The Pueblo Zoo is honoring our community's senior citizens Sep tember 11-17, 2022, by providing one week of FREE admission to all seniors 65+, caregivers/aids will also be admitted free of charge. Monday through Friday light refreshments and fun activities.
Scheule of Activities
RSVP is not required for Senior Week.Onthe day of the event, please use the main zoo entrance.
Food options:
11 am - Bison Bingo at
10 am - Docent Animal Education
10 am - Docent Animal Education
Thursday, Sept 15 - sponsored by Humana9am-light refreshments
10am-12pm - Health Solutions10:30amTBA-live music from Tom Munch
Pueblo Zoo Gift Shop: Seniors receive a 15% discount on all items at the kiosks and gift shop.
Friday, Sept 16 - sponsored by SRDA9am - light refreshments
When you look back on your life, do you imagine what today would be like if you had taken more risks? Were there missed opportunities? Perhaps you are the type of person that stepped up, became a leader and can say with pride, “I did that.” Do you feel the urge to be Michelleinvolved?Gray literally stood up, stepped forward and is now a candi date for the Pueblo County Treasurer. Michelle and husband, Randy, have raised six children in Pueblo County over the past nearly 40 years. That fact alone is impressive but, there is more. Michelle describes herself as a prob lem solver with a heart for service. Those attributes have proved them selves over the years but never so clear ly as at the Pueblo County Assembly. When the audience learned that there were no Republican candidates for Pueblo County Treasurer, that famil iar realization hit home. She looked at Randy and said, “If not me, then MICHELLE GRAY
FOR 15% OFF “Call me today and I’ll change your oil in manner,clean,professional,aandsafesavingyouatonofhassle ,” Call or Text: SENIOR DISCOUNT (719) 307-1822 says Emery Keller, ProLube owner and operator. PUEBLO ZOO Seniors Day-- cover & 22 ▶ SEE LIGHT, PAGE 21 ◀ FROM CAFE PAGE 7
Established February 1982 **SEPTEMBER 2022 EDITION** Vol. 41:8 488 Consecutive Months! Beacon PUEBLO ZOO'S SENIOR WEEK Senior Committed To Southern Colorado Seniors For 41 Years And Counting "If You're 50 Or Over You Should Read It!" your ad reachhere...36,800 + (719)247-6580textreadersSENIORorcall: **EMAIL: BeaconNewsGroup@gmail.comTOALONGPAPERTHISPASSPLEASE FAMILY&FRIENDSYOUR See John Giarratano-- pages 2 & 7
, PAGE 21
Lunch - Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunch and drinks. Reserved tables are $25, completed registration form must be received by Sept. 9
10 am - Docent Animal Educa tion11am - Sponsor Activity
9:15 & 10:15 - chair yoga by Studio Share
Questions? Please contact Patrice, Events Coordinator at 719-5611452 ext 106, or email her PHarrison@pueblozoo.orgat FOR PUEBLO TREASURERCOUNTY–GRIT WITH
(All animal presentation times are dependent on weather and animal behavior that day. Presentations could start as early as 9:30 AM. ) Tuesday, Sept 13 sponsored by Melanie Sena Insurance9am-light refresh ments10am - Docent Ani mal11amEducation-Sponsor Ac tivityWednesday, Sept 14Senior Safari sponsored by Health Solutions
We welcome you to bring food and coolers into the zoo for Senior Week. Coolers may be held in the admin building, if desired.
9am - 2pm - explore the vendor booths
9 am - light refresh ments9:30 am - Zoo tours
11am - Sponsor Activity
9 am - light refreshments
Monday, Sept 12 - sponsored by Clear Springs Health Essentials
11am - Sponsor Activity
Maintain a healthy diet
The good news is there are some simple strategies you can implement that may help.
All ages are welcome. Contact Chapter President, Candace Lehmann, at 314.330.0411, for more information.
Exercise that brain
We all have heard the adage “use it or lose it.” This is particular ly prudent advice when it comes to keeping your memory and brain function in the best shape possible.Examples of activities that may stimulate your brain include crossword puzzles, painting, reading or online brain games.
To help reap the benefits of brain-boosting foods, consistently reach for fruits and vegetables as well as include items that are high in mono- and polyunsaturat ed fats and omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, nuts, avocados and olive oil.
Carmen Aguirre, Physician As sistant with Optum Colorado Springs
Page 2 - Senior Beacon - SEPTEMBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Consider using your home’s equity to live the retirement you always dreamed about. Ask me about your options!Mara Duchanin Loan Officer | NMLS 2098714 C: 512.300.7646 O: 719.744.2034 © American Pacific Mortgage Corporation (NMLS 1850) Equal Housing Opportunity. Licensed by the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance.
The brain is constantly busy dur ing waking hours., but while we sleep, the brain has a chance to relax and “detoxify” from the day.Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep a night. Of course, everyone is different, and med ications as well as underlying health conditions can impact sleep.
ties.The Forest Chorus, an a capella signing group lead a short sing-along program of patriotic songs to the delight of all present. Several “long time” Black Forest resi dents then described the community 50 years ago, and their recollections of some of the origi nal Chapter 1100 members, noting that very much has changed in the community since the chapter was founded.Attendees were encouraged to look through the extensive set of Chapter scrapbooks and to help themselves to the table with liter ature and items of common need that were provided by AARP and theAtChapter.theconclusion of the cere monies everyone was invited to partake of the cake and ice cream, and to socialize before departing. Chapter 1100 has always been active in community outreach. For eleven years the chapter conducted a free shredding of personal doc uments, being interrupted only by the current COVID pandemic. During the eleven year span, about 3,500 individuals were served, well over a million pounds of paper was shredded, plus 5,635 pounds of food and $5,253 freely donated to the local food bank, Black Forest Cares. The chapter has also active
ly participated in the Black Forest Festival, has supported the Colora do Veteran’s Home in Florence, has staffed information tables at many community fairs and exhibits, and was active in the outreach and assistance to individuals who suf fered from the Waldo Canyon and Black Forest Fires. The chapter has also partnered with church and several charitable organizations to raise donations for numerous charitable causes.
Occasional forgetfulness can be a normal and natural part of aging. However, these episodes of forgetfulness also may be a sign of a more serious problem with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)or Alzheimer’s.
Are you 62or over?
A Time to Reminisce
Chapter 1100 meets at noon the second Wednesday of each month at the Black Forest Lu theran Church Fellowship Hall at 12455 Black Forest Road
Don’t shortchange your zzz’s
TO REMINISCE! It was a special occasion in several ways. It was the 50th Anniversary celebration of Chapter 1100 of AARP in Black Forest. Friends of the chapter and relatives of the original chapter members were invited attend, and severalChapterdid.President, Candace Leh mann, and event Director, Lavonne Hidy presided at the ceremonies. President Lehmann posted a hand some plaque from AARP Colorado recognizing the occasion and in appreciation and recognition of the Chapter’s 50 years of service to AARP, and the Chapter’s commit ment to the motto “To Serve Not to be Served”. Jeremiah Mora, the Colorado AARP State and Com munity Engagement Manager, congratulated the Chapter on its long history of community service. Special awards were presented to all the octogenarian members of the chapter and a review of the history and accomplishments of Chapter 1100 was presented. Espe cially noteworthy was the recog nition that Chapter 1100 had been selected as the best AARP Chapter in Colorado for Community Ser vice, 14 times in the last 20 years and individual chapter members have been formally recognized, by AARP Colorado on 29 occasions during the same period for their unique community service activi
The chapter publishes a monthly newsletter, maintains a web site, has an annual picnic, potluck lunches, annual “lunches outs”, and has had numerous interesting and educational guest programs at chapter meetings.
It is undeniable that a healthy diet can have wide-reaching benefits on a person’s physical health; it also can be a boon to cognitive health.
loans by $10,000. That is a slap in the face to every man- and woman- jack of us whoever took a loan out for not just student loans but anything else for which one needs them. I saw a front page article a while back with a recent LAWYER college grad that has some $163,000 in debts to repay for her education. She complains that $10,000 doesn't hack it. A LAWYER for heaven's sake! Just think of all the folks that graduate with unused majors like women's studies and the like. Hey, you picked it. There's noth ing wrong with the pick but it doesn't usually equate to the job market. Another grad (don't know what his major was) complained about living at home since graduation. His loan would be wiped clean. Now he says "well maybe" I can leave home and "maybe" I "might" be able to get an apartment. I'm not going to play the oldman with a lawn yelling at kids(of which I was one a 1,000 years ago) to "get off the lawn!!" But, #1: why does the taxpayer have to pay your bills and #2: why does the pander ing politician get credit for such an onerous idea? Well, that's not a Right thing. (By the way, I have a child that owes about one-tenth of that planned giveaway and a son-in-law that could qualify for the whole insane idea). All this to pander for votes that are already theirs? Phooey! This is obvi ously inflationary.
SEPTEMBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 3VISIT US ONLINE AT:
Godspeed to you and yours!
Finally, the 1971 Lemon test which proclaimed any "entanglement" between government and religious schools unconstitutional. Ever hear of the establishment clause, the one about "separation of church and state?" Um, folks, the First Amend ment simply bans state-established churches and protects free exercise of religion. Well, "the separation of church and state" excuse was always political bunk and this Supreme Court has dismantled the Lemon framework. Well, there's something good afoot! We lose God, we lose everything.
In typical convoluted political-speak the savings will come from not funding a previous administration's order which will not be funded--That Never Actually Had Taken Effect! The second part of this nonsense savings actually is going to sunset Obamacare which will never really happen! Yeeeeesh!
Now we have the pandering to col lege students to reduce their student
The reasons for these changes (see media and donors to their cam paigns)?
The big buzz word now is, "climate change." That used to be global cool ing, then it was global warming, that is now man-made climate change and how we MUST control this horri ble problem. This subject is drum beaten to death by our "leaders." The pandering on certain buzz words is tactile but all that happens is corpo rations get taxed and they pass that onto the taxpayers, That's the way it's always been and seemingly always will be unless, of course, they vote for term limits. They give lip service to the top stories that "the people" are concerned about like rising cost of living, rising inflation, rising interest rates and our pols keep fiddling with climate change which usually doesn't even make the Top Ten of what "the people" list as problems that should be Weaddressed.arenowfinding
Yet our "leader" claims that there is
've tried very hard to stay away from pol itics. Writing about politics is nauseating work. Elected Congress members that have been in Washington for pretty much the last 30-50 years and continue getting elected regardless of what fools they make of them selves, well, it's obscene. They're against abortion, they're for abortion (see our President while Sena tor years back). They're for tax cuts, they're against tax cuts. It goes on and on. It really is disgusting, in my view.
