Report to the Community FY21

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Report to the Community Fiscal Year 2021 October 1, 2020–September 30, 2021

Table of Contents

Board of Trustees

Mission, Vision, Values


A Message from Bruce Karstadt, ASI President / CEO


A Message from Brad Engdahl, ASI Board Chair


Stories, Stonework & Stewardship 6–8 Remembering Curt Pederson






Community Engagement


Community Fund Programs & Events


Brad Engdahl, Chair Dr. Maggi Adamek, Vice Chair Elizabeth Olson, Treasurer Laurie Jacobi, Secretary

Trustees Lynnea Atlas-Ingebretson Aimee Richcreek Baxter Carline Bengtsson Karl Benson Michael Bjornberg Brenda Butler

Dr. Mary Dee Hicks Barbara Linell Glaser, Ed.D Dr. John Litell Marco Molinari Mohamud Mumin Andreas Örnberg Andrea Oseland Lenor Scheffler David Sorensen Linda Wallenberg William ‘Bill’ Weiler

Trustees as of September 30, 2021


Clubs & Affiliates




Annual Giving


Life Members


Heritage Society Members


Volunteer Recognition


ASI at a Glance (Statistics)


Sources of Funds and Expenditures for Core Mission Support and Capital Projects FY21 39



Management & Lead Staff Bruce Karstadt, President & CEO Peggy Korsmo-Kennon, Chief Operating Officer Steven Engelkes, Director of Finance Christiana Stolpestad, Director of Engagement Ingrid Nyholm-Lange, Director of Experience Nate Adelmann, Facilities Manager Shelby Matula, Visitor Services Manager

April Neske, Human Resources Manager Rick Sellen, Retail Manager Erin Stromgren, Exhibitions Manager Inga Theissen, Collections Manager Britta Walstrom, Programs Manager Eric Wilson, Engagement Strategy Manager

Staff as of September 30, 2021

Front cover photo: Andrea Rugg Photography

The American Swedish Institute

Mission The American Swedish Institute is a gathering place for all people to explore diverse experiences of migration, identity, belonging and the environment through arts and culture, informed by enduring links to Sweden.

Vision The American Swedish Institute will be a leading museum and cultural center that invites all people to connect their pasts to their shared future, to understand their heritage in relation to others and to discover their role as neighbors and global citizens. Vibrant, ongoing ties to Sweden will illuminate and inspire all these endeavors.

Values Stewardship



We embrace the legacy of stewardship given to us in the Turnblad Mansion, Nelson Cultural Center, and our collections.

We invest in our role as a welcoming and joyful place for all people and foster authentic relationships with communities local, national, and international.

We offer transformational, varied learning experiences by providing platforms for reflection, participation, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas.




We honor variation and interconnections among cultures and histories, engaging with the complexities, creativity, and consequences of their interactions.

We create innovative programs, collaborations, and experiences that embrace beautiful design and encourage new ways of thinking.

We embody our social and environmental responsibilities through programs, facilities, and operations that sustain the well-being of our organization, communities, and the natural world.

Acknowledgement of the Dakota People Welcome to the American Swedish Institute. We wish to acknowledge the Dakota peoples, on whose land we meet, and to thank them for their ongoing care of the land, and acknowledge their connections to this community and the richness of their culture. In this spirit and in recognition of the growing diversity of our neighborhood, we thank you for coming here and for being a part of the American Swedish Institute’s mission to serve as a gathering place for ALL people. Report to the Community FY2021


A Message from Bruce Karstadt ASI President & CEO One of my first projects at ASI after arriving in 1990 was a major effort to re-tuckpoint the Turnblad mansion and carriage house. It was made possible by ASI’s first successful capital campaign. Workers spent several months scaling the limestone walls with special tools that first removed the old mortar between the stones and then filled the gaps with a new mixture. When we think of a majestic stone mansion, our eyes first focus on the limestone blocks, which are impres sive in their size, and embellished with decorative carvings and small embedded fossils. What can be overlooked, but shouldn’t, is the mortar which joins the stones into a stable whole.


As I write these words, scaffolding again surrounds our mansion and carriage house. Workers are now addressing certain structural issues that have de veloped and are also replacing every inch of mortar in both buildings. This will assure the integrity of our historic structures for many years to come.

Our metaphorical mortar has continued to hold us together quite well as we emerge from the chal lenges of twin pandemics of a virus and civil unrest. The summary of activities found in this report are testimony to a vibrant organization that continues to serve long-standing members and an increasingly diverse array of neighbors and new visitors who seek us out as one of our community’s most interesting gathering places for all people.

Mortar is a useful metaphor when reecting upon the American Swedish Institute. The mortar being applied today is composed of sand, a binder (like cement) and water. But what are the ingredients of the metaphorical mortar that holds ASI together and gives it stability and strength? I’d suggest that it is the alchemy of good governance, creative staff, dedicated volunteers, generous members and do nors, and a compelling mission in service to com munity fueled by great food and nurtured by warm hospitality.

On behalf of all who care deeply about the Ameri can Swedish Institute, I’d like to thank everyone who has come together this past year to create and support the activities summarized in this annual re port. Your contributions will be even more important in the year ahead as we prepare for new leadership who will, I’m sure, invest their energies with equal measures of passion and creative insight to assure a continuation of ASI’s unique qualities. I look forward to this coming year with gratitude for the privilege of being a part of this special place. Tack s hemskt mycket till alla!


The American Swedish Institute

A Message from Brad Engdahl ASI Board Chair I became Chair of the ASI Board two years ago during the twin crises of a surging virus and civil protests against the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. The Board, Staff and our members responded and continue to respond responsibly and meaningfully to these crises, consistent with the Mission, Vision and aV lues of ASI. With the easing of the pandemic, the ASI community has experienced and embraced Return, Resilience, Restoration and Regeneration over the past 12 months. Regeneration. ASI’s treasure, Bruce aK rstadt, has announced his intention to step down as President and CEO of ASI after more than 30 years of visionary leadership. His infiuence is refiected in ev ery page of this Report to the Community. Bruce has guided ASI to become an internationally respected institution that is nancially healthy and known for its creative and engaging programs and exhibits. A search committee has been designated by the Board and, happily for us, Bruce will remain in his position until a successor who may someday approach his contributions is selected.

Return. With the return of visitors streaming through its front doors, ASI is again a gathering place for all people to explore diverse experiences of migration, identity, belonging and the environment through arts and culture, informed by enduring links to Sweden. Resilience. The Staff at ASI has shown a creativity, dedication, energy and passion over the past two years that resonate in every visitor entering ASI and in every limestone block of Turnblad Mansion. A glance at the Report to the Community reveals the breadth and brilliance of their efforts and the magical spirit they create is sensed as soon as you walk into these premises. Restoration. Through the generosity of ASI’s commu nity, the first phase of the restoration of the Turnblad Mansion and Carriage House commenced in April. This project will sustain and broaden ASI’s program ming and ability to tell the stories of migration from Sweden and elsewhere that bring to life the idea of migration and the migration of ideas.




As the light of Midsommar nears, the future of ASI is bright. The environment and activities described in this Report to the Community are a testament to the strength and commitment of everyone who works, volunteers and otherwise provides support for ASI. I celebrate and thank each of you.

Report to the Community FY2021


Stories, Stonework & Stewardship A Campaign to Restore the Historic Turnblad Mansion and Carriage House

Over nearly a century, through passionate stewardship and creativity, the majestic Turnblad Mansion has become the heartbeat of a wide community. It is now home to exhibitions, performances by world-class artists, musicians, chefs and authors, and the site of numerous community gatherings, weddings, and events. The Turnblad Mansion and Carriage House, which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, were constructed in 1908, and have served the community for more than 112 years.

work on building exteriors and interiors, the project will rehabilitate the Carriage House into an accessible, functional, and tasteful space for staff and volunteers that encourages creativity and collaboration.

As part of Stories, Stonework & Stewardship, a multi-year capital project, ASI has begun work to ensure this historic home is preserved for future generations. Along with significant restoration

Through community support, these unique structures have remained accessible to visitors for generations.


The American Swedish Institute

The Turnblad Mansion and Carriage House are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

All of us—whether our interest is rooted in ancestry, design and architecture, arts and culture, language, craft or food, community and world affairs—are caretakers of this cherished iconic landmark and ASI’s legacy.

Historic Kitchen Restoration In 2013, restoration was completed on the Turnblad Mansion’s historic kitchen.

Roof Repairs

Together, we can continue to be stewards of our Mansion and our community. Over the last ten years, ASI and our community have together completed a series of projects to prepare this historic building for its next hundred years.

