Senior Beacon Newspaper March 2023

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I was born in 1965 in Germany while my mom and dad were both in the Air Force; shortly thereafter we moved to Colorado Springs. Although we didn't know each other back then, my wife also grew up in Colorado Springs and we think about how we must have crossed paths multiple times because we had the same stomping ground.

We often reminisce about the 70's and 80's in Colorado Springs and how much things have changed! We remember when there was a drive-in movie theater near Doherty and the drive-in was in the county not the city. For newcomers, it's hard to believe that Powers was a dirt road on one end and a paved two-lane road on the other. We remember when Colorado Springs hosted the 1984 Summer Olympic Trials and my wife's Russell Junior High volleyball team was selected to shag balls for the USA vs. USSR volleyball match.

We talk about the days when my dad owned the very popular Shadow Glen Lounge on Flintridge and Academy and how working there is the reason I don't drink!

Colorado Springs is my home, and my personal and professional memories are deeply rooted in this city. I've watched the city grow in many ways and in many directions. As a public servant I've navigated people through the economic highs and lows that the city has been through. I was a City Councilmember during the recession of 2008 and struggled with making some of the decisions that needed to be made to keep the city solvent. As a public servant I've

navigated people through loss and devastation that the county has endured. I was a County Commissioner during the Waldo Canyon and Black Forest Fire. I credit all these events to strengthening my relationship with the Lord. We are headed into difficult terrain for the next several years. I believe that I have been prepared to lead Colorado Springs and its residents through the tough economic times ahead of us and the issues that naturally come along with that. This is why I am running for Mayor.


I hold a B.S. degree from the United States Air Force Academy, an M.B.A. from Western New England College and a J.D. degree from New England School of Law.


I retired from the USAF as a Lieutenant Colonel after 21 years of combined active duty and reserve military service. During my military career, I was responsible for implementing a base realignment and closure plan in a $5 billion dollar organization. I supervised 35 communication system programs valued at $1B dollars and developed support plans that saved the taxpayers $20 million dollars while providing a 40 percent increase in performance capability. I also served as a special event planning leader in support of visiting dignitaries ranging from the President of the United

States to other world leaders. Public Service

I have over 15 years of experience as an elected public official in Colorado. As a Colorado Springs City Councilmember from 20032011, I was a member of a board of elected officials responsible for overseeing a $350 million-dollar municipal operating budget.

My Current Role

I have over 23 years of legal experience, involving high conflict situations impacting parents and children and I currently serve as the Chief Legal Officer for a domestic violence prevention service agency. I am a member of the Colorado and El Paso County Bar Association. I am currently a Trustee of the Penrose-St Francis Community Board.


In 2016, I married Jane Northrup Glenn, a visionary who founded Authority Staffing, a Christian business prototype in Fort Collins that specialized in employees that had been incarcerated and which was recognized by the State of Colorado and named "1 of 21 Gospel Driven Businesses" by Ministry Today. Jane's current business prototype project is the American Christian Marketplace Authority, and she is the author of God Punched Back and God's Public Option. Jane is also a candidate for Colorado Springs City Council at Large.

(Black Forest, Colo.) — AARP Chapter 1100 in Black Forest had an information-filled day at the February 8th monthly meeting. The Chapter President, Candace Lehmann, presided over the meeting which started with an invocation and pledge to the flag of the United States of America. The meeting agenda included a timely presentation of a program of tax strategies, the recognition of past Chapter Presidents and their years of service, and a highlight of several upcoming chapter activities and business items.

The speaker, James Krueger, a local tax consultant, provided an interesting and very timely presentation which highlighted the tax aspects of various investments and income streams which fall under the Federal and State tax laws. His emphasis was on how individuals should study alternate ways to legally minimize the amount of taxes they owe.

The Chapter Treasurer, Jim Belk, discussed the current Chapter financial situation, then presented the 2023 Annual Budget to the membership for approved. When voted on, the budget was approved as presented.

Upcoming Chapter activities included the status of planning for a free shredding event this summer, the status and schedule for updating the Chapter Handbook which is the primary governing document of the Chapter, the collection of can pull tabs for a local charity, and the plans for the Chapter to have lunch at a local buffet restaurant next month.

All expectations are for an interesting and fun summer serving our community. Individuals interested in visiting or joining Chapter 1100 can contact the Chapter President at 314.330.0411. Information on past chapter activities and history is available at https://www.

Established February 1982 **MARCH 2023 EDITION** Vol. 42:2 494 Consecutive Months! Beacon Senior Committed To Southern Colorado Seniors For 42 Years And Counting "If You're 50 Or Over You Should Read It!" PLEASE PASS THIS PAPER ALONG TO YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY A MEETING CELEBRATING PRESIDENT'S DAY **LOCAL NEWS** **LOCAL NEWS**
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Glenn Reminisces, Shares

Economic Gravity Ready to Strike?

Runaway inflation.

Next are Federal Reserve interest rates, or Fed rates, for short. The Fed has raised rates many times recently to try to tame that inflation. It does seem to be working but it’s had bad side effects—like any strong “cure.”

Isn’t it better to be prepared for a shrinking economy that to be caught by surprise?

So consider this a heads-up that we might be in for a drop. I want to be wrong.

* * *

There are a few big things that can really whipsaw and influence U.S. markets. From GDP (gross domestic product) to money printing to interest rates. All of these can have huge impacts on our markets (which usually spills over into global markets).

We’ve already had a lot of money printing—about $6 trillion in the last few years. Result?

Rising rates clobbered long-term bond values (bad), raised short-term savings rates (good), dropped mortgage and refinance activity (bad), and inverted the yield curve (bad—we’ll get to that in a bit) among other things. What hasn’t fully taken hold yet is lower real estate volume and a related drop in GDP and corporate earnings. Economic gravity.


The markets and the economy are stubbornly holding high. I believe there’s just so much inflated “funny money” running around that it’s hiding the grim reality. So economic gravity, if you believe in gravity, could set in eventually. It’ll hopefully be a “soft landing," though.

But, according to the Department of Housing, home sales from a year ago are down 37%! That’s a big number. Housing and related industries are about one-fifth of our economy so a bad drop there pretty much means a drop in our GDP. If the economy falters then corporate earnings can tumble then the market can follow. The classic domino effect.


For the record, I’m a huge fan of our American economy and our innovative, hardworking citizens. I do *not* want any slow-down in GDP—ever. But recessions, slowdowns, market corrections, and bears—these are all realities we have to face.

At the beginning on this millennium the huge Tech Bubble caused a down stock market for three years in a row! Last year was a brutal year for stocks and, if my dire prediction comes true, could result in another down year for U.S. stocks. Again, I don’t want this but it’s happened before…and worse.


What’s a yield curve? Simple. Longterm bonds pay better than short-term bonds in normal times. When shortterm pays more than long-term then we have an “inverted” yield curve. That’s bad and usually signals a recession. See? There’s a lot of key things pointing to this negative outlook.


