and social), that competent

being corrupted by its deceitful desires;

medical staff is available, and that patients

to be made new in the attitude of your

are treated with care and respect. Most

minds; and to put on the new self,

rehabs have copies of their treatment

created to be like God in true

plans available for the asking.

righteousness and holiness." There is no shame in requesting help in putting off

If you or someone you know is trapped in

the old self. Not only do Christians have

an addiction, you may want to consider

the power of the Holy Spirit to help them

possible treatment plans. A counselor,

in overcoming addiction, they have the Body of Christ, which is designed to be a support system. Christians should be good stewards of the resources available to them.

psychiatrist, or medical doctor in your area may be able to direct you to a facility. You might also consider using in your search.

monthly devotions Karabo Lekwape, is the daughter of the Most High. Who believes that without God you are nothing. She completed her Degree in BCom Accounting and is currently studying Post Grad in Financial Accounting. Throughout her journey of life, she saw Gods amazing works and would advise that people ensure that they are running their race with God.. Pure Grace..

Introducing to you, monthly devotions by : KARABO karabo.lekwape

A KEY TO BLESSINGS Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for blessing me with my parents in the Lord. I pray that may I always honour them, obey them, respect them.. not because I want blessings but because it is the right thing to do as your

When God said this commandment He knew

Word says. May I always be the doer of your Word.

very well what he is talking about because


He himself is a parent to us all. This does not require only your biological parents but also your spiritual parents. Yes, your Spiritual parents – the stewards whom God entrusted them with your soul, to feed you and nourish the inner man in you for your wellbeing, like any other parent – where their blessings matter.

Obeying them does not mean worshipping them but it means respecting them and adhering to the rules they set. Why? Simple – their instructions are there to grace our heads and adorn our necks and for disobedience is like a sin of witchcraft. So by doing so.. you obtain their blessings and favour. Isn’t that a

wonderful thing? A happy parent is a key to blessings.


Chanelle Fairlene Pillay Chanelle Fairlene Pillay is a South African born, qualified attorney with her Masters in Business Law, and woman of faith! She is connected to the ministry known as The SuperNatural Church of Jesus Christ where she encountered more of the Lord and His dynamic plans for her life! Author of books titled :‘A SHEPHERD KING’ and AWAY FROM YESTERDAY all available on Amazon. @chanelle.fairlene

CAREERS, CONFUSION, AND COMPROMISE! From the time I was about twelve years old, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in law. And that is exactly what I did. But, not everyone knows right away what career they want to venture into, or what would best suit their strengths and skills. Many young people have asked me over the years, “How do I know if law is for me?” and “What do I need to be good at in order to study this field?” or, “Is it difficult being a lawyer and a Christian at the same time?” and “What happens if the career I choose comprises my faith and beliefs?”

Well, if you are interested in the legal career, here are some questions you can ask yourself to know whether this is a well-suited career choice for you. 1. Are you skilled in both written and verbal communication? 2. Are you able to power through and understand volumes of reading material effectively? 3. Are you a confident person with good time management? 4. Do you care about the interests of others? 5. Do people often come to you for advice and guidance? If so, then this field could very well be for you! Take some time to research as much as possible on the field you are interested in to rid yourself of all the confusion.


A great starting point would be to speak to those who are working in that profession, whether it is lawyers, teachers, doctors, engineers, writers, musicians etc. Another great idea is to arrange to shadow or spend some quality time with them in order to oversee the kind of work that is done and to understand the day to day activities of that profession. Once you have done this, your decision may become much simpler! When it comes to your career and your faith, there should be no compromise. No career and profession should be of more value that the Word of the Lord and His truths and principles in it. Whether you are a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a coach, a secretary, a CEO, or a cashier, the Lord requires us all to love Him, seek Him, do as He pleases, and never compromise. The Word of the Lord has countless examples of people who were pleasing to God and who were used by God no matter what their professions were. There were fishermen, shepherd boys, tax collectors, farmers, soldiers, kings, governors, carpenters and so many more! So it is possible! Acts 5 has a significant story that reflects the kind of character and qualities a lawyer should possess to be effective! It was at a time when the Apostles were facing persecution for teaching the Word of the Lord. They were brought before the high priest to be questioned, and because of their message of the gospel, the people wanted them put to death. It was a Pharisee named Gamaliel, whom the Bible refers to as ‘a doctor of the law’ and one who was honored by all people, who stood up and addressed the Apostles’ accusers by saying, “Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought. But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it: lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.” The Bible says that his speech persuaded the people, and the Apostles were spared from death. This teacher of the law used his knowledge, words of advice, and verbal persuasion skills at the right time and place for the right purpose! And because he was respected, sought after, and had a reputable reputation, his advice was received well. 1 Kings 3 is another example of a man who had a heart for his people, one who was able to hear both sides of a story, and who operated in wisdom when handing down judgments!

