American Swedish Institute Report to the Community - FY2020

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Report to the Community Fiscal Year 2020

October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020

Table of Contents Mission, Vision, Values

Board of Trustees 3

A Message from Bruce Karstadt, ASI President / CEO 4-5 Reflections on Extraordinary Resilience 6-7 A Message from Brad Engdahl, ASI Board Chair


Exhibitions 10-11 Collections 12-13 Our Neighborhood


Arts and Cultural Programs


See Yourself at ASI


Clubs and Affiliates

TRUSTEES Dr. Philip Anderson Aimee Richcreek Baxter Carline Bengtsson Karl Benson Michael Bjornberg Brenda Butler Dr. Mary Dee Hicks

Diane Hofstede Laurie L. Holmquist Herbert ‘Ted’ Johnson Barbara Linell Glaser, Ed.D Dr. John Litell Marco Molinari Mohamud Mumin Andrea Oseland David Sorensen Linda Wallenberg William ‘Bill’ Weiler Andreas Örnberg

Trustees as of September 30, 2020


Annual Donor List


Life Members


Heritage Society Members


Serving Our Mission — Volunteer Recognition


ASI at a Glance (Statistics)


Sources of Funds and Expenditures for Core Mission Support and Capital Projects FY 2020 35


OFFICERS Brad Engdahl, Chair Maggi Adamek, Vice Chair Laurie Jacobi, Secretary Elizabeth Olson, Treasurer

The American Swedish Institute

Management & Lead Staff Bruce Karstadt, President & CEO Peggy Korsmo-Kennon, Chief Operating Officer Steven Engelkes, Director of Finance Christiana Stolpestad, Director of Engagement Ingrid-Nyholm Lange, Director of Experience Nate Adelmann, Facilities Manager Adelie Bergström, Executive & Consular Services Coordinator Shelby Matula, Visitor Services Manager

Karen Nelson, Media Relations & Communications Manager April Neske, Human Resources Manager Curt Pederson, Senior Curator of Historic Properties Rick Sellen, Retail Manager Erin Stromgren, Exhibitions Manager Inga Theissen, Collections Manager Britta Walstrom, Program Manager Eric Wilson, Engagement Manager

Staff as of September 30, 2020



The American Swedish Institute is a gathering place for all people to share experiences around themes of culture, migration, the environment and the arts, informed by enduring links to Sweden.

The American Swedish Institute will be a leading museum and cultural center of international reputation which invites all people to gather to connect their pasts to their shared future, to understand their heritage in relation to others, and to discover their role as neighbors and global citizens. Vibrant, ongoing ties to Sweden will illuminate and inspire all these endeavors.

The American Swedish Institute is commited to the following principles: Stewardship: We embrace the legacy of Stewardship given to us in the Turnblad Mansion, our collections and our diverse community.


Hospitality: We invest in our role as a welcoming place for all people and develop authentic relationships with communities local, national and international. Learning: We create transformational learning experiences by providing a platform for reflection, p articipation, collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Innovation: We create beautiful spaces, innovative programs and outstanding services, in the entrepreneurial spirit of Swan J. Turnblad. Sustainability: We incorporate values of social responsibility into our programs, facilities and operations that sustain the well-being of our organization, community and the environment.

Report to the Community FY2020


A Message from Bruce Karstadt ASI President & CEO

When we planned programs and exhibitions for the 2019-20 year, we had our 90th anniversary year in mind, for it was in December 1929 that the Turnblad family founded the American Swedish Institute and set us on a course of long service to the community. We settled upon a theme, extra/ordinary, which was inspired by a concept brought to life by the book A to Zåäö: Playing with History at the American Swedish Institute, featuring watercolors of objects in our collection by Tara Sweeney and whimsical pen-and-ink drawings by her son Nate Christopherson. This book (which I’m proud to say was nominated for best children’s book at the Minnesota Book Awards) is a fun romp through all 29 letters of the Swedish alphabet. To honor our 90th anniversary, we filled the mansion with unique, significant and beautiful pieces from our material collections, together with stories behind those objects and original works by Tara and Nate, in an exhibit titled extra/ordinary: Playing with History at ASI.


The American Swedish Institute

The title extra/ordinary was intended only as a descriptor of our anniversary exhibit. But it unexpectedly served as a theme for the entire past year, as we’ve faced extraordinary challenges — both closing due to a global pandemic and then civil unrest triggered by George Floyd’s murder — that have prompted dramatic changes and successful innovations in how we work to serve and bring our community together in fulfillment of our mission. The extra/ordinary exhibition became the longest-running one in our history, spanning 12 months. It also was perhaps our most widely seen exhibit ever, through the innovative efforts of my incredibly talented colleagues in creating digital and live-stream tours that brought it to thousands of households around the world. We’ve been Zooming this past year with a lot of you — teaching Swedish, craft and culinary classes (to more students than ever before) and sustaining important traditions such as our Christmas market (Julmarknad) and Midsommar.

Other unique adaptations included our first outdoor exhibition (Swedish Dads) and our first (but probably not last) drive-thru lutfisk dinner. Our focus now is to carefully and steadily bring ASI’s programs and services back to pre-pandemic levels while maintaining our financial stability. We are completing preparations and developing funding sources for a major restoration of the Turnblad mansion and carriage house that will enable them to serve as a 21st-century museum in its historic and iconic setting. And in all we do, we’re committed to being an inclusive arts and cultural museum that, in the language of our vision statement, welcomes all people to connect their pasts to their shared future, to understand their heritage in relation to others and to discover their role as neighbors and global citizens.

All of our work, past, present and future, is made possible only by the many contributions of our members, donors and volunteers — and with the inspired leadership of a deeply invested Board and creative staff. Your generosity makes much possible and enables us to work with assurance that we can continue to make a deep impact upon our community. Thank you!

Tack så hemskt mycket!

This past year has given me even more assurance of ASI’s resiliency and in the importance of our work. We are an inclusive museum that grew out of a Swedish immigrant experience, and we have contributed a story to many other stories and experiences that have helped shape this community and this nation. Informed by our continuing links with Sweden, we have much to contribute as we join with others to explore all that we share in common and our differences through the unique arts and cultural experiences we offer. Watercolor paintings of the American Swedish Institute that appear on the front and back covers are by artist Tara Sweeney as created for the book A to Zåäö: Playing with History at the American Swedish Institute (University of Minnesota Press).

