Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine November

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B E A Uindustrie TE NOVEMBER 2020 ISSUE 03




DISCLAIMER All content in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine is for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Our content is not intended to be relied upon to offer a solution to a specific problem, or as a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals tailored to your particular circumstances, business or lifestyle. Everyone is different, so it is not possible for us to guarantee that our tips and suggestions will work for everyone, every time. Please use your common sense when you try anything new, and consult with relevant professionals as necessary. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we make no representation and assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine. We shall not have any liability for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising therefrom. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or contributors but are here to provide a vehicle for the interchange of ideas, experiences by which we hope to inspire, nurture and empower. We do not recommend use of the content in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine for diagnosing or treating health or other problems, or as a substitute for seeking professional advice and treatment in relation to any such problems. We are not responsible nor liable in connection with any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Š Beaute Industrie 2020, All Rights Reserved.



LETTER FROM THE FOUNDER Manic Monday or Manic Month?


WORKPLACE CULTURE Is cultural diversity part of your ethos? Let's start talking about why it should be.


DIVERSE & INCLUSIVE With such diversity, it’s a wonder why we still experience so many limitations and ‘white-washing’ when it comes to cosmetics.


BENEATH BIOLOGI From bush to bottle, Biologi and their single-ingredient formulas are breaking industry barriers.

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SIMPLY SUSTAINABLE We need to start making a change, in in the way we work, eat, move, live and act - to create a better future for those we leave behind


TOOLS OF THE TRADE We explore the techniques behind some of the industry's favourite 'tools of the trade' - from gua shas and vaccuums to cups and globes.


This morning, the song 'just another manic Monday' by Cyndi Lauper was on repeat in my head as I made my morning smoothie. However, I replaced the word 'Monday' with 'monthday' as that felt more relevant for the year that is 2020. Curiously, I googled 'manic' which gave me the sentence of 'a sustained period of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, intense energy, racing thoughts, and other extreme and exaggerated behaviours', which again, felt fitting for this year. Though manic and certainly mania inducing, I've never heard more positive tails of breakthroughs and grow spurts from the people in our community. It seems like we've all had time to work on our businesses thanks to forced closures, instead of in our business. This has been shown by business owners refitting their designs, therapists upskilling their knowledge, educators moving their programs online and coaches offering their services to businesses that were previously out of reach - all of which I (and assuming you) have been more than happy to see. Brands have really stepped up this year, and I tip my hat to them. You see, when your business closes, so do theirs. Not only are you their client, but your clients are their clients so be sure to give your Account Manager a big smile and coffee next time you see them!

from the founder. T A M A R A

I recently watched the new David Attenborough documentary on Netflix about the worlds landscape diminishing due to climate change and the need for us to stop, slow, pause and reflect before we continue moving forward and it resonated with me as to what you have all done over the past months of closure. You've stopped working in your business, you've slowed your workload, paused the noise, reflected on what was working and had the time and space to look inwards (and most importantly) look at what's not working. It's in the latter (what's not working) that you have the ability to change shells - like the outgrowth and rehabilitation of snails I watched in the doco. Shell too small? Feeling contained? Want to make change? Move shells. Simple. Only it's not that simple when you don't have the time to notice the shell is so tight. You're outgrowing it without even noticing how snug it is. Right now, reading this issue, there's approximately 60~ days left of the year. A great time to ask yourself 'what's working?' and 'what's not working?, especially in relation to the busy post COVID Christmas season that is about to hit us. What worked for you at Christmas last year might not work this year and what didn't work with staff rosters last year might work perfectly this year but how will you know if you don't ask yourself those questions? That's where happens!



Until next time, Stay Connected


@ T A M A R A R E I D B E A U T E

Beaute Industrie || Issue 03

Tamara 04

Workplace CULTURE How culturally diverse is your team? How inclusive are you? Is cultural diversity part of your ethos? Let's start talking about why it should be.

As our focus for this month is culture, it's only fitting that we begin with culture and diversity within the workplace. It’s a big topic, and it means something different to everyone. How inclusive and culturally diverse is your team? Is it part of your ethos to welcome therapists from all walks of life across gender and body shape? How many different nationalities and ethnic backgrounds are represented throughout your business? 3.3% of the Australian population identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and over 1 in 4 are born overseas, so if you’ve answered ‘no’ or ‘not very’ to the previous questions - it may be time to ask yourself why.

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Our industry prides itself on lifting each other up, learning from our peers, supporting one another, and in doing so, being the best we can be. So why is it that all too often, these same sentiments don’t extend to a one hundred percent inclusivity policy within the workplace? Everyone deserves a place in this incredible community, to be given a chance and to have their talents recognised equally. And when we facilitate this, so many wonderful opportunities present themselves, from deeper connections to elevated learning opportunities. Here we take you through some of the industry success stories we’ve seen, and how to facilitate better inclusivity for your team.


Firstly, let’s discuss the hiring process. How does one go about hiring more inclusively? We spoke to Keira Maloney from The Aesthetic Agency, specialist recruiters in the medical aesthetics industry, who tells us that inclusivity in the recruitment process is not practiced enough. “One week ago, I had a phone interview with a male dermal therapist that wanted our assistance in his job search,” says Kiera. “He wanted advice on what he may be doing wrong as he is incredibly educated, knowledgeable, articulate and frankly I have never heard a therapist speak about skin with such conviction and passion, but he is not finding any success in finding his dream job - performing advanced skin and laser treatments.” Sadly, says Kiera, if he were a female, he would be working already. “I gave him some tips, hard truths about how our industry works, and got him in touch with James Vivian, an award-winning male dermal therapist who changed the career path of this candidate in merely minutes on the phone, and subsequently, may have even changed his life. James' open mind and encouragement was sorely needed by this person, and the industry would be better off if we had more forwardthinking business people like James.” Kiera shares with us some ugly truths about cultural discrimination she has seen throughout our industry, and why it’s time we need to make a change. “In my time as a recruiter, I have seen so many recruitment decision-makers in small businesses make their minds up about an applicant, simply by seeing their name on the resume.

