March 2012 Ethanol Producer Magazine

Page 23


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P4 Consulting announced a front line supervision program designed for ethanol plant lead operators, supervisors and production managers. The aim of the supervisor training program is to increase productivity, accountability and engagement of front line employees. A front line that requires less supervision frees up managers to implement efficiencies, innovate, and spend more time on value-added activities. The program includes a three-day training session in Colorado followed by individual coaching and webinar followup lessons. The Advanced Ethanol Council welcomed two new members, Beta Renewables and ZeaChem Inc. Beta Renewables is a joint venture formed from the Chemtex division of Gruppo Mossi & Ghisolfi and TPG. Its cellulosic ethanol facility in Crescentino, Italy, is expected to be completed later this year. ZeaChem announced in January that it has completed the core construction on its demonstration-scale facility in Boardman, Ore. Other companies on the council include Abengoa Bioenergy Corp., BlueFire Renewables Inc., Coskata Inc., Enerkem Inc., Fulcrum BioEnergy Inc., Inbicon A/S, Iogen Corp., Osage BioEnergy and Qteros Inc. BBI International and NEAtech LLC have announced a joint venture to develop a new international consulting service called BBI Consulting Services. By combining their experience and BBI International’s broadcast spectrum, the new venture will have the ability to offer a &RQVXOWLQJ 6HUYLFHV breadth of bioenergy consulting to companies and organizations worldwide, as well as state and federal departments in the United States. Leading the consulting group are two experienced bioenergy consultants, Rafael Nieves, CEO, and Mark Yancey.

In a roundup of news headlines of the past month: Biobutanol developer butylfuel Inc. has a new name, Green Biologics Inc., after merging with U.K.-based Green Poet LLC has dropped Biologics Ltd. its U.S. DOE loan guarantee and partnered with Royal DSM on the buildout of Project Liberty, which will hold a formal groundbreaking March 13 for the 20 MMgy cellulosic ethanol plant at Emmetsburg, Iowa. Fiberight LLC received a conditional commitment on a $25 million USDA loan guarantee for its cellulosic ethanol facility planned for Blairstown, Iowa. Fiberight is partnering with Novozymes A/S on the conversion technology. Kansas 6 MMgy ethanol producer MGP Ingredients Inc. is teaming up with four Kansas universities and the Kansas Alliance for Biorefining and Bioenergy to develop biobased products such as foams, plastics and fuels from distillers dried grains with solubles. Mascoma Corp. is planning to first apply its proprietary consolidated bioprocessing technology platform in the corn-ethanol industry, offering a genetically-modified yeast that alleviates the need for most of the enzymes currently used. The company has signed agreements with ICM Inc., Lallemand Ethanol Technology and Valero Renewable Fuels Company LLC, as part of the commercialization strategy. Chippewa Valley Ethanol Plant Co. LLLP will receive a $500,000 grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to help with a $2 million project to recover waste heat from the plant’s regenerative thermal oxidizer. Green Plains Grain Co., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Green Plains Renewable Energy Inc., is expanding its grain storage by 1.9 million bushels in an agreement with JW Grain, St. Edward, Neb., about 40 miles from Green Plain’s 100 MMgy Central City ethanol plant. Share your industry briefs To be included in Business Briefs, send information (including photos and logos if available) to: Business Briefs, Ethanol Producer Magazine, 308 Second Ave. N., Suite 304, Grand Forks ND 58203. You may also fax information to (701) 7468385, or e-mail it to Please include your name and telephone number in all correspondence.

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MARCH 2012 | Ethanol Producer Magazine | 23 .$& :DVKLQJWRQ 9HUWLFDO LQGG


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