Report to the Community FY2020


Reflections on Extraordinary Resilience We have all experienced a year that will be forever etched in our memories and have consequences into the future. Our ambition was that our 90th-anniversary year, highlighted by a self-produced exhibition drawn from our permanent collection entitled extra/ordinary: The American Swedish Institute. At Play, would, in fact, be extraordinary — and memorable. It certainly was. Just weeks after the exhibit opened, we joined other local and worldwide institutions in closing our doors to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic — not knowing how long the closure would be, and never thinking it would last eight months, as it did. Nor did we imagine what would happen next, with the murder of George Floyd just two miles away and the resulting civic unrest, protests and riots that claimed lives and property and brought new light to societal inequities. During this past year (these words are written in May 2021), we experienced quarantine, Zoom fatigue, separation, loss and grief. The silence on a campus once bustling with activity and filled with aromas, chatter and music, was sobering.

mind: resilience. For this past year truly was a test of resilience —of spirit, of health, of resources, of community and of relationships — as we faced great unknowns and unpredictability.

As we were confronted with all these challenges, another word came to


The American Swedish Institute

Live demonstration in the Stuga

Nate Adelmann and Bruce Karstadt deflate ASI’s Dala Horse

of our members and donors who realized the urgency of our need and responded with generous financial assistance.

Protecting the Turnblad Mansion

I am grateful for the extraordinary endurance and resilient determination of our staff, volunteers, board and partners. Though separated from one another for many months, they sustained a remarkable spirit of togetherness and focus on thinking creatively. What emerged from those home offices and endless Zoom sessions were plans for such innovations as virtual classes, outdoor exhibitions, meals to go and live-streamed mansion tours that enabled us to serve not just local but national and global audiences. Another step was the creation of the ASI Community Fund to support other organizations as they work to heal a community fractured both physically and socially. We were able to do this only because

The images accompanying these words offer insight into life at ASI these past 15 months. We are emerging from a year of twin crises with warm hearts and resolute minds, and we are finding our footing for the journey ahead as we look toward a full reopening. We do so with confidence that our members and supporters will continue to be with us as we fulfill our mission to be a welcoming and inclusive place for all people. May our spirit and resilience carry ASI through the next nine decades. — Bruce Karstadt

Virtual classes at ASI

Report to the Community FY2020


A Message from Brad Engdahl ASI Board Chair

The past year has been one of pain and struggle mixed with hope and opportunity.

the Atlantic how to speak Swedish. ASI’s staff and volunteers turned crisis into success.

The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted, among other things, health and economic damage across our communities, especially on those who are most vulnerable. ASI has not been exempt from the pandemic’s consequences.

As if COVID were not enough, ASI and its communities were rocked by the murder of George Floyd by police in our neighborhood. A June 8, 1919, editorial in the Svenska Amerikanska Posten, of which Swan Turnblad was the publisher, noted that America had accorded “Blacks equality with whites, but a fulfillment has never been achieved.” It added: “There is no good reason for the current situation. It is shameful that this has defined us for so long, and it is high time that we move beyond it.” More than 100 years later, it remains “high time,” and ASI has escalated, internally and externally, its ongoing commitment and actions as a cultural museum to pursue equality and inclusion.

Despite the mandatory closure of the museum to visitors, ASI’s members and communities rallied to support the Institute economically and otherwise, including the so-important well-wishes of support. The staff and volunteers at ASI responded with astounding creativity, resilience, resourcefulness and dedication. Unable to offer classes in person? No problem. We will simply create online courses, ranging from the culinary to crafts to languages. These virtual classes not only drew overwhelming numbers of participants, but revealed ASI’s reach to people across the country and the world. We have been teaching people in 33 states and across


The American Swedish Institute

With ASI’s reopening to the public, the hum of discussions (although muffled by masks), the aromas of FIKA and the socially distanced stream of visitors through the mansion and exhibitions have returned.

Turnblad Mansion Salon

The Turnblad Mansion, our principal artifact, is older than the 1918 pandemic and the 1919 Swedish newspaper editorial on equality. It needs maintenance and improvements to enrich the experiences of our communities. The Board and staff have been actively planning this exciting undertaking, and the initial steps are underway. By preserving its character and improving its capabilities (imagine, for example, air conditioning and better lighting), the House that Transforms will itself be transformed for a future that, Swan Turnblad hoped, “will last 100,000 years.”

Throughout his tenure, he has been the Bruce that Transforms, bringing ASI to its vibrant present and guiding it toward a vital future. I am touched by the surge of support for ASI by its members and communities and inspired by the efforts of staff and volunteers. The Board also has responded with fervor, applying its rich diversity of interests, backgrounds, skills, perspectives and cultures to inform its work on behalf of ASI. We look forward to the next 100,000 years.

This year also has marked Bruce Karstadt’s 30th anniversary as President and CEO of ASI.

Report to the Community FY2020



FY2020 was both the calm before the storm and a time filled with challenges that ultimately inspired innovation and achievement. The highlight was an exciting, self-produced extra/ordinary exhibition celebrating ASI’s 90th anniversary year.

The Vikings Begin May 17 – October 27, 2019 Organized by Uppsala University and its museum Gustavianum, The Vikings Begin featured dozens of early Viking age artifacts and was one of ASI’s most successful exhibitions ever with over 35,000 attendees over fourmonths. The exhibition broadened visitors’ understanding of the Vikings as skilled traders

and far-flung navigators. ASI hosted Vikingsrelated programming including University Day, that drew in new and bigger audiences.

Time Tested. Tradition Approved. Holidays at the American Swedish Institute November 16, 2019 – January 12, 2020 Inspired by ASI’s 90th anniversary, this exhibition marked the years since 1929, when Swan Turnblad donated the Mansion to ASI. Guest curators representing Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and our IrishAmerican guests from Celtic Junction, designed installations reflecting each country’s distinctive holiday traditions from the 1920s into the future.

