SPRING '24 - Northeast California Connection Magazine

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Spring, 2024
BBB STORY Recover, Restore, Gro(wing) your natural haircare business:

BBB Accredited Businesses have access to a free membership to the CEO Forum Group.

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Access to thousands of past interviews with

Top CEOs

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And much more – all at no cost to you because of your BBB Accreditation


Today's business landscape is becoming more competitive than ever. Inflation, changing marketing trends, and staffing issues are just some of the problems I discuss with our Accredited Businesses (ABs) daily.

At BBB, our team is constantly working to develop a wide variety of support mechanisms to help you find solutions to the problems that face your business. We offer our networking events, such as Coffee with the CEO and Marketing Mornings, as well as providing photo and video support for professional head-shots and promotional videos and offering several webinars monthly on issues relevant to business. We work to equip our ABs with the tools they need to succeed in this complex business environment.

I am thrilled to introduce our newest initiative, the Tradeshow Booth Share Program. This groundbreaking program allows our ABs to collaborate with us while at the same time gaining exposure to consumers by sharing a booth with us at a tradeshow for a specific window of time. This presents a remarkable opportunity for our ABs to forge new connections, showcase their products and services, and attract potential clients, all while avoiding the overhead expenses associated with purchasing a booth for an entire weekend at a large expo.

We believe that by facilitating such partnerships, we can foster a collective spirit of growth and success within our business community Our commitment to supporting ABs extends beyond words, and we are proud to offer tangible resources that can make a real difference Together, let us continue to build a thriving business network

S P R I N G , 2 0 2 4 | I S S U E 6 NortheastCalifornia Connection Magazine Northeast California Connection Magazine is a quarterly publication for Northeast California BBB Accredited Businesses and the communities they serve Julie Planas Lead Graphic Designer Katy Karns Production Specialist Published and produced by BBB serving Sacramento & Northeast California Please direct inquiries and questions to marketing@sacramento.bbb.org. WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA BBB org/Sacramento | #BBBSacramento DESIGN EDITORIAL MAGAZINE ADVERTISING CONTACT US Kyle Dean Lead Production Editor 10399 Old Placerville Rd , Sacramento, CA (916) 443-6843 8am to 4pm Tues - Thurs Monday & Friday by appointment only Lynn Conner CEO Daniel Stiner Director of Standards & Marketplace Ethics Celia Surridge Marketing & Communications Director Celia Surridge Marketing & Communications Director MANAGEMENT
8 26 29 14 Meet the Team: Julie Planas, Senior Designer & Team Lead 16 Spring time is the best time to make sure your air conditioner is ready for Summer Blog submission from Accredited Business, Perfection Home System’s Inc 18 My BBB Story: Recover, Restore, Gro 20 Planning your next family vacation or trip 25 BBB Scam Studies NORTHEAST CALIFORNIA CONNECTION MAGAZINE | 4 C O N T E N T S TABLE OF Northeast California Connection Magazine Spring 2024 6 BBB Tip: Give yourself a Spring digital makeover How to Keep Moving Towards Your Goals with a Yo-Yo Plan Three things I’ve learned from Marketing Mornings

Give yourself a Spring digital makeover Give yourself a Spring digital makeover

The weather is warming in some parts of the country, inspiring people to clean up or clear the clutter. The one area many overlook isn't the corner of a room or a forgotten closet; it's the digital device with which you're reading this article. We use our phones to shop, scroll through social media, bank, and work. The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) remind everyone that when clearing out the physical clutter, there's probably a bunch of digital data clutter that lives on

If you have a few extra hours or minutes in your day, it may be a good time to give yourself a digital makeover Taking simple, proactive steps will go a long way in safeguarding against potentially disruptive issues – like identity theft, loss of funds, or credit card fraud – that can cause mayhem by compromising your data. Take the time to practice a few precautionary measures, and you will have greater peace of mind – not only this spring but all year round.

