New Milton Mercury June 2021

Page 8

Local History

Judge Peterson and his Tower.

Andrew Thomas Turton Peterson has left an enduring legacy in our area in the form of the building that is known today as Sway Tower. In the immediate aftermath of its construction, it was known either as Peterson’s Tower or Arnewood Tower as it was built in the manor of Arnewood. So, who was Andrew Peterson and why did he build the structure some have called ‘Peterson’s Folly’? Andrew Peterson was born in Wakefield, Yorkshire in 1813. His family were very ryy well off ff. f His father died when Andrew was young and he was cared for and educated by both his grandfather, Sir Thomas Turt rton, t and his great uncle the Reverend John Michele. At the age of thirt rteen, t Peterson was sent off fff to boarding school. He was ext xtremely t unhappy in this environment and so he ran away to sea. Ill health eventually forced his return home.

Andrew Thomas Turton Peterson


Arnewood Tower on the left. The main tower further along Barrows Lane

With his grandfather’s assistance, Peterson was able to gain admission to Cambridge University tyy in 1836 where he studied law. He was called to the Bar in 1843 and became a barrister. Peterson married Charlott tte t Myers in 1838 and they lived in Dulwich. They went on to have a daughter Anna, who was born in 1841. Five years later the family moved to India where Peterson became established as a barrister in the High Court rtt of Calcutt tta. t Peterson made his fort rtune t practicing law in India. He was however, a man with a strong sense of justice and oft ften t fought to support rtt the underdog. Peterson went on to become an acting judge in the High Court rtt of Calcutt tta. t At the age of fift fty ty-five, y Peterson decided to retire from the Indian legal profession and move back to England. He had amassed a fort rtune t and would be financially secure for the rest of his life. In about 1868 he bought Drumduan Estate situated in Barrows Lane

in Hordle Parish. It consisted of a small house and 123 acres. Here, he set about enjoying his two passions, farming and building. Whilst in India Peterson had made a study of architecture and building. He also became interested in the use of concrete as a material. Peterson start rted t to build a large home almost entirely out of concrete. He also built farm buildings and outhouses, even revett tting t the ditches using the same material. It was here that Peterson constructed his first tower. He went on to rename his propert rty ty Arnewood Towers. In 1872 Peterson met Mrs Mary ryy Ann Girling the leader of the Shakers religious sect. They were for many years resident in Vagg ggs g Lane. It was through Mrs Girling that Peterson became interested in spiritualism. He eventually met a medium called William Lawrence, who had just been released from prison aft fter t serv rving v three months for fraud. Peterson believed that, through

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