The Mansion dining room during the extra/ordinary exhibition


The American Swedish Institute

Frederick D. Somers: Borders & Betweens January 21 – March 22, 2020, Gallery Talk, January 22, 6 – 8 p.m. Northfield-based artist Frederick D. Somers’ peaceful and sensitive oil and pastel paintings reflected themes from his time in Sweden, and the land and woods near his home. ASI Family Gallery: Water, sky and me February 29, 2020 – July 5, 2021 The ASI Family Gallery called on the ocean and sky to spark the imagination in a play space designed and developed with Stina Wirsén, the award-winning Swedish author and illustrator, who also partnered with Bea Szenfeld in ASI’s 2021 exhibition Papier. extra/ordinary: The American Swedish Institute. At Play. February 29 – July 5, 2020, (intermittently closed and extended to February 2021) This imaginative new exhibition produced by the American Swedish Institute to celebrate its 90th anniversary, explored 29 objects from ASI’s permanent collection and the untold stories behind them. The exhibition invited visitors to also experience the Turnblad Mansion in new ways through such surprises as a 20-foot-tall inflated Dala horse and a ballroom with a pit full of balls. extra/ordinary paired historical artifacts with original watercolor paintings and ink illustrations by the Minnesota mother-son artist team of Tara Sweeney (also an ASI instructor) and Nate Christopherson. Their artwork formed the basis of the A to Zåäö: Playing with History at the American Swedish Institute book (University of Minnesota Press), which inspired the exhibition and in turn was inspired by a 2016 watercolor workshop taught by Sweeney which later expanded into a residency with a 2017 Minnesota State Arts Board grant.

“My parents and I visited the museum and the exhibits today. It was a lovely morning. I really appreciated the COVID precautions, the exhibits following the art from the book and using items from the collection. I was telling my mom that growing up visiting the museum, I’ve seen that spinning wheel dozens of times and this time seeing it with the art from Tara Sweeney and Nate Christopherson’s book made it new again. And getting to meet her today made my day!” — Beth Jensen

“The Salon of the Turnblad Mansion became a public studio where our progress could be viewed by visitors…whose stories and questions delighted and inspired us.” —Tara Sweeney Swedish Dads March 28 – July 5, 2020 When ASI closed because of the COVID pandemic in March 2020, Johan Bävman’s sensitive photographs of Swedish dads who choose to stay at home with their children were not only shifted to a web-based exhibition with text in multiple languages but, in an innovative move, to ASI’s outside historic fence to increase community access. We Are the Story — We Who Believe in Freedom Quilts Exhibition September 10, 2020 – June 12, 2021 After Minneapolis became the epicenter of protests following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, ASI hosted a free quilts exhibition in Osher Gallery. It was part of a series, created by the Textile Center and Women of Color Quilters Network with curator Carolyn Mazloomi, that addressed issues of police brutality and racism.

Report to the Community FY2020


Collections The American Swedish Institute and its members are entrusted with the care of the historic Turnblad Mansion and our library, archives and collections, which represent Swedish art and culture and reflect the historic and ongoing experiences of Swedish Americans. These collections serve scholars and lifelong learners seeking information about Sweden, Swedish culture and Swedish Americans. Collections support and inform the work of ASI staff, volunteers, members and associated clubs and organizations. In 1971, the iconic Mansion was the first in Minneapolis to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Turnblad Mansion Stewardship In 2020, ASI applied for a series of grants from the Minnesota Historical Society in support of projects related to the Turnblad Mansion’s

ongoing preservation. The first grant will allow ASI to launch a two-year project to repair the Mansion’s east-facing veranda. One of the most frequently used areas of the Mansion’s exterior, the veranda was temporarily stabilized in the summer of 2020 following the discovery that weathering and corrosion had led to structural damage. The second grant will allow for an analysis of the Visby Window in 2021 to determine its condition, inform the replacement of the window’s exterior protective shield, and guide any future restoration activities. In tandem with our partners at HGA Architects and Engineers, ASI continued to monitor a number of problem areas within the historic Turnblad Mansion and Carriage House, and move forward with plans for restoring the buildings in their entirety and ensure their continued use by the community for generations to come.

“This is an underrated gem in the twin cities. The woodworking and architectural features on display are mind blowing. Make time to go here - you won’t regret it.” — Matt Huntington


The American Swedish Institute

Objects and illustrations from A to Zåäö: Playing with History at the American Swedish Institute

ASI Collections Acquisitions ASI’s collection continues to grow and develop to include items expressing the best of contemporary Swedish culture, material artifacts and artwork that represent the historic and ongoing experiences of Swedish Americans. • 17,355 items in the library collection • 7,371 pieces in the material collection • 3,700 users on the collection website • 240 archival collections • 67 reference inquiries • 10 research visits (5 conducted virtually) • 22 acquisitions in FY 2020 (2 library, 8 archives, 12 material) Donation proposals have remained steady, with acquisition highlights that include: • The sculpture Ambivalence II by Paul Granlund, donated in memory of Dorothy Delegard • Oral history interviews of first- and secondgeneration Swedish immigrants who settled in Minnesota

• Photos from the collection of William Hakala, a former director of ASI The biggest impact to the work of the collection has been modifying activities due to COVID-19. ASI closed its doors on March 16, 2020, requiring all staff to work remotely until further notice. Collection staff returned to the office in August 2020. Institute for Museum and Library Services Project Over the past year, the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) grant helped process the museum’s institutional collections. IMLS staff inventoried materials and updated series and subseries information before beginning archival processing. Processing included cataloging as well as the creation of finding aids and applying preservation where needed. ASI is proud that the IMLS project has stayed on track to completion during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Report to the Community FY2020


Our Neighborhood Each year more than 500 children and their families engage with ASI in our neighborhood through outreach programs including The Pippi Project launched in 2007 at Andersen and Bancroft Elementary Schools and two PICA Head Start programs within walking distance of ASI. Through Story Swap, students at Wellstone International High School trade stories, food and cultural experiences with elders and others from the ASI community.

gifts of money to projects that align with ASI’s mission and nurture diverse, vibrant relationships and cultural keepers. ASI held a supplies drive in its parking lot for PICA Head Start, which was the first to benefit from the Fund.