Lock down your login:

Security is critical to protecting accounts used for work and home. Ensure passphrases for each account are lengthy, unique, and safely stored Enable 2factor authentication on all accounts that offer it

Back it up:

Protect your personal and workplace data by making electronic copies – or backups – of your most important files Use the 3-2-1 rule to help guide you: 3 backup copies, two different media types, and one offline in a separate location

NCSA and the BBB encourage people to check their smartphones, laptops, and tablets and take a few minutes to review these tips. (en Espanol)

Update your system and software:

The most current software, web browsers, and operating systems are some of the easiest and fastest ways to protect your most sensitive assets

Clean up your online presence:

When did you last use the apps on your phone or tablet? Do you know the settings on all social media accounts? Check up on all your accounts Then, control your role by ensuring you know who has administrative access to your accounts

Be careful what you share:

Quizzes on social media are fun, and keeping in touch is necessary However, questions on social media might give away too much information about you, your location, or your family

How to Keep Moving Towards Your Goals with a -Yo Plan Yo

People don't talk enough about how our energy changes daily and how it impacts our goals. It's not cool to beat ourselves up when we stumble. It's not us, it's how we chase our goals that needs changing.

People don't talk enough about how our energy changes daily and how it impacts our goals. It's not cool to beat ourselves up when we stumble. It's not us, it's how we chase our goals that needs changing

When you’re setting goals for yourself. Stop assuming your current feelings will last forever.

When you're super motivated, you create ambitious goals But when your energy dips, you struggle to stay motivated, leading to self-doubt

Also, if you're feeling low or unmotivated, your goals can seem too hard. This can make you want to quit and lead to self-blame.

Please remember that our energy and mood can change day by day. Sometimes you're on fire, other times you're dragging.

Make a Yo-Yo plan! It's a fun, flexible way to make progress towards your dreams. Basically it’s a menu of different activities that move you towards your goal and you can pick to match your energy level. So, low or high, you keep moving!

Feeling stuck with your goals? It's time to embrace the Yo-Yo plan! This fun, adaptable approach keeps you progressing towards your dreams, regardless of your energy level.

Article prepared by Betsaida Lebron for LOL Leadership Out Loud! A newsletter designed to inspire leaders to embrace their authenticity, infuse joy into their work, challenge conventional thinking, and employ practical strategies to create meaningful change in their workspace

Here's how to make your very own Yo-Yo plan:

What's your goal?

Break it down into bitesized pieces. It'll seem less scary and way more doable

Keep it in sight:

Make sure your Yo-Yo plan is somewhere you can see it every day. Make it super easy to pick your task for the day

Pick tasks daily:

Each day, pick tasks from your Yo-Yo plan that match your energy level. This means you're always moving towards your goal, whether you're feeling full of gusto or a bit low on energy.

Energy levels matter:

Sort your tasks into four groups. Try to have at least four tasks in each. Think about how much energy they need. For example, high-energy tasks could be workouts or solving tough problems Low-energy tasks could be things like reading or thinking up ideas.

High Energy: You're pumped and ready to go.

Time for the tough tasks!

Medium Energy: You're feeling okay Routine tasks? Easy peasy. But don't take on the big stuff.

Low Energy: You're tired or just not feeling it.

Time for super easy tasks or maybe a break.

Fun Tasks: These are things you love to do that also help with your goal You can do these no matter how you're feeling. They'll keep you moving forward.

Keep tweaking:

Check your Yo-Yo plan regularly. If some tasks consistently feel too hard or not fun, switch them out for other tasks that still help you reach your goal. This keeps your plan flexible and ready for anything

Remember, it's okay to have days when you're 'on fire' and days when you're 'dragging'. The key is to keep moving forward, adjusting your tasks according to your energy levels. So, if you're feeling stuck with your goals, why not give the Yo-Yo Plan a try? You might just find it's the approach you've been looking for!

