SENIOR BEACON October 2022

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Now in it’s 17th year of community

West Wind Produc tions is bringing the Senior Con

nection show to the Sangre de Cristo Performing Arts Center in Pueblo. It will be held on Monday, November 7, for the 9th year. Located at 210 N Santa Fe Ave, the center has free and plentiful parking. Senior Connection welcomes guests anytime from 9:00 am to closing at 1:00 pm. Take the elevator to the ballroom. Admission is free.

The Community Outreach depart ment at Parkview Medical Mobile Nurs es will be set up to give flu shots on site. Bring your Medicare/insurance card. 15 minute long entertainment is on-stage every hour on the hour. Every talented person on stage is a senior cit izen performing song, dance, or music. First up at 10 am are the Moonriders, Valerie and Gary Mattson on guitar and accordion. Seniors on Stage at 11 am features Flamenco Guitarist, Roberto Martinez. Back by popular demand at noon, our last entertainer is Cat Conner who sings songs from the 60’s and 70’s.

Senior Connection is not just about enter tainment, though. It will showcase an array of products and services that cater especially to the tastes and practical needs of today's seniors. Participating vendors will offer financial planning, health and fitness options, legal services, insurance, cosmetic surgery, cruises, massage, assisted living, retirement communities, home health, handyman services, gifts for grand children, audiology, dental care, medical equipment

and supplies, senior travel packages, and jewelry.

Admission is free for this full day of entertain ment, fashion shows, activities and informa tion.

Guests can win door prizes by playing the roulette wheel. Each

person will be given two tokens when they enter the ballroom. They will pick up additional roulette wheel coins as they visit each of the vendors in the hall.

Bring a friend and have a fun and informative time

nection show. Let’s


Here is the Senior Beacon's exclu sive interview with Zach Swearingen, who is running for Pueblo County Commissioner in November.

Who has been the greatest influence

The greatest influence on me to run for this position is the people of Pueb lo County, my family and friends. I truly care about our community and want the best for its citizens. Would you do anything differently if you had a chance to do it again? I would not do anything differently because I am where I am for a reason.

Why should people vote for you?

I am the best candidate for this posi tion. I have an extensive background in leadership and business. I served our country as a U.S. Navy SEAL for nearly a decade and know how to work within and lead teams. I have


Established February 1982 **OCTOBER 2022 EDITION** Vol. 41:9 489 Consecutive Months! Beacon Flu shots available at annual Senior Connection show November 7 Senior Committed To Southern Colorado Seniors For 41 Years And Counting "If You're 50 Or Over You Should Read It!" your ad here... reach 36,800 + SENIOR readers text or call: (719) 247-6580 **EMAIL: text or call: (719) 247-6580 seven days/week special rates, page 15 PLEASE PASS THIS PAPER ALONG TO YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY
senior expos,
“Call me today and I’ll change your oil in a professional, clean, and safe manner, saving you a ton of hassle
,” Call or Text: SENIOR DISCOUNT (719) 307-1822 says Emery Keller, ProLube owner and operator.
at the Senior Con
all close the show with Desserts for Seniors, a FREE
▶ SEE COMMISSIONER, PAGE 21 ATTEND The Senior Connection: Fun, Free, and Food--page 1, 21 BOO At The ZOO!!-- page 14



ey printing to the tune of $6 trillion “printed”! Then we got the obvious inflation. Then distorted economic re ality. Then volatility. Then weak GDP. Then weak earnings. Now bad markets and the acceptance that we are in a recession. Whew!

That sums it up. Now what to do, if any thing?

buy different)

3. Hang in there (see below)


So, yes, look at stocks but possibly overweight value. There’s a long history of a growth and value tug-ofwar. They usually switch leadership in the market. Again, 9 years of growth-led stock markets. Why would that continue? Value is poised to lead.


They say the stock market can predict the economy and business cycle; it’s considered a leading indicator. Well, it’s about time. We’ve gone past mere volatil ity to a full-blown bear market, down 20 per cent or more for all or most of our major stock indexes.

The seeds for this trouble were planted in early 2021 and maybe earlier. That’s when the Fed ramped-up mon


You might have an iron stomach; a really long time for the mar ket to rebound; or plenty of sleeping pills to keep you from tossing and turning; then you can just simply wait the market out. You should be okay.

But for a lot of folks we may consider some ideas. Of course, you don’t want to over manage your investments or get spooked out of the markets en tirely. Both can be bad for long-term performance.

In April 2020 I wrote a similar article about handling a bear market. The guidance was much different than you’ll read here:

1. Keep things in perspective (still do that)

2. Buy lower (don’t do that so much;


It’s okay to be spooked out of the market right now and it’s okay to go to some or all cash. The problem is if you stay there too long. We’re talking months versus years. Years are too long; a few months are okay. And maybe just half of your portfolio. It’s up to you, depending on how much you’re concerned. There is no exact amount for every investor.

If you’ve decided to “park” some cash the first place I think of is Treasury bills. T-bills are government bonds that mature in one year or less. Right now, with Federal interest rates going up, the 3-month bills look like the sweet spot.

These T-bills are paying 3.15% per year and are risk-free. The only risk-free investment since it’s a US government bond. They’re even safer than CDs and are paying more than certificates.

If you want more income you can invest into individual, high-yield (junk) corporate bonds, paying 5-6 percent and maturing in about one year. Also, one-year municipal bonds are paying as high as 3.57 percent and they’re federal tax-ex empt.

All three of these ideas are shortterm, trade at discounts to face value (a good thing), and pay higher than most common mutual fund equivalents.


The knee-jerk reaction to a falling stock market is to look at, what else, stocks. Right now, in my opinion, the proverbial knife is still falling. There’s going to be a whole group of smart, professional investors still claiming the growth sector as king. Well, growth has dominated this long-term bull market for 9 years. It seems likely it’s the value sector’s time to shine.

But there’s a very exciting bargain happening right now in the market. I’ve found a triple-value play. It has a share-price that’s dropped a lot. It trades at a discount to its net assets (below book value). And the internal bond port folio is trading at a discount. Plus, it pays over 9% for it’s current income. It’s paid this same income since De cember 2021.

This bargain is a fund that I’ve used for maybe 15 years. The income can and has dropped but recently their income has been the same for years at a time.

Besides that high-yield opportuni ty, I’d simply reallocate your growth funds to include more value stock funds, among a few other changes.


It’s tough, maybe impossible, to time the market accurately for a long time. So use this volatility break to reallo cate and decide where you’re portfolio is going in the future.

Last month pretty much every real estate indicator was down, we’ve had two quarters of GDP shrinking, infla tion is still here, and Fed rates are still going up. None of this is good for the short-term economy. But it will get better. Again, timing it exactly right is tough.

As always, make sure your portfolio works hard and pays you a high in come. This will provide you some cash to jump on the inevitable bargains coming up along with our inevitable improving economy.

This article is for illustrative purpos es only. Ron is not recommending any investment security for you but just trying to educate the communi ty. INVESTMENTS CAN AND DO DROP IN VALUE; THEY HAVE NO BANK OR OTHER GUARAN TEE. He is licensed and regulated by the great State of Colorado.

Ron Phillips is a Pueblo native and an independent financial advisor. Order a free copy of his book Invest ing To Win by leaving a message at (719) 220-3005. Visit RetireIQ. com or email RonPhillipsAdvisor@

Page 2 - Senior Beacon - OCTOBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
Author of two books, teacher & trusted columnist

As I have aged I've noticed a striking issue that perplexes me; Too many people think that humans are a blight. We're either worthless (abortion ists), greedy (people who have one less dol lar than I), destroyers of the earth (folks like Al Gore), etc. and something must be done about it. If we could just rid our selves of people that don't think like we think. It's sad. Some thing about the splint in your own eye.

It has come to my attention that no new gasoline-powered cars are to be sold as of 2035 in California. This from a state that recently had a short heatwave this past summer which had the state's electric utilities advis ing the folks there not to charge their electric vehicles so the grid wouldn't be overstressed. Okay, so if there isn't enough electricity on a short heat wave in 2022 what will it be like be ginning in 2035 and beyond? This is not only poor governance it is terrible governance by those in charge. Who believes that in 13 years they will be able to have the electric grid figured out. Go ahead, raise your hands!

Polio has raised its ugly head again in the United States. It brings to mind; "You're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations," said JRB, his middle name is Robinette (a family name), who then himself got the disease. Well now polio is coming back and is based in Rock land County just north of NYC. By the way I had both vaccinations plus the booster so I'm not an anti-vac cination guy. At least we know that we have an effective oral vaccine that wiped out the disease. Hopefully we won't have political bloviating over this and sensible minds will prevail.

Here's a question, Are we ever going to have a statesman-woman politician again? Ever?

I just read what Pope John Paul wrote in his wonderful encyclical Evangelium Vitae, "We are con

fronted by an even larger reality, which can be described as a verita ble structure of sin. This reality is characterized by the emergence of a culture which denies solidarity and in many cases takes the form of a veritable 'culture of death.' This culture is actively fostered by power ful cultural, economic and political currents which encourage an idea of society excessively concerned with efficiency."

Then Pope Francis asked, "Is it right to take a human life to solve a problem? It's like hiring a hitman." Both of the quotes were concern ing abortion. There are many more Godly quotations concerning the issue of abortion. Thank you Supreme Court for undoing such a terrible law. Now, let's see which individual states want to be known for murdering the unborn.

I continue to read the book concerning Maria Faustina Powalska (St. Faustina). In my latest find Jesus spoke to her with these words (it's so powerful):

Encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given you.... Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death.... When they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the Merciful Savior.... Priests will recommend it to sinners as their last hope of salvation. Even if there were a sinner

most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from My infinite mer cy. I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My mercy..... Through the Chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will. (687, 1541, 1731). Believer or not, you should pass this on to everyone you know. Why? Because He proba bly said this to Faustina because who else would make this up? Go ahead, send it or tell them they can read it in my column in the October issue of Senior Beacon.

Don't forget I have the pamphlet entitled Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet. I will send it to you FREE no strings attached. Just contact me at

Godspeed to you and yours!

Remember: contact me at SRbeacon@ for that great Chaplet prayer directly from Christ to Maria Faustina Kowalska at the beginning of Nazi invasion of Poland....... it's wonderful folks. Contact me and I'll send the pamphlet, no charge. It's a game changer!

