Balanced North West Dec09

Page 5

By Skye Robinson (Local Expert)

How a naturopath can help you lose weight A Naturopath can provide you with realistic weight loss support and ways to make positive changes for permanent results. There are four main points that a Naturopath can help you lose weight. 1.

Do a diet assessment. A diet assessment involves a detailed look at your diet including what you are eating, when and at what percentage. Then together we implement positive new changes.


Monthly Meal Plans. To make life easier, I can design a personal monthly meal plan aimed at losing weight. Your monthly meal plan includes what to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner over 4 weeks. As well as healthy snacking suggestions and recipes. These Monthly Meal Plans are popular with Mum’s running a busy household and losing weight at the same time.


Quality Nutritional supplements. Losing weight strains the body and when you begin burning fat your body begins to release old toxins back into the blood. This is why after some workouts you don’t feel so good. Removing the toxins from your body requires proper nutritional supplementation with the correct nutrients. Replacing your body with the right nutrients at a therapeutic level is vital for recovery and healthy weight loss. Protein powders and protein bars are generally targeted at men wanting to build muscle mass and put on weight. However, there are special protein powders and protein bars designed for women losing weight. These are very beneficial in burning weight and decreasing recovery time. A naturopath can provide you with the correct protein powder for you (that will decrease size, not increase it). For women looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, these therapeutic protein bars make fantastic snacks (and cost less than supermarket brands). One serving of protein powder or a protein bar can stop the sugar craving, make snacking healthy and fill you up so you are not hungry. (I keep a protein bar in my handbag when out shopping).


Discover any underlying glandular conditions. If you have an underlying glandular problem, it does not matter how much exercise you do or how hard you work out you will not lose your weight. This is why a number of women become disheartened with some weight loss programs. A Naturopath can discover if you have an underlying condition and then correct it.

I can help you with your weight loss goal. Contact Skye on 0438 821 283 or email info@

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