In 2015, critical repairs to the Carriage House and Mansion roofs were completed.

With the assistance of HGA Architects & Engineers, we have developed and launched a comprehensive plan that respects the Mansion’s historic integrity and our contemporary mission to provide accessible, beautiful public spaces for a wide range of exhibitions, programs and events.

Stuga Update In 2017, the beloved Stuga was refreshed to be a more fitting gathering place for conversation, fika, and special events.

“ASI is my touchstone place. It is imperative that places like ASI are cared for so that many other generations may enjoy moments of wonder and awe.” -Michael Bjornberg, Preservation Architect and ASI Trustee

Michael Bjornberg by Sara Hughes Photography

Report to the Community FY2021


Building on a long history of shared Mansion stewardship, ASI launched the next phase of Mansion restoration and preservation through the Stories, Stonework & Stewardship Campaign.

Restoration has begun on many of the buildings’ 160+ original windows.

Phase 1 of the project is well underway and includes restoration of the Mansion and Carriage House limestone façade, renovation of the Mansion’s east veranda and perimeter fence, and restoration of the buildings’ 160+ windows. Also during this phase, the interior of the Carriage House will undergo full rehabilitation, transforming the space into an accessible, modern work environment for our volunteers and staff. Phase 2 will begin once the remaining funds are secured, and will include restoration, preservation, and rehabilitation work throughout the Turnblad Mansion’s interior.

Damaged decorative carvings are being repaired or replaced using original techniques.

Ways to Give and Support the Stories, Stonework & Stewardship Campaign Just as the American Swedish Institute welcomes all into its community, we invite you to join us in supporting this campaign. The mission is clear. The need is imperative. The time is now. Learn more and contribute online at, or call (612) 871-4907.

Crews can be seen cleaning stonework across the exterior of the Turnblad Mansion.


The American Swedish Institute

Standout Steward Remembering Curt Pederson, ASI’s longtime Curator Curt Pederson was beloved by countless people who encountered and worked with him. He had a unique genius about him, an almost magical quality that was so very endearing. Whether he was hanging an exhibition, or discussing a potential donation to ASI’s collections, or describing the craftmanship embedded within the Turnblad mansion (which he carefully stewarded for nearly three decades), Curt always approached others with professionalism, a warm heart and a gentle spirit…and, more often than not, with a donut in hand. Curt passed away on February 3, 2022, following a heart attack in late January. He devoted much of his professional career to the American Swedish Institute, first as an independent artist in the early 1980s who helped restore many of the decorative ceilings in the Turnblad Mansion, and then as a full-time curator since 1998.

At the time of his death, Curt had been working closely with architects, engineers, and colleagues in planning the comprehensive restoration and revival of the Mansion’s exterior façade and interior spaces. His extensive knowledge of the Mansion coupled with his passion for its stewardship is deeply missed.

Curt was one of the Turnblad Mansion’s most dedicated and talented stewards.

Report to the Community FY2021


Storytelling in a Year of Flux: 2021 Exhibitions How do you install an exhibition when the featured artists are a world away? This past year, through seven exhibitions, ASI invited visitors of all ages to explore contemporary and historic issues while discovering something new about themselves and their communities. Works from both widely recognized and up-andcoming Scandinavian and local artists were on-view throughout the Turnblad Mansion and Nelson Cultural Center, prompting dialogue around global issues, cultural shifts, practices, and traditions. From digital exhibitions, to timed museum entry and advance registration, to masking and other


The American Swedish Institute

protocols, ASI visitors benefitted from a broad variety of campus and exhibition innovations that improved access and uplifted safety during the ongoing pandemic. For the first time, ASI offered 3D virtual views of an exhibition, allowing visitors to explore Papier and the work of Bea Szenfeld and Stina Wirsén from anywhere in the world. The in-person exhibition was thoughtfully spaced throughout gallery spaces to encourage social distancing.

For the exhibition Papier, ASI turned to video chat, inviting the artists to guide the installation and placement of their works throughout ASI’s campus while they were unable to travel from Sweden.

With global travel restrictions in place, ASI exhibition staff developed new ways to collaborate with artists on the installation of exhibitions. For Papier, ASI turned to video chat, inviting Bea and Stina to guide the installation of Papier and the placement of their works throughout ASI’s campus. The Scandinavian saying, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes,” certainly held true for ASI’s 2020 Holiday exhibition. Pivoted to a completely outdoor experience, with virtual options for remote participation, the exhibition brought the joyous holiday season out into the ASI Courtyard.

Throughout all of this, ASI remained committed to presenting unique perspectives and powerful stories. Two exhibits presented in tandem, Kindertransport: Rescuing Children on the Brink of War and The Story is Here shared the history of the astonishing rescue effort that brought Jewish children from Nazi Germany to Great Britain and other countries, including Sweden, between 1938 and 1939. Kindertransport (German for “Children’s Transport”), saved more than 10,000 children, but also left a distinct impact on these children, their families and generations to come. Exploring the undertold history of the organized Kindertransport rescue was at the same time remarkable and devastating, and offered an opportunity to connect past stories of migration to contemporary ones. In the exhibition, The Story is Here, visitors were introduced to a grandfather, a father, a neighbor – each once a child saved from Nazi Germany. Among these survivors was Minnesota resident Benno Black who, in 1939, at the age of 13, boarded a Kindertransport train with his suitcase in hand. In 2021, 95-year-old Benno Black pulled

Benno Black and his family attend Kindertransport and The Story is Here.

this same suitcase off a shelf in his St. Louis Park home to share as part of his story through this exhibition. The exhibition and related events brought together not only the ASI community, but also local communities with ASI partners from Beth El Synagogue and the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC). The families of the 3 survivors featured in this exhibition, Kurt Moses, Siegfried Lindenbaum, and Benno Black, were also present. Benno Black, together with his wife and 3 generations of his family, attended the opening of the exhibition at ASI. During the opening, Benno’s family connected to and discovered parts of his story they had previously been unaware of. The exhibition brought his family together for a deeply meaningful moment. Benno passed away the following month, 1 week after his 96th birthday.

Report to the Community FY2021


FY21 Exhibitions ASI Family Gallery: Water, sky, and me February 28, 2020–January 9, 2022 The ASI Family Gallery called on the ocean and sky to spark imagination in a play space designed and developed with Stina Wirsén, the awardwinning Swedish author and illustrator. From the sea to space, Water, sky, and me was inspired by all the elements of the Earth existing together and was a space for visitors of all ages to play and tell their own story.

An extra/ordinary Holiday in Extraordinary Times November 14, 2020–January 10, 2021 This holiday experience explored the voices behind the stories, with the holiday version of the FY20 exhibition extra/ordinary, and a new outdoor holiday experience. ASI partnered with five Nordic groups from the local community representing Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland to explore stories from popular literature and folktales through film. The exhibition ended after only a few weeks due to a state mandated closure related to COVID-19.

Papier: Bea Szenfeld and Stina Wirsén February 6– July 11, 2021 In a juncture between art and fashion, two renowned Swedish artists met in a mutual affection for the handmade and paper. The exhibition Papier united Bea Szenfeld’s spectacular sculptural paper-fashions with Stina Wirsén’s evocative illustrations. Papier featured a dozen of Bea’s wearable pieces, while Stina’s expressive drawings and illustrations set the scene. Papier was selected as one of the best exhibitions of the year by the Star Tribune and listed as a 2021 Best Indoor Experience by Minnesota Monthly.

“As volunteers for the [Kindertransport] exhibit, we were deeply moved by the emotional reaction of visitors, their meaningful questions, and powerful conversations with us. We learned so much. -Sunny Floum and Rivel Greenberg


The American Swedish Institute

Lace Reimagined: Amy Sands April 10–July 11, 2021 Twin Cities artist Amy Sands’ unique paper works integrate traditional and digital methods of printmaking. With support from a Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant, Amy’s latest body of work drew on ASI’s textile collection to inspire new patterns that were translated into paper cuts and then printed. Amy’s work was displayed in the Link, which connects the Nelson Culture Center and the Turnblad Mansion, and lifesize pieces were displayed on ASI’s historic fence along Park Avenue.

