2018 Nov/Dec Connections

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Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 2 Local bank. Local bankers. ChamberConnections/Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved. 10/18 Taking care of business, means bringing the bank to you. www.banktbt.com Member FDIC All loans subject to credit approval and collateral review. Rates, products, programs, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Underwriting terms and conditions apply. Some restrictions apply. This is not an offer for extension of credit or a commitment to lend. At The Bank & Trust, we believe an exceptional community deserves an exceptional bank! Business people are busy. We get that. Changing banks is a hassle. We get that too. Paying too much is bad business. We can fix that! Let us come show you how! Call us today at (979) 260-2100. CAMERON COMIRE MLO ID#1601012 DAVID STENNIS MLO ID#584172 MELISSA KEELING MLO ID#1671843 MELANIE MOTLEY MLO ID#510014 NORA THOMPSON MLO ID#510467 JOE SALVATO MLO ID#509672 NATALIE KIDD MLO ID#817872 AUSTIN BRYAN MLO ID#1069606 CAL MCNEILL MLO ID#510054


11/08/2018 Business After Hours

CHI St. Joseph Health

11/14/2018 Fall Job Fair

The Brazos Center

11/19/2018 New Member Orientation

B/CS Chamber of Commerce

11/20/2018 Ag Breakfast

Brazos County Expo

11/29/2018 Business After Hours

George Bush Library & Museum


12/13/2018 Business After Hours

The Stella Hotel


1/17/2019 Business After Hours

Phillips Event Center

1/23/2019 Economic Outlook Conference

Hilton College Station

1/28/2019 New Member Orientation

B/CS Chamber of Commerce


2/26/2019 Taste of Aggieland

Brazos County Expo

2/28/2019 Business After Hours

Brazos Valley Bridal Association

chamber CALENDAR



4 business AFTER HOURS

5 volunteer FOCUS

6 economic outlook CONFERENCE

10 shop LOCAL 12 spotlight NEWS

17 2019 board of DIRECTORS 18 ribbon CUTTINGS

1 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018


The B/CS Chamber of Commerce Welcomes

Vicki Reim as Chairwoman of the 2018-2019 Board of Directors!

What a fantastic time to be a part of our Bryan/ College Station Chamber of Commerce! Our 100th year has been amazing and it, along with all of our history, sets the stage for the next century of our Chamber. I wish I had the space, and you had the time, to reflect on all of the past accomplishments that formed our Chamber to what it is today and continues to be; the successful and productive organization that benefits local businesses and our community in so many ways.

Our B/CS Chamber is blessed to have supportive members and staff who have vision, who are driven and who make things happen. These dedicated business men and women do so much for our Chamber and in turn, make our community a thriving and prosperous place to live. Having been actively involved in the Chamber the last few years, I am truly amazed at the amount of work that gets done. Thank you to all of you and your businesses that make the difference by going above and beyond to make our Chamber great.

We have a busy year ahead and I am excited to see what all of us together will accomplish. The variety of events, committee work, educational, legislative, leadership and other Chamber endeavors offers our entire community so many opportunities to lead, grow, learn and meet new people, which ultimately enhances the well-being of our local businesses. I am extremely honored to step into the role of Board Chair and also very thankful to work with an amazing Board of Directors. I thank each of them for their time and commitment. I especially want to thank Crystal Dupre for her stellar leadership, tireless support and hard work these past 12 months as she led our entire Chamber over a very successful year. She always made it look effortless and always made it fun!

As we bring our momentous 100th anniversary year to a close, it’s an exciting time to begin our 101st year or, “Chamber 101”. I look forward to seeing each of you at many Chamber events over the next 12 months, so, together, we can make a difference. Thank you for all that you do!