& Bottle Washer
out that despite the hordes of people crossing the Southwest border everyday which would and should glut the labor market, those folks are getting gov ernment handouts to sustain them. That's a joke in itself. Businesses are so understaffed, What used to be is no more. Um, work-ethic anyone?
an inflation-reduction taking place.
Remember: contact me at srbeacon@ for that great Chaplet prayer directly from Christ to Maria Faustina Kowalska at the beginning of Nazi invasion of Poland....... it's won derful folks. Contact me at srbeacon@ and I'll send the pamphlet, no charge. It's a game changer!
Chicken21 Parm & CauliflowerPasta, Tossed Salad w/ Dressing Diced Pears WW Roll & Milk
Beef23 SpicedTacosPinto Beans Applesauce & Milk
Pork30 Chow Mein Brown Rice Winter PearVegetablesBlend&Milk
Day Holiday
Connections Cafe Menu Sept 2022
Honey8 Curry Chicken Wild AppleBroccoliPeasRice&CarrotsSlaw&Milk
Onion DicedColeslawCarrotsPear & Milk
Page 4 - Senior Beacon - SEPTEMBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Menu substitutions may occur without notice. Clients are advised to keep a 3-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in the event ofinclement weather or other emergencies that may cause a temporary suspension of service. |SERVICESSENIORKEYSILVER719-884-2300/ Why Not Give a Shout Out to SILVER KEY? Take a look at their website! And thank them for sponsoring these menus! CHANGE:OILSTANDARD just $77 CLIP FOR 15% OFF “Call me today and I’ll change your oil in manner,clean,professional,aandsafesavingyouatonofhassle ,” Call or Text: SENIOR DISCOUNT (719) 307-1822 says Emery Keller, ProLube owner and operator. Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday BBQ1 MandarinTossedGreenSweetTurkeyPot.FriesBeansSaladOrange
Turkey20 AppleSunflowerBroccoli,MinestroneSandwichSaladSoupSalad&Milk
w/ Lemon & PotatoDill Choc.Broccoli,MedleyBananaChipCookie
Roasted Sw. Pot. Mixed Veggies Roll & OrangeMandarin&Milk
Raisin Nut Cup & Milk
Ziti w/ Sausage, Bahama Vegetables Caesar Orange,SaladRaisin Nut Cup & Milk
CalicoSaladBean Salad
Lettuce & Tomato Mandarin Orange & Milk
Pork22 Pot Roast w/ Onion, Celery & OrangeCaesarPotatoCarrotsMedleySalad&Milk
BakedRib16lets Beans Potato MilkApplesauceSalad&
Beef29 MilkStrawberriesBroccoli,MashedBourguignonPotatoesRoll&
Menu substitutionsmay occurwithoutnotice.Clientsare advisedto keepa 3 daysupplyofnon perishable foodsand bottled water in theirhome in the eventofinclementweatherorotheremergencies thatmay causea temporary suspension ofservice.
Chicken19 Stir Fry BrownPeas Rice Asian MilkPineappleSlaw&
Beef Burrito Green Sauce SW Black Spanish Rice & Orange
Pico9 Lime Cod Lemon Herb Rice BananaColeslawCarrots& Milk
BBQ28 PotatoChickenSoup, Peas & Carrots, 3 Bean Salad, Apple & Milk
Hamburger Lettuce, Tomato &
Chicken15 Cordon Bleu
SEPTEMBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 5VISIT US ONLINE AT: SRDA SEPT. 2022 MEALS ON WHEELS Lifeline With Philips AutoAlert!* The Only medical alarm pendant that can call for help even when you can’t press the button! S R D A KeeP YOur IndePendence with SRDA Lifeline • no Long Term contract • new Homesafe Wireless Solution • now Available, Go Safe Wireless GPS nO HOMe PHOne LIne needed Lifeline of Pueblo call Today! 719-545-1212 Lifeline Colorado Springs call Todaywww.srda.org719-522-9779 Serving Pueblo for Over 28 Years! *AutoAlert does not detect 100% of falls. If able, always press your button when you need help. PHILIPSratedA+LifelineAffiliate Are you new to the Pueblo area? Looking to make new friends? Here’s the place to go!!! S R D A 230 N. Union Ave. Pueblo, CO 81001 Call us: 719-545-8900
Bean Soup
*YOU MUST BE HOME TO RECEIVE YOURConsumersMEAL!!!attending the congregate meal sites shall be advised and informed to keep a three-day supply of non-per ishable foods and bottled water in case of inclement weather or other emergency that causes a temporary suspension of ser vices. If feasible and determined by the Area Agency on Aging in their area plan, emergency meal packages may be provided.
Fruit Cup w/ Grapes (16)Smores Pudding (42) Raisin Nut Cup (22) Fruit Cocktail (15) Milk (12) /Dinner Roll (13)Milk (12) / Fresh Banana (18)Milk (12) / Breadstick (14)Milk (12) /Crackers (5) Calories: 925 Calories: 870 Calories: 660 Calories: 745 Carbs: 93g Carbs: 126g Carbs: 98g Carbs: 97g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 9g Fiber: 12g Fiber: 11g No Meal Service Today Protein: 50g Protein: 50g Protein: 32g Protein: 43g Fat: 44g Fat: 27g Fat: 21g Fat: 24g Sodium: 810mg Sodium: 705mg Sodium: 915mg Sodium: 780mg 12-Sep 13-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 16-Sep Chili Relleno Casserole (10)Chicken Orzo w /Artichoke (11) French Dip Sandwich w/Au Jus (22)Macaroni & Cheese (28) Beef Pot Pie (23) Seasoned Pinto Beans (21)Roasted Cauliflower (5) Macaroni Salad (21) Brussel Sprouts (8) Seasoned Green Beans (6) Calabacitas (6) Hawaiian Asparagus (3) Tomato & Cucumber Salad (5)Chef Salad w/Turkey (5) Corn O'Brien (11) Cinnamon Applesauce (10) Chicken Barley Soup (10) Steamed Broccoli (3) Mango Mix (14) Pineapple Tid Bits (10) Banana Chocolate Bar (24) Nilla Wafers (22) /Pudding (31) Apple Fruit Cup (13) Ranch Dressing (4) /Crackers (5) Butterscotch Blondie (54) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Blueberry Fruit Cup (14) Milk (12) /Whole Grain Bun (28)Milk (12) Milk (12) Calories: 710 Calories: 970 Calories: 980 Calories: 765 Calories: 945 Carbs: 86g Carbs: 108g Carbs: 113g* Carbs: 77g Carbs: 118g Fiber: 12g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 9g Fiber: 9g Fiber: 8g Protein: 42g Protein: 56g Protein: 44g Protein: 38g Protein: 36g Fat: 26g Fat: 39g Fat: 42g Fat: 38g Fat: 42g Sodium: 1025mg Sodium: 1060mg Sodium: 1280mg* Sodium: 1250mg Sodium: 615mg 19-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep Pork Diablo (7) Fish Tacos w/ corn tortillas (28)Meatloaf w/Mushroom Gravy (13) Egg Salad Sandwich (5) Beef Picadillo (12) Mashed Potatoes (27) Calabacita (7) Garlic Mashed Potatoes (21)Carrot & Raisin Salad (18)Steamed Rice (19) Steamed Carrots (6) Pinto Beans (22) Green Beans Almondine (7)Broccoli & Cheese Soup (13)Sugar Snap Peas (7) Side Salad (5) Pozole (13) Beef Barley Soup (11)/Crackers(5) Strawberries & Applesauce (12) Cornbread (42) Fresh Banana (17) Diced Peaches (15) Ambrosia(18) 2 Slices Bread (22) Black Bean Soup (14) Milk (12) / Ranch Dressing (2)Milk (12) Milk (12) /Raisin Nut Cup (22)Milk (12) Orange, sliced (16) Calories: 630 Calories: 735 Calories: 925 Calories: 725 Calories: 860 Carbs: 77g Carbs: 97g Protein: 53g Carbs: 81g Carbs: 122g Fiber: 9g Fiber: 15g Carbs: 109g Fiber: 12g Fiber: 13g Protein: 34g Protein: 54g Fat: 37g Protein: 33g Protein: 39g Fat: 25g Fat: 18g Fiber: 11g Fat: 36g Fat: 30g Sodium: 500mg Sodium: 1075mg Sodium: 545mg Sodium: 1210mg Sodium: 845mg 26-Sep 27-Sep 28-Sep 29-Sep 30-Sep Manicotti (18) Slopper w/Green Chili (11)Ham & Potato Casserole (24)Pueblo Beef Stew (17) Fish w/Vegetable Sauce (3) Seasoned Spinach (6) Ranch Beans (26) Fall Harvest Couscous (25)Cornbread (42) Rice Pilaf (18) Side Salad (5) /Crackers (4)Bermuda Mixed Vegetables (6)Capri Mixed Vegetables (6)Side Salad (3) Green Bean Almondine (7) Italian Vegetable Toss (17)Creamy Coleslaw (10) Summer Fruit Salad (26) w/ Ranch Dressing (4) Chicken Gumbo Soup (12) Apricots (22) Apple Fruit Cup (12)/ Garnish (1) Chocloate Cake (41) Fresh Banana (26) Apple slices (22) /Pudding (28) Milk (12) /Raspberry Vin. Dressing (9) Milk (12) /Hamburger Bun (27) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Crackers (5) Milk (12) /Crackers (5) Calories: 635 Calories: 960 Calories: 800 Calories: 840 Calories: 845 Carbs: 97g Carbs: 107g Carbs: 134g Carbs: 109g Carbs: 118g Fiber: 15g Fiber: 14g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 8g Fiber: 10g Protein: 26g Protein: 50g Protein: 30g Protein: 39g Protein: 49g Fat: 20g Fat: 42g Fat: 22g Fat: 30g Fat: 25g Sodium: 1220mg Sodium: 1135mg Sodium: 1135mg Sodium: 990mg Sodium: 1000mg IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Numbers in parentheses next to each meal item indicate the number of carbohydrates in grams for that item. *reassessing recipe for accuracy, estimating sodium to be between 1000-1200 for meal Consumers attending the congregate meal sites shall be advised and informed to keep a three-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in case of inclement weather or other emergency that causes a temporary suspension of services. If feasible and determined by the Area Agency on Aging in their area plan, emergency meal packages may be provided. September 2022 MENUS SUBJECTARETOCHANGE Please remember SRDA in your planned giving. Your legacy lives on, our mission continues at Meals on Wheels. In order to prevent waste, we are on a Reservation System . To Cancel your meal for the day, Please call the day before or the morning of, before 9:00 A.M. YOU MUST BE HOME TO RECEIVE YOUR MEAL!!! 719-543-0100 For Important Nutrition Information, Please Turn Menu Over *Please note due to nationwide supply chain issues, menu subject to change*
& Sour Pork
& Peaches
“Call (28)Sweet (20) (19) (17)Strawberries (12)Black (14)
Scalloped Potatoes (15) Rice Pilaf w/Mushrooms (18)Winter Mix Vegetables (5)Steamed Brown Rice
Please remember SRDA in your planned giving. Your legacy lives on, our mission continues at Meals on Wheels.
