more than ever
“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” Thich Nhat Hanh
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Alexander Youth Network 2020-21 Board of Directors
Alexander Children’s Foundation 2020-21 Board of Trustees
Elvis Clemetson CTE
Chris Adams Wells Fargo Advisors
Alan Lochridge Wells Fargo
Bill Crowder Crowder Constructors
Will Barr Wells Fargo
Virginia Molan Wells Fargo
Dawn Davis Wells Fargo
Rick Beckman Vice Chair Bank of America, Retired
Sarah Pearce Community Volunteer
Debbie Dewitt-Green Wells Fargo Shannon Grant Wells Fargo Pete Kidwell Beacon Partners Kelly Koeninger Robinson Bradshaw Thomas Korona Keeneland Capital Chair
Wendy Bilas Community Volunteer Carla Carlisle TIAA Jennifer Cory Womble Bond Dickinson Ashley Cumberbatch US Bank Cameron Dayne Fifth Third Bank
Bryant Owens Wells Fargo Securities
Gaither Deaton Secretary
Shilpa Phillips Volvo Group of North America
Bill Fuller King & Spalding Chair
Scott Poole Ridgemont Group Anne Schleusner Community Volunteer Jeremy Swinson Wells Fargo Vice Chair
Matthew Greer JLL Greg Gruber Wells Fargo Greg Hill Tartan Builders Group
Curt Shaw Novant Health
Aleks Kopec King & Spalding
Craig Bass Alexander Youth Network
Al Lindemann FCA Partners
Kate Phillips Bank of America Jim Ratchford Wells Fargo Securities Geoff Rusnak Wells Fargo Anne Schleusner Community Volunteer Allan Schmitt Wells Fargo Securities Jeremy Swinson Wells Fargo Kevin Thalinger Bank of America Fidel Toney Wells Fargo Andy Young Morgan Stanley Craig Bass Alexander Youth Network Lynn Crutchfield Alexander Children’s Foundation
For the past 133 years, Alexander Youth Network has
We will be opening two new services in Guilford County to help
established itself as the leader in North Carolina serving
round out our service array. One, a Facility-Based Crisis (FBC)
children struggling with mental health challenges. This past
service, will serve children and adolescents in that region as
year has been unlike any other, not only for Alexander, but
an alternative to hospitalization. FBC offers 24-hour-a-day care
also for the world around us. Faced with a pandemic, social
to those who have escalated behavior due to mental illness,
unrest and a crashing economy, it was a challenging year that
substance abuse or intellectual/developmental disabilities.
brought many hard times as well as some blessings and new
The second service is an emergency facility for youth ages
opportunities. Alexander Youth Network is so grateful for the
10-17 who are in the custody of the Department of Social
donors, staff and leaders, and partners who came together
Services and who have mental health treatment needs for
and helped us survive and thrive in 2020.
whom placements have been disrupted creating the need for
Over the past year, we have been able to quickly adapt and continue to serve thousands of children and families across the state. Our commitment and ability to provide high quality
immediate, short-term care not requiring hospitalization. This service will help keep children stable and safe while identifying appropriate long-term treatment options.
treatment has remained steadfast. Due to the generosity of
With your support, encouragement, and financial investment,
several grantors, we were able to provide our clients with the
we emerged stronger and more adaptable. Your dedication to
technology they needed to stay connected with necessary
Alexander has allowed us to create opportunity in the midst
supports as well as enabled them to engage in telemedicine.
of crisis, hope in the midst of hopelessness. We are deeply
Our staff made the transition from in-person service delivery
grateful to all of you for the ways in which every aspect of
to virtual with ease and very little disruption.
the greater Alexander community came together in 2020
It is in difficult times we are most able to identify cracks in the system supporting families in need. This past year offered a
to bring hope to families at a time when hope is needed more than ever. Thank you!
unique opportunity to learn how to improve and grow as an organization able to handle any challenge thrown its way. It has been a time of action as well as reflection. Learning ways to adapt service delivery to meet every client where they were,
Thomas Korona, Board Chair, Alexander Youth Network
we sought to perfect what we have always done well--serve children with mental health needs. We remained a constant in our clients’ lives, delivering the kind of care and concern most needed during a uniquely difficult time. Our residential programs remained open and received new clients; our staff
Bill Fuller, Board Chair, Alexander Children’s Foundation
became more than just a therapist or a teacher, they became a lifeline to many of our clients and families. The social unrest in our country allowed Alexander to begin an open dialogue amongst our staff and senior management
N. Craig Bass, Chief Executive Officer, Alexander Youth Network
and to engage in truly thoughtful discussion and planning. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are priorities and Alexander is learning new ways to ensure these attributes are a cornerstone
Lynn Crutchfield, President,
of our workplace, both for our staff and the clients and families
Alexander Children’s Foundation
we serve.