ASI Community Fund In April 2020, ASI established a new Community Fund as a way to serve neighborhood needs, joining other local arts and cultural organizations in seeking to address issues of inequality and racism. The Fund focusses on Phillips West and broader south Minneapolis communities by providing short-term, stimulus

A Breath for George Film Screening While ASI was still closed indoors to the public, on July 14, 2020, we opened our outdoor courtyard for a free neighborhood showing of A Breath for George. This filmed collection of songs, interviews and poems was created by New Dawn Theatre, under the direction of Austene Van. The community brought lawn chairs, wore masks and minded social distancing to come together and honor the life and death of George Floyd and seek lasting change for the future.

PICA Head Start donation drive at ASI

A Breath for George Film Screening


The American Swedish Institute

Arts and Cultural Programs The American Swedish Institute offers a wide variety of cultural programming opportunities for all ages, including language courses, Nordic Handcraft and Nordic Table workshops, author events, Svenska Skolan, the Lucia Choir and heritage festivals like Midsommar. These programs help make ASI a vibrant cultural center that connects locally and engages globally with offerings that promote a greater understanding of culture, migration, heritage and identity. Star Tribune’s Taste 50 Birthday Feast October 2019 The Star Tribune celebrated 50 years of the Taste section with a sold-out, seven-course feast hosted by ASI. Six James Beard award-winners for Best Chef Midwest, joined by executive chef Blake Meier of Fika at ASI, cooked together for the first time: Tim McKee, Isaac Becker, Alex Roberts, Paul Berglund, Gavin Kaysen and Ann Kim. Danish String Quartet, November 2019 The Danish String Quartet performed a Schubert Club Mix concert, which included songs from their albums of Scandinavian folk music, Woodworks and Last Leaf, to a packed audience in Larson Hall. The Jack & the Ghost book celebration November 10–11, 2019 Featuring author/musician Chan Poling and artist Lucy Mitchell, this special and unique performance in the ASI ballroom featured the renowned artists showcasing their new illustrated book. Holidays at the American Swedish Institute December 2019 FY2020 encompassed in-person public programs that would prove to be among the

last to welcome crowds before COVID measures would dramatically change social behavior. Among ASI’s many holiday highlights was the December 7–8, 2019 Julmarknad Christmas Market and festival, the Julglädje (Christmas Joy) performances, ASI’s popular Glögg Tours led by the Theater of Public Policy, the Winter Solstice Celebration and the Neighborhood Open House.

extra/ordinary First Look: Preview Party and Family Day February 28 – March 1, 2021 The First Look Preview Party for extra/ordinary and Family Day during the exhibition’s opening weekend, introduced the public to the new exhibition, as well as Tara Sweeney and Nate Christopherson, the artists behind the A to Zåäö book, in an evening full of hands-on activities, games and live music. Virtual Programming To continue to serve as a gathering place for all after March 2020, when in-person programming was not possible during the pandemic, ASI switched to online programming. Language classes enjoyed a jump in registrations with students from all over the world. New virtual experiences included exhibition tours, a DIY-athome Midsommar celebration. One highlight on April 17, was A Drop of Midnight — A Memoir, a virtual book talk with author/hip-hop artist Jason “Timbuktu” Diakité in conversation with translator/ASI language instructor Rachel Willson-Broyles about his search for self. • More than 2,100 students attended virtual classes including 120 new students from locations outside of Minnesota. • Language students came from 27 states (including Minnesota).

Report to the Community FY2020


Arts and Cultural Programs SPECIAL EVENTS Lutfisk Dinner, November 16 Julmarknad, December 5-7 Winter Solstice Celebration, December 21 Julbords, December 21–22 Neighborhood Open House, January 8 Midwinter Folk Music Festival, February 14–16 First Look — extra/ordinary, February 28 PERFORMANCES Danish String Quartet Lucia Celebration Concert Lucia In the Mansion Concert Julglädje YOUTH & FAMILY FOCUS (until March 2020) Kids at the Castle, two each month Preschool Programs, transitioned to a monthly program Babies at the Castle, one each month Birthday Parties Svenska Skolan History on a String with Bancroft school Pippi Project with Andersen and Bancroft schools Spool Knitting with Andersen and Bancroft schools Weekly After-School Programs at Whittier and Bancroft schools Youth and School Tours Story Swap with Wellstone International High School Mini-Transmission Monthly Storytime at Center of Excellence Family Day for Handmade Holidays Family Day for extra/ordinary OTHER PROGRAMS Gingerbread House Making for Families ASI at Minnesota History Day (virtual) Swedish Genealogy Workshops Afternoons at ASI Jack & the Ghost, book event with Chan Poling and Lucy Michell University Day Series Poets, Writers, Musicians Against the War on the Earth Walking Together Bowls for Open Arms Virtual Experiences (Post March 2020) Art and Anecdotes Stories in a Snapshot Jason Diakité, A Drop of Midnight book launch Neil Price, Children of Ash and Elm book launch Johan Bävman Talk Midsommar at Home Community Craft, weekly Makers Morning and monthly Makers Night


The American Swedish Institute

Nordic Handcraft Nordic Table Swedish and Finnish language classes Monthly Preschool Program COMMUNITY PARTNERS AND PRESENTERS 89.3 FM, The Current radio 91.1 FM, MPR News radio Ann Aas Chip Addington Joe Alfano Marcia Almquist Amazing Balloons, MN LLC American Association for Runic Studies American Association of Museums American Craft Council American Friends of Uppsala University American Scandinavian Foundation American Swedish Historical Museum, Philadelphia Anderson United Elementary School Apple Auto Paul Arneston Rose Arrowsmith-DeCoux Teresa Audet Augustana College Ingrid Aune Janis Aune Julie Aune Jeanne and David Aurelius Bancroft Community School Linda Banning DeAnn Barlow Bliss Benson Erv Berlgund Traudi Bestler