Photo: C&G Partners

Andrea Rugg Photography

Kindertransport: Rescuing Children on the Brink of War July 22–October 31, 2021 This powerful exhibition illuminated the story of the Kindertransport (German for “Children’s Transport”) and the astonishing rescue effort that brought approximately 10,000 Jewish children from Nazi Germany to Great Britain and other countries, including Sweden, between 1938 and 1939. The children’s difficult and often heartbreaking journeys were told through original artifacts and personal stories. It was co-presented in Minnesota by the Greenberg Family Fund for Holocaust Awareness at Beth El Synagogue, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC), and the American Swedish Institute. The Story is Here July 22–October 31, 2021 Presented alongside Kindertransport, this exhibition featured the stories of local families in the Midwest who were personally impacted by the organized Kindertransport rescue. While many children stayed in England and other countries, including Sweden, following the war, some continued their journey to join relatives all around in the world. The Story is Here shared the stories of Kurt Moses, Siegfried Lindenbaum, and Benno Black, each once a child saved from Nazi Germany.

FIKA on the Fence: Watercolors by Jan Padover September 15–October 31, 2021 For this pop-up exhibition, ASI presented 15 illustrations of popular Swedish baked goods often enjoyed during fika on the outside historic fence of ASI for easy public viewing. The watercolors were by Jan Padover, and are part of a larger fika-inspired watercolor series.

Report to the Community FY2021


Preserving Culture & Heritage The ASI Library, Archives, and Object Collections


The American Swedish Institute

The American Swedish Institute’s collections represent one of the world’s best repositories of objects and materials related to Swedish and Swedish-American culture and history. Originally associated with the Svenska Amerikanska Posten lending library, ASI’s object, archives, and library collections now support the museum’s work and provide resources for scholars around the world.

With support from a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), ASI completed a two-year project to improve access to its archives. The work included completely processing, arranging, and describing its archival holdings. Among many project outcomes, the archival collections were divided into three categories: Personal (families and individuals), Heritage (cultural groups and other institutions), and Institutional (the Turnblad family, the Svenska Amerikanska Posten, and ASI). The project successfully concluded in September 2021 with the archives positioned as a more transparent, researchable, and organized resource for the community. Researchers, scholars, staff, and members of the ASI community now have improved access to a wealth of unpublished materials. This critical project represents a crucial step as ASI works to improve the overall accessibility of its collections materials.

Acquisition highlight: Boël Nilsson Midwife Collection Boël (Betty) Nilsson (b. 1851–d. 1927) was a midwife trained at Lund University who practiced in St. Paul, MN. Along with her medical bag (pictured left) and tools, the donation included Boël’s birth record journal (pictured right), detailing the over 800 babies she delivered to the Swedish community in the Twin Cities.

Current Collections Statistics • 12,647 items in the library collection • 7,465 pieces in the material collection • 5338 users on the collection website • 221 archival collections • 63 reference inquiries • 9 research visits • 18 acquisitions in FY 2020 (3 library, 8 archives, 7 material)

Report to the Community FY2021


Growing Community

Baby supply drive for PICA Head Start families

Engagement in the Phillips West Neighborhood of Minneapolis ASI’s campus is located in the Phillips West neighborhood of Minneapolis, one of the most culturally diverse yet economically challenged areas in Minnesota. For decades, ASI has remained deeply invested in contributing to a vibrant, healthy, and interconnected Phillips West. The organization continues to provide access to arts and cultural-identity curricula through neighborhood partnerships and collaborations, including four long-term partnerships with the Minneapolis Public School District. Each year more than 500 children and their families engage with ASI through outreach programs.


The American Swedish Institute

ASI’s role as a community resource expanded during this year based on the needs of the neighborhood. By listening to the community, ASI was able to be supportive of the people, organizations, and general community fabric of the neighborhood during COVID-19 pandemic and the civil unrest in the wake of the killing of George Floyd. During this significant social and economic upheaval, ASI maintained longstanding commitments to partnerships and organizations that uplift the health and wellbeing of the Phillips West neighborhood.

Due to health concerns, Minneapolis Public Schools were not allowing community partners into the classroom. This meant that longtime community engagement programs that brought ASI staff or community members into classroom contact with students had to be revisited. Among these was the Pippi Project – a very hands-on, interactive, intensive in-classroom experience for elementary school youth. ASI staff worked with classroom leaders to transform the program into a virtual experience for teaching artists, children, and teachers. New systems were developed to stay engaged and continue to provide impactful, curriculum-supporting programs.

ASI was able to utilize space on its campus—a valuable resource and one that is limited in the community—as a place for neighborhood activities and gatherings. PICA Head Start and Center for Excellence (People Serving People) relaunched their inperson programming after a pause due to the pandemic. ASI was able to offer its campus as a gathering place for PICA Head Start and Center for Excellence participants while their traditional gathering spaces were unavailable.

Children ages 3 to 6 were supported on campus with outdoor play and gardening experiences. In addition, YWCA Daycare at Abbot Northwestern Hospital was able to use ASI spaces while theirs were unavailable. Through new connections that were being made with the ASI Community Fund, ASI developed a partnership with Sisters Camelot. As part of this collaboration, ASI became a monthly food distribution site during spring, summer, and early fall, to support the neighborhood residents through a time of significant social and economic upheaval when many of the grocery stores in the area were destroyed and access to food was difficult, particularly fresh fruit and vegetables. ASI also continued more broadly to be a supportive neighborhood organization, hosting the Phillips West Neighborhood Organization’s first in-person meeting since February 2020. ASI utilized its network of global partners to provide new and unique arts and culture experiences for neighborhood youth. This year, ASI worked with Hope Academy, a year-round school program, to develop a series of art pieces to be displayed on Viking River Cruises vessels. ASI collaborated with the art classroom leader to lead elementary and early middle school youth to develop original pieces of art using a variety of fine art and handcraft methods. These works are now installed in ships that travel up and down the Mississippi River.

ASI collaborated with Sisters Camelot to uplift access to organic foods by acting as a food distribution site for Phillips West residents.

Report to the Community FY2021


Wellstone Story Swap

From 2019-2021, ASI partnered with Wilder Research on several audienceand community-focused organizational learning projects. These projects were intended to generate insights about how ASI can maintain connections to current audiences as well as how to make new, meaningful connections with individuals in the immediate community and beyond. Project findings were quickly integrated into program planning for future years. From September-October 2021, Wilder conducted 10 interviews with representatives from organizations located in or near the Phillips West neighborhood of Minneapolis. Interview respondents included representatives of arts and culture organizations, schools and educational organizations, and organizations that assist people in meeting their basic needs, such as helping to provide healthy food and safe housing. These interviews sought to identify how ASI can support or partner with neighborhood organizations with whom their values and goals


The American Swedish Institute

are aligned, and more generally to identify how ASI can support the interests and issues of their neighbors. All respondents shared positive feedback on their work with ASI, as well as constructive ways for ASI to deepen its impact and engagement with the community. Respondents offered suggestions for further supporting or partnering with organizations, in particular highlighting the value ASI brings by sharing campus spaces with the community. Additional suggestions included offering more opportunities to facilitate connections between ASI audiences and community institutions, as well as exploring collaborations around programs and experiences for neighborhood residents.

“What an unforgettable opportunity it was to share my mother’s immigration story with the Wellstone students and hear their remarkable stories in return. We discovered common ground and touched each other’s hearts.” -Laurie Jacobi, ASI Trustee

Members of 826 MSP’s Young Authors' Council.

Community Fund Since the Fund’s inception, ASI and its community have contributed $27,280 to neighborhood organizations and projects. In April 2020, ASI established the Community Fund to better serve neighborhood needs, joining other local arts and cultural organizations in seeking to address issues of inequality and racism. Supported by contributions from the ASI community, the Fund provides short-term gifts to projects within the Phillips West and South Minneapolis communities that align with ASI’s mission and that nurture diverse, vibrant relationships. Learn more:

Recipients include: PICA Head Start Open Arms Tamales y Bicicletas Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts Somali American Women Action Center Alley Communications English Learning Center Sisters’ Camelot Joyce Preschool Phillips Community Free Store In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre 826 MSP Little Earth Residents Association Organic Oneness Center of Excellence Phillips West Neighborhood Organization Banyan Community Ebenezer Minneapolis Campus Corcoran Neighborhood Organization Report to the Community FY2021


Fostering Curiosity: 2021 Programs & Events “It was great just being able to get your hands dirty and do the work yourself. We created something decorative, beautiful, and lasting. It was unique!” –Nordic Handcraft participant This year, ASI adopted new and innovative methods of delivering programs to audiences around the globe. With in-person indoor activities significantly reduced, the majority of programs were offered virtually or in alternative outdoor spaces. Among many positive outcomes from these pivots, outdoor activities prompted community members to connect in new ways to ASI’s campus grounds, uplifted access to programs and events for visitors


The American Swedish Institute

traditionally unable to travel to ASI, and fostered the development of a global audience for ASI programs. In addition to its analysis of ASI’s neighborhood impact, Wilder Research examined participant perceptions related to three of ASI’s programs: Nordic Handcraft, Nordic Table, and Tours, including interviews with in-person program and virtual program participants. Wilder’s findings underscored the way ASI’s community values ASI’s instructors and teaching artists as culture-bearers, and reinforced the importance of offering tour experiences grounded in unique ASI stories. Community members shared that they also seek new and different ways to engaged with ASI beyond what was offered in the past.