Let’s be optimistic and call dropping home values our first silver lining. Price drops would make runaway housing prices more affordable. Yes, that sounds great but the Department of Housing data does *not* bear that out. First-time homebuyers have almost dropped in half from one year ago. This might be from rising rates and prices not dropping fast enough.

There really is a silver lining in this mess, though: Higher savings yields. For almost the past decade a saver was stuck with long-term (let’s say 5 year) CDs paying barely anything, maybe 2-3 percent a year. Now we have some options!

The best one, in my opinion, is shortterm Treasury bills. These are U.S. government bonds with maturities under a year. T-bonds are the only investment that can be called riskfree. Yes, because of the extreme

safety of principal and interest provided by the taxing power of our government, these bonds are considered risk-free. Safer even that CDs.

As of this writing, I’m looking at a T-bill in my “inventory” that matures on 8-31-23 and is paying 4.928%. Risk-free. This bond availability and yield will surely change by the time you read this but feel free to call my answering service at 719-545-6442 and I can get you updated info on T-bills.

As usual, it can be wise to have a diverse, high-income portfolio to weather these markets. Also, look to make other adjustments to your investments as market and economic cycles move about.

This article is for illustrative purposes only. Ron is not recommending any investment security for you but just trying to educate the community. INVESTMENTS CAN AND DO DROP IN VALUE; THEY HAVE NO BANK OR OTHER GUARANTEE. He is licensed and regulated by the great State of Colorado.

Ron Phillips is The Investment INCOME Advisor, a Pueblo, CO native, and an independent business owner. Order a free copy of his book Investing To Win by leaving a message at (719) 220-3005. Visit or email

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experience visions, which she recorded in her diary as suggested by her confessors.

Happy March!

For the last several months I've told you about St. Faustina Kowalska, the Great Apostle of Divine Mercy. I know many of you aren't Catholic but pretty much all of you know who Jesus is! So here's some background adapted from Vatican News: St. Faustina Kowalska was born on August 25,1905 in Poland. Daughter of humble peasants and fervent Christians, she entered religious life on August 10, 1925 and began to

On February 22, 1931, St. Faustina noted in her diary. "In my cell (convent room), I saw the Lord Jesus dressed in white: a hand raised to bless, while the other touched on His chest the slightly opened border of his robe, letting escape two great rays out: one red, the other pale. ..... After a while, Jesus said to me. 'Paint an image according to the model you see, with these words written: 'Jesus, I trust in you.' I wish this image to be venerated first in your chapel, and then in the whole world. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish..... because I myself will defend it as my own glory."

The image was painted and received great devotion through the feast of Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Prayer at the Hour of Mercy (3pm).

St. Faustina died on October 5, 1939 and was canonized by St. Pope John Paul II on April 30, 2000. The story about how the painting of the Divine Mercy made it out of Nazi-held Poland is spellbinding. You can find it on-line. Adapted from Vatican News

I read an article The Ministry of Death How the euthanasia lobby conquered Canada by Alexander Raikin in a magazine recently that seemed very interesting to me. I hope you'll find it that way also.

Here is an excerpt: "The daily death

toll is staggering, even more so because it is unreported. Every day in Canada, in 2021, more than 27 people died by the hands of their physicians or nurses. It's double the suicide rate, and there

the Times of London, Oliver Marsden asked, "Why do they (heroic volunteer medics).... do that?" Reed's widow,

isn't any sign of its stopping or slowing down. The world's 'euthanasia capital' is no longer in Brussels or Amsterdam. It is now Ottawa. Canada euthanizes more people than any other country in the world - and its death toll is growing at a faster rate than that of any other voluntary system of euthansia anywhere."

And finally, Pete Reed died recently. He was in Ukraine to help evacuate people under siege and treat the wounded. He was killed by a Russian anti-tank missile in a town named Bakhmut. Reed was the founder of Global Response Medicine. Writing in

Alex, had an answer, at least for her husband: "Pete wanted to help in the biggest, most tangible way possible, and he was just really, really good at it." His story is amazing.

Remember, if you want the Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet pamphlet email at No strings attached. Join many of our readers who have taken advantage of this offer. It will open your eyes. Godspeed to you and yours.

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Please remember SRDA in your planned giving. Your legacy lives on, our mission continues at Meals on Wheels.

* In order to prevent waste, we are on a Reservation System.

* Please call the day before or the morning of, before 9:00 A.M, to CANCEL your Meal

* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Numbers in parentheses next to each meal item indicate the number of carbohydrates in grams for that item.


Consumers attending the congregate meal sites shall be advised and informed to keep a three-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in case of inclement weather or other emergency that causes a temporary suspension of services. If feasible and determined by the Area Agency on Aging in their area plan, emergency meal packages may be provided.

