Suzete P. de M. Neta1*; Ana C. B. Doi1*; Vivian I. Vieira2*; Renata B. M. S. Souza3; Ananda P. Felix4*; Simone G. de Oliveira5*
1Graduate in zootechnics
2Doctoral in zootechnics (PPGZ)
3 Doctoral in veterinary sciences (PPGCV)
4Associate professor
5 Adjunct professor
*Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba/PR, Brasil

Kate Barger Weathers, DVM KB Welfare Consulting, LLC

Sandro Cerrate Credinser LLC, Madison, AL

BioZyme Technical Team

Juan Carlos López, MVSc, PhD Technical Manager, Poultry Central America, Caribbean and Ecuador, MSD Animal Health

Mercedes Vázquez-Añón Novus Technical Team

Gene Pesti1,2 , Lynne Billard2 and Edgar Oviedo3
1University of Georgia
2Poultry Hub Australia
3 North Carolina State University

Evelien Germeraad

Juan D. Latorre1 , Sakine Yalçin2 , Guillermo TellezIsaias1 , Hafez M. Hafez 3 et al.
1Department of Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, U.S.A.
2Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ankara University, Turkey
3 Institute of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón1 and H. John Barnes2
1Prestage Department of Poultry Science
2College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Luis Carrasco
+34 605 09 05 13
Adoración Guerrero Guzmán
+34 664 66 06 05
+57 312 391 9330
Nicole Carletti Ramírez avinewslatam@grupoagrinews.com
Mercé Soler
José Luis Valls
Osmayra Cabrera
María de los Angeles Gutiérrez Nicole Carletti Ramírez
Héctor David Corredor Martínez
Edgar Oviedo

Luis Carrasco lc@agrinews.es
+(3 4) 605 09 05 13
Adoración Guerrero Guzmán
int@grupoagrinews.com +(3 4) 66 4 66 06 05

Kate Barger Weathers, DVM
KB Welfare Consulting, LLC
1Mee JF, Geraghty T, O’Neill R, More SJ.
Bioexclusion of diseases from dairy and beef farms: risks of introducing infectious agents and risk reduction strategies. Vet J. 2012 Nov;194(2):14350. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2012.07.001. Epub 2012 Oct 26. PMID: 23103219; PMCID: PMC7110757

2BirdCast: https://birdcast.info/

3Time and Temperature Requirements for heat winactivation of pathogens to be applied to swine transport trailers. )AASV, 2021: https://www.aasv.org/shap/issues/v29n1/v29n1p19.html(

Sandro Cerrate Credinser LLC, Madison,