R. GRASSO Former Chief Cook & Bottle Washer

Lemon Pepper Chicken

Wild & Brown Rice

Lima Beans

Orange & Milk

Indigenous Peoples Day (formerly Columbus day)

Seasoned Baked Salmon

Brown Rice Pilaf Lima Beans Pear & Milk

Beef Tips Mash Potatoes Brussel Sprouts Apple & Milk

Chicken Fajitas w/ fixin’s, Salsa, Tortillas Spanish Rice SW Black Beans Peaches & Milk

Cod Tuscany Baby Bakers

Broccoli, Banana High Fiber Cookie & Milk

Chicken à la King

Jasmine Rice Green Beans Apple & Milk

Sweet & Sour Pork Jasmine Rice Asian Vegetables Applesauce, High Fiber Cookie & Milk

Pesto Chicken Florentine Rice Carrots Whole Grain Roll Strawberries & Milk


BLT Sandwich

Black Bean Lentil Soup, Pasta

Vegetable Salad, Peaches & Milk

BBQ Beef Sandwich

Seasoned Pinto Beans Coleslaw

Tropical Fruit & Milk

Swedish Meatballs w/ Noodles

Peas & Carrots Tossed Salad Orange & Milk

Salmon Burger w/ Lettuce & Tomato Cream of Mushroom Soup, Broccoli, Banana & Milk

Chicken Carbonara W/ Pasta

Capri Blend Veg Peaches

V 8, & Milk

Beef Stroganoff Penne Pasta Roasted Brussel Sprouts, WW Bread Apple & Milk

Beef Chili w/ Cheese

Baked Potato w/ Sour Cream Orange & Milk

Yankee Pot Roast w/ Gravy

Baked Potato Medley Maple Glazed Carrots, Apple & Milk


Beef Stir Fry


Brown Rice Asian Cabbage Salad, Apple & Milk

Mushroom Ravioli w/ Marinara, Broccoli Salad

Diced Pears, Raisin Nut Cup & Milk

Vege- Burger w/ Lettuce, Tomato & Onion Corn Coleslaw Banana & Milk

Lasagna Roll/ Marinara Broccoli WW Roll

Page 4 - Senior Beacon - OCTOBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Menu substitutions may occur without notice. Clients are advised to keep a 3-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in the event ofinclement weather or other emergencies that may cause a temporary suspension of service. SILVER KEY SENIOR SERVICES | 719-884-2300 Why Not Give a Shout Out to SILVER KEY? Take a look at their website! And thank them for sponsoring these menus! STANDARD OIL CHANGE: just $77 CLIP FOR 15% OFF “Call me today and I’ll change your oil in a professional, clean, and safe manner, saving you a ton of hassle,” Call or Text: SENIOR DISCOUNT (719) 307-1822 says Emery Keller, ProLube owner and operator. Monday Tuesday
Menu substitutions may occur without notice. Clients are advised to keep a 3 day supply of non perishable foods and bottled water in their home in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies that may cause a temporary suspension of service. Connections Cafe Menu October 2022 Menu substitutions may occur without notice. Clients are advised to keep a 3 perishable foods and bottled water in their home in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies that may cause a temporary suspension of service.


in your

giving. Your legacy lives on,

mission continues at Meals on Wheels.

In order to prevent waste, we are on a Res ervation System.

Please call the day before or the morning of, before 9:00 A.M, to CANCEL your Meal

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Numbers in parentheses next to each meal item indi cate the number of carbohydrates in grams for that item.


Consumers attending the congregate meal sites shall be advised and informed to keep a three-day supply of non-per ishable foods and bottled water in case of inclement weather or other emergency that causes a temporary suspension of ser vices. If feasible and determined by the Area Agency on Aging in their area plan, emergency meal packages may be provided.


OCTOBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 5VISIT US ONLINE AT: SRDA OCTO. 2022 MEALS ON WHEELS Lifeline With Philips AutoAlert!* The Only medical alarm pendant that can call for help even when you can’t press the button! S R D A KeeP YOur IndePendence with SRDA Lifeline • no Long Term contract • new Homesafe Wireless Solution • now Available, Go Safe Wireless GPS nO HOMe PHOne LIne needed Lifeline of Pueblo call Today! 719-545-1212 Lifeline Colorado Springs call Today 719-522-9779 Serving Pueblo for Over 28 Years! *AutoAlert does not detect 100% of falls. If able, always press your button when you need help. A+ rated PHILIPS Lifeline Affiliate Are you new to the Pueblo area? Looking to make new friends? Here’s the place to go!!! S R D A 230 N. Union Ave. Pueblo, CO 81001 Call us: 719-545-8900 MENUS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please
“Call me today and I’ll change your oil in a professional, clean, and safe manner, saving you a ton of hassle,” Call or Text: SENIOR DISCOUNT (719) 307-1822 says Emery Keller, ProLube owner and operator. S R D A MEALS ON WHEELS MENU MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAY 3-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 7-Oct Lasagna (32) Red Beans and Rice (19)Shepard's Pie (30) Arroz con Pollo (32) Tuna Salad Sandwich (6) Brussel Sprouts (9) Seasoned Spinach (5)Winter Mix Vegetables (5)Seasoned Green Peas (13) w/ 2 Slices WW Bread (22) Bread Stick(14) Hot Fruit Compote (21)Sliced Orange (16) Mexican Corn (17) Crunchy Cucumber Salad (4) Chai Tea Poached Pears (35)Cornbread w/ margarine (42)Tapioca Pudding (25) Corn Tortillas (15) Fresh Pear (29) Milk (12) Side Salad w/ vingigrette (5)Dinner Roll w/margarine (22)Cinnamon Bananas (15)Milk (12) Milk (12) Salsa (4) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Nilla Wafers (6) & Frozen Meal for Holiday Calories: 690 Calories: 735 Calories: 805 Calories: 920 Calories: 530 Carbs: 102g Carbs: 104g Carbs: 110g Carbs: 158g Carbs: 70g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 13g Fiber: 10g Protein: 31g Protein: 25g Protein: 36g Protein: 41g Protein: 30g Fat: 21g Fat: 30g Fat: 31g Fat: 18g Fat: 20g Sodium: 1070mg Sodium: 905mg Sodium: 805mg Sodium: 385mg* Sodium: 925mg 10-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct 14-Oct Chicken Scallopini (5)Sloppy Joe Sandwich (19)Chef Salad (Turkey & Egg)Roasted Pork Loin (1) Rice Pilaf (17) on Hamburger Bun (27) w/ Italian Dressing (12) w/Apple Chutney (11) Italian Vegetable Toss (17)German Potato Salad (17) Navy Bean Soup (26) Mashed Potatoes (28) Veg Florentine Soup (13)Seasoned Spinach (4)Cinnamon Roll (31) Seasoned Asparagus (2) Cottage Cheese & Peaches (13) Mandarin Oranges (25) w/ Raisins (45) Heavenly Hash (21) Milk (12) / Crackers (5)Milk (12) Milk (12) / Crackers (5)Milk (12) /Dinner Roll (22) Calories: 775 Calories: 725 Calories: 935 Calories: 780 Carbs: 84g Carbs: 97g Carbs: 131g Carbs: 97g No Meal Service Today Fiber: 10g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 8g frozen meal to be delivered on 10/7 Protein: 46g Protein: 38g Protein: 39g Protein: 43g Fat: 32g Fat: 25g Fat: 32g Fat: 31g Sodium: 1150mg Sodium: 1065mg Sodium: 1040mg Sodium: 695mg 17-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct Slopper w/Green Chili (11)French Onion Pork Chop (12)Chicken Fajitas (6) Roast Beef w/Gravy (5)Pepperoni Pizza (37) Ranch Beans (26) Herbed Rice (25) Spanish Rice (19) Garlic Mashed Potatoes (27)Parslied Cauliflower (3) Bermuda Mixed Vegetables (6) Honey Glazed Carrots (17)Oregon Blend Vegetables (6)Cheesy Cauliflower (5)Spinach & Kale Salad Creamy Coleslaw (10) Dinner Roll w/margarine (22)Black Bean & Cilantro Soup Peas & Carrot Salad (9) w/berries(8) Apple Fruit Cup (12)/ Garnish (1) Chunky Applesauce (19)Corn Tortillas (24/each)Dinner Roll w/Margarine (22)Chocolate Pudding (6) Milk (12) /Hamburger Bun (27) Milk (12) / Butterscotch Bar (36)Milk (12) / Melon, assorted (12)Milk (12) / Fresh Apple (22)Milk (12) / Raisin Nut Cup (22) Calories: 960 Calories: 1055 Calories: 815 Calories: 850 Calories: 890 Carbs: 107g Carbs: 143g Carbs: 130g Carbs: 97g Carbs: 88g Fiber: 14g Fiber: 12g Fiber: 12g Fiber: 13g Fiber: 11g Protein: 50g Protein: 44g Protein: 47g Protein: 63g Protein: 40g Fat: 42g Fat: 42g Fat: 18g Fat: 29g Fat: 47g Sodium: 1135mg Sodium: 895mg Sodium: 1060mg Sodium: 920mg Sodium: 950mg 24-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct Polish Sausage (5) Beef Pot Pie (23) Herbed Baked Chicken (2)Fritatta (4) Penne & Meat Sauce (29) Roasted Rosemary Potatoes (22) Seasoned Green Beans (6)Rice Pilaf w/Mushrooms (18)Fall Harvest Couscous (25)Italian Mixed Vegetables (6) Seasoned Green Beans (5) Corn O'Brien (11) Seasoned Succotash (13)Garden Vegetable Soup (8)Seasoned Yellow Squash (4) Tomato Cucumber Salad (4) Pineapple Tid Bits (10)Carrot & Swt. Potato Soup (17)Oatmeal Cookie (15) Yogurt w/granola (21) Fruit Cup w/ Grapes (16)Butterscotch Blondie (54)Dinner Roll (22) Fresh Pear (29) Coconut Fruit Salad (20) Milk (12) /Mustard Pkt. (1) Milk (12) Milk (12) /Smore Pudding (42)Milk (12) / Crackers (5)Milk (12) / Garlic Bread (17) Calories: 945 Calories: 945 Calories: 910 Calories: 795 Calories: 900 Carbs: 86g Carbs: 118g Carbs: 130g Carbs: 99g Carbs: 109g Fiber: 14g Fiber: 7g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 13g Fiber: 10g Protein: 33g Protein: 36g Protein: 53g Protein: 35g Protein: 44g Fat: 60g* Fat: 42g Fat: 29g Fat: 43g Fat: 39g Sodium: 1455mg* Sodium: 615mg Sodium: 930mg Sodium: 815mg Sodium: 730mg 31-Oct 1-Nov 2-Nov 3-Nov 4-Nov Beef Chow Mein (29) Cuban Roasted Pork (2)Pasta Primaverea (25)Grilled Chicken on Bun (1)Baked Ham w/Glaze (11) Sweet & Sour Carrots (32) Rosemary Potatoes (15)Harvard Beets (16) Mexican Corn (17) Roasted Red & Swt Potatoes (19) Oriental Green Beans (7) Seasoned Asparagus (4)Dinner Roll w/Margarine (22)Steamed Broccoli (3)Green Beans Almondine (7) Vanilla Ice Cream (27) Squash Bisque Soup (15)Sliced Oranges (16) Peach Crisp (30) Cranberry Pear Salad (31) Honeydew (13) Peaches (15) Blueberry Buckle Cake (52) Garnish (1) /Condiments (2)Side Salad w/Dressing (8) Milk (12) Milk (12)/Choc. Banana Bar (24)Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Dinner Roll w/Marg (22) Calories: 860 Calories: 895 Calories: 865 Calories: 790 Calories: 730 Carbs: 120g Carbs: 93g Carbs: 133g Carbs: 93g Carbs: 111g Fiber: 12g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 15g Fiber: 10g Protein: 38g Protein: 46g Protein:28g Protein: 53g Protein: 38g Fat: 31g Fat: 44g Fat: 32g Fat: 26g Fat: 22g Sodium: 1135mg Sodium: 515mg Sodium: 1170mg Sodium: 735mg Sodium: 1070mg IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Numbers in parentheses next to each meal item indicate the number of carbohydrates in grams for that item. *reassessing recipe for accuracy 719-543-0100 Consumers attending the congregate meal sites shall be advised and informed to keep a three-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in case of inclement weather or other emergency that causes a temporary suspension of services. If feasible and determined by the Area Agency on Aging in their area plan, emergency meal packages may be provided. October 2022 MENUS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please remember SRDA in your planned giving. Your legacy lives on, our mission continues at Meals on Wheels. In order to prevent waste, we are on a Reservation System . To Cancel your meal for the day, Please call the day before or the morning of, Before 9:00AM YOU MUST BE HOME TO RECEIVE YOUR MEAL!!! For Important Nutrition Information, Please Turn Menu Over