FY21 Program Highlights Julmarknad Holiday Market Initial plans to activate the Courtyard across multiple weekends in November and December inspired by Sweden’s open-air markets ended after a government-mandated closure shuttered the ASI doors. Online Julmarknad shopping experiences were enhanced with 30-minute virtual behind-thescenes tours of select artists’ studios, as well as artist panels. Pictured: Display Everyday Virtual Julmarknad Artist Panel.

Virtual Lucia Choir ASI’s Lucia Choir was comprised of 26 youth who took to Zoom for rehearsals for the Lucia season. Emmie Gumaelius and Nina Duffy were chosen as Co-Lucias. The end production was a magical virtual experience under the direction of Ingrid Aune.

Drive-Thru Lutfisk The beloved holiday food tradition of lutfisk was preserved, if in a slightly different format than previous years. ASI and FIKA Café packaged over 240 meals and hand delivered them to waiting cars as part of a Drive-Thru Lutfisk event. More than a few registrants pulled out air freshener and ate their meal in the parking lot.

Swedish Museum Virtual Talks Series In January 2021, ASI kicked off our Swedish Museum Virtual Talks Series. The first tour was to the Zorn Museum in Mora, Sweden with museum director Dr. Johan Cederlund our host. The tour brought virtual attendees into the home of Anders and Emma Zorn and through the museum’s galleries which showcase its extensive collection of works by Zorn. It was a hit with ASI members and viewers from around the country. The series has visited 7 Swedish museums and is one of ASI’s most popular virtual programs.

Report to the Community FY2021


FY21 Programs Special Events Drive-thru Lutfisk Julmarknad Midwinter Folk Music Festival Easter at the Castle and Egg Hunt First Look — Kindertransport University Day — Kinderstransport Midsommar Performances Crayfish Party Performances Lucia Choir Performance Julglädje Kairos Alive Intergenerational Dance Silver Hands Schubert Club Music In the Courtyard Series Youth & Family Focus Kids at the Castle Preschool Program Babies at the Castle Svenska Skolan History on a String The Pippi Project Youth and School Tours Other Programs ASI at Minnesota History Day Afternoons at ASI Art and Anecdotes Stories in a Snapshot Community Craft, weekly Makers Morning, and monthly Makers Night Nordic Handcraft Nordic Table Swedish & Finnish Language Classes Swedish Museum Tour Series Marcus Samulsson Book Talk Magnus Nilsson Book Talk Community Partners & Presenters 91.1 FM, MPR News radio American Association of Museums American Craft Council American Scandinavian Foundation American Swedish Historical Museum, Philadelphia Anderson United Elementary School AnnMade in Minnesota äventyr Bancroft Community School Becky Utecht Felt & Fiber


Beth Homa-Kraus Briggs and Craft Knits Carlson Family Foundation Catherine Schoenherr Cecilia Schiller Cheryl Paschke Christine Hoffman Clayhouse Pottery Studio Cooks of Crocus Hill Cris Anderson Danish American Center Danish Honorary Consulate Minneapolis Dottir Ebenezer Fairview Care Centers Elinor Geene Embassy of Sweden Embassy of the United States, Stockholm, Sweden Emily Vikre Emma Gasterland-Gustafsson Erin Swenson-Klatt Folktopia Gammelgården, Scandia, MN Gothenburg Museum of Art Gretapearl Gustavus Adolphus College Heather Brunch Helena Hernmarck Homesteading Bliss House of Sweden, Washington, D.C. Ilrid Vikings J.Renee.Brenda Janis Aune Jess Hirsch Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas Jonas Åkerlind Karin Siden Kelzuki Kilns of Flanders Kim Losse/Donna Millard Pottery Kingsteet Catering Kirsten Aune Laura Ricketts Lauren Emmons Laurie Jacobi Original Designs in Wool Lesley Darling Fiber Lessebo Paper Mill Lilla Lag Liz Bucheit Lund Studios Magnus Neilson

The American Swedish Institute

Male Chorus Marcus Samuelsson Maria Genne Marya Hart McNordiques Meet Minneapolis Megan Flød Johnson Metropolitan Regional Arts Council Minneapolis Public Schools Minnesota Association of Museums Minnesota Center for Book Arts Minnesota Historical Press Minnesota Historical Society MODplayhouse Morgen Chang National Nordic Museum, Seattle Nikki Lemire Nor Hall Nordiska Museet North House Folk School Norway House Open Arms of Minnesota Open Cupboard Designs Parker Genne Patrice Johnson Peder Hegland Pottery People Serving People Phillips Midtown Neighborhood Association Phillips West Neighborhood Association PICA Head Start Pieper Fleck Bloomquist Rachel Wilsson-Broyles Richard Tellström Rose Arrowsmith-DeCoux Ross Sutter Royal Norwegian Honorary Consulate Sara Åkerlind Sean Hansberry Silvercocoon Silverwood Park Simlpy Elegant Glass Art Slovczech Band Sol Moran Sons of Norway Spelmanslag Stanley Leonard Studio Steller Handcrafted Goods STITCHESbycarin Studio Tuola Susan Marie Swanson SWEA MN

Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Swedish American Museum, Chicago Swedish Council of America Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center Tamera Ober Tara Sweeney Teresa Audet Tessoro Jewely The Jewish Museum Stockholm The Sweing Swede The Waldermarsudde Muesum The Zorn Museum Third Daughter, Restless Daughter Three Rivers Park District Tjärnblom Tom and Catherine Latane Tom Johnson Traveling Tomten Twin Cities Flower Exchange University of Minnesota Press

Våva! Veve! Viking Encampment LLC Viking River Cruises Vikre Distillery Vladimir Garrido-Biagetti West Ash Design Whittier Natural Leaders Summer Program YWCA - Abbott FY21 Program Instructors Alison DeRungs Amy Sands Ann Mekala Beth Homa-Kraus Bliss Benson Christine Hoffman Elizabeth Belz Emily Vikre Erin Swenson-Klatt Heidi Skoog Ingrid Erickson

Ingrid Sundstrom Jess Hirsch Kathleen Sheridan Kayla Ann Kirsten Aune Laura Berlage Laura Ricketts Lesley Darling Liz Bucheit Maddy Bartsch Maria Wesserle Meg Erke Patrice Johnson Paul Linden Pieper Fleck Bloomquist Sam Gathje Sara Åkerlind, Jonas Åkerlind Sue Flanders Susan Tracy Tara Sweeney Teresa Audet Yuka Petz

ASI hosted a week-long Midsommar Celebration, with different performing groups and activities, to allow for the safe gathering of participants during the pandemic.

Report to the Community FY2021


Clubs & Affiliates Local and global, these groups foster a vibrant arts & culture community.

The diverse ASI community includes organizations, clubs, people, and events that promote Scandinavian and Scandinavian-American culture. These groups are woven firmly into the fabric of ASI, and many perform at ASI events, or practice and preserve longstanding cultural traditions. Clubs & Performing Groups ASI Cloudberries ASI Male Chorus ASI Spelmanslag F.E.S.T. (Friends Encouraging Scandinavian Traditions) Gustavus II Adolphus Society Kaffestuga Friends Minneapolis-Uppsala Friendship Committee Scandinavian Friends Swedish Hospital Alumni Association Svenkarnas Dag Girls’ Choir SVEA Club SWEA International, MN Swedish Genealogical Society of MN Twin Cities Dalaföreningen

Twin Cities Nyckelharpalag Twin Cities Swedish Folk Dancers Vasa Jr. Folk Dancers Vasa Order of America – Stenbock Lodge Västergötland Society Affiliate Organizations Agassiz Swedish Heritage Society Bemidji Affiliate of ASI Dala Heritage Society of Mora Dalesburg Scandinavian Association Fox Valley Swedish Society Punschklubben Swedish Cultural Society of Duluth Three Crowns American-Swedish Association

“Our members and friends thrive on our close, incredible fellowship. We are indebted to ASI for our very existence!” –Gordon Anderson, President Västergötland Society


The American Swedish Institute

FIKA Café ASI’S Nordic-inspired café located inside the Nelson Cultural Center brought in 13,710 diners during FY21.