MARCH 2023 - Senior Beacon - Page 5 VISIT US ONLINE AT: SRDA MENU:
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"Life is like a
You can spend it any way you wish,
but you only spend it once."
S R D A MEALS ON WHEELS MENU MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1-Mar 2-Mar 3-Mar Cuban Roasted Pork (2) Chicken a la Orange (17) Fritatta (4) Rosemary Potatoes (15) Herbed Rice (24) Fall Harvest Couscous (25) Seasoned Asparagus (4) Green Beans (6) Garden Vegetable Soup (8) Squash Bisque Soup (15) Dinner Roll w/Margarine (22) Oatmeal Cookie (15) Diced Peaches (15) Hummingbird Cake (42) Apple Slices (22) Milk (12) / Choc Chip Bar (25) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Crackers (5) Calories: 895 Calories: 1005 Calories: 765 Carbs: 93g Carbs: 137g Carbs: 92g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 11g Protein: 49g Protein: 51g Protein: 34g Fat: 36g Fat: 35g Fat: 33g Sodium: 515mg Sodium: 990mg Sodium: 815mg 6-Mar 7-Mar 8-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar Turkey Tetrazzini (23) Beef Teriyaki (8) Chicken Tahitian (8) Slopper w/Green Chili (11) Fish w/Vegetable Sauce (3) Calico Corn (18) Fried Rice (23) Red Mashed Potatoes (22) Ranch Beans (26) Rice Pilaf (18) Cucumber & Tomato Salad (5) Green Peas (13) Roasted Winter Vegetables (7) Creamy Coleslaw (10) Green Bean Almondine (7) Yogurt w/ granola (24) Confetti cake (45) Dinner Roll w/Margarine (22) Hamburger Bun (27) Corn Chowder (25) Diced Pears (17) Sliced Strawberries (11) Fruit of Choice (15) Fruit Cup w/ Grapes (16) Apple (22) / Choc Pudding (6) Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Garnish (1) Milk (12) / Dinner Roll (22) Calories: 890 Calories: 815 Calories: 930 Calories: 930 Calories: 810 Carbs: 110g Carbs: 112g Carbs: 86g Carbs: 103g Carbs: 106g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 9g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 13g Fiber: 10g Protein: 41g Protein: 54g Protein: 44g Protein: 50g Protein: 51g Fat: 38g Fat: 22g Fat: 51g Fat: 41g Fat: 26g Sodium: 1155mg Sodium: 835mg Sodium: 970mg Sodium: 1070mg Sodium: 1085mg 13-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar 16-Mar 17-Mar Beef Chili Mac (24) Chicken & Broccoli Chicken Bacon Ceasar Wrap (14Corned Beef Macaroni and Cheese (40) Cheesy Cauliflower (6) Casserole (28) Apple Pear & Walnut Salad (19) & Cabbage Soup (8) Lemon Butter Broccoli (10) Cape Cod Mixed Vegetables (8) Side Salad w/ dressing (11) Assorted Pudding (6) Arugula Salad (4) Glazed Carrots (17) Cinnamon Applesauce (11) Sliced Oranges (8) V-8 juice (8) Dinner Roll w/Margarine (22) Mandarin Orange & Banana (17) Butterscotch Pudding (27) Milk (12) Fresh Banana (18) Cookie (17) Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) Calories: 700 Calories: 650 Calories: 610 Calories: 555 Calories: 870 Carbs: 97g Carbs: 81g Carbs: 61g Carbs: 69g Carbs: 114g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 7g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 10g Protein: 33g Protein: 40g Protein: 31g Protein: 21g Protein: 35g Fat: 25g Fat: 24g Fat: 32g Fat: 20g Fat: 37g Sodium: 1160g Sodium: 815mg Sodium: 850mg Sodium: 595mg Sodium: 800mg 20-Mar 21-Mar 22-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar Salisbury Steak w/ Gravy (9) Pinto Beans & Ham (39) Chicken Fried Rice (17) Beef Pot Roast Fish Tacos (30) Parslied Potatoes (13) Sweet & Red Potatoes (19) Egg Roll (23) Garlic Mashed Potatoes Calabacita (6) Creole Green Beans (8) Seasoned Green Beans (6) Mandarin Stir Fry (6) Ratatoulli Black Bean Cherry Crisp (33) Cornbread (42) / Fruit Salad Egg Drop Soup (4) Peach and Yogurt Parfait & Cilantro Soup (18) Dinner Roll w/Margarine (22) Broccoli Salad (11) Strawberries & Peaches (12) Dinner Roll w/Margarine (22) Ambrosia Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Yogurt w Granola (21) Milk (12) Milk (12) Calories: 1095 Calories: 915 Calories: 785 Calories: 775 Calories: 565 Carbs: 122g Carbs: 142g Carbs: 95g Carbs: 102g Carbs: 82g Fiber: 15g Fiber: 16g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 10g Protein: 47g Protein: 42g Protein: 59g Protein: 43g Protein: 35g Fat: 52g Fat: 24g Fat: 22g Fat: 28g Fat: 15g Sodium: 975mg Sodium: 980 mg Sodium: 1015mg Sodium: 575mg Sodium: 465mg 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar Chili Relleno Casserole (10) Honey Mustard Chicken (10) Brunswick Stew (17) Chicken Tarragon (6) Vegetable Lasagna (26) Seasoned Black Beans (18) Potato Au Gratin (23) Mixed Vegetables (13) Penne Pasta (16) Harvard Beets (14) Capri Vegetable Mix (12) Roasted Brussel Sprouts (7) Garlic & Chedder Biscuit (19) Garden Vegetables (5) Minestrone Soup (19) Pineapple Tidbits (11) Lentil Soup (20) Chilled Apricots (15) Side Salad (5) /Crackers (5) with crackers (5) w/ Cottage Cheese (4) Berry Crisp (27) Raisin Nut Cup (22) Fresh Apple (22) Blueberry Buckle (46) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Crackers (5) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Italian Dressing (2) Milk (12) Calories: 680 Calories: 945 Calories: 770 Calories: 715 Calories: 835 Carbs: 70g Carbs: 116g Carbs: 104g Carbs: 83g Carbs: 117g Fiber: 15g Fiber: 13g Fiber: 13g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 10g Protein: 54g Protein: 55g Protein: 46g Protein: 42g Protein: 31g Fat: 26g Fat: 3g Fat: 25g Fat: 27g Fat: 31g Sodium: 1115mg Sodium: 880mg Sodium: 810mg Sodium: 635mg Sodium: 1560mg* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Numbers in parentheses next to each meal item indicate the number of carbohydrates in grams for that item. Consumers attending the congregate meal sites shall be advised and informed to keep a three-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in case of inclement weather or other emergency that causes a temporary suspension of services. If feasible and determined by the Area Agency on Aging in their area plan, emergency meal packages may be provided.
MENUS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please remember SRDA in your planned giving. Your legacy lives on, our mission continues at Meals on Wheels. In order to prevent waste, we are on a Reservation System. Please call the day before or the morning of, before 9:00 A.M, to CANCEL your Meal YOU MUST BE HOME TO RECEIVE YOUR MEAL!!! For Important Nutririon Information, Please Turn Menu Over 719-543-0100 *reassessing recipe for accuracy
— Lillian Dickson



She approached the well in the heat of the day when the other village women would be in the cool shelter of their homes. The others made the long hike to the well early in the morning or late afternoon. Her reputation was shady, and she couldn’t

bear the snickers and crushing comments of the other women, so she made the trek alone.

When she arrived at the well, to her astonishment, a man was resting on the edge of the well. She was tempted to turn and run back to her village of Sychar, but she needed the water and Jacob’s well was the only source of water near her village.

Carrying her water jug, she approached with caution. The man didn’t appear surprised at her arrival, in fact, looked up and spoke gently as if he was expecting her. That he spoke to her sent chills up her spine because she perceived the man to be a Jew and Jews didn’t like Samaritans. They had no dealings with them. “Please give me a drink.” he said.

Stunned by the stranger’s request she blurted, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a Samaritan?”

You know the story. Jesus proceeds to offer the woman living water which confuses her. He has nothing to draw with. And how could any water satisfy her so she would never thirst again? The conversation goes deeper

when Jesus tells the woman things he knows about her that leave her stunned. “You say correctly, you have no husband. In fact, you have had five husbands and the one you are living with now is not your husband.”

You almost chuckle at her attempt to quickly change the subject. What she really wants and needs but would never think to ask for or even know about is the living water he offers her. The water that will forever fill her so she will never thirst again.

This amazing story is and has been lived out over and over again in myriads of ways throughout history. Jesus giving living water, and those who drink, never thirsting again. I am privileged to offer this living water to women at the Lavista Correctional Facility every Tuesday evening in a Bible study.

The Bible study is a blessing and a challenge. There are 12 seats which means only 12 students are allowed to attend. Occasionally, women are turned away because the seats are filled. This saddens me. We pray for a larger room but space is limited at the facility and we are told there is no other room for us to meet.