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“The kids I am working with are really connecting to a new way of providing therapeutic supports. They show us how resilient they can be when given the right encouragement. Even after we can return to in-home work, we will use the lessons learned during this time.” Chris Brown Triad Intensive In-Home staff
Albert Einstein says “In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.” Throughout 2020, the staff and leadership at Alexander focused on the opportunities instead of conceding defeat to the challenges. With the same passion and commitment demonstrated in all aspects of their work, our staff faced every roadblock thrown their way with innovation and urgency. One example is Chris Brown, a member of our Intensive In-Home team in the Triad area. As safety protocols precluded in-home visits, Chris had to quickly create new ways to provide therapeutic supports and embraced the opportunity to make technology a powerful therapeutic tool. Working virtually with clients over the computer gave Chris a whole new menu of tools that he leveraged to increase engagement as well as treatment effectiveness. Chris watched his clients respond with enthusiasm to these new approaches. 4
Whether bringing in a kid’s favorite Star Wars character to the session via a creative screen background or using virtual games, like Jeopardy, to work on building life skills, Chris adapted his approach to each client’s unique needs and interests. He has been especially excited about some of the changes one of his teenage clients has made. This young man was able to finally recognize how some of the negative behaviors, so frequent in the past, were not helping him make the gains he wanted for his future. Through Chris’ use of a variety of media options that were now available during virtual sessions, this young man was able to make new connections in his thought processes that helped usher this breakthrough. This experience was not unique to Chris. Other Alexander staff found unexpected benefits in working virtually with clients. Outpatient therapists reported surprising therapeutic gains that might not have happened in the office setting. Whether because of the more casual environment or because clients have been able to share glimpses of their home in ways not possible before, therapists witnessed deeper sharing and enhanced therapeutic impact as a result. Day Treatment teachers and managers used resources like Google Classroom, DoxyMe, Facetime, and Zoom to learn more about our children’s strengths, weaknesses, and challenges outside of the classroom giving an unprecedented glimpse into what life is like at home allowing staff to better tailor services. And most importantly, staff across all programs have seen a significant increase in parent/guardian participation. Parents are actively scheduling one on ones with counselors and teachers, as well as joining Alexander organized community events.
When any of us face a crisis, we gain hope from knowing we have a support network standing behind us. It’s no different for our kids and their families. Wikipedia defines the “front-line” as a military term referring to the position(s) closest to the area of conflict. Our staff have been on the front-line in the battle to bring hope to families when they need it most and our volunteers and donors have been the reinforcements which make winning the battle possible.
“The heavy use of technology has let our kids play to their strengths but also challenge them. A virtual night offers parents/guardians a less formal way to engage with Alexander. Instead of a child and family team meeting, it lets us touch base with parents and kids with creating a community amongst all of our kids and parents.” Courtney Hayes Charlotte Day Treatment Teacher
Top to Bottom: Alexander Staff, our Frontline heroes in Community Based Services. Chris Brown, Triad Intensive In-Home, working virtually with a client.
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DOING THE MOST GOOD Thanks to an unexpected rain shower in October 2019, Alexander Youth Network has a new sports program to supplement the existing recreational therapies at our Charlotte campus. If it wasn’t for this rain shower, Larry Brown would not have been at the 2019 Dinner & Discussion event hosted by the Alexander Children’s Foundation. Due to his rained out weekly softball game, Larry was a last-minute addition as he joined his wife, Tracy, who was sharing about their family’s experience navigating the mental health system. As luck would have it, Larry was seated next to our CEO, Craig Bass, during dinner. Recently retired and in search of a meaningful way to “do some good,” Larry asked Craig what interest there might be in offering a physical education program for the kids in Charlotte’s residential and day treatment programs. He was talking to a receptive audience as Craig had run Alexander’s first sports program almost 40 years ago. Sadly, like many valuable ancillary services, Alexander had not been able to continue this program due to limited financial resources. As a lifelong lover of anything to do with sports and almost 20 years coaching and leading youth baseball and softball teams/leagues throughout Charlotte, Larry knew whatever “good” he would do must involve youth sports, which he considers a “need for kids, not a want.” And Alexander was the perfect place. Given his own family’s experiences with mental health treatment, he knew all too well how difficult it can be to access the needed care even in the best of circumstances. He couldn’t Top to Bottom: Larry Brown and Dan Vizzini share their love of sports with Alexander’s kids. Alexander’s brand new disc golf course—a huge hit with all the youth.
imagine the challenges faced by so many of the families we serve, who have neither the community nor financial support to offer their children the same kind of care without an organization like Alexander. This is where fate and good fortune collided. Not only did Larry have a passion for both youth sports and children’s mental health as well as a willingness to lend his resources to this cause, he had the ideal person to help make it happen. For at least 20 years, Larry had played softball with Dan Vizzini, a former professional baseball player, educator and athletic director. Dan left the non-profit world in 2014 after running youth sports programs, and creating adaptive sports programs for children with special needs. Dan was missing his work with kids and wanted to find the right place to get involved. Dan and Larry made the perfect match for Alexander and the kids we serve. Dan began his work at Alexander only 6 weeks before the pandemic hit and has managed to create and expand his programming despite COVID-19 restrictions. In addition to setting up an entire curriculum that includes all 78 kids on the Charlotte campus, he secured funding and volunteers to construct an 8-hole disc golf course along with all the requisite equipment. Dan saw disc golf as a way to introduce a completely new sport to the kids that would give them a quantifiable way to assess their individual progress and get them out of their comfort zone. Most of the kids we treat have not experienced much success, in the classroom or on the playing field, so finding a way for them to see improvement and gain confidence is critical to their emotional progress as well. Coach Dan has been an immediate “home run” on the Alexander campus. The teachers note a marked improvement in kids’ behaviors during class time as they don’t want to do anything that might cause them to miss sports class. For Larry and Coach Dan, there is a direct correlation between sports and life. Dan sees his new role as an opportunity to “teach kids how to lose with dignity, win with grace, accept your teammates and find some fun regardless of their ability.” The new sports education program has been a perfect “trifecta,” to use a final sports analogy: A generous individual finding
a charitable outlet that incorporates his passions, an educator finding a new outlet for his talents, and the kids of Alexander who are finding success and support in new ways every day. Thank you to Larry and Dan, as well as all our many volunteers at Alexander, for putting your talents and passion to work on behalf of the kids at Alexander.