*Please call the day before or the morning of, before 9:00 A.M, to CANCEL your Meal
Peas & Carrots (8) Seasoned Succotash (13)Seasoned Spinach (5) Oriental Vegetables (12) Lentil Soup (20) Carrot & Swt. Potato Soup
*IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Numbers in parentheses next to each meal item indi cate the number of carbohydrates in grams for that item.
me today and I’ll change your oil in manner,clean,professional,aandsafesavingyouatonofhassle ,” Call or Text: SENIOR DISCOUNT (719) 307-1822 says Emery Keller, ProLube owner and operator. S R D A MEALS ON WHEELS MENU MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1-Sep 2-Sep Chicken Enchilada Casserole (48)Tuna Salad Sandwich (6) Seasoned Black Beans (19) w/ 2 Slices WW Bread (22) Mixed Vegetables (9) Cucumber w/ Ranch Dressing (6) Green Chili Soup (9) Fresh Pear (29) Strawberries & Pineapple (9)Milk (12) Milk (12) & Frozen Meal for Labor Day Calories: 900 Calories: 610 Carbs: 110g Carbs: 72g Fiber: 15g Fiber: 10g Protein: 60g Protein: 30g Fat: 28g Fat: 27g Sodium: 1155mg Sodium: 850mg 5-Sep 6-Sep 7-Sep 8-Sep 9-Sep Salisbury Steak (9) Herbed Baked Chicken (2)Cheese Tortellini w/Sauce
*In order to prevent waste, we are on a Res ervation System.
Just as we finished praying, the waitress came to our table. She squatted down with her arms resting on the table. With a big smile she looked at one and then
the other of us. “I have something to tell you. The young man who takes care of our salad bar was watching you pray. He was so impressed he wants to buy your lunch.” We were Laterspeechless.thatafternoon, I met with a friend and shared the incident at Giuseppe’s. I was still in awe at what God had done. My friend was amazed. A few weeks later he phoned. “Jan, I just want you to know, I took a friend to eat at Gi useppe’s today for lunch. We prayed before we ate, but no one offered to buy our lunch.” We laughed. His words transported my thoughts to the table in that res taurant. I recalled walking into Giuseppe’s like royalty with nearly empty pockets, the waitress, the menu, Michael’s eyes filled with despair, and the prayer. The Reuben sandwich was wonderful and plenty for both of us. The fellowship was sweet. Once again, the Lord proved Himself faithful. He provides con sistently, just as He promises and in amazing ways. When we trust Him, He uses our faithfulness to speak to the hearts of others. And for a sweet surprise, the icing on the cake, He reminds us that we are royalty, and our Father is the KING. We are King’s kids, and the King is the Lifter of our heads!
I friend.tableacrosslookedtheatmyHis
“Sure!” We both know the power in prayer and witnessed God work ing mightily on our behalf. Nev er once has He failed to keep the promise in Philippians 4:19, And my God will meet all your needs accord ing to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Sometimes, when despair is dark and heavy, we forget the promise and our God who is more than able to keep it. Circumstances overwhelm and dull our faith. I un derstood Michael’s despair because I have been there time after time. Prayer is the only way out of that pit. Holding Michael’s hands across the table, I began to pray everything the Holy Spirit spoke into my heart for him. The prayer seemed to go on forever and finally I ended with “. . . in Jesus’ name and for your Glory, Lord, we ask these things. Amen.” I squeezed his hands and looked up. For the first time in weeks, Michael’s face displayed peace that was not there when we began to pray. I saw that peace Jesus promised in John Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be
The cute young waitress brought menus and water. After a few min utes we determined we could scrape together enough to share a Reuben sandwich and gave the waitress our Partorder.of Michael’s discouragement came from his work situation. He
CROSSWORD ANSWERS ▶ GAMES ON PAGE 20 JAN MCLAUGHLIN Columnist & founder of an international prison ministry ▶ SEE LIGHT, PAGE 21 Home tlgiadone@gmail.comTraci Giadone Planyoudon’tlike? Calltodaytoseeif youcanchangeplans throughMarch2022!
Walking in the door of the popular downtown restaurant like royalty, no one would have guessed we weren’t loaded with cash. We decided to have a look at the menu and prices.
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? (Ps. 43:5).
contractor that was dreadfully slow taking off. In addition, many other difficulties and disappointments cre ated a mountain of despair. Looking into his eyes, my heart ached for him. I knew he was hurting. “Mi chael, can I pray for you?”
Page 6 - Senior Beacon - SEPTEMBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
We were sitting in Giuseppe’s Depot Restaurant in downtown Colorado Springs. I met Michael a few hours earlier in the library where we folded Prayer For Prisoners International newsletters and stuffed them into envelopes. We left the library long after lunchtime and were both nearly broke and extremely hungry. We could have chosen from a few fast-food places for a bite to eat. “Cheap” was the order of the day because between us, we had only a few dollars. Then prompted by a burst of faith I declared boldly, “Let’s go to Giuseppe’s and share a Reuben sandwich.” (Reuben sandwiches are enormous and delicious in Gi useppe’s.) Together, we possibly had enough money for one.
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God (Ps. 43:5). But You, O LORD,
eyes spoke vol umes about depression,selfheDavid’sIwithindiscouragementthehisheart.thoughtofKingwordsasspoketohimabouthisown
Where do you see your business in the next year?
Why do your customers select you over your competitors?
How did you get started in this business?
How long have you been in business? In this business? In other businesses?
Seniors and disability folks of all economic levels.
Q & A with John Giarratano
Growing as more people turn 65.
Why are you in business?
Other thoughts, ideas, com ments:
network.Checkyour pre scription medica tions to make sure they are included and help uniqueservices,anticipatedunderstandyouyourcosts.Accessadditionalincludingbenefitsavailable to plan members. Find out if you are eligible for more bene fits if you have certain medical conditions or
By asking relevant questions of the client’s needs and wants, a health plan tailored to their spe cific and unique requirements are developed. I am available for obstacles, questions, and concerns year round.
What did you do before this business? I was a teacher in Computer Education
Every year, I take classes to keep up to date with the many chang es the government places on the Medicare system.
How has technology, such as computers and the internet, im pacted how you conduct business?
Started in 2006 as at Express Scripts where I learned the com plexities of the new Part D, Pre scription Drug Plan. In 2007, I was hired as a career agent for Humana Medicare in Colorado Springs. Then, in 2010, I joined United Health Care as an “ICA” agent for Medicare Products. In 2013, I became an independent broker offering many insurance carriers to better help my clients make the best choice for their healthcare.
Helping seniors and people on disabilities is very rewarding. As I age, I see the importance of showing folks what health care options are available to them. The system can be confus ing.
Other services I have provided to myLookclients:up your doctors, hospitals, specialists, and clinics to make sure they are part of a large provider
Villa Pueblo Senior Living Community 1111 Bonforte Boulevard, Pueblo, CO 81001 Located approximately 30 minutes South of Colorado Springs, Villa Pueblo Senior Living Community is an affordable option for Adults over the age of 55. Great Location! Close to Shopping, Walking Trails, Medical Offices, and Highways! Shop around and see how we compare! Our great rates start at only $1850 & include: All utilities (except telephone) Cable television Two meals a day—GREAT FOOD! Housekeeping & Flat laundry services Inside and outside maintenance/ grounds keeping Complimentary use of washers and dryers Emergency call system Assigned parking for residents and guests Scheduled transportation & MORE! Tallest Building in Pueblo Apartments Have GREAT VIEWS! Hometown Feel & Friendly Neighbors! 5 Floor Plans to Choose From! (Retrieved 12/12/2104 from pueblo cheapest-place- to live/848/)
Started in 2006 with Medicare Health plans (over 15 years experience). Was in Property & Casualty Insurance starting in 2002.
Can you describe your custom ers?
Whom do you seek advice from for your business?
How can our readers get ahold of you?
Ray Minter of East San Jose, California, has lived in his home since 1960, he told KTVU-TV. But since 1972, Minter's house has been hit 23 times by cars as they exit the 680 South freeway. Despite steel poles, installed by his insurance company, and a chainlink fence out front, cars still slam into his home. "I've had four of the cars come through my house completely," Minter said. "All the other ones have torn up my fence, and I've lost three cars in the yard." Amazingly, none of his family have suffered serious injuries, although his niece had an arm bro ken and spent time in the hospital
Wrong Place, All the Time
The owner of a "cursed fridge" in England has been posting fliers around London, offering the haunt ed appliance "free to collect" to anyone who can live with the "soul within," the New York Post report ed. "My stepmother had a heart attack on our kitchen floor in the middle of an electrical storm," the poster explained, "and her soul was
claims the fridge is judging them on "how many slices of cheese I've eaten or whether I've properly put the lid back on something. She has to go." In an even odder twist, however, the attached phone num ber rings not to an individual but to a kitchen showroom. Hmmm ...
