The Dayton Jewish Observer, December 2013

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Region presses ahead with Israel trade development p. 5 December 2013 Kislev/Tevet 5774 Vol. 18, No. 4

Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton

The Miami Valley’s Jewish Monthly • Online at

Happy Chanukah

Empowering parents


Why to test for Jewish genetic diseases

The Hebrew mamita


Vanessa Hidary

Lotsa latke recipes

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Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton 525 Versailles Drive Dayton, OH 45459

HarperCollins Publishers

Latkes with caviar & cream

Friendship Village Retirement Community


Temple Israel hires music and program director Festival in June, and will create new On Nov. 4, Temple Israel announced programming for the congrethat its board of directors hired gation. Courtney Cummings to serve Cummings received her unas its music and program dergraduate degree in music director. from Kenyon College and her Cummings, who grew up in master’s degree in vocal perthe Reform congregation, will formance and literature from begin the full-time position the Eastman School of Music. Dec. 2. For five years, the soprano She comes from the Mayersang with Temple Israel’s son JCC in Cincinnati, where professional High Holy Days she served as cultural programming manager. Courtney Cummings quartet. This year, Cummings tested At Temple Israel, she’ll sing the waters as cantorial soloist for weekly Friday evening Shabbat services and at Saturday morn- for the High Holy Days at Temple Israel and at the Adult B’nai Mitzvah Shabbat ing Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, will coordion Oct. 19. — Marshall Weiss nate Temple Israel’s Jewish Cultural

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ner at 7 p.m., Harris will present the talk Rabbi Dr. Robert A. Harris, associate professor of Bible with Jewish Theologi- I P’shat the Torah. P’shat is the Hebrew term for parsing the simple meaning of cal Seminary, will lead a weekend of the text. The cost of the dinner is $20 for talks with the theme Unfolding The Text: adults, $7.50 for children. Reservations An Introduction to Jewish Medieval Bible are required. Commentaries for Beth Abraham SynaFollowing Shabbat morning services gogue’s 2013 Susan and David Joffe Scholar-in-Residence Weekend, Dec. 6-8. and kiddush lunch at noon on Saturday, Harris is the author of Discerning Par- Dec. 7, Harris will lead a discussion on allelism: A Study in Northern French Medi- In the Beginning, There Were...Commentaries. eval Jewish Biblical Exegesis. He is a past Harris will give the final lecture of president of the Society for the Study of the weekend at the Men’s the Bible in the Middle Ages and Club brunch at 10 a.m. on plays with his garage band SR2 Sunday, Dec. 8 on the topic (Shake, Rabbis and Roll). The Kislev Affair: What Really In the early 1990s, Harris perHappened at Chanukah. The formed stand-up comedy and was cost of the brunch is $5. voted New York’s Funniest Rabbi To R.S.V.P. for the dinat the Stand Up, New York! comedy ner and the brunch, call the club. On Friday, Dec. 6 following Ka- Rabbi Dr. Robert synagogue office at 2939520. balat Shabbat at 6:15 p.m. and din- A. Harris

Women’s Philanthropy volunteers at Children’s

Temple Israel’s Lattes & Legends

Women’s Philanthropy for Tzedakah, an initiative of the Jewish Federation, will volunteer at Dayton Children’s Hospital on Tuesday, Dec. 10 from 10 a.m. to noon. All Jewish women in the Dayton area are invited to participate. R.S.V.P. to Jewish Federation Community Outreach Manager Hilary Zappin at 853-0372.

Temple Israel’s Rabbi Karen BodneyHalasz now leads a study session on Wednesdays from 10 to 11:15 a.m. in the coffee shop area of Dorothy Lane Market at Washington Square. Lattes & Legends explores aggadah, anecdotes used to illustrate points of law in the Talmud. For more information, call Bodney-Halasz at 496-0050.


Volunteer opportunities available — call Bridgett at ext. 1299 for details.

Call Pam Hall today for details

Medieval commentaries focus of Beth Abraham scholar’s weekend

The Coffee House is located just inside the Atrium entrance at Door 18. Watch for the Friendship Coffee House sign. FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE

Calendar of Events....................17



Kve l l i n g Co r n e r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 8



Fa m i l y Ed u ca t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35






Beth Jacob Congregation officers to resign en masse Ousted rabbi sues previous congregation in Pa. claiming interference with his contract at Dayton synagogue Shorr began his work at Beth By Marshall Weiss Jacob the week of Aug. 5. He The Observer and his wife, Stacy, arrived from In an Oct. 23 letter sent to members of Beth Jacob Congre- New Castle, Pa. where he had served as rabbi of Temple Hadar gation, President Dr. Herman Israel, a merged Conservative Abromowitz wrote that he and the three other executive officers and Reform congregation, for of the synagogue’s board would seven years. According to Pittsburgh’s resign effective Dec. 31. Jewish Chronicle, Temple Hadar Abromowitz wrote that he Israel faces significant budgetand the officers — Executive Vice President Chuck Friedman, ary challenges and a declining membership. One of the ways Secretary Sara Horwitz, and the congregation tightened its Treasurer Barry Serotkin — announced their planned resigna- budget was to eliminate the full-time position Shorr held tions at the full board’s Oct. 16 in favor of meeting. a part-time The anclergy model. nouncement The suit came nearly two filed by months followShorr’s ating the officers’ torney, Jason abrupt dismissal Beth Jacob Congregation P. Matthews, of Rabbi Martin against Temple Hadar Israel Shorr after little more than two states that “on or before Aug. weeks on the job. 21, 2013, an agent of Defendant On Sept. 18, Shorr filed a lawsuit in Montgomery County (Temple Hadar Israel) contacted Congregation Beth Jacob by against his previous employer, placing one or more telephone Temple Hadar Israel in New calls to Montgomery County, Castle, Pa., claiming Temple Hadar Israel interfered with his Ohio and intentionally made false and misleading negative contract and employment with statements about Plaintiff’s job Beth Jacob. performance and character for “As your officers, it is our the purpose of interfering with shared opinion that it is now Plaintiff’s contractual relationtime for a change in the leadership and employment with Conship of our beloved synagogue gregation Beth Jacob.” and for others to step forward According to an incident and assume the helm of our history report on file with the congregation,” Abromowitz Montgomery County Sheriff, on wrote in his Oct. 23 letter to the evening of Aug. 21, Chaya Beth Jacob members, with no Vidal, then Beth Jacob’s execumention of Shorr. Abromowitz declined to com- tive director, called the Montgomery County Sheriff, Harment for this article.

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rison Township Substation to request an officer stand by while she was firing Shorr. The report stated that Vidal was concerned Shorr might not be cooperative. Shorr left without incident. The next day, those who inquired at Beth Jacob about Shorr’s status were told the synagogue and the rabbi weren’t able to come to an agreement on a signed contract. Abromowitz sent a letter to congregants on Aug. 26 in which he wrote, “we were unable to finalize a contract with Rabbi Shorr and both parties agreed to part ways.” Several congregants have confirmed that Shorr and his wife are still living in a house owned by the synagogue. Congregants voted to hire Shorr for a one-year contract at the beginning of August, following the board’s recommendation. After Shorr was relieved of his duties at Beth Jacob, its officers hired a cantor from Borough Park N.Y. to conduct High Holy Days services. Since then, in the absence of a qualified Torah reader, the congregation has not been able to conduct regular Torah services. Instead, congregants take turns reading from a tikun, a book used to prepare for reading from a Torah scroll. Shorr’s suit against Hadar Israel indicates that he is seeking lost wages and compensation “exceeding $25,000,” attorney fees, and costs of the suit. Matthews and Shorr declined to comment on the suit as did

From the editor’s desk

On Nov. 13, two representatives of the national Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium in New York led a community informational session at the Boonshoft CJCE about the importance of genetic screening. Marshall Those who showed up, mostly Weiss empty-nesters, shared a common frustration: how to talk to their marriage-age children about a topic they’re inclined to shrug off. “You don’t want to scare people,” said JGDC Chair Randy Glaser. “But one of my friends, her son is in his 30s and he’s married to a non-Jewish woman. He argues with his mom: ‘Do you know how much it costs to be screened?’ She asked me how to answer him. And I said, ‘Just tell him that if he has a child born with one of those diseases, let’s discuss how much it costs to care for the child.’” Glaser added she’s seen a rise in insurance companies paying for genetic testing, but it must come from the right doctor. “Seeing a genetic counselor is your best bet of getting this through your insurance company.”

Temple Hadar without a rabbi: Rabbi Israel’s attorney, Hillel Fox had taken a Charles F. Shane, sabbatical during the with Bieser, Greer last year of his 10-year & Landis. contract, which the The situation board didn’t renew. surrounding Shorr Leaders from Beth Jais the latest blow cob and Beth Abraham, to the stability of Dayton’s Conservative Beth Jacob, the synagogue, formally exonly synagogue plored merging in 2009 remaining in Rabbi Martin W. Shorr and 2010. Dayton’s north The merger would suburbs, once the center of the have consolidated both congrearea’s Jewish population. gations into one Conservative Beth Jacob brought in Shorr entity at Beth Abraham’s new after the departure of Rabbi home at Sugar Camp in OakMartin Applebaum, whose one- wood. year contract was not renewed Though Beth Abraham by Beth Jacob’s board. members voted for the merger Applebaum himself came in 2010, Beth Jacob members to Beth Jacob following a year overwhelmingly rejected it.

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Former Temple Sholom rabbi dies

Contributors Rabbi Judy Chessin Rachel Haug Gilbert Candace R. Kwiatek Mark Mietkiewicz

 

Advertising Sales Executive Patty Caruso,


TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 7:30 pm: Women’s Gathering— Happy Hanukkah Rosh Chodesh Hour! Women welcome the new moon of Tevet at Rumbleseat Wine (5853 Far Hills Ave). Desserts will be provided, delicious wine will be available for purchase. We invite all women to participate. Rabbi Chessin will discuss Rosh Chodesh. We will light the menorah and celebrate friendships, new and old. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 7:30 pm “Rock of Ages” Band Shabbat Service with Marc Rossio. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 3:30 pm Fusion Families with Rabbi Chessin. It is not too late to join FUSION FAMILIES, a monthly get together to connect with, learn from, and engage with other Interfaith Families and explore what role Judaism can play in your family’s life. This interfaith program is supported by a Men of Reform Judaism (MRJ) Congregational Inter faith Grant, made possible by funding from the Jewish Chautauqua Society, MRJ’s interfaith education project. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 6:30 pm Chinese and a service. We will meet at the Golden Dragon,1136 Miamisburg-Centerville Road for dinner and a brief Shabbat service.


Editor and Publisher Marshall Weiss 937-853-0372

Proofreaders Karen Bressler, Rachel Haug Gilbert, Joan Knoll, Pamela Schwartz Billing Jeffrey Hollowell, 937-853-0372 The Dayton Jewish Observer Policy Committee Joan Knoll, chair Chuck Kardon Marc Katz Larry Klaben Dr. Marc Sternberg

Rabbi Janice Garfunkel on the bima at Temple Sholom in Springfield

Rabbi Janice Garfunkel, who served as the rabbi of Temple Sholom in Springfield from 2004 to 2010, died on Oct. 26 in Cincinnati after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 54. Born in New Jersey, she and her family moved to the Dayton area when she was in second grade and became active members of Temple Israel. In a 2004 interview with The Observer, she said her experiences at Carleton College, a small liberal arts school in Northfield, Minn., led her to the rabbinate. “I was very disappointed to find out there was not much happening there Jewishly,” she said at the time. She ended up as president of Jewish Students at Carleton in her freshman year. By the time she was a sophomore, she had 30 students signed up to eat a kosher meal every Friday night at the Jewish student house. After graduation from Carleton, she returned to Dayton for a year and volunteered for the Dayton Free Clinic and Counseling Center near United Theological Seminary, then in Dayton View. There, she met a female minister from UTS; Garfunkel had never met a woman in the clergy before. The minister allayed some of her concerns, especially her image of clergy as models of perfection. The conversation solidified Garfunkel’s determination to become a rabbi. “It was really just seeing, here’s a woman, and she’s doing it and she doesn’t have to be a pioneer.” Garfunkel received her ordination in 1988 from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. She then served as assistant rabbi at Temple Emanuel in Worcester, Mass., lived in Israel for a few years, directed the Jewish Studies Center — an adult education institute in Washington, D.C. — and served for six years at Congregation B’nai Abraham in Hagerstown, Md. before her return to Ohio. Citing budgetary woes, the board of Temple Sholom did not renew Garfunkel’s contract when it expired in 2010. Since then, the congregation has entered a partnership with Temple Israel; children from Temple Sholom attend Temple Israel’s religious school and clergy from Temple Israel lead services twice a month at Temple Sholom. Garfunkel leaves behind two daughters, Aliza (14) and Eliana (10). — Marshall Weiss

Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Dr. Gary Youra President Judy Abromowitz VP, Programs & Svcs. David Pierce VP, Admin./Treas. Melinda Doner VP, Resource Dev. Mary Rita Weissman Secretary Cathy Gardner CEO The Dayton Jewish Observer, Vol. 18, No. 4. The Dayton Jewish Observer is published monthly by the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton, a nonprofit corporation, 525 Versailles Dr., Dayton, OH 45459. Views expressed by guest columnists, in readers’ letters and in reprinted opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Dayton Jewish Observer, The Dayton Jewish Observer Policy Committee, the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton or the underwriters of any columns. Acceptance of advertising neither endorses advertisers nor guarantees kashrut. The Dayton Jewish Observer Mission Statement To support, strengthen and champion the Dayton Jewish community by providing a forum and resource for Jewish community interests. Goals • To encourage affiliation, involvement and communication. • To provide announcements, news, opinions and analysis of local, national and international activities and issues affecting Jews and the Jewish community. • To build community across institutional, organizational and denominational lines. • To advance causes important to the strength of our Jewish community including support of Federation departments, United Jewish Campaign, synagogue affiliation, Jewish education and participation in Jewish and general community affairs. • To provide an historic record of Dayton Jewish life.

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Slow going, but Dayton region presses ahead with Israel trade development By Marshall Weiss The Observer With much fanfare, Haifa’s director-general arrived in Dayton in September 2009 and signed a memo of understanding with Montgomery County, Dayton Development Coalition and the City of Dayton to expand economic, business and research collaboration, including the opening of a Dayton region trade office in Haifa. Private donors from the Dayton area had raised $350,000 to fully fund the trade office in Israel for three years. The initiative came about a year after 23 local government and business leaders participated on a trade mission to Israel. By spring 2010, the Dayton Development Coalition and the Municipality of Haifa had hired Israeli Uri Attir as the business development director in Israel for the Dayton Region Israel Trade Alliance. Attir had previously managed five high-tech start-ups and worked for several years with the Binational U.S.-Israel R&D Fund. In addition to Ohio’s trade office staffed by Rick Schottenstein, Attir’s office would be the only one for an individual region in Ohio. The office would also represent the only formal trade relationship the Dayton area has with a foreign country. With the aim of expanding partnerships among tech and aerospace businesses in the Dayton area and Haifa region — Israel’s tech capital — Attir talked about securing roughly a business partnership each month. Some early successes materialized even before Attir was hired. In March 2009, Tel Aviv’s Tidex Systems, the University of Dayton’s Institute for the Development of Commercialization of Advanced Sensor Technology (IDCAST), and Woolpert formed a new company in Dayton, i23D, to develop applications for 3D technology that Tidex creates. And in August 2009, Dayton-based STAN solutions, in partnership with IDCAST, entered an agreement with Adaptive Imaging Technologies of Haifa to acquire the North American distribution rights for a high-resolution, panoramic camera produced by Adaptive. STAN Solutions President Tony Manuel participated on the 2008

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Happy Chanukah

Participants on the Dayton Region Israel Trade Alliance Business Development Mission, Oct. 19-26 (L to R): IDCAST Exec. Dir. Larrell Walters, Ohio Eastern Mediterranean Reg. Office Dir. Rick Schottenstein, Dayton Development Coalition Aerospace & Defense Exec. VP Maurice McDonald, Dayton Asst. City Mgr. for Strategic Dev. Shelley Dickstein, Montgomery County Commissioner Dan Foley, Dayton Development Coalition COO Scott Koorndyk, Harco Mfg. Group Dir. of Govt. Contracts Lou D’Allura, trip coordinator Hadas Bar-Or. Not pictured: Dayton Water Dir. Tammi Clements.

trade mission to Israel. But during Attir’s threeyear contract with the Dayton Development Coalition and the Municipality of Haifa, he only secured two formal business relationships: with Elbit Systems, which hired and placed a business development manager in Dayton, and with Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, in a partnership with Electronic Warfare Associates’ Beavercreek office. The alliance didn’t renew Attir’s contract when it expired in March. Montgomery County Commissioner Dan Foley, who has played a key role in the initiative since its inception — said he isn’t giving up. “We’re going to keep pushing it,” he said, during an interview with The Observer after his return from the Dayton Region Israel Trade Alliance Business Development Mission, Oct. 19-26. This was the region’s fourth trade mission to Israel since 2008. The alliance contracted Hadas Bar-Or, former trade and investment representative to Israel for Massachusetts, to coordinate the latest trip. “At this point, we don’t have a contract with anybody longterm but I think that we need to continue to have a consistent presence (in Israel) because it’s hard to do business by phone and by email,” Foley said. “The real challenge that we’re sorting through,” Montgomery County Administrator Joe Tuss

added, “is how do you actually do that? What’s the best way to do that, and what is it that you actually want an individual in Israel to do?” The nine participants on the mission — including Bar-Or and Schottenstein — met with more than 20 companies that fit what Foley describes as the Dayton region’s sweet spots: aerospace, sensors, and composites. The Dayton delegation’s visits included meetings with representatives of Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel Aerospace Industries, and Elbit Systems. “We met with IAI and Elbit about the UAS capabilities,” Foley said. “Sinclair is working really hard on identifying some partners in Israel to work on this.” Sinclair Community College hopes to become an umbrella organization for national certification and training for unmanned aircraft systems. Foley added that Elbit’s one employee in Dayton has enabled the alliance to engage further with the Haifa company. “They showed us a product — about a month ago we pulled in a bunch of local police departments and homeland security folks,” Foley said. “They have this night vision camera that they are really hoping to get into the market for U.S. distribution channels, and we pulled together a bunch of people just to help them show it Continued on Page Seven

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Are you reading this? So is the entire Jewish community. Contact Patty Caruso at to advertise in The Observer.