I have seen Turkish business owners turn down candidates with a Greek surname and I have seen interviews cut short because the candidate was wearing a hijab. I have seen the worst of the worst, and it has only ignited my passion for crushing stereotypes in our industry. At The Aesthetic Agency, when we send through the candidate shortlist, a brief sheet is sent and surnames are not included, only first name, and an outline of their background, skills and experience and decisions are made purely based on that persons skill set.” According to Kiera, inclusivity and diversity in a workplace is essential to being seen as a forward-thinking and progressive business. “The benefit of having a team full of varied backgrounds sparks more creativity and innovation when the team's minds come together to plan how the business can grow and move forward. In addition, the opportunity to capture more clients is also a huge benefit. Clients with English as a second language will seek out a therapist that speaks their language and travel miles to get to them, then tell their entire family and community about them. The financial benefits of word-of-mouth need no explanation.” Another business benefiting from gender inclusivity right now is Macquarie Medispa, who; as director Karla McDiarmid tells us, recently enlisted male manager Matthew Rosten. In 2020, you really wouldn’t think this should be as big a deal as it is, but as previously mentioned by Kiera: for such a female-dominated industry, it’s a noteworthy decision. Fortunately, as Karla tells us - it’s paying off. “At first it was slightly intimidating being the only male in a workplace,” says Matt. “Even though most of the staff had established relationships, I worked hard to get to know each staff member as a person, regardless of gender. If you’re sincere with your interest in getting to know all the staff you will be received as a valued member of the team. I’ve been made to feel very welcome at Macquarie.” “Genuine inclusivity is important to help everyone feel like they belong, that their unique talents matter and that their needs are cared for by all staff in the workplace. Having a diverse workplace will also maintain a diverse range of talent. Acknowledgment, respect and compassion for all when achieving goals is very important to me.” - Keira Maloney

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Matt,Rosten, Manager Macquarie Medispa

Dwayne Hawthorne, General Manager of HeadHunter Recruitment provides clarity around the term 'workplace culture' by adding that 'workplace culture is the environment that you create for your employees. It places a definitive role in how your staff act, develop, grow, and the work satisfaction, and should be a focus of every employer.'. Something we could not agree more on, however, sadly don't hear enough about. Dwayne continues, 'it is a mix, of your business ethics, values, leadership and interactions, but is an unwritten and unspoken set of rules that assist in creating bonds between staff and employers alike within the business.' In understanding the nature of workplace culture, can the way we recruit impact the culture and if so, should we be more mindful as business owners during the recruitment process? 'Recruitment of your team, has an fundamental impact on every aspect of your culture. One person can redefine every aspect from ethics to interactions. It also has the ability to define if a staff member will stay within your business, as well as define how easy it is to attract potential new teams members and their fit into the team.', so short answer; yes we should be more mindful of our recruitment impacting our culture. As a business owner, you might be asking yourself right now 'what can I do to proactively create a positive company culture', which Dwayne notes is 'probably the hardest part of the process - creating and keeping a positive company culture.'. According to Matt, recently employed male Manager at Macquarie Medispa under the Ownership of Karla McDiarmid, it’s clear that a sense of inclusivity and unity is shared amongst the team, and that this is then passed onto clients, improving their experience within the clinic. “The Macquarie team has been a joy to work with. I’ve been made to feel welcome from day one. There is a genuine spirit of cooperation and shared goals all revolving around giving our guests the best experience possible. Creating a positive experience for people during these tough times has been fantastic.” Karla tells us Matt has been a wonderful addition and natural fit on the team. “Matt was recommended to us as he has fantastic leadership skills. He is a qualified personal trainer so he understands customer service and helping others with advice and personalisation. Matt grew up with four sisters so he has no worries at all working within a predominantly female team.” It turns out there may be a number of benefits to gender diversity that aren’t just limited to team growth. “Inclusivity in our business is extremely important for our team and guests,” says Karla. “Adding Matt to our team has increased the growth of men booking in for services in our business, our female guests love him, but the biggest positive change we have noticed is our Sothys men’s skincare sales have grown tremendously. If anyone is thinking about hiring a man, it’s definitely a great way to increase the percentage of men coming into your business and we know other men aren’t as nervous coming in to buy their wife or partner a gift or voucher once they see another man in the business.” Beaute Industrie || Issue 03

So, what can you do immediately and consistently to improved and implement cultural building systems and processes? Cultivate relationships between your team. The more staff trust and engage with each other, the more relaxed and positive the environment is. Create a relaxed and inviting work space. This might be by having plants to introduce nature and oxygen into the space, or create a relaxed staff room for breaks with couches and a range of food and drinks One of the big two - TRAINING. You can never stop learning. By providing ongoing and frequent training for your team, will elevate you more than most and show your team that you're investing in their growth and development, helping them to feel validated and valued within your business. The second of the big two - WORK/LIFE Balance. This year, we saw a lot of people working from home. This has become key to a lot of industries, unfortunately we don't have that luxury, so we need to provide it in different ways. From reduced days to split shifts and rotating rosters it's a great idea to try to accommodate staff requests. For example, some staff would rather work 4 days across longer hours, or like the idea of part time security over casual ad hoc shifts. We need to be aware that we need to be adaptable when it comes to staff shifts moving into the silly season and beyond.


The Temple Skincare & Spa Lead by Rene Herald

We hear that there’s another way to facilitate huge growth amongst your team, but sadly, it’s not adopted by many in Australia. Most aesthetic businesses we know refuse to hire staff who are on working visas, and while we can understand the difficulties behind investing in administration only to see staff leave mere months later, there are also many wonderful ways your staff can grow and benefit from those on visas being part of your team. Rene Herald, founder of Temple Skincare & Spa, shares with us her success stories from hiring non-residents. “At one stage last year, we had therapists from South Africa, Czech Republic, Ireland, Spain and of course Australia,” says Rene. “This brought such a diversity in skill sets to our team and made me realise that each culture carried a strength, and each country brought a level of training, experience and technique that was unique. For example, I have never experienced a better massage than from our Spanish therapist, our Irish therapist can run rings around the best of them with sales and KPIs, my Czech therapist was amazing at sales and has the hands of an angel, while my South African Manager brings a skill set, experience and drive I have never seen before in my 26 years in the industry.” Rene tells us that she too only hired Australian residents until recently, after meeting an amazing therapist at a beauty bootcamp event. She became increasingly frustrated at the lack of skills she needed for her business, and decided to sponsor her now-manager from South Africa. “This was a daunting experience for me as I had no clue what I was doing and was scared of falling into a not-so-admirable situation. Looking back now, I am so grateful to have taken the leap, as what Lucille has brought to our country and industry is an asset to say the least.” It wasn’t all smooth sailing, says Rene. “Just like personality profiling, it takes a bit for all your team members to understand each other and build a strong team. I now see just how sensitive us Australians are, and that each culture has different mannerisms and language we need to learn. For example, a South African cannot tell an Australian ‘you must...’ as we see that as demanding and dictating, whereas to a South African, the intention is not that at all, she is simply asking you to do something!” As for recommending the process to others, Rene says more businesses should be open to hiring staff already here on working visas. “They will surely contribute more than you expected to your team if you hire the right person.”

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TASNEEM COSMETICS Our beautiful country is often described as a melting pot of different cultures and nationalities, and of course, we have our own incredibly rich native heritage to admire. With such diversity, it’s a wonder why we still experience so many limitations and, let’s be honest, ‘whitewashing’ when it comes to beauty and cosmetics. A question we constantly search for the answer to is 'how often do we see Australia’s broad spectrum of cultural backgrounds represented in marketing campaigns or social media? Are their skin tones and textures being catered for in the cosmetic brands we stock in our businesses?'

