A Brighter Day Issue7

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Mike Pat has been training, Modeling and Acting. More to come from him in 2015.

Q & A

The beautiful and upbeat Reya Lib

with..... When did you first realize that you wanted to be in the entertainment/media field? High school Did anyone encourage you along the way (family, friends, mentor,ect)?My mom thought I should model but all I heard was "go to a trade school because ya know..that isn't a profession". And how so? If not, where did you pull inspiration from? Strong female figures that didn't take no for an answer, i.e. Madonna. How old were you when you officially booked your first gig, paying or non paying?

I froze during an audition.... I picked up and kept going. How old were you when you officially booked your first gig, paying or non paying? High school Tell us of a time you may have messed up during a gig? (could be on stage, on set, filming, ect) I froze during an audition. How did you recover? Picked up and kept going. How would you explain your swag/style. Witty, sarcastic always have a quick return. Fast on my feet and everything is funny. I find that is why people are drawn to me. My friends tell me they love that my "inside voice" always becomes my "outside voice". If it's rolling around my head it comes out & I take nothing from anyone, not a pushover. Physically my hair & height I am hard to not notice. I do keep it classy and have a moral compass. When you are creating, what puts you in that mood? (certain music, atmosphere, ect) Music...high energy people, positivity!! Who do you compare yourself to? Famous, well my friends say Beyonce (so biased) I like her faith in god ...I say personality (which is MUCH MORE important) Madonna stays true to her but also has a strong faith belief in always evolving including spiritually. What is the high light of your career? I am waiting for it. ' Giving Our Reader's A Taste...


Reya Lib Q&A continued......

What was the hardest part of your career? Finding/dealing with HONEST people. What got you through? I have faith in a higher power that knows what is in my soul and what I need. Give us a few pointers on breaking into the biz. Persistence, persistence and persistency!! Not taking No for an answer. Being ready at ALL times to go day & night. Being willing to take the jobs that people think they are too good for. No such thing as a small part take them all & any. Three things to do. Be professional Take direction Follow all & any rules Three things not to do. Be late Unprofessional conduct Not fulfilling obligations Three unknown things about you. I come across as a very wild free spirit but I am very thought out. My work ethic is to be envied. Although I am very liberal, I'm to the core very traditional in my beliefs . The best way your fans can keep in touch. Anyway possible I am open.

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Q & A with.....

Loriana Hernandez Loriana Hernandez

When were you first diagnosed, and what was your thought process upon receiving the news? It took a while to get officially diagnosed as I had 2 doctors misdiagnose me until a bone marrow biopsy was completed. I first started having signs of Leukemia towards the end of 2013 while I was on the air at FOX in Austin. At the time I was the Good Day Austin anchor and I remember during the newscast feeling excruciating bone pain in my forearm. I thought it was nerve pain and perhaps shingles. I tried massage and acupuncture which was often my go-to remedies for everything but nothing worked. Then my OBGYN did a test and sent me to an oncologist in Austin when he noticed abnormal cells but that oncologist dismissed it as me, perhaps, being run down. After all, I was getting up at 1:45am to anchor the morning show, raising our newborn at the time and my husband and I were commuting back and forth to DC.

Former FOX news Anchor Loriana Hernandez tells her very personal and inspirational story of her battle with Cancer. How she triumph and found anew calling that inspires thousands to Armor up. I listened to that doctor and ignored any further symptoms especially since most of the pain would come and go. I too attributed it to stress. Then in January of 2014 I was 2 days away from undergoing an IVF procedure to have an embroyo transfer and that would have me pregnant with our second child when my amazing fertility doctor, Austin based Shar Kavoussi of Westlake IVF, ran a blood test and he knew something was wrong. He called me in tears and then came to my house. He said “You canʼt have a baby. I think you have cancer.” I screamed at the top of my lungs, my body began to tremble and I collapsed in tears. I refused to believe it and insisted on another test. Another blood test was run and it confirmed it but still I insisted it was wrong and insisted I wanted to have those babies. Dr. Kavoussi sent me to another Austin oncologist to look further — and that oncologist said he didnʼt believe the blood test showed any indication of cancer but instead that I was just rundown. He, just like the first oncologist said I was just run down but that he would schedule a bone marrow biopsy to take a closer look to appease Dr. Kavoussi before a scheduled IVF transfer. This test would confirm it all. I remember in detail.. It was a Friday night and I waited all day to get my results. My sweet friend Tracy King Perry stayed all day with me. I was in denial and insisted she go home to her family. Then I got the call. The oncologist called and said with a tremble in his voice “Mrs. Hernandez… You canʼt have a baby, you have cancer. You need treatment right away.” My life flashed before me. I couldnʼt even pull myself together to call my family. Everything stood still. My friend Tracy had to get on the phone and call everyone because I couldnʼt function. I ran to my son and just sobbed and held him.. not knowing when I would see him again. That nightmare unraveled on a Friday night. By Saturday my husband made it back to Austin.

