BAD ideas. Vol.1

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(Tez The Don)

Table Of Contents

Welcome …….2 Everyday Entrepreneurs…….3 5 GREAT Date Night Ideas…….5 Fine & Fit…….7

Make YOUR Money Work For YOU…….9 On The Rise w/Tez The Don…….11 Tez The Don Music…...15 Thank You…….17

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his is a dream in action. I am proud to bring you the 1st edition of BAD ideas. Magazine. I want this to be a place where we can all showcase our talents and get more positive information to our people regarding our health, wealth, and everyday living. You may have a dormant dream burning inside and just need that extra p ​ ush​to get the ball rolling; hopefully you find that here. You may have a talent or helpful information that you want to share with the world but you just don’t know how; well here’s y​ our

outlet. For my readers, I just want to say thank you, even if you don’t make it through another page, thank you. If you do happen to make it all the way through, I hope you find inspiration and information within these lines. A great man once said “The greatest act is to inspire.” I’m just playing my part in helping the next person do.

August 2019​ | 2

Everyday Entrepreneurs : ​Body Language Collection

Meet Shaunita Griggs, owner of Body Language Collection. Shaunita shares how she got into the health & beauty industry and how she’s overcome the challenges that came along with the new role as CEO of her own brand. Wade: How long have you been in business? Shaunita: Coming up on 2 years. W: What motivated you to start your own business? S​: It was a hobby turned business idea, basically my friends pressuring to make them things outside of gifting. W: For those who don’t know, what type of business do you run? S​: I have a homemade beauty line, so far whipped shea butter, body scrubs, and body oils. W: Who’s your target audience? S​: Women, men, children....everyone with skin!! W: Biggest challenges you’ve come across so far? S​: My biggest challenges have been funds and an actual brick and mortar, people want to be able to experience my products on their own time, not just pop shops. W: What have you learned about yourself in the process? S​: That I'm an artist so to speak and that I'm definitely sensitive about my SHIT, -Erykah Badu

W: What advice do you have for other aspiring entrepreneurs? S​: Do not give up, take hella risks, be patient and trust your process, do not expect or look for support and encouragement of friends and family, keep pushing and believe in yourself! W: Where can we find your products?

S​: Currently I'm online [​​]​ ​ but I do pop shops throughout metro Detroit [follow my IG @bodylanguagecollection] and I'm always willing to link up in general locations for potential clients. You can always dm me, text or email.

Email: b ​

​Phone:​​248-800-3114 IG: ​@bodylanguagecollection

August 2019​ | 3

August 2019​ | 4

5 Great Date Night Ideas (From ​Her​)

With: Summer Michelle

There comes a point in every plates and a to-go box that’s gonna live in relationship where you need to shake things the back of the fridge for the next two up on date night. Aren’t you tired of the weeks? If so; here are 5 Great Date Night same ol’ “Hi, we’ll take two for (insert movie Ideas (FROM H ​ ER)​ to help keep your here),” then going out to spend $40 on two relationship fun and exciting: 1. RoadTrip​ - This does not have to be far location. It could even be just a couple counties over. This CAN be low budget if done right. Women appreciate the simple things like dinner, but how about dinner in a city/State you’ve never been in? Pick a city and find a restaurant that caters to the food you both like. Then go check out the scenery. This gives the perfect time to talk, play games, and get to know each other on the trip. 2. Seasonal Fruit/Flower picking​ - We can all agree women love flowers right? How about you take her to an endless garden of these beauties? She’ll definitely enjoy the scenery, the warm environment, and also the fact that you’ll love it too! Sunflower Patches, Apple Orchards, or hell even pumpkin patches! We love seeing these places and they make great photo memories! 3. Amusement Parks​ - Everything doesn’t have to be romantic. Most of us women actually enjoy thrill seeking and being able to rough around with our guy! Amusement parks, go karting, or even bungee jumping pumps you with so much adrenaline that always results in a good time. Most of these places have several activities all in one so you’ll never be bored. And you’ll even see how far each other will go to have fun 4. Outfit Picker​ - Pick a random thrift store in your neighborhood and dress each other! This will definitely make both of you step out of your comfort zones and be silly. You can find outfits for as little as $5-$10. Pick each other’s outfit and go bowling at a place both of you have never been. You’ll definitely get some stares but hey, you two will have jokes and memories that’ll last forever. 5. Dog Shelters​ - Find your local shelter and purchase dog treats to give out. The best thing about shelters are that they’re typically lost home dogs so you can find an animal that was well taken care of, just lost to play with. Pick a dog that you two both like and take it to the park. You can teach it tricks, play with it, you may even be able to adopt it together. Some shelters typically have treats but only pass out a certain amount. If you get your own you can go to a dog park and do as you please. This can be done 2x or more times a week together so that the pups get used to seeing and listening to you. It’ll be like having a foster dog

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Fine & F​ IT​: ​Start On Your NEW Body TODAY With; Jazmine Bonds Interview By: Wade T. Dye Jr.