She shared what had happened with her friend, Crystal. The following Tuesday night, Haley walked into the room glowing, her eyes sparkling. She radiated the joy of Jesus and excitedly introduced us to her friend Crystal.

The study began and Haley called me over and whispered why Crystal had come to the study with her. She wanted what Haley had found the week before. She wanted salvation.





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Before each study, my husband and I pray the Lord will bring exactly the women He wants to be in the study. One evening seven new women attended and at the end of the study, four of them came forward and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Haley was one of them. She was hungry to know more about this One who could give living water. She was a sponge, soaking in every word. With tears of gratitude and relief, she left the study a new person.

Residential garbage collection service

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Two more women were saved that night. I am in awe at how Holy Spirit is moving in prisons. The movement is similar in the men’s prisons where we hold worship services. They are feeling the darkness closing in. Can you feel it? Society is decaying before our eyes. Not just in America but around the world. Evil is rising like a surging tide. These things are signaling satan’s defeat and he is trying everything he can to stop it. But we know he is already a defeated foe. Pointing these dear men and women in prison to Jesus and watching their transformation is a privilege and honor. If only there were more like Haley and the other “woman at the well” who would say, “Come! Meet the one who can change your life and give you hope. That’s what he did for me.”

“Jesus replied, 'Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life'” (John 4:13,14 NLT).

Roll offs

We are a Veteran owned, locally operated, Colorado based business since 1998

Port-a-lets & handwash stations

Haley’s life was transformed, and she couldn’t keep this news to herself.

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Sand trap cleaning

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Septic pumping

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Veteran owned, locally operated, Colorado based business since 1998

Contracts required, no hidden fees, no surcharges. You know what you are getting and for how much it costs up front

value our customers greatly and want to continue to provide the best quality service for an affordable price

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contacted at (719) 649-2937
(719) 2756971 And by e-mail at JansMail@ Reagan. com. Also visit PrayerForPrisoners. org
can be
JAN Columnist & founder of an international prison ministry
Physical Address: 2500 County Road 67 Penrose, CO 81240 Mailing Address: PO Box 367 Florence, CO 81226 Mon – Fri 7:30-4:00 (719) 372-661


who treat her mean. They don’t know she’s a genius child. Sometimes her behavior seems wild.

She’s not enrolled in any school But she reads books and is no fool She doesn’t need help in spelling and excels at storytelling.

Emma Thompson puts on disguise, playing this key role seems so wise. Matilda struggles with that thug, a woman who no one will hug.

During all kinds of action here the children sing, dance, jeer and cheer. A little too long – but what fun! You’ll feel exhausted once it’s done.

Without giving any spoilers to viewers who haven’t read the book, I urge them to

wouldn’t be great if at least one tap dance had been added?

It’s important to mention that the music by Tim Minchin helps set the moods needed for a whimsical story like this. And, of course, director Matthew Warchus worked carefully from Dennis Kelly’s magical screenplay adaptation.

watch closely when Matilda lists the books she has read even before going to school as well as a scene with a giant chocolate cake. I applaud choreographer Ellen Kane (Billy Elliot) for the fascinating dance numbers here. As a former dancer, I loved the precision and enthusiasm of the youngsters. But


MUSICALS! And if there are children singing and dancing, I am hooked. Three of my favorites are Billy Elliot, Bugsy Malone and Oliver!

Now here comes a new MATILDA THE MUSICAL to join this list. Although based on a musical play adaptation of Roald Dahl’s popular children’s novel, this delightful offering is entertainment for all ages.

In this version, talented Ashley Weir portrays the extraordinary Matilda and lovely Lashana Lynch plays Miss Honey, a sympathetic teacher who helps this unusual child. Plus, the great Emma Thompson wins accolades for her new scary look and vile way of calling her charges “Revolting Children” -- which is also one of the film’s wonderful musical numbers.

Fortunately, the children dance exuberantly in their routines so it’s a pleasure watching them. You will wish you were young enough to join in!

But I digress. Time for a film poem about this welcome new motion picture about a youngster who can’t stand things that are unfair.

Matilda is a late pre-teen with two parents

Drama, comedy and music. Who could ask for anything more?

Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world. --- Matilda

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Family Values

Tony Toto and his wife, Frances, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, are celebrating 57 years of marriage, WFMZ-TV reported in a feel-good Valentine's Day story. "We have been blessed that we had all these years," Tony said, noting "that one time when we had a rough time." Yeah, that was the time in 1983 when Frances hired teenaged hitmen five times to kill Tony. "I don't think I was thinking straight," Frances said. "It was like it was a lovehate kind of a thing." Of course, the murder attempts weren't successful, and Frances and the young hitmen were arrested. She spent four years in prison, but their love never wavered. A feature film called "I Love You to Death" was made about their troubles, and they became minor celebrities, traveling to movie premieres and giving interviews. Tony and Frances got counseling and committed to better communication, and decades later, have a long marriage to show for their efforts.

The Aristocrats

On Feb. 11, during an intermission at the Hannover State Opera House in Hannover, Germany, ballet director Marco Goecke shocked even himself when he approached the dance critic from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, Wiebke Huester, and smeared animal feces on her face. The Associated Press reported that Goecke was unhappy with a recent review of a production he staged in The Hague. Following the incident, he took off through the crowded theater lobby. But strangely, Goecke seemed to justify his actions in a later interview, saying that after having his work "soiled for years ... Once a certain point has been reached, I disagree." The opera house suspended and banned him from the facility until further notice.

Weird Science

People who suffer from chronic constipation now have a high-tech treatment option: a vibrating pill that stimulates the colon, CNN reported. The Vibrant capsule, prescribed by a doctor, is taken at bedtime and reaches the large intestine about 14 hours later. Vibrations cause the gut to contract, moving food along. Eventually, the capsule is eliminated and makes its way to a sewage treatment plant, where it's sifted out and sent to a landfill. Dr. Eamonn Quigley of Houston Methodist Hospital helped test the new technology. He said most people couldn't feel it working. "A minority could feel it. None of them felt it was being uncomfortable." But we're uncomfortable just reading this.

Unconventional Weaponry

Christopher Gaddis, 41, was hold-

ing a cat in his arms when he was approached by Metro Nashville Police officers on Feb. 8, WSMV-TV reported. Gaddis had two outstanding warrants, and officers were trying to arrest him when he shoved the cat into the face of one of them, leaving several cuts on the officer's hands. Gaddis also kicked the officer. After being treated for his own injuries from the cat, Gaddis was charged with resisting arrest and assaulting an officer.