Want a brainstorming partner for your yo-yo plan? Or, if you're looking for ways to incorporate more play into your leadership and work style, I am offering a free strategy kickoff for managers Let's strategize and brainstorm how you can bring your unique playful energy into your leadership role

Second Tuesday

of every month 8AM

Our Headshot and Profile Video events are teaming up with Marketing Mornings at the BBB office! Reserve a time slot to come in to record your Profile Video and get your professional headshot with our in-house production team.

Book your session

- Noon

Thursday, May 2, 2024

8:30 AM Doors | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Program

Frequency Coworking, 3249 Quality Dr, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Join us as we celebrate the incredible achievements of women in Sacramento who are leading the way in driving change and progress.

Don’t miss out on sessions like:

Empowering Women: Unleashing Potential through Sacramento's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Building your Brand: Marketing Yourself and Your Business

Driven By Cause: Embracing a Mission-Driven Mentality

Araceli Gutierrez

Building your Brand: Marketing Yourself and Your Business Gayle Guest-Brown

Your Career Entourage: Mentor, Sponsor, Coach - Why you might need all three

Holly Martinez Keynote Speaker
PC: Katy Karns

Coffee with the CEO

Want to network and learn more about the benefits of accreditation with the Better Business Bureau?

Join us for our monthly networking morning with me, Lynn Conner, CEO of the Better Business Bureau serving Sacramento & Northeast California! With over 40 years of business operations experience, I can consult on almost any business topic you have questions about. Plus, we'll answer your questions about accreditation or the benefits of the BBB in general, and help you expand your business connections!

This event can be attended either inperson at our Sacramento office or via Zoom. We provide coffee and tea and are now offering breakfast at a nominal fee for those who enjoy networking over a meal. Spots are limited, so RSVP today!

Let us know you’ll be joining us!


In an interview with Julie, our Senior Designer and Team Lead, she discussed the importance of brand identity for businesses.

She noted the following points about the BBB brand and some takeaways for your small business:

The Power of Brands:

Brands evoke emotions. Think about the logo for your favorite clothing company. That logo stirs an image in your head Maybe it's happiness Maybe it's determination. A good brand identity will inspire the same reaction in your customers. Take the BBB logo, for example, with its torch and blue color scheme The BBB blue torch symbolizes sturdiness and trustworthiness qualities crucial for consumers.

Building a Strong Brand:

Investing in a strong brand identity is vital for marketing success. This includes logos, colors, fonts, and even brand voice.

Connecting with Consumers:

A clear brand identity helps businesses connect with their audience. Consumers should instantly understand what the company does and stands for from a quick glance at a website, flyer, or social media post

Simplicity is Key:

Cluttered designs are not user-friendly. Logos and websites should be simple and communicate value propositions quickly.

Designer and Team Lead
Julie Planas




Annual Sponsorship Opportunities 2024

Three reasons why you should support BBB Scan

Invest in the small business community

The BBB offers a variety of resources and support to small businesses that can help them grow and succeed. By supporting the BBB, you are helping these businesses and contributing to the growth of the small business community.

Make a difference

By supporting the BBB, you’re investing in the future of small businesses, local chambers, students pursuing a higher education, and helping to promote ethical business practices. This investment can lead to a more prosperous and thriving community, benefiting everyone.

Aligning with BBB conveys trust

According to IABBB research, consumers are increasingly prioritizing a business’s integrity and reputation as integral to their purchasing decisions.

Join Sacramento Business Journal as one of our annual sponsors!

QR code to learn more!

Now that spring has sprung, it is time to start thinking about your home’s air conditioner. Here are some tips and tasks you can do yourself as well as the benefits of a professional maintenance check-up.

When was the last time it was changed?

Spring time is the best to make sure your air conditioner is ready for Summer Outdoor Unit Filter

The single most important thing you can do to prepare for the hot Sacramento summer will always be replacing the filter. This protects the equipment from premature failure as well as ensuring best performance and efficiency It also helps keep your family healthy by removing the pollens and other allergens that seem to be most prevalent this time of year. Depending on the type of filtration system you have, most filters should be replaced every 2-3 months

Set a reminder on your phone!

