Go & Make Issue #4 (Feb. 2014)

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the vision of this training and discipleship center for pastors and leaders. Plans also include St. Luke’s High School as well as vocational training to help improve the quality of life in Sudan. The Mission Gardens of Christ is an important part of the vision of Beyond884.

LETTER FROM THE LEAD Dear Bay Area family, Every generation has giants of the faith. One of today’s is Stephen Mathiang. Born on a different continent in horrific circumstances, his childhood was marred by civil war, death, and suffering in Sudan. In 1983, having lost everything, he fled to Ethiopia with thousands of Lost Boys. What awaited Stephen was life in a refugee camp. In 1991 a hostile coup forced an exodus back into war-torn Sudan. At that time, Daystar University in Nairobi offered one full scholarship for a Sudanese student. Stephen was selected. Leaving his new wife and extended family during a time of war was excruciating. Over the next few years, Stephen would get degrees in theology, business, and leadership. Shortly thereafter he founded “Church and Development,” a nonprofit designed to rebuild South Sudan physically and spiritually. In 2006 Bay Area locked arms with Stephen to help build Memorial Christian Hospital in Werkok, Sudan. Since 2008, with our support and guidance, we’ve worked closely with Stephen in launching the Mission Gardens of Christ. At great personal sacrifice Stephen has been laboring toward

On December 9 of this year Stephen suffered a severe illness that almost took his life. Shortly thereafter, on December 15, fighting erupted in the capitol of South Sudan resulting in over one thousand deaths. During this civil war, the Mission Gardens of Christ, MGC, was looted and much was destroyed. The nine MGC staff and families scattered for shelter. Sadly, Stephen’s right-hand person, Abraham Achiek, was killed, leaving a young wife and 4 small children behind. As a church, we will continue to faithfully pray and support Pastor Stephen and the work of the Mission Gardens of Christ. Through it all, Stephen has discipled me in how to trust in God. I am changed because of Stephen and I hope his life will impact you as well. Here are a few excerpts from his recent emails: “What I don’t know yet is how to explain my personal events in life – the delaying of my family in Nairobi due to lack of accommodation in Bor, the stealing of my things in the MGC office, my immediate and unusual sickness, the eruption of civil conflict in South Sudan and eventual plundering

of the MGC…but as far as there is still day and night, as far as there is still birth and death, as far as there is still someone to mourn and someone to comfort, and as far as there is still Old Year and New Year, there is still hope and future. The Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent God is still in control. As far as we live in this world, there will still be bad days and good days until the King of kings and the Lord of lords ushers in a new era in which God will wipe every tear from His people’s eyes.” “Neither the worst nor the best lasts longer under the sun; hence, I strongly believe that the current worst condition in South Sudan will never last longer.” “Though the end of this year looks quite very tragic and devastating to my family in particular and South Sudanese in general, the undeniable fact is that the Omnipresent, Omniscience and Omnipotent God is still in full control of our situation as well as His entire world. It is my prayer that He will bring us, plus all other global suffering people, as well as those rejoicing now, into a new year 2014 of new hope and prosperity, for he says: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future’ (Jer.29:11).” It’s a huge gift of God for us as a church to be locking arms with a man of faith like Pastor Stephen. Through people like him, we remember that we are one global family looking to reach the world for Christ.

Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.

MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR IN CHIEF Josh Shirlen MANAGING EDITOR Arianne Teeple ART Josh Burgin Josh Shirlen CONTRIBUTORS Deb Shipley / Ed Kelley Greg St. Cyr / Jocelyn Rimbey Meredith Thompson Micah Pringle Pat Linnell Ron Dutton

Cover photo of Sarah and Jorge Solorzano by Josh Shirlen.

ELDERS John Battan Dennis Brady Tom Dalpini Tim Dotson Peter Godfrey Tim Grossman Rich Heath Roger Ishii Brian Mallare David McPeak Bill Smith Greg St. Cyr John Taylor J Upton

BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Missional Community Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Casely Essamuah, Global Missions Pastor – casely.essamuah@bayareacc.org Ed Kelley, Executive Pastor – ed.kelley@bayareacc.org Gail Wiles, Children’s Ministry Director – gail.wiles@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – janet.graves@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Rimbey, Connecting Director – jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, Gathering Team Leader – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Lynn Dutton, Financial Administrator – lynn.dutton@bayareacc.org Micah Pringle, Worship Leader – micah.pringle@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org Ron Dutton, Operations Director – ron.dutton@bayareacc.org Tres Cozad, Technical Director – tres.cozad@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all BACC staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership

Book:​ Carpe Diem Author: Tony Campolo There are many authors and speakers that I truly enjoy. One of my absolute favorites is Mr. Campolo. He was an unabashed liberal sociology professor at Eastern University (now retired). He comes from a Baptist background (American Baptist) and is quite prolific in speaking and writing, mainly from his selfdescribed Evangelical Left-Wing Progressive position. Carpe Diem is about living life to the fullest. It is full of anecdote and humor. It’s also quite profound in that it challenges the reader to make their life count for something more than making money, acquiring “stuff,” or obtaining fame. Mr. Campolo argues that life is for the person who is “aware” of the world around him/her and engages this world with passion. He says that God speaks everywhere and we should be alert for when He speaks! One of the stories in the book is when he’s at a college and has just done a speech after which he typically takes Q and A. One question was about what it means to “be aware in life.” Campolo asked the questioner, “How long have you truly lived?” The kid said, 22 years...he then corrects the kid and says “no, that’s how long you’ve been alive...I want to know how long have you TRULY lived” and then he shares when he was 12 he was taken to the top of the Empire State Building and as he looked out on the immensity of the world, he “started to truly live” in that moment! He says that moment impressed on him the idea that life is to be lived one moment at a time and not to be squandered on the boring, bland, or lazy motifs quite often found in our society. The kid redid his answer and said, “perhaps two or three minutes.” Mr. C. then explains how those few minutes can be expanded so that at the end of life, one can look back and say “I truly lived life as God intended it.” You’ll have to read it, it’s quite a powerful story. Now, just so you know, I rarely agree with Mr. C. on almost anything (politics, theology, world views, etc.) However, I have been to a dozen of his speaking engagements, sat next to his wife in a forum on “Is Jesus a Democrat or Republican” (which is another of his books), and watched him literally scream at people and their “idiotic” ideas (mainly at conservatives!). He’s passionate, entertaining, thought provoking and a very intelligent liberal voice in the Church. I believe he is sincere and quite often sincerely wrong. But that doesn’t stop me. Often, I learn more when I read people at the opposite side of the spectrum from me. I won’t read heretics but honest, sincere, difference of opinions... all day long. Carpe Diem is a TERRIFIC book and quite moving, although some chapter’s can be a little “out there.” Check it out. Remember, all reading is to be done with 1 Thess. 5:21-22 in mind: “Test Everything, Hold on to the Good, Avoid every kind of Evil.” Enjoy. Ed Kelley Executive Pastor

MICAH’S MIX The music that I’ve been listening to lately has been largely influenced by two themes: Winter, and Rest. After a busy Christmas season, two things that stand out to me is the reality that it’s cold outside (duh) and that sometimes the best thing I can do is take a moment to decompress and just rest in solitude. So these two albums are ones that seem to carry those themes, and really fill me up when I listen to them! by: Micah Pringle (BACC Worship Leader)

Hillsong “Zion Acoustic Sessions”

I know, I know… we already recently featured their vamped up electronic version of this album! But this acoustic rendering of the same set of songs is just too good to pass up. These songs take on such fresh, vulnerable life and leave you feeling like you’re sitting right there in the room with them as they worship. I promise you’ll be blessed by it!