Report to the Community FY2021


Papier Photo: Andrea Rugg

Giving The following donors contributed $100 or more during FY21 in support of ASI and its mission. Three Crown and Linnaeus membership dues are included in the giving totals. Tack! *Denotes a Contributing Level Member $100,000+ Bergren Family Foundation Barbara Linell Glaser and Paul Zachos O.C. Hognander Jr., Hognander Family Foundation Minnesota Historical Society Minnesota State Arts Board $25,000-$99,999 Anonymous Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation Estate of Birdeen Elizabeth Johnson Estate of Elayne R. Hengler Institute for Museum and Library Services Jane N. Mooty Foundation Trust Michel and Barbara Nelson Nordlys Foundation Star Tribune


$10,000-$24,999 Deloris Anderson Gary and Helen Bergren* Brenda Butler and Joel Woodward (Butler Family Community Foundation) Dorsey and Whitney Trust Company Hennepin County Christina Hennington and Michelle Hoff George and Mary Dee Hicks Robyn Hollingshead Bruce Karstadt Christine and Charles Lane Lillehei Family Charitable Foundation Beverly and Don Oren Beverly Pearson The Glen and Marilyn Nelson Family Foundation John and Sandra White

The American Swedish Institute

$5,000-$9,999 Shirley Anderson Terryl Carlson Carlson Family Foundation Estate of Delores V Armstrong Estate of Evelyn Viktoria Anderson Susan Haggberg-Miller Levonne Larson Patty Lindell Ron and Virginia Lund Riksbankens Jubileumsfond William and Julia Weiler* Mary and Richard Woods* $2,500-$4,999 Steven and Catherine Carlson Nina Clark and Mike Lansing Hansen Family Foundation Laurie Jacobi and Cotty Lowry* Jan Lindman

The Story is Here

Minneapolis Foundation Gerald Sjogren Myrna and Charles Smith David and Kathryn Sorensen $1,000-$2,499 Margaret Adamek and Karl Lorenz Johan and Jean Åkesson The Alfred E. and Margaret I. Syring Fund of the Saint Paul Foundation Rodney L. Anderson and Julane M. Anderson ASI Spelmanslag Carline Bengtsson Kenneth and Lorraine Benson Donald E. Benson Mark and Debbie Bergman* Michael Bjornberg and Ann Haugejorde* Jon and Laura Bloomberg* Patti Carlson David and Mary Choate* Sheldon Damberg* Erik and Roseann Ekstrom Estate of James V. Anderson & Elise Anderson Dale and Sara Forsberg* Catherine Fuller Marjorie Gores Robert and Julie Guelich Sharyl Hansen Bernice Hedin Helena Hernmarck* IKEA - Twin Cities #213

Sheryl and David Johnson* Herbert Johnson* Kent and Birgit Johnson Chris Johnson Doug and Mary Jones* Jane Jones Andrew and Virginia Kass* Lori Klimp Sally and Anders Knutzen* Duane and Susan Kullberg Larry and Sandra Lamb* Ben and Ruth Leadholm* Michael and Jean Lindholm Michael Looney and Barbara Brunzell* Patricia Martinson Russ and Jan Michaletz Karin Lundahl Moe Randal and Lori Monson Thomas and Susan Nelson* Jeri Norbeck* Elizabeth Olson and Eric Jensen Barbro and Bernard Osher Lisa Paulson Barbara Rudquist and Barry Schreiber Denise Simonett Rich and Cheryl Theilen Charles Upcraft $500-$999 Brook and Kathryn Adolfson* Margaret Alldredge Jon and Linnea Asp* Aimee Richcreek Baxter and Thomas Baxter*

Scott Beekman Ruth Ann Benson* George and Denise Bergquist Karen Bieschke* Erin Bowley and Jeremy Szopinski* Carol Brandenburg* David and Karen Carlson* Adelaide and Roberta Cline John Cori and Jean Treber* Mark Dahl and Kathleen Manning* Charles and Karen Durant* Brenda Eng* Dean and Donna Erickson* Steven Fitch and Sandra Keal* Christopher and Barbara Glasoe* John Goetz Leif Hagen and Family* Hedlund-Preble Family* Tony and Diane Hofstede Ron Hovda Peter Huber and Deborah Van Dyke* Michael and Cindy Huttner* Paul Johnson* James and Martha Justus* Peggy and Michael Korsmo-Kennon Paul Laederach* Paul and Mary Ann Laes* Robin Lang Diana and Charles Lawrence Carol Leach Ruth Lemire* Anne Siren Levig John and Nancy Lindahl Diane Lindstrom

Report to the Community FY2021


$500-$999 (cont.) Paul and Rebecca Lindell Lois Lindgren Margaret Longlet* Karen Lundholm and Nicholas Nash Joseph and Christine Lupo* Robert and Hallie Mann* Ulla and Erik Martz William Melton* Ella E. Meyerson Robert and Suzanne Meyerson Edward and Dawn Michael* Marco and Lisa Molinari Richard and Nancy Nelson* Byron and Janet Nordstrom Charles and Laura Nystrom Faye Olson* Larry Opseth* Lois and David Peterson Sue Ann Pirsch* Steven and Hallie Richards* Rodger and Kathryn Ringham Patricia and William Rosen Ewa and Anders Rydåker Richard and Judy Sandeen* Aaron and Merrie Sjogren Lori Sommerfield Erik and Syndie Sorensen* Russell Susag and Darlene Timm Lynn and Carol Swanson Robert and Dorothy Tengdin* George and Kerstin Trowbridge Sandra Wessman Laura Westlund*


$250-$499 Susan Adamek Karla Adams* John and Cheryl Adolphson* Sonja and Bjorn Ahlgren Caroline and John Andersen* Cathy Anderson Marilyn Anderson* Diane Anderson Harriet and Ronald Anderson John and Judith Anderson* Anonymous Barbara Bachman* Lynne and Herbert Benz Margit and Tom Berg Beverly Bergman-Wickstrom and David Wickstrom* Carol and William Beste* Vivian Blank* Peter Braude and Rebecca Getz Elaine and Milton Brostrom* Brust Charitable Fund Beverly Bursch Daisy Carlson Melanie Carlson Kathie and Frank Cerra* Patricia and Raymond Chappell* Meg Crissinger* Linda Dahlquist Marianne Dahm* Christopher Dalhed Karl Dedenbach and Marie Leisz* Bill Deef Virginia and John Dell

The American Swedish Institute

Jeff Harris and Jill Dunning-Harris* Mary Anne Ebert and Paul Stembler Roland Erickson Dennis Erickson* Kay Erickson* Susan Fischer Flickorna Fem April and Carl Fredrickson* Howard and Judith Katherine Geary* Jean Gorman Bonnie Gray Stephen Gronewold and Jaime Pedraza* Bruce and Jean Grussing* Willow Hagans* Joan and Craig Hanson* Karen and Charles Humphrey* Steven Hunegs and Jenifer Robins Ingebretson Family* Roger Johnson and Susan Ripley* Dennis and Carol Johnson Bryce and Paula Johnson* Darold and Carol Johnson* Emily Johnson and George Stadig Johnson* Gerhard and Janet Johnson* Margaret and Michael Johnson* Gail and Thomas Jones* Marjorie Jothen Jeanette Kenney* Lyndel King Carolyn and Cordell Klug James Kurle and Barbara Swadburg*

Gregory Kvam and Patricia Johnson* Mark LaCelle-Peterson* Lauren LoRe Kathryn J. Loseth and Paul Pederson Gregory Ludwig Mary Lynch* Carrie and Craig MacLeod* Jorene Magnuson Ingrid Mattsson* Sharon McCarthy Lynda and Fritz Morlock* Claire and Gary Nelson* Bruce Nelson and Barbara Watts* Curt Nelson* Diane Nelson* Muriel and Norwood Nelson* Alex and Gary Nichols* Jayne and David Norlin Gretchen and Jack Norqual Jo-Anne O’Brien Fay Jennifer Olson and Richard Sveum* Katharine and Richard Olson* James and Jill Ostlund* Jason Patalonis* Owen and Marcia Peterson Lia Peterson* Neal Peterson and Deanna Thompson* Louis and Inger Pignolet Cynthia Piper* Amy Radermacher and David Ratz* Philip and Solveig Reeker* Kristin Roberts Duane and Pat Rosenberg*