After two and a half long years, I walked back into the women’s prison last Sunday. I walked out of my prison into free dom. Freedom to praise and worship with hungry wom en. Women seek ing more of Jesus. Their first church

This was what I was created for. I have mentioned it in the past, and will say again, there is nothing quite like walking in the path God prepared for you before you were born. His Word says I am God’s workmanship. “We are His work manship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Eph 2:10 NKJV). If you are a born-again child of the King, have you considered this? You are His masterpiece? The word workmanship means masterpiece. You are a work of art. Are you walking in the works He prepared for you?

There is peace in knowing you are walking in God’s plan for you that far surpasses the greatest joy imaginable. A satisfaction, and filling that can barely be explained to one who has not walked in that ex perience. Nothing else can compare.

Jesus spoke of this in John 4 when the disciples left Jesus to buy food. He was at a well near Sychar, a city in Samaria and during the heat of the day a Samaritan woman came

“How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan wom an?”

Jesus ministered truth to this woman who was dying inside, truly needing living water, thirsting like most cannot imagine. Sunday, I en countered many “women at the well” hungry for truth, thirsting for living water. They were open to learning, open to the prospect of being free of abusive addictive relationships, starving for love and acceptance. What a privilege to introduce them to the Giver of living water, the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus the Christ. Most of them claim to be believers, but their countenance ex poses their bondage. When invited to stand for prayer to be set free, to have the chains of addictive behavior and bondage broken, most stood, weeping, desperately wanting free dom, not from the confines of prison walls, but the prison of sin, of abuse and human bondage.

When the disciples returned to the well and found Jesus speaking to the Samaritan woman, they were con fused but didn’t question Him. They

“Rabbi, eat.”

“But He said to them, ‘I have food to eat of which you do not know.’ erefore, the disciples said to one another, ‘Has anyone brought

‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work’. . .” The satisfaction of doing the Father’s will, walking in obedi ence, and sharing with others the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, cannot be caught

by osmosis or by reading about the experience. One must walk it out, whether to the homeless under bridges, elderly in nursing homes, children in a Sunday School setting or behind razor wire to prisoners. To truly understand what Jesus meant when He said, ‘I have food to eat of which you do not know’ one must live it.

Hearing the laughter, seeing the tears, listening to heart wrenching testimonies only makes a mission ary hunger for more opportunities. Opportunities to encourage, coun sel, exhort, challenge and teach. The gratitude of prisoners shows clearly on their faces and in their eyes. I al most feel selfish because somehow, it seems my benefits of our gatherings are greater than theirs. Even though that is not at all why my heart drives me to reach them.

Yes, I’m back in prison. After two and a half long years. My husband and I started in September at the men’s facilities. I am so grateful to have a partner and other volun teers who participate with joy in this mission. If you would like to know more, or perhaps join us on one of these amazing adventures inside prison, please contact me. Or better yet, come to our fund-raising luncheon in October 15 in Colorado Springs and hear more about Prayer For Prisoners International. I would love to see you there. Our theme is Trophies of Grace. You won’t be disappointed you came. And if you can’t make the luncheon

Page 6 - Senior Beacon - OCTOBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
CROSSWORD ANSWERS ▶ GAMES ON PAGE 20 JAN MCLAUGHLIN Columnist & founder of an international prison ministry ▶ SEE LIGHT, PAGE 21 Monthly Rates Start at Just $1850 and Include MUCH More than Rent: • ALL UTILITES • WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING • BASIC CABLE • TWO MEALS A DAY • SCHEDULED TRANSPORTATION AND MORE! located in Pueblo, Colorado was established 60 years ago and we want to celebrate by giving you 60% off your first month’s rent Our senior living community is proud to offer beautiful new décor, engaging activities, and affordability. Check out our NEW PENTHOUSE SPACE, and ask us about our ZUMBA classes and NEW ART STUDIO! 1111 Bonforte Blvd., Pueblo, CO 81001 / SAVE 60% ON YOUR RENT* *For new Independent Living Residents Only. Must move-in by October 31, 2022. Incentive based upon apartment rent and applied to first full month. Not applicable with pay-for-referral sources.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

(StatePoint) If you hate the idea of bugs in your home, you’re in fine company -- 1 in 3 Americans have serious ly considered burning down their own home after expe riencing a bug infestation, according to a new survey.

The study, commissioned by Zevo and conducted by OnePoll, found that 66% of respondents are willing to do “nearly anything” to get rid of bugs at home -- including fumigating their entire home (51%), throwing the nearest thing at it, no matter what that nearest thing is (43%) and even DIYing a flame thrower (35%). Others have changed their diet and lifestyle to avoid sightings at home, with 59% saying they will even refrain from keeping fresh fruit in their homes or buying houseplants out of fear that it will attract flying insects.

In fact, some people would rather just leave it all behind and start over somewhere new. More than half of respondents (52%) have considered moving because of bug infestations, and of those who considered that option, 69% actually followed through and packed up their things.

When it comes to putting up with bugs, there are a number of home woes people would prefer to live with, including broken appliances (29%), creaky floors (26%), broken windows (26%), not having television connec tions (25%) and even rodents (24%).

Giving how bugged by insects peo ple are, it’s no wonder that they have come up with some pretty creative and expensive ways to try to deal with the problem, with 48% of survey respond ents having turned to DIY “hacks” and the average person spending $177 on creating homemade methods to deal with bugs. Some of the methods men tioned by respondents include using cinnamon, coffee grounds and even maple syrup to get rid of bugs. One person even recalled pouring gasoline on bugs to drown them.

Of course, many of these homemade solutions produce iffy results at best or are downright dangerous. The bug biology and behavior experts at Zevo say that if you want to rid your home of pests, there are much easier and more effective ways to go about it that don’t involve putting your home on the market and relocating. Here’s an effective two-pronged approach you can try for killing bugs and preventing future infestations:

1. Go worry-free. Most traditional insect sprays on the market today use synthetic pyrethroids as their active ingredients, which can have a noxious smell and make a room uninhabitable after spraying. For a solution that’s safe for people and pets when used as directed, check out Zevo Instant Action Sprays, which rely on essential oil to target and shut down biological pathways found in insects. The brand

carries four different sprays to target everything from cock roaches and ants to yellow jackets and crickets.

2. Safeguard entry points. Pests enter the home most typically through windows, doors and the garage. Check screen doors and windows for tears, and patch or replace them. You can also plug Zevo Flying Insect Traps into outlets in areas where bugs typically gather in your home, like kitchens,


Pueblo Senior

Villa Pueblo Senior Living Community 1111 Bonforte Boulevard, Pueblo, CO 81001 Located approximately 30 minutes South of Colorado
Living Community is an affordable option for Adults over the age of 55. Great Location! Close to Shopping, Walking Trails, Medical Offices, and Highways! Shop around and see how we compare! Our great rates start at only $1850 & include:  All utilities (except telephone)  Cable television  Two meals a day—GREAT FOOD!  Housekeeping & Flat laundry services  Inside and outside maintenance/ grounds keeping  Complimentary use of washers and dryers  Emergency call system  Assigned parking for residents and guests  Scheduled transportation & MORE! Tallest Building in Pueblo Apartments Have GREAT VIEWS! Hometown Feel & Friendly Neighbors! 5 Floor Plans to Choose From! (Retrieved 12/12/2104 from pueblo cheapest-place- to live/848/)



Holding A Grudge

A family is seeking to press charges against an unnamed man who was briefly married to their mom in the 1970s, the New York Post reported. Their beef? Alleg edly, the New Jersey man arrives at Linda Torello's tombstone in Orangetown, New York, early almost every morning with his current wife in tow, where he uri nates on her grave and sometimes leaves a bag of excrement. Torello died in 2017, according to her son, Michael Andrew Murphy, 43. In April of this year, he and his sister discovered a bag of poop and sup posed a dog walker had dropped it. When the second bag showed up, they called police. Then they went to work, setting up a trail camera that recorded the man's visits, and on Sept. 18, taking video with a cellphone that identified him as Torello's onetime husband. "My sister was crying ... I was sick I was so angry," Murphy said. "No one in my family has had contact with him since 1976 or so." Police have been unhelpful; Murphy said he's called them three times and they won't put him in touch with a detective.


