The Key of David - 4

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Finally, the judgment has to do with God’s Promised One. God sends His Promised One into the world and how the people treat him and what they think of him is their judgment of themselves. He is like a mirror and what they see is only a reflection of themselves. As it says in 2nd Samuel 22:26-28: “With the loyal thou dost show thyself loyal; with the blameless man thou dost show thyself blameless; with the pure thou dost show thyself pure, and with the crooked thou dost show thyself perverse. Thou dost deliver a humble people, but thy eyes are upon the haughty to bring them down.” Everyone’s salvation is in their own hands; it is between them and God only. The judgment of their relationship to God is through the presence of God on earth in His Promised One; that is, through whether or not, and to what degree, they believe in him. (Dr. Leland Jensen, Revelation Explained, Chapter 11 verse 18)

The Temple is the shekinah, the presence of God. What is being said here is that the only place in this whole, wide world where this presence of God can be found is where the Lamb reestablishes the Universal House of Justice in its childhood form, the second International Baha'i Council. In the Baha’i faith, when we live the life, teach His Cause and are firm in the Covenant, we receive the bounty of the Holy Spirit. This is the presence of God, or “Shekinah.” However, if any one of these is cut off, then the Holy Spirit is cut off. The so-called “mainstream Baha’is” broke the Covenant when they did away with the executive branch. Therefore, they do not have the “Shekinah” (the presence of God). Thus, they are cut off from the bounty of the Holy Spirit, which is spiritual death. When they die the physical death they will be DEAD-DEAD. (Dr. Leland Jensen, Revelation Explained, Chapter 21 verse 22)

And this is the judgment, that the light [Baha’i] has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light [Baha’i], because their deeds were evil. For every one who does evil hates the light [Baha’i Covenant], and does not come to the light [Baha’i Covenant], lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does what is true comes to the light [Baha’i], that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been wrought in God. (John 3:19-21 RSV)

THE WISDOM OF THE APOSTLES (Star of the West, Vol. 13, pp. 180-181) --‘Abdu’l-Baha-“Afterward, in the spirit of the antagonist, he asked them the universal and particular questions and at every step contended with them. Often the very nature of the question gave them a clue as to how to answer.” IN ORDER TO SPREAD AND TEACH THE CAUSE OF GOD two of the Apostles went to the city of Antioch. No sooner had they arrived than they started to exhort and give counsel to the people. As the inhabitants of the city were totally uninformed of the divine principles they started to censure and arraign them, which finally ended in their persecution and torture and imprisonment. The details of these sad events did not reach the Disciples and thus the way of association and communication was entirely barred. But when Peter heard about it he started for that country without delay. Having entered the city he commenced in the beginning to associate and fraternize with the people until, little by little, he became the loving companion and comrade of the nobles and ministers. In a short space of time he became well known for his piety, godliness, virtue, explanations, knowledge, perfections and excellences of the world of humanity. Finally he became acquainted with the king of that country and consorted with him with joy and fragrance. When Peter saw that the king was relying upon him with the utmost confidence, trust and assurance, one night apropos of some question, he brought in the name of the Apostles. The king told him that some time ago two such ignorant and illiterate souls had entered his city and, having begun to deliver seditious speeches, he had ordered his officers to arrest them and put them under chains and fetters. His holiness Peter expressed a passing wish to meet them. The king commanded his attendants to bring them in to the audience chamber. According to the requirements of the place and time Peter appeared not to recognize them and then asked: “Who are you? Where do you come from?” They answered: “We are the servants of his holiness the Spirit of God (Christ) and we come from Jerusalem.” Then he asked about his holiness, the Spirit: “Who is he?” They said: “He is the Promised One of the Bible and the Desired One of all the servants.” Afterward, in the spirit of the antagonist, he asked them the universal and particular questions and at every step contended with them. Often the very nature of the question gave them a clue as to how to answer. In short, one by one, he put the doubts and scruples of the people in the form of questions and they gave convincing answers. Now and then he would accept a number of their explanations, and anon, he would wave aside a set of others bringing forth counter propositions so that the audience might not find out that he also was one of them. In brief, several nights were spent in 1

these interrogations and answers, now in refutation, again in acceptance, then in discussion and anon in controversial contention until all those who were present became fully informed of the fundamental principles of God and all their uncertainties were dispelled. Then, on the last evening he dramatically announced that truly all that (they had) heard conformed with reality; and everyone agreed with him. Then, and not until then everyone realized that this third person was the friend of the first two souls. For this reason it is revealed in the blessed verse: “We have glorified them by the appearance of a third person.” This story illustrates the meaning of wisdom. Therefore the teacher must speak according to the acceptable standard of the place and the time so that his words may affect the hearts and the people may understand his address. Teaching the Cause of God in this manner will produce fruits. We must not remain stationary and silent. If the thousand-voiced nightingale does not break into musical trills and rapturous melodies it is like a mute sparrow. If the thrush of the rose garden of significances does not sing tuneful lays and sweet airs it is the speechless, wingless jaybird. If the dove of the garden of mysteries does not coo it is the raven of the wretched ash heap. If the peacock of the Paradise of immortality does not display its multicolored plumage it is the black raven of the desolate ruin of mortality. Consequently, if ye are of the birds of the gardens of sanctity flutter ye your wings and soar heavenward. If ye are of the nightingales of the Ridvan of the Lord of Lords then sing and warble His glorification. If ye are of the lovers of the countenance of the Almighty then raise your voices and demonstrate your sincerity. If ye are of the wooers of the face of the Beloved then cry and weep disconsolately, so that you may throw an earthquake into the pillars of the world, burn the hearts of mankind with the burning fire of God’s conflagration, intoxicate and exhilarate all the lovers and yearning ones with the wine of glory and attain to the ultimate hope of the favored ones and the highest aspiration of the sincere ones.



ESTABLISHED TRUTHS ENSHRINED WITHIN OUR BELOVED FAITH (World Order of Baha’u’llah, pp. 151-152) --Shoghi Effendi-No Guardian of the Faith, I feel it my solemn duty to place on record, can ever claim to be the perfect exemplar of the teachings of Baha’u’llah or the stainless mirror that reflects His light. Though overshadowed by the unfailing, the unerring protection of Baha’u’llah and of the Bab, and however much he may share with `Abdu’l-Baha the right and obligation to interpret [expound] the Baha’i teachings [as the executive branch of the IBC/UHJ] , he remains essentially human and cannot, if he wishes to remain faithful to his trust, arrogate to himself, under any pretense whatsoever, the rights, the privileges and prerogatives which Baha’u’llah has chosen to confer upon His Son. In the light of this truth to pray to the Guardian of the Faith, to address him as lord and master, to designate him as his holiness, to seek his benediction, to celebrate his birthday, or to commemorate any event associated with his life would be tantamount to a departure from those established truths that are enshrined within our beloved Faith. The fact that the Guardian has been specifically endowed with such power [executive function of the IBC/UHJ] as he may need to reveal the purport and disclose the implications of the utterances of Baha’u’llah and of ‘Abdu’l-Baha does not necessarily confer upon him a station co-equal with those Whose words he is called upon to interpret. He can exercise that right and discharge this obligation and yet remain infinitely inferior to both of them in rank and different in nature. To the integrity of this cardinal principle of our Faith the words, the deeds of its present and future Guardians must abundantly testify. By their conduct and example they must needs establish its truth upon an unassailable foundation and transmit to future generations unimpeachable evidences of its reality. For my own part to hesitate in recognizing so vital a truth or to vacillate in proclaiming so firm a conviction must constitute a shameless betrayal of the confidence reposed in me by ‘Abdu’lBaha and an unpardonable usurpation of the authority with which He Himself has been invested.

JEALOUSY AND ENVY MUST GO ! ! ! Friday, Dec. 7, 2001 AD. -


Dear friend, ~--

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You had written, in response to another member's post regarding the 9-11 event: -«rf you [that other member] have facts than please share them with the whole list, otherwise you are only spreading disunity." The current special session of the siBC has determined: "The issue of whether September 11 had been predicted prior to the event occurring is not a question being addressed by the executive [special] session." Therefore, I am free at this time to answer your request, as are others who have these facts. Though the current special session is not addressing this issue undoubtedly the siBC would take this issue up as well if circumstances dictate for the benefit of the Cause, its protection and promulgation.

In the last few months of 1999, I was reading Shaykh Ahmad in the Baha'i w itings who was asked when would the Promised One appear. He stated tliat this was explicit in the Koran. When asked where it was written, he explained it was where Muhammad said the event would occur "after awhile." When I read this I thought it was not precise or explicit at all, for it only said: "after awhile." But Shaykh Ahmad explained that in the Arabic the word "awhile" is HIN which has the letter to number values adding to 68, and therefore that the Promised One would appear after 68, that is 1268 on the Muslim calendar, which is the same as the "year nine" from the Bah, as well as 1868 on the Christian Calendar which is the date given by Isaac Newton for the appearance of the Promised One in the Holy Land in which Baha'u'llah arrived in Akka in 1868. You can read about this year 68 (HIN) in God Passes By and many other Baha'i books.


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Having been reading this sometime after the eclipse in 1999 a ef'it was . , shown that Nostradamus named the "Hands" as the third/ antichfist ·( 'mane" in French "banda" in old German, meaning 'hands' plural) it occurred to me that since God had given the explicit time and date for those of the East in


the Koran in a vague word whose letters-numbers added to the correct time, than surely this sam g eat God, would not have abandoned the Christian people of the West, an would have left them the same infallible guidance so that they should all be saved, for He is wishing none should perish! So, directing my thoughts toward God and His Holy Bible (the word) I asked myself the question, "When? When will the event of the triumph of the Cause be?" Ask yourself this question when praying and turning to God and see what holy verse arises before the horizon of your mind. When I did this I immediately recalled the verse: "Of that ~a/ ~d hour no man knoweth, not the angels in heaven, nor the son, but the faiber only." This verse seems impregnable, but guided by God through the knowledge of the last word in the ayat "HIN" He showed me the word "ONLY'' sticking out like a sore thumb as the last word in that sacred verse. So I made the hypothesis (as I use the scientific method in my work) that like "HIN" which was 68, the word "ONLY" would give the date of the event that I have been explaining and speaking of for over 12 years -- nine of these on public television MCAT every Friday night for about 3 hours a session on average. Likewise I have been on the Art Bell radio show nation wide, published in the Missoulian and the Independent as well as tionally in Harpers Magazine, as well as appearing on NBC's TV Nation which premiered in England as well. I am also listed on man Internet sights for these things of which a search on my name will pull up. I know you know all these things, but these things are the facts. Looking the word "only" up in the Strong's cqncordance we find it is the Greek word MONOS, where M=40, 0=70, N~50, 0 = 70 and the final 's' called "stjgma" = 6. Thus MONOS is 40 + 190 + 6. Now when I saw this, because of my previous work showing how God had given these dates for the "siege of the city" pertaining to the first Trade Tower bombing and subsequent events, I knew these were the dates given by the prophet Ezekiel, for he had written in the first 5 chapters that there would be 40 days and 390 days, and other translations of Ezekiel gives 40 days and 190 days. This is what is published in Harper's Magazine under the heading "the Hilarious Press Releases of Neal Chase" for they make fun of me for in 1993 and 1994, I explained that as the Greek Septuagint gives 40 and 190 but the Hebrew Massoretic text gives 40 and 390, I am unable to tell which 2

r is the correct number in Ezekiel as both of these texts (each being over 2000 years old!) is equally authoritative and authentic as the other one. Therefore I was obligated to give the earlier dates- that is to save people (for to give the later dates and have them die on the earlier one their blood would be on my hands) - I gave the 40 and 190, first which gives the dates September 5 and then "as were the days of Noah" plus six days which is September 11. Instead what had happened that year on September 11 was an(iqtemational , ligious c nference in Chicago. Now I am writing all this fto'm memory and you can check Harpers for verification. Thus they made fun of this and of me, but they published this article for after the 390 days a thermonuclear size explosion the magnitude of Hiroshima and Nagasaki went off in Edison New Jersey right across the river from New York City lighting up New York like noonday at midnight. Those that did this hoped to detonate the gas line and have it run under the river and blow up all of New York City. This happened precisely on the date I gave as seven minutes to midnight EST. The news media however did not report this until about 2 hours later. At that time, Mountain time, I was live on the air with Art Bell, and he said that they were going to have a lot of fun with me for 'you shouldn't say something is going to happen for when it doesn't then you have "egg on your face" so to speak', he said. He then said, 'So before we get to you-first the news.' Then he started screaming and yelling, having a panic attack and a complete mental breakdown on the air live. He completely forgot he was on the radio, and lost his radio personality as well as his actual personality altogether. Then he regained his composure, brought back his radio personality and explained that the news came over the Teletype that an airline pilot coming into Newark said that a fiery mushroom cloud the size of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was lifting into the sky lighting up New York City like high noon! He radioed in that "Newark had been nuked!" Here the headline on the Teletype said "Newark had been nuked!" and Art Bell lost it, totalJ,y.

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God is powerful, all knowing and all great, likewise is he the Most Merciful of the Merciful and the Most Compassionate of the Compassionate. The radio audience that night said I had gotten this right. When Art Bell tried to cpntradict them they told him off and said he wasn't pure of heart for the ( pr phecy of God in His Holy Bible was true or words to that effect. Art Bell vowed to never have me on the radio ever again. 40 days later the FBI foiled an attempt to blow up the Lincoln Tunnel that leads into New York with only a minor explosion being able to diffuse the massive amounts of


explosive that were in the Tunnel. For this reason -- that is the prophecies for the siege of the city being fulfilled on the dates that God gave, that I published before time, Harper's Magazine published the releases. But in order to make fun of me, they also published the second series of dates pertaining to September 5 and September 11. Thus not only did I have knowledge of these exact days and the hours, but I had this knowledge back in 1993 and 1994! So in the last months of 1999, I had seen the word MONOS was 40 + 190 + 6, knowing the ancient alphabets and their numbers, the letter "S" called sigma normally has a value of 200. In the Greek alphabet there is no letter that corresponds to the value of 6 (for in Hebrew-Persian-Arabic that letter is vav or waw, that is v or w). So in order to have a complete set of letter number correspondence for religious purposes like the Bible languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and Persian, the ancient Greeks added the letter "stigma" to equal six only when the letter s appears at the end of a word. Thus if S did not appear at the end of the word MONOS the letters would have this value M= 40 and S= 200 and ONO = 190, would be 40 + 390! But because the S appears at the end ofMONOS it is 40 + 190 + 6. Thus hidden inside the ONE WORD MONOS by itself is BOTH the dates given by Ezekiel of the 40 + 390 and the 40 + 190. I was elated, for the hypothesis proved to be true, the date was hidden in this word and as Jesus said "if those days not be shortened then not even the elect would be saved" thus the 390 is shortened to 190 for the stigma is 6, and Baha'u'llah has written in passage 157 of the Aqdas and other places, who can explain the remaining six? Thus this is "the mystery of the reversal of the sign of the sovereign" (Davidic) - that is it pertains to the mystery of the Kingdom (see Paul) and the mystery of God. It pertains to the unfurling of the genealogy of Bal].a'u'llah which is also the g nealogy of our living kJng, the(g ardian of the Baha'i Faith, the reai:..granos~ of 'Abdu'l-Baha'-alive in the world today (Psalms 89). Therefore tlfese things pertain to the coming and the activation of the executive branch, for it is written that "the everlasting father ruleth upon theC~one of David" (Isaiah 9: 6-7), which is the executive branch and head of the body of the truel BC!UHJ.

'S \ This House of Justice enacteth the laws and the government enforceth them. The legislative body must reinforce the executive, the executive must aid and assist the legislative body so that through 4


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the close union and harmony of these two forces, the foundation of fairness and justice may become firm and strong, that all the regions of the world may become even as Paradise itself. (W&T, p. 15) The Universal House of Justice has only the legislative function; the executive power belongs to the administration department of the government [the executive branch, that is the head of the UHJ -Davidic] ... Again, I repeat, the House of Justice whether National or Universal, has only legislative power, and not executive power. For example, in Europe and America the Parliament or Congress enacts laws, while the government executes these laws. The House of Justice cannot fulfill two functions at the same time - legislative and executive ... ('Abdu'l-Baha, Star of the West, Vol. 7 No. 15). So when I saw that the days were shortened to 40 + 190 + 6, I also knew that like the first Trade Tower Bombing these days needed to be added to a ground zero event, which would be an act of God giving an exact day and hour for a starting point. In 1993-1994 this event was the first bombing of the Trade Towers, for this occurred 1260 years and a time (one year) and a season (90 days from ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha Nov. 28 to Feb 26) from the birth of the Beast in November of731 AD. Thus when the Trade Towers were struck on the date we gave before hand in November of 1992, I then added the 390 and 40 from that exact ground zero event. Thus in late 1999 I knew that there needed to be another ground zero event-an act of God to add the 40, 190 and 6 to get the next dates that God had explicitly given. At that time I told no one, not even my wife. The reason I told no one is that I was under vicious constant attack from socalled 'a •ostles". Words cannot tell how insidious these days were for me and my children and family and the happiness of our house, nor the treachery and disruption that these ' a ostles" caused. However, I tried to help them individually, pray for them, involve the smc as an institution, things only deteriorated, as you well know, and became worse and worse and worse. Why? Why? Why? was all this happening. These ones had concocted a lot to gain "remove and replace powers" in deference to what the explici covenant states and in opposition to what Dr. Jensen had established. Why? Why did they do this to hope to remove me from both the /



Cause (which is impossible in reality) om membership on the siBC? Dr. Jensen tells us why: ..- ~ 7

WHY, WHY, WHY did she defe t??? Here goes: I appointed Anita to be the vice-president of th I · C, a position in which some would give their right arm to serve the Cause. She was very happy to hear that I had elevated her to this station of an Apostle of the Lamb, and not only just as the vice-president, but also to occupy the apartment at the Baha'i Center, at a substantially reduced rent. She and her husband joyfully made arrangements and moved to Missoula, from Glenwood Springs, Colorado. She and Dan were very happy with these arrangements. Then why the gloom and the ~L defections? ;..'


A while back I announced that Neal was the Peter of Apostles, and it was pointed out to Anita that Shoghi Effendi ~ad placed the 1 liaison officer above all the other members of thd' IBC) As the vicepresident, Anita had the opinion that she was taking the place of the {~ardian in his absence [a delusional formation, ps)"chotic in nature - i.e. a demon], instead of just officiating on th m as the vicepresident, or chairperson. The vice-president was to- ficiate in that capacity, not a~ the executive branch of the BCLUHJ that is reserved for th g ardian. When she realized this, Anita's ego was flattened! It was ery similar as to what happened with the Apostle Judas. One of the questions in some people's minds has been: "If this really is the Return of Jesus with 12 apostles, and the true "' House of Justice, how come some of his ow tagostles turned against it? Anita gave her reasons for resigning from thl mo) and departing from the Faith, but these were just outwardly "spiritual" excuses to cover up the real reason. There were other persons who also departed :frpm the Faith, turning against us, that I was going to put on_~he me ·as an Apostle, but none of these were actually put on the Il3C. J\.nita was the only one who was actually on it and betrayed it. This makes her the Judas of the Apostles. At the talks given on the "Golden Branch" in the spring of 1991, Anita was cheerful and happy, she even contributed to the 6



discussions. Sometime after that it became known that Neal was the "Peter" of the Apostles and later that the liaison officer was the highest-ranking officer. It was from that time that Anita's face became downcast and her great position as the vice-president became drudgery. Instead of focusing on her own great station she compared it to the station of others. ' Abdu'l-Baha explains her motives completely: "How many a soul hath turned itself unto the Lord and entered into the protective shadow of His Word, and become famed throughout the world - for example, Judas Iscariot. And then, when the tests grew harsh and the violence thereof intensified, their feet slipped on the pathway and they turned backward from the Faith after having acknowledged its truth, and they denied it, and fell away from harmony and love into mischief and hate. Thus became visible the power of tests, which maketh mighty pillars to tremble and shake.




"Judas Iscariot was ,the greatest of the c~sciples, and he summoned the people to Christ. Then it seemed to him that Jesus was showing increasing regard to the Apostle Peter, and when Jesus said, 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church,' these words addressed to Peter, and this singling out of Peter for special honour, had a marked effect on the Apostle, and kindled £!!!I within the heart of Judas. For this reason he who had once drawn nigh did turn aside, and he who had believed in the Faith denied it, and his love changed to bate, until he became a cause of the crucifixion of that~orious. Lord, that ~ ~nifest Splend~ur. Such is the o~tcome of envy, the chief reason why men turn astde from the Stratght Path. So hath it occurred, and will occur, in this g eat Cause. But it doth not matter, for it engendereth loyalty in the rest, and maketh souls to arise who waver not, who are fixed and unshakeable as the mountains in their love for the Manifest Light. (' Abdu'l-Baha, Selections, p.l63)" (Dr. Leland Jensen, Letter to Jeanne, July 2, 1992) Therefore these people are suffering from "Peter envy." This is the oldest problem in the book. Although Cain was the greatest scientific mind in all the world, and knew the mysteries of creation skilled 7

enough to fashion metals, and build wonders like the Great Pyramid, nevertheless he envied Able and slew him. God marked Cain for he had mission and though cast out, he should not be killed. Thus God Alone doeth whatsoever He willeth and ordaineth whatsoever He pleaseth. M-Ali was jealous of 'Abdu'l-Baha. In a Tablet 'Abdu'l-Baha explains the jealousy of Judas for Peter, this is quoted in the full letter of Doc to Jeanne which is enclosed as Exhibit A, in hard copy. When this happened in the spring of 1991 it was after Doc had "opened the (~event s al." Doc explained that the~'even; als were, seven sets of seven or 49 t~ngs, with the seventh set of seven being his \S venc.e:gistles to Pepe. The ,se~enth (epistle to Pepe (which included the attachment of the Epistle to Knight . Courageous) is thus the 49th thing written in the spring of 1991 which "opened" the {9venth(ieal. It is in this Epistle to Knight Courageous (7th Epistle to Pepe), that these things ofthe'~ve ·s 'als are explained, by Dr. Leland Jensen, himself: r


The s ven sea]s that I break are seven tlmes seven (7 X 7 = 49), the cycle of th~ advent of the Great Sabbath - e tablishment of the Kingdom that 'Abdu'l-Baha stated will come about by the end of this century -- the start of the prophesied thousand years of peace. It started with the greatest event since the passing of 'Abdu'l-Baha -the formation of the First International Baha'i Council on January 9, 1951. Moses established a law for the tribes of Israel that is relevant to Israel under its new name Baha'i: "And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all the land. (Leviticus 25: 8, 9)." It was forty years from the formation of the "First International

Baha'i Council" January 9, 1951, to the formation of "The Second International Baha'i Council" on January 9, 1991, with my






./ ( \ G I' ) CV\ -' \ \ ~-1 (i)('e 'I appointment of its vice-president, Anita oryel ~ Baliff. To add nine years to this forty years we have January 9, 000. COr


"And another angel came and stood at the altar with the g lden (c nser; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of the saints upon the g)> Ide atar before the t one; and the incense rose with the prayers df the saints from the hand of the gel before God."

The(~~gel with the ~<?Ide censer mentioned here is Neal Chase. His media releases plusn is book on the Morrisites Ezekiel's Temple in Montana coincides with current events. The prayers of the saints are the prayers of all the previous martyrs that the 144,000 should be gathered quickly so that their blood could avenged. (Dr. Leland Jensen, Epistle ofKnight Courageous, pp. 32, 42ft) Dr. Jensen goes on to explain that the violation of th . & venant will be "resounded" as this is what 'Abdu'l-Baha states about ilie "re-sounding'' of the violation in SAQ. Thus what happened in 1991, is that the Lamb opened th(S veliifh eal, as prophesied of in Revelation chapter 8, and announced the appearance of "another angel" who was to perform a certain chore with the \ Iden <ybser, and in the addendum to that same Epistle he relates the/ golden (S~nser with the @!illden~9d, also spoken of in the Book ofRevelation! It was this "angel" that he had announced was "the Peter" of th 'a ostles. And thus a while later Anita and others became jealous and vio ated th c venant, all this coming out of the "opening of the's venth~al" in 1991. Now 1991 was 1260 years from 731 the birth of the Beast. As y2k approached I had no conscious knowledge in my mind that Dr. Jensen had prophesied the date of January 9, 2000 in this epistle just quoted. But on January 9th, 2000, a violent storm racked Missoula uprooting about four or five huge trees in the Rose Park and causing quite a lot of property damage. We were all at the old Baha'i Center on South Avenue, and the wind was so violent that sheets of metal were flying off the construction site across the street. This was videotaped. Within nine days on Jan. 18, 2000, Ruhiyyih Khanum was dead, and a meter struck in Canada "a star fallen from heaven." It was at that time that I sent out an e-mail announcement l


called the Fall ofKhanum, where we showed how there were exactly 1260 days from Aug. 6, 1996 to Jan 18, 2000, from the passing on of Dr. Jensen until Khanum was thrown down 1260 days later exactly! In this same e-mail the Epistle of Knight Courageous is quoted giving the prophesied date of Jan. 9 2000, in which it then states that there would be silence in heaven for "about half and hour." On the scale of one day equals one year a half hour is about 8 or nine days, for it says "about a half hour" not precisely. Thus the 1260 days and the 49 years plus 9 days, is the same date Jan 18, 2000. And we have the act of God, the meteor strike establishing the precise day and hour. Therefore, when thrseventh ~eal was opened in the spring of 1991, the 1 appearance of the one with th · -g Ide 'e nser incensed the peoples, some to anger, jealousy and shame, ana others perfumed with the sweet fragrances of God. This "re-sounding" on Jan 9, 2000, which Dr, Jensen prophesied of in his writings, ofth ' s~venth seal being opening likewise repeated the scenario of the appearance of the one with the g., Ide , enser and incensed the peoples, some to anger, jealousy and shame, and others perfumed with the sweet fragrances of God. With the meteor strike happening about a half hour later (9 days), all these events of the 9-11 are tied in to this one single prophesied event of the opening of the\~venthCSeal and the angel casting the ~9ldenCcenser upon the earth. Thus God fulfills prophecy, but not the people's expectations. Now we had the ground zero event to add the dates 40 + 190 + 6 to that time, which gives roughly the anniversary of the first Trade Tower bombing Feb. 26, that is (Ayyam-i-Ha) and then September 5, the anniversary of the passing of Opal, and six more days to the Sept. 11th. When I saw this I was elated! For the 40 + 190 + 6 from the date of the meteor strike and the fall of the arch violator Khanum --miracle of miracles!-- followed the same dates and pattern I had already given and been published for in Harpers Magazine in 1994! Nevertheless the trenchant climate of the violators was so intense, that I was unable to broach this subject with anyone at all due to the rampant poison of the violation. I know now that this was th ~Jll of God for it is written "God will send them a strong delusion so that loving NOT the truth they would believe a lie" ( 2 Thess. 2). Thus the people are deluded, that is, they are 10



separated from th r~ality of God, delusional, schizophrenic, paranoid, psychotic, etc., i.e. spiritually sick, but God sends his messengers to heal and not to condemn! lrregardless of them, I announced these up coming prophesied dates on MCAT p bli t levis ion, of which Colin was producing the program and can speak to this matter. Thus the whole city is witness to this occu~ence. 'v_,j2 \ \f(_,~!(j Furthermore around this same time of y2k, anothe e ive had written to me about the prophecy of Mustaghath to get my comments on this. At the time, it was so far off, (a year away) I didn't want to say much about it (for these dates are given by God not to cause people to lose hope but to receive hope and from assurance of things hoped for- faith; and from faith, salvation, and our faith is not a blind faith, but a faith based upon proofs, nevertheless it is still a faith), but I did both acknowledge the reality of that prophecy being 2001 AD for the Christian world, as given by both the Bah (Persian Bayan) and Baha'u'llah, see Gleanings index: Mustaghath, as well as praise him for his activity in the Cause of God which had allowed God to open his mind to the truth and purpose of God in this matter. He is free to speak to this himself concerning Mustaghath, 2001 AD.

I l

At that time in 2000, I knew that the Adamic cycle for Divine Civilization had not yet ended but that we were only in the last year of it Jan 1, 2000 to Jan 1, 2001. Though these dates were coming up in 2000, nevertheless the year specified bY. the Bah and Baha'u'llah was Mustaghath, 2001. All people on the ist.serve)hat have read any of my postings on this subject know darn wei that tlits year 2001 AD was proclaimed loudly and jubilantly by me all this year. After having given these dates on MCAT publicly, I announced these dates at the Forum and to individuals and on other occasions for those who had "ears to hear." Kevin Seeley had met a news reporter in Aspen that wanted a story and I gave him the calculation of these dates from the word MONOS over the phone. Any of these people who choose to remember these events can verify the facts of these dates if you ask them and they so choose. In spite of this, others were poisoned and did not want to hear or have any thing do with me or this teacpip.g effort. It will be remembered that others, as it is stated in the Will an<( t~~tament of'Abdu'l-Baha, didn't openly 11

reveal their evil purposes until quite a way into the year 2000 and even one of them had surreptitiously tried to derail the1rcpnbo~thering effort by putting her personal web site e-mail address on the official literature, to get people of the rainbow to tum away from the Baha'is who were organizing that effort and instead tum to her. Thus in about July or thereafters they violated and separated themselves from the truth of this Cause for reasons ot their own. .C'T · ~ ' /9 ' It was at that time that Adam- ater had come to the Montana I had met him for the first time in July 2000. He had a friend with him. Later ,h~ returned with his lovely wife Maria and they both went through the ( fif.esides. For the Book ofRevelation I had arranged for two others ones to '~W:ke them through the bulk of that. Before they had gotten to Revelation chapter 8, one of them asked me what she should explain to them when they read the explanation of Revelation chapter 8, from Revelation Explained which is part two of Over the Wall. I told her that she should tell them the truth, and read the Explanation of the Lamb, as written that th ~ ngel with the'g , lden~enser is an Apostle of the Lamb who has been given much expla'nations and comn1entaries, and then to read them the section of the 7th Epistle to Pepe (the part from the Epistle ofKnight Courageous on page 42) where it states that this is the Apostle Neal Chase, for this is the truth and purpose of God as infalliply explained by the Lamb per his mission and \l-0-- ~ forms part of his officia fl esides. (}...·


Later, after thisl:§ eside, Ad - ater and Maria were at my home and Adam asked me about if there were any more dates in the Bible. I told him that the scriptures cont in all the da es for the precise timing, pl~ and unfoldment of the(m- ssage and · rpose of God, and that these are for God to know and not for man (see Acts chapter 1). Furthermore I told him, that Doc had exonerated me from having to warn the world publicly for he said that the 100% accuracy of the first series of dates was more than enough to awaken the people up to the reality if they were pure of heart. Nevertheless I would not lie to him as he and Maria had asked me honestly and were pure of heart and were interested in this for the sake God alone and in nothing else of the things of the sordid affairs of this world. So I told them the truth about the word MONOS. Included here is a letter he has written about this as well:



Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 00:24:19 -0800 (PST) From: Adam Sippola <> Subject: 9-11 To:

r Victor, this statement is in response to the phone call you gave me this evening asking what I know of the date, September 11th as related to any sort of predictions.




While in Missoula in the summer of 2000, during the month of August, my wife Maria and I we 7 e staying at Neal and Dawn Chase'~ home going through the ~f resides with them and a few other ~a ha'is in the area. One night, while sitting in the living room of their home with Maria and Neal, I asked Neal if he had any more dat M redictions that he was investigating from the b ble. He then explained to the two of us th _ Dr. Lel nd Jensen's ascension on August 6, 1996 to uhiyah anum' death on January 18th, 2000, there ,were 1260 a . 15-e-:: eve he mentioned that this number was found in the (b ~ok of Revelation. He then mentioned something about Opal Jensen's death, I don't exactly remember what. He mentioned the word MONOS, and a few numbers. I remember 190 and 6 for sure. He explained through a mathematical equation that the final two dates were September 4th and September 11th. He did not specify a year. After Maria and I returned to Duluth, I talked with my friend Timothy Williams about the September 11th date and that I had heard it from Neal, whom Tim had met at the 2000 National Rainbow Gathering in Montana that summer. Well, September 11th came and went in 2000, and I didn't think much of that date until a couple of days before the Trade Towers were hit. I remember thinking briefly about it again, but it quickly passed from my mind. The day the Towers were hit (September 11th), I was walking home from work, and decided to stop in to Tim's work because it was on the way horne and I was eager to talk with him. When I walked into the restaurant where he works, the TV was on airing the Trade Towers in New York. After a moment, Timothy walked around the corner, and the first thing he said to me was, "Adam, the 11th. I remember the 11th from last year when we were talking about that." He also told me again how he remembered that Neal had told me that date. See you soon Victor. Allah'u'Abha! Adam


Received: by (mbox vwoodsong) (v1.31 1998/05/13) Sat Nov 17 07:24:08 2001) X-From : Sat Nov 17 01:20:47 2001 Return= Path: <> Received: from for <>; Sat, 17 Nov 2001 01:20:47 -0700 Received: from [] by via HTTP; Sat, 17 Nov 2001 00:24:19 PST

*********************** ****•**'* **************** Furthermore, dear friend, there are more facts. When the fires broke out in Montana, as you know my family left the state at that time. In Naw Ruz of 2000 we had already discovered Chair Mountain and saw the 12 'ates as the interstates surrounding the ho )1 and in America by prophecy. AHJ of this comes from prophecy fulfi . ent and fulfillment of prophecy is of the greater Covenant and not of th ser Covenant. My spouse, her brother and his wife and the kids were in CA, while I was working in CO. Then in September of2000, it was clear that God had ordained us to be in CA for an appointed time and for some unknown purpose to me -- and of some unknown duration. This was a very dark time for me personally in my life and your visit with your husband was one of the brightest moments for me personally. Nevertheless God had a personal lesson to teach me as well as a reason for His Purpose known only to Him. So in September 2000 I left Co, and explained to some of the Baha'is there at this time about the appointed time of MONOS. In Missoula at this time from September 5th through September 11, I was able to teach and have rums and attend the siBC meeting that was on that weekend. I had rented aU-Haul truck, and Ivan was staying with me in Missoula and helped me pack. Somehow Colin had arrived in Missoula as well to get his things and his vehicle and would be heading up to AK right away. It was at that Forum on the weekend of the 9th and !Oth, that I explained Chair Mountain again, the meaning of the 12 physical' ga es and the date of MONOS, and the fact that God had willed it for me to go to CA although I did not want to do this, it was His will not mine. This occasion was both mixed with happiness, joy and elation for the triumph of the Cause was in the air and in the minds and hearts of all. The violators at that time had been dispersed and removed,


their plots foiled, their actions void. And yet that moment was also tinged with a longing for the victory of God when all would be untied under one standard and one banner for the salvation of all the people of the world, all united like one soul in one body.



f r

On the evenings of9, 10 and 11 September, we studied these things. On one of those nights, Colin, Ivan and myself were up all night until sunrise trying to see why September 11, would be in God's plan and his timetable. We found-that on this day of the year 2000 Palestine had been promised to become an independent state. As this did not occur, this act of violation of the peace accord would be the final straw in the crisis for the Mid J?ast peace. That morning when it came time to sleep, all hopes for thd ctory of the Cause foremost in our minds and hearts, I remember saying, One year from today. For this year is not the year of Mustaghath. and then I retired to my room. In the park (Sacagawea), while the smoke filled the sky, and the sun was black as sack cloth, I remember speaking with Ivan quite a bit at length about the many reasons why this date was hidden and concealed in the word MONOS for the "Father only." If he wishes he might speak to people on this, as might Colin. For myself I am repulsed by conflict and strife a rigid prohibition in the book, which is why I have written this letter to you for you have asked for facts, and why I have not written this letter to others. At the National Gathering, my presentation was called "the Divine Standard Unfurled", for (long before that gathering) unknown to me, God knew, that he would give me His g nealogy and the chart of the resurrected body of the unity of all mankind while I was in CA. I thought I would be castaway in CA for ever, but instead I was there only a year to the day leaving Missoula circa Sept. 11, 2000 packing aU-Haul with Ivan, and then leaving CA for the Rockies again packing aU-Haul with Ivan at the time of Sept. 11, 2001. And so in Ridvan when we got thefgenealogy complete after 12 years of patiently waiting for the historical .;6th of it, (for a list of names without the true history to explain them is not worth much), I sent out e-mails announcing the Victory of the Cause and "Hark the Cannons Roar!"