It's Come to This

In what prosecutor Owen Beale called an "organized criminal matter," Joby Pool, 32, pleaded guilty to theft and criminal damage in Kidderminster, England, magistrates court, The Guardian reported. His crime? Pool broke into a warehouse on Feb. 11 and towed away a trailer with about 200,000 Cadbury Creme Eggs, valued at about $37,000. He didn't get very far; when police stopped him, he "walked toward (them) with his hands up." "This clearly wasn't spur-ofthe-moment offending," Beale said. "You don't just happen to learn about a trailer with that kind of value being available." The "Easter bunny," as police dubbed him, will be sentenced in March to about two years in jail.

Bright Ideas

* In the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia, one gas station is employing a dramatic tactic to try to keep people experiencing homelessness away: blasting opera music over its outdoor speakers. WPVI-TV reported that neighbors aren't fans: "I heard all this music, I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Loud, it was unbelievable that time of night," said Clinton Barnes, who lives close by. "I don't think it's a deterrent," said Karen Clark. "They have to find something else." One neighbor said it was as loud as if someone had "cranked the volume all the way up" on the TV inside their home. Gas station employees refused to comment.

* Austin Bristoe, 26, of Bloomington, Indiana, was sick and tired of people breaking into his 1998 Buick and stealing stuff, Fox59-TV reported. On Feb. 12, when police responded to a car fire, they found Bristoe just standing next to his burning vehicle, and he told them he set it on fire to stop the thefts. "If there was nothing left of the vehicle, then there would be nothing left to steal," Bristoe's logic went. As it burned, the fire caused a small explosion, and Bristoe commented, "I hoped the explosions would be bigger." After arresting him for arson, they searched him, finding several packed syringes and benzodiazepine.

Suspicions Confirmed

Police in Santa Cruz, California, are warning locals not to "engage" with the Cookie Monster, KION-TV reported on Feb. 15. A man named Adam Sandler (not the actor), known to dress up as "Sesame Street" characters and harass people, has surfaced in Santa Cruz. Resident Sarah Jones said he entices people "to want to take a photo with him," but as soon as they approach, he flips up his costume head and starts yelling. "Based on how dirty his costume was I knew it wasn't going in the right direction," she said. Sandler has not been charged with any crimes.


News of the Weird reported last August about a 3 1/2-foot-tall, 200-pound bronze statue of Dennis the Menace that had disappeared from a playground in Monterey, California. On Feb. 8, Monterey County Sheriff Tina Nieto announced that Dennis had been found in Roberts Lake after authorities received an anonymous tip, the Associated Press reported. They were sure it was the same statue because the thief had cut through one of Dennis' feet to remove it, and the recovered statue's foot is damaged. "Today is a happy day!" Nieto gushed.

Weird Fashion

It's about time! Japanese garment company Takikou has developed a wearable bean bag, Oddity Central reported. "This concept was born out of the idea of a cushion that would allow you to totally let go, anytime, anywhere," said the company's Shogo Takikawa. "You can put this on and chill out in your living room or loads of other places." The bean bag is

available in different sizes and colors, but it does weigh about 11 pounds (which might make you want to sit down more often). Prices range from $60 to $119.

Least Competent Criminal

Jose Luis Callisaya Diaz, who is serving a 15-year term in the maximum-security Chonchocoro prison facility in Bolivia, made a bold attempt at escape in February, Fox News reported. Diaz, also known as El Arana ("the spider"), wrapped himself in a sheepskin, got past a wall and crawled through the countryside surrounding the prison in the middle of the night. Juan Carlos Limpias said Diaz "took advantage of the inclement weather to try to escape through one of the walls of the external perimeter of the prison." He was apprehended after guards noticed he wasn't in his cell and photographed on all fours in the grass. Perhaps he needs a new nickname: La Oveja.


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Please call (719) 345-3064 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served MondayFridays. All menus subject to change.


Florence Senior Center

Upper Arkansas Area Agency on Aging Nutrition Program


Tuesday A $3.00 suggested donation per meal is appreciated, but not required.

7 #47 Scalloped Potatoes w/Ham

Spinach Salad w/Mandarin


Hard Boiled Egg

Sliced Peaches

WW Roll w/Butter

14 #25 Chicken Cordon Bleu

Wild Rice Pilaf

Seasoned Asparagus

Chilled Apricots

WW Bread w/Butter

21 #22 Chicken a la King

Green Peas

Salad w/Lite Ranch

Raisin Nut Cup


28 #5 Smothered Pork Chop


Smashed Red Potatoes

Cooked Collard Greens

Apple Bran Muffin

Thursday 2 #35 Chili Relleno Casserole Corn & Zucchini Mexicana WW Tortilla w/Salsa Salad w/Lemon Wedge

9 #26 Chicken Fajita

Savory Black Beans


Tortilla Whole Wheat

Cheddar Cheese

Mexicali Corn


16 #51 Hot Turkey Sandwich

Whipped Potatoes

Asparagus Amandine

Pineapple Mandarin



23 #95 Taco Salad

Salsa, Tomato, and Lettuce


Strawberry Applesauce

Flan Custard


30 #67 Pueblo Beef Stew

w/Brown Rice



Raisin Nut Cup



3 #86 Spinach Lasagna

Seasoned Green Beans Salad w/Lite Italian Banana WW Bread w/Butter

10 #49 Hamburger on a Bun

Catsup, Mustard, & Onion

Split Pea Soup

Creamy Coleslaw Banana

17 #56 Lemon Baked Fish

w/Tarter Sauce

Rice Pilaf

Creamy Coleslaw

Green Beans w/Mushrooms


WW Bread w/Butter

24 #8 BBQ Beef w/Chicken Rice

BBQ Beef Brisket

WW Hamburger Bun

Chicken Rice Soup

Creamy Coleslaw

WW Crackers


31 #27 Baked Potato

Broccoli w/Cheese

Tossed Salad w/Lite French Peaches

Fruit Cocktail

Drop Biscuit w/Butter

Please call (719) 784-6493 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. All menus subject to change.

Please call (719) 784-6493 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. All menus subject to change.