Amanda Gommo, 51, of Bristol, England, required hospitalization after an unfortunate incident in volving her daughter's Chihuahua, Belle, the Daily Mail reported on Sept. 26. As Gommo and Belle cuddled together during a nap, Belle suffered "violent diarrhea," some of which fell into Gommo's open mouth. "It was disgusting, and I was hurling violently for hours after -- I just couldn't get the taste out of my mouth," Gom mo said. Afterward, she suffered stomach cramps so bad that two days later, she went to the hospi tal, where doctors discovered an infection that had been passed on by the dog. "I'm happy to say both me and Belle are on the mend," she said, but noted that she'll "be more mindful of what position we sleep in in the future."

Bright Ideas

Can't sleep? Pack your bags and head for Sussex, England, where you can spend a night next summer in a "luxurious" double bed at the Shleep Sanctuary, according to the Daily Star. As you drift away, num bered actual sheep will mill around the grassy hillside outside the glass

dome enclosing your bed. Emma Sleep, a tech company, is offering the one-night stay, which includes dinner, morning yoga and break fast. "Counting sheep is more than an old wives' tale," said Dr. Dennis Schmoltzi, CEO. "It's a tried-andtrue visualization technique that Brits are relying on to send them to sleep." Zzzzzzz.

From the "make your resume stand out" files: Karly Pavlinac Blackburn, 27, of Wilmington, North Carolina, was recently laid off from her job, the New York Post reported. Hoping to land a position with Nike in Beaverton, Oregon, and knowing they'd be celebrating Just Do It Day on Sept. 8, Blackburn cooked up a plan: Working with Albertson's Grocery Store, she ordered a sheet cake with an edible resume printed on top. Next, she talked with Instacart driver Denise Baldwin, who prom ised her she would "do whatever it takes to get this cake to where it needs to be." Sure enough, Bald win delivered the sweet treat into the appropriate hands, and Black burn has meetings on the calendar with the sportswear brand -- and more. "There are a bunch of com

panies that are kind of involved in the process," she revealed.

The Neighbors (Naked Edition)

The obvious question is: Why are there so many naked people out doors these days? On Sept. 25 in McMinnville, Oregon, KOIN-TV reported, an "unclothed male sub ject" was in his front yard, which drew the ire of his across-the-street neighbor. The neighbor launched two full beer cans, hitting the naked man's house, which prompt ed him to go inside to retrieve a shotgun. The neighbor grabbed a handgun and shot five shots into the ground in an effort to scare the naked man. No one was hurt, but the beer thrower was cited for criminal mischief.

Sweet Revenge

Porch pirates in a south Austin, Texas, neighborhood are driving residents crazy, KXAN-TV report ed. The same people in the same car are hitting front stoops day and night, so a woman identified only as Gabriela came up with a plan. Her husband put a box of used, dirty diapers on the porch, and sure enough, "The same people came back and took the package," she said. Unfortunately, they "came back and smeared those diapers on our front door.

Thirty minutes later, they came back with a giant bag of cow manure. They spread that all over our front porch and on our cars in the driveway. I called po lice, filed a report, and now there's a detective on the case." Britany Walker, who lives near Gabriela, con fronted the thieves herself, yelling, "I have a baby," but she said they just laughed at her. "It was a really upset ting moment." Austin police advise against engaging with the suspects.

Unclear on the Concept

A second grader in Jack sonville, Florida, has been expelled from Victory Christian Academy after their parents objected to a homework assignment suggesting students "send a picture of you doing reading homework in the bathtub," Action News Jax reported on Sept. 22. Misty Dunham emailed the

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teacher: "Hey, you might want to explain that. Send something out to the parents. Let them know what the intentions are." Dunham also reached out to school administra tors and the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. School officials responded by suggesting that the Dunhams "should do a parental withdraw al for the child." When Dunham refused, the school expelled the 8-year-old. Pastor Jesse Latta is sued a statement about the assign ment but did not address the child's removal from the school.

It's a Mystery American Airlines appears to have an unexplained noise issue on its planes, The Washington Post reported. On a Sept. 6 flight from Los Angeles to Dallas, passen gers were subjected to groans and moaning that sounded human and

vaguely sexual. Passenger and film producer Emerson Collins recorded the noises and posted them to TikTok; his guess was that someone was pranking the pub lic address system on the plane. Collins walked up and down the aisle looking for a possible culprit, but "I didn't see anything," he said. Passengers on different American flights have reported hearing a hearty "oh yeah" when the plane landed and the "moans and groans of someone in extreme pain," but spokesperson Sarah Jantz said the noises are "caused by a mechan ical issue with the PA amplifier." Maybe. Or maybe the ghosts of passengers past?

Wait, What?

In January, Reebok introduced a new sneaker in collaboration with the French luxury brand Maison



● Nutrition Services (Congregate)

Eligibility Policy:

Individuals are eligible to participate in the congregate meals service in one of the categories listed in this below:

Persons 60 years of age or older and their self-declared spouses of any age;

Disabled persons under 60 years of age who reside with persons over 60 years of age, when the care and main tenance of the disabled person oth erwise prevents the older adult from participating in the program and when the participation of such individuals does not prevent the participation of older adults and their spouses. The disabled person must accompany the eligible older consumer to the site;

Disabled persons under 60 years of age who reside in housing facilities occupied primarily by older adults and at which congregate nutrition services are provided when such participation does not prevent the participation of older adults and their spouse

Persons under 60 years of age who provide meal related volunteer servic es and individuals providing volunteer services at congregate meal sites dur ing meal hours when the participation of such individuals does not prevent the participation of older adults and their spouses; and

Staff members of the nutrition pro gram who are 60 years of age or older when such participation does not pre

Margiella. The Classic Leather Decortique Tabi Low is distinctive for its "toe cleavage" design -- and now, Indy100 reported, for being identified as a sign of the devil. A Facebook page called Prophecy News warned followers on Sept. 19 that the shoes resemble the feet of Baphomet, a goat deity associ ated with the occult. Reebok's Ins tagram account has drawn similar reactions: "This is so satanic!! My family will never buy another shoe from you," one follower wrote. Another said, "Satanic, no way will I ever wear those." Reebok counters that the shoes are based on a traditional Japanese shoe de sign called tabi.

Creme de la Weird

Ranjita Kundu of Kodameta, India, has accused her husband of stealing and selling one of her

NOTE: Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), meal sites are closed. Meals-on-Wheels is still open

vent the participation of other older adults and their spouses.

Nutrition Services (Home Delivered) Eligibility Policy:

homebound or who are geographical ly isolated; Disabled persons under age 60 years who reside with eligible consumers; and Spouses of home delivered meals con

kidneys four years ago, Oddity Central reported. Kundu recently discovered after visiting the doctor that she has only one kidney; she believes that when she was treated for kidney stones four years ago, her husband secretly arranged for one of her kidneys to be removed and sold on the black market. "I was unaware of the whole inci dent," she said. She even knows who he sold it to: Asim Haldar, who also lives in her district. Kun du and her husband were married for 12 years before he took off with another woman eight months ago. Kundu said with help from his sister, he sold the organ to make up for dowry money he believed he was owed. Police have taken him into custody and are investigating.

Call SRDA at 545-8900 for congregate meal sites and Meals-on-Wheels info!

For more information, please contact us at 719-543-0100.


Avondale Community Center 719-947-4180

409 2nd Lane

Avondale, CO

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Beulah Center


5903 Penn Avenue

Beulah, CO


11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Colorado City Community Center 719-676-3059

5445 Cuerno Verde

Colorado City, CO Tuesday and Thursday

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

JH Edwards Senior Center (SRDA) 230 N Union Avenue

Individuals are eligible to participate in the Home Delivered meals service in one of the categories listed in this below:

Persons age 60 years or older who are

sumers if, according to Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) criteria, receipt of the meals are in the best interest of the consumers.

More Information

Pueblo, CO Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Fulton Heights Center 1331 Santa Rosa Pueblo, CO

OCTOBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 9VISIT US ONLINE AT: JOHN GIARRATANO ... IS PROUD TO SPONSOR THIS SRDA MENU Make sure and call him at (719) 560-1406


No one gets asylum from a wellrun country. Why would we want to admit people who have demonstrated the wisdom, foresight and diligence to produce a functioning society? Rewards await only those who’ve par ticipated in the creation of complete disaster zones. (Just think of what these great thinkers could do for our country!)

years of inequality and corruption and redirect this country’s enormous oil wealth to better their lives.”

Yeah, I definitely want these people as my fellow citizens. They’ve shown solid judgment.


The massive news coverage of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ “political stunt” of sending 50 illegal aliens to Martha’s Vine yard reminds me of the media’s “political stunt” of referring to illegals as “legal asylum-seekers.”

Number one: They broke into our country. They’re illegal aliens. Number two: All asylum claims are frauds. Every single one.

Asylum is nothing but a conveyer belt to bring the worst people on Earth to our shores. You say you turned your own country into a hellhole? Fantastic! Come right in!

Take the Venezuelan illegal aliens whom DeSantis sent to Martha’s Vineyard. Biden’s press secretary and human kewpie doll, Karine JeanPierre, repeatedly referred to the briefly loved illegals as “people who are fleeing communism, who are flee ing hardship … desperate people — people who are trying to come here because they’re fleeing communism themselves.”

How did Venezuela become com munist again?

As The Martha’s Vineyard Times explained (once the illegals were safe ly expelled and the island fumigated), Venezuela’s “humanitarian crisis” resulted from that country’s “com plicated political and socioeconomic history.”

Actually, it’s not that complicated. Poor people in Venezuela voted for it. Oh boy, did they vote for it.

The ridiculous peasant Hugo Chavez promised Venezuela’s poor that he would take vengeance on the rich — “the squalid ones” — and give their stuff to the poor. Millions of poor people responded: YESSSSS!!!

Beginning in 1998, and five times after that, the poor came out in droves to support this clown. Fist pumping! Dancing in the streets! Red shirts as far as the eye could see!

As The New York Times described it, “To the adoring, impoverished masses who catapulted him to power, Hugo Chavez Frias is El Comandan te, their protector and benefactor, the bold leader who will wipe out 40

Chavez basically promised to deliver the Ta-Nehisi Coates “equity” agenda that’s so popular with the Democratic Party right now. The poor believed the rich were rich because they had stolen from the poor. Chavez vowed to take it back. It was sort of a 1619 Project for Venezuela.