Susan T. Rydell* Kathryn Schenk and Allan Mahnke* Bruce and Cheryl Skalbeck* Eric Skytte and Valeria La Rosa* Linnea Sodergren* Christiana and Dave Stolpestad Karin Stone* Susan Thompson* Roland and Edi Thorstensson* Paul and Ruth Tillquist Charlaine Tolkien and Karen Hawley* Twin Cities Nyckelharpalag Scott Wahlin* Linda Wallenberg Amy and Michelle Webster* Cynthia Wentland* Nancy Werner-Azarski* Joel Wiberg* Margaret Wiita Roger and Virginia Wilson Thomas and Meredith Young Priscilla Young* Zbinden Family* $100-$249 Jim Agre and Brenda GauvinChadwick* Suzanne and Richard Ahlstrand* Kimberly and Steve Alinder* Timothy and Suzanne Almen* Marilyn Almén Jeanne and Robert Amsden-Williams Kaj and Gertrud Anderberg Dorothea Anderson*

DeVona Anderson* Bruce Anderson Carolyn Anderson and Paul Sortland* Dick Anderson* Gordon Anderson* Heidi Anderson* JC and Lori Anderson* Lynnae and Steve Anderson* Van and Barbara Anderson* Bradley and Susan Anderson Jerry Anderson Venita Anderson Paul Anton and Nancy Johnson* Melissa Arikian and Scott Milburn* Rannveig Arnar Hommema Minda Arsenault Pearson Carole and Darlene Arwidson Mary Ann Aufderheide Janis and Mark Aune* John and Laura Austrian* Joseph and Katherine Austrian* Rachel and Sarah Babbitt* Lisa Babbs* Vickie Bakken Susan Bardill and Peter Holbrook* Jennifer and Bruce Barkley Kristy and Bryan Barnes* Karen Bartig Lisa and Robert Bass* Betty Battista Donald and Keri Beck* Sarah Beckman Alice Bekke* Brian Benjamin*

Report to the Community FY2021


$100-$249 (cont.) John and Lani Bennett Don H. Benson Jeff and Nancy Berg* Linda and Stephen Berg* David and Betty Berg Teri Berglund Adelie Bergström* Pamela Berven* Margareta Beyer* Bjornson Family* Rolf and Lisa Bjornson Martha Black Peggy and Steven Bleskacek* Lowell and Jeanine Bliss* Britta Bloomberg* Carl Boberg Kimberly Boisvert* Ann and Gary Bormes* James and Jayne Bradshaw* Dean Brandsness* Bruce Brandsness Gaylon Brandt* Laura Brandt* Lorna Breiter Mats and Mary Brenner Jenny and Mark Bretheim* Joan and Ted Brinkman Jane and Michael Brodie Carole Brossart Michael Browne Ann Bruggeman* Carolyn and Philip Brunelle* Vicki and Mark Brunsvold Erin Brunzell-Looney* Green and Joyce Bryant* Ann Buck Burgart Family* Butler Family* Brad Bystrom and Tonja J. Rolfson* Drew and Dawn Campbell John and Veronna Capone* Anders and Ethel Carlegren* Sally Carlson* Carlson Family* Bonnie and Richard Carlson* Chris and Susie Carlson* Cindy Carlsson* Marjorie Carr Laurel and Patrick Casey* Samantha and Matthew Chadwick* Jill and Scott Chamberlain David and Megan Clark* Clawson Henderson Family*


John Coen and Jenn Fallon Travis Collins* Duane and Julie Cologne* Larry and Marie Cone* Ben and Laura Cooper* Sharon Corl* Russell Cowles and Linda McCune* Fred Crea and Lisa Ledin* Jim and Lynne Crist* Denise and Patrick Cronin* Adrian and Scott Cumming* David Curle and Helen Nordlund* Henry and Jean Czupryna* Carol and Milo Dahl Laurie and David Dahl Mary Dahlberg and Thomas Johnson Thom Dahlgren George and Janet Dahlman* Dakota Hills Middle School Sunshine Group Ann-Kristin de Verdier* de Verdier Family* Maridee Debertin Katie DeGrio Channing and Chris Channing Marcel and Amy Derosier Jim and Cindy DeRuyter* Marilee DesLauriers and John Militello* Eunice Dietrich Matthew Dion Grant Dolezal Patricia and Doug Dornacker Gregory Dosh and Chris Veit* David Doty* Paul and Susan Dragsten Susan and Wallace Droegemueller* Kristina and Jim DuBoulay* Suzanne and Thomas Ducker* Aklilu Dunlap and Alex Ghebregzi* Mary Alice Dunn Wayne and Gloria Dunshee* Naomi Duval and Tim Gunn* Lorelei Ecklund and Ed Panyk* Gunn Edberg-Caldwell and Jim Caldwell* Karen and Dean Edstrom* Phillip and Sandra Edwardson* Paul and Laura Ekholm* Kent and Katherine Eklund* Steven and Cynthia Engelkes Virginia and John Engfer Corinne and Dan Engstrand Jerry Erickson and Ben Aguilar*

The American Swedish Institute

Tom Erickson* Marilynn Erickson Rondi Erickson Jane Eschweiler* Chatarina Eskered and Michael Kroll Adele and Richard Evidon* Ronald Falk* Bonnie Featherstone and Jerry Johnston* Lauren Fithian and Guy Hardy* Marylee Fithian* Alf Fjellborg Sue Flanders John Fleck* Fleck Family* Matthew and Marcia Floding John and Priscilla Folin* Pat Forrest* Charlene Forslund Linda and Doug Foster Nancy Foster Katie and Rick Fournier* Peter and Lynn Frenz Suzan From and Paul Deaner Thomas Frostberg and Marie-Louise Lövgren* Louis and Susan Frykman* Elizabeth Gales* Leland and Beverly Gehrke* Janice and Roger Gellerstedt Rebecca and Jeffrey Gerhart* Patricia Gerko Dagmar and Jerry Getz* Eloise and Ted Giannobile* Wendy Gillespie Florence Gleason* John Gohman and Sheryl O’Connor* Pamela and Robert Goldman* Duane Gorder Carol Gottesman* Goze Family* Ingrid and Lars Graff Judy Graves* Dr. Charles Gray and Robin Cooper Karen and Ted Gredvig Beverly and Kurtis Greenley* Margo Greuel Adam Grocholski* Charles and Lucille Grosch Joan Growe* Johan and Michelle Gumaelius* Bert and Marge Gustafson* Delores Gustafson Nina Hakanson and Mark J. Peschel*

Water, Sky and Me

Brandon Hallstrand Candyce and Thomas Hals Michelle Halverson Lars and Melissa Hansen* Nancy Hanson* Janet and James Hanson Valorie and Jerry Harlow* Harper-Wylie Family* Mary and Dale Harpstead Susan and Thomas Harrington Hartzell Family* Anne-Charlotte and Michael Harvey Carol Hassemer* Craig and Dorothy Hedberg Inga Hedberg Bruce and Carol Hedblom Roberta Hedge* David Hedlund and Jean Sazevich* Anne Heller* Diana and David Hendrickson Suzanne Herberg Mary Ann Herringer* Dennis and Janet Himan* Mary Hintz Alan and Judy Hoffman Karla Hokanson* Thomas Holman and Sidney Molina* Gerald Holmer* Karen A. Lundmark Holmes Steve Hopkins and Gail Olson* Ruth Hopkins Kirstin and Tom Huepenbecker* Thomas Hysell and Susan Marie

Swanson* John and Maura Jacobi* Kaaren Jacobson Dan Janal and Susan Tracy* Kristin and Dale Janning Nancy Jaspers* Karen Jensen Lavone Johnson Yvonne Johnson Muriel Johnson* Burton and Nancy Johnson* Orville and Betty Johnson* Bill and Andrea Johnson* David and Kathie Johnson* Eric Johnson and Alicia Cozine* Marilynne and Dwight Johnson* Marna Johnson* Steve and Mary Johnson* Ted and Rita Johnson* Anna Marie Johnson Christine Johnson Frank and Peggy Johnson Jean Johnson Ron and Sheila Johnson Ellen Just Jeane and Paul Kaeding* Bruce and Marsha Kaehne* Shirley Kallevig Patricia Kane and Joel Rudney Beatrice Karlsson* Karlsson Zahrieh Family* Anita and Fred Kattelman Keane Family*