This man was King Solomon. When two women came before him, they disputed over a newborn child. One claimed that the baby was her child who had been swapped by the other woman during the night for a dead baby. When the real mother awoke that morning, she realized that the dead infant in her bed was not actually her baby. She realized that the other mother had taken the living child in the night as her own. King Solomon heard both their arguments and said, “Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other.” This judgment certainly brought the truth to light immediately. The woman who had stolen the child agreed for the child to be divided in two! The woman who was the real mother cried out saying, “O my lord, give her the living child, and in no wise slay it.” In a mere few seconds, King Solomon knew who the true mother was and ordered for the baby to be returned to the real mother. Such wisdom in his ruling! Joseph was a young man whom the Lord was pleased in. Despite being sold into slavery and working for an officer of Pharaoh, the Word of God says that Joseph was promoted as an overseer of his house and everything was blessed because of Joseph. He eventually rose to such power in Egypt, but still remained true to the Lord and did what was pleasing in His eyes.


Esther was made Queen, yet she used her position of influence to change a decree and save her own people, even risking death. David was simply caring for sheep in a field, and God found him suitable for the throne of Israel.. Many disciples were uneducated and unpolished fishermen going about their business when Jesus told them to follow Him. Identify what gifts, skills, strengths and graces the Lord has given you, and work towards a career or field that you can be passionate about! And no matter the career or profession, the Lord is looking at your heart, how you treat others, whether you stand for truth and justice, and how obedient you are to Him and His Word! There is never confusion when you are in Christ, and you can never compromise when you know Him. As I have learned from The SuperNatural Church of Jesus Christ – you do the NATURAL and God will do the SUPERNATURAL.




A far Better Covenant by Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert Exodus 19:4-5 (AMPC): "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles" wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will obey My voice in truth and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own peculiar possession and treasure from among and above all peoples; for all the earth is Mine." God established a covenant with His people. It was a sworn commitment from God to make them His own possession, and treasure them above all people. Can you just imagine being set apart and treasured by God like this? He wanted the whole earth to know how much He cared for, provided for, and protected His Own. Did you know that the finished work of the cross caused us to enter into a new and even better covenant with God? This covenant we have has the same benefits of the old - and far greater ones in the new. And we get to enjoy each one by yielding to His grace, and responding in faith. The heart of this new covenant is so extremely generous, it's outrageous! Instead of God's people only being able to experience Him from afar, lest they die from being exposed to His glory; God made a way for His Presence to come live inside us. We can individually experience His tangible peace and extravagant love by just turning our attention to Him. We have the privilege of hearing His voice speaking into our hearts. We even obey Him by the power of His Spirit that works within us. We dare you to take full advantage of your new covenant with God today!


An intercessor, worshiper and student. A lover of beauty, fashion and Christian apologetics. @sanelemanzini_

“How I love you, lord! You are my defender.

I have realized that when we are going

The Lord is my protector; he is my strong

through trying times of uncertainty for the

fortress. My God is my protection, and with

future, we tend to question God’s promises

him I am safe. He protects me like a shield; he

over our lives, his word, existence, and love

defends me and keeps me safe. I call to the

for us. What if I told you, that what you’re

Lord, and he saves me from my enemies.

facing now is just scratches compared to what

Praise the Lord! The danger of death was all

God has protected you from. My aim with this

around me; the waves of destruction rolled

article today, is to make you realize that God

over me. The danger of death was around

is your defender, he has been defending you

me, and the grace set its trap for me. In my

from the day you were born till this minute,

trouble I called the Lord; I called to my God

and he assigned angels to personally protect

for help. In this temple he heard my voice;

and guard over you.