Later God showed me it was in the form of the human body, and while in CA I explained to those present that now I could see why we did not have


the projection before this for we did not have the Divine Banner to unfurl and God said th,a this would not happen until He would cause that which would cause th~ L. bs of f"\a nkind to q ake. They asked me, 'What are you saying? That now that you have the Divine Banner, this will just happen?' I sa1"d, 'Yes. ' This is for them to see the truth if they choose to remember it. I tol~-this story at the g'thering, and titled the p~esentation "t~e Div_ine Standard Unfurled", from the prophecy ofthe Limbs of Mankind Will quake on page 119 of Gleanings. And so about 30 days latter, it happened just as I had ~aig ~the dates and time I had given. So what's the beef, with this post on the·. lisi"serv ? f



The only difference between what has happened this year 200 1 with the collapse of the Trade Towers, and that of the first bombing of them is that Dr. Jensen is not physically present to help guide the rest of the Baha'i community through these strenuous times to accept the reality of God and these important historical events happening now within the Cause and throughout the world at large. Therefore it is up to the believers that have been raised up by his words to fulfill this role that he once fulfilled. It is not for me to do this but for the others who are loyal to him to do what he would do in this situation and that which is to shortly follow as this first "hour" 1 comes to an end. The first meteor that will drive th c()venant-breakers out of the Kingdom of

(1\is presence, that is offMt. Carmel:i~ the one that hit in Jan. 1~, 2000 when Khanum was thrown down. It does this because of the explanatiOns I have given in this letter so tha,t}the world can see that the unfurlment of the Divine Bam1er of the · e' Baha'i (Davidic) fulfills prophecy and that they are the violators that have no executive branch (W&T, p. 15). The entire teaching effort of the Great Projection hinges on these dates for the Catastrophes that God has all ready given aforetime in the scriptures. (

Now no one knows these dates. All the clergy of the world cannot figure them out, either before or AFTER the fact. The truth is that God guides 1

90 day cycle.


whom He wills and misleads whom He wills (He both separates and unites!), and that I and I alone have been given this' g , Ide c nser" (which includes knowledge of these dates) which cannot be taken from me, as it is a spiritual and not a material reality, that is, my work "coincides with current events." What this means is that I am working on several very important projects all at once. Plus I have chores and other material responsibilities such as providing a home and food and shelter for my family, which I have done, through the assistance of God, and the financial security of the Stephens Ave property. These projects and their culminations, inception, fruition, and publication "coincides with current events." Thus me even having to put all else aside to write this letter at this_time, due to what may appear to be a delay in my other work due to 'list-serve oncems" or "special session business" is all the work of God tt> cause the simultanality of these events, that is the upheavals and convulsions of the sick and dying society, as well as the outpouring of these projects that are heaping up on my desk even as we speak, with.the inevitable Victory of God that He has promised. Thus we ' are all pawns in this, and I have never declared myself to be of any other station or position other than that of servitude.


Yet a minority few others, seem to be unable or unwilling to rejoice in the victories of others. For it is written in 1 Cor 12, by Paul, that we are all of one body and when one member suffers all suffer and when one rejoices in victory all should rejoice in that victory -- for the victory of one is the victory of all -- and the rejoicing of one is the rejoicing of all. Thus when those others saw that Pepe had given me the lapis lazuli ring through the executor of his estate, the greensleeves of' ter envy" appeared. At the wedding, another one came up to me anCl stated that in Ezekiel, as in the Buddhist writings of Amitabha, it states that the lapis lazuli is the throne ofDavid (see Ez.l:26 and 10: 1, RSV footnote as well, also Hag. 2:23). After this he lost his mind. Yet another one of them was aware of letters that I have from Pepe in which he had written to several of us saying and using words like "my dear boy" and "my boy". On this basis, Doc explains in his first Epistle to Charles Gaines, that Danny "boy" presumptuously put forth that ifPepe were to die right away ( 1991) that he, Danny should be the next (g ardian and Brent (


(Knight Courageous) likewise went for this "carrot". Pepe subsequently removed both Brent and Danny, cutting them both off completely, and told them that neither of them would ever be thlguardian. (See pages 44-46 ff, for more on this). Pepe did this as they both attacked Dr. Jensen. Thus the test of Pepe was on loyalty to the Lamb. They were aware of all this as are some others. They were aware of this for I showed these things (the letters and the ring) to Dr. Jens.ep. and Dr. Jensen had me show the ring to everyone at the w~ekly pub~ic~drum. In both my letters to Pepe ~4 Dr. Jensen's letters to hun, and h1s Ietlers to others, as well as at public-forums we explained that Pepe was dangling "the carrot" in front of certain people to test them. In this way, the way I see it, Pepe did guard the!faith, for by doing this God removed from it all those who were -" disloyal to God and the Lamb, for he would "carrot" them and then when they turned on Doc, he would cut them off, showing that they were disloyal -- for here they said they believed in the Lamb but when the smallest temptation to "wannabe" something came along they were more then willing to sell out for the smallest thing and tum their back on the truth and be disloyal to the one they said they had believed in. The reason I had written to Pepe was that Doc had asked me to do so. This began in 1987 when he started me writing media releases and he wanted ~opies sent to the@uardian as well as updates sent to apprise him of the '"" c~enealogy work. At this time there were no i.(i)uncils and there was n When I was in New York City in 1988-1989 Christmas-New Years, God had given us the Jewish part ofBaha'u'llah'sffl~nealogy from Adam to David to Bostanai. 4000 BC to 600 AD, all the/names professions and entitlements of the ancestors. In Madison and Chicago later we had gotten the Persian half but I was unable to read it then, but in Ridvan 200 1 in CA this barrier was removed from my mind.


In New York, something else happened. While searching for the Davidic ( li eage in history, we found papers,.of~ason Remey, that contained the divine plan for the establishment dJ IBCttJHJ, as it were, like its "blueprints." This is all documented and recording on the cloud 9 audio forum archives for people to hear. When this happened over Christmas 1988, I had a religious experience-- the first ofthree parts-- that caught me off guard in which among other things I was made aware that when the




genealogy was completed, New York would be destroyed. Everything happens for a reason. At any rate, Doc again asked me to write to the'® ardian, although the g ardian had stated he wanted no one to write to him. As Doc outranked him I explained that I would never have written him if the Lamb hadn't requested this. I sent him what became known as my first Epistle to Pepe showing him the -n~alogy and Mason's adoption by law in the East. He istle I was asked to write to him derailed the errors wrote --back. The nex of Mason and coincided with the 1990 Comet Austin g thering. The ardian began sending an endless stream of letters in response to this. All of these were given to Doc and shown to him and about this time we had moved to Montana to finish the work on the Morrisites book- Ezekiel's Temple in Montana -- and to set up the foundation of the siBC according to the divine Plan and the sacred W&T of 'Abdu'l-Baha.

This was when in 1991 the ~~ardian began carroting the people. It was after Danny and Brent had both failed the test and removed themselves and Pepe had cut them off, that is after the first Epistle to Charles Gaines was written June-July, 1991, and after Doc had exposed Pepe for "carroting" that the / gytardian then wrote to me using the term "MY BOY." Around that time I '-had written back to him, saying that I would not fall for the "carrot" because I had already obtained all that I had ever wanted which was to meet and be with the return of Jesus, and I would follow the Lamb wherever he would go (spiritually) not literally. Furthermore, from my experience in New York in 88-89.,.-(which I have never really spoken of fully to anyone) I would never barter away my spiritual station for anything in this world. But I have never ( written about this nor told anyone about it until now, though I kept nothing I ~ 'c\ fro~ Doc, and he had explained that so~etimes ~od shows some of us our { \' · station or allows us a faculty to see behmd the veil for a reason. The ( g9 ardian.wrote back saying "That is not a "carrot" for you and I don't expect you to "butter-up" for it."


The next day, he again wrote to me sending me a copy of a letter that he written in response to Doc, writing on the cover letter, "Copy for "MY BOY" Neal Chase, signed Joseph Pepe-Remey." And "Dear Neal "My dear Boy" signed Pepe. This first occurrence happened on Doc's birthday in 1991 and then again in October that same year. I have enclosed hard copies of excerpts from these letters and some others for you to see.


To make a long story short, this letter written in the same form as of the note from Shoghi to Mason on the packet of the hair and blood: for 'Abdu'lBaha's "dear son" as well as the token of the lapis lazuli ring being delivered to me by th "'~. ardian via the legal executor of his estate, in the same way that Shoghi Effendi was the executor of 'Abdu'l-Baha's estate delivered the token to Mason Remey, has been the source of great jealousy and animosity inflicted against me and my family for many, many long years now. These ones who fell away, one right after the other, all fixated on this with the same sort of "malignant obsession" that Danny and Brent had been possessed with and consumed by. It is like the gollum and the one ring, and only one has the power or will to resist it. In the Lord of the Rings 2 , there is one ring that is that of Sauron, the historical Sargon who is Nimrod of the Bible. This ring is that of the absolute monarchy of the incarnate god-lie. The other rings 9, and 7, refer to how the 9 religious and the 7 lesse ;;.~ venants of the alive revealed religions have been hijacked by the forces of darkness. The three rings, on the other hand, are made of the same three jewels (triratana) that are of the silmarils from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (two jewels) and the tree of everlasting life (one jewel). The first two jewels are the red stone (rubyjasper-carnelian--bloodstone) and the clear or yellow of the adamantine (representing the blessing and the scattering). The third stone is the sapphire (lapis lazuli) and represents the throne of David in Ezekiel chapter 10 and as the signet ring in Haggai final verse, representing the promise of the regathering to take place at the end of the six thousand year cycle. When asked, Tolkien explained that he was republishing the Ancient Prophecies of European peoples for the modem audience. These correspond with those of the Bible, Scandanavian and the Book of Revelation, and world legend and world prophecy which all form "the broidered garment of confirmation" spoken of in the Kitab-i-Ahd. In the Lord of the Rings, only one person can resist the one ring to destroy it. While another character, the true King, will marry the daughter of Elrond who possesses the lapis lazuli (or sapphire) nng.


Tolkien confesses to basing his Book on historical legend and prophecy, stating it is not an allegory, but in fact a "true story" a story about "God and the Catholic, that is Christian, religion".





Thus all these with the malignant obsession are poisoned by@ an, that is Nimrod, and hav~~ sought a station above their station to usurp the · gdom from the rightful' king. They have destroyed my personal life, and dftven out " friends, children and companions seeking to separate the g thering of the people of Baha. /

In the article published on the day after the passing on of Dr. Leland Jensen it is stated in the Missoulian, that "Dr. Jensen was going to proclaim Neal Chase to be the nex gj ardian" before he passed on. From that moment the envy of certain ones of the people, and others flared up until by y2k events in the cause and current events tossed them all out of the@ ·th --for God is my witness I did not throw them out! WheJt one of them went on-line she stated she was the highest ranking of all th~ ~sties. This was thy truth, for when Doc was alive the liaison officer is of the highest rank. The apostles are ranked in a list (see Exhibit enclosed) which starts with the liaison officer, the~ the(@.ardian that is th p esident, then Neal Chase, then the vice president, then the member at large, then the rest of the officers by rank, then the other members by seniority, until all 13 (12 plus the g ardian are listed). After this in the minutes comes the 12 substitutes by order according to the rank of the one they substitute for. All along Doc had warned and warned and warned again, that mixing position with station or comparing and contrasting others positions or stations with ones own is even as a deadly poison. For it leads to the Asmodai, jealousy and envy of the sick soul -- or the inferiority superiority complex. All throughout my career on the siBC I have been continually assaulted by so-called '~ostles" (from Anita on down) jostling in the ranks wanting to know why I am r~ed at ~e top of the list among the officers, below only that ofPepe and the ~iaisoh o!Jicer, yet above that of the even the vicepresident. Jealousy. They say: {

"Why does he get to go on TV and say what he says?" Jealousy.


"Why does he get to have the 'golden censer'?" Jealousy.


"Who does he think he is giving the dates in the Bible that 'only the father has set by his authority' (Acts 1, Matt. 24)". Jealousy. "Why does he unfurl the divine banner?" Jealousy. When I was in CO in August early September 2000, I found out from Jay, that one of them had been spreading the poison that what had really happened in y2k was that Neal Chase had proclaimed himself to be the ® ardian and that all of them had followed him into this violation. Now everyone in the Kingdom knows that this is not the case at all! They ~wished remove and replace powers to remove me from the siBC and maybe several others and replace them with dupes and cronies who would then go along with their violation to 'do whatsoever they willeth', as opposed to operating by Robert's Rules of Order, the five steps of Baha'i Consultation and WITHIN the framework and sphere of jurisdiction~ them by God, Baha'u'llah. 'Abdu'l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi and the Lamb. When I would not go along with the idea that "anything goes" they attempted to destroy my life. At y2k, both I and my wife became ill, and by March 21, I could see that God was leading us out of Missoula which I saw at that time, at least as a benefit, to save my wife and family from this poison. Several of them in 1999 and 2000 seemed to be racked with panic disorder over the idea that I should be the ~~rdian. More than one of them was consumed with paranoid fears, pahi'c, jealous raR,e and delusions of this, even going so far as to imagine themselves as 1 uardian'. The fact that I had these letters from the actua( g9ardian and the azure ring drove them wildly mad. In a reverse type of Mary Magdalene, another one of them came to the conclusion that based on the letters from th /guardian and the token of the ring, that I was in fact the actual nex ~ ardian and that there could be, nor would ever be anyone else. This she tfi n spread through the community in the form of a poison suggesting to people that I did not go by the two part criteria in the Will and Testament, and that I was "mentally unwell" whereas this was all projection. This again was happening in the years 1996 to 1999. This was like the tactic that worked for Ruhiyyih Khanum and the "Hands" that accused Mason of not going by the two part criteria, for they said his 22

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appointment did not qualify as an appointment, and they said his adoption was not a legal adoption. And, they said that even if it was a real appointment it did not matter for they would NEVER accept an adopted son. Now they are all cut off the tree, they removed themselves, and they have nothing. When the believers asked how Mason could do such a thing being so loyal and faithful and active under both the Master and Shoghi Effendi, they said he lost his mind, and that the old man was in his dotage (senile-mentally ill). And so they were all tested and they failed the test. Joel M. in his usurpation knew how well this tactic worked for Ruhiyyih so he used it again on Mason, even after he had accepted Mason as the ~~ ardian! (See The Most Mighty Document, p. 12). The 9-11 event, as prophesied of in the scriptures from the dates hidden and concealed in the one word MONOS shows that in Mustaghath, 2001 AD, the Kingdom of the Father is come! The Everlasting Father seated upon the tryrone oJD~vid that is the executive branch of the true House of the Lord the true ffiC~ ofBaha'u'llah. I have written you these things, as an open letter, so that the people can get a glimpse into both the reality of the dates being given by God 2000 years ago and longer by the ancient prophets, as well as my own personal foreknowledge of these events, as the one appointed by God to declare them to the people in this day today. The date MONOS is the bump ~IJ. the head "WAKE UP! The Kingdom of the Fa~er sea~e? upon Davi~'s ~one is here!" The medicine for this si~k world 1s the d1vme standard m the human form, ')t man's measure, that IS an angels" which is the power of the(goldf nr d r.tBC~) to resurrect all the dead of this world. (See Ezekiel37: and Rev. ch.-21: 17, that is the golden ratio 1.618 and the Most Great Name, the measure of man in the image of God-spiritual qualities and attributes: that is an angel).


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I have not come to proclaim myself but to proclaim my Lord God, and His Christ, Baha'u'llah. It is not I that claim to be "the Peter" rock, of the rapostles, or that I claim that I fulfill prophecy, but it was for the return of 'Jesus to do this, and those that are loyal to him can see the loyalty shining within me. 23

Baha'u'llah prophesied: The Word [monos] which the Son concealed is made manifest. It hath been sent down in the form of the human temple in this day. Blessed be the Lord Who is the Father! He verily, is come unto the nations is His most great majesty. Tum your faces towards Him, 0 concourse of the righteous!. .. This is the day whereon the Rock (Peter) crieth out and shouteth, and celebrateth the praise of his Lord, the All-Possessing, the Most High, saying: "Lo! The Father is come, and that which ye were promised in the Kingdom is fulfilled!..." My body longeth .for the cross, and Mine head waiteth the thrust of the spear, in the path of the All-Merciful, that the world may be purged from its transgressions .... (Lawh-i-Pap, BWF, p. 62). Therefore this thing is not of me, but is from God. Simon did not do these ,t,hings, and this is a prophecy for today, "Hark the Cannons Roar!"-i jealousy be damned. \ .___ 1

Celebration is no crime, but it is ordained for the faithful to rejoice with a great rejoicing! Some people were jealous of the Liaison. 9 fficer- but I was not. I loved her as my sister and cried when she went away, as did others cry whose hearts are pure. After Doc passed on she was no longer the highest ranking member of the Council. But "iniquity must come and woe betides them by whom it comes". Those who are in high positions and rankings, cannot be jealous of what they think is the "station" of someone else, such as "the Peter". I feel sorry for these people. I give them to God. This "confusion" over rank, position, station must stop! It is not just absurd non-sense but is even as a deadly poison. r

Those so-called "apostles" and their cronies are in grievous error to attempt to use the one appointed for and prophesied of for this chore and task to create a breach in the Cause of God. They have failed, and the Cause goes forward for there is NEVER a breach in the Cause only those who exit.



I do not want anyone to "support me" in my work, for I am quite able to support myself. I only ask that people choose to be "not against me," for I have a right to go forward with my work in the path that God Almighty has set out for me. Problems only arise when people say they are "not for me" why say this? when you can say instead: "I am not against him.'' For I am in harmony with the provisions of the Covenant, and only good can come from it, or God would not have given it to us as so.


Jealousy must go! Acceptance and happiness must come! The MONOS of "only" or "alone" does not mean isolation and despair. No! God forbid! It means the ONENESS of Humanity, the UNITY of GOD and his prophets, the WHOLENESS of all people, the WELLNESS of the BODY functioning as unified whole·under the provisions of the Covenant. MONOS is NOT the singleness of separation, the desolation of the nethermost gloom, the r loneliness of the scape-goat sent out to Azazel. MONOS is the singleness of the perfect man united with God, independent of all save God, the true Baha'i on his own feet, the "perfect man in activity," the individual being responsible and culpable for their own actions and deeds, not hiding and ( ''cowering in a false sense of "the c~t>:yd" in the name of "false unity" but 1 \ t\ seeing with his own eye, seated as 'lQr\g and priest on his owrlthrone (as it is · ) written we all be \ 1<\ngs and ~r' unto God"),,h~ving a7drop of the whole plan in the nucleus of his o ' iia a singler(mon ' f len yet functioning, in the communion of the Body o the Most Great Name, in whatsoever of the NINE systems he may find himself residing in. Even the appendix is important! If something goes wrong with the appendix something is wrong with the entire body and the entire body suffers. Read 1 Corinthians 12, for when one member has a victory all rejoice as well!




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Today is the Day of the Triumph ofthe Cause. It is 2001 Mustaghath in the Baha'i writ, how can we convert all the people to rejoice and be happy, in such a way that not a single unbeliever (the unhappy and the downtrodden) would be left alive on the face of the earth? On November 4th, bin Laden published: "Osama bin Laden turned his ire on the United Nations yesterday, slamming it as a root of Muslim suffering an scorning Arab leaders as infidels in league with the world body"


He said: "Those who claim to be Arab leaders and whose countries are U.N. members are infidels who renounced the Koran and _the Prophet ,. '· Mohammad's (_teachings when they resorted to · ·temational @ giti.macy instead of resorting to the Koran," bin Laden said. "We have suffered and continue to suffer because of the U.N., and no Muslim or sensible person should tum to the U.N. because it is an instrument of crime." (The Seattle Times, Sunday, Nov. 4th, 2001, pp. 1, 2) In the Koran Muslim is forbidden to kill Muslim. By bin Laden denouncing in Fatwah (a legal ruling like the one issued against Salmon Rushdie) all Arab and Muslims who are with the U.N. as "infidel," this gives the green light to destroy the U.N. building and its surrounding complex that employs a total of 7000 workers. This type of edict has never been given before and is of essential importance and prerequisite to the fulfillment of the prophecies regarding this matter. In this way they are led into the persuasion that they are not killing Muslims, but infidels, who have received prior warning as ofNov. 4, the anniversary of the martyrdom ofShoghi Effendi and Itzak Rabin, in '57 and '94 respectively.


My work in this has been to forewarn God's people-- that is ALL the people of the world are God's people-- about this onslaught so that many can be saved for their safety security and salvation and tum unto the ~· gdom and elect the Supreme Tribunal with the Davidic King as its ·.esident. As the year Mustaghath comes to a close, the media is filled with warnings of another terrorist escalation, and promotes the use of a "dirty radioactive bomb,"· the killing ofSaddam Hussein (Mabus) and the invasion of Iraq (where the Great River Euphrates doth flow Rev. 9:16). All these things are the exact scenarios, prophecies and predictioQs that we have given on MCAT since 1992 forward and in all our previous releases. It appears that the current administration may even know where and when and what will happen next, and like FDR on Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7, that knew of the Japanese attack before hand but allowed it to occur to awake America out of its slumber of Isolationism, they will allow this to escalate to thermonuclear 26

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scenario. The Whitehouse is the target. The U.N. building. Washington. New York. The drive to eliminate Saddam is on the TV every day now, whereas it was only on MCAT every Friday in the 1990's on our show only. As the first "hour" of 90 days comes to a close, and all the mid-east erupts in conflagration, America on the side of Israel, Iraq with the Palestinian Authority~ we cannot help but recall these poignant words ofBaha'u'llah: "The time for the destruction of the world and its people hath arrived!" "The hour [one hour of thermonuclear war] is approaching, when the most great convulsion will have appeared." "The promised day is come, the day when tormenting trials will have surged above you heads, and beneath your feet, saying: 'Taste ye what your hands have wrought!"' "Soon shall the blasts of his chastisement beat upon you, and the dust [fallout] of hell enshroud you." And again: "And when the appointed hour is come, there shall suddenly appear that which shall cause the limbs of mankind to quake." "The Day is approaching when its flame [thermonuclear] will devour the cities, when the Tongue of Grandeur will proclaim: 'The Kingdom is God's, the Almighty, the All-Praised!"' "The day will soon come," He, referring to the foolish ones of the earth, has written, "whereon they will cry out for help and receive no answer." "The day is approaching," He moreover has prophesied, "when the wrathful anger of the Almighty will have taken hold of them. He, verily, is the Omnipotent, the All-Subduing, the Most Powerful. He shall cleanse the earth from the defilements of their corruption, and shall give it for an heritage unto such of His servants as are nigh unto Him." (cited from Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day is Come, pp. 3-4).


On MCAT years ago when Bin Laden first made the news, I explained that his family name is actually al'laden that is Aladdin, the one who lets the "genie" out of the bottle. It is written that, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away."


Read Matthew chapter 24, and Daniel chapter 7, that God may haply open your mind to the realities of these things.

c · oe~r frie~d: please give my love to all the Baha'is and all your family. -- ·Because you are the only one who posted asking for the facts, this open letter is addressed to you-and I hope that it will be you that will arise to win your high station that can awaken those who may have forgotten to go by the facts, and therefore I have provided you with the facts you may need to do what it is that God has given you to have to do. Attached to this letter is a series of exhibits with the relevant information in them. Please feel free to share this letter and its contents with whosoever you wish, as it is an open letter for all to have. My prayers are with you all for your protection and security in these days of test, tribulation and trials. Only those who enter the house through the gates remain calm as they are in the house which is the shelter for the storm. The ostrich that stays outside and fears the "signs" of the storm seeking calm to bury its head in the sand is the one that is destroyed for burying its head in the sand does not stop the steamroller from coming down the road and squishing it.

NOW is the Gathering Storm! Be ever thankful that you have lived to see these days. 1

y_9ur servant in(@» Abba, Neal. cc. COPY FORWARDED TO IBC, VIA ACTING VICE-CHAIR, VICTOR WOODS 12-10-01



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Rc.J.t;.. 1:9, 10

DR. LELAND JENSEN Knight of Baha'u'llah

(406) 549-0427 july 2, 1992

Because of my love for you I have asked the IBC to hold off on removing your name from the roster, also because of my love for you it would grieve me very much to have to remove your name from the Lamb's. Book of Life. You really just don't know the seriousness of the situation, and its r·a mifications. To proceed with this (the removal of your name) would mean thin your soul would be tarnished from now on. regardless if you should repent and return to the true faith, for it shows a character weakness. We aU love you Jeanne, why w.ould you turn away from the love of the entire Baha'.i Community to be with one ex-member? This ex-member, Anita, sent out a letter explaining why she (through her so-called research) defected. ·


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·.By" now you have already received and read the rebuttal by the liaison officer, Wind jensen, explaining why all Anita's reasons were erroneous. Her reasons were riot reasons, but excuses, excuses, excuses for the real reason which has not been divulged to you. It is necessary for you, and everyone else, to know her real reason, especially those dear souls that have been poisoned by her. So this letter to you is for the prime purpose of letting in on this hidden secretor Anita's. . . Also, I am enclosing a letter to Patrick Labbe~ of whom Anita, when she was in the position of the vice-president of the IBC, was educating to become a Baha'i Under the Provisions of the Covenant. He was coming along just fine, until he started to receive Anita's garbage after s~e defected, causing him to b~come an enemy of the . WHY. WHY, WHY did she defect??? Here goes: I appointed Anita to be the vicepresident of the IBC, a position in which some would give their right arm to serve. the . Cause. She was ver}' happy to hear that I had elevated her this station of an Apostle of the Lamb, and not only just as the vice-p-resident, but also to occupy the apartment at the Baha'i Center, at a substantially reduced rent. She and her husband joyfully made arrangements and moved to Missoula, from Glenwood Springs, Colorado. She and Dan were very happy with these arrangements. Then. why the gloom and the defections?


A while back I announced that Neal was the Peter of my Apostles, and it was pointed out . to Anita that Shoghi Effendi had pla~ed the liaison officer above all the other members of the IBC. As the vice-president, Anita had the opinion that she was taking the place of the· guardian in his absence, instead of just officiating on the IBC as the vice-president, or chair-person. The vice-president was to officiate in "that capacity, not as the executive branch of the lBC/UHJ that is reserved for the guardian. When she realized this, Anita's · ego was flattened! It was very similar as to what happened with the Apostle judas. One of the questions in some people's minds has been: "If this really is the Return of jesus with 12 apostles, and the true House of justice, how come some of his own apostles turned against it?"

Anita gave her reasons for resigning from the IBC and departing from the Faith, but these were just outwardly "spiritual" excuses to cover up the real reason. There were other persons who also departed from the Faith, turning against us, that I was going to put on the lBC as an Apostle, but none of these were actually put on the IBC. Anita was the only one who was actua~ly on it and betrayed it. This makes her the Judas of the Apostles. At the talks -given -on the "Golden Branch" in the spring of 1991, Anita was cheerful and happy, she even contributed to the discussions. Sometime after that it became known ·that Neal -was th_e_ ~.Peter"· of the Apostles and later that the liaison officer was the highest ranking officer. It was from that time that Anita's face became downcast and .her great position as the vice-president became a drudgery. Instead of focusing on her own great station she compared it to the station of others. 'Abdu'I"'Baha explains her motives completely: How many a soul hath turned itself unto the Lord-and entered into the protective shadow of His Word, and become famed throughout the World--for _ example, Judas-Iscariot. And then, when the tests grew harsh and the _violence thereof int~risified, their feet slipped on the pathway and they turned backward from the Faith after having acknowledged its truth, and they denied it, and fell away from harmony and love into mischief and hate. Thus became visible the power of test, which maketh mighty pillars to tremble and shake. judas Iscariot was the greatest of the disciples, and he _sununoned the people to Christ. Then it seemed to him -that Jesus was showing increasing regard to the Apostle Peter, and when Jesus said, 'Thou art Peter, and upon this -rock I . will build My church,' ttlese words addressed to Peter, and this singling out _ of Peter for special honour, had a marked effect on the Apostle, and kindled · envy within the heart of judas. For this reason he who had once drawn nigh did. turn aside, and he who had believed in the faith denied it, and his love changed to hate, until he became a cause of the crucifixion of_ that glorious Lord, that manifest splendour. Such is the outcome of envy, the chief reason ·why men turn aside from the Straight Path-. So hath it been aforetime, §.Q_ shall it be in this great Cause. But it doth not matter, for it engendereth loyalty in the rest, and maketh souls to arise who waver not, who ~refixed and unshakable as the mountains in their love for the Manifest Light." (Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha, page 16_3) · It is sad that this should happen to·anyone, but 'Abdu'I-Baha tells us that wonderful developments will occur in the Cause after such tests. Continuing from the quote above He says: Convey thou unto the handmaids of the Merciful the message that when a test turneth violent they must stand unmoved, and faithf~l to their love for Baha. In winter come the storms, and the great winds blow, but then will follow spring in all its beauty ... Ere long shall ye bear witness_that the lights ·are streaming forth ... the hosts of the Kingdom are marching down, the angels of heaven are rushing forward, and .the Holy Spirit is breathing upon all those regions. On that day thou shalt behold the waverers, men a nd women alike, frustrated of their h-o pes and in manifest loss. This is decreed by the Lord, the Revealer of Verses." (163-64) jesus said: "iniquities must come but woe betide them by whom they come." None of the Covenant'-breakers, violators or dissidents will enter the Kingdom. No one shall enter the '.r.

Kingdom who doesn't have a pure heart and whose mind is evil. All the proofs could be put before them, yet they would be unmoved. However, words from the Book of Daniel might . . be a ray of hope for some:




[ heard, but l did not understand. Then l said, "O my Lord, what shall be the issue of these things?" He said "Go your .way, Daniel for the words are sealed up until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand [those that go by proofs] ••• Blessed is he who waits and comes to the thousand three hmt&-ed and thirty-five days [1963, that is, when I began my mission) · · (Dan. 12:8-12). l write you this letter with the greatest of rove in my heart. for you are one of my spi ritual children. ·When a ·parent sees one of his children endangered unto death he does everything possible to save her (him). I want you to read very carefully the enclosure, my letter to Labbe. lt answers a lot of questions and problems, with answers that were never put forth before (new stufO. You may also share this with whomever you. wish. With love. Dr. Leland jensen

l l

"'JJ..e Seventh AngelSounJeJ" .

(Rev. ll :lS - SAQ pp 66}

··,A,.J he JtJlur 11p 1111 fo' lAc n.oli.on.J. ~J U.Jl cuem.bk tlt.c outca.Jt.1 tJ/ ,.,u~. Cll4 rula~r locetlacr eAc t/Upcr><d •f Jod.A from lite

•"Afir' 1Ais I 6eltdtl. uti. Z.. c freGt ••dt&lw:lc. whid •u• .. .,. ro.Jd ru&~nbcr. of aU,...,;.,. ... anti· ln.tlrrrl. 41111 ~apic. atl teftcur.s.. MooJ be/ore tlec LG~~~:b. chuAH willt wAite NJ6n. aaJ p4l-..J ia lltciT U..J•;


four ermaer~ •/ tlte eMlA ... haia~ ti :J2 u.Antl I lu~utl tAc II liM 6cr of chen. wiUcla. wctc 1ulcJ; Gild L\cre were .Jealt!tl M Aunclred fortr ..J{HI tJ,......,.,J of oil U.e ~Met a/ IAe eh;Idro~ a{luocl. "' ReHI.tioa 7:4


41td Mlfto U.e L..ant6. u R...u.;.. 7:9. IO


Mike East 113th Road ca'rbondale, co 81623

· Knight of Baha'u'llah

an epistle Oct., Nov.,


Dear Mike,

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Atul c~ lililJ. lduJ Mfo.f.. s.J•IIIi4A to o•r CoJ •llkl Mllt tll "P"" tlte tAr•~

I have several letters from you and I will t~yand respond to them in this epistle. When .you became a Baha • i you didn • t join anything··, so there is "nothing for you to withdraw from. -When Charles wrote the Guardian he asked to withdraw from that National Spiritual Assembly that he was elected to. He also requ_ested to withdraw from that administration that the Guardian .had established. The Guardian later, in 1966, not pnly dissolved that assembly but also _eliminated that · administrat;_~qQ.; § _O there is nothing. for you to really withdraw from as ! ' did not make an administr~tion. · - •: I am a test to the Baha I is just like a'l ·i the previous Promised Ones of God. For instance, when Jesus said: "He who eats of my flesh and drinks of my blood has eternal li_f e, ... he ~ho eats of this bread will live for eve~." ... "Many cif _ his disciples, when they heard it said, 'This is a hard saying; · who can listen to it? • ... After ·".this many- of his · disciples drew - back .and no longer went about with him" (John 6:54,58,60, _6 6). Then we _ have the example of Judas, he had a better idea. He was the most zealo~s of the apostles _and pr6bably the most intelligent. He thought that ·if he could get Jesus -before the Sanhedrin he would be able to prove to· them that he was their promised Messiah. Jesus -knew .different. H~ knew that they wanted to kill him. In spite of that, he told Judas to go and do what he had to do. · · When one goes against the Promised One, the Promised One -lets them do what they want to do. Some.·· examples of this are when Shoghi Effendi expelled the whole royal ' family of Baha'u'llah as well as his own family from the Baha'i fa"ith . for Covenantbreaking, and · when Mason .removed "Rex King. I however am n,ot a - guardian. I remove no one from the faith. I leave them to God. Usually the opposition to the Promised bne occurs at the top. The higher they are the harder they fall. Among us there are a number of my followers who, for some reason or another are trying to . find fault wi~h - me. I don't try to stop them. The· faith cleanses itself. "But nothing unclean shall enter it~ nor any one who practices abomination or falsehood, but only .those who are written in the Lamb's book of Li~e" (Rev. 21:27).

I don't wish that apy should fall but that they see their evil ways and repent. The problem with many is that their egos get in the way. When a person feels that he is led by God and it is in opposition to the Promi~ed One then this is not divine guidance. I have given you the proofs of my station and mission. Muhammad said: That once one becomes a believer and then turns away that is the worst thing that could happen to a person. He also said that when one says he is a believer, do you think that God will leave him to himself and not put him to test? · . The things that you complain about to me in your long letter are reminiscent of the iniquities heaped upon the Promised Ones of every age by their followers. The things you accuse me of in your numerous charges are similar to those heaped upon Moses by Korah in the 16th chapter of Numbers after Moses had established the priesthood. Korah said to Moses: "You have gone too far! For all the congregation are holy, every one· of them; ... why do you exalt yourself above -the assembly of the Lord?" (v 3}. In reading verses 31-33 you will find that Korah, ·and all that were with him, went· down into hell. . There are a number of my followers that are in rebellion. When they co~e to study with me I give them the proofs that I . am the promised one: .name, address, date, and mission; so they are not innocent, knowing that I am who I say I am, they proceed to · test me. Knowing what they are up to I allow them to ·proceed with the test. As Jesus said to Judas (John 13:17), I allow them to go and do what they must do. Some of them go for what they believe is the -achilles heel- "the dirty garment." When they test me they themselves are being tested. The test is for them to know their failings. The true 144,000 will follow the Lamb wherever he goes (Rev. 14 : 3-5 ) . The 'stone with seven eyes' is a test to all people. It is a stone which many people will fall over. The whole world except the 144,000 will fall over it. Shoghi Effendi also was a test. He was not a male blood~line descendant of Baha'u'llah, or of king David. His line was not to succeed him, so God didn't give an heir. Therefore he appointed one who was of the line of David, 'Abdu'l-Baha's adopted son to be his successor guardian. When he dl.ed God didn't hesitate. to remove all of the millions of the Baha'-is that separated themselves from the guardian, and thus from Him; and when Mason died God didn't hesitate to remove the rest of them who ~idn't accept his son, from His sight except the two -knights. There are high stations set aside for the true believers. I am to have twelve apostles. How can anyone who comes against me, showing their disloyalty to me and trying to discredit me to the other believers, ever attain their station? God requires unconditional acceptance of His Promised Ones. I don 1 t eliminate anyone from the ·faith, they eliminate themselves. I don't wish that any should perish but that all should reach repentance and be saved. I have a mandate--to bring forth and establish the BRANCH--I must and I will accomplish this. Nothing in heaven or upon earth can prevent me in doing this. I have been chosen by God at the beginning of the Adamic cycle when He pu~ me in His plan. I am promised in the great pyramid, prophesied in the Judaeo-Christian scriptures by name, address, date, and mission, and all of the other Revelations of God have prophesied me, including the Hopi.



