The Key of David - 6

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Finally, the judgment has to do with God’s Promised One. God sends His Promised One into the world and how the people treat him and what they think of him is their judgment of themselves. He is like a mirror and what they see is only a reflection of themselves. As it says in 2nd Samuel 22:26-28: “With the loyal thou dost show thyself loyal; with the blameless man thou dost show thyself blameless; with the pure thou dost show thyself pure, and with the crooked thou dost show thyself perverse. Thou dost deliver a humble people, but thy eyes are upon the haughty to bring them down.” Everyone’s salvation is in their own hands; it is between them and God only. The judgment of their relationship to God is through the presence of God on earth in His Promised One; that is, through whether or not, and to what degree, they believe in him. (Dr. Leland Jensen, Revelation Explained, Chapter 11 verse 18)

The Temple is the shekinah, the presence of God. What is being said here is that the only place in this whole, wide world where this presence of God can be found is where the Lamb reestablishes the Universal House of Justice in its childhood form, the second International Baha'i Council. In the Baha’i faith, when we live the life, teach His Cause and are firm in the Covenant, we receive the bounty of the Holy Spirit. This is the presence of God, or “Shekinah.” However, if any one of these is cut off, then the Holy Spirit is cut off. The so-called “mainstream Baha’is” broke the Covenant when they did away with the executive branch. Therefore, they do not have the “Shekinah” (the presence of God). Thus, they are cut off from the bounty of the Holy Spirit, which is spiritual death. When they die the physical death they will be DEAD-DEAD. (Dr. Leland Jensen, Revelation Explained, Chapter 21 verse 22)

And this is the judgment, that the light [Baha’i] has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light [Baha’i], because their deeds were evil. For every one who does evil hates the light [Baha’i Covenant], and does not come to the light [Baha’i Covenant], lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does what is true comes to the light [Baha’i], that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been wrought in God. (John 3:19-21 RSV)

THE CENTER OF THE COVENANT (Star of the West, Vol. 3, No. 7, p. 17 & BWF, p. 358) --’Abdu’l-Baha-TO HIS HONOR MR. REMEY--UPON HIM BE BAHA’U’LLAH-EL-ABHA! HE IS GOD! O thou who art firm in the Covenant! Thy letter was received and I was informed of its contents. Explain the matter according to the following Teachings, and do not add one word thereto: His Holiness Abraham--Upon him be Peace!--made a covenant concerning His Holiness Moses and gave the glad-tidings of His coming. His, Holiness Moses made a covenant concerning the Promised One, i.e. His Holiness the Christ, and announced the good news of His Manifestation to the world. His Holiness the Christ made a covenant concerning the “Paraclete”--which means His Holiness Muhammad--and announced the glad-tidings of His Appearance. His Holiness Muhammad made a covenant concerning His Holiness the Bab, and the Bab was, the One promised by Muhammad, for Muhammad gave the good news of His Coming. The Bab made a covenant concerning the Blessed Beauty of Baha’u’llah and gave the glad-tidings of His coming for the Blessed Beauty was the One promised by His Holiness the Bab. Baha’u’llah made a covenant concerning a promised One who will become manifest after one thousand or thousands of years. He likewise, with His Supreme Pen, entered into a great Covenant and Testament with all the Baha’is, whereby they were all commanded to follow the Center of the Covenant after His departure, and turn not away even to a hair’s breadth from obeying Him. He has commanded in the most explicit terms in two instances in the Book of Aqdas and He has appointed most unmistakably the interpreter of the Book. In all the Tablets, especially “The Tablet of the Branch” (Suriy-i-Ghusn), whose meanings are all ‘Abdu’l-Baha--that is, “the Servant of Baha”--everything that is necessary is revealed from the Supreme Pen. As Abdul-Baha is the interpreter of the Book, he says that the chapter of “Branch” means Abdul-Baha, it refers to the servitude of Abdul-Baha and nothing else. In brief, one of the special favors of this Dispensation of His Holiness Baha’u’llah which is not seen in past Manifestations is this:--that He has left no place for difference. For in His own Day, with the Trace of His own Supreme Pen He has taken a Covenant and a Testament. He has pointed to the one who should be looked upon as authority by all, He has shown the interpreter of the Book and has closed the doors of outside interpretation. Everyone should thank God that in this Blessed Cause He has tranquilized all and has left no place for hesitation. Therefore obedience and submission must be shown and the face turned completely to him (the Center of the Covenant). Restrict discussion to this and do not exceed thereto, so that it may become the cause of fellowship and the remover of differences. Upon thee be BAHA-EL-ABHA! (Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas.


THE POWER OF “THE COVENANT OF GOD” ALONE REGENERATES MANKIND (Star of the West, 4(10), pp. 171-175) --Charles Mason Remey Aghsan-RECOGNITION OF “THE CENTER OF THE COVENANT”-THE IMPORTANT MATTER BEFORE THE WORLD TO-DAY Extracts from a letter to a Baha’i Assembly in America DURING my travels of the past few months I have found that while the problems of each assembly assume their own special character, there is but one vital universal question. This is that of firmness in The Center of the Covenant. Until this matter is solved no problems are solved; and when this matter is solved (when we are firm in The Covenant), all of our problems are solved. When the members of an assembly are each and all firm in The Center of The Covenant they are then organically united and the life of The Covenant is manifest in their midst--thus the will and the desire of God may be accomplished. In no other way can it be done. We all must be firm in The Center of The Covenant, in the love of ‘Abdu’l-Baha! ******** “The Root of all knowledge is the knowledge of God, Glory be to Him, and this knowledge is impossible save through His Manifestation.”--From “Words of Wisdom,” BAHA’U’LLAH. God has manifested Himself in this day, as in times past, that mankind shall be quickened and aroused from his human or natural condition of spiritual darkness into one of spiritual illumination or life eternal. The spiritual, or divine life, of the soul is not a condition into which man can evolve by virtue of his human perfection. It is a condition into which he is born only through believing in, having faith in, and obeying the Manifestation of God sent unto him through the bounty of the Eternal One. The divinely quickened soul has within it that element of spiritual or eternal life which is not found in natural or human man. This is the line of demarcation or differentiation between the kingdom of man and the Kingdom of God. In the mineral kingdom there is no physical life, while in the vegetable kingdom there is physical life. In the kingdom of natural or human man there is no divine or spiritual life, while in the spiritually quickened souls there is divine, spiritual or eternal life. Eternal life or divine illumination is not spontaneously generated in the souls of men. Man receives this new life directly from the Manifestation of God or the “Word Revealed.” 1

The Manifestations of God have been the unique centers from which the world has received all knowledge of God, and outside of these divine channels no divine enlightenment has ever come to humanity. Therefore, how necessary and important is it that in each prophetic day mankind should seek God’s revealed Word, and abide there in centering their lives in the Manifestation of God. Through each of the Divine Revelators of the past, God made the promise to man that during these latter days of the world He would establish His Divine Rule upon earth--that He would fulfill His Covenant, and establish His Kingdom Triumphant among men. In the coming of the Bab who was The First Point, BAHA’U’LLAH who was The Pre-existent Root, and ‘Abdu’l-Baha, The Branch, Branched from The Pre-existent Root--in this triple coming is realized the fulfillment of all of the Divine Promises of the past and the establishment of the Covenant of God. As the life in the branch of the tree is the same as that in the root, so the Divine Spirit manifest in ‘Abdu’l-Baha--The Branch is the same as that manifested in BAHA’U’LLAH--The Root-‘Abdu’l-Baha has sacrificed all in The Path of BAHA’U’LLAH, and now the Power of BAHA’U’LLAH is manifesting to the world through ‘Abdu’l-Baha. He is the Center of Guidance --The Center of The Covenant; therefore all must turn wholly and without reserve unto him, for ‘Abdu’l-Baha is The Chosen One, the unique channel through which the Power of God is being conveyed to each individual Baha’i, as a member of God’s Kingdom upon earth. The believers may be compared to leaves upon The Branch. Through the branch, and through the branch only are the leaves nourished from the root of the tree. As the branch is the only intermediary between the leaves and the root, so ‘Abdu’l-Baha, The Branch (for there is but one Living Branch, branched from BAHA’U’LLAH, The Pre-existent Root), is the intermediary between the believer and the Pre-existent source of Divine Power which is BAHA’U’LLAH. As the Power and stability of the tree is due to its firm, organic connection with the root, so is the power and strength of ‘Abdu’l-Baha the Power and Strength of God, because he is branched from the Pre-existent Divine Root of The Word of God manifested in BAHA’U’LLAH. As the well-being of each leaf depends upon its firm and organic connection with the branch, so does the spiritual well-being of every Baha’i depend upon his or her spiritual connection with The Branch, ‘Abdu’l-Baha. In storm and tempest, when the tree is shaken, those leaves that are alive in the branch remain upon the tree; while in those leaves in which the life of the branch is not--the dead leaves--these fall to the ground, having no life in them. When the unity and steadfastness of the Baha’is is tested those who are strong in The Center of The Covenant, those in whose souls lives the Spirit of ‘Abdu’l-Baha--will remain firm and steadfast throughout all conditions, while those who are not firmly attached to The Branch will, with the first troubles, drop away from The Covenant. In this condition their station is a worse one than that of those who have never heard The Lord’s Call. ********


This day is seeing great changes in the religious thought of the world. Everywhere the natural world of man is being prepared for the Kingdom of God. In the springtime the ground is broken and prepared to receive the seed, this preparation has to do with the mineral elements in which there is no life. When the seed is sown the elements of vegetation descend into the earth in which inorganic material grows the vegetable, an organic body against which the inorganic forces of the mineral kingdom have no avail. Although every force in the mineral kingdom is against the principle of vegetative life, yet notwithstanding this very opposition the vegetable lives, grows, and dominates the mineral. In like manner is every human condition of the natural man opposed to the life of the spiritual man. Before the Divine Messengers of God have sown the spiritual seeds of the Kingdom, the hearts of men, in which there were no elements of divine life, have through human trials and conditions been broken and prepared to receive God’s Word. His Word has taken root and grown in the soil of the hearts of men while every element in the being of the natural or human man has been against the growth of the newly quickened spirit, yet it is because of this conflict that spiritual man has become strong and had dominion over the natural or human in man. This natural human force against the religion of God has ever been the spirit of the Anti-Christ. Where the light is the brightest, the shadows are the blackest. In the day of each Manifestation, when God’s Glory was manifest to illumine the hearts of men, those illumined souls who followed The Word have always been surrounded from without by the most subtle influences working upon them, to sever, if such were possible, their spiritual connection with the Channel of Divine Grace--The Manifestation of God. The spirit of Anti-Christ is the spirit of denial of the Word Manifest. The opposition of the mineral to the vegetable causes the vegetable to grow firm and strong, and the opposition of the forces of human man, the spirit of the Anti-Christ, cause the divinely quickened souls to grow strong and steadfast in The Kingdom. In this day humanity as a whole is being prepared for the quickening of God’s Kingdom. Creeds, dogmas and philosophies of the past are being broken and shattered and are without spiritual effect. The religious thought of the present world is like shifting sand. This world thought is against the growth of the Cause of God--against the Baha’i Cause--for the religion of Baha is not merely a Cause of God, it is THE Cause of God, outside of which there is no source of Truth in this world. It is The Divine Covenant and ‘Abdu’l-Baha is the God-appointed Center of that Covenant. The very fact that the Baha’i Cause is the essence of the Creation of the New Kingdom, places it, in kind, above all other forces at work in the world. It dominates all. ******** In general the human philosophy of man is this: That by a natural process of evolution he evolves from a state of human darkness into one of spiritual illumination. That he has inherently within himself the spark of divine life itself, and this simultaneously develops without the 3

instrumentality of a prophet or Divine Revelator, and then through his own virtues man attains to God’s Kingdom. It is curious that in this age people still cling to such imaginations when history shows that each new civilization has had its birth in a new religion, and that each new religion has had its quickening power through a Prophet or a new Manifestation of the one Pre-existent Word of God. Mankind has ever tried to create a way to Divine Grace through means other than those provided by God. It is recorded that at one time men tried to build a tower out of the materials of the earth in order to escape earthly conditions and arrive at heavenly conditions. Confusion fell upon them, and the affair ended in division and dispersion. We look back upon this story of the Tower of Babel and we see therein a vivid portrait of the spiritual condition of this world of the present day. Before the mind of the world is the idea of the Millennial Age of Peace with all of its ideal institutions. Upon every hand institutions are being founded and carried on with the object in view of bringing about peace ideals. Instead of using spiritual means to achieve a spiritual end they are using material means! The divine institution of the Kingdom of God cannot be built with any other than spiritual means. Regarding these mundane conditions which hold the world in a state of war, and trouble from which humanity cries out for freedom, ‘Abdu’l-Baha has repeatedly said that there is but one power which shall prevail against them and that power is the power of The Covenant of God. God has established His Kingdom. His Kingdom is the Baha’i Cause. This is His Covenant. It is the stone which has been rejected by the people of the world, and now it has become the foundation of “Peace on earth,” having its Center in The Center of the Covenant. For many years ‘Abdu’l-Baha has been imploring and calling the people to “firmness and steadfastness in the Covenant and Testament,” which is firmness and steadfastness in The Center of The Covenant which is ‘Abdu’l-Baha himself. The reason for this repeated call is now becoming apparent to the Baha’is, for upon this connection, ‘Abdu’l-Baha, depends the wellbeing of the Cause. Consider: With the physical body its well-being depends upon the perfect connection or unity of each of its organs with the heart from which the life forces are forthcoming. ‘Abdu’l-Baha being the center of spiritual life in the world today, is the heart of the Kingdom of God--the Baha’i Cause --so the spiritual well-being of the Cause (as well as of its individual members) depends upon the connection of all the various members with The Center of The Covenant, ‘Abdu’l-Baha. When an organ of the physical body is not in proper function with the heart, and does not receive nourishment through the blood, it ceases to function and dies. When a Baha’i cuts himself off from ‘Abdu’l-Baha, who is the source of his spiritual life, he dies spiritually and is no longer of the Kingdom. Therefore, it behooves all to keep in the closest of spiritual touch with ‘Abdu’l-


Baha, holding to his Word, obeying him in both the spirit and the letter and never for one instant looking in any direction other than toward him--the divinely appointed Center of The Covenant. ******** There are those individuals referred to as the nakazeen who, after embracing God’s Truth and associating themselves with His Cause, have denied The Center of The Covenant and dropped away from the Power of The Cause. They are as dead--as spiritual corpses--and from them goes forth to the believers a poisonous infection from which the believers must be protected lest they also become infected and in like manner fall ill and die to the realities of God’s Kingdom. Consider: Whenever an organ of the body becomes diseased the whole body suffers--the vital forces of the body flow to the ill member that it be resuscitated and again function normally. If, however, that organ becomes gangrenous or dies, and putrefaction sets in, it becomes necessary to use the surgeon’s knife. Thus, even a diseased member must be cut off from the body else the whole body will die. When a Baha’i is suffering spiritually, all of the friends should surround that soul with love, showing kindness and attention upon it in order to bring it back again into close communion with ‘Abdu’l-Baha--for there is but one cause of spiritual disease among the Baha’is, and that is a state of unstability in The Center of The Covenant. But when a soul has wholly and completely severed himself from ‘Abdu’l-Baha--denied The Center of The Covenant, whether either openly by words, or subtly in his heart in secret, that soul is dead spiritually. * It becomes a dead or gangrenous member of the body of The Cause. Its condition is infinitely more deplorable in this state than before it heard The Truth while it was yet in the human or the unquickened condition of the natural man. When a soul falls into such a state of violation of the Covenant, there is but one thing to do and that is for the friends to cut it off from the body of The Cause, for if the friends do not sever themselves from such an one they will themselves become infected by this deadly condition, and then the whole assemblage of the friends will become diseased. In a recent Tablet The Center of The Covenant states:


Portion of a Tablet recently revealed by Abdul-Baha: “Convey the wonderful ABHA greeting to the believers. Chicago, in comparison with the cities of America, was in advance and numerically contained more Baha’is, but when the stench (vile odor) of the nakazeen was spread in that city, there was a stagnation. The Cause in other cities of America is progressing day unto day, but Chicago is stationary. Therefore, strive that the sweet fragrance of the Testament and the Covenant may become diffused, the nostrils of the spiritual ones become perfumed, the banner of “Ya-Baha-el ABHA” be unfurled and the tent of the Oneness of the world of humanity be pitched. Then ye shall observe that Chicago has become the Paradise of ABHA. These few nakazeen cannot accomplish anything worth while. The utmost is this that they will be the means of the drooping of the believers of God in that city. A person deprived of the spirit of the Covenant is sentenced as dead. The dead surely disintegrate. Therefore, breathe the spirit of the Covenant and the Testament as much as ye can in the hearts, so that the souls may progress day unto day and obtain a new exhilaration. Upon thee be Baha-el-ABHA!” (Signed) ABDUL-BAHA ABBAS.


“Let them (the Baha’is) be awake! Let them be mindful! As soon as they see a trace of violation of The Covenant they must hold aloof from the violators.” And again in another Tablet he says: “Firmness in The Covenant means OBEDIENCE so that no one may say, ‘this is my opinion’ nay rather he must obey that which Proceeds from the Pen and Tongue of The Covenant.” We Baha’is are commanded to treat the opposer of The Cause as the friend, and to shower kindness upon those who persecute and cause trouble for the Baha’is. However, the condition of the opposer of The Covenant, and the condition of the denier of The Covenant are wholly different. The opposer is one who has not yet been awakened to the Truth. He is outside of The Cause and can have no avail against it, whereas the denier is within the body of The Cause, and until he is taken out from the body of The Cause his diseased condition is infecting the whole body. Physically a man has nothing to fear from poisons which are kept outside of his body. His danger lies when poisons enter into his body. Imagine a family in which a death occurs. Although each of the survivors be in a state of perfect health, yet it is necessary to remove the corpse of the departed from the house, for with the putrefaction of the corpse the disease contagious would prevail and all would die. We know that our beloved ‘Abdu’l-Baha does not wish any soul to be deprived of the Bounties of The Kingdom, nevertheless when The Cause of God is at stake, the individual who is damaging The Cause must go. ‘Abdu’l-Baha recently wrote: “Such souls are nothing but pure harm to The Cause of God, and it is very well that they go out, for the abominable deeds of such souls are like unto an axe at the root of The Cause.” ******** It is one thing to be merely “attracted” to the divine teachings of God’s chosen revelator, and another thing to become so centered in His Chosen One as to sacrifice all in His Path. The first case is only to have one’s attention called to the bounties of the kingdom; the second is to know and to recognize The Center of Spiritual Guidance through, or from, which the knowledge of the Kingdom proceeds. In the day of Jesus, the Christ, vast multitudes were attracted to Him and to His Cause, but of these there were but twelve men and a few women who believed to the point of recognizing in Him the Glory of God Manifest--The Christ. This recognition was what quickened the souls of His Disciples and the early Fathers, and it was by this and by this alone, that they were given the power to go forth and give Christ’s Message to the world. The great Christian civilization (the bounties of which the people of the world are now enjoying) had its birth or main spring in the 6

Revelation of Jesus, and its spiritual quickening in those who, like Peter, recognized Jesus to be “The Christ, the Son of The Living God;” whereas those souls who were merely attracted to Jesus and before really believing slipped away from The Cause, played no part in the great organic growth of Christianity. So it is again in this day of revelation. How many souls are attracted to ‘Abdu’l-Baha. How many crowd to see him and to hear him, yet the real blessing is that of realizing in him The Center of God’s Covenant. From the following quotation from the “Tablet of the Branch,” revealed by BAHA’U’LLAH, the importance of this matter will be clearly understood: “O ye people! draw nigh unto it [The Branch (The Center of The Covenant, ‘Abdu’l-Baha)] and taste the fruits of its knowledge and wisdom on the part of The Mighty, The Knowing One. Whosoever will not taste thereof shall be deprived of The Bounty, even though he hath partaken of all that is in the earth-were ye of those who know... Say, O people, praise ye God for its manifestation [The Branch] for verily The Branch [‘Abdu’l-Baha] is the most great power upon you, and the most perfect blessing upon you; and through Him every moldering bone is quickened. Whosoever turns unto Him hath surely turned unto God, and whosoever turneth away from Him hath turned away from My Beauty, denied My Proof, and is of those who transgress. Verily, He is the Remembrance of God amongst you, and His Trust within you, and His Manifestation unto you, and His appearance among the servants who are nigh. Thus have I been commanded to convey to you The Message of God, your Creator; and I have delivered unto you that of which I was commanded.” Following this and other similar commands revealed by BAHA’U’LLAH the true and firm Baha’is have turned with implicit faith towards ‘Abdu’l-Baha, The Branch, The Center of The Covenant, in whom they find their illumination, their guidance, their strength, their hope, their all. THEREFORE, RECOGNIZING IN ‘ABDU’L-BAHA THE CENTER OF GOD’S COVENANT, IS, IN THIS DAY, THE ONE ALL-IMPORTANT MATTER BEFORE THE WORLD, FOR IN HIM IS THE POWER OF THE COVENANT OF GOD, WHICH ALONE IS TO REGENERATE MANKIND. ******** The difficulties and problems of an assembly will solve themselves when everyone concentrates their faith in The Center of The Covenant. Study “The Tablet of The Branch” and ‘Abdu’lBaha’s address upon “The Covenant” given in New York City, June 19, 1912, and also his Tablet upon “The Covenant.” These latter were published in Washington, D. C., in pamphlet form. They can be obtained by writing to the Washington assembly. My love and greetings to all the friends. Yours in The Center of The Covenant, CHARLES MASON REMEY Honolulu, Hawaii, July 19, 1913. 7

INTERVIEW WITH BADI’U’LLAH (Star of the West, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 17-18) --Howard MacNutt-Notwithstanding that Baha’u’llah pointed to the one who should be looked upon as authority by all and named the interpreter of His Words, leaving no place for difference and misunderstanding, yet it is known that shortly after the departure (ascension) of Baha’u’llah difficulties arose. The following interview between Badi’u’llah (‘Abdu’l-Baha’s brother) and Howard MacNutt at the home of ‘Abdu’l-Baha in Akka, Syria, January 10, 1905, is a presentation of this important subject of “The Center of the Covenant” from another standpoint. It is printed in the STAR OF THE WEST at the request of Abdul-Baha: Another afternoon, Badi’u’llah came in to see us. Our conversation had been upon “loyalty to the Covenant.” After the interpreter had explained our views, Badi’u’llah listened gravely for a while, then said: “Nine days after the ascension of the Blessed Perfection (Baha’u’llah), the Kitab-i-‘Ahd (Book of the Covenant) was read. After a few days Muhammad-‘Ali (brother of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and Badi’u’llah) and a part of the family withdrew from Abbas Effendi (‘Abdu’l-Baha). The other members of the family were instigated by words of Muhammad-‘Ali to the effect that the Blessed Perfection had written in the Kitab-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book) that no Manifestation should appear for one thousand years and that Abbas Effendi was taking the title of “Manifestation” to himself. This was the cause of the breaking away of part of the family, including myself. “Afterwards I saw some of the actions of Muhammad-‘Ali and realized that the reason he had withdrawn from Abbas Effendi was not on account of the words of Baha’u’llah in the Kitab-iAqdas but that it had been occasioned by his own feelings. And I saw too that these actions were not consistent with the commands and writings of the Blessed Perfection. From this I saw and knew clearly that the cause of his withdrawal had been hatred of Abbas Effendi. “The brother of the wife of Muhammad-‘Ali, Mirza Madju’d-Din, was sent by Muhammad-‘Ali to Damascus with a letter for the Governor of Damascus. In that letter Muhammad-‘Ali wrote a complaint against Abbas Effendi. This messenger was also instructed to tell the Governor by word of mouth certain things which would injure the Cause further for Abbas Effendi. The letter and messages were duly delivered to the Governor-General of Damascus. In twenty-five days the messenger returned. Just about that time a telegram came from the Sultan to the GovernorGeneral of Beirut who telegraphed it to the Governor at Akka: “Abbas Effendi and his brothers shall not be allowed to go outside the city.” I was deeply grieved by these happenings. “After thinking over the matter carefully I concluded that the best course would be for Muhammad-‘Ali and all the family to come here to Abbas Effendi and reach some understanding so that discord and disunion might no longer exist. I thought they should come themselves and ask for the truth of these rumors set afloat by Muhammad-‘Ali concerning Abbas Effendi. I myself came first to Abbas Effendi and told him what I wanted to accomplish. Then I went to 2

Muhammad-‘Ali and said “Do come with me to Abbas Effendi so that all the terrible trouble may cease.” All the family were happy about this proposal of mine, except Muhammad-‘Ali himself. I spoke a great deal to him and tried to persuade him to follow my advice but without success. I have written out in detail all the conversations I had with Abbas Effendi upon these matters. What I am giving you today is but a brief synopsis of them. “After hearing my words Muhammad-‘Ali spoke a great deal to his family and those who followed him, uttering falsehood and thus driving them further and further away from the prospect of unity. When I finally realized that reconciliation and harmony were impossible I was so deeply grieved that I became very ill. When I recovered I wished to leave Akka and determined to do so if I could secure permission. I wrote to the Governor-General of Beirut asking that I “might be removed from this prison to another prison as the conditions were so distasteful to me here.” I took a copy of this letter. Although this prison was the best of all homes to me on account of the Blessed Perfection’s life here, yet I was so miserable I wished to leave at any sacrifice. By the way, all I ever heard Abbas Effendi say proved the rumors set afloat by Muhammad-‘Ali to be false and untruthful. After I had written to the Governor-General of Beirut, I wrote to the Sultan, copying this letter also. There is a prison on the Island of Rhodes where criminals and offenders are sent. In my letter to the Sultan I asked that I might be sent to it. I forwarded this letter to a man in Constantinople asking him to present it to the Sultan. “Afterwards I saw Abbas Effendi and learned that he did not sanction this action, so I wrote immediately to the man in Constantinople, saying, “Do not deliver the letter.” I also wrote to the Governor-General of Beirut countermanding my wish to be removed from Akka. If the letter had been delivered to the Sultan it might have been too late to change the result. The prisoners at Rhodes are mostly Jews and Turks. As time went on I found it impossible for me to remain with Muhammad-‘Ali. Finally I went to talk with him again. Accompanying me as a witness to the conversation was Siyyid ‘Ali, a brother of a son-in-law of Abbas Effendi. I said to Muhammad‘Ali, “If you will go with me to Abbas Effendi, come and go with me now.” He said, “I will not go.” I then took my family and left the house. “I have written two accounts regarding this matter--one brief, another in full detail--beginning at the time of the Ascension of the Blessed Perfection. The short one (the confession) has been translated into English; the long one (the epistle) is not yet translated (as of January, 1905). The latter account explains everything fully and clearly shows that Muhammad-‘Ali’s action and behavior was not on account of his love for the Blessed Perfection but on account of his personal feelings and jealousy. “Since I came to ‘Abdu’l-Baha with my family, fifty men and women have come back to him in love and loyalty. Five or six returned after a few days; and only day before yesterday five others came to him--about fifty in all. The adherents to Muhammad-‘Ali do not number fifty all told. In Akka there are two, in Haifa three, in Tihran one and in other places a few. Only this small number remain in support of him. And why is this so? Because it was not for the Glory of God but for his own personal motives that Muhammad-‘Ali acted so. “The Blessed Perfection said: ‘My Cause is to unite men and bind them together; and those who violate this command step away from the protecting Shadow of My Word.’ He commanded that 3

we must sow the seeds of love in our hearts, not the thorns of hatred. Therefore if any of the sons of the Blessed Perfection follow His Word they are under the Shadow of His Command and Protection; and if not, they are afar off. For example, if the Sultan has a Governor who obeys the Sultan it is the duty of the people to love and obey him because he himself is obedient. I wish this explanation to be perfectly and clearly understood in America. In the Persian Hidden Words, Baha’u’llah: ‘O Friend! In the garden of the heart plant only flowers of love and cling to the Nightingale of Love and yearning.’ “All must know and realize that he who says that which is not in-accordance with the Words of the Blessed Perfection or speaks that which causes discord to arise in human souls is assuredly not one of the servants of God and a follower of the Blessed Perfection. It is impossible for a true lover to desire to harm his beloved. If he does that which injures his loved one it is evident that his love is not true. The sign of a true lover is that all his actions aim to please his beloved. The first quality of a real lover is that he sacrifices his own desire for the wish and desire of his beloved. Muhammad-‘Ali has followed his own will and desire and has left the Will and Desire of the Beloved. This is why he failed and fell.”


AN EPISTLE & CONFESSION TO THE BAHA’I WORLD (Translated from the Original Persian by Dr. Aminu’llah Farid) --Mirza Badi’u’llah-Translator’s Preface A few days ago the following command was received in the blessed handwriting of ‘AbdulBaha, the Center of the Covenant of God: “O Amin Farid! Translate the epistle of Mirza Badi’u’llah and soon print and publish it.” (signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas. For the enlightenment of the Baha’i friends in the English speaking lands, this humble translator will write what follows: After the ascension of the Heavenly Father (Baha’u’llah)--glory be to Him!--when the Book of His Covenant (Kitab-i-‘Ahd) became known among the Baha’is, all who were faithful obeyed His will and turned to ‘Abdu’l- Baha, the Center of His Covenant, for guidance in the Kingdom of ABHA. Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali disobeyed the command of the Father, and the author of this booklet, Mirza Badi’u’llah, sided with him. About four years ago Mirza Badi’u’llah returned to the Center of the Covenant (‘Abdu’l-Baha) and published, on February 4th, 1903, a confession which will be cited as an introduction to this epistle. This epistle was written by him to set forth the reasons for his “return” and to inform the sincere seekers after the Truth concerning the attitude, the conduct, and the actions of Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali. The original Persian manuscript of the author, with his seal upon it, is preserved in Egypt, where the booklet has been printed and published throughout the Orient. --Aminu’llah Farid, M.D. Chicago, Illinois, August 27, 1907.

TRANSLATION OF THE CONFESSION (Written and Signed by Badi’u’llah) HE IS EL-ABHA! Praise be to God the Unique, the Incomparable, who has aided and assisted me through His great bounty and absolute mercy while in this great and glorious prison in this holy and luminous land! He hath revealed and manifested to me the reality of that which had long since been hidden. He has helped me to grasp the firm support of His Covenant and Testament, and has strengthened me to become firm and steadfast under the protection of the standard of the Blessed Perfection. Exalted is His Name! Majesty and glory be to Him! O ye beloved of God, who have turned unto the horizon of the Kingdom of God! Know that this servant, while writing this brief confession, testifies with heart and tongue that all that has occurred, since the departure of the Adored One (Baha’u’llah), through the Nakazeen, has been a violation of the Covenant, a transgression of the Testament of the Almighty God, an opposition to the texts of the Books of the “Conclusive Proof” and a contradiction of the absolute will of the Lord of Lords. 5

The intentions and intrigues of the violators (Nakazeen) were concealed from this servant until the powerful hand of God rent the veils asunder and removed the coverings. That which was misunderstood and misapprehended by me is now clear and manifest to me and has caused me to turn my face to the appointed station, ‘Abdu’l-Baha--May the life of all existent beings be a sacrifice to Him!--and to be sheltered under the shadow of the Divine Covenant. Now--Praise be to God!--this servant is severed and detached from all else save Him and is united with and following Him. I hope the friends of God will pray and supplicate God to assist me that I may render Him an acceptable service and may God--Glory to His Name!--assist the others, as He has assisted me, to return unto His Covenant and Testament, forsaking enmity and hatred that they might be delivered from their great abasement and be sheltered under the shadow of the Holy Tree. O beloved of God!--May the Glory of God, El-ABHA, be upon you!--It behooves all of us as servants to speak with one accord in the Cause of God, saying, we believe, we confess, and we are firm in Thy Covenant. In brief, this servant has understood their intentions and realized that their only thought is contradiction and their only purpose is to confuse and mislead the weak ones and to confound the single minded. Therefore, I have entirely turned away from them and have taken firm hold upon the Covenant of God. I have forsaken “the left hand” of error and sought “the right hand” of perfect assurance. “When the Sea of Meeting sinks and the Book of Origin is achieved to the end, turn your face unto to Him whom God hath willed. He who branched from this Pre-existent Root.” * “By this verse is intended the Greatest Branch. thus have We revealed the command as a grace from Our presence, and I am the Gracious, the Beneficent.” I supplicate to God to aid me to manifest such firmness as will amaze the minds, and I humbly beseech Him to awaken the others also and to forgive their sins. For the favors of God and the compassion of the Center of the Covenant are boundless. “Verily, this is not difficult with God.” Mirza Aqa Jan wrote something before his death. Now the Nakazeen have recently added certain passages to it, have interpolated it and are intending to publish that spurious copy. Let it be known that even Mirza Aqa Jan, in his last days, having learned their designs, repented and endeavored to return to the Covenant. Now they have lately written a false writing in his name, which bears many signatures. Note ye that we (those who have returned to ‘Abdu’l-Baha) do not sanction and are quit of the contents thereof. Praise and glory be upon ye and upon those who love ye for the sake of God and listen to your words in the Cause of God. Upon ye be greetings and praise. (Signed) Badi’u’llah. *

This paragraph and the one following are quoted from the words of Baha’u’llah.


THE EPISTLE --Badi’u’llah-HE IS EL-ABHA! O ye assisted hosts of ABHA, who are turning unto the Horizon of the Covenant of the Lord of the Kingdom! Praise be to God! The banners of the Cause of God are waving in the center of the world, and the holy hearts of those who are firm and steadfast are attracted and happy. The fragrance of the Supreme Word is diffused throughout all regions and climes and the lights of the Sun of Reality are shining in all countries. Through the confirmed power of the Center of the Covenant, who is inspired by God, the life-refreshing proclamation of faith is being heard from the Occident; the heart-attracting voice of certainty is raised from the Orient; the people of the North commemorate the most wonderful Name of ABHA, and the people of the South are made happy by the praise and glory of the Supreme Lord. The universe is perfumed through the scented fragrance of the Covenant, and the essences of existence are enlightened through the radiance of the Sun of the horizons. The Lamp of the Cause of God is clear and shining in the world, and the light of His Will is bright and gleaming in the assemblages of the people. The boundless Bounties are enveloping the world, and the Mercy of God is extended to all regions. The Power of the Lord of Glory is become manifest in the temple of “him who branched from the Ancient Root,” * and the Divine favors are shown forth through the Holy Being of the Chosen One. It is time for joy and happiness. It is the period of ecstasy and gladness. It is the day of zeal and attraction. The Expounder of the Book of the Lord of Lords is present, and the light of the Promulgator of the Cause of God is radiant from the horizon of the world. The table of happiness is spread; the means of joy and gladness prepared; the eternal blessings are surrounding all. In these days it behooves these servants to strengthen the loins of endeavor in the utmost of unity, concord, love and accord, and win the goal of eternal happiness. We should follow the Path of the Covenant, bear unto the souls the glad tidings of the Kingdom, and guide them to the shade of the blessed Tree of God, the Sadratu’l-Muntaha. We should all abide under the canopy of the Testament, and, if need be, sacrifice possessions and life in the path of the Supreme One. We should close our eyes to the world and its belongings, and with our powers latent and manifest we should promulgate the Word and spread the Cause. Thus may we be accounted as the people of faithfulness in the supreme Kingdom and Glorious Horizon. With smiling faces, free minds, attracted hearts and pure souls may we approach the Holy Threshold and become blessed with His good pleasure. May we with loud and cheerful voices proclaim the glad tidings, and bless the hearing of those who are far and near with the blessed Word--Allah’u’ABHA!


The Most Great Branch, ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas.


The intention of this servant of the Sublime Threshold in writing this paper is to elucidate briefly that which has occurred in these days and in those days of the past, and to reveal to the pure minds of the beloved of the past, and to reveal to the pure minds of the beloved of God that which will tend to make them confident and assured. Thus they may remain firm in the Covenant and be protected from breaking it. They may look forward to the utterances of the Supreme Pen, and with all power, endeavor, firmness and constancy, observe this blessed verse: “When the Ocean of Meeting sinks and the Book of Origin is achieved to the end, turn unto Him who is chosen by God, who is branched from this pre- existent Root” (i.e., after the departure of Baha’u’llah, all Baha’is must look to ‘Abdu’l-Baha for heavenly guidance). O ye friends of God!--May my spirit be a sacrifice for your love!--This servant had the intention some time ago to bring about that which would take away dissension and replace it with love and unity. Thus hatred and jealousy, which are contrary to the Divine Law, might be effaced that all may abandon the people of the “left” the violators of the Covenant, and unite with those of the “right” who are firm to the Center of the Covenant. So the unpleasant odor of this dissension which was the cause of dispersing the people, disturbing the minds and saddening the hearts, might disappear, and the fragrance of love and harmony prevail. That, through the decisive command of the Testament of God, and turning to “Him whom God hath willed,” the sun of unity may dawn from the horizons of the hearts, the Supreme Collective Word become freed from the oppression of discord, the table of hate (spread in the name of religion) be rolled as a scroll, and the sun of the Blessed verse: “Make not the means of order the cause of disorder”-“the cause of unity the cause of disunity”--dawn and enlighten the eyes. That which prompted the intention was as follows: Previous to the late imprisonment there appeared actions and conduct by Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali, which were diametrically opposed to trustworthiness, the true spirit of religion and the commands of God. This servant awaited opportunity in order to investigate certain matters which they had attributed to His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha--May my life be a sacrifice for His beloved! Thus truth might become distinguished from falsity, and the real intentions of Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali become evident. Opportunity did not afford until in this prison, which in reality is a paradise to me, my desires were fulfilled and God directed me to my object. One day I attained the honor of visiting His Holiness, “Him whom God hath willed,” (‘Abdu’lBaha) and heard from His blessed tongue all that which proved the untruth of the statements made regarding Him (by the Nakazeen). Later I directed my steps to the house and conversed with Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali, and pleaded with him to forsake all personalities and to follow what He commanded, hoping that he might cease opposing the Cause of God and disturbing His believers. The more I pleaded with him, the more he refused and the prouder he appeared. He said nothing save words and expressions indicative of hatred, jealousy, and enmity against the confirmed Center of the Covenant. He further tried to conceal the matter from those connected with him and from outsiders, and to throw suspicions whereby my object might remain hidden. Having observed these actions, behaviors, words and deeds, this servant utterly despaired and closed his eyes to him. After the lapse of some time I discovered that he had composed untrue 8

statements, and by hints and symbolic writing endeavored to keep people ignorant of his intentions, and claimed that he was oppressed and persecuted, while the fact was that day and night he remained at home and was engaged in cursing and execrating the Center of the Covenant. He has written an announcement, wherein he made statements of his being wronged and his holding to the law. For the purpose of casting suspicions, he has written certain expressions, all of which are void of truth and far from the reality. Since brevity must be considered, I shall write the full details of his announcement and his papers, which he is yet engaged in writing, at a future time. After a while these falsities and bad conditions attained such magnitude that I was compelled to resolve to ask the Government to transfer me from this prison to that of Rhodes, so that I might be free from hearing that which harmed me physically and spiritually. Thus I wrote a petition to the Porte at Constantinople, and also a formal application to the Valiyat, but when I met the Center of the Covenant, His advice changed my desire. In those days the Honorable Haji Mirza Hassan Khorassani--Upon him be the Glory of God!-arrived and visited the Holy Threshold. He met this servant several times and asked to go once more and see Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali and advise him to return to the Center of the Covenant, hoping that he might, for the love of God’s Cause and obedience to His Commands, lose sight of personality and follow that which is commanded. He said that, should Muhammad-‘Ali return, the object would be attained; otherwise this servant should announce his own return to His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha--May my life be a sacrifice to Him!--Knowing as I did his personal feelings, enmity and jealousy. I thought my effort would prove fruitless. However, I investigated the matter and I heard the same statements and old ideas. Therefore I severed myself entirely from him and published the announcement * of my return. Thus I joined with His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha and cut myself from all else save Him. Later, one day, in company with His Holiness, the blessed twig, Haji Mirza Siyyid ‘Ali--Upon him be Baha’u’llah-el-ABHA!--I met Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali and performed that which was my religious duty and due to love. I besought him to unite with me and attain the great blessing. Hearing useless words, which referred to nothing but personality, I arose and went directly to the household of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. According to his old rule and custom, Muhammad-‘Ali wrote a paper in behalf of the few who have turned away from the Center of the Covenant and addressed it to the twig (Afnan H.M. Siyyid ‘Ali) in order to mix statements, disturb the minds and throw suspicions upon hearts of the simple, he requested a meeting with us. Presently I sent a message that we were always ready, whenever it might be, to manifest the word of Truth and disprove that which is far from it. His Honor Afnan (i.e. Haji Siyyid ‘Ali) conveyed the message to him (Muhammad-‘Ali). He held to other pretexts and prepared another form of suspicion, which he endeavored to instill into the minds by his peculiar ways. Whatever he says or writes, or whatever he spreads, results in naught but manifest loss.


The confession to be found at the beginning of this epistle.


To awaken and inform the beloved of God, it is necessary to write concerning some of the pretexts which have been used by them (the Nakazeen) and thereby they have raised the cry of being wronged. Thus may the truth of the matter be clearly demonstrated to the pure minds. One of the questions is that of stealing the traces and interpolating the verses (the writings of Baha’u’llah) and also that of concealing certain commandments from the beloved of God. This they have done in effort to prove their having been wronged and the difficulties which prevent their turning to (or acknowledging) the Center of the Covenant. They mourn and lament their state, although all that has been said of them by some souls is truth itself and the facts of the matter. Now this servant will forget all he has heard from other souls concerning the matter and will only write that which he has seen with his own eyes and heard from their own tongues (i.e. of Muhammad-‘Ali and his followers). Thus may the truth of the matter be clear to all. O ye beloved of God! The question of stealing the traces (writings) is as follows: during the days of the illness of the worshipped Countenance (Baha’u’llah)--the illness which preceded His departure--one day He summoned this servant to His Presence and gave him the keys to His blessed depository and chests, which were in His room, and ordered that the locks should be renewed. According to His command, this servant sent for Muhammad Kani and had him renew the locks, which he did, and Mirza ‘Ali-Rida brought the locks and helped to affix them in their places. We locked the doors and presented the keys to Him and He said, “Keep them.” He also ordered that the key to my own depository in my room be renewed, and this was done. Likewise, during those blessed days, His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha was summoned (by Baha’u’llah) was commanded by Him to gather together all His blessed writings and traces. This command (indicative of what was to come) produced such a feeling (in ‘Abdu’l-Baha) that his tears descended like unto rain, and, while his body was trembling and his heart aching, he was obeying the command, gathering together the important manuscripts. He placed them all in the two large trunks which had always held the important Tablets and writings, when Baha’u’llah went to Akka, Haifa and Qasr. * These had always been in the blessed room as a trust of His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha, for they were given him by Baha’u’llah. When the night for the great ordeal arrived, the sea of meeting sunk, the lamentation of the Supreme Concourse raised, the earthquake of the pillars of the horizons occurred, and the radiant Sun of Beauty passed behind the veils of Glory. It was the time for the washing of the blessed body. Water was brought, and they were prepared for the blessed purpose, when Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali said: “Now there will be much water spilled in this room, and, in order to prevent these trunks being affected by dampness, let me help you carry them to another room.” He had them deposited in the room of this servant with the help of Mirza Madju’d-Din. Three days after this event Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali said to me: “The Blessed Beauty (Baha’u’llah)--Exalted is His Station!--said: ‘We have written something and it is in Our depository.’ which I would like to see.” He took the keys from this servant for that purpose. Later I saw that, through Mirza Madju’d-Din, ‘Ali-Rida, his sister, and the mother of Mirza Shu’a’u’llah, he (Muhammad-‘Ali) carried the blessed trusts (the writings of Baha’u’llah) by *

Qasr Bahji, mansion of delight.


way of the window and the gallery of the Bahji to his own place. He took away all the traces of the Supreme Pen and the special Tablets revealed for the beloved of God. When this servant reproached him, and endeavored to reclaim them, he spoke so much that should I attempt to write it here, Mathnavi “becomes seventy pounds of paper.” * Among other things he said to me that the preservation of the blessed writings was referred to him by a blessed command, that he possessed a Tablet from the Supreme Pen to that effect. He did not even allow this servant to read the writings. By various means he endeavored to insinuate to this servant that His Holiness the Greatest Branch was against the Blessed Law, that if the blessed writings fell into his hands they would be effaced and no name of the Blessed Beauty would remain in the world. Another question concerns the interpolation. It is as follows: For a long time, by means of allusions and hints, symbols and signs, he gave me to understand that he possessed a Tablet from the Supreme Pen concerning His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha, which, he said, if he should reveal, the name of ‘Abdu’l-Baha would be effaced. He spoke of this on numerous occasions to some members of the family. Some time elapsed, during which some souls inquired of me concerning the Tablet in question, and I asked him for it, but every time he offered me an excuse and sought a pretext to avoid it. Finally, prior to the imprisonment in the Most Great Prison of ABHA, one day he took out of a drawer a blessed Tablet from the Supreme Pen, wherein were mentioned the deeds, the actions, the oppression of Mirza Yahya (Subh-i-Azal), mentioning him often as “My brother,” which he gave me to read. I read it and remarked: “This has no connection with these days.” (It refers to the former days.) He said: “I have permission from the Blessed Beauty (Baha’u’llah) to use my pen in the blessed writings (interpolate) for the protection of the Cause. Now, since some souls have exaggerated (the station of ‘Abdu’l-Baha) and the Master claims Divinity, I will erase the word ‘My brother’ and insert in its place ‘My Greatest Branch,’ which I will show to people in order to check his influence.” I was entirely dazed, but said nothing to him, waiting to see if he really dared to do such a thing. A few moments passed and I saw him take up the Tablet, erase “My brother” and replace it with “My Greatest Branch.” Having seen this, I immediately said: “This deed is a great sin and a breach of trust. If you show this Tablet, this servant will divulge the whole account, will point out the interpolation, and this will cause all the writings in your possession to be considered unreliable. Hereafter whatsoever of the writings traced by the Supreme Pen you may show me, I will not accept as authentic until I have carefully compared the manuscript with the original handwriting which is elsewhere preserved, and have examined the same with a magnifying glass.” Upon hearing these words he was very much disturbed, promised and made a covenant that he would not show the Tablet to any one, and, further, he requested this servant not to reveal the matter. From that day this servant entirely lost confidence in him and did not trust him in matters which concerned the Cause and the conscience. He continually sought opportunities for the investigation and scrutiny of the remaining questions for which he (Muhammad-‘Ali) had discussed and insinuated since the departure of the Blessed Perfection. He first referred to the *

An expression meaning that the matter is most voluminous.


manuscripts compiled by him (Muhammed-‘Ali), and discovered that all the verses revealed by Baha’u’llah concerning the people of Bayan and the souls who, subsequent to the martyrdom of His Holiness the Supreme (the Bab)--May the spirit of all else be a ransom to Him!--had claimed Divinity, the station of Manifestation, the degree of successorship, or that of Mirrorness, were transposed and applied to the days following the ascension of the worshipped Countenance (Baha’u’llah). In this wise and by this means they endeavored to perturb the minds and hinder the souls from turning (to the blessed Center of the Covenant). If this servant attempted to write the full account of these matters, the work will be endless. However, to the possessors of wisdom and intelligence, who are informed of past events, the reading of the said verses will suffice. The blessed Tablet, so often cited in their pamphlets, will be sufficient. This is the Tablet which was revealed on the occasion of His exodus from Adrianople. It is as follows: “O Salman! At the time of leaving Iraq, the Tongue of God informed some (of the followers) of the fact that the Samiri * would appear, the goat would bleat, and the bats (literally, birds of night) would move after the setting of the Sun,” etc. In response to the inquiry of a person concerning this blessed Tablet, He has said: “As to what thou hast asked concerning that whereof We informed the servants at the time of leaving Iraq, to wit, that when the Sun disappears the birds of night will move, the standards of Samiri will be hoisted, etc., Verily, the birds of night did move in those days, and the Samiri did call, and blessed is he who knew and was of the knowing. Then We informed them of the goat. Verily, all We have told them appeared, and must have appeared, for thus did the Pen of Power and Glory reveal.” Now this blessed Tablet, which makes mention of the goat, Samiri, and the birds of night, through excessive animosity and hatred they attributed to these days. They are so thoughtless regarding the meanness and baseness of this sort of transposition. Likewise, the numerous Tablets and Writings (revealed by Baha’u’llah) for the promotion of the Word of God and the preservation of the Cause of God, concerning the harmfulness of dissensions, divisions, and disagreements, have all been used to promote their own selfish desires, and used as means for instilling enmity and hatred (in the minds) against ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Notwithstanding this, they account themselves of the people of faithfulness and style themselves “Unitarians.” A blessed Tablet was shown me (by Muhammad-‘Ali), which had no beginning or end, revealed by the Supreme Pen. He asked me to unite the separate fragments and frame it--that is, to place them on a board and thus join the two fragments. He said: “These two (fragments) are of one blessed Tablet, revealed on two pages.” This servant, considering the matter to contain a project, did not acquiesce in this work, and said: “This servant will not interfere in these affairs. If you wish to paste them, do it yourself.” Finding him urging and encouraging this servant to the work in a great degree, he was more certain that the two fragments did not belong together, but that he wished them joined to affect the meaning of the word “Covenant” which occurred in them. He said: “I have spoken of this to Aqa Jamal and he has commended it.” This servant remarked that whoever wishes may commend this, but it will not induce me to interfere with any such matter or *

This refers to idolatry as was practiced among the Israelites.


entangle in like affairs. When he became disappointed in this servant he made no further revelation regarding these things. As to the imprisonment (the last confinement of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and his brothers to Akka), it is as follows: A certain day he said, while in the Qasr (Bahji), that His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha--May the spirit of existence be a sacrifice unto Him!--negotiated with Constantinople regarding the removal of the Blessed Station (the sacred remains of Baha’u’llah) to Mt. Carmel. In this matter, he said, we must make our plans. This servant having observed those actions from him and having decided not to interfere in such matters made no remark. However, he made arrangements to send Mirza Madju’d-Din, with a present and letter in Persian text, to Nazim Pasha, the Governor of Damascus, to seek his aid in this affair. After hearing of this arrangement, this servant remarked that the said Governor being a man of politics, if certain matters were communicated to him, he would doubtless convey the same in a petition to the Sultan and cause suspicion in the court, producing harmful results, and thus bring calamity to all. This servant, during the same days, conveyed this matter to His Honor, the twig (a relative of the Bab), Haji Mirza Siyyid ‘Ali--Upon him be Baha’u’llah el-ABHA! Notwithstanding all this, he sent Mirza Madju’d-Din, with presents, a letter and verbal suggestions and instructions to Damascus. He met the said Nazim Pasha, and, according to his own words spoken to this servant in Haifa, all that he could he told the Governor, concerning the building on Mt. Carmel (the Tomb of the Bab), the coming and going of the American friends and the gatherings and meetings in Akka. In order to get all this information, the Pasha showed him the utmost kindness and assured him of his help. Mirza Madju’d-Din returned, and, only a few days later, a telegram, transmitted in symbolic code, from the Royal Porte (Constantinople) arrived, the purport of which was the imprisonment of His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha, of this servant and of them (Muhammad-‘Ali, et al.). As soon as I heard this news I told them that it was the fruit and the result of the trip of Mirza Madju’d-Din. Although they have been the cause of this great matter, yet every day they arranged a new fiction and spread it here and abroad. Once they said a Christian gentleman, among the friends of His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha, who resides in Egypt, had spoken publicly of the Cause, in a church, without caution and wisdom, and this had caused the imprisonment. At another time they said that his Honor Mirza Abu’l-Fadl--Upon him be Baha’u’llah!--had composed a book and published it, and, this having fallen into the hands of the doctors of Azhar University in Cairo had caused this misfortune. In short, they have done all they could, secretly and publicly. “They scheme and God schemes. Verily, God is the best schemer.” In those days a certain person came from Damascus to Akka and told some of the souls among the outsiders that the cause of the imprisonment of His Holiness Abbas Effendi was Nazim Pasha, the Governor of Damascus. The strangest of all this, that, after imprisonment, Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali wrote a letter to Nazim Pasha for the purpose of his own deliverance, and the person who transcribed the letter into Turkish is now present in Akka. The said Pasha, however, did not answer a word in reply to the first or second letter.