Out of Place
It's a Mystery
7 TV reported. Officials believe the foot may belong to a person who died on July 31 at the same hot spring. "Currently, the park believes there was no foul play," a statement read. Law enforcement officers are still looking into the July death. The Abyss Pool is one of the deepest in Yellowstone, and its temperature can reach 140 degrees. Although park regulations and signage discourage visitors from getting too close to the pools, since 1890, at least 22 people have died from hot-springs related injuries.
When Jenn Ross returned home from the gym about 7 a.m. on Aug. 17, she found an unexpected guest in her Mount Maunganui, New Zealand, home: a young fur seal. Ross' husband, Phil, is a marine biologist but unfortunately wasn't home to meet the interloper, the Guardian reported. "I really missed my time to shine," he said. He believes the seal came in through the cat door and spent some time in the guest room and on the couch, but thankfully didn't relieve itself inside. "I think that would have been pretty terminal for the furni ture," he said. It's not uncommon for the young seals to range far and wide at this time of year, Ross explained. "I guess, like all teen agers, they don't necessarily make sensible decisions," he said.
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Wait, What?
A hot spring in Yellowstone Na tional Park is the site of an ongoing investigation after a park employee discovered a human foot, inside
Cleveland, Georgia, is home to Babyland General Hospital, the Mirror reported, but don't go there with a broken finger or to deliver a human infant. The faux hospital is actually a toy store where fans of Cabbage Patch dolls can witness a "birth" as a nurse calls out "di lation" updates: "five leaves apart, seven leaves apart, nine leaves apart" -- even announcing the ne cessity for a "leaves-iotomy" (like an episiotomy). "Finally," accord ing to a Twitter post from Sarah Baird, a recent visitor, "the cab bage patch doll is born." Shoppers/ visitors who want to adopt a new doll have to sign adoption papers, but the store's guarantee is com prehensive: If your doll becomes damaged, you can send it back, and if it can't be repaired, they'll send you a coffin and death certificate so you can lay it to rest. One Twitter user who visited as a child replied, "I am so glad to know it is just as odd and terrifying as I remember."
Beulah 11:30TuesdayBeulah,5903719-485-3100CenterPennAvenueCOa.m.to12:30 p.m.
on Aug. 24 in North Carolina for making multiple bomb threats against the Campbell Soup Co.'s facility in Maxton, WRAL-TV re ported. It wasn't the lack of lobster in the lobster bisque, though, that motivated them. Robeson County Sheriff Burnis Wilkins said Zeigler previously worked at the factory but was terminated -- and was sending the threats while she was still an employee. Both women were charged with felony conspir acy and making a false report con cerning a destructive device; they were each held under a $200,000 bond at the Robeson County De tention Center.
ForMoreconsumers.Informationmoreinformation, please contact us at 719-543-0100.
Personsspouse under 60 years of age who provide meal related volunteer services and individuals providing volunteer services at congregate meal sites during meal hours when the participation of such individuals does not prevent the participation of older adults and their spouses; and Staff members of the nutrition pro
Call SRDA at 545-8900 for congregate meal sites and Meals-on-Wheels info!
Cultural Diversity
been drunk. Like the guy in 2016. He hit (Minter's car) at 105 mph."
Colorado City Community Center
●Nutrition Services (Congregate)
SEPTEMBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 9VISIT US ONLINE AT: PB &T BANK ... IS PROUD TO SPONSOR THIS SRDA MENU Make sure and call them at (719) 545-1834
are eligible to participate in the congregate meals service in one of the categories listed in this below: Persons 60 years of age or older and their self-declared spouses of any age; Disabled persons under 60 years of age who reside with persons over 60 years of age, when the care and maintenance of the disabled person otherwise prevents the older adult from participating in the program and when the participation of such individuals does not prevent the participation of older adults and their spouses. The disabled person must accompany the eligible older consum er to the site;
Disabled persons under 60 years of age who reside in housing facilities occupied primarily by older adults and at which congregate nutrition services are provided when such participation does not prevent the participation of older adults and their
Monday,Avondale,409719-947-41802ndLaneCOWednesday, Friday 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Adrianna Belin, 23, and Mon tinique Zeigler, 20, were arrested
on Aging (AAA) criteria, receipt of the meals are in the best interest of the
IndividualsPolicy:Eligibility are eligible to participate in the Home Delivered meals service
NOTE: Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), meal sites are closed. Meals-on-Wheels is still open
The City of San Jose says it has no authority over the off-ramp but encourages drivers to slow down and obey traffic laws.
ma, Japan, make sure you have Unco Shop on your must-visit list. "Unco" in Japanese means ... poop. And yes, there's a whole shop devoted to products featuring coiled-up human waste -- from clothing items to home accesso ries, Oddity Central reported. The shop is the brainchild of Akihiko Nobata, aka "President Poop," who trademarked a logo and gave up his job selling high-end men's clothing to start his online business in 2014. Last year, he dropped a brick-and-mortar retail destination, complete with a guestbook where visitors draw poops "and giggle while drawing them," Nobata said. "It transcends language and culture and creates universal laughter."
gram who are 60 years of age or older when such participation does not pre vent the participation of other older adults and their spouses. Nutrition Services (Home Delivered)
Police Report
*Anthony Petty, 62, of Semi nole, Florida, told Pinellas County cops on Aug. 18 that he was "just trying to celebrate his birthday" when he arranged to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex at a St. Pe tersburg apartment. The Smoking Gun reported that Petty had been communicating with the "girl" -really an undercover police officer -- on a chat app, sending her ex plicit messages and a video of him being his own BFF. Petty is being held in lieu of $12,000 bond.
When traveling to Yokoha
in one of the categories listed in this Personsbelow: age 60 years or older who are homebound or who are geographical ly isolated; Disabled persons under age 60 years who reside with eligible consumers; and Spouses of home delivered meals con sumers if, according to Area Agencies
*Oh, that mischievous imp, Dennis the Menace. A 3 1/2-foottall bronze statue pays tribute to the cartoon strip character at Dennis the Menace Playground in Monterey, California -- except for when it's on the run. The statue, which was installed in 1988, was stolen -- again -- on Aug. 21, Monterey police told KSBW-TV. Thieves used a grinder to cut Den nis' foot and remove the 200-pound artwork, called "a symbol of the goodness and happiness of the City" by City Manager Hans Uslar. The statue was first stolen in 2006;
JH11:30TuesdayColorado5445719-676-3059CuernoVerdeCity,COandThursdaya.m.to12:30p.m.EdwardsSeniorCenter (SRDA) 230 N Union Avenue Pueblo, MondayCOthrough Friday 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
a replacement statue was placed in the park a year later. In 2015, a Dennis the Menace statue was found at a scrap yard in Orlando, Florida, but it was determined to be a different piece than the Mon terey Dennis. The kid gets around.
Fulton Heights Center 1331 Santa Rosa Pueblo, CO
Suspicions Confirmed
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CONGREGATE LUNCH SITES Avondale Community Center
At least the FBI had the officers’ backs! No, I’m sorry, the FBI — Trump’s FBI — sided with the guys who’d put a bounty on the cops’ heads. The agency dropped the case after a remarkably short 2 ½ weeks, announc ing — implausibly — that the inform ant was “unreliable.”
had bothered talking to him. But so desperate was the FBI to close the case that it was willing to blow up one of its
And here’s something random: Breonna’s mother was dating the presi dent of one of the clubs.
Here’s the rest of the story, as told by Sgt. John Mattingly in his book, “12 Seconds in the Dark.”
Mattingly says the FBI refused to investigate credible threats on the officers’ lives because of the “optics” of “going after a mother in a nation ally sensitive case.” Shouldn’t it be the reverse: The FBI must investigate because Breonna’s mother was affiliat ed with a club planning to murder the cops whom she blamed for her daugh ter’s death? (In fact, Breonna died because her good pal Kenneth Walker shot at the police. Ironically, a noknock warrant — the officers knocked and yelled, “POLICE!” — would have saved her life.)
Still, the raid isn’t going to affect your life. It barely affected Trump’s. He was golfing in New Jersey at the time.You
want to be mad at the FBI? This is why you should be angry. Rather than fight crime, the agency has turned itself into the wingman for “Defund the Police.” That could get you and your family killed.
ANN COULTER authorColumnist,and lawyer
asinine for the FBI to stage a raid on Mar-a-Lago when we all know the only documents Trump wanted were his letters and photos with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. (North Korea
It seems a $50,000 bounty had been put on the heads of the officers. Breon na’s birthday would have been that Friday. As part of the balloon release celebrating the occasion, the organ izers wanted to “have something to celebrate.” To wit: Dead cops.
A few weeks later, the ATF received information that the club’s Chicago
Local FBI agents in Louisville were enraged. Asked what the targeted cops were supposed to do, the FBI boss es said: “Tell them to relocate.” Two weeks later, Mattingly had to watch as the FBI sent 15 agents to investigate a racist rope in Bubba Wallace’s stall at
Fremont County’s Best Automotive Repair Only $44.95 MAINTENANCE SPECIAL! (Regularly $49.95) Want perks? Sign up for our digital rewards program! • Oil & Filter Change • Safety Inspection • A/C Check • Test Antifreeze Strength & PH Level • Test Radiator Cap • Inspect for Antifreeze Leaks • Lube Chassis • Charging System Test • Tire Rotation • Brake Inspection • Cooling System Check • Pressure Test Cooling System AN INCREDIBLE $125 VALUE 36 MONTH/OR 36,000 MILES WARRANTY Price good on most cars & light trucks Expiration June 30th, 2022 Happy Father's Day! The FBI's, and other gov't agencies's, changing agendas.
31, 2020, I was told the FBI corroborated two separate threats from different sources. We received a call at 10 p.m. asking us to pack our bags and leave our house. We had to sell our house that we lived in for six weeks and have been in ‘hiding’ ever since.”
Page 10 - Senior Beacon - SEPTEMBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
Well, he’d proven reliable in the past. The informant was, even then, being used in another active case. And of course, no one at FBI headquarters
own informants: Once ruled “unre liable,” a source can never be used in another federal case.