This gives me authenticity. Authenticity is the criteria for believability. All peoples will be forced to succumb to God's plan or perish. , You criticize me in the episode of Peter Tompkins. But you don't realize that what you were trying to do was all wrong. You were trying to get certain people at the Star Mesa conference to support the faith monetarily without conversion. First of all you had in your plan for Charles to come. But he didn't show:up. Did you ever think why? I offered to fill in for him; I did not veto your plan. I was to meet with Peter Tompkins on Monday night to go over the Pyramid with him. A number of other people showed up before e came and you made yourself scarce. They had questions on the Hopi prophecies that they wanted answered, so I turned them over to Trevor'. Then Peter arrived ~nd, as it was your project, I expected you to chair the meeting, but you had gone upstairs to hear the discussion taking place there. Instead of you starting the discussion 'vith him, I vas left holding the bag. ·I was only to step in and explain the pyramid when you would indicate to me. You flubbed the whole affair. When it came to South Dakota I asked three persons to cooperate with each other and to carry out their particular expertise. They were to correspond with each other to plan and carry out their mission. I referred· to them as generals, meaning that they were over the others there, except myself who is the commander and chief. When I got there you were in the back of Trevor's truck sulking over an episode of your love life, refusing to get out and help improvise a new plan after Neal had blown our cover. You remained in the dumps until just before we were ready to go home, and you threatened to kill Jim. You and Trevor had the idea that, because I termed you three as generals, I the Commander in Chief should step aside and let the generals bungle it further. You compliment me saying that nobody can teach like I do, then you criticize me for being the cause of all the trouble in the faith. The fact of the -matter is that the believers never took the time to learn the proofs. Take yours~~f for instance. To the best of my knowledge you have never brought anybody into the faith, and that is due to the fact that you never learned the proofs. Your problem is that by never taking the time to learn the proofs you never deepened enough into the faith to really comprehend my station and then like Satan you try to put yourself above the Promised One. Neal on the other hand mastered the proofs, recognized my station and has brought a number of people into the faith. Therefore he doesn't have the problem that you have. Thus he has gone forth and, in cooperation with some of his friends, has brought forth the most important thing in the Cause and that is the genealogy. In addition to this he went forth on many missions for the faith - and in doing this he worked and supported himself and the - faith financially. Don't get me wrong Mike, I hold you in high esteem. You have great capacity and untapped potential. You have been a terrific PR man. The successes you've had, have been in commensurate with your great sacrifices. Nothing is accomplished without sacrifice. You however have a great defect and this goes all the way back to 3

your teens. You try to e,tablish yourself in~ position to be able to live off of those that you recruit. Baha'u'llah forbade a clergy class in the faith. NQ one is to live off of the f~ith, meaning other people. It is a~right at times to have other peopl~ assist in certain projects, but all must work and support themselves. No idle rich and no idle poor. Work is elevated to the station of prayer. Paul said that he made tents so that the new believers wouldn't say that he lived off of them. You say that you can't work and carry out your plan. Then I say for you to change your plan. I don't have the funds to carry it out for you. God didn't provide me with a fund to carry out my mission. And He didn't provide me with any instructions to establish that kind of fund. The publishing fund only provides for materials, but no Baha'i gets paid for labor in printing them. I financed the faith out of my own pocket -until I didn't have anymore liquid assets. Then I borrowed on my property until they wouldn't lend to me anymore. I am paying high interest on the mortgages, the taxes on the property are years in arrears, artd I haven't been able to sell off the real estate. Opal was able to scrape together enough money to make the Colorado trip. I let Trevor and you use my car to go to Hopi land .for Trevor to visit Caroline and to authenticate the drawings on the Hopi Fire Clan Tablet, to see who has the tablet and to compare the inscriptions on it; for you to look around for the site,and to see if you could implement your plan. Trevor was broke so he borrowed $100 dollars from Victor, which he has to pay back, for he is broke too. He spent his entire fortune on the faith, so now he is working in workfare to make a living. You only had 57 cents in your pocket, so Trevor was stuck with supporting you on the trip. Needless to say he was very upset about this; resulting in tension between you two, to the point of you both failing in your mission. If you are to go ahead with your plan then you will have to find a way to support yourself. You may find someone to help you with the transportation, and find someone to live with for a · few days or so, but you are not to live off them. You are to pay your own way. You blame me with 90% of the believers leaving the faith, because of me and my defects, but this is not so. A promised one doesn't have the defects yQu imagine. I, like any other promised one, have been vouchsafe the perfections to carry out my mission and to . test the people. .· Moses killed a man in cold ·blood, so the people r .e asoned that a murderer is imperfect and then cannot be their deliverer. They accused Jesus with being a glutton and a wine bibber, also of sitting with publicans and prostitutes. and of not knowing who his father was (calling him a bastard), and therefore he couldn't be their promised Messiah. They said that Muhammad had 11 wives and one of them was only nine years old (meaning that he was a child molester and a rapist, taking something that was not his), therefore they deemed him a false prophet. The irony of this is that the defectors were judging the spirituality of the Promised Ones with their own warped minds and lifestyles, not realizing that the Promised Ones are· sinless and · . 4

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their actions are the modes by which the people are tested and are judged. They do this"instead of focusing on the fact that each of them came with proofs. The rebels only deprived themselves of the presence of. these Holy Souls. Every thing that a promised one does or says is a test to the people. There are two Messiahs, one is entitled the Son, the other, the Father. These titles pertain to the potency of their respective revelations. The ''Messiah .. pertains to their descendancy from King David. Baha'u'llah fulfills the prophecy for the return of Christ, but he has a genealogy from David different than that of Jesus. All of his ancestors sat on the throne of David whereas none of Jesus• did. Jesus also was a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. Baha'u'llah fulfills the prophec1es for the return of Christ, while I fulfill the prophecies for the return of Jesus the High Priest. My station is not fully understood, for I have not fully revealed it yet, but when I do i t will astound all the people. They are not ready for it yet. I am the Son that has returned to establish his Father's Kingdom, David • s! · ( Baha 1 u • llah 1 s) • My mission is different than that of Jesus •. Although he had twelve apostles·, and I will have · twelve apostles, our functions are different. All of Jesus• revelation was in parables so the people wouldn't know what he was revealing. To th~ apostles he revealed the meaning. The apostles didn't reveal to the people the meaning, because Jesus didn't . want ~hem to know the meaning, otherwise they would repent and be forgiven. He didn't intend for them to be forgiven. (Mark 4:10-12,33,34) ·:My- mission is different, being the return of Jesus the High Priest (Zech. 3:1). I reveal to my apostles and disciples the meanings of the Revelation of Jesus so they can tell all the people that will listen, so that they might repent and be forgiven. Those that are to be my apostles, however, will be , those that pass all the tests. I don't want any Judases among them. The main test then is loyalty under all circumstances. There are some in the faith who are nice to my face, even telling me they love me, but have a knife in my back. They should be able,first of all, to give the proofs, to give the explanations of the Great Pyramid~~mainly the seven seals in the grand gallery. But greater than that I open their third eye so that they may'also discover the reality of all things. The word apostle means "he who goes out" that is, I will be able to send that person (not limited to gender) anywhere in the world to represent me. They must be able to raise up, by themselves, a whole community of new believers wherever they go. The word disciple means one who is a believer who has passed the test, and is also one who goes out, but who is not able to represent me fully in my mission. All people are able to arise to a high station, even though they may not go out; they need to pass all the tests however. For nothing unclean will be able to enter the kingdom, otherwise they would corrupt the kingdom as had corrupters in the past. 5

Some are saying that I am the Promised One, but, however that I am just a man and.have all the defects they can imagine, not knowing that they ar~ projecting their defects, which are threatening to them, onto me. I am not a Manifestation - of God, that has essential sinlessness, But I do have a s-pecial. type of conferred . sinlessness that is essential. for me to carry out my mission. Also, there are some things that I share in common with.them. I am the only establisher of a Revelation of a Manifestation that· has been prophesied by name, address, date and mission. ~ raised up an entire new creation of believers from scratch, after the whole Baha'i community of bel.ievers came to an end after the passing of Mason Remey, as no one accepted his son as his successor~~not even his son himself. God has given me the perfections essential to accomplish this. . I wil.l. end this epistle with the words of Abdu'l.~Baha telling the people that I was already born and in this world, and his description of me. He wrote the following after I was born: Veril.y that Infant is born and exists and there wil.l appear from his cause a wonder which thou wilt hear in future. Thou shal.t see Him with the most perfect form, most great gift, . most compl.ete perfection, most great power and strongest might! His face glisteneth a glistening whereby the horizons are illumined! Therefore, forget not this account as long as thou art living, for as much as there are signs for it in the passing centuries and ages. 'Abdu'l Baha 0 thou dear friend! Know that the Distinguished Individual of every age is according to the virtues of that age. The Distinguished Personage who was in the former cycle, His power and virtues were according to the former age, but in this brilliant age and ·divine cycle, the noble Personage, the Radiant Star, the Distinguished One, will manifest with virtues which will amaze the peoples, for he is in spiritual virtues and divine perfections loftier than all the Individuals; nay, rather, He is the Source of Divine Benediction and the Center of the Radiant Circle. He is certainly comprehensiv~. There is no doubt that He will reveal Himself to such a degree as to bring all under his overshadowing shelter. 'Abdu'l Baha /

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I, Dr. Leland Jensen, N.D., the incorporator of the Second International Baha'i Council appoint the following directors to serve until the respective successors shall be elected and shall qualify, ·and in addition pursuant to the terms of the by-laws, Joseph Pepe Remey Aghsan is also a director according to the provisions of the CHARTER, the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, page 14. The names and addresses of the officers and initial directors are as follows: (1)~




(3) Neal Chase, 59801 (4)

Liaison Officer,~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~, Missoula, MT 59801 Remey


President, Florence, Italy 50122


Missoula MT


Missoula MT


Vice-President, . . 59801

(5) Bob Solem, Member at Large, : : ; : - •. .•

• • • •11111111111



(7) carlotta Geesen, T r e a s u r e r , - Mis~oula, MT 59801 (8)~ Assistant Secretary,

, MT 59414


l l


(10) ~,


Secretary, · Missoula MT 59801

•z•••••••s.. ,

Missoula MT 59801 Missoula, Mt 59801

(11) Victor Woods,



Missoula MT 59801

MT 59801


DM'ED: ·




0 ,




f ;:: OF MONT AI


Executed by the undersigned incorporator for the purpose of forming a Montana nonprofit corporation under " t1o ntana Nonprofit Corporation Act," · Title 35, Chapter 2 of ths Mant~na ~ode ~nn0~ -:_~-~d .


The name pf- the corpora·t ion is the S;;c:;;ld :::r;t•!rr.ational aaha' i Council. l i Name.



Designation. The corporation is a religious corporation . ARTICLE III

Purpose. The purpose and object of this corporation is to administer the affairs of the Cause of Baha'u'llah for the benefit . of the world-wide religious community of the Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant according to the principles of Baha'i .. affiliation and administration . created and established · by Baha'u'llah, defined--and explained by 'Abdu'l-Baha, and ·amplified and applied by Shoghi ·Effendi .:and his duly constituted successor· · ·· and successors · under ' the provisions of the Will and Testament of ·· 'Abdu' 1-Bah a. ·.· ....




Registered Agent .. and Office. - The · address of the initial registered office of ·the · corporation is- 328 Stephens Avenue, Missoula, Montana, 59801, and the name ·Of the initial registered agent at that office is Neal Chase. ARTICLE V


This corporation shall have no members. ARTICLE VI

Distribution and Dissolution. In the event of the dissolution of . the corporation, no direct.or shall be entitled to any distribution or division of its remaining property or its proceeds, and the balance of all money and other property which the corporation receives from any source, after the payment of · all debts and obligations of the corporation, shall be used or distributed exclusively for purposes within the intendment of Section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and its regulations as the same now exists or as it may be amended from time to time.



Prohibited Transactions. The corpora~ion shall not engage in activities prohibited by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section ?01 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and its regulation' or any corre spond ing future provision of the Revenue Code, and ~he corpo ra t : on s~_ll not a~ t e mp t to i n f luenc e legislation by propag anda o r o~: 1: rwi : 2. 1 nor sh::!ll "Lt inL.en.r·~:1·~ . in: or - participate i ~ , ~~. ) J ~ l~~ c~: ~am~aign on beh al f o~ any candidate for publ i c v :: .:: -. -: , . ·;;.J.:..··:. '.! : ·-. h-?. :-.2t -::=- c:1i:nq::; o f t his corporation · ·shall inure ~.:- _:; .:: - ~ e ;1~£ i t of any p r i ·Jate individual ·· ·and no director o~ cf~~cer of ~ h~ corp o=a tion sha ll =eceiv e a ny · pecuniary benefit :rro:rr ~he cor;; o r at i. on, ~xcept such reasonable compensation as may be allowed for services actually rendered to " ·· · · the corporation. 1-..RTICLE VIII


-Limitation of' Directors' Liability. A ··director of ;.the corporation shall not be liable to the corporation or its .directors for monetary damages for breach of a director's duties to - the corporation or its directors, except for (a) breaches of the director's duty of loyalty to the corporation -or its directors, (b) acts or omissions not in good faith or that involve intentional conduct or a knowing violation of the law, (c) t~sactions from .which , a . director derived an improper economic :Cenefit or . (d)' ·-: conflict : -of :· interest transactions, loans to or :guarantees. for directors .. and officers or unlawful distributions·•

. ..



. -



Incorporator. The name of the incorporator . is Dr. Leland . Jensen r-:- N~D.:-_. and . such incorporator's address is 4117 Colonial Ln, · · . Missoula~ - M~ntana~ 59801. -·..



ARTICLE X Amendments. The corporation may amend these articles manner authorized by law at the time of the amendment. DATED:

L&/1 0

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!Jr. !.Gland Jensen _; 117

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Missoula, MT


SECOND INTERNATIONAL BAHA'~ COUNCIL, a Montana religious corporation Filed- December 27, 1993 File D 077896 - 326230

Dear Dr. Jensen: Enclosed please find the filed Articles of I;ncorporation for SECOND INTERNATIONAL BAHA'I COUNCIL, a Montana . religious corporation._ If you need to reference this filing for any reason, please refer to file D 077896 326230.

It has been a pleasure ..:"t.o ...have served you. further help to you, jus~ let me know.

If I can be of -

MC:cb Enclosure

Reception: (406) 444-203-t · Uusiness Services Bureau: 444-3665- Elections Bureau: 444-47)2 Administrative Rules Bureau: 4-W-2055 - Records Management Bureau (1320 Bozeman Avenue): --U4-271ti _ Fax: 444-3976


Section 9.1 Emergency Bylaws

(a) Genera l. The following provisions of this article IX, section 9.1 "Emergency Byl a ws" shall be effective during an emergency which is defined as when a quorum of the corporation's directors cannot be readily assembled because of some catastrophic event pursuant to the Book of Order.



-Y /

(b) Notice of Board Meetin~ During an emergency, any one member of the board of dire ctors or any one of the following officers: president, any vice-president, secretary or treasurer, may call a meeting of the board of directors. Notice of the emergency meeting need be given only to those directors and officers who it is practicable to reach, and may be given in any practical manner, including be publication and radio. The notice shall be given at least 6 hours prior to commencement of the meeting. (c) Tempora ry Directors and Qu orum . During an emergency, one or more officers of the corporat ion present at the emergency board meeting shall be considered to be temporary director(s) for the meeting. The number of officers needed shall equal the numb~r of directors necessary to constitute a quorum. The o f ficers s hall serve in order of rank, and wi thin the same rank, in o rder of senior i t y . In the event tha t l ess than a quorum (as determined by Arti c l e IV, section 4.7) of the directors are present (including any officers who are to serve as directors for the meeting); those directors present (including the officers serving as directors) shall constitute a quorum.

(d) Actions Permitted to be Taken. The board as constituted in paragraph (c), and after giving notice as described in paragraph (b) may:

l l

( 1)

Officer's powers to

Powers. Prescribe emergency any officer of the corporation;


Delegation of Any Power. Delegate to any officer or director any of the powers of directors;

( 3)

Lines of Succession. Designate lines of succession of officers and agents, in the event that any of them are unable to discharge their duties;


Relocate Principal Place of Business. Relocate the principal place of business or designate successive or simultaneous principle places of business;


All Other Action. Take any other action, convenient, helpful, or necessary to carry on the business of the corporation. ~




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Missoulian Online Archives

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news online



( September 20, 2001 GUEST COLUMN: A time to weep for innocents slaughtered, a world in pam Thursday, September 20,2001 By MARK MATTHEWS The destruction of the twin towers on the Manhattan skyline has collapsed something inside me. I weep for the children in New York and Washington, D.C., who will never see their parents again. I weep for the young Marine who could not find his fiancee in the smoldering Pentagon Building. I weep for the friend in Missoula who keeps hoping he'll hear from his brother who worked on the lOOth floor ofthe World Trade Center. I weep for the spouses who may have worked on different floors of the World Trade Center and who forgot that day to say "I love you" to each other as they exited the elevator. I weep for the passengers on the hijacked airplanes and the terror they had to endure before death. I am in awe of those who stepped out of their fear and did courageous things. I weep for the firefighters, policemen and other heroes who worked to rescue people from the burning buildings. They were among the first to die. I weep for New Yorkers. I weep for those living in Washington, D.C. I weep for America. I weep today for the lost love of thousands of souls, young and old, Americans and foreigners, sacrificed for a political statement. I weep at the undermining of the sacred value of life.


I'm used to weeping. I've had plenty of practice of fighting back tears as I read the morning newspapers about Israelis massacred by Palestinian suicide bombers, about Palestinians murdered by vengeful Israelis, about members of African tribes hunted down and hacked to death by members of other ./20-2933-opinion93.tx 10/8/01

Missoulian Online Archives

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tribes, about Catholics and Protestants assassinating each other in Northern Ireland. Closer to my home in the West I weep for the beaten woman found near death in a motel bathtub, I weep for the woman raped, the transient murdered in his hobo camp. I am tired of weeping. In my life I have worked as an artist, firefighter, writer, contra-dance caller. I like to think my work helped improve peoples' lives in some small way. Today, I feel overwhelmed and discouraged. I feel lost and a failure. How could this have happened? Some will say it's the beginning of the biblical End Times. For a number of years, members of a local M~ssoula sect, Bahais Under the Provisions of the Covenant, have predicted that the World Trade Center towers would be bombed by terrorists. That would in turn lead to a nuclear war and the end of the world. I still believe they're wrong. But I wonder how foreigners, especially 1bird World inhabitants, view the citizens of the United States? Do they understand that most of us are not rich, that we work hard? That our personal treasures are restricted to flush toilets, television sets, a dependable car? That may seem like riches to many of them, but in other aspects oflife we are poor. 11

A nation of singers and dancers. 11 That's how a black slave before the Civii War described his life in Africa before being shackled and transported to the fledgling United States. In some ways his life in Africa was richer than mine is in America. Although many young Americans want to be rock stars, as a nation we don't do much to own our cultural lives. We spend our money where we are directed. We follow like sheep to bad movie after bad movie. We are afraid to sing in public. We don't dance unless we've had a few drinks at a bar.

If you disagree with me, please shout me down. Breath new life into my _ soul. Let me know that I am not a lone voice in the wilderness. I need you. Lead me to your community, and I will lead you to mine. Then maybe together, we can lead the world in ways that count - not just in economic matters. For the most part, I believe America is inhabited by moral, sympathetic, caring people. We hurt inside when someone misunderstands us. We bleed when someone attacks us. We are also a forgiving people. But it only takes a few greedy Americans to soil our true image in the world and encourage people to hate us. As I weep today, I fear the wave of hate and vengeance that may sweep om nation. I fear we may lash out and perpetuate this violence. I pray that the .. 1/.. ./20-2933-opinion93 .tx 10/8/01

r contribute small donations, but on a regular and consistent basis. For example, as previously mentioned as to how the 19 day feasts are the vehicle for the individual members consistent communication with the other members and the oouncils, it also can be viewed as the channel through which this life blood can flow. If the members were to regularly attend the feasts and at the same ~ime use this channel as a means for the local fund, however small the contribution it doesn't matter, the body of the faith would be invigorated by a regular flow of this life-giving blood. Do not be concerned with the amount, we all are scraping by. It is the regularity that is what is important


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Making Your Contribution. To make your contribution to the Fund, you must find out who is your local Treasurer. Ifyou are the only believer in your locality you should send direct to the National Treaswer. The amount you give is entirely yow own affair, and is confidential. .Some believers give every week, some every nineteen days, some every calendar month. It is obviously a help to the Spiritual Assembly, or Group, if it can estimate its income, Therefore you will be helping the Cause ifyou make your conribution regularly. This contrib'!Jtion to the Fund is an essential part ofBaha'i life. Not the amount you give, but the very act ofdoing your part to ensure an ample supply of"lifeb/ood" to the body ofthe Caue, is the important thing. No individual is functioning as a full member ofthe World Order ofBahau'llah who does not support the Fund, however modestly. Collective action is enswed by everyone contributing; the spiritual reality of "one soul in many bodies" is expressed through the Fund when it · is supported by every believer. The individual Baha'i shares in his or her ommunity life by contributing to the Fund, and the community shares in the life of the national community by sending regular contributions to the National Fund. In like manner, the National Spiritual Assemblies contriute to the International Fund, and thus every believer who supports the Fund is sharing in the world~wide activities ofthe Faith (Shoghi Effendi: Principles of Baha'i Administration p. 93-94) . We also suggest the local communities hold Saturday night forums in tandem with the Missoula forums. The Missoula forum starts at 7:00 p.m. Mountain Time. The goal is to hook the communities up on tlie ~temet via Firetalk so everyone can participate. If they are not able to hook up on Firetalk, we recommend they stiiJ hold forums on Saturday night, similar to the forum Doc established here in Missoula: We organize our forum agenda in four parts: I. Jokes and stories~ 2. Announcements~ 3. Current Events~ 4. Presentations Also, local communities are to start taking inventory of their fireside teaching materials to make sure that all the necessary materials are available. Every community needs to have enough hard copies of all the fireside outlines for every member of the community. Materials include: supporting material for the fireside outlines, bibles, SAQ's, Will & Testaments, Kitab'i-Ahd's, etc. If any material is lacking, a copying effort of material that is on hand will be needed. The coordinating of the local communities and their efforts will be conducted by the National Teaching Committee, including the schedules and updates of weekly fireside


deepenings, and the production of teaching materials. Please address any questions you may have about teaching materials needed to the National Teaching Committee, which will ·be handling all correspondence. The mailing address is: National Teaching Corn..rrllttee c/o BUPC P.O. Box 65 Missoula, MT 59806. You can e-mail the NTC at Included with this letter is the only writing Doc wanted the sffiC to approve as a Tablet This is the Tablet "Understanding the Dichotomy: •There is no associate for the Dawning Place of Command (The Manifestation of God) in the Supreme Sinlessness."' This Tablet by Dr. Leland Jensen is the core of his mission as the Establisher ofB~'u'll~. .This is the key to understanding what the messag~ of Dr. Jensen is to the Covenant-breaking Baha'is of the world as the Establisher ofBaha'u'llah. It is essential that all the BUPC commit this Tablet to memory. The 144,000 will come out of the ranks of the Covenantbreaking Baha'is and we are the angels who will gather them and seal them (teach) on their foreheads. It is important for the BUPC to recognize the timeliness of this announcement. As the Faith is taking on a new phase of development, the communities are becoming more organized in their efforts as well as in their purpose. We all have a great responsibility to fulfill our missions as the ones God has chosen to conquer the ignorance and vain imaginings of mankind, and to deliver the living waters of safety, security and salvation to the world. The members of each community have a tremendous responsibility to guide the people to these living waters. As we become more prepared, the events in the world will surely escalate.

Our efforts will not fail. Everything will grow exponentially according to our preparedness. As we prepare, so the world will be prepared for us. Allah'u' Abba. "lAuded be Thy name, 0 Lord my God! I enireat Thee by Thy Name through which the Hour hath struck, and the Resurrection came to pass, and fear and trembling seized all that are in heaven and all that are on earth, to rain down, out ofthe heaven of Thy mercy and the clouds o/Thy tender compassion, what will gladden the hearts ofThy servants, who have turned towards Thee and helped Thy Cause. Keep safe Thy servants and Thy handmaidens, 0 my Lord, from the darts of idle fancy and vain imaginings, and give them from the hands of Thy grace a draught of the soft-flowing waters ofThy knowledge. Thou, truly, art the Almighty, the Most Exalted, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Generous. •• (Baha'u'llah, Prayers and Meditations, page 72)

The second International Baha'i Council

Missoulian Online Archives

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religious zealots who hate democracy so fiercely help us understand why they become murderers to advance their cause. I hope we're ready to listen before blindly striking back.

Mark Matthews is a contributor to Writers on the Range, a service ofHigh Country News in Paonia, Colorado ( He writes in Missoula. Matthews read this column on Tuesday evening for the audience at the community gathering in Caras Park

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Missoulian Online Archives

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Out in Faith," Bovard said. First United Methodist is located at 300 E. Main St. Call 549-6118 if you have questions:


Baha'is warn of destruction

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Members of the Second International Baha'i Council of Missoula said they have been warning the people of America for years of the terrorist attack against New York City. In a statement dated Sept. 12, 2001, the Baha'is said _ they ''accurately predict(ed) on national television the first act of terrorism against the Trade Towers in February of 1993," and the "establisher of the Baha'i faith, Dr. Leland Jensen, made great efforts in the past to warn the people of the world of the coming destruction in New York, going as far as to illustrate how the buildings would collapse with the people still inside them like a great wine press crushing the people by the thousands." The statement goes on to say that "if the people of the world do not recognize the 'Plan of God' which is outlined in the statement as having come from the prophet of the Baha'i Faith, Baha'u'llah, that 'further, even worse, catastrophes will follow.' " Victor Woods, a member of the Missoula council, said catastrophes include the retaliation against the U.S. for military action against Iraq and the killing of Saddam Hussein that will result in escalating the conflict into World War m and the use of nuclear weapons. Woods also said that the Second International Baha'i Council is supposed to be operating in Haifa, Israel, but because of the usurpation of the Baha'i administration by what he termed "Covenant-breakers" who had eliminated the hereditary position of the Baha'i Faith or "guardian" and the rightful administration, the people who now occupy the Baha'i properties are the ones to blame for these destructions as they have kept the true solution to the world's problems away from the people. For more information, call John Geesen at 721-5737.


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New course at Buddhist Center The Rocky Mountain Buddhist Center, 540 S. Second St. W., is offering a course by Dharmacbari Satyaloka and team which will introduce participants to two traditional meditation practices that will take the edge off stress and promote relaxation. The class meets every Tuesday, Oct. 2-30, from 7 until9 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $40, although no one will be turned away for lack of funds, organizers said.

Atonement Lutheran has preschool openings Atonement Lutheran Preschool has openings in the afternoon session. The class, taught by Lorrie Juden, begins at 12:30 and runs to 2:50p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The cost for one month is $48. For further information, call Jan Lowman, 549-9818, or the church at 549-7792. l/0.. .101-81 7-feature09 .tx 10/8/0 I

RELIGION food to families t stretch the dollars n Army offers a and shelter. 6 provides food, ::hance to start :vices helps the ds. The list goes

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A Baha'i perspective on spiritual destit1) By EVA BRADLEE

from Lincoln to Kennedy. To win the war against During the Civil War in the midnth of the 1800s, Baha'u'llah, the founder of the terrorism, Missoula Baha'i God! Let this American j it flows into democracy be~ome Baha'i faith, journeyed the holy lands Neal Chase ·said that Amen z :)Se less blessed. As · glorious in spiritual in exile, heralding an end to mUst take refuge in the tily this degrees even as it has aspired to bloodshed, and instructing world . ! needs of the poor. material degrees, and render this just leaders to implement a peaceful International Council in government victorious." d-World problem; solution through a world legislative which "nation shall not lift 1, ' These are the words of 'Abdu'ltribunal, Woods said. through central' sword against nation, "as Baha, master of the Baha'i faith, 1pport one or more communications with the Czar of revealed during his visit America in Russia, Baha'u'llab guided Abraham agencies with your prophesied in Isaiah 2. · 19_12. Members of money all year Lincoln, leading to the Missoula tolidays. the preservation of . Baha'i community" the federal union; David was of the chosen tribe of take those words Judah (Psalm 89). "The America1 ~nt of the Povere/lo . the abolition of to heart. Christian clergy know and teach t s," ?cted Peacemaker of.· ~ slavery, and later "America's ?uiltmakers. She iS ~ the ~stablishq~ent Chase said.- "That is why American · spiritual destiny is foreign policy supports Israel." of the World ula County ;.~ great!" says Neal Chase added that Baha'u'llah: d .Court in the Chase, a Missoula. 'Abdu'l-Baha sat upon the Davidi Hague. _____ J Baha'i. · thron·e. This lineage continued In 1912, "Of all the Baha'u'llab's son, through 'Abdu'l-Baha's son who v·-s countries in the an A,m.erican, and to 'Abdu'l-Bah; : . a spqkesperson 'Abdu'l-Baha, world, America great-grandson who is alive today. 10re information. America came to has made the "Thc•~fute, lltt: U.S. government and guided niost progress doesn't have to support a governn nt Sunday service President Wilson, toward overseas!" he said. "For the thron of whose daughter overcoming social urch of the David the U.S. is mandated to prou;:ci was a Baha'i, injustice," he told rhanksgiving and is here in America now." leading to tent liturgical cycle a crowd gathered To win the _war ag~t terroris. Wilson's ending on the courthouse tmas. ~unday's Chase said that America must tak· World War I, and of the Great lawn at the recent . refuge in the International Council in the setting up of 1Alexandrian "justice rally" · This. painting of 'Abdu'I-Baha was which "nation shall not lift up sword . the covenant of to Christianity and . · spons?red by the created by Kahlil Gibran, New York City, nation," as prophesied in against the League of :enounce her faith Baha'ts Under the April1912. 2. Isaiah Nations, in the third century Provisions of the "The American people' can still. imitation of ing from DeQver; Covenant. "God recognize this guidan·ce. And they r~ Baha'u'llah's Council of the >apadeas, will lead bless America? God has already in a unique position because what< ~r 'Abdu'lInternational Tribunal. ~in at 6 p.qJ... blessed America! 'And to whom much America does, all the other countL . .> Baha's guidance led to the women's atins service will is given 'much is expected." will follow suit," he said. the establishment suffrage movement, wed by the Now, in the wake of the Trade of an international war crinies · "Justice will prevail. America at 10 a.m. Tower tragedy and American troops include the needs to realize that the purpose o at war in Afghanistan; "America is' at tribunal in Nuremberg after World 1malakis, infant II, and the United Nations, the Davidic kingship is so we can War a crossroads," Chase said. "Its victory eorgia Mamalakis. recognize the.true International is contingent upon justice. If America Woods said. 2hurch follows the "The successorship in Baha'i faith Council," Chase said. is not just, Its.injustice will be thdolly arly, pre-medieval. has been instrumental in guiding the "AmeFica is looking at a war th< of its own undoing." :he christening of will eliminate all prejudice," .he said. Chase, decade-long host of "Baha'i world toward a just system," he said. includes the three Says Chase, the world was cut off "But to survive the cataclysms that Phone-In Live!" that aired Fridays on )tian initiation: are taking place, Americans must L ·e from that guidance in 1957 after the MCAT, says America's destiny was :sion in the font); the light; they must accept that all death of the Guardian Shoghi set up by its founding fathers who, tg of chrism·oils); Effendi. The Baha'i world abandoned people are of one single family of believing Jesus would return in Jrd (in both Effendi's successor- the · ,humanity. The Davidic kingship is ~ America, aimed to establish laws lf the church who International Tribunal or Council providing the freedom to practice symbol of this truth." ereafter in the as its with the Davidic kingship beliefs on American soil without For more information on Baha'i, 1ily and gathered executive branch. But that Council, he being persecuted. 721-5737 or visit call '·Gregory Victor Woods, a Missoula Baha'i, said, was re-established in the Rocky :esman. All Mountains in America. says that destiny was further shaped a congregation in Chase said the covenant of the Eva Bradlee is a freelance journalist by Baha'i teachings that emphasize :. The church is with fhP Mi~mllln Rnhn'io TTnAor ll.n Davidic kin!!shin is the root of the oneness of humanity, .e;uidin_g an w.

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B2 - Misscullan. 111ursda"y. August 8, 1996



Local Bahai leader dead at 81 By AULICA RITTLAND ol hi,Missoulian

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Leland "Doc" Jensen, 81, the controversial leader of the MiSIDula·based Dahais Under the Pro\'ision of the Covenant religious group, died Tuesday from r;:spiratory fJilure. · Jensen's group "'11s an offshoot of the llahai International OrJanization, based in Illinois. Jensen won national attention for his prediction that Armageddon would come at S:SS p.m. MOT on April 29, 1980. · Rob Balch, a professor o! soeiology at the Universily of Monlana who has studied the Bahai sect, snid since that1980 prediction, the group bas Issued 19 separate predidions as lo when Armageddon would occur. A 1986 prediction, for eumple, suggested thai Halley's Comet would zoom into !he earth's atmosphere, causing a year's worth o{ turmoil and trouble before lhe battle of Armageddon in 1987. Jensen was originally a member of the lntern~tional Bahai faith, but split from tl\e group In lhe 1960s after a JqUabblc over successorsl1ip to I he highest po5t in the organludon. Balch s:ald. "There's been real animosily between those groups," he said. In 1969, Jensen was sent lo the Montana State Prison alter being cunvicled of sexually molesting a child. Even though Babai members believed that Jensen had been unjustly imprisoned, he sciVCd four . years in prison, and worked to convert inmates to his beliefs. His. lessons rhere bad some imr.act: In 1980, years afler hi:; release, 60 inmates still claimed membership in thcKCI.

It was while in prison thai"God supp!mdly revealed to him (Jensen) that he was supposed to establish the Kingdom of God after lhe apocalypse," Balch said. Balch estimated that Jensen's sect has about 200 members across the United States, with the bulk of the membc~hip ·in Missoula. Members had planned a gathering for this weekend, Balch said. Rumors suggested that Jer.sen was planning to proclaim Neal Chase, his second-in-command, as the new guardian of the !ai:h, Balch said. Members of the Bahai faith said succession is not an issue. The Dahnis drew some



Missoula Bahalleader Leland Jensen won national attention for his prediction that.Armageddon would come at 5:.55 p.m. MDT on April29, 1980. He lined the Inside of hls house with rocks to serve as protection from the Impending doom. additional media alleotion earlier this year, when a .former member of the sect, Jan Unl%, broadcast a program on Missoula COmnwnitj Access Television ihatlabeled the group a cult. (That's not the only MCAT exposure for lbe group;

· Chase hosts a weekly eaU-in

"He was a very brilliant r,uy."

Jensen was born on Aug. 22, 1914 In :Burlington, Wis.; he was a third-gene[Btion Bahai. He married Opal Doyle on May 28, 1938, in Novelty, Mo. He and Opal practiced naturopathic ·and chiropractic medicine in Olicago. In 196S, he ond his wife moved 10 'He ·was just sort Mlssoul4, where they iheir work of this classic bearded continued In chiropta~ic and prophet. You know, naturopathic heullng. Survivors include mismatched socks, his 5COOI!d wife, out-of-style suits. But France!; "Wind.. Jensen. He was he was pleasant, pr:cccdcd in death by cordial, easy to talk his first wife, Opal.

show on MCAT.) At tbe time her program was airing on MCAT, Untz told the Missoulian that ahe believed the group's apocalyptic teachings were poiCillially dangerous. 'Local Bahaia to. He was a very disputed Untz' Services are characterization $Chcduled for brilliant guy. • of the group as a Thursday at ll :30 a.m. -Rob Balch. at Sunset Memorial cult. Instead. Chase said, the UM sociology professor Funeral Home. group is a 1beDahai group, legitimate, global said tba.t members faith. Untz' throughout the world will mourn charges, he said, were "rotally Jensen's rleath in a memorial unfounded and ridiculous.p service Saturday, Aug. 10 at 8 Cult or religion, Balch said, The service loc:aUy "'ill be held Jensen was an intelligent-ofte.'l Saturday at the Unily Church, 201 brilliant- man. University Ave. The group ~aid that u He was just so~ of this classic memorial services will also be held bearded prophet," he said. '!You in spots sud1 as Aspen, Colo., know, mismatched socks, out-oi· Madison, Was., Anchorage, Alas.lca, style suits..But he was pleasant, ll·linnc~polis and New York Slate. cordial, easy to Udk to.




MONTANA OBITUARIES Dr. Leland Jensen The folluwing notice is paid for by the followen of Dr. Ldand Juuen in rhe B.sha Is Under rhe Provision of rhe Co~~tmaftl and reflects their views und


MISSOUL\- Dr. Leland Jensen passed on without pain or suffering due to respiratocy railure on Tuesday. Aug. 6. ~urroundcd by family and friends. Dr. Jensen was born on Aug. 22. 19! 4, in Burlington, Wis. He was a third-generation Baha'i, the son of

Daisy Ddt Petersen and Christ Jensen. In 1911. 'Abdu'L-Baha visiced the home of Dr. Jen$oen's parents and bestowed a special blessing upon his moe her. In the t930s, Dr. Jensen worked his W'd.Y through the National College of Chiropractic and Naturopathic Physicians in Chicago. U:land married Opal Doy!e on May 28, 19.38 in Novelty. Mo. Drs. "Lee" and Opal pr:~cticed naturopathic and chiropract ic medicine in Chic01go, St. louis and Joplin, Mo .• and Missoula. Tog.:ther. Ldand and Opal pioneered the Baha·i Faith in the Indian Ocean on the: islands of Mnuritius and Rc:union for four years. lel:md W".lS knighted along wirh his wifu bv Sho2bi Effenlli for his ht:mio: wt•rk i~ establi,;hin~ the Blih•l'i F:1ith. They were th~ only Knight of Baha·u·n.,h 13Ut of 150 knighted who remain.:'-.! t1rm in the covemu\t.

He and Opal moved to Missoula in l965 .. After having ~tablisru:d a thriving !'racw.:e. Dr. Jensen was wrongfully •nc-.ucenned in the Old Montana State: Prison for a crime he did not commit. "What man plans for evil. God plans f<>r gooJ:' An inn0<:1:n1 man. Dr. Jensen spent the first full d:!y of his impri.~onmi:nt in the prison in Deer Lodge on Aug. 9, 1969. fulfilling Morrisite prophecy. His incarceration in the pris_on 01!50 fulfilled the prophecy of Zech01nah 3 for the return of Jesus rhe high prics1 after the order of Melchizedek. .After the .destruction of the body of believers by tbe eovenanr-brr:aking .. hands," h.: aro~e us the great t dliCUtor. de\·oung his Iif(! to the fulfillment of his mi~sion. This mis~itln was to establish the promised kingdom of God on earth. which is an actual spiritual government from God. He accomplished this bv bringing forth imo this world the · misundc rs.tood cove na nt and lenchings of Ba ha 'll' llah. He is the onlv one who fulrills the prophecies u f all ~or!J fdigioos for the estabiishc:r of this kingdum that Jesus Christ us to pray for. saying. "Our Father ~ho an in h~avt: n. ha llowed b.! thy n:~mc. lhy k.mgdom come. thy will be done. on earth as it is heaven ..: • His manv titles Include the seventh ungcl. the k.~ight of the whit.: horse:. the lamb and the return of Jesus the high prit:st _ the son rerurncd to establish his Father's kinguom. ·

Friday. August 9. 1996- E

· ·. :. ,., f ..._·. ~.~

Dr. J~nscn .is greatly beloved bv his cuumless stullents throughout the:, world. Althuu~h he hus ascended 10 thr.: supernal realm. his spirit cuntinues on in our hearts and his intlu~nce will continue 10 be fell in the: '--omir.g millennium. He is survived bv.his second wife, Frances ··Wind"' Je~scn. the many friends of faith and. most impurtantly, he is succc:et.led oy the Second International Baha'i Council, located at 18.3tl South Ave. W., Missoula. "For Gud so loved the: world, that h~' gave hili only be: go !len son, that wholiOI:ver believeth in him should not perish. but have i:Vcrlasting life. For God sell! not his son into the world to etmdemn thr.: wurld; but that rhe world thruugh him might be saved." (John 3:16-17) The (uner:ll service was held on . Thursday ut Sunset Memorial Funeral Home.· Thousands of Baha'is around the world will be mourning the passing of Oi. Leland Jensen in a worldwide memorial ~rvice at H p.m. Saturllay. Locally, this will be held at the Uuitv Church. 101 University Ave. Memo;ial services will<,~lso be held in other centers such as Aspen, Colo., Madison, Wis., Anchorage. Alaska, Minneapolis, Minn., New York .state and overseas.