Olafur Arnalds “For Now I Am Winter”

Olafur Arnalds is considered a neoclassical composer. He infuses electric instrumentation with beautiful original arrangements. I find his music is perfect scoring for when I’m at home on a chilly cloudy day. It’s paradoxically sad and hopeful all at once.

emember that this is their life, ”

said Denny Byrne, Deacon Chairman at Bay Area Community Church, when asked about the best advice he was ever given. Imagine not knowing how you’re going to clothe your children come winter, or get gas to make it to your job interview on Monday. For those of us who aren’t often in need, it’s hard to understand that sometimes people don’t have a next meal. Caring for the needy, poor, sick and suffering in the church family at Bay Area is the core function and responsibility of the Deacons, who oversee the church’s benevolence fund and assist pastors and staff in practical service ministries where needed. Bay Area found the command to appoint Deacons in Scripture. This instruction relieves the Elder’s of tasks that would distract them from their responsibilities: “So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:2-4

Individuals in need typically connect to Bay Area’s Care Network, a ministry that assists those contacting the church for help in all areas of life. Leanne Lane, Care Network Director, meets with individuals confidentially to discern their circumstances, then connects them with a variety of resources inside and outside of the church in the form of Care Coaches, Missional Communities, financial assistance options, Celebrate Recovery, Christian counselors or an agency or program in the community. When a member of the church family – whether a ministry partner, regular attendee, infrequent attendee, staff member or individual with a connection to Bay Area - is in need of financial assistance, they are often referred to the Deacons.


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is the Deacons’ primary focus. Practically speaking, the Deacons help those experiencing financial hardship, but Mr. Byrne noted they become so much more. “We can reach out to them in a very real and tangible way and let them know that God hasn’t forgotten about them and that the church body is there for them and to support them in the best way that we can.”

As a whole, the community of Deacons, or Deaconate, is a varied group of men coming from different backgrounds, ages and talents. Denny Byrne highlighted the thread that ties them together is that they all have big hearts to serve. This commonality has led to confusion as to what the specific role of a Deacon is at Bay Area Community Church. “Being a Deacon isn’t about primarily hands-on church maintenance-type duties,” Denny clarified. On any given Sunday, or throughout the week, many of the Deacons can be found serving in the parking and chair ministries, leading Missional Communities, ushering, providing security, teaching English as a second language and supporting other ministries. However, serving in these roles is not a requirement for being a deacon. “The requirement is having a heart to serve,” Byrne said. “It just so happens that sometimes that is the way it expresses itself.” In 1 Timothy 3:8-13 the qualifications of a Deacon are outlined: “Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things. Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well. For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.” Defined as an act of kindness, or a generous gift, “benevolence”

While assisting with financial hardships is a central concentration of the Deacons, they help in numerous other areas. This community of men, with a range of skills, also aid the pastors and staff in other areas where needed. The Deacons also meet once a month to confidentially review individual situations, manage the financial resources they are granted and seek God’s hand in everything to learn how to best serve the church family at Bay Area. In all those situations, a primary emphasis is to always point people to Christ. With Bay Area’s continued growth, Denny Byrne noted there is more work to do, as with increase comes more individuals in need of care. To fill that need, his hope is that individuals would be willing to step forward and learn more about becoming a Deacon. He sees the potential every Sunday: men with skills, talents, resources and a heart to serve within the walls of Bay Area. “It’s tremendously gratifying service … knowing that you can touch people’s lives and help,” Denny Byrne said of serving as a Deacon.

DEACON NOMINATION If you are interested in nominating someone to be a Deacon, download a nomination form at: www.bayareacc.org/leadership/ under the Deacon section Email deb.shipley@bayareacc.org for more information. To learn more about the services and assistance available through the Care Network, go to: www.bayareacc.org/carenetwork


Over a year ago gave the vision for Beyond884: Room for People. With the growing numbers of people Jesus was bringing to Bay Area, His heart for the unborn, our commitment to plant churches, the pressing needs in Sudan and India, and our long-term goal of being debt free, God birthed a vision of Beyond884. As of January 10, the Lord has led 599 households to pledge $4,529,251! To all who are giving, especially to those who have recently joined the cause, Thank You! As the number of individuals participating continues to increase, we are seeing the vision become a reality. By God’s grace, we continue to work with the architect, builder, and county, and hope to break ground on the chapel and children’s wing in the coming weeks! Please continue to pray and give. Oswald Chambers, in My Utmost for His Highest, writes, “We always have a vision of something before it actually becomes real to us…God gives us a vision, and then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of that vision. It is in the valley that so many of us give up and faint. Every God-given vision will become real if we will only have patience…The vision that God gives is not some unattainable castle in the sky, but a vision of what God wants you to be down here. Allow the Potter to put you on His wheel and whirl you around as He desires.” God is getting us in shape for the fulfillment of His vision. Getting in shape means becoming clay in the Potter’s hand, allowing Him to shape us more into the likeness of Jesus. As we become more like Him, He will fulfill His vision of Beyond884, for now we have become a people prepared for the vision. Let’s continue to pray, give, and believe God for the vision of Beyond884…but more importantly, let’s continue to allow Jesus to “batter us into shape of that vision” so God can entrust us with it. For more information about how to join the cause of Beyond884, visit www.beyond884.com or stop by the Beyond884 kiosk on Sunday mornings.


