Barton Bugle March 2021

Page 56

1. 5. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 15. 16. 18. 20. 21.

Lockjaw (7) South American Mammal (5) Synthetic (13) Tight-Lipped (3) Emphasise (9) Obsesses (6) Lethal (6) Water Sport Obstacle (9) Regret (3) Perk (6-7) Genuine (5) Mixed Continents (7)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. 12. 14. 17. 19.

Tribal Emblem (5) Heat Adjustment (13) Top Part of Fraction (9) Infected (6) Meadow (3) Creative Style (4-3-6) Chemistry (7) Revelation (3-6) Amount for Breakfast (7) Debris (6) Additional (5) Acquired (3)

Across:1.Tetanus 5.Llama 8. Thermoplastic 9. Mum 10. Reiterate 12. Besots 13. Deadly 15. Waterjump 16. Rue 18. Fringebenefit 20. Legit 21. Eurasia Down: 1. Totem 2. Thermosetting 3. Numerator 4. Septic 5. Lea 6. Artsandcrafts 7. Alchemy 11. Eyeopener 12. Bowlful 14. Rubble 17. Extra 19. Got


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