How long have you been telling yourself, “next month is the month I finally go to the gym.” Or better yet, how long ago did you sign up for that gym membership? Now, when was the last time you actually used it? Don’t feel bad, I’m only speaking from experience. Getting in shape can be hard. Staying in shape? Well that can be even harder, but it doesn’t have to be.

Meet fitness guru and personal trainer, Jazmine Bonds. J​azmine shares with us the changes and sacrifices she made to obtain her fitness goals. Wade: What motivated you to get your fitness in order? Jazmine:​My motivation came from myself honestly, if I don’t do anything else

for myself, keeping myself in shape is a growing goal. W: What benefits have you noticed in your everyday life? J:​My energy and self confidence has truly improved. Not because of anyone else, but because I’m happy with my progression. It had to start within because no matter who compliments you if ​YOU​are not happy ​YOU​will always have those insecurities. W: What sacrifices did you have to make when you began your journey? J:​Well as a mom you wanna be around for everything; but to have just this one thing for myself. I decided to go to the gym during either the times my babies are at gymnastics, or when they are sleep and with all I honestly have going on I’m sacrificing sleep, and just time I can be doing mom stuff lol, like washing or something. But that’s my ME time. W: How would you describe your diet? J:​Well to be honest I eat whatever I want, I inherited my dad’s genes with he will happily take all credit for lol, But I have a fast metabolism ! So I don’t hold weight like others. You have to know your body. For me eating isn’t a negative thing for me it’s more of, “I hope I can eat all this” kinda thing I LOVE food. I love to snack on food but for my body I don’t eat pork and I’ve cut a lot of fast food eating for myself and my family. I prefer to cook our meals, and No although I CAN

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fry I don’t ! I love smoothies and protein shakes tho!!!! W: What protein shake/supplement do you recommend? J:​LISTEN SERIOUS MASS IS THE B.O.MB W: What training and nutrition methods gave you the greatest bodybuilding results? J: T ​ o be honest, consistency is key. The more you do a thing in the “workout” world the more results you will see! To build is not overnight. A lot of people want to wake up and be at their goal, but in reality the journey for me is what helps me keep going. I’ve been through a season where I couldn’t even walk and to this day I definitely still have challenges but that’s where the ((DRIVE)) as my dad would say comes in. W: In your opinion, is it possible to obtain peak physical fitness without a gym membership? J: M ​ AN LISTEN, Don’t let a membership stop you! I’ve seen people make things work out of food cans and simply household items I don’t think a gym membership defines your fitness journey W: What advice do you give someone just starting their fitness journey? J:​Fitness is a choice, you have to make it up in your mind that this is what you want! You have to understand Fitness is not overnight! It’s a lifestyle It’s a lifestyle of dedication, hard work and DRIVE!!! What drives you to do this ? What made you decide you’re ready to get serious about

working out? All that matters when starting your journey!

D ​ ad’s 30 Minute In-Home Workout

Things to remember: Do one set and move to the next exercise until you’ve completed all 3 sets Drink at least 64 oz of water daily (4-16.9 oz bottles) Eat! Eat! Eat! (healthy) (Not eating only slows down your metabolism) It’s most beneficial to replenish your body within 45 minutes after a workout

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August 2019​ | 9

Make YOUR ​Money ​Work For ​YOU With : ​Emmanuel Wilder

What exactly is “​SAVING MONEY​?” Can you actually “save” a dollar? Technically speaking, yes. Why would you want to save a dollar though? If you put $10 in the best safe money could buy and don’t touch it for the next 5 years it’ll be fairly safe for the most part but what good did it do you? At the end of the day all you have is old money... IF you hadn’t spent it already. Here’s a thought, why not put that hard earned money to work for YOU the same way you worked for it. Unsure about how to do so? Twenty-three year old stock investor Emmanuel Wilder shares his thoughts on playing the stock market, lack of financial literacy in our community and how you can get your dollars working for you.