Now, O ye beloved of God! I ask you, by your Lord El-ABHA, is it possible for me to remain with them (Muhammad-‘Ali and his people) after witnessing these deeds and actions which are opposed to the decisive texts of God and are against the honesty and integrity recognized among all sects and peoples and after I have learned the falsity of the things they attributed to the Center of the Covenant of God? Is it lawful, according to any Divine law, for me to be connected with Mirza Muhammad-‘Ali? No, verily, by my Lord El-ABHA! Nay, rather, to him is a lawful command and a wise and solid counsel. As He (Baha’u’llah) has said: “If ye sense any odor of jealousy and envy from any soul in the Cause of God, keep aloof from him.” Is he who manifests such actions and deeds an enemy or a friend, an interested or disinterested person? Notwithstanding all this, this servant, in the spirit of supplication and humility, hopes and begs of God, the Almighty, to guide them unto the shade of the blessed Word of the Covenant and Testament, to treat them with absolute mercy and to aid and to confirm them in that which is befitting. Verily, He is Near, the Answerer. As to the ways by which they cast their suspicions, it is necessary that they be outlined briefly, in order to inform and awaken the souls. Thus may no one be caught in the trap of the polytheism of their doubts and become deprived of the eternal blessing of God. The first thing they do is to appear most obedient to the Divine Laws and night and day engage themselves in the writings of the verses to such a degree that the newcomer imagines that they are absolutely evanescent and absorbed entirely in servitude, having no thought or purpose save the Blessed Cause and the Blessed Verses. After a while they give vent to certain mentions and insinuations in order to hinder the listener from turning to the firm command of the Covenant of God. That is to say, they begin to interpret and misconstrue some of the verses, and some they interpolate and transpose with perfect delicacy, giving one to understand they are wronged. They convey all that which tends to instill enmity and hate in the new-comer’s heart against His Holiness, “Him whom God hath willed”--‘Abdu’l-Baha. Later, they encourage him by various means to say evil things against ‘Abdu’l-Baha, and they, themselves, outwardly voice the Verses of Baha’u’llah. “The Tongue is for the mention of good; stain it not with evil sayings.” On the other hand, they make light of the important command of “Turn your faces to Him whom God hath willed,” which is the greatest command of God. They give much importance to insignificant, petty matters. If the subject be correctly considered, after the ascension of the Adored Countenance (Baha’u’llah) the decisive command which holds the first degree of importance, which is incumbent upon all, is the one mentioned above. Second in importance are the other commands of the Book of God. For instance, if a person commits a murder he has committed a crime, the harmful result of which will concern him; but if he disobeys the word of the Covenant of God (disobeys ‘Abdu’l-Baha) and causes dissension in the Law of God, the harmful result of it will touch the Cause itself (humanity at large). In this wise he will be absolutely nonexistent and in evident loss. The fundamental basis of unity and concord rests upon the gathering of all under the shadow of one Word. This is the Oneness and Singleness mentioned in so many Tablets by the Supreme Pen. Now, what Word is greater than the Word of “Turn to * (‘Abdu’l-Baha)” after the ascension--and what command is greater than that? But, alas! That selfish motives and passionate desires have proved the greatest hindrance to the divine, eternal happiness. *

“Turn to Him who is chosen by God, who is branched from the Pre-existent Root. By this verse is intended the Most Great Branch (‘Abdul’-Baha).” From the Kitab-i-Ahdi.


They further give the newcomer to understand that His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha claims a station higher than that of the Ancient Beauty (Baha’u’llah)--Magnified is His Station!--That He wishes to efface the ordinances and laws of the Blessed Perfection and to rule independently, establishing a new law and code. As witness to this matter they cite the saying of such souls as are distant from His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha and who entertain extraordinary enmity and jealousy; likewise, they offer poems and certain pamphlets which contain sentiments differing from the true belief of the Center of the Covenant and the hopes of His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Soon, through the power of the pen and utterances of the Center of the Covenant, the horizon of realities and meanings will become illumined and that which is the desire of the heart and life of His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha--that is, absolute servitude at the Holy threshold, will be established and proved. As to the dissension in the Cause, which is shaking the pillars of the Divine Law and causing conflagration of the fire of religious hatred and enmity, they consider it a religious duty--nay, the basis of the Holy Laws. If a person mentions a word agreeing with the texts of the Books of God against dissension and concerning the necessity of unity, they consider him a polytheist and call him rejected and raise the voice of “where is the law!” Yet the Laws of God all concern unity under one Word, and the original purpose of the Divine collective manifestation is for the solidarity of all sects and peoples of the world. In most of the Blessed Tablets this point has been explained and elucidated, as, for example, in one of the Tablets Baha’u’llah says: “O people of Baha! Strengthen the loins of endeavor, perchance religious strife and quarrel may be removed and erased from among the people of the world. for the love of God and His servants, arise to serve this Cause. Religious animosity and hatred is a world-consuming fire and the extinction thereof is most difficult unless the Hand of Divine Power rescue the people from this awful ordeal.” Likewise He says: “In the Name of God, the Unique! O people of the world! After the removal of the veil some people held fast to verses. We revealed verses. Some took hold of proofs (evidences); We manifested them; and certain souls turned to commandments, and We revealed the greatest proofs thereof. Whatever they said was performed and whatever they wished was granted. The purpose of all that was manifested was that the ears might become ready for hearing this Supreme Word, and that is this: O people of the earth! Make not the religion of God a cause of enmity. If this Word take root in the world, all will find themselves free and at peace. Say, verily, by the life of God! The tenet of God and His religion hath come for unity and concord, not for dissensions and disagreements. To this bears witness the Mother Book, and the people hear not! The glory which is shining from the horizon of the Heaven of My Kingdom be upon thee and upon them who have left superstitions, holding to the lights of certainty.” Now they have forsaken these firm commandments and for selfish motives they have held to the sayings of this and that one, and are enkindling the fire of animosity in the breasts and hearts. It is for this reason that Baha’u’llah says in the Book of the Covenant: “O ye My Branches! In existence is hidden latent a great power and perfect strength. Turn to it and consider that which is conducive to its unity and not to that which is its apparent disagreement.” Likewise, He says: “O 15

servants! Do not make the means of order the means of disorder, and the cause of unity the cause of discord.” O people of equity! It is meet and behooving for them to withhold vision from the Great Power and direct it to the sayings of the souls; to make the cause of order in the world that of dispersion; and to prefer personal interests over the Divine Laws? Although they are in the utmost degree of jealousy and hatred, they consider themselves abiders by the Holy Law. By all means they endeavor to extinguish the light of the Divine Covenant, and consider the Testament of the Son of the World a toy for children. Night and day they work for the destruction of the edifice of the Supreme Word and the foundation of the Holy Cause of ABHA. No, verily, by Him whose hands hold the reins of the Cause! Rather it is meet and behooving that when they heard the verses of the Book of the Covenant they should have said: “We believe and are assured.” They should have considered themselves evanescent and absorbed in the command of the Testament of God. They should have arisen with all power and strength in obedience to His holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha and should have strengthened the loins of service among the people. But, alas! As the author of Mathnavi says: “When personal interest appears, man’s accomplishments will be concealed and the veils of the heart will blind the eyes.” If personal interests were to be forsaken by them, if they would turn to the Center of the Covenant of God and would perceive the power of Divine evidence which emanates from His tongue, they would see clearly that all that is not the mention of absolute servitude is outside of His verbal commands and writings of His pen. Although He is the Center of the Covenant of the Blessed Perfection, in the degrees of utterance, he holds himself the servant of the beloved of God, and has no desire save the promulgation of the Word of God, the promotion of the Cause of God, the diffusion of the fragrances of God and the education of souls. The greatest proof of this is the boundless writings of His pen. Among them is an utterance which emanated from His blessed tongue recently and copies of which have gone to all regions. This will be cited here in order to manifest to all that outside of the mention of servitude and the station of servitude, there is no other mention in that station: “Through His Honor Aqa Ghulum ‘Ali--Upon him be Baha’u’llah!--To the beloved of God. (Upon them be Baha’u’llah-el-ABHA!) HE IS GOD! “O my God! O my God! Thou knowest, verily, that my heart is replete with the love of Thy beloved ones, my Spirit is attached to the Spirit of Thy chosen ones, my breast is dilated with the mention of Thy trustworthy ones, and my reality is attracted by the mention of Thy servants. The ecstasy of their love has taken such hold of me that Thou caused me to open my tongue in their praises. I pray Thee with my heart, my Spirit and my tongue, and supplicate Thee to cause Thy heavenly table and merciful blessing to descend upon them, to lay upon them the Hem of Thy Garment, to fill for them the chalice of Thy Grace, to cast upon them the glance of Thy Mercy, to submerge them in the seas of Thy Bounty, to specialize them with the glory of Thy Bestowal, to choose them for the promotion of Thy word, and to perfect for them Thy Benefit. Thus may the Lights of Thy Oneness shine in their hearts, the breeze of Life pass through the garden of their minds by Thy bounty and generosity; the verses of Thy knowledge be imprinted upon the 16

mirrors of their hearts; their eyes may become bright with the witness of the manifestations of Thy bounty; their tongues may utter Thy wonderful mysteries; their souls may be assured by the comprehension of Thy signs, and the bounties of Thy Names and Attributes may envelop them. “O Lord ! O Lord! Aid them in Thy service, confirm them in Thy servitude, make them the signs of Thy Oneness, the banners of Thy Glory, the trees of the garden of Thy Love, the words of the book of Thy Knowledge, the lamps of Thy Guidance, the stars of the horizon of Thy Bounty, the waves of the sea of Thy Oneness, the meteors of the altitude of Thy Grandeur, the lights of the Sun of Thy Manifestation, the myrtles of the meadows of Thy Mercy, the fountains of Thy Mysteries, and the evidences of Thy guidance. Verily, Thou art the Powerful, the Giver, the Confirmer, the Almighty, and the Generous. “O ye beloved of God and the helpers of ‘Abdu’l-Baha! When the Sun of Reality became concealed behind the veils of glory and the Orb of the universe disappeared from the dawning pit of evidence and arose in the Invisible World and conferred successive bounties upon the contingent world from the Unseen Realm, the bats began to move and spread out their wings in a race. They imagined that they could interrupt the glorious bounties of that Beautiful Face, extinguish the shining rays of the Sun of Reality, put out the ignited fire and destroy the praised Light. For they supposed that on account of the ascension of His Holiness the Beloved, the Divine Foundation would be demolished, the edifice of God would be destroyed and the Blessed Tree uprooted. ‘Evil was that which they imagined and vain was that which they supposed, and ye see them today in manifest loss.’ For, according to what is heard, in certain regions, the enemies hearing the news of the great ordeal (the departure of Baha’u’llah), feasted and rejoiced, celebrated festivals, burned incense, served sweets and flowers, lit the candles, mixed honey and wine and played lutes and harps. That night until morn they spent in feasting and rejoicing in gladness and happiness. But they were ignorant of the fact that the Light of this Sun has no end, the torrent of that plain is free from interruption, the Light of that Blessed Orb is eternal, the Merciful One is established upon the Throne of Sovereignty, and the Throne is permanent. Nay, rather, the human temple (the body), like the clouds, hinders the visions from the Light of the Sun. It is for this reason that the Gospel records the statement that when the promised One comes He will come upon the clouds, and when the respective clouds pass away, then shall the disk of this Sun appear and the penetrating Light thereof spread. Thus, in a little while the great glad tidings spread throughout the world and the pillars thereof trembled; the East shouted with joy and the West reverberated the Blessed voice; the Most Radiant Sun of the Beauty of Reality appeared from the invisible zodiac and shone upon the Center of the world; the veil of concealment and mystery fell; the fire of the love of God burned in the hearts; the beloved of God radiated as a candle, and, like unto the witnesses of love, they became known in the assembly. From every region the melody of joy was raised and the voice of ‘O our God! Verily, we have heard Thy Voice from all countries,’ was raised; the Word of God was promoted; the fragrances of God spread, the fame of the Truth enveloped the world; the call of ‘Am I not your Lord?’ reached the ear of the far and near; the Cause of God became greater; the edifice of the Law of God loftier; all the nations were impressed and the enemies of the Blessed Beauty became fearful and at loss. When they noticed that the ascension of His Holiness the Desired One (Baha’u’llah)--May my Spirit be a sacrifice to His beloved!--became the cause of the promotion of His blessed Cause and the flame of the burning fire became greater and every confident believer took a firmer stand--therefore the dawning of the Light caused the opposing 17

nations a great loss, and, likewise, the blessing of God adorned the Royal throne of Persia with the coronation of a just Shah. With the power of God that perfect Crown Head became kind to the oppressed sect. This, also, was a confirmation from His Holiness the Almighty God. Likewise, certain holy souls among the beloved of God arose with faithfulness to sacrifice self in the pathway of the Beauty of ABHA; they left their own rest and peace and turned to the horizon of Oneness; they became callers to the Covenant and held the chalice of the Testament in their hands and gave the world the ecstasy thereof; they spread the fragrances of God, conveyed the Cause of God and guided many souls. “Praise be to God that the confirmations of the Beauty of ABHA arrived successively and the victory of the Supreme Concourse shed a light as that of the early dawn, the Hosts of the Supreme Concourse descended as unto the waves and the zealous armies of gladness of the Kingdom of ABHA, with perfect power and strength, conquered and upbuilded the domains of the hearts. These hosts were the Divine inspirations and these armies were the waves of the Divine seas. They conferred eternal life upon dead souls and attacked the countries of the heart, giving them life and spirit, for they are the hosts of life and the army of salvation. May God increase them in power, glory, strength, and number. “Therefore, O ye beloved of God, this is the time when ye should arise, and, in thanksgiving for this bounty, do that which is your duty: Abide by the Law of God, pray to the Divine Threshold in the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar, supplicate and implore, praise and glorify Him; fast in the month of fasting and keep watch during its nights. All this should be done in perfect wisdom and not in a manner which may cause the uproar and tumult of the ignorant. “I have one request to make of all the beloved of God, and that is the desire of my life--that they all praise me in the absolute servitude of the Holy Threshold without interpretation. They must not praise ‘Abdu’l-Baha except according to the expressions and words which have emanated from the pen of this Servant. They must never exceed that, but must content themselves therewith. Verily, my praise, my quality, my attribute, my name, my title, my entity, my reality, my essence and my manifestation is ‘Abdu’l-Baha and I have no other station than this. Certainly the beloved of God will accept this request from this Servant who makes it in the utmost lowliness and humility, and will make happy this sad heart and will confer a new life upon this weak body. Thus may ‘Abdu’l-Baha, through hearing this great glad tidings and attaining this Supreme bounty, rejoice and attain Divine happiness and gladness. (Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas” But, as the Nakazeen (the violators of the Covenant of Baha’u’llah) have no God save passion and no object save personal interest; if they see a hundred thousand traces of the power of God, they will increase their enmity and jealousy; they will not under any consideration observe the honor of the Cause and that of the beloved of God, and will never be awakened or warned. “God has sealed their hearts, their hearing and their sight.” In short--Praise be to God!--the souls who are turning to ‘Abdu’l-Baha all believe in the Great Manifestation of God, and, through His Sublime commands, are turning to the established Center and the evident Station. And, after the commands of the Blessed Beauty--Exalted is His Station! 18

--obedience to the commands of His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha is considered by them a duty, a cause of spreading the fragrances of God and the means of promulgating the Laws of the Ancient Beauty (Baha’u’llah). Consider how great is the utterance of His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha that inhabitants of America, notwithstanding the long distance and the difference in the tastes and customs, have been so attracted and enkindled as to cause the amazement of intellects. In these days one of the believers and assured maid-servants from that land, known as the maid-servant of God, Lua (Mrs. Getsinger), is present in this blessed spot. She is enkindled and attracted beyond description and sheds tears night and day, seeking permission from His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Baha to go to Persia and quaff the cup of martyrdom. With all this they (Muhammad-‘Ali and his people) mourn and cry, saying, the Cause of God has vanished. What Cause of God is among them and what trace thereof is in their hands? O Lord! Thou knowest and bearest witness that this servant seeks only Thy Will and hopeth only for the promotion of Thy Word, and, with perfect endeavor and steadfastness, is arising to serve the Center of the Covenant, looking and turning to Him. He begs the ocean of Thy generosity to guide them, also, to the straight path and to help them obey that which they have been commanded. Thus may that which rejoices the hearts of the enemies of Thy religion and law be removed from among them, and the hearts of those who hold fast to the hem of Thy Covenant and Testament be made happy and joyous. Verily, Thou art the Able and the Powerful! El-Baha be upon the people of faithfulness who have turned to the horizon of the Covenant of the Lord of the creatures. (Signed) Badi’u’llah.


TABLET TO BADI’U’LLAH (Lawh-i-Badi’u’llah) --Baha’u’llah-Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. Be as a lamp unto them that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed, an upholder and defender of the victim of oppression. Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. Be a home for the stranger, a balm to the suffering, a tower of strength for the fugitive. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be an ornament to the countenance of truth, a crown to the brow of fidelity, a pillar of the temple of righteousness, a breath of life to the body of mankind, an ensign of the hosts of justice, a luminary above the horizon of virtue, a dew to the soil of the human heart, an ark on the ocean of knowledge, a sun in the heaven of bounty, a gem on the diadem of wisdom, a shining light in the firmament of thy generation, a fruit upon the tree of humility.


r June 8, 2002 Covenant Breakers and Forest Fires! Preface

'Dominion is God's, the Lord of the seen and the unseen, the Lord of creation' From the time Dr. Lee passed on to Ruhiyyih Khanum's fall there are 1260 days, then 40 days 190 days and 6 days (MONOS- "ONLY") to September 11, 2000. One year later is 9-11, 2001, the date the Guardian gave for the Trade Tower collapse almost 2 years previous (see Is. 30:25).



The Trade Towers contained one tenth (1/10th) the office space in all New York City. "Behold a tenth part ofthe city fell." (Rev. 11:13) The "second woe" is passed (this was the second strike on the Trade Towers in New York), the third WOE COMETH QUICKLY! Then according to the book of Matthew chapter 24 there are four prophetic 90-day periods (concealed in the Greek word for "hour" or "season") given in that chapter. As the Guardian explained on November 12,2001 and January 9th, 2002, and numerous other occasions: the FINAL 90 day period will begin on June 8th and end on Sept 6th ofthis Year. Thus JUNE 8th is the 270 day MARK from the 9-11 as prophesied in the Book of Matthew chapter 24, in which the Guardian explained that the current Covenant-breaker's of today involved in these recent attacks against the Cause and the Guardian personally, would be "scorched by fire," as were those in Montana after the Y2k, which he also had predicted almost 8 months before those forest fires burned that state. "Behold the confusion that hath befallen the tribes of the defeated!" The first WOE pertains to the first Trade Tower Bombing which the Guardian accurately predicted and became famous all the world around (see "End of the World" by Lapham). In this first famous prediction the Guardian was supported by no one less than Dr. Leland Jensen himself, and those "loyal to the Lamb" following him "wherever he goes" that is, paradise. The second WOE, in which a tenth part of the city fell, is the Collapse of the Two Towers (Is. 30:25) which the Guardian also predicted before it happened, and which projected the genealogy of Baha'u'llah throughout the world on the world wide web at the APPOINTED HOUR. These were the ten days that shook the world (in which the trumpet- shofar- was sounded throughout all the land, Lev. 1

25:8-12): September 11, 2001 to September 21, 2001 in which God fulfilled His promise "Behold! I will bring forth my servant, The Branch." The third WOE which cometh quickly, arrives after the assassination of Saddam and in which New York will be completely wiped out, as the Guardian has both said and written about for so many years. This date has already been given previously, as well. The Guardian has explained that although the people have the proofs of the two part criteria in the Sacred Will (that he is an Aghsan, the ONLY son of his father Joseph Pepe, and was appointed by him in writing within his lifetime) and moreover, though they can see that he, and he alone, comes in the Greater Covenant as the promised one of today at this time, nevertheless these stubborn violators of the Covenant, reckoning themselves as firm in the Covenant-- when in fact THEY have VIOLATED the COVENANT! --REFUSE to go by these proofs. Therefore like in the days ofMoses, there are to be also other proofs (on top ofthe proofs in the Sacred Will which he, and he alone, fulfills), such as the ten plagues that Moses gave for the proofs for his mission, when Pharaoh denied the proofs of MOSES from prophecy for the authority of his mission. Like Pharaoh, who was so stubborn and hard of heart, thinking himself the inspired god on earth, these violators are likewise hard of heart, and will not let the Guardian's children go. Therefore God sends upon these violators a strong delusion, that they should believe a LIE (2 Thess. 2), and NOT ACCEPT the Guardian and thus they shall all die in their sins and loose ALL the things they love most in this world, that is, if they do not tum and repent from their SINS, and come back Under the Provisions of the Covenant. The Guardian has, for his part, given his children (exempt) into the care and protection of God. He, and He alone, is their protector. There is ONLY Him. He is God. There is NO other. The Help in Peril and the Self-Subsisting! It is very unlikely that the VIOLATORS will repent, however, for they are so full of themselves, like those of the past, like Semiramis (which is the dawn) that they may never be saved at all. They think they are inspired by God, but they are not. Their inspiration is of the manifestations of satan. They are pitiable wretched and naked. They have not God. Disaster awaits them at every tum. Now, Behold! They are HOMELESS (in this world and the next) -- squatting in the wilderness of error -- camping in desolation -- and look at all the poor innocent people who have been PUT OUT along with them! 2

And that is the greatest hell for them -- they have each other and no God. No hell can be imagined greater than that! They pray but He does not hear them. They cry but they are not heard. They call out but they are denied. They have forsaken the True One, and His love can in no wise reach them, as they have cut THEMSELVES OFF from His Light and His Love. The last 90 days of this time period have commenced. "Behold! you shall know them by the countenances on their faces." Call to mind the face of Pharaoh holding his dead first born limp and lifeless in his arms, when he refused Moses simple request, which was the decree of Almighty God: "Let them Go!" This fire "which blazeth and rageth in the mid-most heart of creation" since 1893 when Baha'u'llah ascended has "blazed forth" on the explicit date the Guardian has given: 270 days from the 9-11! Count them yourself1

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All those who oppose David and his chosen one of his line who is seated upon the throne shall perish by their own folly as it is written in the 23rd verse of Psalms 89. Woe unto those who fail to heed this warning, and come back under the provisions of the Covenant before it is too late! !! Forest Fire! By Colin O'Brien May 31,2002 The days of life are swiftly going by, and eventually man will be confined into subterranean regions and his name shall perish, except those souls who become Divine gardeners and who sow seeds in the soil of hearts. Those shall eternally remain shining and glittering like unto stars from the horizon of Truth. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Japan Will Tum Ablaze*, Page: 19) · Sterile soil will produce nothing, even if the cloud of mercy pours rain upon it a thousand years. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Promulgation of Universal Peace*, Page: 148) Until the soil is prepared, it cannot receive the benefit of planting. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Promulgation of Universal Peace*, Page: 213) Now you must become heavenly farmers and scatter pure seeds in the prepared soil. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Tablets of the Divine Plan, Page: 6) 3

Knowledge is love. Study, listen to exhortations, think, try to understand the wisdom and greatness of God. The soil must be fertilized before the seed can be sown. ('Abdu'l-Baha: The Importance of Deepening, Page: 204) It was indicative of the fact that the blessed souls in California, like unto an immovable mountain, are withstanding the gale of violation, have like unto blessed trees been planted in the soil of the Covenant and are in the utmost firmness and steadfastness. -sw v. 10, p. 265 Ye are the real gardeners, are sowing the seeds of guidance in the soil of hearts and assuredly ye shall be confirmed and assisted. The expert gardener ever reaps rich and plentiful crops, obtains a pure and fertile soil, sows the seed, waters it and always secures heavenly blessings. Praise be to God, ye are expert gardeners, your soil is the heart, wherein ye sow the seed of the love of God, and water it from the fountain of knowledge. Y e depend upon the Sun of Truth that its light and heat may develop that blessed plantation, that the breeze of His bounty may waft and the dew ofHis blessing may fall, thus securing for it luxuriance, freshness and prolific results. The earthly gardener obtains but one fruitage while the heavenly One with one casting of the seed secures an everlasting result. -sw v. 10, p. 247 Verily, we have made what is on the earth an ornament thereof, to try them, which of them is best in works; but, verily, we are going to make what is thereon bare soil. (The Qur'an (E.H. Palmer tr), Sura 18 - The Cave) Forest fires can have beneficial effects. Charcoal enriches soil, and some plant species flourish in the wake of conflagrations. The cones of the jack pine tree, for instance, will not release their seeds unless exposed to intense heat. Sequoia or Douglas fir trees grow best in open sunlight areas, such as those cleared by fire. Natural fires also remove dead wood and tangled brush. Role of nitrogen in the biosphere The growth of all organisms depends on the availability of mineral nutrients, and none is more important than nitrogen, which is required in large amounts as an essential component of proteins, nucleic acids and other cellular constituents. There is an abundant supply of nitrogen in the earth's atmosphere - nearly 79% in the form ofN2 gas. However, N2 is unavailable for use by most organisms because there is a triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms, making the 4



molecule almost inert. In order for nitrogen to be used for growth it must be "fixed" (combined) in the form of ammonium (NH4) or nitrate (N03) ions. The weathering of rocks releases these ions so slowly that it has a neglible effect on the availability of fixed nitrogen. So, nitrogen is often the limiting factor for growth and biomass production in all environments where there is suitable climate and availability of water to support life. Crown fire A fire that burns in the crowns, or tops, of trees, usually hot and destructive.

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Ground fire A fire that burns along the ground, with minimal. burning of tree-tops, generally less destructive than a crown fire. Propagule A part of a plant that can produce another plant: including seeds, roots and rhizomes. Rhizome An underground, like scales.


stem that contains buds, nodes and leaves that look

Ted Sperry and John Curtis found that controlled burns sprouted the seeds of prairie species and killed invading weeds, setting the stage for the routine use of "prescribed burns" in prairie restoration. Increasingly, fires are being set to eradicate weeds from Midwestern oak forests. Okay, the Basics. My question is what are the effects of catastrophic fires on soils health. The connections here are the thermonuclear fires and the soils of men's hearts. From my brief readings, it seems readily apparent that the forests actually depend on fires to assist with growth. Some pines, firs and other plants will not release their seeds until the fires heat them up and cause them to be released. "Forest fires can have beneficial effects. Charcoal enriches soil, and some plant species flourish in the wake of conflagrations. The cones of the jack pine tree, for instance, will not release their seeds unless exposed to intense heat. Sequoia or Douglas fir trees grow best in open sunlight areas, such as those cleared by fire. Natural fires also remove dead wood and tangled brush." - a website Two possible reasons for this come to mind. First the fire clears out the dead wood and fallen branches. Second, the fire aids the soil by causing nitrogen to "fixate"

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which means it becomes assimilible. During a brief period following a fire and sometimes lasting for a while nitrogen levels in the form. of ammonium are high and much more readily available. Normally, the nitrogen fixing cycle is a very slow moving ecological process. Another factor in forest fires being that the dead wood that is burnt; is that this burnt material offers an abundance of organic matter containing nutrients and minerals to the soil that are necessary for tree growth. Forest fires also kill nonnative species and weeds, but leave original species intact; if not the original tree, a new sprout or "propagule." "Ted Sperry and John Curtis found that controlled bums sprouted the seeds of prairie species and killed invading weeds, setting the stage for the routine use of "prescribed bums" in prairie restoration. Increasingly, fires are being set to eradicate weeds from Midwestern oak forests." When it comes to the soil of the hearts of men, as we are "all trees of one forest," many connections can be drawn. The fires of a thermo-nuclear war being symbolic of a "prescribed bum" by God in the forest of men on earth will have many positive effects on not only the soil of men's hearts but also on the growth of the divine garden and the leaves and fruit ofthe tree of life. Abdu'l-Baha says: Until the soil is prepared, it cannot receive the benefit of planting. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Promulgation ofUniversal Peace*, Page: 213) First the soil must be prepared, then growth can take place. He says of soil that hasn't been prepared: Sterile soil will produce nothing, even if the cloud of mercy pours rain upon it a thousand years. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Promulgation of Universal Peace*, Page: 148) This "prescribed bum" of God will prepare the soil of men's hearts as it will first kill the weeds that have crept in to the minds of men (heart and mind are the same in Persian). These are the weeds of rapture, mythical Jesus returning from the sky, immaculate conception, the triune god LIE, etc. This will purify the soil so that seeds of truth can sprout. Then the seeds of the trees of the forest will be released from their hidden abode within the dormancy of their places. Only the fires can cause the seeds of wisdom and knowledge to spring forth, which in reality is none other than the love of God.


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Knowledge is love. Study, listen to exhortations, think, try to understand the wisdom and greatness of God. The soil must be fertilized before the seed can be sown. ('Abdu'l-Baha: The Importance ofDeepening, Page: 204) Why is this fire to happen? In the Surah of the cave it says: Verily, we have made what is on the earth an ornament thereof, to try them, which of them is best in works; but, verily, we are going to make what is thereon bare soil. (The Qur'an (E.H. Palmer tr), Sura 18- The Cave)


Attachment to the earth is not befitting, but enjoyment of the rose which develops from the soil is worthy. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Promulgation of Universal Peace*, Page: 151) Now, we, the servants of God must: " ... become heavenly fanners and scatter pure seeds in the prepared soil." ('Abdu'l-Baha: Tablets of the Divine Plan, Page: 6) My feelings are that for the most part, until the soil is purified by fire, the soil will not be ready for our seeds. But after we will be assisted by the Sun of Truth, and our seeds will grow to full bloom for eternity.

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Epilogue: The same way that the works of the violators of the Covenant "kindles" the fires of Animosity; divisions, rancor and hatred in the hearts of men results in the fires of thermonuclear war in the outward world at large, we have also seen how the violation of the Covenant in Montana at Y2K resulted in the massive forest fires in that local area. And now we have seen yet again how the violation of the Covenant by the ce·nters of sedition in Colorado attacking the Guardian and his family have resulted once again in the natural disaster of forest fires in this local area as well the worst in recorded history in this area. It is no coincidence that these unprecedented and massively destructive forest fires in Colorado history have taken place on the precise date that the guardian gave beforehand on November 12, 2001. As he explained repeatedly and on numerous occasions, that there are four prophesied 90 day periods to be counted from September 11, 200 I terrorist disaster, June 8, 2002 commences the FINAL 90 day period. There are exactly 270 days (90+90+90) from the 9-11 until June 8, 2002. Count them yourself. 7

Months ago this all-important e-mail was sent to all the Baha'is: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 05:52:48 Hey all When the Guardian was here in Colorado, we were discussing that the American and eventually the World teaching effort would be sent out from this Valley that we live in. The Guardian mentioned that this valley then is the "midmost heart of creation" as the heart pumps out the blood from the center of the body to its extremities, this blood being the blood of the Covenant that the few of us still clinging to this firm handle are promulgating to the rest of the world as its only salvation. Anyways I found a quote that confirms this from Baha'u'llah. "Let thy soul glow with the flame of this *undying Fire* that bumeth in the midmost heart of the world, in such wise that the waters of the universe shall be powerless to cool down its ardor. Make, then, mention of thy Lord, that haply the heedless among Our servants may be admonished through thy words, and the hearts of the righteous be gladdened." (Baha'u'llah: Gleanings, Page: 38) There is a mountain outside our house in *New Castle* that has been burning since 1893! Nothing the people do can put it out. It is an undying fire. It just bums and bums. But it is trapped inside the mountain so it is not seen, but its effects are evident in burnt shrubbery on the hillside. Like Baha'u'llah says in the January 9th tablet "Though our *heart* be *aflame* with His love, take heed lest any eye discover your inner agitation." So our fire isn't visible on the outside. But it's so hot inside it melts iron bars and things. I have this image in my head of firemen and scientists pouring water on this fire and it just keeps burning and burning and it spreads unbeknownst to them, and they are scratching their heads totally confused, and they just give up on trying to put it out because it is more powerful than they. Like the clergy and secularists who can't understand this inner fire we all posses, and no matter how much they try and put out the fire it only waxes greater, and they try to stop it from spreading but eventually give up as they are powerless to conquer it. But we aren't out there with the fire on our sleeves but these clergy and enemies see the burnt shrubbery in our path and the evidence of our fire in our surroundings even though they see not the fire outwardly. So that's my thought of the day. Colin




In the book of Isaiah chapter 6 the Coal Seam Fire is prophesied: "Then flew one of the seraphim to me, having in his hand a burning coal which he had taken with tongs from the alter. And he touched my mouth, and said: "Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin forgiven." (Isaiah 6:1-13 RSV)


Ifthe@>Venant-breakers repent- their hearts purified by-the fires of His love- they will be forgiven. If they do no repent and come back UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE COVENANT, they will remain fruitless trees as Baha'u'llah has said: "Fruitless trees are fit for fire!"


The Davidic Kingship has come not to condemn but to save. Those who reject him have no fruit. Someone has to be fuel for the fire. Come back now, before it's too late!!! This is your lifeline: midmost heart@hot The clock ticks the 90 day countdown from June 8 continues ... your time is running out. Wake up before its too late.

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"I have found David my servant [The Branch, Zech. 3:8]; with my holy oil I have anointed him [Jer. 23:5-6, Moffatt's]: With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him [the Guardian]. The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him. And I will beat down his foes before his face [Rev. 6: 16] and plague them who hate him." "I will crush his foes before him and strike down those who hate him." (Psalms 89:20-23 KJV and verse 23 RSV) Anti-Guardians don't win. David means Beloved. This line continues forever as the Executive Branch ofBaha'u'llah's true IBC/UHJ. "The second woe is passed [911]; behold the third woe cometh quickly!" (Rev. 11:14) We have predicted future events. Wake up NOW before it's too late!


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>From Nefratiri Weeks >To Carlotta Geesen, Bob Solem, Annette Konczyk, and company Last fall, when the Trade Towers collapsed, I was visiting with RJ and Annette at their home in Arizona. Robert Wright was coming from Alaska and needed to be picked up from the Airport in Utah. I was unable to take all of my things with me - RJ and Annette said I could leave 3 boxes in their garage until I was able to retrieve them, since things were hectic after the catastrophe. 3 weeks ago I sent the following letter to RJ and Annette: >Dear RJ and Annette, >

> I am arranging to have the UPS come to your house and pick up the > things that I left there. The banker box just needs to be taped up. > The Baha'i Books in the crate need to be placed in a box and the herbs > need to be placed in a box also. I know that this will require some > work on your part, I would greatly appreciate it if you could do this > for me. The sides and the corners of the boxes need to be taped with > clear packing tape, and sat on your porch marked UPS around the date > that they will arrive. The UPS would like to know the dimensions of > each box and the weight. If you could estimate and send me this > information, I could relay it to them. If this is too much trouble for >you, I will estimate the sizes and the weight. I would also really > appreciate it if you could add the history book that I left with RJ to > the books from the crate.

> >As soon as you reply, I will be in touch with the date that the UPS > will arrive. Thanks for your help in this matter.

> Sincerely, > Nefratiri

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1 week after that, I called their house and RJ said it would be no problem to do this for me and that he would be traveling for 1 month, that after that, he would be able to get the things ready for me. Yesterday, I received the following e-mail from Annette: >I got rid of the stuff long ago. I had no intentions of ever seeing you again. I will block your >address after I send this. Please follow your leaders and shun me

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and "REJECT" Annette

Then I tried to call on the phone and Annette stated that she got rid of m things and hung up on me while I was saying please please, let me....

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The reason I am sending this to all of you is because I am hoping someone [eef::\) will help me get my things back as that is the just and fair thing to happen. These things that she is keeping from me are all of my Baha'i Books that I have been collecting since I became a Baha'i and one box is full of irreplaceable papers that I got when Doc was alive, These things can never be replaced and are very dear to me. Annette couldn't have just thrown away books full of the Word of God and papers from Dr. Jensen himself. I am sending this plea for someone to have Annette return my things at my cost. I do not want to have to file a lawsuit against her for these things; but if I have to do this to have my things returned, or the monetary value of replacing these things, I will do this as this was my library of primary writings that I've been collecting for over 7 years. Words of God to consider: And further We have said: "Deal not treacherously with the substance of your neighbor. Be ye trustworthy on earth... (Baha'u'llah: Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Pages: 54-55) Be fair to yourselves and to others, that the evidences of justice may be revealed, through your deeds, among Our faithful servants. Beware lest ye encroach upon the substance of your neighbor. Prove yourselves worthy of his trust and confidence in you ... (Baha'u'llah: Gleanings, Page: 278)]


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Some have regarded it as lawful to infringe on the integrity of the substance of their neighbor, and have made light of the injunction of God as prescribed in His Book. Evil fall upon them, and the chastisement of God, the AllPowerful, the Almighty, afflict them! (Baha'u'llah: Gleanings, Page: 297)

Woe betide them that wrongfully do injustice to people, and unjustly and deceitfully usurp the property of the believers .in violation of His lucid Book ; whereas I, Who, in very truth, am the rightful Sovereign of all men, designated by the true, the undeniable Leader, would never infringe on the integrity of the substance of the people, were it to the extent of a grain of mustard, nor would I treat them unjustly. (The Bah: Selections from the Bah, Pages: 26-27)

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0 SON OF SPIRIT! The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor. Ponder this in thy heart; how it behooveth thee to be. Verily justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My lovingkindness. Set it then before thine eyes. (Baha'u'llah: Arabic Hidden Words, Page: 2) Lovers of Justice would have Annette return my things to me out of their love for God and for what is just and fair. If Annette were a lover of Justice, she would return them herself. Thank you very much in advance for your help in this matter, Nefratiri Weeks

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August 2002 Dear Aimee,


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I have heard that Kim was talking to you and Colin said that you had written. It is my understanding that you are having a hard time with the Faith, not really knowing who is telling the truth. Someone said ignorance is a subtle torment. I must agree, because I suffered greatly when this test first began, afraid that I would be unable to discern which side was the side with the Covenant. The reason why I suffered so much was because on the one hand, I witnessed first hand Doc training Neal down to every last detail and I always suspected that he would be the one to proclaim to the world the reality of the message of Baha'u'llah. On the other hand, I thought that the letter that went out from Carlotta stating that Neal and Victor had an injunction on them was actually from the IBC. So, I had Neal on the one hand and the IBC on the other and knew that one must follow completely the directives of the IBC. This caused a big dilemma, not only in my mind, · but also all across the Baha'i Community. Many many people are like you - still suffering from the confusion of this test. Many people have complained of the same things as you - that those people have no guidance for the world, that they are devoid of spirit, that there is no light in them, the list goes on and on. I'm hoping that this letter will help you to see the reality of the test so that the 'light' will tum on and you can once again find happiness under the sheltering shade of the Covenant. I'm going to take the time to write you this letter, because I believe that you really only seek to be close to God and could care only for the truth and not which personalities are on which side. This is a great benefit to you and I think that solely based on this you will be able to see the truth of the matter. One of the main reasons why people are still confused is because of hearsay. People say, "Doc said this or Doc said that." Because of this, people are going by this hearsay and are getting all messed up. One example of this, which I'm sure you've heard several times, is that, "Doc said that the Guardian can't come forward until after the catastrophes." They never give any sort of source material on this; they just claim over and over that it is true. In this letter, I am going to PROVE to you from the writings of Doc himself, the things that he actually wrote. This is what Doc wrote about in Revelation Explained, that we all must cling to the 'strong cord' in order to be firm in the Covenant and what happens· to someone that doesn't cling to this cord. Doc wrote: "The Covenant-breakers are also deep into the mire; they are the most narrow-minded people in the world. They swallow the gobbledygook of their captors. They are told that the ones that are firm in the Covenant are Covenant-breakers. They are so closed minded that they believe this LIE without investigation, so the strong cord that Jesus throws them is rejected,

therefore they go deeper and deeper into the bog. When their whole body is sunk into this filth they are dead, and unable to grab a hold of the strong cord." (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, ch. 3) Aimee, lets make sure we are holding the cord at all times. The actual cord, not just some empty-minded repeat of people's interpretation of Doc's message! Even as Doc has written: "Those that "conquers" are those that grab a hold of the strong cord of Jesus the Lamb and are pulled out of quagmire of Covenant-breaking." (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, ch. 3) As you know, Dr. Jensen's last book was Over the Wall, but you might not be aware that in that book, in the very last chapter, in verse 7, he refers everyone to his Most Mighty Document. He says that this is the "KEY OF DAVID" which is his explanations and commentaries so that no one would go against the Davidic king who is the Executive Branch of the true UHJ. Verse 7: '"And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: 'The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one shall shut, who shuts and no one opens."' The Holy one, the true one is Jesus the Lamb, Dr. Leland Jensen, who is the one who has the key of David; who opens and no one shall shut, and who shuts and no one opens. Philadelphia is the only congregation that God finds no fault in. In Christianity, they are those that accept Joseph as Jesus physical father who is and was a descendant of King David.l And in the assemblage of Baha'is, they are the only ones that have the descendant of King David at the head of their Universal House of Justice. The Covenant-breakers when they threw out the Executive Branch [Mason Remey, Pepe, Neal Chase, etc.] of the Universal House of Justice, they threw out this Davidic lineage,2 that Baha'u'llah, who was a male sperm descendant of King David, seated on the throne of David, in His Covenant, passed down to his son 'Abdu'l-Baha; and 'Abdu'l-Baha passed down to his adopted son, Mason Remey; and who Shoghi Effendi placed at the head of the embryonic Universal House of Justice,3 and thus become the head (president) or Guardian of the Universal House of Justice, 1 Romans 1:3, and Luke 3:23-31 2 That was to last forever. Psalms 89:3, 4, 28, 29 35-37. 3 The first International Baha'i Council 2

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making these so-called main stream Baha'is that are in opposition to the continuation of this Davidic lineage as the Covenant-breakers of the worst sort. The one "who has the key of David" is the Lamb. His book "The Most

Mighty Document" explains that Baha 'u 'llah is a descendant of David, seated on the throne of David and establishes the Davidic Kingship in His Covenant, the Kitab-i-Ahd (the Book of the Covenant) and thus continued this Davidic lineage when he appointed His son, 'Abdu'l-Baha, 'Abdu'l-Baha passed the lineage to his son Mason Remey. Shoghi Effendi then placed 'Abdu'l-Baha's son at the Head of the embryonic Universal House of Justice. Those Christians and Jews who become believers in the second Messiah, Baha'u'llah -- a son of David-- are thus Israel under its new name, Baha'i. Before this, no one knew how the Davidic Kingship was to reign for ever and ever (Psalms 89:28, 29, 35, 36, 37). Even the Baha'is before the passing of Shoghi Effendi did not teach the descendancy of Baha'u'llah from David. Thus, the Lamb's explanations is the only "key" of David. By these explanations and commentaries the Davidic Kingship is reestablished forever in the Baha'i faith, as the president of the Universal House of Justice, thus doing away with the Covenant-breakers headless monster UHJ. (Revelation Explained, Final ch. 3 vs. 7) Aimee, The Most Mighty Document was written in the 70's so that all who read it would be absolutely firm in the Covenant and would have no excuse if they went against it. It was written by Doc to explain the test of Mason to Pepe and to explain the violation of the "Hands", Donald Harvey, Rex King and several people in his day that had defected from the truth. ·


It has always been explained that we are in school here on earth and that God sends the Manifestations, Promised Ones, and successors in the Covenant as teachers in the grades of School. Our most recent teacher was Dr. Jensen who came as the High Priest (Great Educator) who came to teach us the reality of the Covenant- this is his mission as he is the High Priest after the order ofMelchizedek. Therefore, it's not surprising that all of his writings and teachings are all centered around this Covenant that God gave to unify all mankind.