he listened to my cry for help.” Psalm 18:1-6. Instead of saying “God why is this happening Imagine, asking God to open your spiritual

to me?”, say “God I know I might be in pain

eyes just for one day, to see what is

right now, going through trials and

happening in the spiritual realm concerning

tribulations but I thank you, for the previous

your life, for him to show you what he has

battles you have won for me, battles I know of

protected you from just for 24 hours…you

AND the ones I do not know of. I trust, that

would worship him differently and more. If

you are going to win this battle for me again,

you are a person struggling to worship God in

for your name's sake”. Beloved, there is a lot

difficult times, I suggest you continue reading

that happens in the spiritual realm

this article, it is going to challenge you to

concerning our lives, reason being, the enemy

change your heart's posture and attitude

does not want children of God to succeed, the

towards the challenging times you’re in.

moment we became children of God, we became the enemies of Satan.

He is working against us day and night,

And so I challenge you today to change your

because of this light we carry, the light of the

attitude and mindset towards the times of

world which is the gospel.

testing, if you used to see it as torture, from today I urge you to see it as a learning curve,

I don’t want you to be discouraged, the enemy

as an opportunity to strengthen your faith

might be plotting against you but victory is

muscle, as an opportunity to get closer and

yours, as long as you’re in Christ Jesus

closer to God, an opportunity to gain more

because greater is he who is in you than the

wisdom, see it as your training for God to use

one in this world. Ephesians 6:10-11 says

you in encouraging others who will go

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty

through a similar situation in the future.

power, put on the full armor of God, so that

Having a positive attitude will help you not to

you can take your stand against the devil’s

feel so worn out because you will find

schemes.” If you take your time and read

positivity in your negative situation. And by

Ephesians 6 you will realize that the full armor

having that mentality alone, you have

of God that Paul was referring to are: the belt

defeated the enemy. I say this because most

of the truth; breastplate of righteousness;

of the time the devil does not want you to die

sandal with the gospel of peace; the shield of

physically but he aims to attack you mentally,

faith; helmet of salvation; the sword of the

emotionally, and spiritually to a point where

spirit; and last but not least, Prayer. All these

your faith and trust in the Lord to dies.

7 armors Paul mentioned in Ephesians 6, are crucial armors that every child of God needs

Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are

to have to fight against the schemes of the

weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

devil. But let not shy away from the fact that

It normal to get tired and feel worn out but it

as believers we do go through different

is not a reason to lose your faith. Always

seasons in our lives, some seasons increase

come back to the father, even if you have to

the level of our faith and some just leave us

crawl back because he is the only one who

worn out. If you feel worn out and so tired to

will fulfill you and give you rest. Stop looking

a point where you want to quit, there is grace

for fulfillment and protection from the people

for you too.

and things of this world but come to the father today and he will meet you at the point

In fact, God is closer to you more than ever,

of your need.

he says that in his word in Psalm 34: 18-20 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and

“Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the

saves those who are crushed in spirit. The

advice of the wicked or stand around with

righteous person may have many troubles,

sinners, or join in with mockers. But they

but the Lord delivers him from them all, he

delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it

protects all his bones, not one of them will be

day and night. They are like trees planted

broken.” So when you do feel worn out, it is

along the riverbank, bearing fruit each

not the time for you to be running away from

season. Their leaves never wither, they

God but instead run to God, because when

prosper in all they do.” Psalm 1:1-3.

you do feel worn out not only will God renew your strength but he will continue to be your defender even in the weakest moments of your life, he will stand in the gap because he is a gracious God and a loving father, and his job is to protect his own.

sanele manzini



THE MARRIAGE SERIES Attorney Tsholofelo Mahlatsi

What Are Matrimonial Property Regimes And How Do They Apply To Me? The journey to the alter is an exciting and stressful one for any couple. However, it’s imperative that that couples take time to decide which matrimonial regime will be suitable for their marriage. The Matrimonial Property Act (the Act) provides for three matrimonial regimes namely: Marriage In Community of Property, Marriage Out of Community of Property and , Marriage Out of Community of Property with Accrual. This series will cover the attributes of the three matrimonial regimes, their advantages, disadvantages, and changing your matrimonial regime from in community of property to out of community and divorce.

Marriage In Community of Property Marriage in community of property is the most known matrimonial property system. A marriage in community of property is concluded by default when the couple gets married without concluding an antenuptial agreement, commonly known as a ‘pre-nup’. Spouses married in this regime will have their separate estates combined into one joint estate. This means that all the assets and liabilities that each partner had before the marriage will belong to both spouses in undivided equal shares. Each spouse has the right to dispose of the assets of the joint estate and creditors have the right to claim money to attach property that was acquired by the nonowing spouse before he/she entered into the marriage.

