Water Journal August 2005

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for the involvement of 'uncooperative elements', involving all stakeholders in an active, expanding man ner should lead to stimulation of in terest in the issues relating to warer management with a resultant increase in understanding and appreciation of the issues at hand. Water agencies do not have control or ownership of all people and things (assets) that impact on sustainable water management; therefore a governance framework - including the commu nity mode of governance - has significant potential fo r a more sustai nable water future.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge rhe financial support of the Australian Research Council (p rimary author) and the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment. T he participation of the case study interviewees is also gratefully appreciated. Interaction with Water Services Association of Australia members during rhe Centre for Water and Waste Technology-led project "Methodology fo r Evaluating the Overall Sustainability of Urban Water Systems" also benefited chis paper.

The Authors Daniel Livingston is a PhD candidate, and Cooperative Research Centre for Water Q uality and T reatment scholarship holder. Daniel is studying at the Un iversity of New South Wales School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Email: daniel@civeng.unsw.edu.au; Nyree Stenekes is a Ph D cand idate, and Cooperative Research Centre fo r Water Q uality and Treatment scholarship holder. Nyree is studying externally through the University of New South Wales School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Email: n.stenekes@unsw.edu.au; David Waite is Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and D irector of the Centre for Water and Waste T echnology (CWWT) at the Un iversity of New South Wales. Email D.Waite@unsw.edu.au; Nicholas Ashbolt is Professor and Head of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales. Email N.Ashbolt@unsw.edu. au; Hal Colebatch is Associate Professor of the Department of Publ ic Policy and Administration, University of Brunei Darussalam. Email: hal@fbeps.ubd.edu.bn

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