BCF Newsletter, No 5-6

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Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF) is an independent non-profit organisation was formed in Erbil the capital city of Kurdistan in 2005. BCF is a humanitarian organisation which dedicates its work, projects and efforts towards helping less fortunate people as well as IDP’s and refugees. The Barzani Charity Foundation places great importance on education, shelter, food and providing medical assistance to refugees and IDP’s living in the Kurdistan Region. BCF projects are mainly funded by private businesses and companies in the Kurdistan Region, however some of our recent projects have been supported by international agencies and local NGOs including (UNHCR, UN Habitat, UNICEF,

WHO, WFP, UNDP, IOM, IRW, ERC, Emirate Red Crescent, Rise Foundation, Human Bridge, Shelter Box, ACTED, LDS). In recent years BCF has provided humanitarian aid to refugees and IDP’s throughout Kurdistan Region, Iraq and its neighbouring countries. Currently BCF is the main partner of WFP in the Kurdistan Region. BCF’s President, Vice President and 5 board members work from the head office in Erbil, we also have offices in Suliaymaniah, Dohuk, Kirkuk, Garmian as well as inside most of the refugee camps around Kurdistan. BCF’s staffs are a professional working round the clock on Humanitarian projects.

Since its establishment in 2005 BCF has played a big role in providing necessary humanitarian aid to people in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq and its neighbouring countries. Due to the vast numbers of refugees and IDP’s compared to organisations offering aid, the formation of our Foundation was necessary as the basic needs of the refugees and IDP’s and even though other organizations were offering aid, the formation of our foundation as the basic needs were not being met. BCF has filled this void with great pride and with each passing day BCF’s charity programs and projects are growing. BCF is committed to providing inclusive,

social, cultural, educational, Health and basic humanitarian services to all parts of society for the sake of improving the overall living conditions in Kurdistan. We also strive to be a global advocate for human rights, ethnic- and religious tolerance, and to be part of a global community helping to create a sustainable future for generations to come. Currently Barzani Charity Foundation has 16 offices located in the major refugee camps across the Kurdistan Region. BCF has established and is managing 11 cultural and art centre inside refugee camps which offer activities on a daily basis.

• Tanahi vocational training Centre, Dohuk Province: - Organized a music event for 50 children on the occasion of international children’s day. - Launched computer training course for 29 participants for 20 days. • Sheladize vocational training Centre, Dohuk Province: - Distributed recreational kit, gifts and clothes to 30 children. - Awarded 8 journalists for their courageous work. - Handed out certification to 20 participants of the sewing course. - Offerd Monthly payment to 86 orphans. - Carried out optical test and sight restoring operation for 56 persons. • Osman Sabry centre in Qoshtapa Camp: - Organized a seminar about social and individual issues. - Cleaned up the camp on the occasion of world environment day. - Organized a theatr e event on the occasion of world refugee day.

- Arranged a seminar about Kurdistan situation. - Organized a music event for 200 children on the occasion of international children’s day • Qadry Jan centre in Darashakran camp: - Organized social and cultural events on the occasion of international children’s day. - Held two seminars regarding health and natural treatment for diabetic disease and victims of war. - Arranged a seminar relating to mental health and psychological support. - Launched emergency response and medical taping training course. - Sat up photo gallery on the occasion of world refugee day.

• Noraddin Zazacentre in Kawargosk Camp:

• Terij center in Baserma camp in Erbil province:

- Graduated event of medical taping course for 80 participants.. - Organized free haircut service for 60 kids. - Arranged a seminar regarding corporal punishment. - Organized social event on the occasion of world refugee day. - Held a friendly soccer competition among kawargos and Darashakran camps.

- Organized graduation event for computing course for 20 participants.

• Rawshan Baderxan centre in Gawilan camp in Duhok province: - Sat up reinforcement classes for grade 7 to 9 students. - Organized social and cultural event on the occasion of world children’s day for 1000 children. - Arranged an event on the occasion of world refugee day.

• Bersiv camp in Duhok province: - Organized social and cultural event on the occasion of world children’s day for 643 children. • Barika camp in Solimany province: - 480 children were presented gifts and toys. - Launched computing training course for 54 participants. • Mamilan camp in Duhok province: - Launched English language course for 80 participants.

• Kawargosk camp in Erbil Province: - Distributed diversity food for fasting to700 families. • In Harsham Refugee camp in Erbil province: - Distributed meat to 170 families. - Distributed food parcels to 600 families. - Distributed fresh bread to 300 families. - Distributed different food items to 280 families in cooperation with Emirates Red Crescent. • Chermo camp in duhok province: - Distributed different food items to 4240 families in cooperation with Altunsa Company. • Qadya refugee camp in Duhuk: - Distributed food parcels and flour in cooperation with WFP to 2070 families in the camp. - Distributed infant milk to 690 children twice. • Baherka refugee camp in Erbil province: - Distributed monthly ration food to 732 families in cooperation with Emirates Red Crescent. - Distributed food parcel to 734 families twice. - Distributed (flour, chicken, tomato souse, cooking oil, rice, bottled water and diverse food) in 9 steps to 734 families. - Distributed diverse food (date, bread, Lebanese bread and chicken) in 6 steps to 738 families. - Distributed diverse food to 738 families in cooperation with donor and WFP.

• Bajad Kandalla camp in Duhok province: - Distributed food parcels and children’s necessities to 2042 families. - Distributed diapers to 1098 children. • Bardarash camp in Duhok province:

• Darashakran camp in Erbil province: - Distributed milk to 56 children. • Koshtapa camp in Erbil province: - Distributed red meat to 200 families. - Distributed food parcel to 1500 families. • Gawilan camp in Duhok province: - Distributed food parcel at 2 steps to 697 families in joint work with Emirates Red Crescent.

- Distributed food parcel to 1600 families in cooperation with WFP. - Distributed milk, biscuit and children’s necessities to 509 families. • Arbat camp in Solemani province: - Distributed gifts, juices and biscuits to 1400 children in 2 steps. • Mamilan camp in Duhok province: - Distributed milk and diaper to 62 children.

• In Basirma Camp in Erbil province: - Provided 4 Air cooler for the mosque’s camp. - Supplied 100 Air cooler for 100 families.

- Distributed household necessities like: Fan, Mat and kerosene containers to 2334 families. • In Bersiv camp in Duhok province:

• In Baharka camp in Erbil province:

- Distributed 100 cradles to 100 families.

- Provided Air cooler for 426 families. - Distributed hygiene baskets and clothes to 737 families. - Distributed Fans, mats and plastic containers to 737 families in 3 steps. - Distributed Air cooler to 308 families. - Distributed water flask to 738 families.

• In Qadya camp in Duhok province:

• In Qushtapa camp in Erbil province:

- Allocated (50000) IQD per each family and provided household necessity like kitchen sets to 280 families in cooperation with Turkish Red Crescent. - Distributed Air cooler to 280 families. - Distributed water flask to 300 families.

- 1500 cloth packs were distributed to 1500 refugee families. - Provided wheelchairs and diapers to 16 disabled children.

- Distributed clothes and household necessities to 2470 families. • In Harsham refugee camp in Erbil province:

• In Kawargosk refugee camp in Erbil province:

• Health sector:

- Distributed clothes 1500 families.

- Distributed medical equipment and medicine to 29 medical centres, 3 emergency centres and 4360 patients in Erbil province.

• In Mamilan camp in Duhok province:

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