Page 10 - Senior Beacon - MARCH 2023 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Penrose (719) 372-3872 Florence (719) 784-6493 Canon City (719) 345-4112 Salida (719) 539-3351 GOLDEN
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Relleno Casserole Corn & Zucchini Mexicana WW Tortilla w/Salsa Salad w/Lemon Wedge Plums
#29 Chicken Noodle Soup Chicken Caesar Salad WW Saltine Crackers Mitzie’s WW Rolls Apple Orange Juice Raisin Nut Cup
Spinach Mandarin Orange Salad Parslied Carrots Apple
Roll w/Butter
3 #86 Spinach Lasagna Seasoned Green Beans Salad w/Lite Italian Banana WW Bread w/Butter 6
7 #74 Roast Pork Oven Browned Potatoes w/Gravy
Creamy Cucumber Salad Peach Orange Juice SF Gelatin w/Banana Raisin Nut Cup Mitzie’s WW Roll 9 #26 Chicken Fajita Savory Black Beans w/Cilantro Tortilla Whole Wheat Cheddar Cheese Mexicali Corn Orange 10 #49 Hamburger on a Bun Catsup, Mustard, & Onion Split Pea Soup Creamy Coleslaw Banana 13 #14 Beef Stew Green Beans Salad w/Lite Italian Banana WW Bread w/Butter 14 #22 Chicken a la King Green Peas Salad w/Lite Ranch Raisin Nut Cup Orange 15 #65 Pork Chow Mein Steamed Brown Rice Cabbage w/Red Pepper Banana Fortune Cookie WW Bread w/Butter 16 #51 Hot Turkey Sandwich Whipped Potatoes Asparagus Amandine Pineapple Mandarin Compote Banana 17 #56 Lemon Baked Fish w/Tarter Sauce Rice Pilaf Creamy Coleslaw Green Beans w/Mushrooms Apple WW Bread w/Butter 20 #80 Salmon Patties Cream Sauce Steamed Brown Rice w/Parsley Mixed Vegetables Tangerine Raisin Nut Cup WW Bread w/Butter 21 #73 Roast Chicken Mushroom Sauce Steamed Brown Rice Cauliflower Broccoli Mix Apple Pear Salad w/Almonds WW Bread w/Butter 22 #6 Baked Potato Broccoli w/Cheese Sauce Salad w/Lite French Plum Fruit Cocktail Drop Biscuit w/Butter 23 #95 Taco Salad Salsa, Tomato, and Lettuce Garnish Strawberry Applesauce Flan Custard Cornbread 24 #8 BBQ Beef w/Chicken Rice BBQ Beef Brisket WW Hamburger Bun Chicken Rice Soup Creamy Coleslaw WW Crackers Banana 27 #27 Chicken Fried Steak w/Cream Gravy Red Potatoes Mixed Vegetables Apple WW Dinner Roll 28 #42 Enchilada Pie Refried Beans Tortilla Chips w/Salsa Clementine 29 #63 Pasta Primavera Spinach Salad w/Egg and Lite Italian Dressing Apple Pear Salad w/Almonds Plum Garlic Bread 30 #67 Pueblo Beef Stew w/ Brown Rice Cornbread Coleslaw Raisin Nut Cup Orange
#27 Baked Potato Broccoli w/Cheese Tossed Salad w/Lite French Peaches Fruit Cocktail Drop Biscuit w/Butter
8 #99 Tuna Pasta Salad

The top scams of 2022

What are scammers up to these days?

Every day, people just like you tell the FTC what they’ve spotted, and maybe even lost money to. Then, every year, the FTC rolls up all those millions of reports about fraud, scams, and bad business practices to tell the story: what ARE scammers up to these days?

The 2022 headline is this: scammers took a LOT of money. The latest FTC data book says people reported losing $8.8 billion to scams. That’s $2.6 billion more than 2021. Except the number of reports are down by half a million (2022: 2.4 million reports. 2021: 2.9 million reports).

Here are some highlights from 2022:

* Investment scams were huge, with reported losses of $3.8 billion. That’s

more than people lost to any other scam, and more than double the loss reported in 2021.

* Impersonator scams were still the most-reported scam, with reported losses of $2.6 billion. The difference this year? Higher losses to business imposters: 2022 losses were $660 million, compared to $453 million in 2021.

* If people paid a scammer, the biggest reported losses were through bank transfers ($1.5 billion reported lost to scams) and cryptocurrency ($1.4 billion reported lost).

* When the scam started on social media, people reported losing the most money overall to scammers ($1.2 billion). But when the scammer called, the per-person loss was the highest

Everyday Life and Ordinary People

"God said, “Let Us (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness.”

Genesis 1:26a

Do you feel bogged down with life? Do your thoughts run something like this: “I do the same things every day. Life is dull. I can’t wait for this day to be over. Is there anything else in life?”

When you look at others, do you see yourself as being different? Do you think you’re special to anyone? Do you see yourself as just an “ordinary” person?

When I left my house the day after the storm the media called “the blizzard of 2005,” and watched the water as it ran rapidly down the sidewalks and streets, I thought of the difference the sun makes when it touches the snow. Then another

thought came to my mind; “what a difference the Son makes when He touches our lives.” He changes our everyday lives into lives filled with Himself, and our lives become filled with meaning and purpose. Then we begin to see ourselves not as just “ordinary” people but as “extraordinary.” We begin to see ourselves as God sees us, as persons of value. Our sense of value should be based solely on the fact that we are children of the Most High God. God made us as persons of value when He created us. Genesis 1:26 tells us that we are made in His image, according to His likeness. He sees our potential and we are His prized possession.

God wants to fill our lives with His love, and when we are transformed by His love it will naturally overflow and touch those lives

This month’s Senior Safety Page is Proudly Sponsored byAMERICAN VEIN! Give them a call right away! And thank themfor sponsoring this valuable addition to the Senior Beacon!!

($1,400 median loss).

* Younger adults (ages 20-29) reported losing money more often than older adults (ages 70-79). But when older adults did lose money, they lost more than anyone else.

Check out the graphic for the Top 5 Scams of 2022, and read the FTC’s data book for all the details — including

what happened in your state.

Do you think you lost money to a scam? Find out what to do next. And if you spot a scam, report it at

around us. He wants the best for us NOW! We don’t have to wait until tomorrow or next week to know His love and let Him change us into extraordinary people. Be energized today by his love. Let His love make a difference in your life and the lives of others around you. Step out of the old mold of everyday life, step into faith, and let God show you how to live extraordinary lives. God loves using “ordinary” people like you and me to do His will. Today you may not feel extraordinary, but remember, you have an extraordinary God!

Kay Owen-Larson is the co-founder and President of Crossroads Ministries and the founder of the Crossroads School of Chaplaincy.

MARCH 2023 - Senior Beacon - Page 11 VISIT US ONLINE AT: SENIOR SAFETY PUEBLO POLICE DEPARTMENT — 549-1200 | PUEBLO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE — 583-6125 | EL PASO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE — 520-7100 | COLORADO SPRINGS POLICE DEPT. — 444-7000 | FREMONT COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT. — 784-3411 | CANON CITY POLICE DEPT. — 276-5600 Call for an appointment 866.594.8145 Let our talented team take care of your: Achy legs, varicose veins, leg swelling, spider veins, restless legs, and leg cramps COLORADO’S LARGEST NETWORK OF VEIN CLINICS TAKE BACK your legs

Visions of Norse Gods remain vague to most of us.