Lisa Keitel and Eric Sjostrom* Tore and Birgitta Kellgren Dianne Kelly and Chuck Sandstrom Joanne Kendall* Iris Kiedrowski Robin and Steve Kling* Georgia Knutson* Janet Koski John and Jan Kronholm* Ruth Kruse Michael and Misty Kunze* Christian Kvalseth Candice LaBarre Steven Landberg and Lori Landberg David and Karen Lanegran* Laura Larson Aurora Larson Kirsten Leaf and Peter Osterberg Diana and Ralph Ledin Don and Marlyce Lee* Paulette Lee Karla Levine Marlene Lindahl* Glen and Betty Lindberg Kenneth and Carol Lindberg David Lindblom and Marian Ducharme* Jane Lindborg* John and Patricia Lindholm* Rebecca Lindholm Linda Lindholm* Mary Lou and Eugene Lindholm*

Report to the Community FY2021


$100 - $249 (cont.) Ernest and Jeanne Lindstrom* Evodia Linner Pete Linnert* Marilyn and Martin Lipschultz* Miranda and Joseph Loehle Susan Lofgren* Mary Lofgren and Ross Sutter* Susan Loughrea* Dawn Loven* Mike and Sylvia Lovett* Ellen and Russell Luepker* Brian and Lisa Lukis* Eivor Lund* Lois and Richard Lund* Paula Lundberg and James Stopka Becca Lundberg Beth Lundquist Jones and Ronald Jones* Janis Lysen and Scott Anton* Paul and Elaine Magnuson Dennis D. Magnuson Victoria Mahoney* Jennifer Manley Marie Markley Ben Marsh* Marsnik Family* Diane Marsyla Kristen and Charlie Marttila* Daniel and Caroline Mason* Nels and Meredith Mattson Janelle Mattson Gail Maxe* Lowell and Marcelyn McCalla Linda McCune* Judy McDowell Karen McLean Johnson* T.J. and Taylor McMillan* Jane and Thomas McNinch* Donna Meier Kelly Milkus and Ryan Setterholm* Miller Family* Charles and Jodee Montreuil* Jarolynn Morris* Jensine and David Moyer Arvind and Julia Mozumdar* Sven Mozumdar* Gudrun and Mead Mueller* Ramona Muniz Kimberly Murphy and Family* Murphy Family* Curtis and Ellen Nelson Marlys Nelson* Mary Jo Nelson and Mike Naas


Janet Nelson* Linda and Gerald Nelson* Robert and Dee Anne Nelson* Carl and Sandra Nelson Gary Nelson Lavonne Nelson Lezlie Nelson Newkirk Family* Stuart and Kate Nielsen* Peter K. Nord and Anne H. Lewis* Leonard and Karin Nordstrom Steven and Jenni Norlin-Weaver Richelle and Michael Norton* Kelly O’Brien* Tom O’Brien and Stephanie Summers* Janet Olfelt Allen Ollila Bruce Olsen* James Olson Edward and Irene Olson* Elaine and Rodger Olson* Richard S. and Delores Olson* Arvid Olson Dale and Ione Olson Christa Opheim Denis and Lynette O’Pray* Karen Orrill Mark Orvick Andrea Oseland* Allen and Marcella Ost* Beverly and John Ostenso* Keith and Carol Ottoson Graydon and Shelley Page* Jane Pagenkopf* Denise and Michael Palmer* Mike and Debra Palmquist* Cheryl Paschke* Karen Pedersen* Gary Persian* Larry Peterson and Lois Steer* Susan Peterson Craig and Jeanie Peterson* Donna and Gerald Peterson* Phillip and Karin Peterson* Heather and Craig Peterson Julien and Jeffrey Phillips* Joel Pieper* Donna Pitcher Joel and Sarah Quie* RA and RJ Sawchuk Giving Fund Judy Ramgren* Scott Redman* Susan and Thomas Reiber* Judy Reinking

The American Swedish Institute

Joanne Reisberg Lauren and Randy Renstrom* Sally and Sarah Richardson* Todd Richter David Ringnell Thomas and Kristen Ritchie Carol Rodine* Julian and Eileen Ronning* Catherine and Thomas Rootness* Gordon and Maggie Rosine Suellen Rundquist* Deb Sabol-Williams and Jim Williams* Allen and Linda Saeks Sandberg Family* Marilyn and Todd Sandell* David Sandels* Lois and Tom Sando* Scandinavian Friends Harry Schaller Catherine Schauer Margit Schott Jenna Schwartzhoff and Matthew Melewski* Dale Schwie* Eric and Penny Seaberg* Nancy Seeger and Ray Seeger Linda Severson Mary and Richard Shapiro* Charlie and Jan Sheets Shoop Family* Kara Sime* Elaine Sime JL Sitarz Gretchen and Jack Sjoholm* Amy and Magnus Skog Elisabeth Skoglund and Dave Krull Brien Slawik and Monika Strom* Jayson Smart* Margaret and Merrill Smith* Marilyn Smith Jeff and Paula Soholt* George and Sarah Sotos* Carol Stauffer Tyrone and Deidra Steen* Fred and Roxanne Steiner* Dorothy and James Stewart* Tanya and Carl Stockberger Joanne Stohl Patty and Robert Strandquist Beth and Tim Sullivan* Anne Susag Jerry and Janice Swanberg* Jean and David Swanson* Eileen Swanson

Crayfish Party

David Swanson Swedish Hospital Alumni Association Michael and Nina Sweeney* Stefan Sylvander William Tedlund* Alexa and Patricia Tennyson* George Tesch* Naomi and David Tetzlaff* Paul and Karen Thissen* JoAnn Thoreen Joan and Charles Threet Mariann Tiblin* Sandra Titus Karen and Orton Tofte* Keith and Sean Tomlinson Anna-Lisa Tooker Evelyn M. Torkelson Kay Touchette* Jan Tscherne Gary Vibbard* Thomas and Margaret Vinson* Ruthanne and James Vos* Gretchen and Hendrick Vroege Donald Wahlberg

Marilyn Wahlstrom Ann Walton Marianne Wargelin and Clifford Brown* Jill Weese and Steve Vincent* Jennifer and Kevin Weist Lee Welter* Monica Westerlund Gary and Julie Westrich* Thomas and Jana Whear* Mary Wheeler Gary and Janice Wicklund* Beth Widstrom-Anderson* Curtiss and Josephine Wikstrom* Mike and Jane Wipf* Britt-Marie and John Wood* Jason Woolery and Sarah Baudler* Timothy Wunderlich and Danielle Matson Aron and Karen Yngve* John and Becky Yust* David and Jessica Zahrieh*

Report to the Community FY2021


Life Members Life Members have made a membership commitment for life and given a gift that symbolizes their gratitude for the American Swedish Institute. Life Members support ASI’s exhibitions, programming, neighborhood outreach, and care of the Turnblad Mansion and collections. *Denotes deceased during FY21 Dr. Margaret Adamek and Karl Lorenz Susan Adamek Ira Adelman Judith and David Adolfson Susan and Louis Ainsworth David G. Anderson Deloris Anderson Dennis and Betty Anderson James and Marilyn Anderson Mrs. George R. Anderson Peggy Anderson Penny and Greg Anderson Shirley Anderson Anderson Insurance Agency Benny Andersson and Mona Norklit Duane and Christina Arndt Stanley and Betty Auslund Jerry and Pam Barstow MaryAnn Bawden Scott Beekman Ellen Bendel-Stenzel Donald E. Benson Kenneth and Lorraine Benson


Kjell and Donna Bergh George and Denise Bergquist Jackie Bjoin Suzanne and Cliff Bloberger Carl Boberg Barbro Brost and Jay Greenberg Jon Bylander and Terri Vrba Herbert and Joan Carlson Joanne Carlson Marilyn Carlson Mary Carlson Steven and Catherine Carlson Terryl Carlson Barbara Cartford Hans Cederblad and Linda Rosaaen Judy Chartrand John Clemedtson Consulate of Sweden Bo Crabo Richard Cronstrom Laurie and David Dahl Paul and Marikay Dahlin Shirley and Vern Discher

The American Swedish Institute

Valerie Eastlund Erling and Marilyn Eibs Peter and Elizabeth Ekholm Elsie Ekström Martin Brad Engdahl and Patricia Layton Duane Engstrom Daniel and Joan Erickson Kim M. Erickson and Bernard Mullen Leanne Erickson Maxine Erickson Muriel Erickson Myrna Erickson* Roland Erickson Roselyn Erickson Carol Erling Ron and Marcia Everson Violet Failing Jean Feroe Helen Fosdick Philip Friedlund and Lisa Isenberg Catherine Fuller Barbara Gage Jennifer and Rob Gimpl