As promised, Chavez proceeded to seize private businesses, farms (by 2011, he’d expropriated 6 million acres of farmland) and golf resorts, telling poor people to move onto the club greens.

Anybody want asylum yet? Nope!

Between 1998 and Chavez’s death in 2013 — whereupon he was promptly replaced with his handpicked suc cessor, President Nicolas Maduro — Venezuela’s poor voted for him over and over and over again: in 1998 (80% public approval rating his first year in office), in 2000 (winning 60% of the vote), in 2004 (59% against recalling him), in 2006 (winning 63% of the vote), in 2009 (54% voted to make him president for life) and finally in 2012 (winning 55% of the vote).

Never has any public been polled more often and returned the same resounding answer.

Well, they’re not fist-pumping anymore. Instead, Venezuela’s poor are claiming they “deserve” to access America’s generous welfare state.

Twenty years of Chavez’s Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE!) produced this: “a country whose economy has collapsed … malnutrition and disease are soaring [and m]illions have em igrated to escape the grind of find ing enough to eat, of living without reliable electricity or tap water,” as Bloomberg News put it in 2019.

Venezuela is sitting on the largest oil reserves in the world, and the commu nists still couldn’t get it to work.

Now that their own choices have wrecked their country, they demand free admission into ours. Unless they’re professional baseball players, I’m not seeing what’s in it for us.

In the kewpie doll’s press conference proclaiming that these innocent little lambs “deserve better” (than being sent to a fabulous beach resort), she cheerfully listed the great heaping portions of welfare being ladled out to Hispanics:

“[O]ur administration has delivered billions of dollars in loans to Hispanic small businesses, expanded the child tax credit to provide help to millions of families and reduce Hispanic child poverty by more than 40%, expand ed access to quality healthcare to thousands of Latino families … And thanks to President Biden’s student loan debt relief program, almost half of Latino students with federal loans will see their debts forgiven.”

The Democratic Party is cribbing Chavez’s lines. And it will work, be cause the same people who fell for it last time will be voting for it here.

To be sure, the Venezuelan “asy lum-seekers” aren’t any worse than other members of that illustrious group. If (when) they are granted asylum, these poor decision-makers will join:

— Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsar naev, the Boston Marathon bombers (sometimes, they’re persecuted for a reason);

— Ibragim Todashev, who, along with Tamerlan, slit the throats of three Jewish men in Boston;

— Beatrice Munyenyezi, a genocidal Rwandan, who won asylum by lying about being a victim of the genocide, rather than a perpetrator.

Those are just a few of our standout asy lum grantees. To be fair, the illegal Vene zuelans haven’t killed anybody yet, as far as we know. They’re more like a homeless guy who shows up on your doorstep after a lifetime of bad choices and demands that you give him your house.

Perhaps, just this once, we should defer to the wisdom of our moral betters on Mar tha’s Vineyard and tell the Venezuelans: We love you! Now get the hell out.

Page 10 - Senior Beacon - OCTOBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
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PUEBLO, Colo. The South ern Colorado chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK) in partnership with the Pueblo Zoo is host ing their annual Creations for Conservation Art Show, Saturday, October 15, 2022 9am-4pm. Proceeds from the Art Show will benefit the Turtle Survival Alliance and animal care at the Pueblo Zoo.

Guests can browse art for sale from more than 20 local artists, ranging in price from $15 - $500. District 60 and 70 students, can showcase their art, however student art will not be for sale. In addition to viewing art, guests can indulge their own inner artist with free make and take craft stations throughout the zoo and purchase a light break fast of bagels or visit the Safari Café for lunch. Guests 21+ can purchase mimosas start ing at 9:00am, and beer/wine at 11:00am from the cash bar at the Party Place.

"I really love this event as fall is an absolutely gorgeous time to be at the zoo. The leisurely brunch vibe makes strolling the zoo and perusing local talent that much more enjoyable. Most importantly, the event contributes to con servation actions both global ly and locally," states Pueblo Zoo, Executive Director, Abbie Krause.

The Creations for Conser vation Art Show is included with zoo admission, $14 for adults, $10 for children and kids under three are free. Zoo hours are 9am-4pm, with last admission at 3pm. Register at events/t8z to preview art work online Oct. 12-13 and to pur chase art beginning Oct. 15. Artwork donations will be ac cepted Oct 7-9, 10am-4pm. For more information about donating artwork please con tact

Hope in the Face of Suffering

Difficult things in life… We’ve had our fair share around the Crossroads Minis tries office lately. I know you have, too. So that got me to thinking about suffer ing. As I started going through scriptures, I realized that God has a lot to say about it, too.

“When you walk through the valley, I will be there.” Did you catch that? When, not if, so there will be valleys in our lives. After all, it’s the very difficult things in our lives that God often uses to remind us that He is near. If there were no suf fering, would we know what true joy is? The Apostle Paul got it when he said, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)

Paul was a person, who for the sake of Christ, suffered. He also asked the Lord to remove the thorn that afflicted him and three times God told Paul that His grace was enough to help Paul through the pain and suffering. God didn’t leave

the thorn because he was mad at Paul, but because in Paul’s weakness, God’s strength was able to shine forth. That’s why Paul was able to say, “Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.” (2 Timothy 1:12)

God’s grace is enough because He has said He would share in the fellowship of our suffering. That’s a pretty heavy revelation. I think we all come to a point in life when, after having followed the detour signs on life’s journey for a while, we suddenly realize that the detour is the road that God had for us to follow all along. God remains faithful even when things don’t turn out the way we expected them to. We just have to be willing to offer complete surrender to God’s plans knowing that while we may bend, He won’t allow us to break.

I think that’s why the song “Blessings” by Laura Story speaks to me so deeply.

She asks God, “What if the trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?” Find the song online or through your local Christian radio station and allow it to ministers to you and challenges your way of thinking about suffering and about God’s blessings.

The pain and suffering in this life only remind our hearts that this is not our home

“And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffer ing produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character, hope.” (Romans 5:2-4) We have HOPE… His name is Jesus. Trust in His plan for you.

OCTOBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 11VISIT US ONLINE AT:
Dr. Reece Cochran, DDS Call today (719) 569-5959 **ORAL HEALTH MATTERS** 332 S Orchard Springs Dr. Suite #110 Pueblo West, CO 81007 Address: Email: DSSC ***** Accepting New Patients ***** dults over 60 can face unique challenges when it comes to keeping their teeth and gums healthy. About 3 in 5 adults over 65 have gum disease and nearly 1 in 7 have lost all of their teeth. Numerous recent scientific studies indicate associations between oral health and a variety of general health conditions – including diabetes and heart disease.” – American Dental Association If you are experiencing oral health issues or interested in chronic disease prevention, contact us today. Dr. Reece Cochran is a periodontist with advanced training in dental implants, treatment of chronic periodontal disease, gum grafting, bone regeneration and IV sedation. We care about you and strive to provide optimal patient comfort and a pleasant experience when visiting our office. “A


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Our focus has always been thoughtful, caring, professional, personalized service to families.

Moving into the next century, Gerry and Dian Montgomery, pledge their commitment and long tradition of providing care and compassion for the community they have always called home.

Continuing to set the bar high, we promise to go above and beyond for each family we serve –not because it's a business but because it's our way of life.

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SilverSneakers Marks Three Decades of Providing Dynamic Health Improvement Solutions for Seniors

During the SilverSneakers LIVE class, CEO Richard Ashworth an nounced that on August 31, SilverS neakers achieved a Guinness World Records™ title for the Most Views in a Dance Fitness class on Facebook Live.

SilverSneakers was founded in 1992 as a fitness program designed specifically for older adults to sup port mobility, cardiovascular health, balance and more.

It quickly became an outlet for social interaction with a community of members, instructors, health plans and fitness locations that have helped SilverSneakers grow to more than 18 million eligible members nation wide. Over the past several months, Tivity Health has hosted a series of activities and special programs to celebrate SilverSneakers’ rich history with its members, clients, partners and colleagues.

“For 30 years, SilverSneakers has proven itself to be the premiere place for senior fitness and social connec tion, and we’re constantly evolving

to support healthier lifestyles for those 65 and older,” said Richard Ashworth, president and CEO of Tivity Health. “As we look ahead to the next 30 years, we will continue to find new ways to serve members and achieve our vision of happier, healthier, more connected lives. Our colleagues pursue this with a relent less passion, and I appreciate their dedication to our mission, as well as our clients, instructors and partners who support SilverSneakers.”

On August 31, SilverSneakers invited members, colleagues, clients, partners, and friends to celebrate the brand’s longevity and evolution by attempting a Guinness World Record for the “most viewers of a dance fit ness lesson live stream on Facebook.” To break the record, at least 1,500 viewers were needed to participate at one time in the 30-minute class. A testament to the tremendous dedica tion of SilverSneakers members, Tiv ity Health set the new world record within minutes of the class starting, and the final count for the record was 3,075 concurrent viewers.

Earlier this year, the program asked its members to share their favorite Sil verSneakers memories, stories and experiences as “Love Letters to SilverSneak ers.” Nearly 400 people wrote letters sharing how the program transformed their lives. Many of their stories, along with additional information about the history of SilverSneakers and its 30th anniversary, can be found on SilverS

Today, SilverSneakers is offered through more than 70 Medicare Ad vantage, Medicare Supplemental and group retiree plans at no additional cost to the member.

About SilverSneakers:

SilverSneakers®, by Tivity Health®, is the nation's leading community fitness program for Medicare eligible Americans. The program was founded in 1992 and is available to more than 18 million Americans through many Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Sup plement carriers, and group retiree plans. For more information, to check eligibility or to enroll in the program or sign up for a SilverSneakers news letter, go to

OCTOBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 13VISIT US ONLINE AT:
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Chicken & Noodles

Seasoned Green Beans

Baked Acorn Squash




Cream of Potato


w/Brown Gravy

Oven Browned



call (719) 345-3064 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served MondayFridays. All menus subject


11 #36 Roast Beef Sandwich on Wheat

Chunky Vegetable Soup

Oven Browned Potatoes Confetti Salad Apple

18 #94 Swiss Steak

Mushroom Sauce

Smashed Red Potatoes

Seasoned Greens Salad w/Lite Ranch Orange WW Bread

Chili Relleno Bake

Corn & Zucchini Mexicana

Tortilla WW & Salsa

Tossed Salad w/Lemon

A $3.00 suggested donation per meal is appreciated, but not required.