The Most Mighty Document is the main textbook in this class on the Covenant, including Over the Wall and his epistles and letters; of course above all these is the Kitab-i-Ahd and the Will and Testament of 'Abdul-Baha, which when combined is the Baha'i Holy Book the same way the Jews have the Old Testament and the Christians have the Bible, the



Muslims have the Koran and we have the Kitab-i-Ahd I Will and Testament which is our sacred scroll. Doc explains in writing that The Most Mighty Document is these two books rolled up into one and Doc entitles his book The Most Mighty Document because it is an explanation of the reality of the two books. Doc explains: "This scroll is in two parts: one written within and the other written on the back. The two most mighty documents of the Baha'i Faith is the Covenant of Baha'u'llah and the Will and Testament (W&T) of 'Abdu'l-Baha, which delineates the Covenant of Baha'u'llah." (Dr. Jensen, Epistle to Knight Courageous, May 2, 1991, p. 4) This is so important, Aimee, that without The Most Mighty Document we wouldn't have the Key of David. And without the Key of David we would be locked out of His Kingdom. This is why that after reading all 500 plus pages of Over the Wall and Revelation Explained in the end Doc refers everyone to his book The Most Might Document. We don't want to be locked out of the Kingdom. Therefore God gives us the Lamb, and not what people say he said, but God gives us the Lamb and what he actually wrote. This is the main gift of the Baha'i Revelation. Jesus, on his first coming, wrote nothing. Though he wrote the sins of the people in the sand at their feet-so we know he could write-nevertheless he wrote nothing. Others wrote what they remembered that he said. In the Baha'i Faith we don't have this problem. Baha'u'llah wrote the book of the Covenant with His Own Pen, 'Abdu'lBaha wrote the Will and Testament with his own pen and sealed it with 7 seals, and Doc wrote his explanations and commentaries so that we could have this KEY OF DAVID and not be shut out by the made up blarney (mullarkey) of these ones, but read his words with our own eyes. "The one "who has the key of David" is the Lamb. His book "The Most Migl&tvDocument" explains that Baha'u'llah is a descendant ofDavid, seated on the throne of David and establishes the Davidic Kingship in His Covenant, the Kitab-i-Ahd (the Book of the Covenant) and thus continued this Davidic lineage when he appointed His son, 'Abdu'l-Baha, 'Abdu'l-Baha passed the lineage to his son Mason Remey. Shoghi Effendi then placed 'Abdu'l-Baha's son at the Head of the embryonic Universal House of Justice." (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, Final ch. 3 vs. 7) The Most Mighty Document is started by Doc explaining who Baha'u'llah is, that He sits on the throne of David and proclaiming that this is one of the Main criteria to recognize the Messiah or Christ. Of course, he then goes on to explain that because of this and because of God's Covenant with King David that there should always be a descendant of




King David seated on the Throne of King David. This is all elementary to us, as we have all graduated from that level of school - but 50 years ago this test caused millions to be cast out from the Kingdom. All because they did not use their intellect to see the truth for themselves but instead chose to follow the majority into perdition. Now, 50 years later some are suffering under a different kind of test. We all know that the guardian, in order to be the guardian, must fulfill the two-part criteria in the sacred Will and Testament. He must be a son, and he must be appointed. The test is - what is the criteria to be a son. The hands refused to accept Mason as 'Abdu'l-Baha's son based on the fact that 'Abdu'l-Baha called Mason "my dear son". They thought the concept was absurd. Obviously, Ruhiyyih had no sons, therefore, no more guardians. Did they really think this? Or did they not want a guardian? 'Abdu'lBaha says the violators know what they do and they do it anyway. "Thus it is seen that no means for dissension hath been left, but carnal desires are the cause of difference as it is the case with the violators. These do not doubt the validity of the Covenant but selfish motives have dragged them to this condition. It is not that they do not know what they do - they are perfectly aware and still they exhibit opposition." ('Abdu'l-Baha: Selections ... 'Abdu'l-Baha, Pages: 215-216) They "received not the love of the truth." (2 Thess. 2) They would rather rule in hell (far from God) than be servants in heaven (close to God). Meanwhile, the "rank and file" Baha'is were not deepened in the Covenant enough to understand that there was a "Dichotomy" in the successorship.

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Dr. Jensen has explained that this "dichotomy" was a mystery: "The Mystery of God is the dichotomy in the Covenant -- its two different parts, and how they are to be united. This mystery has to do with the successorship." (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, ch. 10 vs. 7) He then says the following in a footnote: "See the article "Understanding the Dichotomy" in the Most Mighty Document, for more." The dichotomy is that Abdu'lBaha passed the infallibility on to Shoghi Effendi and the throne on to Mason. This was a pretty tricky test, so tricky that only the two Knights passed the test in the end with all kinds of bazaar things happening in order for God to fulfill His Will and no one else's! Lots of great answers came out of that test - for example - it became plain and clear that the Hands of the Cause of God have no right to refuse the one the Guardian picks as his successor: "Shoghi Effendi appointed his successor in a cablegram, but the "Hands" deemed that the appointment had to be in a Will." (TMMD, p. 25) The Hands


of the Faith have no authority to pass upon the one that Guardian chooses for his successor.,." (TMMD, p. 53) Now today, certain apostles are claiming that one must be adopted according to laws of the land. They claim that since Pepe lived in the west, he must follow the laws of the west to adopt and appoint his successor. Is this what Dr. Jensen taught? Let's have a look at his teaching and see if that was specified in any place in his writings. In The Most Mighty Document, page ii, Doc says the following: "The Christians accept the authority of the Messiahship of Jesus; he qualifies by the genealogy of Jesus back to David through Joseph. But because of the virgin birth they state that Jesus was the adopted son of Joseph will all the rights of a natural son, although there is no recording of a legal adoption in the scriptures nor in the archives." Then on pg. iii, Doc explains the similarity between the adoption of Jesus and the adoption of Mason: "But Muhammad Ali, broke the Covenant ofBaha'u'llah, so at the same time that 'Abdu'l-Baha cut this branch off the Davidic tree, He adopted Mason Remey to be "His son" in the same manner that the Christians state that Joseph adopted Jesus to he his son, grafting this Branch to the Davidic tree." ... "Not only did the Christians uphold the adoption principle for the Messiahship as in the Joseph-Jesus instance, but ~Abdu'l-Baha upheld it in His Last Tablet to America; this principle has been upheld all the way back into antiquity and all the way down to our present times by peoples, kindreds, and governments. IT IS A UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE." (Dr. Jensen, TMMD, pg. iii) Dr. Jensen is explaining that the way that 'Abdu'l-Baha appointed Mason (by calling him "my son") is a method that has been around before the time of Jesus all the way up to today and that it is a UNIVERSAL principle! WOW! Universal means the whole wide world! Not just one country! Not just the East! Not just the West! But the whole wide world! All countries of the East and the West. A Universal Principle, which is the law of all the lands. Here is one example of Doc explaining the opposite of their argument against the laws of the land. There is another very important epistle written by Doc called The Seventh Angel Sounded. In this epistle there is a section called "The Law of Adoption". In it, he shows that calling a person your son for the purpose of succession is legal and binding and not "Vague terms of affection but expressed the precise legal relationship which had been created between them - at any rate with respect to succession" (Doc quoting from


r Selected Judgments from the Israeli Supreme Court, Vol. III, pp 426-27; cited from Seventh Angel Sounded).

Abdu'l-Baha adopted and appointed Mason in this way. Shoghi Effendi had no choice but to place him at the head of the first IBC: "As Mason was the only ghusn eligible to be an Aghsan guardian, Shoghi Effendi had no other choice but to appoint him to be the Head of the UHJ, so he appointed him to be the head of the IBC the embryonic UHJ. (Dr. Jensen, Letter to Brent Mathieu, Oct. 13, 1991, p. 2)


Aimee, this law of adoption is one of the stones in the foundation of the very Kingdom of God on Earth! It is the reason why Mason was the son of 'Abdu'l-Baha. These ones that broke the Covenant justify their rejection but stating- oh, 'Abdu'l-Baha was allowed to do that because he lived under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and that was the law of the land then. They claim that Pepe is not allowed to adopt and appoint his successor in the same way. Doc already gave the reality of this concept when he was explaining in the Most Mighty Document part of the test with Donald Harvey (Donald had received a letter from Mason appointing him to be the guardian, but Donald was never called "my son" or adopted in any other way): "Some deem his handwritten document should be given priority over your appointment, because it is hand written. But here again this is extra to the Will and Testament. No place in the Will of 'Abdu'l-Baha does it state that the appointment must be in a handwritten document. All that it states is that he must appoint a successor during his lifetime. It leaves the manner and stvle up to the guardian. Shoghi Effendi appointed his successor in a cablegram, but the "Hands" deemed that the appointment had to be in a Will. To add or subtract from the Will interpolates it; then it is no longer the document sent down by God ... " (Dr. Jensen, TMMD, p.25)

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The teaching of Doc, (he's the Word of God, see Book of Revelation), completely destroys their theology! Doc says the Guardian can use whatever method he wants to appoint and adopt his successor. To say that the way he did it is not according to the laws of the land INTERPOLATES the WILL!!! In the United States we have freedom of religion. By the first amendment the guardians right to adopt and appoint his successor using the "manner and style" he so chooses is upheld in the Constitution. These Covenant breakers use the weakest of excuses to attempt to justify their violation. But 'Abdu'lBaha tells us that they know exactly what they are doing but do it anyway. Furthermore, their lame excuse is moot, considering the FACT that Dr. Jensen said that this particular law of adoption is a UNIVERSAL principle, and therefore it is the law of


the land! We're all living on earth, so we are all bound by that principle! Furthermore, it is according to the law of the western land also. Doc explained that the "British Mandate OF THE WEST" upheld this law of adoption! For anyone to reject this is to reject the law of the land, reject Dr. Jensen's explanations, and reject 'Abdu'l-Baha as it is a method of adoption used by no less than 'Abdu'l-Baha himselfl To go against this is to go against God. Therefore, Carlotta, by stating that Pepe cannot adopt his son in the way that 'Abdu'lBaha adopted his son, is INTERPOLATING the Will. And RJ, claiming that this adoption does not qualify because it was not filed in the archive of the secular authority, INTERPOLATES the Will. And Dawn, rejecting Neal as the guardian and using his position to persecute him in the name of"protecting the Faith" is INTERPOLATING the Will. But here again this is extra to the Will and Testament. No place in the Will of 'Abdu'l-Baha does it state that the appointment must be in a handwritten document. All that it states is that he must appoint a successor during his lifetime. It leaves the manner and stvle up to the guardian. Shoghi Effendi appointed his successor in a cablegram, _but the "Hands" deemed that the appointment had to be in a Will. To add or subtract (rom the Will interpolates it; then it is no longer the document sent down by God ... " (Dr. Jensen, TMMD, p.25) The reason, Aimee, that they interpolate the Will is so that they can have leadership for themselves against, or in opposition to, the one that God has picked. One of the questions that is pertinent to understanding what happened in the year 200 1 (Mustaghath) is to understand the real reason why Neal had the injunction placed upon him. RJ came right out and said why: "It became evident that further harm to the Cause was in fact occurring and as

Mr. Chase had alluded to himself as being the guardian and with testimony from other witnesses the siBC [usurper] had no other recourse than to declare him a covenant-breaker as his actions were creating dissension and disunity among the believers and he had gone against the Will & Testament. It also became apparent that there were others who had attached themselves to Mr. Chase and were promulgating his fallacious claims and thus they too, for the sake of the unity of the Faith, and by their own actions, were declared covenant-breakers." How many times have the violators used this excuse?


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"Beware, beware, lest the days after the ascension (ofBaha'u'llah) be repeated when the Center of Sedition waxed haughty and rebellious and with Divine Unity for his excuse deprived himself and perturbed and poisoned others. No doubt every vainglorious one that purposeth dissension and discord will not openly declare his evil purposes, nay rather, even as impure gold, will he seize upon divers measures and various pretexts that he may separate the gathering of the people of Baha. My object is to show that the Hands of the Cause of God must be ever watchful and so soon as they find anyone beginning to oppose and protest against the Guardian of the Cause of God, cast him out from the congregation of the people of Baha and in no wise accept any excuse from him." ('Abdu'l-Baha: Will and Testament, Page: 12) Aimee, claiming to be the guardian is not a reason to expel someone from the Faith. Years ago, a member of the IBC put forth that he was the guardian. What did Doc tell the members of the IBC to do in this situation? He told them to do nothing! He was not removed as a Covenant-breaker for this! All the apostles are well aware of this. Instead of investigating to see if Neal was the Guardian, they expelled him- for reasons of their own. 'Abdu'l-Baha explains: "Thus it is seen that no means for dissension hath been left, but carnal desires are the cause of difference as it is the case with the violators. These do not doubt the validity of the Covenant but selfish motives have dragged them to this condition. It is not that they do not know what they do - they are perfectly aware and still they exhibit opposition." ('Abdu'l-Baha: Selections ... 'Abdu'l-Baha, Pages: 215-216) The violators don't doubt the validity of the Covenant from God to King David. They have just added all kinds of stipulations of how this Covenant can be passed down that are extra to the Will and Testament. They do this because of selfish motives. They do not doubt that Neal is the guardian. They do not doubt that Neal fulfills the two part criteria. In RJ's written rejection of Neal, he accuses us of accepting Neal as the Guardian based on the fact that he fulfills the Golden Criteria. He then says that the guardian can only come in the lesser Covenant not the greater. His allegations are not true. Neal fulfills the lesser covenant because he was adopted and appointed by Pepe in Pepe's lifetime. In the Kitab-i-Ahd, Baha'u'llah instructs you to "Focus your gaze upon the direction of its unity, not upon the differences which are apparent therein." (Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Ahd) There are many similarities in the method in which Neal was adopted and appointed, more similarities than differences but these ones choose to focus on the differences, breaking this explicit directive from Baha'u'llah Himself.

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Aimee, these "apostles" are so used to being without a guardian that they don't want one, they each have their own reasons for not accepting him. RJ flat out says that that group expelled Neal for 'alluding' to the FACT that he was the guardian. Then they accuse him of seeking leadership and self-aggrandizement. If Neal was really seeking leadership, why didn't he proclaim who he was years ago? He knew Pepe adopted him way back in 1991 but said nothing. Doc told him not to say anything until after the destruction in New York. Neal was still not going to come out with it after the 9-11. He figured he didn't need to, as he was already the "group leader", Doc made him this leader; therefore, he couldn't be seeking leadership. In the firesides, when we teach the proofs for Baha'u'llah, one of the proofs that He was not seeking leadership is that He was already rich; He already had a prominent position, as He was to inherit His Father's position as the Grand Vizier. Therefore, He didn't rise up and claim He was the Christ to get leadership and money because He already had it! The same with Neal, how could we possibly think this about him when he already was the leader, Doc told everyone he was the "Peter of the apostles," (which means he was the greatest, according to Doc) therefore, Neal d.i dn't need to come out with who he was back then - but when they tried to expel him because they KNEW he was the guardian, they left him no choice. Then Dawn went to the secular authorities misconstruing the religion to make Neal look like a crazy person. Of course, she didn't go in there and say, 'Hi I'm Dawn, I'm one of the 24 elders spoken of in the Book of Revelation" and reveal her own religions beliefs. Instead she went in there and said that Neal was crazy because he thought he was seated on the Throne of David. Which of course would look crazy to someone who had never gone through the firesides. She made it look like it was just out of the blue with no connection to King David or Pepe that he was in this position and this is her only proof to these people that he is crazy and on these grounds she has been able to keep his children away from him for almost a year. I'd hate to be in line for the retribution she is! Considering that Pepe sat on the throne of David and left everything to Neal just like a father would do with a son, it's obvious that her accusations are unfounded. I don't know how much you've heard about what's going on down here in Colorado, but I'm mentioning this just in case they've tried to indoctrinate you with the "Neal's Crazy" doctrine. All the ones that rise up, detached from all on earth, to teach the Cause of God have been called crazy, insane, mad, etc. What do you think it was like for Daniel or Zechariah, never having seen a missile before, having visions of people dieing by huge explosions. I'm sure he was pretty messed up. At least Dawn can't put him to death, that's what the ignoramuses used to do to these ones that God chooses to spread His Message. There is not one prophet or chosen one of God that was not called "crazy". And Neal is just a


follower of the Prophets. He is a lowly servant and a fellow Baha'i. Not only were the leaders called crazy btit the followers as well. Baha'u'llah explains that He was accused of this very same thing! It is an old excuse that no one in their right mind would give any credence to.

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Nay, by sovereignty is meant that sovereignty which in every dispensation resideth within, and is exercised by, the person of the Manifestation, the Day-star of Truth. That sovereignty is the spiritual ascendancy which He exerciseth to the fullest degree over all that is in heaven and on earth, and _which in due time revealeth itself to the world in direct proportion to its capacity and spiritual receptiveness, even as the sovereignty of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, is today apparent and manifest amongst the people. You are well aware of what befell His Faith in the early days of His dispensation. What woeful sufferings did the hand of the infidel and erring, the divines of that age and their associates, inflict upon that spiritual Essence, that most pure and holy Being! How abundant the thorns and briars which _they have strewn over His path! It is evident that wretched generation, in their wicked and satanic fancy, regarded every injury to that immortal Being as a means to the attainment of an abiding felicity; inasmuch as the recognized divines of that age, such as Abdu'llah-i-Ubayy, Abu-'Amir, the hermit, Ka'b-Ibn-i-Ashraf, and Nadr-Ibn-i-Harith, all treated Him as an impostor, and pronounced Him a lunatic and a calumniator. Such sore accusations they brought against Him that in recounting them God forbiddeth the ink to flow, Our pen to move, or the page to bear them. These malicious imputations provoked the people to arise and torment Him. And how fierce that torment if the divines of the age be its chief instigators, if they denounce Him to their followers, cast Him out from their midst, and declare Him a miscreant! Hath not the same befallen this Servant, and been witnessed by all?"(Baha'u'llah: The Kitab-i-Iqan, pp. 107-109) Doc explains that this "crazy" appellation is an "outworn shibboleth": The first was the Covenant-breaking violation of the Joelites (Joel Marangella). He was able to accomplish this by first using the outworn shibboleth first used by the "Hands" "that the guardian was losing his marbles" and that he needed to save the Faith ... " (TMMD, p.12) There was a woman back in the day of Dr. Jensen named Mary Magdalene-Wilkin. She broke the Covenant by going against Dr. Jensen and Mason. In The Most Mighty Document, Doc has a whole section explaining what her violation teaches us. It's quite pertinent to this test today.


Mary claimed that it was her job to protect the faith against Mason and against Doc. Dawn is doing the same thing. Doc never said that Dawn was the angel with the golden :j censer; he never said Dawn was the "Peter of the Apostles". Yet she has claimed that it is , > her sacred duty to protect the Faith against Neal. It's like s is on some crusade dow · ('\ ~here. e<~ ., \)) Q... ~\) -~r cX' , ,~ ~_.:: <'0 , ...~

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It's almost like this test is the same t guardian, although a female cannot be the guardian" (Doc, TMMD, pg 29). Concerning the violation of Mary Magdalene-Wilkin, who claimed the same job as Dawn, Doc said the following: "This violation shows us that we should not follow anyone in the place of the guardian or the Promised One, especially a female." Here are Doc's words concerning the violation of Mary Magdalene-Wilkin: " ... whenever the guardian makes a pronouncement or initiates an action that is contrary to her meager understanding, she then states that this action is that of Satan, not the guardian. She wrote a broadcast when I supported Mason's pronouncements and actions as the Executive Branch: Dr. Jensen ... "this publicized letter of July 1, 1977, was not written by you. It is the work of Satan!" She throws her hat in the ring as guardian, although a female cannot be a guardian, when she states: "After forty-five years of battling to preserve this cause of God-1 can recognize his (Satan's) handiwork!" Here she is claiming infallibility, and the guardianship. It is quite evident that she was not appointed to this post by a guardian, and because she is a female she was definitely not grafted into the Holy Tree as an Aghsan. This violation shows us that we should not follow anyone in the place of the guardian or the Promised One, especially a female." Aimee, you just wouldn't believe the damage that Dawn has done down here. She poisons new students with the "Neal's Sick" LIE. No one that has contact with her comes into the Faith; they just get sick and don't finish the firesides. You can see what Doc says about her actions. These false ones accuse Neal of want of leadership- just like they accused Baha'u'llah of in His Day. The Bab came and said that Baha'u'llah would come- then he gave clues. One clue was that he gave Baha'u'llah the title "Baha". In one of His writings, He told them: "HOW veiled are ye, 0 My creatures, ... who, without any right, have consigned Him unto a mountain [Maku}, not one of whose inhabitants is worthy of mention ... With Him, which is with Me, there is no one except him



who is one of the Letters of the Living of My Book (The Bah: Selections from the Bah, Page: 87).


So He told them Baha'u'llah would be one of the Letters. He gave other clues but never outright said that Him Whom God will made Manifest was Baha'u'llah. He left it for His followers to figure out for themselves. But the remaining 19 Letters of the Living rejected Baha'u'llah out flat, claiming that He wanted leadership over them, that Baha'u'llah didn't fulfill the criteria. Aimee, there were lots of people back then that followed the Letters of the Living into error, I don't want you to be like them. That's why the Bah and Abdu'l-Baha said: "Beware, beware, lest the Nineteen Letters of the Living and that which hath been revealed in the Bayan veil thee!" yet notwithstanding this, Mirza Yahya denied Him, dealt falsely with Him, believed Him not, sowed the seeds of doubt, closed his eyes to His manifest verses and turned aside therefrom. ('Abdu'l-Baha quoting the Bah: Will and Testament, Pages: 4-5) Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi both said that the 24 elders in the Book of Revelation were the 18 Letters of the Living. Evidently, they foresaw that several of the 24 elders would reject the one Pepe appointed as his successor. It's a repeat scenario: the Bah came, raised up 18 that he entitles "Letters of the Living", didn't tell them exactly which one of them was Him, and gave a bunch of clues. Doc did the same thing, he raised up his apostles, called them the "24 elders", gave them a bunch of clues, like Neal is the 'group leader', put his name on the roster above the Vice President, he even went so far as to tell some of them that Neal was the guardian, like Carlotta. These ones are so haughty they claim that even if Neal is the Guardian, they don't care, that he has been removed, they claJm that if he islthe guardian, he will have to come back to them- WRONG!!!!

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As I quoted earlier from Doc's writings, "Shoghi Efrendi had no other choice but to appoint him [Mason] to be the Head of the UHJ''. These ones are not the IBC. If they were the IBC, they would still only be a rod of Iron. Shoghi Effendi was a rod of Gold and he had NO OTHER CHOICE (according to Doc) but to accept Mason as 'Abdu'lBaha's son. Do these "apostles" put themselves above Shoghi Effendi? In Doc's Last Epistle to Pepe, he says, "When Shoghi Effendi set-up the first International Baha'i Council he appointed all the members and then he said that he welcomed Mason Remey as the president of that council. That is Mason Remey was the only living son of Abdu'l-Baha. Therefore, he was the only one that could possibly fulfill that position. It was not the choice of Shoghi Effendi. It was ordained by God. (Final Epistle to Pepe, April12, 1994, p. 2)


Therefore, Shoghi Effendi, the infallible rod of Gold, HAD NO CHOICE! All he could do was welcome the one 'Abdu'l-Baha adopted and appointed. This current test shows that all a fallible rod of Iron could do would be to welcome the one Pepe adopted and appointed. When they failed to do this as they are not infallible like Shoghi Effendi or when they assume even more power for themselves then Shoghi Effendi, a rod of Gold, ever had, at that very moment they in fact have removed themselves from the Baha'i Faith and are not part of the IBCIUHJ but are violators, plain and simple. Think about what big egos these ones have to think they have more authority then Shoghi Effendi who was all by himself an infallible Rod of Gold. He was obedient to the Covenant! These ones individually are nothing, not even the fallible Rod of Iron. And as a group they are just a minority gang of Covenant breakers. They are not obedient to the Covenant, and are throwing out the one Pepe chose. Therefore, God casts them out of His Kingdom for not being firm in the Covenant. They also claim that they don't even care who the guardian is, that they won't know until after the catastrophes. RJ goes so far as to make the following statement: "The Council as established by Dr. Jensen is limited within its sphere of jurisdiction and no where does it state or even allude to the guardian presiding over this Council. The second International Baha'i Council was established with the institutions of the legislative and executive branches. Within the official minutes of the organization the "President" or guardian is listed first, then the names of the members. The name of the president is not listed as Dr. Jensen repeatedly stated that we would not know who the guardian was until after the catastrophe." What a glaring, blatant violation of the Covenant! I can't believe that this statement alone didn't jar the rest of the ones following that group out of their lethargy! This he also said to me when I was at his house in Arizona, that the guardian will never preside over the IBC. I said to him, "What, nowhere does it say that the Guardian will preside over this council?" After the visit, I felt like I felt after I used to hang out with Jo York. A little confused, and sick. I'm glad he actually wrote it because now I have proof that he believes this! RJ even confesses that he knew that the first slot was reserved for the Guardian but fails to understand why Doc always directed them to put Neal's name in the first slot but would not tell them why! Aimee, you've seen so many proofs and evidences that Neal really is the Guardian and that they didn't have the authority to remove him. You've seen that it was only 3 women, all living in the same house, who did this, plus one other man who was in another state.


Everyone else Carlotta recused. They did this because they have wanted to get rid of Neal from the beginning. Why? Baha'u'llah tells you why:

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From time immemorial the clay clods of the world have, wholly by reason of their love of leadership, perpetrated such acts as have caused men to err. (Baha'u'llah: Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Page: 87) Leaders of religion, in every age, have hindered their people from attaining the shores of eternal salvation, inasmuch as they held the reins of authority in their mighty grasp. Some for the lust of leadership, others through want of knowledge and understanding, have been the cause of the deprivation of the people. (Baha'u'llah: The Kitab-i-Iqan, Page: 15) I could go on and on about procedure. I could go on and on about the injustices heaped upon the faithful in this day by the violators. But what good would it do? AIMEE! Neal fulfills the two-part criteria in the Will. There isn't a three part criteria, to be a son, to be appointed, and to be accepted by the former apostles of Dr. Jensen! These ones will eventually fall apart. Why? The Covenant is not with them. Aimee, the Faith is so beautiful now, we have gotten so much done, more than has been done in the Faith in the last 6 years. They really are like the Letters of the Living that rejected Baha'u'llah, they will eventually discover that their Faith is going nowhere and they will have no one. Some of them may be innocent, thinking they are really following the IBC but they aren't.

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This was another test, the one where God brings forth the Branch according to His Own Will. Doc did lots of things to clue the people into the reality but he never told them the answer. For example, he was adamant that Neal sit at his left hand at every forum and meeting. Weird huh? It was a huge issue for him. Did you know that Shoghi Effendi had Mason Remey sit at his left hand? Doc knew the Bible, and he knew all the verses pertaining to the High Priest. The Bible says that the High Priest sits at the right hand of the Throne. It was part of Doc's prophesied address. This is a proof for the truth of Doc's mission. He was giving us a clue. He told us why he didn't come right out and tell the people: Why has God held this information back and allowed all this confusion, violation and corruption to happen? Certainly the meanings could have been made so clear as to avoid all this. My answer to this is that this is a test to teach the believers to become knowledgeable and to be on guard at all times, to see with their own eyes and not through the eyes of others, to know of their own selves and not through that of anyone else, and to not support false leaders. It is also a test that separates the sheep from the goats. (Epistle to Charles Gaines, June 1991-July 30, 1991, Pg 18)



You should try to escape the poison that you have eaten from these ones. You know how you felt after you read Victors letter- uplifted, happy, etc. Then you remember how you felt after you listened to the violators - sad, confused. If you re-read the letters that have come from those under the Covenant you will find that they will make you happy and hopeful. That's the uplifting reality of God. After I had decided that I believed Neal, Victor and Kay were the true IBC; I had a meeting with Matt Roeser. He looked so sad, it made me feel really bad for him, there was no light in his eyes. He gave me all kinds of excuses that what Carlotta, Annette, Lavonne~ and that other guy did was according to the Book of Order. It made me really confused, as I was not determining which group was the true IBC based on the Guardianship but rather I was trying to determine if procedure was followed. Anyway, I couldn't disprove Matt's arguments. He had been recused from the meeting and I'm think (I'm hoping) he may have been unaware of the corruption that was taking place in that conclave up there. So, because I couldn't disprove the arguments, I got in my car and drove to Montana. I wanted to look in Neal and Victor's eyes and see if the light was gone. You know what I found when I got there? Not only did they have all the proofs and documentation and evidences that fulfilled the criteria which I could see with my intellect but also I found beautiful and radiant people who were totally on fire with the Love of God. They were amazed that Carlotta had gone off the deep end and fooled everyone into believing that Neal was a Covenant-breaker. Many of the members of the IBC were in Colorado when this happened. The group down here, Chris and Matt, Tim and Circe, Jo and Carrie had already thrown in with Dawn in her persecution of Neal so when they got this news from the conclave up there, it played right into their hand. They then proceeded to backbite and reveal their true colors to the worst degree; all accept Chris Mullally that · is, she didn't say anything bad online. I personally think she might be a little better then the rest of them. Anyway, then the test turned to the issue of the Guardianship. Now this test is much much easier to pass. Doc said, "the descendant of King David must be the president of Baha'u'llah's Universal House of Justice so we can recognize the true UHJ from fakes, frauds and imitations." (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, Seven Churches, Church of Thyatira, subsection, Why did this happen?) So, now it's easy. Neal fulfills the 2 part criteria in the Will and Testament- Pepe chose to use the same method as 'Abdu'l-Baha. He had an issue, you know, he said that he would come forward as the guardian if the main stream Baha'is would accept Mason. But they won't on the "my son" claim; therefore, he appointed his successor in the same way so to make it an issue. Doc had already explained to him that the British Mandate of the West upheld this particular law of adoption. Then he instructed his sister, the executor of his estate, to deliver to Neal the Hair and the Blood, the Ring, and many other papers and


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things; because he was giving these things to the next one in line! It doesn't matter what was going on in the head of the executor of the estate, the token that Pepe left for Neal is the prophesied token in the Bible! (See Ezekiel 1) In the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, it says nothing of a token or laws of the land, it simply says that he has to appoint a Branch within his lifetime; which Pepe did, by the same method as 'Abdu'l-Baha. Pepe chose to leave a token, but it was not necessary to make the adoption and the appointment valid. This is the same with the Israeli law, there doesn't even have to be a token of inheritance, the label of "my dear Aghsan" or in English "my dear son" or "my dear boy" is enough. Doc says that the adoption is "usually confirmed by some token such as a stick to a stone, or something, to make it definite that it was meant that it was a legal adoption. This is institutive evidence." (Doc, Seventh Angel Sounded) So the ring that Pepe's sister put on Neal's hand was just a piece of evidence confirming that he was the one that Pepe had chose. Why did Pepe choose Neal? Because out of all the people that Pepe talked to, Neal was the only one that refused to go against Doc in any way whatsoever. There are two other main arguments the Covenant-breakers have been using to keep the people fooled. One is the argument that the Guardian can't come forth until after the catastrophes or the 4 winds of destruction. They say over and over that Doc said this. Where? I tried to find some proof to back up this argument, and I found what Doc really wrote about this in Revelation Explained. I'm going to quote quite a bit of his words so you can really see what he is saying here:

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"If they [people suffering under violation] would just read the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, and see how they are in violation to that part of the Covenant, they could see that they are the Covenant-breakers. They are told by the Arch Covenant breakers --that lead part of the Baha'is astray-that the Baha'is that are faithful to, and are under the Provisions of the Covenant, are the Covenant-breakers; and therefore they must shun them. They threw them this "red herring" -- or ploy, or Artifice and Stratagem-- to keep them in the dark, so they won't find out they are cohorts of the Covenant-breakers themselves, and don't know that .they are sick unto death (spiritual leprosy). Because of this, there will only be 144,000 Covenantbreakers that will see the light, and come in under the Covenant before the great catastrophe. The mass of the Covenant-breakers will remain in the big cities, because they have been cut off from Divine Guidance by following the violation. They have been told by their Arch Covenant-breaking leaders that those that are under the provisions of the Covenant are the Covenantbreakers, and that they should shun them. This -- what they told them -- is a


bold face LIE. The victims of this conspiracy believe this LIE without using their intellect that God gave them, and without using the principle of "the Independent Investigation of the Truth" that Baha'u'llah gave them. Therefore, they are of the wicked, and are for the fire (thermonuclear). Those that live through this will, along with all the rest of the people of the world, become Baha'is under the Provisions of the Covenant. (Doc, Revelation Explained, ch. 7 vs. 8) So here Doc tells us that the 144,000 will wake up and come under the provisions of the Covenant before the great catastrophe. Then in the same book, he writes: "Once the 144,000 become believers, they begin to proclaim this Revelation of Baha'u'llah by spreading the explanations of the Lamb. The proclamation they give is the true meaning of God's Word. King James Version: "And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God," signifies that their gathering is unto the throne, that is, "the throne" represents the living Guardian seated on the throne of King David that is to exist forever. See psalms 89, and Revelation chapter 7 verse 9." (Doc, Revelation Explained, ch. 14 vs. 5) These bolded words were bolded by Doc, so I'm not going to bold more, but note it says that these 144,000 will come before the living Guardian seated on the throne.

·ru is claiming that the 144,000 will come in and the Guardian won't come forth until the Supreme Tribunal. That's when the 4living creatures are around the throne. But Doc says that the 144,000 will come in before the catastrophes ever happen, that they will be before the Guardian (he goes so far as to say, living guardian), not the council that somehow believes in the institution like RJ is claiming. I really like RJ, and have thought highly of him this whole time I've been a Baha'i, I respect him as a great historian and friend, but these claims that are so opposite of the teachings of Doc that they make me wonder what's up with him! So, according to the teachings of Doc, it makes perfect sense that God would choose this time to "bring forth the Branch". The Branch has to come forth before the 144,000 can come in; Doc explains when this is: When New York City is nuked there will be 144,000 Covenant-breaking "Baha'is" come under the Provisions of the Covenant, and under the second International Baha'i Council. (Rev. Exp., ch 14 vs 1) See, they will come under the Covenant and before the guardian. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that the guardian will have already come forward. They are going to come


in under the second International Baha'i Council with the living Guardian seated at the head of it. Here is one of many examples of Doc teaching that the Guardian will be at the head of the IBC, completely contrary to the teachings of RJ. Who are you going to believe? RJ? Ha! Even as Baha'u'llah says to flee from corruption:

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Time and again have We admonished Our beloved ones to avoid, nay to flee from, anything whatsoever from which the odour of mischief can be detected. (Baha'u'llah: Tablets ofBaha'u'llah, Page: 94) Therefore, as Doc has written, the 144,000 come forward to the true IBC with the living guardian as it's president after New York is nuked. See how great God is! By bringing forth the Branch after the 9-11 and before the nuking of New York, the Executive Branch is already seated in place for the gathering of the 144,000. Without the 9-11 having come first, what would the 144,000 do? They would have been confronted with the poison of the interpolations and violation of RJ, Dawn, Carlotta, and their cronies. See how great God is! He arranged for all those that He alone knew were unworthy to enter His rest to remove themselves before the great victory. Now they have announced in the New York Times that they will kill Saddam and destroy all Baghdad the city where Baha'u'llah proclaimed Himself in 1863. Aimee, I don't want to see you and Marty deprived of such a great victory of the bounties of God; it doesn't matter to me which way you choose but you should see the truth clearly before you choose. The other point I wanted to address is the idea that Neal is not the one with the Golden Censer in the Book of Revelation. This argument was put forth by a group of apostles in a letter, which they claimed was from the second International Baha'i Council:

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"Concerning the golden c~nsor and the claim they make that Neal is the only one mentioned by name in the Book of Revelations and is therefore more special than everyone else, Dr. Jensen left several versions of this particular passage. One of these versions listed Neal as the angel with the golden censor, one of them listed Ray Armstrong as the angel with the golden censor, and one of them did not specify. After Dr. Jensen's death, when the task of editing the Book of Revelations was being completed, it was decided that the nonspecified one should be used in the published version. So this claim of uniqueness because he alone is named and therefore everyone should follow him is again quite inappropriate and misleading. The angel with the golden censer is someone who understands the teachings of the lamb fully and spreads the sweet fragrances of those teachings to the believers. The usurpation of the siBC and a false claim to the Davidic throne are not mentioned. As a matter of fact this angel is also described in Revelation as standing BEFORE the throne and not on it and therefore is not linked to the guardianship in any way."


It's a little off topic to address this in this letter, but when I was looking into this argument, I found it very interesting. One thing that I found is that nowhere, not anywhere in any of Doc's writings does he says that Ray is the Angel with the golden censer in his hand. Perhaps you should challenge them to produce their source material. Also, I found the last sentence very interesting because it is a similar argument that Doc used to help Mason see that he wasn't the Lamb, because the Lamb isn't seated on the throne. So, I looked the verse up, the following is portions of his explanations, please refer to it for the full explanation. He gives two explanations, one with himself as the angel and one with one of the apostles of which he specifies: Verse 3: "And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne;" The "Altar" here is the Lamb that has the explanations, which is the incense. The Golden Censer is the capacity to comprehend Lamb's explanations. He was given much incense, which are many explanations of the Lamb. Verse 4: "and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God." This angel is the angel that received much incense, or many explanations of the Lamb. This angel is one of the apostles of the Lamb. (At this point in the approved version of the Book of Revelation, which was approved Christmas of 2000, there is a footnote which says: See "Epistle to Knight Courageous," May 2, 1991, for more. Doc's "Epistle to Knight Courageous," says, "The angel with the golden censer mentioned here is Neal Chase. His media releases plus his book on the Morrisites Ezekiel's Temple in Montana coincides with current events. The prayers of the saints are the prayers of all the previous martyrs that the 144,000 should be gathered quickly so that their blood could be avenged." -pp. 32, 42) Verse 5: "Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth; and there were peals of thunder, loud noises, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake." The fire from the altar is the many prophecies in the scriptures prophesying the oncoming nuclear war that is explained by the Lamb.


This is the start of the Nuclear War that will destroy a third of mankind in one hour (Rev. 18: 10). The "peals of thunder" is the exploding nuclear bombs, anq the "flashes of lightning" is the nuclear missiles streaking through the night air. This will be followed by the great earthquake, which is a succeeding wind of destruction. Verse 6: "Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets made ready to blow them." The following events that take place are not in sequence. Verse 7: "The first angel blew his trumpet, and there followed hail and fire, mixed with blood, which fell on the earth; and a third of the earth was burnt up, and a third of the trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up." This is the nuclear war that is about to take place now. This war will be fought primarily between Europe and America and Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, which is about a third of the planet. The white race will come almost to an end. They will be an oddity, to the rest of the peoples. The first angel is the angel that received much incense, or explanations of the Lamb. When he blew his trumpet, he broadcast these explanations of the Lamb to the world. This was followed by a hail of fire (the nuclear war). This war will be fought between the white race primarily, which is between Europe and America that comprises a third of the earth. "and a third of the earth was burnt up, a third of the trees were burnt up and all green grass of a third of the earth will be burnt up." Only about a tenth of the white race will be left. Not enough to make a difference in world affairs.

Aimee, this is Doc's explanation; he is outright telling you that Neal is the one! He is the one who is going to proclaim this message to the world. Do you know what started the whole trial against Neal? They were trying to claim that Neal could no longer put the IBC contact info on his press releases! The very releases Doc told them corresponded with world events. Aimee, It doesn't matter what method you use to break the Covenant, it's still Covenant breaking!!! It doesn't matter what procedure you use to break the Covenant, it's still Covenant breaking. This is where Matt Roeser is all screwed up. The Covenant Breakers always use procedure as their excuse. What does it matter or not if Carlotta followed procedure or not to break the Covenant-the fact is that she broke it and so did the rest by going along with her. If a murderer kills a person by hacking off their head violently with a dull ax making a bloody mess or if instead they craftily perform a guardian-ectomy and remove the head with surgical skill, it's still murder, either way so who cares what method they use! It doesn't matter if procedure was


followed or not, the fact is they proceeded to violate the Covenant. Neal is the guardian, there is no one else and there never will be. He is Pepe's son for the purpose of succession; their lame excuses don't hold any water. They are trying to change Doc's explanation of chapter 8 of Revelation even though he says: "Any explanations of this Book of Revelation other than the one that Jesus, the Lamb gives are erroneous and false." (Revelation Explained, ch. 10, vs. 7) Including this terrible interpretation by this group masquerading as the siBC. They said, Neal's not the one in the censer, then they say, he can't be the guardian because he's the one with the censer and since it says that the one with the censer comes before the throne, well, he can't have the censer and be on the throne. When they put forth this argument, they interpolated the text! You can plainly see that the one with the censor comes before the alter, not the throne, and Doc says the Alter is himself! Think about it. The one with the censer comes before Doc, that how he gets the explanations and commentaries. Also, the one on the throne comes before Doc! RJ makes the following argument: "The pretext being used here is that ever since Dr. Jensen established the siBC it has functioned infallibly because Mr. Chase was the guardian. If such had been the case then Dr. Jensen would have had to submit to the guardian." Does he really believe this? That Doc, the High Priest Melchizedek, would have to submit to the guardian? Hasn't he ever read the book of Hebrews wherein Paul explains that even Abraham (of which the kings were in the loins of) paid tithes to the High Priest? Paul explains that this High Priest out ranks them all! Hasn't he EVER read any epistle of Doc? Where does he get this stuff? It's not in the Holy Books that I read! Doc explicitly wrote that " ... his authority is greater than that of ANYONE else, including Aghsan guardians." (Epistle to Charles Gaines, June 1991-July 30, 1991, p. 24) In his first Epistle to Pepe he explains the relationship between the king and the High Priest: "I alone am that High Priest and, I, as that High Priest, summon you, Joseph Pepe Remey Aghsan, to come before me and be anointed." The letter then goes on to explain how everyone used to bow down when they entered the presence of the king, everyone except the High Priest:


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"The High Priest, however, comes before the king only when he is disposed to do it; he does not stand in his presence, but the king stands before him ... " (Dr. Jensen quoting from the Code ofMaimonedes, p. 211, #22, chapter 11:5; From the first Epistle to Pepe, June 8, 1989, p. 43) SEE! It says in Revelation that the one with the golden censer comes before the alter, which Doc explains is himself. Doc also explains that the king comes before him (Doc). The only proof they offered that Neal isn't the one (which they haven't offered many) is BUNK! And this argument was supposed to be coming from the infallible International Baha'i Council? Arguments totally contrary to the teachings of Dr. Jensen? BIG CLUE here on who is the COVENANT BREAKERS! Aimee, when I was reviewing the documents that have come forth from them, almost every sentence deserves a refutation, but who has the time? Their statements are not backed by proof. Their statements are false. They don't even have the courage to defend their crackpot claims! Sorry to be so harsh but 'Abdu'lBaha says to "refute what is vain and false." ('Abdu'l-Baha: Selections ... 'Abdu'l-Baha, Page: 250) Another thing they say in this letter is:


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"The throne of David is the rock upon which this Kingdom of God and the UHJ are built, not Neal Chase." (from a letter from the group assuming the title "siBC") This is another statement from the alleged "siBC", the same letter that had the fallacious argument about the one with the golden censer. This statement seems to be correct, until we look into the writings on this. Nowhere in the writings does is state that the throne is the rock. All throughout the writings it says the person seated on the throne is the rock, the guardian is the rock: "And all drank the same supernatural drink. For they drank from the supernatural Rock which followed them, and the Rock was Christ." (I Corinthians 10:4) The throne of David is not some empty institution that we give lip service to. To be firm in the Covenant we must accept the one seated on the throne. This is addressed many times in Dr. Jensen's writings. One must only read Over the Wall or The Most Mighty Document to see the truth of this. When writing about the Seven Churches from the Book of Revelation, Doc explains:


The institution of guardianship, now restricted to the presidency of the UHJ, remains the "Sign of God" on earth, meaning that whatever Baha'i administration has this sign from God, the guardian, at its head, that is the true Baha'i administration, and any other is false. The other six have broken off from the guardianship in various degrees and their status is determined according to their theology about the Institution of Guardianship and their adherence to the true Guardianship. (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, Seven Churches)

According to Dr. Jensen, their were several groups that had a "theology" concerning the Institution of the Guardianship and only one group that held to the true guardianship: This is the only group that knows the meaning of "Christ," and the true meaning ofthe guardianship, the Christ of the Baha'i World Order, thus is mentioned the "key of David." Because of this knowledge they know that the other groups are false. The term "Christ" designates a male-sperm-descendant of David. The "key of David" is the meaning of the word "Christ". Baha'u'llah came from this genealogy and so did His son 'Abdu'l-Baha, who adopted Mason Remey. Mason Remey became the next Davidic King after 'Abdu'l-Baha. Shoghi Effendi then appointed Mason as the president-head of the IBCIUHJ making him the next Guardian, thus the Davidic Kingship continues on in the Institution of Guardianship. There are two criteria for a claim to the Guardianship, the first is that he must be, physically or legally, a son; the second is that he must be appointed by the previous guardian. (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, Seven Churches, Church of Philadelphia) He also explains that Mason was the legal son of Abdu'l-Baha who he adopted and appointed in his lifetime, which I already showed you at the beginning of this letter. Carlotta and these ones have created a theology around the laws of the land, the time in which the guardian can come forth, etc. These are false and are not included in the true criteria given by God. The true Baha'is don't cling to some idea about the institution of the Guardianship, rather, they accept the one the previous Guardian picked, in whatever "manner and style" he chose. The Guardian is a living person, not an empty chair at a meeting or an imaginary institution. Peter explains" "Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and precious; and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in scripture: "Behold, I am laying in Zion [place where the throne of David is] a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes in him will not be put to shame." (1 Peter 2:4)



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Notice it says "living stone" and "he who believes in him", this is not some dead institution, it's a person, chosen and precious. The true Baha'is are "the only group that knows the meaning of "Christ," and the true meaning of the guardianship, the Christ of the Baha'i World Order, ... " The guardian is the stone, the "living stone". When that group writes, "the throne of David is the rock", they are interpolating the Holy Text to shift the people away from the person who is the living guardian to what they claim is the "throne". Why? Because they can bypass the person who is the heir and attempt to usurp the throne for themselves by claiming loyalty to the throne but not loyalty to the living heir. See how subtle they are? Like a snake in, their usurpation! Thus, in their usurpation they claim to be clinging to the idea of the institution (but not the person of the living guardian) centered around their theology of what the guardian will be. I read on their list serve from Mike O'Connell in his rejection of Neal, that the guardian will be able to work well on the council, and have several other qualities. He has a whole theology in his head that is at variance with the spirit of Doc's teachings. Haven't these ones ever read about Pepe? We must accept the one the previous guardian chooses. There is no choice, no other criteria. Aimee, by saying they are for the throne or for the institution, but against the guardianthink about it! Doc wrote that the person of the living guardian is the "Christ of the Baha'i World Order". So by putting forth the theology that they are for the throne or for the institution of the Guardianship see how they do this against the person of the one who is the living guardian. Thus if they are against the person of the living guardian another way to say that is that they are anti-guardian and therefore, by Doc's explanation, they are anti-Christ. For both Peter and Paul say that the Rock or the Stone is the Christ. And as they have switched out the person of the Christ for the so-called "Throne", they are anti-Christ. Think about it. Let's look at their quote for what it really says: "The throne of David is the rock upon which this Kingdom of God and the UHJ are built, not CHRIST."


Thus, by switching throne for Christ, this theology isanti-Christ. The Bible, Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi and Dr. Jensen have all explained that the integral part of the Covenant is accepting the person who is the promised one in the Covenant for our day and age. This isn't about Neal at all for you can see by their theology, they would be against anybody that is the guardian because they say that the "throne is the Rock" and not the person of the Guardian. See how they have violated the Covenant? Therefore, they would never accept anyone in the position of the Guardianship. As an educated Baha'i, we all know darn well that the Davidic Kingship continued in the person of the guardian is just an administrative post and that Baha'u'llah only is the second coming of Christ. So these violators reject anyone who is the true guardian, saying that because Dr.