“These experiences have all led to my fight for change and need to celebrate ALL types of people, cultures and colours." - Tasneem Shahidullah

Here we celebrate the professional aesthetic brands that are paving the way for a more inclusive and culturally diverse industry - those making it their mission to engrain multiculturalism and diversity into our media and marketing one product at a time. Tasneem Shahidullah, founder of TASNEEM Cosmetics, created her brand after personally experiencing a serious lack of colour cosmetics in the professional beauty industry that adequately catered to people of colour (POC). “TASNEEM Cosmetics was really fostered from a personal journey of mine to find myself in the beauty industry, and frankly, in Western beauty standards,” Tasneem tells us. “Being a South Asian woman who grew up in Western society (Brisbane then Melbourne) I was always finding ways to ‘fit in’ and assimilate into a society that would continuously reject me be it in the inability to find makeup for my skin tone, or getting stereotyped by my Caucasian peers, friends, coworkers and even Australian media. To then experience the blatant disregard towards people of colour (POC) in the workplace by not wanting to market to POC or people of different backgrounds because it wasn’t ‘commercial’ enough.” Today, Tasneem continues her mission to improve acceptance of multiculturalism in our industry, and says the feedback has been extremely positive.

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“These experiences have all led to my fight for change and need to celebrate ALL types of people, cultures and colours which I'm proud to say is something I've encapsulated from the start, from concept and product development to marketing and social media. Though I was able to grow from and overcome discrimination, it should not be something that needs to be overcome. Inclusivity and diversity should be ingrained into the multicultural world we live in' - says Tasneem. Interestingly enough, looking at the models most brands continue to use across their marketing campaigns, it's shocking to see the same stick figure white skinned, blonde hair and blue eyed woman starring back at us when this is not reflective of the clients who we service and who support us by visiting our treatment rooms. The response from the TASNEEM Cosmetic community has been overwhelming to say the least, 'I’ve been really lucky with the response and the community we've created with the TASNEEM Cosmetics Crew. Everyone seems to really understand and 'get' the concept behind TASNEEM Cosmetics.' Reflecting on her most proud moments as a business owner, Tasneem continues 'when I get a DM or a comment/email with support and praise from people saying they feel included and inspired by the brand', and it's hard not to seeing the creative, vibrant, loud message that the TASNEEM Cosmetics platforms are showcasing.


D E R M A L I S T Another professional brand applauding cultural diversity in their marketing campaigns in Dermalist, who feature POC throughout all campaigns and regularly on social media. Even the landing page of Dermalist’s website clearly expresses to the world “we love all skins”. Indeed, Brand & Marketing Manager Kymberly Joseph shares with us “At Dermalist, we believe that all skin is beautiful. That all people are beautiful. That all people are equal. That’s why we don’t just represent one archetypal beauty – we feature people with diverse backgrounds, body shapes and preferences on all of our channels. Kym tells us the team at Dermalist strive towards making all shapes and sizes, cultures and backgrounds feel welcomed, proud, and fairly represented. “We do it because we believe that everyone should be able to see themselves not only represented, but celebrated out there in a way which makes them feel both proud and truly seen,” says Kym. A testament to the growing levels of inclusivity throughout their community, even a demand for more diversity, Dermalist have reported amazing feedback surrounding their statement campaigns from the beginning. “To be honest, when we launched Dermalist last year with our campaign featuring three strong, empowered women we were overwhelmed with the positive feedback we received,” says Kym. “We hadn’t really expected that (the overwhelming response), because for us it wasn’t this bold statement… we had just wanted to celebrate the beauty of three fierce beauties! That said, we were delighted with how it turned out and definitely plan to continue to highlight beauty in all its forms across our channels.”

Beaute Industrie || Issue 01

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard reports from brands demonstrating cries for more diversity in the industry. Women want to celebrate their own unique beauty, even if it isn’t the conventional type of beauty most of us have grown up with over decades. We as an industry set the trends that consumers see and follow, and we need to come together to redefine beauty - at least in our own little corner of the world. We see a small handful of boutique Aussie brands making statements throughout their marketing campaigns, from Dermalist’s diverse cover girls to Minx Tan’s recent plus-sized tanning photoshoot, but in order to convince larger brands to get on board, we need to make this a real movement. Change will only be made if you ask for it, so why not reach out to your skincare and beauty brands with a few polite suggestions about incorporating more diversity in their advertising? Many small voices make a loud cry, and it’s finally time we spoke up.


From left to right Models – Mary Vitinaros, Jasmine Bell and Jodily Pendre Photographer – Monica Milla HMU – Stefanie Milla and Bernice Mansfield Producer – Stefanie Milla

Beaute Industrie || Issue 03


WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR BRAND? Claim your FREE directory listing or discuss our annual membership options via

BENEATH BIOLOGI From bush to bottle, Biologi and their single-ingredient formulas are breaking industry barriers.


For this issue’s focus on culture, we’ll be delving behind the scenes of a brand that not only publically applauds diversity (via their incredibly stunning ambassador Sam Harris) but too, has drummed up a cult following over the past couple of years. Despite its capsule range, Biologi has been making big waves thanks to its unusually simple but efficacious single-ingredient formulas. Here we give you a behind-the-scenes look into the brand’s ethos, formulations, clinical use, and take a look at what the future holds.

Ross Macdougald, Founder of Biologi, tells us he was becoming increasingly frustrated by the number of

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cosmeceuticals on the market with low concentrations of actives - and so Biologi was born. “Throughout my career as a cosmetic chemist, I’ve developed countless products and formulated active ingredients which are currently sold in brands across the globe today. Biologi was actually born out of a frustration I had surrounding the low levels of plant actives that were being added to products (and usually only for marketing and labelling claims). Brands were increasingly diminishing the levels of active ingredients (as little as 2%) included in their products, meaning that what was found of the shelves contained so little percentages that it rendered the product useless. I knew that for a product to be 100% effective, it would need 100% active ingredients. However unfortunately brands just didn’t see this as commercially viable for them .


Cover, Index and Biologi feature: Model – Samantha Harris Photographer – Libby Willis HMU – Clare Moriarty Producer – Heather Earl for Biologi Location – The Bower Byron Bay Wearing – Deiji Studios

(that is, they wouldn’t be able to make the large profit margins with this type of product). I wanted to change this but realised that they only way to do so was if I did it myself. So, in 2017 I launched Biologi, hitting the market with the world’s first ever 100% active single ingredient, pure plant serum.” So how does one single ingredient work? Ross explains “Biologi taps into our revolutionary extraction system (CLECS™) which mimics the plant’s internal closed process to extract serums that work in the bottle as they do in their unique cellular environment. Biologi is the first skincare product in the world that contains natural, stable, active vitamin C. Absorption of the beneficial active plant nutrients is fast and effective allowing the serum to penetrate deeper into the epidermis to repair, restore and hydrate skin cells.” We’ve recently seen an increasing number of skin-focused clinics, dermal therapists and nurse practitioners take on Biologi as a part of their skincare offering, so we took the opportunity to chat to one about the range’s results. Madilyn Wolens also known as The Functional Nurse, says it has been her top seller from day one. “Biologi are staple tools that help us treat our diverse patient load, from babies to teenagers, and elderly patients with poor wound healing,”. “The Biologi range is stocked both on our online retail store and used in our clinic professionally. When prescribing medical-grade treatments such as dermal needling, PRP and injectables, we want to ensure complete skin health. By having our patients on Biologi for at least 3 weeks pre and post treatment, we are ensuring optimal barrier function, introducing phytonutrients and enhancing protection for the skin. As our practice is also integrative medicine, by switching our patients to Biologi we are reducing the topical toxins and therefore toxic load on our patients' liver. This helps immensely when clearing conditions such as eczema and hormonally driven acne.”

world's first ever “The majority of our clients have already heard of Biologi and utilised their amazing educational resources online, so they are very receptive to the change. For those clients who are new to 'Clean Cosmeceuticals', they are often shocked with how simple yet effective the products are,” says Madilyn.