UISclauner suould be applied unifurmly Otld and. in:crcsting: Tl~e tlisdnimcr. publisheJ with Ihe Mls~~~~~~tnn ~Aug. 9 oh•tuary of Uaha'i leader leland Jcn~cu, s<~ytng the "npticc" hml hccn paid fnr hy Jensen 's followers anJ reflected their view<> <llH.I hclicf~ . " 'lllc following is :111 nd. not a news storv. ·· th~.: nliwrs sc"m""d to be ~1ying.. ''Dun ' t hlmuc u~ if it'~ hard to swallow." Fair enough. Mo.~t Mi~soulinn obit~ arc aus, compose(] hy lite huycrs. l"lic never seen suclt •• di~dttimcr hdmc. thoug!L Why, l wonder. were Jensen's family and friend~

~mgi cd IIlli for pejorative treatment? .Gen~rally speaking. the Missnulian charges for ohllu:•ncs that arc lll(lrc than thrcl~ inches lonl!.. It nmkcs

c~ccption.~ fm people whose tlc;tlhs lhc editor~ dccm ncwsworlhy: i.e., murder victims, tWiiticiam:, wc;11lhv entrepreneurs. drug-soaked entertainers. athletes, ' executed fclnn~. Lee Enterprises executives, etc. Out ":hen u n .linary folk.~ go Wcs:. tltc hcrc;lvcd must t·ough up 10 bu ~:ks an inch for wlm tcvcr .~pace t h..:v nc~:d . beyond three inches. to tell the departed's story. (tcnc::: --- --• .. , .. : ._ --n--• ••- -· .. . :_._,,.. - ··- •

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their opinions and language arc no lcs.\ cxtrava~nnt anJ

tHl.~~10rc provahlc tltnn lhl?se of Jcu~cn ·~ folh.Jw~rs. Yet

unb~c Ihe Sl_IO Jen~~~~ t1~11, ll~ey bear no warn ing label. II ~not th.1t the dtsclmmcr ts a bad iuca. M o st

reput;Jhlc ncw~papcr.; used to p ri ul the wo rd

"advcniscrncnt'" over any paid-ft•r material thai maS\.fll: ~a<lc d a~ new~: Eve~ si ne.: t he Mis.-...Julian hcgart ~oc kmg. ~~ lo l~tc gncvutg. I •:c t ho ught rh c paper s h~tuld tllcntrfy lis oblls a ~ a1l'>. Unif, •nulv. . Uc11cr yet ( <!lH.I I krlllw J'nn !rc:tming). my hom crown paper could resurrect its ancic1it <•hil poli1.-v. ll :;o und \!1\l' nascc.l on I he principle- sliil hono red hy nlanv cmnnmnity newspapers~ that a death in !he community fs news in the COlllllltrflity. aml should he report ell as ~uch . lltll

ln:;&Lct..J as just ;an o ther w .ay to IHO'lke ;\buc k'~~......._,..:: ::""·~:~~ .;.-.·.~

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Second l.nternational Baha'J Council October 21, 2000


"Magnified be Thy name, 0 Lord my God! Thou art He Whom all thinK$ worship and Who worshipeth no one, Who is the Lord of all thinK$.afld is the vassal ofnone, Who knoweth all things and is known ofnone. Thou didst wish to make Thyself known unto men; therefore, Thou didst, through a word of Thy mouth, bring creation into being andfashion the universe. There is none other God except Thee, the Fashioner, the Creator, the Almighty, the Most Powerful I implore Thee, by this very word that hath shone forth above the horizon of 1hy will, to enable me to drinlc deep of the living waters through which Thou hast vivified the hearts of 1hy chosen ones and quickened the souls ofthem that love Thee, that l may, at all times and under all conditions, tum my face wholly towards Thee. Thou art the God ofpower, ofglory and bounty. No God is there beside Thee, the Supreme Ruler, the All-Glorious, Jhe Omniscient. "

Dear believers in the Cause of God,


The momentous Day approaches when the legions of the Covenant, aided and assisted by the strength of God, will conquer the darkness and ignorance of mankind. The events that are unfolding day by day, mark the time of the fulft.Ilment of all that Dr. Jensen told us to prepare for, all that the Bab, Baha'u'Uah, •Abdu' l~Baha and Shoghi Effendi sacrificed for, and all that God, in His Glory and Majesty has given us in the bountiful knowledge of His kingdom. We are now standing at the doorstep of the "entry by troops" that, as prophesied by •Abdu'!~Baha, would mark the victory of all our labors. To wit: "This flow, moreover, will presage and hasten the advent of the day which, as prophesied by Abdu '1-Baha, will witness the entry by troops ofpeoples of divers nations and races into the Baha'i world- a day which, viewed in its proper perspective, will be the prelude to that long-awaited hour when a mass conversion on the part of these same nations and races, and as a direct resuh ofa chain ofeveltiS, momentous and possibly catastrophic in nature, and which cannot as yet be even dimly visualized, will suddenly revolutionize the fortunes of the Faith, derm1ge the equilibrium of the world, and reinforce a thousandfold the mnnerical strength as well as the material power and the spiritual authority of the Faith ofBaha'u '1/ah" (Shoghi E.ffend, Citadel of Faith, p. 117)

What we are seeing, are the nations of the world preparing and aligning themselves for the great onslaught that will propel the entire planet into a war that will devastate humanity-World War ill-and the beginning of the four winds ofdestruction.' For.many years, we as Baha'is Under the Provisions ofthe Covenant have been preparing for a time when the people of the world will hurl themselves headlong into the fulfillment of prophecy. As these words are being written, the events, which will increase day by day in their destructive force, are being carried out. This past year has been a year of purification for the Faith. What must happen to the world physically, bas happened to the ranks of the believers spiritually. Before we were allowed to continue down the path of God, the body of believers had to be cleansed of all that was corrupt-as the scripture says in the book of Revelation, "nothing unclean shaU enter into it." Now that we have gone through the painful ordeal of purification within the ranks of the faithfuL we are now ready to stand finn in our belief in God and His Covenant. We are now ready to teach the world the Message and the Promise that the people of the world shall be made in God 's Image. From the beginning, six thousand years ago, the message of the coming of the kingdom of God on earth was known and labored for. AJI the Manifestations and all of their suffering and hardships, aU of the prophets and messengers, all of the martyrs who endured unimaginable tortures and sacrifices-all for the sake of the coming of the kingdom of God on earth, is for naught unless we arise to herald the greatness of this Day. We are the fruit of those enduring saints. We, the legions of the Covenant, have been given the duty and responsibility to proclaim the message of the kingdom, the message of the second coming of Christ and the message of the return ofJesus. We are the angels that have descended from heaven, each with a trumpet being made ready to blow-the Great Announceme~t that has been foretold throughout the ages. The time has come for us all to prepare for our duty to carry to the world tl).e sweet and living waters of life. Dr. Jensen, if there ever was one word to describe him, was a harpist. He was the Seventh Angel

playing his harp. And what did he used to harp about? Teaching! Teach, Teach Teach! At every forum, at every feast and at every gathering, his message to all was "Teach ye the kingdom of God, and aU else will be given unto you." Today is the day the Legions of the Covenant are to arise an'd proclaim the message aloud: "The catastrophes have come, the prophecies are being fulfilled and the kingdom is here!" In a long string of events that have occurred over the past years, ~e can see the horizon of God's promise as clear as a bright morning sunrise, shedding its radiance upon all who have eyes to see. But to the world of the ignorant, what is light is called darkness and what is darkness is called light. Thirty-seven years ago a mission was begun by that Promised One whom all the Messengers of the past have spoken of. In 1963, Dr. Jensen began to uphold and defend the Covenant of God against Satan and all who wanted to destroy what was Holy and True. He was Faithful and True, like a K_.night going into battle in defense of his king, the king seated on the Throne of David. He was the only one,in the world who would stand up to those who would· cast aside God's Plan for their own vain imaginings. Dr. Jensen, after the passing of his beloved wife Dr. Opal, was the last of these two remaining Knights ofBaha'u'llah who proved faithful to God's Covenant. "How great, how very greaJ is the Cause! How very fierce the onslaught ofall the peoples and kindreds of the earth Ere long shall the clamor of the multitude throughout Africa. throughout America, the cry of the European and ofthe Tur/c, the groaning ofIndia and China, be heardfrom far and near. One and all, they shall arise with all their power to resist His Cause. Then shall the la1ights of the Lord, assisted by His grace from on high, strengthened by faith, aided by the power ofunderstanding, and reinforced by the legions of the Coveru111t, arise mid ma!ce manifest the truth of the verse: 'Behold the confusion that hath befallen the tribes of the defeated!'" ('Abdu '1-Baha, Opposition, p. 139)

Drs. Leland and Opal Jensen taught the firesides and sacrificed their wealth and position to move to the Rocky Mountains to teach and prepare for the coming catastrophes. Dr. Jensen endured a horrible persecution in the Old Montana State Prison in fulfLJ.Iment of the prophecy that the return of Jesus would be in prison on a dirty jacket charge with the "stone with seven eyes" before him in between two mountains of brass. Over one hundred years before, the Morrisites pioneered the Deer Lodge Valley in expectation of this Promised One who was to return to his temple made from the stones of the surrounding mountains, and that he would be a high priest preparing the world for the kingdom of God. How great! How very great this day is! We have chosen to become united with God and His Promised Ones, and thus we are the Chosen of God! As we choose, so it is chosen for us. As we judge, so by the measure through which we judge, shall we be judged. We have judged aright! Today is the Day of Juagment for the entire world. And the world will see the return of Jesus coming with the clouds, and all Ills angels with trumpets proclaiming this wondrous day. Dr. Jensen received his station with utmost vigor and fortitude, and continued to his last breath to proclaim the reality of the kingdom. He educated thousands by opening his home to the homeless and feeding the hungry by his own hand. He labored day and night to reveal the mysteries of God to all who would listen, and in doing so raised up a gathering of spiritual angels to proclaim this message. He fought against those who would call themselves Baha'is and who were .not, but who bad foresaken God's Covenant and Testame.nt and made a mockery of the Revelation ofBaha'u'llah. He re-established what the Covenant-breakers threw out-the second International Baha'i Council that will evolve into a Baha'i World Court, will effloresce into the Supreme Tribunal aJongside the living creatures of the transformed beast nations and finally, with all the nations of the world embracing the Baha'i Cause, will be the Universal House of Justice Baha'u' llah proclaimed to the world will bring peace to our planet.

The time has come! The time is now! With the nations being assembled in their self--centered schemes, we know that we are standing on the threshold of the Great Projection of our message to the world. On September 28, the former defense minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon. entered the area sacred to Muslims-the al-Haram al-Shari( which is the temple mount site. He was attempting to make a blatant political as well as religious statement by praying on the mount and proclaiming that he would, with the assistance of the leading Rabbi of a Jewish sect based in Haifa, build a synagogue on the temple mount. It was the opening of the tunnels underneath the temple mount in 1996 by Ariel Sharon that set off the last battle. It was again this same man who, on the eve ofRosh Hashanah, touched off the worst violence in recent memory. The peace process is dead and all of Palestine is clamoring for the destruction oflsrael. The Arab nations are beginning to join tbe Palestinians in their fight for freedom, and the United States says that it will always stand behind Israel. The recent bombing of a U.S. Navy destroyer, the U.S.S. Cole is one of a chain of terrorist attackS that will



continue against the U.S .. The bombing was carried out at the very spotthat the fire which will assemble the nations in the VaHey ofDecision (Armageddon)is prophesied to come. "Hudhaifa b. Asid ai-Ghifari told thai the Prophet once came upon them when they were discussing and asked the subject of their discussion. On being told that/hey were discussing the last hour he said, 'It will not come till you have seen ten signs before it. ' He then me111ioned the smoke (which is referenced to Surah XI.JV called "Smoke, " verse 10 'But watch thou 0 Muhammad for the Day when the sky will produce visible smoke, ')the dajja/, {the anti-Christ) the beast, the rising of the sun from its place ofsetting, the descent ofJesus son ofMary, Gog and Magog, three subsidences, Dne in the FAst, one in the West, and one in Arabia, at the end of which a fire will issue from the Yemen and drive mankind to the place of assembly. A version says that a fire will issue from the lowest parl ofAtkn and drive manlcind to the place of assembly. A version has about the tenth sign, "A wind will cast mankind into the sea. '" (Mishkal AI-Masabih, Vol. 3, p. 1143} .

The terrorist attack on the-u.s.s. Cole was committed at the seaport of Aden. in Yemen! We as Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant have had an extensive lesson in recognizing the fulfillment of prophecy. As we can see these world events develop, we can at the same time see these prophecies being fulfiJled. Why? We have our spiritual eyes open to the realities of God.



What we have seen is the unfolding of these prophecies before our eyes! In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait in an effort to take back their 19th province from the Kuwaiti Emirs. The prophecies of Nostradamus tell us that the war that is to envelop the whole world will start "between the two rivers" (Tigris and Euphrates) and that it will come as a result of two antagonists referred to as "Mabus" and "Aius" also synonymous with "the man in the blue turban." "Mabus" spelled backwards is "Sudam," and "Aius" is the Allied-U.S. forces that spearheaded the Gulf War. The man in the blue turban symbolizes the United Nations troops, as they wear blue hats and blue helmets. The ninth chapter of Revelation says that the "four winds'' are being held back and then released from the "Great River Euphrates." The river Euphrates runs right through the middle of Iraq. We have seen this prophecy begun, and we have seen these four winds being held back for the last ten years in Iraq as the U.N. continues their devastating sanctions against the people oflraq. Notwithstanding. the Bahai's Under the Provisions of the Covenant have proclaimed aloud the realities of these prophecies for years, and now we see, and the world sees these prophecies being fUlfilled before our eyes, and the four winds being made ready to be rei~. As tJ:ie United States and the U.N. have exported a double-standard against the Muslim people throughout the world, they continue this prejudice and bias in the media as they report on the Mid-East crisis. They refer to the Palestinians who are defending themselves against the Israelis, having what weapons they have as "'hate having guns." They report on the "bloodthirsty" Muslims killing the two Israeli soldiers, but say that the over 100 Palestinians dead are just "casualties" in an on-going struggle. The Muslims of the world have had enough, and the peace process is dead, dead, dead. "They will cry •peace, Peace,' and there will be no peace." (Jer. 6:14, I Thess. 5:3) The Russians have had enough ofthe sanctions egainst Iraq and are paying them no attention as they fly commercial jets into Baghdad. The Russians own the southern oil fields of Iraq and are the traditional allies of Iraq and the Arab states. The United States has always supported the state ofisrae~ and will continue to do so as illustrated by the recent debates where both candidates vowed their support to Israel. T.he world is on a collision course with World War III, and there is no stopping it! The only way the world is going to realize the kingdom of God is by going through these catastrophes so that the nations of the world and their leaders will see the grave mistakes of their past and embrace the Baha'i World Commonwealth.

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"That the forces ofa world catastrophe can alone precipitate such a new phase of human thought is, alas, becoming increasingly apparent. That nothing short of the fire of a severe ordeal, unparal/eled in its intensity, can fuse and weld the discordant entities that constitute the elements ofpresent-day civilization, into the integral components of the world commonwealth of the future, is a truth which future events will increasingly demomtrate. The prophetic voice of Baha 'u '1/ah warning, in the concluding paSsages of the Hidden Words, 'the peoples of the world" that "an unforeseen calamity is following them and that grievous retribution awaileth them ' throws indeed a lurid light upon the imrnediate fortunes of so"owing humanity. Nothing but a fiery ordeal, out of which humanity will emerge, chastened and prepared. can succeed in implanting that sense ofresponsibility which the leaders ofa new-bom age must arise to shoulder. I would again direct your attention to those ominous words of Baha 'u '1/ah which 1 have already quoted: 'And when the appointed hour is come, there shall suddenly appear that which shall cause the limbs ofmankind to quake. ' " (Shoghi Effendi, World Order ofBaha 'u '1/ah, p. 46)



For thousands of years the prophets and seers of the world have tried to warn the people of tbe future through signs and prophecies. Some of these signs have come from the Native Americans who tell of specific events that are to happen. From the Hopi prophecies we have the signs for the "third great shaking" of the earth. They say that when a giant ''spider web" is strung across the world, and that when a great "house in the sky" is built and people begin to live in this house, these will be the signs for the third great shaking of the earth. The spider web is the World Wide Web. The house in the sky is the space station that the U.S. is just now completing, and that the crew is to begin living in November l"ofthi~ year. The Hopi say that the fire that sweeps across the world will come from that place where the ,light was first given. The "light" means the Revelation of God that came from the first Manifestation, Adam, who began to teach the people of Sumeria in Mesopotamia, which is the Tigro-Euphratean river valley in Iraq. This letter from the second International Bah,a'i Council is the official call to all the believers in the Cause of God to prepare for the coming Great Projection and the catastrophes. We will be sending two letters in a series of three letters to the believers announcing and outlining the plan we are preparing. The Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant have a great responsibility to carry this message to this ailing and suffering world and we will be victorious! We all bave a great station to fulfill and now is the time to begin to order your affairs and to prepare yourself for this time. The l~tters will be going out within the week. and will focus on necessary teaching plans and strategies as well as implementing the Local Storehouses for the Local Councils throughout the U.S., and for the areas of Missoula and Colorado where we have places set aside by God to go to survive this war. God's Message will triumph! "Lauded be Thy name, 0 Lord my God! Darkness hath fallen upon e.very land, and the forces of mischiefhave encompassed all ihe nations. Through them, however, I perceive the splendors of Thy wisdom, and discern the brighmess of the light of Thy providence. They that are shut out as by a veilfrom Thee have·imagined that they have the power to put aut Thy light, and to quench Thy fire, and to sff/1 the winds of Thy grace. Nay,.and to this Thy might beareth me witness/ Had not every tribulation been made the bearer of Thy wisdom, and every ordeal the vehicle of Thy providence, no one would have · dared oppose us, though the powers of earth and heaven were to be leagued against us. Were I to unravel the wondrous mysteries of Thy wisdom which are laid bare before me, the reins of Thine enemies would be cleft asunder. Glorified be Thou, then, 0 my God! I beseech Thee by Thy Most Great Name to assemble them that love Thee around the Law that streameth from the good-pleasure of Thy will, and to send down upon them what will assure their hearts. Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. Thou art, verily, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. " (Baha 'u'Jlah) The second International Baha'i Council


November 5, 2000

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"Glorified be Thy name, 0 Lord my God! I beseech Thee by Thy power that hath encompassed all created things, and by Thy sovereignty that hath transcended the entire creation, and by T/Jy Word which was hidden in Thy wisdom andwhereby Thau didst create Thy heaven and Thy earth, both to enable us to be steadfast in our Jove for Thee and in OW' obedience to Thy pleasure, and to fo our gaze upon Thy face, and celebrate Thy glory. Empower us, then, 0 my God, to spread abroad Thy signs among Thy creatures, and to guard Thy Faith in Thy realm. Thou hast ever existed independently ofthe mention ofany ofThy creatures, and wilt remain as Thou hast been for ever and ever. In Thee I have placed my whole confidence, unto Thee I have turned my face, to the cord of Thy loving providence I have clung, and towards the shadow of Thy mercy I have hastened Cast me not as one disappointed out ofThy door, 0 my God, and withhold not from me Thy grace, for Thee alone do 1 seek No God is there beside Thee, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Bountiful. Praise be to Thee, 0 Thou Who art the Beloved ofthem that have known Theel" Baha'u'llah

The Implementation of local Storehouses for the Baha'is of the U.S. Dear believers in the Cause of God, The time has come for all the Baha'i communities throughout the world to prepare for the events leading up to the prophesied catastrophes. The Baha'i writings speak of implementing storehouses for the local Baha'i communities. This means the abundance of goods for the year can be stored for times that are sparse and for those individuals· and their families or businesses that experience a lull in their income and are not able to meet their immediate needs.

"In every village there must be established a general storehouse. Then the orphans will be looked after, all ofwhose expenses will be taken care of The cripples in the vmage - all their expenses will be looked after. The poor in the village .: their necessary expenses will be defrayed And other members who for valid reasons ar.e incapacitated - the blind, the old, the deaf- their comfort must be looked after. In the village no one will remain in need or in want. All will live in the utmost comfort and welfare. Yet no schism will assail the general order ofthe body politic. Certain trustees will be elected by the people in a given village to look after these transactions.'" ( Abdu'I-Baha: Foundations of World Unity*. page 40)



With the coming world catastrophes, we are about to experience an emergency shortage of goods and necessities throughout the Baha'i communities. The storehouses in the Baha'i teachings are a version of the storehouses that Joseph instructed the·Pharaoh of Egypt to implement because of the dream the Pharaoh had of the seven fat cows, seven lean cows, seven fat ears of com, and seven lean ears of corn. There were to be seven years of abundance and then seven years of famine in the land of Egypt. Joseph told the Pharaoh to store a portion of the

abundance of the seven years for the seven years of famine. "So when the famine had spread over all the land, Joseph opened all the storehouses. " (Gen. 41 :56) The International Baha'i Council is directing all communities to begin implementing local storehouses that will be directly organized and maintained by the local Baha'i Councils. The local councils need to decide where these storehouses will be set up, and how the believers will fund the storehouses. In the writings, the storehouses are given five revenues, but as this is for when the kingdom is established throughout the world, these revenues will be limited to the believers and their individual efforts and contributions. They will decide on a plan for grouppurchasing ofgoods, materials, medical supplies, food storage, water, etc. The local councils are , directed by the slBC to begin implementing·these storehouses within the nex:t thirty days. We need to receive from each of the local councils their proposed plan for their local storehouse and a projection for its implementation. The local councils should call a special meeting to address this particular issue and, if needed, appoint committees of local community members to facilitate this process. For those communities in populated urban areas, the same directive is givep to them, but with the additional instruction to formulate contingency plans for the immediate evacuation of the communities to safe areas in the Rocky Mountains. Storehouses implemented in these areas will function in the same capacity, will provide necessary means for the people's survival and will aid in their evacuation. We have the responsibility of educating mankind To do this, we must be here physically. We must survive! As we have the ability to see the catastrophes coming very soon, we cannot be "caught with our pants down" so to speak With the onset of the "series ofevents, catastrophic in nature" the American public will start to panic as they begin to see these catastrophes for themselves. As the U .S. begins to act militarily in the Mid-East, the oil prices will soar. Gas prices will soar. The first reaction will probably be a huge sell-off in the stock market that will result in its crash. As the war begins to accelerate, fuel will be prioritized for the military and rationed. The distribution of food and goods will be slowed. This will cause panic buying in the stores, and supplies will be depleted. The nex:t thing that will happen is martial law and rioting. This is the reality. Doc told us that this war would be World War ill. This war will be fought with nuclear weapons on a limited strike basis. That is, instead of an all-out nuclear war using 7 5 - 100% of the world's total nuclear arsenal, Russia and the United States along with Israel will use their nuclear weapons on a limited basis. They will use the weapons that have been developed just for the pwpose of hitting areas that are the top priority such as military targets and large industrial centers. These weapons are smaller in their destructive capabilities than their predecessors, but are much more accurate so they can knock out targets in a pre-emptive first strike. It also says in Matthew Chapter 24:

"For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake ofthe elect, those days will be shortened" Mal/hew 24:21-22 "Those days being shortened" refers to how this war will be a nuclear war fought with a limited

strike, not using the full destructive capabilities of the beast nations. This war will be very destructive, "such as has not been from the beginning ofthe world until now", but will be nothing compared to what it could be if all the nuclear weapons of.the world were used, in which case, the entire human race would perish.





We must act now, before these events begin to aceelerate. Acting as communities now, group purchasing in bulk of needed items will not be a problem. If we act now, we won't need to prepare when it ultimately becomes necessary. Instead, we can be occupied in the important work of organizing the teaching efforts which will be vt;ry time consuming as the fireside students increase in number from one or two a week with one or two people in attendance, to one or two or three a day with hundreds in attendance.



We will also address the mass production of teaching materials: fireside outlines, booklets, and pamphlets. We also are drawing up a booklet on survival skills for the Baha'i communities. We will compile, mass-produce and distribute them to the non-Baha'i communities as the general population will not get the information they need .from the govemment,....This was clearly illustrated by a visit to the Ravalli County director of Civil Defense when he took Matt Roeser and Victor Woods an a tour of the Ravalli County Court House. The Director showed them the basement of the CourtHouse that was equipped with air filtration and stored food and water. He then told them both flat out that the people of the local government needed to survive and that the rest of the people were "on their own. " The people will have no guidance from their local government The people in the governments will be as panicked as everyone else, and the only people who will be giving any guidance will be the Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant. · Our guidance for the non-Baha'i communities will aid in our recognition as the true authority. After the destruction it will be evident to all that we were the only ones who were warning the people of this destruction and how to prepare and how to survive. This will aid in the BUPCs being accepted by the surviving population and will accelerate the teaching effort to where we will be welcomed by the presidents and leaders of the beast nations. This·in turn will assist us in the conversion of the beast nations to ''Living Creatures. " This is our mission. This is our mandate.

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Another facet of the storehouse is monetary. The local councils should implement the storage of cash on hand. out of the banks, and possibly in gold and silver. It may come to the point where U.S. currency will be devalued, in which case the only real value in money will be gold and silver. Silver will be better for smaller purchases and an ounce of silver is much less expensive to purchase than an ounce of gold


Baha'is have learned from their experience at Rainbow Gatherings how to practice living skills in a society where currency is of ~o value. Those things that w.ere used as trading commodities (aside from prohibited drugs) were cigarettes, candy, pop, i.e. comfort foods. It would be a very good idea to have a supply of such items. Even gold and silver will not compare to the value of tradable goods.

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The members of the Baha'i communities in the Rocky Mountains are to coordinate and designate through their local councils and storehouses, the location of shelter areas. Basements of community members can be used with preparation. Material needs to be on hand and ready to use to provide a layer of shielding material on the floor directly above the basement area, shielding material around the exposed foundation and windows, simple air filtration systems, sanitation systems, etc. The details of how to prepare shelters will be described in the booklet that will be distributed to the communities. The local cow1cils will designate a shelter area for each member of the conimunity. Each member will be assigned a shelter area, and a list that will be compiled of who goes where will be copied and sent to the siBC. Shelter areas for evacuees will be designated as space is made available.

Tills is where our trust in God's assistance is paramount. As the series of catastrophic events begin to escalate, we will have in place a skeletal structure for our physical survival that we will build on. As we become physically prepared, we will also become spiritually prepared as the population goes through the firesides and joins the Baha'i communities. Our numbers will increase "a thousandfold" as Abdu'l-Baha predicts, as a direct result of these catastrophic events. Our material power as well as our spiritual authority will increase in like manner. This means, as the events take place, the people will recognize that we are right. They will come into the Baha'i communities in droves and, as a result, we will have everything we need to project this message around the world as well as everyone having a place to survive these catastrophes. We expect direct corn.munication from_alllocal councils as to their progress in-the - i!nplementation of the local storehouses and the plans that have been outlined. We will expect a full report from all councils by 12/1/00. The sffiC will coordinate with the local Baha'i Councils throughout the U.S. the implementation of these directives and will be issuing the resultant reports to all local councils. We wish for everyone a smooth and coordinated effort in this allimportant issue and hope all community members realize the great role that you all play in establishing God's kingdom on earth. Allah'u'Abha

"I know not, 0 my God, what the Fire is which Thou didst kindle in Thy land. Earth can never cloud its splendor, nor water quench its flame. All the peoples of the world are powerless to resist its force. Great is the blessedness ofhim that hath drawn nigh unto it, and heard its roaring. Some, 0 my God, Thou didsi, through Thy strengthening grace, enable to approach it, while others Thou didst keep back by reason ofwhat their hands have wrought in Thy days. Whoso hath hasted towards it and attained unto it hath, in his eagerness to gaze on Thy beauty, yielded his life in Thy path, and ascended unto Thee, wholly tktached from aught else except Thyself I beseech Thee, 0 my Lord, by this Fire which blazeth and rageth in the world ofcreation, to rend asunder the veils that have hindered me from appearing before the throne ofThy majesty, and from standing at the door ofThy gate. Do Thou ordain for me, 0 Lord, every good thing Thou didst send down in Thy Book, and suffer me not to be far removed from the shelter ofThy mercy. Powerful art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. Thou art, -verily, the Ali~Powerfo/, the Most Generous. ·•r Baha'u'llah


The second International Baha'i Council


January 9, 2001

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'1 beseech Thee, 0 my Lord, by the name ofHim round Whom circleth in adoration the kingdom ofThy names, that Thou wilt graciously assist them that are dear to Thee to glorify Thy word among Thy servants, and to shed abroad Thy praise amidst Thy creatures, so that the ecstasies of Thy revelation may fill the souls ofall the dwellers ofThine earth " (Baha'u'llah: Prayers and Meditations, pages 117-118) To the Baha'is Under the Provision of the Covenant, We would like to thank all of the friends for their hard work at putting together plans for storehouses in their communities, and working to complete a progress report by the beginning of the New Year. There has been great progress and we give our sincere appreciation to everyone involved In previous letters we spoke of the importance of preparing for the catastrophes so that when they happen we can be occupied with the most important work ofteaching the Faith. We want to make it clear that the Baha'i faith is not about the catastrophes. It is about carrying out Baha'u'llah's peace plan in the world. The catastrophes are the result of the nations rejecting this message. Before the catastrophes, we will be teaching the masses of people the frresides. We send this letter to guide the believers in the preparation of the mass teaching effort that we, as communities, will be canying out. Baha'u'llah explains how this message will revolutionize the world if the future:

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Once Varqa asked Baha 'u'llah: "How will the Cause ofGod be universally adopted by mankind?" Baha 'u 'l/ah responded that: "First the nations ofthe world would ann themselves with infernal engines ofwar, and when fully armed would attack each other {without mercy] like bloodthirsty beasts. As a result, there would be enormous bloodshed throughout the world Then the wise from all nations would gather together to investigate the cause ofsuch bloodshed They would come to the conclusion that prejudices were the cause, a major form being religious prejudice. They would therefore try to eliminate religion so as to eliminate prejudice. Later {about this time now] they would realize that man cannot live without religion. Then they would study the teachings ofall religions to see which ofthe religions conformed to the prevailing conditions ofthe time. It is then that the Cause ofGod would become universal. "(Varqa: cf Revelation ofBaha'u'llah N, p. 56.)

Abdu'l-Baha prophesied that the catastrophes "will suddenly revolutionize the fortunes of the Faith, derange the equilibrium of the world, and reinforce a thousandfold the numerical strength as well as the material power and the spiritual authority of the Faith of Bahn'u'llah." The spiritual authority of the faith is the sffiC that derives its authority from the power of the Covenant as the legal successor to Baha'u'llah. Thus it is the government (kingdom) "of our father David that is coming." One of our sacred obligations is to warn the people through infallibl~ guiQan~ ~o 1hat they sliould be rightly guided away from danger. · Most of the people have not recognized this spiritual authority of the sffiC, even though it is written in the Covenant. Therefore the catastrophes will serve as a "bump on the head" to get the people to see the spiritual authority of the Faith as the BUPC have been right in our warnings to the people. The siBC is the administrative authority the world is to tum to. In fact, as people wake up to the reality of the Covenant, they will find that these catastrophes are a direct result of failing to turn to the appointed successor for guidance. They failed to turn to the first successor named in the Kitab'i Ahd, Abdu'l-Baha, and we had WWl They failed to accept the second successor named in the Will & Testament, Shoghi Effendi, and we had WW IT, and now they have failed and are failing to turn to the third successor, the SIBC with the · descendant of King David, and we are headed into WWIII. The spiritual authority of the faith is t."'Iat the BUPC have been right in our warnings to the people. The siBC is the administrative authority the world is to turn to. A percentage of the mainstream Covenant-breaking Baha'is in the world (the 144,000) will recognize the siBC as the· true Universal House of Justice in its first stage. They will go through the firesides and will come under the provisions of the COvenant by the interview process through the local communities. Therefore, we recommend all the friends hone up on the firesides through holding fireside deepening classes. We are the authority people of the world will turn to, and we need to be ''johnny on the · spot," as Doc used to put it. Doc would also refer to a particular parable told by Jesus on his first coming.

"The kingdom ofheaven shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five ofthem were foolish and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; hut the wise took flasks ofoil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, 'behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' Then the maidens rose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, 'Give us some ofyour oil, for our lamps are going out. ' But the wise replied, 'Perhaps there will not be enough for us andfor you; go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.' And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. Afterward the other maidens came also , saying, 'Lord, lord open to us. ' But he replied, 'Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.' (Matthew 25:1-12)


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The "maidens" represent the people who have gone through the firesides and evolved through the teachings. 'Abdu'l-Baha, in the Will & Testament says, "teaching the Cause is the head cornerstone of the foundation itself" It is of utmost importance that we teach. As we teach these firesides, we become educated and thus fill our lamps with "oil." A lamp without oil is a lamp without light. The oil is the education of the believers. Without oil, your lamp cannot light the way for the people of the world in their darkness of ignorance. We are to check our oil levels and make sure they are in the safe zone.

In the parable it says "As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. " This refers to the people of the world who Will see these catastrophes, a.Iid Will awake to the truth of the Baha'i Revelation. The "bridegroom" represents the physical world and the bride of heaven is the Revelation. It says that the bridegroom was "delayed." It also says in Revelation that the four winds of destruction are being "held back'' at the river Euphrates in Iraq. During this time of delay some of the believers have fallen asleep to the reality of this message. It is now time for the people to wake up and prepare, for the day is fast approaching. As a result of the catastrophes, the trumpet call will be sounded!

''And the angel whom I saw standing on sea and land lifted up his right hand to heaven and swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it, that there should be no more delay but that in the days ofthe trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery ofGod, as he announced to his servants the prophets, should be fulfilled" (Revelation 10:5-7) The trumpet call of the seventh angel is about to blow! With the prophecies fulfilled one after the other, we are nearing the day wh(m the mystic nightingale will _sing the New Song to the world.

"The world is in travail, and its agitation waxeth day by day. Its face is turned towards waywardness and unbelief Such shall he its plight, that to disclose it now would not be meet and seemly. Its perversity will long continue. And when the appointed hour is come, there shall suddenly appear that which shall cause the limbs ofmankind to quake. Then, and only then, will the Divine Standard qe unfurled, and the Nightingale ofParadise warble its melody. " (Baha'u'llah: Gleanings, pages 118-119) As Baha'u'llah says, it is only after a catastrophic event that this message will go out, and the people of the world will judge for themselves its authenticity. This is about to take place. The world wide media is how the world will see and hear about things happening, as it says in Rev. 1:4: "Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him ... "

l l

Doc always said that it would go out on an intemational"hook-up." As the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the beast and the mouth of the false prophet, that is, the Muslims, the United Nations and the Christians assemble the nations of the world through their doctrines into this war that is starting in the Mideast, this message will go out.


"For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for the battle on the great day ofGod the Almighty. And they assembled them at the place which in Hebrew is called Armageddon. The seventh angel poured his bowl into the air ... " (Revelation 16:14-17) At this time, Arafat wants the United States to see that a U.N. peacekeeping force is assembled in Israel to track the mounting violence against the Palestinians. At the same time, the investigation continues in the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole. This will _be another factor involved in assembling the nations in this war. "afire will issue from the Yemen and drive mankind to the place of assembly. A version says that a fire will issue from the lowest part ofAden and drive mankind to the place ofassembly." (Mishkat Al-Masabih, Vol. 3, p. 1143) The Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant are the only people who are able to see these things for what they really are, and thus guide the world through education. We are the angels descending from heaven with trumpets and harps, blasting the message to everyone who will listen, harping on the fact that the catastrophes are here and the kingdom has come! Again, as local commu.njties, we need to coordinate efforts to organize national and international teaching plans. In the Baha'i administration, there is a vehicle for coordinating these efforts. The 19 day feast is the vehicle for bringing the communities together on a regular basis, as well as providing a line of communication between the local councils and the sffiC. All of us need to stay as closely connected with each other as possible, and the 19 day feast is the way of accomplishing this. This is our "gathering" every 19 days in preparation for that time when we will really need to gather for our utter safety, security and salvation. That is, we are preparing for these physical catastrophes and when we come together at our 19 day feasts we are regularly gathering together to organize and plan and communicate and share the vital teachings which are the spirit of the Baha'i Faith. At the 19 day feasts in Missoula, the Friends are making it a practice for every member to bring two cans of food for the local Storehouse. On Holy Day Feasts, the members are encouraged to bring a bulk item, like a 50 lb. bag of flour or beans or rice, etc. This is how we will survive, this is how we will live, and this is how we will carry the spirit ofBaha'u'llah to the world. · As the Baha'i Faith is like unto the human body, another vital and very important aspect of the individual communities is the life-blood of the faith. As in the body, the blood pumps throughout the body at regular, sustained intervals. If the body does not receive the life giving blood in consistent and regular portions, it becomes anemic and weak. This life giving blood is the contributions of the members to the councils as Shoghi Effendi states, and constitutes the vitality by which the councils are able to function. As the heart of the human body does not store up the blood until it feels it has enough to supply the entire body, in like manner the Friends should not feel as if they need to wait and save for a substantial contribution. On the contrary, it is much more important for the members to 4

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t"ncl. o.seci.'~< ~~y apo1ogle3 ' for J:ha- de•J:ey C&.rt Onl::f ·bt }uetlf1~d by ~ ~e fact . that . I was ~ away frorn Flo~ence and my mail was be!ng held for :ne oY. ::1"--meotle' \oiliO' fiadjmt·s'oJ:if'ee'~- ~your ' 1 1ett;e:I'~ -


. _--: r.e 1-s ' 8 : -pit·y t:he't thtr'1g-.!: : t,rsd ·golie ~~ Vrdng w.~t-h~B'l:t£'t.hsc Mason p 1 a tin e-el'.· . He '!d' fe:d ·:~-ardke n...:·ne a·rtf'O but n e·v-e Etl'J~ . 11'-r lit a-bs "l:d t ·e Fa 1 t h. ~ t> we~· ·'cc;)nvinctt.-i ~·tr·om •~t:he' · ~t'lt's ts-I"t - ~ hhst !\ev~ntuel:'l'j ft::tie '~BGhrJtlf world


...,it::r.out·a GuArdian. I • •


'Th~ ri~ked 1trutH ts ~Hat the ~and~ ~~and th~ m~sb-ofnbellevers in 17~ne-· rai-:._ ;-,\.i-:i.-:riot wsnt::s !GUSF«tisrl.· ·:If ,txfiey. did;. It would be-.: very ~1mp):.e ·mattel". · ·'l'he &'Vic'le·n~e .1.1 '.::!o;"cleaPJ' as •ttxpoundl'd ·tri your excellent



,.,ol! l d ''C'o~e: tG t;htt- Fed}'i?:s·tfon'that the· =Fai:tti eould~tiot·


r•h:..-r- RurcL · ·· · ·

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·Jn 'gotng ove l" ·Ns ~dn fl~ ·· pepe ·:oy 'Sh?gh i ~.t;'fe rid t I~ 1W rr f'


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pps-snny progrE"ss

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rs·i '~1. ~oem~ 'Scrdfts -:sor:rna'rri l.-tt'e rs written ·>· .... u~ i:rig .-~Ma~ on : teD :/re tdtn 1 to Ha 1f a .as'.