Dag Blanck Borton Volvo Mayan Briggs Sean Brock Betsy Byers Cantus Choir Carl Larsson-gården, Sundborn, Sweden Carlson Family Foundation Cedar Cultural Center Becca Cerra Ann Charters Nate Christopherson Steve Claypatch Coffee House Press Andy Cook Cooks of Crocus Hill Dalarnas Museum, Falun, Sweden Catherine Dalton Danish American Center Danish Honorary Consulate, Minneapolis Danish String Quartet Delta Airlines Jason Diakité District Court of MN (Naturalization Ceremony) Doody, Jessica and Patrick Beth Dow Earthtones Ebenezer Fairview Care Centers Seth Eberle Carin Ekstrand-Anderson Embassy of Sweden Embassy of the United States, Stockholm, Sweden Lauren Emmons Lisa Erickson Kala Exworthy Michael Fasold Fiddles on Fire Fika Coffee Film Society of Minneapolis-St. Paul Finnish Honorary Consulate Sue Flanders FOCI Minnesota Center for Glass Arts Folktopia Fotografiska, The Swedish Museum of Photography Foxglove Market & Studio Gammelgården, Scandia, MN Donna Garhofer Emma Gasterland-Gustafsson Germanic American Institute Kim Gordon Scott Graden Melba Granlund

Brendan Grant Green/Blue Paula Gudmensen Gustavianum, Uppsala, Sweden Gustavus Adolphus College Gayle Hallin Greta Hammelman-Svenddal Marya Hart Peder Hegland Krista Heilman Valerie Hennig Charlie and Ann Heymann Jess Hirsch History Alive! Lanesboro Beth Homa-Style House of Sweden, Washington, D.C. Icelandic-American Association of Minnesota Improvestra Laurie Jacobi Bill Jaeger Anita Jain Karen Jenson Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas Brenda Johnson Carol Johnson Kairos Alive James Kaplan Gavin Kaysen Holly Keller Dee and Kleinow Ray Stuart Klipper Jill Koski Beth Kraus Elise Kyllo Ola Larsmo Peggy Larson Larsson Trio Tom and Catherine Latane Lilla Lag Little Fevers Fred Livesay Michelle Lund Lupulin Brewery Laura Mackenzie Male Chorus McNordiques Meet Minneapolis Metropolitan Regional Arts Council Mill City String Quartet Donna Millard and Kim Losse

Report to the Community FY2020


Arts and Cultural Programs Brian Miller Nancy Miller Mindekirken Minneapolis College of Art and Design Minneapolis Public Schools Minnesota Association of Museums Minnesota Center for Book Arts Minnesota Historical Press Minnesota Historical Society Minnesota Historical Society, Museum Fellows Minnesota International Center Minnesota Scandinavian Ensemble Minnesota Vikings Minnesota Vikings Museum MinnPost MN Scandi Ensemble Musik i syd National Library of Sweden National Nordic Museum, Seattle, WA Brad Nelson Meghan Nelson New Dawn Theater Company New Scenic Cafe Jen Newburg Scott Nichols Magnus Nilsson Natalie Norman North House Folk School Norway House Open Arms of Minnesota O’Shea Irish Dancers Natalie O’Shea Cheryl Paschke Randy Peck People Serving People Flemming Petersen Sonja Peterson Phillips Midtown Neighborhood Association Phillips West Neighborhood Association PICA Head Start Chan Poling and Lucy Michell Neil Price Puppets ‘n’ People Ilrid Richards Royal Norwegian Honorary Consulate Jake Rudh Robynne Runyon Cecilia Schiller Mary Jo Schmith Catherine Schoenherr Karen Searle Silverwood Park


The American Swedish Institute

Slovczech Band Sons of Norway South Highschool Carolers Spelmanslag Spoon and Stable Daithi Sproule St. Kate’s Empty Bowls Project Julie Steller Oskar Stenmark StepUp Sun Street Breads Ross Sutter SVEA Singers Svenskarnas Dag / Scandinavian Day Fest Susan Marie Swanson Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Swedish American Museum (Chicago, IL) Swedish Council of America Swedish Crown Bakery Tara Sweeney Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center Sofia Talvik Kari Tauring Richard Tellström Theater of Public Policy Three Rivers Park District Tiny Footprint Coffee Tjärnblom Karyn Tomlinson Susan Tracy Transmission Music Twin Cities Caricaturists Twin Cities Jewish Choral Tyke Invite University of Minnesota Press University of Minnesota, Department of German, Scandinavian and Dutch Studies University of Minnesota, Goldstein Museum of Design University of Minnesota, Institute for Global Studies and European Studies Consortium Uppsala kommun, Sweden Uppsala University Alumni Association – Minnesota Chapter Uppsala University, Sweden Urban Forage Becky Utecht Renee Vaughan Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum Viking Age Living History Viking Encampment Viking Fiber VocalEssence

Wellstone International High School Janey Westin Whittier Elementary IB PYP Henrik Williams Sara Williams Rachel Wilsson-Broyles Women’s Woodshop Writers, Poets, Musicians –Jim Lenfestey, Tim Franzick, Ruth Bly, Freya Manfred

Star Tribune’s Taste 50 Birthday Feast

Minnesota Wild player Joel Eriksson Ek and A to Zåäö collaboration

FY20 Program Instructors Soile Anderson Allison Aune Kirsten Aune Maddy Bartsch Sean Brock Liz Bucheit Bonnie Buzza Faith Clover Lesley Darling Beth Dooley Beth Dow Eric Edgin Meg Erke Sue Flanders Pieper Fleck Bloomquist Renata Fosset Sam Gathje Melba Granlund Skyler Hawkins Jess Hirsch Christine Hoffman Rose Holdorf Beth Homa Kraus Theresa Hornstein Bill Jaeger Patrice Johnson Gavin Kaysen Kitty Latane Paul Linden Kayla McDaniels Judy McDowell Ann Mekala Mette Nielsen Chiaki O’Brien Keith Pierce Laura Ricketts Anna Ruhland Eva Sabet Anna Sharratt Gigi Stafne Julie Stellar Ingrid Sundstrom Tara Sweeney, Erin Swenson-Klatt Josh Torkelson Susan Tracy Amy Umbel Becky Utecht Janey Westin

Report to the Community FY2020


ASI reopens after COVID-19

See Yourself Reindeer at Winter Solstice Celebration


The American Swedish Institute

Osmo Vänskä rides Gustaf

at ASI!