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One of the things we love most about Biologi is their ambassadorship with Australian model Sam Harris, embracing and celebrating cultural inclusivity for the beauty industry. “We absolutely adore Sam and the awesome work she is doing with Biologi!” says Ross. “She’s a great representation for our brand as not only does she have beautiful skin, but the inner beauty of her personality shines through as well. As a brand, we are still in our infancy so are continually striving to be, and do, better. It’s always been a focus of ours to ensure people, particularly women of colour, feel included, considered and empowered." "We’ve always maintained a sense of inclusivity for our brand, however we don’t feel the need to shout it from the rooftops or get into the business of virtue signalling. For us, our brand is for everyone and we hope we convey that in the vast range of women we choose to represent us. In saying that, inclusivity is incredibly important in our industry, so long as it’s not tokenistic. Diversity and inclusion should just be the norm and thankfully we are seeing some changes in that respect with brands becoming more respective of broader Australia and all the amazing cultures that are a part of it.” A articulation of wording we could not have put together better ourselves!

100% pure plant serum. So what does the future hold for Biologi? Ross tells us a lot of the brand’s future plans are driven by further research and development into plant extracts. “A great example of this is that we said we would never develop a cleanser because at the time we hadn’t discovered a plant extract that would have the right efficacy as a single ingredient. Then we discovered that soapberry extract (which is the ingredient of Biologi’s Bc Refresh Cleanser) which is packed with nourishing actives that gently wash away

"Diversity and inclusion should just be the norm and thankfully we are seeing some changes in that respect with brands becoming more respective of broader Australia and all the amazing cultures that are a part of it.”

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impurities and leave skin fresh, clean and clear. This is a world-first – the naturally occurring amino acids, phenolic acids and amines work in synergy to remove all traces of dirt without disturbing the skin’s natural oils and moisture essential for hydration. However, if you had have asked us about developing a cleanser from a single plant extract a year ago, we were saying that it was impossible! Our future plan is to definitely develop the range, and this often happens in synergy with our discoveries about natural plant extracts.”


# R E A L T A L K


SUSTAINABLE We need to start making a change, in in the way we work, eat, move, live and act, - to create a better future for those we leave behind.

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Here at Beaute Industrie, sustainability is one of our core values. Not only is it interwoven throughout everything we do, including our events and merchandise, but we consider it part of our mission to encourage salon, spa and clinic owners to undertake sustainable practices wherever possible. We also consider it part of our mission to spread the word about the incredible businesses that are already partaking in sustainable practices, leading the way for our industry and, more importantly, ensuring the health and beauty of our planet for our future generations.


We spoke to a number of beauty and aesthetic business owners who are passionate about earth-friendly choices in the workplace, and not only did we learn that it’s the small things that go a long way, but too that implementing a few changes at a time may be even simpler than you think. Rachel Roberts from Better Beauty is a big advocate for sustainable beauty, and she tells us it isn’t just good for the planet, it’s good for business. “Sustainability in my business is important for a few reasons,” says Rachel. “Not only am I limiting waste within the salon, but sustainability is part of my brand image, which gives me a competitive advantage. It attracts new customers who may be on the fence of which salon to visit.” Rachel tells us how even the tiniest of changes in our salons can add up when you consider the bigger picture. “I believe that everything we do within our daily lives and salon lives should have minimal impact on our environment, and it’s all about putting those small things that you might not think make a difference at the forefront. For example, switching cotton tips to eco-friendly cotton tips. It’s such a small thing that we can do, but over 10 years in the beauty industry I know I’ve used a lot. Multiply that with every salon, something so small now has huge impact. Starting small and changing one thing at a time is a great start. Take a look at what’s ending up in the bins at the end of each day. Is there a way to reduce that issue? Are there lights or wax pots on all day that don’t need to be?” We understand that being more sustainable can come at a cost, but as Rachel explains, this is a cost you can pass onto your clients and most of the time, they are more than happy to facilitate.

Rachel’s last tip is to get your team involved, not just at work but in the home as well. "Being a sustainable salon benefits not only our environment but as a business owner and leader. It feels good knowing you’re setting a great example for staff who may start the conversation at home, and bring a packed lunch with minimal waste, which their partner may start doing. The conversation may then flow to clients, and this flow-on effect of small changes by everyone can result in huge impact.” Another way to make a big impact is to get your clients involved. Pay it forward by encouraging your clients to practise sustainability at home, starting with the products they receive from you. Danielle Dean from The Beauty Garden shares some of her salon’s tips with us: “We encourage our clients to upcycle/recycle their product containers. They're already 100% recyclable if they just want to get rid of them, but if they want to keep them, we teach them to use old mask containers for tea light candles, to propagate a plant, or fill old bottles with leftover serum from a collagen vitamin mask packet to be used later instead of throwing it away. We show clients how to use leftover candlewax as wax melts and then use the candle jars for storage containers such as makeup brushes or other items. We even have one-time-use recyclable headbands which we gift to our clients to reuse at home after their facials.”

“Gloves, bin bags, cotton tips, and laundry rather than disposables can be more expensive, so it’s important to consider the cost into each treatment. I know from my experience clients are more than happy to pay a little extra for something they get to feel like they’re having a positive impact on, without needing to do anything. Consider having clients bring their own g-string for waxing. Saving both a g-string and bag is a great small habit to change that can have a huge difference over a period of time. Start the conversation with the brands you stock, ask what they are doing within their businesses: do they align with your values, and how may you be able to implement some of these values?” Better Beauty. Image supplied.