Consider how they treated the cops in Louisville, Kentucky, who risked their lives trying to serve a search warrant on a major fentanyl dealer’s moll, Breonna Taylor, on March 13, 2020. The true story was discussed in last week’s column, as well as my Dec. 16, 2020, column.
chapter would be driving to Louisville that weekend to kill the officers. The targeted cops were given security and a description of the cars and mo torcycles coming for describesSgt.FBI.inactionthanksrestintoforcepenedWhatthem.hapnextwouldtheofficersfleeandlivehidingfortheoftheirlives,totheoftheHere’showMattinglyit:“OnMay
Right-wingers,NASCAR. save your breath defending the most disloyal man alive. Do something useful and get a job at the FBI. Just be sure to put “BLM” on your resume! The next Republican president (Ron DeSantis) is going to need a lot ofSouth St. Cañon City,
In the spring of 2020, as the de fenseless officers were being smeared — by Oprah, LeBron James, Cardi B., Beyonce, Common, Kim Kardashi an, Alicia Keys, Demi Lovato, Ellen DeGeneres, Amy Schumer, Ice Cube, Diddy, Kamala Harris, the entire MSNBC on-air talent, and on and on — a confidential informant revealed that a hit had been put on the officers by two black motorcycle clubs, No Haterz and STR8 RYDERZ.
Republicans, can you stop screaming like hye nas at every little indigni ty suffered by our former president? Donald Trump wouldn’t lift a finger to help
has nukes. See? “Nuclear docu ments.”) Trump needs those for his scrapbook, to accompany the photos of him with Kim Kardashian, Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Hannity.
CO 81212 275-2523
One of my grandfathers was a farmer in middle Georgia. He loved all of us grandkids, so one year he decided to
SEPTEMBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 11VISIT US ONLINE AT:
A time to sow into their lives! Our
Your feet do a ton of work during summer adventures and deserve to be happy in all kinds of terrain. With toe protection, traction and a footbed that conforms to the shape of your foot, the classic Newport Sandals from KEEN are not just rug ged sandals you can wear while trekking on land, but also are built for activities in and around the water (and are machine washable to boot). So don’t be afraid to wear them paddleboarding, when wading in the ocean, or on any other amphibious adventure. Going hiking? They make it easy to splash through the creek, plunge into the pool of a water fall and trudge through the mud. This original design is available in men’s, women’s and children’s sizes and in a range of colors and patterns.
On excursions of all kinds, tasty snacks and cold drinks are a must. That’s where YETI’s Hopper M20 Backpack Soft Cooler can come in handy. Worn like a backpack to offer hands-free hauling, its ergonomic shoulder straps mean it can go where others coolers can’t. Plus, it features a magnetic closure and innovative insulation system to keep your food and drinks fresh all day.
Versatile Outerwear
dults over 60 can
Hands-Free Hauling
Hike and Water Shoe
Kay Owen-Larson is the co-founder and President of Crossroads Ministries and the founder of the Crossroads School of Chaplaincy. This year marks her 59th year in ministry.
Psalm 11DayGrandparent’s71:9isSeptemberththisyearand is a very special day. It is a day set aside to celebrate inhappyrememberpassedgrandparentsourgrandparentstheinlives.AllofmyhaveawaybutIallthedaysspenttheirpresence.
From daytrips to road trips, the right gear will fuel your fun and support you every step of the way.
Time to Celebrate Grandparent’s Day
prayers and love can shape their destiny. There is an urgency for us to join in prayer for the generations to come.So,please join with us in celebrat ing our grandparents, and as grand parents make a commitment to pray for“Now,grandchildren.whenIam old and gray headed…I will declare Your power to the next generation, Your might to all who are to come.” Psalm 71:18
When you’re underpre pared, nothing puts a damp er on an outdoor expedition like a sudden turn in weather. Select outerwear designed to keep you comfortable, come what may. The Teca Half Zip Windbreaker from Cotopaxi, great for summer adventures, packs easily into a daypack but is built for wind and light rain, so you can layer up when the mo ment’s right.
Dr. Reece Cochran, DDS Call today (719) 569-5959 ORAL HEALTH MATTERS332SOrchardSprings Dr. Suite Pueblo#110West, CO 81007Email:Address: DSSC ***** Accepting New Patients *****
This is also a time for grandparents to realize the role we play in the lives of our grandchildren.
GREAT GEAR TO HELP YOU CHECK-OFF YOUR SUMMER BUCKET LIST (StatePoint) Ticking off your summer bucket list but want to pack light? Check out this round-up of hybrid gear that will take you every where, from moun tain trails to lake side picnics and to beach barbecues, with ease.
save one of his fields for a baseball diamond. We spent many Sunday afternoons in that field playing ball.
One of my grandmothers loved to pray. She was crippled so she was limited in her activities, but she spent her time in praying for her 9 children and her many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. I know there are many in the Kingdom today because of her Beingprayers.aparent is wonderful, but being a grandparent is awesome! We have had the privilege of having a great granddaughter with us for a month over this summer and it is a summer neither of us will ever forget. What a blessing!
face unique challenges when it comes to keeping their teeth and gums healthy. About 3 in 5 adults over 65 have gum disease and nearly 1 in 7 have lost all of their teeth. Numerous recent scientific studies indicate associations between oral health and a variety of general health conditions – including diabetes and heart disease.” – American Dental Association If you are experiencing oral health issues or interested in chronic disease prevention, contact us today. Dr. Reece Cochran is a periodontist with advanced training in dental implants, treatment of chronic periodontal disease, gum grafting, bone regeneration and IV sedation. We care about you and strive to provide optimal patient comfort and a pleasant experience when visiting our office. “A
“Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails.”
Page 12 - Senior Beacon - SEPTEMBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
Eventually it was determined that he had Alzheimer’s. I read a lot and reached out to professionals in the community, trying to understand more about the progression of the
Whatever the medical diagnosis, adapting to change is usually a big part of being a caregiver. Our loved one may still be able to communicate but be physically impaired in some way due to a disease or accident. And, like Alzheimer’s, they may have to live the rest of their life with that condition as their health declines. Or perhaps their need for a caregiver is short-lived as they will eventually recover and resume their life. In any of those situations, life for both the
Most of us have developed a life style and belief system that we would describe as normal. “Normal” is generally a comfortable and familiar place, though trying to maintain that perspective may not always produce results that are beneficial to us and to others. Especially when challeng es occur. I had the opportunity to discover that.
one with the diagnosis as well as the one(s) looking after them are im pacted.With Ron having Alzheimer’s, the changes in our lives were gradual but continual. I slowly adapted to what was happening and learned that let ting go of “normal” was a challeng ing process. It required that I change the perspectives I habitually brought to the experiences of my life, and perceive them in a different way.
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Using Mindfulness to Adapt to Change as a Caregiver
I tried to come to terms with what was happening, but it was unlike anything I had ever experienced. We had always discussed things openly, but he was no longer able to do that, nor could he follow through on my requests. There were many other things that he was not doing, in cluding paying his bills, keeping his appointment, etc..
One Sunday morning while I was making breakfast, Ron was trying to get potatoes out of the skillet where I was cooking. He was in my way and I asked him nicely if he would please sit down but he continued, as if he didn’t hear me. Suddenly I am the one who has to change flashed through my mind. It felt like the words were carved into my being that day. All at once I saw our situa tion from a whole new perspective. It became apparent that I needed to let go of my expectations and live with what was occurring instead of the way I thought it should be.
As my frustration increased, thankfully I was reminded that I could use mindfulness which had been a part of my life prior to Ron having Alzheimer’s. It is defined as
Ultimately it resulted in letting go of the certainty and comfort to which I had been accustomed. It is not uncommon that when our lives are disrupted in such a way, we become stressed and can react in any number of ways that are not benefi cial to ourselves or those around us. Many times I saw that my inability to respond to what was happening in a helpful way, was a result of being pulled off into my own emotional re actions to the situation. I was angry, scared about what might happen, sad about the losses that were occurring in our lives, and not even sure about my ability to handle it all.
“the art of observing your physical, emotional, and mental experiences, non-judgmentally, with deliberate, open, and curious attention.” It has become a popular practice as a result of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program that was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. I saw that I certainly could benefit from stress-reduction!Oneofthekey components of practicing mindfulness is learning how to respond to situations just as they are, instead of react in our normal and habitual ways. As I began to incorporate that into what was occurring while I was with Ron, I saw myself being kinder to him, as well as more understanding of what he was experiencing and more ac cepting of myself. I also noticed that when I responded instead of reacted, he seemed calmer and it was easier to interact with him. In fact, when I could be with what was occurring instead of wanting it to be different, I even found myself being more appre ciative of some of the good times we shared.Forme, Ron’s decline during the course of his disease was filled with challenges, humor, sadness, and
SEPTEMBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 13VISIT US ONLINE AT:
When my husband, Ron, began having symptoms of memory loss, my life suddenly felt out of control. His changing behavior and memory issues eventually became impossible to ignore, despite my own denial. The normal life we had together seemed to be falling apart. I didn’t know what to do.
disease and the behavioral issues that occur throughout. It was a steep learning curve. But the hardest thing was when I learned that they can’t fix Alzheimer’s. There are no cures.