Family crafts at First Look: extra/ordinary

Summer Lawn Party at ASI

Report to the Community FY2020


Nordic Handcraft workshop

Neighborhood Open House


The American Swedish Institute

Artist Frederick Somers opens Borders and Betweens at ASI

Water, Sky and Me — Family Gallery

Holidays at ASI

Report to the Community FY2020


Clubs and Affiliates

Core to the fabric of our gathering place are the clubs, affiliate organizations and partners that nurture the spirit of community, honor heritage and history, and extend ASI’s reach in new and innovative ways that benefit the community we serve.

ASI Clubs and Performing Groups ASI Cloudberries ASI Male Chorus ASI Spelmanslag F.E.S.T (Friends Encouraging Scandinavian Traditions) Gustavus II Adolphus Society Kaffestuga Friends Minneapolis-Uppsala Friendship Committee Scandinavian Friends Swedish Hospital Alumni Association Svenkarnas Dag Girls Choir SVEA Club SWEA International, MN Swedish Genealogical Society of MN Twin Cities Dalaföreningen Twin Cities Nyckelharpalag Twin Cities Swedish Folk Dancers

Vasa Jr. Folk Dancers Vasa Order of America – Stenbock Lodge Värmlandsförbundet Västergötland Society ASI Affiliate Organizations Agassiz Swedish Heritage Society Bemidji Affiliate of ASI Dala Heritage Society of Mora Dalesburg Scandinavian Association Fox Valley Swedish Society Punschklubben Swedish Cultural Society of Duluth Three Crowns American-Swedish Association

Lilla Spelmanslag Fiddle Workshop (below) Twin Cities Nyckelharpalag (top right) Vasa Jr. Folk Dancers (bottom right)


The American Swedish Institute

Report to the Community FY2020


Annual Donor List

The American Swedish Institute thanks donors whose gifts help care for the Turnblad Mansion and ASI collections, present exhibitions, heritage experiences, language and handcraft classes and Nordic-inspired programming. Gifts also support special projects and capital improvements. The following list recognizes donors who contributed $100 or more during FY2020. Three Crown and Linneaus membership dues are included in the giving totals. We are grateful for all gifts received in support of our mission! Tack! *Denotes a Contributing Level Member $100,000 + Barbara Glaser and Paul Zachos (Nordlys Foundation, Community Fund for the Greater Capital Region, and Jane N. Mooty Foundation Trust) Estate of Margaret E. Johnson Karin L. Larson* Minnesota Historical Society Minnesota State Arts Board $25,000 – $99,999 Estate of Kerstin Berndt Leslie Nelson* Michel and Barbara Nelson* Barbara Rosene $10,000 – $24,999 Deloris Anderson* Anonymous Donor (Dorsey and Whitney Trust Company) Brenda Butler and Joel Woodward* David and Karen Carlson* Estate of David N. Anderson Helena Hernmarck* O.C. Hognander Jr., Hognander Family Foundation* Laurie Jacobi and Cotty Lowry* Nelson Family Fund of the Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund, Michel and Barbara Nelson* $5,000 – $9,999 Helen and Gary Bergren* Carlson Family Foundation Susan Haggberg-Miller Bruce Karstadt* Marco and Lisa Molinari Jim and Karen Olson* Riksbankens Jubileumsfond $2,500 – $4,999 Nina Clark and Mike Lansing Brad Engdahl and Patricia Layton* Estate of Carl O. Lofgren Christine and Charles Lane Thomas and Susan Nelson* Jeri Norbeck*


The American Swedish Institute

Lisa Paulson* Joanne Reisberg* Gerald Sjogren* Swedish Council of America Mary and Richard Woods* $1,000 – $2,499 Susan and Louis Ainsworth* Johan and Jean Åkesson* The Alfred E. and Margaret I. Syring Fund of the Saint Paul Foundation Rev. Rodney L. Anderson and Julane M. Anderson Carmen Bell* Donald E. Benson* Karl Benson and Marie Dwyer* Mark and Debbie Bergman Karen Bieschke* Karen Bruce Barbara Brunzell and Michael Looney* Terryl Carlson* Anders Carlson and Chris Jozwiak* Patti Carlson Sean Conley and Keith Tomlinson* Sheldon Damberg* Erik and Roseann Ekstrom Embassy of Sweden Dale and Sara Forsberg* Catherine Fuller* Barbara and Christopher Glasoe* Joan Growe and Tom Moore Robert and Julie Guelich* Linda and John Hoeschler Robyn Hollingshead* Darold and Carol Johnson* Eugene and Barbara Johnson* Doug and Mary Jones* Sally and Anders Knutzen Chuck and Jill Koosmann Duane and Susan Kullberg* Joan LaVine Charles and Diana Lawrence* Christine and Joseph Lupo* Jan McElfish and Tom Ajax* William Melton* Robert and Suzanne Meyerson* Jan and Russ Michaletz*

Karin Lundahl Moe Ron and Carla Monson* Charlotte and Henrik Nordstrom* Elizabeth Olson and Eric Jensen Larry Opseth Beverly Pearson* Rodger and Kathryn Ringham* Duane and Pat Rosenberg* Ewa and Anders Rydåker* Denise Simonett Myrna and Charles Smith* Robert and Patty Strandquist* The Nelson Family Foundation Ulla Martz Charles Upcraft* Verdandi Lodge No. 3 I.O.S. Laura Westlund* $500 – $999 Susan Adamek* Brook and Kathryn Adolfson* Mary Anderson* Linnea and Jon Asp* Roberta Balstad Aimee and Thomas Baxter* Scott Beekman* George and Denise Bergquist* Michael Bjornberg and Ann Haugejorde* Carl Boberg* Jon Bylander and Terri Vrba* Steven and Catherine Carlson* David and Mary Choate* Susan Cortez Meg Crissinger* Karen and Charles Durant* Myrna Erickson* Estate of Evelyn Viktoria Anderson Carl and April Fredrickson* Rolf and Mary Gilbertson Willow Hagans* Alan Hagstrom Mary and Dale Harpstead George and Mary Dee Hicks* Mary Hintz Diane and Tony Hofstede* Kent and Birgit Johnson*