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We were on the phone with everyone we knew to do as much research as possible and find the best doctor. My husband works for Comcast SportsNet in Bethesda Maryland and works closely with the Redskins. It was his contacts here in the DC area and many of my friends who all honed in on a doctor at Johns Hopkins by the name of Dr. Mark Levis. After numerous calls were made to Dr. Levis he called me on Sunday morning and said “Why are you still in Austin. You need help right away. You have AML. It is the most serious and moves fast. You donʼt have time to say goodbye to your son. Let your husband take him to family and you get on a plane by yourself and get to Johns Hopkins right away. We have a bed waiting for you.” My body and mind were in shock. The room was spinning. I couldnʼt believe what was happening. So my husband rushed me to ABIA to take a non-stop flight to Baltimore. It was the longest and loneliest flight of my life. I wanted ANYONE … a stranger to just hold my hand and pray with me. Instead I cried all the way there and found my way to Hopkins by myself. Meantime, my husband was on a non-stop flight to Atlanta so my sister and mother could raise our son Gabriel while I would fight for my life. My husband had to literally hand Gabriel over to my sister in Atlanta baggage claim and get right back on a flight and rush to my aid. Once I was checked in.. it was a whirlwind. I was hooked up to an IV.. then a temporary port was placed under myself that ran directly through my heart so chemo could be administered and doctor after doctor began to enter my room with information on my what the treatment plan is and what my chances were and all I could think of was how I needed to live for my husband and son and be around to watch him grow up. I stayed there for 40 days and thought then I would be cured. Little did I know that treatment called “Induction” (more like bootcamp from hell) would just be the beginning. I was back 5 times throughout 2014 for 40 days. I would get out for 2 to 3 weeks at a time to recover from the intense chemo and go back in for another 40 day stay. Each treatment tougher than the last. I would sit and look at the 4 walls. I didnʼt know anyone in Baltimore. My husband was trying to hold down a job. I was all alone and broken. My son was crying for me daily. My mom and sister were stressed out worrying about me and trying to care and assimilate my son to a new school and take care of him. My support system was in Texas. I was sick everyday. I pushed myself to get up and walk and fight and get out so I could survive this nightmare. Friends and viewers in Austin kept me alive with all those posts and inspirational words. IT was a living hell. Doctors told me because I was fit… I had a fighting chance because they could give me the STRONGEST dose of chemo allowed. They told me to walk everyday to increase my chances. They explained that those who are unfit and go in there with other complications like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity have to be tip-toed around. They are given a lesser dose because of their conditions and their chances are slimmer. It was that day I came up with my battle cry of ARMOR UP. It was that day I found my mission and why I was chose to fight this terrible battle… to inspire others. It was my mission to continue all the health and fitness awareness I did for 20 years as an anchor and reporter… and so I took to social medial and asked everyone to #ArmorUp and BE PREPARED FOR LIFE. I urged everyone to #GetFit2Fight and be prepared for whatever illness may come their way. No one wants to 1/2 fight for his or her life. So my mission began. I was so inspired but even then I got more bad news… doctors thought those 5 (40 day rounds) would cure me but it didnʼt. One day in September I was at a bounce house with my son and I saw the number on called ID and my heart sank. It was Dr. Levis and said “Your cancer is coming back. You need a bone marrow transplant right away. You need to be away from your son and family for 68 days. I fell to my knees and cried and ran out of the bounce house with my son in tears. Here we go again. Today as I write this I am about 130 days post transplant. I am weak but have strong moments and I work out daily. I have been reunited with my family. It was a Christmas Miracle and I am thankful for EACH day GOD gives me. I donʼt take anything for granted. i am still fighting GRAFT vs HOST DISEASE which developed from my transplant. IT is when both marrows fight for space in my body. It shows up in the form of a bad rash and internally my body is inflamed. They monitor me weekly from home and I go to the hospital often for testing. They hope to call me cured in a year to 2 years. It is scary to look over my shoulder and worry every day but I try to focus on the positive and enjoy each moment.