ON MISSIONAL COMMUNITY Manuel & Laura Baerga By: Meredith Thompson

They met one woman working at the gas station on the corner of Crownsville Road and General’s Highway. Then they met a couple guys working at a local car wash, a few more people on the streets of Annapolis, and others yet in apartments off Hilltop Lane. Wherever Manuel and Laura Baerga go, they are intentional about reaching the county’s Hispanic community with the message of Jesus Christ, and to that end, inviting them to Bay Area Community Church and their Missional Community. “When we first came to Bay Area, there were no Hispanics coming,” Manuel recalled. “Our first objective was to identify some Hispanics that might come who we could invite to church and the Missional Community, so we began to pray and talk to people and just meet them on the streets, where they worked … And just like that, being in the community, I met these people and we started the Missional Community in March of last year.” Likewise, as an interpreter for Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Laura made her workplace her mission field. “I saw an opportunity talking to one of the parents in a teachers’ meeting – she looked very open, very friendly, so I gave her a card for the church and told her, ‘Hey, give us a call, it’s a great church,’” she recounted. “To my surprise, two or three weeks after that she called me one morning asking for directions to the church. She and her husband and kids are part of the Missional Community now, and the church, of course.” Over the last 11 months, the Baergas’ MC – which has grown from five to nearly 20 members – has gone back to the basics: While many participants attended church in the past, Manuel explained they knew little of what the Bible contained. Starting in the book of John and progressing through Acts, he and Laura have introduced them to the gospel and the basics of being Christ-followers. “The good thing is that all these people we have met were not

going to church, they were not Christians and they did not own a Bible, so it’s incredible how every one of them has become a new Christian,” Manuel highlighted. Comprised largely of young couples with children who share a first language and love for God, the group, Laura noted, represents numerous countries including Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Peru and other nations. “We speak the same language but there are different cultures, different types of food, so when we come together, it’s a lot of fun,” she said, smiling. Collectively, the members of the Baergas’ Missional Community have become a family that takes care of each other and reaches out to fellow Hispanics around them. They have supported each other through the joys of weddings and the trials of losing loved ones, and have held outreach events to bring the message and love of Jesus Christ into their communities. This past fall, they hosted a festival complete with a cookout, face-painting, music and activities for children in a predominately Hispanic community. During the holiday season, the MC partnered with the Bay Area body to adopt and provide dinners for five families for Thanksgiving, as well as gifts for 10 families at Christmas, inviting all to become part of BACC and their Missional Community. This summer, Manuel hopes to continue their ministry in the same community, targeting a younger audience. “We noticed there’s a lot of kids in these apartment buildings, so we are planning with other Missional Communities that speak English that want to do an outreach to go on a Saturday morning and try to minister to these kids,” he expounded. “We want to put something together to teach them the gospel right there in their community.” Laura added, “When you reach the kids, the parents come eventually, wanting to know what their kids are learning or doing, so that gives us the opportunity also to minister to them.” While 2013 brought great growth, Manuel envisions 2014 will be a year of replication: He hopes to see three Hispanic Missional Communities thriving by the end of the year, and is already raising up leaders to launch a second group. He explained they are also training their fellow MC members to go out into the community to engage people and learn about their needs and to host outreaches. “We know that even though they have needs, the biggest treasure we can give them is to get them to know Jesus Christ,” Manuel summed. Bay Area Community Church offers Spanish translation during each gathering on Sunday mornings. For more information about the Hispanic Missional Community, Spanish translation on Sunday mornings or other upcoming outreach opportunities to the Hispanic community contact Manuel and Laura Baerga directly at manuel. baerga@bayareacc.org or 410-897-2374.

Bay Area’s Marriage Ministry From the world’s perspective, the Christners’ marriage had reached its end, but from God’s vantage point, it was on the brink of resurrection. Nearly a decade ago, as struggles drove them toward divorce, Todd and Kim each decided independently of the other to turn to God for help. In their individual quests for healing, He drew them back together and breathed new life into their marriage. “Had we known some of the information [about marriage we learned through the healing process] before we got married, we either wouldn’t have gotten married, or wouldn’t have run into this cliff,” Todd reflected. “So our hearts were led toward wanting to share what we’d learned from this negative experience and then from what God taught us in the process, that it would be useful information for couples so they didn’t have to experience the same kind of pain we did.” And to that end - after a couple years of participating in counseling, Bible studies and whatever they could to draw closer to God in their relationship - Todd and his bride got involved as leaders in Bay Area Community Church’s Marriage Ministry. Under the umbrella of the Care Network, directed by Leanne Lane, BACC’s Marriage Ministry encompasses everything from premarital counseling to classes and enrichment events for couples. Throughout each year, the ministry offers fall and spring Learning Communities on Sunday mornings, The Art of Marriage two-day conference during summertime and a latewinter Great Date Night. Open to couples wed and unwed, this year’s Great Date Night is slated for March 22 and will feature a husband-wife comedy duo. A second offering of the Thrive in Marriage Learning Community, which met great success this past fall with 22 couples participating, will run Sundays from April 6 through May 11. Through a curriculum drafted by the Christners and fellow Marriage Ministry leaders, Thrive will examine elements of marriage including communication, love, intimacy and money through the lens of three basic inquiries: What does the world say, what does God say, and why should I care? In August, Family Life Ministries’ The Art of Marriage conference will delve into the foundational elements of Biblical marriage, followed by a second Learning Community the fall. Several years ago, the Christners began to serve as premarital mentors, ultimately overseeing the program and it’s eight couples who shepherd men and women considering an exchange of vows. Kim explains that the Premarital Ministry is for anyone who is considering marriage. It aims to provide couples with an understanding of the biblical foundation of marriage and mentorship through the process of beginning a marriage. Mentor couples assist Bay Area’s pastors in discerning whether or not they should officiate a wedding based on the relationships they develop with prospective newlyweds during a 12-week session in which they discuss the Biblical roles of men and women, issues that frequently cause contention such as intimacy and money, and other important topics.

Todd noted the Marriage Ministry is always seeking more mentor couples, as they also offer a Come Alongside program for already married couples seeking to improve their relationships through Biblical training. The program is one he hopes will experience substantial growth throughout 2014. Likening ongoing investment in marriage beyond the altar to exercise, Todd illustrated you can go to the gym and get in shape, but if you don’t continue to work out you’ll get out of shape. In the same way, he said, if couples don’t spend time with God and other believers and put dedicated effort into their marriages, they can be worn down by the world’s views on marriage and struggle to weather life’s storms. Leanne expressed her overall desire is for the Marriage Ministry to be a conduit for Bay Area couples and families to leave a legacy of keeping God first for their children and generations to come. “My greatest hope is that people will come before it’s too late, before things are too rough where they just want to give up,” she said, “and that there would be such a group of mentor couples here willing to walk in the muck with everybody that people will come, they won’t be ashamed, and they’ll believe God has us in this together.” For more information about the Marriage Ministry contact premarital.ministry@ b a y a r e a c c . o r g

by Meredith Thompson



ore than four decades after he first laid eyes on her, Ron Dutton can still recall exactly how his future bride looked as he peered out his second-story window awaiting the blind date his roommate had arranged for their double-date dinner that fateful night. And 45 years later, Lynn Dutton hasn’t been able to forget the Music Man suit her college-aged suitor donned on their first outing in 1969. But what sold Lynn on her fashionably inept husband-to-be,

she recounted to his dismay, was knowing from day one that he would always keep her laughing. “The two guys left the tip in penny rolls at the restaurant, and this was a nice restaurant,” she said, chuckling. “How we never noticed that their pockets were weighed down with penny rolls, we’ll never know.” “I gave the full 20 percent tip!” Ron contended. “It was just in penny rolls.” Forty-two years into their marriage, and still laughing together, the Duttons – now parents to adult children Jeff and Ann and grandparents to Ellianna and Ryan, who

consume their every spare moment have learned much throughout their triune journey with God. The couple spent their early years of matrimony in Pennsylvania while Ron worked for Bethlehem Steel, and when he was transferred to the company’s Baltimore location in 1993, they made their home in Anne Arundel County. A coworker told Ron about a new church that at the time met at Broadneck High School, and the Duttons have missed few Sundays at Bay Area ever since. Lynn came on staff with the church


“Acknowledge when you’re wrong… and don’t be afraid to say ‘I’m sorry’”

“Pray for one another – I can feel it when he prays for me

throughout the day,” “And don’t forget to laugh!”