2020 VOLUNTEERS AT-A-GLANCE 749 VOLUNTEERS served in creative ways, virtually when necessary, to support our kids and staff in a wide variety of ways including tutoring, mentoring, pen pals, and leading virtual extra-curricular activities
5,678 HOURS of volunteer time equaling
$154,442 of in-kind work
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Like so many other organizations, Alexander Youth Network relied on many different community partners, board members and donors to successfully navigate the hurdles of this past year. As Alexander adapted how it provided needed services to children and their families during the pandemic, we were fortunate to be the beneficiaries of much generosity from various grant sources: the United Way/FFTC COVID relief fund, Vanguard Charitable, Gaston County United Way, TIAA, Williams Foundation, Global Endowment Management and many more. Whether for “hero pay” for staff who remained on the front lines despite the threat of COVID to funds to help with pandemic-related special needs for our families, we could not have met the needs of our kids without these many partners. As programs moved from in-person, thriving connections to a landscape of virtual visits, telemedicine, and good old-fashioned letter writing in response to the pandemic, it took a tremendous amount of resources to ensure the agency and families were equipped to successfully navigate telemedicine. Funds from these grantors enabled Alexander to purchase over 125 laptops, tablets, and mobile internet devices in order to connect our children and families to our services. In addition to the generous donation of funds to purchase these vital devices, the Alexander IT department worked tirelessly to ensure all the devices were set up, connected and ready for use. Not only did they work with our clients, but they also made sure Alexander staff were able to do their jobs seamlessly from various remote locations across the state. They are truly the unsung heroes of Alexander. The generosity of the community did not stop there. Atlantic Packaging, Elevation Church, Carolina Mask Project, and Carolina Complete Health gave 8
much needed PPE so our direct care staff could continue to provide in-person service and care to our most vulnerable youth. We are so grateful to these organizations who provided the items essential to continuing all of our residential services.
You are never too young to lead the way giving. Grant, age 6, donated his allowance to support kids at Alexander.
Along with the tremendous support from our grantors, many, many, many donors stepped up to show their support. Hundreds of supporters purchased items from our Amazon critical needs list, donated gallons of hand sanitizer, gave generously of their dollars to support various programs, made masks for our children and staff, and continued to be champions of children struggling with mental and behavioral health challenges. We are so grateful for the outpouring of support from our board members and donors. 2020 was a year many would like to forget, but Alexander Youth Network feels blessed to have been able to continue to provide care to children who are struggling with mental and behavioral health challenges. A year like 2020 allowed us to grow and evolve and we were only able to do so by the coming together of so many friends, volunteers and supporters. It took a village in 2020 and we thank YOU, our village!
2020 GIVING AT-A-GLANCE 2019 Giving (ACF/AYN Combined) As one of the 125 families who received technology assistance, one family from a rural part of eastern North Carolina received a cell phone, mobile internet service, and a laptop. Prior to this, the client and his caregiver, who is an elderly grandparent, relied on an old cell phone that could not hold a charge unless plugged into the wall. It was the only thing linking
them to the outside world from their isolated home. While others might worry about how they were going to connect virtually to school or how they were going to be able to receive mental health treatment, this young client lived with the consuming fear of not being able to call for medical help if anything happened to his grandparent. The technology provided to this family, first and foremost, gave
Donors Current
this young man the assurance to know he could get help if it was needed. Once this overwhelming anxiety was lifted, this young man was able to focus on virtual school and therapy in ways not possible before. As the case worker was pulling away from the house after delivering these items and helping
“This has changed our lives. I really mean it…this has literally changed our lives.”
AVERAGE GIFT AMOUNT Sources of Giving Individuals
Corporations/ Organizations
Government Grants get everything set up and working, the young man ran out in the front yard to wave down the Alexander staff. With tears in his eyes, he had to let her know one more time what an impact this had made on his family. Repeating “thank you” multiple times, he
Foundations Trusts United Way
$2,022,788 $341,888 $46,340 $105,212
explained “This has changed our lives. I really mean it…this has literally changed our lives.”
$3,675,025 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T
I M PAC T T O DAY 5,354 children and adolescents received
Often when we face times of crisis or uncertainty, the natural tendency is to focus on preserving the status quo. Understandably so. Alexander’s greatest concern when the full impact of COVID became apparent was to ensure children, adolescents, and their families would continue to receive the mental and behavioral health treatment services they needed, especially considering
comprehensive mental health treatment as well as support for their families.
the circumstances. Because of the combined response of our dedicated staff, our talented volunteers, and our generous donors, Alexander was able to continue providing services without any interruption. While this would be a significant accomplishment on its own, Alexander has continued to look to the future and is taking the necessary steps today to better prepare for even greater impact tomorrow. We are thankful to partner with the community to bring hope in crisis today. And we are optimistic about the hope and healing possible for families tomorrow.
Alexander and its related organizations, The Relatives and Youth Focus, brought hope to 12,201 children and adolescents this past year.
of children in the residential program showed significant improvement in mental well-being
of children in Alexander’s residential program successfully transitioned to less restrictive housing
of children and adolescents who received Multi-Systemic Therapy remained in school or work at discharge
of children and adolescents who received Intensive Inhome treatment remained in school or work at discharge
children and adolescents received
children and adolescents
mental and behavioral health
received mental and
treatment in our residential
behavioral health treatment
treatment programs
through our communitybased services such as Multi-Systemic Therapy and Intensive In-Home
403 children and adolescents received therapeutic academic instruction in our 15 Day Treatment programs
3,590 children and adolescents received outpatient or school-based therapy
279 children and adolescents received services through our Therapeutic Foster Care program
I M PAC T TOMORROW As the mental health treatment landscape evolves in North Carolina, Alexander is looking to the future. We are excited about the steps being taken right now to position our agency to serve vulnerable families across the state with the highest quality treatment options that have proven results in the most cost effective manner.
The Collaborative Health Network Alexander is one of the founding members of The Collaborative Health Network, LLC (CHN), a providerowned, statewide network of North Carolina providers. The CHN was launched in 2020 and includes six providers who came together with the goal of improving the quality of care and consumer experience. CHN members work to improve patient care and decrease healthcare expenses by demonstrating value in the market while focusing on value-based care.