Aullwood Audubon Center Environmental Education Specialist Chris Rowlands leads Hillel Academy students in a song they wrote about Ohio’s wildlife while parents, teachers, other students and guests listen during the Jewish day school’s first Showcase of Insight and Learning, on Nov. 10

Community volunteer Mary Rita Weissman (Center) was among the honorees to receive a Humanitarian Award from the National Conference for Community and Justice at its annual Fellowship Dinner, at Sinclair’s Ponitz Center on Oct. 28. Shown with Weissman are NCCJ Dinner Committee CoChairs Bruce Feldman and Marva Cosby. NCCJ’s mission is to build a community dedicated to eliminating bias, bigotry and all forms of discrimination.


At the Statehouse grounds in Columbus on Nov. 6 (L to R): Ohio Jewish Communities Executive Director Joyce Garver Keller, architect Daniel Libeskind, Gov. John Kasich, and State Sen. Chris Widener break ground for the Ohio Holocaust and Liberators Memorial. Libeskind, a child of Holocaust survivors, designed the master plan for the new World Trade Center in New York and the Jewish Museum in Berlin. The Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board approved Libeskind’s design for Ohio’s Holocaust memorial, which is expected to be completed in April on the south lawn of the Statehouse. PAGE 6



Trade with Israel Continued from Page Five off. Basically it allows you to see very clearly at night.” IDCAST Executive Director Larrell Walters said that following his meeting with Tiltan Systems Engineering, Tiltan’s CEO, Arie Shafir, was “ecstatic about the idea of putting people in Dayton.” Tiltan works with Woolpert in Greene County. Walters said the trade alliance timed this mission so that participants could attend the Israel 2013 Water Technology and Environment Control Exhibition and Conference in Tel Aviv. Among the thousands of WATEC attendees was Tammi Clements, Dayton’s water director. Walters, who has visited Israel six times since 2008 to foster trade partnerships, described the October mission as the most productive one so far in terms of the opportunities he hopes will come out of it. “On this trip we went in with over 20 meetings, and every one of those companies knew what was in it for them,” he said. “It was almost like they were trying to sell us as much as we were trying to sell them if not more. I know we don’t have anything yet, but I think we can come away with at least three or four really good opportunities here where I’d be disappointed if we didn’t have a couple things here within six months.” Tuss, who has also worked on the project since its beginnings, said the next step over the coming six to nine months is for Dayton area stakeholders to get the Israelis they’ve met with to visit Dayton. “When they travel and come to the states, part of building that relationship is where we are one of their stops,” Tuss said. “And if we’re one of their stops, usually something good happens. We will send out a number of invitations to folks to come this spring when the next Ohio UAS conference is here. Larrell will be inviting some companies to come to the sensor summit. Actually, we just had a company that was here while these guys were in Israel.” “We can’t claim at this point to have any major home-run job creation out of this,” Foley said, “but we have worked as hard or harder than any community to build the relationships and we’re going to continue to do it because every time we go — we see it — we think there are two-way opportunities for those companies to come here and to get access to our markets.”

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Are you reading this? So is the entire Jewish community. Contact Patty Caruso at to advertise in The Observer.









Empowering parents Why to test for Jewish genetic diseases

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By Marshall Weiss The Observer Randy Glaser is the first to admit Jewish genetic testing is a frightening topic. “When you advertise a program about BRCA (hereditary breast and ovarian cancer), you’ll have full attendance a lot of times,” Glaser, chair of the national Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium, said at a community information session cosponsored by the DJCC at the Boonshoft CJCE on Nov. 13. “Women come running to that conference because they’re scared for themselves, they’re afraid of what could happen to them, what will happen to their family, to their sisters,” she said. “But when you talk about children and what people can pass down to their children, people get scared. They get scared and unfortunately they shut down.” Of the 30 or so people who showed up for this evening program, virtually all were over the age of 50. One of the youngest people in the room was panelist Rachael Cross of Dayton. Her son, Joey, was born in 2007. He died 31/2 years later of Tay-Sachs. “I knew something was wrong with my son probably at 10 or 11 weeks,” Cross told the group. “And I always just wondered why he didn’t respond the right way — he didn’t give me the eye contact

Panelists for the Jewish genetic diseases program at the Boonshoft CJCE on Nov. 13: (L to R): Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium Chair Randy Glaser, Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz of Temple Israel, community member Rachael Cross, and Dr. Marvin Miller, pediatric geneticist with Dayton Children’s Hospital. Not pictured: JGDC Program Coordinator Shari Ungerleider.

that I craved.” She said several of her friends who are doctors told her not to worry, not to be “that mom.” Cross took Joey to doctors constantly. A neurologist wondered why Joey would angle his head. Thinking it might be an eye disease, he referred Joey to an ophthalmologist. “So we went in, he was about 11 months,” Cross said, “and the first question he asked me after he dilated him was, am I Jewish. And I looked at him and said there’s only one disease I could really think of and that’s not possible because

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my husband’s not Jewish.” “The most important point of today to get across is that all couples of childbearing age with any type of Jewish heritage should consider screening,” said Shari Ungerleider, JGDC’s program coordinator. “If one person in a couple has any Jewish heritage — interfaith couples, couples that really don’t consider themselves Jewish, have converted — everybody should be screened for Jewish genetic diseases.” Glaser and Ungerleider came from New York for a day of medical rounds in the Dayton area with geneticists and OB/ Gyns, a meeting with local rabbis, and the evening community program. “Randy and I are both parents of affected children,” Ungerleider said. Cross’ mother, Judi Grampp, arranged JGDC’s visit. “All the diseases we’re talking about here are autosomal recessive diseases, which means both parents need to be a carrier of the same gene,” Ungerleider said. If each parent is a carrier of the same disease, there’s a one in four chance of having a child with that disease for each pregnancy. “All of them are devastating diseases,” she added. “When you’re given the diagnosis that your child is not going to live beyond 5 or that long, you have to fill a lot of life in that short time, those short


DAYTON years with your child,” Cross said.

Screen before pregnancy

Ungerleider emphasized that screening before pregnancy is optimal; it gives the couple the most choices to have a healthy family. “Typically the woman, if she’s Jewish, will be screened first, because she has a relationship with an OB/Gyn, and it’s easier insurance coverage,” Ungerleider said. If the woman is not a carrier, the man doesn’t have to be screened. But if the woman is a carrier, the man would be screened for the diseases she carries. “If the man is of Jewish heritage, he should be the one screened first,” Ungerleider said. “The screen is always more accurate when you’re doing it on the person who has the most Jewish heritage.” She said that wherever a couple decides to get screened, they should have a physician, geneticist or genetic counselor read and interpret the report. “It’s important to ask for a copy of your records, so make sure you keep that in a safe place,” she added. The couple won’t have to be screened again for diseases they were already screened for, but with subsequent pregnancies, new diseases may be added to the screening panel, so they should be screened for the new diseases that have been added. “Being a carrier doesn’t impact you at all except you can pass this gene on to your children,” Ungerleider said. “If you and your spouse are found to be carriers of the same disease, there are options for you to build a healthy family. Nobody should believe that they cannot have children or should not have children. Genetic counseling is probably the most important thing to help you determine the best option.” Ungerleider said options for a couple in which both partners are carriers for the same disease are: • Get pregnant on their own followed by prenatal diagnosis • In vitro fertilization with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis • Donors for sperm and egg that have already been screened for Jewish genetic diseases • Adoption • Choose not to marry (common in the Orthodox community) “For people who say it

doesn’t matter (if they’re carriers), it’s important to know when they choose to have that child, because some of these diseases have intervention early on, such as Maple Syrup Urine disease, there are dietary limitations, or diseases like Bloom syndrome,” Ungerleider said. You’ll also see the child for months and months or years and years of going from doctor to doctor wondering what is wrong with them.” If the woman is already pregnant, she and the father should be screened as early as possible and at the same time, “because the turnaround time is about two weeks and you could be pretty far along into the pregnancy,” Ungerleider said. Dr. Marvin Miller, a pediatric geneticist with Dayton Children’s Hospital and a panelist on the program, pointed out that genetic testing provides people with information about whether their risk is reduced or increased but does not provide absolute certainty about outcomes. “Some of these tests are mutation tests,” he said. “And they don’t test for every mutation, they just test for the ones represented in Ashkenazi (Eastern European Jewish) people. Rare things happen.”

Educating rabbis

Cross said she grew up in the Jewish community thinking of Tay-Sachs as a Jewish disease. “I married someone who was not Jewish and I never heard that it’s not a Jewish disease — that these are diseases in the general population — it just had a higher predominance in the Jewish community,” she said. “So to me, it’s the re-

Wishing you a Happy Chanukah sponsibility of the educators of Judaism to educate everyone to know that it is not just a Jewish disease.” Ungerleider said JGDC’s meeting with Dayton’s rabbis was part of its initiative to meet with as many rabbis across North America as possible. “When people marry, they typically meet with a rabbi for pre-marriage counseling sessions, and even if they are interfaith couples, many couples — even if they don’t use that rabbi — they might meet with a rabbi,” Ungerleider said. “We try to meet with the board of rabbis in an area to help them learn about the genetics and how they might begin to introduce this to a couple.” Panelist Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz of Temple Israel attended the meeting with the rabbis earlier in the day and also heard the JGDC’s presentation at a Union for Reform Judaism biennial. “I know there are so many OB/Gyns who don’t ask the questions as far as what is your genetic history,” BodneyHalasz said. “I ask couples if they recognize that it’s not something to be afraid of, but it’s something that can empower them as parents. It doesn’t mean they can’t have children. It simply means there are ways to ensure this is going to be a healthy pregnancy and the right decision for your family.” Before Joey died, Cross and her husband adopted a girl. “We chose not to pass that down,” she said. For more information about genetic screening, go to

Montgomery County Commissioner . . . Debbie Lieberman Wishing you and your family a very Happy Chanukah Committee to Re-elect Debbie Lieberman, Marty Moore, Treasurer, 3630 Berrywood Drive, Dayton, OH 45424.


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First steps taken to identify trove of Holocaust-era art found in Munich


BRUNCH The Cantare Singers join us for a delightful traditional latke brunch with friends. Sponsored by DJCC’s Active Adults, partnering with Jewish War Veterans. Thursday, December 5, 11AM - 2PM @ the Boonshoft CJCE

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Cost: $8 in advance, $12 at the door. Your payment is your reservation.

By Toby Axelrod, JTA BERLIN — The extraordinary disclosure that a trove of more than 1,400 vanished artworks were found in a Munich apartment has raised more questions than it has answered. What were these works, which were produced by masters such as Chagall, Matisse and Picasso? Who are their rightful owners? Responding to growing international pressure, German authorities have begun to offer some preliminary answers. The state prosecutor in Augsburg has started to put names and images of the works into a database run by Germany’s central office for lost cultural property, whose website promptly crashed due to an overload of requests. Authorities also have confirmed that the collection contains at least 380 works that the Nazis confiscated during a 1937 campaign against socalled “degenerate art.” Still, much remains unclear about the provenance of the works and how they came to

Happy Chanukah. Jeff Noble

Are you reading this? So is the entire Jewish community. Contact Patty Caruso at to advertise in The Observer.


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Art historian Meike Hoffmann addresses media about the seizure of paintings from the Munich apartment of Cornelius Gurlitt, Nov. 5

be stored in Gurlitt’s apartment. The case has unfolded like a suspense novel. On Sept. 22, 2010, customs agents searching for tax evaders on a night train from Zurich to Munich caught Gurlitt with 9,000 euros, just under the legal limit. Suspecting him of tax evasion and embezzlement, investigators were intrigued to find no record of Gurlitt ever working, paying taxes or receiving Social Security. On Feb. 28, 2012, customs investigators carried out a

search and seizure order of his apartment. Over three days, they carted off more than 1,400 works of art — many by artists banned by the Nazis, some of which were unknown to experts. The seizure was kept secret until November, when it was revealed by the German magazine Focus. Since then, it has been the talk of the nation. “My reaction was ‘wow. Really wow!’ “ said Hannah Lessing, the secretary general of two Austrian government funds for Nazi victims who has worked to help heirs recover stolen art. “Maybe (now) there will be some people who inherited a whole house from their grandparents...and maybe they will ask themselves ‘where did this art come from?’ “ The Munich find is by far the most significant discovery of Holocaust-era artwork, pieces of which occasionally surface over the years in auction houses, vaults and even abandoned cellars. In 2010 in Berlin, workers excavating a subway tunnel unearthed a stash of sculptures by artists disliked by the Nazis. Meanwhile, European governments have made significant progress in identifying seized Holocaust art. In Austria, nearly 20,000 artworks and cultural items held in state collections have been returned to their original owners since the 1990s. In Holland, the Restitution Commission recommended in favor of the claimants of 430 objects, which fetched more than $10 million when they were sold at auction in 2007. And in France, a government probe of 2,000 paintings resulted in the restitution of six paintings in March to Thomas Selldorff, 84, of Boston. “More artwork has been coming on the market as people die and their heirs try to sell it off,” said Wesley Fisher, director of research at the Conference of Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. “But there’s been nothing as spectacular as this.” Gurlitt’s father, Hildebrand, was a German art dealer well known to restitution campaigners. Among other things, he was hired to procure works for the so-called Fuhrer Museum in Linz, Austria, and he was sent to Paris 10 times between 1941 and 1944 to purchase art on its


THE WORLD behalf, according to a sworn statement Hildebrand Gurlitt provided to U.S. authorities in June 1945. The elder Gurlitt also was used to scour markets for sellable art that could bring in money to the German treasury. In his statement, Hildebrand Gurlitt said he had heard about art and furnishings confiscated from Jews and held in a Parisian palace, but insisted he had never seen it. Nor, the elder Gurlitt said, had he ever bought anything from someone who did not want to sell. In 1950, the United States returned “a whole bunch of art” to Hildebrand Gurlitt, according to Korte, who along with a fellow investigator, Marc Masurovsky, dug up an inventory of the elder Gurlitt’s collection compiled by the U.S. military at the National Archives in Washington. Fisher is combing through the inventory of works taken from the Jeu de Paume museum in Paris between 1940 and 1944. The museum was used as a repository for works looted by the Nazis from French and Belgian Jews. According to The New York Times, at least eight of the paintings that the U.S. military returned to Hildebrand Gurlitt had been stolen and stored there. Cornelius Gurlitt apparently sold off pieces of his father’s collection occasionally and lived off the proceeds. In

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2011, he sold a work by Max Beckmann, The Lion Tamer, that brought in more than $1 million. Gurlitt’s collection is being held at a customs warehouse at an undisclosed location, where it is being cataloged by art historian Meike Hoffmann of Berlin’s Free University. A task force of six experts will assist in the provenance search. The move comes after pressure from Jewish groups and restitution advocates who were troubled that the Germans had not made the full list public. “The process is “both literally and legally complicated, difficult and time consuming,” the office of the chief public prosecutor in Augsburg said at a news conference. Jewish groups and restitution advocates had criticized Germany’s initial sluggishness in publicizing the contents of the collection. Deidre Berger, the head of the American Jewish Committee office in Berlin, had called on Germany to move quickly to address the ownership question and welcomed these developments. “Valuable time has been wasted,” World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder told the magazine Die Welt. “Neither the possible claimants nor possible witnesses in the return process are getting any younger.” Fisher of the Claims Confer-

ence said he found the delay outrageous, yet he acknowledged that “legal aspects” of the case make some delay inevitable. “Evidently the Germans are afraid they will get lots of claims, and maybe some of them false,” he said. “But that comes with the territory.” Anne Webber, director of the London-based Central Registry of Information on Looted Cultural Property, said her office has “been inundated with requests from families all over the world asking if their lost works of art might be in this collection.” At least one family reportedly has submitted a claim already. Marianne Rosenberg, an American attorney and granddaughter of the French dealer Paul Rosenberg, identified a Matisse unveiled at the news conference as belonging to her family. With the decision to gradually publish the list of works, heirs now have a good chance of starting legal proceedings. Ultimately, courts will have to decide whether works in question were obtained legally, were stolen or were purchased at deflated prices from sellers under duress. “Those who think we are at the end of this, that we shouldn’t make such a big deal about it,” said Korte, “they don’t have any fricking idea what they are talking about.”

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Happy Chanukah from The Dayton Jewish Observer





Israeli law could land rabbis in jail for flouting Chief Rabbinate

Gear up for a winter-wonderland with Mr. Yale this year at DJCC’s Winter Camp Shalom. Activities include arts and crafts, indoor camping, community service, swimming, games, cooking, indoor gaga, field trips, winter fun and more.