Frank and Peggy Johnson* Lavone Johnson* Paul Johnson* Sheryl and David Johnson* James and Martha Justus* Virginia and Andrew Kass* Peggy and Michael Korsmo-Kennon* John and Shirley Krohn* James Kurle and Barbara Swadburg* Paul Laederach* Mary Ann and Paul Laes* Truett and Jill Lawson Ruth Lemire* Anne Siren Levig* Margaret Longlet* Beth Lundquist Jones and Ronald Jones* Kathleen Manning and Mark Dahl* Ella E. Meyerson* Nancy and Richard Nelson* Diane Nelson* Byron and Janet Nordstrom Jennifer Olson and Richard Sveum* Beverly and Don Oren Nicholas and Anne Phillippi Inger and Louis Pignolet Sue Ann Pirsch* Robin and Dan Preble* Hallie and Steven Richards* Patricia and William Rosen* Susan T. Rydell* Richard and Judy Sandeen* Michael Seitz Sarah and Stanley Skinner* David and Kathryn Sorensen* Fred and Roxanne Steiner* Rein and Penny Teder Robert and Dorothy Tengdin* Jean Treber and John Cori* Peter Huber and Deborah Van Dyke* Barry and Ann Wallerstedt* William and Julia Weiler* Lisa Weisman* Jennifer and Kevin Weist Sandra Wessman Aron and Karen Yngve* $250 – $499 Marcia Anderson Diane Anderson Phil and Karna Anderson ASI Male Chorus Betty Battista Carline Bengtsson Kenneth and Doris Berglund Hannah Bergman Emma Beyer West

Carol Brandenburg* Patricia and Raymond Chappell* Sarah Crouch Laurie and David Dahl* Mary Dahlberg and Thomas Johnson Linda and Richard Dahlquist Kris Davidson Virginia and John Dell Marilee DesLauriers and John Militello* Richard and Adele Evidon* John and Priscilla Folin* Katherine Geary Jeffrey L Gerhart Dagmar and Jerry Getz* Karen and Ted Gredvig Johnson Gratitude Fund Gail and Thomas Jones* Rianne Leaf Judy Mader Christina Magnuson and Mike Goetz Daniel and Caroline Mason Susan and Edwin McCarthy Terry and Christine Morse* Maud Nelson* Northfield Swedish Club Faye Olson* Carol Peterson David and Lois Peterson David Ringnell Scandinavian Friends Kathryn Schenk and Allan Mahnke Nancy Settergren Ramoundos Elaine Sime Lori Sommerfield* Erik and Syndie Sorensen* Christiana and Dave Stolpestad Swedish Hospital Alumni Association Tara Sweeney JoAnn Thoreen Roland and Edi Thorstensson* Paul and Ruth Tillquist* Twin Cities Nyckelharpalag David Wickstrom and Beverly Bergman-Wickstrom* Margaret Wiita Virginia and Roger Wilson Jane and Mike Wipf* Thomas and Meredith Young Jennifer Zbinden* $100 – $249 Dr. Margaret Adamek and Karl Lorenz* Wendy Adams McKenzie and Rob Mckenzie

Judith and David Adolfson* David Ahlquist Joe and Christine Alfano Jerry Anderson Marilyn Anderson* Barbara and Van Anderson* Rolf Anderson Bradley and Susan Anderson Rick Anderson and Cynthia A. Evon-Anderson John and Judith Anderson* Jenny and Todd Anderson Harriet and Ronald Anderson Suzanne and Myron Angstman Maribelle and Douglas Appleby Rannveig Arnar Hommema Annette Atkins* Vickie Bakken Julie Balot Louise Bauman Robert Beck Sarah Beckman Kathleen Bennett Don H. Benson Klas and Marga Bergman Margareta Beyer Dag Blanck Nancy Blankfard Galen G. Blomster Ann and Gary Bormes* John and Mary Ellen Boynton Linda and Thomas Bracken Gaylon Brandt* Mary Breslin Michael Browne Joyce and Green Bryant* Carol A. Burgess Jean Canfield Anders and Ethel Carlegren* Barbara Carlson Daisy Carlson Chris and Susie Carlson Laura Cederberg and Mike Siebenaler Cecil and Penny Chally Jill and Scott Chamberlain Doris and Fred Cogelow Anne and Mark Colombo Alaine Fay and Charles Coppin Naomi Crocker* Richard Cronstrom* Dave and Merrie Dahlgren

(continued on next page)

Report to the Community FY2020


$100 – $249 (cont.) Sally and Rexford Dale Paul and Susan Damon Shawna Davidson Romelle and Robert Deef Shirley and Vern Discher* Grant Dolezal Kirk Dornfeld and Carol Winter Kristine and Julia Douglas Sylvia Elftmann Diane and Bill Ellis Brenda Eng* Duane and Marlene Engstrom* Mark and Sue Erickson Roland Erickson Jeff and Cathy Erpelding Diane Etling Sue Flanders Matthew and Marcia Floding Judith Fogdall Pat Forrest* Nancy Foster Katie and Rick Fournier* Solveig Franz Linda Fredrickson Ann Fromell Theis and Dennis Theis John Goetz Thomas and Jacob Golembeck Ruth Gonnerman Kathy Gremillion Margo Greuel Edward and Jean Griffin Jesse Grittner Stephen Gronewold and Jaime Pedraza* Jean and Bruce Grussing* Ev Hanson-Florin Susan Harrington William and Barbara Harrison Craig and Dottie Hedberg Bruce and Carol Hedblom David Hedlund and Jean Sazevich* Anne Heller* Laura Hill Alice and Dave Holm Claire Holmes Laurie and Gary Holmquist Virginia and Erik Homme Horizon Agency* Ron Hovda Ann Hutchings Michael and Cindy Huttner* Thomas Hysell and Susan Marie Swanson* Kaaren Jacobson Beverly Jahn Herbert Johnson*


