Annual report avsi 2012 eng

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education is one of the priorities for the international community and it is considered to be intertwined with health care, sustainable development and employment. education is a fundamental right of every child and adult, as acknowledged in various international declarations.

The social and educational field is the largest for AVSI Foundation. It includes activities of sheltering, family support, primary and secondary pre-school education, informal education, educational quality, maternal and women’ skills quality, childhood care and protection, civil society organizations and solidarity networks support, reconstruction of intra-community relations in conditions of vulnerability and post-war scenarios, and special attention to people with disabilities. Rather than with an easy-charity approach, projects are carried out with a focus on education by valuing the person who learns from past and shared experiences, who is ambitious and ignites the spark of development. every year, AVSI educational projects include more than 90,000 children and families, of whom 7,000 are involved in early childhood programs through nursery and kindergarten activities and about 20,000 children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years of age through informal educational, remedial and post-class activities. Furthermore, training courses for teachers, educational instructors and case workers (18,000 of them have been trained on the multi-language manual on the “The risk of education”; 20,000 of them benefited from the kampala Permanent Centre for education).

social and educational

highlights uGAndA: the Meeting Point International (mPi) in collaboration with the Permanent Centre for education has built an advanced educational center through luigi Giussani High School where 600 boys and girls can study thanks to the Distance support Program. This quality school was created thanks to the collaboration of the mPi women and their director Rose Busingye, who hand make over 300,000 necklaces distributed by the aVsi Point friends. __________________ HAITI: Two years after the earthquake 16 facilities have been inaugurated: 9 schools, one educational center, one handicraft workshops and 5 nutritional centers, where youth and mothers are assisted on an educational path. These works were built with the different partners and described in the new book “diario da Haiti”, edited by luca Sanfelici and published by random House. __________________ deMOCrATIC rePuBlIC OF THe COnGO: schooling to more than 32,000 children has been provided through the “Back to School” program in partnership with unICeF. __________________ SOuTH SudAn: Co-leader of the education Cluster with unICeF for the reconstruction of education services in the country. __________________ MIddle eAST: schooling to Palestinian and Iraqi refugee children as well as to Syrian refugees. __________________ BrAzIl: distance training to 100 educational instructors in partnership with 10 local partners in 7 cities. __________________ BrAzIl: sports activities for 5,000 youth to develop talents and promote social participation, with FIAT Brazil, the administration of Betim, minas Gerais and the Inter-American development Bank (BiD).

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