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after Dec 12 ( all 8 Days)

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The law’s main impact likely will not By Ben Sales, JTA be on Reform and Conservative cerTEL AVIV — Advocates for religious emonies but on marriages performed by pluralism in Israel thought they scored Orthodox rabbis who do not register the a minor victory in October with the ceremonies with the Chief Rabbinate. passage of a law aimed at loosing the regulations surrounding marriage in the Under Israeli law, only marriages performed by Orthodox rabbis and regisJewish state. tered with the rabbinate are recognized For the first time, couples could by the state. choose an Orthodox rabbi from anyWhile unregistered weddings by Orwhere in Israel to marry them, not just thodox rabbis are relatively few in numone from their hometowns. But a little-noticed amendment to the ber, religious pluralism advocates say growing numbers of Orthodox Jews are law could land some rabbis and newchoosing that option, either in protest of lyweds in jail for marrying outside the the Chief Rabbinate or because they feel rabbinate system. the rabbinate is out of touch with their Under the law, anyone who fails needs. to register an Orthodox marriage or “Weddings are a private matter and divorce with the country’s Chief Rabthe state is getting involved,” said Batya binate could face a two-year prison Kehana-Dror, who aids women undersentence. going ritual divorce. She said couples It’s not entirely clear to which marare marrying outside the rabbinate “to riages this would apply. break the monopoly.” According to initial reports, Reform “That only rabbis who are approved and Conservative marriages also could can marry and divorce when most of the be subject to prosecution under the population is not religious is a thirdlaw. But sources in the Chief Rabbinate and Israel’s Religious Services Ministry world law,” Kehana-Dror said. Two officiants who perform Orthotold JTA that because the Orthodoxdominated rabbinate does not recognize dox weddings outside the auspices of the rabbinate told JTA that they intend Reform or Conservative weddings as to keep performing “marriages,” only them, regardless of Orthodox ceremonies The law’s main the amendment. Both that are not registered impact likely will requested anonymity could be subject to not be on Reform so as to avoid arrest. prosecution. One officiant, Under this logic, if and Conservative who adds rituals for the Chief Rabbinate ceremonies but on women to the cerconsiders the wedemony and makes ding “unkosher” marriages performed adjustments to the — for example, it marriage contract for includes liberal inno- by Orthodox rabbis the protection of the vations like the bride who do not register bride, said she would presenting a ring to the groom — the the ceremonies with be willing to serve as a test case to challenge couple would likely the Chief Rabbinate the law in court. not be considered “As long as the married by the rabstate of Israel doesn’t allow its citizens binate and thus not subject to penalties to marry the way they feel is correct, in under the law, said a rabbinate source terms of their own sense of Jewish idenwho wished to remain anonymous betity, then I have no problem taking the cause he is not authorized to comment civil liberty of making sure that people on the matter. can set up their intimate connection and But the source said that if the wedmutual commitment to each other in the ding is considered valid according way they want,” she said. to standards of the Chief Rabbinate, “As someone who believes in the including core features of an Orthodox evolution of Jewish law, gender equalceremony such as a marriage contract and the recitation of the seven tradition- ity and continuing Jewish tradition, you al blessings, then participants could face can’t expect the current ultra-Orthodox jail time if the marriage is not registered. monopoly on Jewish marriage in this “Every wedding performed according country to meet the needs of how people live their lives today.” to Jewish law needs to be registered,” The other officiant told JTA that transthe source said. “Every ceremony that gressing the Chief Rabbinate’s restricis not according to Jewish law is not a tions does not necessarily mean breakwedding.” Idit Druyan, spokesperson for Deputy ing Orthodox Jewish law. “I’m not saying that Orthodox people Religious Services Minister Eli Ben-Dahwon’t raise their eyebrows,” he said. “I an, told JTA that the purpose of the law provide a solution to people who want is to discourage husbands from remara connection to their Jewish identity rying without ritually divorcing their without coercion.” current wives. THE DAYTON JEWISH OBSERVER • DECEMBER 2013

In the typhoon-ravaged Philippines, Israel brings experience in disaster relief By Marcy Oster, JTA Obviously wanting to get back to work as the medical manager of the field hospital set up by the Israel Defense Forces in the Philippines, Lt.Col. Dr. Ofer Merin speaks hurriedly about the three days his team has been seeing patients in the typhoon-ravaged nation. He tells of at least 12 babies the hospital has delivered — most of them premature — and the stabbing victim who may have died if not for the IDF hospital in Bogo City on Cebu Island, one of the areas hardest hit by Typhoon Haiyan. By 5 a.m. on Nov. 17, Merin says at least 50 people had lined up in front of the field hospital to receive treatment. “If we stayed here two months or even two years we would have patient work,” he said during a phone call with the media from the Philippines early that morning. The field hospital began operating on the morning of Nov. 15, about seven hours after the team arrived on the island. The parents of the first baby delivered by the Israeli team that first morning named him Israel in gratitude to the volunteers. Established adjacent to the


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Some 22 members of the team are medical doctors, 15 are nurses and the rest are technicians, lab workers and members of the Homefront Command who are coordinating logistics. The delegation brought 100 tons of equipment and supplies. Merin says the local officials and residents, as well as the medical staff of the local hospital, “greeted us warmly.” “We are working hand in Continued on next page

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Are you reading this? So is the entire Jewish community. Contact Patty Caruso at to advertise in The Observer.



THE WORLD 2013 Susan & David Joffe

Scholar-in-Residence Weekend Unfolding the Text: An Introduction to Jewish Medieval Bible Commentaries With Rabbi Robert A. Harris Associate Professor of Bible, Jewish Theological Seminary

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Chanukah Dinner Tuesday, Dec. 3, 6:15 p.m.

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Mobilizing and operating the field hospital has cost Israel millions of dolContinued from previous page lars, Merin says, as well as lost manhand with the Filipino people,” he said. power. Merin, a cardiac surgeon and deputy The medicines and much of the director of Shaare Tzedek Hospital in equipment brought in will remain when Jerusalem, says the Israelis also have they leave about two weeks later, he performed surgeries in the local hospiadds. tal in concert with local doctors “to give Merin, who is volunteering, believes them some of our knowledge.” the IDF is able to mobilize so quickly in Despite the death toll of more than the wake of natural disasters because 3,000, which is expected to climb thouit operates as an army unit, sending an sands higher, and the nearly 2 million advance team that allows the unit to displaced, Merin says deploy quickly upon arrival. the wounded are not The medicines One of the logistics officers wandering the streets and much of left with the team for the Philiplike he saw in Haiti pines two days after his wedthe equipment ding, despite being on leave following the 2010 earthquake. brought in will from the army for the occasion. He also was part Israelis, Merin says, are remain when of the Israeli team “ready to drop everything and that traveled to Japan they leave come and assist anywhere in the in the aftermath of world that we need to be.” its 2011 tsunami; the His team in the Philippines, Japanese infrastructure was better able he adds, is “really treating (the patients) to withstand a disaster, Merin said. with all their heart.” At about 4 a.m. on Nov. 17, a man who had been stabbed in the chest was The Jewish Federations of North America brought to the Bogo City field hospital has opened a mailbox to support relief by friends. Doctors put in a chest drain, efforts by the American Jewish Joint which Merin says was beyond the capa- Distribution Committee to aid victims of bilities of the local hospital. Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. To “I am not sure what would have contribute, go to https://secure-fedweb. happened if we had not been around,” he said. phillipines.



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U.S.-Israel feud helps Iran By Douglas Bloomfield Iran and Israel’s other enemies must be taking great delight in the deepening crisis between Washington and Jerusalem brought on by Benjamin Netanyahu’s bitter and angry attacks on the Obama administration over nuclear negotiations with the Islamic Republic. While Israel clearly has reasons to worry about any agreement that doesn’t eradicate Iran’s nuclear program, Netanyahu’s failure to understand that Washington has other vital strategic interests — and a political interest in avoiding yet another war the American people don’t want and can’t afford — could open the biggest rift in decades between the two allies. Early indications are that Netanyahu has declared war on the Obama administration after less than a year of both sides trying to repair relations. Netanyahu has legitimate reasons for concern. He sees a nuclear-armed Iran as Israel’s greatest existential threat. Over the past several years he has put the issue front and center on the international agenda and his threats of unilateral military action played a role in last year’s presidential campaign here and helped bring Iran to the table. But he is about to squander his achievement by an ill-advised, nearhysterical confrontation with Israel’s most important ally and the only leader of the international campaign to keep Iran out of the nuclear club. Despite the impression Netanyahu leaves, Israel does not suffer from a surplus of friends, especially ones giving is

$3-billion-plus every year. Washington and Jerusalem have long differed on how to deal with Iran, but those differences are becoming more pronounced with the change in leadership in Tehran. The Obama administration has brought together the international powers (Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China) to negotiate interim confidence building measures (some freeze of uranium enrichment, some thawing of frozen assets, nothing irreversible) to stop the race to the bomb and to buy time to work out a permanent agreement. Netanyahu disagrees with that approach and warns that the Iranian charm offensive that led to these negotiations is a ruse to buy time to accelerate the race to the bomb, and he insists the only viable incentive would be even tougher new sanctions. He has many supporters on Capitol Hill, where sanctions legislation slides through with ease. The administration has asked the Senate to delay passage of a House-passed sanctions bill to give the talks time to work but is running into resistance from all sides. The administration has another problem. Both Republicans and Democrats are complaining they have been kept in the dark about the details of the negotiations, saying they’ve been getting more information — not all of it accurate — from the media and two lobby groups leading the opposition to an Iran deal: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Foundation for Defense of Democracy, a conservative group generously backed by casino mogul and Netanyahu supporter Sheldon Adelson. One House top foreign policy staffer who has been contacted by those

groups and Israeli diplomats told me “they’re all working from Bibi’s (Netanyahu) talking points. Their message is the same: ‘the sky is falling.’” Many on both sides of the aisle aren’t convinced the Iranians are serious and fear the negotiations are a stalling tactic. Among Republicans there’s also the penchant for opposing anything Obama supports, period. Add to that a fear of crossing big pro-Israel groups and thereby angering the campaign contributors they influence. Netanyahu leaves the clear impression he’d prefer the United States start bombing Iran if it doesn’t agree to his terms — end all uranium enrichment, send its stockpile outside the country and dismantle the centrifuges. Republicans are happy to back him up in any confrontation with Obama, who thinks those demands are unrealistic, but only so far. They’re OK with going to war against Obama but not against Iran; like Obama, they understand the American people don’t want another war and can’t afford it. The Iranians will be watching the Hill debate closely. They saw the broad bipartisan opposition to bombing Syria after it used poison gas on its own people, and that Obama settled instead for a Russian-backed deal to dismantle Damascus’ chemical weapons arsenal. Some observers say Tehran interprets that as an indication Obama will run into similar problems if he decides to bomb Iran. And don’t forget that unlike Syria, Iran has the capacity to retaliate against American interests throughout the region. The six nations want to offer the Iranian negotiators something to take home to show their critics there are

benefits to a larger deal, while the West keeps the main structure of the sanctions regime intact and retains its leverage, said Amb. Dennis Ross, who held the Iran portfolio in Obama’s first term. Netanyahu opposes that approach. He likes to read back to Kerry his statement that “no deal is better than a bad deal,” but it comes out sounding like the prime minister is saying, “no deal is better than ANY deal.” Any goodwill and trust generated by Obama’s visit to Israel earlier this year has been largely erased by Netanyahu’s irate and near-hysterical outbursts against his country’s most important ally. He seems intent on increasing Israel’s isolation. Relations with Washington can be patched up in time, but it won’t be so easy with the Europeans. If Netanyahu is seen there as the major obstacle to any deal with Iran, European support for the sanctions could quickly erode and other nations could soon follow, giving Tehran the relief it seeks without having to curtail its nuclear program. Israel made preventing an Iranian nuclear weapon a top international priority, and it is right to insist any agreement meet that goal. It cannot do the job alone. It needs the six big powers and American leadership to negotiate and enforce the deal, and Israel can’t get that by bullying, braying and battling them. Netanyahu may not like Barack Obama very much — I’m sure the feeling is mutual — but he needs the American president much more than the American president needs him, and not just to prevent the Iranian bomb. Douglas Bloomfield is a freelance columnist based in Washington, D.C.

Iran sanctions push conjures echoes of ‘43 Holocaust advocacy By Rafael Medoff A tried-and-true method for lobbyists whose cause is opposed by the U.S. president is to bypass the White House by going to Congress. It worked for Jewish activists in 1943. But will it work in the current battle over Iran sanctions? Seventy years ago, the Holocaust rescue activists known as the Bergson Group found themselves stymied by an administration that did not want to take action to save Jewish refugees from the Nazis. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his aides insisted that rescue was not possible until the Nazis were defeated on the battlefield. The White House called its policy “rescue through

So, what do you think? Send your letters (300 words max., thanks) to The Dayton Jewish Observer 525 Versailles Drive, Dayton, OH 45459 • PAGE 16

victory”— a clever way of disguising what was, in reality, a policy of nonrescue. The Bergson Group looked to Congress for help. In the autumn of 1943, just before Yom Kippur, the Bergsonites and an Orthodox rescue group, the Va’ad ha-Hatzala, brought 400 rabbis to Washington, D.C., for an unprecedented march to Capitol Hill and the White House. The dramatic protest helped galvanize members of Congress to introduce a resolution calling on FDR to create a new government agency to rescue Jewish refugees. Bergson understood the political importance of lining up supporters from both sides of the aisle. It was quite a coup that the leading sponsors of his resolution were Congress members from Roosevelt’s own party: U.S. Sen. Guy Gillette of Iowa and U.S. Rep. Will Rogers, Jr. of California. Presidents don’t like when activists use Congress to advance a policy that the administration opposes. FDR didn’t like what Bergson was doing, and the

administration of President Barack Obama doesn’t like that some pro-Israel activists today are urging Congress to tighten sanctions on Iran. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has called the congressional sanctions effort “a march to war.” In 1943, the Roosevelt administration’s allies in Congress tried to slow down the rescue resolution by insisting on full hearings before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Bergson arranged for an impressive array of public figures to testify in support of the resolution. Probably the most important was New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. That he was a staunch supporter of Roosevelt’s policies in general gave La Guardia credibility to challenge FDR on refugee policy. In his testimony, La Guardia zeroed in on the fact that the administration had recently established a commission to rescue historic buildings and monuments in war-torn Europe. (Monuments Men, a new George Clooney movie about that effort, will be released in

February.) The mayor told the congressional hearing, “This very important not like the destruction of buildings or monuments, as terrible as that may be, because, after all, they may be rebuilt or even reproduced; but when a life is snuffed out, it is gone; it is gone forever.” Unfortunately, American Jewish leaders were divided on the rescue resolution. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, head of the American Jewish Congress and a fervent supporter of Roosevelt, testified that the Gillette-Rogers resolution was inadequate because it did not state that refugees should be brought to Palestine. (Bergson had deliberately omitted the contentious Palestine issue from the wording in order to gain the backing of more members of Congress.) This display of Jewish disunity nearly doomed the resolution. Today, by contrast, there appears to be unity among the major Jewish organizations in support of congressional efforts to tighten sanctions on Iran. The Continued on Page 33


Wishing You A Very Happy Chanukah


Beth Abraham Synagogue Classes: Sat., Dec. 7, 12:30 p.m.: Why Jews Do What They Do w. Rabbi Ginsberg. 305 Sugar Camp Cir., Oakwood. 293-9520. Temple Israel Classes: Mondays, noon: Intermediate Hebrew. Mondays, 1:15 p.m.: Knitting & Crocheting. Tuesdays, 5 p.m.: Beginner Hebrew. Wednesdays, 10 a.m.: Lattes & Legends w. Rabbi Bodney-Halasz at Wash. Sq. Dorothy Lane Mkt. Wednesdays, noon: Talmud w. Rabbi Sofian. Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.: Torah w. Rabbi Sofian. Sundays, 9 a.m.: Tanach w. Rabbi Sofian. 130 Riverside Dr., Dayton. 496-0050.


Beth Abraham Synagogue Sunday Brunches: Dec. 8, 10 a.m.: The Kislev Affair: What Really Happened at Chanukah? w. Rabbi Robert Harris, JTS. Dec. 15, 10 a.m.: DDN’s Bucky Albers. $5. R.S.V.P. to 293-9520. 305 Sugar Camp Cir., Oakwood.

Rumbleseat Wine, 5833 Far Hills Ave. Desserts provided, wine for purchase. For info., call the temple, 435-3400. Women’s Philanthropy for Tzedakah Israel Mission Info. Session: Mon., Dec. 9, 5:30 p.m. at the home of Debby Goldenberg. R.S.V.P. to Jodi Phares, 610-1555. Volunteer with Women’s Philanthropy for Tzedakah: Tues., Dec. 10, 10 a.m.-noon. At Dayton Children’s Hospital, 1 Children’s Plaza. R.S.V.P. to Hilary Zappin, 853-0372.


JSSA Events: Page 29. DJCC Active Adults: Page 30.


Temple Beth Or Fusion Families: Sun., Dec. 8, 3:30-5 p.m. w. Rabbi Chessin. Baby-sitting provided. 5275 Marshall Rd., Wash. Twp. R.S.V.P. to 435-3400.

DJCC Cultural Arts & Book Festival

Temple Israel Brotherhood Ryterband Lecture & Brunch Series: Sundays, 10 a.m. Dec. 8: Jewish Federation CEO Cathy Gardner, Dreams & Realities for Jewish Dayton. Dec. 15: Dr. Rachel Magdalene, Univ. of Leipzig, Contraception, Abortion & Infanticide in Biblical Times. $5 per brunch. 130 Riverside Dr., Dayton. 496-0050.

Sing-A-Long Fiddler on the Roof Live: Sun., Dec. 1, 2 p.m. at The Loft Theatre, 126 N. Main St. $18. Call Karen Steiger, 853-0372.


Beth Abraham Synagogue Joffe Scholar-In-Residence Weekend: w. Rabbi Robert Harris, JTS. Fri., Dec. 6, 6:15 p.m.: Kabalat Shabbat. 7 p.m.: Shabbat dinner followed by talk, I P’shat The Torah. $20 adults, $7.50 children. Sat., Dec. 7, noon: following services & kiddush lunch, In The Beginning There Were... Commentaries. Sun., Dec. 8, 10 a.m. Men’s Club Brunch, The Kislev Affair: What Really Happened at Chanukah? $5. R.S.V.P. for dinner and brunch, 293-9520. 305 Sugar Camp Cir., Oakwood.