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Another business known for its excellence in eco practices is intherapy. Owner Nicola Le Lievre tells us being sustainable is one of the business’ core values. “We have always been very conscious of the products we use in salon and any little ways we can make a difference,” explains Nicola. “We believe that we can all be a part of the solution and small changes can make a big difference. Since I bought the salon five years ago, we have slowly incorporated some of those changes to our salon but two years ago we took it to the next level.” “It all started one afternoon when I was driving home from work and noticed a purple bin in front of a hairdresser nearby. I stopped to see what it was and the name Sustainable Salons Australia caught my attention. I immediately contacted them and

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enquired about what they do. Things escalated quickly from there and a few weeks later we were joined up with SSA as the first beauty salon in Queensland. We are extremely proud to be the first sustainable salon in our state and hope to inspire other salons to come on board so that together, we can make an even bigger difference.” Nicola shares that her entire team is thrilled to be a part of the program. “I am happy to say that all of our staff and guests are on board with this amazing cause. We are very mindful of our recycling on a daily basis, disposing everything we can into the paper, plastic and metal bins provided by SSA, as well as a chemicals bin for any leftover and expired products. We always share our core values with new and existing guests and get them involved as well.”

Nicola agrees that most clients are more than happy to pay an additional cost to facilitate green initiatives. “We have introduced the SSA $2 green fee per visit and all of our guests have been extremely supportive of this. We approached our salon software Shortcuts who have automatically added the green fee to all transactions. It's a bonus to know that the $2 green free is helping OZ Harvest to feed the homeless. We show guests our recycling bins in the reception area and rooms, and prompt them to dispose of any of their rubbish correctly. We offer guests a $1 discount on products if they bring back their empty packaging. It has been amazing to see so much support and positive feedback from our guests and local community.”


As last year’s ABIA award winner for best eco salon, James Vivian is also known for his efforts in sustainable practice, spreading ecofriendly habits throughout and beyond his clinic.

“We need to teach young people why it’s so important to care for the planet” – Nicola Le Lievre, intherapy

“As a clinic owner, I was becoming increasingly uneasy about the amount of nonrecyclable waste that we were discarding weekly,” James tells us. “The busier we became, the more waste we were creating and our success did not need to come at the detriment of our environment. At James Vivian, sustainability extends beyond reducing our environmental footprint, and includes engaging with staff, local and wider communities to help spread the word and provide support where it is needed the most.” James also enlists the help of growing organisation Sustainable Salons, which originally began in the hairdressing industry. “We reached out to Sustainable Salons to enquire about them collecting from our side of the industry and after a review of the type of materials that we were throwing out daily, they agreed to begin collecting from us. Our general waste decreased by 80% overnight! In addition to recycling everything we possibly can, we opt for biodegradable options when available, including our recent move to compostable mail-order packaging, and have recently been able to create a zero-waste service using purely biodegradable and recyclable consumables.” James also tells us his clinic was the first Victorian collection point for Every Little Bit Helps, an organisation that helps collect, package and distribute unused toiletry care packs to women’s and family shelters. “Conduct a clinic detox,” says James, “view everything you use through a sustainability lens and consider its impact on its environment today as well as its impact in 20 years time.

Image shot by Niki Camacho

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"It’s all about putting those small things that you might not think make a difference at the forefront." - RACHEL ROBERTS, BETTER BEAUTY

Speaking of sustainable partners, there is another organisation helping our industry become its best, most eco-friendly self - The Sustainable Spa Association. SSA is a non-profit organisation consisting of some of the world’s leading spas all committed to making change, maintaining best environmental practice, and being pioneers in the continued efforts towards environmental consciousness and sustainability. SSA believes the spa industry should be a leading industry for environmental causes, since spas represent the essence of wellbeing which begins and ends with the natural world. For a small annual fee, SSA provides data driven resources and the most up to date environmental initiatives from within and outside the spa industry, so members can implement these in their own businesses - like your very own sustainability manager! By becoming a member, you will gain access to an exclusive network of sustainable businesses, suppliers and consumers, all of whom share the same values and principles of overall health, wellbeing, and sustainability. Partners are always available to offer advice, and some even offer exclusive discounts on their products and services. Lucy Briale, Co-Founder and Director at SSA, says “We have all had the most challenging year and I think can all agree that business has changed so much. I believe these (sustainability) principles are so important now because they help to give us a framework to build back a secure future for our industry from all the most important aspects: the people who work with us and who visit us, the environment, and the profitability aspect. It is also important because there has been a growing consumer demand to be reassured that their health and wellbeing isn’t coming at the expense of the environment. They have a lot more environmental information at their fingertips which brings about conscious lifestyle choices which consider how they spend their money and leisure time.”

Lucy says gone are the days when business owners only focus on their profits. “We know how important it is to look after each other, to build happy communities at work and we all appreciate the health of our planet more and more. Sustainable businesses measure success on more than just profits. ‘People, Planet and Profit’, The 3 p’s – known as the triple bottom line. This way of measuring your business brings about a healthy and happy culture which has wide spread positive effects All three aspects interact: a healthy planet = healthy people = healthy business.” On top of their educational tools and resources, SSA members can engage in assessments of their businesses practices to see how their sustainability methods compare, while holding business owners accountable. “We have developed a bespoke members portal where there is access to a self assessment to understand your current business practices and the impact they could be having on the environment.” Being a UK-based organisation, Beaute Industrie has proudly engaged in partnership with SSA in order to spread awareness and the importance of sustainability, extending throughout our Australian professional industry in order to make a difference, give back to our land and better show up as a business within our own team and company values.

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Here at Beaute Industrie, we too take sustainability very seriously. As a globally reaching organisation, we feel it is our responsibility to be socially and environmentally accountable for the impact our work leaves on the people we connect with, and the environment we live in. In order to give back to the land that serves us so generously, we deliver all of our Beaute goods in 100% compostable Hero Packaging parcels that you can pop in your compost, garden or worm farm at home. We have also swapped out standard plastic gift bags for cotton Beaute tote bags, and even created our very own Beaute Industrie ecofriendly coffee cups for all of our 2020 BeauteBrunch attendees to enjoy their tea or coffee from. Not only are they (in our humble opinion) stunning, but are made from natural rice husk fibre and are BPA-free. It isn’t just about dealing with the waste we already have. For us, sustainability is also about improving the ecosystem we live in. Through our BEAUTECADEMY and Beaute Therapist online programs, we celebrate the loyalty of our subscribers by purchasing and planting a tree on their behalf, right here in Australia through our partner company One Tree Planted. At your three, six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four-month milestones, you’ll receive an email to thank you for your subscription, along with a tree-planting donation made in your business name. One Tree Planted is a non-profit organisational charity who is on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees - ideal for those who don’t have the time to go out and plant one themselves. To date, they've planted over 4,000,000 trees! By doing so, we can have a direct impact on the air we breathe, water we have access to, increase the biodiversity of nature, improve our health benefits and help the climate adapt. It's time for us as people to start making proactive changes, throughout our businesses and the lives of those we touch. We need to start making changes - in the way we work, eat, move, live and act, so that we can improve not only the world around us, but to create a better future for those we leave behind.

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We explore the techniques behind some of the industry's favourite 'tools of the trade' - from gua shas and vaccuums to cups and globes.