Jensen said this administrative post is the "Christ of the Baha'i World Order" That therefore the true guardians are usurping t~e title Christ away from Baha'u'llah. so in this they would never accept anyone for they are anti-Christ, meaning that if a person rejects the living guardian, the Servant, the Branch, in fact they are really rejecting Baha'u'lhih. Nowhere does it say that the Rock is the throne, everywhere it says the Rock is the guardian. As a matter of Fact, it says we are all living stones. Thus throughout the teachings and the writings, and scriptures, it is the people that is the believers who are the living stones in this body or temple. Thus by changing the Rock or Stone from being the person of the believers, they deprive all the people of their inheritance in the Kingdom. This is the same claim and deadly mind numbing poison as the mainstream Baha'is in Haifa and all around the world. embrace. They accept Shoghi Effendi and the institution of the guardianship but not the living guardian. Therefore Doc says as "these go to hell in their violation" the 144,000 are gathered unto the throne, that is, he who is the living guardian. Having known Doc and the truth for so many years how is it possible that these ones could be ignorant of the truth? It is not. Therefore they know what they are doing is wrong but cannot stop themselves for selfish motives have dragged them down into this condition. To you therefore who believe, he is precious, but for those who do not believe, "The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the comer," and "A stone that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall"; for they stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. (1 Peter 2:7-8) Remember I was telling you that Doc left clues for us? Well, Doc named Neal Peter and Peter literally means, "Rock" or "Stone". It says the stone becomes the head! Silly Silly people. Aimee, these ones were coming against Neal when Doc was alive, that's why Doc gave him this title, so they would back off. When Doc was here, he was constantly defending Neal against these violators. Now with Doc gone, they think they are free to do what ever they want. That's why there's the prophecies concerning Neal, they aren't the criteria that he is the guardian (like RJ asserts), they are a big gift from God so that you and me and everyone else wouldn't have to fall for this CRAP from these violators. Neal has tangible and reasonable proofs for his mission, The following quote from Baha'u'llah has holds and underlines by Doc, Baha'u'llah counsels us how to react so someone who presents proofs: Hast thou not heard what a man of the family of Pharaoh, a believer, hath said of old, and which God recounted unto His Apostle, Whom He hath chosen above all human beings, and entrusted with His Message, and made the source of His mercy unto all them that dwell on earth? He said, and He, verily,


speaketh the truth: "Will ye slay a man because he saith my Lord is God, when he hath already come to you with proofs of his mission? And if he be a liar, on him will be his lie, but if he be a man of truth, part at least of what he threateneth will fall upon you." This is what God hath revealed unto His WellBeloved One, in His unerring Book. (Baha'u'llah: Gleanings, Pages: 220-221) This was a tough test, considering the violators are many of the apostles, and they grabbed the list serve. Doc says, "One on the side of God is a majority." Well, the majority that I want to be with is the one on the side of God! One of their member's just keeps saying, "We have to go with the majority of the IBC", not realizing that when they separated from the guardian, they separated from God (W&T, p. 11) and are not the IBC at all! Furthermore, in the very same document (the Will and Testament of'Abdu'l-Baha) that commands us to go with the majority ofthe)BC (which they are not), it specifies the necessity of a 'close union and harmony between the executive branch and the legislative branch'. (See W&T, pg. 15)

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Now I know that you've heard about the lawsuit from Carlotta against Neal. It's so ludicrous. Too bad those violators aren't letting their followers in on what they are doing. A lot of them would probably wake up. Most under their delusion are just sleeping in the dust of the earth, still on the same list serve, not much has changed etc. Aimee, the reason you· are suffering under this violation and they aren't, is because you have tasted the presence of the Holy Spirit. This is what comes to one when they are fulfilling their three obligations as a Baha'i: to teach the Cause, to live the life, and to be firm in the Covenant. These ones were never doing these things; so when the Covenant departed from them, they never felt any difference! Kim did! After the smoke cleared, she immediately realized that the light was gone and she started researching what had happened. Because she was completely detached (I mean this girl's detached, Carlotta was her best friend, and she didn't even care if Charlie stayed with her), she wanted the truth no matter what it took! Anyway, this letter is so long, but I will address the main violations in their lawsuit against Neal: Article I states: "The Second International Baha'i Council is a non-profit religious organization is now and at all time material hereto conducted business in Missoula County, MT." Article II states: "On December 20, 1993 Dr. Jensen appointed the Plaintiff as the Treasurer of the siBC" This shows that the plaintiff is Carlotta Geesen.


Article III states: "In December of 2000 Carlotta Geesen became the Acting Chair of the siB C. This gave her the authority to appoint officers. Come on! Carlotta has the power to appoint officers? She submitted minutes from her group in order to substantiate her claim. In these minutes, the officers are listed as follows: chairperson- Carlotta Geesen, secretary: Carlotta Geesen, Treasurer: Carlotta Geesen. Wow, I guess she really did have the authority to appoint officers- she appointed herself to every office! Then in this court action, she is requesting that her husband John be appointed as the registered agent. She really wants to be in charge! \\Q . , "S.,'(\~ t'l \l\~ Article IV states: "On December 18, 2001 the siBC determined that the Defendant had violated the Covenant of the siBC and was therefore no longer able to associate with the siBC.


Article V states: "On December 19, 2001 the Defendant hand delivered an amendment removing Carlotta Geesen as the director of the siBC to the Secretary of State's office. He named himself as the Registered Agent. Since when is Carlotta Geesen THE DIRECTOR of the siBC? Also, she claims that Neal "named himself as the Registered Agent". Neal has been the Registered Agent since day one. Doc himself appointed Neal to this position. Doc did this in writing, signed by him, in several places, filed with the state archive as well as in the legal Articles of Incorporation of the siBC. Carlotta's claim as the director and her allegation of Neal appointing himself to the position is just another of the lies, false allegations, and misleading arguments used by this group. There's more, but I really can't type it all in. This is enough to see that there is a gross violation going on here. Aimee, Neal is the guardian and you right now are teetering on the side with Carlotta, Dawn, RJ and others who have personal issues against him and therefore cannot see the truth of the matter. You need to just open your eyes, pray, and use your intellect and God will show you the truth, just as Baha'u'llah has said: "No man that seeketh Us will We ever disappoint, neither shall he that hath set his face towards Us be denied access unto Our court.... " (Baha'u'llah: Gleanings, Pages: 271-272) Aimee, this is an issue that needs to be resolved for you. I'm sure that wavering outside of the provisions of the Covenant has been very stressful and disheartening. Isn't it dark out there?


r Doc explains why one shouldn't wait on these issues:


"To take the 'wait and see attitude' is not the right criteria to determine if one is who he says he is or not. For instance, in the time of Jesus, many took the wait and see attitude, took over 300 years before Christianity won over the inertia of the Roman Empire. By the time most of them had passed on in their unbelief. Also, when this is projected to the world most will take the wait and see attitude and while they are waiting the bombs will fall on them. Why? It is because these issues on which you take the wait and see stance are the very ones on which mankind is judged. That is, a Promised One or the guardian cannot be determined by a wait and see criteria ... " (TMMD, p. 4) You'll need to clean the terrible arguments and false allegations against Neal out ofyour head so that you can see the criteria, for both the lesser and the greater Covenant. The Mormons came to my door while I was writing this letter. We went over and over- I finally unfurled the Genealogy of Baha'u'llah in front of them, after reading the prophecies in the Bible that the Messiah will come seated on the Throne of David - I showed them several verses proving the FACT that Baha'u'llah was the Christ- they were frustrated and said that they wouldn't accept the prophesies, that they would only accept Baha'u'llah if the leader of their church, Gordon so-and-so, who is a prophet, told them that Baha'u'llah was the Messiah. Then they left. This is the same stand that these ones following Carlotta and Dawn are doing. They want the ones that they think compose the IBC to tell them who the Guardian is. In a letter to Brent Mathieu, Doc explains that these are tests, that these tests must take place in order to establish the Kingdom: "The two greatest commands are the establishment of the twin institutions of the guardianship and the Universal House of Justice. So, before the World Order ofBaha'u'llah can be established in this world whey must under go the most supreme tests so that later on down the road so that some one or peoples might throw out one, or the other, or both and bring the Kingdom of God on earth to a screaming halt." (Epistle to Brent Mathieu, Oct 13, 1990) He then goes on to explain what each test taught us, the first one, the second one and so on. Aimee, this test is just to show that these apostles are not allowed to pass on the one the guardian chooses to succeed him, and that no future House of Justice has this authority either. "All that it [W&T, p. 12] states is that he [the guardian] must appoint a


successor during his lifetime. It leaves the manner and style up to the guardian." (TMMD, p. 25) This test also reinforces the supreme teaching of all the THINK FOR YOURSELF. No one can tell you who the Promised One is, no one can tell you who the guardian is or isn't. All they can do is show you proofs and evidences. You have to use your intellect to decide for you yourself. WHY? Because this is judgement day! Just as Doc writes, "When the Mighty Seventh Angel sounds "the seven thunders," he tells the world that this is the Day of Judgement." (Doc, Revelation Explained, ch. 10) In the Tablet of Ahmad it says that the wisdom of every command will be tested. These tests are essential so that some time down the line after the Kingdom is established these violations will not be repeated -- because of this test, when so many millions of people have perished because the "Baha'is" broke the Covenant and took over the control of the administration and corrupted it, leading the world into the great catastrophe. The reason God allowed this to happen was for a learning experience, so that in the future, for a full thousand years, no one will violate even a hair's breadth to the right or to the left. Because of the severity of the catastrophe no individual or group would be able to hi-jack the Kingdom away from the people, under any pretext, artifice and stratagem, in the future. The Baha'i faith had a message for the world, but the Covenant-breakers don't give that message: that the descendant of King David must be the president ofBaha'u'llah's Universal House of Justice so we can recognize the true UHJ from fakes, frauds and imitations. Either you know the Will and Testament (W&T) of 'Abdu'l-Baha and are pure in heart-- PASS the test-Or don't know the W&T --don't have a pure heart-- and FAIL the test. (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, Seven Churches, Church of Thyatira, subsection, Why did this happen?) Doc gives a foolproof method for finding the way: Verse 18: "'Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that you may be rich, and white garments to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see."' Gold refers to the spiritual. "gold refined by fire" is the golden criteria, the formula by which we are able to recognize Those that are sent by God to Guide us. If we use this criteria we can avoid following the ideas of those who claim to know the truth but are instead false prophets.


Those who accept this criteria become "rich," in that they grow closer to God and to win that very high station that He has Ordained, or set aside, their spiritual station, for them, in the spiritual world. (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, Final ch 3) r-

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I know that they have discredited the golden criteria. That's the effect of Covenant Breaking poison; it causes you to doubt the scriptures, the proofs. It makes us so confused that we are unable to even apply the criteria to see if the proofs are fulfilled! I always wondered how the Babi's could possibly reject Baha'u'llah. Here the Bab came and spoke of the year 9 and the year 19. In the year 9, the only major event that happened was that Baha'u'llah was outcast into the black pit (Siyah Chal) where he received his Revelation and became cognizant of who He was in His mission. Then 19 years after the Bab began His mission, Baha'u'llah rose up in the name of God, promulgating the message of God. To the extent that 20,000 believers were martyred. Still these stubborn souls refused to accept him and were veiled by their expectations, desires, and what they thought the Bab meant by certain statements. This scenario is just as baffling to me today. The year Mustaghath has been spoken of several times in the sacred Holy writ. It was the year 2001 (and nothing else happened in that year) that all of this happened, and still these ones refuse to accept it. " ... but there are some people who, even if all the proofs in the world be adduced before them, still will not judge justly!" ('Abdu'l-Baha: Some Answered Questions, Page: 36) Looking back in history from out time now we can see clearly that nothing of any significance or importance whatsoever at all happened in either the year 9 or 19 other than the banishment ofBaha'u'llah and His later proclamation. His banishment however was tied in with world events, which in His case surrounded the attempted assassination of the Shah, but this external event was the impetus for God to have Baha'u'llah banished in such a way that prophecy was fulfilled in the year 9. These things occurred not according to the will of Baha'u'llah but conformed to the Will of God. Thus, the Bah explained, "Him Whom God shall make manifest" that is God made the identity of Baha'u'llah known first to all the Babi's and later to all the world. Not according to any plan or scheme ofBaha'u'lhih's but through public events that cannot be construed to be anything else other than the workings of God. Looking back in history to today maybe 100 years hence or even 50 or 20 or 10 or 1, nothing of any significance or importance occurred in the year 2001 other then the simultaneous collapse of the trade towers and God bringing forth the Branch, for Lord knows Neal didn't do these things of his own self but these things were wrought in God.


Aimee, these ones are not the IBC; they are just a group of apostles claiming that they are. In December, they broke the Covenant and were removed. God is using their violation as a means to bring forth the Branch. Even as it is said: What man plans for evil, God plans for Good. Feel free to write with any questions on any of this. I love both you and Marty and only wish the best for you. My door is always open to you.

Your true Baha'i Sister, Nefratiri


Open Letter to ·Ben Kaiser Introduction: The following letter was written to Ben Kaiser, a Friend of the Cause who completed the Fireside series in September of 2001, and remains interested in the unfolding of God's Plan and in the happenings ofthe Baha'i Faith. In February of 2002, while on a trip to Duluth, Minnesota, I was able to get Ben caught up on some of the major events which had occurred within the Faith since September 11 t\ 2001. At that time, I acquainted Ben with the fact that information had come forth proving that Neal Chase fulfilled the criteria to be the guardian of the Baha'i Faith. Ben was very interested in this, and so I verbally explained to him some of the proof supporting this fact, although I did not have all of the physical documentation with me at the time to show him. After returning from Minnesota, I remained in contact with Ben through email and telephone conversations, and at one point I e-mailed him some of the important documentation concerning the guardianship. Our intention was to connect by telephone, and to speak about the information I had sent so that he would be able to see the proof for himself.



For one reason or another, we never found the right time to do this, and soon, Ben left for England as part of an exchange program through the University that he attends. The following letter was written over a period of several months and then sent to Ben where he lives in England. In this letter is found proof and evidence showing that Neal Chase is indeed the guardian of the Baha'i Faith at this time. This is an open letter and can be distributed with the correct attachments to anyone. In service, Adam Jacob Sippola



Dear Ben, Some time ago, you and I had planned to discuss in greater detail the evidence for the continuation of the guardianship of the Baha'i Faith in the person of Mr. Neal Chase. Much of this information I have already explained to you verbally, but as of yet you have not had the opportunity to see all of the proof and documentation for yourself. I have always known you to be a pure-hearted seeker of the Truth, and one who is genuinely concerned with the state of the world and interested in God's Plan to bring peace and justice through His Kingdom on earth. That is why I am writing this letter to you now, as the world's leaders fuel the machine of war, preparing to charge headlong toward destruction. "They hasten forward to hell-fire and mistake it for light." But Truth conquers all, and God has promised victory to those who trust in Him and remain steadfast and firm in His Covenant. You are no doubt familiar with the promise God made to King David that his throne and lineage would endure forever 1, and God never makes a promise but that He keeps it. You have also seen the proof and evidence that Baha'u'llah fulfills all of the prophecies to be the return of Christ, the reigning Messiah seated upon the Throne of David. The word Christ means an anointed male lineal descendant of King David Baha'u'llah appointed His eldest son, 'Abdu'l-Baha to succeed Him on the Throne of David, and the Davidic lineage continues to this day in the institution of the guardianship of the Baha'i Faith. The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate Neal Chase's fulfillment of both the two-part criteria from the Sacred Will & Testament of 'Abdu '1-Baha, and the golden criteria of the greater covenant from the Holy Bible, to be the 3rd Aghsan (Davidic) guardian of the Baha'i Faith. The word Aghsan is Persian for the English word Branches, which refers to the male descendants of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha who sit as the president and executive branch of the Universal House of Justice. MALE-LINE It should be noted here that Shoghi Effendi as indeed the 1st guardian of the Cause of God, but he was not a direct descendant of King David, and therefore not Aghsan He was the only infallible guardian, being a Golden Branch descended fro the Twin Holy Lineages of the Bah (through the 1

See Psalms 89



male line) and Baha'u'llah (through the female line). Therefore, Shoghi Effendi could only be succeeded by another Golden Branch, which was the first International Baha'i Council made of both the appointed Body (Branch of Iron) with Mason Remey as the president, or Head (Branch of Wood). It is of absolute importance that we are able to recognize who the guardian is, so we can in tum recognize the true successor to Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi, which is the Universal House of Justice (UIU) with the Davidic King as its president and executive branch. "The legislative body must reinforce the executive, the executive must aid and assist the legislative body so that through the close union and harmony of these two forces, the foundation of fairness and justice may become firm and strong, that all the regions of the world may become even as Paradise itself." 2


The two-part criteria found in the Sacred Will & Testament Baha, to be the guardian of the Baha'i Faith is as follows:


'Abdu '1-

1. The person must be a son; a branch (Aghsan), either natural or adopted. 2. The person must be appointed within the lifetime of the previous guardian (Davidic King}. 3

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In the early 1900's, 'Abdu'l-Baha wrote a series of Aghsan Letters4 to Charles Mason Remey, referring to him as "My Beloved Son" and "my dear son", which in the original Persian read "Aghsan". Mason also received a token of Baha'u'llah's hair and blood, which was delivered to him through Shoghi Effendi, the legal executor of 'Abdu'l-Baha's estate. The writing and signing of these letters, making them legal documents, constituted both the adoption and the appointment of Mason in one stroke, and the token of the hair and blood was a symbol of adoption for the purpose of succession and inheritance. Thus, Mason was grafted into the Davidic lineage, and appointed to be the 1st Aghsan guardian of the Baha'i Faith. The packet which contained the hair and blood was addressed by Shoghi Effendi to 'Abdu '1-Baha' s "dear son", in quotations, showing the translation back into Persian as "Aghsan".


Sacred Will and Testament of 'Abdu '1-Baha, pg. I5 Sacred Wi11 and Testament of 'Abdu '1-Baha, pp. II & I2 4 See attached Aghsan Letters: To Charles Mason Remey 3


Likewise, in August and October of 1991, Neal Chase received a series of Aghsan Letters5 from Mason's adopted son, Joseph Pepe Remey, the 2nd Aghsan guardian of the Baha'i Faith. In these letters, Pepe refers to Neal as "my boy", and "My dear Boy", always in quotations, showing the translation back into Persian as "Aghsan". At this time in 1991, Neal became the Heir Apparent to the Throne ofDavid, and at the time ofPepe's passing in 19946 Neal also received a token of a lapis lazuli signet ring with the Baha'i ringstone symbol on it, which was delivered to him through Pepe's sister, the legal executor of Pepe' s estate. The writing and signing of these letters, making them legal documents, constituted both the adoption and appointment of Neal to the position of guardianship in one stroke. The ring was a token to symbolize the adoption for the purpose of succession and inheritance. It is also a fact that Pepe never adopted anyone else through the secular court

system or otherwise. Pepe used the exact same method that 'Abdu'l-Baha used, in order for Mason's adoption to be substantiated in the eyes of the world at the time of the great projection, as the sans-guardians still don't accept Mason as the 1st Aghsan guardian. The great projection is when the whole world will here the Good News (Gospel) of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, as Baha'u'llah's Universal House of Justice with the Davidic King as its president is proclaimed to both East and At this time, the prophesied 144,000 will come over the Wall of Oppression that was set up by the "Hands" in order to keep them from investigating the Truth. From the information already provided, it is clear that Neal fulfills the twopart criteria, of being a son; a branch (Aghsan), and being appointed. This is all that is really necessary to prove that Neal is the present guardian. When Jesus came, He first demonstrated to the people that He was a descendant of David, and therefore the Christ. This was to establish his authenticity. Then He showed them how He fulfilled the golden criteria, coming in the prophesied name, the prophesied address, the prophesied date and the prophesied mission to be the Christ. Neal is also a descendant of King David, a natural branch (Jewish) of the Davidic lineage, having the genealogy of Baha'u'llah from birth. Neal's family is descended from the line of David through Bostanai, as is Baha'u'llah's. The difference is that Neal's family isn't from the Throne line. His family moved north into 5 6

See attached Aghsan Letters: From Josepb Pepe Remey Joseph Pepe Remey Aghsan ascended into the next Life on April 11th, 1994



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Russia, whereas the Throne remained with Baha'u'llah's family in Persia. The members of Neal's family were cousins to the family of Baha'u'llah. When Neal was adopted by Pepe, he inherited the Throne of David as he was grafted into the Throne line of Davidic Kings that are seated on the Throne of David, which is to last forever. 7 Mason explained that either he or one of his descendants would graft a natural branch (Jewish) back into the lineage at the appointed time. It was very important for the protection of the Davidic lineage that the last two guardians in the 20th century were not Jewish, as this was the time of Hitler and Mussolini, when anti-Semitism ran rampant. But at this time of the Great Projection, it is equally important that there be a natural branch seated on the Throne, because this is what was prophesied by God aforetime. Besides being a natural branch from the line of David, and being grafted into the Throne line, Neal also fulfills prophecy in the greater covenant, fulfilling the golden criteria, coming in the prophesied name, address, date and mission from the Bible to be the promised guardian at this time, showing that God accepts Neal's adoption and appointment as valid and true. This is the wisdom of God, for now we are on the cusp of the great projection, when the various enemies of God's Cause will join together to oppose His Plan and His Will. By God giving us this sign through prophecy fulfillment, there can be NO DOUBT about who the president and executive branch of God's true UHJ is. For the purpose of the Davidic Kingship is so we can recognize the true Universal House of Justice from all fakes, frauds and imitations. In the Holy Bible, there are several references made concerning "the Branch." Generally, this refers to the whole line from Baha'u'llah, beginning with 'Abdu'l-Baha, along with all of the Provisions of His Sacred W111 & Testament, which includes the guardianship. However, there are a few instances where the references made refer directly to the Branch (Aghsan) who is presently seated upon the Throne of David at this time of the re-gathering and the Great Projection. In the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament, we find several different words referring to the descendants of King David. Christians generally believe that all of these words refer to Jesus Christ, when in reality they each refer to one of four distinctly different personages. In Daniel 9:25, we read 7

Psalms 89,2 Samuel7:4, 5, 12-17


of "an anointed one, a prince." The Hebrew word used here for prince is nagid, which means, "a commander, civil, military or religious." Nagid is derived from the word nagad, which means, "to manifest, to announce, predict or declare." This refers specifically to Jesus Christ, the herald, or forerunner of the Kingdom, and the suffering Messiah. He was indeed a commander, who manifested God to the people. He is the One who announced the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth. We also know this refers only to Jesus, as this verse is found in the midst of the prophecy concerning the dates for His baptism and crucifixion. In Isaiah 9:6-7, we read of the "Prince of Peace" seated "upon the Throne of David." The Hebrew word used here for prince is sar, which means, "a head person, captain, chief, general, governor, keeper, lord, master, prince, ruler, steward." This word is derived from sarar, which means, "to have dominion." This refers specifically to Baha'u'llah; the reigning Messiah seated upon the Throne of David, Who brought the plan for the promised Kingdom (King over a domain). The word saris also connected to the word sire, which refers to one's father or to the king. Baha'u'llah is the "Everlasting Father," Who was literally born a prince into a noble, governing family. God raised Him up to be "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." In Daniel 12:1, we read of "Michael [One like God], the great prince [salj," again referring to Baha'u'llah, the One Who is like God in that He is a perfect Mirror, reflecting God's qualities and attributes to mankind. This is the same chapter where we find the date for the Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, further proving that sarrefers only to Him. In Isaiah 11 : 1, we read of "a branch" grown out from the Root of Jesse. The Hebrew word used here for branch is netser, which means, "a descendant, a branch." Netseris derived from natsar, which means, "to guard." The word sar can be seen at the end of natsar, as this refers specifically to the descendant, or son of the king, the son of sar. This is none other than 'Abdu'l-Baha, The Most Great Branch and Son of Baha'u'llah, from whom the line of guardians continues. The Root of Jesse is Baha'u'llah, Who refers to Himself as the "Ancient Root" in the Kitab-i-Aqdas. Finally, in Jeremiah 23:5, we read of"a righteous Branch" who "shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land." The Hebrew word used here for Branch is tsemach, which means, "a branch". This word is derived from tsamach, which means, "to sprout, bear, bring forth." In Moffatt's translation of the Bible, the word tsemach is 6

translated into English as scion, which refers specifically to a grafted branch, or someone adopted into the lineage.




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If we investigate closely, we'll find that the prophecies in the Bible about this particular "Branch" are very specific, to the point of giving this person's name, the address where he would be found, the exact date he would come, and the mission he would perform, just as in the firesides we discovered that Dr. Leland Jensen fulfills prophecy showing that he is a Promised One of God, although he is not a Manifestation of God. These prophecies are found in Zechariah, chapter 3, where Dr. Jensen is seen as Joshua (Jesus - same name, different language), the High Priest. He came in the prophesied name - Leland, "the Land", as the iniquity of Joshua and the iniquity of the Land in this chapter are the same. The address - "this stone with seven eyes", "with Satan at his right hand to oppose him". His date is found in Daniel, chapter 12, as "blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1335 days", which are 1335 lunar years from the victory of Muhammad in 628 AH to April 21st, 1963 AD, when Rex King, titled "Satan" by Mason Remey, opposed Leland. 'Abdu'l-Baha also explained that this verse corresponds to the tooth anniversary of Baha'u'llah's Proclamation, or the date April 21st, 1963. The mission - "to bring forth the Branch", as well as "have charge of the courts." This is the calling card, the golden criteria by which we can know whether or not someone really is a Promised One. Dr. Jensen faithfully fulfilled his mission by re-establishing what the Covenantbreakers threw out. He set up the siBC, the Court and Temple, with the Davidic King as its president. He fulfilled all of the prophecies to be the return of Joshua, or Jesus, the High Priest after the order of Melchizede~. He also has many other titles found all throughout scripture. He is the "Seventh Angel" "Blessed is He" "the knight on the white horse" "the ' ' ' Lamb" and "the Land" to name a few. Throughout the book of Zechariah there is found another person closely associated with Joshua, the high priest. He is called Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, and also appears with Joshua in the book of Haggai. Historically, Joshua and Zerubbabel were the overseers for the construction of the second Temple in Jerusalem, circa 520 BC. These two figures are also prophetic models for two Promised Ones. Joshua is the prophetic model for the return of Jesus, the High Priest in the person of Dr. Leland Jensen, and Zerubbabel is the prophetic model for "the righteous Branch" (tsemach), the guardian of the Baha'i Faith. Zerubbabel and "the Branch" 7

are one and the same person, as Dr. Jensen explains in his book The Beast, under the sub-heading, The Capstone: "The Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith is the Promised Zerubbabel, the governor of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2, Haggai 1: 1). He is that Great King that is seated upon the throne, that brings forth the CAP STONE, AMID SHOUTS OF GRACE GRACE TO IT!!! (Zech. 4:7). The Cap Stone represents the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, of which the Guardian is the sine qua non. This is the stone that the builders rejected, the comer stone of the Kingdom of God on earth is the Guardianship, for it is the head of the comer itself. (Psalms 118:22, Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10). The· Guardianship is the righteous Branch (Jeremiah 23:5, Zech. 3:8). He is the executive branch of the Universal House of Justice. The executive branch along with the legislative branch comprise the Universal House of Justice which is freed from all error and where by this body all the difficult problems are to be resolved (Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, pp. 14-15)."8

In Zechariah, God declares, "for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH. " 9 Again, the Hebrew word used is tsemach: 1referring to a grafted branch. Here God says that He will bring this person forth, meaning that He will make this person known. The prophesied name for this "righteous Branch" can be found in Moffatt's translation of the Bible. Dr. Jensen explained that all of the believers should study Moffatt's translation, as it is more accurate in certain passages. For instance, in the first chapter of the Gospel of John is recorded this well known verse: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 10 Moffatt's translation ofthe same ver e reads:


The Beast, pg. 19 Zechariah 3:8 RSV 10 John l:l RSV


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"The Logos [the thought of God] existed in the very beginning, the Logos was with God, the Logos was divine." 11




Through this more accurate translation, we can see that the Word, or Logos, is the thought of God expressed through a Revelation. Also, Moffatt shows that the Logos is not God Himself, but is divine. This proves that Jesus is not God, as this verse refers to His Manifestation as well as to all of the Manifestations of God who receive the thought of God (Logos) and reveal it to humanity in the form of a written Revelation. They are all like pure and polished mirrors, Who reflect the qualities and attributes of the Creator to us so that we can take on those attributes and become made in the image of God, which is a spiritual image. In the book of Jeremiah, we discover that the exact title or name is given for the promised "Branch" .


"The day comes, the Eternal promises, when I raise up a true scion (branch/Aghsan/tsemach) of David, to reign both royally and ably, to enforce law and justice in the land; under him Judah shall be safe, and Israel live secure, and this shall be his title, 'The Eternal our champion."' 12


Here, we find that this Branch, or Aghsan, is called "champion." If you pick up any book of names at the bookstore, you'll find that the name Neal literally means, "champion". From The Greatest Baby Name Book Ever, by Carol McD. Wallace, on page 256 we read: Neil [Neal] Gael. "Champion." Besides his birth name being the prophesied name of "the Branch", Dr. Jensen also named Neal the "Peter" of his apostles, of whom the Bible states: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matt. 16:18-19) 11


John 1:1 Moffatt's Jeremiah 23:5-6 Moffatt's


Peter is the Rock upon which the Church, which is the Body or Temple, is built. "The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the comer." 13 "Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and precious; and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God ... " 14 Through recognition and acceptance of the one who is the Stone or Rock (Peter), the guardian, who is the cornerstone of the foundation of the Temple, we can in tum recognize and accept God's True UIU. For those that chose to reject him, he is "a stone that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall." 15 For by rejecting the guardianship, which is an integral part of the Covenant, one also rejects God's Plan, for only through acceptance of and obedience to all of the Provisions of the Covenant does one remain steadfast and firm. "Behold, I am laying in Zion [David's city] for a foundation a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation... And I will make justice the line, and righteousness the plummet ... " 16 "For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel." 17 The plummet is the stone ofseparation, the same Stone or Rock that is Peter. Zerubbabel has this Stone, referring to the fact that he also bears this title of Peter. Again, he is the stone of separation because it is by rejection of him as guardian that the people separate themselves from the Kingdom. Nobody forces them or kicks them out, but they do it of their own choice.


Psalms 118:22 1 Peter 2:4-5 15 l Peter 2:8 RSV 16 Isaiah 28:16,17 RSV 17 Zechariah 4:10 RSV 14



The Bible also tells us that the "Rock" is "Christ" 18, and Dr. Jensen explains that the guardianship is "the Christ of the Baha'i World Order." 19 The word Christ means an anointed male lineal descendant of King David "This is the day whereon the Rock (Peter) crieth out and shouteth, and celebrateth the praise of its Lord, the AllPossessing, the Most High, saying: 'Lo! The Father is come, and that which ye were promised in the Kingdom is fulfilled! ... "'20


"Consider, and make mention of the one who was named Peter in the kingdom of God ... The hand of grace ... grasped him and ... bestowed certainty upon him. If you were to recognize this bounty, of which the dove warbles on the twigs of the tree beyond which there is no passing, then you would be certain that what was mentioned formerly has been fulfilled in truth. Behold, in the kingdom of God he partakes of the eternal, everlasting bounty, and drinks from the fountain of realities and the spring of meanings. But the people are behind a thick veil." 21

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Here we find more evidence that Neal is indeed the 3rd Aghsan guardian of the Baha'i Faith, by the fact that Dr. Jensen named him "Peter", which means "Rock", which in tum means "Christ", the guardian being the Christ, or Davidic descendant of the Baha'i World Order. Now, Dr. Jensen didn't appoint Neal to be the guardian, for only Pepe could do this. Dr. Jensen in his role as High Priest, anointed Neal, meaning that he educated him.


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Just as in the time of Jesse, the father of David, when Samuel the High Priest came to Jesse and asked to see his sons. Samuel was searching for the one chosen by God to be King, so that he could anoint this one. Jesse presented his sons, but none of them were the one. Samuel asked him if he had any more sons, to which Jesse replied that there was one more, his son David, who he then sent for. Samuel immediately knew that David was the one chosen by God, and he anointed David with oil. Then later, Jesse appointed


1 Corinthians 10:4 RSV


Revelation Explained, Seven Churches: Church of Philadelphia 20 Proclamation ofBaiJa 'u 'flab, pp. 84-85 21 Baha' u' llah: Tablet ofthe Son


David as Heir to the Throne, and gave him a symbolic token of succession and inheritance. "And Jesse said to David his son, 'Take for your brothers an ephah of this parched grain, and these ten loaves, and carry them quickly to the camp to your brothers ... See how your brothers fare, and bring some token from them. "' 22 In the same way did Dr. Jensen in his role as High Priest anoint the one whom God had picked, and Pepe recognized this by adopting and appointing Neal as Heir to the Throne through the Aghsan Letters. He also then left Neal the lapis lazuli signet ring as a symbolic token of succession and inheritance. The ring is also prophesied of in the Bible. In the Book of Ezekiel, we discover that the sapphire stone, which in Hebrew is lapis lazuli, represents the throne of David. "And above the firmament over their heads there was the likeness of a throne [throne of David], in appearance like sapphire [footnote h reads: Reb lapis lazult1; and seated above the likeness of a throne was a likeness as it were a human form ... Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. " 23 We can see that this is the throne of David, which the "glory of the Lord", Baha'u'llah, is seated upon. Again, in EzekiellO, we read: "Then I looked, and behold, on the firmament that was over the heads of the cherubim there appeared above them something like a sapphire [lapis lazuli], in the form of a throne." 24 In the Book of Haggai, we read: "Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I am about to shake the heavens and the earth, and to overthrow the throne of kingdoms; I am about to destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations, and overthrow the chariots and their riders; and the horses and their riders shall go down, every one by the 22

1 Samuell7:17, 18 RSV Ezekiel I :26, 28 RSV 24 Ezekiel I0: I RSV 23



sword of his fellow. On that day, says the Lord of hosts, I will take you, 0 Zerubbabel my servant, the son of Shealtiel, says the Lord, and make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you, says the Lord ofhosts." 25

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Once Again, "The Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith is the Promised Zerubbabel, the governor of the New Jerusalem." In the above passage from Haggai, God says, "I am about to shake the heavens and the earth," referring to the spiritual and physical Catastrophes which are now upon us. "On that day," which is today, He declares that He will take Zerubbabel, the guardian, and make him like a "signet ring." Therefore, it doesn't matter what anyone in the world says about this subject, for God has chosen Neal for this position, using the lapis lazuli signet ring as the symbolic token. "I have chosen you, says the Lotd of hosts." In Zechariah 6, we find the address for "the Branch", the promised Zerubbabel: "I looked up again and saw four chariots coming out between two mountains, and the mountains were made of copper. " 26


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In the Firesides, we learned that the place spoken of here is Deer Lodge Valley, Montana. The two mountains of copper are Butte and Lincoln. Butte is the called "the richest hill on earth," meaning that it is one of the richest mountains of copper. Lincoln is as of yet untapped, but it is estimated that there may be even more copper in Lincoln mountain than there is in Butte. Deer Lodge is located directly between these two mountains. Also in Zechariah we discover: " ... that one half of the Mount [Lincoln] shall withdraw northward and the other half [Butte] southward." "On that day living waters shall flow out from [New] Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea [across the Great Divide]. " 27

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Dear Lodge Valley is the only geographic location in the world that fulfills all of these prophecies. It is between two mountains of copper which are to 25

Hagga i 2:2 1-23 RSV Zechariah 6:1-2 NEB 27 Zechariah 14:4,8 NEB 26


the north and to the south, and is located on a continental divide? 8 It is here, between these two mountains of copper that "the Branch" is found. "Behold, the man whose name is the Branch [Aghsan/tsemach]: for he shall grow up in his place ... " Not only is the address for Jesus, the High Priest; the "stone with seven eyes" located in Deer Lodge, but this is also the address for "the Branch",. the promised Zerubbabel who is the present guardian of the Baha'i Faith. Neal lived in Deer Lodge when he received the Aghsan'Letters from Pepe in 1991, grafting him into the Throne line of the Davidic lineage. The date that God chose to "bring forth the Branch" is found in the Bible, the writings ofBaha'u'llah, and in the Great Pyramid of Giza; Adam's Book in Stone. Just as with Jesus Christ, the Bab, Baha'u'llah and the return of Jesus, the High Priest, the date must be found in both the Bible and the Pyramid to be completely authentic. This shows that these ones were in the Plan of God from the beginning of the Adamic Cycle. For instance, in the book of Daniel, it says there will be 2300 days/years29 until the sanctuary will be restored. 30 This is taken from March 21 5\ 457 DC, when Ezra began his retun1 to Jetusalem to rebuild the Temple. When we subtract 457 from 2300, bearing in mind that there is no zero year between 1 BC and 1 AD, we get March 21 5 \ 1844. Also, when we measure from the Zero Point in the Pyramid up to the Great Step, also called the Altar Stone, we get 1843.218 P", which is also March 21st, 1844 when converted into years. This is the date for the Bab, when the Baha'i Era began. Both the Pyramid and Bible show the exact same date! Daniel also tells us that there will be 1290 days/years to the coming of a Promised One from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away. This refers to the Proclamation of Muhammad in 613 AD, when He did away with the Eucharist, which had been set up by Jesus to replace the burnt animal offerings from the time of Moses. When we add 1290 lunar years to 613 AD, we get 1863 AD. Baha'u' llah made His Proclamation on April 21 5\ 1863. In the Pyramid, when we measure from the base of the Great Step to the opening of the King's Chamber, which represents Baha'u'llah, 28

See attached chart, Prophecy in the Deer Lodge Valley Numbers 14:34 Ezekiel 4:6- a day = a year 30 Daniel 8: 14 29


the King of Kings, and add that to the date of the Bah, we get 1862.305 P". When converted into years, we get April 21 5\ 1863, the same date given in the Bible.


We can find the date for the prophesied "Branch", the promised Zerubbabel, using the same method. In the book of Daniel, chapter 4, a prophecy is recorded which says that there will be a period of "seven times" that a stump (symbolic of the lineage of David) will be passed over "until the Most High rules the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever he will. " 31 A time is 360. 7 x 360 = 2520 days/years. Most scholars agree that this prophecy refers to the year 2001 AD. They say that the 2520 is taken from 520 BC, when the cornerstone of the foundation was laid in Jerusalem for the second Temple. 32 This happened under the supervision of Joshua and Zerubbabel. In Haggai, we read: "And the Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the Lord of hosts, their God, on the twenty-fourth day of the month, in the sixth month. In the second year of Darius the king ... " 33 The twenty-fourth day of the sixth month on the Jewish lunar calendar in the second year of Darius the king, corresponds exactly to September 21 5\ 520 BC. 34 This is the date that Joshua and Zerubbabel laid the cornerstone for the foundation of the second Temple. "Since the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid ... From this day on I will bless you." 35

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Therefore, when we add the 2520 days/years from Daniel to September 21 5\ 520 BC, we come to September 21 5 \ 2001 AD, when the Branch was brought forth as the identity of the present guardian was made known. Also, the date of September 21 5\ 2001 AD is given as the Terminal Date of the time scale in David Davidson's book on the Great Pyramid. 36 This is the 31

Daniel4:15, 17,23,25


See attached Excerpt from a Jetter by Colin O'Brien


Haggai 1:1 4-15 RSV See attached dated Bible page 35 Haggai 2: 18, 19 RSV 36 The Great Pyramid: It's Divine Message, pp. 359-368 34


date that the identity of the present guardian became known, when like Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu' l-Baha before him, Who's own brothers turned against them, causing them to be exiled and imprisoned, and like Shoghi Effendi, Who's own wife betrayed and murdered him, the present guardian was betrayed by his family and exiled against his will from his own home. He was rejected by members of his immediate family and also by some of his fellow co-workers in the Kingdom. This was a good thing. Because of what they did, the Aghsan Letters were brought out into public view. "Iniquity must come, but woe betide them by whom it comes." So again we see that the date for "the Branch" is found in both the Bible and the Pyramid, proving its authenticity. And authenticity is the criteria for believability. All of this corresponded with the collapse of the Two Towers in New York City on the date of September 11th, 2001 given beforehand by Neal. 37 It also corresponded with the unfurling of the Divine Standard, the genealogy of Baha'u'llah. This genealogy is also called the Lordly Branch, referring to the whole line from Baha'u'llah, beginning with 'Abdu'l-Baha and continuing on forever. Also, in the following verse Baha'u'llah prophesied the date for the projection of His Revelation in the West, ·as well as the date when His great, great-grandson would come forth, unfurling the Divine Standard and proclaiming Baha 'u' llah: "We, moreover, swear fealty to the One Who, in the time of Mustaghath, is destined to be made manifest .. ." 38 "Mustaghath - 'He Who Is Invoked'. A reference to the appearance of the Promised One at the time specified by the Bah. The Bah has set the limit of time for the coming of the Promised One as Mustaghath, the numerical value of which, in the abjad system is 2001." 39 This refers first to the unfurling of the Divine Standard, the Lordly Branch, of which Neal is only a part. What Baha'u'llah was foretelling was His appearance in the West, through the unveiling of His genealogy at appointed hour of the collapse of the Trade Towers in New York.


See attached paper, 9-11 Predicted.' by Adam Sippola


Gleanings from the Writings ofBaba 'u '/lab XXX Basic Bal1a'i Dictionary Wend i Momen



"And when the appointed hour is come, there shall suddenly appear that which shall cause the limbs of mankind to quake [Trade Tower attack]. Then, and only then [Mustaghath], will the Divine Standard [genealogy of Baha'u'llah] be unfurled, and the Nightingale of Paradise warble its melody."


The Mustaghath verse also refers specifically to a Promised One who comes forth in 2001 AD at the time of the unfurling of the Divine Standard. This cannot refer to the coming of another Manifestation, as Baha'u'llah explicitly revealed that it would be at least 1000 years before another Manifestation of God would come. Therefore, the ~'One Who, in the time of Mustaghath [200 1] is destined to be made manifest", refers to someone other than a Manifestation who is nevertheless a Promised One of God. It is clear from the above date prophecies that this can only refer to "the righteous Branch." For the mission, we return to chapter 6 of Zechariah: "Behold, the man whose name is the Branch [Aghsan/tsemach]: for he shall grow up in his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord. It is he who shall build the temple of the Lord, and shall bear royal honor, and shall sit and rule upon his throne. And there shall be a priest by his throne, and peaceful understanding shall be between them both." "And those who are far off shall come and help build the temple of the Lord. " 40 In connection to this we read:

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"The hands of Zerubbabel [the guardian] have laid the foundation of this house [Temple]; his hands shall also complete it. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you." 41 There are several ways in which these verses concerning the Temple are fulfilled in this day. The word "Temple" can refer to a person's physical temple, which has a head, a body and hands, just as the Temple of the UHJ has a Head, a Body and Hands. The whole Body of believers is likewise a Temple, where the Christ, Baha'u'llah, is the Head of the Body. Before we 40



Zechariah 6:12-13, 15 RSV Zechariah 4:9 RSV


get into the explanations concerning the above verse, we'll take a look at the history of God's Temple in order to shed light on its significance and meaning today. The first Temple for the Jewish people was the human temple of Moses where the Presence of God dwelt in Manifestation. Not to say that God, the Infinite, Invisible Essence incarnated Himself, for this is entirely against the scriptures and teachings of God. What this means is that the heavenly qualities and divine attributes of God were revealed through Moses, and that through His Manifestation and Revelation, the Presence of God called the Shekina in Hebrew, dwelt amongst men. Moses knew that He wouldn't physically live forever, so He built a Temple in the desert called the Tabernacle or the Tent of Witness. It was made from animal skins and was composed of two rooms. The first was the outer sanctuary, also called the Holy Place where the Altar of Sacrifice was found. The second inner room was called the Holy of Holies or Most Holy Place, where Moses had a box constructed to hold his written Revelation. This box was called the Ark of the Covenant. Only the High Priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies to read the scrolls written by Moses. Once a year after making a blood sacrifice, he would enter in and whisper the name of God. He would then study Moses' Revelation and go out to educate the King and the other priests, who would in turn educate the rest of the believers. In this way, so long as these three things, the High Priest, the Temple Structure and the Ark of the Covenant were all intact, the Presence of God remained amongst the people through the Revelation of Moses. After Moses' ascension, the Shekina was transferred into the Temple, which was His successor and how the people maintained their connection with God until the coming of the next Manifestation. They received their rays of the Holy Spirit through the Revelation, which was taught to them by the High Priest. The purpose of the Davidic Kingship was to guard the High Priest and protect the Temple. Eventually, King Solomon built the first Temple of stone in Jerusalem, but this Temple was destroyed after Solomon and all of Israel broke the Covenant of God by reverting back into paganism. At this time, the people of Israel came out of the blessing, the first part of Moses' three-part Covenant, and they entered into the second part, the time of the curse, when Nebuchadnezzar took them into captivity. At this time the people of Israel were scattered throughout the world. The third part of Moses' Covenant was that Israel would be gathered together again at the time of the reigning Messiah seated upon the Throne of David, Baha'u'llah. Later, many of the 18

Jews were allowed to return to Israel where they rebuilt the Temple, called the second Temple. When Jesus came, He said that He placed His Covenant and Temple in heaven, meaning in the heaven of prophecy. Jesus said, "My kingship is not of this world, " 42 because His Revelation mainly concerned the coming of the future Kingdom and the coming of the reigning Messiah, Baha'u'llah. His entire message was spiritual, whereas Moses' message was primarily physical in nature. Jesus was not only a Christ, but also a High Priest after the order of Melchizedec. The Bible shows us a vision of Him in this role entering into the Temple, foreshadowing Dr. Jensen's mission as the return of Jesus, the High Priest. "But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect tent [Temple] (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation) he entered once for all into the Holy Place ... " 43 With the coming of the Bah and Baha'u'llah, this heavenly Temple again descended to earth, and the Presence of God again dwelt amongst the people in Manifestation. The Bah represents the outer sanctuary, the Holy Place and the Altar of Sacrifice, as He and 10,000 Babi martyrs sacrificed their lives, spilling their blood to purify the Temple. Baha'u'llah and His Revelation represent the Most Holy Place, the Holy of Holies. Within the Holy of Holies of Baha'u'llah's Revelation is the Ark of the Covenant, containing the Kjtab-i-Ahd and the Sacred Will and Testament of 'Abdu '1Baha, which together constitute the Baha'i Covenant. Dr. Jensen appears as the return of Jesus the High Priest after the order of MelchizedeC. who enters into the Holy of Holies, Baha'u'llah's Revelation, and takes the Covenant and is able to understand and explain every aspect of it. He then educates the Davidic King and the other priests (teachers), who in tum go out and educate the people of the world. In this way, the three things of the High Priest, the Temple Structure and the Ark of the Covenant are intact through this spiritual explanation, and thus the Shekina dwells amongst the people. In Baha'u'llah's Covenant, He appoints two individual successors followed by the Universal House of Justice with the Davidic King as its president and executive branch. The Body and the Head, which are the legislative and 42

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John 18:36 RSV Hebrews 9:11-12 RSV


executive branches functioning together, represent the Temple Structure. The KJ"tab-i-Ahd and the Will & Testament, the Charter for the UHJ, represents the Covenant within the Ark. And Dr. Jensen is the High Priest who has established the siBCIUHJ according to the Covenant. The Shekina continues to dwell among the people, not through Manifestation, but through the Revelation that is explained and established by the High Priest. Thus, the siBCIUHJ is the Temple in this day, as the appointed successor to Baha'u'llah through His Covenant. Just as the historical Joshua and Zerubbabel oversaw the building of the second Temple in Jerusalem after the Babylonians destroyed the first Temple, so also the prophetic Joshua (Leland- "the Land") and Zerubbabel (Neal - "the Branch") oversaw and brought about the establishment of the second International Baha'i Council after the "Hands" destroyed the first IBC. Neal helped to build the Temple (siBC) in several ways. He and Dr. Jensen put together the incorporation papers for the siBC, as well as the Book of Order for the siBC, thereby building the second Temple after the Covenantbreakers had destroyed the first Temple, the first IBC. Neal is also one of the apostles of the Lamb, Dr. Jensen. In the book of Revelation, we find that the twelve apostles of the Lamb are also twelve gates and twelve foundation stones. In Revelation Explainect Dr. Jensen explains that "the twelve gates are the foundation of the Universal House of Justice," and that "these twelve apostles are also the twelve foundations, that is, their decisions form the foundation of the Universal House of Justice." 44 Neal helped to lay the foundation of the Temple by being one of the apostles, Peter, the Rock upon which the church or Temple is built. The prophecy also says that Zerubbabel's "hands shall also complete it." This refers to the fact that Neal is not only a part of the foundation, but has also been brought forth as the Head of the Body, the Temple, in his role as guardian. It is through the joining of the Body, which is a Branch of Iron, and the Head, which is a Branch of Wood, that a Branch of Gold is formed; Baha'u'llah's UHJ, the infallible Head of the Baha'i Faith. This is the primary explanation of how Neal fulfilled this aspect of his mission as "the Branch" and Zerubbabel. There are however, several other


Revelation Explained, chapter 21, vs. 13-14


explanations about the Temple that will bring us into a deeper knowledge of this interesting and important subject.