DJCC Winter Camp Shalom: Mon., Dec. 23-Fri., Jan. 3, 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Extended care & transportation available. Boonshoft CJCE, 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville. Contact Yale Glinter, 401-1550.


BBYO KIO Regionals: Fri., Dec. 20-Mon., Dec. 23 in Columbus. Call Yale Glinter, 401-1550.

Young Adults

J-YAD Chanukah Party: Sun., Dec. 1, 1-3 p.m. Scene 75, 6196 Poe Ave. Kosher food & $10 arcade game card. Families welcome. Bring gift for white elephant. Free. R.S.V.P. to Karen Steiger, 853-0372. Chabad Single Young Professionals Menorah Lighting & Falafel Bar: Sun., Dec. 1, 4 p.m. Open martini bar, latkes & doughnuts. Free. 2001 Far Hills Ave., Oakwood. 643-0770.


Chabad Kids Make Shabbos: Thurs., Dec. 12, 6 p.m.: families help prepare Shabbat dinner. Fri., Dec. 13, 5:30 p.m. Shabbat dinner at Chabad, served by children. 2001 Far Hills Ave., Oakwood. 643-0770. DJCC Stars on Ice: Sun., Dec. 15, 3 p.m. at Riverscape Ice Rink, 229 E. Monument Ave., Dayton. $8 includes skate rental & snack. R.S.V.P. to Karen Steiger, 853-0372, by Dec. 11.


Temple Beth Or Happy Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Hour: Tues., Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m. w. Rabbi Chessin.


Lithographs of Marc Chagall: Nov. 29-Feb. 23. Dayton Art Institute, 456 Belmonte Park N. 223-4ART.

Community Events

Temple Beth Or Rock of Ages Band Shabbat Service With Marc Rossio: Fri., Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m. 5275

Marshall Rd., Wash. Twp. R.S.V.P. to 435-3400. Beth Abraham Synagogue New Member Shabbat: Sat., Dec. 14, 9 a.m. 305 Sugar Camp Cir., Oakwood. 293-9520. Beth Abraham Synagogue Chinese & A Movie: Tues., Dec. 24, 6 p.m. $10 adults, $5 12 and under. R.S.V.P. to 293-9520. 305 Sugar Camp Cir., Oakwood. Temple Beth Or Chinese & A Service: Fri., Dec. 27, 6:30 p.m. Meet at Golden Dragon, 1136 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd. for dinner & brief Shabbat service. For info., call the temple at 435-3400. Temple Israel Champagne Brunch: Sun., Dec. 29, 11:30 a.m. $12 before Dec. 20, $15 at door. Bring a dessert to serve 10. 130 Riverside Dr. R.S.V.P. to 496-0050.




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Chabad Car Menorah Parade: Sat., Nov. 30, 6:30 p.m. Place menorah on top of cars. 7 p.m.: Parade begins from Chabad, 2001 Far Hills Ave., Oakwood. 7:15 p.m.: Parade stops at Boonshoft CJCE, 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville. 7:30 p.m. Parade arrives at The Greene Town Square for Menorah lighting. To reserve car menorah, call Chabad at 643-0770.

Wishing you a Happy Chanukah

Beth Abraham Synagogue Chanukah Dinner: Tues., Dec. 3, 6:15 p.m. Veggie chili & latkes. Bring your menorah. $10 adults, $5 12 and under. R.S.V.P. to 293-9520. 305 Sugar Camp Cir., Oakwood. Sharing Chanukah Traditions: Wed., Dec. 4, 6-7:30 p.m. Families will make latkes from scratch. Sponsored by DJCC & Chabad. Boonshoft CJCE 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville. Free. R.S.V.P. to Karen Steiger, 853-0372. DJCC Active Adults & Jewish War Veterans Chanukah Brunch: Thurs., Dec. 5, 11 a.m. Boonshoft CJCE, 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville. $8 in advance, $12 at door. Payment is reservation. Call Karen Steiger, 853-0372.

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Arnowitz-Rachlin Wendy Rachlin and Roger Pankake are proud to announce the marriage of their son, Kevin Rachlin, to Jennifer Arnowitz. The happy couple reside in Arlington, Va.

Jack Irving Magen Lynn and David Goldenberg are pleased to announce the arrival of their grandson, Jack Irving Magen, on Sept. 9. Jack is the proud son of Betsy and Hugh Magen of San Francisco, grandson of Helene and Phil Magen of Walnut Creek, Calif., and great-grandson of Ruthe Stein of Northbrook, Ill.

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Retirements, Note Cards, Invitations

Dotan Herszage

Are you reading this? So is the entire Jewish community. Contact Patty Caruso at to advertise in The Observer. PAGE 18

and was named to the Third Team All-Area. Melissa, cocaptain of the Oakwood Team, also won the Southwestern Buckeye League championship in third singles. An honor roll student, Melissa was recently inducted to the National Honor Society.

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Wishing You A Happy Chanukah

Rachel Haug Gilbert

and a dreidel. You can see Joel’s rap battle parody at And a new television show that his brother Stephen has been writing for is now on the Fusion network, the new ABC/Disney Joel Levinson and a turkey get into it in the cable channel. Stephen winning Manischewitz Thanksgivukah video is one of the comedy writers for Good Morning Dr. Heath Gilbert was Today, developed by David awarded the 2013 Ohio Javerbaum, the 13-time Emmy Optometric Association winner who was the head President’s Award for his writer for the The Daily Show leadership and ongoing with Jon Stewart for many years. contributions to the profession. Stephen and Joel both live in The award isn’t given every L.A. with their wives and sons. year, but at the president’s discretion. In attendance at The Fairview High School class the banquet in Cleveland were of 1963 recently celebrated its Heath’s kvelling wife, yours 50th reunion. More than 120 truly, and his proud parents, people came together for the Dr. Ron and Shirlee Gilbert. three events held at the Dayton According to Shirlee, Ron Marriott. According to Bonnie received this same award the Mendelson, it was one of the first time it was given. best class reunions ever. “It was a very special time for all of Send your kvelling items to Rachel us,” she said. Besides Bonnie, at or to graduates of the class include Terry Pinsky, Terri Goldberg, Rachel Haug Gilbert Dr. David Joffe, Barbara Davis The Dayton Jewish Observer Weprin, Joann Friedman, 525 Versailles Drive Sherry Gershaw, and Alan Centerville, OH 45459 Flatt.


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Melissa Frydman, daughter of Angela and Joel Frydman, finished the tennis season for Oakwood High School with a record of 15 wins and one loss

Joel Levinson, son of Meredith Moss Levinson and Jim Levinson, won the top prize in the Manischewitz Thanksgivukah video contest for his rap between a turkey

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CONGREGATIONS Beth Abraham Synagogue Conservative Rabbi Joshua Ginsberg Cantor/Dir. of Ed. & Programming Andrea Raizen Daily services 6:50 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Fri., 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. and sundown Sat. eve. Sundays at 8:30 a.m. 305 Sugar Camp Circle, Oakwood. 293-9520. Beth Jacob Congregation Traditional Weekdays at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. & 7 p.m. 7020 N. Main St., Dayton. 274-2149. Temple Anshe Emeth Reform Rabbinic Intern Marc Kasten 320 Caldwell St., Piqua. Call Eileen Litchfield, 937-5470092, Correspondence address: 3808 Beanblossom Rd., Greenville, OH 45331. Temple Beth Or Reform Rabbi Judith Chessin Asst. Rabbi/Educator David Burstein Fridays 7:30 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. 5275 Marshall Rd., Wash. Twp. 4353400. Temple Beth Sholom Reform Rabbi Haviva Horvitz See Web site for schedule. 610 Gladys Dr., Middletown. 513-422-8313. Temple Israel Reform Rabbi David M. Sofian Rabbi/Educator Karen Bodney-Halasz 1st & 2nd Fri., 6 p.m. Other Fri., 7:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat 4th Fri., 6 p.m. Sat., 10:30 a.m. 130 Riverside Dr., Dayton. 496-0050. Temple Sholom Reform Fridays 6 p.m. 2424 N. Limestone St., Springfield. 399-1231.

Reclaiming Judith’s light for Chanukah By Rabbi Judith Chessin, Temple Beth Or & Chair, Dayton Synagogue Forum I will never forget the insistence of my Classical Biblical Hebrew university professor that “the heroine of the book of Judith was not actually named Judith. This was merely an allusion to the fact that God used the agency of a mere woman to perform the miracle of saving the Jewish people.” Horrified, I whispered to a classmate, “They better not say that about me some day!” Sadly, the ancient Judith did

Perspectives seem to lose both her name and renown in much of Judaism. Few people know her story or her association with the Festival of Lights. Like the Books of Maccabees, Judith is an apocryphal work, meaning that it was not chosen by the rabbis to be a part of the Jewish Bible. This exclusion was likely due to its late authorship and the fact that the text was preserved only in Greek. Scholars believe that Judith was originally written in Hebrew around 137-78 BCE, near the time of the Maccabean revolt around 165 BCE. The Book of Judith tells the story of a beautiful pious Jewish widow who single-handedly stopped the Assyrians from conquering Judea. Though the story may be set in an earlier period than Maccabees, the theme of the powerless Jew defeating the mighty foe connected the story to the Hasmonean revolt and therefore to the holiday of Chanukah. The plot begins when the

December • Kislev/Tevet

ADDITIONAL SERVICES Chabad of Greater Dayton Rabbi Nochum Mangel Associate Rabbi Shmuel Klatzkin Youth & Prog. Dir. Rabbi Levi Simon. Beginner educational service Saturdays 9 a.m. adults, 10 a.m children. 2001 Far Hills Ave. 643-0770. www. Yellow Springs Havurah Independent Services 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10-noon. Antioch College Rockford Chapel. Contact Cheryl Levine, 937-767-9293.

Assyrian general Holofernes arily clear, concise or poetic as besieges the city of Bethulia. better-known biblical works Judith, a young Jewish widow, such as Esther or Ruth. devises a plan to Feminist scholars consave the city. She tend that the patriarchal enters the Assyrredactors of the Bible were ian camp feignmore comfortable with an ing surrender. Esther whose heroics were Holofernes, overperformed through the come with attracagency of a man (Mordetion for Judith, chai), or a Ruth, whose takes her into his fame came through more tent where she traditionally feminine plies him with roles of filial piety, marwine and cheese. riage and childbirth. When the general Rabbi Judith Judith is a bold actor in passes out from Chessin history who derives her intoxication, Judith cuts off his own plan, takes decisive action head using his own sword, and and wields a man’s sword. She smuggles the head back to her remained unmarried, conhome town where it is mounttrolled her own wealth, and ed on the city walls. produced no heirs. When the enemy soldiers Since Judith’s story threatdiscover their decapitated genened the “status quo” of Jewish eral, they panic and flee, but social norms, her story has are chased down and decimatbeen all but erased from hised by the citizens of Bethulia. tory. The city is saved. Judith and Even culinary customs conher neighbors make a pilgrimspired against Judith. Medieval age to the Temple in Jerusalem tradition suggested eating of to celebrate and sing songs of praise to the Lord. Judith lives to the ripe old age of 105 and never remarries. Many theories account for Judith’s obscurity in our tradition. First, the book is only thematically linked to the Chanukah story. Because it is not historically linked to the Maccabees’ victory, it is not a story that is ritually rehearsed in synagogue or in the home. Second, the book is not as literJudith and Holofernes by Gustav Dore

Shabbat Candle Lightings

Torah Portions

December 6 4:54 p.m.

December 7/4 Tevet Vayigash (Gen. 44:18-47:27)

December 13 4:55 p.m.

December 14/11 Tevet Vayechi (Gen. 47:28-50:26)

December 20 4:57 p.m.

December 21/18 Tevet Shemot (Ex. 1:1-6:1)

December 27 5:01 p.m.

December 28/25 Tevet Vayera (Ex. 6:2-9:35)


Festival of Lights

Nov. 28-Dec. 5/25 Kislev-3 Tevet Eight-day holiday commemorating Jewish victory over the Syrians and the miracle of the rededication of the Temple. One day’s oil for the Temple’s light lasted eight days. A chanukiah (menorah) is lit for eight nights, and latkes (potato pancakes) are fried in oil to commemorate the story. Children play with dreidels and gifts are exchanged.

dairy foods to recall the salty cheese Judith used to get the Assyrian general thirsty and thus intoxicated. In his commentary on the Shulchan Aruch, the 16th century’s Rabbi Moshe Isserles recommended that Eastern European Jews eat cheese products to honor Judith. Sephardic Jews fried goat or sheep cheese in olive oil to commemorate both Judith’s and Judah Maccabee’s heroic deeds. However, Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews used chicken fat (shmaltz) for frying, and thus potatoes were substituted in concession to Jewish dietary laws. Potato latkes were born but Chanukah’s dairy dietary reminder of Judith simultaneously vanished. The Book of Judith may not be a direct Chanukah story, but it certainly hints at being, like Chanukah, an early Israelite winter solstice legend. The story carries traces of customs related to the solstice which falls at the end of the olive harvest season in Israel. In the Book of Judith, those who come out to greet the returning warrior carry lamps and torches. During Judith’s victory pilgrimage to Jerusalem, the Bithulians wear olive wreaths, not only as a Hellenistic sign of victory but also in celebration of the end of the winter olive harvest. North African Jewish legend claims that Judith’s victory took place on the new moon of Tevet, the new moon closest to the winter solstice. Rabbi Jill Hammer suggests that the Book of Judith gives us a glimpse of one of the earliest winter solstice celebrations long before the Maccabean story of the jar of oil by which the Temple was rededicated. In this respect we may understand why Sephardic Jewish women would meet specifically on the seventh night of Chanukah (Rosh Chodesh Tevet) to eat dairy food and celebrate the heroine Judith. All in all, it seems high time to take Judith’s light out from under the bushel and to reclaim this Jewish heroine. I recommend fried cheese and olives (with or without martinis) to celebrate a Jewish heroine finding her name once again.




Marvelous menorahs, purple gorillas, and back to ‘64 Berkeley By Penny Schwartz, JTA A gift-giving, angst-ridden purple gorilla is among the characters who help enliven the Chanukah celebrations in eight new holiday books for children, families and young adults. One, With a Mighty Hand, is not about Chanukah but will be a treasured gift to add to a family’s bookshelves. Tilda Balsley, the author of many children’s books, including four Jewish-themed Sesame Street titles about Grover, Big Bird and friends, brings two new offerings, Eight is Great and ABC Hanukkah Hunt. Thank You For Me! is perfectly timed for the confluence this year of Chanukah and Thanksgiving. For young adults, awardwinning writer Ruth Feldman in a coming-of-age novel spins an intricate tale of historical fiction and fantasy set in 1964 Berkeley, Calif., at the dawn of the city’s free speech movement. Eight is Great Tilda Balsley, illustrated by Hideko Takahashi. Kar-Ben, $5.95 board book, $4.95 eBook. Ages 1-4. Simple rhymes and illustrations enliven the colorful toddler board book that plays on the theme of the eight nights of Chanukah. Thank You For Me! Rick Recht; illustrated by Ann Koffsky. Jewish World Publishing, $10. Ages 1-3. The illustrated lullaby, which can be read or sung, encour-

ages young ones to appreciate themselves and all that surrounds them. A free download to Rick Recht’s companion song, Kobi’s Lullaby, and a link ( to a coloring page by illustrator Ann Koffsky are included. ABC Hanukkah Hunt Tilda Balsley; illustrated by Helen Poole. Kar-Ben, $17.95 hardcover, $7.95 paper, $6.95 eBook. Ages 3-8. A lively rhyming alphabet romp through Chanukah provides plenty of entertainment for young kids. Each largeformat page is filled with cartoon-like illustrations and a simple riddle that can be solved by looking at the pictures of flames on a menorah, a maze to Jerusalem’s Holy Temple and plates full of sugarcoated sufganiyot (doughnuts).

by Julie Fortenberry. Kar-Ben, $17.95 hardcover, $7.95 paper, $6.95 eBook. Ages 2-6. What preschooler won’t relate to young Sadie when her carefully crafted and painted clay menorah shatters into a million pieces? Sadie’s spirits are lifted when she discovers that the shamash helper candle holder did not break. All’s well when Sadie uses the pink-andblue shamash to light all the household menorahs, starting a new family tradition. Julie Fortenberry’s colorful illustrations allow kids to tell the story through the expressive and energetic art. The Eighth Menorah Lauren L. Wohl, illustrated by Laura Hughes. Albert Whitman, $16.99 hardcover. Ages 4-7. In this delightful story, a young boy named Sam makes a Chanukah menorah in Hebrew school using a shiny rock he picks at a park outing. But he frets: What will his family do with one more menorah? In phone conversations with his grandmother, Sam confides that he’s keeping a special Cha-

nukah secret for the family. Their relationship feels authentic and warm. Readers will wonder along with Sam as he tries to figure out the perfect new home for the menorah. Laura Hughes’ illustrations convey a contemporary, real-world feel. Grandma lives in a condo in an urban high-rise, and there’s a refreshingly diverse group of kids at Hebrew school. Rules for how to play dreidel are included. Esther’s Hanukkah Disaster Jane Sutton, illustrated by Andy Rowland. Kar-Ben, $17.95 hardcover, $7.95 paperback, $6.95 eBook. Ages 4-9. Poor Esther: The endearing purple gorilla is looking forward to celebrating Chanukah with her jungle friends, but all the gifts she selects turn out wrong. Worse, the friends give her the “perfect” Chanukah gifts. But Esther makes it all right at a Chanukah party where good friends celebrate together and swap the gifts. Esther’s Hanukkah Disaster is a new favorite book for Barbara Krasner, the author of many children’s stories who is active in the Association of Jewish Libraries. “The illustrations are hysterically funny,” she writes in an email.