Barbara Linell Glaser and Paul Zachos Kimara Glaser Gustafson and Eric Gustafson Gopher Machine and Engineering Co. Duane Gorder Marjorie Gores Ruth K. K. Granheim and Randolph L. G. Knoche Fran Gunberg* Caroline Gustafson Charles and Laurie Gustafson Gustavus II Adolphus Society H. E. Jonas Hafström Erick Hakanson Lois Hall and Phil Morton John Hasselberg Priscilla Hawkinson Mark Hegman* Mary Dee and George Hicks Ann and Bob Hildreth Mary Hirschboeck and David Monson Tony and Diane Hofstede O.C. Hognander Jr. Brad Hokanson and Betsy Henderson Richard Holmberg Honeywell, Inc Horizon Agency Patricia Idström Bonnie and Gale Ikola David and Barbara Johnson Dennis and Carol Johnson Erik Johnson Eugene and Barbara Johnson Frank and Peggy Johnson John and Arlene Johnson June E. and Robert R. Johnson Kent and Birgit Johnson Lois Johnson Lowell and Andrea Johnson Nils Johnson and Kirsti Hendricksen Ruth Johnson Bruce Karstadt Charles and Sandra Kelley Kjell Bergh’s Borton Overseas Duane and Susan Kullberg Kirsten and Matthew Kurz Christine and Charles Lane David Larson and Brenda Witt Doug and Evelyn Larson Gretchen Larson Levonne Larson Michael J. Larson and Marijane Tessman Dorothy Laurence

Karen LaVine Charles and Diana Lawrence Anne Siren Levig John and Nancy Lindahl Carol and Kenneth Lindberg Erik Lindberg and Marcia Glick Patty Lindell Rebecca and Paul Lindell Evodia Linner Dr. John Litell and Dr. Britt Erickson Jorene Magnuson Patricia Martinson Nels and Meredith Mattson Jan McElfish and Tom Ajax Ella E. Meyerson Robert and Suzanne Meyerson Jan and Russ Michaletz Lydia and Scott Midness David Mitchell Britta Monson Cory Monson Daniel Monson Erik Monson Julie Monson Kendall Monson Kylie Monson Mary Jo Monson* Randal and Lori Monson Ron and Carla Monson Steven Monson Lily Monson Gimpl John and Susan Morrison Robert and Betty Nasstrom Bonnie Nelson Genevieve Nelson Joyce Nelson Mrs. Leslie Nelson Mary Jo Nelson and Mike Naas Maud Nelson Michel and Barbara Nelson Lisa Nicoski Pat Norby Henrik and Charlotte Nordstrom Bev Norris Jennifer and Jay Novak Charles and Laura Nystrom Karen E. O’Connor Bette Olson Karen and Jim Olson Lyndon and Kay Olson Marian Olson Lisa Paulson Beverly Pearson Elise Peters

Joyce Peterson Mary Jo and Winston Peterson Ernest and Caryl Pierson John and Chris Plaisted Michael and Linda Redmond Joanne Reisberg Lynne and Tom Rendahl Todd Richter Rodger and Kathryn Ringham Margareta Ritt Patricia and William Rosen Barbara Rudquist and Barry Schreiber Jayne Rudquist Quinlan and Dan Quinlan Ewa and Anders Rydåker Jon and Beth Sander Patty Sander Charles Schoen Margit Schott Jeanne Sielaff-Daum Gerald Sjogren Georgia Skjold Lorna Smith Myrna and Charles Smith Bengt Sohlén Keith and Karen Solimar David and Kathryn Sorensen Wendy and Keith Springer Muriel Stock Robert and Patty Strandquist Svenska Sällskapet Sällskap Carol A. Swanson Craig and Larey Swanson Eileen Swanson JoAnn and George Swanson Rich and Cheryl Theilen Jeffrey and Sandra Thoele Dale Thomas and Ms. Amy Cusick Leah and Greg Thompson Inge Thulin Paul and Ruth Tillquist Anna-Lisa Tooker Charles Upcraft Virginia Wagner Steven and Suzanne Walters Lisa Weisman Mrs. George Werness Adam and Lykke Westgren Gregory White John and Sandra White Lisa and Robert Whitney Jerry Williams JeriLynn Young and Darrick Jensen

Report to the Community FY2021


Heritage Society Heritage Society members have made a commitment to the American Swedish Institute’s future, ensuring the organization remains a gathering place for years to come. Gifts include naming the ASI as a beneficiary in estate plans and/or a gift of $3,000 or more to the Heritage Endowment Fund. Greg and Penny Anderson Lee and Penny Anderson Rev Rodney L. Anderson and Julane M. Anderson Darlene and Carole Arwidson DeAnn Barlow and Kurt Martinson Louise Bauman MaryAnn Bawden Scott Beekman Kjell and Donna Bergh Bonnie Bergman Gary and Helen Bergren Jackie Bjoin Carl Boberg Daisy Carlson Joanne Carlson Phyllis Carlson Barbara Cartford Sheldon Damberg Michael DeBough Valerie Eastlund Erling and Marilyn Eibs Duane Engstrom Vianne Engwall Kim M. Erickson and Bernard Mullen Leanne Erickson Roselyn Erickson Carol Erling Philip Friedlund and Lisa Isenberg Barbara Linell Glaser and Paul Zachos Lois Hall and Phil Morton John Hasselberg Priscilla Hawkinson Helena Hernmarck Bob and Ann Hildreth


Philip Friedlund and Lisa Isenberg Laurie Jacobi and Cotty Lowry Carol and Dennis Johnson David Johnson Dennis and Kathryn Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Herbert Johnson John Johnson Muriel Johnson Nancy J. Johnson James M. Kaplan Dee and Ray Kleinow Diane Larson Levonne Larson Anne Siren Levig Evodia Linner Jorene Magnuson Norma Magnuson Dawn and Edward Michael John and Susan Morrison Phil Morton and Lois Hall Kim M. Erickson and Bernard Mullen Mrs. Leslie Nelson Rodney Nelson Mary Noble Janet Olson Marian Olson Lisa Paulson Richard and Diane Pearson Elise Peters Jean Peterson Larry Peterson and Lois Steer Dan Quinlan and Jayne Rudquist Quinlan Judy Reinking

The American Swedish Institute

Margareta Ritt Barbara Rudquist and Barry Schreiber Dale Schwie Maribeth Selvig Charles and Myrna Smith Bengt Sohlén Karen and Keith Solimar Carol Stoddart Eileen Swanson George and JoAnn Swanson Bob and Virginia Taylor Mariann Tiblin Wayne Tubbs Ms. Lisa Weisman Gregory White John and Sandra White Margaret Wiita Jerry Williams

Volunteer Recognition The American Swedish Institute is indebted to its volunteers for their many hours of service.

125 5,195

Volunteers Hours Given

Volunteers giving 100 hours or more Patti Carlson Erma Comstock Michael DeBough Wilbur Hill Ted Johnson Arlene Restad Gordon Rosine Jeanne Sielaff-Daum Cynthia Wentland

“I didn’t realize that ASI was so much a part of my existence until I was not able to come to ASI during the COVID-19 shutdowns. I am an avid fan of ASI.” –John White, Volunteer and Heritage Society Member Report to the Community FY2021


ASI at a Glance The year by the numbers. 12,051 Turnblad Mansion and Museum Admissions

4,379 Active Member Households

13,710 Diners at FIKA

38,717 Social Media followers

11,946 Retail Transactions

6,894 Virtual Participants

6,212 Adult Programs Participants



Turnblad Mansion

Volunteer Hours Donated

2,398 Youth & Family Program Participants

1,309 School Partnership Program Participants


The American Swedish Institute

Sources of Funds and Expenditures for Core Mission Support and Capital Projects Revenue Donations and Grants PPP Loan Forgiveness Memberships Admissions Programs, Classes and Events Cultural Enterprises, Net Cost of Sales Operating Investment Revenue Tenant Club Rental Net Assets Released for Operations*

$862,018 $869,000 $298,918 $121,950 $306,135 $678,336 $210,889 $81,210 $1,035,418

*Prior donor contributions considered as income due to satisfaction of donor directed expenditures Total Revenue

This financial information accurately represents operations, but is not presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. For audited financial statements when available, see


Expenditures Operations Museum, Program and Core Mission Support Net Assets Change in Net Assets from Operating Activities


Other Donations for Capital Projects and Cash Reserve Capital Expenditures from Operating Funds

$1,314,624 $542,053


Report to the Community FY2021


2600 Park Avenue Minneapolis MN 55407 (612) 871-4907 |


© 2022 American Swedish Institute

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