Vicki Reim Chairman

Phil Shackelford Chair-Elect

Crystal Dupre

Immediate Past Chairman

Jason Cornelius

Vice Chair of Leadership

James Larkin Vice Chair of Finance & Physical Resources

Susan Gipson Vice Chair of Business Development

Mary Mike Hatcher Vice Chair of Communications

Ricardo Diaz Vice Chair of Community Enhancement

Brad Beard

John Bush

Austin Bryan

Spencer Clements

John C. “Jack” Culpepper III

David Doss

Zach Etheridge

Jill Gallagher

Tracy Kyle

Barbie Patterson

Shane Phelps Kori Rich

Travis Rollis

Pat Shields

Greg Zweiacker

Tai Lee Vice Chair of Membership Enhancement STAFF


Glen Brewer

Community Liaison

Royce Hickman

Manager of Membership

Carrie Archer

Manager of Finance

Tom Tilton

Manager of Business Programs

Jordan Prihoda

Membership Investment


Brian Miller

Communications Coordinator

Kaley Crump

Special Projects Coordinator

Allison Batte

Executive Assistant

Haley Galloway


Linda Espiriqueta

Chamber Connections is a publication of the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce and a public service to Chamber members. Editorial and advertising inquiries should be addressed to Kaley Crump by email at kaley@bcschamber.org.


New Inner Circle Members

400 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South, Suite 401 College Station, TX 77840 (781) 264-2321 www.gonift.com

Galleria Spa Salon Century Square

Ment Marketing & Creative Services

Cocktails 4 U

BCS Hand

175 Century Square Dr College Station, TX 77840 (979) 822-5756 www.galleriaspasalon.com

2401 E Briargate Dr Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 725-2210 www.mentservices.com

3833 South Texas Avenue, Suite 217 Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 219-4727

New Members

3201 University Drive East, Suite 435 Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 774-0411

Precision Eye Care

Sunseri Aviation LLC

3975 Highway 6 South, Suite 900 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 985-5305

11495 FM 1486 Road Richards, TX 77873 (817) 504-0729

U.S. Army College Station Recruiting Center

Trilogy Senior Living: Sodalis Senior Living Community

Brazos County RV Park

1500 Harvey Road, Suite 2000 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 764-0418 www.goarmy.com

3211 Harvey Road College Station, TX 77845 (830) 624-1044 www.sodalissenior.com

3480 W Highway 21 Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 446-7262 www.brazoscountyrvpark.com

Board & Brush Creative Studio College Station

Allied Universal Security Services

South 40 Veterinary Hospital

Miles Pusateri State Farm

Let Us Events

900 Harvey Road, Suite 13 College Station, TX 77840 (979) 987-1300

1776 Woodstead Ct, Suite 224 The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 763-1502

4495 Lakeway Dr College Station, TX 77845 (979) 229-7845

3900 State Highway 6 South, Suite 107 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 485-0500

205A FM 1696 W Huntsville, TX 77320 (936) 662-3306

Brazos WiFi

12135 State Highway 30 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 985-5912 www.brazoswifi.com



Engel & Völkers Bryan College Station

College Station Dental & Orthadontics

Pure Barre College Station

Your BCS Assistant

Omega Builders

Aggieland Scuba

3262 Rock Prairie Road W College Station, TX 77845 (254) 739-3442

206 N Main Street Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 4460946

11671 FM 2154, Suite 400 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 399-5101

915 William D Fitch Pkwy, Suite 100 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 200-6440

4301 Willowick Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 324-9337

2534 Kimbolton Drive College Station, TX 77845 (254) 773-9966

2151 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South, Suite 109 College Station, TX 77840 (979) 703-7949

US Dermatology Partners College Station Mohs Surgery

1605 Rock Prairie Road, Suite 300 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 485-0995

3 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 new MEMBERS

Business After Hours is the perfect opportunity to network with hundreds of Chamber Members, while allowing event sponsors to showcase their businesses! For more information about Business After Hours, please contact Carrie Archer at carrie@bcschamber.org.


November 8, 2018

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

4401 Highway 6 South College Station, TX 77845 (979) 731-5200


Thursday November 29, 2018 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

1000 George Bush Dr W College Station, TX 77845 (979) 862-2251 www.bush41.org

Thursday December 13, 2018 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

4100 Lake Atlas Drive Bryan, TX 77807 (979) 421-4000 www.thestellahotel.com

Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 4 business after HOURS BUSINESS

volunteer FOCUS

Ambassador of the Month

I am honored to be named Ambassador of the Month of September. Being an ambassador has allowed numerous opportunities to serve our community, welcoming and building relationships with other businesses in Bryan/College Station. It’s always a highlight of my day to serve as a BCS Ambassador with such a wonderful group of individuals that are dedicated to the betterment of our community.