“I gave the full 20 percent tip!” Ron contended. “It was just in penny rolls.”

as a part-time receptionist in 1995, and as BACC’s needs grew she expanded her job description to include everything from creating the bulletins to managing the slides – the old-school ones with a slide tray and projector – on Sunday mornings. She’d eventually oversee the financial department. Today she serves as full-time financial administrator. After leading for six years each in the roles of Deacon and Elder, Ron had become intimately familiar with Bay Area’s financial and internal operations, and employed his expertise part-

time with the church throughout the interim before an executive pastor was brought on. “God’s hand is clearly evident in all the details. I had been working for Bethlehem Steel for about 40 years and in 2009 it was downsized,” the lifelong engineer explained about the timing of his transition. “At the same time, a need arose at the church for help in the finance area; that’s just how God in our experience has worked to be our provider, at the right time bringing about the right circumstances for His purposes and to honor Him.”

In March 2013 Ron became Bay Area’s full-time operations director, exercising oversight in the financial, HR, facilities and IT realms. While just the thought of both living and working together might land some husbandwife duos in marriage counseling, the Duttons count spending their 24/7s together a blessing. “Conventional wisdom says you should leave your job at the job, and when you’re home it’s home time, but since we both work together and in the same areas generally, it’s worked out very well for us,” Ron highlighted, adding with a laugh that he never has to go through the step of making an appointment to see the financial administrator. The unique arrangement also permits them to work late hours together and tend to business while grocery shopping or enjoying a cup of coffee. “It’s a good system,” he added. “[Bay Area] is our life, our family, our home, so whether we’re here real late or at home down the road it’s part of what God has called us to do.” Whether working at home or at The 884, the Duttons’ desires for their devotion to Bay Area remain the same: to be excellent stewards of what God has provided and to remain accountable to the church body for how they steward those resources. As much of what they do isn’t readily visible on Sunday mornings but happens in the background, Ron and Lynn also have a heart to serve other Bay Area ministries in a way that optimizes their ability to function, through their accuracy and attention to detail. Throughout a near half-century together, the Duttons have learned much about God’s heart for marriage. Reflecting Christ and His bride, the church, to the best of their abilities, they have learned to forgive, to humble themselves for the other’s benefit, to grow in Christlikeness through their differences, and to seek God in disagreements. “We started off when we got married realizing that this is it – we are married to one another ‘til death do us part; that divorce is not an option Biblically; and that each of us is a gift from God to each other, perfectly provided for one another, and there is no one else who is better,” Ron said, smiling at Lynn.

by Pat Linnell

I should have brought sunscreen. Well even if I had, I probably would have forgotten to put any on. It was my first trip to Ocean City, MD. I was a teenager and hanging out with my cool Uncle Tim, who was so cool he probably never had to wear sunscreen. We spent all day at the beach not once thinking about shade, SPF shirts, or girly lotions. We were men, real men who would soon experience sun poisoning and the inability to shower because of blistering skin. Totally worth it. That one day on the beach was one of my best vacation memories ever. Since then I have been chasing those epic vacation memories. Of course now this pursuit includes a wife, four small children, and a dog. Gone are the days of hopping in a car and heading east with a full tank of gas, flip flops, and a box of Tastykakes. Vacations these days require packing for a small army, a plan of attack, a back up plan, an escape route, toilets in the car, and lots and lots of sunblock. Between the sun shirts, sun hats, beach tents, sprays, lotions, and face sticks, you would think the Linnell children were allergic to sunlight. We all do whatever it takes to make the most out of our yearly breaks. Whether you have a small army in tow or it’s just you and a book, vacations are a time to take a break from normal life and make memories, even if that memory is sleeping in and enjoying time off work. Most of us will enjoy a typical American vacation or two this year. We will find our way to a beach, a boardwalk, an amusement park, a city or a small town. And some of us just might stumble upon some great memories. But what if you spent your vacation a little differently this year? What if you did something totally unexpected, but ended up making some of your best memories ever? Here is what I’m proposing: what if you traded in the typical vacation for a week spent serving God and other people in need? What if you traded a week of your vacation on a global mission trip? It would be a vacation you’d never forget. Think about it -- exotic destinations, rich cross-cultural experiences, authentic foods, real adventure and life changing work. The only thing missing is the opportunity to buy a timeshare. I know. It sounds like a pipe dream. You think those kinds of experiences are for “super spiritual” people with big Bibles who emerge glowing from some mysterious prayer closet with a calling to do missionary work in foreign lands. Hold up. In reality, these kinds of experiences are for regular people who want to make the best kind of memories by helping a few people get to know Jesus a little bit better. It just so happens that these people are thousands of miles away. And the travel, dining, lodging, and

different culture make this an adventure. God calls his people to these kinds of faith-stretching adventures, and at Bay Area Community Church, we take the nations seriously. Last words are lasting words and some of Jesus’ last words to us recorded in Scripture are that we are to “go make disciples of all the nations.” He provides the power we will need as we venture out to “the remotest part of the earth.” With this charge and this promise we are willing to share the love and hope of Jesus with people anywhere. My wife, Kristen, and I have made some great memories helping people all over the world. Every trip has been different, each with its own personality. But all the teams sent by BACC have a common goal: to bless, encourage, and serve. With this attitude, we are used by God to breathe a fresh wind into the sails of churches, ministries, families, and individuals. Yet without fail it seems like we are the ones receiving the blessing. We are the ones who have changed. We come back with new epic memories. A few years ago Peter Godfrey, a husband and father of three here at Bay Area, traded a vacation to spend a week serving a ministry in Malaysia with his family. Listen to what they told me about that trip: “One evening our family took responsibility for serving a meal and presenting the gospel at a ‘soup kitchen.’ The audience was primarily Chinese but we had an interpreter. We decided to get the whole family involved by acting out the story of the prodigal son. The interpretation was difficult so it was decided that they would read it from the Chinese bible while we acted it out. (We don’t know Chinese so it turned out to be quite funny and the audience was warmed up!) After the ‘family show,’ Dad was able to present the gospel with the interpreter. It was an experience we still laugh about today.” I can assure you that the Godfrey’s would not have made that funny, slightly embarrassing, eternally impactful memory playing putt-putt at the beach, which is likely to be over crowded anyway – and you know there is nothing worse than waiting in line at putt-putt. There is just something amazing about seeing your loved ones step out in faith to serve and share Jesus. These experiences forge deeper bonds in your family and produce much fruit in the family of God. So here’s the challenge: make the trade. Trade in one of your vacation weeks this year for a short-term mission trip. If you make the trade this year, like the Godfrey’s did, you will probably find that something bigger is happening www.bayareacc.org/stm in your