Facility-Based Crisis Services In 2020, Sandhills Center announced the selection of Alexander Youth Network to provide Facility-Based Crisis services at their newly constructed location in Greensboro, North Carolina. As the Local Management Entity-Managed Care Organization (LME-MCO) that manages public mental health services for the citizens of Anson, Guilford, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph and Richmond counties, Sandhills was seeking a provider with extensive experience working with children and adolescents with significant behavioral health needs as well as one committed to the needs of the local community. Alexander is excited about partnering with Sandhills to provide treatment for children and adolescents who are experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis and require an immediate placement alternative to hospitalization. Victoria Whitt, Sandhills Center’s Chief Executive Officer shares “Sandhills Center is proud of our expanded partnership with Alexander Youth Network. The addition of FacilityBased Crisis services will greatly enhance the existing crisis response service systems in the community, and will divert children and adolescents from hospitalizations and emergency departments, when appropriate.”
Visual-Based Electronic Health Record In its journey to build a value-based data management system, Alexander Youth Network has undergone a significant data-driven transformation in recent years. Launched in 2020, an enhanced electronic health record offers our staff a visual and person-centered workspace unlike anything else in the industry and better equips our clinicians to provide more effective treatment. Additionally, these technologic enhancements allows the organization to leverage dashboards which provide insight into our clients’ ability to access care, as well as strategically track client specific progress and overall effectiveness of service delivery. This ensures Alexander is providing the highest quality services to our families at the greatest value to those funding the services.
Through a partnership with Sandhills Center, Guilford County, Cone Health and Alexander Youth Network, construction is underway on the 16-Bed Facility Based Crisis Center for children and adolescents which is set to open in May 2021.
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DONORS OF ALEXANDER GARSED LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS The Garsed Legacy Society recognizes individuals who have included Alexander Youth Network in their estate plans. Mr. Richard B. Alexander III Mr. Ross A. Alexander Ms. Lemma M. Apple Ms. Isabell Arrowood Ms. Katherine C. Atkins Ms. Nannie M. Auten Ms. Margaret M. Barnhardt Ms. Nell V. Barnhardt
Ms. Emma K. Greene
Mr. William A. Robinson
Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O’Keefe
Mr. Collin C. Rose, Jr.
Mr. Horace L. Guiney Ms. Lucy C. Haddow Ms. Winnefred I. Harding Ms. Kathleen F. Harkey Mr. William P. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Heintze II Ms. Sarah S. Helms Mr. Jackson G. Henderson Ms. Mary Henderson Ms. Willis I. Henderson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sadler H. Barnhardt
Mr. David L. Hood and Ms. Beth Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Barnhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hormberg
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bass
Ms. Mary B. A. Howell
Ms. Catherine V. Baxter
Ms. Francis Hutchinson
Ms. Addie R. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Jamieson, Sr.
Mr. Frankie L. Berryhill
Ms. Belle W. Johnston
Ms. Faye W. Blanton
Mr. Michael Kahn
Ms. Sara B. Boyd
Ms. Doris B. Lane
Mrs. Anne Bridgeman
Ms. Ella M. Long
Mr. Fred A. Brumley
Mr. Billy D. Maddalon and Mr. Walter B. Shelley
Mr. Eva H. Burch Mr. Clarence W. Cain, Jr. Mr. James A. Caldwell Mr. William Caldwell Ms. Nella D. Cannon Ms. Virginia S. Carpenter Ms. Nora D. Chappell Ms. Evelyn B. Choate Ms. Lori T. Collins Ms. Rosalie V. Colton Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cook, Jr. Ms. Katherine B. Couch Mrs. Meredith L. Craig Ms. Peggy R. Crowder Mr. James C. Crowell, Jr. Mr. W. R. Cunningham Mr. H. F. Darsey Ms. Margaret W. Drumheller Mr. Edward T. Garsed Ms. Cecil W. Gilchrist Ms. Marjori W. Green
Ms. Helen H. Martin Ms. Cornelia S. McAlister Mr. Tim McFall Ms. Beulah Y. McGinn Ms. Margie M. McGowan Ms. Betty P. McKinney Ms. Gladys L. Melton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Moore, Jr. Ms. Virginia E. Moore Mr. Harvey Morris Mr. Jimmie W. Patton Mr. Roy R. Patton Mr. Marvin E. Pence Ms. Edna S. Plyler Ms. Ann J. Reed Mr. William H. Reed III Ms. Carolyn S. Robinson Mr. Clifton R. Robinson Ms. Gladys Robinson Ms. Virginia W. Robinson
Ms. Ellen L. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. W. Saussy, Jr. Mr. Harry Schaffer Ms. Eleanor Seegers Ms. Pearl M. D. Smith
MULTI-YEAR GIVING SOCIETY The Alexander Youth Network Multi-Year Giving Society continues to grow. Multi-year donors provide a stable future for the agency by pledging a five-year commitment at a leadership level.
Ms. Hazel M. Solomon Ms. Esther C. Stribling Mr. James W. Suber Mrs. Patricia Sweeney Ms. Ann E. Tate Ms. Elizabeth T. Tate Mr. and Mrs. George A. Terrell Ms. Ottie H. Todd
$25,000+ per year for 5 years
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crowder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lebda
Ms. Elizabeth A. Tolbert
$10,000 - $24,999 per year for 5 years
Mr. Harry L. Van Gorder
Mr. Thomas W. Korona
Mr. Ben T. Vernon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Middendorf
Ms. Rosalie T. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant H. Owens
Ms. Effie M. Wallace
Ann and Wellford Tabor
Ms. Oda B. Waters
Carolina CAT
Mr. Carleton N. Wilden Mr. Roger A. Dahnert and Ms. Nancy L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. William H. Williamson III Ms. Kate S. Winchester Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Winget Ms. Page C. Witherspoon Ms. Anna B. Wood Ms. Betty B. Wood Mr. Franklin Woodruff, Jr. Ms. Madeline H. Wyman
$5,000 - $9,999 per year for 5 years
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bilas Mr. Robert J. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Calton Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chesson Lynn and Elliott Crutchfield Mr. and Mrs. Ellis R. Davis
Mr. Marcus E. Yandle, Sr.
Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O’Keefe
Betty and Glen Robinson Endowment
Mr. Graeme M. Keith, Sr.
Robert H. & Margaret M. Gabriel Charitable Remainder Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ratchford
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Lochridge Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Simmons Carolina Green Corp.
$2,000 - $4,999 per year for 5 years
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Norris Mr. and Mrs. Keith Glen Pehl Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Poole Mr. Charles R. Price Mrs. Kathleen H. Price Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Thad M. Sharrett Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Storey Mr. Scott Suddreth Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Swinson Mr. and Mrs. Fidel Toney Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Young Bragg Financial Advisors
$1,000 - $1,999 per year for 5 years
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Abraham Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adelman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Alala III Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Alston, Jr. Mrs. Martha Ashworth Mrs. Amy Augustine Mr. and Mrs. John Baron Mr. and Mrs. Bradford P. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Henry Batten Mr. Ryan Beauchamp Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bleakney Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Bosek Mr. Daniel C. Boxer Ms. Brittany Brown Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown Dr. and Mrs. Rhett Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Bryson Dr. William P. Burgess and Mrs. Joan W. Martin
Ms. Kelly Cipriani
Ms. Susan Jamison
Ms. Marcey Selle
Mr. and Mrs. Braxton B. Comer
Ms. Christine P. Katziff
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Showalter, Jr.
Ms. Ashley V. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kenefick
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Copeland
Mrs. Sarah Kocmond
Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson P. Shuford
Ms. Jennifer Cory
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Latta
Mr. Brian Crowder
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Lindemann III
Mr. and Mrs. Otis A. Crowder
Mr. John B. Lipe
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Culpepper
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Littlefield
Mr. Cameron M. Dayne and Dr. Brittney Dayne
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. DeBoer Mr. and Mrs. Parshant Dhiman Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dickens Mr. and Mrs. David H. DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Campbell R. Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansson Ms. Darden Matthews Rev. and Mrs. Luke H. Maybry Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCready Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mermans
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Edwards
Mr. Douglas W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fertitta, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Molan
Ms. Elizabeth B. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Molan
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph B. Flippin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Moby Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frail
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Nance
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Niemann
Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin
Ms. Heather O’Brien
Mr. Reginald Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. O’Keefe
Ms. Jennifer L. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Olin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Pearce
Mr. John Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pink
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gruber
Dr. Glen Portwood and Dr. Sharon G. Portwood
Mr. Rockell N. Hankin Ms. Angie Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Spanheimer Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hecimovich Mr. Andre Hester Mr. Gregory P. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hinshaw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobson Mr. Jacob A. Horstman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hullinger Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Humble
Mr. Steve Cherok
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hunter IV
Ms. Ann Church
Mr. and Mrs. William Hyder Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Jamieson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Snipes Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Starr
Mr. Brandon H. Miller and Ms. Kelsey Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Halkyard
Mr. Christopher Small Mr. and Mrs. Matt Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. East III
Mr. and Ms. Manuel Guerra
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sistrunk III
Mr. Palmer Steel Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stevens Mr. Theodore C. Swimmer Mr. Christopher Tassy Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tennille Mr. John C. Tomsyck and Dr. Rebecca R. Tomsyck Mr. and Mrs. Nickolaos K. Tzefos Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Buren Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walger Mr. and Ms. Edward L. West Barnhardt Manufacturing Co. Capitala Investment Advisors, LLC McShane Partners Wealth & Investement Advisory Showalter Construction Company Trotter Company
Mr. and Ms. Jason A. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Chad Price Mr. Mike Ranson Dr. and Mrs. Brad H. Reddick Mr. and Mrs. Garry S. Rice Mr. Kevin M. Rich Mr. Mark Rigsbee Mr. and Ms. Keith Robelen Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sacco Blaine and Ann Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Scheurer Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schmidly Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schugel Mr. Larry Schwartz
2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ratchford
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bleakney
Ms. Kelly A. Koeninger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel S. Bollag
Mr. David R. Krug
Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Simmons
Mr. Daniel C. Boxer
Mr. Jonathan Labash
Mr. Scott Suddreth
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brinley
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Latta
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tilley
Ms. Brittany Brown
Mrs. Sandra Lazorcheck
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Winget
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown
Mr. John B. Lipe
Mr. and Mrs. Doug M. Brown
Mrs. Mary Lee Maag
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brydon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansson
$2,500 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. Will Barr
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Buchanan
Dr. William P. Burgess and Mrs. Joan W. Martin
$25,000 +
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Batten
Ms. Carla Carlisle
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo A. Brea
Mr. Steve Cherok
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crowder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Choka
Eddie and Frances Clark
Estate of Edward T. Garsed
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Danon
Mr. and Mrs. Braxton B. Comer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lebda
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dawson
Ms. Jennifer Cory
Mr. Patrick J. O’Leary
Alex and Christa Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Coss
Estate of Marcus E. Yandle, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donlon
Mr. W. Kirk Crawford
Mr. Brian Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Golbus
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. DeBoer
$10,000 - $24,999
Ms. Shannon I. Grant
Ms. Nancy W. Downing
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. East III
Ms. Andrea Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Heintze II
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Eubank II
Lynn and Elliott Crutchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hullinger
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Faris
Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lynch
Ms. Christine Feracco
Dr. Glen Portwood and Dr. Sharon G. Portwood
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Monroe
Ms. Elizabeth B. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Weston R. Garrett
Mr. Charles R. Price
Mrs. Barb Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Giardi
Mr. Mike Ranson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Poole
Mr. Reginald Grant
Dr. and Mrs. Brad H. Reddick
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Price
Mr. Martin E. Birnbaum and Ms. Roslyn G. Greenspon
Mr. and Mrs. Garry S. Rice
Our donors make a difference in the lives of children served by Alexander Youth Network across North Carolina. We are thankful for their generosity and recognize them for their gifts made from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020.