I am proud and blessed to work at Elms Orthodontics as office manager for the 27 years that Dr. Elms has been in B/CS. We love creating new smiles for our patients and enjoy the work we do each day.

Elms Orthodontics believes in giving back to our community. We also understand the importance of having a strong chamber community to give support to our local businesses.

I look forward to meeting and talking to you at future chamber events and sharing with others about your business.

5 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018
See your business featured in publications sent to our 1500+ Chamber membership! The Chamber produces several different publications throughout the year including: ● Weekly Insider Report eNewsletter ● Monthly Connections magazine ● Annual Directory Place Your Ad TODAY! For details and options, call (979) 260-5200 or contact brian@bcschamber.org.
Congratulations to our 2018-2019 Ambassador Chair and Captains! Ambassador Chair Jared Salvato, American Momentum Bank Ben Caldwell, Copy Corner ● Kathy Savell, Service Insurance Group Debbie Holladay, Holladay & Associates ● Brooke Mason, Sawed Off Crossfit
Ponzio Elms Orthodontics

chamber PROGRAMS


Responding to Growth

January 23, 2019 • 8:00 a.m.

Hilton College Station

Hospitality Sponsor

Title Sponsor

Presented by the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce and Wells Fargo Bank, this conference offers an overview of factors effecting the economy of the Brazos Valley.

This year’s theme, Responding to Growth, will provide valuable insights into the business climate of our community through speakers and panel discussions.

Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 6
7 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 chamber PROGRAMS FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT WWW.BCSCHAMBER.ORG SPONSORED BY: SPONSORED BY: 20th Annual Taste of Brazos Valley The B/CS Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Council Presents Ag Breakfast Featuring food grown, produced & donated locally Breakfast prepared & served by local farmers Recognizing the winners of: Agricultural Impact Award The Bank & Trust Sammy Catalena & Agricultural Business Award November 20, 2018 7:00 a.m. • Brazos County Expo Admission: $15 Call (979) 260-5200 or visit www.bcschamber.org to purchase tickets www.bcschamber.org

chamber PROGRAMS

Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 8 Connections OCTOBER 2018 8
9 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 chamber PROGRAMS Thank you to our sponsors!

Shop Local...

It’s Where Our Jobs Are!

The Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce supports our local business members by shopping local year-round! We would like to remind you to do the same this holiday season. Making the switch helps support our community on many levels. Read below to see how every dollar spent locally makes a huge impact!

1. Local Economy Stimulus

The money you spend locally is more likely to stay in the community. Locally-owned businesses put more of their revenue back into the local economy.

2. Small Business Is Big Business

Small businesses are the largest employers in the U.S. They are also responsible for a large portion of all new jobs created. Supporting them creates a better business climate which, in turn, supports local job opportunities

3. Think Green

Lighten your carbon footprint! Local businesses typically make more environmentally friendly choices by using less land, carrying local products, and creating less pollution. By choosing local, you’re helping to reduce environmental impact through consumerism

4. Community Character

Local businesses give each community its own special flare that makes it different from anywhere else. They work hard to offer one-of-a-kind experiences. Foster and celebrate their creativity with your continued support.

Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 10

5. Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

Local businesses put in a lot more effort to deliver personalized customer service. Owners take a hands-on role, pay attention to local trends, and are more likely to have (or get) what their customers want.

6. Giving Back

Local businesses donate more to charities and non-profits.

7. Community Investment

Local business owners understand the community’s investment in their success, so they are more likely to invest themselves into the community’s prosperity, as well.

8. Healthy Competition

Having many local businesses providing a diverse range of products and services offers consumers a variety of choices and better prices.

9. Ultimate Networking

Building relationships by connecting with and supporting local business owners is one of the best ways to promote your business.

10. What Goes Around Comes Around

Every time you shop local, it contributes to the overall health and vitality of the community which benefits everyone, from suppliers, to retailer, and all the way back to you.