We asked ministry liaisons three questions to help you better understand their short term mission opportunities:

life than your pursuit of great experiences. Look, Jesus is building his church all over the world, and when we make the trade, we get to see first-hand the global work of the Creator ushering people into His kingdom. We get to be swept up in the borderless love of God’s redemptive story for the world. We get to be written into a story of others lives who will, for the first time, come to understand the hope of 1. Briefly describe the spiritual and physical needs of the people eternal life and the joy of God’s salvation in Christ. you minister to. This year, when school is out, the beaches 2. What is the goal of short term are open, and the sun is shining – you’ll be missionaries when they visit you? packing a bag for your trip. Your plans el salvador will have been made, with all the 3. What types of ministry can people preparations in place. Your family will expect while serving with your ministry? be excited about the adventure you are about to have. Heck, you might Sarah Meehaneven be stocked up on sunblock. de Solorzano And the lasting epic vacation memories you will make may depend on whether 1. In the Guayabo Community, you are willing to make poland the physical needs are basic, like the trade. drinking water, clothes, food, etc. We are training the children in the Bible, feeding them nutritious meals, provding medical and dental care, tutoring them so they can do well in school and eventuTomek Otremba ally get jobs, planning vocational workshops for the parents to be 1. The people of Poland think of able to have steady incomes, and God in terms of a Sunday ritual. planting a church. God and life do not mix well. You ghana give God what He wants and live 2. The goal when missionaries your life the way you want it. come to visit us is primarily That is why the people of Poland evangelism and discipleship. need to see that Jesus IS life and Mission groups serve in different that Christianity is a lifestyle. areas such as serving the poor One of the best ways they can see at our Children’s Center, doing Kwame Adu that is by watching other followevangelistic outreaches to college ers of Christ live their lives: the students, or teaching seminars to way they talk, interact, resolve 1. The people we minister to tend our church leaders. conflict, value the things of God, to be open to a variety of prevaetc. They need to see that God can lent ungodly and worldly philosbe enjoyed and they need to see ophies that often undermine the 3. We have several different that it is all by grace and not my authority of Scripture and quesmission projects for 2014. They our own works. tion it’s relevance. There is an abare the following: Children’s Desence of sound biblical teaching velopment Center, Youth and Colleading to large sections of people lege Students Outreach, and Med2. In most cases the goal of a inside and outside of the church ical and Dental Teams Project. short term missionary is to show who are biblically illiterate. The mission teams teach children with his/her own life that Jesus is through Bible classes, skits or the giver of life’s meaning and joy VBS programs, cook meals, do and peace and purpose. Specifi2. We work with Scripture construction work, and share cally in involves being friendly, Union to bring children, youth the gospel on house visits in the outgoing, helpful, caring, prayerand families into meaningful life Guayabo Community. The Youth ful, humble, servant-minded, etc. experience with Jesus Christ. and College Students Outreach, while being ready to share the we do seminars on campus and gospel is simple, down-to-earth spiritual surveys, then evangelis3. We do evangelistic and comterms. tic pizza or pupusa parties where munity development ministry. we share the gospel, testimonies, Evangelism is done through the 3. At this point doing English and play fun games. For the sharing of the Gospel in personLanguage Evangelistic Camps has Medical and Dental teams, docal testimony and Bible study. been proven very effective. It is a tors and dentists do medical and Community development is done one week family camp filled with dental campaigns at our Center through various medical misnumerous activities involving and in local communities. sions including AIDS prevention fun, conversations, English lesseminars. sons and relationship building.



Over sixty high school students attended Bay Area Student Ministry’s annual Christmas All-Nighter held on Friday, December 20, 2013. The event began at BACC with several fun games, an ugly sweater contest, gingerbread house contest, snacks, etc. Students then boarded buses and headed out to three different stops that covered a ten hour span including: Greenway Bowling in Odenton, MD, LifeTime Fitness in Columbia, MD (rock wall, dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, indoor swimming pool); and what has become a BASM all-nighter tradition - an early morning breakfast at Double T Diner in Annapolis at 5:30 a.m. The event ended back at BACC at 8 a.m. Saturday morning with a very tired, but well-bonded group of students. We only do this once per year, but it’s so worth it!


This Christmas season, Bay Area Student Ministry’s High School students partnered with the Walk the Walk Foundation, a ministry that works to be the hands and feet of Jesus and provide Christmas to needy families. This year, we had the honor to host a gift distribution and help hand out Christmas gifts to about 30 families in the Annapolis area. Bay Area students along with Walk the Walk, helped make a special evening for these families by providing games, Christmas cookies, and crafts for the children to enjoy before giving them their Christmas gifts. It was such a great opportunity for the students of Bay Area, along with Walk the Walk, to serve those in our area that are less fortunate.

FINANCIALS Operating Budget Financial Update December 31, 2013 Please note that all undesignated donations go toward the operating budget.

New Fiscal Year began September 1, 2013


Fiscal Year Giving Goal

$ 3,503,500

YTD Giving Goal YTD Received YTD Actual vs. Goal MTD Giving Goal (DEC) MTD Received (DEC)

$ 1,294,307 $ 1,300,616 0.5% Ahead $ 6,309 $ 502,814 $ 436,408

Building Debt Status as of December 31, 2013 Balance Due $ 2,053,313 Fiscal YTD Donations $ 23,450 For more detailed financial updates, please visit us online at www.bayareacc.org/financials

BAPTISM Wo u l d y o u l i ke t o b e b a p t i z e d ? • K-5th contact: gail.wiles@bayareacc.org • 6-12th contact: brent.squires@bayareacc.org • Adults: Join us for a group baptism class on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Our next class is February 16th @ 9:30 a.m. in the front office. For more info, contact arianne.teeple@bayareacc.org

How Do I Support Beyond884: Room For People? Preferred Methods (no fees charged) Direct Debit: Go to www.beyond884.com/give to download the form. Mail completed form to BACC Finance Department and we will debit your checking account directly each month. Personal Check: Write “Beyond884” on the memo line and drop it in the offering basket on Sunday or mail it to BACC (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Bank Check: Process through your bank’s Bill Pay service online for a bank check to be sent to BACC. Be sure to note “Beyond 884” on the memo line. If you would like your Building Fund donations to go toward Existing Debt, please write in your check memo “One & Only Life”. All other Building Fund donations will go toward “Beyond884”.