Are there any obstructions around the unit that sits on the ground?

Make sure there are no bushes blocking airflow or vines that are getting too close and could grow up into the unit. This can cause major damage to the outdoor coil.


If it requires batteries, when were they last replaced? We recommend you replace them once a year. The metal terminals can become corroded, so gently wipe with a paper towel or cloth before installing fresh batteries Have a WiFi Smart Thermostat? There are no batteries to replace.

Turn It On Maintenance

The best advice I give my own friends and family is to turn your a/c on before you need it. Once it reaches about 80° outside, set your thermostat to about 3° lower than the current indoor temperature and make sure it turns on and cool air is coming out the vents. The last thing you want to do is wait until a really hot day and find out it isn’t working!

When was the last time you had your a/c tuned-up? Most manufacturers recommend annual maintenance on their equipment, especially to keep your warranty valid. Preventing inopportune breakdowns and extending the lifespan of your system are some of the benefits of an air conditioning tune-up. While there are a lot of tasks you can do yourself, others may be best left to the professionals. When we come out for a maintenance visit we are making sure the condensate is free of clogs; outdoor coils are clear of pollen, dirt, and dog fur; capacitors and other components are functioning; and the overall system is operating at peak performance.

Want some more DIY tips? Download our free A/C Troubleshooting & Tips here to help you in the peak of summer!

Need to schedule a tune-up? Call us at 916-481-0658.

Recover Restore

Recover, Restore, Gro(wing) your natural haircare business: A deep dive with Sonya Hernandez

In the heart of Sacramento, California, stands a business that embodies trust, integrity, and the power of human connection – Recover Restore Gro, led by the passionate Sonya Hernandez This is not just a business; it's a testament to resilience, compassion, and the transformative power of nature.


Sonya's journey with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) began long before she became the proud owner and operator of Recover Restore Gro. As a young girl, she was drawn to the BBB website and selected businesses based on their accreditation Little did she know that her own business would someday earn that prestigious badge of trust.


As a licensed cosmetologist with years of industry experience, Sonya identified a gap that needed filling – a nontoxic way to stimulate hair growth. Her solution? Plant-based ingredients. "Our bodies are so connected with the earth," she explains. "Using plant-based ingredients is a no-brainer. It's about paying respect to our beautiful planet and honoring our bodies with biocompatible ingredients " Recover Restore Gro uses ingredients from pure, earth-friendly sources. From teas to hair care products, Sonya believes that embracing ingredients already provided for us by the planet we live on can significantly improve hair and scalp health, offering a healthier alternative to conventional products

"Having BBB accreditation is the biggest flex for me," Sonya admits with a gleam in her eyes. "I want people to look at my business name and feel that they can trust it. It stands with integrity, and that's an honor."

For Sonya, hair care is more than just a business; it's a platform to inspire and uplift. She firmly believes that when people use better products and adopt healthier practices, they stand taller and smile brighter.

"I want to contribute to the world by helping people feel confident and empowered," Sonya says with conviction. "When you take care of yourself with love and respect, it radiates outward, touching everyone around you."

One of the most profound moments in Sonya's career came when she met a courageous breast cancer patient This remarkable woman, undeterred by her diagnosis, sat in Sonya's chair with unwavering resolve, asking to have her head shaved

"She looked cancer in the eye and said, 'I'm here, and I'm going to fight you back,'" Sonya recalls. This powerful encounter not only strengthened their bond but also left an indelible mark on Sonya's heart.

"I was reminded to be human," she shares. "To listen, to empathize, and to give people what they truly need. That experience taught me to face challenges head-on and to always stay courageous."