11 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018
B/CS Chamber of Commerce
Kaley Crump

Chamber Spotlight

H-E-B welcomes their fifth store to the B/CS area. The new H-E-B, located on Wellborn and FM 2818, opened September 12th. The store team is led by A&M Graduate, Frank Hidalgo.

Scotty’s House facility dog, Sawyer, passed his final round of tests this past weekend. Staff will continue to provide a unique opportunity for child clients to feel comfortable and confident as they pursue justice and healing!

Ed Slovacek CPA PLLC introduces Shana Weaver CPA as their Client Accounting Services manager. Shana is a Texas native and graduated from Texas A&M University in 1990 with a BBA in Accounting. She has been providing income tax and QuickBooks services since 2005.

Classic Rock Coffee Co. & Kitchen is proud to announce hiring Chris Kehl as General Manager and Mandy Lavender as Special Event/ Catering Manager. Check out their new merchandise and latte flavors.

US Dermatology Partners

Mohs Surgery welcomes Brandon Velasquez as new office manager. He will coordinate all Mohs surgery appointments with new receptionist, Angel Parks, to ensure patients are scheduled as soon as possible.

Dermataloge, now a part of U.S. Dermatology Partners, introduces their new licensed aesthetician, Joy Land. Stop by the office to meet Joy and learn about their services and products.

Kesco Restaurant Supply in Bryan recognizes Cathy Bond in celebrating 43 years with them. She is a crucial part of their business. They are grateful to have her on the team. Thanks for her loyalty and commitment to the best customer service!

Aggieland Scuba celebrates its 4th birthday in College Station with a new, larger location just steps from its original shop. Original owner, Nathan Blanchard, welcomes Tom Sanborn and Jennifer Opiela-Miksch to the ownership team.

The floor is yours...

White Elm Day Spa celebrates their first anniversary in November 2018. They appreciate the Brazos Valley’s support in helping their wellness center blossom. Owner Hanna Hayes Hart and her amazing team look forward to many more exciting years!

Lake Walk Town Center announces Destination Christmas, the ultimate holiday experience in B/CS. They invite the community to enjoy a variety of events and holiday experiences throughout December.

Doug Pitcock ’49 Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center names Chef Jason W. Jonilonis as executive chef. He will oversee the development and creation of all culinary offerings, including at the property’s signature restaurant, Brazos Proper Texas Kitchen.

Element Retirement & Investment Consultants announces Gene Perez, CFP as a Wealth Manager, along with other Wealth Managers, Eric Wylie and Jarrod Hix. Welcome Gene!

The Chamber would like to invite your company to submit news that you would like to share with the community—this could be new leadership, major changes, anniversaries, employee achievements, etc. This section is to help you celebrate! Please email submissions and questions to kaley@bcschamber.org

Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 12

The Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra celebrates its 37th season of outstanding live performances. They are thrilled to bring “An Evening with Leslie Odom, Jr.” to the community, featuring the actor who originated the role of Aaron Burr in Broadway’s HAMILTON.

HUB Collaborative recently celebrated its 3rd anniversary. They continue to meet needs for flexible office and co-working space, and conference room rentals. They offer large and small conference room options.

TNT Properties Real Estate will rebrand to AssetHERO Property Management effective January 2019! Their caring team is growing more POWerful with additional ownership and superior services for rental properties in the B/CS area.

Taylor Made Gluten Free Bakery, LLC was purchased by Renegade Bakery & Culinary Studio. New owner, Isabel McParltin, will continue to supply great tasting gluten free products to 597 grocery stores and 37 restaurants.

BBB serving the Heart of Texas welcomes Lauren Galley as the new regional director for the B/CS area. Lauren carries out BBB’s mission of supporting an ethical marketplace through educational programs and events for local consumers and businesses.

13 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 chamber SPOTLIGHT

chamber PHOTOS

Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 14

2018 Non-Profit Luncheon at the Hilton College Station featuring The Center for Non-Profits & Philanthropy at The Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University, sponsored by the Office of the Provost. (From left to right: Will Brown, Royce Hickman,Chad Wootton,Vicki Reim, Glen Brewer, Irma Cauley, Neil Bush, and Dr. Kenny Taylor)

The Gardens at Texas A&M University hosted Leadership Brazos Alumni Association for a presentation on Growing the Brazos Valley’s Agriculture by Cady Auckerman

B/CS Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors held their year meeting at Grand Station Entertainment. (Left to right: Vicki Reim, Scott Rolfsmeyer, Gene Perez, Kathy Savell, Mike Connor, Jared Salvato, Ben Caldwell, Crystal Dupre, and Glen Brewer.)