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There’s something exciting and enchanting about incorporating tools and accessories into our treatments, which is probably why we’re seeing so many spas and skin clinics elevating their facial experiences and enhancing their treatment results with crystals, rollers, gua shas, brushes and more. You’ve purchased your chosen tool of choice, they look divine on your shelf, but how do you incorporate these currently into your treatments? We did a little digging to find out the most beneficial techniques and routines behind some of these most lustworthy facial items, so we can help you add them to your service offering. Roller Let’s start with rollers, as the humble rose quartz roller may be where all the hype originally began here in Australia around two years ago. A massage tool for the face, rollers are designed to assist in lymphatic drainage, remove toxins and drain away stagnant fluid responsible for puffiness. Another benefit is increased blood circulation, bringing stimulated nutrients to the treated area, as well as relief of muscular tension throughout the midface and jaw. There is also, of course, the crystal component, as rollers are available in various crystals such as jade, quartz and amethyst, all of which are said to boast various spiritual benefits. Historically, jade rollers are said to have been reserved for the elite in ancient China, with Chinese medicine referring to jade as the “Stone of Heaven”. The tradition has now evolved across many variants in composition, shape, size, texture, and technique. While there are many consumer products available on the market, there are also plenty of high grade professional options from industry brands like Cosmedix, Salt By Hendrix and more.

Start at the neck above the clavicle and roll upwards towards the cervical lymph nodes. From the chin’s centre, roll outwards along the jawline and continue draining laterally up the cheek towards the parotid gland and pre and post auricular nodes. Draining from the nose across the cheeks can also alleviate some pressure from those suffering sinus congestion. Drain from the centre of the forehead outwards, still moving laterally upwards. Many clients will experience tension around the brows so feel free to roll gently over them. Once you have completed one side, repeat on the other. Many clinicians love the cooling sensation of a crystal or stone roller, exacerbating this by storing in the fridge and further enhancing its puffreducing properties. However, others prefer to warm their stones, further enhancing their blood stimulating qualities.

April Brodie, The Beaute Facial Destination

Gua Sha Also rooted in ancient Chinese history as one of the oldest recorded forms of traditional Chinese medicine, gua shas are said to have once been used to alleviate symptoms of sickness, rubbing various stones across certain body parts in order to promote healing. Today, they come in countless shapes and materials from quartz and jade to obsidian or bian stone. These flat angled stones are slid across the face in similar sequences to rollers, following lymphatic drainage pathways and boasting many of the same benefits. Gua shas generally offer a firmer massage, and in professional treatments often extend to the neck and shoulder area as a tension relieving tool for the sides and back of the neck. Above, April Brodie shares with us some of her unique gua sha techniques. Vacuum Suction You may have seen or trained with electrical vacuum suction devices that suction the skin using a cylindrical tube, and slide gently along in lymphatic drainage motions to stimulate blood and

When using a roller during professional treatments, practitioners should follow their lymphatic drainage sequence, rolling gently upwards and outwards. When A few drops of facial oil or serum should be applied to give a small amount of slip, but not be excessive. Roll smoothly in one direction with gentle pressure, just like petting a cat - do not roll backwards and forwards. Beaute Industrie || Issue 03


lymph circulation and lift blockages simultaneously. Well, if you aren’t interested in a bulky or loud device, there are handheld alternative that may pique your interest. While they aren’t as commonly seen here in Australian, a small handful of providers including Bondi Roxx offer professional facial cupping tools that offer the same thing - only smaller and manual instead of electrical. These feature glass tubes with rubber bulbs at the end, which when compressed, create suction that allows for the tube to be gently slid across the skin in much the same manner as the electrical method. Various sizes are available to work across different areas of the face; for example, the smaller tube can treat the corners of the nose and around the eyes, whereas a larger tube can more effectively work across the cheeks and jawline. Simply apply a small amount of oil to the area to create enough slip, and begin at the jawline in your lymphatic drainage motions. Repeat passes 3-5 times each before moving on. A little practice is required to master the appropriate levels of pressure to apply to the bulb while simultaneously gliding in a smooth motion over the skin. Lift one side of the tube gently off in order to break suction in order to gently remove.

Ice Globes Becoming noticeable on the scene as part of iS Clinical’s Fire & Ice facial, ice globes are another growing facial tool, with more brands releasing their own versions - including Salt By Hendrix and most recently, Ginger & Me. Another tool utilising lymphatic drainage benefits, ice globes (as the name suggests) are designed to be kept in the fridge and used to deliver an ice-cold facial massage. Perfectly round and smooth, these unusual glass globes offer a unique facial experience to clients that are looking for a brightening, fluiddraining, redness-reducing and all-round pick-me-up skin treatment. The globes can be used in a number of ways throughout the facial, dependant on their needs or your own preferences as a business or therapist. For a cooling massage, use them with a serum or oil that provides a bit of a slip. This can provide some cooling relief when used after an exfoliating treatment, enzyme or peel. Alternatively, you can use your globes over the top of a mask to aid in absorption and elevate their overall wow effect once the mask is removed.

Clients experiencing erythema, vascular congestion, reactiveness, or redness-based skin conditions like rosacea will often experience immediate comfort and visible redness reduction. Tamasen Knight from All Saints Skin Clinic recommends a 10-minute segment within the treatment, walking us through her relaxation and brightening routine. Second video on the right. Cupping Bondi Roxx also offers various options for facial cupping. Another treatment based on ancient Chinese medicine, cupping on the face is designed to tone, lift and define facial contours, reduce puffiness, improve the appearance of fine lines, reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles below the eyes, naturally enhance and volumise lips, relax facial tension and tightness, and improve absorption of skincare - just to name a few. The cups are made from premium quality food grade silicone and are available in various sizes for different regions of the face. To use, place cups on the skin and gently depress the tube, creating suction. Lift off from the skin and nutrient rich blood will rush to the area. Most recommend following your lymphatic drainage pathways for this treatment as well. Beaute Industrie || Issue 03

Videos supplied by: INSKIN Cosmedics - Ginger & Me Tamasen, All Saints Skin Clinic Double Bay Beaute Industrie using Bondi Roxx


Cleansing brushes Good riddance to the harsh Clarisonic-style bristle cleansing brushes! There’s a new style of cleansing brush gaining traction, and it is worlds most gentle for our clients’ skins. These are soft silicone bristled brushes, such as those from Bondi Roxx and Dermaenergy. These little handheld tools are a great way to enhance your clients’ cleanses at home, when cleansing using fingers alone may not be enough. It facilitates a better (but ultra gentle) slough-off of surface cells, more effectively break down makeup, and increase circulation at the same time. The space between the fine silicone rubber teeth and the skin is also said to work up a more effective lather for those using a foam cleanser. For good hygiene and effective results, these should be replaced around every three months. When it comes to facial tools, not only do we receive high levels of comments and engagement when we post examples of tools on socials, but we regularly receive requests asking for the best training options. This clearly demonstrates to us that this field of the industry is a growing one, and we're likely to see more and more options appearing over the months to come. As always, do your research and assess your options before committing to a new treatment option that may not be suitable for your clients. Have you been receiving comments and requests from your clients for these tools ? Do they suit your target demographic? Do they align with your current treatment offerings, and your core values? Are you looking for alternative practices and beliefs such as crystal energy, or is your business more suited to simple lymphatic drainage techniques? These are all crucial to consider for the betterment of your business.