~hoghi ' C'ould~tjot_ q: t_nagi'rie handlingr; o~. :Ptisi~ ·: sit~ataorls 1thsb

"Were to come up \oft Hi out: ''Masori l~ ·:: pr~ se' nc~ ~: tne' r~ '! tH•r ' · hev~ .(t ::arrui l!lhpQ OKi t ) (;s'tgned end ·.seal~d by Shogh!. Effendi) containing acme co.lilgulsted blood and hairs of. Bah8 'u '13!lsh.: : [ eonsid'ei! ··~the : · fol:lowi:ig .:w6rds: •:;pen'rteckby 'Stioght Effendi to · -· M;;Json· on - r th~ :. pecke't,ll.tla~lf! . . .... . ; :.






.. Rimg-le.ti! o(.·:Hile. ::~osb ': 81-es~~d Lao\is

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. ·pre~entt: d ;.·. aa ~mj+moeb··:prHJ~ou~ p68aess.1!on · t; 0 -~kbd u r 1 "!BahB' ~S -:-:-~ d t S'l! ."!301'l t\- F<Mil. , Gha r.l e e .

... .·: .


Milson Remey• .•&s '.H~ :·: t16ken ··.: of .-.~y::Baqa.l:1 _ Qffectlon anci brothe~ly love. " Sho~hi · and "·t'urtherf

. or

all tbe rfmnants of Bsalil 'UL~l~ab.~s '11!:-,Sacred ..·. . ;,the moat hallowed, the ·most prec~ous, ·:-. confidfntly deliver(d into th!! hands of my brot.he ·r Qno co-worker lr. t.he Cause of God, Mr. Remey". Shoght March 1922


A~ ·Ma:! otl ::him:u l:f :-::orte_ n~: in~ :tated ~ !':' &n."sr:~k Ab~ut- the preble m · Tit~tlll - !:, flO one else ...tlo could possibly claim the Guardianship" ••..•••. or t~e continuation of the GuE.irl}-~apsl:l~Ih·-·



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So you seE, Leland, it is not a question of whether Mason bad a . to his claim •••• it i~ simply a que::~tion of whether or not thi . ~11he 1 b \-/.AN'!' a g~erdian. If 1'-lason himst<lf \o.'S!! unsble to conv~nce the mas ~ of be l ie v er~, I do not s e e how any one ofcs c.liln. The only important co~crrn for all of u~ is to keep the Gu6rdien~hip (as an Instituti~n) · a] 1vt. Why I tock t;he ~~ tand I did in that regard requirt~ too much tiroe to ~elate. I 11ade my deci!lion smd em prepared to face up to whatever cr.r.secuencF~ that decision tnvolves. -The fact is that the Guardianship a~ an In~titutil)n has bet'n kept ' elivc. ·r knew after Hasan's death that tho~~

who would follow him in the

Guardian~h~p . woulrl

be practically

t"lpl~~!: cc~r~

to accomplish anythinf of significanc.e until the ERha• i Worl

to its




that the



an absolute

rt"cf.s.:'!ity fer !';he ful :'iJ.lment of thf Promiu~ of Bahe'u'llah ••..•• and. 1 1 it matfzr!l lit::ll:' WHO fulfill!! that of~ict a~ long as it 1<~ oa 1 . 1Ll:;',


on ~n accordance to whBt is pre3crlbed in the Will and Teetament Abdu'l Baha'.

If:.~t h~ ')3ed_.;,· ~r :<.Be lte',ve rs :~ had"·a ccep. .te d ,~Mss.on~ y •,:~ · .ci~.t.m... to. .

·tnt ~-. Gtfa·rc(t:~n.e,:Qi;i'~-~o f.i;;r:W:c,·t:f<3~:t?;eti·l~·.' gon ,/.:·ac~cordl~g:~·td!~~~p'e)~,i~~.l:l#l'

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· ot2tl • hi,._~-- Jn n-i.!l _~ra ~~,~ ~ .'-.2.,~d~ ~- ~~·.·-~ T..~u' :- .---~.?<?:qY-;~~-~nnot ' ·~e·x ~!·it wi .t hout· .: a '-H~ _e.d[!'~~::_;___•.:.~U.~ ..-ne:.J.~.h~-~- ::g_a_n · a : J'l~_a9.::. ~-~ .1.s t .:·~1 t.}')O"ttt a · B?dYi~ ·

Y.aeon···Renie'j tia.d. ·• :·:Plan · of.' ;.:.hi's · -'own --an·'d'=, t, ;m'\.ist . -c~:m· fesa, .r;~w" ·e· 'a.· '~v~ry d·e·~tn rt_.,j ,~. ~~~-···or. ~th~. .pl-lin·/~,·~i.·tb'ut ~ ~s ·=hta:·~ :P~~n· ~~ t~:·' ~n'o'(_ · · n&t·e.r ~a.I t-~e,: ' ·my ips i-t tn •·tq_at. ·p~sn ·:·do.U!ld n¢:'c J:ll&:tt::%'1-~-1 ~ZI~'te·i:~h ~r· :sn· ~ God t-s nPla::n, iled;.. ·... ··. · ·


For t.hat same rea~on,• •1 :ha:v.e--,: 8iwa;.Y,fi .;~~-;\:;t~~1;1 ~PI3r n~~ 1 ~~t. ' important what Shoghi Ef'fendi intendtd during hie 11fe-t1'int. H~. :rmey =o.r:!1JU!I'J7 not. ; hav.~t ·-i.nt.ende·d · -~~~<>0 tca.-:ge yhh: t~~u~oEssor, the. ·:f.e.c t : i!s · rtha~ Sod ·· so r:l nfliue-.noe d ':\kL~ '!~a.,.fjo i;nurke ,lit po.a,fo~~l'A for. ·!bhE 'be<ljr,E!:v.-r.! .to -aoce:pt tQr. .;l?.ct jec1;\;Mee:or\':e , ~1~ hJ , &.titt:l\· ··sti oghi: Et'f·endL -•,~ litfet·im~: tOdd'&' P]lan ~\fil:blc ~1way.::~ p~e.y.aJ.:t~ .· Oft~n' I

he ve wondered whe tht r Me:!on Ramey would·


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did lf.:.:.tu had.:b'ee-rt~ sbll} t.o :t'oi'Ietttet.-~~1&1 't-\:wS"t

treti~plred ~inQ~~hl~ -PnottlamtbLon ~ · ~•Qnevin doubb~d - -!~ ~ ~qu~d ·:not have ·die lHtn"'f·ire. ~Vt!H'l e.ually-.. i .... an" ? :;o t~r • • ~;; i.1J:i l)e;e · : ~~~; ­ That -wa!' !I very ·discouraging realization fq~r~IJla ~nd l}ad -Donald H~rvey not ·be eon willing to carry on in my "t~ ad, I .8ure ly . would ~hav.e

~&~en : ~ on -·tih~ -~r. e a}i'•OO:! 1b~ '\ -~ty ;tnYS.•~f •. Rloi•


"'but--my~.aentll'lent. s.-­

·at·,thet -ti-rae ·:tnight --hqv.-: . c~V.,~Q -~ mft 7:t~·o~~l-l«?n ,1~ ·Pl?:e-}?eltav~J1~f · to ·. r eve=ll't ~baek:, to :- ~h•: ;oPtgLnal: gr.E>\.lP ~~ {ij~-~f• !Rqd =-f~~f.~. el~;•r~now that 'that · :d ~ p on would i· ha y e ··:been ~~ r ·~~l1~·:d~a P,t ~ P •e · ~ ab1:ll ·of.... the: :opinion ··filist no .matter ·W:ne ftll:J · .b!l..: Qfif·~'i1 of Guard is nd1ip ••••.• that person wtli b8. • '~doHrio_bh ~.r:t.~!f·!-'fi~.i~f~ti·

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and that con~.t~ion -will._pr~va_ tl until the maasel! ,.,-qp_)>t!l!-1;~""!-~.:.. acctpt the· •Ouerdienship. ' -: .rn ··the ·meanttfne ~"'w. • r~,r.•.'; :_' ea: c:.h, t~.~ : !,~}~,,l'1 .. Gu!lrdtans}'( !lnd that i~ why !<have never re jectfd· ·.o_r -~cr1t:~~{!;~,<f. , !lny b~ 1 h~v~- r who: l:s ; t tght:ing ~ifor th.~ Guard ian~hip ~:;:(.In.~~_p'e~4~tt_ , pe opll! •wl.:ll ~orge. t tht -~l'ld ~.v.idual-5 -·~nd ··thf tr _tnd 1 v1oua r: ·:c ~tJfo~~bu t 'if _;th•_. Gu'a rd~ 1p 'pDtf vs'tile in -~he •edd, . lolt will ·.a l:~.A~~-y~;: rlone our : ;pa.~t--to ·contribute ·'tow:ard8 thsb :eventual event_-..<·...,. • . ' ..·. :::. ·-~~· ~., r-wa!' · ~ac to lt>ern of .Alfred's death. He wrotE 111e · -::.' ~~v~ral' le~+;ers end 1t ·Pained me· to read them.· It 1,/I:JS so ver.y difffcult to kno~ .1u~t what to write to him but I did feel very .

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··to :tifm. ·

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.to -. ' PS: I will alweys re~e~b~r Dr. Opal. She was 8 gJE a't Me30~ and m~ whr~ ~e r~8~ly werf t~··n~ed lind that ·ts_._..}is rd ·:. td for~~t, come wh~t ·~~y.


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Dr. Lel.anJ I

4061 S49-4JJO

KJ&i!ll' of BaJt.a'u'LlaA 4117 Colo~Ual Lane




MISSOULA. MONT ANA 59801 July 19, 1975 Joseph Pepe Via Malanchini 6 Florence, Italy My very dear Joseph, This, what I am writing you is of the utmost importance, and I would like very much if you would give it your immediate attention. When I was with Mason in Washington, in the spring .of -19-61, he .told me that he had made a gold medallion overlaid with a relief of a nine-pointed star, and set with nine diamonds 1 which he attached -to a gold chain. He said that he had made it for the first Guardian for he thought that the guardian needed to have something to wear around his neck on special occasions and at affairs of state to distinguish him from other people. But that he had never found any occasion to give it to Shoghi Effendi, and that he still had it in his possession. He said that he didn't think that he would wear it at special occasions, but that he was going to give it to him who is to be the thifd Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, and in that way I was to krrow the third Guardian. He said that he would wear it at special functions and then everyone would know the third Guardian 1 or words to that affect. I took it at that tinie for him to mean that he was going to use this method to appoint his successor in Guardian-s hip. Last year I had my dear wife write you to inquire as to what happened to this medallion, for this is the way that I am to tell who is the third Guardian. In your reply you stated: "I know nothing of a golden chain or locket that Mason made to give to Shoghi Effendi. He wore a gold chain around his neck with a Baha'i insignia on it and which I have. I do not remember his ever mentioning anything about anything else. He may. have given it to Shoghi Effendi years ago? ? 11 • The ones present when Mason told me this, that I am sure of, was Donald Harvey's father 1 Count, and his step-mother, Pearl. As this was all verbal ' and Count has passed on, and I believe that Pearl is now either with Rex or Joel, and I wasn't sure that Mason had told this to anyone else; so then when my wife received your letter of July 17, 1974 in reply to her inquiry, I decided to let the matter rest until you came here. We were expecting you long before this. Recently, however, in rummaging through some old files I ran across a statement sent me a long time ago by Marie M. Frain M.D. and signed by her. This statement is of the utmost importance and has now brought this matter into focus again. This is why I am rushing this letter to you. Part of her statement is quoted below: 1






"At the home of Edith Birchard and Ethel Kelly, Cambridge Spring Pa. Present: Della Emary, Martha Kelly, Edith Birchard, Ethel Kelly 1 Marie 1 Diane, and Frances Frain; Joseph Pepe, and Charles Mason Remey. "Mr. Remey was accomp·a nied by a sincere soul, a recently made Baha'i, who is devoted to Mr. Remey and will act as his secretary, one Joseph Pepe .... "A truly significant statement was made by Mr. Remey at supper Aug. 4_, 1962,

when he showed us a goid chain with a goid disc attached engraved with a 9 pointed star. He informed us that this insignia was made up in a wonderful necklace consisting of 18 links with a 9 pointed star attached. lt was set with 9 diamonds. This, he said was to be worn by the next Guardian and would be left to the next Guardian that succeeded him. This was tantamount to saying that this would be the means by which the Believers could tell who the third Guardian was to be. · He also said that he had designed 2 or 3 other chains but not with diamonds which would also be left to the next Guardian. These are presently in a safety deposit box. We were very bright eyed." After now finding this statement I now remember receiving it. It is essentially what Mason told me, and now that it is witnessed, his verbal document to me, now becomes legaL In addition to this my wife now tells me that Mason had written a tablet on th1s and had sent it to Mary Magdalene Wilkin and that she had sent my wife a copy. She tells me that she had just recently run across the copy of this tablet, but has now misplaced it. She called Mary a few days ago, but she doesn't seem to remember the tablet, but would look through her files and if she found ·it she would send her another copy. I hope she remembers to do so. Because this necklace with the Baha'i insignia on it is in your possession I assume that Mason did not give this medallion to Donald Harvey nor to anyone else. That he either gave it to you personally, or left it to you as the inheritor of his personal effects. Therefore, I and the close friends here have come to the conclusion that you were the last one to be appointed to succeed Mason Remey in the guardianship. If as his adopted son you inherited this medallion from him as part of his wordly possession it is legally and nghtfully yours. Then, therefore he gave this to you the day he died ---during his lifetime--in accordance with the Provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, by his dec1s1on .not to give 1t to anyone else before he passed on, thus, making you the last one that he appointed to succeed him. According to the frovisions of the Will and Testament the guardianship is both an inherited and appointive position and you fulfill both, you therefore, Joseph Pepe, are hereby the third Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. It is through· the Promised Joshua that God is to bring forth His servant the BRANCH (Zechariah 3:8, KN).. That" is,· I am to establish the Provisions of 'Abdu'l-Baha'.s Will and Testament in the world. Mason explained to me that in the unique way that Shoghi Effendi appointed h1s successor the guardianshiP was tested. He said the believers would not be put through that test again. He said the next time they wouldn't know who the guardian is for a while. This is through his unique way of appointing you. It seems that the guardians try to ·out-do each other In using unique ways in appointing their successors. For me I must be absolutely certain that the one that I support and give my allegiance is the tl1le guardian. I must take no one's word for this. I must see with my own eyes. Investigate with my own intellect and know with my own heart. I have been turning to Donald Harvey, but this is due to your writing that Donald was the last one appointed. Undoubtedly you have been unaware of your own appointment to the guardianship. I am to es tab lis h the Kingdom of God on this earth. I am the Promised Joshua. I am because I fulfill the prophecies of His Advent. I had · the 'stone with 7 eyesi placed before me. I wear the dirty garment. I have the name of 'the land'. I had satan oppose me, on the date given by Daniel for "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the 1335 days" {Dan. l2:12). As the Joshua of old established Israel, so I am to establish Israel (Baha'i) today. To this end I have been arduously working and it now looks Like we have come to the Promised Great ProJection. This is the center of activity and we need the International Baha'i Center ·nere, at least until we cross the River Jordan, so to speak, afld ·have it on Mt. Carmel. We have the building and all of the help and facilities for it. The Guardian needs to come here and set it up. It would also be very important for you to attend a meeting that is planned to take place in Sheridan, Wyoming on August 9th and lOth. The Baha'is there have planned a lamb roast on the side of the mountain and the people of the I





city of Sheridan and round about are invited to attend. There are about 35 believers here that are planning on being there. You are hereby cordially invited to attend. This could be the fulfillment of the vision seen by the seer Jean Dixon. She is considered as the foremost clairvoyant in America. She saw me in a prison in the Rocky Mountains. Then she saw the return of Jesus (Joshua) descending the side of a mountain in the Rocky Mountains and that there were r ~ a great many people there to receive him, but some cried give us Barabas. She also saw me in a vision in which the Great · Pyramid was present. I won't be able to go into all of this here because the material is too vast. I am enclosing ( ~ something Jerome sent me so that you may have some idea about this. He is in · '-COrrespondence with Jean Dixon and she is studying his explanations and commentaries with interest. According to her visions she is to recognize me. _ This affair may be the way that she will. She and her visions and predictions f are .widely publicized in two national newspapers here the Star and the l Enquirer. There are also many books written on her visions and these that I mention here are included. r If she should recognize me now I would be thrown into the communication media. It wo~ld electrify the world. I would be a conversation piece. Everyone would know : This would be the Judgement. God wants ev~ryone to believe by proofs. That is why there are so many pr ophecies telling of my Advent. There will be inquiries coming from au over the world and we will need a well working International Baha'i Center to take care of them all. I have raised up a strong center here. The Guardian needs to meet his responsibility and to come and take his seat at the head of this new body. There will be people coming from all over the world to see the 'stone with 7 eyes', to meet Joshua the promised Lamb of God and he who sits upon the Throne, the Guardian of the Cause of God. They will come by all the various means of trars portation, by plane, train, bus, auto, bicycle motorcycle, and they will walk. They will come. We will have an instantaneous 144, 000--Israel, the elect. Then the bombs will drop, and the death pangs of the Beast will be the birth pangs of the Kingdom. We need an active Guardian at the head of this new body. We will conquer the world with the sword of the Word of God. The enemy, the Covenant-breakers, have been doing everything possible to stifle the progress of the Cause of God, including refusing to sell to us the Baha'i Books. As a result, we have set up a prints hop, at a cost of about $10,000, so that we would have these reproduced. This is necessary so that we will be able to answer all of the inquiries, especially in the oncoming projection. Due to my open Epistle to Governor Judge, the projection has already started. They are now to a certain exte.nt waiting for the next phase. We would like for · , you to be with us. Missoula is in a saucer surrounded by the Continental Divide There are no 1 which will filter out the fallout after the dropping of the bombs. l - targets in this saucer. It is the safest place to be in America during the oncoming thermo-nuclear holocaust. We have the funds to bring you here and the resources to take care of you after you get here. Don't delay! Come at once! · May I anticipate a very prompt reply?




~, Dr. Leland




24 July, 1975

-;: hevl' _ ,1u~t fin1sh,.d r~a~tnr. your lett~r of' July !9th Gnd mu~t confess, wha t::. con:;ainf"rl tr0t:blerl ':""not a ::.itt}.t' for if t':tl!'!"e is anything on this eai'h I ~o not v.rant, ~t ~!" to br re~pont'ible tn sny way at al~ in adding furthez t.l!r!T'oil an~ ~n;d,ot.'~s to th~ ':).9ha'i fri..ends ov~r the question of succl!a 8 or t ~,~


Gn th~

oth~r hanr., I mu8t be !:·1nt's~ an . ~ ad!Tlit. :o you {a~ I have not done e..-.cept !none other case) t~at ~hl!n ~r. ~em~y took ~e into his confidence afte : Shof{""i E'ffendi'~ death, hr told r-:e thin12s h~ ~~d not re-.eal to any ot'her I= r · ~on end I kn~,.,_. all that he · was do:.n-.:- about 1!Bi'.tnt: ~is own Proclamation, et • lor.p. b,.forl' it -w•s t~sued. I ·nad not s .decla::-td Baha'i at that time but enJo:v,.~ hi~ courol~te confide_nce. When he esk~d r.:e to make my home with him 'n order- to care for hi" a·n d to menage thing:: fo:n him, I w·a:J totally end abso u1 l:v ~'·'"'~nytnced of 'lh Mi~~·i':)r. '• t~e 3shs 1 i _ i-'~Ditb ar.c gave rny -wholehesrtPd su~J:ort. and"' tt:.e ·Sohs'i F~!th f•Jll:y. t-' .&:!On 1 s dre -sm wa~ that I would !'uccl""'d him even though~ .ha·.·e always :-efused to accept ~uct a thou .;:-ht fro hlm. He znad~ hi~ appointment or Joel in a Beal letter onl: bEcau!'e he was q~ratd t~at he might die -unexpectedly. Then later, tou will remember, he apr.oint.eti ~ome of the _el:ier!' who !7'1~~!-lt take over the G-uardian;hip :Jhould e· e ~r~at Global Cetaatrcnhe core abbut and people _would be dtaperaed for some • br.e. In ·ordttr to stcure the contlnu& cf the Guardianship, he ma·Je sure thttre would be sevFral pcseible ~·l~cessors. You see, Dr. Jensen, Meson wajq mrire interesteri in ucur'n~ the aucce~scrship than of the succe!lsor himsel • '!'h~ conci1t1ona under which he lived forceri him to make the many steps he t;ook en~ thus a .grt."st coi::.. u~lon en~l4ed S.! a resu-lt. ' However, Donald Harvey tas rtoct ivl"rl from me a ststemttnt in ~aeon's henri ln ·Which he repudiated hi apnoint.mer.t. or Joel ~s hi~ suc~l"~sor back in 196) .••. that is s ~ on after w ~tt wttt Joel her,. I will not go into the ft~ssons Mason gave me. Many ~h!n~~ ar~ bFst left un~aid. At the~ tim~, he list~d three persons as hiP succes~or ••• -•••• I w~ll not tell you the sequFnc! of the ~hrfe nemes ••.• bbt : "ti11 ~Ell you tha·t my ne!'lle s":"-T!t'Bred on that list elong with Dooald Harvey':;, an~ Jo,..l 1 s (Joel'~ name was t:h~ lest One on thl! list, so that conf.irms that ~v~n hack in 196) Mason had changt'd his m!.nd about Joel. I tell you all ~~is only to give Dl} own rt'ason~ why I cannot nor ~ver can in thl! . future !lcc~rt Joel as .Mae_ o n•a suc .c esaor_. Spfritu'slly, r confe~a, 1 h8T~ ner.v,.r . :-i ven up the Baha '1. F'._s1 th. I n. r act 1. c~ no .otheT -re l i~J.on -nor have :-~.nee •.t . rt!'~t accept ln~ t ht baha I 1 ing~ t ~rough Ma 8 00 Re!Tiey.

~orn there has b ·· ~=n such a confusion abr;t:t Mascm's tr.ed·allions. The or alwa y~ -wore srounc his neck, I mys~lf .am wearlng at this mc;nnent. I . t~~asurl t;~at. He ·. rt"'-ov~d it; frorr; hi!! own ntck ~ev~rsl week~ bef ore dying. ~t; l!t:emed to PiJ:Odt'n him to ~ear it. Yet,. ht' H6LJld nt"ver be wit~out it in nrevious . ti 11 s One o-r th'!" 1.erp:•r mt"coU.on~ h~ har '!'lade (Silver w!. th .'gold-pl _a te1 I placed 1 hts co~rin Dlnnp. with a small vtal of attar o! roSf3 and a · Baha'-.i prs:r~r boo} ;n-i a nhotogrsph of ttl.' two r:f us. It is so f l d evttn to remembert The c~h~ one~ {I be,li~=··~ I ha-.r~ a piiot'Jgr~p!'l of Mason wearing th~ on~!' you wrre partic'JlRr1f ·: ~- nter,.~·ted 1n) .•••• ar~ surtly amongst the things he left me. ~here ar .. !~v~r31 religi.':lu~, patriotic and social ordtrs he belbnged to and he had s~v'-'ral ~ .. ~als, etc. If th~t i~ th~ medal you refer to, he never told~ t -tvt' it ·t9 anyone. Thst: l)ne or snyth'.ng t~lse. I did ask him t.o givtt h18 ~ahR'i ~ipg to Jac~e~ So~hoMonian becau~e J&cque:J wa~ evEr so generous with u~ during the ls~t y~ar~ ~r ~ascn'~ ~lfe and our neerls grew beyond our mean • ~;a.:nn wotlld probably r.o~ have r:~ede that j~~ture but I a:J\cec him to do so 11n lt.e e~re~d and during Jaccues 1 s la!!t visit ~ason h\ms~lf put his Bahs' t ring or JBcoue 's _finger (bu~ that had no mPanlng oth~r thsn Pimnly showing dur ec~r~ctatlon for J~cques' Ren~rostty. r promis~~ Mason _l would have snotb ~ ~tng med~ up fOr him and in fact, I did, but he n~vrr did get to we~r it • ... --..



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Aghsan Letters:

To Charles Mason Remey

Mr. Remq



Upon h1m be Baha Ull&h el Abba.

II¥ Beloved


!ruelatecl Jan\larl' 38, 1912.

wa•htqtoa, .o. o. BJ •traa ~ ••hrab~

'I .



Do not worry about tuat womani 1 leaYif her to hes"•




V)on thee be B&ha Ullab el-~bba. ( ~ lsne4) .tbdul Balla ~bU..

!e Ble Boao:r Jb'. R•q,

Vpon h 1m be Bahaulla, 'el Abba. 0 1111 dear san !

He ia GoA..


Abdul Baha


!r&Dilatecl by 8boabte Rabbani, Hat.fa, laleet1ne 231'4, 1919. (Pub. 'Star of the West' p. 144, Vol. X)

:at.s Honour Kr,. (• lfaeon) Rtfm~. unto b 1m be the Glory ot God, the Koat Glozotou• He te God. 0 thou enlightened beloved eon!

Unto thet- bo the Glory ot Abhal Au~.

20. 1920.

(:31sned) Abdul !all& !bbal

Translated by 1 ~z hullah Khan 8. ~ahadUJ",

Kount Oarmel • .Pal eet.1ne. (Pub. 'Star of the West' p. 229, Vol. XI)


Aghsan Letters :

From Joseph Pepe Remey Florence, Italy 22 August, 1991

Mr. Chase:

- I might cal~l you "my boy" too~ ..:.rhat is not a "carrot" for you and I don't expect you to "butter-up" for it. ··--··-