In order to fulfill prophecy, God placed Dr. Jensen into the Old Montana State Prison, the "stone with seven eyes" in Deer Lodge, Montana. It was here that he realized that he fulfilled prophecy to be the return of Jesus, the High Priest. Neal has written a book called Ezekiel's Temple in Montana, which is all about this great structure and how it fulfills prophecy as the Temple physically rebuilt in America. When 'Abdu'l-Baha was laying the cornerstone for the Baha'i Temple in Wilmette, Illinois in 1912, He stopped and looked to the West toward Deer Lodge and declared: "The Temple is already built!" 45 He wasn't referring to the Temple in Wilmette, on which construction wouldn't even begin for another nine years. He was referring to Ezekiel's Temple built in Montana which had just been completed earlier that same year. The Prison was built in the exact dimensions described in the book of Ezekiel, although unknown to the builders. The city of Deer Lodge is also precisely organized according to the scriptures, for all of this was in the Plan of God. Neal measured the city and the Temple while working on his book, in which he puts forth proof after proof that Dr. Jensen fulfills Biblical prophecies as well as those of the Mormon prophet, George Williams, who had several visions of Jesus, the High Priest returning suddenly to the Temple in Deer Lodge, Montana. Neal also demonstrates beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Old Montana State Prison, the "stone with seven eyes" is indeed the prophesied Ezekiel's Temple rebuilt. In relationship to this, Neal is depicted in the book of Revelation as an angel going to measure the city. He is also seen as an angel with a golden censer. From Revelation Explained, we read: "Verse 3: "And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne·" '

The "Altar" here is the Lamb that has the explanations, which is the incense. The Golden Censer is the capacity to comprehend the Lamb's explanations. He was given much incense, which are many explanations of the Lamb. 45

Baha'i News, April, 1987


Verse 4: "and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God." This angel is the angel that received much incense, or many explanations of the Lamb. This angel is one of the apostles of the Lamb. (footnote here says - See "Epistle to Knight Courageous," May 2, 1991, for more.) Verse 5: "Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth; and there were peals of thunder, loud noises, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake." The fire from the altar is the many prophecies in the scriptures prophesying the oncoming nuclear war that is explained by the Lamb. This is the start of the Nuclear War that will destroy a third of mankind in one hour (Rev. 18:10). The "peals ofthunder" is the exploding nuclear bombs, and the "flashes of lightning" is the nuclear missiles streaking through the night air. This will be followed by the great earthquake, which is a succeeding wind of destruction. Verse 6: "Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets made ready to blow them." The following events that take place are not in sequence. Verse 7: "The first angel blew his trumpet, and there followed hail and fire, mixed with blood, which fell on the earth; and a third of the earth was burnt up, and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up." This is the nuclear war that is about to take place now. This war will be fought primarily between Europe and America and Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, which is about a third of the planet. The white race will come almost to an end. They will be an oddity, to the rest of the peoples.


The first angel is the angel that received much incense, or explanations of the Lamb. When he blew his trumpet, he broadcast these explanations of the Lamb to the world. This was followed by a hail of fire (the nuclear war). This war will be fought between the white race primarily, which is between Europe and America that comprises a third of the earth. "and a third of the earth was burnt up, a third of the trees were burnt up and all green grass of a third of the earth will be burnt up." Only about a tenth of the white race will be left. Not enough to make a difference in world affairs.

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The exchange of nuclear missiles is symbolized by "hail and fire, mixed with blood, which fell on the earth." When this exchange of missiles takes place, one third of the world's population will be destroyed. Those countries primarily involved will be Russia, the United States and Europe. Only one sixth of Russia's population will remain."46 In the above passage, Dr. Jensen refers the reader to another letter he wrote in which he explains that Neal is the angel with the golden censer spoken of in the book of Revelation. "The angel with the golden censer mentioned here is Neal Chase. His media releases plus his book on the Morrisites Ezekiel's Temple in Montana coincides with current events. The prayers of the saints are the prayers of all the previous martyrs that the 144,000 should be gathered quickly so that their blood could be avenged." 47 This is also the same angel who broadcasts the explanations of the Lamb to the world. Again in Revelation, chapter 21 we read of an angel with a rod of gold who is going to measure the city. "And he who talked to me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city and its gates and walls ... by a man's measure, ' 48 that is, an angel's."


RevelaHon Explained, chapter 8, vs. 3-7 Epistle to Knight Courageous, May 2, 1991 48 Revelation 2 1: 15, 17 RSV 47


It is well known that Neal is the one who measured the city of Deer Lodge

and Ezekiel's Temple. Dr. Jensen doesn't specifically say who the angel from the above verse is, but as Neal is the only one to have done this, it must refer to him. In Revelation Explained, Dr. Jensen says of the above verse: "The "measuring rod of gold" is the golden criteria by which the truth is determined and established. That is, the Promised One is recognized by his fulfillment of prophecies such as the prophesied name, address, date and profession." 49 Here he is alluding to the fact that the one who measured the city and the Temple also fulfills the golden criteria, which we are investigating now in this letter. The "rod of gold" also represents the golden ratio or golden mean. Neal discovered that the numerical values of the letters from the Greatest Name of ABHA where A= 1, B = 2 and H = 5, correspond to the mathematical formula 1 + the square root of 5 divided by 2, which yields 1.618... the golden ratio that is found everywhere throughout creation. Therefore, it is as if God has signed His Creation using His Greatest Name, just like a painter would sign his painting. Neal is the one who has discovered this measurement in relationship to the Name of God, "by a man's measure, that is, an angel's." Also, the value of ABHA ( 1 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 9) is the greatest whole number or the complete number, representing the nine Manifestations in the Adamic Cycle Who correspond to the nine systems in the human body, or temple. The Holy Name of ABHA also represents the Temple in that the first "A" represents Jesus on his first coming, the "Alpha and Omega," the "First and the Last" Who placed His Covenant in the heavenly Temple. The Bah explained that He was the Manifestation of the letter B, so thus the "B" represents the Bah as the Holy Place and the Altar of Sacrifice. Baha'u'llah explained that He was the Manifestation of the letter H, so thus the "H'' represents Baha'u'llah as the Holy of Holies. And the last "A" represents Jesus on his return as the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek who enters into the Holy of Holies, taking the Covenant and explaining it. He then anoints, or educates the Davidic King, Neal Chase, who has always faithfully protected and defended Dr. Jensen in his role as High Priest, and who has now also shown the golden ratio measurement of the Temple in the Greatest Name of God. 49

Revelation Explained, chapter 21, v. 15




Also, in the book of Zechariah, we read of "a man with a measuring line in his hand" who is going "to measure [New] Jerusalem." 50 Neal has shown how the Rocky Mountains represent the city of New Jerusalem with the Temple Mount in the North as Deer Lodge, and Mount Zion (the place of David's Throne) in the South as Glenwood Springs, where 'Abdu'l-Baha rested on his journey through America. He explained how this New Jerusalem is surrounded by 12 gates, which are the 12 highway systems leading in and out of the Rocky Mountains. There are 3 on the north, 3 on the south, 3 on the west and 3 on the east. Again from the book of Revelation we read of the angel with the rod of gold, who measures the city: "Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God [a great white throne]51 and of the Lamb ... " 52 This verse refers physically to the area around Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Just southeast of Glenwood is the Crystal River Valley. At the head of the Crystal River is Chair Mountain, which appears as a huge throne, and represents the Davidic Throne, as this is where 'Abdu'l-Baha rested. Chair Mountain is located right above the town of Marble, where the largest marble quarry in the world is found. This is why it is seen as a white (marble) throne, with the river of crystal (Crystal River) flowing forth from the throne. This also gives us more of Neal's prophesied address. The first part of his address is Deer Lodge, where he received the Aghsan Letters. The second part is Glenwood Springs, the place of the Throne where he unfurled the Divine Standard, finished measuring the city of New Jerusalem and was brought forth as "the Branch." A final explanation of how Neal built the Temple is in the work that he did researching and compiling information for fifteen years on the genealogy of Baha'u'llah. He then arranged all of the names in this genealogy on a chart in the shape of a human body, or temple. This chart demonstrates the unity and oneness of the Body of Humanity. It shows how the nine Manifestations of God in the Adamic Cycle are all physically related, Each One after Adam being descended from Abraham through one of his three

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Zechariah 2:I,2 RSV Revelation 20: II RSV 52 Revelation 22: I RSV 51


wives. 53 As mentioned earlier, these nme also correspond to the mne systems of the human body, which are dependent upon each other to function properly so that the body or temple can remain healthy and active. "Behold, the man whose name is the Branch [Aghsan/tsemach]: for he shall grow up in his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord. It is he who shall build the temple of the Lord, and shall bear royal honor, and shall sit and rule upon his throne. And there shall be a priest by his throne, and peaceful understanding shall be between them both." It is clear that Neal fulfilled the part of his mission involving measuring the city and the Temple and building the Temple. The other part of his mission that we read about here is that he "shall sit and rule upon his throne." This means that he must sit upon the Davidic Throne as guardian; the president and executive branch of God's Universal House of Justice. Dr. Jensen explained that his mission was to establish the Branch, but the mission of the Branch (guardian) was to establish unity in the world. The guardian guards the Faith from corruption and usurpation, and he also serves as the point of unity for the world. He is the Sign of God by which to distinguish the true UHJ from fakes, frauds and imitations. By this sign, the people can see clearly where the Kingdom is and enter it freely through the gates.

We also read from the above passage in Zechariah, that "there shall be a priest by his throne, and peaceful understanding shall be between them both." At the weekly forums, which Dr. Jensen had at his home, the seat to his left was always kept open for Neal. No one knew exactly why. It was simply Neal's seat. "Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne ... " 54 Dr. Jensen knew that Neal was to be the next guardian, and so he purpose!y sat at Neal's right in order to be true to all aspects of the prophecies concerning himself. This piece of information gives us more of the address for both the King and the High Priest. He and Neal definitely had a "peaceful understanding" between them, as they worked together very closely for many years on projects in the Faith and were good friends. Now, it's possible that the word "Branch" in these verses could refer to Mason or Pepe, as they are also grafted branches (tsemach ), except that 53 54

See attached chart, Geneal ogy ofBaila 'u 'llah Hebrews 8: 1 RSV






neither of them was ever in Deer Lodge, Montana. And now, as Dr. Jensen has already passed on, nobody else except Neal can ever fulfill this prophecy, as he lived in Deer Lodge, and had a close and peaceful relationship with Dr. Jensen, the return of Jesus, the High Priest. This spiritual union of the King and the High Priest is reflected in the Jewi~h history of the Zugot. The Hebrew word "Zugot", which means "pairs or pairing" comes from the Greek word "zygote". The zygote is the primal cell that is formed by the union or pairing of the male and female sex cells, the sperm and the ovum. It is at the moment of conception, when the sperm and the ovum come together, that the human soul, a breath of God, is joined with the primal cell, the zygote. This primal cell eventually evolves into the full human organism. The zy~ote travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus for 6 days, and on the 7 day it begins to implant itself into the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. 55 This corresponds to the 7th day of creation, the day of rest after God had created man. The womb is represented as the Garden of Eden, paradise. It is at this point that differentiation begins, resulting in the formation of the embryo. The first two systems to appear are the nervous system (brain) and the circulatory system (heart). First appears the neural groove, which forms the neural tube and ultimately gives rise to the brain, spinal cord and entire nervous system. Next, a circulatory system begins to develop, and the embryonic heart is formed. Eventually, the rest of the human organism develops until the time of birth. Likewise, we can understand the King and the High Priest who form the Zugot to represent the male and female components forming one body, or temple. The Davidic King is the branch of Wood, the male component (sperm), and the Head. Dr. Jensen as High Priest represents the branch of Iron, the female component (ovum). In his writings, Dr. Jensen explained that he was the embryonic UHJ, as it is the Body of the UHJ, the branch of Iron, which succeeds him. It is only through the union of these two branches that the true UHJ is formed. Also, in his first epistle to Pepe, he explains that he, the High Priest is the heart of the Kingdom and the guardian is the head (brain). This corresponds with the fact that the first two systems formed after the zygote are the circulatory system (heart) and the nervous system (brain).



See The Illustrated Encyclopedia of The Human Body And How It Works, pp. 197-20 I


This pair of the Zugot was the center of the Knesset Ha Gedolah, the supreme governing council and court of Israel. The Zugot was the spiritual guide for the people of Israel, and was composed of the Nasi (king or prince), who acted as president of the council, and the A v Bet Din (father of the court). The Jewish people preserved the Zugot in the Sanhedrin. In the book of Ezekiel, we find that God's "servant David shall be their prince [Nasi]." 56 The Davidic King sits as the president of the UHJ, which is the supreme governing council and court in the Baha'i world, which is Israel under its new name. Likewise, Dr. Jensen is the father of the court in that he established and guided the siBCIUHJ. His guiding presence remains now through his explanations and commentaries. This pairing is also reflected in history, story and legend, such as with the pairing of David and Samuel, Solomon and Zadok, Arthur and Merlin, Abraham and Melchizede~, and Elessar and Mithrandir, also called Aragom and Gandalfin Tolkien's books. Tolkien explained that in writing The Lord of the Rings, he was in fact republishing the ancient European prophecies for a modem audience. Aragom is seen as the long awaited king of men, the only one in the world who can claim the throne and unite the people, representing the Davidic King. Gandalf is seen in The Two Towers as the knight on the white horse from the book of Revelation, which is Dr. Leland Jensen, knight of Baha'u'llah; the white horse representing the pure religion of God. Now you've seen the proof and evidence. Neal fulfills the two-part criteria and he also comes in the prophesied name -Neal, "champion". The address -Deer Lodge, Montana, the Temple Mount "between two mountains of copper", Butte and Lincoln, on the great divide. Also in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Mount Zion, where his identity as the guardian became known on the prophesied date. He is also seated next to the High Priest. The date September 21st, 2001 (Mustaghath), 7 times or 2520 days/years from September 21st, 520 BC when the cornerstone of the foundation was laid for the second Temple. The mission- to measure the city and the Temple and to be the guardian of the Baha'i Faith; the president and executive branch of the UHJ. He also bears many other titles, such as "the Branch", "Zerubbabel", "the angel with the golden censer", and "Peter". My purpose in writing this letter is not to exalt Neal above anyone else, as he is a servant like all others, "Zerubbabel my servant", and "my servant the Branch." 56

Ezekiel37: 25 KJV


"His Holiness the Abha Beauty (may my life be a sacrifice for His steadfast friends) is the Supreme Manifestation of God and The Dayspring of His Most Divine Essence. All others are servants unto Him and do his bidding." 57 My purpose has been to demonstrate through proof and evidence that Neal Chase is indeed the guardian of the Baha'i Faith at this time. This is so very important as the Davidic Kingship is the sign by which we can recognize the true UHJ from all fakes, frauds and imitations, so that we can have absolute certitude and clarity on this all-important matter.

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Baha'u'llah's Peace Plan is the solution and Divine Remedy that the world so sorely needs. We see now that the U.S. and its allies are never going to stop in their plans to "disarm" Iraq, and Bush has asserted all along that Saddam will be disarmed "one way or another." The UN (The Beast) has been responsible for the horrific genocidal sanctions against Iraq for more than a decade, and now will stand by and watch as the U.S. is allowed to invade and occupy that country. We know from prophecy and through the explanations and commentaries of the Lamb what the end result of this will be. Saddam will be killed and his assassination will be followed by the nuking of the UN building in New York in which all ofNew York City will be destroyed. At this point the 144,000 will enter the Faith in troops, which will be followed by the Four Winds of Destruction as explained by the Lamb. Then the people of the world will finally want peace and justice, and will be obliged to turn to God for help. I pray that the people of the world will investigate the validity of the Baha'i Faith. I don't care if they become Baha'is or not, just so long as they are informed and are able to make an educated decision one way or the other. This is the Day of Judgment, when the people of the earth judge for themselves the proofs that are laid before their eyes. For those who have eyes to see, their reward is great. They will win the high spiritual station that God has set aside for them. For those who choose to tum a blind eye, they will also receive what they deserve. It is not you or I that judge them, Ben, but in truth it is they who judge themselves. Now you have the opportunity to attain unto that which God has planned for you. I know that you will succeed. 57

Sacred Will and Testament of 'Abdu '1-Baba, pg. 19


"The time foreordained unto the peoples and kindreds of the earth is now come. The promises of God, as recorded in the holy Scriptures, have all been fulfilled. Out of Zion hath gone forth the Law of God, and Jerusalem, and the hills and the land thereof, are filled with the glory of His Revelation. Happy is the man that pondereth in his heart that which hath been revealed in the Books of God, the Help in Peril, the SelfSubsisting. Meditate upon this, 0 ye beloved of God, and let your ears be attentive unto His Word, so that ye may, by His grace and mercy, drink your fill from the crystal waters of constancy, and become as steadfast and immovable as the mountain in His Cause. In the Book of Isaiah it is written: "Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty." No man that meditateth upon this verse can fail to recognize the greatness of this Cause, or doubt the exalted character of this Day-the Day of God Himself. This same verse is followed by these words: "And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that Day." This is the Day which the Pen of the Most I Iigh hath glorified in all the holy Scriptures. There is no verse in them that doth not declare the glory of His holy Name, and no Book that doth not testify unto the loftiness of this most exalted theme. Were We to make mention of all that hath been revealed in the heavenly Books and holy Scriptures concerning this Revelation, this Tablet would assume impossible dimensions. It is incumbent in this Day, upon every man to place his whole trust in the manifold bounties of God, and arise to disseminate, with the utmost wisdom, the verities of His Cause. Then, and only then, will the whole earth be enveloped with the morning light of His Revelation." 58 Included with this letter are copies of the Aghsan Letters from 'Abdu'l-Baha to Mason, and from Pepe to Neal, so you are able to see these things with your own eyes, and not through the eyes of anyone else. I've also included a copy of The Most Mighty Document by Dr. Jensen. The theme of this book


Gleanings fTom the Wdtings ofBaha 'u 'llah, X


is the tests surrounding the continuation of the guardianship, and the purpose of these tests in keeping impurities out of the Kingdom. I trust you are doing well in England. Both Maria and I look forward to seeing you again soon. All is well with us here in Colorado. We're very happy and excited about becoming parents, and thankful to God for His continual blessings. You are in our prayers, Ben. "0 my Lord! Thou knowest that the people are encircled with pain and calamities and are environed with hardships and trouble. Every trial doth attack man and every dire adversity doth assail him like unto the assault of a serpent. There is no shelter and asylum for him except under the wing of Thy protection, preservation, guard and custody. 0 Thou the Merciful One! 0 my Lord! Make Thy protection my armor, Thy preservation my shield, humbleness before the door of Thy oneness my guard, and Thy custody and defense my fortress and my abode. Preserve me from the suggestions of self and desire, and guard me from every sickness, trial, difficulty and ordeal. Verily, Thou art the Protector, the Guardian, the Preserver, the Sufficer, and verily, Thou art the Merciful of the Most Merciful. " 59 Keep ever awake, Ben, with your face turned toward the Light. Allah'u' Abha Your friend and servant, Adam Jacob Sippola


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Abdu'I-Baha: Baha'i Prayers, pg.l36


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Agbsan Letters :

To Charles Mason Remey

l4r. Reme,

Upon htm be Baha Ullah el Abha.

He le Goi. Beloved ~oza: Do not worry about tuat woman; 1 lea"ftt her to has"• self. VJon the• be Baba Ullah el-Abha. fruala11e4 January ze. 191~. (~lsne4) Abdul Eaha Ab'-ee



R•lltqton~ D.

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~~ 8ehrab~

d ==========================================~ !cl Bt• Boao~ Jbt. Remq, VpoD hla be Bahaulle, 'el Allb&.


0 1I'IJ dear son !

He 11 Go4..

(Slgne4) Abdul Baba Abbaa. tran11ated b7 Shoshte Rabbani, Halta, ~aleet1De • . , 281'1, 1919. (Pub. 'Star ofthe West' p. 144, Vol. X)

IUs Honour llr'4t ( Kaaon) bme,r, unto b 1m be the Glor7 ot God, the Koet QlOl"S.oua Be le God. o thou enlightened beloved eon!

Unto thee bo the Glor.v ot Abb&1 .~.u.~.

20. 1920. ftanslated by:


Abdul !ab& Abbaa

Khan s. ~ahad~, Jlount Carmel. J.laleet.1ne.


(Pub. 'Star ofthe West' p. 229, Vol. XI

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Aghsan Letters :

From Joseph Pepe Remey Florence, Italy

2·2 Augusti, 1991

Mr. Chase:



-·---- --···---- -·-- - I might · c~ if ·y ou ''my goy" too~ . 11 is not a cerrQt" for you end I don't expe ct you to butter-up"_ for it.



~=============================== .<'.t)fj ~,MY BoV'' ·~ ~.


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. and tranquillity during the few years .a

Floren·ce 1 I tal{ ·23 August;, 199 ·

f.s. f~ Stu£~ pa.:f02hu.. wa:~. 21.



s~ J adcjl-~? P.QuoJL (\'V\0.-k -flJ. fieA- ~~ ~ ~ ~ .


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S c-uf:Js- - ~Florenc't, Oct. ), 19• l


Florence, 10/5/91

Excerpt from a letter by Colin 0 'Brien J



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In the book of Daniel, chapter 4, Daniel records the dream of king Nebuchadnezzar within which is given a prophecy: that there will be a period of "seven times" that a stump (or in other words the ancient root stock ofthe throne ofDavid) 1 will be passed over" ... until the Most High rules the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever he will "2 (Dan. 4, verses 15,17,23,25). This is the prophesied time period that the throne of David will be hidden in obscurity, being the subjects of other kingdoms. A time is 360, known to scholars as the "prophetic year". Seven time~ then is 360 multiplied by 7. This equals 2520. (7 x 360 = 2520). As one day of prophecy is equal to one year (Ezek. 4:6, Num 14:34) 2520 days is 2520 years. This is a date prophecy that refers to the time when God's kingdom will be proclaimed and established - "the Most High rules the kingdom of men" - and more specifically to the time of the fulfillment of God's promise that he would bring forth His servant the BRANCH (Zech 3:8, translated from the Hebrew tsemach- the grafted branch, grafted into the ancient root stock) in which the foundation stone to the kingdom of God will be laid. For the root stock of the tree of life, that is the stump, represents the foundation of the temple or the foundation upon which the house of God or Temple of the Lord is to be built. They are one and the same. Of this house Jesus stated we must build it upon the rock, that rock being the rock of ages, which Paul states is the·Christ, (1 Cor. 10:4) the anointed descendant of King David. The house built upon sand, the false ideas of man shall fall. Here God gives 2520 years from the foundation of the second temple in 520 BC until the year 2001 AD, when ten days after the 9-11 God fulfilled his promise "Behold I shall bring forth my servant the BRANCH" (Zech. 3:8 KJV, and the identify of the living Davidic King, our guardian, is now known. Thus we recognize the true Universal House of Justice ofBaha'u'llah, which is the temple of the Lord. This prophesy of 2520 years is well known by bible scholars, and more specifically, many regard it as pointing to the year of 2001 (Baha'u'llah's 1

Baha'u'llah referred to himself as the "Ancient Root". Some versions read" .. . and gives it to whom it belongs" connecting it to the Shiloh prophecy of Gen 49:10 RSV which reads, "The scepter shall not depart from Judah until it comes to whom it belongs, and to him shall the gathering of the people be." This signifies its connection to the throne of David and the promised Zerubbabel.



Mustaghath ). For instance, William F. Dankenbring, Pastor and Director of Triumph Prophetic Ministries, writes in a letter on the subject: "This year, 2001, is precisely 2520 years after the foundation was laid to the second Temple in 520 BC. .. .It is 7 x 360, and represents the fulfillment of'seven times"'. 3 Christian author, Dr. Stephen Jones, in an article called September 2001- A Short History of Tribulation writes; "The prophetic time ofthe final 'building' Of the New Temple insofar as Haggai's prophecies are concerned, really began in the year 2001 AD ... Ifwe add 2520 years to [520 BC] we come to 2001 AD." 4 So specifically what happened in 520 BC that was so important and how does it relate to our time now and the coming forth of the BRANCH (the Guardianship) and the establishment of Gods Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven? In 536 BC, Cyrus the Great, ruler of Persia who conquered the Babylonians, gave a decree that some of the Jews who were in captivity in Babylon were allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. (Ezra, Chap. 1) These Jews (meaning, of the tribe of Judah) returned under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Joshua, but after constructing a crude altar to perform the ritual sacrifices, were prevented from fulfilling the task of building the Temple by .angry neighbors who did not want to see the Temple built (Ezra chap. 4). The construction of the second Temple was then delayed 16 years until the reign of the Persian king Darius. Shortly after this, in Jerusalem, the prophets Haggai and Zechariah began to prophesy to the people of the new Temple. Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel, even unto them. Then rose up Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jozadak, and began to build the house of God which is at Jerusalem: and with them were the prophets of God helping them. 5 Haggai, in the first chapter of his book records when this was: 3 4

5 1/september200 l.htm Ezra 5:1-2 2

In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month, came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, saying, ... Go up to the hills and bring wood to build the house. " 6


The second year of Darius is 520 BC. The Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy recorded in his book that lunar eclipses occurred in the 20 1h and 31st years of Darius reign. 7 Modem scientists have discovered that these eclipses Ptolemy writes of, took place on November 19, 502 BC, and April25, 491 BC, respectively. These eclipses provide scientists and historians with what they term ABSOLUTE DATES. That means that Darius' reign began in 522 BC, demonstrating beyond any shadow of doubt that the second year of his reign is 520 BC. Haggai is unique among books of the Old Testament, in that very specific dates are given throughout his brief book signifying the different important events. There are four specific dates total, but there is one in particular that stands out as more significant than the others. In the Douay-Rhiems version of the Bible it especially reads: "In the four and twentieth day of the month, in the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the King, they began." (Hag 2:1) The four and twentieth day of the sixth month of the second year of Darius the King is the exact day, September 21, 520 BC, the Autumnal Equinox of that year. Something very important occurred on this particular date. This is the date the foundation stone - "cornerstone" - of the temple was laid: The date, the twenty fourth day of the sixth month-three weeks after Haggai's first appeal- [according to the explicit text of Haggai] refers not to the day on which work was begun on the temple (so KJV and RSV), but to the day on which the foundation stone was laid; and 2:15-19 should probably follow immediately after it. 8


Haggai 1:1,8 The Almagest, Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus), 8 The Interpreters Bible; Vol. 6; Abingdon Press 1954 pg. 1043 7


"Consider from this day onward ... Since the day [Sept. 21, 520 BC] that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, consider: ... from this day on I will bless you." (Hag 2: 18) Both 1 Esdras and Josephus place the event during the reign of Darius I. Work on the temple began on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month of the second year of Darius (Sept. 21, 520 B.C.) according to Hag. 1: 15 ... The Chroniclers sentence might well be completed, as in 1 Esdras 5:57 by supplying "And they laid the foundation of the Temple of God." 9 The twenty-fourth day of the sixth month of the Jewish lunar calendar in the second year of Darius the king, corresponds to September 21st 520 BC. On this date Joshua and Zerubbabellaid the cornerstone of the second Temple. This is a most significant historical event proven t~ough historical evidence known to most bible scholars, showing that it is scientifically and historically accurate. Several years later the second temple was completed. This is the date in Haggai that we count the prophesied 2520 years from, which brings us to September 21st 2001 (there is no zero year, so add one). Therefore, September 21st 200 1 is the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy, signifying that the promised future temple is being completed NOW! When one wants to build a house or any structure, many things are done in preparation of the time that the actual building begins. The materials must be compiled, the different skilled laborers need to be gathered, like the electrician and the plumber, a framer is needed and many others, and a plan must be drawn up. Once it is decided that a building is going to be built, the first stone that is laid is the cornerstone. For instance, in 1912 when Abdu'lBaha came to America, he went to Wilmette, Illinois and before any construction had begun on the new Mashriq-al-Adkhar, he came there and laid the cornerstone. This was such an important event that construction was delayed until Abdu'l-Baha himself could lay the cornerstone. Once the cornerstone is in place, then all the other bricks and other construction can go forward, but without a cornerstone there is no structure. This date, September 21st 200 1, is the date for the coming of a promised one, the promised Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. The prophecy in Daniel chapter 4 says the "stump" will be passed over for 2520 years "until the Most High 9

The Interpreters Bible; Vol. 3; Abingdon Press 1954 pg. 592 4

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rules the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever he will." The "stump" that is referred to here is the ancient rootstock of king David. The meaning of this prophecy, is that this ancient lineage, the throne line of David, will be subjugated and in exile by different empires for 2520 years i.e. the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Islamic empires etc, in which the line and throne of David have in fact continued in exile as "exilarchs", the exiled monarchs of King David all the way down to Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha now continued in the son, grandson and great-grandson of Abdu'l-Baha. Therefore, it is now that we are at the end of this cycle of2520 years, that the throne of king David is raised up (promulgated) as a natural branch, a descen~ent of David from a collateral line has betifl grafted back into the ancient rootstock (the stump) by being adopted and appointed to continue the throne of David. This natural branch (Jewish, grafted back in by Pepe) was put into place as the cornerstone on September 21st 2001 AD, for this is the day that God brought forth, His "servant, the BRANCH'' (Zech. 3:8KN).



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f April 21, 2003 Hi Everybody!



Happy Ridvan! So much has occurred since I was last in contact with all of you! After leaving the list serve, I found out the truth about the Covenant and wanted to make this my public declaration that I recognize the true siBC with Neal Chase as the guardian at its head. The reason I am sending this letter is so that everyone will know that I am a true Baha'i under the Provisions of the Covenant, happy to be one and that I officially withdraw my name from the false, Covenant-breaking sect that serves no purpose than to attack the guardian and the true believers who are loyal to Doc and Mason and Pepe and every single provision of the W&T. After reading the letters that Pepe wrote to Neal adopting him and appointing him to be his successor within his lifetime, I realized that what Pepe wrote in one of his letters was true. He said that the problem in the Baha'i World is that the people really just don't want a guardian. Referring to himself, he said that until the majority of people would want a guardian there was no point in him coming forward publicly in that role. But in order to be firm in the Covenant and fulfill his mission, he appointed and adopted the one loyal to Dr. Jensen, Neal Chase, in the manner and style that he so chose, to test the people, separating the faithful from the unfaithful so the Tree of Life may bear only the finest fruit.


Doc wrote:


"All that it states is that he must appoint a successor during his lifetime. It leaves the manner and style up to the guardian." (Dr. Jensen, The Most Mighty Document, p. 25) Baha'u'llah wrote:


"Know verily that the purpose underlying all these symbolic terms and abstruse allusions, which emanate from the Revealers of God's holy Cause, hath been to test and prove the peoples of the world; that thereby the earth of the pure and illuminated hearts may be known from the perishable and

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barren soil. From time immemorial such hath been the way of God amidst His creatures, and to this testify the records of the sacred books." (Baha'u'llah: The Kitab-i-Iqan, Page: 49) I believe that because it is so easy to see that Neal is the true Guardian (and that any group or so-called council without him is a sham) the sad truth must be that many of the "elders" that are against Neal and the true siBC must be "sick" like Pepe said and simply just do not want any guardian. Then these so called leaders try and dupe the rest of us by throwing in complications that simply do not exist, and by threatening and bullying us to tum our eyes away from the truth. Dr. Jensen explains how to pass the test: "The descendant ofKing David must be the president ofBaha'u'llah's Universal House of Justice so we can recognize the true UHJ from fakes, frauds and imitations. Either you know the Will and Testament (W&T) of 'Abdu'l-Baha and are pure in heart-PASS the test-Or don't know the W&T-·-don't have a pure heart-and FAIL the test." (Dr. Jensen, Seven Churches, Why did this happen?) I am writing this letter not so others will see the truth, although some people may, but I am writing this letter so everyone can see why I remain firm in the Covenant of'Abdu'l-Baha's Will and Testament and why I will have nothing to do with the Covenant breakers who oppose and protest against the true siBC with the guardian, Neal, Pepe's only son that he appointed as its president. I am doing this simply because it is the right thing to do. My role in this realm is to please my Creator so that I may grow ever closer to Him. Some like to call this "winning your station", but that is a term I have never adopted, although I can see they amount to the same thing. The bottom line is this- How can I be right with God if I refuse to recognize the guardian? In Dr. Jensen's books and writings, he says that in order to "win one's station" (please God), one must recognize the true guardian and the instant one denies him, they are cast out of the presence of God and become a Covenant breaker. Therefore, I am writing this letter as a public declaration of my faith and an official withdrawal of my name from the Covenant breaking group comprised of Dawn, Carlotta, and others.




I asked to be removed from that spiritually dead "list serve" because I realized that the Covenant and the light had departed from there. I had waited a very, very long time for some sort of answer or clarification from the so-called "International Baha'i Council" concerning the covenant breaking that happened in December 2001. None ever came. I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they were the IBC and waited for an answer. Instead we received a letter addressed to all Believers answering one Believer's letter and demanding a cessation of all discussion concerning the matter. My question remained unanswered, as did many others. And now it was being forbidden to discuss! When I went through the firesides, I learned that the "Hands" forbid discussion on the topic of whether Mason was the Guardian or not. This was a big tip off that there was something fishy going on. I was given no choice but to research the topic on my own because it's one of the principles of the Baha'i Faith: the independent investigation of truth. It says in the Bible that those who do not use their intellects to see the truth for themselves are wicked (Dan 12: 10). I discovered a number of things: I noticed that that the first "guidance" letter put out by the latest sansguardian group had glaring lies in it, making it impossible to be from an infallible body. For example: In this letter, which was written December 2001 as a refutation of Neal and if he was or was not the guardian, it said that the angel with the golden censer who "came and stood at the altar" (Rev 8:3) "is also described in Revelation as standing BEFORE the throne and not on it and therefore is not linked to the guardianship in any way." (So-called IBC guidance letter)


I did some research to see if the argument was true but what I found was quite contrary to this. I found that it does not say that the angel stands before the throne; it says he stands before the altar. In Revelation Explained, Chapter 8, Doc explains that he (Doc) is the Altar and the angel with the golden censer stands before him (the Altar): "Verse 3: "And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne;"


"The "Altar" here is the Lamb that has the explanations, which is the incense. The Golden Censer is the capacity to comprehend the Lamb's 3

explanations. He was given much incense, which are many explanations of the Lamb. This angel is the angel that received much incense, or many explanations of the Lamb. This angel is one of the apostles of the Lamb." (Revelation Explained Chapter 8 vs. 3) · This is Doc's explanation; you can plainly see that the one with the censer comes before the altar, not the throne, and Doc says the Altar is himselfl The one with the censer comes before Doc, that's how he gets the explanations and commentaries. Then, in Doc's First Epistle to Pepe, he explains the relationship between himself (the altar) and the Guardian who is seated upon the throne of David, the High Priest and the king: "I alone am that High Priest and, I, as that High Priest, summon you, Joseph Pepe Remey Aghsan, to come before me and be anointed. Once you are anointed king you then sit upon your throne in exile "All the people come before you when you are disposed to see them, they stand in your presence, and bow down to the ground. Even the prophet stands in the presence of the king and bows down to the ground, as it is written:" 'Behold Nathan the prophet.' And when he was come in before the king, he bowed down before the king with his face to the ground" 1 Kings 1:23 (#22 Maimonides, chapter II:5, p. 212). "The High Priest, however, comes before the king only when he is disposed to do it; he does not stand in his presence, but the king stands before him. (Code ofMaimonides, p. 211, #22, chapter II:5)" "Today the High Priest after the order ofMelchizedek alone has the knowledge to establish the Kingdom. That is why the Great Pyramid was built to graphically illustrate that just one person, the High Priest, in this day possesses this knowledge. Therefore the king must stand before the High Priest and receive this knowledge." (Dr. Jensen, First Epistle to Pepe, June 8, 1989, p. 43,44) Thus, Doc writes that it is the King or Guardian that comes before him, the altar, and "receives this knowledge" which is the same as the "angel" who "receives much incense" which is the explanations and commentaries of the Lamb (Altar). Furthermore, it says that it is the altar or the Lamb that is before the throne. Thus the altar is before the throne and the throne is before 4

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the altar. They are facing each other. Thus the angel who comes before the altar IS seated on the throne, facing the altar, and the altar IS before the throne facing the throne, that is the king (angel with censer on throne) and the high priest (altar) are facing each other when the king is anointed by the high priest that is "receives much incense or knowledge" from the High Priest (the altar). And again; in the Bible it says that King Solomon, who is seated upon the throne of David, "stood before the Altar"! "And Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in the presence o(all the congregation of Israel" 1 Kings 8:22 ~· Therefore, like Pepe and Solomon who were both seated upon the throne, the person who comes before the Altar IS linked to the guardianship! Whoa! The one excuse given that Neal could not be the guardian links Neal directly to the guardianship. In Doc's epistle to Knight Courageous, he tells us that the "angel" before the altar (Doc) is Neal. He never wrote or said this about anyone else. "The angel with the golden censer mentioned here is Neal Chase. His media releases plus his book on the Morrisites Ezekiel's Temple in Montana coincides with current events. The prayers of the saints are the prayers of all the previous martyrs that the 144,000 should be gathered quickly so that their blood could be avenged." (Epistle to Knight Courageous, pp. 32, 42) How could this be any clearer? Solomon, Pepe, the Guardian, and Neal are all described as coming before the altar, Doc the High Priest, to receive knowledge, which is likened to the incense. WOW! I am so happy that I could be alive in the day the guardian came forward and have an opportunity to pass this test and be in accord with the teachings of Doc. Doc writes: "... God didn't hesitate to remove all of the millions of the Baha'is that separated themselves from the guardian, and thus from Him; and when Mason died God didn't hesitate to remove the rest of them who didn't accept his son, from His sight except the two knights." (Doc, Epistle to Mike East Oct, Nov 1988. pg 2)

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When I read this, I realized that if I fail to recognize the guardian, I would become a covenant breaker. It seems the latest "theology" that has arisen, is that if we recognize the guardian, then we become a covenant breaker. TillS THEOLOGY IS COMPLETELY CONTRARY TO DR. JENSEN'S TEACIDNGS IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. Doc wrote: "These believers are "before the throne of God" meaning that they accept the continuation of the Guardianship and tum to the living Guardian who sits upon the throne, as delineated by 'Abdu'l-Baha in his Sacred Will and Testament." (Dr. Jensen, Rev Exp. CH 7, VS 15) How terrible it would be to be an actual covenant-breaker by failing to recognize the guardian, then it would be to be labeled a •@pvenant-breaker" by a non-authoritative group of people that have already failed to recognize him! These people have been removed and are not longer Baha'is at all but are just a rogue group of people attacking the real guardian with titles like insane, wannabe, etc ... just like they did in the days of Mason. God doesn't want us to follow a back-biting, spiritually dead people! We all know that! This letter from the so-called "IBC" claims that the one with the censer can't sit on the{)hrone because he comes before the altar, but clearly, the Davidic Kings (Guardians: Solomon, Pepe, Pepe's son, Neal), DO come before the Altar, and Doc even writes that this one is Neal Chase! Doc is giving us the answer to the test here. How blind does one have to be? How could you not but fall off this log with Doc practically shoving, pushing and kicking you off of it by naming Neal Chase in his many books and epistles? Believe it or not, some claimed contrary to Doc that the test was to try to stay on the log!? How bizarre is that? Doc taught that the way to recognize the true IBCIUHJ is that it was the one that the living guardian is the President of: "The institution of guardianship, now restricted to the presidency of the UHJ, remains the "Sign of God" on earth, meaning that whatever Baha'i administration has this sign from God, the guardian, at its head, that is the true Baha'i administration, and any other is false. (Revelation Explained, Synopsis of the Seven Churches)




Therefore, I must recognize the one with the living guardian. Yet Dawn, in one of her letters to the list serve, posed this question, 'who are you going to follow, the siBC with the majority, or Neal's IBC with only one other person, Victor?' She said something like that but with more name calling involved. I thought about it for a while, because in the Will and Testament, it says, "Whatsoever the majority doth decide, that is the truth and purpose of God." (pg. 19) But the Majority back in the day ofMason rejected him. The Majority rejected Doc, and here we have another Majority. So I asked myself, does this particular majority have a guardian? I realized NO! Then the answer to Dawn's question would have to be - I would follow any IBC that has the guardian on it, and come to find out, Neal is the guardian, so whatever council he is on, no matter how many people are on it, is the true one, and that is according to the explicit text. Then I read this quote from Doc's book, Revelation Explained: "One on the side of God is a majority." (Dr. Jensen, Revelation Explained, Final Chapter 3, vs. 8) "Thus the meaning of all this was hidden from the believers, so to test them to see if for any reason they would go against the Covenant, and become Covenant-breakers, that is, to go with the crowd, like dead fish floating down the river, or to go with the minority that go by the provisions of the Covenant, that are like live fish that swim up the river and are with Jesus the Lamb. As you can see, all the believers except for a few become Covenantbreakers." (Rev Exp ch 14, v 8) I decided to research to see ifNeal was the guardian because the so-called ~BC" wouldn't write me back or answer my questions. I know the two-part criteria in the Will and Testament of'Abdu'l-Baha, I read the Will myself. I heard a lot of gossip and rumors that Neal was claiming the guardianship based on fulfilling the golden criteria and also that he would have to be adopted according to the laws of the land in order to really be the guardian. I ' found that nowhere in the Will does it say that the guardian would have to be adopted "according to the laws of the land" in order to really be the guardian. This is a total lie! This is not in the Will and Testament at all and this concept doesn't come from Dr. Jensen at all. This was all a big fat lie! Doc certainly never wrote it, in fact, what Doc wrote is quite contrary to this, for he tells us that 'Abdu'l-Baha's adoption of Mason is LEGAL and therefore so is Neal's. Doc wrote:


"Some deem his handwritten document should be given priority over your appointment, because it is hand written. But here again this is EXTRA to the Will and Testament. No place in the Will of'Abdu'l-Baha does it state that the appointment must be in a handwritten document. All that it states is that he must appoint a successor during his lifetime. It leaves the manner and style up to the guardian. Shoghi Effendi appointed his successor in a cablegram, but the "Hands" deemed that the appointment had to be in a Will. TO ADD OR SUBTRACT FROM THE WILL INTERPOLATES IT; then it is no longer the document sent down by God ... " (Dr. Jensen, TMMD, p.25) Even though it is non-essential and NOT a criteria in the Will, in my research, I still found that the lame "law of the land" excuse (which is EXTRA to the Will) was bunk because in fact the adoption and appointment ofNeal IS LEGAL and does in fact fulfill the laws of this land. First off, when Pepe signed and dated his adoption and appointment papers for Neal, this made them legal. Second, Doc wrote that this type and method of adoption and appointment (Mason and Neal's) is a "Universal Principle" that is upheld in all countries of the East and the West all throughout the world (TMMD, p. iv), LEGAL in the East and the West like the United States and Britian of the British Mandate. Furthermore, the laws of the land of the United States, in particular, back up this type of adoption and appointment as it pertains exclusively and particularly to the successorship in a religion which is guaranteed and protected in the first amendment in the United States, for freedom of Religion, showing that the adoption and the appointment of Neal does in fact fulfill the laws of this land. In fact, it seems that the whole country with its constitution, first amendment and laws, was created just so the true Guardianship and Baha'i (thith would be legal in this country as a valid and true religion. The fact that the founders of this country were into prophecy, like the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill, shows that they undoubtedly, knowingly and deliberately made these laws so that the~ingdom and the Guardianship would be accepted and flourish here. Especially at the time of this great war and the assassination of Saddam Hussein. So this entire "law of the land" excuse holds no water at all, when Pepe signed and dated his adoption papers of Neal and signed and dated his 8

appointment ofNeal in ink, this made his adoption and appointment ofNeal legal and binding according to the provisions of the Will and Testament and to reject this means breaking the Covenant. I found that Neal does fulfill the two-part criteria to be the Guardian. But I wondered why others say they don't see it? Sometimes when we are so familiar with someone, we fail to see reality. Doc wrote that this is like Joseph and· his brothers or 'Abdu'l-Baha explained it: "behold from all the world they come and enter the Kingdom, and the children of the Kingdom are cast out." (Last Tablet to America) The bottom line: Neal is the Guardian. He was legally adopted and appointed by Pepe. Neal doesn't make his claim to be the guardian on fulfilling the golden criteria at all. I don't know who started that lie. Neal bases his claim on fulfilling the two-part criteria on page 12 of the Will, which clearly he does fulfill. After reading some of the letters of Pepe, I realized that Pepe was a pure test to the people, even so, Doc rushed forward to accept him. Doc said he had to know who the guardian was in order to win his station. I needed to know to be right with God. All this time, we hadn't had the opportunity to prove that we could pass the one test Doc always explained would come, he wrote the test is always on the guardianship. Now we have the opportunity to pass the test; and thank God that he chose to give this test before the 4 winds are let loose. But, this shouldn't come as a surprise, because I read in Revelation Explained that the 144,000 would come in before the Catastrophe, before the 4 winds are let loose, and would come "unto the throne". That is, the 144,000 are gathered to the person of the living guardian, Pepe's son, they obviously know who he is, to be gathered to him before the Catastrophe! Read it for yourself (if you can read): ~ 1 C)


Doc wrote: "... 'the hundred and forty-four thousand' are the number of people who will become believers in the Revelation ofBaha'u'llah through the explanations and proofs of the Lamb before the first wind of destruction is let loose. King James Version: "And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God," signifies that their gathering is unto the throne, that is, "the throne" represents the living Guardian seated on the 9

throne of King David that is to last forever." (Revelation Explained, chapter 14 verse 2.) Anyone reading Doc's writings should be able to pass this test. Like Doc always said, it's as easy as falling off a log and the guardian comes forward before the catastrophe (push, shove, kick). All of the criteria that have been added to the criteria in the will, like the laws of the land etc. interpolated the will. Doc says that the Guardian can pick whatever manner and style he wants and to add or subtract from the Two-part criteria interpolates the Will! Adding the criteria of "laws of the land", according to Doc, interpolates the Will! He explains that the "Hands" made this mistake: "Shoghi Effendi appointed his successor in a cablegram, but the "Hands" deemed that the appointment had to be in a Will." (TMMD, p. 25) The Hands of the Faith have no authority to pass upon the one that Guardian chooses for his successor... " (TMMD, p. 53)

No one has a right to pass on the one the Guardian chooses no matter who they think they are. The Guardianship is ALWAYS a matter of Independent Investigation of the Truth. We are NEVER to take anyone else's word either for the guardianship being true or not. Those that accept him are in; those that reject him are out. That's how it is, period. We are to see this with our own eyes and NEVER allow anyone to "pass on" or make this decision for us. This is the test. Doc wrote: "It s~ems that the guardians try to out-do each other in using unique ways in appointing their successors. For me I must be absolutely certain that the one that I support and give my allegiance is the true guardian. I must take no one's word for this. I must see with my own eyes. Investigate with my own intellect and know with my own heart." (Doc, letter to Joseph Pepe, July 19, 1975, page 2) After they received a copy of that letter Neal wrote to Carrie (Jealousy and envy must go!) which had in it the information that anyone could see the two-part criteria being fulfilled, practically begging these ones not to follow in the footsteps of others who were jealous and attacked Neal because he had letters of adoption and appointment from Pepe, they chose the road of attack 10

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when they received that letter. They realized Neal was the guardian and instantly went out of their jurisdiction as a special session committee and put a shun order on him. At that moment, they broke the covenant, and were no longer Baha'is, let alone members of that limited committee. A real shame. It appears to be a case of "sibling rivalry" run amok, like when Joseph's brothers were jealous of him and put him in that well and sold him into slavery. I'm going to go with what Doc told me: "This violation shows us that we should not follow anyone in the place of the GUARDIAN or the Prof!lised One, especially a female." (TMMD, pg. 29) I wish to be under the Covenant by recognizing the one Pepe chose to be the Guardian who is at the head of the true International Baha'i Council. I can't tell you how happy I am to be back under the Covenant using my intellect, investigating the truth and finally getting the answers I've been asking for all along. I bid you all farewell and I wish each of you the best. May God's Love be with you. In el Abha, Aimee Gallo Chapman

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April 21, 2003 Dear Tom,



They are not the siB C. Consider the first IBC. All the members of the first IBC rejected Mason. You know what happened to them and where they went in the next life when they die. I can see that you realize Neal is the guardian. Doc stuck with Mason, not a sans-guardian venant--breaking administration. We don't have to obey any administration when it comes out from under the provisions of the Covenant. Therefore, the choice is clear, to follow the Lamb wherever he goes means to do what Doc would do in this situation. This is the TEST. Doc stuck with Mason and Pepe come hell or high water and then at the appointed hour, God formed His true administration under their guardianship. Doc crossed the shun injunction and the shun order to talk to Mason himself to get his questions answered from the horse's mouth. Sticking with Neal is no different then sticking with Mason and Pepe. Today this Test is 100% identical, the same, exact, a repeat, ditto: Doc stuck with the Guardian, "sans-guardian administration" be damned. It is no care of mine if you stick with the Guardianship and therefore God, or

if you go against God. Reread my letter, the moment that minority of members "below quorum" separated from Neal, who they know all along is the guardian, they lost their seats and were no longer1BC members. Even if Ruhiyyih Khanum, Leroy Ioas and the rest on that first IBC were to get together after Mason's final appeal and public proclamation in 1960, _like Muhammad-Ali who would've succeeded Abdu'l-Baha, they would never have held those administrative posts again. These people on the first IBC and on the second IBC lost their positions on the Council. Once this happened, even if they were to all get back together, they are out, and could never be the true IBC. This is why, in Doc's Book he says, the criteria is not going by the crowd, but by sticking with the person who is the "living Guardian" that we are to "tum to". I don't know if you know it or not, but in Doc's book, he says the 144,000 will be gathered unto the~hrone, that is, the "living eyardian". He doesn't say that the 144,000 will be gathered to the "administration" or to the council or to the majority of former "council members" NO! Tom, he says they will be gathered "unto the Throne". 1

It is no concern of mine whether you gather yourself to the throne, Neal, or not. It is no concern of mine if you follow what Doc did and stick with the Guardianship like he did or not. Or if you do what Ruhiyyih Khanum and the Hands did. Doc suggests, obviously, that you do what he would do, as this is the same as what happened in '57, and cross the non-authoritative shun order and write to Neal personally at If those other former members of the IBC still want to keep their seats on the administration, they'd better write in to the true IBC with Neal as the Guardian IMMEDIATELY or they risk losing not only their positions, but their stations forevermore. We will respond to the points in your letter, point by point, shortly. Ps. The thing that got me the most was that they knew in their heart of hearts that he was the guardian all along. Your Baha'i Friend


April 21, 2003 Tom, You are not supporting the;IBC unless you are supporting Guardian at its head.




