ISSUE8 Child Entertainer's Issue

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We are happy to present our first animated DVD. Happy Hands Learn to Count DVD. A true labor of love paired with a passion to teach our youth. More information is available at our website, m

Featuring Anya Hudock, King, Faith McCullough, Azton, Honey Azul Williams, Victoria Phelps, Cisco Anderson, Michael Patrick, Napoleon Patrick, myself Radford Baker and more.

Victoria Phelps

Radford Baker

Original music and scoring by Conductor Main.

Autumn was born and raised

in Baltimore, Maryland. From a young age she always expressed an interest in entertaining. Autumn loves the spotlight and will make a stage anywhere she can.

Her infectious smile, spunky attitude, great memory, and bold confidence make her unforgettable. Her wit and charm will have you laughing or asking yourself, “Did she just say that?� Autumn is always singing, dancing, acting, and putting on shows for family, friends, and even strangers. Her signature style is her hair bows. She is known for having cute and elaborate hair bows, which often serve as a conversation piece for strangers.

She has performed at school events, church events, and local fashion shows. She has filmed print ads and commercials. Autumn continues to take classes in etiquette, performing arts and dance. Beautifully put by her mother that handles her career. Autumn's extensive resume includes big named clients like Belk department store, and Navy Federal Credit Union. A all around entertainer, Autumn not only acts and models but she also sings, dances and tumbles. Keep a look out for this talented beauty.

Out with the Old, In with the New!

By: Mike Pat

G rowing up many are conditioned to look at the world from someone else's perspective, i.e. parents, teachers, relatives, media ect. Many times these world views are often safe, non-challenging and most importantly outdated. Its like having an science book from 1850 and still teaching the youth only from that book when we know then much more relative information has been discovered.

As a child we are naturally adventurous, risky, free and in a state of

learning. The more time goes by through constant conditioning one becomes, boring, safe, mentally imprisioned and more complacent with what they think they know of the world enabling one to learn and except new ideas.

The problem with continuing this viscous cycle and teaching our children old curriculum is that we live in a new world, were most old ideals will no longer serve us. To all the children out there stay free, stay inquisitive, stay creative, be balanced, keep learning and thinking of ways to contribute to a rapidly changing world.

Mark your territory in the new world!


Azton Child Actor & Model


Azton has been acting and modeling all his life. Winning his first pageant at the tender age of 4 months. A native of charlottesville Virginia, he current resides in the Richmond Virginia area. He has been featured in several magazine's, print Ad's, smaller roles on TV and independent films. You can spot Azton on the "Happy Hands Learn to Count DVD" as both an on camera actor and voice over talent. In his spare time he enjoys drawing and writing stories. He plans to release his first book of art later this year. Azton's photography has been published 3 times in various magazine's. He also dabbles in video, producing a few shorts clips. Azton has two younger brothers and a younger sister, pictured above in a magazine article.


Company Christmas AD with siblings School Artwork School Artwork Photography by Azton



COVER STORY Anya is a buoyant, bubbly ball of energy. We had the pleasure of working with her on the Happy Hands Learn to Count DVD. While onset Anya exuded total professionalism and enthusiasm. Anya has plenty of on camera experience, so we asked her to share with ATHMM readers her experiences in the entertainment industry from a child's point of view. Q & A: Q: What made you want to presue a career in the entertainment business? I was told often by friends and family since I was very small that I should be a comedian and actress, they thought I was very funny and people often told my mom that, “I cracked them up!� I must say her friends and family had it right. While reviewing her footage the staff was laughing from her dancing and expressions. Q: Who encourages you? My mother and father mostly encouraged me, as well as, family and friends. Q: How old were you when you booked your first gig, paying or nonpaying? I was 7 years old when I booked my first gig. I had my first two paying gigs within two days of each other, it was very exciting and each was very different. Q: Tell us a time when you messed up on a gig and how you reacted? I got nervous on stage in a theater performance, but snapped out of it quickly. Q: What is your style? My style is silly, funny confidence with a touch of sweetness.


COVER STORY Q: When creating what puts you in the mood? I like to write music on the bus to and from school, I have friend who shares the same interest and we sit together on the bus. Q: Who do you compare yourself to? I compare my music to my friend’s music, she likes to write as well. Q: So far what is your career highlight? The highlight of my career so far was my very first job this past summer. I worked on a multi million dollar estate and my mom and I were in a real estate commercial/short film advertisement as the family that owned the home and lived there. They will use this film to sell the property on international websites. There were fireworks, horses, and a pool. I got paid to swim, play, and act out holidays. It was a beautiful place to spend a few days! Q: What was the hardest part of your career and how did you recover? The hardest part of my career so far was two days after working on a gorgeous estate, I shot something for a t.v. show on a farm/in a house the wasn’t very clean in parts. I shot something for a t.v. show on a farm/in a house the wasn’t very clean in parts. I got through by just overlooking it and my mom helped me find the cleanest spots. Every job is different, that is what is fun and there are positive things at every job. I just do what I have to do to get through it and try to be positive. Q: A few pointers about breaking into the biz: My mother is in the business so that helps, they tend to want real families for commercials we have found and that is how I got my first job. Get into community theater to practice and meet others in the business and take acting lessons as well as singing lessons if you can. Talk to those you meet/network on set or in community theater when you have a break and always



be kind and professional. My mother and I have learned a lot just from others we meet who have the same interests. Get involved with activities and people who share the same interests. Also, check out casting sites on the internet in your area, you may need to do some things at first without getting paid to build your resume. Put together a resume even if you just have a few things to put on it. You can start with an instrument you play and school activities, productions, awards and even things like if you can pogo stick or use a scooter. It is amazing how quickly it will fill up and stick with it, don’t give up or get down if you don’t get a part. Many times it is just a look they are looking for and it may not be you at that time. 3 things to do: Be professional, be on time, and be prepared! The 3 things NOT to do: If you don’t like something just keep it to yourself. Don’t be late. Don’t get down if you don’t get the part. Unknowns about me: I won a big swimming championship in the Jefferson Swim League this past summer in both freestyle and backstroke races, competing against about 100 girls my age. A recent design of mine got chosen to be put on a t-shirt for our school field day coming up soon. (above) I write music and love to sing. Q: How can fans keep up with you? You can find some of my videos on YouTube under AJAC9000. My mom has some still to upload. You can also find me on YouTube if you type in “Castle on a Cloud Anya”. I am right now the third one down in a purple shirt.


Faith McCullough is a 9 year old young lady with many talents and she has a passion for the spotlight. She has performed and modeled in major productions and has worked with a diverse set of production teams. Faith continues to craft her talents through continuous training in drama, dance and modeling. Faith is very athletic. She is an experienced swimmer and has enjoyed being in the water since a toddler. Faith has played soccer and basketball for over 4 years at Our Lady of Victory School. She has also played basketball for Baltimore County Recreation Centers and has one year experience playing AAU Basketball. Faith is also a novice tennis player, softball player and gymnast. Faith Attends the Baltimore Actors’ Theatre Academy to train in music, drama and dance. A regular for God's Girls Dance Ministry, Our Lady of Victory Dance Club and Our Lady of Victory Drama Academy. Performing is in her blood. Faith shines on the screen as she stars in several on camera roles for the Happy Hands Learn to Count DVD. In addition she was the voice over talent for two of the cartoon segments and sang on two of the songs for the DVD and CD.




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