·-· -

~~~ .o

~o~ -~ '''MY Br>V" fli&. ~. 1 J d'. A FINAL APPEAL TO LELAND JFNSFN:


Florence, Italy 2) August, 1991

--a~n:Adlhtr;:.:a:-=no;::.u:-itTlvltri:t:;;y-:di:u;:;r"C";ln:;-;g:. t:ith::':e"f;;fe;;:;w;-:y:::-=e;-;;a:;;:rs:;--;; _s....-n~::~:m;:;;; _e-.~.;. ·~::-ae s;;;;-;;r~. -Rem--ea--. - ~ -:"h .


P~Jl ~k -flt ·

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Florenc~, Oct. 3, 1991


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AN OPEN STATEMENT FROM JOSEPH PEPE-REMEY AGHSAN, GUARDIAN OF THE BAHA'I FAITH (9 MAY, 1992 AD) "Dear Patrick C. Labbe: I admired your optimism and your direct simplicity in putting forth the proposal you expressed in you 27th April, 1992 letter to me ["taking a definite stand as Mason Remey's successor"]. It would be wonderful if things were as easily done as you stated. Truth is, my past experience has taught me that NOTillNG comes easily." " From what Mason told me abo~t Shoghi Effendi's experience as Guardian and how it affected him ~hat I experienced in the first person regarding what the Guardianship-did to Mason, ~eli eve me, I wouldn't wish that role on my worst enemy. "NEVERTHELESS, If I [Pepe] were convinced that coming forth and taking a definite stand as Mason Remey's successor would result in peace and harmony amongst all Baha'is, I should NOT hesitate O.NE l'..1Il"·HJTE to do so ... Mason awaited the day when the masses of Baha'is (now termed sans-guardian Baha'is) would WANT a Guardian. SHOULD the ~me come when those masses should TURN TO ME [PEPE], I could NOT refuse to fulfill the role [guardian] for not to do so would be a violation of the faith and trust Mason Remey [my father] pl~ced in me [as his son he appointed to succeed him] ... I am dedicated to that end.

(SIGNED) • Faithfully, Joseph Pepe-Remey. • (Letter to Labbe, 9 May, 1992) "Mason's dream was to prep~e me as his successor and that was in writing soon after we came to I t~lly." (SIGNED) • Joseph Pepe Remey, AGHSAN • (Letter to Jean Miller, AprillO, 1974)

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l. The Guardian, Pepe, with his nephew at the Jersey Shore l I

l L


12-18-01 To: The Entire Baha'i World From: The Second International Baha'i Council

ALL HANDS ON DECK ! On December 15th, tragedy struck when the treasurer and acting secretary of the siBC, proclaimed herself to be the "chairperson" of the siBC, a position and role reserved solely and only for the Davidic Kingship. In so doing, she, Carlotta, willfully and knowingly has removed herself from the Cause and her position in the Baha'i Administration. As she has control of the internet list serve communications network, as well as P.O. Box 65, and the bank accounts of the siBC, any e-mail, regular mail, or statements issuing forth from her signed fraudulently "siBC" or "Shoghi Effendi's son?" etc ... , are NOT from the true siBC and should be ignored by the believers. They are issuing forth from her own self (an · a minority of others who have turned to her instead of turning to the<JB.CtUHJ which she has attempted to usurp), and therefore these statements do not form any part of the EXPLICIT holy text. These fraudulent statements, are NOT from the true siBC, and therefore do NOT have the same effect as the text itself (W&T, p. 20). Although this action m~y ave come as a shock to some, let us for ever keep in mind that the explicit hqly r"tings ofBaha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha, as well as those of Shoghi Effen i and Dr. Leland Jensen, warn us all



248 A N. Higgins #126 • Missoula Montana • 59802

sufficiently enough to be ever wakeful and vigilant in these times of crisis and open attack. r; ft.



Call to mind the events , when unauthoritative gang of no less than 7 directors including gC}tes and · bstitutes removed themselves from the Cause and the Baha'i Admili.istration for reasons of their own. At that time, all the Baha'i properties and the Baha'i Center and Offices at South Avenue, which had been our permanent home until that time, were disrupted and lost to us. I

~ ~~e_,$d the PO Box, the same is true - a repeat scenario. Now with th~)··.... /,.....

The siBC acting under th , p~ovisions of the Covenant and in harmony with State and Federal law as incorporated by the Lamb, Dr. Leland Jensen, the (e~tablisher ofthetttue Baha'i Faith, can now be contacted at the following address: Second International Baha'i Council 248A N. Higgins #126 Missoula, MT 59802 Also believers can e-mail the Council at this e-mail address:


The siBC is currently trying to rescue all the friends including other~postles of the Lamb who may have fallen pray to this hostile attempt to hijack the chair by the "treasurer" and one or two deluded others. Emergency by-Laws Number Nine of the By-Laws of the second International Baha'i Council are now in effect in which the "officers shall serve in order of rank, and within the ~a.Qle rank, in order of seniority" thus placing Neal Chase, the "Peter" ofth appstles, the highest ranking member, officer and director as the legal and a~t}{entic facilitator and ·"acting chair" of the second International Baha'i Council as per the explicit text, writings, and law contained within the Covenant and the Administration of the Baha'i Faith. It should, moreover, be always_kept in mind, that only the Davidic King, has the right to be seated upon the; throne of David as the legitimate and authentic executive branch of the tru&, IBCfJJHJ (see W&T, p. 15) according •,



to the two-part infallible criteria of the sacred Will and Testament of'Abdu'lBaha (see W&T, page 12 and 14). If fallible individual members of the UHJ fail to recognize the trllf i9ardian, at that very moment they cease to be "believers." On page 14 of the-Will, it states that only believers can be members of the UHJ. Therefore at that moment, should they reject, they cease to be members of the UHJ, and therefore have no power to act from that time forward as an "siBC member" and anything they would say or do from that time forth would be from their own selves and not from either the Council and most certainly NOT from God.


"Behold! What stress he layeth upon one moments deviation !" (W&T, p. 6). The siBC is currently in the process of sorting out the wreckage. On a ship the different members of the crew have stations they are to occupy. There are damage control stations, watch stations, underway stations and BATTLE stations. Do not abandon your stations! All hands on deck !

( (

The true siBC supports and defends the individuals rights to ask questions, seek answers, and independently investigate the truth -- unfettered -- at this time now, as well as at all times, as this is a God given right, that no group, (t ·uncil, click, or administration can take away from any one. \,

Again be ADVISED - statements issuing from the "treasurer" who has wrongfully claimed the "chair" and any of her "supporters" are NOT statements from the "siBC" and should be ignored and considered only in the light of this Crises. These are fraudulent and criminal acts to say the least, and these culprits will ultimately fail in their scheme. Please forward copies of any communication from her or others to the second International Baha'i Council at the address and email listed above in this letter.

'li;t .,.

Furthermore do to her control of the mailing list and th er:ve·, please circulate this missive throughout the Baha'i world and encourage all the friends to write in with their addresses, both e-mail and regular mail, so that



the all important information and FACTS can get out: "for the truth shall set you free." "Verily we wronged them not, but that they wronged themselves!" (W&T, p. 9). Again, the Council understands and sympathizes with the plight some of the believers may be experiencing at this time, and is here, operational and functioning to serve the friends in any way that it can, so that they can accomplish their individual missions and continue uninterruptedly to establish His Cause, and proclaim the good news of this Kingdom to all the people of the world. In service and defense of the Covenant, Signed, The second International Baha'i Council


Second International Baha•i Council GUIDANCE FROM THE sffiC


"Whatsoever they decide is of God." "Whoso doth deviate therefrom is verily of them that love discord, hath shown forth malice and turned away from the Lord of the Covenant" "May the wrath, the fierce indignation, the vengeance of God rest upon him!" -- Will and Testament, p.11, 19 12-23-01 FRIENDS! The second International Baha'i Council is sending this guidance letter to inform you of certain facts surrounding the current crisis. There was a(~pmmittee of four who were assigned the task to investigate and to gather facts ON!-Y, surrounding a possible problem between one of the , a postles and their\s bstitute, which seemed to be affecting the Community of Colorado. ,. . l

This Committee ofF our was supposed to gather information and report back to the siBC. The committee, met in "special session" as it dealt with personal matters and not regular business. The committee WAS NEVER the siBC and WAS NEVER a substitute or replacement of the siB C. The Cpmmittee / i HAS NO POWER to REMOVE the siBC from the HEAD ofthe,faith, that is, the siBC itself, and to REPLACE the siBC with something else, such as the Committee. That anyone would fall for this action of the Committee and listen to its excuses for even a moment is tragic and absurd, to say the least! Passing this test should be as easy as falling off a log.

248 AN. Higgins #126 • Missoula Montana • 59802

Furthermore, the cpmmittee of Four NEVER had any other powers other than just pre-trial investigative fact (g4thering, and then to report back to the sffiC, which ALONE is the HEAD OF THE FAITH ! t:..'\ it would so happen, Carlotta Gee sen was the acting \Chair of this committee of four. Carlotta was also the acting-Secretary of the siBC, who ' r~ceived the mail and was to deliver this to the acting chair, Victor Woods. Carlotta Geesen, as acting-Secretary of the siBC began funneling siBCrelated business into the "special session" of the Committee of Four, which is NOT and will NEVER be the siBC. Thus ALL siBC business was being derailed unknown to ALL the other members, EXCEPT those few on the Committee! ~s

This Committee had NO power or authority to place injunctions on anyone, nor remove Neal and Victor, NOR ANYONE ELSE AT ALL from the Baha'i community with a shun order. The Committee at this time still does NOT have these powers and WILL NEVER HAVE THESE POWERS to declare who is and who is not a COVENANT-BREAKER. ONLY the actual siBC, legal and established, can do this! Not the Committee masquerading as the siBC. The REASON THlS HAS HAPPENED AND IS HAPPENING is because God has a PLAN! "What Man hath intended for Evil, God hath intended for Good." In order for us to GATHER the 144,000 (who shall enter by troops according to rank), GOD HAD IT FOREORDAINED that we should all go through this SAME TEST.

pe~spect~ve oft~e mainstreamC.•;ansCg:uardians~'


From the when "'MESSAGE IS proJected, It WILL APPEAR to them ( the sansEi ardtans)1AS ;::v IF there are TWO UHJ's. Now this is an impossibility. But sometimes when someone is hit very hard in the head, like the bump at 9-11, they have a concussion and they get DOUBLE VISION. Thus they have a DILEMA. DILEMA means two things.


This is the DILEMA of the 144,000. When they get their BUMP on the HEAD they will then see TWO UHJ's, and they WILL NOT KNOW which one is the correct one. This will cause them, spiritual, emotional, psychological and mental stress and pain and anguish. It is then that the "angels" will gather the elect (Matt. 24).

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HOWEVER, FIRST the "angels" must go through and pass this SAME TEST. For if the "angels" do not go through and pass this SAME TEST, then they WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND the psyche of the 144,000 and WILL NOT have either the knowledge, or the skills, or the technology to GATHER THE ELECT. THIS is why GOD, and GOD ALONE, has given you this GREAT TEST, as a most wonderful gift, like a graduation present for Christmas, at the close of the Adamic .t~cle and the first year of the Golden Age ofBaha that we should be very, very thankful for and rejoice and be exceedingly glad and happy. The many, many believers that have already come in' b,er the w_ll" of o ,pression from the Committee of Four, and under thetp· ovisions of the ''Covenant, accepting and rededicating themselves to the true second International Baha'i Council, have ALREADY PASSED the first part ofthis TEST. They are at the HEAD OF THE CLASS, and they know who they are and if you are not among them, know that you are failing this TEST miserably at this time, which is why the siBC NOW comes to YOUR AID and salvation to help you OVER THE WALL in this obstacle course, by YELLING AT YOU LIKE MAJNUN THE DRILL SARGEANT, "YOU CAN DO IT ! ! ! BEWARE ! COVENANT BREAKERS ARE AMONGST YOU!"--- the WATCHMAN to GET YOU OVER THE WALL (see the Seven Valleys for more on this). Write the siBC NOW before it is too late for you. The TEST will END on January 9, 2002, and you have ONLY 24 HOURS from the time of the receipt of this letter to respond to the siBC at IBC_UHJ ~

Only the siBC, operating at Q4orum has any authority to declare anyone to be a Covenant-breaker. (Articl~ IV, siBC Articles of Incorporation). That is, a group of fallible members without a q orum of7 that meets, IS NOT a meeting of the siBC. 1

The moment Carlotta and that rogue Committee ofF our arrogated remove powers to itself, and published notification to Shun two of the seven




Apostles, these four jumped ship and the q orum of the siBC dropped below seven instantly invoking Emergency Bylaw #9 which was enacted. Under Emergency by-Laws# 9, the siBC below a 1q,~rum of 7, retains FULL me POWERS and IS the true, legal and actual siBC. Carlotta, and the "Committee of Four" is NOT the siBC. REPEAT: Carlotta and the "Committee of FOUR" is NOT the siBC! People who are in contact with Carlotta and those personalities who are leagued with her, have come out from under the protection of God, and the Presence of God is NOT with them. People who continue to have contact with Carlotta and those personalities who are leagued with her, AND WHO CONTINUE TO SHUN the siBC, by not WRITING to report in to the COUNCIL at IBC_ UHJ, are in great spiritual jeopardy! If these people continue to SHUN THE siBC, they will not get the facts. If in the name of "independent investigation" these people ONLY speak with Carlotta or Dawn, or other faliible personalities, and do not write or contact the siBC to get the "other side of the story," which is in fact, the truth and purpose of God Himself, then they could possibly be LOST FOREVER.

People NEED TO REPORT IN IMMEDIATELY, before this TEST IS OVER, on January 9, 2002. The siBC, functioning under Emergency Bylaw #9, AS THE LEGAL AND IMPOWERED true COUNCIL HAS, as always, THE POWER to place injunctions. And although "Apostles cannot remove Apostles" and even the ,rgyardian and the siBC, cannot remove the appointed Apostles - ALL 'OTHER PEOPLE ARE SUBJECTED UNTO IT, to be expelled from the Baha'i (fbligious(f: \ith, for SHUNNING the siBC. MANY have already reported in. Many have written with questions and their names are preserved in the strictest of administrative confidentiality, and they continue their unfettered investigation of the truth. Those individuals who have NOT written in ( and who still refuse to CONTACT THE siBC, within 24 hours of receipt of this missive, 4


will find themselves ultimately in manifest loss. They will have no one to blame but themselves as we approach the Jan. 9, 2002 DEADLINE for the end of this TEST. Do not be fooled by personality and petty jealousies!



According to the Legal Articles of Incorporation of the siBC and its byLaws, any time it is necessary to enact Emergency Bylaw #9, officers serve in order of Rank and then by seniority. Dr. Leland Jensen APPOINTED these himself, the same way 'ABDU'L-BAHA named Shoghi Effendi in the Will angrTestament. Although there will always be future@tardians of the AghsanJ !heage of David, NONE OF THEM are like Shoghi Effendi. NONE OF THEM can show where they are NAMED in the BOOK. In the same way, Dr. Leland Jensen NAMED ONLY ONE Apostle in the BOOK, and though there are other Apostles NONE OF THEM can show where they are NAMED in the BOOK. Whether yo~ believe it or not, or whether you personally like it or not, ONLY the 'a~stle NEAL CHASE, is NAMED by the LAMB in the BOOK. His name, ati'd his name ALONE appears in ARTICLE FOUR of the articles of Incorporation. His NAME and his NAME ALONE is written in the Epistle to Brent Mathieu, as the angel with the '(~qlden c~nser" 1nentioned in Revelation Explained chapter 8, and AGAIN in Revelation chapter 14 verse where it is written:

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Verse 15: "And another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to him who sat upon the cloud, 'Put in your sickle, and reap, for the hour to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe."' "The temple" is Baha'u'llah when He was on the earth, like Moses was the temple when he was on the earth; but when Moses passed on the presence of God was in the temple (a tent in the desert, divided by a curtain making the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies). With Baha'u'llah the presence of God is made manifest in His Covenant and the Will and Testament that the Covenant-breaking "Baha'is" have so grossly violated. This "angel" is one of the apostles of the Lamb, who believes in the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, and is firm in the Covenant. "Put in your sickle and reap" means that this apostle


of the Lamb gives his explanations and gathers the true believers back into the Covenant. "The harvest of the earth" are the elect, those who accept the Revelation of God by the Lamb's explanations and commentaries. This TEST is as easy as falling off a log. The fact that NEAL CHASE is NAMED in this way should make this TEST EASY TO PASS . It does NOT MEAN that Neal is infallible, but what it does MEAN is that IN TillS CRISIS, ~he friends sure do appear to be "super foolish maidens" (see Matt. 25 RSV) if they have FAILED NOW at the APPOINTED HOUR to WRITE IN to the INFALLIBLE SECOND INTERNATIONAL BAHA'I COUNCIL within the next 24 HOURS, if not with the proclamation of wholehearted support, than at least with their, questions, grievances and concerns. The Boat departs without you ! Write in before it is too late! CONTACT INFO: IBC_lJHJ

Second International Baha'i Council 248A N. Higgins #126 Missoula, MT 59802 MORE GUIDANCE TO COME. In service, Si ed, thel ' cond International Baha'i Council \,





Second International Baha•i Council




· 1e purpose of this paper is to shed light on the recent removal of Covenant.,;breakers. Three major points are: L.e authority of the siDC; the Due Process used when dealing with Covenant-breaking; and the importance of following the commands of the successor to Shoghi Effendi. (\




'Lie siDC as established by Dr. Jensen is the only authority frS!_.m God the world today. This authority is escendant of Shoghi Effendi. It is the conferred on the sffiC from God through His Covenant as thtQ!Jt c' >lden Rod. Therefore, it is the entity that has the final authority relating to Covenant~reaking matters. "To none is given the right to put forth his own opinion or express his particular conviction. All must seek !idance and tum unto the Center ofthe Cause [Shoghi Effendi} and the House ofJustice [s!BC/UHJ]. And ),_ that turneth unto whatsoever else is indeed in grievous error. The Glory ofGlories rest upon you!" (Will


and Testament of'Abdu'l-Baha, p. 26)


1 terefore, any criticism or attack on the sffiC is really an attack against God (See the Will and Testament of . 'Abdu'l-Baha (W&T), page 11).

' hen Dr. Jensen established the sffiC in 1991, he gave us Shoghi Effendi's Five-step plan to follow: , •. Ascertainment and agreement upon the facts; , . Consulting the spiritual and administrative principles around which the issue revolves; 3. Full and frank Discussion; ·. Offering a resolution; and ! • Voting on the resolution. ·1-r : also told us to memorize Robert's Rules of Order to use for running our meetings. From the beginning, the E •dy had to deal with Covenant-breaking cases. as well as other cases. In all cases, Shoghi Effendi's Five..:step process was followed. This Five-step process IS a trial. The dictionary definition of a trial is: i

tt 11 5. Law. The formal examination ofthe matter in issue in a case before a competent tribunal for the · purpose of determining such issue. (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1961, ed., p. 907) S, oghi Effendi's Five-step Due Process constitutes a "formal examination of the matter in issue in a case

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before a competent tribunal for the purpose of determining such issue." That "competent tribunal" is the smc, the only duly appointed successor to Shoghi Effendi, which bears the mark of infallibility conferred on it fron · God through the Lesser Covenant. I

The siBC has used Chapter 20 of Robert's Rules of Order as a method for handling personal issue cases. Most importantly, however, Covenant-breaking cases are unique and entirely different from personal issue cases. In addition, the siBC adopted other procedures to be used in conjunction with Robert's Rules of Order Chapte 20. The method used in Robert's Rules of Order Chapter 20 is one among many various methods for identifying, gathering, and organizing the facts relative to personal issue cases. As circumstances alter cases, the Baha1judicial system allows for flexibility in determining the method to be used in Shoghi Effendi's Step 1: 11 Ascertainment and agreement upon the facts." Shoghi Effendi himself explains (regarding procedures) that: "we should be elastic in details and rigid in principles. 11 Regardless, all cases, either of a personal nature or of Covenant-breaking, use the same infallible "rigid in principle" Five-step procedure of Shoghi Effendi. Covenant-breaking cases are unique and entirely different from personal issue cases. The Body in each and every case must always follow Shoghi Effendi's Five-step Trial; and, moreover, it is the sffiCs prerogative (and no ones else's), guided by the Holy Writings, to decide the necessary method, or methods, that will be used to ascertain the facts in fulfilling its sacred obligation to uncover the truth and purpose of God in these special matters. In all of the 15 or so Covenant-breaking cases considered during the ministry of Dr. Jensen, (as per the guidance ofDr. Jensen who was following the explicit text of the Will and Testament) none of the 15 or more· individ~ ever came into the Council chambers at any time. This is a well known and established fact among all the 12\Mx>stles of the Lamb. who living witnesses to tllis truth. L'l other words, all Coven3A"lt~breaking cases, handled before the siBC during the ministry of Dr. Jensen, following the explicit Holy Writ of the Will , , and Testament, have been handled with the Due Process of a trial, without a direct appearance of an · :\) individual before the Body. Therefore, it is the prerogative of the sffiC, al\d theJlB_C alone,_in Covenant- - \.. . breaking cases to decide whether or not an individual needs to come before th~y. Thus the idea that an individual's rights are denied without a direct appearance before th ""' dy is false. It should be reminded that ! by their own actions they have removed themselves, and by their own 'actions they can initiate the process to come back under the Covenant. This all being under the provisions of the Will and Testament of'Abdu'l-Baha: ',. "to incline a hair's breadth to the right or to the left, his deviation would ~e· established," and, "in no wise accept any excuse for him "(W&T, p. 6, 12)

"No doubt every vainglorious one that purposeth dissention and discord will not openly declare his evil purposes, nay rather, even as impure gold, would he seize upon divers measures and various pretexts that he may separate the gathering ofthe people ofBaha. "(W&T, p. 12).

Furthermore, in all cases, according to Due Process, when there is a confession, then there is no "trial" per se, the process moves right into the remedy. This is true with Covenant-breaking, also. When an individual openly violates the Covenant, this is the confession of their violation (their deviation is established) and the trial immediately moves right into the remedy - which is explicit; and that is to be shunned. In any case, confession or otherwise, all cases-- "rigid in principle"- get the full trial of the Five-step Due Process of Shoghi Effendi.

After detennining that an individual has broken the Covenant, the sffiC has no choice, in these cases, but to -JSe the remedy that God has given in the Covenant, which is to shun these individuals entirely. It is incumbent f >n all the believers to follow this remedy, so that God (and not man) can heal this situation. In Lights of Guidance we are eXhorted: [ 'There is no excuse for believers continuing to associate with [the Covenant-breakers] and those who, knowing everything, still insist on doing so, should be shunned by their fellow-Baha'is. The same applies to r 1eople who have left the Cause and associate with [that individual who ~ violated the Covenant]. The point t s that ifthe believers know and meet with people who are acquainted with Covenant-breakers there is no harm in this, for such individuals are not Baha'is and have nothing to do with the issues concerned But those vho 11afle: left the Cause, knowing a7/ about such matters, and deliberately associate with Covenimt-breakers, l rre well aware ofwhat they do, and we must not associate with them at all. It is for the Local Assembly, guided by the N.S.A., to enforce such decisions and protect the Cause in its area ofjurisdiction. "(Shoghi


r \ffendi: Lights of Guidance, p. 185) l

As the smc is the final settler of all disputes, all must follow what has been decided, whether decided either r nanimously or by majority vote. To do anything else would be to go against God. Our hope is that the people t . finsight (all of the Baha'is under the Provisions of the Covenant) will realize that if they are to dispute with the institution given to them by God to settle disputes then there will be no peace, only war, and the Kingdom r n earth will never be established. l

Therefore, by the everlasting Covenant of God for His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven (Kitab-i-Ahd/Will nd Testament of'Abdu'l-Baha), it is manifestly clear that: 1) the only authority for guidance is that ofShoghi l_.ffendi's son,.the-Golden Rod of the sffiCIUIU; and that 2) Covenant-breaking cases are unique from all other cases (following the explicit provjsions of the Will and Testament of'Abdu'l-Baha, as well as the Due Process iven to us by Shoghi Effendi)~ and, finally that 3) the importance of following the commands of the successor .J Shoghi Effendi, cannot be ove.r emphasized: f


Oh servants! Do not make the cause oforder the cause ofdisorder, nor the means ofunity a means for .jsunity." (Kitab-i-Ahd); and. again: "Let him not make ofGod's Law, created as it was to bring about unity and love, a means ofdiscord." (Shoghi Effendi: Bahiyyih Khaoum, p. 203)

·you have ANY questions about this matter, send your inquires directly to: The sffiC at PO Box 65, Missoula, MT 59806. ' Je~cond International Baha'i Council.



' Vou may not per~aps know that in conn~ct~on with all National Assemblies the Gu~rdian is advising that I rles a11d regulatrons should not be multzplzed and new statements on ''procedure" zssued; we should be 1

elastic in details and rigid in principles; consequently he does not want your Assembly to issue statements of (- binding nature unless absolutely necessary.... It is only those who have been spiritually ex-commtmicated 'the Guardian with whom the believers are forbidden to associate, and not a person who is being punished by being deprived ofhis voting rights" (Shoghi Effendi: Dawn of a New Day, p.l23) f


Second International Baha'i Council


Subj: Date: From: To:

24 hrs 12/23/2001 9:15:14 PM EST ibc (IBC UHJ) Carlottaj

{ Carlotta: You have 24 hrs. to send in your unconditional surrender to the siBC and cease and desist with your inappropriate behavior. Failure to reply within 24 hrs. from the receipt of this letter with your unconditional surrender \ViH result in proportional and appropriate action needed to be taken by the infallible(b_ddy of the sffiC, (which isn't you and your rogue group that are misleading the members of the BUPC), to remedy the current situation you have created for yourself. "Verily, we wronged them not, but they have wronged themselves."

In Protection of the True Cause of God,

The second International Baha'i Council



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248 AN. Higgins #126 • Missoula Montana • 59802



Second International Baha•i Council

Ruling of the second International Baha'i Council December 27, 2001 According to Baha'i Law as set forth by the second International Baha'i Council in its January 23, 2000 ruling, to wit: "In the case of Covenant-breaking, the body ofthe second International Baha'i Council finds the Dr. Jensen's appointments are conditional upon not breaking the Covenant. Therefore any of the members of this body who are found through due process to have broken the Covenant have abandoned their position as a member of this Council and this Council has the authority to enforce this reality by acknowledging, that according to the provisions of the sacred Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, that individual is no longer a member ofthis'J { dy as they have removed themselves." (siBC Ruling 1-23-00) In following the(gve-step due process of Shoghi Effendi for trials under Baha'i Law, and giving Carlotta Geesen ample time to respond by the 12-23-01 deadline, the second International Baha'i Council finds that: By her actions as demonstrated in the letter ofDecember 15th, 2001, Carlotta Geesen, has abandoned her position as treasurer and member of this Council. She, Carlotta Geesen, of her own free will and volition, is no longer a member of this body as she has removed herself. Therefore be it resolved that: she, Carlotta Geesen, is to be shunned (W&T, p.20) absolutely and completely by all the believers throughout the entire Baha'i world around the globe in this life and in the next. Carlotta Geesen is a Covenant-breaker. She has removed herself and by her own actions is no longer a member of the second International Baha'i Council.

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"Verily we wronged them not, but they have wronged themselves." (W&T, p.9) In service and protection of the Cause of God. Signed, second International Baha'i Council

248 AN. Higgins #126 • Missoula Montana • 59802

-second International Baha'i Council 1 12/27/2001

To whom it may concern



The following ruling of the second International Baha'i Council ,recognizing Carlotta Geesen, forme~ T~er, as having removed herself from the figdy of the second International Baha 'I Council terminates her official capacity as a member, director and officer of the second International Baha'i Council. "By her actions as demonstrated in the letterofDecember 15th, 2001, Carlotta Geesen, has abandoned her position as treasurer and member of this Council. She, Carlotta Geesen, of her own free will and volition, is no longer a member of this body as she has removed herself." (December 27, 2001) Any letters, correspondence, contact or business with her is not that of the second International Baha'i Council. Carlotta Geesen is not a member of the second International Baha'i Council. Carlotta Geesen does not represent the second International Baha'i Council in any capacity whatsoever. Any accounts, contracts or agreements that she has entered into on behalf of the second International Baha'i Council are hereby amended by having all institutions remove her as the authorized agent. She is no longer to have access to any accounts, contracts or agreements that are in the name of the second International Baha'i Council. All accounts, contracts or agreements using the name of Carlotta Geesen as the authorized agent are hereby changed to include the following authorized agents, officers and directors. Neal Chase Victor Woods Kay Woods Contact Information for second International Baha'i Council· second International Baha'i Council 248A N. Higgins #126 Missoula, MT 59802

248 A N. Higgins #126 • Missoula Montana • 59802

Page 20 of the Will and Testament of'Abdu'l-Baha is now in effect for these weeds: "And now one of the greatest and most fundamentai<pfinciples of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God, exterminate His Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past." In light of this shameful betrayal of God and Dr. Jensen and the establishment of the Kingdom at the very HOUR of the 9-11 event, consider these remarkable and profound words of Dr. Leland Jensen about those who fail the TEST: "Shoghi Effendi also was a test. He was not a male blood-line descendant of Baha'u'llah, or of King David. His line was not to succeed him, so God didn't give an heir. Therefore he appointed one who was ofthe~e ofDavid, 'Abdu'l-Baha's adopted son to be his successor1guardian. When he died God didn't hesitate to remove all of the millions of the Baha'is that separated themselves from therguardian, and thus from Him; and when Mason died, God didn't hesitate to remove the rest of them who didn't accept his son, from His sight except the two Knigllts. There are high stations set aside for the true believers. I am to have 12(~bstles. How can anyone who comes against me, showing there disloyalty to me and trying to discredit me to the other believers, ever attain their station? God requires unconditional acceptance of His Promised Ones. I don't eliminate anyone from the(f~th, they eliminate themselves." (Oct., Nov., 1988) "Verily, we wronged them not, but they have wronged themselves!" (W&T, p. 9) In service and Protection of the Cause, signed, second International Baha'i Council.


Chronology of 911 Covenant Breaking Crisis r

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"She [Carlotta] was selected as chairperson by the members of the Special Session which at that time included Victor." This sentence is t en directly from the letter distributed to the BUPC accusing Neal and Victor o B aking the Covenant. It proves that something OTIIER than the siBC issued the December 15 "injunction" against Neal and Victor! Because the siBC cannot have two chairpersons and Victor was the acting-Chair of the siBC! The only reason why the siBC, in Special Session, would "select another Chairperson" for this case about Neal is because something other than the lbddy of the siBC, a c mmittee, was to handle these proceedings. The moment Carlotta used that Special Session@ppointed c\ mmittee, which was not the siBC itself, to draft an "injunction" against Neal and Victor and she signed it "second International Baha'i Council" Carlotta Geesen broke the Covenant! Everything that happ~ned after this is just a procedural quagmire and is being used by Carlotta and her~tiolrr.i§.t lbinions to confuse you and muddy the waters to cover up her violation! This one thing is all you need to know in order to pass this great test with certitude. If you would like more proof, however, then you will find it here. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -Jesus, Gospel of John. "It is evident, therefore, that there is nothing of greater importance to mankind than the investigation of truth." -'Abdu'l-Baha, Promulgation of Universal Peace, p ..63


"They deflected their gross violation from scrutiny and detection of the believers by a switcheroo, labeling as Covenant-breakers those that didn't go along with their split... causing them that went along with their rot to shun the true Baha'is that were very firm in the Covenant..." -Dr. Leland Jensen, Over the Wall, Chapter 1.


This chronology documents the events and correspondence regarding the current crisis facing the Bah a 'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant.

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On September 11, 2001, the Baha'i year of Mustaghath, the world was terrorized when the World Trade Towers were attacked and collapsed destroying 1/10 of lower Manhattan, New York City. No one was spared from this terror, including the members of the Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant. On September 12, the siBC issued a Statement to the World. Neal Chase also published a Press Release and unfurled the Divine Standard, which is the '~ genealogy of Baha'u'llah in the form of a man, for the world to see for the first time. Over the next couple of weeks there was a scramble for BUPC's everywhere to exodus to safer areas in and around the Rocky Mountains in preparation for the War on Terrorism which many felt would surely escalate into a nuclear World War Three. Baha'is East of the Mississippi River relocated to Colorado while Alaskan Baha'is moved quickly to Montana and Colorado and Baha'is on the west coast relocated to Colorado. These events, the destruction in New York and the resultant immediate evacuation of nuclear target areas took a heavy mental toll on many of those effected by their move. Some Baha'i Families were traumatized. By the time Alaskan Baha'is arrived in Colorado, there were murmurs throughout the Colorado conHnunity undermining Neal in both his teaching effort, which was confirmed upon him by Dr. Jensen and against him personally. It was a pretty sad scenario as Neal had been asked to leave his house and children in a "vote" taken by his three roommates, similar to the mischief makers of the past who were the immediate friends and family of those in the leadership positions in the Faith. Many BUPC testify to hearing such chatter against Neal. Neal did seem stressed out over his forced homelessness and forced separation from his children and that Dawn (now his ex-wife) turned against him, but otherwise he was calm, collective and perfectly healthy. Nevertheless Dawn in conjunction with others filed a complaint with the Tri-coun :cal ~duncil. Because of the complete lack of orientation with parliamentary procedure, Robert's Rules of Order and the Baha'i due process in-conjunction with the obvious bias against Neal by members of the Colorado local council, who had been poisoned against Neal by the chief mischief makers, Neal's case was completely mishandled and executive session rules of privacy were repeatedly breached. Neal decided it was better if he go to Missoula for a while so he could again commence with his important works for the Cause. Being that Neal had relocated, members of the 2

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siBC felt that this case had become "inter community" and, under S]ecial Session, decided to form an investigative committee relieving the Colorado !fOcal .c ouncil of this taxing burden. Carlotta was elected the "Chairperson" of thi committee. She began excluding person after person from this; committee claiming that they were "biased". Finally she removed Victor, stating that he was biased because he was Neal's "friend". Aren't all the Baha'is "Friends"? This is not a valid reason to exclu.~e Victor from that @nmittee. When Victors substitute, Kay, asked to be on the;~ommittee, Carlotta made it not possible by stating to Kay that "first_you must review all the Special Session tapes from the previous meetings of this c mmittee and no you can not take the tapes home with you and no it is completely impractical for you to listen to the tapes here because I have 12 people living here and there is qot a free room where you can listen to them in private", thus cleverly keeping he c · mmittee consisting of only four people, some of which had publicly stated that they "had issues with Neal ". So Carlotta had crafted a biased "anti-Neal" tdmmittee to investigate Neal instead of to get to the root of the problem. This goes against Dr. Jensen's "Book of Order" which states that the siBC should use Robert's Rules of Order, which states that the composition of such ~ mmittees should be otherwise! When Carlo~_contacted Baha'i individuals for an interview, she would explain that "this is a committee for the purpose of gathering information relating to a complaint against Neal Chase. I am chairing this ·b mmittee and here with me are Lavonne Howell, Annette Konzyk and Bob Solem and John Geesen is assisting as an observer". After months of interviewin{F;iends about Neal the situation came to a head. Many of the friends have stated that they felt ill themselves after Carlotta had "interviewed" them, some stating that they had "been poisoned against Neal" and that the whole line of questioning seemed as though its purpose were to implant the idea in their heads that "Neal was mentally unstable", which was the tactic used against Mason Remey (see Most Mighty Document, p. 12). These "interviews" were actually a concerted effort to defame Neal so that when this showdown arose, many of the friends would think "oh poor Neal, he's sick so he broke the Covenant. I hope he recovers". ~ile ~~1

this real committee stuff was going on there was a lot of discussion on tlie list-serve about September 11 and whether or not Neal had actually predicted this date. Dawn was adamantly denouncing that Neal had any foreknowledge of this date. And it was at this time that Bob Solem began censoring all posts to the ~rv~and he announced that he was "previewing all posts". Many of the (. F iends have complained that they were upset because their posts in defense of 1


Neal were not posted by Bob Solem. One of th Frjends, Adam, had mailed a statement to sffiC that Neal had indeed explained to him and Maria about the "MONOS" verse and how it indicated something big would happen on a September 11 (see "911 Predicted!" for more). At this time people in Colorado who were actively campaigning the "Neal is unstable" chatter began to attack Adam as he was a witness that Neal had accurately predicted 911. Adam sent a letter to the siBC [see Exhibit #1] via the acting-Chair, complaining about a harassing phone call he received from Dawn. Debbie also sent-a letter ahout Dawn's behavior to the siBC but this letter was sent to th acting-secreElry, Carlotta. Debbie's letter was funneled by Carlotta out of the siBC business agenda and into her own Committee on Neal where she buried it along with other complaints and statements Carlotta had received, about possible inappropriate behaviors by Dawn. Carlotta hid these complaints from the siBC. The acting-chairperson of the siBC, Victor Woods, was contacted by Baha'is who had emailed complaints to Carlotta and they were asking him how come they hadn't heard back from the sffiC. On Wednesday, December 12th, Victor confronted Carlotta about these letters from the(Fj:lends, Carlotta told Victor that she had "put them into the'l co ittee". Victor told Carlotta, "well they're coming out of the@Pmmittee and back onto the siBC agenda as they pertain to a person other than Neal". On the night of Friday, December 14, Victor drafted the agenda for the siBC scheduled weekly business meeting [see Exhibit #2] and emailed it to the members of the siBC. On this agenda were three items: 1. Complaints against Dawn from tw co unities~ 2. The letter that Neal had mailed to Carrie ("Jealousy and Envy Must o!"). 3. Neal's request that the body take a proactive stand on the 9-11 prediction. Carrie had posted to tl(~ list-seiv.e asking anyone to provide some "facts" about 911. So Neal respectfully wrote her a letter in response. This was a long letter. It had information and excerpts providing facts from many sources. This letter quoted Dr. Jensen writing to a Baha'i explaining that the siBC was plagued with Apostles who were jealous of Neal because Doc named Neal the "Peter" of the Apostles and made him the highest ranking officer after Liaison and the Guardian Pepe and that this envy had to be purged from the siBC. Neal also talked about some things he had received from Pepe. Although Neal did not claim to be the Guardian some of the evidence for such a claim to possibly come later was in the letter. The Guardianship is a matter of each pers~n's independent investigation. 4


You can read Neal's letter to Carrie entitled "Jealousy and Envy must Go!" Victor sent the siBC agenda to all of the siBC directors Friday night.



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-']Early Saturday mo, ing, December 15, every BUPC on th list--serve ~eived a so0 . called "Injunction _, der" to shun Neal and Victor. --





There were some things that were obviously wrong about this illegal injunction that should have shot up a red flare for the believers, especially as it did not come from th IBC,) mt a mmittee: ~


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First is that Carlotta was attempting to remove two Apostles! By telling th F iends e-~UPC. The lesson to shun them she was in effect removing their voice fro we all learned when Wind~ Jo and others denounced th m~ahd Dr. Jensen at Y2K is that because the Book of Order states that Dr. Jensen and only Dr. Jensen can remove Apostles from the siBC, the siBC can not remove Apostles. Not even the Guardian can remove members of the siBC during its appointed stages. But an Apostle can remove themselves. Dr. Jensen said that if any Apostle deviated even a hairbreadth in their loyalty to him, for even a moment, then they had immediately removed themselves from the siBC! · Second is that Carlotta claimed that she was now the "Chairperson of the siBC". Carlotta was appointed by Dr. Jensen ~o be 1Tr asurer" of the Council and she was elected by the Council to be the "acting-Secretary" temporarily filling the void left by Bob Jaffe who was the "acting-Secretary" after the original, appointed Secretary, Trevor Stanwick, passed away. But in this eyebrow raising injunction Carlotta had laid claim to a position that is strictly reserved for the Guardian. Third is that this injunction was drafted so hastily that it defied all the parameters of the siBC Injunction Policy which you can read in the back of Dr. Jensen's Book of Order. For example, only a council can place an injunction, the injunction must have a clearly defined duration and state conditions for removal of said injunction. There are many other glaring discrepancies you will find if you read the siBC Injunction Policy [see Exhibit #3] and compare it with the "injunction". This injunction came from a personal issue c k mittee and not from the siBC, yet it was signed "second International Baha'i Council". The friends were not prepared for his tactic and Carlotta was counting on people not knowing that it came from he c· mmittee. The injunction, in fact, was not from the siBC at all. It was a forged fraudulent shun order devised to keep people from investigating if Neal might be the Guardian and to prevent Carlotta's misconduct from being brought to light in 5

the siBC meeting Saturday morning! On Saturday morning the regular scheduled siBC business meeting convened but under sffiC Emergency B laws, Article IX, which states that should the sffiC Directors drop below th q)lorum of seven members, "The officers shall serve in order of rank, and within the same rank, in order of seniority". So being that Carlotta had removed herself through disloyalty to Dr. Jensen, by trying to remove two Apostles, through an illegal injunction, drafted by a c mmittee of four, and signed Carlotta Geesen-"Chairperson of the siBC", Neal Chase, the highest ranking officer of the siBC convened and facilitated the meeting. The_siBC decided that the friends should be immediately warned of Carlotta's misconduct and illegal activities! But since Bob Solem was in control of the BUPC list-serve the Statement from the second International Baha'i Council, entitled "All Hands On Deck!" was necessarily mailed to each individual member of the BUPC. Also it is of interest that when Carlotta sent Neal and Victor their "injunctions" she stated in them that "we will be contacting you within 48 hours to get to the root of this matter". So the siBC gave Carlotta her requested 48 hours to contact Neal and Victor so that the siBC could get to the root of her actions. But Carlotta nor anyone from her group ever even attempted to make contact. She set her own deadline and it came and passed. That is when, after 48 hours, the siBC mailed out "All Hands on Deck!" Carlotta's "48 hour commitment" was a lie, a ruse, a stall tactic designed to buy her 48 hours worth of mischief. The BUPC have had to deal with change of addresses due to Covenant-breaking before. When Wind Jensen and Bob Jaffe left the Faith, they took with them the physical and electronic addresses for the BUPC and siBC. So now that all the correspondence addresses were once again in the hands of the enemy it was immediately necessary for the siBC to get new addresses. The new e-mail address chosen by the siBC was All questions, concerns, complaints and other business for the siBC should now be sent to that email address and not to Carlotta's personal AOL email address. _The thing that caused this dilemma (split), is that when Carlotta's "investigative" c •mmittee, which was only empowered to gather facts surrounding the isagreement Dawn was having with Neal and report back to the siBC, drafted an illegal injunction and signed it siBC, every BUPC who received it (not knowing that it was only from ~ittee and therefore a fraudulent letter, forged "siBC") took it to heart. That letter (supposedly from the "siBC") penetrated the heart and soul of every recipient, as we all know that we are bound to obedience to the true 6