For young adults The Ninth Day Ruth Tenzer Feldman. Ooligan Press, $13.95. Older teens and up.

Sadie’s Almost Marvelous Menorah Jamie Korngold, illustrated

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Hope Friis, the teen protagonist here, has an enviable relationship with her grandfather, who as his health declines gives Hope the gift of a tallit that belonged to her grandmother, Miryam, for whom she is named. The blue threads woven into the tallit call forth a mysterious visitor, Serakh, who beckons Hope on a journey back in time to 11th century Paris, where she is challenged to save the life of a Jewish baby. The mature material, which includes references to LSD and tragic Jewish history during the Crusades, is not overly dark or depressing. Through curiosity and courage Hope, who has a stutter, finds her own voice as she faces tough, consequential decisions. The book takes place during the eight days of Chanukah, which that year fell very close to Thanksgiving, as it does this year. With a Mighty Hand: The Story in the Torah Adapted by Amy Ehrlich, paintings by Daniel Nevins. Candlewick, $29.99. All ages. Readers of any age will savor the beautifully designed With a Mighty Hand, Amy Ehrlich’s adaptation of the five books of the Torah with stunning art by Daniel Nevins. Based on the original biblical text, Ehrlich approaches the Torah’s stories as a lyrical narrative. She includes the nuanced details and weaves a story line that brings the characters to life as humans, with strengths and flaws. Nevins’ illustrations draw from a rich palette of purple, red, brown, blue and ocher. In a full-page illustration of one of Joseph’s dreams, a copperskinned Joseph stands tall and regal in his multicolored coat looming above the stars and moon. A two-page Torah genealogy, Ehrlich’s introduction and end notes offer readers helpful explanations to supplement the narrative.



Illuminate the dimensions of courage By Dasee Berkowitz , JTA Becoming courageous doesn’t happen overnight. It develops when children have opportunities to stand up for what’s right and to take responsible risks. Through experiences my husband and I provide, and the stories we tell them, we can lay some groundwork. As I think about a central message of the Chanukah story and the way I want to portray it to my kids, models of courage abound. From Judah Maccabee, to Hannah and her seven sons, heroes and heroines fought to be Jews who refused to assimilate into the prevailing Hellenistic culture. When Antiochus Epiphanes came to power, and observance of the most basic mitzvot (commandments) — circumcision, Shabbat celebration and kashrut — were turned into capital offenses, their acts of courage formed the basis of a central narrative of the Chanukah story that has been passed down through the generations. Consider Judah Maccabee, whose army with a bunch of Jewish soldiers used guerrilla tactics and religious zeal to defeat the stronger Assyrian Greek army. He forced the Assyrian Greeks to rescind the policies that forbade Jewish practice, and in 164 BCE liberated the

Temple in Jerusalem and rededicated it to a place of Jewish worship. Consider Hannah and her seven sons, who refused to bow down to Zeus and Antiochus and eat non-kosher meat. The Book of Maccabees relates that each of her sons and then her mother were tortured to death. These acts of courage seem extreme and even unpalatable to our modern ear — what woman would sacrifice her son, not to mention all seven? And aren’t we a peace-loving people who should not extol brute force? But they also lead us to deeper questions about the nature of courage. Are there values and beliefs for which we are willing to make great sacrifices, and if any of these values or beliefs were to be violated, would we be stirred to action? While these figures present us with one narrative of the Chanukah story — of heroism in battle and martyrdom — a second narrative is favored by the ancient rabbis of the Talmud. The story begins with the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem and the faith that the Jews had that the small cruse of oil,

which should have lasted for one day only, could last for eight (in time for others to travel and get more oil.) The second narrative downplays the military victory won by human hands and elevates the story to one in which our faith in God and God’s miracles are kindled. It reminds us that courage is born when we continue to have faith and hope even in our darkest time. Having faith in itself is an important kind of courage. While the call to be courageous is central to the Chanukah story — spiritually or physically — it is also daunting. But the rabbis offered another way for us to understand how to live a courageous life and be our own heroes. “Who is a hero?” the rabbis ask in Ethics of the Fathers. “One who overcomes his urges.” Overcoming our most natural desires and exercising personal restraint is another kind of heroism. This is a kind of everyday courage. When we are present in a difficult conversation with someone we care about even though our impulse is to leave, we are a hero. When we resist the urge to say something that we know will offend another person, even if we

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think it is warranted, we are courageous. When we have vowed not to feed a habit that is destructive to us, and when tempted and resist (a smoke, an extra piece of chocolate cake), we are being our own heroes. This Chanukah, celebrate all of the dimensions of courage by dedicating each night to one of them: Candle 1 to the classic Chanukah heroes of Judah Maccabee and Hannah. Candle 2 to the courageous acts of our children who welcome a new kid to the school, speak out against bullying or have faith that the next day at school might be a little better than today. Candle 3 to someone in your community who took up a cause you believe in and fought for it. Candle 4 to someone in your family — perhaps a parent or grandparent — and a courageous act they performed during their lives. Candle 5 to American and Israeli soldiers who are fighting to protect values and ideals that are sacred to us. Candle 6 to the courage that you have exercised by restraint — with a coworker, spouse, child, friend or parent. Candle 7 to a person in your life who exemplifies courage the most. Candle 8 to that quality of courage in ourselves that enables us to bring light into dark places and for the energy to continue to stoke the embers of our own sense of courage.

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Baked latkes for Chanukah, with roast capon as a main dish


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I discovered that latkes can be Potato Latkes By Helen Nash, JTA baked with very little oil while Makes 6 dozen bite-size latkes When I married 55 years still preserving their crispy 4 Tbsp. vegetable oil ago, I knew nothing about texture and flavor. 1 medium onion, quartered cooking. I grew up during war In addition, my recipe can 4 medium Idaho baking years in Europe when food was be made in batches and frozen potatoes not available. 1/4 cup unbleached allSo my exposure to food, and in plastic containers with wax paper between the layers. purpose flour particularly traditional food, The fact that they can be 1 large egg plus 1 large egg was nonexistent. After I marmade ahead of time is parwhite, lightly whisked ried, I decided to take cooking 11/2 tsp. kosher salt classes, first studying with chef ticularly helpful for Chanukah party hosts, who have so many 1/4 tsp. freshly ground Michael Field, author of the other responsibilities. black pepper 1965 book Michael Field’s CookMy recipe requires the ing School. He realized that I Place an oven shelf in the had limitations because I never same technique of grating the potatoes and the same seasonlowest position and preheat ate any of his meat dishes; I ing, but a fraction of the oil that the oven to 450 degrees. Brush kept kosher. But he wanted to normally is used when you’re three heavy nonstick cookie help and gave me substitutes frying potato latkes. sheets with one tablespoon and kept saying, “You can do The important element is oil each. (The thickness of the this.” that the cookie sheets should sheets allows the bottoms of From there I moved onto be of nonstick heavy gauge the latkes to become golden.) Chinese cooking and classes and the oven temperature quite Pulse the onion in a food with Millie Chan, author of high. processor until finely chopped. Kosher Chinese Cookbook. I also I’ve also included a recipe Transfer to a large bowl. read many books and took for roast capon with olives, Remove the metal blade from notes. And as ingredients became available in kosher ver- which makes a great Chanukah the processor and put on the dish if you’re serving a full medium shredding attachment. sions, I experimented. meal. Peel the potatoes and cut Equipped with all of this inCapons have a subtly sweet them lengthwise into quarters. formation, I tested and retested taste that is quite different from Insert them into the food prorecipes to make them kosher chicken and turkey. cessor’s feed tube and grate. and my own. The olives add an interestCombine the potatoes with the Now I am the author of three ing flavor and give the sauce a onion. cookbooks, the most recent of delicious taste and texture. My Add the flour, egg, egg which was just published this family and friends — especially white, and the remaining one fall, Helen Nash’s New Kosher the olive lovers — always ask tablespoon oil and mix well. Cuisine. for second helpings. Season to taste with the salt For holidays, I must confess and pepper. Place one level that I like traditional recipes, tablespoon of the poso it is a little unusual Ann Stratton tato mixture slightly that I would attempt apart on the greased to change anything cookie sheets. in a potato latke Bake the latkes one recipe. But since I also sheet at a time on the believe in nutritious, lowest shelf for 11 healthy eating habits, minutes, or until the I had to find a way to bottoms are golden improve on the tradibrown. Turn the latkes tion of frying latkes. over and bake for anMy challenge: to other six minutes, or preserve the flavor until they are lightly of the fried potato golden. pancake and at the Notes: Latkes can same time to make it be baked earlier in the healthier, less messy day and reheated. Ar(which frying always range on a wire rack is) and more versatile. set over a cookie sheet In other words, a in a preheated 350-delatke doesn’t have to gree oven until hot, be just for Chanukah. about six minutes. The It can also be a lovely wire rack prevents side dish for fish, them from getting chicken or meat. soggy. It can even be a To freeze: Place wonderful appetizer latkes side by side in served with gravlox an airtight plastic conor as a small hors tainer lined with wax d’oeuvre topped with paper, separating the smoked salmon. layers with wax paper. After many trials, Roast capon with olives makes a great Chanukah dish THE DAYTON JEWISH OBSERVER • DECEMBER 2013

FOOD To reheat, take them straight from the freezer and arrange on a wire rack set over a cookie sheet. Place in a preheated 400-degree oven until hot, eight to 10 minutes.

Baked veggie latkes Sam Felder/Creative Commons

Roast Capon With Olives Makes 10 to 12 servings 1 capon, about 9 lbs. 3 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 onions 1 cup tightly packed flat-leaf parsley, coarsely chopped 3/4 cup pitted Kalamata olives, quartered 3 Tbsp. unsalted margarine, melted 1 cup dry white wine Preheat the oven to 350. Discard any excess fat from the capon. Rinse it inside and out and pat dry with paper towels. Season the inside and out with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Thinly slice one of the onions and set aside. Quarter the other onion and place it in the cavity along with the parsley and one tablespoon of the olives. Brush the capon with the margarine and place it on its side in a roasting pan. Scatter the sliced onions and the remaining olives around the pan. Roast the capon for 35 minutes, basting with one-third of the wine. Turn the capon on its other side and roast for another 35 minutes, again basting with a third of the wine. Turn the capon breast side up for 15 minutes, basting with the remaining wine. Turn the breast side down for another 15 minutes. The capon is ready when the drumstick juices run clear. (The total cooking time is about 1 hour and 40 minutes, or about 11 minutes per pound.) Remove the capon from the oven and cover it tightly with heavy foil. Let it stand for 20 minutes to let the juices flow back into the tissues. Place it on a cutting board. Pour the liquid from the baking pan, along with the olives and onions, into a small saucepan. Place the saucepan in the freezer for about 10 minutes, so that the grease can quickly rise to the top. (This makes it easier to remove.) To serve: Skim off the fat and reheat the sauce. Discard the onion and parsley from the cavity. Cut the breast into thin slices and serve with the sauce.

Celebrate Chanukah with Beef Brisket and Latkes! DLM Natural Beef — Hormone and Antibiotic Free Pair with Yarden Galilee Cabernet or Chardonnay from Israel. Swapping potatoes for vegetables is one way to cut calories on the eight-day frying festival of Chanukah By Chavie Lieber, JTA The Festival of Lights, which commemorates the Maccabean revolt against the Assyrian Greeks, has a long-standing tradition of oily foods such as latkes and donuts in remembrance of the miracle of the Temple oil, which lasted eight days instead of the expected one. “People have a misconception of the tradition to fry on Chanukah,” Yosef Silver, the author of the popular blog This American Bite, told JTA. “The concept is to remember the oil, but that doesn’t necessarily mean frying. If you prefer to use the traditional potato latke recipe, the best way to make it healthy would be to pan fry it with an oil substitute like Pam,” Silver said. “If you want to incorporate oil, add only a tablespoon and lightly pan-fry it.” For those who prefer a fried taste, Silver suggests swapping potatoes for healthier vegetables that provide vitamins and nutrition as opposed to starch. Here are a couple of healthier latke recipes. Roasted Gingered Carrot Latkes by Shaya Klechevsky, editor of At Your Palate kosher cuisine blog. 6 cups coarsely grated peeled carrots 3 Tbsp. all-purpose flour 3 Tbsp. whole wheat flour 1 1/2 tsp. salt 3/4 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper 7 tsp. finely grated peeled fresh ginger 3 large eggs, beaten to blend Blended olive oil (for frying) Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil and spray with olive oil, or take

a pastry brush dipped in olive oil and lightly coat the foil. Place grated carrots in a large bowl; press with paper towels to absorb any moisture. In another bowl, combine flours, salt, baking powder and pepper, and blend together. Add carrots, ginger and eggs to the flour mixture and combine. Mixture shouldn’t be too wet or too dry. When forming patties, the mixture should stick to itself and not come apart. If it’s too wet, add a little bit more flour; if it’s too dry, add more beaten egg. Allow to stand for 10-12 minutes for ingredients to absorb into each other. Place patties, about 31/2-inch rounds, onto the greased baking sheet. Leave a little room around each one. Place tray into middle rack of oven and roast for 10-12 minutes per side, or until golden brown. Makes about 15 latkes.


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Rutabaga And Turnip Latkes by Yosef Silver 2 rutabaga, shredded 2 turnips, shredded 1 large onion, shredded 1 egg, plus one egg white 1/2 tsp. of garlic powder 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. of freshly ground black pepper Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Mix all the ingredients, then shape the latkes so they are approximately the size of your palm and about 1/4-inch thick. Grease a cookie sheet with olive oil if you want to keep with tradition, or substitute coconut oil for a lighter alternative. Place the latkes on the cookie sheet with space between them. Once the oven has heated, bake the latkes until golden brown.

Are you reading this? So is the entire Jewish community. Contact Patty Caruso at to advertise in The Observer.




More latkes — and cookies — with a twist, from Jamie Geller HarperCollins Publishers Fry until golden brown and crispy, three to five minutes All kinds of uber-creative per side. Drain on the prepared latke recipes appear around A. Requested changes B. Without Swirl - Smaller Yogurt 3012 Far Hills Ave. • Kettering • 937-723-7692 baking sheet. Repeat with reChanukah-time: apple-parsnip (Far Hills & Dorothy Lane) maining batter. latkes, sweet potato-leek latkes, 7. To keep latkes warm and sweet cheesy latkes, and savory crispy once fried, spread them cheese and chive latkes. in a single layer on a baking But the truth is, you can’t go sheet and place in a 200-degree anywhere in the world of latkes any purchase buy 1 get 1 half-price oven until ready to serve. until you’ve mastered the clas$4 min. purchase lesser item With coupon. With coupon. 8. To serve, place the latkes sic potato version, says celeb1 discount 1 discount awesome yogurt awesome yogurt per visit. per visit. on a large serving tray and rity chef Jamie Geller, who likes Kettering • 937-723-7692 Exp. 1-31-14. Kettering • 937-723-7692 Exp. 1-31-14 garnish each with a generous to try the latkes, keep them tablespoon of crème frâiche and warm, and then layer them Locally Owned Small Business • Serving REAL Probiotic Yogurt caviar. with show-stopping toppings. Over 50 Amazing Toppings & Sauces • Gift Cards Available Quick Tip: Remember, don’t Hailed as the “Queen of Koovercrowd your pan when frysher” and the “Jewish Rachael ing. Make sure the latkes aren’t Ray,” Geller is the co-founder touching and there is room of the Kosher Media Network, Jamie Geller around each for the edges to publisher of the Joy of Kosher crisp. That’s the perfect latke: with Jamie Geller magazine and 2 1/2 lbs.) soft, fluffy, and creamy on the companion website JoyofKo3 large eggs, beaten inside with crispy edges., and author of the 2 tsp. kosher salt Quick & Kosher cookbook series. 1 tsp. freshly ground black Sweet Cinnamon Latkes Serving Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana Geller’s online cooking vidpepper My friend Anita’s grandCOMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • GOVERNMENT eos have garnered more than Canola oil for frying mother used to make her latkes RE-ROOFING / NEW CONSTRUCTION half a million views. 1 medium onion quartered with a pinch of cinnamon. The following two recipes 1/4 cup matzah meal INSPECTIONS • ROOF REPAIRS • MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS Omit the onion and the for Chanukah latkes and cook11/4 cups crème frâiche or Firestone - Johns Manville - Carlisle - Soprema pepper, reduce the salt to a ies are from Joy of Kosher: Fast, sour cream pinch, and add two teaspoons 24-Hour Emergency Roof Leak & Repair Service Fresh Family Recipes, Geller’s Caviar, for garnish ground cinnamon and three new cookbook, which was pubAfter 6:00 PM/Weekends - Call 937-604-2922 tablespoons sugar. Mix one cup lished in October. 1. Fill a large bowl with cold sour cream with 1/4 cup maple water. Peel the potatoes, cut syrup and serve it on the side. Latkes with Caviar and Cream them into quarters lengthwise, Make it pareve: Use soy sour Kosher Status: Dairy and place them in the bowl of cream or serve with applesauce. Prep Time: 15 Minutes cold water to prevent brownFax 937-298-2340 Cook Time: 40 Minutes ing. Cardamom-Scented Chanukah NATIONAL Total Time: 55 Minutes 2. Combine the eggs, salt, E-Mail: ROOFING Cookies Yield: 20 latkes and pepper in a large bowl; set CONTRACTORS 2485 Arbor Blvd., Dayton, OH 45439 ASSOCIATION Kosher Status: Dairy Consider creating a latkeaside. Prep: 10 minutes topping bar, so your Chanukah 3. Heat about 1 inch of oil in party guests can mix and match a large sauté pan over medium- Chill: 30 minutes Bake: 12 minutes or try them all. I like topping high heat. Are you reading this? Cool: 10 minutes latkes with guacamole and 4. Put the onions and potaTotal: 1 hour 2 minutes So is the entire Jewish community. an over-easy or poached egg, toes in a food processor and or doing Caprese latke towpulse until puréed. Contact Patty Caruso at ers with slices of mozzarella HarperCollins Publishers Transfer the mixture to advertise in The Observer. and tomato, plus a few fresh into the large bowl basil leaves. Oooo, and I love with the eggs. Add a smear of brie matzah meal and mix to combine. B R E A K F A S T • L U N C H • D I N N E R cheese topped with a dollop 5. Line a baking of jam, or blue sheet with paper cheese, pear, towels. and arugula 6. Using a 1/4-cup piled on top. measuring cup, scoop You can go exup the potato mixture otic or country and carefully drop it or Brooklyn, into the hot oil. DELI but this super Use the back of elegant cream FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED • RETIRED MILITARY the measuring cup to and caviar verflatten the latke. Fill sion can only the pan with as many be described as latkes as you can, but super posh and do not let them touch. simply divine. Do not overcrowd 2515 Far Hills Ave. M-Th: 7:30am-9pm your pan, or the latkes Wishing You A Oakwood, OH 4 large russet will be soggy instead Happy Chanukah F-Sa: 7:30am-10pm Latkes with caviar and cream potatoes (about of crispy. 937.723.6135 Sunday: Closed