345-3064 before
for reservations. Congregate meals served
Please (719) 9:30 a.m. Monday -
Please call (719) 784-6493 before 9:30 a.m. for res ervations. Congregate served Tuesdays, Thurs days, and Fridays. to
All menus subject
Fridays. All menus subject to change. Let's thank Kopper Kettle for sponsoring--Stop by soon!! PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Thank You Very Much! Senior Beacon Newspaper Come Join The Fun !! MON-SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUNDAY 9 AM-5 PMCANON CITY TRUE VALUE (719) 275-6486 1630 E. MAIN ST. CANON CITY END-OF-SUMMER SALE!! September 9, 10 and 11 The largest and most unique assortment of Lawn, Garden and Patio decor and furniture in Southern Colorado. • Garden Barn Accessories • Grilling and Grill Accessories • Select Garden and Lawn Tools • Fertilizers, Soils, Grass Seed • Pool Items • Also available: Pellets, Propane, Fishing and Camping Equipment Stihl and Husqvarna Equipment Service Repair • U-Haul Rental and U-Boxes PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS by giving them business, referring customers to them and giving them well-deserved, good reviews online. Thank You Very Much! Senior Beacon Newspaper September 2022 GAC Upper Arkansas Area Agency on Aging NutritionProgram Please call (719) 345 3064 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served Monday Friday at noon. All menus subject to change. Monday A appreciated,mealdonationsuggested$3.00peris but not required. Tuesday Must assessmenthave form for our EligibilitywithprogrammealonfileUAAACOG.60+ Wednesday #1Thursday79Salisbury Steak Brown WWNectarineVegetablesCaliforniaPotatoesSmashedGravyRedMixedBreadw/Butter #2Friday6Baked Potato Broccoli w/Cheese SaladSauce w/Lite French FruitPlum Cocktail Drop w/ButterBiscuit LaborClosed5Day #673 Roast WWw/AlmondsAppleMixCauliflowerSteamedMushroomChickenSauceBrownRiceBroccoliPearSaladBreadw/Butter #587 Lentil Soup Egg Salad Sandwich Shredded Lettuce & Tomato Slices Banana #888 Stuffed Peppers Chopped Spinach w/Malt WWApplesauceVinegarCakeBreadw/Butter #99 BBQ Chicken Potato WWAppleOrangesw/MandarinSpinachSaladSaladRollw/Butter #12101 Tuna Noodle ItalianCasseroleGreen Beans Spinach w/MandarinSaladOrangesWWDinnerRollw/ButterPineappleTidbits #1332 Chili con Carne Steamed AppleRaisinsTrailCornbreadBroccoliMixw/Nuts& #10914 Turkey Pot Pie Peas & Carrots Salad w/Lite Ranch WW Roll w/Butter OatmealOrange Cookie #1563 Pasta Primavera Spinach Salad w/Egg & Lite Italian Dressing Apple/Pear Salad GarlicPlumw/AlmondsBread #1629 Chicken Noodle ChickenSoup Caesar Salad WW Saltine Crackers Mitzie’s WW Rolls OrangeApple Juice Raisin Nut Cup #1996 Tahitian Chicken Seasoned Green BrownBeans Rice Salad w/Lite Italian WWAppleBread w/Butter #2090 Swedish Meatball Whipped Potatoes w/Beef BranOrangeChoppedGravySpinachMuffin #1621 Beef Stroganoff Orange Spiced Carrots Pickled Beet & Onion WWOrangeSaladBread w/Butter #2247 WWSlicedHardw/MandarinSpinachPotatoesScallopedw/HamSaladOrangesBoiledEggPeachesDinnerRoll #2386 Spinach Lasagna Seasoned Green SaladBeansw/Lite Italian WWBananaBread w/Butter #2692 Sweet & Sour BrownPork WWBananaPotatoesSmashedRiceRedBreadw/Butter #2799 Tuna Pasta Salad Creamy Cucumber OrangePeachSalad Juice SF Gelatin w/Banana Raisin Nut Cup WW Rolls w/Butter #2815 Beef Stew Sweet CauliflowerCorn Broccoli WWPlumsSaladCrackers #6029 WWPineappleSaladBrusselsPotatoesRoastedw/GravyMeatloafSweetSproutsw/LiteRanchTidbitsBreadw/Butter #308 BBQ Beef BBQ Beef Brisket WW ChickenBunRice Soup Creamy Coleslaw WW BananaCrackers September 2022 Florence Senior Center Upper Arkansas Area Agency on Aging Nutrition Program Please call (719)784 6493 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday atnoon. All menus subject to change. Tuesday A $3.00 donationsuggestedpermeal is appreciated, but not required. Thursday #179 Salisbury Steak Brown SmashedGravyRed Potatoes California Mixed Vegetables WWNectarineBread w/Butter #62FridayBaked Potato Broccoli w/Cheese Sauce Salad w/Lite French FruitPlum Cocktail Drop Biscuit w/Butter #638 Corned Beef Sandwich on Rye w/Swiss Cheese Creamy Coleslaw RoastedBanana Unsalted Peanuts #888 Stuffed Peppers Chopped Spinach w/Malt ApplesauceVinegar Cake WW Bread w/Butter #99 BBQ Chicken Potato SpinachSaladSalad w/Mandarin WWAppleOrangesRoll w/Butter #4213 Enchilada Pie Refried Beans Tortilla Chips w/Salsa Clementine #6315 Pasta Primavera Spinach Salad w/Egg & Lite Italian Apple/PearDressingSalad w/Almonds GarlicPlum Bread #2916 Chicken Noodle Soup Chicken Caesar Salad WW Saltine Crackers Mitzie’s WW Rolls OrangeApple Juice Raisin Nut Cup #2030 Chicken Salad Sandwich Lettuce & Tomato Confetti Salad Beef Barley Soup Orange Juice #4722 Scalloped Potatoes Spinachw/Ham Salad w/Mandarin HardOrangesBoiled Egg Sliced Peaches WW Dinner Roll #8623 Spinach Lasagna Seasoned Green Beans Salad w/Lite Italian WWBananaBread w/Butter #2759 Macaroni & Cheese Salad w/Lite Italian WWBanAsparagusanaBread w/Butter #6029 Meatloaf w/Gravy Roasted Sweet Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Salad w/Lite Ranch Pineapple Tidbits WW Bread w/Butter #308 BBQ Beef BBQ Beef Brisket WW ChickenBunRice Soup Creamy Coleslaw WW BananaCrackers
Page 14 - Senior Beacon - SEPTEMBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Penrose (719) 372-3872 Florence (719) 784-6493 Canon City (719) 345-4112 Salida (719) 539-3351 GOLDEN AGE CENTER FLORENCE SENIOR CENTER
The Summit also warns tax professionals using cloud-based systems to store and prepare tax returns and information to make sure they use multi-factor authen tication in light of recent attacks. Specifically, the Summit partners urge people using cloud-based platforms to use multi-factor options like phone, text or tokens. This can avoid potential vulnera
bilities with authentication done just through email, which is easi er for identity thieves to access.
Avoiding these schemes is the second in a five-part series from the IRS, state tax agencies and the nation's tax community –working together as the Security Summit that highlight critical steps tax professionals can take to protect client data. The focus of the Security Summit series –part of the Protect Your Clients, Protect Yourself campaign – is to urge tax professionals to work to strengthen their systems and protect client data.
SEPTEMBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 15VISIT US ONLINE AT:
The Security Summit partners continue to see instances where tax professionals have been vul nerable to identity theft phish ing emails that pose as potential clients. The criminals then trick practitioners into opening email links or attachments that infect computer systems with the poten tial to steal client information.
authentication, including those us ing cloud-based services. Constant vigilance is necessary, not just dur ing tax season but year-round. We urge tax pros, both large opera tions and smaller ones, to consider these invaluable recommendations to help protect their clients and themselves."
This month’s Senior Safety Page is Proudly Sponsored byAMERICAN VEIN! Give them a call right away! And thank themfor sponsoring this valuable addition to the Senior Beacon!!
"Identity theft scammers con tinually try new schemes to steal client personal and financial in formation from tax professionals. We continue to see a barrage of emails aimed at tax professionals trying to trick them into provid ing valuable access to identity thieves," said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. "And we continue to urge people to use multi-factor
IRS Security Summit warns tax pros of schemes
WASHINGTON — As part of a special Security Summit series, the Internal Revenue Service, state tax agencies and nation's tax industry warn tax professionals to beware of evolving scams designed to steal client data.
(Released by United Artists Releas ing/Amazon Prime. Rated “PG-13” by MPAA.)
Luang cave rescue, which involved a group of young soccer players and their coach who were trapped in a system of caves for 18 days.
We feel tension in “Thirteen Lives”
find a way to save each guy. Ron Howard’s helming deserves praise.This “Thirteen Lives” his rep will raise.Hemakes us feel that we are there.
Strong rain storms make it hard to see.Could death be youngsters desti ny?Not when experts come there to try.And
BETTY JO TUCKER Pueblo award winning film critic
(“A Beautiful Mind”) reveals his filmmak ing talent again with THIRTEEN LIVES, a riveting film empha sizing the importance of persistence, intel ligence, cooperation and bravery. This unusual movie is a dramatization of the real-life 2018 Tham
Young boys and coach lost in Thai caveswhile plans are made to end in saves.
Page 16 - Senior Beacon - SEPTEMBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
I have to admit this movie scared me during most of its running time. I am afraid of water and never learned to swim. Because much of the film shows people diving and swimming under difficult situations I wanted to close my eyes and think about more happy things. But the story is so compelling, I watchedDirectoreverything.Howardhas said that this movie and the real rescue are tributes to the people of Thailand who never gave up.The passion of rescue reveals the highest dynamic of the human soul. --Kurt Hahn
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Worried parents and friends stand by.It’s hard to watch and not to cry.
Howard worked from a screenplay by William Nicholson (“Gladiator”) and story by Don McPherson (“The Gun man”). The film concentrates on the almost miraculous rescue mission rath er than the youngsters, and the intense cinematography by Suyombhu Mukde eprom (“Beckett”) gives us a close look at what rescuers were going through. Viggo Mortensen (“Green Book”) and Colin Farrell (“Seven Psychopaths”) play British cave divers who are called to help the Thailand SEALS. The two Brits can’t figure out how to rescue the trapped youngsters, so they contact a doctor portrayed by Joel Edgerton (“The Gift”). It’s this caring doctor who finally figures out how the boys might beMortensensaved. and Farrell are practi cally unrecognizable in these roles. Mortensen – who gets the only sarcastic humorous line in the entire film -- is bald, and Farrell looks like an average good guy instead of the complicated characters he’s used to playing. All three of these actors downplay their sympa thetic parts here to make everything seem believable. And, of course, many excellent Thailand actors add to the authenticity of this terrific offering.
as rescuers try many dives.
Though early scenes are calm and bright.Look out for darkness in the night.
And so we really do care!
SEPTEMBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 17VISIT US ONLINE AT:
outdoors offers a deeper sense of belonging and a new sense of pur pose outside the daily grind.