13 #21 Chicken & Noodles

Seasoned Green Beans

Baked Acorn Squash

Apricot Pineapple Compote WW Bread w/Butter

20 #40 Cream of Potato Soup

Tuna Salad Wrap

Shredded Lettuce and Tomato Sliced Creamy Coleslaw Cubed Cantaloupe

#23 Chicken a la King

Smashed Red Potatoes

Seasoned Asparagus

Tossed Vegetable Salad w/Lite Ranch


& Tomato Confetti Salad Beef Barley Soup Orange Juice

14 #74 Roast Pork w/Brown


Oven Browned Potatoes

Spinach Mandarin Orange Salad

Parslied Carrots Apple and a WW Roll

#82 Smothered Chicken Cornbread Stuffing

Peas & Carrots

Cauliflower/Broccoli Applesauce Waldorf Salad WW Bread

#37 Combination Burrito w/Salsa

Lettuce, Tomato Cilantro Lime Rice

Beans Citrus Cup

Bread w/Butter

Must have assessment form for our meal program on file with UAAACOG.

Eligibility 60+

call (719) 784-6493 before 9:30 a.m. for res ervations. Congregate meals served Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. All menus subject to change.

Page 14 - Senior Beacon - OCTOBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Penrose (719) 372-3872 Florence (719) 784-6493 Canon City (719) 345-4112 Salida (719) 539-3351 GOLDEN AGE CENTER
Let's thank Kopper Kettle for sponsoring--Stop by soon!! PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Thank You Very Much! Senior Beacon Newspaper 115 E MAIN STREET FLORENCE, CO 81226 (719) 784-7664Find us on Facebook PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS by giving them business, referring customers to them and giving them well-deserved, good reviews online. Thank You Very Much! Senior Beacon Newspaper October 2022 GAC Upper Arkansas Area Agency on Aging Nutrition Program Please call (719) 345 3064 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served Monday Friday at noon. All menus subject to change. Monday 3 #80 Salmon Patties Cream Sauce Steamed Brown Rice w/Parsley Mixed Vegetables Tangerine Raisin Nut Cup WW Bread w/Butter Tuesday 4 #26 Chicken Fajita Savory Black Beans w/Cilantro Tortilla Whole Wheat Cheddar Cheese Mexicali Corn Orange Wednesday 5 #40 Cream of Potato Soup Tuna Salad Wrap Lettuce & Tomato Slices Creamy Coleslaw Peaches Thursday 6 #82 Smothered Chicken Cornbread Stuffing Peas and Carrots Cauliflower & Broccoli Applesauce Waldorf Salad & WW Bread Friday 7 #61 Meatloaf w/Sweet Potatoes Brown Gravy Brussels Sprouts Tossed Vegetable Salad Pineapple Tidbits WW Bread 10 #111 Turkey on WW Mustard & Salad Dressing Tomato Soup Seasoned Green Beans Tangerine Almond Peaches 11 #20 California Veggie Bake
Salad w/Egg & Lite Italian Pear Citrus Cup Oatmeal Raisin Cookie WW Bread w/Butter 12 #83
Sauce Salad w/Lite
Beans Orange WW
w/Butter 13 #21
w/Butter 14 #74 Roast Pork
Potatoes Spinach Mandarin Orange Salad Parslied Carrots Apple & a WW Roll 17 #2 American Lasagna Herbed Green Beans Seasoned Cabbage Salad w/Lite Italian Dressing Ice cream vanilla Italian Bread w/Butter 18 #94 Swiss Steak w/Mushroom Sauce Smashed Red Potatoes Seasoned Greens Tossed Vegetable Salad w/Lite Ranch Orange and WW Bread 19 #75 Roast Pork Loin Brown Gravy Smashed Red Potatoes Orange Spiced Carrots Orange Mitzie’s WW Dinner Roll 20 #40
Soup Tuna
Wrap Shredded Lettuce and Tomato Sliced Creamy Coleslaw Cubed Cantaloupe 21 #82 Smothered Chicken Cornbread Stuffing Peas & Carrots Cauliflower/Broccoli Applesauce Waldorf Salad & WW Bread 24 #45 Scalloped Potatoes Buttered Spinach Hard Boiled Egg Apple WW Dinner Roll 25 #39 Corned Beef Dinner Parsley Buttered New Potatoes Cabbage and Carrots Spinach Salad w/Mandarin Oranges Apple 26 #57 Lemon Baked Fish Scalloped Potatoes Spinach Salad w/Mandarin Oranges Malt Vinegar Banana WW Bread w/Butter 27 #23 Chicken a la King Smashed Red Potatoes Seasoned Asparagus Tossed Vegetable Salad w/Lite Ranch Apple WW Bread w/Butter 28 #37 Combination Burrito w/Salsa Lettuce, Tomato Cilantro Lime Rice Refried Beans Citrus Cup 31 #81 Sloppy Joe on a Bun Scalloped Potatoes Broccoli & Carrots Apple A $3.00 suggested donation per meal is appreciated, but not required. Must have assessment form for our meal program on file with UAAACOG. Eligibility 60+ October 2022 Florence Senior Center Upper Arkansas Area Agency on Aging Nutrition Program Please call (719) 784 6493 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at noon. All menus subject to change.
4 #26 Chicken Fajita Savory Black Beans w/Cilantro Tortilla Whole Wheat Cheddar Cheese Mexicali Corn Orange Thursday 6 #82 Smothered Chicken Cornbread Stuffing Peas and Carrots Cauliflower & Broccoli Applesauce Waldorf Salad WW Bread w/Butter Friday 7 #30 Chicken Salad Sandwich Lettuce
25 #35
Wedge Plums 27


Falls are NOT an Inevitable Consequence of Aging

September 22, 2022 was National Fall Prevention Awareness Day. The more we know about typical causes for falls, the better we are able to pre vent them.

Preventing falls may seem to be more of a safety topic than a medical topic, but it is an important health topic, especially for older adults. Physical changes, health conditions, and sometimes medications can increase our risk of falling.

Falls pose a risk for people of all ages, despite their level of fitness. For older adults, however, falls are a major threat to health and independ ence. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in four adults aged 65 and older experiences a fall each year, and falling once doubles your chances of falling again. Each year, three million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall-related injuries. In addition, falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults.

According to the CDC, one in five

falls causes significant injury such as a broken bone or head trauma. These injuries can make it hard for a person to get around, do every day activities or live on their own. The CDC warns that falling can re sult in diminished activity, which in turn can lead to increased weak ness and subsequently more falls.

Many falls are preventable. Falls are not an inevitable consequence of aging. They occur more often among older adults because risk factors increase with age.

Why People Fall

Some of the most common risks for falling include physical impair ments, medication side effects and environmental hazards.

Some physical issues that can lead to falls, especially in older adults, are use of medications such as antidepressants, tranquilizers and sedatives, Vitamin D defi ciency, poor eyesight, difficulty walking, poor balance and foot

problems. Further, certain diseases, such as osteoporosis (porous bones) can magnify the extent of injuries from a fall.

America’s Health Rankings under scores the CDC’s advice: “Contrib

uting factors for falls, and related injuries such as hip fractures, include poor balance, poor vision, certain medications, alcohol consumption,

OCTOBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 15VISIT US ONLINE AT:
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Way back on September 9, 1956, my husband and I put our children to bed and sat down to watch “The Ed Sullivan Show” on TV -- as we did every Sunday. Little did we know the entertain ment explosion we were about to see.

A handsome young


man named Elvis Presley took the stage and sang with an incredibly gorgeous tone and exciting body actions. We couldn’t believe how captivating a singer could be. And from that day forward, we were among his many fans, which proves it wasn’t only screaming young girls who enjoyed this new musical idol.

So it’s no surprise we eagerly awaited ELVIS, a biographical movie directed by Baz Luhrmann (of fabu lous Moulin Rouge! fame). However, we didn’t think anyone could portray this iconic performer to our satisfac tion. Happily, we were wrong.

This ELVIS film his fans should please.

Austin Butler plays him with ease. Whether acting or singing scene, this young actor looks ultra-keen.

Hitting deep notes and shaking right, Butler gives us a film delight. Even the sad parts make us care. The movie IS Baz Luhrmann’s dare.

Tom Hanks adds magic to the role of Colonel Parker lacking much soul. But watch for Oscars® when it’s time. If both actors win, that’s no crime.

We were surprised by Tom Hanks as Colonel Parker, Elvis’ manager, because that’s not the type of role he usually plays.

But Hanks does a terrific job with this difficult character. It only took us a few minutes to get used to the way he looks

Elvis’ family life is also spotlighted as well as Graceland, his time as a G.I. stationed in Germany (where he met

and the accent he uses before we accepted him completely. Parker, not his real name, is a former carnival guy from Holland who takes over Elvis’ career, sometimes not for the star’s benefit, including most of his 31 movies.

This fast-paced offering covers Elvis’ life from a youngster to his death at age 42. We get to see his rags-to-riches story complete with dynamic performances of songs like “That’s All Right,” “Hound Dog,” “Don’t Be Cruel,” “Suspicious Minds” and many more. Austin Butler sings most of the songs. But to get that famous Elvis tone, some of his real voice was melded with Butlers for a few numbers.

14-year-old Priscilla), and his serious drug problem.

Most of all, Elvis’ love of performing and combining country-Western, South ern, African American, gospel, blues, and pop music comes across loud and clear in this sensational biopic. No wonder Elvis is still called the King of Rock and Roll.

Rhythm is something you have or don’t have. But when you have it, you have it all over. --- Elvis Presley

(Released by Warner Bros. and rated “PG-13” by MPAA. Available on HBO Max and on DVD.)

Personal TesTimony and Kudos To Canon CiTy Tire and serviCe

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Finding a trustworthy auto mechanic is not always easy. Several that I thought were trustworthy proved to be more on the shady side. Recently, I took an RV to have new brake pads installed. The job went well, and the price was reasonable. A couple weeks later, I took the same RV back to have an oil change and a tune-up. When I picked the vehicle up and found the only charge was for the oil change, I asked why they hadn’t done the tune-up I had requested. The answer was that it didn’t need a tune-up. I was stunned and delighted at the owner’s honesty.

On another occasion, my husband took his Legend to the same shop. The car was strug gling and occasionally sputtering and hard to start. Because of the car’s age, he was certain the repairs would be terribly expensive. When he went back to pick it up, he was told to put an additive in the gas and to use a mid-grade gasoline instead of regular. There was no charge.