Wade: How does one simply start saving? Emmanuel​: ​ Budget out your expenses per month. Eliminate non-essential spending (Netflix, Apple Music, fast food, etc.) prioritize necessities from luxuries and start a plan accordingly. I.E. if you make 1000 a month after taxes, your expenses add up to about 650 and you have 350 remaining. You don’t save the entire 350. Cut that figure in half and take a portion of that half. Remember, If you over-save, eventually you’ll dip into your savings in a time of trouble W:What were a few bad spending habits you had to learn to control in order to start saving effectively? E​:​ Cutting automatic subscriptions, frivolous spending, fast food, vices (drugs, alcohol, etc.), using a card vs cash and pre spending my check. Meaning, before payday i already have a figure in my head that I need to deduct from my paycheck. W: What made you get involved in stocks? E​: Stocks can be an easy or difficult route to generational wealth. You must be willing to lose whatever you put in and you must also have the patience to allow the money to grow. I figured why not save and slowly increase my

Interview by: Wade T. Dye Jr

wealth over a period of time, instead of storing money in the bank just for the purpose of saving. W: Why do you think people of color lack so much knowledge as it pertains to the stock market? E: ​The generations above us place little if any emphasis on stocks. The public school system in minority neighborhoods also place little emphasis on stocks and bonds. If somebody in your household, neighborhood, school, county is educating people on the importance of investing and the basis of stocks and bonds we would be able to break the cycle of ignorance to the subject. W: Have you had any success utilizing the stock market? E:​I’ve been using ​Robin Hood​, ​Stash​, and A ​ corns to invest in stocks for about a year and a half now. I’ve seen the most increase in acorns and overall i would say i gained more money in SMART, SAFE, LONG TERM investments than day trading stocks (rapid buy & sale) W: How do you determine who/what you want to invest in? E: ​RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. You have to be willing to read and pick the brains of the experts and companies. With prior knowledge, sprinkled with a bit of luck you’ll be earning in no time. W: Any other helpful tips or advice to share with our readers? E: ​Invest what you can afford to lose. Don’t get into stocks and investing for short term gain. Never be afraid or too shy to ask for help with trends, terminology or things your not grasping the concept of.

August 2019​ | 10

“Party” ​Video Shoot

August 2019​ | 11

Interview by Wade T. Dye Jr. Meet Tez The Don. Coming out of Inkster, Mi, Tez had to find a way to not get sucked into the streets but instead has found a way to propel his way into budding stardom. From the trenches all the way to the charts Tez shares with us his creative process, the impact his city has on his music, and advice for aspiring artists. Wade: When did you start making music? How did that come about? Tez The Don:​I come from a musical family. I first started rapping at about 9 years old after seeing how my family came together and made a project, I’m talking mom, dad, aunts, uncles and cousins, it was crazy but it was special. So then It was me and my homie perlee and our bestfriend Desmond was pounding on the school desk. The classroom would surround us and that’s when I knew I wanted to do this. I didn’t start recording myself until about 14. I started to take it very serious and told myself there is nothing else for me other than this around 16. It’s been life.

W: What impact does Inkster have on you as an artist? TTD:​Inkster is my heart. Inkster is a huge reason why I make music. Like everything you hear in my music from what I did, what I seen, and how I feel, all came from inkster. That city molded me into the man I am today and I just wanna be able to give back to it, make the necessary changes that could change the lives of the people that’s there day to day looking for that rare opportunity to be something. Nobody really makes it from here. I want to make this small town feel like, shit you made it if you here instead of feeling like, man I gotta get outta here. W: What separates you from other artists in the Metro Detroit area? TTD:​I think what separates me from them is the passion for this. I sometimes think they just rappin for a hobby. I don’t think they spend days, weeks straight in the studio. They got real shit in these streets that call for a majority of their time and attention whereas I slowed that street shit down and solely focused on this. That might be about it because other than that most of these artist be jammin and I fuck with they shit.