Sonya Hernandez's journey with Recover

Restore Gro is a shining example of how passion, integrity, and empathy can transform lives

Through her commitment to nature-inspired solutions and her unwavering dedication to her clients, she continues to make a positive impact, one head at a time So, the next time you visit Sacramento or browse the BBB website, remember Sonya's inspiring story. It reminds us that with courage, compassion, and a deep respect for nature, anything is possible.

Check out their BBB Profile or at recoverrestoregro.com!


Planning your next family vacation or trip

When planning an event or looking for a good deal for a family vacation or getaway, BBB encourages people to plan to save money, avoid scams, and travel safely. Scammers often target people looking for great deals online by offering tempting vacation packages at unrealistically low prices. One place to begin an online search is BBB.org for finding reputable travel agencies, agents, and websites.

BBB adds the following tips to help ensure an enjoyable vacation:

Plan ahead.

Allow plenty of time to research hotels, flights, and your stay area. Typically, the earlier reservations are made, the better the deals and the lower the risk of the destination being booked solid Making reservations in advance also locks in rates and prevents higher prices later during prime spring break, peak summer, or holiday travel seasons.

Avoid broad internet searches.

Entering phrases like ‘best deals’ into whichever search engine is used can sometimes bring up-websites that look official but are designed solely to rip people off.

Be alert for travel scams.

Watch out for phone calls or letters claiming a 'free trip' or websites offering prices that appear too good to be true. It’s easy to extend questionable offers like these, but most leave hopeful travelers in limbo – and out of money

Learn more about travel scams here


Ask family and friends to recommend a travel agent or website, and visit BBB.org for free Business Profiles. Research the business and read customer reviews about any rentals under consideration.

Get trip details in writing.

Before making a final payment, get all the trip details in writing This should include the total cost, restrictions, cancellation penalties, and names of the airlines and hotels. Also, review and keep a copy of the airline’s and hotel’s cancellation and refund policies, as well as the cancellation policies of the travel agency or booking site used.

Consider travel insurance.

Travel insurance covers things like trip cancellations or medical emergencies. There are different levels of coverage based on what type of plan purchased. Ask many questions, and always read the fine print to see what’s covered and what’s not

Pay with a credit card.

Paying with a credit card provides additional protection if something should go wrong with the travel reservation.

Share a copy of the itinerary with a family member or close friend. Include the contact information of someone joining you on your trip.

Take a map.

People rely heavily on smartphones and GPS. Consider having an atlas or hard copy map just in case of technical difficulties.

Check the weather conditions where you will be traveling. Pack appropriate supplies and clothing.


Visit BBB's travel HQ for more travel tips.

Learn more about travel insurance

Find advice in locating a travel agent.

No matter when or where you are traveling, take extra precautions:

Wait to post on social media.

It's fun to post adventures with friends and family but wait until getting back from the trip. Photos and social media posts of the family having a great time also lets thieves know the house is empty.

Check your home insurance.

If your home will be unattended while away, make sure you know your responsibilities under your home insurance policy Some policies do not cover damage if nobody checks on your home for a while

DOWNLOAD HERE Stay up-to-date on BBB events! Downloadour 2024calendar! OR SCAN HERE

Scam Studies

In-depth investigations by the BBB were conducted to give consumers and businesses a better understanding of how each scam works. BBB looks at how scammers trick their victims by using social engineering and playing on emotions

Check out all of the Scam Studies that the BBB has available!


B B B ® R E S O U R C E S
Virtual Vehicle Vendor Scams Vacation Scams
NORTHEAST CALIFORNIA CONNECTION MAGAZINE | 26 Click below to learn more about these studies!
Gift Card Scams

Three things I’ve learned from

Marketing Mornings

’Cause we’re all just trying to figure it out

Every second Tuesday is the same for me. I hurry out the door in the morning, hoping to miss traffic despite always running a bit late. While on the freeway, I wonder, “Who am I going to see today?” or “What questions will there be?” Then, when I get to the office, I quickly set all my things down and go straight into our conference room to setup for my favorite event of the month, Marketing Mornings.