Among the plants and flowers, add fix tures, such as wind chimes and water features, that’ll produce soothing sounds. And with the new habitat you’ve created, you’ll enjoy
1.Sight:how:Choose calming colors, or those that bring you joy. The simple sight of a breathtaking array of plants or an arrangement of favorite flowers is bound to give your mental health a boost.
4.Touch:too!From the light, feathery textures of petals to the rough sur faces of bark or bush stems, touch offers a deeper sense of connection to
(STATEPOINT)–Gardening is not only a means for beautify ing outdoor spaces and growing delicious foods. According to those who spend significant time in the yard, getting outside can also sup port your “Gardeningwellbeing.isgood
for the mind, it’s good for the soul and it’s good for the body,” said legendary foot ball coach, Vince Dooley. “I enjoy coming out to garden, and when I finish, I feel like I’ve done some thing, and I feel good.”
Designing Your Garden Scott advises designing your garden to reflect how you want to live outside. He typically builds “rooms” connected by meandering paths for resting, unwinding, and feeling restored. However, your outdoor spaces don’t always need to be quiet. They can encourage activity as well. If you enjoy com pany, create gathering spaces. Or, if you have hobbies that can be done outdoors like exercising, painting or writing, you can set aside areas for
You may already use aromatherapy indoors. Take this concept outside by growing fra grant flowers and herbs, so you can literally “stop to smell the roses.”
By gardening, your mental health will be better off for it. Just be sure to start small, simple and stressfree.
2.Taste: Growing your own food will provide you with an incredibly rewarding harvest. Not only will you be able to enhance meals with the fruits of your labor, you’ll get the personal satisfaction of a job well
series from lawn care equipment manufacturer, Exmark. To watch the video, visit Backyard Life, which is part of a unique multi media destination with a focus on helping homeowners make the most of outdoor spaces. There you can also download additional tips and view other Exmark Original Series videos.
Designing Your Garden for Better Mental Health
Landscape architect Doug Scott of Redeem Your Ground recent ly visited Dooley in Athens, Ga. to discuss gardening and mental health. Here are some of the in sights they shared:
Scott recommends designing your garden to awaken your five senses.
bird song,
•Passive benefits: Don’t have a green thumb? Don’t worry. Scien tific evidence proves that just being in nature has positive impacts on stress levels and brain chemistry. It can also lower blood pressure, increase concentration and im prove mood. What’s more, being
Scott and Dooley offer more insights in “Garden Therapy,” a recent episode of “Done-In-AWeekend Projects,” an original
Health •ActiveBenefitsbenefits: Gardening exercises the body and clears the mind. Studies show that increased outdoor exposure leads to fewer long-term health problems, help ing improve cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, strength, and dexter ity—all leading to better mental health. Simply planting, growing, harvesting and maintaining plants gives you a direct emotional boost. Why? Gardening helps foster nurturing instincts and restores a sense of hope and purpose, ulti mately improving self-esteem.
prisoners with
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KILOLO KIJAKAZI, ACTING Commissioner of Social Security, announced 12 new Compassionate Allowances conditions: Angio immunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma, Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm, Gerstmann-Straus sler-Scheinker Disease, Microvillus Inclusion Disease – Child, Mo wat-Wilson Syndrome, Myelod ysplastic Syndrome with Excess Blasts, NUT Carcinoma, Pfeiffer Syndrome - Types II and III, Pon tocerebellar Hypoplasia, Posterior Cortical Atrophy, Renal Amyloi dosis – AL Type, and Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma.TheCompassionate Allowances program quickly identifies claims where the applicant’s condition or disease clearly meets Social Securi ty’s statutory standard for disability. Due to the severe nature of many of these conditions, these claims are often allowed based on medi cal confirmation of the diagnosis alone. To date, more than 800,000 people with severe disabilities have been approved through this accel erated, policy-compliant disability process, which has grown to a total of 266 conditions.
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Social Security Accelerates Decisions for People with Severe Disabilities
“The Social Security Administra tion is committed to reducing bar riers and ensuring people who are eligible for benefits receive them,” said Acting Commissioner Kijaka zi. “Our Compassionate Allowanc es program allows us to strengthen that commitment by accelerating the disability application process for people with the most severe disabilities.”Whenaperson applies for disa bility benefits, Social Security must obtain medical records in order to make an
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Annually, the Social Security Administration issues approximately 11 million replacement Social Secu rity cards, which are often requested because another government agency or organization requests the card to prove an individual’s identity. SSA has taken steps to offer alternate options to reduce the occasions when our customers would need to apply for a replacement card.
SSA encourages agencies, organiza tions, and employers to use our SSN verification services as an alternative to requesting the paper SSN card. SSN verifications are generally per formed in real-time, thus eliminating lag time and allowing employers, agencies, and the public to conduct their business more quickly than they could if they need to wait to inspect
peninsula 66."Bite64.Nopethe bullet," e.g. 68.Relating to
people 69.B&B, e.g. 70.Foul 72.Langley,71.ChallengesmellVA agency 73.Decorates, as in Christmas tree 1.TypeDOWNof undergarment 2.*Like generation described by Gertrude Stein 3.Brain 6."The5.Very4.ShadeswaveofbluetiredFighter"actor Christian 7.Bass or author192729.*Like27.*Amelia26.Beyond's25.Schick's24.Mosquito,22.Short20.Cake15.612.____11.Smelting10.Port9.Longer8.Defendant'sRedhookexcusethenminiinYemenwasteAvivequalpartsof6layerforoftentimesslangilyproductpartnerEarhart,e.g.CharlesLindbergh'stransatlanticflight31.Wonabulb32.TVclassic"Green____"33.Floorboardsound34.*"TheTrial"and"TheCastle"Franz____36.Samoanmoney38.Notontime42.Much,inItaly45.TinMan'sprop49.Followssoh51.Confession,archaic54.NotDoricnorCorinthian SODUKU Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 through 9. 56.Downy duck 57.Kind of bornlake61.____caca,60.Mimicking59.Like58.RainbowscornbreadandsuchadrinkinasnifterbirdSouthAmerican62.Typeofmodernmeeting63.*AmericanGirlcharacterin192365.Americancuckoo67.Robinsonto"TheGraduate" ▶ ANSWERS ON PAGES SIX AND SEVEN LegacyCenter AssistedLivingResidence WeOffer: We Offer: •24-Hourcareandassistanceasneeded • Very reasonablepricing/Nohiddencosts • Utilitiesincludedexceptphone&internet • Smallpetsallowed(withsomelimitations) • Closetohospitalsanddoctors • PrivatepayandMedicaid-approved seniors •Privatebathroomineveryroom •Privatebathroominevery room Callorstop by foratour 275-2917•1335BauerLane•CañonCity OwnedandOperatedbytheIndependentOrderofOddFellowsandRebekahsofColorado AsNow Accepting Applications to Move-InSpecial 50% Off the 1st Month
THEME: Asian Quechuan
THE 1920s 1.TheACROSSSweet's hit "Ballroom ____" 6.Farm 9.Schoonercry pole 13.Barrel racing meet 14.*"____ Quiet on the Western Front," 1920s novel 15.Move 16.SoutheastsidewaysAsia org. 17.Hula dancer's garland 18.Like the Vitruvian Man 19.*New type of movie in the 1920s21.*Jack Dempsey's sport 23.Triple ____ liqueur 24.Prep flour 25."Hamilton: An American Mu sical" singing style 28.Floppy data storage 35.Not30.Smackmuch (2 words) 37.*Prolific playwright ____ Coward39.Sacrum, pl. 40."Nana" author …mile ____ 41.Flash of light 43.Not 46.*Football44.Convexkoshermoldinglegend Graham, born in 47.Furniture1921 wood 48.Not 52.Reggae50.Aquaticwholesalesnakesprecursor 53.Animal den 55.CafÈ 60.*St.57.*AssassinatedalternativeVilla____,1928Olympic site 63.East
beyond. detailedplesalAdditionCenter.ferenceConArtsdethedesigncostumetothissuccessofexamplesnumerousandsolverproblemaherselfdescribesMichelleascreativehaspastinarea,includeatSangreCristoandexamareon
located in Pueblo, Colorado was established 60 years ago and we want to celebrate by giving you 60% off your first month’s rent
Our senior living community is proud to offer beautiful new décor, engaging activities, and affordability. Check out our NEW PENTHOUSE SPACE, and ask us about our ZUMBA classes and NEW
© 2022 Jan McLaughlin. Jan can be contacted at 719-649-2937 or by e-mail This article is from Jan’s book, Light For The Journey, © 2012 and available through PFPI for $10.00 + shipping at Also available at various web outlets in paperback and digital form.
are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head (Ps 3:3).
Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morn ing; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him’ (Lam. 3:22-24).
her administrative experience to cre ate a positive work environment for the Treasurer’s Office, and
STUDIOART ! 1111 Bonforte Blvd., Pueblo, CO 81001 / SAVE 60% ON YOUR RENT* *For new Independent Living Residents Only. Must move-in by Sept. 30, 2022. Incentive based upon apartment rent and applied to first full month. Not applicable with pay for-referral sources.
She uses SMART goals to identify problems, solutions and measure success. In the case of Treasurer, nec essary change will take place through statutory regulations and beyond. Her vision is for customers to the Treasurer’s Office to experience an “open door” policy by connecting County departments into a unified team. She wants to stop the isolation between Assessor, Surveyor, Clerk and Treasurer that now serves to frustrate both customers and em ployees. These offices would work
“My goal is to be a true leader working for the Pueblo community. I fulfill my commitments and honor contracts. I have a good track record as a firm, fair, consistent and qual ified professional, and ask for your vote,” said Gray.
many experiences that I could never have imagined. In spite of being mad at the beginning of our journey, in the end I felt love. It was different from being “in love,” as it had been earlier in our marriage. Instead, it was simply “being love.” Along the way, I developed a deeper understanding and respect for the love and courage that are the essence of being human. For that I am grateful.
in unison creating a team approach with improved infrastructure. “Being a team player is how I operate in the classroom. I teach in the collaborative and will be a leader as County Treasurer in that way, as well,” she said.“If I can get teenag ers to work together, I should be able to get professional adults to work as a team,” she said with a big, deter mined Michellegrin.isa woman of service in faith and action. She has been a Sunday school teacher and traveled to Joplin, Missouri to help the community recover after tornado devasta tion. She is not afraid of gritty jobs like laying drywall in water ravaged homes after the Lumberton, Texas floods in 2017.