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FOOD HarperCollins Publishers Yield: About 24 2-inch cookies I really feel like a good mom when I bake with my kids, especially for the holidays. Chanukah cookies can also be a lot of fun to make, but they’re usually so blah and one-dimensional, no one really craves them. With just one touch of cardamom, this recipe immediately transforms those bland little cookies into something super special. You don’t even need to decorate them. Cardamom-scented Chanukah cookies Just pile them on your party tray and juice and beat until combined. watch them go! Add the flour mixture and mix just until incorporated. 11/2 cups all-purpose flour, 2. Wrap the dough in plastic plus more for rolling wrap and chill in the refrigera1/2 tsp. baking powder tor for 15 to 30 minutes. 1/4 tsp. kosher salt 3. Meanwhile, preheat the 1/4 tsp. ground cardamom oven to 350 degrees. Line two 1/4 tsp. ground ginger baking sheets with parchment 8 Tbsp. (1 stick) unsalted paper. Lightly flour your work butter at room temperature surface. 1/4 cup granulated sugar 4. Flour your rolling pin and 1/4 cup packed light brown cookie cutters. Roll out the sugar dough to 1/4-inch thick on the 1 large egg work surface. Cut into desired 1 Tbsp. fresh orange juice shapes and place them on the 1 cup confectioners’ sugar prepared baking sheets. Blue sugar or sprinkles, for Reroll the scraps and contindecorating ue until all the dough has been used. Bake until the edges are 1. Combine the flour, baking just golden, 10 to 12 minutes. powder, salt, cardamom, and Cool two minutes on the bakginger in a small bowl. Beat ing sheet, then move to a wire together the butter, granulated rack to cool completely. sugar, and brown sugar with 5. Place the confectioners’ an electric mixer until light and sugar in a small bowl. Add fluffy. Add the egg and orange

water, one tablespoon at a time, and whisk until a smooth, thick but pourable consistency is reached. Drizzle the frosting on the cookies and decorate them with blue sugar or sprinkles. Variation: Use 1 cup all-purpose flour and 1/2 cup whole wheat flour, or 3/4 of each. Black and White Chocolate – Dipped Chanukah Cookies To make Chocolate Ganache, bring 1 cup of heavy cream to a simmer in a small saucepan over medium heat. Place 4 ounces chopped milk chocolate in a small bowl and 4 ounces chopped white chocolate in another small bowl. Pour half of the warm cream into each bowl. Let sit for a few minutes, then stir with rubber spatulas to melt the chocolates. Let cool slightly before dipping your cookies. Divide the cookies into two equal batches. Dip the cookies in one batch in the milk chocolate, covering each cookie halfway; dip the cookies in a second batch in the white chocolate, dipping each cookie halfway. Sprinkle the frosted parts of the cookies with gold and silver decorating sugar. Make it pareve: These are so easy to make nondairy: just sub in margarine for butter. Because it’s traditional to eat dairy delicacies on Chanukah, and I rarely have occasion to make dairy desserts, I seize the opportunity to use butter in this recipe. But it’s a great quick cookie recipe and shouldn’t be relegated to Chanukah — just use cookie cutters that are not holiday themed.

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learn how. Because everyone deserves to have light and hope in their lives.

Wishing you a n d yo u r f a m i l y a w a r m a n d h a p py Ch a nu ka h 2014 UJC CAMPAIGN CABINET Judy Abromowitz | Campaign Chair


Mary Youra | Campaign Vice Chair


The Federation Family Meeting the needs of Jews in Dayton, Israel, and around the world Dayton Jewish Community Center • Federation Foundation • Jewish Community Relations Council Jewish Senior Service Agency • The Dayton Jewish Observer • United Jewish Campaign • Women’s Philanthropy for Tzedakah

Federation & Agencies Service Sites

Boonshoft Center for Jewish Culture & Education 525 Versailles Drive, Centerville, OH 45459 937-853-0372 937-610-1555 • Federation Offices • DJCC & Early Childhood Services • Jewish Community Relations Council • Dayton Area Jewish Senior Service Agency • The Dayton Jewish Observer • United Jewish Campaign Jewish Senior Service Agency Phone Numbers: Transportation 937-853-0377 Emergencies 937-677-5192

Covenant Manor 4951 Covenant House Drive, Trotwood, OH 45426 • Jewish Senior Service Agency 937-837-4836 • Kosher Lunch Site for Seniors & Federation Food Pantry 937-854-6319 Covenant Manor is a 50-unit apartment complex developed under U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. For information, call 937-854-4596.

A memorable, remarkable women’s mission to Israel Join an intrepid group of smart, motivated women from across North America and Israel on a unique journey that will feed your soul and engage your mind. The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton’s Women’s Philanthropy for Tzedakah will participate on the Jewish Federations of North America Heart To Heart Mission to Israel, Feb. 9-13. Dayton’s Women’s Philanthropy for Tzedakah will also present its own custom trip extension, Feb. 14 through 20.

Heart To Heart

Explore, learn, and be inspired by the people we meet and the experiences we share as we travel north, south, east and west to experience firsthand the amazing work of Jewish Federations. This memorable experience fosters enduring bonds among the women of our Federation movement. Based in Tel Aviv, we’ll take day trips all over Israel, including one full day and night in Jerusalem. Some of the 2014 H2H Mission highlights will include: • Dancing the night away to the music of Israeli pop star Einat Sarouf • Participating in a briefing on the state of Israel today with Member of Knesset Dr. Ruth Calderon • Enjoying a gourmet meal prepared by multiple generations of Israeli celebrity chefs • Sharing lunch with members of Knesset who are shaping tomorrow’s Israel today • Learning about the Iron Dome, the air-defense system, and meeting with young female Israeli soldiers who are protecting Israel • Visiting the Israeli settle-

ment Gush Etzion in the Judean Mountains • Learning from women who are opening doors in small business, the arts, municipalities, food, wine and other enterprises • Taking part in a nighttime tour of famous Jerusalem bakeries as they prepare bread and pastries for Shabbat • Creating rhythms and music with per(L to R) Becky and Stevie Schriber with formers from MayuLynn Goldenberg on a Jeep tour in Israel mana, Israel’s famous during the 2011 Heart To Heart mission dance and percussion Old Jaffa, Caesarea, Ein Hod troupe Artist Village, mystical Safed, Find new meaning in your Hameiri Cheese Farm, Eilat, Jewish values, and find your and a special overnight stay place in the Jewish commuin Petra, Jordan: the vast city nity. You’ll forge new friendships with women from across carved into sheer rock by the Nabataeans more than 2,000 North America and Israel years ago. as you explore the Jewish homeland together. And you will witness firsthand the tre‘Not to be missed’ mendous impact Federation Daytonians Lynn Goldendonors have on the people of berg and Stevie Schriber, Israel. who participated on the 2011 JFNA Heart To Heart mission, describe it as a program for Dayton’s extension Jewish women that is not to Participants with the Daybe missed. ton Women’s Philanthropy Stevie says she brought for Tzedakah may choose to her daughter-in-law, Becky, to extend their stay from Feb. 14 experience Israel for the first through 20. time on the 2011 mission. This custom itinerary pre“The Heart To Heart mispared for the Dayton group sion was unique because it is will include a market tour and just with women,” Stevie says. Shabbat in Tel Aviv, tours of “We spent an evening at various women’s homes. It gave Women’s Philanthropy us an opportunity to hear for Tzedakah will host their views on living in Israel.” an informational session Home hospitality dinners in about the Heart To Heart Tel Aviv with some of Israel’s Israel trip, on Monday, outstanding women also imDec. 9 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. pressed Lynn. at the home of Debby “I would highly recommend and Dr. Bob Goldenberg. that any woman of any age go To attend, R.S.V.P. to Jodi on a Heart To Heart mission,” Phares at 610-1555.

Lynn says. “It is a special opportunity to be with so many women from so many different places and to share this unique Israel experience. This would be a wonderful trip to share with a daughter, mother, sister or friend.” One part of Lynn’s trip she’ll always remember was her visit to Shanti House, a home for youths ages 14 to 24 who are homeless or at risk. “A dedicated woman started this home and today there are two Shanti Houses in Israel that provide food, support, love and Shabbat meals to children in need,” Lynn says. When Stevie and Becky returned from the 2011 trip, Becky told her mother-in-law it was the trip of a lifetime. “And fortunately I experienced it with her,” Stevie says. “Now, I would like to take my children, their spouses and grandchildren to Israel.”


The price for the Heart To Heart mission, Feb. 9-13, is $2,350 for a double room, $2,850 for a single room, not including airfare. The minimum donation to the Dayton 2014 United Jewish Campaign to participate is $500 per person. Costs for Dayton’s northern extension and overnight in Petra are being finalized; call for details. Participants may mix and match from among the three trip components. The deadline for registration, including payment for the Heart To Heart portion, is Dec. 16. To attend an informational meeting on Dec. 9 at the home of Debby and Dr. Bob Goldenberg, R.S.V.P. to Jodi Phares, at 610-1555.



Development News of the Jewish Federation

Judy Abromowitz United Jewish Campaign Chair

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Jewish Federation Community Contributions To contribute to these funds, call Sheila Myers at 937-853-0372. For a complete list of funds, go to UNITED JEWISH CAMPAIGN IN HONOR OF New granddaughter of Cheryl & Rick Carne Melinda & Bill Doner Susan & Dr. David Joffe Caryl & Scott Segalewitz IN MEMORY OF Jim Isaacson Barbara & Dr. Ira Kushnir JEWISH FEDERATION SOCIAL SERVICES SPECIFIC ASSISTANCE IN HONOR OF Carole & Bernie Rabinowitz honored at Beth Abraham Hyla & Dr. Raymond Weiskind 60th Anniversary of Richard & Evelyn Solgan Bob, Jackie, Mattison & Moriah Solgan IN MEMORY OF Yahrzeit of Goldye Kopmar’s father Goldye & Cantor Jerome Kopmar Yahrzeit of Tina Marie Kleinman Janice Garfunkel Hyla & Dr. Raymond Weiskind Ernest Ostreicher Andi Rabiner

DAYTON AREA JEWISH SENIOR SERVICE AGENCY IN HONOR OF 60th Anniversary of Richard & Evelyn Solgan Bob, Jackie, Mattison & Moriah Solgan IN MEMORY OF Jim Isaacson Marsha & Ike Coron Gerri Berk Doris Hulman Claire & Oscar Soifer Bernard Fisher Esther & DeNeal Feldman Roslyn Klein-Nelson Ernest Ostreicher Beverly & Jeffrey Kantor BEN AND DOROTHY HARLAN CHILDREN’S FUND IN HONOR OF New granddaughter of Cheryl & Rick Carne Marla & Dr. Stephen Harlan IN MEMORY OF Father of Michael Goldshot Marla & Dr. Stephen Harlan LINDA RUCHMAN MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF 60th wedding anniversary of Esther & DeNeal Feldman Nicki Caplan IN MEMORY OF Jim Isaacson Charlotte Rutmann Rendelman Kay Sokol Diane & Jim Duberstein

EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND IN HONOR OF New granddaughter of Cheryl & Rick Carne Pat Jones IN MEMORY OF Ernest Ostreicher Pat Jones JEREMY BETTMAN B’NAI TZEDEK YOUTH PHILANTHROPY FUND IN HONOR OF Sam Heider New granddaughter of Cheryl & Rick Carne Jean & Todd Bettman IN MEMORY OF Jim Isaacson Kay Sokol Victor Zwelling Jean & Todd Bettman MILTON A. MARKS AND MIRIAM SIEGEL MARKS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND IN HONOR OF 100th birthday of Edna Flagel 45th wedding anniversary of Joan & Peter Wells 70th anniversary of Joe Bettman’s Bar Mitzvah Cindy Bank, Richard Marks & Matthew Marks IN MEMORY OF Kay Sokol Cindy Bank, Richard Marks & Matthew Marks

BENJAMIN R. SHAMAN CULTURAL ARTS FUND IN MEMORY OF Kay Sokol Charlotte Rutmann Rendleman Dorothy Shaman Finder HOLOCAUST FUND IN HONOR OF 90th birthday of Robert Kahn Donna & Marshall Weiss Melinda Doner’s work for United Jewish Campaign Helene Gordon & Joe Fodal IN MEMORY OF Ernest Ostreicher Cathy Gardner Shirlee & Dr. Ron Gilbert Helene Gordon & Joe Fodal Rosalyn Mosrow Eleanor Brown Elaine & Dr. Melvin Mayerson Janice Garfunkel Beth Adelman FILM FESTIVAL IN HONOR OF Carole & Bernie Rabinowitz honored by Beth Abraham Carolyn & Mel Caplan CULTURAL ARTS AND BOOK FEST IN MEMORY OF Janice Garfunkel Jane & Dr. Gary Hochstein ACTIVE ADULTS FUND IN HONOR OF Recovery of Barbara Levine Jane & Dr. Gary Hochstein

New & Renewing Voluntary Subscribers, Oct. 1 - Nov. 1 New Angels Mrs. Betty Crouse Judith & Fred Weber Double Chai Bert & Annette Cream Beverly Lipson Dlott Dee & Chuck Fried Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Gordon Martin & Martha Jacobs Dennis Kahn & Linda Ohlmann Kahn Ed & Marcia Kress Jan Maharam Shirley & Marcie Mazer Ava Galpern Mendelson Esther Kahn Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Ruchman Joe Weinrich Dr. Judith Woll & Ron Bernard Subscribers American Jewish Committee Frayda & Larry Beloff Michael Berks Stanley & Connie Blum Mr. & Mrs. Asher Bogin

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Briskin Bob & Sharon Burick Mr. Stanley Cherny Beatrice DuBro Ron Footer Joel & Angela Frydman Gary Gams Mr. & Mrs. James Geisenfeld Michael & Mary Glantz Arlene Graham Barbara & Ira Kushnir Laurie & Eddie Leventhal Marc Low Jerry & Susan Luloff Marvin & Susan Mason Mark & Amy Newman Deborah & Robert Oppenheimer Helene Perez Larry Salyer Schoemann William Shaman Lois & Len Solganik Joseph Tarsky Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Wasserman Gloria & Manny Winer

Current Guardian Angels Dan & Tara Brodbeck Marilyn & Larry Klaben Lawrence A. Lasky Walter Ohlmann Dr. Nathaniel Ritter Mrs. Dorothy Shane Current Angels Ken Baker K.W. Baker & Assoc. Skip Becker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bettman Michael & Amy Bloom Hy & Sylvia Blum Betty & Don Chernick Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Feldman Esther & DeNeal Feldman Lynn Foster M.J. & Bella Freeman The Gaglione Family Felix & Erika Garfunkel Debby & Bob Goldenberg Kim & Shelley Goldenberg Mark & Kathy Gordon Drs. John & Elizabeth Green Art & Joan Greenfield Sydney Gross Susan & Joe Gruenberg

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Harlan Robert & Vicky Heuman Ralph E. Heyman Steve and Rachel Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. David Joffe Rice Jones Jr. Joyce & Chuck Kardon Susan & Stanley Katz Dr. & Mrs. Charles Knoll Bert & Jean Lieberman Beverly Louis Dr. David & Joan Marcus Suzi & Jeff Mikutis Irvin & Gayle Moscowitz Myrna Nelson Carole & Bernie Rabinowitz Russ Remick Franklin & Renee Handel Pam & Andy Schwartz Felice & Michael Shane Zerla Stayman Dr. Marc & Maureen Sternberg Col. Jeffrey Thau, USAF, (Ret) & Rina Thau Joel & Jennifer Tobiansky Julie & Adam Waldman & Family Caryl & Donald Weckstein Michael & Karen Weprin

To make your voluntary subscription to The Observer, go to PAGE 28



DAJSSA TRANSPORTATION HOURS EXPANDED Thanks to a generous grant from The Tala Arnovitz Fund of The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Foundation, JSSA transportation hours are being expanded through the spring of 2014. In addition to transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping and recreational activities, the new expansion specifically covers rides evenings and weekends to and from synagogue religious services, depending on driver availability. There will be no fee for rides

to and from religious services, but it is very important that reservations be made at least one week ahead or as soon as you know that you will need a ride. It will also be necessary that new riders provide information required by our grant provider and sign the agency’s waiver and guidelines form. This service is available for community members 55 or older and those with disabilities. Reservations can be made by calling Joyce Anderson, transportation coordinator, at 937-853-0377.