Assets and liabilities The common rule is that all assets and liabilities attained before and during a marriage in community of property fall within the joint estate. However, there are few exceptions, such as assets bequeathed to one spouse in terms of a Will where the Testator stipulates that the property is to be excluded from the joint estate or money paid to one spouse for a claim of pain and suffering against the Road Accident Fund. The liabilities that were incurred by each spouse prior and during the marriage will be claimable against the joint estate, this includes maintenance debt, loans, bonds, contractual debt, payment to ex-spouse and any other claims. Insolvency In the event that one spouse becomes insolvent (cannot pay his/her debts) both spouses will be declared insolvent because there is one joint estate. If the court grants an order against the insolvent spouse, it is enforceable against the joint estate.

Suing for Damages The general rule in this instance is that spouses married in community of property cannot sue each other for damages, as the money successfully claimed from one spouse would fall back into the joint estate. There is, however, an exception to this rule. A spouse can sue the other spouse for nonfinancial loss arising out of bodily injuries caused by the other spouse. An example of such an instance is when the wife, due to the negligent driving of her husband is injured in a car accident. She is entitled to claim for pain and suffering as it is a non-financial claim but not for medical expenses as it is a financial claim. The money from such a claim will fall into her own estate and will be excluded from the joint estate. Capacity Each spouse can enter into an agreement that binds the joint estate, an example of such an instance is when one spouse buys property on credit, the creditor will have a claim against the joint estate not solely against the spouse who entered into the agreement. There are, however, instances where the contracting spouse is obliged to obtain consent from the other spouse. The necessary consent may be informal, where verbal consent is sufficient or it may be formal, where written consent is necessary.

The instance where informal consent is sufficient are: - Alienating or burdening of common household furniture, i.e. couch set, bicycles, pots. - Donation of property that would unreasonably prejudice the joint estate. This includes donating house furniture. - Receiving money due to the other spouse such as, remuneration, an inheritance, dividends, or interest on investments in their name. - Receiving proceeds of an insurance policy, pension proceeds, rent income. The instance where formal consent is sufficient are: - Alienating or burdening of assets belonging to the joint estate, kept mainly for investment purposes, such as jewellery, artworks, stamps, or coins - Alienating, ceding, or burdening insurance policies, mortgage bonds, fixed deposits, shares, stocks, or any other spouse’s investments at any financial institution. - Withdrawing money from any account held in the name of the other spouse. The instances where written consent with two witnesses is necessary are: - Alienating immovable property, such as a house, townhouse, or farm, belonging to the joint estate.

- Entering into a credit agreement in terms of the National Credit Act 34 of 2003 - Concluding a contract to purchase immovable property. Instances where prior written consent with two witnesses is necessary are: - Entering a contract of surety, where one spouse binds the joint estate as surety for the debt of a third party. - The actual alienation or burdening of immovable property belonging to the joint estate or the actual granting of rights (selling or giving a third party a share in the property) over such immovable property. Take note that that the other spouse must provide their consent prior to the transaction as it cannot be ratified later. The written consent of the spouse must be signed of two witnesses. Should a spouse enter into an agreement with a third party without the consent of the other spouse, the law favours the third party and the transaction will remain valid if the third-party didn’t or can’t reasonably had known that consent wasn’t given.

The innocent party does have redress in that when the joint estate is divided at the end of the marriage, the court will make an adjustment and the innocent spouse will be compensated accordingly.

Lastly, we will have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of marriage in community of property: Advantages - Do not need to conclude a contract before getting married. - The financially weaker spouse will have a share in the assets of the wealthier spouse

Disadvantages: - The economically stronger spouse has to share his/her assets with the economically weaker spouse. - You are jointly liable for debts incurred prior and during the subsistence of the marriage. - You need obtain consent from the spouse before concluding certain transactions which may be particularly difficult to if the marriage is failing.

Tsholofelo Mahlatsi

Tsholofelo Mahlatsi obtained her LLB degree from the North West UniversityPotchefstroom in 2018. completed her articles at Mphafi Khang Inc in Bloemfontein where she practiced as a general legal practitioner. She has since been admitted as an attorney of the High Court. @bonniie_xo

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