Michelle Gray will be on the Pueblo County ballot for Treasurer in No vember. To register to vote, go to: Also Michelle4PuebloCountyTreasurer.comvisit
I have shared my journey with Ron in a memoir entitled, Courageous Hearts, A Journey Through Alzheim er’s. Links to both Amazon and Barnes and Noble where it can be purchased are on my website, www.CyndyNoel. com. It is also sold locally at Hooked on Books and Poor Richards.
her web site.
who?” With a quick nod of approval between them, Michelle stood up and walked forward to accept the GOP nomination for Pueblo County Treasurer.Now,walking neighborhoods to meet perspective voters, posting to her web site rate.jobsCountyDisenfranchisedgruntledevidencewiththeamourhowchangeers.Officechallenge.lopartationsMichellevoicespectinandwomanwithShegreet”,(Michelle4pueblocounattendingcommueventsandhosting“meetandopportunitiesisawayoflife.headsintoelection“season”tenacityandthepositivityofawhoflowswithconfidenceskill.“IknowwhoIam.IamconsistentwhatIdo.Ihaveintegrity.Irepeople.Ipromisetobeabetterforcustomers”,saysGray.taughtmathinthePuebloCityschoolsystemfor27years.Shesaid,“StudentscametoMrs.Gray’sclassroomdreadingmathandlefthappytolearnmath.Myevaluconfirmthat.”Now,beingofasweepingchangeforPuebCountygovernmentishernextTheCountyTreasurer’srepresentsallPueblotaxpay“IknowhowtomakepositiveintheclassroomandIknowtocreatethatpositivechangeinCountygovernment,aswell.Iknownformygrit!”Grayisgettinginvolvedbecauseneedexists.SheseesaproblemCountygovernmentandtheisclear.Taxpayersaredisbypoorcustomerservice.andfrustratedemployeesareleavingtheirandcreatingahighturn-overSheisdeterminedtoutilize
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As Forest Gump would say 'life is like a box of choco lates'…When offered a box of chocolates, we all choose a different piece-a favorite. Fae rie Lore is comparable. These stories barely scratch the sur face. We'll explore Faerie-Faith, an insight studied sympathetically and scientifically over decades. This is the true world of the faerie: a phenomenon-an actuality sepa rating the myths from reality. They're also known as the 'Good People.' For years only children are per mitted their 'Once upon a time.' Nevertheless, it belongs to us all. You'll be amazed to realize the ex tent of eminent academics and lecturers involved in finding the 'truth,' inrie-Faith,virtuesorofgenerallyaUnitedEurope-America-andfromtheKingdom,tonamefew.Similarlythey'llpraisethevaluetheirfindings,andhonthepastandpresentandworthofFaemainlypracticedtheBritishIslesand
other parts of the Continent. Defined is the basic understanding of an unconceiv able multifaceted topic…no easy feat. (At
GLEN aAuthor:VOLLMECKE"IntermissionPlaceinTime."
Thought for the day:
least that's my intention!) So kindly bear with me as together we unravel the past, not forgetting nor minimalizing the origi nal faerie perceptions we knew as children. A century ago Faerie-Faith was considered beneath the serious consideration of 'schol ars.' The subject is occasionally scorned yet always mysterious, and begging additional elaboration. Our clarification begins with Celtic traditions and viewpoints. Our stage is set in Ireland, Scotland, England, Britta ny, Wales and Isle of Mann not forgetting the European Continent. These accounts of psychological theories are barely touched upon, yet dispel any doubts as to their durability and certainty within the actual Celtic domains of our study. These people views relate to Gods, faeries, and spirits to name a few. Men's social conditions are reflected in their natural habitats, such as Ireland's magnificent gentle hills and val leys. Such placid environments are subject to living conditions of a gentler folk/faerie as opposed to more dramatic areas; For instance-Scotland's intense landscapes relating to clouded mountainous snow capped peaks suspended over thundery wind swept lochs/lakes which house water Kelpies, a ferocious less known type of life-force, but always violently independent, and threatening. A cold forlorn area is the Western Hebrides where resides the Spirit Host who silent ly soars through the intense frosty night air. Scientists and doctrines offer proof of invisible 'intelligence entities' which actually influence man and nature, an unseen world of cause and effect. Even
Nothing is by chance, so envision a clear plan then relax and find peace within yourself. Once that harmony is reached, be still and just let it happen.
Our stage is set in Ireland, Scotland, England, Brittany, Wales and Isle of Mann not forgetting the European Continent. These accounts of psychological theories are barely touched upon, yet dispel any doubts as to their durability and certainty...
prehistoric man accepted a 'germ of idea' of faeries in the environment. While so many city businessmen/women are herded together. Living in extraordinary antiseptic and closed surroundings, they deny their subliminal self which mani fests in the conscious soul, therefore they feel exempt from superstition, and as their material progression ensues, they cease to be natural at all. Undoubtedly, the Celts are authorities on all things Faerie, and will attest that the Celtic Faerie Race has the same origin as all/ any religions and mythology. All civilized people believed in an unseen world with invisible beings. Ancients called them inhabitants, gods, genni, dacmons, and shades. Christianity says they are angels, saints, demons and souls of the dead…
We love you and miss you, and we miss the world you and Mom and your generation sought to build. That world looks better every day, even though we didn’t always think that. But now every day brings new travail and tumult, and now it seems that the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.
Publication of advertising con tained herein does not necessari ly constitute endorsement. Signed columns are the opinions of the writers and not necessarily that of the publisher. Senior Beacon is locally owned and operated. Founded in February of 1982.
Love, Dave
Further, by reading this paper you agree to a Hold Harmless Agreement pertain ing to the publisher (Evergrowth Media, LLC), it's principals, and all writers.
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any inkling about how swiftly things would fall apart, redeeming the Wil liam Butler Yeats view that, in his poem as in our contemporary world, the center cannot hold.
BEACON NEWS GROUP d/b/a Senior Beacon P.O. Box 8485 Pueblo, CO Beacon wel phone Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication. 2022-Evergrowth Media, LLC
I should close by saying that there remains one element of American life that you would recognize. The Red Sox are in last place.
Senior Beacon
Current issues and back issues, dat ing to 2006, are available for free online at
All views expressed in these pages are that of the author/s and not necessarily endorsed by the Senior Beacon, Beacon News Group, et al.
I never forgot how your father — my grandfather — gave me a book about the U.S. Capitol. It was stamped with the name William H.Bates, the moderate Republican congressman from Salem who voted for all five important civil-rights bills of the era but who would be repelled by his party today and regarded as a hopeless antique. I remember how the bright white of the Capi tol dome nearly shimmered off the pages of that book, and during the decades in which I covered Con gress for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Boston Globe. I never failed to look at that dome with the awe that I first felt as a 10-year-old. I am ashamed to tell you that 20 months ago, the Capitol was overrun by insurrectionists, its walls breached, its offices trashed. A bare-chested man wearing a horned fur headdress and carrying a flag pole topped with a spear tip ram paged through the building, looking as if he were howling, and threat ened the vice president.
Senior Beacon serves Pueblo, El Paso, Fremont and the 12 surround ing counties that make up most of Southeastern Colorado. It is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serve, educate and entertain the Senior Com munity of these areas.
number submitted.
Here is a measure of how much the world has changed and the center has failed to hold. You lived by a simple aphorism: All things in moderation. That meant that you could have a drink, or maybe two, but never more. It meant that you should order a restaurant meal with an eye toward the right-hand side of the menu, with steak and lobster off-limits, always. That meant that you should see the virtues of all sides of an argument and search for where they intersect, always with an eye to the greater good, always with your own interests sublimated to those of no moderation in the world you left behind. Mere anar chy is loosed upon the world. And the gap between rich and poor is so wide that the rich don’t worry about the right side of the menu, and the poor cannot contemplate a restau rant meal. Our old favorite restau rants are gone: the Red Coach Grille and the Valle’s Steak House chain; even the sprawling Hilltop empire on Route 1 in Saugus (Massachu setts) has been shuttered. About a 10th of Americans now consider themselves vegetarians or vegans. The Republican Party you re vered — the party of sturdy habits, good manners, respectability and restraint, frugality and prudence — has acquired many of the attributes of an outlaw mob. The Democrats you remember — Adlai Stevenson, John F. Kennedy, Hubert H. Hum phrey — have vanished and are replaced by another breed, lurching leftward, more comfortable in ac ademic robes than in union wind breakers.
I also have never forgotten that as a child, you met a handful of Civil War veterans, probably during a Memorial Day parade down Salem’s Essex Street. I am ashamed, too, that the acceptability of violence in our civic life is so rife that sober people are talking about the country endur ing another civil war. This kind of talk would have been inconceivable in your lifetime. It is reprehensible inNobodymine.
Dear Dad, I’ve been thinking about you more than usual these days, this time of year being the 18th anniversary of your death. I am constantly wondering how I would explain to you what has happened to the country that your father sought as a refuge from tyranny and servitude, that your brother died for in Pacif ic combat during World War II, that you served later in that conflict, and that I grew up revering for the promise and op portunity it provided and for the values it sought to preserve and extend.
SEPTEMBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 23VISIT US ONLINE AT:
comes reader contributions in the form of senior groups news, stories, poetry, recipes and happenings. Letters to the Editor must be typed and double spaced, signed with address and
I am afraid you would not recognize the place. You left us in a world coming undone — it had been a mere three years since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 — but you could not have had
David M. Shribman is a North Shore native and Pulitzer Prize winner
— well, almost nobody — gets a print newspaper anymore. People use their telephones to take pictures. Two giant oaks of your time, and of mine, were felled in recent days; Bill Russell and Mikhail Gorbachev have just died. Both were misunderstood. Both will be missed. Remember all the talk about “con servation,” then about “ecology” and
finally about “the environment”? Now there is great worry that the Earth is burning up and that our climate may be changing so fast that we may be shocked at wintertime temperatures, lose the polar ice caps and not recognize the shorelines.
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