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Body contouring - the topic on everyone's lips. We take you through some of the industry's most talked-about devices, including the very latest to launch. With our social media channels often inundated with questions about body contouring, it seems that this incredibly popular branch of treatments is here to stay. Generally speaking, the main questions we receive are; 'what types of modalities are out there', 'how do they work', and 'which device do I choose'? So we’ve decided to do a quick rundown of some of the latest devices to launch this year. For those who are newer to the world of body contouring, different devices of course do different things, and there are several different methods and modalities to either destroy fat or define muscles in order to sculpt and contour the body. Each device carries its own unique technology, rates of efficacy, and volumes of clinical trials and research undertaken to ensure results, so it’s important to discuss these with brand managers when you begin the search for your perfect device. It’s also important to keep in mind your target market, and the types of slimming and toning solutions they might be looking for. Are they the gym-junkie client that wants regular muscle toning? Or the every-day client that wants to rid themselves of that stubborn tummy pouch? With these in mind, here are some of our most-asked-about treatment options. BTL Emtone You may already be familiar with EMSCULPT, BTL’s popular muscle toning device. Well, this September marked the launch of EMTONE in Australia and NZ, the company’s newest non-invasive device to tighten skin and treat cellulite. EMTONE delivers thermal energy (Monopolar Radiofrequency) and mechanical energy (Targeted Pressure Energy) to treat loss of elasticity, enlarged fat cells, fluid retention, poor circulation, and deteriorating collagen and elastin fibres, with no downtime.

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Tissue is warmed to around 42 degrees Celcius, at which collagen is remodelled and stimulated. It’s TGA approved, and works by emitting acoustic waves that disrupt and stimulate the skin, boost circulation and discourage the collection of fluid that contributes to the bumpy look of cellulite. It can be used anywhere on the body, takes 8-24 minutes, and is said to feel like a relaxing hot stone massage. It is also safe for use on all skin tones, all body types, with no BMI restrictions. For optimum results, doctors recommend four to six sessions, scheduled once or twice a week. Initial results can be visible immediately, with improvements over the course of 12 weeks - as the new collagen tightens the skin and evens out fat deposits that cause dimpling. Cutera Flex Another device making absolute waves since its recent launch is Cutera’s truSculpt FLEX - a muscle sculpting device that offers personalised treatments based on patient fitness level, shape, and goals. It utilises a unique method of electrical muscle stimulation; MultiDirectional Stimulation (MDS), to target specific muscle groups using three treatment mode options - Prep, Tone & Sculpt. 8 body areas can be treated simultaneously giving it the largest treatment area in the body sculpting industry. Small individually numbered handpieces are applied to the treatment

area/s, before commencing a forty-five minute treatment session. The device emits soothing music while passing through various phases that simulate different workouts, replicating intensified twisting, squat, and crunch actions equivalent to 50,000 crunches and increases muscle by 30%. TruSculpt FLEX can also alleviate lower back pain by improving core strength and stability. truSculpt FLEX has also been designed to work in conjunction with Cutera’s truSculpt iD device, the first and only non-invasive Monopolar RF device FDA approved for lipolysis and circumferential reduction. truSculpt iD is hands-free and designed to deliver temperatures of around 43 degrees celsius to fat cells resulting in a 24% fat destruction rate from 1 x single 15 minute treatment with no downtime. This makes truSculpt iD the perfect lunchtime treatment and offers clinics unprecedented return on their investment. One of the greatest advantages of the truSculpt FLEX is giving practitioners the freedom to customise energy output on each individual handpiece, meaning different amounts of muscle stimulation can be delivered across different areas at the same time. Practitioners can also correct muscular asymmetry this way, ie. if the patient is experiencing greater muscle tone on one side of their leg, abdominals, or arms. A series of 4-6 treatments spaced 2-3 days apart are recommended for best results.

Beaute Industrie Online Editor Mala McAlpin trailing the Cutera Flex with commentary from Country Manager, Brett Elliot

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Skin tightening and cellulite reduction in addition to fat destruction really does seem to be a major focus when it comes to launches over the last quarter of 2020. Clients want it all and they want it now, and that's really reflected in these new devices, where multi-faceted benefits are the key selling points. Here's what October had in store for us: Lumenis NuEra Launching just weeks ago, the new NuEra Multi Frequency RF device treats four key indications simultaneously – fat reduction, skin tightening, cellulite reduction and wrinkle reduction. Temperatures up to 47°C are achieved to ensure successful fat destruction. As tissue is heated, collagenesis is also stimulated resulting in plumped and tightened tissue. Hand pieces provide unlimited uses and do not require replacing after a set number of treatments. With lipolysis sometimes presenting as quite a painful treatment for clients, a major drawcard is that the NuEra is said to offer a comfortable ‘spa-like’ experience. A multitude of electrode sizes are available for a more targeted approach to patients, treating a number of body parts, shapes and sizes. Venus Bliss Also launching at the end of October this year, brand new Bliss by Venus Concept is another comprehensive, multi-functional device for body contouring. It employs diode laser applicators to effectively reduce fat via lipolysis, and an (MP)2 applicator that combines MultiPolar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields to tighten skin, reduce circumference, and reduce cellulite for a smoother, more contoured appearance. Boasting no usage fees per treatment. 4 diode laser applicators can be activated individually and placed in various configurations on a unique belt design allowing hands-free operation and a tailored service. Sensors feature in each laser applicator to ensure efficient and constant coupling to the skin. Adjustable pulsed suction is integrated into the (MP)2 applicator to facilitate a deep effect on tissue, enhancing penetration and effects of RF energy by improving contact surface between electrodes and tissue. If you're looking to incorporate a new device into your salon or clinic, as always - be sure to do your own independent research. Look at evidence-based practice, don't get caught up on jargon, and always ask questions. The most common feedback we hear is about the sizeable investment a new piece of technology will set you back, but we cannot stress this enough when it comes to laser devices - do not opt for a cheaper alternative, or it will end up costing you more in the long-run, including loss of clients due to ineffective treatments. Beaute Industrie || Issue 03


COMMUNITYconversation Holding space for progressive and inclusive conversation, our Facebook Community produces thought-provoking and insightful delights into the lives and businesses of our community members. This month, we've been loving the conversation on vulnerability in leadership, entry into the industry and non-prescriptive skin care choices.