Mr. Thomas W. Korona Mr. and Mrs. Marty Middendorf Mr. and Mrs. Bryant H. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Trey Pearce Ann and Wellford Tabor
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schmidly Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adams General James F. Amos, USMC (Retired) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bass Mr. and Mrs. Rick Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bilas Mr. Bradford H. Boland Mr. Robert J. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Calton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chesson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fuller III Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Brad Heitman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hunter IV Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Kane Mr. Graeme M. Keith, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Lindemann III Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Lochridge
Mr. and Mrs. Thad M. Sharrett Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sifford, Sr. Mr. Palmer Steel Mr. John C. Tomsyck and Dr. Rebecca R. Tomsyck
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Greer Mr. John Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. William C. Grubb Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gruber Mr. and Ms. Manuel Guerra
Mr. and Mrs. Fidel Toney
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Watson
Mr. Rockell N. Hankin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hansen
Ms. Darden Matthews Mr. Brandon H. Miller and Ms. Kelsey Webb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Miralia Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Molan Mr. and Mrs. Moby Moore Mr. and Mrs. David H. Nance Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Olin Ms. Elizabeth G. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. George Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pink Mr. and Mrs. Walker L. Poole
Mr. Kevin M. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robson Mr. and Mrs. D. Edwin Rose Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sacco Blaine and Ann Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Scheurer Mr. Curt Shaw
Ms. Angie Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson P. Shuford
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Harris III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sinsheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Spanheimer
Mr. Christopher Small
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Abrams
Mr. Andre Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Almond
Mr. Gregory P. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Snipes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bange III
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Snow
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Barnhardt
Mr. and Mrs. William Hyder
Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Starr
Mr. and Mrs. John Baron
Ms. Susan Jamison
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stenerson
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford P. Barry
Estate of Belle W. Johnston
Mr. Jim Stenson
Mr. Ryan Beauchamp
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stovall
Ms. Mary L. Birch
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kenefick
Mr. and Mrs. John Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Blair
Mrs. Sarah Kocmond
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thalinger
Mr. and Mrs. Nickolaos K. Tzefos
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson Glasgow, Jr.
Ms. Anna Bitner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Buren
Ms. Debbie Reynolds
Ms. Tammy Golder
Mr. Shem K. Blackley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walger
Ms. Sylvia Ruff
Mr. Ken Golder
Mr. James A. Blanchard III
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ryan
Mr. Manuel M. Gomez
Mr. and Ms. Edward L. West
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. W. Saussy, Jr.
Ms. Jerredith Green
Mrs. J. K. Blanchard and Mr. Gregory S. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams III
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schugel
Mr. Jeff Haas
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Williamson III
Ms. Wendi Schweiger
Mr. Charles L. Hite, Jr.
Mr. Daniel Willis
Mr. Christopher Serven
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hough
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Marc H. Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrew Kromer, Jr.
$500 - $999
Mr. Jason J. Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Lash, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan J. Abshire
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Swinson
Mrs. Julie Lavitt
Ms. Shelli C. Alexander
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Temple
Mrs. Tara G. Lebda
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Althouse, Jr.
Mr. David F. Tracy
Ms. JoAnn Lett
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Bailey
Mr. Marc Tunick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Mark
Ms. Jill Balick
Mr. John Viccellio
Ms. Melissa McDonald
Mr. Joseph Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wall
Mr. Jonathan McLester
Mr. Alfred Bell
Mrs. Vicki Wilson-McElreath
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Mihalick
Ms. Sonia Cleven
Ms. Katherine C. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. C D. Miller
Mr. Drew Coholan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Young
Mr. Douglas W. Miller
Ms. Kaila Cole
Ms. Eileen F. Blanchette Ms. Margaret L. Blanks Mr. Barry L. Bobrow and Ms. Karen Knoble Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bodien Ms. Brittney Bray Mr. Conor Brennan Mr. Charles Brickner Ms. Marjorie Bridges Ms. Stephanie Broadnax Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brooks Ms. Leitha Brown Ms. Shalia C. Brown Ms. Kim M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brown, Jr. Ms. Shanta Brown
Ms. Michele Mistretta
Ms. Jennifer B. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ceasar Cone III
$250 - $499
Mr. Charles Montgomery
Ms. Ashley V. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Addison
Mr. Richard Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dorsey
Mr. John W. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Nauck
Mr. and Mrs. Gray Dyer
Dr. and Mrs. John Allbert
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Pehl
Mr. Lex Erwin
Mr. Gladimir Ambroise
Dr. and Mrs. Adam Perrow
Dr. Erika Gantt
Ms. Penny Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ravin
Mr. Aaron Gillespie
Mrs. Yedi Berryman
Ms. Danielle Squires
Dr. Herb Greenman
Ms. Jaime Boast
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Thomas, Sr.
Estate of Kathleen F. Harkey
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Buelow
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Trotter
Ms. Kelly Haseley
Mr. Brent Bundon
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Tuck
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. William Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Humble
Ms. Peggy Calame
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. Caldwell III
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lackey
Ms. Sandra Carlson
Ms. Melissa G. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Leonard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Carlton
Mrs. Jennifer Lewis
Mr. Paul Carpenter
$1 - $249
Mr. and Mrs. Luther A. Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Carson
Mr. Larry F. Abernathy
Mr. Hugh M. Lynch, Jr.