C O N N ECT If you’re new or just have a question, we’d love to meet you and help you get plugged in. Look for a member of our connect team in a blue shirt in the lobby after each Sunday gathering or visit us online at bayareacc.org/waystoconnect

Did you know BACC has an entire ministry devoted to praying? The BACC Prayer Ministry is made up of teams of people who gather and pray. Teams are devoted to praying for the church worship gatherings, the pastors, our missional efforts and missionaries, the ministries of the church, those who are sick or saddened by grief and those who are wrestling with life’s struggles. The Prayer Ministry provides an opportunity for us to gather together and share our hearts with our Father who loves us. Let’s pray together. The prayer room is located on the second floor of BACC. For more information about prayer or the teams, go online to www.bayareacc.org/prayer or contact Penny Flora at sweetpflora@aol.com or 410.766.0445

LEARNING COMMUNITIES Get to know others at BACC on Sunday mornings in an environment of learning and interaction. Below is a list of the latest Learning Communities. To register go to www. bayareacc.org/learningcommunities and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Starting Point: Are you considering believing in the person and work of Jesus? Are you just starting out on your faith journey? Do you have questions about God, the Bible, and how we know it is all real? Then Starting Point is a great place to begin and get your questions answered. Join leaders Doug Cress and Marcus Wiles on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., January 19th - March 23rd. The Life of Christ: Take an in depth look into the man who was God as the plan of salvation for the world unfolds in the person and work of Jesus. Join leader Bill Plenge on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., January 19th - May 25th. The Old Testament: What in the world is going on in the Old Testament? How does it all fit together and ultimately point to Jesus? Come learn how to put the puzzle of the Old Testament together. Join leader Dan Dooney on Sundays at 11 a.m., January 26th - March 30th. World’s Colliding: How does your faith stand against other competing worldviews out there? What happens when you encounter professors, philosophers, or other “experts” that seek to dismantle your faith in Jesus? Come get grounded to stand firm when these worldviews collide. Join leader Executive Pastor Ed Kelley on Sundays at 11 a.m., February 2nd - April 6th. Removing Roadblocks to Faith: Thomas doubted, Jesus answered his doubts. Come and learn how to deal with doubts about God, the Bible, Jesus, salvation, and that Truth even exists or can be known. Also learn how to share hope with your friends who have doubts. Join leaders David & Betsy McPeak on Sundays at 8 a.m., February 2nd - March 9th. For more information, dates and times, contact Trevin at trevin.hoekzema@bayareacc.org

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY FAMILY ICE SKATE: Join us for open skate February 16th from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the brigade sports complex in Annapolis. Invite your family and friends for an afternoon of fellowship and fun. Sponsorships available. Contact chyloe.cheetham@bayareacc.org for more information. DIVE 45: It’s that time again 4th and 5th graders. Our next Dive 45 will be on February 21st from 7-9 p.m. The theme for the night is “Get Your Game On!” We will be doing a lot of moving and playing lots of different games. So come in your favorite sports shirt and be ready to “play ball.” Contact tammy.taschenberger@bayareacc.org for more information. SERVING OPPORTUNITIES Tidal Pool: Join us in the Tidal Pool, our nursery area for kids ages birth through 2 years old. Contact vanessa. hinton@bayareacc.org for more information. Coral Reef: Are you interested in teaching preschoolers about the God who made them? Contact courtney.gregory@ bayareaac.org for more opportunities to serve in our preschool area.

Submarine Canyon: Want to help kids dive deeper in their faith? Partner with us in the Submarine Canyon, our elementary environment on Sunday mornings. Contact tammy.taschenberger@bayareacc.org for more information. SPECIAL BUDDY PROGRAM: Do you have a heart to serve children with special needs? Contact chyloe.cheetham@ bayareacc.org if you’d like to serve families in this unique way. KIDCARE: Interested in being a part of our paid KidCare team? We have opportunities on Wednesday mornings and other special events. Contact jen.marshall@bayareacc.org for more info.


NURSERY SPOTLIGHT Leann and Aaron Weaver are our volunteers of the month in the Tidal Pool. They love helping the children know the love of God. They enjoy forming friendships with the parents, so that they know their little ones are in good hands. With three of their nieces living with them, this family of 8 loves to spend time together. When not playing games or watching movies they enjoy hiking. When you are at one of the area Chick-fil-A’s and you hear an order called for “Batman” you know the Weavers are in the house! PRESCHOOL SPOTLIGHT Kirsten Walden is a dedicated volunteer. She has been married for four years and has a sweet three-year-old daughter. Her husband is in the Navy and will be deploying in April. She is a full time mom with hopes to start a nursing program in the spring. Kirsten loves serving in the Deep Blue because she has a huge heart for children and loves listening to them respond to the Bible story each Sunday morning. Some of her favorite things to do are spending time with her family, running, and painting her nails. She has over 70 bottles of nail polish! Kirsten is an amazing volunteer and we love having her in the Deep Blue. ELEMENTARY SPOTLIGHT Sheila David is not only a 4th/5th grade girl’s community group leader but is also a community group coach! She has an amazing heart to serve. When she isn’t pouring into her church family she is pouring into her family of 3 young boys and her husband Chris. She has just begun home schooling and likes to run, read and write. Thank you Sheila for all you do!!!


WOMEN’S MINISTRY THE WELL KIDCARE: Looking for a way to serve in 2014? Their are opportunties available to serve with our KidCare program for babies & preschool children of moms attending our Wednesday morning The Well Bible Studies. We also have a limited budget for those in need of a paid position. Contact KidCare Coordinator jen.marshall@bayareacc.org to register.

There are times when every one of us experiences difficulties such as the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, divorce, job loss, discouragement, spiritual crisis, loneliness, parenting difficulties and many other challenges. God never intended that we go through these experiences alone. That is why God has brought us together at Bay Area Community Church and the Care Network was developed. The Care Network is a free and confidential Christ-centered ministry that assists those seeking help by serving as a bridge to hope and healing through a variety of resources. We offer appropriate referrals and resources such as a Care Coach, a Missional Community group, Financial assistance, Celebrate Recovery, Christian Counselors, or an appropriate agency or program in the community. If you need some help or have questions email leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information. THE GREAT DATE NIGHT: Come and enjoy a great night out with lots of laughter with the husband and wife comedy team of Barnes and Miner and great desserts on March 22, 2014 from 7-9:30 p.m. here at BACC. Registration begins February 23rd. Cost is $35 per couple, sorry no childcare. Email leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information.