When these things happen, you can be assured the mechanic is trustworthy and I am grateful the Lord sent me to Canon Tire to get my RV fixed. I had tried other places, but many shops don’t have a rack to lift an RV. I mentioned that to Matthew Tatum, the Canon City Tire and Service owner, he said, “We don’t have a lift either!” But they got the job done. Thanks again to all the folks at Canon City Tire and Service. You do a great job and I love your courteous staff.

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Page 16 - Senior Beacon - OCTOBER 2022 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
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Grit with a Plan for Positive ChanGe

When you look back on your life, do you imagine what today would be like if you had taken more risks? Were there missed opportu nities? Perhaps you are the type of person that stepped up, became a leader and can say with pride, “I did that.”

Do you feel the urge to be involved?

Michelle Gray liter ally stood up, stepped forward and is now a candi date for the Pueblo Coun ty Treasurer. Michelle and husband, Ran dy, have raised six children in Pueblo County over the past nearly 40 years. That fact alone is impres sive but, there is more.

Michelle describes herself as a problem solver with a heart for ser vice. Those attributes have proved themselves over the years but never so clearly as at the Pueblo Coun ty Assembly. When the audience learned that there were no Repub lican candidates for Pueblo County Treasurer, that familiar realization hit home. She looked at Randy and said, “If not me, then who?” With a quick nod of approval between them, Michelle stood up and walked forward to accept the GOP nomina tion for Pueblo County Treasurer.

Now, walking neighborhoods to meet perspective voters, posting to her web site (Michelle4pueblocoun, attending commu nity events and hosting “meet and greet” opportunities is a way of life. She heads into election “season” with tenacity and the positivity of a woman who flows with confidence and skill.

“I know who I am. I am consist ent in what I do. I have integrity.

I respect people. I promise to be a better voice for customers”, says Gray.

Michelle taught math in the Pueblo City school system for 27 years. She said, “Students came to Mrs. Gray’s classroom dreading math and left happy to learn math. My evalua tions confirm that.”

Now, being part of a sweeping change for Pueblo County gov ernment is her next challenge. The County Treasurer’s Office represents all Pueblo taxpayers. “I know how to make positive change in the classroom and

I know how to create that posi tive change in our County govern ment, as well. I am known for my grit!”

Gray is getting involved because the need exists. She sees a prob lem with County government and the evidence is clear. Taxpayers are disgruntled by poor custom er service. Disenfranchised and frustrated County employees are leaving their jobs and creating a high turn-over rate. She is deter mined to utilize her administra tive experience to create a positive work environment for the Treas urer’s Office, and beyond.

Michelle describes herself as a creative problem solver and has numerous examples of past success in this area, to include costume design at the Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center. Additional examples are detailed on her web site.

She uses SMART goals to identify problems, solutions and measure success. In the case of Treasurer, necessary change will take place through statutory regu lations and beyond.

Her vision is for customers to the Treasurer’s Office to experience an “open door” policy by con

necting County departments into a unified team. She wants to stop the isolation between Assessor, Survey or, Clerk and Treasurer that now serves to frustrate both customers and employees. These offices would work in unison creating a team approach with improved infrastruc ture. “Being a team player is how I operate in the classroom. I teach in the collaborative and will be a lead er as County Treasurer in that way, as well,” she said.

“If I can get teenagers to work together, I should be able to get pro fessional adults to work as a team,” she said with a big, determined grin. Michelle is a woman of service in faith and action. She has been a Sunday school teacher and traveled

to Joplin, Missouri to help the com munity recover after tornado dev astation. She is not afraid of gritty jobs like laying drywall in water ravaged homes after the Lumberton, Texas floods in 2017.

“My goal is to be a true leader working for the Pueblo community. I fulfill my commitments and honor contracts. I have a good track re cord as a firm, fair, consistent and qualified professional, and ask for your vote,” said Gray.

Michelle Gray will be on the Pueb lo County ballot for Treasurer in November. To register to vote, go to: Also visit

OCTOBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 17VISIT US ONLINE AT:
com Can a local dermatology and plastic surgery practice really make a difference? We are skin cancer experts with decades of training and experience. We are driven by our mission to make a positive impact on our patients, our community, and our world, and we constantly strive to provide you and your family with the best in innovation, expertise, and compassion. Most skin cancers are treatable if detected early, so be sure to schedule your annual skin exam at a Vanguard Skin Specialists location near you. | 719-355-1585 Locations near you in Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Cañon City Prevention with impact What if your skin cancer experts also made you feel like family? Questions about Let me show you how you could benefit from the Medicare-related plans out there. John B. Reed III Independent licensed and certified broker 719-225-8313 Serving Southern Colorado and New Mexico Medicare Plans??



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Mountain View Cemetery. Good location close to street. $1000



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REQUEST This classified ad section of the Senior Beacon carries advertising of all sorts. The cost is $15.00 for the first 20 words or less and $.25 for each word over twenty words. TO PLACE AN AD either: (1) Write your ad in the space provided below. Please print clearly. Phone:_________________ Your Name:______________________ Then mail ad and check (send no cash) to: Senior Beacon P.O. Box 8485 Pueblo, CO 81008 (2) Email your ad to or (3) Visit and click the “advertise” page Deadline is the 20th of the month (allow mailing time)
INTERNATIONAL is offering Christians an opportunity to bless prisoners with Christmas cards and other amazing mission opportuni ties. Perfectly safe and incredibly rewarding. Call: 719-275-6971 #1222 LOOKING
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SOCIAL SECURITY STRIVES to deliver great customer service and helpful information to everyone, in cluding people who are more comfort able reading and speaking Spanish.

Our Spanish-language website,, provides information about our programs and services. You can learn how to get a Social Security card, plan for retire ment, apply for and manage benefits, and much more.

You can also learn more about why Social Security is important to the Hispanic community at espanol/personas/hispanos. And, you can follow us on our Spanish-language Facebook and Twitter at www.face and twitter. com/segurosocial

We also provide many publications in Spanish at publicaciones on popular topics such as: Retirement, Disability, and Survi vors benefits.


Supplemental Security Income.

Spanish-speaking customers who need to speak with a representative can call us at 1-800-772-1213 and press 7. Please share these resources with friends and family who may need them.



October is National Disability Em ployment Awareness Month. At Social Security, we recognize and appreciate the roles people with disabilities play in the workforce. That’s why we’re celebrating and sharing Matt’s story.

As a job seeker who is deaf and needs accommodations, Matt was reluctant to tell prospective employers about his disability. He worried that employers would not hire him if they knew about his disability.

That’s when Matt connected with our Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program at This program supports career development for people ages 18 to 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits and want to work. Through this free and voluntary program, approved service providers offer supports and services as partic ipants move toward financial inde pendence through work. Matt found the service providers at choosework.

Matt’s service provider told him about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and how it guarantees equal opportunities for people with dis abilities and prohibits discrimination in the workplace. It accomplishes these goals through:

Anti-discrimination rules that pre vent private employers from discrim inating against qualified people with

disabilities when they apply for jobs.

See Regulations that require employers to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees with disabilities.

Matt and his service provider identi fied accommodations that would allow him to demonstrate his capabilities both during the application process and on the job. They created a plan for him to disclose his disability and request accommodations.

Since Matt also wanted to know how his employment might affect his ben efits, his Benefits Counselor told him about our Work Incentives at choose These rules and programs make it

easier for adults with disabilities to en hance their job skills while maintaining access to benefits. Matt reviewed the process at fact-sheet-benefits-counseling-and-thepath-to-employment.

Matt also learned about our Medicare-Related Work Incen tive at fact-sheet-medicare-and-medicaid-em ployment-supports. This allows him to pursue a career without worrying about health care coverage. Matt’s Medicare coverage will continue for more than seven years after he begins full-time work, even if his income exceeds the amount to qualify for disability bene fits.

And if Matt’s disability interferes

with work, he can return to receiving benefits, without having to file a new application, by using our Expedited Reinstatement Work Incentive process at exr.htm

Matt now works full-time as a human resource analyst. Thanks to the ADA, he received accommodations for the interview process and time spent on the job. He also found that the Ticket Program helped him find a path to a better future.

The Ticket Program is here to help no matter where you are on your career journey. You can read Matt’s full story at matt-success-story. Please share Matt’s experience with your friends & family.

OCTOBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 19VISIT US ONLINE AT:

but still want to be involved, per haps you would like to help with the massive Christmas Card outreach to prisoners around the country. More volunteers are needed to send Christmas greetings. The luncheon will be great but even greater is the “food of which you do not know,” that Jesus spoke of. Join us in reaching prisoners for Jesus. Jesus said, “What ever you do for the least of these, my brothers,

do for me.”

© 2022 Jan McLaughlin. Jan can be contacted at (719) 649-2937 or (719) 275-6971 And by e-mail at Also visit

physical inactivity, osteoporosis, physical disabilities and general frailty.

Additionally, hazards in the envi ronment that increase the risk of fall ing include broken or uneven steps, throw rugs, clutter on the floor, and a host of other impediments.

One of the most serious fall-related injuries is a broken hip. It is hard to recover from a hip fracture, and the chances of breaking a hip increase as we age. According to the CDC, each year more than 300,000 adults 65 and older are hospitalized for hip frac tures, and more than 95 percent of hip fractures are caused by falling.

Preventive Measures

There are important steps you can take immediately to help avoid falls and maintain strong, healthy bones.

* Have your doctor check your vitamin D levels when indicated.

* Stay active with light exercise like Tai Chi, which can help improve balance.

* Check your home for hazards. Remove throw rugs, keep electrical cords against the wall and clear excess furniture and anything else that could cause you to trip.

* Make sure rooms and hallways are well-lit. In crease light in the home by replacing your light bulbs with brighter ones.

* Have your eyes and feet checked every year.

* Use non-slip mats in the bathtub and on

shower floors and install grab bars both for your shower and tub as well as your toilet.

* Keep items you use frequently on counters and lower shelves to avoid needing a stepstool.

* Wear shoes that fit well and pro vide support inside and outside the house.

Talk To Your Doctor

The number one recommendation by the CDC to prevent falling is to speak with your doctor about your medications, any previous falls or near misses, and your current health condition. If necessary, your doctor can refer you to an occupational or physical therapist. The health and medical professionals at Optum Col orado advise that together, you and your doctor should brainstorm other fall-prevention strategies and solu tions and conduct any necessary tests to rule out physical problems.

also started two brick and mortar businesses in Pueblo County since 2016. I am very good at bringing different people and different ideas together for a common goal. This type of leadership is what we need to address the issues we face in Pueblo County.