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Doc wrote in the Public Minutes of the siBC that the Guardians, Mason and Pepe, cannot be removed as Covenant breakers. The people cannot be commanded to shun the Guardian. Ask Carlotta and the rest of them to produce those minutes for you because they are public minutes and they are the official guidance of the Establisher of the Baha'i Faith. When Doc established the 1BC, he made all the minutes public so that all could know what was going on in the >IBC. Copies of these public minutes were distributed among the believers while Anita was vice-president. That's how people were able to see these public minutes, because they were widely distributed. The meetings were even taped, and the people were free to listen to the tapes. We have a copy of the forum tape where Doc and Anita announced that to all the people. Doc explained what was meant by the passage in the Will wherein .it states: "Whatsoever they decide is of God. Whose obeyeth him not, neither obeyeth them, hath not obeyed God; whoso rebelleth against him and against them hath rebelled against God ... " (W&T, p. 11) In his epistle to Charles Gaines, Doc makes the following clarification of the passage by adding the following bracketed information: "Whatsoever they [Shoghi Effendi and then the UHJ] decide is of God. Whose obeyeth him [Shoghi Effendi] not, neither obeyeth them [the members of both THE HEAD and body of the UHJ], hath not obeyed God; whoso rebelleth against him (Shoghi Effendi] and against them [the members of the UHJ both body and HEAD] hath rebelled against God ... " (W&T, p. 11)


"Unto the Most Holy Book every one must tum, and all that is not expressly recorded therein must be referred to the Universal House of Justice [the · members of the UHJ both body and HEAD]. That which this body [the members of the UHJ both body and HEAD], whether unanimously or by a majority doth carry, that is verily the truth and the purpose of God Himself. 1

Whoso doth deviate therefrom is verily of them that love discord, hath shown forth malice, and turned away from the Lord of the Covenant." ('Abdu'l-Baha: Will and Testament, Pages: 19-20) Doc makes it clear that the Majority Abdu'l-Baha is speaking of is the majority with the Head attached to it, as no body can live without a head. You wrote, and I agree, "I do not have the authority of Dr. Leland Jensen or his sphere of infallibility. I do have his training, personal time discussing such matters and forums." In Zech. 3, it says part of Doc's mission is to judge the house and keep the courts. Thus he and he alone has the knowledge, skill, authority, etc as the infallible High Priest to point to errors of Mason and Pepe and tell them if and when they were out of line in the Covenant. At the same time he did this, Tom, he told his apostles in writing in the IBC that they had NO AUTHORITY to expel the guardians as Covenant-breakers or forbid the people to shun them. NO future House of Justice, either unanimously or by a majority, or individual members that are fallible, will ever have the authority to declare the guardian a Covenantbreaker and command the people to shun him. There is no writing or proof to back up this claim, it is false, it is not true, it is a theology people have created as an excuse not to "tum to" the "Living Guardian" as Doc has instructed them to do (see Rev. Exp, ch. 7, vs. 2). They will never have the power to declare the Guardian a Covenant-breaker and command the people to shun him. From 1991 until December 2001, the siBC never made a decision without the guardian present or his son in attendance at the meetings. The moment rogue members separated and tried to. declare that they were the siBC; they broke the Covenant and were removed. Dawn, Carlotta, Bob, etc. are guilty of the same crime and atrocity against God, his promised ones and the Covenant as are Wind, Jo and Reg. Another minority group masquerading as a so-called "siBC" sans-guardian, against Neal. The only thing "sick" (as you say) and creating division is those people in opposition to Neal and his true?IBC, which is the same one Doc established in 1991 with Neal as the Heir Apparent or "crown prince" (his words). All that stuff you said about Neal is what the Hands said about Mason, that Mason created commotion and division, that Mason broke the Covenant, that Mason was "sick". All that stuff you said about Neal is what the Jews


said about Jesus, that it was he who was sick, creating division, and was Beelzebub and the Devil.

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Doc had authority to point out the mistakes of Mason and Pepe, you don't have this authority and no one else does. The quote you cited to back up your claim that the Guardians can be expelled did not say they could be expelled. It just pointed out one of the actions ofMason. What Doc is saying that Mason did wrong was that Mason said he could function without the council. Mason didn't do this until 1966. What the Hands did, was they said they could have the UHJ without the Guardian and that they could bypass the four-stage plan. Whereas Neal, he functions with the council, with the members that remained loyal by accepting the two-part criteria. So Neal is not doing what Mason and Pepe did. Whereas the other people who reject the Guardian they are doing exactly what the hands and the members of the first IBC did. Also, what was Doc telling Pepe? What Pepe was doing wrong was that he refused to attend the meeting or function with the council. Neal does attend the meetings, and these ones do not attend, they are not showing up to the true meeting. Since December 10, Neal has been calling meetings and these other ones do not attend. They are the ones doing what Pepe was doing. And they are doing exactly what Pepe did; refusing to attend the meetings Neal calls. Therefore, they are the ones guilty of doing what the Hands did and what the members of the first IBC did, and they are the ones guilty of doing what Pepe did. Therefore, they are the Covenant-breakers; they are not the siBC at all. Tom, you can go ahead and remain in the violation with them, but I want you to know that you don't have any excuses other then you are "sick" like Pepe said, that you don't want a guardian. Now that Dr. Jensen has passed on, by anointing Neal, the test of Mason and Pepe will not be repeated even as Doc explained in his first Epistle to Pepe. He explained that after the Guardian is "anointed by him [the High Priest] it will lay to rest forever the dissension and conflict that now besiege the troubled minds that have been led astray by imposters and troublemakers." (pp. 41-42)

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As far as what you said of the history of the Guardians, this is Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi and now Neal, these have no history of breaking the Covenant, neither did Baha'u'llah's father, Mirza Buzurg. That's 5 to 2. Furthermore, Mason and Pepe didn't break the Covenant, they acted according to instructions from Abdu'l-Baha where it is written in the Forth Valley, "If Khidr did wreck the vessel on the sea, Yet in this wrong there are a thousand rights. (Baha'u'llah, Seven Valleys and Four Valleys, p. 26) The reason for this is to separate the pure in heart from those that are not pure in heart. This is explained in Baha'u'llah's Kitab-i-Iqan and in Dr. Jensen's Book, Over the Wall. Nowhere did Dr. Jensen ever write or say that the Guardians have a history of breaking the Covenant that is your own poisonous theology. What Dr. Jensen did write and explain 1s that the MAJORITY have a history of breaking the Covenant. Dr. Jensen explained that the Seven Churches are divided up according to "their theology about the Institution of Guardianship and their adherence to the true Guardianship." These arguments you have put forth concerning rejection of the Guardian and following a sans-guardian group is a theology that has developed that has separated those who knew Doc from the one seated on the throne. Even though Doc explained that the Church of Philadelphia is characterized by their adherence to the TRUE GUARDIAN! He even goes so far to say that any administration (which you counsel me to cling to) is false without a Davidic King. How much clearer can it be than this? "The institution of guardianship, now restricted to the presidency of the UHJ, remains the "SIGN OF GOD" on earth, meaning that whatever Baha'i administration has this sign from God, the guardian, at its head, that is the true Baha'i administration, and ANY OTHER is false. Only one of the 7 churches adheres to the true Guardian and Institution of Guardianship and every clause of the Will and Testament. The other six have broken off from the Guardianship in various degrees and their status is determined according to their THEOLOGY about the Institution of Guardianship and their ADHERENCE to the true Guardianship." (Rev Exp, Seven Churches)



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Why do you think that in Doc's book he says over and over and over again to tum to the IBC with the Guardian as the President? I have seen Neal's proofs and He is the Guardian. You said the majority of the IBC members do not accept Neal's proofs to be the guardian. You also quoted a passage that the individual members are not infallible. Doc teaches that as soon as one turns away from the Guardian, at that moment, he breaks the Covenant: "... God didn't hesitate to remove all of the millions of the Baha'is that separated themselves from THE GUARDIAN, and thus from Him; and when Mason died God didn't hesitate to remove the rest of them who didn't accept his son, from His sight except the two knights." (Doc, Epistle to Mike East Oct, Nov 1988. pg. 2) So you see, Doc's teachings are not to cling to a headless administration. This is a THEOLOGY that is separating you from your station! We must accept the Guardian. I can't find any place in any of Doc's writing where he says to stay with a majority without a Guardian. Can you? On the first page of Doc's book he says: "The Covenant-breakers did away with the executive head, replacing it with a headless monster on Mt. Carmel, and oppress their deluded followers from coming under the true House of Justice that has both the executive branch, or head, and legislative body. The true Baha'is are those that climb over this wall of oppression, and see with their OWN EYES and hear with their OWN EARS and not through those of their oppressors." (Dr. Jensen, Over The Wall,p.l) The IBC you are following does not have an executive head and they are oppressing you from finding out the truth about the Guardianship! Just like Doc foretold! Right after this he says: "This test came upon the believers for they themselves to see if they were firm in the Covenant or were just going with the CROWD. Muhammad said, do you think that when you say that you believe that God would leave you alone and not put you to TEST?"


Now, you are counseling me to just go with the majority not matter what? Follow the majority period? Can you show me one place where Dr. Jensen instructs me to follow the majority and not to use my independent investigation of the truth when it comes to the guardianship? Just one place, Tom. Here's one from Doc that says the opposite: "Baha'u'llah has given them the principle of the Independent Investigation of the Truth. To not use this franchise given them by Baha'u'llah is a sin in itself." (Doc, Over The Wall, p. 2) "The wise are those that use their intellects that God gave them and independently investigate the matter for themselves, UNRESTRAINED. Jesus said, "seek ye the truth and the truth will make you free." They become free from the oppression of the Covenant-breakers." (Over The Wall, ch. 1) According to Dr. Jensen I am only to obey an IBC that has a descendent of David as the president. There is no place in any of his writings that he tells me to tum away from the Guardian. So what you are telling me is quite contrary to the actual writings of the Establisher. Also, in your letter to me, you accuse me of doubting the administration and the infallible decisions of the administration. This is not true at all. I believe in the International Baha'i Council and the infallibility of the International Baha'i Council. But the theme of Doc's message was that the IBC has to have the executive head in order to be infallible. That's Doc and Abdu'lBaha's teaching (see W&T p. 15), which is more important than some theology about following a majority that doesn't have an executive head. Tom, they are not the IBC. Neal and the siBC members loyal to him, they are the siBC: "Whatsoever they [Shoghi Effendi and then the UHJ] decide is of God. Whose obeyeth him [Shoghi Effendi] not, neither obeyeth them (the members of both THE HEAD, NEAL, and body of the UHJ], hath not obeyed God; whoso rebelleth against him [Shoghi Effendi] and against them [the members of the UHJ both body, (members loyal to the guardian, Neal), and HEAD, (Neal)] hath rebelled against God ... " (W&T, p. 11) 6

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"Unto the Most Holy Book every one must tum, and all that is not expressly recorded therein must be referred to the Universal House of Justice [the members of the UHJ both body and HEAD, NEAL]. That which this body [the members of the UHJ both body and HEAD, NEAL], whether unanimously or by a majority doth carry, that is verily the truth and the purpose of God Himself. Whoso doth deviate therefrom is verily of them that love discord, hath shown forth malice, and turned away from the Lord of the Covenant. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Will and Testament, Pages: 19-20) You state, "the two of them against the rest?" Tom, Neal and Victor aren't against the rest, it's just the rest have rejected the true Guardian and are no longer adhering to the true guardian. Why to you think I am taking my time to write this letter? Unity is simple; the Guardian is the point of Unity in the Cause. The rest of the apostles of Dr. Jensen, Wind, Jo, Dawn, Carlotta, and the rest are all not unified because of their rejection of the Guardian! Whoever turns against the Body of the UHJ (Both body and HEAD, Neal, W&T p. 11) has turned against God. This might be hard for you to see right now, but the Covenant is with the Guardian and those on the Council loyal to him; just as Doc h~s taught in his many books and epistles. It is my prayer that you will open your mind and let go of your theology that you must follow the "administration" without the Guardian and go back to the teaching of Doc to tum to the Living Guardian and the Administration with him. Tom, God has prepared a special purification just for the purpose of getting rid of these theologies. Baha'u'llah said: "Terrible indeed is God in punishing." Tom, I'm sorry to say that it is you who caught the virus because going against the guardian, Neal, is sick, and you have this sickness. "Nothing unclean shall enter it." You may not have the same authority as Doc, as you stated, but you do have the sacred obligation to "follow the Lamb wherever he goes". The following passage from Revelation Explained, explains what is meant by "following the Lamb wherever he goes": "They "follow the Lamb wherever he goes" means that they are in his service and believe in him because of the proofs and EXPLANATIONS that he gives. 7

Verse 5: "and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are spotless." Once the 144,000 become believers, they begin to proclaim this Revelation ofBaha'u'llah by spreading the explanations of the Lamb. The proclamation they give is the true meaning of God's Word. King James Version: "And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God," signifies that their gathering is unto the throne, that is, "the throne" represents the LIVING GUARDIAN seated on the throne of King David that is to exist forever. See psalms 89, and Revelation chapter 7 verse 9." (Rev Exp ch 14, vs. 4 and 5) So you can see that the 144,000 following the Lamb TURN TO the person of the Living Guardian, that is the 144,000 are gathered to the Throne, Neal, They are not gathered to a sans-guardian, headless administration. This is a theology that has arisen. Doc explains: "Those who cling to ... their own theologies will perish also." (Dr. Jensen, Rev Exp, Introduction) "That is, those that don't accept the Lamb's explanations. They are deflected from this by following the THEOLOGIES of the church, and by the Covenant-breaking "Baha'is." (Revelation Explained, ch. 13 vs. 8) The Lambs explanations say to tum to the Council WITH the Guardian, the Theology is to tum to a group claiming to be the council without a guardian. You don't want to cling to a theology after seeing all ofDoc's explicit instructions concerning the matter, do you? Again the effect of bunk theologies: ""a great, high wall" symbolizes the theologies and concepts which prevent mankind from entering the true Revelation of God. It is also the wall of oppression of the Covenant-breaking "Baha'is" that prevent them from entering the city. No Covenant-breaker is allowed to enter the Kingdom of God. The sons of Israel are those who strive with God as Jacob Israel strived with God." (Revelation Explained, Ch. 21 vs. 12) Until you get healed from your sickness, and become clean, clean up your act, how can you enter? Therefore, like all the rest of mankind, you too must use your Independent Investigation of the Truth, and examine the proofs of the Guardian yourself, and come back under the provisions of the Covenant and TURN TO the Living Guardian and the Council he is the head of. 8

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I wish you the best in your fulfilling your obligation of unfettered investigation of the Truth. "To not use this franchise given them by Baha'u'llah is a sin in itself." (Dr. Jensen) Allah'u' Abha Your True Friend and Fellow Baha'i



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May 5, 2003


Howdy partners,


Jeff here. Have you seen the proofs for why Neal Chase is the Guardian with your own eyes? Have you examined them at all, or accepted the hearsay of others? Have your eyes gazed upon the actual evidence? If the answer is no, it would explain why you may still be associating with Covenant eakers. Below is a list of the violators who have temporarily turned many of the believers away from the actual IBC with the Guardian, Mr. Chase, as its President. The evidence is over-whelming, and yet there are still those among you that have failed to recognize the truth. The obvious reason being that you haven't actually examined the truth with your own eyes. In nature~ only the dead fish go with the flow. The facts speak for themselves. Investigate and see for yourself. It is not my intent to show you through my eyes why I know Neal is the Guardian. The facts have been presented on this Forum by several individuals. All the proof you need can be obtained through the Baha'i Center, as well, at 406-721-5737. Read the website and you will be very happy. Many lies have led to this current situation. Have you been told that Neal is mentally ill? I was just with him today and he's the same Neal I've known for eight years. It's just one of a stack of lies. Do you honestly think that 4 dozen of the most active and well educated believers would accept Neal if he was mentally ill and making this all up? We have all been able to recognize the truth based on proof that we've seen with our very own eyes. Could it be that the Faith's most active and successful teachers have all been duped? Or is it you that's been duped? Since this violation has occurred, I've seen many beautiful trees in the garden wither and die. I've seen the pulse of many friends flatline. That so-called IBC has become a lifeless body. Name me one thing that has been done by thy bogus-IBC of Carlotta and crew since they were declared Covenant eakers by the actual IBC. They've done zilch. You will know them by their fruits, Paul said. A dead tree cannot bear fruit. I personally requested guidance from them over this matter a year ago this month. Two months later a message from Bob Solem came stating that my questions would be answered in a Guidance letter that was being prepared for the whole Baha'i Community. That was a year ago, and still no Guidance. The only thing I've seen come down from this tree since then is Declarations of


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Covenant Breaking. No guidance, no teaching efforts, no plan, and no direction. The true IBC still owns the archives, is incorporated with the state, maintains each and every BUPC website, controls the bank accounts, has the same phone number it's always had, and is moving forward with or without you. The Great Projection is being organized at this very moment. When the world finally recognizes the Baha'i Faith, which council will be recognized as the true House of the Lord? The one with the Guardian at its head, or course. The idea that some other "guardian" will come forward in the future is a hoax. Pepe never adopted anyone besides Neal. He said himself that "No, I never adopted anyone through the court system". This fact has been verified by many individuals who set out to find this Phantom Guardian. No one was ever adopted in a secular court by Pepe. You're going on blind faith waiting for this expectation to be fulfilled. It never happened. This is a manmade dogma being perpetrated by misguided believers who shout, "it's an established fact based on precedent that the guardian has to be a son or legally adopted in a court." It's a contortion ofDoc's actual teachings. You can't add or subtract from the W&T, which is exactly what these one's are doing. If Neal's claim to be Guardian isn't valid, then neither is Mason's, for they were both adopted and appointed in identical manners. Both Mason's and Neal's adoptions are legal and binding, in both the East and the West, despite what you wish were true. Doc wrote that this method was "Universal", and is vouchsafed under our Constitution. Doc wrote that the 144,00 are to be gathered unto the Throne. He writes it would h~ppen before the catastrophes. Do you have eyes that can see? Surely you know if I didn't love you all I wouldn't bother with this, would I? I was led into the same confusion we all were, and I made it safely back onto the Ark. I was able to do this because I know how to think for myself. I can clearly see the violation of the Book of Order made by the bogus-IBC. A committee of the Body cannot place injunctions or declare believers Covenant-breakers. Read the archives of the list serve and see for yourself the many violations of Order that took place. See in Carlotta's own words that the committee placed the original injunctions on Neal and Victor. They had no authority to take such action. As Secretary, Carlotta was filtering IBC business through to that committee, by-passing the Body, and assuming rights they didn't have according to the Book of Order. We have all been misled by a few. The issue of whether Neal is the Guardian was never even addressed by the Body. It was pre-deterniined that he wasn't, without any due process, and decided outside of Council chambers.


Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 22:19:23 -0700 (PDT) From: JeffMichaud


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Your response is rambling and incoherent. Every point you've made is based on hearsay. You weren't in the ®tith when Neal was appointed, so it's hearsay about what Doc did or didn't say. The letters I have seen were written and signed by Pepe from between 1991-1994. These things were kept from the believers by Doc's own orders to keep people like you who won't use your own brain out of the Kingdom. Neal was told by Doc that if he was asked about it to say "No comment", which he in fact did to me several times. This was so the test could go forward. Doc didn't want to be the one to explain it. He wanted people to see it or reject individually. When Colin was at your house with the Aghsan letters Nathan wanted to see them for himself, and you wouldn't even let him see. Some investigation. FYI, niether Jo nor Wind ever brought one believer into the @ith by themselves. Besides, they broke the Covenant. And so haven't you. One of the reasons this happened is so that people would show their true colors. And you have. Thank you.





As long as you follow a Counsel without the Guardian, you will never be under the protection of the Covenant. Good luck with that.

Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 From: JeffMichaud John,


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Dido. I can tell by your first sentence you are spiritually ill. First of all, that quote doesn't apply to these ones, for they ar-e no longer on the siBC, for they broke the Covenant and have denied the Guardian. So who cares what a majority of ex-IBC members think. Anymore than I could care what a majority of Wind, Jo, Reg, and Bob think. You saw for yourselfback in '99 at the gathering that Neal was the Guardian, but you couldn't explain how. Here we've explain it for you, so nobody's keeping you out but yourself. Your Covenant breaking is keeping you veiled from the truth. The number "6" in Persian is "vav" which is "616", the mark of the Beast. This is the stigma that they have been given since they fell from Heaven. This could be your last chance before the mark of their violation is permanently burned into your forehead and right hand. Your backbiting scheme in Missoula against Victor and the Guardian, Neal, failed when you were caught wearing women's clothes, and now your Covenant Breaking is being exposed in this world and the Kingdom. Did you leave that door open hoping you'd get caught in high heels knowing they were outside? Is it also the case that you're responding to me, knowing my position, hoping you could be saved from your Covenant-breaking? VAV=616: it's your choice!

r Urgent Declaration from Baha'i in France Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 15:30:15 -0700 (PDT)



From: @"A.C." Subject: Urgent Declaration

To: <info@uhj,net>

Dear all, I would like to declare my faith in the Covenant of God, I cannot live, breath, sleep, eat, drink without it, without th~ovenant. In the countryside God revealed to me the reality of the Baha'i Faith right now.



I was revealed tha uhi · · a witch, that the UHJ is a real headless monster, that the Baha'is who taught me the Faith were all under the violation of the Covenant. I was afraid then. But now it's OK. I can't run away from my responsabilities. I have still a lot to learn but EACH time I turn to the Kiblih and ask God if the 2nd me is his@;.ngdom he shows me it is. I could not face reality for a while. But I had to remember the 20000 martyrs. I asked God, maybe two years ago, in a prayer, to be a martyr and shed my blood in his path.I do not know ifl'll be murdered for the Cause but anyway I am ready to teach his glorious cause all my life. I do not know if you'll accept me in your community but I want you to know that A. C. believes and knows that the Throne of David is in the Rocky Mountains and that the Elders of the Book of revelation are the members of the 2"d IBC, and that Dr Leland Jensen is the establisher of the Baha'i Faith. I have a lot of things to tell you again about how God revealed to me the truth. God bless you all !

A. C.

Ps: I read all



May 29,2003 Shane, I remember when I first met you. It was at the four-part symposium held at the Qupqugiaq. My friend Leasa was with me and asked a question. She asked, "What about the ascended masters?" At that time, Leasa was into new age stuff and believed that she would ascend to the heavens, learn what she needed to become an 'Ascended Master'. She believed that she would return to earth and people would recognize what she was because she would be able to 'materialize' before them. Your answer to her was not what she wanted to hear. You answered, "If you are the only electrician left, than you are a MASTER electrician". Her attachment to her beliefs kept her from the truth even though she went through the Firesides, all of them. She turned away. How sad she clung so tight! I hear stories about some people that went through the Firesides with Doc and then turned away from who he was because of the way he dressed, the way he looked, the way he talked. How sad for them also! All because they have pre-misconceptions of what Jesus was to be. The same thing is happening again. Some people don't want to accept Neal as the Guardian. They don't like his personality, his teaching methods, and his involvement in the faith. How sad for these people that are missing the boat because pre-misconceptions of how the Guardian will come forth. These people need to study more, not just accept what Carlotta and the committee says. Carlotta was a very good friend of mine. It was very hard for me to see what she had done. But, I don't make the rules, God does, and if I'm going to do what is right I'm going to do what is expected ofme .... examine the proofs for my self, investigate, investigate, investigate. That is why I am writing you this letter for your name does not yet appear on that list of 31 violators along with Carlotta, John, Matt M. and Dawn. You wrote to me about the ring and other personal items of Pepe, saying so what if Pepe left him socks and underwear (and in fact Pepe did leave him his best dress suit among other personal things of both his and Mason's including the ring), but Baha'u'llah wrote in the Aqdas:


"We have assigned the residence and PERSONAL CLOTHING of the deceased to the male, not female, offspring, nor to the other heirs. He verily, is the Munificent, the All-Bountiful." (Aqdas, P. 25). This is according to the LAW OF PRIMOGENITURE, in which the Aqdas notes (#44, p. 187) explains: "In a Tablet, Abdu'l-Baha indicates that the residence and personal clothing of a deceased man remain in the male line. They pass to the eldest son and in the absence of the eldest son, they pass to the second-eldest son, and so on. He explains that this provision is an expression of the LAW OF PRIMOGENITURE, which has invariably been upheld by the Law of God. In a Tablet to a follower of the Faith in Persia He wrote: "In all the Divine Dispensations the eldest son hath been given extraordinary distinctions. Even the station of prophethood hath been his birthright." With the distinctions given to the eldest son,. however, go concomitant duties. For example, he has the moral responsibility, for the sake of God, to care for his mother and also to consider the needs of the other heirs." (Baha'u'llah: Aqdas: Notes, Page: 186) Shoghi Effendi and Doc BOTH further explain that this LAW of PRIMOGENITURE, in which the eldest or only son inherits the personal clothing as well as other belongings of the Father pertains~.especially and particularly to the continuation of the guardianship in the l@ith as an one of David from father to son. Doc writes: inheritance of th '"Abdu'l-Baha delineated the provisions ofBaha'u'llah's Covenant: "the explanation which 'Abdu'l-Baha, in one of His tablets, has given to, and the emphasis He has placed upon, the HEREDITARY principle and the LAW of PRIMOGENITURE as having been upheld by the Prophets of the past-.... [and] which the Will of'Abdu'l-Baha was at a later time destined to proclaim and firmly establish."-Shoghi Effendi, cited in W.O.B., p. 147." "Shoghi Effendi, knowledgeable in the "hereditary principle and the law of primogeniture" pertaining to the Aghsan guardianship, knew that he not having a son, would have to appoint a branch, AGHSAN; otherwise he would have just appointed another Afnan (twig) from among the collateral relatives of the Bah. All the natural branches (aghsan) had either passed on or had been declared Covenant-breakers." (Doc to Pepe, Oct. 7, to Dec 7, 1989, p. 9) 2



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So you can see Shane, the very fact that Pepe did leave Neal these personal effects and clothing items, shows that Neal is Pepe's son. This is not how Pepe adopted and appointed Neal to be the guardian, but it is a sign and a token, that Neal is his only son that inherited his personal things. Among these things of course, Neal inherited the throne of David, which is specifically symbolized by the lapis lazuli ring (Ez.l :26, footnote: h "Heb lapis lazuli" ; Ez. 10: 1; and Hag. 2:23, RSV). The ring is not the t one, and it is not how Neal was appointed to the ' one, but the ring is an outward symbol and token of that inheritance Pepe gave to Neal his only adopted son. The main veil that Carlotta, John and Dawn have put forth is that all this should be according to the laws of the land. They get this idea, not from Doc, Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha, the Covenant, the Will and Testament, the Bible or from God, but from their own perverted interpretation of this obscure and irrelevant quote written not even by Shoghi Effendi but by one of his secretaries on BEHALF ofhim about divorce: "Dear John: In order not to keep the Assembly waiting for an answer, the beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you this letter in reply to yours of April 15th. The principle is wherever the Baha'i laws at the present time CONFLICT WITH the civil law of the country, the believers living in it must obey the civil law. The Baha'is in England, as regards divorce will consequently have to follow British law, and in conjunction with this, as far as possible, uphold the Baha'i law of divorce as well. The way the details of this are to be worked out is left entirely to the discretion of your National Assembly .... <End> 21 April1955" (Unfolding Destiny, Page: 346) Cleary the adoption and appointment of Neal by Pepe does NOT conflict with the civil law of the country of the United States or any other civil law of any other country anywhere in the entire world for that matter. This "rhetoric" by Carlotta, John and Dawn is ludicrous! How could anyone hold on to it except, a) they are a total fool, and/or b) they wish to be violators of



the Covenant (go to hell) and therefore go along with this tripe for selfish motives which have dragged them down into their present condition. Doc himself has written about the importance of the adoption being upheld by the civil law of the civil courts in his letters to Pep e. Doc wrote that it is NOT important at all! He writes: "You're dead wrong. The criteria for settling all Baha'i issues is the Sacred Will and Testament, NOT any court in Israel [or any civil court or any civil law anywhere else for that matter]. We do not intend to take this to the Israeli Court, but to the Minister of Religious Affairs, to reestablish the newly emerged International Baha'i Council. He may file charges against the Covenant-breaking set-up in Haifa. We have no intention of filing such charges." (Dr. Leland Jensen, 3rd Epistle to Pepe, p. 5) Who are you going to go by Shane, Doc? And what Doc actually wrote on this? Or what these Covenant-breakers have put forth? I go by what Doc wrote, not by what someone said he said. I go by the sacred Will and Testament, and not hearsay, backbiting and lies. Doc said that the civil court and the civil law is irrelevant! We go by the sacred Will and Testament. I don't care if Neal is totally insane or not. All I care about is that he is the guardian, Pepe's ONLY son, that Pepe adopted and appointed to be his son and successor guardian: NOT in conflict with the civil laws of the United States or anywhere else, but in harmony with them! Many people thought Pepe was insane when he did not come forward, or they said that Mason had lost his marbles and was "mentally ill". But that didn't stop Doc from accepting and proclaiming them as they were the true guardians, the son and grandson of'Abdu'l-Baha; and it will never stop me! I have personally read the Aghsan Letters that Pepe wrote to Neal from 1990 to 1994 and I know that Neal is Pepe's son that he adopted and appointed to succeed him in writing during his lifetime. I need to know this, like Doc, so I can go forward and win my station. Neal is NOT my guru, or anything else for that matter, other than the administrative head of the true siBC/UHJ he is the current president of. God is my God, and Baha'u'llah is the supreme Manifestation of His exalted Essence. I am under the provisions of the Covenant. Wake up Shane this could be your last chance, before you too are leagued forever with the list of 31!




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I don't know if you know it or not, Shane, but I was living in Carlotta's house when they were plotting and scheming to violate the Covenant and "get rid of Neal" which they openly and repeatedly confessed to me was their nefarious and underhanded goal, even if this meant destroying his family and making it so that he would never see his two children again ever. I know what it is like to be kept out of the loop as I was not able to read the proofs and see the truth with my own eyes until God got me out of that Covenant-breaking house of hell. And then I needed months to overcome and recover fully from all their poison and hate where I could then bounce back and become so very, very active in the Cause again. Without any doubt Carlotta and John and their cronies on that @'pmmittee, have knowingly not only broke the Covenant, and knowingly and deliberately not only gone against Neal as the guardian, but they have knowingly and deliberately been the sole Cause of the destruction of his family and are to blame for the alienation and damage to his two minor children Dara (7) and Reza (3) now both 9 and 5. The depth or their perversity and immoral ruin of these two children and their relationship with their father is the most heinous and reprehensible wrong doing I have ever seen or heard of in my entire life and has no equal in staining the annals of the history of the Faith in any of the records of any of the Holy Books of the past up until this time. This type of immoral and deliberate crime against Neal and his children deliberately perpetrated by John, Carlotta and the rest of the Covenant-breakers will weigh on them for all entirety and should be enough for any pure hearted person to see that these people are in the wrong and to be shunned and avoided entirely as stated on page 20 of the sacred Will. Thus they deliberately lie to the people who are foolish enough to follow them. They do not "openly declare their evil purposes" (W&T, p. 12) but hide the truth and keep people from the writings and the FACTS." FACTS YOU MAY NOT KNOW! FACT: Jim Flurry was sent to Italy by Doc as an "angel" sent by Doc with a mission. When Jim was there Pepe told him that he would NOT use the civil courts to continue the guardianship in any way, as this is NOT required in the Will. This is the same fact the legal Executor ofPepe's estate also stated. 5

Why don't you speak with Jim on this? Or are you afraid that if you do you will realize that you have been fooled either by your own self or by others? Thus, NO CIVIL COURTS! FACT: Doc wrote: "It leaves the manner and style up to the guardian. Shoghi Effendi appointed his successor in a cablegram, but the "Hands" deemed that the appointment had to be in a Will. To add or subtract from the Will interpolates it; then it is no longer the document sent down by God." (The Most Mighty Document (TMMD), p. 25) Thus, NO CIVIL COURTS! FACT: Doc wrote: AN ADOPTED SON HAS ALL THE RIGHTS AND PEROGATIVES OF A NATURAL SON "The Christians accept the authority of the Messiahship of Jesus; he qualifies by the genealogy of Jesus back to David through Joseph. But because of the virgin birth they state that Jesus was the adopted son of Joseph with all the rights of a natural son, although there is no recording of a legal adoption in the scriptures nor in the archives [CIVIL COURTS). They claim that by Joseph taking Jesus as his son that this is all that is required to prove adoption; and that an adopted son has all the rights and privileges of a natural son, even the Kingship or Messiahship. Thus the Bible gives the genealogy of Jesus back to David through Joseph to prove his eligibility to be the Promised Messiah, for the Messiah must be a descendant of David through the male line of descent. All the kings of Israel descended from David through a male descendant (no queen ever sat upon the throne)." (TMMD, p. ii). Thus, NO CIVIL COURTS! 6

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FACT: Don't you know that making a mistake is not the 'end of the world'? All people make mistakes, and God forgives them. Doc wrote that had even Judas returned and asked Jesus for forgiveness, undoubtedly Jesus would have forgiven him. For how else was the prophecy of Jesus' crucifixion to be fulfilled? So Carlotta and John broke the Covenant and hijacked what some people thought was the siBC when it was really just a committee they used to hijack the faith. So? The prophecy of Zech. 3:9 that God will bring forth the BRANCH, guardian, has been fulfilled. No one is keeping them out but themselves. Maybe they are too proud to come forward. Or maybe because they have already been declared violators it is too hard for them to come forward and admit their wrongs for their egos will not let them. But you do not have this label yet, Shane and as you are not on that list of 31, I am writing you this letter, so that if you reject this you will have no one to blame but yourself for all eternity; and if you accept this you will have no one to thank but God, for it is no skin off my nose what you do, but I do not want to be to blame for what happens to you when you deny the truth. By writing this letter, I am absolved of all responsibilities to what you do to yourself from here on out. FACT: NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS





When I first declared and became part of the Anchorage Group, I remember how irritated you would become because Peace would state something that Doc had said and you were very adamant about "seeing it in writing" You 7

would always say, "Where is that written? I'm not going to go on what you say Doc said, I want to see it!" You should still exercise that belief1 Shane, don't be like those asleep and just take for granted what you are hearing from Carlotta and the committee is the truth. I always thought of you as a smart guy. I thought you would have investigated this by now. I know you haven't because if you had you would be on the boat by now. It's all you need. The siBC phone number is the same: 406-721-573 7 looking forward to your call! Your friend, Kim p.s.

"You're dead wrong. The criteria for settling all Baha'i issues is the Sacred Will and Testament, NOT any court in Israel [or any civil court or any civil law anywhere else for that matter]. We do not intend to take this to the Israeli Court, but to the Minister of Religious Affairs, to reestablish the newly emerged International Baha'i Council. He may file charges against the Covenantbreaking set-up in Haifa. We have no intention of filing such charges." (Dr. Leland Jensen, 3rd Epistle to Pepe 10/712/7, 1991, p. 5) NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS' NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS! NO CIVIL COURTS 8

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"You're dead wrong. The criteria for settling all Baha'i issues is the Sacred Will and Testament, NOT any court in Israel [or any civil court or any civil law anywhere else for that matter]. We do not intend to take this to the Israeli


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Court, but to the Minister of Religious Affairs, to reestablish the newly emerged International Baha'i Council. He may file charges against the Covenantbreaking set-up in Haifa. We have no intention of filing such charges." (Dr. Leland Jensen, 3rd Epistle to Pepe 10/712/7, 1991, p. 5)






Dr. Leland Jensen

WHEN 'Abdu'l-Baha adopted Mason Remey to succeed him to the throne of David as his son, this was legal and binding. According to the laws of the Ottoman Empire of the Middle East that ruled over Palestine before it became the state of Israel, a legal adoption occurred when a man called another his son. Then the British Mandate of the West which succeeded the Ottoman Empire retained the adoption laws of the Ottoman Empire as legal and binding under their rule. Then, for the Israeli government, the law for adoption remained the same. If a man calls another his son and leaves him a token to show inheritance (whether it be a stick or a stone or something), then the adoption is legal and binding. When 'Abdu'l-Baha proclaimed that Mason was his son (privately, publicly and in letters published in Star of the West Magazine), these were not "vague terms of affection but expressed the precise legal relationship which had been created between them." Here is cited the law of adoption in the Middle East (from Ottoman times to the present) upheld by the British Mandate of the West and the Israeli Supreme Court on June 22, 1960, long after 'Abdu'l-Baha adopted Mason to be his son and heir. "This idea of equating adopted children with natural children in matters of succession is well expressed in a responsum of Rabbi Jacob Emden which the learned Judge cited in another decision, In re: Succession of the late Yoseph Blum deceased (4) (at pp. 161), as follows: "If he rears the child for the glory of God the child is certainly to be regarded as his child and not only in lineage, but even where the child had parents and is being brought up by the stranger as a meritorious act, if the latter has no children ['Abdu'lBaha had no living natural sons] and is bringing up the child to be his son and to succeed him and they address each other as father and son" (response ofYavetz, Part I, section 168). So also with the deceased in the present case: He reared the child as his daughter to succeed him, and she called him "father" and he called her






"daughter." These were not vague terms of affection but expressed the precise legal relationship which had been created between them - at any rate with respect to the matter of succession." (Selected Judgments from the Israeli Supreme Court, Vol. III, pp. 426-7.) This was usually confirmed by some token such as a stick or a stone, or something, to make it definite that it was meant that it was a legal adoption. This is called institutive evidence. "Institutive evidence is that which is created or adopted as a memorial of a fact and for the purpose of being evidence of the fact. The stone set up for a boundary; the giving of a clod of earth or a twig in livery of seizing as evidence or the transfer of the title [etc] .... " (Sagebeer, The Bible in Court, p. 104.) "The Master gave Mr. Remey what no one else ever received relics of the Blood and Hair of Baha'u'llah; in the East this act symbolizes Mr. Remey's adoption as a Son by 'Abdu'l-Baha and his becoming a member of the Holy Family." (Questions and Answers about Charles Mason Remey and the Baha'i Faith, by F .C. Spataro.)


Shoghi Effendi recognized 'Abdu'l-Baha's adoption of Mason as true and legal. Immediately after the death of 'Abdu'l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi called Mason to the Holy land in February and March of 1922 giving to him a "package of 'Abdu'l-Baha's most sacred possession," which was left to Shoghi Effendi, as the executor of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Will to deliver to Mason Remey as his inheritance: "locks of Baha'u'llah's hair" (which represents the headship of the International Baha'i Council/Universal House of Justice) and "drops of his coagulated blood" (which represents the bloodline of David and Baha'u'llah). On the outside of the package Shoghi Effendi addressed it to 'Abdu'l-Baha's "dear son" whom he later appointed to the headship of the IBCIUHJ. The hair and blood are the tokens of inheritance. 'Abdu'l-Baha's most prized possession shows the evidence of the legal


adoption passed on from father to son- 'Abdu'l-Baha to Mason. This type of evidence of a token is called "institutive evidence." Thus Shoghi Effendi brought Mason Remey to Haifa and instituted him into the Holy family. He sat him at the dinner table of the Holy Family, next to himself, in the seat of honor. Mason entered the shrines directly behind Shoghi and then the other people followed. At functions· of State such as the funeral of Ben Gurion, when Shoghi Effendi led the procession-Mason walked directly behind him. Then when Shoghi set up the IBCIUHJ, he appointed Mason, 'Abdu'l-Baha's son, to be its head-the president-for only 'Abdu'l-Baha's son, a m~le descendant of King David, could sit upon the throne of David, which Baha'u'llah moved from Nur to Mt. Carmel. Baha'u'llah's father sat upon the throne of David and Baha'u'llah "the Great Prince"* inherited that throne. (Dr. Leland Jensen, The Seventh Angel Sounded, April 4, 1994, pp. 4-6, cf. The Most Mighty Document, pp. iv-ivb)

*"At that time shall arise Michael [one like God], the great prince [Davidic] who has charge of your people" (Dan. 12:1).


Oct 1, 2002 - Mar 12, 2003


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DearT: It has been some time since we have met face to face. Your friendship has always meant a great deal to me, and I look forward to the day when the two of us can see one another in person and catch up on all the things we have been experiencing in our lives since Alaska. I am writing you this letter to share with you some of the most amazing news that I have had the privilege of learning since I first found out about the Baha'i Faith through the firesides in the fall of 1998. When I first met you, T, I was immediately attracted to your spirit and love for God and His Cause. Of all the Baha'is that lived in Missoula when I first carne there, I felt that few had the fire and zeal that you had about the faith. This feeling I had about you only became more galvanized as time went on, seeing how you navigated your way through difficult test after difficult test and still had your sights set on God. This lasted right up until we parted in Alaska, you going to Hawaii, me returning to Minnesota. Even in the last weeks of being together in person in Alaska you continually surprised me with your insights on events within our Baha'i community and with your intuition on our personal evolution. As a teacher of the Baha'i Faith you also surpassed many of our peers. Your innate ability to excite people about investigating reality, as well as your influential persona attracted many people toward the Baha'i Faith. I always felt positive about our teaching efforts as we went out to different places and struck up conversations with strangers and let them know that if they want to know where to find the solution, they should just talk to us or come over for firesides.


It is all of these things, along with your pure hearted request, that cause me to write to you concerning the Gospel (Good News) ofthe Kingdom of God. When it comes to the Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith, you and I both know how it is an essential necessity to the true Baha'i Faith. The guardianship is that rod of wood that MUST be joined to the rod of iron to form that rod of purest gold - the true Universal House of Justice with both the legislative body and the executive head that is freed from all error.

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The legislative body must reinforce the executive, the executive must aid and assist the legislative body so that through the close union and harmony of these two forces, the foundation of fairness and justice may become firm and strong, that all the regions of the world may become even as Paradise itself t The two of us came into the Baha'i faith during a time when the identity of the living Guardian was concealed. Joseph Pepe Remey, who styled himself as a "do-nothing" Guardian and never chaired a meeting of the siBC, had passed on in 1994. In the firesides we were taught that number one, first and foremost, that the Guardianship would never end, as it is the lineage and throne-line of David that is to last for ever. This we know by the promise made to ·ng David in Psalms 89:

I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant, Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him. His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me. It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. 2 And again in Jeremiah:

David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne. 3 It is easy to see for anyone that believes in the Covenant ofBaha'u'llah as delineated in Abdu'l-Baha's sacred Will and Testament, and the promises in the Bible that the Guardianship will never end. So at that time the big question was, "I believe that the Guardianship will never end, but why isn't there a Guardian around now? Where is the current Guardian?" It was explained that the believers were to undergo a series of tests. When Dr. Jensen went to meet with Mason in Washington D.C., after the Hands 1

'Abdu'l-Baha Will and Testament, pg 15 Psalms 89:3,4,28,29,34,3 5 3 Jeremiah 33:17

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violated the Covenant, Mason told Doc and the other believers present at the time that they had passed the first test, which was that the Guardianship would never come to an end. The next test, Mason said, was that the believers wouldn't know who the next Guardian was for a while. Mason then proceeded to appoint several people to the position including Donald Harvey and Joel Marengela. But none of these he adopted.

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When Mason passed on in 1974, everybody failed this test except two people. These two people were the last Baha'is left on the planet who were still firm in the Covenant. The 10,000 Babi martyrs, the 20,000 Baha'is who willingly gave up there lives, Baha'u'llah's successive banishments and incarceration, Abdu'l-Baha's forty years in prison for the promulgation of God's Cause, Shoghi Effendi taking the faith to every nation on the planet, all this and only two people left on the planet who still believed and were firm in the Covenant. These two believers were Dr. Jensen and his wife Opal. These were the only two who went by the two-part criteria found on page 12 of the Will and Testament and identified the true Guardian, the only one both adopted and appointed, Joseph Pepe Remey, Aghsan. (See the Most Mighty Document for more·on this.) Just recently I happened to watch a video of Doc explaining the book of revelations when he started talking about this time period in the faith. He explains, that after he realized that Pepe was in fact the Guardian, as he was the only one Mason adopted and appointed fulfilling the criteria of the WiU and Testament, he immediately got in contact with him. Pepe, didn't readily admit to the fact of being the Guardian, even going so far as to "[tell] confused souls to tum to Donald Harvey, even though [he] didn't consider him to be the successor to Baha'u'llah [in the Davidic kingship]." 4 Then Dqc says in the video, in reference to Pepe not outwardly claiming the Guardianship, "That didn't deter me!" · In other words, Doc knew Pepe was the Guardian because he saw and understood that Pepe fulfilled the two-part criteria, so it really didn't matter what Pepe said about it. It didn't deter Doc from teaching other people that Pepe was the one seated on the throne at that time. Dr. Jensen was only intent on winning his station and receiving his rays of the Holy Spirit, and in order for him to do this, he needed to know who the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith was.

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Letter from Pepe to Doc dated Jan. 18, 1994 3

The next test, according to Mason's plan, was that the identity of the third Guardian of the Baha'i Faith (counting from Mason as the first) would be concealed until after a "catastrophe", which Mason reckoned was to happen at the end of the 6000 years cycle of Adam. Although Mason didn't say what that catastrophe was, Doc explained it would happen before New York City was nuked, and so with the 9-11 in the year 200 1 - 6000 years from 4000 BC when Adam founded civilization -this has now already been fulfilled. So this was the teaching at the time you and I came into the faith. That the Guardian was alive and well somewhere in the world and that at the appointed hour his identity would be made known, most likely after a "catastrophe". For some people this was a bigger concern than others. I remember you and I personally talking that it didn't really matter who the Guardian was or when he came forward as long as he fulfilled the two-part criteria of being a son and being appointed. In this letter I am going to show that Neal Chase fulfills the two-part criteria to be the third Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. Neal is the son of the previous Guardian, Joseph Pepe Remey Aghsan and was appointed by him as well. Neal continues the lineage of David and functions in the administrative post of the presidency of the second International Baha'i Council. It will be demonstrated that Pepe selected Neal just as Abdu'l-Baha selected Mason by sending him Aghsan letters of adoption and appointment, thereby making him the successor to the \throne of David. No other person in the world can demonstrate the fulfillment of this, as Pepe picked no one else. In this letter I am also going to show that Neal also fulfills the Golden Criteria; coming in the@reater c venant as a promised one of God. Neal is prophesied in the Bibleb y name, date, address and mission. Neal's fulfillment of the Golden Criteria does not make him the Guardian, but is given to demonstrate that God accepts Pepe's adoption and appointment of Neal as fulfilling the two-part criteria. In fact, there are so many proofs and evidences, not only in the Bible but from other sources as well, that it bewilders the mind. Dr. Jensen also left us many clues. There is definitely not the time or space to consider each and every tidbit of information pertaining to this, my hope is that in this brief letter you will be shown enough that you may want to know more and come to the Colorado to investigate further. Several believers have written



r different articles and papers demonstrating the truth of this as they see it and this will be just one person's perspective.


As the catastrophe is upon us now, there is no room for doubt of any kind concerning the identity of the~ ardianship in order for the people to have their safety, security and salvation in God's Plan, and for them to survive. The first thing I am first going to focus on is how God has given us an amazing timeline to show us how important it is that we investigate this NOW and not take a wait and see attitude. The coming forward of the Guardianship at this promised time-period is intricately involved with the current world crisis. The Bible gives us not only the dates of many crucial events in the coming forth of the Guardianship, but describes the whole scenario in detail.