Celebrate Recovery is for all seeking a richer life through worshipping God and being in community with others! Don’t let your hurts, struggles and habits keep you isolated. Let Celebrate Recovery be a place of healing, hope and community for you! We meet every Monday night, even on holidays, at 7 p.m. for worship, a lesson, open share groups and fellowship. We share a meal together every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 6-7 p.m. The 3rd Monday is a potluck dinner. For more information for men, email markcelebrates@gmail.com and for women email kymcelebrates@gmail.com PREMARITAL MINISTRY: Did some of you become engaged over the Christmas/New Year’s Holidays? Congratulations! Did you know that BACC has a great Premarital Ministry that pairs couples up with Marriage Mentors to help prepare them for marriage? It doesn’t matter whether a BACC Pastor is officiating at your wedding, being prepared is the key. This is the best gift you can give each other as you start your life together as man and wife. Contact Todd & Kim Christner premarital.ministry@bayareacc.org for more information.

BAY AREA WOMEN’S RETREAT 2014 We are excited to announce our annual BACC Women’s Retreat “Authentic Discipleship: Draw Near to God” March 14-16, 2014 with teacher Marilyn Anderes. The retreat will be held on Maryland’s Eastern shore at Osprey Point Resort & Conference Center, Royal Oak, MD. Register online at www.bayareacc.org/womensevents. You can also register on Sundays in the lobby through February 9, 2014. Space is limited so register early. We do have a few Saturday only spaces available for $75. We make a special effort to help newcomers feel connected at this weekend through small groups and free time on Saturday afternoon. You can sign up with a roommate, or we will help match you. Free time on Saturday afternoon will allow you the opportunity for quiet time, or shopping in nearby St. Michael’s or in Easton. This waterside retreat center also has a small gym & bikes for use (weather permitting), and a cozy fireplace & pool table in the game room. Please let us know when you register if you have mobility or health issues. All registration questions can be answered by Michelle Sohl at msohl86@gmail.com or Retreat Coordinator Lyda Prack at lprack@verizon.net. Set aside this weekend and come with hearts prepared to listen. We hope you’ll join us for this weekend of fun, fellowship, and drawing near to God. WOMEN OF LEGACY If you’re 50+, join the Women of Legacy. Here you’ll find others of like mind and heart who want to love Jesus, pray for one another, and reach out to younger moms. Newcomers are welcome! They meet on February 10th and 24th at 10:30 a.m. in the Warehouse at BACC. Join us to discuss the book, “Teach Us to Number Our Days.” Contact Coordinator Cedulie Sanchez at luisandcedulie@gmail.com for what’s happening this month. QUILTS FOR KIDS This group meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month to sew quilts for kids in need. The next workshop will take place February 15th from 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at BACC in Room 223. Be sure to bring your sewing machine, sewing supplies, and a lunch. Fabric will be provided. Contact Janet Hogan at annapolisqfk@gmail.com for more information.

FOR MEN MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 6-7:30 a.m. in room 236. Contact: Dennis at dbradylaw@aol.com MEN’S BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP Tuesdays from 6:45-8:45 p.m. Men are encouraged to bring their school aged children to participate. Contact: Chris at heacock308@yahoo.com


CURRENT SERIES (MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL) This 4-week series helps paint a biblical picture of God’s design and purpose in a student’s dating life - both now and in the future. Students will be challenged to evaluate and reevaluate their thoughts on dating, romance, and how to be in healthy relationships with the opposite gender. Whether a student is in middle school, high school, or about to head to college, it’s important to have a solid biblical understanding of how to properly enter into (and even exit) a relationship of this type. Parents are encouraged to look for our weekly BASM ezine emails that include specific discussion topics, scripture verses, and message overviews. Each Sunday’s message will be fully age-appropriate. SUMMER CAMP - SAVE THE DATES We know it’s still cold outside, but summer will be here before we know it and that means summer camps are right around the corner. “Victory Jam” is our annual middle school summer camp at Harvey Cedars, NJ to grow in connection to God and one another. The camp will be Monday June 23rd to Friday, June 27th. “Big Beach Weekend” is a new high school weekend that we are launching this summer and will also take place at Harvey Cedars, NJ. The event will be from Friday, August 1st to Monday, August 4th. The best part, both events are just steps away from the beach. Mark your calendars; you don’t want to miss this. For more information visit bayareacc.org/basm or stop by the Student Ministry Kiosk in the lobby.

MIDDLE This month’s Club 678 is a Code Red. Everyone dress in red and get ready for some fun. There will be a prize for the most creative. Join us Friday, February 28th from 7-9 p.m. in The Warehouse. Don’t forget to invite some friends and bring a few bucks for snacks. VERTICAL WEEKEND: This month Bay Area’s Student Ministry will host the third annual Vertical Weekend (in-town retreat) for middle school students, grades 6th-8th. Vertical Weekend is an in-town retreat aimed at focusing middle school students upward towards a God that desires to be in a relationship with them. During this retreat, students gather at BACC for four sessions from Friday night – Sunday morning. Each session will feature dynamic worship, and relevant teaching. After Friday night’s session, students depart in gender/grade-specific community groups where they will stay in local host homes for group discipleship and discussion. Throughout the weekend, students will also be treated to fun games, snacks, and other activities. Your middle school son/ daughter will not want to miss this event! Register by Feb. 3rd - $50, after Feb. 3rd - $60. Registration closes Feb. 9th. Go online to bayareacc.org/basm or check out the Student Ministry Kiosk for more info.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL GATHERING A mid-week high school gathering on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Students will grow deeper in their walk with God through group-based discipleship. Join us for food, games, and grade/gender specific community groups led by trained, caring adult leaders. Students will experience true community and discipleship in the context of their peers, all in a fun environment. For more information, contact brent. squires@bayareacc.org

BASM VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Donut Providers (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Kiosk Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Check-In Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Café Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.). For specific details on the volunteer opportunities, contact michaela.grafjones@bayareacc.org Student Ministries: For more information contact: brent.squires@bayareacc.org • SUNDAY Fusion Middle School Gathering @ 9:30 a.m. in The Warehouse • SUNDAY Fuel High School Gathering @ 11:15 a.m. in The Warehouse • WEDNESDAY Amplify High School Gathering from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in The Warehouse


Taylor Vannatta Despite his obligations as a senior at the Naval Academy in downtown Annapolis, Taylor Vannatta contributes his time to practice and perform the worship music for our middle school gathering. He also leads one of our 8th grade guys community groups. A random fact that you may not have known about him - he cannot sleep with his closet door open. Susan Kelley Susan Kelley has been with us for two years, pouring out love and guidance to our 11th and 12th grade girls. Besides our ministry, Susan has been working in Student Ministry for more than twenty years and continues to share her wisdom and experience with the team. A great lover of coffee, rock climbing, and the great outdoors in general, Susan has three grown children with Bay Area’s Executive Pastor, Ed Kelley IV. Riley Richardson Volunteering with us since she was in middle school, Riley Richardson is one of our longest serving student volunteers. A tenth grade student at Severna Park High School, Riley is involved with the theatre program, and has acted in multiple musicals at the school. A member of our Student Action Leadership Team (SALT), Riley also helps lead an 8th grade girls community group.