What do you think is the biggest difference between you and your op ponent?

My ap proach to leader ship and politics

is more unifying. I believe that we have much more in common than in difference and realize I work for all the people of Pueblo County. I have been endorsed and supported by people from all different political persuasions and know how to lead people that I don’t necessarily agree with on everything. I believe in self less service over self-serving actions and every decision I make will be guided by what is best for Pueblo County as a whole.

Why do you want to do this job?

I want the best possible communi ty for my family and all families in Pueblo County. I want to see this community’s true potential realized and help to make Pueblo County into what we all know it can be.

What is your experience?

I have held leadership positions in every career field I’ve ever been in. I led throughout my entire time in the SEAL Teams, I have led in business and know what it takes to start and run businesses. I was the vice chair of the Pueblo County Planning

Commission, I sat on the boards for Pueblo Diversified Industries and Home of Heroes. I also served the city of Pueblo by helping to facilitate the initial Covid-19 business funds and also served on the Pueblo Means Business Task Force.

What plans do you have for fulfill ing election promises?

I am ready to do this job on day one and have experience with many aspects of the posi tion from serving on the Planning Commis

sion and from talking with current and former commissioners. I am a very fast learner and am nev er afraid to ask questions. I have committed to quarterly town hall meetings throughout the county to listen to the citizens and answer any questions they have. I will be very involved, visible and accountable with the citizens of our county.

If you could change one thing about politics today, what would it be? Increase the participation of the cit izenry. This alone would prove that we are not divided as the media and certain politicians would like us to believe. It would also make govern ment much more accountable and subsequently better for the people.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? More love and less hate.

Zach Swearingen will be on the Pueb lo County ballot for Commissioner in November. To register to vote, go to: Also visit

OCTOBER 2022 - Senior Beacon - Page 21VISIT US ONLINE AT: ◀ FROM LIGHT PAGE 6
◀ FROM COMMISSIONER PAGE 1 STANDARD OIL CHANGE: just $77 CLIP FOR 15% OFF “Call me today and I’ll change your oil in a professional, clean, and safe manner, saving you a ton of hassle,” Call or Text: SENIOR DISCOUNT (719) 307-1822 says Emery Keller, ProLube owner and operator.

Author: "Intermission

eExploring Faerie Faith also known as The Good People: The Celtic culture originated from the European continent, Ireland, Scotland, the Isle of Mann, and Wales, not forget ting my homeland, Great Brit ain. Globally all civilized peo ple now believe, (and centuries ago) in unseen worlds, and beings. The topic is diversely considered natural as opposed to unnat ural. Superstitions still exist worldwide. Vivid examples of mans' exploration/explanation to define his existence mean ingfully are; The Parthenon, Stonehenge, Acropolis, West Minster Abbey, Pyramids and temples of the universe. By now you've realized this barely touches the sur face. Faerie Land is a state, condition, realm or place in time. All these magnificent structures were unques tionably a tribute to a once influential living woman, a partner to a powerful king or emperor. Obviously and thankfully for us, these ambitious creations were meant to last through the ages, and

Ireland's Good People invade our mystic consciousness. Wisps of eternal light engulf Europe's green valleys and terrain. Cornish pixies; emblems of originality, embody many souvenir pieces sold in Plymouth and Cornwall and they continue to command attention and respect from locals, and visitors alike.

they did and still remain, giving us all fan tastic historic pleasure. It's an obscure world where¬-in the unmistakable is immersed like an island in an unexplored ocean which houses more species of living beings. Faerie Land is authentically a place, a state of mind which permeates our souls and consequently our inner selves. Believe it or not! Ireland's Good People invade our mystic conscious ness. Wisps of eternal light engulf Europe's green valleys and terrain. Cornish pixies; em blems of originality, embody many souvenir pieces sold in Plymouth and Cornwall and they continue to command attention and respect from locals, and visitors alike. Gently caressing the tiny figurine usually is a good omen; predictably signifying a forthcoming stroke of good luck. However infrequently, the faes are 'responsible' (to blame) for dra matic events. During Ireland's potato crop disaster during 1846-47 ostensibly, while this catastrophic episode erupted, many Irish families suffered starvation, and subsequent death. Conversa tions were rife with regret. Disturbed conditions in the faerie world were to blame. Forlorn cries of "God help us through this." All to no avail. And just as Ireland's little green inanimate Leprechaun always dominates, it's the local pub patron's chosen topic, so the faerie world controls. Mean while local peasants all over Scotland made time mentally and physically to convince and pass along their stories of knowledge and understanding. They describe it as furnishing the mental 'loom' woven together to find

psychological patterns of the Faerie-Faith. Let us now relocate our tale to a local scene from a crofter's cabin in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Crofters; keepers of the sheep and cattle along with fisher folk gather in a tiny cottage on a lonely stretch of land, where they relate stories to friends and family on icy cold winter nights. Visu alize a glowingly hot, peat stoked fireplace: The crofter is surrounded by friends and family. His mystic cognizance is evidently fueling his dialogue. Stories of faes and ghosts prevail, usually originating from an instinctive awareness. Although probably heard a hundred times before…all sit attentively, and grateful for their hosts' honesty and eloquent tales of the past. Having consumed their evening meal of fish and oat bread his guests are seated around the fireplace, ready to absorb the legends at hand. Stories are unlikely to end before midnight, everyone is anxious to 'learn.' One man twists twigs for stabiliz ing thatched roofs, (a dying art.) Another twines chicken root, which holds his cows. Another plaits bent grass into baskets. Women are knitting, sewing, or stitching embroidery. They now are in the midst of a Ceilidh. All bend forward so as not to miss a single word…

Thought for today: Remember; al though we are often emotionally hurt by others, it's our own attitude which de cides how we respond. This enables us to control and overcome those 'stones and arrows.'

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If you need proof of the Anne Frank dictum (“In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart”) — if you doubt there is a poetry to paying it forward — if you wonder whether life can reveal a virtuous circle when on the cruel surface, it takes the form of a vi cious circle — then linger for a moment on the story of Lucia Buchwald, who sold chickens and eggs in a tiny farm community overrun by the Nazis, and Nataliia Mariichyn, who this summer is living in an apartment here.

Lucia, her mother and her brother were hidden from the German invaders for two dangerous years in what today is Ukraine by a courageous fami ly who, at great risk to themselves, harbored them under a black corrugated metal roof that covered a horse stable. More than three-quarters of a century later, as the Soviet storm sweeps through Ukraine,

Nataliia has found refuge through the remarkable efforts of the very family her own relatives once saved.

“I knew this story as a child,” Natal iia told me the other afternoon. She is a vibrant woman, 24, a onetime law student who once sold candles in the village market. At this moment, she was underground — not in hiding, not seeking safety from the Russian missiles that hit her village in western Ukraine on the first day of combat — but sitting quietly near an exit from the Montreal subway system and beside a brilliantly lit supermarket stuffed with fresh fruit, vegetables, meats and fish. “It was a very important story for both families.”

Nataliia’s family saved three Jews — including Lucia’s mother, Bryna, and her brother, Leon — from the death camps, only to have a granddaughter flee wartime Ukraine. Thanks to the efforts of the Buchwald family it saved decades earlier, she has found safe hav en in Canada, whose constitution calls for the creation of a land of “peace, order and good government.”

This also is an important story for us all, today, when the ravages of World War II are receding swiftly into a murky past, but when some legacy tactics of that most horrible of wars remain, wreaking destruction in Ukraine.

This is really two parallel stories, each remarkable, each a tale and talis man of their times.

The first is of a Jewish family in the deepest of perils, living with the knowledge that SS troops twice came to the home of Nataliia’s great-grand parents — a sure indication that someone in the village of Nyzhniv had sensed, perhaps detected, the presence of Jews there, two of them sleeping on top of straw in the barn, the third under floorboards. Many of the villagers, not immune to the virus of antisemitism, wanted them dead,

but in truth, amid the privation of the time, most of them simply wanted some bread. When the Soviets pushed west, repelling the German occupiers, the Jewish family pushed east, toward the approaching front, and when the war ended, they made their way to displaced-persons camps.

The two families lost touch with each other. Neither knew whether the other survived. The years passed. Ukraine became part of the Soviet Union.

Now comes the second story, just as poignant. The Palivodas remained in the village as the Soviets enforced their iron rule over Ukraine. In the late 1950s, as the chill of the Cold War deepened, the two families reestab lished contact. The refugees, now in Canada and flourishing in the classic North American way, sent peanut but ter, medicine and clothing to the Pali vodas, a gesture of thanks for the great gift — life, eventual prosperity — they had been given by a family that had never asked for thanks. In 2017, Lucia’s grandson, Sam Langleben, reared in the frosty Canadian air of freedom, and his mother visited Nataliia’s family in Ukraine. “My curiosity led me to them,” he said.

Then, this year, Vladimir Putin or dered his forces into Ukraine. The Langleben family watched with horror but reacted with compassion, rallying around the idea of helping those who had helped them.

Langleben — at 35, a successful investment professional — got to work. There were obstacles, bureau cratic and practical. But he and seven other members of his family persisted, repaying a decades-old debt with interest. In April, Nataliia, 24, arrived in Montreal with schoolgirlish English, with a special visa that included a work permit, and with an apartment the Canadian family arranged for her.

Langleben and his family paid all of Nataliia’s transit expenses, including

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three weeks in a Paris hotel as she awaited her visa. They also have sent money to other branches of the Palivo da family. and now Nataliia, cleaning houses to earn her way in her new country, is doing the same.

“I like it here,” she said the other af ternoon, “but there is much for me to learn.”

The story of their courage, which captivated Canadians when an ac count of this episode appeared in the Montreal Gazette, had an unforeseen second chapter — not dead history but truly living history, taking place 4,272 miles away and 80 years later. History sometimes repeats itself, not as farce, as Karl Marx argued, but as fortune, as Nataliia Mariichyn knows.

Senior Beacon

Senior Beacon serves Pueblo, El Paso, Fremont and the 12 surround ing counties that make up most of Southeastern Colorado. It is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serve, educate and entertain the Senior Com munity of these areas.

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SHRIBMAN David M. Shribman is a North Shore native and Pulitzer Prize winner TWO FAMILIES, BOUND BY GOODNESS
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