Mecca Cosmetica is now hiring Beauty/Skin Therapists to service their newly created menu additions of 30 and 60 minute facials. When posing the question to our Facebook Community of whether or not a qualified Beauty Therapist would apply for the role, reactions were mixed. JM Atikin-Walk and Laura Stokes minds are made up immediately due to the knowledge they have around chemical use and lack of sophisticated, results based ingredients, while Anna Field brought up the point of being a 'great opportunity to gain experience for graduates', which is mimicked by Simone Waters who adds, 'I recommend all graduate makeup artists to get retail experience (at Mecca). Resting in the solace of her clients loyalty to the professional beauty industry, Belinda Hughes says 'savvy women will still go to professional therapists or high quality products and treatments - play to our strengths!'

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Creating quite the stir in our community this month was the conversation of brands selling to external promotional websites. Thrusted into the spotlight was Dermalogica, which came under fire for its presence on Catch Of The Day - a notorious website known to undercut the professional beauty industry. It was only a couple of tags later that Account Managers from the brand were replying with the nature of the products being sold by the unauthorised seller, entering the brand into the black market. Often due to popularity, brands are replicated by companies who do a very convincing job of confusing the consumer and selling a duplicate product to an unauthorised seller, much like the case here. This too happens when professional businesses close down and fail to sell their stock or too when professional and retail stock travels beyond its use by date, making the product unsellable in clinic. The solution? Ask your rep, go direct to the source before pointing the finger!

Blowing the minds of some and reigniting the de ja vu in others, a video we re-shared on from clinic Advanced Skin Spa of a high frequency combing service through the hair went bananas! While many were perplexed, curious and eager to introduce the machine into their space with comments like this one from Chelsea Deboer 'we need more information please. Will natural oils be a problem?' and "How do you all compare the results between direct high frequency and blue LED for acne bacteria?" from Kelly Spencer, many watched as the industry trend resurfaced like a recycled fashion faux pas. Maria Papadimitriou and Daniel Boerma added to the conversation saying "we used these in the 80's, they were great!' while Lee Shaw commented 'everything comes back into fashion. We used these in TAFE when I was 16 and now I'm 45!' So we're curious to know - will we continue to innovate technology or will past trends resurface into the new year?


News & Noteworthy. FloraBiome by Chiza Westcarr Venus Concept Hosts ROAR Sydneysiders of the aesthetics industry were thrilled to attend their first physical event in a long while with Venus Concept's ROAR symposium on October 10th. Guests were encouraged to 'Reignite their vision, Open new opportunities, Accelerate their cashflow, and Reach new clients' with a full day program of speakers, followed by luxury seated dinner, preceded by a touching aboriginal smoking ceremony. ‘We chose to hold the conference at Taronga Zoo as it was the perfect setting to remind us all that it is not the strongest nor most intelligent of the species that survive but the one that is best adaptable to change,’ said Event Coordinator Nicole Montgomery.

One of our favourite gut health queens, Chiza Westcarr, is this month, launching her new range - FloraBiome. Formulated with clinically proven actives that support gut, mind and skin health, expect to see a capsule range of delicious concoctions including herbal tea and elixir, for both retail and professional offering. Watch this space, pre-order or find out more via

Skinformation by Terri Vinson Founder of Synergie Skin, Terri Vinson, last week launched her first, highly anticipated book Skinformation. This insightful and educational read is designed for savvy skin lovers and exposes the misinformation and white noise about miracle products and ingredients and debunks current skin mythology empowering you to make your own smart skin choices. From sunscreen and mineral formulas to skin-friendly nutrition and lifestyle tips, Skinformation covers everything you need to know about skin. It’s a must-have handbook for the skin-savvy woman who wants to cut through the hype, and truly educate and empower themselves, leading to better skin decisions. Congratulations to Terri on a stunning read.

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Brands move to virtual Symposium For our professional brands that host annual symposiums, this year certainly shook up the agenda (for brands and their stockists alike!) but that didn't stop some of them deciding they wouldn't be deterred by restrictions or closed borders. Sothys and Dermaviduals both hosted incredible symposiums online last month so their valued partners didn't have to miss out and their annual serving of education. This was particularly exciting for our very own Beaute Industrie Founding Director Tamara Reid, who had the opportunity to speak at both, alongside a roster of other incredible industry experts across both events. Congratulations to both brands on successful events!


# L I S T E N

On The Record.

This month on the Beaute Industrie Podcast, female founders that are giving us gigantic girl-power goals!

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# L I S T E N

Beyond skin deep with Dermatologist, Dr Alice Rudd of Skin Depth Dermatology Dr Rudd is a General and Cosmetic Dermatologist affiliated with The Alfred Hospital Melbourne and The Skin Health Institute in Carlton of Victoria. She has worked for many years with patients suffering from sun damage, skin cancer, pigmentation, acne and acne scarring, eczema, rosacea and psoriasis, and is passionate about helping those with debilitating disease through a combination of medical and natural therapies. In this episode, Dr Rudd explores why she strongly believes in a holistic approach to aesthetics, and how she tailors treatments based on individual skin needs, all while using the integrated approach of her multitalented and highly skilled team of Dermal Therapists, Gynaecologists, Plastic Surgeons and Cosmetic Nurse Injectors.

Esmi Skin Minerals Founder and Director, Evette Hess Evette is a skin expert, to put it bluntly! She's had 10 years of experience under her belt specialising in IPL, medical-grade skin peeling, microdermabrasion, skin analysis, brow shaping and make-up, as well as teaching beauty therapy before she started Esmi Skin Minerals in 2017. As a therapist, Evette identified an opportunity in the market for an Australian-made mineral foundation that had additional treatment benefits to compliment the treatment she was performing in clinic. From understanding your passion for the brand before building it, aligning your purpose with your people and keeping the client front of mind with everything in between, Evette and Tamara share all in this episode.

Training and Technique of a Therapist with Aoife Ni Obain Owner & Operator of Pretty in the City Aoife completed her professional training in Ireland and holds qualifications from both CIBTAC based in London England and CIDESCO of Paris France. Having worked in a number of salons in Brisbane since 2010 and bought ‘Pretty in the City’ in 2015, Aoife is creating space for exceptional treatments in the professional beauty industry with an emphasis on professional and personal development for her team. This episode, Aoife and Tamara talk about the lack and gap of training from a qualified therapist to practising therapist, the service and training standards held internationally in comparison to here in Australia, how to recognise when your breaking point is right before burnout and how she has crafted an exceptional client experience through technique and training. A not to be missed episode for therapists looking to excel and managers seeking to increase or introduce in salon training methods.

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Six carefully selected products Team Beaute have trialled, tested and can attest to. Placed on a page through careful consideration of the products we are using, loving and holding space for in our bathroom cupboards.


2. 3. 4.


6. 1. Qi Home Beauty Treatment Kit by Qi Beauty 2. Focus Care Comfort+ Anti-Pollution Spritz by Environ 3. Vitamin Cream Mask by Dermaviduals 4. Bm Regenerate Anti-Aging Serum by Biologi 5. Re-lax3 Multiple Level Serum by BDR Medical 6. Probiotic Skin Mylck by Esmi Beaute Industrie || Issue 03 Image captured by PicStudio


















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