DECEMBER EVENTS FOR SENIORS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 12:30PM Self defense overview presented by Shane Stevens from Quest Martial Arts Center WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 11AM Current Events with Stanley Blum 1PM Quilt Mavens Group with Mary Ann Bernstein FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, NOON Fresh Friday Delicious Home Cooked Meal PREPARED BY BERNSTEIN’S FINE CATERING

MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 12:30PM Craft Circle TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 12:30PM Musical entertainment with Bill Figley, pianist TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 12:30PM “Grandma’s Kitchen” presented by Ruth Lang, Trotwood Historical Society WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 11AM Current Events with Stanley Blum 1PM Quilt Mavens Group with Mary Ann Bernstein

RIGHT: Helene Gordon, JSSA board chairperson and Amy Boyle, social worker at the Broadway Brunch BELOW: The JSSA and Active Adult sponsored Brunch and Broadway event was eagerly anticipated and well attended. Stivers School for the Arts piano and vocal students delighted the audience members with their renditions of popular Broadway show tunes.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, NOON Fresh Friday Delicious Home Cooked Meal


12:30- Bingo

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 12:30PM Afternoon at the movies program with refreshments TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 12:30PM New Year's celebration. EVENT RESERVATIONS: Cheryl Benson, 937 854-6319

> Held at Covenant Manor 4951 Covenant House Dr., Trotwood

DAJSSA is an Agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton [ALL SERVICES ARE CONFIDENTIAL]



DAYTON JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER To register or for details on all events listed here, contact Karen Steiger at 853-0372,


March of the Living registration is open

Based at the Boonshoft Center for Jewish Culture and Education 525 Versailles Dr., Centerville, 45459 Sara Dowlar


Chanukah party

Sunday, Dec. 1, 1-3 p.m. at Scene 75, 6196 Poe Ave. Kosher food and $10 arcade game card for each participant. Additional activities on your own. Families welcome. Bring a gift for white elephant gift exchange. Gift doesn’t need to be new, just wrapped. R.S.V.P. to Karen Steiger, 853-0372.

Active Adults The March of the Living is a twoweek international experience in which Jewish teens from around the world come together each year and bear witness to the destruction of the Holocaust in Poland and then travel to Israel to rejoice in the Jewish homeland. The program commemorates Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, marching from Auschwitz to Birkenau and celebrates Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, in the streets of Jerusalem. The Ohio Delegation to the March of the Living will participate April 24May 8 and is open to Jewish teens in grades nine through 12. Members of the Ohio Delegation will travel together throughout the experience in Poland and Israel. The cost is $5,450 per participant. For more information, contact Yale Glinter at 401-1550 or go to the BBYO Passport website: http://passport.


Community Women’s Retreat Weekend

March 7-9, 2014 sponsored by the DJCC partnering with Chabad Women’s Circle. Made possible through funding by a Jewish Federation Innovation Grant. Watch for more details.

Congratulations to the winners of the DJCC’s 2013 Raffle Jewelry Jubilee – Gary Hochstein Buckeyes v. Hoosiers – Mike Freeman Eat, Play, Laugh, Shop @ The Greene – Harriet Klass Flyers & Raiders Fun – Blair Dickert Dragons Deluxe – Steve Bernstein And thanks to all who purchased DJCC Raffles to support our programming. PAGE 30

Chanukah Brunch

Thursday, Dec. 5, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Boonshoft CJCE. Enjoy a traditional latke lunch with entertainment by the Cantare Singers. $8 in advance, $12 at the door. In partnership with Jewish War Veterans. R.S.V.P. to Karen Steiger, 853-0372.

Book Club Led by Ruthe Meadow

Friday, Dec. 13, 10:30 a.m.-noon. The Testament by John Grisham. Hosted by Ruthe Meadow. R.S.V.P. to Ruthe at 296-1004.

Early Childhood’s Chaverim Cheder group leads the blessing over the Shabbat candles with (L to R) Teacher Melissa Flaim, DJCC Early Childhood Services Director Audrey MacKenzie, and Teacher Pat Jones during a Share Shabbat family program

Current Events with Stanley Blum

At the Boonshoft CJCE, 10 a.m. on Mondays, Dec. 9 and 23. At Covenant Manor, 4951 Covenant House Dr., Trotwood, 11 a.m. on Wednesdays, Dec. 4 and 18.


Winter Camp Shalom

Monday, Dec. 23 through Friday, Jan. 3 (no camp on Dec. 25 and Jan. 1), 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. with extended care upon request and transportation available based upon need. Held at the Boonshoft CJCE. Activities include arts and crafts, culture, community service, swimming, games, cooking, indoor gaga, and field trips throughout the Miami Valley. Contact Yale Glinter, 401-1550 for details and to register.

Columbus Dispatch sports writer Bill Rabinowitz signs a copy of his book, Buckeye Rebirth, for Renee Rubin Handel and Dr. Frank Handel after his talk as part of the DJCC’s Cultural Arts and Book Festival


Sharing Chanukah Traditions

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 6-7:30 p.m. at the Boonshoft CJCE. Sponsored by the DJCC and Chabad through a Jewish Federation Innovation Grant. Each family will make latkes from scratch. No cost. R.S.V.P. to Karen Steiger, 8530372.

Stars on Ice

Sunday, Dec. 15, 3-4:30 p.m. at RiverScape Ice Rink, 229 E. Monument Ave., Dayton. $8 includes skate rental and snack. R.S.V.P. to Karen Steiger, 853-0372, by Dec. 11.


BBYO KIO Regionals

Friday, Dec. 20-Monday, Dec. 23 in Columbus. Join us for a weekend of leadership, networking, fun, and meeting other Jewish teens. Call Yale Glinter, 401-1550, for details.

Along with author Bill Rabinowitz, the Cultural Arts & Book Festival’s O-H-I-O evening featured a performance by the MeshugaNotes, Ohio State’s Jewish a cappella ensemble, who sang Jewish, popular, and Buckeye favorites THE DAYTON JEWISH OBSERVER • DECEMBER 2013

Developing and Encouraging Life-long Independent Learners and Thinkers within a Pluralistic Judaic Environment. Explore the Possibilities. Additionally, Hillel Students Experience: • Art and science residencies • Project-based learning • Hebrew language immersion • A nationally acclaimed Tal Am Judaic/Hebrew curriculum • Hillel students receive preference for $5,000 Sinai scholarships at Miami Valley Upper School! A Hillel education prepares students to immerse themselves in any academic environment with skills to succeed throughout their educational endeavors.

For more information, please contact: Dan or Kathy Mecoli | |





Fiddler on the Roof Sing-A-Long

with The Human Race Theatre @ The Loft Theatre $18 per person | Tickets availble online at

Fiddler on the Roof Sing L’Chayim, To Life! Join the cast of The Human Race Theatre Company’s production of Fiddler on the Roof in a special live concert event. Sing along with the cast as it performs some of your favorite songs, Tradition, Matchmaker, If I Were a Rich Man, Sunrise, Sunset, and many more, with lyrics presented so everyone can join in on the fun for “fiddlers” young and old. Presented by The Human Race Theatre Company in partnership with DJCC’s Cultural Arts & Book Festival


Brandeis-Joffe Scholarship Fund of the Dayton Jewish Federation Foundation in memory of Eugene and Pearl Joffe Bernard & Carole Rabinowitz Philanthropic Fund of JFGD Foundation Ohio Arts Council Graeter’s


David London


Cultural Arts & Book Festival would like to thank the following Sponsors:

Felix & Erika Garfunkel Michael & Rochelle Goldstein Philanthropic Fund of JFGD Foundation Charles & Joan Knoll Washington-Centerville Library WYSO 91.3


Elaine & Joe Bettman Robert & Vicky Heuman Marti & Marty Jacobs Marlene & Henry Maimon Peter & Joan Wells

Crowne Plaza


Judy & Howard Abromowitz Ron Bernard & Judith Woll Jack & Maryann Bernstein Lynn & David Goldenberg Debby & Bob Goldenberg Shelley & Kim Goldenberg Mindy & Garry Greene Joan & Arthur Greenfield Jane & Gary Hochstein Linda & Steve Horenstein Michael & Marcia Jaffe Beverly A. Louis David & Joan Marcus Sarah Moore Leventhal Carol & James Nathanson Donald & Caryl Weckstein

Norm & Mary Rita Weissman Diane Rubin Williams & Ralph Williams Gary & Mary Youra Ed & Roberta Zawatsky


A Friend Helen Abramovitz Michael Africk Dena & Larry Briskin Buckeyes Sports Stuff Marion & Earl Chadwick Dr. Judy & Alan Chesen Katherine Cooper Cissy Ellison Bob Feist

Marni & Richard Flagel Helene Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Rick Harris Clara & David Hochstein Kim & Candy Kwiatek Edward & Ruthe Meadow Jeanne Nathan Ellin Oppenheimer Edie Pequignot Cantor Andrea Raizen Cherie & Stuart Rosenstein David Rothschild Howard & Deborah Rubenstein Mrs. Maxine Rubin Robert Silverman

And the following Partners: GLSEN | Greater Dayton LGBT Center | Harmony Creek Church | PFLAG | Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra | Morris Home Furnishings NCCJ | The Human Race Theatre Company | United Way | PJ Library PAGE 32


Iran sanctions

Continued from Page 16 Israeli daily Ha’aretz claimed in a Nov. 1 news article that leaders of four Jewish groups agreed to a White House request to temporarily hold off on the sanctions effort. But in response, two of the groups — the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the American Jewish Committee — publicly reaffirmed their support for tighter sanctions. A third, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, did not indicate any change in its support for tighter sanctions. A fourth, the Anti-Defamation League, initially confirmed that it would refrain from urging more sanctions, but 10 days later issued a statement reversing that position. Back to 1943: The Roosevelt administration countered Bergson and La Guardia by sending its top refugee policy expert, Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long, to testify against the Gillette-Rogers resolution. But that move backfired when Long wildly exaggerated the number of refugees who had already been admitted to the United States. Then, the mainstream Jewish organizations, while still hostile to the Bergson Group, nevertheless joined with Bergson in denouncing Long’s distortions. That made it harder for the Roosevelt administration to play divide-and-conquer. Roosevelt, faced with this rising tide of criticism from the Jewish community and Congress, reluctantly agreed to create a rescue agency. It was called the War Refugee Board. Although FDR gave it only token funding (90 percent of its budget came from Jewish organizations), and the State Department and War Department often failed to cooperate with its efforts, the board played a key role in the rescue of some 200,000 Jews in the waning months of the war. Jewish disunity nearly derailed the 1943 rescue resolution. If not for a twist of fate — Breckinridge Long’s preposterous testimony — the War Refugee Board might never have been created. Perhaps today’s Jewish leaders have learned a lesson from that experience. Dr. Rafael Medoff is director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, in Washington, D.C. His latest book is FDR and the Holocaust: A Breach of Faith. Distributed by

Our warmest wishes for a joyous Chanukah

A sweet and joyous Our warmest wishes for A sweet and joyous a joyous Chanukah Chanukah Chanukah

Dr. & Mrs. Marc Sternberg

Skip, Alexis, Brianna & Caitlyn Becker

Debby & Bob Goldenberg

Suzi, Jeff, Joshua & Amanda Mikutis

Best wishes to all for a Happy Chanukah

Our warmest wishes for a joyous Chanukah

Warm Chanukah greetings from

Wishing you a very Happy Chanukah

The Weiss Family Warm Chanukah greetings from Felice & Mike Shane & Family

We wish the Dayton Jewish community a very happy Chanukah

Bruce & Debbie Feldman

Warm Chanukah greetings from

Susan & David Joffe

Heath, Rachel, Avi, & Chava

Our warmest wishes for a joyous Chanukah

Warm Chanukah greetings from Marni & Richard Flagel Our warmest wishes for a joyous Chanukah Mr. & Mrs. Franklin T. Cohn

Judith & Fred Weber

Felix & Erika Garfunkel

Happy Chanukah

Our warmest wishes for a joyous Chanukah

Mort & Phyllis Levine

Sandy & Bonnie Mendelson & Family

Our warmest wishes for a joyous Chanukah

Happy Chanukah

Don & Sally Green

Our warmest wishes for a joyous Chanukah

Warm Chanukah greetings from

Maxine & Jeff Hoffman

Helene Gordon

Best wishes to all for a Happy Chanukah

Wishing all of Dayton Happy Chanukah

The Guadalupe Family

Ken & Lisa Blum & Phil

Irvin & Gayle Moscowitz BMB


The Dayton Jewish Observer

Our warmest wishes for a joyous Chanukah Rochelle & Michael Goldstein & Family





Virtual dreidels



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Our Warmest Wishes For A Happy Chanukah

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Nothing can replace that visceral thrill of spinning your own dreidel. So as Chanukah approaches, that means it’s time to get wrist-ready. And since everything seems to have gone hi-tech these days, you can try your luck on your computer with some virtual dreidels. I

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Happy Chanukah

Patronize our advertisers. Tell them you saw it in The Observer.

like the delightful one at the Jewish Outreach Institute which also includes the classic rules ( Rather than bet on which side their dreidel will come to rest, competitors lusting for the title at the Major League Dreidel Championship vie to see whose tops will spin the longest. You can listen to an amusing report from NPR that takes you to the Spinagogue where teams with names like Spinona Ryder, Jimmy Gimel, Debbie Does Dreidel and Jewbacca lay it all on the table. And don’t miss the related interview with the “knishioner” of Major League Dreidel, Eric Pavony, who offers tips to keep your sevivon spinning and spinning ( I came across a couple of other online games that should also please dreidel lovers. The Dreidel Slide Puzzle challenges you to unscramble the pieces to make a picture of a dreidel ( Once you’ve solved that, try the elegant yet challenging Dreidel Jigsaw Puzzle ( dreidel16). Although the classic Chanukah foods are latkes and the jelly-filled sufganiyot (doughnuts), there’s no reason you can’t indulge your passion for dreidels. Try some Candy Dreidels ( dreidel18), Dreidel Cookies (, some

Dreidel Toast ( dreidel20) and Fruity Dreidels that make good use of strawberries, bananas and canned pears ( When you walk into a Judaica shop and plunk down a buck or two for a brightly-colored plastic dreidel, there’s a good chance it came to life not in Jerusalem or Brooklyn but in the Far East. But it wasn’t so easy for Tablet mag’s Nick Frisch and Bourrée Lam to find a dreidel manufacturer in Hong Kong. “Mistrust and secrecy are rife in the shadowy world of dreidel production. American importers zealously guard the identities of those Chinese suppliers who provide swindle-free, dependable-quality goods.” Read about their quest for an elusive “spin-dice” maker ( dreidel23). And don’t forget the music. Head over to YouTube for dozens of versions of Sevivon Sov Sov Sov ( and Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel ( Proceed with caution if you come across the South Park rendition unless you are quite familiar with the gang that has created this decidedly different version. Everybody’s favorite little dreidel is made of clay. But if you want a new dreidel to sing about, look no further than the Hava Nashira Jewish Songleader’s Resource. There are dozens of modern variations of the classic, including: • I have a little dreidel, I made it from cement. And now our lovely hardwood floor has a nasty dent. • I have a little dreidel, I made it out of glue. The baby tried to spin it, and now she’s spinning too. • I have a little dreidel, Made from a CD-ROM. It helped me launch a startup Called DreidelSpin-dot-com ( Mark Mietkiewicz may be contacted at

Dayton Chapter of Hadassah wishes you a Happy Chanukah.