When I left Alaska, it looked like the Kingdom being proclaimed to the whole world was so far away, that I enrolled in college thinking that I might have time to actually finish a degree while living in a city of 100,000 or more. Six weeks into college, that mind-set was rapidly altered by the catastrophe in New York on 9-11, filling my brain with all the prophecies that corresponded to that incredible event that I had long known about, but had somehow let slip from my consciousness. I want to share with you the events that happened from that time :until the present within the context of prophecy and prophecy fulfillment as the collapse of the Trade Towers is directly tied to the coming forward of the Guardianship. Today is a great day as it is the promised Day that God brings forth His servant, the BRANCH. 5 In order for us to understand prophecy and see what God is showing us we have to look deeper and really meditate on what it all means. Peter says concerning prophecy, "no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's interpretation, because no prophecy ever came from the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." 6 So really it was God who caused these things to be spoken. It is also God who has caused this whole creation to come to be, and who controls its well-ordered design. Nothing escapes His grasp; nothing is not seen or known by Him. In fact, when it is really broken down, it becomes clear that God is the author and fashioner of all reality. And as God is perfect, His work must also be perfect. But we can 5 6

Zech 3:8 2 Peter 1:20-21


only see this perfection and the truth of God when the third eye of our intellect is open. And even if we do see it, that does not mean we will accept it. A person needs two things to accept the truth - an intellect that they may understand it, and a pure heart that they may accept it even as Jesus has said, "blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." If we know the truth and accept it, will we then "see" God? According to the gospel of John, God is invisible. We will never see God with our physical eye. But we can see the perfection of God. This perfection can be seen in God's plan. In Baha'u'llah's Book of the Covenant, the Kitab-i-Ahd, he wrote, "a mighty and supreme potency is hidden and concealed in the world of being. Focus your gaze upon it and upon the direction of its unity, not upon the differences which are apparent therein." What He is saying, is that the truth and reality of God and His plan is hidden and concealed. To find this "supreme potency" we must focus our gaze on the unity and not the apparent differences, as they are only differences in appearance. The reality is that the differences aren't really differences at all, but living in the world of opposites only makes it seems so. But when we look beyond the differences, we begin to see the unity of all things, and that there is one operating reality behind the scenes. In doing this we will become able to see the perfection of God and recognize the reality of our times as the fulfillment of the promises of God. In the firesides we learn how Dr. Jensen was a promised one of God, promised and prophesied to come in the (8reater ~venant, fulfilling the golden criteria of his prophesied name, his prophesied address, his prophesied date, and his prophesied mission. Doc was a promised one, but he wasn't a Manifestation. His name- "the Land", his address- "this stone with seven eyes", his address- "with Satan at his right hand to oppose him" and his mission - "to bring forth the BRANCH" and "to have charge of the courts", are all given in the book of Zechariah chapter 3, with the date for his coming more specifically found in the book of Daniel, as "blessed is he ... who comes to the 1335 days" which-Abdu'l-Baha explains in the book Baha 'u 'llah and the New Era is the lOOth anniversary of the proclamation of Baha'u'llah or April 21, 1963. Dr. Jensen is also called Joshua in Zechariah chapter three. There are two different Joshuas spoken of in the Old Testament by the prophets. Sometimes it speaks of a Joshua who is an historical figure called Joshua, son ofJehozadak, the high priest. This historical Joshua was alive 6


during the construction of the second Temple, circa 520 BC. This Joshua is recorded in the historical books of the Bible like the book of Ezra. In other places ofthe Old Testament, the Joshua being spoken of is clearly someone who is prophesied to come in the future. For instance, in the book of Zechariah, chapter 3, Zechariah is not writing of the historical Joshua, but is giving a prophecy of one who will arise in the future. It is known that none of the events described in that chapter took place during the time of the historical Joshua, circa 520 BC and all@ible scholars unanimously agree that this chapter is a prophecy. What you and I know, is that Dr. Leland Jensen fulfilled these prophecies during his lifetime in the 20th Century. But there is an overlap, in that the historical Joshua had a role very similar to the role of the prophesied Joshua. In many passages of the Old Testament that Joshua is mentioned, it also mentions a person named Zerubbabel. Historically, Zerubbabel, along with Joshua, oversaw the construction of the second Temple. The first Temple, built by king Solomon, was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians in 589 BC. In 536 BC, after Cyrus became ruler of Persia and conquered the Babylonians, he allowed certain Jews, led by Zerubbabel and Joshua, to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. The temple construction began 16 years later in 520 BC. The historical Joshua was the high priest and Zerubbabel, a descendent of king David, was the governor of Jerusalem (meaning he was operating as the executive). Part of Dr. Jensen's mission was to reinstate what the@pvenant-breakers threw out. In Zechariah 3 it says Joshua "will have charge of my courts." This means that his mission included the re-establishment of the International Baha'i Council with Shoghi Effendi's constitution that it is to go through four stages eventually efflorescing into the Universal House of Justice ofBaha'u'llah. This will happen when the whole world accepts Baha'u'llaij and democratically elects its membership from all the peoples of the world. Just as Joshua, along with his partner Zerubbabel, in the days of old oversaw the construction of the second temple, so the prophesied Joshua, with the promised Zerubbabel, oversaw the re-construction of the International Baha'i Council, the second temple of our day, which was established on January 9th 1991 as the second International Baha'i Council, and held its first meeting (took its first breath) on March 2, 1991, on Sunday evenmg.


It says in the book of Haggai, "Go up to the hills and bring wood and build the house, that I make take pleasure in it and that I may appear in my glory, says the Lord." (Haggai 2:9) This house to be built is the temple of God. It says about this house that, "The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former, says the Lord of Hosts." (Haggai 1:8) These verses were written during the time of the construction of the second temple. It is known that Solomon's temple (the .first temple) far surpassed the second temple in its beauty and grandeur. During the second temple's construction, Haggai says to some in the congregation who were alive at the time of Solomon's Temple: "Who is left among you that saw this house in its former glory? And how do you see it now? Is it not in your eyes as nothing?" (Haggai 2:3) So the latter glory surpassing the former glory could not be referring to the physical construction of the second temple in 520 BC, but to the prophesied future temple. This future temple is where, "[The Lord] may appear in [his] glory [Baha]". This is the Temple in which Baha'u'llah is to appear; that prophesied future "House of the Lord" that all nations shall flow to and beat the swords and plowshares· and their spears into pruning hooks and nation shall not lift up sword against nation nor shall they learn war any more, even as the prophet Isaiah has foretold (se Is. Chapter 2 for more). The temple originated with Moses. When Moses was alive he was the temple, as he was the presence of God on earth in Manifestation. But he knew that his body would not last forever so he had the Jews construct a temple made of animal skins to which the presence of God would be transferred upon Moses' passing. This physical temple had two rooms, one of sacrifice and an innermost room being called the holy of holies. Within the holy of holies was placed the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the two tablets of the law. Moses then appointed his brother Aaron to be the high priest and after him would succeed one of his descendents. When these three things were in place; the holy of holies, the Ark of the Covenant and the high priest, the presence of God was said to dwell within the temple. This was known as the Shekina. Only the high priest was allowed into the holy of holies in this temple, whereas the Davidic kings who came soon after were not allowed inside but were there to protect the temple and the high priest. Later when Solomon broke the Covenant, he invoked the curse prophesied by Moses. This resulted in the eventual destruction of the temple and the presence of God being withdrawn. When Jesus came he placed his@ovenant in the temple in heaven. In essence, he came to herald the coming of the God's@i.ngdom on earth and to 8




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prophesize the corriing of Baha 'u' llah who would come to re-establish the temple spoken of in the Old Testament prophecies. Paul tells us the temple ofMoses was a copy of the true one in heaven, "heaven" in this case being the "heaven of prophecy". Jesus, it says, entered into this as a forerunner on our behalf as a high priest after the order of Melchizedec (see Hebrews chapter 5, 6 and 7 for more). This temple not made by hands that Jesus spoke of is the coming of the promised ones of the Bah and Baha'u'llah. These are the two Manifestations of God for our day. The Bah is the altar of sacrifice as he and 10,000 of his followers sacrificed their lives for the coming ofthe®ingdom. Baha'u'llah is the Holy of Holies as He is the promised King-Messiah, a direct descendent of ing David seated upon the t one of David ofthe~rone-line of®ings. The Covenant ofBaha'u'llah is the Ark of the Covenant, which is written in the two tablets of the Kitab-i-Ahd and the Will and Testament of Abdu'lBaha. These two tablets are the scroll sealed with seven seals (Rev. 5:1) and are the charter for the world order ofBaha'u'llah (World Order of Baha 'u 'llah, p. 144). Baha'u'llah's Covenant is to continue the presence of God on earth after his passing through two individual successors with conferred infallibility followed by the establishment of the Universal House of Justice which also has conferred infallibility- when established under the necessary conditions - having both a body and a head. 7 In His Will and Testament, Abdu'l-Baha delineates his father's Universal House of Justice, making the Davidic kingship, the permanent hereditary executive branch and irremovable member for life of the Universal House of Justice ofBaha'u'llah. Shoghi Effendi next began to put the plan of Baha'u'llah in motion when he established the first International Baha'i Council with Abdu'l':>Baha's adopted son Charles Mason Remey Aghsan as the president and first ahgsan Guardian of the Baha'i Faith in the direct male line oftheffirrone of King David he had inherited from his father Abdu'lBaha. This plan was derailed when Shoghi Effendi was murdered in London in 1957 and .the rogue group of"Hands" attempted to usurp the reigns of the 7

"The Universal House of Justice, if it be established under the necessary conditions with members elected from all the people - that House of Justice will be under the protection and the unerring guidance of God". - Abdu'l-Baha Some Answered Questions, pg. 172.


r'Thith, doing away with the first IBC and creating a headless monster on 1\1ount Ca1mel in violation of the Covenant ofBaha'u'llah. Five million Baha'is were duped by them and followed them in their violation. Abdu'l-Baha foreshadowed the scenario in Some Answered Questions in the chapter of his commentary on the Book or Revelation chapter 11. He explains that the Law of God, or in other words, Baha'u'llah's Revelation, is the holy of holies and the Ark ofthe Covenant is Baha'u'llah's I sser fbvenant of successorship. He explains that when the mysteries contained within this Ark are understood and diffused the ~venant-breakers will be degraded and dispersed. At the time of violation in 1957 the mysteries ofthe @venant were not understood which is why so many were duped. 8 During his ministry, Baha'u'llah wrote a tablet called the Surih of the Temple. The word "temple" in Persian, Arabic, and Hebrew is the word "Hykl" or "Haykal" which literally means "body" but is understood to mean "temple", like the expression "my body is my temple". These two terms are interchangeable. This tablet was joined with tablets written to the Queen of England, the King of France, the Czar of Russia, the Shah of Persia, and the Pope. These five tablets were arranged into the shape of a five-pointed star with the Surih of the Temple at the center. The five pointed star is the shape of the human body. The letter to the Pope was arranged at the beau and the surih of the Temple in the center, which is the heart, with the other tablets arranged as the two arms and two legs of the star. If you'll notice, the four countries Baha'u'llah wrote to are the four Beast nations - Persia being substituted for the United States as that was where the(9rrone of David was at that time, as it now resides in the U.S. This is a vision of the Supreme Tribunal, the third stage in the evolution of the UHJ and the first elected stage. The Pope is seated on the throne of Satan (Nimrod), which comes down to us from historical Babylon, and the four Beast Nations of the U.N., prophesied to be transformed into "the four living 8

Shoghi Effendi says ofthe Covenant ofBaha'u'llah as delineated in Abdu'l-Baha's Will and Testament that, "We stand indeed too close to so monumental a document to claim for ourselves a complete understanding of all its implications, or to presume to have grasped the manifold mysteries it undoubtedly contains. Only future generations can comprehend the value and the significance attached to this Divine Masterpiece, which the hand of the Master-builder of the world has designed for the unification and the triumph of the world-Wide Faith ofBaha'u'llah." Shoghi Effendi, World Order of Baha'u'llah, pg. 8 10

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creatures" are the framework for ·the Supreme Tribunal, but it is a body without spirit which is why it is a beast. This temple of the beast (UN) is to be thrown alive into the lake of thermonuclear fire of its own making, rising out the ashes like the Phoenix bird in the Holiest name of ABHA, with the (Throne of David at its head surrounded by four living creatures who will elect the supreme tribunal and bring peace to the earth. This process, Baha'u'llah said, would begin in the year "Mustaghath", which in abjad reckoning is numerically equal to 200 1. As no one in the west understands who Baha'u'llah is because the sans-guardian Haifa Baha'i group has everyone thinking he is just some inspired Persian poet, Baha'u'llah spoke of this time period in which His true identity would be revealed as the second coming of Christ in the Potency of the "Everlasting Father" who brings the promised ingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. This process would start with the prophesied "mystery of the Great Reversal of the Sign of the Sovereign". 9 This reversal is the death of the Beast and t e casting down of the throne of Satan (the Papacy) 10, and the raising up ofthe:llrrone of David to be the "sign" by which we recognize the true House of Justice, the House of the Lord promised by God in the scriptures which is the true Universal House of Justice ofBaha'u'llah. The first IBC, which was thrown out by the violators, had to be rebuilt. This necessitated the coming of a high priest, one who could enter into the holy of holies ofBaha'u'llah's revelation and look into the two tablets of the Ark of the Covenant, Baha'u'llah's Kitab-i-Ahd and the Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Baha. Doc, being the prophesied return of Jesus the high priest after the order ofMelchizedec, had to re-establish what the@>Venant-breakers threw out. The connection here is to demonstrate the temple ofBaha'u'llah is His Covenant that takes physical form as the Universal House of Justice as confirmed by His writings. Doc further explains that the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies represents the true Universal House of Justice ofBaha'u'llah, the one with the descendant of David as its fresident and irremovable member for life. In the Ark of the Covenant (IBC/UHJ) were placed the two tablets (Kitab-i-Ahd and Will and Testament of Abdu'lBaha) as well as the branch of wood- Aaron's rod that budded- which represents the rod of wood of the Davidic kingship that is to last for ever. The purpose of the descendants of King David being thecP esident and 9

See Kitab-i-Aqdas ,f157 We can see the beginnings ofthis now with the sexual scandals that have tom through the catholic church in the last year. 10




immoveable members of the true IBCIUHJ ofBaha'u'llah is so that we can recognize the true IBCIUID from fakes frauds and imitations. The golden jar of manna is the explanations and commentaries of Jesus the High Priest, who has established Baha'u'llah's true IBCIUHJ with the Davidic Kingship at its head, for Jesus stated that he was "the manna that came from heaven", that is his words or gospel of the Kingdom (Davidic ). This temple, therefore, was rebuilt built by Doc, the promised Joshua/Jesus (same name different language) and as prophesied in Zechariah chapter 4 the prophesied Zerubabbel. Just as the Babylonians destroyed the "first" temple, which necessitated the building of a "second" temple overseen by Joshua and Zerubbabel, so it is when the rChvenant-breaking Hands who destroyed the "first" International Baha'i Council necessitated the coming of the prophesied Joshua and Zerubbabel to build the "second" International Baha'i Council. This second IBC, established completely under the@:"ovisions of Baha'u'llah's Covenant, is to go through four stages as outlined in Shoghi Effendi's constitution eventually efflorescing in to the Universal House of Justice. The temple ofBaha'u'llah is built; its cornerstone is the guardian seated upon the <throne of David. Let us look now at how scripture points to the time period of when this cornerstone or foundation stone of the ifhrone of David is brought forth and set into place. In the book of Daniel, chapter 4, Daniel records the dream of~ng Nebuchadnezzar within which is given a prophecy: that there will be a period of "seven times" that a stump (or in other words the ancient root stock of the throne of Davidi 1 will be passed over " ... until the Most High rules the ~ngdom ofmen, and gives it to whomsoever he will" 12 (Dan. 4, verses 15,17,23,25). This is the prophesied time period that the ttlnrone ofDavid will be hidden in obscurity, being the subjects of other~ngdoms. A time is 360, known to scholars as the "prophetic year". Seven times then is 360 multiplied by 7. This equals 2520. (7 x 360 = 2520). As one day of prophecy is equal to one year (Ezek. 4:6, Num 14:34) 2520 days is 2520 years. This is a date prophecy that refers to the time when God' s Cidngdom 11

Baha'u'llah referred to himself as the "Ancient Root". Some versions read" ... and gives it to whom it belongs" connecting it to the Shiloh prophecy of Gen 49:10 RSV which reads, "The scepter shall not depart from Judah until it comes to whom it belongs, and to him shall the gathering of the people be." This signifies its connection to the throne of David and the promised Zerubbabel. 12


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will be proclaimed and established - "the Most High rules the@ingdom of men" - and more specifically to the time of the fulfillment of God's promise that he would bring forth His servant the BRANCH (Zech 3:8, translated from the Hebrew tsemach- the grafted branch, grafted into the ancient root stock) in which the foundation stone to the kingdom of God will be laid. For the root stock of the tree of life, that is the stump, represents the foundation of the temple or the foundation upon which the house of God or Temple of the Lord is to be built. They are one and the same. Of this house Jesus stated we must build it upon the rock, that rock being the rock of ages, which Paul states is the Christ, (1 Cor. 10:4) the anointed descendant ofKing David. The house built upon sand, the false ideas of man shall fall. Here God gives 2520 years from the foundation of the second temple in 520 BC until the year 2001 AD, when ten days after the 9-11 God fulfilled his promise "Behold I shall bring forth my servant the BRANCH" (Zech. 3:8 KN, and the identify of the living Davidic King, our guardian, is now known. Thus we recognize the true Universal ~ouse of Justice ofBaha'u'llah, which is the temple of the Lord.


This prophesy of 2520 years is well known by bible scholars, and more specifically, many regard it as pointing to the year of2001 (Baha'u'llah's Mustaghath). For instance, William F. Dankenbring, Pastor and Director of Triumph Prophetic Ministries, writes in a letter on the subject: "This year, 2001, is precisely 2520 years after the foundation was laid to the second Temple in 520 BC. .. .It is 7 x 360, and represents the fulfillment of'seven times"'. 13 Christian author, Dr. Stephen Jones, in an article called September 2001- A Short History ofTribulation writes; "The prophetic time of the final 'building' of the New Temple insofar as Haggai's prophecies are concerned, really began in the year 2001 AD ... Ifwe add 2520 years to [520 BC] we come to 2001 AD." 14 So specifically what happened in 520 BC that was so important and how does it relate to our time now and the coming forth of the BRANCH (the Guardianship) and the establishment of Gods Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven?


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In 536 BC, Cyrus the Great, ruler of Persia who conquered the Babylonians, gave a decree that some of the Jews who were in captivity in Babylon were 13 14 open letter new.htm http://www.godskingdomministries~rg/FFV200l /september200 l.htm 13

allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. (Ezra, Chap. 1) These Jews (meaning, of the tribe of Judah) returned under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Joshua, but after constructing a crude altar to perform the ritual sacrifices, were prevented from fulfilling the task of building the Temple by angry neighbors who did not want to see the Temple built (Ezra chap. 4). The construction of the second Temple was then delayed 16 years until the reign of the Persian king Darius. Shortly after this, in Jerusalem, the prophets Haggai and Zechariah began to prophesy to the people of the new Temple. Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel, even unto them. Then rose up Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jozadak, and began to build the house of God which is at Jerusalem: and with them were the prophets of God helping them. 15 Haggai, in the first chapter of his book records when this was:

In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month, came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, saying, ... Go up to the hills and bring wood to build the house." 16 The second year of Darius is 520 BC. The Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy recorded in his book that lunar eclipses occurred in the 20 1h and 31st years of Darius reign. 17 Modem scientists have discovered that these eclipses Ptolemy writes of, took place on November 19, 502 BC, and April25, 491 BC, respectively. These eclipses provide scientists and historians with what they term ABSOLUTE DATES. That means that Darius' reign began in 522 BC, demonstrating beyond any shadow of doubt that tbe second year of his reign is 520 BC.


Ezra 5:1-2 Haggai 1:1,8 17 The Almagest, Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus),




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Haggai is unique among books of the Old Testament, in that very specific dates are given throughout his brief book signifying the different important events. There are four specific dates total, but there is one in particular that stands out as more significant than the others. In the Douay-Rhiems version of the Bible it especially reads: "In the four and twentieth day of the month, in the-sixth month, in the second year of Darius the King, they began." (Hag 2:1) The four and twentieth day of the sixth month of the second year of Darius the King is the exact day, September 21, 520 BC, the Autumnal Equinox of that year. Something very important occurred on this particular date. This is the date the foundation stone - "cornerstone" - of the temple was laid: The date, the twenty fourth day of the sixth month-three weeks after Haggai's first appeal- [according to the explicit text of Haggai] refers not to the day on which work was begun on the temple (so KJV and RSV), but to the day on which the foundation stone was laid; and 2: 15-19 should probably follow immediately after it. 18 "Consider from this day onward... Since the day [Sept. 21, 520 BC] that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, consider: ... from this day on I will bless you." (Hag 2: 18) Both 1 Esdras and Josephus place the event during the reign of Darius I. Work on the temple began on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month of the second year of Darius (Sept. 21, 520 B.C.) according to Hag. 1: 15 ... The Chroniclers sentence might well be completed, as in 1 Esdras 5:57 by supplying "And they laid the foundation of the Temple of God~" 19 The twenty-fourth day of the sixth month of the Jewish lunar calendar in the second year of Darius the king, corresponds to September 21st 520 BC. On this date Joshua and Zerubbabellaid the cornerstone of the second Temple. This is a most significant historical event proven through historical evidence known to most b"ble scholars, showing that it is scientifically and historically accurate. Several years later the second temple was completed. 18 19

The Interpreters Bible; Vol. 6; Abingdon Press 1954 pg. 1043 The Interpreters Bible; Vol. 3; Abingdon Press 1954 pg. 592 15

This is the date in Haggai that we count the prophesied 2520 years from, which brings us to September 21st 2001 (there is no zero year, so add one). Therefore, September 21st 2001 is the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy, signifying that the promised future temple is being completed NOW! When one wants to build a house or any structure, many things are done in preparation of the time that the actual building begins. The materials must be compiled, the different skilled laborers need to be gathered, like the electrician and the plumber, a framer is needed and many others, and a plan must be drawn up. Once it is decided that a building is going to be built, the first stone that is laid is the cornerstone. For i~stance, in 1912 when Abdu'lBaha came to America, he went to Wilmette, Illinois and before any construction had begun on the new Mashriq-al-Adkhar, he came there and laid the cornerstone. This was such an important event that construction was delayed until Abdu'l-Baha himself could lay the cornerstone. Once the cornerstone is in place, then all the other bricks and other construction can go forward, but without a cornerstone there is no structure. This date, September 21st 2001, is the date for the coming of a promised one, the promised Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. The prophecy in Daniel chapter 4 says the "stump" will be passed over for 2520 years "until the Most High tules the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever he will." The "stump" that is referred to here is the ancient rootstock o£·l("ng David. The meaning of this prophecy, is that this ancient lineage, the f one line of David, will be subjugated and in exile by different empires for 2520 years i.e. the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Islamic empires etc, in which ther}ine and1hrone of David have in fact continued in exile as "exilarchs", the exiled monarchs ofKing David all the way down to Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha now continued in the son, grandson and great-grandson of Abdu'l-Baha. Therefore, it is now that we are at the end of this cycle of2520 years, that the throne of@ng David is raised up (promulgated) as a natural branch, a descendent of David from a collateral line has been grafted back into the ancient rootstock (the stump) by being adopted and appointed to continue the&one of David. This natural branch (Jewish, grafted back in by Pepe) was put into place as the cornerstone on September 21st 2001 AD, for this is the day that God brought forth, His "servant, the BRANCH" (Zech. 3:8 KN). As always, anytime the line of succession in the Davidic kingship changes hands, it is a test to the people. Will they go by the criteria, or will they go 16

by personality. The following is an excerpt from AdibTaherzadeh's book the Revelation ofBaha'u'llah Vol. I. In it, he shows that tests always come on the covenant and more specifically, during a changing of the guard, so to speak, and is always the ground on which the believers are tested.



ADIB TAHERZADEH'S ,~ THE BOOK OF THE TEST (from the Revelation ofBaha'u'llah Vol. I)

Abdu'l-Baha, the true Exemplar of the Teachings of Baha'u'llah, has established the pattern of servitude which is the highest station for man to attain. Baha'u'llah's position was that of sovereignty and lordship. The position of His Son, Abdu'l-Baha, was that of servitude. When water flows from the summit of a mountain and falls to the valley, it creates energy. Similarly, the flow of spiritual forces from Baha'u'llah to Abdu'l-Baha has produced a great power which is released to mankind. When Baha'u'llah appeared there was no one worthy or capable of receiving His Revelation. Abdu'l-Baha on behalf of humanity became its perfect recipient and, although not a Manifestation of God, He was invested with divine authority and power by Baha'u'llah. In His Will & Testament, written by His own hand, Baha'u'llah has appointed Abdu'l-Baha as the One to whom all the believers should tum after His ascension ... In the Lawh-i-Fitnih Baha'u'llah states that the tests and trials that accompany His Revelation are so severe that a great many people who believe in God and are well-informed of the mysteries of His Cause will be deprived and left in darkness. Alluding to religious leaders, He foreshadows that these stars of the heaven of knowledge will fall. He affirms that through these tt?sts all that is hidden in men's hearts will be disclosed, that mankind will be separated, some elevated to the heights of faithfulness, others cast down upon the dust. He mentions that the winds of these mighty tests of God have already begun to blow and that the full force of their impact would be felt in the year Shidid (stress) [what stress He layeth upon a moments deviation]. This is a reference to the rebellion of Mirza Yahya in Adrianople which shook the Faith to its foundations and temporarily breached the ranks of its followers. It is also an illusion to the ascension of Baha'u'llah which brought in its wake the

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rebellion of Mirza Muhammad Ali and the breaking of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah. A careful study of the lives and teachings of the Founders of great religions will demonstrate that one of the functions of the Manifestation of God has always been to explain the meaning and purpose of His Revelation and to solve any difficult problem which perplexes the minds of His followers. Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha were always ready to answer questions asked by the believers. These ranged from weighty subjects down to various minor details dealing with every aspect of the Revelation ofBaha'u'llah. However, on the subject of succession They remained silent and only at the end of Their lives did They disclose the identity of Their successors. There are many wisdoms in this. Such an action may be likened to that of a teacher who is always ready to answer questions and help his pupils solve their problems. Only on one occasion does he remain silent and refrain from helping them, namely, on the day of examination. On that day the students alone will have to find the answers. It is their test and it is also the day of separation. Those who pass are elevated to a higher class and those who fail are not. The history of the Faith demonstrates that the Covenant has always provided the testing-ground for the believers. The Bah gave the gladtidings of the appearance of 'Him Whom God shall make manifest' but did not explicitly disclose the identity of Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah established a mighty Covenant appointing Abdu'l-Baha as the Center of that same Covenant but kept this appointment a well-guarded secret until, shortly before His ascension, He handed the Kitab-i-Ahdi (Book of My Covenant) to Abdu'l-Baha. This document, in the terms of the above analogy, became the examination paper for the entire body of Baha'u'llah's followers. Some passed and others failed the test. Similarly, the Will & Testament of Abdu'l-Baha in which Shoghi Effendi was· appointed as the Guardian of the Faith was kept secret. It was after His passing that this document was read. Again, this produced tests for the believers. Some who had ambitious ideas and a lust for leadership opposed Shoghi Effendi as the Guardian of the Faith. These men tried very hard to create divisions within the Cause. But one of the distinguishing features of the Faith is that although many outstanding followers of Baha'u'llah broke the Covenant and arose, with every means at their disposal, to create schism in the Faith, they failed to bring this about. The Covenant ofBaha'u'llah triumphed and those who opposed it perished and were brought to naught. (Revelation ofBaha'u'llah Vol. I, pp. 134-137)




Fortunately for us, this current test on the successor to the Guardianship is a carbon copy, an exact duplicate of Mason and the Hands. The reason for this is that the 144,000 believers who are prophesied to come over the wall MUST accept Mason's Guardianship, something none of them have yet done. The two scenarios are intertwined, Mason's Guardianship and the adoption and appointment ofPepe's son, that by accepting either one of them, you accept them all. This test on the ovenant also occurred so that the "angels" who gather the "elect" (144,000) would have to endure the same scenario that the sans-Guardian Haifa Baha'is will soon have to go through. This test is that they will be faced with a dilemma - they will at first see two "UHJs", which is impossible, and then they will recognize the true one with the aghsan descendant of David as its president and come under the Covenant and so be saved. Those that pass will recognize the true one by the "sign of God" the living descendent of !2ng David as the executive branch that distinguishes the true UHJ from fakes frauds and imitations. We have previously shown that Dr. Jensen is the prophesied Joshua, but who is Zerubbabel? Doc explains "the Promised Zerubbabel" in his book The Beast under the sub-heading 'The Capstone'. Doc writes:

The Cap Stone The Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith is the Promised Zerubbabel, the governor of the New. Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2, Haggai 1: 1). He is that Great King that is seated upon the throne, that brings forth the CAP STONE, AMID SHOUTS OF GRACE, GRACE TO IT!!! (Zech. 4:7). The Cap Stone represents the Kingdom Of God on earth as it is in heaven, of which the Guardian is the sine qua non [an essential condition; a thing that is absolutely necessary -New Oxford American Dictionary] This is the stone that the builders rejected, the corner stone of the Kingdom of God on earth is the Guardianship, for it is the head of the comer itself (Psalms 118:22, Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10). The Guardianship is the righteous Branch (Jeremiah 23:5, Zech. 3:8). He is the executive branch ofthe Universal House of Justice. The executive branch along with the legislative branch comprise the Universal House of Justice which is freed from all error and where by this body all the difficult problems are to be resolved (Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, pp. 14-15).


The promised Zerubbabel is the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith and is the sine qua non ofBaha'u'llah's true Universal house of Justice. This means the Guardian is the essential requirement and is the sign of God, its purpose being to distinguish the true Universal House of Justice from fakes, frauds, and imitations. Dr. Jensen also tells us that the Guardian is the cornerstone of the kingdom of God on earth, the stone that the builders rejected. So what happened on September 21st 200 1 AD? The foundation stone, which is the cornerstone was laid to the second temple of our era, the second International Baha'i Council. On this particular date a rogue group embarked on a crusade to expel the guardian from the Baha'i Faith, and hijack the IBC/UHJ for themselves sans-guardian in a repeat scenario of what the Hands had done previously in the days of Mason the aghsan-son of Abdu'l-Baha. Just as the High Priest Joshua, was there to oversee the placement of the physical cornerstone of the Second Temple in the days of old, in this day, through the explanations and commentaries of the return of Joshua (Jesus) the High Priest, the cornerstone of the Guardianship has been laid to this modem temple of the siBC which will eventually evolve through four stages and become the Universal House of Justice ofBaha'u'llah in complete acconlar1ce \-Yith the Sat;red and Holy Writ. This is lhal kingdom of which the prophet daniel prophesied, "the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another · people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever." (Dan 2:44) As Doc came in the. greater covenant, his explanations and commentaries that establish the · ~velation ofBaha'u'llah in the world are true and accurate. One thing he said about the mission entrusted to him by God Most High is the following: "I have a mandate-to bring forth and establish the BRANCH-I must and I will accomplish this. NOTHING IN HEAVEN OR ON EARTH CAN PREVENT ME IN DOING THIS." 20 This IS the major portion of Doc's mission. First of all, it was his job to educate the believers to a high degree so they could identify the Guardian 20

Epistle to Mike East, Dr. Leland Jensen 20

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with or without him being there. Second, as he was the high pries( it was his job to anoint the next Davidic king. This he does by educating the future Guardian in the Baha'i Revelation to a high degree so this message could be projected to the world and accepted. He left plenty of clues in his writings so the people with a pure heart could easily identify the hidden Guardian.



In Doc's writings he called Neal the "Peter" of his apostles (see Doc's letter to Jeanne, enclosed). Peter means "rock" or "stone". Jesus on his first coming says to Peter:


"thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."


Paul tells us that the rock is Christ. 21 This means that the church is built on the meaning of the word Christ and the(lineage of~ing David. Another way of looking at this is that Dr. Jensen knew that by calling Neal "Peter", he was calling him the "Rock" upon which our church would be built, because Doc knew Neal fulfilled the two-part criteria as Pejpe's adopted son and successor. This is one of the clues left by Doc.



In Doc's book Revelation Explained in the chapter on the Seven Churches, sub-section Church of Philadelphia, he tells us that the Guardian is the Christ of the Baha'i World Order: "This is the only group that knows the meaning of the word "Christ," and the true meaning of the Guardianship, the Christ of tbe Baha'i World Order ... because of this knowledge they know the other groups are false. " 22 It is in this way we recognize the true group. And as the rock is Christ, that "Rock", Peter, is the Christ of the Baha'i World Order.

Jesus on his first coming was never seated upon David's(j]Jrone, and his Simon-Peter certainly never sat upon the~hrone of David. But in Jesus making Peter the center of his covenant23 , we see a future indication that the [ fneage of David that will suc~eed from Baha'u'llah Who is seated upon the



1 Corinthians 10:4


Revelation Explained, D r. Leland Jensen pg. 183


"Peter was the center of his [Jesus'] covenant." TMMD, p. 28. 21

one ofDavid, is the continuation of the i:ine and(throne of David, which the return of Jesus, Doc, today has established making his · ostle, Neal Chase, that Pepe adopted and appointed, the Peter of his 12 @ostles today. When we investigate this matter further, we find that in fact Neal does fulfill the two-part criteria in the Will. So Doc gave us these clues. Abdu'l-Baha explains in Some Answered Questions that the prophesied "twelve gates" of the Book of Revelation are people, whom Doc later explained are his twelve apostles. These gates are the appointed members of the second International Baha'i Council. Now, some of these gates are the "gates of hell" that oppose and protest against the "Peter," as seen in the quote above. There is one gate that is prophesied through which the righteous shall enter the kingdom of God: "This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter. I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the comer." 24 Here is another clue from the Bible. One of the gates is associated with the cornerstone ("head of the comer"), which Doc says is the Guardianship. By recognition of this gate and accepting him in the role of Guardian, we remain firm in God's covenant, ensuring our connection to God in this world and the next. Doc furthermore wrote of this "gate" who is one ofhis ostles (an "angel") that he would bring everyone back under the '-' ovisions of the Covenant. Thus this is the "gate" into which the righteous enter. This "angel" is one of the apostles of the lamb, who believes in the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, and is firm in the Covenant. "Put in your sickle and reap" means that this apostle of the lamb gives his explanations and gathers the true beavers back into the Covenant. (Revelation Explained, Chapter 14 verse 15) In another passage Doc again names that this apostle of the lamb is Neal Chase:


Psalm 118:20-22 22

This angel is the angel that received much incense, or many explanations of the lamb. This angle is one of the apostles of the lamb. The angel with the golden censor mentioned here is Neal Chase. (Revelation Explained, Chapter Eight second verse 4)

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Thus, this @Postle, who is one of the gates is associated with the cornerstone ("head of the comer"), which Doc says is the Guardianship, is again named by Doc as Neal Chase. Another clue. When we look further, we again see that Neal alone was adopted and appointed by Pepe in the Aghsan Letters in 1991 and therefore in fact he fulfills the two-part criteria in the Will. In the first letter of Peter in the New Testament, he writes that we are all living stones, which are built upon the cornerstone. "Come to him, that living stone, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and precious and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in scripture: 'Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion [The city of David], a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes in him will not be put to shame.' To you therefore who believe, he is precious, but for those who do not believe, 'The very stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the comer,' and 'A stone that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall'; for they stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do." 25 Through the WORD as given to us in the Holy Bible as weU as the writings of Doc, who is called the WORD OF GOD in the book o r velation26 , we can know and identify the one who is seated on the@rrone. This cornerstone, this Christ of the Baha'i World Order, the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, is how we recognize the true Universal House of Justice ofBaha'u'llah. It is by recognizing the Guardian and hence the true UHJ that we remain firm in the Covenant ofBaha'u'llah and attain unto salvation. By recognizing the cornerstone, we, as believers, become as "living stones" built into a single spiritual house that Paul tells of us all as equals, including the ® ardian, who are "builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." 27

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1 Peter 2:4-10 Revelation 19:13, Revelation Explained, Dr. Leland Jensen pg. 144 27 Ephesians 2:22 26



Now that certain ones were destined to stumble and fall and not accept Neal in this role is an essential prerequisite in the promulgation of the message. Baha'u'llah in the Kitab-i-Iqan tells us that unless this oppression comes to pass, the light of truth can never be made manifest. Baha'u'llah calls this oppression "the essential feature" of every revelation, therefore including ·s own. Paul, in the New Testament, says as regards this gos el of the gdom, referring to those that oppose the one seated on the throne, "they are enemies of God [the@:>venant-breakers who oppose the successor] for your sake, but as regards the election [of the supreme tribunal] they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers." 28 Even though the venantbreakers are in opposition to this, Paul says that all can be forgiven and be gathered back under the venant; "Just as you were once disobedient to God but now have received mercy because of their disobedience, so they have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they also may receive mercy. For God has consigned all men to disobedience that he may have mercy upon all." 29 At the Baha'i Annual Gathering in August of 2001, Neal gave a presentation called "Divine Standard Unfurled" (see attached genealogy chart) demonstrating to all the believers present that W£, the Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant, now had the entire@neage of Daha'u'llah all the way back to David himself recorded in a chart for all the world to see. For the first time, we were all able to show every name, and the accompanying history and professions and entitlements of each individual, proving that God's promises are TRUE, and the rneage lasts forever, and that above all, Baha'u'llah is the promised Messiah, the second coming of Christ, in the Potency of the Everlasting Father, that the whole world awaits. This new presentation of the genealogy also took the form of the Human Body, not by coincidence or force, but as the natural outcome of God's well ordered design. As the chart was unfurled, the following prophecy was recited: "And when the appointed hour is come, there shall suddenly appear that which shall cause the limbs of mankind to quake. Then, and only



Romans 11 :28 Romans 11:30-32


then, will the Divine Standard be unfurled, and the Nightingale of Paradise warble its melody. "30



Abdu'l-Baha explains in Some Answered Questions that the Divine Standard is the Genealogy ofBaha'u'llah. And Doc explains this as well in Chapter 11 of Over the Wall. Less than one month after this major event of unfurling the Divine Standard, the Two Towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed in an awesome terrorist attack that struck fear into the heart of the whole world and caused the limbs of mankind to definitely quake. Less than a week after the 9-11 event a large multitude of Baha'is convened on Glenwood Springs, Colorado to prepare for a major projection of the message. This catastrophic event even shook some of the membership of the BUPC's, even though several catastrophes in New York have been prophesied of. Certain members of the group used the confusion of this time to start making an issue of all the evidence that pointed to Neal being the Guardian. BUT they used this evidence to confuse the minds of the believers just like the ~venant-breaking Hands did at the time of Mason Remey. They said Neal was having a "manic episode" and because of this was going to proclaim he was the Guardian, although he had done no such thing. At the time ofBaha'u'llah, when he was exiled to the city of Adrianople circa 1868, a crucial event took place within the Baha'i Community before Baha'u'llah could go public with His proclamation. This was a time period dubbed "ayyam-i-shidad" or in English "the Days of Stress." Adrianople was dubbed "the Land of Mystery." These names refer to the commotion caused by Mirza Y ahya who claimed the successorship to the Bah's 6~venan~ alongside. the claim ofBaha'u'llah .. Mirza Yahya.was also known sSubh-1-Azal, which means "dawn of etermty". The crucial event took place which made clear "to friend and foe alike" that Yahya was a fraud and that Baha'u'llah was the Promised One. -

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Ten days after the 9-11, on September 21st 2001, the evildoers started in on \· their devilish plan to kick the Guardian out of the ith and poison the minds of the entire community against Neal. This cornerstone was laid, and because to some it was offensive, "a rock of offense" many began to stumble. He was forced out of his house and barred from seeing his children 30

Baha'u'llah, Gleanings, pgs. 118-119 25

on this day. The significance of this event was known to hardly any at the time, but as the attacks of the violators increased it became apparent this was actually THE key event, which signified the beginning of God fulfilling His promise to bring forth the BRANCH. My pen will not permit me to detail the gruesome and horrible atrocities the violators of the Covenant heaped upon Neal during that time, while he breathed not a word of their most unsavory actions, until such time that those evil-doers made a ploy to steal the reigns of the · ith and implement their wicked sans~ardian design when his silence was broken. From my perspective, and the perspective of the Baha'is that I associated with, we didn't fathom the import of what was happening behind the scenes first in the local council or eventually in smc council chambers that outwardly looked like a marital dispute. It later turned out that Dawn was the prime mover and shaker, trying to secretly and underhandedly destroy Neal because she KNEW he was the Guardian and she KNEW he fulfilled the two-part criteria having seen the letters from Pepe years before31 • It seems it is always those "closest to the action" so to speak, and even in the immediate family, that end up in violation ofthe@venant. In Baha'u'llah's day it was his half-brother Yahya who was the center of sedition. At the time of Abdu'l-Baha it was his brother Muhammad-Ali who broke the@wenant and poisoned and petturbed others. In the day of Shoghi Effendi, his entire family, including his parents, forsook the cause and became violators. In this day it is no different. There were key events that took place within the community that signaled a deeper malaise from her and a small faction that desired to keep the light from shining or the truth from being manifested that would soon be brought to the fore. The most amazing thing about these other key events is that the book of the prophet Haggai foretells these things as well. Originally, I showed that the book of Haggai gives four dates that pertain to the reconstruction of the second temple in 520 BC with the second date being significant as it historically relates to the laying of the foundation stone. Thus the 2520 years ofDaniel brings us to 9-21-2001 A.D. This is 31

"Thus it is seen that no means for dissension hath been left, but carnal desires are the cause of difference as it is the case with the violators. These do not doubt the validity of the Covenant but selfish motives have dragged them to this condition. It is not that they do not know what they do- they are perfectly aware and still they exhibit opposition". Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the writings of'Abdu'l-Baha, pgs. 215-216 26




absolutely, actual factual, scientifically true beyond any shadow of a doubt as I have proven. This date has come and gone and will never occur again. The event, which took place on this day - September 21st, 2001 - refers to the cornerstone of the temple of the siBC, that is the ~ardianship of the "servant the BRANCH", coming forth at that time, that is was put into palce on that date. This is the outward or material explanation. But there is also an inner significance or hidden explanation. The inner significance is that there is a prophetic timeline revealed by Haggai that refers to our time, now. Christians scholars also recognize this: "The prophetic time line of the final 'building' of the New Temple insofar as Haggai's prophecies are concerned, really began in the year 2001 A.D. "32 This prophetic timeline prooves that the group that understands these things is the true group. Haggai describes the whole period from September 21st 2001, to the completion of the test when the thirty-one violators of the covenant were removed from the@.ith by their own actions on January 14th 2002. Haggai's entire book shows that part of the group remains faithful, and the other part is unclean, eventually being removed like a cancer is removed from a body. In the Apocryphal book of 1 Esdras chapters 3 and 4, it relates a most engaging story that shows the date to begin the prophetic timeline calculation. The Persian king Darius held a great feast. In chapter 5, it tells that this great feast occurred in the second year of Darius in the month of Nisan, the first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical, o~ spiritual year. 33 This great feast that was held in the court of the Persian 'ng Darius was NawRuz, the traditional Persian New Year which always falls on the spring equinox, or March 21st. At the same time it was the Jewish festival of Passover, which also occurred on the equinox. This was the biggest party of the year and both Persians and Jews attended. Zerubbabel even came all the way from Jerusalem to be tpere, and was a guest of honor, being granted the privilege of protecting the ·ng. The story goes that the there were three men who guarded the bedchamber of the Persia 'ng Darius. That night after the great feast, the guards 32 33

Dr. Stephen Jones, 1 Esdras 5:6 27

decided they would have a competition and whoever won would be awarded rich gifts and prizes from the g. The competition was that eacJJ..guard would write their wisdom down, seal it, and have it given to theCkibg the next morning. One wrote, "wine is strongest," another wrote "the ng is strongest," and the third wrote "women are strongest, but truth conquers all." The next morning the ~g called together all of his officials, took his place in the council chamber, and called the guards in, in order to judge whose statement was the wisest. The guards each took turns expounding the merits of their particular arguments. After the first two had gone, Zerubbabel, who was the third guard, gave his speech that women are strongest, but truth conquers all. The eloquence and. knowledge of Zerubbabel wowed ng Darius to such a degree that the ng offered Zerubbabel that whatever it was that he wished for, it would be granted to him. Zerubbabel asked of the Dari~s that he rebuild Jerusalem, in accord with vows that he and the previous(!9ng Cyrus the Great had made previously that they would rebuild Jerusalem. This was granted to Zerubbabel. As this was such a magnificent occasion and also the beginning of the Jewish spiritual year, no doubt this is the starting point given by God to Haggai that God gives to measure the future timeline of the prophetic "New Temple". Haggai could have easily said, "such and such happened on the first ofTishiri" (a month in the Jewish calendar), but he didn't. The reason is because, as a prophet of the Lord, he knew that what they were doing at that time was a mirror of the temple to come. In order for both timelines to be accurate he left out the names of the months and just gave numbers of months. For the prophetic timeline, Naw-Ruz- March 21st- is the date from which we calculate Haggai's prophetic timeline. The first date in Haggai's prophetic timeline is the "sixth month first day." (Haggai 1: 1) If we count six solar months from March 21st we come to September 21st, 2001. This is the day of the placement of the cornerstone, in which we again get the same prophesized date of Sept. 21, 2001, by adding the 2520 to this prophetical time-line. That Haggai gives the same date two different ways, again shows us the surety of this absolute date of September, 21, 2001. The people closest to Neal that had seen all the evidence that he was the Guardian, feared that when the Trade Towers collapsed it would be made known that he was the Guardian. The hated this idea, they were in rejection of the stone and refused it, by kicking him out of the house on this day. They threatened to have him drugged and locked in a mental ward, committed against his will, so this information would not get out. The 28



violators used the Baha'i court system to poison the minds of as many believers as possible through a "committee of investigation" that systematically interrogated every Baha'i on the roster with backbiting and innuendo loaded questioning. The actions of violators began in full force on this day. The second date of Haggai is the "six month and twenty-fourth day"(Haggai 1: 15). Counting again from March 21st gives the date October 15th 2001 . In Haggai he says that on this date the believers "came and worked on the house of the Lord of Hosts, their God." (Hag 1: 15) During this time the various believers were busy setting up their affairs in Colorado and getting settled in after rendezvousing there three weeks earlier. This is the time period when most of the true believers got jobs and living spaces organized, and those already living -in Colorado were assisting the new comers in getting settled in. The third date of Haggai is the "seventh month, twenty-first day" (Haggai 2: 1.) Counting again from March 21st , 2001, we arrive at November 1ih 2001, the birth anniversary ofBaha'u'llah. On this day, an American Airlines plane crashed in Queens, New York, killing all on board. The plane was airborne for 144 seconds according to several news reports. 34 Dawn Mullaly used this event to defame Neal publicly and in writing on the list serve throughout the entire Baha'i world. Up until this point she had only defamed him privately. She also vilified anyone who thought this plane crashing on the anniversary of the birth ofBaha'u'llah was significant. She even went so far as to use this event to denounce the reality that Neal gave the date for the trade tower destruction at the 9-11 35 and further denounced the dates given for the first Trade Tower bombing in 1993 that Neal gave correctly in 1991 in his press releases which Doc had also confirmed the accuracy of in his own written epistles. This was a rogue attempt to discredit Neal and anyone associating with him. She also violated a siBC injunction, which was in place to keep her marital dispute with Neal from public scrutiny, by revealing her hand that she was utterly opposed to Neal and desired to silence his teaching effort that is each and everyone of our right vouchsafed by the Will and Testament of Abdu'l Baha. It became clear at this time that a I


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"Final moments of Flight 587: 107 seconds after take-offbegins: Rattling noise heard by pilots 114 seconds: Captain reports "wake encounter" 121 seconds: Second airframe rattling sound 127 seconds: Control of the plane is lost 144 seconds: Recording ends as ~lane crashes." ( See paper by Adam Sippola on eyewitness testimonies of 9-11 date foreknowledge. 29

concerted effort was underway to completely defame Neal in the eyes of the greater community. Haggai says of this time: "take courage all you people of the land (Leland), for I am with you, says the Lord of Hosts." Haggai says that the people of the Lord must wait only a little longer until the truth is made kn?wn and the oppressors are vanquished. The fourth and final date of Haggai is the "ninth month twenty-fourth day" (Haggai 2:10). Counting from Naw-Ruz we get the date January 15th 2002. On this date the siBC with the President and Executive Branch in place and functioning expelled the 31 violators of th c venant who "opposed and protested against the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith." The letter informing all the believers was sent out on January 15th 2002, exactly nine months and twenty-four days from Naw-Ruz, again aligned completely with Haggai's timeline. These 31 violators ofthe c venant turned away from the explanations and commentaries oft e promised·Lamb, chose not to investigate the truth, and followed the mischief-makers to perdition. "So it is with this people ... and so with every work of their hands; and what they offer there is unclean." (Hag 2: 14) But for those who are firm: "From this day on I will bless you."(Hag 2:19) This timeline from Haggai not only shows that we are the true group, it is amazing! Is it coincidence that all of our moves are recorded in a twentyfive hundred year old book? How is it that Haggai gives the date for when the violators were announced and were removed from the . ith? How is it that the plane, which crashed on the anniversary of the birth ofBaha'u'llah and exposed that opposition party to the true believers would be made known on a date that Haggai gives? Why would Haggai say; "they worked on the house" on the date when that's what we were all doing? And most importantly, why does the timeline start on Septe~ber 21st, the day when a group of people began a campaign to destroy the ~'aith from within, knowing Neal was the Guardian and going so far as to kick him out of his own house and threaten him with taking everything from him including his children? Haggai, in his timeline, shows the start of the test to the end of the test with dates of all the key events! There is no question about this! No one else in the world can demonstrate such concrete proof, down to the exact days given from the Holy Bible, that they are the true group! It was during this time period of Haggai's timeline that I came to know that Neal Chase was in fact the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. As this is the purpose of this letter, let me explain how I came to know this was the truth. 30

At Christmas time of 2001, I jou111eyed to Missoula to meet with Neal and discuss the state of affairs in the lbith at that time and collect some of my belongings that had made it down from Alaska. I had come to the conclusion that Carlotta and those who associated with her were the violators by this time, and went to meet with Neal to ask him face to face all the questions I had and exercise my God given right of the independent investigation of the truth. Was he indeed the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith that we all awaited? I had already seen enough evidence that there probably wasn't going to be anybody else, but I had to know for sure, actual factual that this was the reality.