vAs described in my column last month, settling in Britain during the early middle-ages, these alpha blonde muscular Vikings of Swedish and Norwegian origin, brutally invaded my islands en masse, intent on colonizing vast areas of my homeland, despite said lands, already being inhabited by peaceful Celtic families of Great Britain. Without warning their ornate wooden longboats stealthily surged toward shores of Ireland, western and northern parts of Scotland, and England. Their wild stormy entrance was immediately inhibited by gigantic rough rocks which they skillfully avoided at the coastline’s edge. Once dispatching hundreds of men aground, their brutal pitiless slaughter, rape and mayhem began. Blissfully unaware of the forthcoming threats to their existence, English peasants continued their life as usual. Trolls, elves, giants, wolves and many mystical and ghostly figures are described in my stories. They’re not all magnificently depicted by artists as gods, by far. Genealogy from

my own maiden name of Swann dates back to Norse settlers. Swein (pron: Swayne) was my family name derived from these callous fortified intruders. Astonishingly, we sometimes hear a reference regarding gods of Norse mythology. Several years ago, my wanderings through the Vatican in Rome offered multiple similarities to artists of Norse gods. Inside the Vatican one is surrounded by magnificent statues, icons, and paintings, all beyond belief, with their multi-colored glorious images. These treasured legacies of familiar, ancient artists are so magnificent, yet no-one could be prepared for the majestic atmosphere of the Vatican. An example of one painting of a Norse goddess is a young Freya her hair flying free, robed in a white swirling gown while her chariot races through the forest guided by two barely tamed young lions. Circa 1882 an artists’ representation of the king and queen of the underworld is a superb piece of art work. Aegir the king, is the husband of Ran, both sea gods ruling the ocean. He’s the ultimate monarch of their underwater kingdom, the sovereign of sea creatures. The watery yet distinct illustration offers an

insight as to their lack of ‘earthly’ possibilities. (No scuba diving paraphernalia here!) Among the most famous Valkyries are Odin’s females. Noble and elegant maidens strive to relocate all Viking warriors’ spirits from their war zones. Their magnanimous intentions are to gather fallen heroes, sending them on an ultimate mystical journey to Valhalla which is Odin’s heavenly home. On a more sinister note, these divine females also are fairly biased: Typically, they have supremacy and ‘can ultimately determine, who lives and who dies on the battle field. A notorious ‘evil magic’ helps them in favor of these life-threatening decisions. Amid these unearthly depictions of art work is Thor. Clad in a unique outfit, never could one imagine such a young handsome man, capable of slaying multiple giants with a few thrusts of the blade. His appearance baffles the mind…His orange tunic trimmed in gold, compliments his elaborate belt and necklace. As he plunges his sword into the giants’ torso, nothing deterred his numerous thrusts. Not a bead of perspiration characterized here! We could describe these representations repeatedly, as each artist’s perception of Norse gods will differ. Another artists’ version of a Viking hunter, as elaborate as the forementioned gods illustrates an image of another fashion-conscious hero, the hunter. Wings adorn either side of his protective metal helmet. (Help me here! Use your imagination!) Proudly standing he firmly grasps his seven-foot sword, as he gazes, intently focused upon a small bubbling stream. A devoted stalking dog, his dedicated companion, sits quietly by his side. A dead glassy eyed sheep is unceremoniously slung over his left shoulder. Possibly, he’s debating how to dismember this animal, (not the dog) in order to serve it for supper.

Thought for the day: Lessons are learned by unique trials and turbulations. Live, and learn to escape all pain. Make wise choices. When in doubt…wait, and an unimaginable problem will eventually unfold.

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a Place
Among the most famous Valkyries are Odin’s females. Noble and elegant maidens strive to relocate all Viking warriors’ spirits from their war zones. Their magnanimous intentions are to gather fallen heroes, sending them on an ultimate mystical journey
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You will find spell binding testimonies of prisoners’ lives and behind- bars encounters with the living Christ. own faith by reading these amazing stories of prisoners’ by the touch of Christ through caring volunteers. Find out how you can make an eternal difference incarcerated man or woman across the country or on Jan McLaughlin’s book will touch your heart and to reach out to the lost and broken men and women. you to pray for them. Perhaps He is inviting you to help Treasures of Darkness!

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Proceeds help fund Prayer For Prisoners Int’l, a ministry based on the power of prayer which was founded by Jan. McLaughlin

$10.00 plus shipping 719-275-6971 or

Or by mail: PFPI - P.O. Box 1574 - Cañon C ity, CO Checks payable to PFPI or Prayer For Prisoners International


A Great Gift for any Occasion



A Great Gift for any Occasion

You will laugh and cry as you walk with Jan through memories that point to an incredible God who orders our steps and uses even the worst situations to His glory and our good. An easy read which also makes a delightful devotional.

You will laugh and cry as you walk with Jan through memories that point to an incredible God who orders steps and uses even the worst situations to His glory good. An easy read which also makes a delightful devotional.

Reviews: A Delightful and Inspirational Read

Reviews: "A Delightful and Inspirational Read"

"The reader will find author Jan McLaughlin’s book an inspirational and thoroughly delightful reading experience. Her wit and love of life permeates the entire 400plus pages. Reading will not be tedious in the least. I think what I most enjoyed was the author’s ability to take ordinary, and sometimes harrowing, experiences and draw a spiritual lesson that the reader can apply in his or her own life.

The reader will find author Jan McLaughlin’s book inspirational and thoroughly delightful reading experience. Her wit and love of life permeates the entire 400-plus pages. Reading will not be tedious in the least. I think I most enjoyed was the author’s ability to take ordinary, sometimes harrowing, experiences and draw a spiritual lesson that the reader can apply in his or her own life.

The chapters are short and keep the reader’s interest

The chapters are short and keep the reader’s interest. The author is humble and not adverse to admitting her own foibles. As a result, this reviewer can relate as one less-than-perfect reader to a less-than-perfect author.

A 4-word recommendation: It’s a happy read!" Dr. Raymond White, Pueblo, CO

$10.00 Plus shipping.

719-275-6971 or

The author is humble and not adverse to admitting foibles. As a result, this reviewer can relate as one than-perfect reader to a less- than-perfect author. A 4- word recommendation: It’s a happy read! Dr. Raymond White, Pueblo, CO $10.00 Plus shipping.

719-275-6971 or

Or you can order by mail: Checks payable to Jan McLaughlin P.O. Box 855 - Cañon City, CO 81215-0855

Or you can order by mail: Checks payable to Jan McLaughlin P.O. Box 855 - Cañon City, CO 81215


This classified ad section of the Senior Beacon carries advertising of all sorts. The cost is $15.00 for the first 20 words or less and $.25 for each word over twenty words.