The Women’s Zionist Organization of America




Mishpacha & Menschlichkeit

of service they were to be freed with enough supplies to start a new life. The Bible’s stringent The Jewish Family Identity Forum regulations — along with its clear anti-slavery message in the Exodus story — were designed to reduce the appeal of slavery in such a way that it would eventually die out: a natural evolution. Is the Bible misogynistic? After all, a woman’s vows can be annulled by her father or place. In a (N.J.) Does the Bible really sanction husband, a suspected adulteress opinion piece, Revive the dyis subjected to an ordeal, and slavery? It seems contradictory ing art of reading, Frank Breonly men can inherit except in that Exodus recounts a narraslin notes, “Few high-school special circumstances. All true, tive of freedom but Sinai offers students read anymore…It although misleading out of a legal system that recognizes takes too long and is too much context. slavery. Granted, in the ancient trouble...” His observation is Uprooting the traditional world slavery was universal, mirrored by my own students’ roles of women as defined by providing tradesmen, soldiers, comments that they like short ancient societies would have laborers, and servants. But caused chaos, so, working couldn’t the Bible have issued within the system, the Bible crea point-blank prohibition to Candace R. slavery? ated rules that would encourage “It is a fundamental principle change over time. Kwiatek A father or husband could of God’s relationship with us,” only annul a woman’s vow if writes Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in he objected to it within 24 hours The Slow End of Slavery, “that of her making the vow, and the he does not force us to change stories because they don’t revow of a divorced or faster than we are quire a lot of work. widowed woman was able to do so of our “With few exceptions,” BreSit with it considered binding. own free will…He slin continues, “students today By these rulings, wanted slavery abol- and look have lost the ability to sit still with a book…They have neither ished but he wanted beneath the women were able to take some control the time nor the desire to find… it to be done by free over their own lives, human beings coming surface. the meaning of things...” control that was typito see of their own This trend plagues adult cally in the hands of men. readers as well. How often have accord the evil it is and the evil As for the woman suspected you heard the Bible offhandedly it does.” of adultery, she was protected So instead of another “thou dismissed because it advocates from her husband’s vengeance shalt not,” the Bible’s many “eye for an eye” or “stoning by a ritual that involved drinkrules about the acquisition, unruly children?” treatment, and emancipation of ing a concoction of holy water How often has someone in slaves made slave-owning a dif- and soil administered by a your presence judged the Bible priest. Unlikely to fail, she was irrelevant because it “promotes ficult and undesirable proposipublicly cleared of all charges. slavery,” “undermines women’s tion. Kidnapping for slavery equality,” or “systematizes tribal and selling a person into slavery More importantly, no fathers, husbands, or brothers could were capital offenses. Beating sacrifices?” take it upon themselves to stone a slave to death was a capital Do you nod in agreement, a suspected wayward female, as offense, and maiming a slave or respond by peering beneath in other cultures. meant instant freedom. Slaves the surface details to discover Finally, it’s true that inwere not allowed to work on the the ideas and purposes behind heritance of land or property Sabbath. One was prohibited troubling passages? from returning a runaway slave in ancient Israel was limited to If the Bible is truly wisdom men, since it supported their to his master. Slaves were to be literature, then it must offer treated justly, and after six years professions. enlightenment across time and Yet, in the case of no sons, the inheritance hierarchy favored Literature to share daughters over other male famMemories of Babi by Aranka Siegal: Written for the tween set, ily members, in defiance of anthis memoir collection recounts the author’s childhood in cient tradition. Once again, the Eastern Europe before World War II. Although she lived in door is left open for evolution. Hungary, Siegal’s stories focus on the summers she spent Is the sacrificial cult irrelevant with her beloved grandmother, Babi, on a small farm in the today? Yes, if you’re focused on Ukraine. Beautifully retold by a Newbery-winning author sheep and incense, but not if (Upon the Head of the Goat), Babi allows a personal glimpse you’re looking for bigger ideas. into an era long gone. With the binding of Isaac, we see a hint of the coming evoluThe Rarest Blue by Baruch Sterman and Judy Taubes Sterman: tion away from sacrificial rituWho could imagine that the late 20th century rediscovery of als, beginning with the eliminatechelet – the ancient purple/blue of the priestly garments tion of human sacrifice. and tallit fringes – would involve a multidisciplinary quest In the interim, the priestly across numerous continents? It’s an adventure tale of the best sacrificial rituals are both sort, filled with history, mystery, and chemistry, recounted described and practiced in full by the authors in an engaging and highly readable style. view of the public, a biblical Strongly recommended. innovation that would be called

Evolution not revolution A look at the Holy Book series

transparency today. The sacrificial system was really about the emotional power of ritual and its necessity for emotional and spiritual wellbeing. That message resonates today – ask any psychologist. Was biblical punishment barbaric? In tribal societies, the father had absolute control over the children, even to the point of having them executed. The Torah begins to take that power away, demanding that both parents — mother and father together — take an unmanageable child to the local elders, whereupon the court takes over. Roles and rights within the family begin to evolve. In ancient societies an injured person could seek retribution by literally taking an eye for an eye – or worse. Biblical law limited such actions: the retribution had to be equitable, monetary (after all, bodily disfigurement was disallowed), blind to social status,

and determined by a court, not the injured party. Retaliation was allowed but was limited by rules that form the foundation of today’s legal principles of retribution. The Bible is among the great books because it has something to say to every generation. So don’t accept its reduction to a catch-phrase or its dismissal as obsolete or irrelevant. Sit with it and look beneath the surface. Read. Keep in mind that the Bible isn’t meant to be a revolutionary manifesto: it’s not about an instant overthrow of the status quo through power or command. It’s a blueprint for the evolution of ideas over time. Family Discussion: Explore a biblical text that appears irrelevant or discomfiting. Ask yourself what role it played in reflecting or rejecting the values of the ancient world. Does it suggest some kind of evolution?

Wishing you a Happy Chanukah.




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Alice Sandra Dworkin, age 73 of Dayton, passed away peacefully in her sleep on Oct. 27. She was born on Sept. 25, 1940 in Dayton, to Jack and Lena Dubin. After graduating from Colonel White High School she began working for the Montgomery County Clerk of Courts where she retired after 30 years. Mrs. Dworkin was a very social person and loved spending time with her many friends and family. She is survived by her daughters, Marla Kemelhar of Purcellville, Va. and Rachael Boughton of St. Louis, her grandchildren Jordan, Sofia and Evan, and numerous other family members.

dedicated her life to do good in every way. Endowed with great intelligence and determination, and a very sensitive heart, she served and helped in several congregations. First, she served in Worcester, Mass. subsequently a congregation in Hagerstown, Md. for 7-8 years as congregational rabbi and then transferred to serve as the rabbi of Temple Shalom in Springfield, Ohio for seven years. She fought her disease valiantly and did extensive research on the literature and even attended a meeting of breast cancer researchers in Washington, D.C. to help her doctors fight her disease. At a later stage, she moved to Cincinnati to be close to family. The family is, of course, heartbroken for our great loss. Interment was at Beth Jacob Cemetery. Donations can be sent to a breast cancer research organization or Adath Israel Congregation in Cincinnati.

Evelyn Greenberg Hoffman. Mr. Greenberg is survived by his son Barry; son and daughterin-law Murray and Tammy; three grandchildren, Zakary and Amanda Greenberg and Cory Greenberg; two greatgrandchildren, Zoey and Jace; sister Reva Greenberg Slaven; brothers and sisters-in-law Marvin and Maxine Greenberg and Larry and Barbara Greenberg and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Please make contributions in Mr. Greenberg’s memory to Temple Israel, Hospice of Dayton or the charity of your choice.

Shirley F. Mintz, formerly of Cleveland and a resident of Dayton for 12 years, passed Rabbi Janice Garfunkel died away peacefully on Nov. 9. unexpectedly in the E.R. of She enjoyed her stay in Dayton Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati, having made many close and Oct. 26. She is survived by her supportive friends. Although parents, Dr. Felix Garfunkel Mrs. Mintz was involved in and Dr. Erika Garfunkel, as many religious organizations, well as her children, Aliza, 14 volunteered, and participated and Eliana, 10, her brothers Dr. in raising funds for various David Garfunkel and Michael Joseph W. Greenberg, age 91 charities, she was devoted to Garfunkel, uncle and aunt of Dayton, passed away Nov. her husband and three children. and several cousins. Rabbi 11 surrounded by his loving Garfunkel graduated from family. Mr. Greenberg was born Mrs. Mintz was preceded in death by her husband, Oakwood High School. She May 24, 1922 in Columbus Marvin M. Mintz, in 1990. worked for a congressman to the late Sam and Fannie Also preceding her were her for a year and, after a year, Greenberg. Mr. Greenberg was dear parents Louis and Ann started her rabbinical studies at the CEO of the M.L. Dunn Fishman, and her cherished first Hebrew Union College-Jewish Company from 1966 until his grandchild Ian Jay Hollander. Institute of Religion, first in retirement in 2009 at the age of Jerusalem, then in Cincinnati. 87. Mr. Greenberg was preceded She is survived by her children, Robert Mintz (Diane), Dr. She was ordained in New in death by his wife of 61 York in 1988. Rabbi Garfunkel years, Annabelle, and his sister Barbara Hollander (Joseph), and Lori Goldner (Mark). Her surviving grandchildren include Lowell Mintz (Jori), I would like to thank everyone who gave me Jacquelin Mintz, Ariel Mintz, the gift of coming to Beth Jacob during my and Joshua Goldner (Angela). Shiva week to allow me to say Kaddish for my Mrs. Mintz enjoyed collecting fine art works and antiques, father, Ernest Ostreicher. My heartfelt thanks cooking, entertaining, and playing golf. One cannot think to the community of people who allowed me of her without her husband. They were an adoring, loving, to honor my Dad. fun-to-be-with couple. — Helen Halcomb and Mrs. Mintz’s devotion to her husband was evident in her care of him during the 17 years when he was blind. They were wonderful role models for their children’s marriages. The family is greatly comforted in knowing Do you know someone who is visually impaired and would they will now be together again like to keep up on the Jewish news? forever. Interment was at Park Synagogue Cemetery. Mrs. Join Marshall Weiss every Sunday at noon and 6 p.m. for Mintz was a lifelong member the Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley Radio Reading of Park Synagogue. The Service broadcast of The Jewish News Hour. family would like to express Radio Reading Service provides audio access to newspapers, our profound appreciation magazines and other print media for those unable to read on to Sherry Yeakley for her companionship and care of their own. Listeners tune in with special radio receivers. Mrs. Mintz and to her helpful friend Freida Brooks. Memorial contributions in Mrs. Mintz’s memory may be made to If you know someone who might qualify to receive Beth Jacob Congregation or a Reading Service radio, call 528-6564. Daybreak of Dayton.

Hear this week’s Jewish news with Radio Reading Service.



The Hebrew mamita heads to The Loft Performer and poet Vanessa Hidary mashes up her Jewish identity with that of a Puerto Rican — and unsettles stereotypes

types. She is a vibrant perJewish, others assume that former who gathers speed and she thinks and shares certain explodes at the climax of her complicit and inherited perceppoems. She is the woman who tions of African Americans or is too independent, too hard to Latinos. In turn, sometimes, behandle, who can’t relax when cause she “looks” Puerto Rican, she should let things slide. She people openly share antisemiis the wild woman, the wise tism with her. Because Hidary woman, the woman who makes can “pass” in both communimen scared. She exploits our ties, she is a secret witness to settled beliefs and fears about flourishing underground racial the boundaries of race and tensions and prejudices. In her gender to generate discomfort, book she shares an alarming inBy Bridget Kevane anger and laughter. cident where a fan criticizes her Tablet Magazine When I mention to her that for dating black men and labels “Another jewy piece by that some think we are in the posther a self-hating Jew. He writes jewish girl/in the poetry scene race or post-post identity era to her, “Vanessa, please do not who keeps/being all jewy, talkshe scoffs: “Not true.” Although tell me you date the shvaring about being jewish, writthese prejudices are perhaps no tzes.” Her response is a moving ing/about being jewish…/ jew, Vanessa Hidary longer articulated as openly in poem; “dear, dear, yeshual,” she jew, jew, jew, jew,” is the battle writes. “Sometimes the ones I cry of Vanessa Hidary, the Hehip-hop predominated. She also our politically correct environin theatre from Trinity Rep refer to as my people/are truly brew mamita. went to Hebrew school. But she ment, they persist. Sometimes, Conservatory at Brown, HiShe is a slam poet known formed core bonds in her public Hidary said, because she is Continued on next page dary wrote her first solo show, for her curves and for dressing school with Latino students, Culture Bandit, in 2000 and like a Puerto Rican; big hoop especially with a certain Letty later performed it at the venearrings, tight jeans, hair pulled erable Nuyorican Poets Café. Mangual. Hidary says she fell tightly back in a glistening high What, one wonders, would the in love with the warmth of her ponytail, great red lipstick, high founders of the crown jewel of family, their traditions, their heels. Puerto Rican poetry in Manhat- food, and even Santa Claus. When I met her in New York tan, Miguel Algarín and Miguel When I asked her why she felt at her favorite haunt, Starbucks, Piñero, think of her usurpathe need to switch cultural I admired her playful nom de worlds, she pointed to her body. tion of Puerto Rican identity? plume, Hebrew mamita, for its She was a chubby girl growing In the ’70s, when the café was mix of high-brow and lowup and she never felt like this fit founded, it was a radical locus brow culture, the former being for expressing the Puerto Rican within her Jewish community. the ancient language of Israel, Instead she found a home in experience of discrimination, the latter being the catcall that poverty, white oppression, and the Puerto Rican body where most self-respecting Puerto Ricurves are the norm and being cultural angst in New York. can girls cannot live without. (I Ethnic cross-dressing would “flaquita,” or super skinny, is am from Puerto most definitely not. And with not have been Rico and know that, her future identity as a appreciated. the catcall well: cultural bandit was born. Apparently Though we hate The opening and closing this is still true being harassed, poems in Hidary’s collection today. Hidary we also hate not has been called a address the discomfort that being whistled both she and the curious byrace traitor and at. And Jewhas been accused stander feel when trying to pin ish men do not down her ethnicity: “What are of stealing from whistle at women with curves Puerto Rican culture, specifical- you?/Are you white?/Are you or at all, for that matter.) Alas, ly for the catcall mamita (which Puerto Rican/Are you Italian?/ Hidary has not one ounce of oh, you’re all jewish?/do you is also a term of affection). Puerto Rican blood in her. Does Puerto Rican-ness functions as speak ‘jewish’?” Sometimes it matter? a metaphor for the tensions be- curiosity turns to an angry acThe Last Kaiser Roll in the tween Ashkenazi and Sephardic cusation: “Do you think you’re Bodega, Hidary’s 2011 collection culture contained in her own something you’re not?/you of poetry, essays, and childhood identity: Her maternal grandknow you’re jewish, right?/… memoirs, explores the graviso if you’re not latina why the mother is from Aleppo, Syria, tational pull of the two seemhell do you call/yourself the whereas her father’s mother ingly opposing forces that have is from Latvia. When I asked Hebrew mamita?” shaped her sensibility on and Racial and ethnic tensions Hidary about her attraction to off the poetry scene: the Jewish Latina identity and her playful are at the heart of Hidary’s and Puerto Rican, the kaiser work, and watching her peryet powerful blurring of idenroll and the bodega, salud and tity and cultures, she explained form (there are many YouTube l’chaim, Rosh Hashanah and videos of her performances) is that her parents, progressive the Puerto Rican Day Parade, like watching a cultural stealth secular Jews, sent her to an exHolocaust survivors and hipperimental public school where bomber whose goal is to target hop. It also describes how it is Latinos, African Americans, and warehouses of cultural stereoLEADERSHIP SPONSORS that a good Jewish girl became Brady Ware Vanessa Hidary will be among the performers for The Signature: WKEF-TV ABC22 a badass slam poet who started A Poetic Medley Show, on Friday, Dec. 6 at 9 p.m. and PERFORMANCE SPONSOR performing and competing in Saturday, Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. at The Loft Theatre, 126 N. Main St., GROUPS SAVE! Call (937) 461-8295 Clear Channel Dayton what has been a historically presented by Oral Funk Poetry Productions and The Human male-dominated venue. Race Theatre Company. Tickets are $20 in advance, $23 at the w w w. B e a u t y A n d Th e B e a s t O nTo u r. c o m After receiving her MFA door and are available at, 228-3630.

Racial & ethnic tensions are at the heart of Hidary’s work

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Chagall at the DAI From Nov. 29 through Feb. 23, lithographs of Marc Chagall’s Jerusalem Windows will be on exhibit in the South Gallery of the Dayton Art Institute, on loan from an anonymous local patron. In 1960, the Russian Jewish artist began the process of creating 12 stained glass windows for the Abbell Synagogue at the Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem. The windows symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel. In the Torah, the tribes were blessed by their patriarch, Israel, at the end of the Book of Genesis, and by the prophet Moses at the end of the Book of Deuteronomy. Each window celebrates a specific color and features a quotation from the individual blessings. “This is my modest gift to the Jewish people who have always dreamt of biblical love, friendship and of peace among all peoples,” Chagall said of his windows when the synagogue was dedicated on Feb. 6, 1962. “This is my gift to that people which lived here thousands of years ago among the other Semitic people.” The artist also commented that during the time he worked on the windows he felt his mother and father looking over his shoulder, and behind them, millions of vanished Jews, “of yesterday and a thousand years ago.” “Chagall envisaged the windows as ‘jewels of translucent fire,’” Dayton Art Institute Spokesperson Eric Brockman explained, “aided in part by a special process his assistant developed for applying color to the glass that allowed Chagall to use as many as three colors in a single pane, rather than using the

Artists Rights Society/ ADAGP. Private Collection

Lithograph of the Tribe of Reuben Jerusalem Window by Marc Chagall, 1964

traditional technique of separating each colored pane by a lead strip.” In 1964, Chagall made 12 color lithographs based on the Jerusalem Windows series that echo his original designs’ “brilliant use of color, and remains populated with the same blend of real and imaginary creatures and biblical verses that celebrate Chagall’s deep sense of identification with his Jewish heritage,” Brockman added. For more information, go to or call 223-4ART. — Marshall Weiss

Hebrew mamita Continued from previous page

nity by opening up our doors to those who ‘marry out’ and have interfaith children. My work reflects this view, and the most ignorant strangers to my soul.” I am sometimes not sure how it will be received.” And just recently, she said, she took a Her heightened sense of awareness good friend up to the Bronx for a slam regarding stereotypes, negative and poetry event. While they were in the positive, forces her to constantly quesaudience awaiting her friend’s turn, a Latino poet was on the stage. His poem tion ethnicities and our interpretation of devolved into a diatribe about how Jews them, and she is not afraid to call people control all the money. “It is still the most out on their secret beliefs. “I’m something of a cultural policewoman,” she common and prevalent stereotype that I hear,” she said. “Jews are greedy, Jews said. “I don’t go proselytizing all over are running the world.” When she hears town about it, but if I encounter prejudice I confront it.” this kind of stuff she always confronts In the end, the collection is a confesthe speaker. sion of how Hidary switches tribes, Jews have plenty of lazy or stiffhow she is not culturally loyal to one necked prejudices of their own, especially when it comes to the hybrid iden- ethnicity but to many. And why cultural tities that Hidary addresses in her work. dislocation is her milieu. She is a poser: “To be — or not to be — a poser,/That is As someone who frequently speaks to the question.” For if identity is a cultural Jewish groups on questions of identity, she has found no shortage of exclusion- construction, then la mamita hebrea de Siria is the perfect construct. ary stereotypes directed against people whose identities seem unclear, the children of interfaith marriages. “I am in Bridget Kevane is a professor of Latin American and Latino literature at Montana complete support of those who wish to State University in Bozeman. This article date within the religion, but I don’t believe in turning away interfaith couples is reprinted from Tablet Magazine, at, the online magazine of and converts,” she said. “I believe we Jewish news, ideas, and culture. can still have a strong Jewish commuTHE DAYTON JEWISH OBSERVER • DECEMBER 2013


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