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- What advice do you have to other cancer patients and their loved ones? My advice to other cancer patients is to stay strong. Focus on a goal that will force you to fight. Be honest and real with your feelings so others can help you. I saw many friends hide too much of the pain and no one really knew how to reach out and help. To their loved ones… please donʼt wait for the cancer patient to reach out to you. For many of us it is hard to humble ourselves and ask for anything at our weakest moments but please just do things to help. Surround us with POSITIVE STORIES. Please hold off on how you are connected to cancer if your story involves a loss. We need to hear positive stories. Donʼt tell me your uncle or brother died just after transplant and you want to help. The wheels in our head will turn for days with fear of death instead of focused on fighting. Send us pictures, collages of great times, socks, workout clothes and healthy snacks. Send us texts that donʼt require a reply but let us know you are thinking of us. Send us cards. FaceTime do anything but run from us. Many in my life ran to me but others ran away and it broke my heart. My advice to those not affected by cancer—#ArmorUp and take care of your health now. You could be preparing yourself for a battle you may one day face. Eat right and take care of your health. Itʼs not just about looking good —taking care of your health now could save your life down the road. #ArmorUp and be prepared for battle. - What do you do/think to stay positive? I workout everyday even if its just 20 minutes and some days its 40 minutes. I do whatever I can to pull myself up and get going. I look at my husband and son and know I have to remain positive rather than live in fear of cancer. I try to #ArmorUp every minute of the day and enjoy life. When my son naps, I used to run around and get a million things done.. now I cherish life and the time we have. I sit and hold him and hug him and hope to make up for a year of time we lost. - How has support from family and friends helped? My friends and family have been amazing!! They did all they could from a far. They built an www.armorupcampaign.com website and FB page. They helped me cope and spread my message so I would remain positive. They started fundraisers to help us pay for so much of what is NOT covered in our fight.

A few visited me and those who couldnʼt face timed me.

They were my caregivers when my family couldnʼt be there because they were busy raising Gabriel. Again, as I mentioned, I had so many friends and strangers run towards me and help that the few who ran away from me I was ok with. It is hard to know what to say to a cancer patient. They sent collages, videos, photo albums, socks, workout clothes, health and beauty products for my damaged skin (from chemo)… they did everything they could. Then there were angels.. people I met one time and ran to my aid anyway. My favorite story is a girl I met in my neighborhood who stayed with me for 3 weeks as a caregiver when I had my transplant. She didnʼt ask questions.. she just showed up and offered her help. This terrible disease taught me that there is so much good that could come from something so bad. Thank you for your prayers love and support. Please check out my website www. armorupcampaign.com it will be developed even more over the next few months as I get on my feet and start my next chapter of my life. I am already starting to speak at fundraisers in DC for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. My next talk is with Redskins Player Ryan Kerrigan who is holding a golf tournament to support LLS. I am sharing my story in hopes of inspiring people to sign up for his event and many others in the future. Iʼm also now on the advisory board for Be The Match organization to help find donors for others in need of a bone marrow transplant. Of course.. I am using this time to also branch out to write for magazine and do voice overs and corporate videos in the near future. Loriana Hernandez

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Q & A with.....