Mr. John Causey
Ms. Margaret Alden
Ms. Julie Maloney
Mrs. Jane W. Clapp
Ms. Beth Altmix
Ms. Olivia J. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Copeland
Mr. Dick Ammen
Mr. and Mrs. Sean McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cullon
Mrs. Martha Ashworth
Jim and Kelly McPhilliamy
Ms. JoAnn Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Ault
Mr. and Ms. Paul Menconi
Miss Carrie Day
Ms. Pamela Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Moyers
Mrs. Deborah DeWitt-Green
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Blake O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dolan
Mr. Tory Barbisan
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Osherow
Ms. Meredith Dunne
Ms. Jade Barner
Mr. Alexander Papson
Mr. and Mrs. Melton Ellerby
Mr. Jeff Beaty
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Parkin
Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Farmer
Ms. Kalani Beaty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parks
Mr. Thomas M. FitzGerald
Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Benton
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Perrine
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gakenheimer
Ms. Tarra Bethea
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Bryan Ms. Michele Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bryant Mr. Chris Buckley Mr. Rob Burbank Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Burchette Estate of Patricia A. Caddell Mr. Pete Calame Ms. Maria Calame Mr. Daniel Capek Ms. Caroline K. Capps Ms. Rebecca Chaffin Mr. and Mrs. John M. Childress II Mr. and Mrs. William Clark Ms. Lindsey Clark Mr. Murphy Clark Mr. Dumont Clarke Ms. Kaitlyn Cofty Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Cohn Mr. Wes Colerider Ms. Sharin Collins Mr. Michael Connolly Ms. Nici Conroy Ms. Ellyn Cooley Mrs. Latonya F. Cooley Ms. Mona Cooper Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Craig Ms. Susie Culp Mrs. Genevieve Cummings
2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Czaniecki
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss
Mr. Kevin Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Przymusinski
Ms. Sonia Dalton
Ms. Kathryn Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Adam S. Levy
Ms. Joan Rasmussen
Ms. Betty Daniel
Mr. William J. Haughey
Mrs. Renae Lindstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Ratchford
Mr. Charlie Daniel
Mr. Jordan Hay
Ms. MaryBeth LippSmith
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rivera
Ms. Faye Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. David Head
Ms. Ellice J. Liss
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rohe
Ms. Keyanta Dargan
Mr. Charles Held, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Lochridge
Ms. Robyn Roof
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Davidson, Jr.
Mr. John Helms
Mr. John J. Locke
Ms. Teresa C. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Davis
Ms. Tammie Hicks
Ms. M. Logsdon
Ms. Maureen Roudabush
Mrs. Maria E. DeMayo
Mr. Kevin Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Damaso Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Sawyer
Mr. Brian Dennis
Mr. David L. Hood and Ms. Beth Davis
Ms. Joanne Mackey
Ms. Patricia A. Schafran
Mr. Chris Mackey
Mrs. Laurie Schmidt
Mr. Dan Mackey
Mr. Wayne Schmidt
Mr. Tim Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Schmieding
Mr. Richard Magrath
Ms. Elizabeth Schneider
Mr. Edward Mahrlig
Ms. Marie Scholz
Ms. Dana Maki
Mrs. KarenLee Seifert
Ms. Kandis Malone
Ms. Stacey Selkin
Ms. Geraldine Mando
Ms. Marcey Selle
Mr. and Ms. Gary Maniloff
Mr. Graham Shannonhouse
Ms. Maria Mariani
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Shay
Ms. Kathrine Mason
Dr. William R. Shipley
Mr. David Mathews, Jr.
Mr. Patrick L. Sims
Ms. Sarah McCauley
Ms. Brit Skeele
Mr. Franklin McClelland
Stacey and Ira Slomka
Mrs. Donna McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Smith
Ms. Kim K. McMillon
Mr. and Ms. Marc L. Smith
Ms. Anna Meadows
Mr. David Solar
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Melando
Ms. Allison Sprock
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Merritt
Ms. Alyssa Sprowl
Mr. Jeff Milcarek
Ms. Rosalind Stanford-McCarty
Ms. Becky Miller
Ms. Teresa Starr
Mr. Matt Minoff
Ms. Donna L. Steed
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moniz
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stevens
Mr. Richard D. Moody
Ms. Ashley Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Morrice
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Stokes
Ms. Courtney Moser
Ms. Kim Stringer
Ms. Ashley Moss
Mr. John A. Summerford
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Mountcastle
Ms. Caroline Swinson
Ms. Tola Mueller
Mr. Stan Swinson
Ms. Margie Peavy Mullis
Ms. Toccoa Switzer
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nalibotsky
Mrs. Allison J. Tack
Ms. Stephanie Newman
Mr. Steven Taylor
Ms. Vickie O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Dave R. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Owens
Mrs. April Tegeler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palermo
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Perlik
Ms. Martha C. Thorne
Ms. Sandra Y. Pizarro
Mr. Vint Tilson
Mr. and Ms. William H. Platts, Jr.