Mark Brock, Director of Business Affairs at Texas A&M University, spoke on public and private partnerships at the 2018 Inner Circle exclusive event, sponsored by BB&T, at the Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center.

15 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 chamber PHOTOS
Leadership Brazos Class of 2019 visits Nutrabolt for their Local Economy Day. 2018 Local Candidates Forum held at George Bush Library & Museum. Local Candidates for all offices were invited to this forum to answer questions and discuss local issues as early voting begins for this midterm election.


Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of the Chamber’s accomplishments in the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

(979) 260-5200

Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 16 chamber CONNECTIONS
For more information,
The report will include information on: ● Our Board of Directors ● The Ambassadors ● Recap of major events ● Ribbon Cuttings ● Business
REPORT 2017-2018 The
contact the Chamber at

2018-2019 Board of Directors

17 www.bcschamber.org Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 chamber CONNECTIONS
Susan Gipson The Ranch Harley Davidson James Larkin Thompson, Derrig, & Craig, P.C. Tai Lee Chef Tai’s Restaurant Group Mary “Mike” Hatcher Bryan Broadcasting Jason Cornelius BB&T Ricardo Diaz CHI St. Joseph Health Brad Beard Enercon, LLC John Bush Extraco Banks Austin Bryan The Bank & Trust of Bryan/College Station Spencer Clements Lakewalk & Traditions John C. “Jack” Culpepper, III Culpepper Realty Co. Dr. David Doss Brazos Valley Women’s Center Kori Rich The Physicians Centre Hospital Travis Rollins Downtown Event Services Greg Zweiacker Zweiacker & Associates Pat Shields Capital Farm Credit Tracy Kyle Kyle Office Products Shane Phelps The Law Office of Shane Phelps, P.C. Zach Etheridge HBi Office Solutions Jill Gallagher 1st Alliance Mortgage Barbie Patterson Patterson Architects Phil Shackelford Chair-Elect Blinn College Foundation Crystal Dupre Immediate Past Chair The Eagle Vicki Reim Chairman of the Board Bryan Texas Utilities
Dat Dog Star Cinema Grill Embassy Suites Golden Corral Board & Brush Creative Studio
LegalShield |IDShield Business Solutions Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 18
College Station


Are you celebrating a milestone? Anniversary? New location? Re-branding? Let us help you! Call (979) 260-5200 or email Brian@bcschamber.org to schedule your B/CS Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting TODAY!

Twin Liquors - Jones Crossing Aggieland Scuba Bryan ISD Read by Third
Stylecraft Builders, Inc. 4090 State Highway 6 South College Station, TX 77845 (979) 589-5517 www.stylecraftbuilders.com Brazos County Bank 3971 University Drive East Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 776-3088 www.fnbhuntsvilletx.com Lone Star Roof Systems 18476 Highway 6 College Station, TX 77845 (800) 317-1939 www.lonestarroofsystemsllc.com Colonial Life 3206 Longmire Drive, Suite A10 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 845-1216 www.benefits2018.com/ colonial-life-bcs.html Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 20
deluxe ribbon CUTTINGS
deluxe ribbon CUTTINGS Northwestern Mutual 1711 Crescent Pointe Parkway College Station, TX 77845 (979) 846-3100 www.caseywright.nm.com Brazos de Dios Harley Owners Group Foundation 4106 Highway 6 South College Station, TX 77845 (979) 690-1669 www.bddtoyrun.com Coldwell Banker AGTOWN Realtors 411 Texas Avenue South College Station, TX 77840 (979) 846-8400 www.coldwellbanker.com Legacy Ace Hardware 2501 South Texas Avenue, Suite B100 College Station, TX 77840 (979) 703-6058 www.acehardware.com

Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 3579

Bryan, TX 77805-3579

Connections NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 22 Alphagraphics Ad Goes Here! CONNECTIONS

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