A shower thought I had shortly after joining the Better Business Bureau of Northeast California, Marketing Mornings is a monthly hybrid networking and workshop event We welcome Accredited and Non-Accredited Businesses to talk in person or virtually about their business and marketing pain points We ask everyone to share their ideas and collaborate on ways each other can promote their business. Now in its second year, this monthly 90-minute session tends to be filled to the brim with good conversation, laughs, and valuable tips to fill your marketing toolbox.

A love letter to Marketing Mornings from Celia Surridge, Marketing & Communications Director at BBB
Social media is hard, and yes, video content is necessary

In the realm of social media, video content has become an undeniable force. Consumers prefer to watch their content and don’t want to be “marketed at.” Your audience wants to feel like you’re a friend sharing organically within their social feeds. Of course, keeping up with creating video content, let alone the rapid pace of changing trends, can be a deal breaker for businesses trying to reach more clients.


Investing wisely with a growth marketing mindset 1

Some of the suggestions shared at Marketing Mornings include timelapse videos, before-and-after snippets, or simply asking customers to provide video testimonials. Yes, you do need to create a video for your business, but no, you do not need to make it perfect or spend a lot of time on it You just have to get it out there.

It is so easy to buy everything. Five different marketers will swear by five different programs to help you get more customers, and all of them come with price tags. But here’s the thing: You can’t invest your time and money into all of them. You have to choose wisely and adopt a growth marketing mindset in your decision-making.

Growth marketing, if you are not familiar, focuses on building customer relationships that last by fostering loyalty over time. You’re looking at the wider picture, and you’re making strategic decisions that provide a net positive on all fronts That means understanding your audience, setting clear objectives, and continuously analyzing data allowing you to allocate your marketing resources more effectively to achieve meaningful outcomes

Relationship marketing should not be forgotten 3

One recurring theme, which can often be forgotten, has been the undeniable importance of relationship marketing. In an increasingly digital world, building and nurturing genuine connections with customers is paramount. Consumers want personalized experiences with businesses they trust. They want to engage in meaningful conversations and they want to feel like they have contributed to the success of the brand they are loyal to.

By prioritizing relationship building, businesses can cultivate a loyal customer base, generate positive word-of-mouth, and differentiate themselves from competitors While yes, we have talked about various relationship marketing strategies, such as customer loyalty programs, personalized email campaigns, and social media engagement tactics, we have also talked about the value of chambers, local networking events, and connecting with your business community on a personal level. These strategies help to build long-lasting relationships that will bring business for years to come

My cup is full after each Marketing Morning. I leave eager to hear everyone’s progress and updates the following month, and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way about our monthly meeting By implementing even just a fraction of what we talk about during these short 90-minutes we have together each month, our attendees have seen their audiences grow, landed bigger sales, and reached new levels within their business. Best of all, our participants know that if they run into a problem, they can bring it to the table for everyone to help solve the following month.

So, will I have the pleasure of seeing you next month?
up for the next Marketing Mornings Join Celia Surridge, Marketing & Communications Director, for an informal discussion about all things marketing!
every month at 8:30AM
Tuesday H O W W E S U P P O R T O U R A C C R E D I T E D B U S I N E S S E S
Starting a new business? B B B ® R E S O U R C E S BBB.org/NewBiz BBB can help with everything from how to get funding, to creating a business plan, to paying your taxes.


BBB* Accredited Businesses are committed to operating with integrity, honoring promises, and telling the truth Makes you wonder why all businesses aren’t BBB Accredited?

Always look for the BBB Accredited Business Seal, because it’s looking out for you. That’s why it’s The Sign of a Better Business* .

Find a Better Business anytime at BBB.org.

Find a Better Business Become a Better Business

*Trademark(s) of the International Association of Better Business Bureaus used under license
10399 Old Placerville Rd., Sacramento, CA 95827 #BBBSacramento | BBB org/Sacramento Better Business Bureau® Serving Sacramento & Northeast California
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