Mr. Miguel Toney
Mrs. Jennifer Plummer
Mr. Charles Trexler III
Mr. Robert B. Pope
Ms. Melissa Vance
Ms. Jenee Priest
Ms. Christine Vanderbur
Ms. Lisa DeVerna Mrs. Hannah Dickerson Mr. Paul Donovan Mr. Dale Dorsey Ms. Dorothy B. Dudley Ms. Christie Dugle Mr. Jason Dummert Mr. Brett A. Dupree Ms. Virginia Edahl Ms. Barbara Edelman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Edwards Ms. Bess Ehmcke Ms. Sherry Ellis Ms. Lauren Faleski Ms. and Mr. Sharon L. Fargian Ms. Whitney Feld Ms. Julissa Fernandez Mr. Scott Fligel Ms. Lakeesha Ford-Strange Ms. Lisa Forster Mr. and Mrs. Eric Foster Dr. and Mrs. David J. Framm, M.D. Mr. Collin Franceschi Mr. Derek Fricke Mr. Steven Friedman Mrs. Emilia Fudge Mr. and Mrs. Craig Fulton Mr. Ram Gandhimathinathan Ms. Darcy Garfinkel Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Gatrell Ms. Sheri Geraghty Mrs. Mary M. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Goodwin Ms. Emily Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Ike Grainger Ms. Julia Greer Ms. Leeann Gregson Mr. and Mrs. Chester S. Gurski Mr. Joseph F. Hallow III Ms. Jonae Hanna Mrs. Maureen Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Horn Mr. Thomas Hughes Mr. Jonathan Hukill Mrs. Mary Alice Ipock Mr. Paul Jachim Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jackson II Mr. Anthony Jenkins Mr. Andrew Jenkins Ms. Danita Johnson Mr. Jim Johnson Mr. Kevin Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Darwin R. Johnson Ms. Sally Jordan Mrs. Jennifer Judd Mr. Seth E. Katz and Dr. Crystal Katz Ms. Judith Keck Ms. Beverly Keller Ms. Veronia Kelly Ms. Malinda Kerns Mrs. Lisa Keys-Blair Ms. Colleen A. Kidd Ms. Nora King Ms. Jeanine Kingeter Ms. Lauren Kingsley Ms. Kirky Kirsten Ms. Sara Kiser Mr. Jeffrey Kneisl Ms. Deborah Knight Mrs. Carol Korona Ms. Debra Krause Ms. Caroline Lamm Mr. and Mrs. Angus M. Lander Ms. Sibyl Langley Mrs. Carole S. Lash Ms. Sharon Lathan Mr. Jeffrey Layman Ms. Stephanie Lee Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lee Mr. George A. Leventis
HHC Investments Charitable Remainder Trust
Hood Hargett & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Tom Wetsel
In 2020, generous charitable contributions from the following institutions made a difference in the lives of children and their families served by Alexander.
Mrs. Mary Lauren Wiggs
Action Plus
Ms. Katherine Williams
Allegacy Benefit Solutions LLC
Mr. Roger A. Dahnert and Ms. Nancy L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Willis
Alston & Bird, LLP
Ms. Chelsea Walizer Ms. Anne Washington Ms. Laylah Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Welton
Ms. Faith Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David W. Winslow
Ally Financial Inc. AmazonSmile Foundation
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Foundation of Charlotte, NC JLL
Kids R Kids Lake Norman Laxer, Long & Savage DDS, PLLC. Liberty Mutual Foundation Lions Club - Charlotte Southern
Ball Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Worrel
Bank of America
Minor Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jim Wortley
Bank of America Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Optima Engineering, PA Paw Creek Presbyterian Church
Philadelphia Presbyterian Church
Barnhardt Manufacturing Co.
Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church
Beacon Partners Berkeley Capital Advisors Betty and Glen Robinson Endowment BlackArch Partners LP Bragg Financial Advisors Cadwalader, Wickershanm & Taft Capitala Investment Advisors, LLC Captrust Advisors/Mike and Betsy Blair
Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church Matthews Specialty Vehicles
Crossroads Consulting, LLC Crowder Construction Company DeBerryTree Marketing
Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church Sharon Presbyterian Church
Sonic Automotive Speedway Children’s Charities St. Gabriel Catholic Church Synchrony Financial Tartan Builders Group, LLC The Dickson Foundation The Leon Levine Foundation
Duke Energy Foundation Matching Gifts Program
The Merancas Foundation The Trexler Foundation
Eleanor & James Barnhardt Foundation
TIAA Financial Services
Element Chiropractic
TIAA-CREF Community Relations/ Employee Giving
Extended Stay America, Inc.
F3 Nation
United Healthcare
FM Global Foundation
United Way of Central Carolinas, Inc.
Global Endowment Management, LP
United Way of Central Carolinas, Inc/FFTC Covid Relief Fund
Helen June Studio, LLC
Youth Opportunities Endowment
Scout & Molly’s Boutique - South Park
Duke Energy Corporation PAC
Harris Teeter Together in Education
Winton Products Company, Inc.
Rodgers Builders, Inc.
Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation, Inc.
Christ Presbyterian Church
Wilson Family Foundation
Ranger Construction
Carolina CAT
Christ Church Charlotte
Williams Foundation
Quicken Loans - Jonathan Smart’s Team
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women
Carolina Green Corp.
William Blair
Proudtree Empowered Learning Inc.
CAPTRUST Community Foundation Carolina Complete Health
Vanguard Charitable
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
King & Spalding LLP
Mr. and Ms. Erik Woerner
Barnhill Family Foundation
US Bank Foundation
Wells Fargo Advisors - Ratchford Wealth Management Group
Kian Capital
Mr. Stephen A. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Younis
United Way of Metropolitan Nashville
Vanguard Matching Gift Program
Kendra Scott Design, Inc.
American International GroupMatching Grants Program
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Young
United Way of Gaston County
United Way of Forsyth County
2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T
Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Consolidated Financial Results for Alexander Youth Network and Related Organizations Revenue, Gains, Losses & Other Support Service Revenue (Medicaid, Insurance, etc) Government Grants Private Contributions Investment Income (Loss) Change in Value of Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trusts Other Income Total Revenue
$24,203,242 $3,998,887 $3,976,542 $1,037,688 $508,234 $246,067 $33,970,660
Expenses Program Expenses General and Administrative Advancement Total Expenses
$28,304,299 $2,914,873 $1,374,061 $32,593,233
Net Revenue
2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T