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--/ ·¥'-J ( f ( Robert "Peace" Wright as one of the first Baha'is to willingly cross over the injunction on-Neal an Victor but he was not spared the turmoil that this illegal injunction caused everyone. Peace was living a ~om ¥aley's and was thus a roommate of Neal Chase. While shunning Ne , Peace )lent an email to Carlotta [see Exhibit #4] (in obedience to what he confuseclly thou _ht was still the "siBC") asking for a roommate shun exemption. Carlotta emailed Peace back that he should just absolutely shun Neal. Shoghi Effendi states that these types of exemptions are acceptable for living and work relationships but that we just shouldn't talk with them about the Faith while under an injunction. Tom Maley wrote to Carlotta asking for exemption because he was renting to Neal and had business relations with Victor and he asked a couple of questions about the apparent discrepancies in the fashion of the injunction not being in accord with the siBC Injunction Policy. Carlotta wrote Tom a scathing reply that "he had already broken the injunction" by carbon copying his email to Victor Woods along with the other directors, and that Tom was jeopardizing his status with the "siBC" by "questioning their authority". This reply silenced Tom and he tormented for two days over it until he decided to blindly obey. In reading and rereadi~ the injunction and researching the Book of Order and searching Mar , Peace)became convinced that the injunction was not only procedurally incorrect but also was in defiance of Baha'i Principles and opposed to !he-=.e;xplicit text of Dr. Jensen's (the incorporator of the siBC) Book of Order. ( Peace)tlso discovered in Baha'i writings that a Baha'i not only has the right to, but the sacred duty to question the decisions of ssemblies [see Exhibit #5] when their actio~.were not in accord with Baha'" tllje , 1?ws an fpj nciples. S<YPeace.Jdecided to ask the questions about the injunction, which were most bo\ hersome to his soul at the time. There were five main questions that he emailed to Carlotta and he chose to email them to all the siBC members and BUPC, suspecting that if something were wrong here then he would get an injunction placed on himself for "questioning the so-called 'siBC"' and if everything was on the up and up then th~y would respect his right to ask for clarification and give explanations. So · eac~)w~ted e':'erything to be done in the light for all to see. This is a copy of the questionS..Peace emailed to Carlotta [see Exhibit #6].


It is ironic that on Friday afternoon Just before Carlotta broke the Covenant, eace /

found and posted a quote to the list-serve 'from 'Abdu'l-Baha [see Exhibit #7] about the motive of Covenant-breakers and If~ that they seek "leadership positions". 7

Neal and Victor were the two highest-ranking officers of the siBC so just how is it that they would be "seeking leadership positions". But Carlotta was # 4 in rank \ C. \. 0 \ after Neal, Victor and Bob Solem. If she could bump off Neal and Victor then she . \ _\ ._...).) would be #2 and if she played her cards right, banking on Bob Solem's ignorance \1 · ~ of the Covenant and the Book of Order then she could maybe position herself# 1. "0.J~ Suppose that Neal and Vi Gr-:~~ been disloyal to Dr. Jensen (which is definitely S~ not the case) even wiili ar1o~~current roster, according to Emergency Bylaws n... VI\ . #9, Bob Solem should be convening and facilitating the "siBC" meetings as he out \-, · 0{0 ranks Carlotta! Bu. Carlotta is now sending all the correspondence signed, 0-\\J "Carlotta Geesen A ting-Chair of the siBC" so she has ALL of the officers •• .._ 1. 9-{ j? positions no~. Ca lotta fancies herself to be the acting-chair, the acting-secretary ::t~Q_ :,~ and the treasurer! How selfishly absurd and what an obvious case of Covenant~ VO breaking to gain control ofthe leadership positions! All ofthem!!



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The~ posts C~lotta and the violation began appearing on the now

exammate hstserve.· ,

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On December 19, 2001, Carlotta dropped a spiritual nuclear bomb on all the Baha'is everywhere, when she sent a second falsified document, signed "siBC", which accused Neal and Victor .Qf "Breaking the Covenant". It is in this document accusing Neal and Victor that we find the absolute truth of this matter regarding Carlotta's misbehavior! In the second to last paragraph she writes: "She [Carlotta] was selected as chairperson by the members of the Special Session which at that time included Victor." This sentence isJ~en directly from the letter distributed to the BUPC accusing Neal and Victor o B' eaking the Covenant. It proves that something OTHER than the siBC issue the December 15 "injunction" against Neal and Victor! Because the siBC cannot have two chairpersons and Victor was the acting-Chair of the siBC! The only reason why the siBC, in Special Session, would "select another Chairperson" for this case about Neal is because something other than the body of the siDC, a c mmittee, was to handle these proceedings. The moment ~arlotta used that ~~ecia~ Sessio~ appointe~~0~ttee, which ~as not the siBC Itself, to draft an "mJunctlon" agamst Neal and VIctor and she signed it "second International Baha'i Council" Carlotta Geesen broke the Covenant! Everything that happ~ned- afi:er- }his is just a procedural quagmire and is being used by Carlotta and h antitbri~t mmions to confuse you and muddy the waters to cover up her violation! This one thing is all you need to know in order to pass this great test with certitude. Another thing that stands out in this document is the fact that half of it is used to defend Carlotta. Carlotta should have sent a separate notice to defend her supposed "typo". But it is evident that Carlotta was now back 8

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paddling, stating that she didn't actually mean to sign it "Chairperson of the siBC" but rather she just meant that she was the chairperson of the Special Session. So she admits that the injunction came from something other than the siBC. That something other was co mittee, which was formed in Special Session and was meeting in Executive s ission. If it was not a committee then why remove Apostles for "possible bias" and if it were the siBC then why would there need to be anyone other than the acting-Chairperson for these proceedings? Carlotta Geesen was neither the Chairperson of the siBC, nor the acting-Chairperson of the siBC, Carlotta was only the selected Chairperson of a Special Session Committee that was not the siBC. So she duped the Baha'i World to attain her "leadership" by seemingly removing two of the three Apostles who out ranked her. Now she signs her letters "acting-Chairperson of the siBC" which is sufficient to appease her appetite for leadership. In the letter she also throws the BUPC a big fat red herring about how absurd it is to think that she was claiming to be th . ardian as everyone knows that the i yardian is a male. This, friends, is called usurpation. It only took Carlotta, and her b~n f now rogue a ostles, 8 minutes to investigate, gather facts and determine that . eac~(\vho was probably fast asleep at 2:17p.m.) was "colluding with Covenant-breaKers". She issued another illegal "injunction" and this time she said to correspond with "Carlotta Geesen, acting-Secretary of the siBC" and again forged it "second International Baha'i Council". Carlotta Geesen, by her own nefarious and illegal activities and disloyalty to Dr. ostles and Jensen had already removed herself from the true sffiC! And an substitutes who are meeting under her gavel are 'MIA from the true siBC meetings at this time.

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Any Baha'i using their spiritual eye (intellect) can see a pattern developing here. Dr. Jensen used to teach in his Covenant Fireside, that when a person wanted to steal something first they would have to get rid of that which guards it. He taught that teaching the Faith was important but protection of the Faith was even more important. No one knows the importance of protection of the Cause more than do those who dedicate their lives to teaching of the Cause. Carlotta, in her maneuvering to seize the helm of the Baha'i Faith, is systematically getting rid of the guardians and teachers within the BUPC who are the ones who know the Covenant best and are most likely to get in her way! First she had to get rid of Neal, and Victor stood in her way. Then she needed to get rid o \P~ then Kay, then all of the other Pioneers, Knights of Baha'u'llah a~d active teachers, one by one, because it is these who stand in her way because they are so deepened in the 9

Covenant that they see through her evil designs. Carlotta will be content and feel victorious if she can just split the BUPC in half and still be the leader of some. Even though the ones who are left with her will not be anyone who has ever pioneered, actively promulgated or successfully brought anyone into this Faith or been the cause of its noticeable progress or growth. That is why many people do not recognize her violation as such, because they never actually arose to do what Dr. Jensen hoped they would, teach, teach, teach. Those who are on board the Ark will wave bye bye to Carlotta and her clutch as we sail to the Promised Land and gather the 144,000 elect, uninhibited by the "dead wood" who are refusing to wake up and who have been preventing this Cause from progressing at its potential rate thus far. We who awake in this crisis to everlasting righteousness will fulfill the mission of the siBC and the BUPC which is to get the Supreme Tribunal elected and the rest of th:'Carlottites will eventually awake, but to everlasting shame. t this oint several people began voraciously backbiting on the former BUPC sts~AfNeal was to be "shunned" why is there so much hatred and backbiting · ing on afterwards? Prime movers of mischief trying to justify violation with even more poison? In the past, the type of Covenant-breaking that the BUPC has been dealing with is in regards to the Will and Testament. But what about the Kitab-i-Ahd? If "Baha'is" violate its ordinances is not this also "Covenantbreaking"? For it clearly states the proper conduct in these matters. For instance: "'Woe betide every slanderer and defamer... and ... Verily I say, the tongue is for mentioning what is good, defile it not with unseemly talk. .. and ... Henceforward everyone should utter that which is meet and seemly, and should refrain from slander, abuse and whatever causeth sadness ... and ... It is incumbent upon everyone to show courtesy to, and have regard for the Aghsan... " (Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Ahd: Book of the Covenant) What is wrong with these people? They love poison more than truth? Satan more than God? If you like sickness, you can reread their "anti-Neal" posts for yourself. On Friday, December 2 -:Peace s nt Carlotta his Jetter pointing out 19 things wrong with Carlotta's "injunction" against Neal and Victor and asking that she disassociate him from her group and Yiolation (see Exhibit #8]. One of the main reasons ~ eace illingly breached th r Junction on Neal and Victor was because his Baha'i rights had been so egregiously violated in that he was not notified "officially" of his own "injunction" until some 30+ hours after everyone else on the BUPC roster and then only after he had complained to Bob Solem becau ~ -e · e found out 14 hours (in a long distance phone conversation) after he w£t'injucte ) 10

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that this had happened to him. There was no contact from Carlotta, no attempts to consult, interview, answer questions. Nothing. Just blind arrogant rage on the part of Carlotta. On Saturday, December 22, one week after Carlotta broke the Covenant, the siBC sent out it's Guidance Letter. December 22, was 40 days after the jumbo jet crashed into Queens, Baha'u'llah's Birthday Anniversary November 12. When the siBC sent out "All Hands on Deck!" it was a boarding call for the first rank and crew of the Ark. Those who responded and checked in with the sffiC took their positions and made a huge leap towards the earning of their stations. This siBC Guidance Letter was the "All aboard" call for the Ark. The plank was still down for passenger boarding till January 9, 2002. On Sunday, December 23, Carlotta falsely accusheace f "breaking the Covenant". Carlotta's diseased attempt to take over tire-Faith is quite twisted as is evident in her "orders to shun". ereas Eeace had written, "I can only be loyal to the siBC" Carlotta states that eace;Wx-ote "he no longer recognizes the siBC". Pure blarney! Also on Sunday, December 23, Carlotta falsely accused another member of the siBC, Kay Woods. Carlotta had called Kay the day before and tried to get her to pick sides and Kay told Carlotta that "she can only respect the siBC as the true authoritative~ ody of the Faith" and that Carlotta's c mmittee injunction was illegal. Instea Carlotta publishe €, ay said, "that she rejects the sffiC as the true authoritative body as well as ot 'er provisions of tb c venant. " More pure 1 blarney! ' · ') 1 -( / '("'


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After the siBC had already published its Statement and the Guidance Letter, Carlotta felt as though she had enough information to write a letter to the BUPC defending her violation. Carlotta and those who follow her are now completely and absolutely cut off from God's guidance and inspiration. They are wholly dependent on responding to whatever the siBC publish~s. On Monday, December 24, Carlotta sent a so-called "guidance letter" to th~·list-serve nd again forged it "siBC". Beware of its misinformation and half-truths and bold lies. It is a quagmire. On Christmas Day, the siBC launched the new listserve. This gift to the People of Baha who had boarded and were boarding the Ark was a wonderful present. It has been graced with enlightening, spiritl!.~l, intellectual and pure-hearted posts. Thank God the true Baha'is now have a .fistserve th t is free from censorship, backbiting and Covenan reaking poison! Don't you find it ironic that Bob Solem announced 11

"censorship" of the bupcforu lis~e s on as the violation is set and seemingly successful Bob announces t at "the listserve is no longer moderated ie. / censored." Many of the BUPC have already willingly ahd peacefully crossed over Carlotta's illegal and impotent shun orders. Many Baha'is are on board the Ark and are ready to set sail. Some of these Baha'is have written letters to Carlotta explaining that they no longer want her to consider them part of her charade. Some of these letters were sent to all the Baha'is. Some were sent to the bupcforum 1stserv. . Others were just sent to Carlotta. Ask yourself this question. Is a Baha'i who was instrumental to my accepting Baha'u'llah now being shunned? I'll bet that more than half of you say yes. Why? Because these spiritual teachers are once again trying to bring you into the Faith! Hark the Cannons Roar! If you are waiting to see what the end tally is so you can just go with whatever side seems to have the most Baha'is then you do not pass this test and will surely fail the next one. This test is simple. Which siBC is the real one? That is the question. According to the Covena~t and what Dr. Jensen established ONLY the one with the Guardian as its·president is the real one. The smc is confident that eventually almost all the BUPC will be back under the Covenant - which in fact is what has happened now - but many will not make it before they are spiritually scarred and some will have to swim their life away once the Ark sets sail. Don't count on the "majority is right" when "one on the side of ' God is right"! "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." -Jesus, Gospel ofMatthew / I for one am once again honored to be in the spiritual few! Most of you will wake up, but for some it will be to shame! It's really a pretty simple test at this point. There is a dilemma. It appears as though there are two siBC's (which is impossible), and you are being tested to validate one and disre$ard the other. Some people mistakenly think that which ever sffiC has the mostf'a , ostles must be the true one. So why did Dr. Jensen incorporate the sffiC in a way that it could continue to function infallibly even if it was whittled all the way down to just one member, that member being the Guardian ' esident)? On one hand you have an "siBC" whose treasurer, acting-secretary and acting12

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chair- all one and the same person - wants you to send all money, correspondence and obedience to her and wants you to shun the one Doc designated the "Peter", "the group leader'', the "Angel with the Golden Censer" who is both an I a hsan and appointed" in the "Baha'i way" of things (see Will and Testament p. 12). This group refuses to answer private inquiries, injuncts anyone who dares to exercise their intellect in this matter, censors communications, hides personal letters from believers to the smc, dispenses shun the drop of the hat, and keeps changing their story based on what the actual siBC publishes. Carlotta starts out in a special session Committee where she says she's actually the Chairperson of the siBC, then, no, she is just the chairperson of the special session, then the special session is the siBC so she's back to where she started, with her being the Chair of the siBC, but she's signing as the acting-secretary of the siBC because she says the special session is actually the siBC, but wait, no, she's the acting-chairperson of the siBC, even though Bob Solem outranks her, but, ... are you pulling your hair out yet? Carlotta used her position on that Committee to break the Covenant, plain and simple. An usurpation that really failed miserably.

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On the other hand you have the siBC which is meeting regular under Emergency Bylaw #9 with Neal Chase, who Dr. Jensen stated in writing is the "Peter", the Angel in Revelation and the Guardian, the only s.on of Joseph Pepe, of whom Dr. Jensen said that "Neal is our groups leader" [see Exhibit #9], convening and facilitating business as usual, saving waverers, deepening the confirmed, and with the collective, spiritual participation of the other loyal and active Apostles is ublishing cohesive siBC statements, guidance letters, rulings and notices for the F iends everywhere. This siBC has a consistent, rock solid point that has been stated and upheld since the 15th and it is that: The moment Carlotta used that special session appointed Committee, which was not the siBC itself, to draft an "injunction" against Neal and Victor and she sipzed it "second International I . Baha'i Council" Carlotta Geesen broke the Covenant! And i£I;iends, since Carlotta broke the Covenant, if you are still with her, than you are shunning the true siBC with the Davidic ~i~g as itf)esident! ,-~

Early in your firs(: fireside you were reminded that "God gave you the freedom of choice and no one can take it from you". And that's the last thing you'll remember hearing as the Ark sets sail on January 9 with or without you. You've had a full Vahid to choose to investigate. Lifeline after lifeline has been tossed to you but would you take hold. Many did. Many haven't. Some won't. As Doc often said,



"It's no skin off my nose how you choose". But ifyou don't pass this test and should stay with Carlotta then you might want to ask yourself, "Why did I become a Baha'i in the first place? Popularity? Safety? Personalities? or maybe it just seemed cool at the time?", because you sure as hell didn't become a Baha'i out of attraction to the truth!

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Now regarding this matter of the Guardianship. Well, that is souly a matter of Independent Investigation of the truth; Wouldn't it be a shame if by your own volition, you couldn't ask the only person in the world you know of who has ' . hsan" letters of adoption and appointment, in conjunction with a token that even Dawn traced back to 'Abdu'l-Baha, in conjunction with an ~ointment from the establisher of the siBC to the highest ranking office on tha(Sbuncil, all for fear that you might get an "injunction" from non-authoritative Carlotta? Tsk, Tsk.



So as were the days today the Ark is docked and loading, the crew is on ~ board, passengers are on board, and the captain has given its date for scheduled rr\. departure. But there is this big, fat "wall" between you and the Ark. I'm sure you J scan find the way over that Wall. Others have. And if you can't then how in the heck r"J do you think you can get the other 144,000 sans-Guardians over that big, fat "wall"? We know how we're going to j?. it,-VQll you stay on your sinking dock 1 _ (,{oand chatter on that Covenant-breaking listserve t yahoogroups and listen to Tom -::!.. ~ • and John G. argue that passing tests is as easy as "staying on the log" (even cy though ur. Jensen said its as ;;easy as failing off a iog;;) and iisten to John M. say Doc lied when he said that all three of Neal's predictions came__ t9Je! Qr ill you do what ever it takes to clammer, body and soul, over Carlotta' all o~pression and find yourself safely nestled aboard the Ark, sheltered frot£ the storm, poised for the Election of the Supreme Tribunal and the attainment of your true station as a Champion of the Cause of God? Fall off the log. Come over the wall. Board the Ark. Contact the siBC!

All Aboard!!!

(your friend Peace)




Statement from Adam Sippola to Victor Woods, acting-Chairperson of the sffiC, reg~rding Neal's accurate prediction of the 9-11 date

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Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 00:24:19 -0800 (PST) From: Adam Sippola Subject: 9-11 fl._ v Y To: Victor Woods


Victor, this statement is ~~fesponse to the phone ca~l you gave me this evening asking what I know of the date September 11th as related to any sort of predicti ns.


While in Missoula i · the summer of2000, during the month of Augus~1 y wife Maria and I were stayiw't Neal and Dawn Chase's home going through th~resides with them and a few other'l2)ha'is in the area. One night, w~ le sitting in the living room of their home with Maria and Neal, I asked Neal if he h¢ any more date predictions that he was ' two of us that from Dr. Leland investigating from-the b !Jle. He then ex ~ Jen.Sen's ascension·on August 6, 1996 t Ruhi ,ah Kanum's eath on January 18th, 2000, there were 1260 days. I believe he mentione -- Is number was found in t4 ok of Revelation. He then mentioned something about Opal Jensen's death, I don't exactly remember what. He mentioned the word MONOS, and a few numbers. I remember 190 and 6 for sure. He explained through a mathematical equation that the final two dates were September 4th and September 11th. He did not specify a year. After Maria and I returned to Duluth, I talked with my friend Timothy Williams about the September 11th date and that I had heard it from Neal, whom Tim had met at the 2000 National Rainbow Gathering in Montana that summer. Well, September 11th came and went in 2000, and I didn't think much of that date until a couple of days before the Trade Towers were hit. I remember thinking briefly about it again, but it quickly passed from my mind. The day the Towers were hit (September 11th), I was walking home from work, and decided to stop in to Tim's work because it was on the way home and I was eager to talk with him. When I walked into the restaurant where he works, the TV was on airing the Trade Towers in New York. After a moment, Timothy walked around the comer, and the first thing he said to me was, "Adam, the 11th. I remember the 11th from last year when we were talking about that." He also told me again how he remembered that Neal had told me that date.

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See you soon Victor. Allah'u'Abha! Adam





C,J'( 11 'y

EXIDBIT#l Dear members of the siBC, Last night I received an unsettling telephone call from Dawn Chase. I am writing this letter because I felt that the content of the conversation could be important in helping you in your deliberations durning the special session which you had contacted me about several days ago. I have attempted to write exactly what Dawn said to me and what my replies were. I cannot be 100% sure that I have remembered the conversation verbatum, but I have done my best to recount what was said. Last night (December 12th), Dawn Chase called me on the phone to see about our household hosting one of the upcoming 19-da asts. I asked Lou who was sitting nearby which date he thought would be best, January 18th, or March 1st. We decided that ..... t'r January 18th woul.d work well. I thanked Dawn for the call, then said goodbye. Later, Dawn called again. Her tone during this conversation was completely changed. She was speaking to me like I was a young child. Very soft and reassuring, as if I needed comforting. An alarm immediately went off inside me. I have written below the text of our conversation as I recall it. Dawn: Adam, I'm concerned about you. You sounded a lot different earlier on the phone. Ad~m: I did? Dawn: Yes, and I think I know why. Did you read a letter from Neal? Do you know what I'm talking about? Adam: What are you talking about? Dawn: Didn't you receive a letter from Neal last night? Adam: Yes I did. Dawn: Well Adam, I just know that you and Maria weren't around when Doc was alive, but I was. I was there when Doc spoke on some of these things in that letter, and some of the things Neal wrote are Not True. Adam: Oh? Dawn: I also know that Kevin came over to your house last night. Adam: No, he didn't actually. Dawn: Oh, I thought he was going over there to talk to you guys about this letter. Adam: No. Kevin was thinking about stopping by (I had invited him. He and Nefratiri were thinking of coming over to say goodbye to a student who had been staying with us for the last week and a half and who was leaving the next morning) just to hang out, but he didn't. Dawn: Oh, it's just that, at times like this in the past, people will sometimes get together to have these secret meetings to sway people onto their side, and I just worry about you. I wouldn't want to see you misled. Adam: Well, I'm not the kind of person that just goes on one person's opinion. That's one of the reasons I became ha'i, because I use my intellect to fmd out the facts before I

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make any decisions. So you don't have to worry about that. Dawn: Oh I know, that's one of the things I really like about you Adam, but I just know that there are things in the Will & Testament that don't agree with things in that letter. I really love you and Maria. So if you want to know more about the W &T and what Doc really said, I can tell you Adam: Thanks Dawn, I appreciate that. Dawn: So if you'd like to know, I'd be happy any time to share this with you. Adam: Thank you Dawn. Dawn: Ok, thanks Adam Adam: Bye. Dawn: Bye. So, after I hung up the phone I felt a little ill. My heart began racing and I felt kind of shaky. I talked with Maria and Colin and Lou about the call because I felt very strange about it. I felt she was suggesting that we were having a conclave secret meeting at our house and were being led astray by Kevin or something. Also, she said flat out that Neal had written False things in the letter. I'm also sending you a copy of the letter which Neal had sent me. It was addressed to Carrie Fidance, but is an open letter for anyone to read. I was sent a copy because I am mentioned in the letter. I felt it would be the right thing to send you this statement in light of the special session and this conversations relation to some of the questions asked me during the telephone interview. Allah'u'Abha Adam

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The siBC agenda, drafted by the acting-Chair, for the regular scheduled business meeting ofthe smc on 12-15-01

The agenda for 12/15/01 as compiled and sent to all s!BC members the previous night of the 14th.

1.) Members complaints re: Dawn Chase: a.) Debbie F. original complaint. b.) Kevin S. complaint: "this letter expresses not only that I saw her as perpetuating the troubles but is in fact indicative of where I have perceived the problems originating to begin with. [Dawn] is perpetuating strife and discord within not only this community but throughout the entire Baha'i community through the list serve at that 'time" As well as a complaint about inappropriate behavior in and outside his house and in phone conversations. c~)

Adam Sippola's complaint;

"Victor this is a statement I wrote this morning concerning a telephone call I received last night from Dawn Chase. I think this should be put on the agenda for the siB C." 2.) Request to the body from Neal: "THEREFORE I place on the BUSINESS AGENDA, that the full body of the siBC does rule to reinforce and support the fact and the reality that I gave these dates before hand. That, like Doc who did this in the past, his loyal apostles, also support me in this role, so that the Kingdom can be established and promulgated. I move for placement of the regular business agenda, that the siBC take a proactive stand in favor of these press releases and the fact that I, and I alone, gave these dates before they occurred -- as these are the facts. In this way, those who oppose this reality would be stopped from continuing on as fomenters of discord. The siBC has the power to do this and witness to ascertain this truth." 3.) Request from Carrie Fidance that the siBC discuss Neal's letter that was addressed to her. (copy of letter sent in previous post)


Injunctions A detailed report on the purpose, scope and uses of injunctions is treated in a report from the sffiC. Injunctions can be placed to protect the Faith, the Administration, the community and the individual(s). Injunctions are temporary measures to allow Due Process to take place.

Injunction Policy




In certain cases when an individual's actions are so extreme as to place the faith or any of its members at immediate risk physically, materially, or spiritually, a council may choose to place a temporary injunction on that individual until it has an opportunity to fully consider the case. Using this sanction may have very serious consequences on the individual's relationship to the community and the faith so it must only be used when absolutely necessary and should be lifted as soon as the immediate risk has passed. The injunction may restrict the individual from attending Holy Day Feasts, Nineteen-day feasts, meetings, organized teaching efforts, etc. If necessary the council may restrict the individual from entering certain properties or interacting with certain individuals. Due to the necessity for swift action in such matters the local council does not need to wait for sffiC ratification before applying this sanction but the council must notify the siBC immediately upon making this decision and when the council has removed this sanction. The injunction is not the same as the removal of voting rights. This should be considered as a very temporary measure, and should in no way be used to inadvertently deprive an individual of their right to legal and speedy due process, nor should it be used in lieu of voting rights removal. The injunction is only for the immediate safety of the believers. For a council to remove an individual's voting rights, a formal hearing must be held and due process must be followed. The intent of the siBC in creating the injunction is to provide the local councils with a means of placing someone "under arrest." By this we mean that when an extreme situation arises the council may act swiftly to diffuse the matter and prevent further damage until they can have a formal hearing. It is not intended to be used as a restraining order, where for a long period of time an individual is banned from contact with certain people or places. If the individual is unable or unwilling to participate in a formal hearing for an extended period of time, it is preferable to try the individual in absentia rather than simply leaving the injunction in place indefinitely.


The following rules and principles are to be followed by the local council when implementing the injunction.

Justification of Decision



The council must be able to defend its decision that an injunction was necessary.

2. 3.

Circumstances must be sufficient to warrant the placement of the injunction. Sufficient facts must be available to establish what are the circumstances of the situation. Those facts do not need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, as this may necessitate an actual trial, but there must be a high probability that the evidence is true.

Proportional The specifics of the injunction enacted by a council must be proportional to the problem addressed by the injunction.

Duration l.

The duration must be defined at the initial placement of the injunction.


The reasons for the duration must be stipulated.


Provisions for its removal and/or extension must be stated.

Notice of the Injunction The Council should give immediate notice of the injunction to the party upon whom the injunction is being imposed. 1.

The notice must include the reason for the injunction and the specifics regarding the duration.


The notice of the injunction must be written from the Council. This notice can be delivered in whatever manner is most effective, including if necessary, reading the notice over the phone.

as quickly as possible.


The notice should be made


Every reasonable attempt should be made to deliver this notice.


Inability to deliver this notice of injunction to the party involved does not invalidate the council's action.

Enforcement The Council needs to decide how the injunction is to be enforced. 1.

This method should be in accordance with the circumstances of the case (formally through outside parties, such as contacting the police when necessary, or informally

r through the cooperation of the party involved). The Council may tailor the enforcement according to the needs of the particular case. 2.

The enforcement should be tailored such that it avoids (as much as possible) any violation of the member's rights (this person is presumed innocent unless found guilty by due process) while also protecting the rights of the community. [sergeant at arms posted at entrance to events, notification of community as to situation, requesting police assistance when necessary, etc.]


The method of enforcement of the injunction should be determined at the time of placement.


rNotification of the IBC r

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Immediate notice of all these particulars, including any correspondence, should be forwarded to the International Baha'i Council. (or National Council when established)

EXHffiiT#4 Robert Wright's exemption request

Dear Carlotta: As I am renting a room from Tom Maley and I have moved in already, it will be difficult if not impossible for me to "shun Neal completely" as he is my roommate. To date Neal has said nothing "seditious, devisive or undermining of the siBC" while in my presence. I also have business relations with Victor that requires occasional interaction. So I have a situation. What do you suggest? Peace


Sacred Right and Duty of Believers to Criticize Questionable Assembly Actions

Now with reference to your last dear letter in which you had asked whether the believers have the right to openly express their criticism of any Assembly action or policy: it is not only the right, but the vital responsibility of every loyal and intelligent member of the Community to offer fully and frankly, but with due respect and consideration to the authority of the Assembly, any suggestion, recommendation or criticism he conscientiously feels he should in order to improve and remedy certain existing conditions or trends in his local Community, and it is the duty of the Assembly also to give careful consideration to any such views submitted to them by any one of the believers. (Shoghi Effendi: Nineteen Day Feast, Page: 452)


Five Questions about the Injunction

Dear Carlotta: I am not a member of the sffiC but I am a member of the Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant. I do not sit at the table of God but I do sit on the floor. And as a floor member of this great Cause, in exercising my right to Independently Investigate the Truth, I have some serious questions regarding the recent injunctions placed upon Neal Chase (Doc's favorite apostle Peter) and Victor Woods (Acting Chairperson of the siBC). Please know that although Doc did not place me on the siBC he did teach me very well and many times I was privy to discussions only shared with myself and Wind so I feel I have a pretty good grasp on these points. That being said, I have several questions. My first question is this: I know that the siBC consists of 12 Apostles and 12 backup positions. At the time of Doc's passing there were 12 Apostles and 8 backup positions filled. Dave, Wind, Jo, Bob J. and Reg all abandoned their positions by going against Doc. That leaves 7 Apostles, Neal, Victor, BobS., R.J., Lavonne, Chris and you, a quorum. If one of these members cannot attend, then their substitute would attend in their place in order to make the quorum necessary for the general sffiC meetings. Kay Woods informed me that no attempt was made to call her in. So, if Neal and Victor were not present and Victors substitute was not notified then how was there a legitimate meeting called to determine the necessity of these injunctions? This seems procedurally questionable. Therefore, as a Baha'i, and being aware of this, I am required to question the validity of this injunction for it is a SERIOUS matter and requires procedural correctness. For Abdu'l-Baha has stated: "the Universal House of Justice, if it be established under the necessary conditions that House of Justice will be under the protection and the unerring guidance of God. If that House of Justice shall decide unanimously, or by a majority, upon any question not mentioned in the Book, that decision and command will be guarded from mistake. Now the members of the House of Justice have not, individually, essential infallibility; but the body of the House of Justice is under the protection and unerring guidance of God: this is called conferred infallibility. ('Abdu'l-Baha: Some Answered Questions, Pages: 172-173) So I would like assurance that the sffiC, in making this decision that I should shun my brothers in the Cause who are the two most active Apostles, convened and was meeting under the "necessary conditions" needed to make a "decision that is guarded from mistake." If this is not the actual factual case, then I call for Reconsideration. Was there a

quorwn and if not, under which provisions of the Book of Order and By laws was this action taken, and how?


Second, in light of the information that has been recently circulated through the Faith, showing that Neal Chase has letters from Pepe referring to him as "my Boy" and "my Dear Boy" and that Neal received a ring from Pepe crafted from a piece of Lapis Lazuli which was given to Abdu'l-Baha from Baha'u'llah (and I've personally seen this ring on Neal's hand), which is very similar to the way that Abdu'l-Baha called Mason Remey "my Son" and "my Dear Son" and how Shoghi Effendi gave Mason the Hair and the Blood and how Mason appointed Pepe with the token of the medallion, which Doc based his acceptance of Pepe on; it would seem that the appropriate action at this time would be to Investigate if indeed Neal Chase is our long awaited Executive Branch/true Chairperson of the siBC/UHJ? I have concerns. It appears that what has happened instead is that as soon as this information came to light and Victor slated it for discussion on the business agenda of the regular smc meeting, only a few hours later and just prior to the scheduled smc meeting, Neal and Victor are placed under injunction. And you have announced that you are the new "Chairperson". For me this is sufficient reason for a red flare to shoot up as my inquisitive self, which is the greatest Baha'i part of me, finds this whole scenario in need of immediate clarification. Why injunction instead oflnvestigation? I am also requesting clarification on this: The sffiC notified the entire body of Neal's "special session" which is stemming from his unfortunate bitter marital dispute. And I acquiesce that all of this is as God would have it for whatever reason. But this special session is not the siBC itself. I bring this up because in your letter to the members of the BUPC you refer to yourself as the "Chairperson" of the sffiC, which is a title reserved for the Guardian. From my interview with the special session I am aware that you are the Chair of Neal's special session. But because you have referred to yourself now as the Chairperson (guardian) of the sffiC I want to be sure that this injunction is authoritative and has come from "Shoghi Effendi's son, the duly constituted siBC" and not from the members hearing Neal's special session or anything that is mistakenly or otherwise, not "Shoghi Effendi's son, the duly constituted siBC." · In conjunction with these concerns, I am concerned about the way the letter was drafted in that it sounds as though, through the use of the phrase, "individuals acting in collusion, promoting seditious and divisive concepts and undermining the authority of the administration" that these two are involved in nefarious activities and are even suspected of having broken the Covenant. I consider myself to be expertly deepened in the Covenant and I am confident that no such Covenant breaking has happened by Neal and Victor. I have witnessed their activities which only uphold the siBC and promote the Cause through spreading the Good News and refutation of falsehoods. I humbly ask that since the injunction letter was drafted in an unusually condemning way, to please specify what actions they've done that you are considering "collusive, seditious, divisive and undermining of the administration? Are you talking about Neal's choice to send a letter to his email box recipients directly instead of to the list serve, where it, according to Bob

Solem, may not have even been posted? I myself have had posts screened from the list serve with no comment or explanation as to why, even when I wrote asking why it was not posted I was not answered. To be honest I have begun to lose confidence that I can post my Baha'i conscience on the list serve now. I don't want to see this Cause dissipate and then see the world erased for screwing up Gods Plan. We are the last chance for humanity. If a mistake has been made with these injunctions, then I pray that it be corrected forthwith as to minimize damage to the integrity of the Council and to the perceived characters of these individuals as well as to the soundness of the Cause and spiritual serenity of the Friends. I am wondering these days, what are the leaders of the world to turn to, a UHJ with no quorum and no guardian? I suppose that our Cause would have greater progress with both, or either, than it would with neither. And if it should be established that everything is in order, then surely I shall acquiesce and continue to shun. I do have teaching efforts that must proceed and should not be put on hold. Teaching and protecting the Cause are the most important part of my life. And the world will know us by our fruits. And finally, ifi remember correctly, the last round of Apostles vs. Apostles resulted in the siBC affirming that no group of Apostles can remove other Apostles from the siBC. This is because the explicit text of Dr. Jensen states that he and he alone can appoint and remove Apostles. The Apostles who wanted to remove other Apostles then voluntarily made a statement that they disagreed with this provision of Dr. Jensen's, therefore breaking from the true Faith. Based on this fact I am intellectually inclined to believe that any and all Apostles asking for the removal of other Apostles are in actuality, removing themselves from the Faith by going against the sillC and Dr. Jensen's explicit command. If this is just a power struggle between Apostles then I want no part of it. I only want and can only be loyal to the true me. My greatest wish is for the world to wake up by whatever means. Please correct and educate me if my reasoning is flawed here. As Dr. Jensen often said, "Circumstances alter cases". Therefore, due to the questionable circumstances surrounding this case, I do not feel out of order or out of line with the Covenant in exercising my right to ask for clarification to determine if these injunctions are in order. For now I obey. However, in light of the Pepe letters and the ring from Baha'u'llah how can I not but launch my own Investigation into this guardian matter, which Baha'u'llah's explicit text commands and grants me the right to do. And my ~ conscience will not allow this right to be derailed or fettered in any way. For the Truth has and will, alone, set my spirit free. So if this is of concern to you then please address our (mine and others I'm sure) concerns. If these injunctions are in order then there should be no problem providing answers to these five questions that I've presented. It is by God's Mercy alone that each of us are pardoned and admitted into the Kingdom.

These weighty questions I ask with sincere love of the Cause and the Friends and in service to God, Baha'u'llah, Dr. Jensen, the sillC/UHJ, my co-workers everywhere and humanity. I rest at night assured that God's immutable Plan will be victoriously championed.


Roberts List Serve Post about how Covenant-breakers are, according to 'Abdu'lBaha, "seeking leadership positions".

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In nature, as the sun appears on the horizon, the creepy crawly minions of darkness will seek hastily to drag food into their shadowy abyss. So it has been in the Cause of God, for as above, so below. Be thankful for the severe tests, the likes of which narely a man could be expected to survive, that are repeatedly served to the children of God. As we survey the world around us we can once again see the need for the warming rays of the sun. Thank God for these cycles of dark and light, of cold and warm! It been scientifically established that people (and likewise souls) who live in climates with extreme variance typically live longer than those who live in climates that are constant. Assuredly, this cold hour, which is causing the limbs of the beloved to shiver, shall very soon, again be warmed. This morning, I found this Selection to be of interest, again and again... 0 ye friends and maidservants ofthe Merciful! From the Spiritual Assembly of Los Angeles a letter hath been received. It was indicative of the fact that the blessed souls [BUPC] in California [everywhere], like unto an immovable mountain, are withstanding the gale of violation, have, like unto blessed trees, been planted in the soil of the Covenant and are most firm and steadfast. The hope is entertained, therefore, that through the blessings of the Sun of Truth they may daily increase in their firmness and steadfastness. The tests of every dispensation are in direct proportion to the greatness of the Cause, and as heretofore such a manifest Covenant, written by the Supreme Pen, hath not been entered upon, the tests are proportionately more severe. These trials cause the feeble soulS' to waver while those who are firm are not affected. These agitations of the violators are no more than the foam of the ocean, which is one of its inseparable features; but the ocean of the Covenant shall surge and shall cast ashore the bodies of the dead, for it cannot retain them. Thus it is seen that the ocean of the Covenant hath surged and surged until it hath thrown out the dead bodies - souls that are deprived of the Spirit of God and are lost in passion and self and are seeking leadership. This foam of the ocean shall not endure and shall soon disperse and vanish, while the ocean of the Covenant shall eternally surge and roar.... ('Abdu'l-Baha: Selections ... 'Abdu'l-Baha, Pages: 210-211) Doc taught us the Kitab-i-Ahd and the Will and Testament, so hold fast to that which you have received, have not itchy ears, pass the tests, win your station! Allah'u'Abha, Peace



Robert "Peace" Wrights Letter to Carlotta