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W: Tell me a little about “The Price of Life. What’s your overall opinion? TTD: ​I think the price of life is my best project out of all the projects I’ve made in my life, and that's a good 7 projects. To me, every song on there is different than the one you hear before it and that was my goal. I wanted to, for myself, challenge myself to make a versatile but conceptual tape. I wanted it to feel like an album because it was that special to me knowing how I approached it and strategized for it. I didn’t do right by it as far as promotion but I still have plenty of time, as long as in the end it gets heard and received the way I prayed it would. It’s gon be really hard to put together something better than that but I’m working on it. I’m gonna take my time this time around. I might drop a couple EPs or even enough songs for a mixtape to hold people over until I tell them I have a project that I believe is better. That might be a while from now. W: Where do you get your video concepts? TTD:​After I complete the song I always sit with it for a couple days and just brainstorm ideas for a video. Then I write my ideas down scene by scene, all the things I’m gonna need, and then I search for locations. It usually comes to me fast thank God and I think that’s because I already have a vision as I’m creating the song I just can’t focus on it until I complete the song if that makes any sense.

W: How has the reception been from your single “Thank you K.Dot, Thank you Cole?” TTD:​U ​ nbelievable, before releasing it I felt like that song would be the one and it still has time to be so I’m working on it. I’ve been making sure it’s everywhere. I had a whole strategy, like I released it june 26th. Now listen, Cole is from Fayetteville which out there they tell you it’s the 2-6 so that’s where the 26th came from. With Kendrick, he was born in June, the 6th month of the year so it just all correlated to me. It only made sense to me that I dropped on a date that was relevant to them in some way. People hit me up everyday about the song telling me how much they appreciate it or how much they fuck with it and they don’t even know the strategy behind. I love that feeling. It makes me feel like I’m doing something right. W: Who are a few artists you’d like to work with? TTD:​If we talking industry I got a list. At the top of that list is Andre 3000, right behind him is Hov, Chris Brown. Then of course I want to work with Cole whether he produce my shit or rap on my shit. I’ve been tryna get my big bro Sean on some shit. I can feel it coming soon, I won’t speak too much on it though. If we talking local, I just fuck with the homies foreal I don’t really be tryna get anybody on my shit like that but I definitely get on

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everybody shit if they hit me about something. W: Do you plan on staying independent or are you looking for a record deal? TTD:​S​ taying independent would be lovely especially with all that I learned about this industry. If I had the proper resources I wouldn’t need anybody. I already do everything myself with literally not one other person doing anything to help so I can manage independence but if the deal makes sense I don’t see anything wrong with taking up on that offer, it just gotta make sense. It has to benefit both sides and I have to be able to learn something from it. W: What’s next for Tez The Don? TTD:​J​ust tryna make it to tomorrow. God is so good cause I’ve been in situations and positions that’ll make you think I ain’t even pose to be here. While I’m here though, I’m gonna continue to make music and put it out, I’m gonna do more traveling and performing. I'm definitely working on a lot of videos because a lot of my songs deserve visuals. I’m gonna make sure y’all see a lot of me. W: What advice do you have for aspiring artists? TTD: ​Sacrifice.​Understand that there’s gonna be a lot of times you want something and you’re not gonna get it without losing something, you gotta be willing to lose a lot of things, whether it be friendships, relationships, or habits and

hobbies you love. The sacrifices you make are gonna feel more expensive than any money you spend but it will be worth it. You’re gonna get a lot of that back and if it doesn’t come back it was never gonna understand you anyway. Another thing, patience. Understand that it’s not gonna happen overnight and if it does it won’t last. You gon miss 1000 times but as long as you keep swinging there’s a possibility that you connect. If you stop swinging you’ll obviously never connect. Lastly, don’t give any opinions of others power of your actions. Follow your heart. Your heart is never wrong. There’s definitely more things I can tell you like the dedication and hard work you have to have but if you not putting yo all into it already you in the wrong field my baby. So if you can apply those 3 things into your life on top of the obvious tendencies and characteristics you need to have, you’ll be fine.

August 2019​ | 14

MORE TEZ THE DON ! New!! ​But Wait, There’s More (2019)- ​ The Price of Life (2019)- ​ Northside Fantasy (2017) - h​ ttps:// The Crooked I (2017) - A Killas Pain (OfficialVideo) - God Is My Witness (Official Video) - ​ Thank You K.Dot, Thank You Cole - Yo Friends Wanna (Official Video) -

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Thank You I just wanna thank you if you made it all the way through. All ideas and feedback are always welcome. Please share with your friends. I hope you enjoyed this project. If you didn’t I wanna thank you for checking me out. This isn’t the last time you’ll hear of BAD ideas. I wanna give a special shoutout to everyone who played a role in making this so special. Thank you to everyone who shared my post not knowing what this would be but you believed in me anyway. I love y’all. Thank you. Contact Info: Email: ​​ | Phone: 313-421-1912

August 2019​ | 16

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