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When I met with Neal, he never once told me he was the Guardian. I asked him, "Are you the Guardian?" He said "maybe." We spoke at length and discussed different things, Neal still never saying, "I am the Guardian, do you accept it?" This was something I had to discover on my own. He said, "What does it matter if I say I am? Others say they are and they are not. Pepe said he wasn't and he was. You have to see this for yourself- to see if the two-part criteria in the Will on page 12 is fulfilled or not." He said, "You have to do what you have to do, and I have to do what I have do." Once I saw it with my own eyes and accepted it did he begin to discuss that he was. In Zechariah chapter 6 it tells us where in the world we should look to find the Guardian. "And again I lifted mine eyes and saw and behold, four chariots came out from between two mountains and the mountains were of brass. " 36 Brass and copper in Hebrew are the same word. This is the Deer Lodge Valley of Montana. Butte Montana, north of Deer Lodge, was called the "richest hill on earth" because there was so much copper buried under its mountain. Lincoln, Montana, south of Deer Lodge, although it has never been mined, is understood to have even more copper under its hill the Butte! Deer Lodge is between two of the richest copper deposits on the entire globe! This location then spoken of in Zechariah chapter 6 is none other place than Deer Lodge, Montana. It says in this chapter that not only will we find a high priest in Deer Lodge,

but also we will find a man whose name is the BRANCH. "Behold the man who's name is the BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord: Even he 36


Zech 6:1


shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his t ·one. And there shall be a priest by his 37 ~Jtrone and a peaceful understanding shall be between them both. " So in Deer Lodge, Montana will be a man whose name is the BRANCH. BRANCH (Persian: aghsan) no doubt refers to the Guardianship, the branch ofBaha'u'lla~, the Ancient Root. This man will help build the temple of the Lord and will have a priest by his side with which he will have a peaceful understanding. The prophesied temple of the Lord as we have already established is the second International Baha'i Council. Neal helped build the siBC, putting together the paperwork and incorporating it with the state. Neal also lived in Deer Lodge while he was working on the Morrisite prophecies and measuring Ezekiel's Temple. Neal also sat to the left of Dr. Jensen, per Doc's request, at every forum with whom he had a peaceful understanding. Neither Mason nor Pepe were in Deer Lodge so they are discounted from fulfilling this prophecy. All these things apply to Neal, but how do we know if he is the BRANCH, the promised Guardian? Of course he has to fulfill the two-part criteria given on page twelve of the Will and Testament of Abdu'l Baha. In 1991 Neal was living in Deer Lodge, and during this time, on instructions from Doc, he was corresponding with Pepe. It was in this location that Neal received(ilghsan letters of adoption and appointment. When Abdu'l-Baha adopted Mason, he sent him AGSHAN letters addressing him as "dear son", son is translated from the Persian word AGSHAN (which literally means BRANCH). These Agshan letters were the adoption and appointment of Mason in one stroke. Doc in the Most Mighty Document tells us about this:

THE DAVIDIC LINE OF DESCENT FROM BAHA'U'LLAH In the Book of His Covenant and in the Aqdas, Baha'u'llah appoints His eldest son 'Abdu'l-Baha, The Most Great Branch, to succeed Himself upon the Throne of David (Baha'i World Faith, p. 209). 'Abdu'l-Baha's son, Husayn, died in infancy so Baha'u'llah appointed 'Abdu'l-Baha's brother, Muhammed Ali, the lesser Branch, to succeed 'Abdu'l-Baha. But Muhammad Ali broke the Covenant of Baha'u'llah, so at the same time that 'Abdu'l-Baha cut this Branch off the Davidic tree, He adopted Mason Remey to be "His son" in the 37

Zech 6:12-13 32

same manner that the Christians state that Joseph adopted Jesus to be his son, grafting this Branch to the Davidic tree. He called Mason Remey "Aghsan"- my son -almost every time that he addressed him. These are found in many Tablets addressed to Mason Remey recorded in the "Star of the West" Magazine. He is the only person in this world that he referred to as Aghsan, my son, grafting him into the Davidic tree ("0 My Dear Son!", 'Star of the West' p.144 Vol. X. "0 thou enlightened and beloved son!", 'Star of the West' p. 229 Vol. XI). 'Abdu'I-Baha didn't speak English. The way you say "my son" in Persian is "Aghsan". In 'Abdu'l-Baha's 'Last Tablet to America' He states: "Consider! The Divine Gardener cuts off the dry or weak branch from the good tree and grafts to it a branch from another tree. He both separates and unites" (Baha'i World Faith, p. 438). Not only did the Christians uphold the adoption principle for the Messiahship as in the Joseph-Jesus instance, but 'Abdu'l-Baha upheld it in His Last Tablet to America; this principle has been upheld all the way back into antiquity and all the way down to our present times by peoples, kindreds and governments. It is a universal principle. 38


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Just as Mason received Agshan letters of adoption and appointment from Abdu'l-Baha to succeed him in the Davidic lineage, so too did Joseph Pepe Aghsan during his lifetime adopt and appoint his successor in the Davidic lineage in the exact same manner, adopting and appointing Neal Chase by sending him Agshan letters in 1991. These Neal received while living in Deer Lodge, Montana (see appendix). Many ofthe~venant-breakers claim that these letters do not fulfill the two-part criteria because Neal was not adopted in the secular system. Unfortunately for them, this is not a criteria. Dr. Jensen explains in the Most Mighty Document:


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The Christians accept the authority of the Messiahship of Jesus; he qualifies by the genealogy of Jesus back to David through Joseph. But because of the virgin birth they state that Jesus was the adopted son of Joseph with all the rights of a natural son, although there is no recording of a legal adoption in the scriptures nor in the archives. They claim that by Joseph taking Jesus as his son that this is all that is 38

The Most Mighty Document (TMMD), p. iii


required to prove adoption; and that an adopted son has all the rights and privileges of a natural son, even the Kingship or Messiahship. Thus the Bible gives the genealogy of Jesus back to David through Joseph to prove his eligibility to be the Promised Messiah, for the Messiah must be a descendant of David through the male line of descent. All the(_@ngs of Israel descended from David through a male descendant (no queen ever sat upon thtft one). 39 Therefore there is no need for "recording of a legal adoption in the scriptures nor in the archives" in order to make the adoption and appointment legal. The fact that Abdu'l-Baha called Mason his "Agshan", or in other words his son, it made it so. This criteria of the@bvenant-breakers is extra to the Will and Testament. Nowhere does it say in the Master's Will that this is a criteria. Doc tells us: "To add or subtract from the Will interpolates it; then it is no longer the document sent down by God." It is up to the previous Guardian and the previous Guardian ONLY to select the manner and style to adopt and appoint his successor. All that it states is that he must appoint a successor during his lifetime. It leaves the manner and style up to the guardian. Shoghi Effendi appointed his successor in a cablegram, but the "Hands" deemed that the appointment had to be in a Will. To add or subtract from the Will interpolates it; then it is no longer the document sent down by God. 40 Since the 1960's when Mason separated from the Hands, no other person has come forward to challenge him or otherwise claim the Guardianship that he claimed. This is because he IS the one and only son, adopted and appointed by Abdu'l-Baha, to succeed him in the Davidic k ngship. In the Seventh Angel Sounded, Dr. Jensen published the "Law of Adoption" which explains in detail how this simple procedure of Abdu'l-Baha calling Mason his son, is upheld by courts in both the East and the West.

THE LAW OF ADOPTION When 'Abdu'l-Baha adopted Mason Remey to succeed him to the @rrone of David as his son, this was legal and binding. According to the laws of the Ottoman Empire of the Middle East that ruled over 39 40

TMMD, p. ii TMMD, p. 25 34


Palestine before it became the state of Israel, a legal adoption occurred when a man called another his son. Then the British mandate of the West, which succeeded the Ottoman Empire, retained the adoption laws of the Ottoman Empire as legal and binding under their rule. Then, for the Israeli government, the law for adoption remained the same. If a man calls another his son and leaves him a token to show inheritance (whether it be a stick or a stone or something), then the adoption is legal and binding. When 'Abdu'l-Baha proclaimed that Mason was his son (privately, publicly and in letters published in Star of the West Magazine), these were not "vague terms of affection but expressed the precise legal relationship which had been created between them." Here is cited the law of adoption in the Middle East (from Ottoman times to the present) upheld by the British Mandate of the West and the Israeli Supreme Court on June 22, 1960, long after 'Abdu'l-Baha adopted Mason to be his son and heir. "This idea of equating adopted children with natural children in matter s of succession is well expressed in a responsum of Rabbi Jacob Emden which the learned Judge cited in another decision, In re: Succession of the late Yoseph Blum deceased (4) (at pp. 161), as follows: "If he rears the child for the glory of God the child is certainly to be regarded as his child and not only in lineage, but even where the child had parents and is being brought up by the stranger as a meritorious act, if the latter has no children ['Abdu'l-Baha had no living natural sons] and is bringing up the child to be his son and to succeed him and they address each other as father and son" (response of Yavetz, Part I, section 168). So also with the deceased in the present case: He reared the child as his daughter to succeed him, and she called him "father" and he called her "daughter." These were not vague terms of affection but expressed the precise legal relationship which had been created between them - at any rate with respect to the matter of succession." (Selected Judgments from the Israeli Supreme Court, Vol. III, pp. 426-7.)

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This was usually confirmed by some token such as a stick or a stone, or something, to make it definite that it was meant that it was a legal adoption. This is called institutive evidence. "Institutive evidence is that which is created or adopted as a memorial of a fact and for the purpose of being evidence of the fact. The stone 35

set up for a boundary; the giving of a clod of earth or a twig in livery of seizing as evidence or the transfer of the title [etc] .... " (Sagebeer, The Bible in Court, p. 104.) "The Master gave Mr. Remey what no one else ever received - relics of the Blood and Hair of Baha'u'llah; in the East this act symbolizes Mr. Remey's adoption as a Son by 'Abdu'l-Baha and his becoming a member of the Holy Family." (Questions and Answers about Charles Mason Remey and the Baha'i Faith, by F.C. Spataro.) Shoghi Effendi recognized 'Abdu'l-Baha's adoption of Mason as true and legal. Immediately after the death of 'Abdu'l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi called Mason to the Holy land in February and March of 1922 giving to him a "package of 'Abdu'l-Baha's most sacred possession," which was left to Shoghi Effendi, as the executor of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Will to give to Mason Remey as his inheritance: "locks of Baha'u'llah's hair" (which represents the headship of the International Baha'i Council/Universal House of Justice) and "drops of his coagulated blood" (which represents the bloodline of David and Baha'u'llah). On the outside of the package Shoghi Effendi addressed it to 'Abdu'l-Baha's "dear son" whom he later appointed to the headship of the IBCIUHJ. The hair and blood are the tokens of inheritance. 'Abdu'l-Baha's most prized possession shows the evidence of the legal adoption passed on from father to son- 'Abdu'lBaha to Mason. This type of evidence of a token is called "institutive evidence. " 41 Pepe adopted and appointed Neal in the exact same manner as Abdu'lBaha adopted and appointed Mason. He patterned it exactly as Abdu'l-Baha had done in order to validate his father Mason. Pepe addressed Neal as "my boy" and "my dear boy" always in quotes to show its translation back in to Persian as "my aghsan". This is identical to the way Shoghi Effendi had done with Mason when he delivered him the hair and the blood, calling Mason, Abdu'l-Baha's "Dear Son" in quotes to show its translation back into Persian as "my aghsan." In both cases, the adoption, since it is for the purpose of succession, is also the appointment. The hair and blood that Mason received was not the appointment but is a memorial called "institutive evidence" demonstrating that the adoption and appointment had 41

(The Seventh Angel Sounded, April4, 1994, pp.4-6,) 36

already taken place. "Institutive evidence is that which is created or adopted as a memorial of a fact"42 .


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As Shoghi Effendi was the executor of Abdu'l-Baha's estate, it was his job to give Mason the hair and the blood ofBaha'u'llah. Then, when he formed the first International Baha'i Council he said that he "welcomed" Mason to the presidency. In other words he didn't have a choice in the matteL Almost in exactly the same way, Neal received a Lapis Lazuli ring from the legal executor of Pepe' s estate, and Doc placed him on the second International Baha'i Council. Neal's name appeared on the roster below the name of Pepe, the living Guardian but above the name the vice-president. Doc knew he was the Guardian and placed him on the siBC roster exactly where the heir-apparent should be, below the current president, but above the vice-president. The ring that Neal received from the executor ofPepe's estate was the Institutive Evidence that signified the Aghsan letters he received in 1991 from Pepe during his lifetime was IN FACT the adoption and appointment ofNeal to the Davidic Kingship and the Presidency of the siBCIUHJ. The token of the Lapis Lazuli ring is prophesied in the bible. Haggai tells us in his book that the promised Zerubbabel will be like a signet ring. "On that day, says the Lord of Hosts, I will take you, 0 Zerubbabel my servant, the son ofShealtiel, [the guardianship] says the Lord, and make you like a Signet Ring; for I have chosen you, says the Lord ofHosts." 43 A signet ring is something used to make something authentic, instead of using a signature, usually on official documents and such. And, in the book ofEzekiel, the Lapis Lazuli is representative oftheCili.rone of David. Lapis Lazuli is sometimes translated into English as Sapphire. "Over the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of a firmament, shining like crystal (foot note: g Heb awesome crystal), spread out above their heads ... And above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne [the \throne of David] in appearance like sapphire (footnote: h Heb lapis lazull); and seated above the likeness of a throne was a likeness as it were of a human



Sagebeer, The Bible in Court, p. 104 cf, TMMD, pp. iv, ff Hag. 2:23 RSV 37

form [the genealogy of Baha'u'llah, which today is in the form of a man]" 44 "Then I looked, and behold, on the firmament that was over the heads of the cherubim there appeared above them something [a signet ring] Ji_ke a sapphire (footnote: h Heb lapis lazull), in form resembling a i rone [theGhrone ofDavid]. ... " 45 This shows conclusively that God has chosen Pepe's son, Neal Chase Aghsan, to be the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. God, aforetime, in His infinite knowledge, knew the Lapis Lazuli ring would be the token that authenticates the Aghsan letters of adoption and appointment. Therefore God inspired the prophets of old to witness this in their visions and write it down so all would be enabled to see the truth and choose it freely. Not only did these prophets see the token of Lapis Lazuli ring in their visions, but they were also given the name of this person. "Woe to rulers who ruin and scatter the flock that was theirs to Shepard! This therefore is the Eternal's sentence on the rulers in charge of this flock: 'You scattered my flock and drove them away, you took no care of them; so I will take good care to punish you for the evil you have done. I will gather all that is left of my flock from every land where I have driven them, I will bring them back to their folds, and they shall be fruitful and multiply; over them I will put~ rulers, to Shepard them, and they shall no longer be scared or startled or dismayed. The day comes, the Eternal promises, when I raise up a true scion [BRANCH-one that is grafted in- heb: tsemach] of David, to reign both royally and ably, to enforce law and justice in the land; under him Judah shall be safe and Israel live secure, and this shall be his title 'The Eternal our Champion"' 46 His title or name is CHAMPION.


Ezekiel 1:22,26 RSV Ezekiel 10: 1 RSV 46 Jeremiah 23:1-6; Moffat's Bible Translation 45


Name Origin Gender Meaning Form of NATHAN. He Gave Not available or Male 1. Nat unknown ~~ ~~~~~mm~~

5. Nick



7. Norm Not available or Male unknown

r 9. Nuri


I 1




Form of NICHOLAS. Victory of the Pee Form of NORMAN. Norseman or Rule Light

This chart was found on the "babycenter" website under baby names. 47 Isn't that amazing! The bible says that the promised BRANCH to be brought forth will be named Champion, which translated to English is the name NEAL. God, it seems, definitely wanted there to be no mistake. He has given us the prophesied name, Neal/Champion; the prophesied place where the BRANCH will be raised up, Deer Lodge, Mt - "Between two mountains of Brass", where Neal was living when he received the Aghsan Letters of adoption and appointment; the prophesied date, September 21st 200 1 and the prophesied mission, to be the BRANCH, the third Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. Neal is the promised Zerubbabel, whom Doc said was the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. In Zechariah chapter four it says Zetubbabel brings forth the capstone, which Doc said is symbolic of the <hlngdom of God. In Doc's writings he said it is his job to establish the ngdom, but it is the job of the coming Guardian to unify mankind. God has also prophesied the token, or Institutive Evidence of the Lapis Lazuli ring. Through His prophecies, He has also given us a timeline showing that He is on the side of the group that recognizes this and is promoting it, giving all the dates for significant events that have taken place within that group. All these prophecies were given in order that the adoption 47

http://www. babycenter.comlbabyname/


and appointment ofNeal Chase will not be in vain, and that hearts can be assured that they are right with God, and firm in God's covenant. If it is not clear by now that Neal Chase's claim to the Guardianship should be investigated further, then I don't know what it is that shall persuade thee, 0 friend, to look deeper and board the ark of salvation that sets sail NOW, at the hour appointed before the creation of the world. God fulfills prophecy, not peoples expectations. It is of no concern to me what you decide to do with this information that I have compiled especially for you. God has given us all this, that we may know in our heart of hearts that we follow the true path, are right with God, and receive our rays of the Holy Spirit. So much more could be said, T, but it is up to you to look into it. There are many more articles that have been written by others and many more to come, as the proofs and evidences for this could fill volumes. My purpose here is to show you enough evidence to come here and investigate further. In a week you could have all you needed to know beyond any shadow of a doubt. This is the promised time for all the people of the world to claim their promised inheritance! This is the promised time ofthe "Day of Great Dividing." "The second woe is passed, Behold! The third woe cometh quickly!"48

Your friend in service Colin O'Brien

P.S. There are several appendices and attachments, please peruse them.


Revelation 11 : 14 40



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Knight of Baha'u'Jia~ .

Dear jeanne,

I [ (


(406) 549-0427 july 2. -1 992

Because. of my love for you I have as~ed the IBC to hold off on removing your name from the roster, also because of my love for you it would grieve me -veri much to have to remove your name from the lamb's. Book of Ufe. You really just don't know the . seriousness of the situation, and·its -ramifications_. To proceed with ·this (the removal of . your name) would mean that your sout would be tarnished~ from now .on-regardless ifyou should repent and return to the true faith, for it shows a character weakness. We aU love· ; · you jeanne, why V{outd you turri away f'rom 'the love _o f the entire Baha'_i Community to· be · with one ex-member? This ex-member, Anita, sent out. a letter explaining why she (through her so-called research) defected. · ·By-now you have already .received and read the rebuttal by the liaison officer, Wind Jensen, exp laining·why all Anita's reasons were erroneous. Her ·reasons were not reasons, but excuses, excuses, excuses for the ·real reason which has not been divulged to you. It' is · necessary for you, and everyone e lse 1 to know her real reason, especially those dear soul~ .- . that h'ave been poisoned by her. So this letter to you is for the prime purpose of letting you in on this hidden secret· of Anita's. · · Also, I am·enclosing a letter to· Patrick Lahbe~ of. whom Anita; when· she was In the position of the vice-president of the IBC, was educating to become a Baha'i Under the • Provisions of the Covenant. He was coming along Just firie, until he started to receive Anita's garbage after s~e defec.ted, causing him t~ b~ome an enemy of the fafth.




WHY, WHY, WHY did she defect??? Here -g oes; I appointed Anita-to 'be the vicepresident of the IBC, a position in which some WOl1ld give their right-arm to serve_. .t he _ Cause. She was very happy t.o hear that I had e-levated her t6 this stati~n of an Apost1~- of the Lamb, and not only just as the vice- president, but also to occupy the apartment at 't he Baha'i Center, -at ~substantially reduced rent~ She-and her-hU$band -joy fully made arrangements and rnoved to Missoula, from Glenwood Springs;. Colorado. She and Dan were very happy with these arrangements. Then why the gloom and' the defections? ·


A while back I announced that Neal was the Peter of my Apostles, and it was pointed out · to Anita that Shoghi Effendi had pla~ed-·the liaison officer above all the other members of , the IBC. As the vice-president, Anita had the·opinion that ~he Vias· taking the place.of the-. guardian in his absence; instead of just officiating.ori the IBC as the vice-president, or chair-person. The vice-president was to officiate-in that capacity, not as the executive branch of the IBC/UHJ that is reserved for the guardian. When she realized this, Anita's · ego was flattened! It was very. similar as to what happened with the Apostle judas. One of ·. the questions in some people's minds.has been: "If this really is the Return of Jesus with 12 apostles, and the true House of justice, how come some ofhis own apostles tilrned against it?"

4117 Colonial Lane

Missoula. Montana 59601

Phone (406)



Anita gave her reasons for resigning from the IBC and departing from the faith, but these were just outwardly "spiritual" excuses to cover up the real reason. There were . other persons who also departed from the Faith, turning against us, that I was going to put on the IBC as an Apostle, but none of these were actually put on the IBC. Anita was the only one who was actua~ly on it and betrayed it. This makes her the Judas of the Apostles. At the talks -given-on the "Golden Branch" in the spring of 1991, Anita was cheerful and happy, she even contributed to the discussions. Sometime after that it became known that Neal -was the "Peter"· of the Apostles and later that the liaison officer was the highest ranking officer. It was from that time that Anita's face became downcast and .her great position as"ttle vice:..p·residentbeca.rrre·a--·drudgery:-1n-stea<f'·of focusing on her own great station she compared it to the station of others. 'Abdu'l-Baha explains her motives completely: How many a soul hath turned itself unto the Lord-and entered into the . protective shadow of His Word, and become famed throughout the world--for · example, judas Iscariot. And then, when the tests grew harsh and the_violence thereof int~risified, their feet slipped on the pathway and they turned backward from the Faith after having acknowledged its truth, and they denied it, and fell away from harmony and love into mischief and hate. Thus became visible the power of test, which maketh mighty _pillars to tremble and shake. judas Iscariot was the greatest of the disciples, and he summoned the people to Christ. Then it seemed to him-that jesus was showing increasing regard to the Apostle Peter, and when Jesus said, 'Thou art Peter, and upon this ·rock I . will build My church,' tpese words addressed to Peter, and this singling out . of Peter for special honour, had a marked effect on the Apostle, and kindled · envy within the heart of judas. for this reas~n he who had once drawn nigh did turn aside, and he who had believed in the Faith denied it, and his love changed to hate, until he became a cause of the crucifixion of that glorious _Lord, that manifest- splendour. Such is the ·outcome of envy, the chief reason ·why men turn aside from the Straight Path·. So hath it been aforetime, ~ shall it be 1n this great Cause. But it doth not matter, for it engendereth loyalty in the rest, and maketh souls to arise who waver not, who are fixed and unshakable as the mountains .in their rove for the Manifest Light." (Selections f.rom the Writings of 'Abdu'l- Baha, page 16_3) · .


It is sad that this should happen to anyone, but 'Abdu'l-Baha tells us that wonderful developments will occur in the Cause after such tests. Continuing from the quote above He . says:


Convey thou unto the handmaids of the Merciful the message that when a test turneth violent they must stand unmoved, and faithftd to their love for Baha. In winter come the storms, and the great winds blow, but then will follow spring in all its beauty ... Ere long shall ye bear witness_that the lights ·are streaming forth ... the hosts of the Kingdom a(e marching down, the angels · of heaven are rushing forward, and .the Holy Spirit is breathing upon all those regions. On that day thou shalt behold the waverers, men and women alike, frustrated of their h-o pes and in mani-fest loss. This is decreed by the Lord, the Revealer of Verses." (163-64) Jesus said: "iniquities ,must come but woe betide them by whom they come." None of the Covenant-breakers, violators or dissidents will enter the Kingdom. No one shall enter the ': ~

Kingdom who doesn't have a pure heart and whose mind js evil. All the proofs could be put before them, yet they would be unmoved. However, words from the Book of Daniel might · · be a ray of hope for some:

r I {


.L l l_·

I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, "O my Lord, what shall be the issue of these things?" He said "Go your .way, Daniel for the words are sealed up until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand {those that go by proofs] ••• ~l~ is he who waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days [1963, that is, when I began my mission) (D~. 12:8-12). . . I write you this letter with the greatest of fove in my heart, for you are one of my spiritual children~ : When a ·parent sees one of his children endangered unto deat:h he does everything possible to save her (him). I want you to read very carefully the enclosure, my· letter to Labbe. It answers a lot of questions and problems, with answers that were never put forth before (new stuff). You· may also share this with whomever you wish. With love, Dr. Leland jerisen



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Ej)ITED · .Y . ~t1~

Asher FeUx 14odau . ;:

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AdW~talltJ/ 1/&t. Sup'.~ftll CtJWt tJj Solltlt .v-rka

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Peter EIIWUI Mnnbtr tJj 1~ IutHI &r

D/ tit~ . M~ Tm1pk, . lkurlst~t-QI•IAw Stnlor AsslstOIII w IM AIIDrMy Grnnul MlllistrJI of .hu1k1, /Hut/

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TilE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, JERUSALEM Sole Di~tributura Out•idc bracl

Aghsan Letters :

To Charles. Mason Remey

Kr. Reme,

UpoD·hlm be Baba Ullah el Abha. He le Goi.

her -to .bel"• ~OD thee be Baha Ullah el-Abha. ( ~ t.sne4) Abdul :Balla Abba~ •

Do not wony about tuat woman: I lea'flf


fraD•late4 Janu.ary ZO, 1912.

W.lhlnaton, D.

Br •tr•a




fo Bl• Boae:r llr. R•ey, 11poD h 1m be Bahaullq 'el .lllb&. Be le Qo4..


Abdul Baha Abbaa.

!ran•latecl b7 SboBhle Rabbani, Hat:ta, laleetl'lle 2JP., 1919.

(Pub. 'Starofthe Wesf p. 144,' >1.

Bls Honour 11r~ (Chatl.• Ka•onl Rn~. unto b 1m be the Glor7 of 004, the JIOe~ Cllt:rlcru He le God. 0 thou enlightened beloved son!

Unto .lu•• 20. 1920. ftansl a ted by: ~Elsullah lCban

the~ ba the

Glor,v o! Abhal

( ts lsned) Abdul. lab& Abbu



lloUDt Oar mel. Raleat.1ne.

(Pub. 'Star of the Wesf p. 229, \..,I. :

I r~

Aghsan Letters :

Florence 1 Italy 22 Augusli, 1991 Mr. Chase:



From Joseph Pepe Remey

- ·-- ------ - --- -----·· - I might -csi_{ -. you "my boy-" t-oo. -rr·ha ·t · is not a "carrot" for you and I don't expect you to "butter-up." for it.



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and tranquillity


Floren·ce 1 Italy 2.3 Augusti, 1991


the few years





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Floren db, Oct. 3, 1991

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Local Bahai leader dead at" 81 By AUliCA RUTI»>I

or 111e Mlssou5en

leland "Vex:" Jensen, 81, the controversial leader of the Missoula·based Dahais Under the Provision of the Covenant religious group, died Tuesday (rom r~pira.IOI}' bihue. Jc:~~Kn's group was an o1Tshoo1 of the llah:U lntemalional · organization, ~ed in nlinols.

Jensen won naliooalatlcntiou for hl$ prcdicti011 that Armageddon would come ai5:.SS p.m. MOTon April 29, 1980. Rob Balch, a profe$$0r of ~loiOJY at the Univenicy of Montana who has studied the Bahai sect, said dn~ that 1980 prediclion, the group bas lmted 19 separate p~dlctlons

as lo when Armageddon would oecur. A 1986 predlet.ion, !or example. sugaestcd

that Hallc:y'a Comet would zoom into the earth's atmosphere, causing a :re-f's worth ol turmoil and trouble before ;be battle of Annageddon in 1987. Jensen was originally a member of tbc International Bahai faith, but split from Ihe group In the 1960s after 1 squabble over successorship to lhe highest post in the . organizAtion, Bakb said. "Th~·s been real animosity between those groups," he said. In 1969, Jensen wu rent to Ihe Moat~ Stato Prison alter being convicted o(ICJiuaUy molesting a child. Even though Babai members belle-ted'thllt Ji:~n had been unj11$1ly tmprisoned, he ~d £0111' years In prison, and worked to co ~~'~Crt mro~tes to his beliers. His Jessoos there bad some impa<:t: In.

1990, years ancr his rctc:ue, 60 inmates still claimed membership in the sect. It was while in prison th:1t "God supposedly revealed to him . (Jensen) that he was supposed to establish the Kingdom or God after

the apocalypse." Balch said. . Ba1c:h estimated that JeNcn's sect has about 200 members across the United Staics, with the bulk of the membenhip·in Missoula. Membel'l bad planned a gathering for lhls weekend, BAlch said. Rumors suggested that Jensen \VliS

planning lo procllim Neal

Otase, hiuccood·in-command, as the new gu1rdian of the faith, Balch said. Members ol the Bahai faith said suaxsslon is not an issue.

The Bahnis drew some

.... 0140,..,....... Missoula Bahalleader Leland Jensen won national attention for his prediction that Armegeddon would con:~e. at 5;55 p.m. MDT on April 29, 1980. He lined the Inside of his house with rocks lo serve as prolection from the Impending doom.

additional media attelition earUcr this year, when a .former member or the sect, Jan Untt, broadcast a · ptogl"llm on M'wuula COmmunity Access Television that labeled the group a cult. (That's not the only MCAT Cl!J)OSIIre for tbe group; · Chase hosts a 'M:ckly eaU·in show on MCAT.) At the time her

proaramwas airing on MCAT, Uotz told the Missoulilln that she believed thO group'&

apocalyptic teachinp wen: potentially dangerous. 'Local Bahais disputed Untz' characterization or the ,roup as a cult. Instead, Chase said, the croup is a

'He Was

"He was 11 vecy brilliant ~y."

Jensen was born on Aug. 22, 1914 In :Burlington, Wis.; he was a third-genetatlon Bahai. He married Opal Doyle on Mar.28,l938, in

NoYCicy, Mo. He and Opal practiced naturopathic and chiropractic medicine in Chicago. In 1965, he and 11is wife moved to just sort Missoula, where they continued their work

of this classic bearded prophet. You know, mismaJched socks.

out-of-style suits. But he was pleasant, cordial, easy to talk to. He was a very

.... .

in dliropraetic and


naturop11thic healing. Survivors include hls second wife, Ftances "Wind"

JcDSCII. He was p~ed in death by his lint wife, Op31. Services are scheduled Cor bri//iQllt guy.· Thursday at 11:10 a.m. -Rob Balcb1 at Sunset Mcmom.J UM soclologr professor FunCllll Home.

legitimate, global Caith. Untz'

char&es. he said, were Mtotally unfounded and ridiculous." Cult or religion, Balch said, I~n was an intelligent- often

brilliant- man. "He was just sort of this dassiG bearded prophet," be said. ".You know, milmatchcd socks, out-of· style suits. But he \\'liS pleasant, cordial, easy to llllk to.

The Dahai group, said that members throughout the world will mourn

Jensen's death in a memorial service Saturday, Aug. 10 at 8 The service loeally\\ill be held Saturday at the Unity Cbutcll, 201 University Ave. The group !IBid that memorial services will a!so be held

in spots roch as Aspen, Colo., Madison, WJS., Anchorage, Ala$ka, Minneapolis and New York state.



''!JfteSeventh AngelSounded'' (Rev. 11:15. SAQ pp 66)

..And he shall set up an ensign for the nation.s, and shalf auemble the outcasts of hrael, and gat~er together the

..After this I beheld. end, lo, a great multitude, U'hich no man C'ould number, of all natioru, and kindred, and people, and tong~es, stood before the Lamb, dothed with white robes, tllld palms in their hands;

disper.sed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." Isaiah I I :12

"And I heard the number of them which were sealed; and

And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which silteth upon the throne and unto the Lam b. " Revelation 7:9, 10

there were sealed an hundred and - forty and four thousand of all the tribes Of the children of Israel." Revelation 7:4


Knight of Baha'u'llah

July 7, 1982

Mr. Jack Shadetree 12202 Boulder View Drive Poway, CALIFORNIA 92064

0 THOU WOOER OF THE TRUTH AND AT'I'RACTED ONE TOWARD THE KINGDOM OF GOD!. Your detailed letter was received and its tenure was observed, along with its contents. It is good to have questions. Through these·one grows, but each . time one has a question, the struggle to find the answer his consciousness · enlarges, and thr'ough many such questions his consciousness expanqs to whereby he becomes a great light to ill·umine this dark contingent· world.: ·However, at no time ·should one put his faith in the Promised One on the line to be sacrificed, .for ones spiritual sight·comes from him and ones continued progress depends on this connection, If one encounters a question which seems to conflict with his understanding he need not despair even if it takes a life time to be enlig~tened for the conflict comes from the immaturity of ·the seeker and riot from the Promised One. In my lifetime thousands of questions were unanswered, for instance, I didn't know the meaning of.the Beast of chapters 13 and 17 of Revelation, as no explanation was found anywhere in the Baha'i writings, ·but riever did I doubt Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha, or the Baha'i Revelation; neither did it prevent me from successfully teaching the ·Baha'i Faith. With my coming into my station with the 'stone with seven eyes before me' not only were.most of my questions resolved, but I came into an .insight far exceeding any of my questions. You rightfully turn to me for insight, but I might not always be available to answer your qu~stions. To have your faith at any time-threatened, by the lack of understanding, one could die the spiritual death. For instance, with the passing of Shoghi. Effendi the fulfillment of the Covenant was not in accordance with the understanding of the mass of the believers.

4117 Colonial Lane

Missoula, Montana 59801

Phone (406) 549-...,427 •

Box 4003 59806

Page 2 Therefore, looked for Testament, they would

the evil ones were able to lead them astray. Had they had faith and the fulfillment through a more thorough understanding of the Will and rather than accepting blindly the new theology crE?ated by the 'Hands' not have been misled,

·To lose ones faith is the worst calamity that could befall anyone believing in and fbllowing the Promised One, Muhammad said something like this: "The worst thing that could happen to person is to become a believer and then to become infidel," These descend to the lowest abyss and l{ecome the furthest removed--to the outer fringes of the nethermost gloom!


And now, concerning your questions, the cubic capacity of the coffer in the King's Chamber: -I have referred this question to Jerome Hellman, as I have loaned him my books to complete his manuscript on the Great Pyramid, He. is 75% to completion. He has 35 Books on the Great Pyramid including the three volumns of David Davidson. Jerome's wi1l be the most comprehensive and will be added to my book. I don't have on hand at the present time a book to quote from, but not all the scientists measuring the pyramid have come up with the same measurements, ali have made mistakes, The worlds greatest ·Egyptologist, Petrie, followed Smythe, and pointed out his mistakes. ·His measurements gives us the 144,000 (or twice times 72,000), Jerome will go into detail with yo~ to give you understanding. I hope .he has time to write you on this subject. Your letter to me came at a time when I am far all of my work: in the print shop, at home,. garden, correspondence and in my writing of my book. I didn't want to write you just a short note, for the reason your station is . so high, and I don't feel that your belief should be so fragile as to your losing it. As to your second questions: J, E. Esslemont who wrote the "New Era" did so at the request of 'Abdu'l-Baha. In the Introduction to the New Era, Esslemont stated: "'Abdu'l-Baha found time amid his busy life, to correct some three and a.half chapters (Chaptersi, II, V and part of III) before he passed away. It is a matter of profound regret to me that 'Abdu'l-Baha was not able to cbmplete the correction of the manuscript, as the value of the book would thereby have been greatly enhanced." The book has gone through many revisions and corrections later by Shoghi· Effendi, Esslemont had added the 1335 days (years) of Daniel's prophecy to the Hijrah--the start of the Muslim Calendar in.. 622 A.D.--as he thought that was the start of the Muslim .era. ·Thus he recorded the date of 1957 for the Advent of the- Promised One of Daniel's proph~cy. .But that isn't the. start of the Muslim era. So Shoghi Effendi, in correcting this mistake calculated from the victory of Muhammad, in 628 A.D. as the beginning of the Muslim era. By adding 1335 to 628 gave 1963 A.D. as the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy. This coincided with Baha'u'llah's prophecy of his 100 year Jubilee and the 100 red granite rocks f~rming the walls of His Chamber (King's Chamber) in the Great Pyramid. We Americans start our country with the Declarati.on of Independence on July 4, 1776, however it was not until 1782-that the country was united under the Constitution; and we were finally freed from England.

.!:'age )

The· MUslim era started with Muhammad's treaty at Al-Hudaybya, in the plain of Mecca, with the Meccans in 628 A.D. In the same year he wrote the Victory Sura, in the Koran, in which he wrote: "And He it is Who hath withheld men's hands from you, and withheld your hands· from them, in the. Valley of Mecca, after He had made you victors over them. Allah is Seer of what ye do." "These it was who disbelieved and debarred you from the inviolable Place of Worship ••.• " (XLV III Victory). The Kabah of Mecca is tne Kiblah (point of adoration) for Islam, as Jerusalem is for the Jews. The Meccans claimed descent from A braham through Ismael, the son of Abraham by his second wife Hagar, and tradition stated that their temple, the Kabah, ·had been buii.:.t by Abraham for the 'worship of the One God, . It was called. the hbuse of ·Allah, but the_ chief object of worship there were a number of idols (360) which w~re called the daughters of Allah and intercessors. The Qureysh tribe, the descendents of Abraham, at Mecca were ·the keepers of Kabah, and was their main industry and inc.ome, as all Arabia came to pray .at the Kabah. Because Mtlhammad was in opposition to Idolatry (these idols),He and· the Muslims were·barred from the Kabah. With the t~eaty with Mecca 628 A.D. it was agreed that Muhammad and the Muslims would again be able to worship at the Kabah, with this victory all of the tribes of.Arabia turned to Muhammad, and he was able to go into the Kaba:h and destroy the idols. It was two years after this victory, 630 A.D., for all Arabia to become united under Muhammad and the Koran, but the Muslim era starts with the victory 628 A.D. and not the consummation, as the United .State of America starts with the Deciaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 and not with the consummation of the States under the Constitution in 1782. I go into this thoroughly for you because greater test are coming, and in order to survive them one needs to be.rooted so deeply in the proofs that he may not be uprooted. 1-Jhen one doubts a scum covers his eyes and he no longer can see. Being blind he becomes a victim of the evil one, or ones. One needs to be very careful concerning his belief and station, by not becoming a waverer. The waverers fell with the Covenant-breakers, when the 'Hands' took over the control of the Faith. Had they not doubted, they would have been able to see that the guardianship (the Davidic Kingship) did not come to an end;- and they would not now be supporting 'The Republic of God' in the place of the 'Kingdom of-God'. They do this, because at the time of do~bt, the evil ones· were able to foist the Republic of God on them, and thus they left the Kingdom of God. The day may come when there may be a separation of the friends of God due to the great catastrophe, and I may not be accessible to answer the questions that may arise; like with the passing of Shoghi Effendi he was no longer accessible, with them being thrown on their own, and due to their doubts they were._lost. What prompts me to write this letter as I have, is not that·I need a first chance to repond, but what it leads me to believe is that you may have a wrong concept of my position. The one. thing that I don't need is a congregation, as a minister at the head of a church, and is therefore in need of your support. The only one that I seek to please is God, and no one else. My mission is far from what some may. believe. It is to establish in this world, Baha'u'llah's Kingdom of God, and in relation to you and others is that I may be instrumental

Page 4

in you winning your 'station that God has set aside for you. Because of your fragile beliefs it seems to me that you are not winning the battle. out there are 4 billion people. The question is how many of these have you taught and · brought into the Kingdom? This is the· only question that need to be addressed. There are. many things throughout my life that I didn't understand in the Faith, but these things didnvt make me doubt or keep me from teaching and bringing people into the Kingdom. Maybe on this plain we will not be able to understand everything. If we did there probably would be no room for evolvement. Some people teach the Faith all of their.lives, but never bring anybody into the Kingdom, and eventually they don't enter themselves. They are cast ashore as foam of the great F>ea. · I have given you the· proofs of my mission, so that you may be so steadfast that no doubt may enter your mind, so scum may not cloud your vision, so that you may win the victory and gain your station. The 1335 days-years-are from victory to victory.· With my appearance in 1963 the victory. of the Kingdom was assured. So, don't be amqng those that doubt. This causesthe scum to cover your eyes so you can't see. Had you not doubted, and then through prayBr and meditation, that is, had you taken a close look at what was said in the New Era where Shoghi Effendi had changed it from 1957 to 1963 you would have seen that this was in relations to Daniel's prophecy-of blessed is he who comes to the 1335 days--and .what was to be accQmplished after the coming of that promised one, namely the establishment of the Kingdom: "Universal peace will be firmly established, 'a Universal language promoted, misunderstanding will pass away. The Baha'i Cause will be promulgated in all parts and the oneness of mankind established". Note that it states that the Cause would only be establ.ished after that date. This is the same thing·tha.t 'Abdu'l-Baha said would happen when the·?th angel makes his appearance in the Book "Some Answered Questions" on page 66: ·"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven saying,. The kingdoms of this world are to become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign ior ever and ever." "The seventh angel is a man qualified with heavenly attributes, who will arise with neavenly qualities and character. Voices will be raised so •••••• the Divine Manifestation will be proclaimed and diffused •••••. in that day of God, the Spiritual and Divine Kingdom will be established, and world will be renewed •••••• meaning that the Spiritual and Everlasting Kingdom will be established". .(S .A.Q. Pages 66, 66). The blessed one that was to appear in in the New Era that after the date·of his established. He is the 7th angel that is the Divine Kingdom will be established as

])aniel's prophecy 'Abdu'l-Baha infers appearance the Kingdom is to be to come in 1963, and after he comes stated in Some Answered Question,

·The Divine scriptures are writteN in such a way that a person with scum over his eyes does not see this, but if his doubts are removed then he can see again, and it is as clear as crystaL Feel bad about all of this, but not too bad, for even the Apostles were dead (had scum over their eyes, because they doubted) for three days and three nights. But as the Spirit--the Words--were breathed upon them they

were again able to see and they became alive (John 22:22). After this they never again doubted and they became invincible. If the scum has been removed from your eyes, by a breath of the Holy Spirit--the words--John 6:63--20:22, so that you may grow your roots so deep in the proofs that your certitude so strong thai you never again would doubt, no matter what would happen, then you too would become invincible--nobody would stop you. No matter where you are in the world singly and alone with no one to help you, you would become the center, The dead would hear your voice and com~ out of their graves. You would be one of the angels that I have ·sent out to gather together the 144,000, So great in the eyes of God would be your station, that you would be surrounded by a host of angels from on high to ~id thee. God knows what is in every ones heart, so when the test comes it isn't for God but for the one to whom the. test comes so that he may be appraised of his defects. If one has a defect that is holding.him back, or gets him in trouble and he is unaware of it then it never gets remedied, A defect is a negative quality. A negative quality is the absence of a positive one. Faith is established on undeniable proofs, as I have given. After this has once been given faith then can be firmly established. Then if one doubts which is a negative quality he has a defect that cari destroy him. As an aid to overcome this defect, I suggest that you read the Tablet of Ahmad daily. I write this letter to you in kindness--as a loving father to his son-so the son may obtain his inheritance--son of the Kingdom. No greater gift could be bestowed upon you. I remain: With love in the Kingdom of Abha,

(Jle,·. ll:LS • SAQ pp 6Q)

''And he doll 1et up an etuig" for the ntstiotu, and 1JaaJJ GU4!trlble

''.iftn 1h15 I beheld, ,;nd, lo. a multirude. whirh no man


t/ae OUICOIII of

rould number, of aU nationl, and

/,ael, and ga.llaer together the tli1perletl. of Judah from the four corner1 of tlae earth.''

kindrl!c/, and people, and tongue.~. stood before the LAmb, clothed wilh white robes, and palms in tlteir hands;

luiah 11:12 ..And I heard the number of them which wue 1ealed; a.nd there were 1ea.Jed an hundred and forty and four thousand of tJJ the tribe1 of the children of l&rul." Revelation 7:4

And aied with a loud voia. saying, Sait•otion to our God which 1itteth upon tiae throne and unto the Lam b. ·• Revelation 7:9, 10

Knight of Baha'u'Ilah

August 21, 1985

Ken Jorgensen 918 Union City Rd. Union City, MI 49094 Dear Ken, We're very glad that you enjoyed very much a two months vacation but we're glad that it is over so that you could write us a letter and tell us how everything is going. We miss you being here very much and are gladdened by the fact that you have begun teaching. We have three people here now from Detroit that are friends of Brian. Two have gone back to register for college, but -one is remaining to finish up for the other two. I see that you have been having some success in trying to teach a Covenant-breaker (of course, unknowingly). I've just finished writing a letter to one of the Covenant-breaking .Hands and I'm sending you two copies. One for yourself and one to share with your Covenant-breaking friend. Also enclosed is a little skit on Truth Suppression by John Stuart Mills and the Source of Truth, as neither of these have been written by Baha'is she may not be fearful to read what these Savants had written. In other words it might be an ice breaker. I'm also including several copies of a statement by Mason Remey which she should also read. If you need more copies you can go to Kinko's and run them fo~ four c~nts a copy. · · Please let me know if you are getting the Baha'i news, so that we cari get you on the mailing list for it if you are not getting it. Remember that plot of ground that you rototilled up for me back by the f~nce, and that the rototiller would not work. Well the tines were on backwards, that's the way I got it from the hardware store. Now that I've turned them around it works just fine. Also do you remember the sunflower seed-s you planted for me in that plaque. Well I planted some back in the plot that you rototilled up and th~re now higher than the fence and starting to blossom. My health is a lot better and thanks to you for your goading me to eat more raw food, also the forest fires are all out now around here and theres a lot of humidity due to the amount of rain we've been getting which makes the air nice and pure. Our evening class, or open forum, on friday nights are bearing a lot of fruit. We've come up with a lot of things that we

4117 Colonial Lane

Missoula, Montana 59801

Phone (406) 549~27 •

Box 4003 59806

will be sharing with you in the future. If there is anything that we can help you with please let us know and also try to visit us again as soon as possible. Opal joins me in sending yDu our love.

Truth Suppression .....


''Not the violent conflict between parts of the truth, but the quiet suppression of half of it, .is the formidable evil. There is always hope when people are forced to listen to both sides. It is when they· attend to only one that errors harden into prejudices, and truth itself ceases to have the effect of truth,. by being exaggerated into falsehood.'' -John Stuart Mill

“If it is considered with insight, it will be seen that all the forces of the universe, in the last analysis serve the Covenant.” --‘Abdu’l-Baha

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