Michael Bolden

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When did you first realize that you wanted to be in the entertainment/media field? I don't consider what I do entertainment I consider it ministry but i always knew that I was a singer and dancer its apart of who I am. Did anyone encourage you along the way (family, friends, mentor,ect)? My grandmother and My grandfather and my true friends Jose Pritchett Maima La'Grace, Andrew, Stridiron, Ishan Bilal and Jeremy Knite And how so? They kept reminding me of my purpose and that gave me hope not to give up and keep pushing through the problems that i faced. If not, where did you pull inspiration from? i prayer has been a very big inspiration through my relationship with Jesus Christ my Lord and savior How old were you when you officially booked your first gig paying or non paying? I was about 25 and it was a paid gig. Tell us of a time you may have messed up during a gig? I mess up all the time but I don't focus on that i keep in mind the meaning of my song and my reason for writing it and I pray people love it. I don't worry about mistakes you learn from them and become more brave when you make them. one time when i was on stage the mic for my guitar wasnt working so i had to just make sure that i sang the song perfectly it was a success tho God still got the glory! How did you recover? I just kept smiling you have to learn to smile through things that don't go your way in order to move on to the next thing... if you beat yourself up you wont be in good shape for your next battle and it will be your own fault cause you didn't just pick yourself up and keep it moving. How would you explain your swag/style. I change up my look a lot and people who follow my music and videos will have to get used to my hair changing up and my outfits changing up as well because i dress how i feel. but i would say im a mixture between MJ Prince and Maxwell When you are creating, What puts you in that mood? I love Shei Atkins Kierra Sheard and Lauren Daigle (certain music, atmosphere, ect) I like writing under pressure i do best under pressure Who do you compare yourself to? I don't compare myself to anyone but Jesus there is no one else to compare myself to but musically I enjoy Lauren Hill Kierra Sheard Kirk Franklin, James fortune, J Moss, and Michael Jackson What is the high light of your career? When Someone tells me a song of mine helped them through a difficult situation that really makes all the difference. What was the hardest part of your career? Being homeless on the street What got you through? Prayer Fasting and Music Give us a few pointers on breaking into the biz.you have to be consistent and make every conversation and every action about what you do stay around positive people who support you without jealousy and have a relationship with the Almighty God all promotion comes form HIM alone. Three things not to do. Don't beat yourself up don't burn bridges and don't forget to record every idea you get. Three unknown things about you.I am left handed My ears wiggle and I am a cry baby The best way your fans can keep in touch on facebook https://www.facebook.com/mikecheck12345 Giving Our Reader's A Taste...


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Q & A with.....


s e n Jo

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Q: When did you first realize that you wanted to be in the entertainment/media field? A: I realized that I wanted to be in the entertainment/media field when I took my daughter to an audition and got a callback also. Q: Did anyone encourage you along the way (family, friends, mentor,ect)? A. My daughter encouraged me 'to give it a go'. Q: And how so? If not, where did you pull inspiration from? A: My daughter encouraged me to follow my dreams of being on T.V. one day. And my inspiration also comes from actors such as Halle Berry, Diana Ross, and many others. Q: How old were you when you officially booked your first gig, paying or non paying? A: That first gig was a non-paying gig. But I didn't care because I was so excited about being a part of the proejct. Q: Tell us of a time you may have messed up during a gig? How did you recover? A: On one of my gigs, I was working as a background extra in a kitchen. My duty was to 'make and bake biscutts'. Well, when I got to my 'station', all of the props were not there. All I had to work with was the dough and a rolling pin. So during the scene, I just played with the dough and roll it out flat; repeat. They shot the scene, and the director yelled 'cut'. He came over to me and ask: "what are you doing"? I was so flabbergasted, I couldn't speak. Finally, I said that this was all that was hear when I arrived. He demaded the proper props be brought to me and we reshot the scene; this time with water, biscutt cutter, and etc. I will never forget that scene!

Q: How would you explain your swag/style. A: My style as I see me, is 'witty' with a 'no mess' kind of personality. Q: When you are creating, what puts you in that mood? (certain music, atmosphere, ect) A. Jazz puts me in the mood; smooth Jazz playing on the speaker. Q: Who do you compare yourself to? A. If I had to say who I compared myself to, it would be Whoopi Goldberg. Q: What is the high light of your career? A. The highlight of my career so far is when I first appeared on T.V. for the first time in a T.V. series Investigation Discovery: Who The Bleep Did I Marry "A Deadly Secret". Q: What was the hardest part of your career? What got you through? A: The hardest part of my career is the travelling and being away from my family and friends. I get through it because of the encouragement and support of my family and friends. Q: Give us a few pointers on breaking into the biz. Three things to do. A: Stay positive. Follow your dreams. And set goals. Three things not to do. A: Focus on 'failures'. Make excuses. And give up. Q: Three unknown things about you. A: I hate Pizza. I don't have a boyfriend. And I have two Pomeranian Pups. Q: The best way your fans can keep in touch. A: Facebook is the best way fans can keep in touch with me.

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