• Online: www.bayareacc.org/basm • Facebook: A great way to get updated information on any upcoming gatherings as well as any cancellations that might occur. “Like” us on Facebook at BACC Student Ministry. • Instagram: BayAreaStudentMinistry • Contact us: Get in contact with one of our staff anytime by email or phone: • Brent Squires (Student Ministry Pastor) brent.squires@bayareacc.org 443-837-3736 (office) 443-534-7680 (cell or text) • Austin MacCubbin (Middle School Coordinator) austin.maccubbin@bayareacc.org 443-837-3737 (office) 240-682-3247 (cell or text) • Michaela Graf-Jones (Intern Program Coordinator) michaela.grafjones@bayareacc.org 443-837-3726 (office) 267-614-9445 (cell or text) • Ashleigh Bicevskis (Intern Gathering Coordinator): ashleigh.bicevskis@bayareacc.org

GLOBAL MISSIONS MISSIONS FOCUS SUNDAYS Bay Area is a church that is privileged to serve people outside our campus, neighborhood and country. Each year we send teams to work locally, regionally and globally and do so in the spirit of Christ to make a difference, (Matt 28:1820; John 20:21; Acts 1:8). Our Missions Focus Sundays help us to celebrate what God is doing through Bay Area and its ministry partners around the world. To that end, several of our gatherings this month will be focused on the following: • Celebrate what we do locally • Foster an environment of commitment to volunteering with local partners • Showcase an opportunity to serve with Winter Relief (homeless shelter at BACC in March) • Recruit teams for short term missions trips to El Salvador, Poland, Uganda and Ghana • Request for others to prayerfully and financially support the short term teams • Provide an opportunity for us to support and partner more with S. Sudan and Beyond884

SHORT TERM MISSIONS Communications: Feel free to connect with us in a variety of ways: • Simply Text: Text “JOIN BASMMIDDLE” (for Middle School) to 40650 or “JOIN BASMHIGH” (for High School) to sign up for our text message updates. Texts are generally sent out once a week with reminders for that week’s events. Texts are also sent out in case of event cancellations due to inclement weather. • Parent Link: Go to www.bayareacc.org/basm and click on the Parent Link to see our monthly calendar and get access to parenting articles and tips sent out monthly through our newsletter. • Email Updates: Contact one of the Student Ministry staff and request your email address be added to receive our weekly emails sent out containing event details, sermon points, and any other pertinent information for that week.


pray for our missions teams as they Each team will be doing the following:


INDIA (full) - postponed due to civil unrest Please pray for the team as they decide on a new time to go. They will be a part of the church planting movement by encouraging pastors and worshiping with newly planted churches in the tribal regions of India. They will also spend time and play games with Indian children in one or more children’s homes/orphanages.

UGANDA Date: completed The Uganda team had an amazing time ministering to members of the Precious Souls Support Group made up of Ugandans who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. They were also able to support a local church plant, provide project management and maintenance to the mission home where they stayed and continued to build on the relationships that started back in 2005. Praise God for this team’s impact. UPCOMING SHORT TERM MISSIONS TRIPS: Last year over 65 people participated in short-term missions with Bay Area. If you missed out on the experience, or if you went and want to go again, now is your chance to get involved. We are excited to continue our partnerships with our friends around the globe in the 2014 short-term missions season. Below you will find a list of the countries, dates, descriptions, and how to take the steps towards going. EL SALVADOR - 4 trips Date: July 5-13, July 12-20, July 19-27 & November 8-16 Join this mission team to the mountainside village of Guayabo to present a VBS program to dozens of local children in their new Community Center. POLAND - 2 trips Date: July 17-27 & July TBD Come to Poland and be an active part of the revival of Christianity in Eastern Europe by teaching the love of Jesus and the English language. The team will teach teens and preteens English as a second language. Training is included. GHANA - 3 trips Date: June 7-17, August 2-12 & October 11-21 On this mission to Ghana we’ll share Jesus with the youth of the Scripture Union Ghana through Bible studies, testimonies, and urban/rural ministry. The team will travel from Accra to several cities around the country, experiencing the variety in the culture in this great nation. UGANDA Date: September 2014 Join the dedicated individuals who travel to Uganda to minister to members of the Precious Souls Support Group made up of Ugandans who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. They also support a local church plant, provide project management and maintenance to the mission home where they stay and build on the relationships that started back in 2005.

Email Casely and Trevin at missions@bayareacc.org for more information or if you are interested in joining one of these mission trips.

LOCAL OUTREACH Local Serving Opportunities Are you wanting to get you and/or your family involved with serving locally? Email trevin.hoekzema@bayareacc.org to start the conversation. There are many organizations in the Annapolis area that could use assistance; we’d love to connect you with them.

CONNECTING MINISTRY DISCOVER New to church? Come discover what Bay Area is all about on February 2nd in the Bay Cafe from 12:30-1:30 p.m. to learn more about our history, vision, mission, and how you can get plugged in. A light lunch is included. No RSVP necessary but encouraged. Email jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org for more information. MINISTRY PARTNERSHIP Become a ministry partner and lock arms with Bay Area’s mission of making passionate, maturing followers of Christ from here to the nations. This 5-week process will help you prepare your heart, mind, and hands to do the work of God in your life. The next process starts this February 23rd. Email jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org to learn more or to register. VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT Colleen Forsythe (Ambassador Team) Colleen is the connect team’s volunteer of the month. As the first official member of the team, she helped mold and recruit the current team. She is an enthusiastic and welcoming presence for those visiting Bay Area and couldn’t be more committed to showing Christ’s love to visitors. When not at church, Colleen loves golf, talking about Jesus, and hanging out with her missional community. But you might not see her this month…she is busy training up at a discipleship program in Florida! Thanks for all you do, Colleen!

OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Security/ Medical Team: ed.kelley.v@bayareacc.org Espresso Team: Always wanted to learn how to make an espresso? Join our bay cafe team and serve once a month for a 30 minute shift on Sunday mornings by emailing grace.roath@bayareacc.org Greeters: Interested in greeting attenders and newcomers on Sundays? Contact jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org Celebrate Recovery: Serve in audio and/or visual aspects of our Monday Gatherings from 6-8:30 p.m. Contact trevin. hoekzema@bayareacc.org Chair Ministry: Serve on the chair set-up/tear-down team. Contact Rich Raley at cndale94@aol.com Parking Ministry: Serve by directing traffic and greeting those arriving at church. Contact Steve Johnson at castlelot@msn.com

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