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1. Adam and Eve's son

5. Blink of an eye, for short

8. Tricep location

11. Laughing on the inside, in text

12. ____ bowl, frozen dish

13. Bid on a house, e.g.

15. Show off

16. Actor's role

17. Nostrils

18. *"Everything Everywhere All At Once" or "The Fablemans" nominee

20. Trampled

21. Humpty without t

22. *Cate Blanchett's 6-time nominated movie

23. Store in a silo

26. Tiny crustacean

30. Chop off

31. Not digital

34. Cut with a beam

35. Empty spaces

37. Not good

38. Relating to pond scum

39. Capri or Catalina

40. Lament

42. ____ Khan

43. Full event

45. *He's won the most academy


47. Jump key

48. Not yes, nor no

50. Male sibs

52. *"The Fablemans" composer

John ____, 53-time nominee

55. Resin-producing tree

56. Call to Mary

57. Get-out-of-jail money

59. Bye, in Castile

60. Ages and ages

61. Competitive advantage

62. Appetite

63. Farm female

64. Fender-bender damage


1. Key often used with ctrl

2. Gold rush, e.g.

3. Purse with notions

4. Leechee, alt. sp.

5. Dandruff locale

6. This bird gets the worm?

7. Give a traffic ticket

8. Big do

9. Cattail, e.g.

10. *"____ Harris Goes to Paris," Best Costume Design nominee

12. Tarzan and such

13. Like beer at a kegger (2 words)

14. *"The Banshees of Inisherin" nominee

19. Polynesian dance, pl.

22. Dress like Ancient Greeks

23. *Austin

40. Address to a boy, slangily

41. Bucolics

44. Desert traveler's hope

46. Bikini Bottom locale

48. Variation of meow

49. Skirt shape

50. Past tense of bid

51. Roman remain, e.g.

52. Cry of glee

53. Like a full-fledged Mafia man

54. Leo or Libra

55. Jared's competitor

58. Allow

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Butler's gyrating character 24. Gallows loop 25. Oil crisis 26. *Last year's Best Picture winner 27. Like a Druid, e.g. 28. Missouri River tributary 29. Flying nuisance 32. Lend a hand in crime 33. Order's partner 36. *"Guillermo ____ ____'s Pinocchio"
38. "My wife can vouch for me,"
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for two centuries. We had conquered a dangerous wilderness, battled savages, brought Christianity to the natives, divided ourselves into states, fought a revolution, drafted a constitution, built a capitol, established colleges and universities (including six of the seven Ivy Leagues), were about to fight a bloody Civil War to end slavery, and were well on our way to becoming the greatest nation on Earth.




that she was running for president reminded me of my lifelong dream to move to India, so I can boss around Indians and tell them to stop worshipping cows and rats. That was the main point of what I said on the Mark Simone radio show last week, which was promptly chopped up, fed into a computer, translated into German, then into Urdu, back to English and finally came out in endless headlines, to sound like a MAGA moron: Go back to your own country, lady!

No, actually, I was making an obvious point I’ve been making for some time now.

To wit: It’s bad enough when 11th-generation Americans disrespect our country, but enraging when recent arrivals do.

By “recent arrivals,” I mean anyone whose ancestors came to America after 1800.

At that point, America had already been around

Post-1800 immigrants just kind of showed up. True, many of them were better than the people who already lived here. (Especially the ones who arrived when our greeting was still, “Sink or swim!” instead of, “Here’s your welfare application.”)

One of those better-than-us recent arrivals was Louis Brandeis, born to Jewish immigrants from Central Europe. He went on to become a Supreme Court justice and have a university named after him.

This is what Brandeis said, in 1915, on “Americanization Day” [REPORTED TO THE AUTHORITIES] about the process of becoming an American:

“However great his outward conformity, the immigrant is not Americanized unless his interests and affections have become deeply rooted here. And we properly demand of the immigrant even more than this. He must be brought into complete harmony with our ideals and aspirations and cooperate with us for their attainment. Only when this has been done, will he possess the national consciousness of an American.”

A big part of that “harmony” is understanding the amazing way this country dealt with the losers of our two major national conflicts: the war(s) with the Indians and the Civil War. We should be on our knees thanking God both those wars came out the way they did or, today, America would be a backward, third world hellhole.

Both the Indians and Confederates were part of a bygone culture, mostly illiterate, and unable to manufacture anything,

much less feed and clothe a transcontinental nation of more than 300 million people. Thanks to the superior culture and technology of Protestant New England and the Midwest, the Confederates and Indians never really stood a chance.

But they fought like banshees [REPORTED!], and we honor them for their breathtaking courage and nobility.

Every macho thing in America is — or was, until about five minutes ago — named after either American Indians or Confederates — e.g., the Apache and Comanche attack helicopters, the Braves, the Redskins, the Indians, Fort Benning, Fort Bragg, Fort Gordon, Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Hood, Fort Lee, Fort Pickett, Fort Polk, Fort Rucker and on and on and on.

Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman got his middle name from a Shawnee warrior chief admired by his father. Paratroopers who jumped into Normandy cut their hair to look like Mohawks and shouted “Geronimo!” as they leapt.

Sometimes, it seems like everybody in America is boasting about Indian heritage — like Elizabeth Warren — or displaying the rebel flag. See, e.g., OutKast, “The Dukes of Hazzard,” Lynyrd Skynyrd, and tiles in the Times Square subway station honoring former New York Times publisher Adolph S. Ochs — “a Southerner with strong ties to the Confederacy,” according to Civil War historian Dr. David Jackowe.

Sitting Bull became a celebrity, signing autographs and performing with Annie Oakley. (My direct ancestor was a stand-in for Oakley and may have performed with Sitting Bull.)

No other country’s internal wars have ever concluded this way. The usual method of ending a domestic conflict is with ceaseless guerrilla warfare and total humiliation of the defeated.

My ancestors were Union soldiers who fought the Confederates. My ancestors were killed by American Indians — and rescued by others! But I don’t go around whining that maybe I’d have more “gen-

All views expressed in these pages are that of the author/s and not necessarily endorsed by the Senior Beacon, Beacon News Group, et al. Further, by reading this paper you agree to a Hold Harmless Agreement pertaining to the publisher (Evergrowth Media, LLC), it's principals, and all writers.

erational wealth” or higher SAT scores if only we took down statues of Sitting Bull and Robert E. Lee.

Again, such ignorance is disgusting coming from Mayflower descendants. But it is beyond galling to have a second-generation immigrant like Haley sanctimoniously take down the Confederate flag, which she did as governor of South Carolina. How about going back and critiquing the Indian culture she’s constantly boasting of? You know, the country where a majority still revere cows, others worship rats, and which has more slaves today than any other nation on Earth.

Whatever else possessing “the national consciousness of an American” entails, it surely includes not being sublimely ignorant of the total awesomeness of the country you’re currently living in.

Senior Beacon

Senior Beacon serves Pueblo, El Paso, Fremont and the 12 surrounding counties that make up most of Southeastern Colorado. It is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serve, educate and entertain the Senior Community of these areas.

Current issues and back issues, dating to 2006, are available for free online at

Publication of advertising contained herein does not necessarily constitute endorsement. Signed columns are the opinions of the writers and not necessarily that of the publisher. Senior Beacon is locally owned and operated. Founded in February of 1982.


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SUBMISSIONS: Senior Beacon welcomes reader contributions in the form of senior groups news, stories, poetry, recipes and happenings. Letters to the Editor must be typed and double spaced, signed with address and phone number submitted. Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copyright 2023-Evergrowth Media, LLC

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