Carlotta: Last Friday, before any of your injunctions on December 15th and forward started being published, I overheard a conversation between Victor Woods (the duly elected actingChairperson ofthe siBC) and Neal Chase (Dr. Jensen's appointed "Peter of the Apostles"). According to the Articles of Incorporation for the siBC, which are filed with the State ofMontana, these two officers are the highest-ranking officers of the siBC. In this conversation I heard Victor telling Neal that several letters of complaint, from both Montana and Colorado, regarding multiple incidents of possible inappropriate behavior of Dawn Chase, which were submitted to you as the acting-Secretary of the siBC, had been funneled by you into a committee of Special Session (of which you are the chairperson) and had been buried. As the acting-Secretary of the siBC you are duty bound to report these complaints to the acting-Chairperson of the siBC to be put on the agenda of the next scheduled business meeting of the siBC. It was inappropriate to funnel these letters from the Friends to the siBC into a Committee. I heard Victor tell Neal that he was going to put your dereliction of duty on the agenda that night (Friday) for discussion at the (Saturday) siBC meeting. And Victor told Neal that he would also be putting the Carrie (jealousy and envy must go!) letter on the agenda for discussion. Saturday morning, on the list serve, there was a post from your personal email address, (instead of from the email address that it was announced a year ago was the new "official" email address of the siBC i.e., a letter instructing the Baha'i world to shun Peter and the acting-Chair. This letter instructed the Friends to respond directly to you, as the "Chairperson ofthe siBC". Since this all seemed so completely out of order I politely and acquiescingly wrote a letter to you asking five questions. Thank God I chose to send this letter to all of my Baha'i family and all the siBC members! I was completely within my Baha'i rights to ask for clarification on those points. To date, there is not one of those questions that you have even attempted to answer. On Monday I received the other letter from the siBC explaining that you were trying to usurp the Baha'i Faith. On Tuesday, at 4:30pm, I called Nefratiri to see how Josiah was and how she was handling this test. At that time she told me that I was under an injunction. This was 14 hours after you told the rest of the Baha'is to shun me! So you have violated my Baha'i rights by once again breaking procedure having failed to notify me that I was under an injunction. When were you planning on telling me? After you had successfully poisoned my friends and family, or never? So, anyway, this was the last straw for me.


Your irrational personal behavior, hiding official correspondences from the siBC, .attempting to remove two Apostles by telling everyone to shun them, sending supposedly "official" sffiC correspondence to the entire Baha'i community from your personal email address, breaking rank by claiming to be the new "Chairperson of the siBC", neglecting to act as a true Baha'i administrator of the Kingdom by even attempting to address my concerns, then slandering "Peter" and the acting-Chairperson by falsely and personally labeling them Covenant-breakers and fmally by violating my Baha'i rights in failing to notify me that I was placed under injunction, has led me to completely suspect that you have separated yourself from the true sffiC and are operating as a fallen angel who has duped Bob Solem into letting you control the BUPC list serve. Then I remembered how in 1957 when Ruhiyyih Khanum made her move to take over the Faith she used the Official Correspondence Medium for the Baha'i World to initiate her violation in that she directed Leroy Ioas, the Secretary of the ffiC, to send those bogus cablegrams instructing the Believers to "cling to the Institution of the Hands". So I thought, wow, this looks like a repeat of history. Maybe Carlotta is "using the Official Correspondence Medium for the Baha'i World (the list serve) to initiate a takeover, by directing (or intimidating) Bob Solem, into sending a bogus cablegram instructing the Believers to 'Shun Neal and Victor"'. With this realization I immediately launched my own, completely uninhibited investigation into this matter. This is what I've found: *First, since your group would not answer my questions but would only injunct me for asking them. I decided to contact the real siB C. I told them of my situation and they informed me that when you injuncted Neal and Vic, you also wrote them a letter explaining to each of them that the "siBC" would be contacting them with in 48 hours to "consult with them and get to the root of this problem". And that after 48 hours you had not made any effort to contact them. Thus you lied to them on behalf of your so-called "sffiC". Your letter to Neal and Victor was a ruse, a stall tactic to buy you time to try and steal the Baha'i Archives and complete some other nefarious deeds. I am relieved to hear that you have completely failed in that venture. *I found that Article IV of the siBC Articles of Incorporation state that the siBC is a Council of 12 members and that the necessary Quorum for that Council to meet is 7. *I found that Doc made sure that Neal Chase was the only Apostle whose name is listed in the Book of Orders Articles of Incorporation and that he is the "Registered Agent" and an irremovable permanent member. Thus, legally, according to the Articles of Incorporation of the sffiC, whatever Council he is on IS the sffiC no matter what! *I found that the Articles of Incorporation state that if under any circumstance the membership of the sffiC should drop below the quorum of 7 then the sffiC IMMEDIATELY invokes Emergency Bylaw #9 which states that the Apostles then serve on the siBC in order of Rank!


*I found that Neal Chase, having been appointed "Peter" by Doc, is and always has been the highest-ranking officer. This is evidenced by the fact that all of the smc minutes and annual reports filed with the State of Montana list the Apostles in order of Rank with Neal's name always at the top of the list! Always! *I found that in Doc's Epistle to Jeanne, he explains to her that there has always been a problem on the siBC with a number of the Apostles being jealous and envious ofNeal because Doc had named him "Peter". *I found that in the Gospel, Jesus (Doc?) said: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matt. 16:18-19 *I've decided that it doesn't look to good for those "Gates/Apostles" who are trying to prevail against Peter/Neal and that it looks like everyone who is unified (unity=religio= bound together) with him now will be bound together like a bundle of wheat in heaven and not scattered to the wind like the chaff for losing him eternally. *I found that Doc states in chapter 8 of Revelation that the Angel with the Golden Censor is one of the Apostles and in Revelation 14 Doc states that one of the Apostles will regather the true Baha'is back under the Covenant. I believe that is happening now! *I found that in Doc's Epistle to Brent Mattheau that Doc states clearly that the Apostle referred to in Revelation is Neal Chase! *I found that Jesus appointed Judas to be his treasurer (John 12:6 RSV) and that Judas was jealous of Peter (Selections of the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 163). *I found that not even 11 Apostles could remove 1 Apostle according to Doc's Book of Order! and that not even the Guardian can remove Apostles during the appointed stages of the siBC/World Court (Book of Order, Part 1, Chapter 6 "Appointment and Removal of Council Members"). Doc always said: "Just go by the Book" and "It has to be done by the Book!" *I found that Doc said that if any Apostle deviated even a hairsbreadth in their loyalty to him, for even one moment, that they have immediately removed themselves from the siB C. *I've realized that you have no intention on giving me any semblance of due process and have already decided to falsely accuse me, like Ruhiyeh Khannum in her day, accused others who were those that were absolutely firm in the Covenant of being Covenantbreakers. I most certainly am FIRM in the Covenant!

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*I found that Neal and Victor are not the only Apostles who see through your charade and are in support of what Doc gave, and remain loyal to the true sffiC. · *I find it reprehensible that you have attempted to monopolize the officer's positions on the siBC, having been appointed treasurer (Judas) by Doc, elected acting-Secretary by the Council of 7 and having attempted to see if the body was stupid enough to fall for your claim to be "Chairperson of the sffiC." *I found that your latest letter, telling me to forever shun Neal and Victor, is full of empty accusations about my brethren and is filled with lame excuses attempting to defend your own glaringly inappropriate behavior. *I find that you and your "stunt" has been unable to disrupt real siBC business in any way, and that the true, legal and actual siBC is having its regular scheduled business meetings, under Emergency Bylaw#9, and that you are MIA, having stopped attending those siBC meeting, choosing to "chair" your own late night conclaves instead. *I find that you are not guiding the people, rather you are just telling everyone to shun, Shun, SHUN! The truth and guidance for this matter is in the Book of Order! Simple. *I fmd that if you could summarize the message of the BUPC in one sentence it has always been: "The purpose of the Davidic Kings is so that the world can recognize the true IBC/UHJ from the fakes, frauds and imitations." Where is your guardian now? *I find myself over your wall of oppression and safely on board the Ark and in the watchtower. *I find my status with God secure and my spiritual station improved by my findings! So feel free to do me the favor of further exalting my eternal station by announcing to my Baha'i family everywhere that you have added me to your personal list of people who have broken your impotent and illegal injunctions from whatever it is that you are referring to as the "sffiC" which is nothing more than yourself, Bob, possibly Ray and whatever other deluded rogue Apostles, who as obviously fallible individuals, may have decided to separate from God and support you. This is of no concern to me as my Covenant is with God and not with woman. As I've stated in my list of questions to you previously, I can only be loyal to the true ffiCIUHJ with the Davidic King as it's executive. I have made my choice. I am supporting the true siBC, with Neal, Victor and the other loyal Apostles, which is meeting regularly under "Emergency Bylaw #9" with Neal Chase convening and facilitating the meetings in accordance with the explicit holy text of the Book of Order, signed by Dr. Leland Jensen! If you should heal, and make it over this wall of oppression that you've constructed, and should you still make it on board the Ark, I look forward to serving with you as a coworker in the kingdom, from the floor of this great Cause. Godspeed,

I l


Dr. Leland Jensen and His Relationship with the me Taken from the Public Minutes of the second International Baha'i Council meeting #34 February 29, 1992. Liaison Report 1. Dr. Leland and his relationship with the IBC - Dr. Leland held the IBC within himself as the embryo after the Hands broke the Covenant and threw out the 4 stage plan. Now with Dr. Leland establishing the IBC, it's the infant and Dr. Leland is the parent that gives it guidance. Just as a child is dependent on its parents for guidance so is the IBC dependent on Dr. Leland for guidance. Upon the birth of the IBC it was given the authority to remove individuals from the roster, Dr. Leland did not have the authority to do this himself. 2. Group Leader- Dr. Leland is the group leader through his guidance, however he is not present at the meetings. Dr. Leland believes the group needs a leader who is present at meetings to establish direction, focus and unification. As Dr. Leland stated Neal is Peter therefore he is the group leader because of his closeness to Dr. Leland. His role in that capacity is that of an older brother and not as a dictator, he is not infallible. Just because he gives an opinion does not mean we have to agree with him, we still must vote our conscience. We cannot allow ourselves to be manipulated by anyone. None of us should follow Neal blindly.

None of us should follow ANYONE blindly, but the members of the IBC were to follow Neal's RIGHT guidance that was in conformity with Proper Procedure and the Covenant. So this is more evidence that Carlotta and the rest were in violation of this specific role Dr. Leland had put Neal into. He wasn't trying to get the members to follow him blindly, .J he bent over backwards to try to get them to understand what they were doing WRONG, but instead they went against Dr. Leland's appointment of Neal as the Group Leader and went down the road to utter destruction. Poor saps.





The Bottom Line


Actually this has been the pattern all along for at least the last fourteen years (my time so far in the Cause). It has been ever more apparent that everything Dr. Jensen said was indicated in the Revelation of Jesus Christ is unfolding as he explained it would and it should come as no surprise to any of us that, yes, it's all real. Nothing surreal about it. The important thing to do is stay focused on those three things which will enable one to win one's own s ation, remain firm and steadfast in the Covenant, teach the Cause 1 " esides, 1 esides; 1 esides) and live the life. And through it all, don't l - II -. .. pan1c. :;- \ ; ,I i


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Staying abreast of news enough to know what turns world events take- is , important but there is strong advice i 1 ~1 1 lica - s ipture to tum our eyes away from the turmoil of the beast in i s death oes. Get yourselves prepared for physical survival since we can all do that with ease, then tum your attention to those three things around which our lives are supposed to revolve. There should be no doubt any longer in anyone's mind or heart that the global scenario is destined to unfold as we have been told it would for decades, hence there should be no shock or surprise at watching it unfold before our very eyes, WE'VE ALREADY SEEN IT. The world of man and the world of the Kingdom of God are both here now on this plane and are becoming ever more dearly distinguished as darkness is from light. Tum your eyes away from the darkness and call out to those who seek the light and teach them now. your fellow servant, Kevin Paul Seeley. Allah'u'Abha!

December 31, 200 1

"The second International Baha'i Council I Universal House of Justice is a btanch o gold because it recognizes the hereditary position of the g ardianship in the World Order of Baha'u'llah, as the('p~esident of the second ternational Baha'i Council and the head of the Univers'al House of Justice in all its stages of development. The second International Baha'i Council must accept and acknowledge that the1g ardia1_1 is the , r sident regardless of whether the® ardian actually physically sits -at the& W1oil table." -Dr. Leland Jensen, Book of Order, Regarding the Infallibility oflh · · ternational Baha'i Council, p. 72 r ',

Dear Carlotta,

.' -' I do not wish to be any part our Covenant-breaking scheme. All my recent post were in defense of the tru / lBC which it is obvious to me that you are no longer a part of. It is my right to investigate whether Neal is the ardian or not. You will find out in due course what my investigation revealed. Fot!Y--)!ears later the scenario plays out again only to meet with failure and the ist serv . has resounded with the croaking of ravens. "The first was the~venant.ebreaking violation ofthe Joelites. He was able to accomplish this by first using the out worn shibboleth first used by the "Hands" "That thee:: ardian was losing his marbles". pg. 12 Most mighty document. ... "None of them would have been able to usurp the position of the Guardian if they didn't first undermine his position". pg. 16 Most mighty document. This not about following an individual or a personality, its about staying true to the Covenant and remaining loyal t Second International Baha'i Council.


In service to th Keith Stokes

11 :00 p.m. MST December 31, 2001 Carlotta, After my further independent investigation of the facts, and TRUTH, regarding decisions made by you and your group regarding Neal Chase and Victor Woods, I have found discrepancies and errors with the explanations which were presented in -the so called clarification letter which was sent to Baha'is by you and your group. And, upon discovery of other information that PROVES to me that Neal Chase and Victor Woods make up the true siBC, I am from this moment on disassociating myself with you and your group. With the help of God I have come over the w . 1of pression which you have cleverly constructed. I adamantly urge others to investigate these matters deeply - which is your number one right as a Baha'i. Allah'u'Abha Sincerely, Louis Richard Dvorak BUPC

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Date: Tue Jan 1, 2002 1:48 am Subject: Good luck in your paths Hey everyone, I made it safely home back to Carbondale. I guess it is the will of God that you accidentally got the emails in my last email. ·ust as it was the will of God that I left Alaska just as it was the will of God that I became impoverished in Colorado so I would have to financially retreat to Montana; because God wanted me to witness ~ctor adding Carlotta's inappropriate act of funneling siBC business into her witch hunt ~&ti-Neal" committee along with Neal's letter to Carrie which showed that he was possibly Pepe's son and received a ring that could have possibly been a token. I personally think that Neal is our Guardian but for you out there who are shunning our possible ardian then I just say this, try proving that he isn't the one. This is a matter of personal mvestigation. Oh by the way, on the subject of the "log" one of you posted to your "backbite Neal" QlSiServ~ at passing the test was staying "on" the log. Not! Doc Said that "passing tests were as easy as falling off the log" if you were deepened properly. go ahead and take the advice of your favorite rogue a ostle and "stay on the log". It's no skin off my nose. I love you all very much and hope that each one of you individually, husband, wife, brother, sister, individually passes this test of the "did Carlotta sent a letter from a Committee that only had power to make recommendations to the siBC and then break the Covenant by signing it 'siBC'" or "did Neal and Victor do something so bad when they met in the scheduled siBC meeting and drafted a letter to warn the friends that Carlotta was attempting to usurp the Chair and illegally remove the two highest ranking officers of the court". One last thing, remember when V{_ind and Bob left and they took the Babai address and email with them. Well the tru 18C.just had to get another address and email and this is the case again. You can contact the true siBC with Neal and Vic and the other Apostles who are still loyal to Dr. Jensen by writing to IBC Happy, happiest ofNew Years this great year ofMustaghath (search Mars for Mustaghath)! True Baha'i Love and absolute fealty to the Covenant and siBC, Robert "Peace" Wright PS. Thank you Keith for allowing me to talk one last time with my soon to resurrect Baha'i family.

r r -------- Original Message -------Subject: Conratulations Date: 25 Jul 2003 11: 16:40 -0500 From~ . . . . . . . ..,

To:uhji _-


Dear Neal Chase: Congratulations on your becoming III Aghsan Guardian. Thanks for spreading the news about the 2003 reprint of my 1987 monograph, C R & The Baha'i Faith. It would be good if you could give some out at T . e Aug. Gathering. Here's ordering info: 1.Single copies are $15,includes postage.2.More than one copy,$10 each,includes postage.3. For you as Aghsan Guardian, each copy is $5, includes postage Make check out to F.C.Spataro and send order to Tover Pub ~ ications, 8046 234 St, eens , NY 11427. Be sure to write the address to which books are to mail ed, Colorado or Missoula. Again In El Abha,

l L

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tions on your accession to The Throne Of David. Spataro

From: "Colin O'Brien" To: Subject: Kickin' it in da fo'c'sle Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 21:22:16-0700 Carlotta: I want no part of your c venant-breaking outfit. Please disassociate my name with any lists or membership rosters you may posses. I have seen the facts. Therefore in order to stay true to the Covenant of Baha'u'llah, as delineated by Abdu'l Baha, constituted by Shoghi Effendi and established by Dr. Leland Jensen, I can only tum to the duly constituted siBC, Shoghi Effendi's son, with the executive and the legislative branches, which you have separated yourself from. I must follow the Lamb wherever he goes, as it is he that I ain loyal to and the siBC he set up. This is why I can have no part of the persona path that you have chosen for yourself and foisted on the rest of the Baha'i W, rid. No one that follows you or your plan may use any of my pamphlets, papers or websites to promote your interests. What I want to make clear to the whole Baha'i world is that I have come .to this conclusion wholly of my own accord. I was not campaigned, I was not seduced, and I was not carroted or baited by any person or any offering of a position. I, singly and alone, used my God given right to investigate the ..,.,.....,l~+,.T -++J...~,.,

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to believe that the only siBC is th fallible siBC set up by Dr. Leland Jensen, Establisher of the Baha'i Fait which you Carlotta, and your gang, .~ have separated yourself from.


No, indeed, people of the Baha'i' rld, this test is not a NO BRAINER. > That is why no one is passing it. You are not using your BRAINS, which is "-..... the intellect, to investigate what has happened and what is happening. There """" re much greater realities here than the people have allowed themselves to er ieve. . or those that can come over this~ll o 6 pression the rewards are greater than can be imagined. The personalities are the stumbling block that are KEEPING people from passing this test. The ones that DONT pass are the ones hung up on personality. Doc taught us all the criteria that we can use to discern the true Universal House of Justice from a fake, and no threat from the people of error, including being falsely labeled as c~venant-breaker, can keep me from using my God given right to freely and independently investigate the truth to find where the true siBC dwells.

I, at no time, for even a split second, have desired anything but to know the reality of God and to be firm in His Covenant. I don't want to see harm come to anyone, and it pains me to see any soul cut off from His bounties. If I am perceived to be campaigning for anyone, it is for God and His plan that I am campaigning for. I do not want to see anyone led astray. It is no skin off my nose what people want to follow though, and if I did it all over again I question whether I would have shared my findings with anyone. That mayb~ would have saved me the agony of the name calling, the threats, the defamation, and the verbal assaults I have received from people I consider my friends. But we are commanded to teach Gods cause, so I brought the message and gave some counsel and others offense. My final question for everyone is this. If two groups of Apostles call themselves the siBC, which one is the true one? The answer is as easy as falling off a log ..... In service of the King, Baha'i Under the Provisions of the Covenant Colin O'Brien



From: "Jay Terry" To: BUPCForum Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 10:25 AM Subject: Loyalty to the Lamb Attention Hi-Jackers of the Faith: Please remove me from this list-serve and do not associate me with your roup religiously, personally, or otherwise. I follow the one and only infallible S cond International Baha'i Council established by Dr. Leland Jensen at 248A N. Higgins, Missoula MT 59802, email: IBC_ UHJ I am 100% steadfast in every(p vision of the Covenant, and to the entire Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha. Thanks, Jay Terry



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To: "Second International Baha'i Council" c/o Carlotta Geesen, "Chairperson" "siBC" members: Please be advised that on January 12,2002, a coward knocked at my door. My wife answered the door and he handed her a sealed envelope with the name "Chuck Van Pelt" hand scrawled on the front. Said coward, one John Geesen, then scurried out to his vehicle and took off, obviously knowing what he was doing was wrong and being afraid to come face to face with me. I opened said envelope to find a letter written on siBC stationary, advising me that I am to be shunned by "all members of the Baha'is Under the Provisions ofthe Covenant. "Baha'i's" shows ownership of one (1) Baha'i, NOT many Baha'is. In addition, this letter was dated January 12, 2001. Carlotta is obviousl _very slow in getting around to anything. I immediately called a true member of the siBC and his ternate to be sure that the true siBC was not behind this letter. They were not and so I am now assured that it was my enemy, Carlotta Geesen, who has personally violated my rights as a Baha'i Under the Provisions ofthe Covenant. My only "crime" was to refer to Carlotta and her~ee Stoog~ib a personal e-mail to Matt Roeser. This paragraph alone, referring to Matt Roeser, proves Carlotta Geesen's charges against me are just more lies. Matt Roeser is an " · ternate" and NOT a "siBC" member as Carlotta claims. , She has no power to promote him. ,.-"

Apparently, Carlotta and her three (3) stooges feel that I was being disresp~ctful in referring t o them as such. In reality, I was being very respectful to them. My true feelings are that Carlotta is a.-· stupid cow and her followers (3) are naught save her three (3) heaps of her own cow dung . .. Where I would respectfully request a rehearing and review had this been a decision of the true / siBC I will never do so of this phony one. Carlotta is nothing but a habitual liar; not to menti6n a C§(uPid cow and I would never accept her as the "Chairperson" even if she underwent a ·sex change opeiatlon. No matter how she tries to pe e.rt it, the Chairperson of the siBC can onl be a male descendant ofth t one of King David. Carlotta 1s a iar. er uee (3J!o lowers are naught, agam, ./ ut three (3tneaps o ero"Wile<r dwrg and willne-v..er_be an . ~g else. Since Car otta see to constantly change the ru es, I will now follow suite. Instead of asking IS want to be whore of Babylon to reconsi<.l~~dJl.! c venant-breakers' decision of January 12, I am hereby notifying her and her three (31 piles of cow .ung, hat they have but twenty-four hours to set their wrongs right or face the bowidless wraH1of Goa, like all those who seek to d_~,stroy God's Laws and · Covenants. With Utter Disrespect, Charles "Chuck" Van Pelt



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January 3, 2002 Carlotta: There are many ERRORS in the "guidance" letter which you sent out to the believers recently:

f 1. You claimed that the Registered Agent could be changed at any time. The Book of Order does indeed state in Article 2.2 of the Bylaws that "The ard of@irectors may change the i gistered a ent and the address of the registered office from time to time, upon filing the appropriate statement with the Secretary of State." BUT, in the Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of Incorporator, Dr. Leland Jensen appoints Neal Chase as the Registered Agent "until the respective successors shall be elected and shall qualify", or in other words, until The Supreme Tribunal is Elected. Therefore, Article 2.2 is only effective After the Election takes place. Otherwise, you woulq be going against The Lamb's appointment ofNeal. 2. You claimed that Ray Armstrong was also named as the angel with the g· lden sor in the 8th chapter of Revelation. This is completely FALSE. Ray was named as one of the angels with a sickle in chapter 14 because of the work he did in distributing Over the Wall to many sansfgyardians. Only Neal was named as the Angel with the Golden Censor. '



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3. You also claimed in your letter that, "The(throne of David is the rock upon which this Kingdom of God and the UHJ are built, not Neal Chase." This also is a BOLD FACED LIE. The THRONE is NOT the ROCK! So what is the rock? God is very clear on this point that it is a PERSON that is the rock. "Come to HIM, to that living STONE, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and precious ... For it stands in scripture: Behold, I am laying in Zion a STONE, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes in HIM will not be put to shame ( 1 Peter 2:4,6)." So here God says that Christ is the Stone or Rock. The Christ of the Baha'i Administration is the Guardian. In the final chapter of Revelation Explained, The Lamb, Dr. Leland Jensen, explains about the Church of Philadelphia, that "This is the only group that knows the meaning of"Chrlst," and the true meaning of the ardianship, the Christ of the Baha'i World Order (Revelation Explained, pg. 183)." Here Doc states clearly that the Guardian is the Christ of the Baha'i World Order, meaning that the Guardian IS the ROCK. The THRONE is NOT the ROCK! So the real question would be, Who is the Guardian? Who is this Rock? For if we fail to recognize the "HEIR, which is Christ (Guardian)," then how can we hope to pass the test, becoming "heirs according to promise (Galatians 3)." ???? 1

4. I also know that the Special Session you were a part of, which was meeting to gather information about an issue between Neal and Dawn, was not the siBC. You had no authority to make any ruling attempting to remov \a , ostles. Even if it was, as you have asserted in your letter, a Special Sessi9p whicli had authority to make decisions, according to Robert's Rules of Order, a:__§pecial Meeting (Session) only has the power to decide on issues mentioned in the call of ~ meeting. "If, at a special meeting, it becomes urgent in an emergency to take action for which no notice was given, that action, to become legal, must be ratified by the organization at a regular meeting (or, if ratification also cannot wait, at another special meeting properly called for that purpose) Robert's Rules of Order 9th Edition, pgs. 92-93. Victor Woods had nothing to do with the call of the meeting. The truth is that you knew that Victor had put several issues on the agenda for that Saturday's general siBC meeting, issues including Neal's press release predictions and possible evidence relating to the ~ardianship, as well as several complaints against Dawn. You then proceeded to put an illegal injunction on Neal and Victor before the regular siBC meeting could take place. And you signed the injunction notice as "Chairperson" of the siBC. Then in your next letter, in which you excommunicated Neal and Victor, you explained that you were really the 'a! ting p!J.air" ofNeal's Special Session, thus proving your violation right out in the open for all to see. The fact is that Victor was at that time the Acting Chair of the siBC, not you. You sent me a letter on December 27th stating that I had two days to contact you or you would have no choice but to place an injunction on me•. .You said that you had received reports about me being in support of "Covenant[}lteakers" and their ideas. You sent the same letter to my wife Maria shortly before I had even received it. You then had someone hand-deliver her a copy of the letter the next day at her workplace. This is extremely inappropriate and could be construed as a threat. Contract under duress. I was never called on the telephone about any of this. What if I had not checked my e-mail? You never did put an injunction on me as you had stated you would do. Instead, you just declared me a "Covenant.Breaker" based on "reports" from individuals. Is that how JUSTICE works? NO ,. CONSULTATION??? Can a person be declared a "Covenant ·eaker" based on hearsay? Also, a few days ago you sent my wife another letter where you feigned sympathy and then told her she had a certain amount of days to contact you. What does that mean? Sounds scary to me. Her husband didn't respond in the allotted time and look what happened to him. What kind of fascist system is this~~[''\ running anyway? This is not Baha'i. _./ . ( '.../



I thank you for removing me from your Covenant \J?r"aking outfit. I thank God that . ·,




I was able to perceive the Wall of Oppression which you set up, and to easily climb over it where the Arc of Salvation awaited me on the other side. I rema· n L yal to The Lamb and I follow him wherever he goes. I recognize the True BC which can be contacted at In service of The Cause, Adam Jacob Sippola





An Open Letter to Carlotta Geesen Jan.2,2002


Dear Carlotta,





Over the last couple of weeks I have been reading and re-reading the letters sent out from your mailbox to the believers, supposedly written as "guidance" during this time of test, as well as reading the posts on the list serve addressing these rec'ent events within The Cause. I am now writing this letter in defense of The Cause of God and because of my loyalty to The Lamb, Dr. Leland Jensen. I have come to several conclusions based on my Independent Investigation of the Truth. First, after re-reading your recent "guidance" letter, I found some discrepancies in the so-called facts. You claim that the Registered Agent can be changed whenever the Council chooses. This is Not True. According to The Book of Order of the siBC, written by Dr. Jensen, in the Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of Incorporator, Dr. Jensen has appointed Neal Chase as the Registered Agent "until the respective successors shall be elected and shall qualify" (until the Supreme Tribunal is elected). Perhaps in W9St corporations the Registered Agent can be changed, but the sffiC i ·Not ost corporations. Dr. Jensen appointed all of the members to their respeCtive offices, and none of-these can be changed for a mere few dollars. ' G Next, you , ave c.laimed that Ray Arms ~o ~w~s as _amed as the angel with the g lden 1 c nsor. This is also '" mpletely lse. Ray was named as one o the angels with a sickle i Chapte 4 of Revelation ,because of the work he did in sending copies of Over the Wall to many sans.g · ardians. He was never named as the angel with th 1 '}den c sor. 1 I also know that the Committee that was se up to investigate a complaint made by Dawn against Neal was not given powers to make any authoritative decisions. It was only given power to investigate. Even if it was, as you have asserted in your letter, a Special Session that had authority to make qecisions, according to The Book of Order and Robert's Rules of Order, r S ;ecia M eting (Session) only has the power to decide on issues mentionea in the all of the meeting. "If, at a special meeting, it becomes urgent in an emergency to take action for which no notice was given, that action, to become legal, must be ratified by the organization at a regular meeting (or, if ratification also cannot wait, at another special meeting properly called for that purpose). " Robert's Rules of Order 9th Edition, pgs. 92-93. I know that the call of the meeting had nothing to do with Victor,

because I was personally contacted by you twice about this issue, once without any warning, and Victor was never mentioned in the call of the meeting. So, the question arises, how can Neal & Victor get an injunction put on them by a Committee not authorized to make decisions, especially when Victor Woods has nothing to do with the issues being investigated by that Committee? Even if it was a(s_Fecial l~ e~sion that had authority, it certainly wouldn't have had the autho~ity to place an injunction on Victor. There is also the false idea going around that Neal & Victor didn't go by procedure, when I know that Neal did indeed write letters of appeal, which were buried by you. But all of this ·E1jfor was exposed the moment you wrote that the injunction decision came from the siBC, of which you claimed that you were the Chairperson. Then, you tried to backpedal and explain that you were only the "Acting Chair" of the "Special Session", thus proving that this decision came only from a Non-Quorum Committee of Four that had no authority to make any such decisions. For in truth, Victor Woods was at that time the "Acting Chair" of the siBC regular meetings. Not only that, but all of this correspondence has been coming to the believers through your personal e-mail addr~ss_,_ which conflicts with the siBC decision and announcement on theCllst-serve · n Tuesday, September 11th at 9:29 p.m., which_stated ~hat the official ~8-mail correspond~nce address was to be btipc(aJ,, and not Y Ut; .Persona i¥ dress! .i ...) None of this is about following any individual or personality. Neal Chase is NOT infallible, and Carlotta Geesen is NOT the siBC. Another issue I wish to address is the fact that my wife Maria received a letter from you dated December 26, 200 1, in which you informed her that I (her husband) would have an injunction placed on me if I didn't respond to you within two days time. I also received an e-mail from you that night telling me the same thing. It seemed to be a threat. I felt as though you were trying to put Maria in an uncomfortable position to force her into making a quick decision. I was never called on the phone about this. What if I had not checked my e-mail? Oh yeah, that's why you had someone hand-deliver a copy of the letter to Maria at her workplace the next day, under the guise of friendship. As of yet your threat has had no results. I have not been contacted by you since then and apparently I have no injunction on me yet. I feel as though you were trying to bait my wife and I onto "your side". I must also mention my disgust at the topics of discussion on the list_ serve these days. What I see happening is the reviling, maligning, and back2




biting of Neal Chase. Many people are claiming that Neal is "sick" and has "bipolar disorder" or "manic depression". This behavior of labeling is extremely inappropriate. First of all, no proof has been put forth to back up this name calling and labeling. Secondly, even if a person was sick with some kind of mental disorder, the worst thing anyone could do (especially a Baha'i) would be to tear that person apart verbally and try to tarnish that persons character publicly. This kind of behavior is not helpful to anyone. Read the Kitab'i'Ahd for more on how we are to act as Baha'is.

"The light of the following utterance shineth from the horizon of the Divine Tablet, which should be observed by all: Oh people of the world! I counsel you to act in a manner which shall tend to elevate your stations. Cling to divine virtue and obey the divine law. Truly I say, THE TOUNGE IS FOR MENTIONING THAT WIDCH IS GOOD; DO NOT DEFILE IT BY EVIL SPEECH. "God hath forgiven your past ways." You must henceforth SPEAK THAT WHICH IS WORTHY. SHUN REVILING, MALIGNING, AND WHATSOEVER WILL OFFEND YOUR FELLOWMEN." Kitab 'i'Ahd "What then? Israel failed to obtain what it sought. The elect obtained it, but the rest were hardened, as it is written, "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that should not see and ears that should not hear down to this very day." And David says, "Let their table become a snare and a trap, a pitfall and a retribution for them; let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see, and bend their backs for ever." So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!" Romans 11:7-12 "Then he said to me, "Son of man, lift up your eyes now in the direction of the north." So I lifted up my eyes toward the north, and behold, north of the altar gate, in the entrance, was this image of jealousy. And he said to me, "Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations that the house of Israel are committing here, to drive me far from my sanctuat;~? But you will see still greater abominations." Ezekiel 8:5-6


l !

"Then the mother of the sons of Zeb'edee came up to him (Jesus), with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. And he said to


her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Command that these two sons of mine may sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom." But Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" They said to him, "We are able." He said to them, "You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father." And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers." Matt. 20:20-24 As for the ideas and suggestions floating around that erhaps Neal is the long awaited executive branch of the UHJ, heir to the, t one of David and Guardian oft ~ e Baha'i Faith, it is up to all of us to:

INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE! The ONLY W-f\Y to FULLY INVESTIGATE whether or not Neal Chase istl9deed THE GUARDIAN, is for each individual believer to GO OVER THE WALL OF OPPRESSION that has been put up. :UTD l l A "\T"C 'T'lll:' DTr::'..ll'T' 'T'r\ VV L Y L

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A. 'T'lj"


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BAHA'U'LLAH GAVE U~_THIS RIGHT.Q,? It is up to each INDIVIDUAE (monos_) o do this.


~ ,::>

Carlotta, I ,know where the true siBCIUHJ is. I was taught well how to recognize the ·11rue UHJ from fakes, frauds and imitations. The way to know is that the ,!Jue UHJ has the Davidic King as its Head. The only person claiming to sit at the head of your group is YOU. But through my own.Independent Investigation of the Truth, I have climbed over the Wall of Oppression that you have set in front of the Ark of Salvation, and I remain loyal to The Lamb, Dr. Leland Jensen and the siBC which he Established in the world. The ~rue siBCIUHJ can be contacted at me




"As regards the gospel they are enemies of God, for your sake; but as regards election they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers." Romans 11:28 So you see Carlotta, you and those others whom God has given "eyes that should not see and ears that should not hear" are truly beloved. Enemies concerning the Good News of the Kingdom, but beloved regarding the election. "0 the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!" Romans 11:33 I can see very clearly what has happened. The Truth has been put forth time and time again, and your group has come up with false responses to cloud the believers and to veil them from the Truth. This is not about following any individual or personality. This is about remaining firm irr T'he I Covenant. I wish that my name might have no association with your group. Please remove my name from any list or file that might associate me with your group. I want no part in your Covenant rI akin SI theme. ./



l l l l


TABLET TO FU’AD (Lawh-i Fu’ad) --Baha’u’llah-“This Tablet was revealed when Fu’ad Pasha was the foreign minister of the Ottoman Empire. He had returned to his home base, and became the cause of the recent crisis * and of our own exile from Rumelia to Akka. Two individuals were, after the sultan, supreme chief (ra’is-i kull): One was Fu’ad Pasha and the other was Ali Pasha. Sometimes the one was first minister, and the other foreign minister, and sometimes the other way around. In that Tablet (Lawh-i Fu’ad)-may God’s majesty be glorified, He says: ‘We shall depose the one who was like him and seize their prince, who rules the land; and I am the glorious, the mighty!’”--Baha’u’llah HE IS THE MOST HOLY, THE MOST GLORIOUS, EL-ABHA! We called out to you from beyond the ocean of grandeur, upon the crimson land, from the horizon of tribulation. In truth, there is no God but He, the Mighty, the Giving. Be steadfast in My Cause, and do not join those who, when given what they had desired, denied God, the Lord of lords. God shall seize them by his overwhelming force. In truth, He is the powerful, the subduer. Know that of those who passed sentence upon us, † God took hold upon the elder by his power and sovereignty. When he experienced severe pain, he fled to Paris and resorted to physicians. He asked, “Is there any protector?” He was struck upon the mouth and it was said, “It is too late!” When he turned to the Angel of Victory, he was nearly obliterated out of fear. He said, “I have an ornamented mansion and a palace upon the Bosporus, beneath which rivers run.” The angel replied, “Today, no sacrifice shall be accepted from you, even though you bring all that is in the private and public domains. Do you not hear the clamor of the people of God, whom you have made prisoner without any evidence or confirming book? At your deed the inhabitants of paradise have wailed, as have those who circle round the throne in the evening and at dawn. The victory of your Lord has come upon you. In truth, He is the severe, the unattainable.”


The 1876 First Constitutional Revolution against Abdu’l-‘Aziz. In his farman to the governor of Akka (dated the fifth of Rabi’u’th-Thani 1285 AH/July 26, 1868) Sultan Abdu’l ‘Aziz wrote: “Mirza Husayn ‘Ali [Baha’u’llah] and a group of his companions have been sentenced to life imprisonment in the fortress of Akka. When they have arrived at that fortress and been delivered into your custody, incarcerate them within the fortress for the rest of their lives. Institute complete surveillance over them, to ensure that they mix socially with no one. Your officials must inspect them with great care, such that they not be allowed to move from place to place. They must remain always under close supervision.” (Persian translation from the Ottoman given in Muhammad ‘Ali Faydi, La’ali-yi Dirakhshan, Shiraz: 1967, p. 501) †


He said, “I was the grand vizier of the people, and this is my edict!” “Hold your tongue, you denier of the Judgment Day!” “May I have a respite to summon my family?” “Never, disbeliever in the verses!” Then the vault of the fiery abyss called out to him, “I have flung the gates of the inferno open for you, opposer of the sovereign Lord. Return to it, for it misses you. Have you forgotten, outcast, when you were the Nimrod of the horizons? Your wrongdoing eclipsed even the despotism of Pharaoh, lord of the stakes. By God, by your iniquity the veil of sanctity was rent and the pillars of paradise were shaken. Where is your refuge, and your protector from the fear of your Lord, the Omnipotent? Today, you have no place to flee, you idolater and doubter!” Then the stupor of death overtook him and closed his eyes. Thus did We seize him by Our triumph. In truth, your Lord is stern in meting out punishment. An angel called to him from the right of the throne. This is the Angel of Harshness. “Is there any escape for you,” it was asked, “save to hellfire, in which hearts are boiled?” The Angel of Torment then greeted his soul. “Enter this flaming chasm that you were promised in the Book, which you used to deny day and night.” We shall depose the one [Ali Pasha] who was like him, and shall lay hold upon their prince [Sultan Abdu’l-Aziz] who rules the land; We are mighty and powerful! * Be steadfast in the Cause, and sing the praises of your Lord in the morning and the evening. Beware lest you be stifled by the slanders of the one who was seduced by the things we had bestowed upon him, until he (Mirza Yahya) denied God, the King of Names. He inspires his associates just as Satan inspired him. You shall see him beset by loss in this world and the next, for he is among those for whom torment has been prepared. He sent a letter to someone there, a missive of the debauched. In it he ridiculed God and his books, such that all things were dismayed at him. Say: “Do you see anyone who will protect you when there comes the Victory of God, the mighty, the ordainer?” Thus have We informed you of what lies hidden in breasts. In truth, your Lord is powerful, omniscient. Arise for the sake of the Cause, then gather My lovers and remind them, in this day whereon feet have slipped. Today it is incumbent upon all who accept the Cause to come to the aid of their Lord. In truth, He is your guardian, but today the people have no guardian.


The glaring fulfillment of Baha’u’llah’s ominous prophecy, accurately placed the blame upon Fu’ad and Ali for the Revolution of 1876, that deposed the Sultan Abdu’l-‘Aziz (“their prince” who committed suicide) and ushered in the first Ottoman parliament, of which Baha’u’llah approved.


Then We seized Mihdi, whom We had promised torment in the psalms and Tablets. * When God’s power came to him, he asked, “Might I return?” It was said, “Away with you, disbeliever in the resurrection! That is hellfire, wherein the flames have been kindled for you. You have forsaken beneficence for a life of vanity, and today you have no protector from God. Because of you the holy spirit lamented and hearts were annihilated.” He said, “Is there any sanctuary for me?” “No, by my Lord, even if you brought all belongings!” Therefore, he cried out, shrieking, so that terror struck the people of the tombs, and he was encompassed by the grasp of power. It was said, “Return to the abode of coercion in hell, and a pitifully bad abode it is!” We have taken him, just as we took many before him. Those are your houses, which We have abandoned to the spider. Consider, you who are endued with insight. He it is who opposed God, and verses of sorrow were revealed to him in the Book. Blessed is he who reads it and thinks upon it: in truth, the destiny of such a one will be good. Thus have We related to you the tales of perpetrators, so as to solace your eyes. In truth, yours is a good return!


Mirza Mihdiy-i-Rashti together with Siyyid Muhammad Isfahani (both supporters of Baha’u’llah’s half-brother, Mirza Yahya) wrote a fierce attack against Baha’u’llah Who replied by revealing the Kitab-i Badi (The Book of Wonder) in detailed response directed to the followers of the Bab.


Truth Suppression .....


''Not the violent conflict between parts of the truth, but the quiet suppression of half of it, .is the formidable evil. There is always hope when people are forced to listen to both sides. It is when they· attend to only one that errors harden into prejudices, and truth itself ceases to have the effect of truth,. by being exaggerated into falsehood.'' -John Stuart Mill

“If it is considered with insight, it will be seen that all the forces of the universe, in the last analysis serve the Covenant.” --‘Abdu’l-Baha

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