The American Swedish Institute

David and Kari Johnson Wayne Johnson and Shirley Widseth Lois Johnson* Christine Johnson Anna Marie Johnson Ron and Sue Johnson Burton and Nancy Johnson* Andrew and Jennifer Johnson Ronald Johnson Stanley and Diane Johnson Muriel Johnson* Dennis and Carol Johnson* Warren and Paula Johnson Alexander and Lisa Källebo Beth Kaluza Patricia Kane and Joel Rudney Anita and Fred Kattelman Caryn and David Katzung Ingrid Christina Keune Ray and Dee Kleinow Carolyn and Cordell Klug Jill Kopperud Per and Molly Lagerback Lois and Paul Larsen Aurora Larson Philip and Joann Larson Doug and Evelyn Larson* Robert and Marilynn Larson Carol Leach Lisa Ledin and Fred Crea* Dianne Leider Karla Levine Jim and Sandi Likely Gay Lynn and William Liljemark Edwin and Jane Lindborg* Lois Lindgren Betty and Bruce Lindholm John and Patricia Lindholm* Barbara and Thomas Lindskog Diane Lindstrom Evodia Linner* Pete Linnert* Dr. John Litell and Dr. Britt Erickson* Jean Ljungkull Susan Lofgren* John and Jane Lonnquist Karen Lukas and John Printz Karen Lundholm and Nicholas Nash Rebekah and Austin Lunn Dennis D. Magnuson Rev Elizabeth Mahan and Mr. Thomas Shaw Victoria Mahoney* Kate Maple Anne Marsnik Kristen and Charlie Marttila Sandra Mathisen

Ingrid Mattsson* Charles and Carolyn Mayo Kay McCarthy Ruth Mestnik Kathy Metcalf Deborah Miller and William Lovegren Nancy Miller Thom Miranda and Roberta Meyers Jennifer Moline Lynne Blomstrand Moratzka and Jim Moratzka Robert Morgan Jensine and David Moyer Mohamud Mumin Robert and Betty Nasstrom* Karmen Nelson and Phil Carruthers Lavonne Nelson Marlys Nelson* Gordon and Judy Nelson Carl and Sandra Nelson* Mathew Nelson Curtis and Ellen Nelson Mary Jo Nelson and Mike Naas* Claire and Gary Nelson* Gary and Alex Nichols* Paul and Merodie Nielsen Annette Nijjar Anne and Stephen Noonan Robert and Clarice Nord Mary Nord Steven and Jenni Norlin-Weaver Sven and Jodie Nyberg Charles and Laura Nystrom* Allen Ollila James Olson Sawyer Olson Arvid Olson Dale and Ione Olson* Craig and Linda Olson Steven and Sandy Olson Andreas and Katarina Ornberg Andrea Oseland James and Jill Ostlund* Kerstin Palm Julie and Robert Paschke Jason Patalonis* Deb and Edward Peitso James and Susan Peterson Daryl Peterson Owen and Marcia Peterson Larry Peterson and Lois Steer Monica Poling Ella Ramsey and William Merrill Anita and Paul Ratwik Jonathan Riehle and Angela Bohmann Lois Ripley

Illustration from A to Zåäö: Playing with History at the American Swedish Institute

Thomas and Kristen Ritchie Sheila Johnson Robbins Kristian and Lizbet Ronning Bill Rosen Gordon and Maggie Rosine Michael and Wanda Roth Suellen Rundquist* Christina and John Sauer Jeanne Schacht and Terry Gockman Harry Schaller Catherine Schauer Mary Beth Schmidt Robert and Karen Schwartzbauer Bernice and Charles Sederberg Colleen Seifert Claire Selkurt and Dianne Legg Annette Selvig Susan Senecah and Van Calhoun Paul and B.L. Settergren Marie Shank Byron Simmons* Bruce and Cheryl Skalbeck* Marilyn Smith Linnea Sodergren* Karen Steelman Tanya and Carl Stockberger Marcia and John Stout Betty and Gregory Strong Thomas and Kristi Sullivan Arnulf and Deni Svendsen Jerry and Janice Swanberg* JoAnn and George Swanson*

Joanna Swanson Virginia and Bob Taylor Sue Taylor Joan and Charles Threet Mariann Tiblin* Sandra Titus Charlaine Tolkien and Karen Hawley* Susan Tracy and Mr. Dan Janal* Nancy Turnblad Julia and Andy Turnbull Allen and Karen Unger Thomas and Robin Wallace Linda Wallenberg Wasatch Back Rocksteady Boxing for Parkinsons Betty Westberg Barbara and Thomas White John and Sandra White* Gregory White* Britt-Marie and John Wood* Timothy Wunderlich and Danielle Matson Camille and Conrad Wyffels

Report to the Community FY2020


Life Members Life Members have made a membership commitment for life and given a gift that symbolizes their gratitude for the American Swedish Institute, and supports our exhibits, programming, neighborhood outreach and care of the Turnblad Mansion and its collections. Tack! Dr. Margaret Adamek and Karl Lorenz Susan Adamek Ira Adelman Judith and David Adolfson Susan and Louis Ainsworth James and Marilyn Anderson Shirley Anderson David G. Anderson Penny and Greg Anderson Deloris Anderson Mrs. George R. Anderson Peggy Anderson David Anderson Dennis and Betty Anderson Benny Andersson and Mona Norklit Duane and Christina Arndt Stanley and Betty Auslund Jerry and Pam Barstow Gary and MaryAnn Bawden Scott Beekman Dr. Ellen Bendel-Stenzel Donald E. Benson Kenneth and Lorraine Benson Kjell and Donna Bergh George and Denise Berquist Jackie Bjoin Suzanne and Cliff Bloberger Carl Boberg Bon Bylander and Terri Vrba Joanne Carlson Herbert and Joan Carlson Marilyn Carlson Terri Carlson Steven and Catherine Carlson Mary Carlson Barbara Cartford Judy Chartrand John Clemedson Bo Crabo Richard Cronstrom Laurie and David Dahl Paul and Marikay Dahlin Mary Jean Dahlstrom Shirley and Vern Discher Valerie Eastlund Erling and Marilyn Eibs Peter and Elizabeth Ekholm Elsie Ekström Martin Brad Engdahl and Patricia Layton Duane and Marlene Engstrom


The American Swedish Institute

Daniel and Joan Erickson Roselyn Erickson Roland Erickson Muriel Erickson Myrna Erickson Kim M. Erickson and Bernard Mullen Leanne Erickson Maxine Erickson Carol Erling Ron and Marcia Everson Jean Feroe Helen Fosdick Philip Fiedlund and Lisa Isenberg Cartherine Fuller Barbara Gage Jennifer and Rob Gimpl Barbara Linell Glaser and Paul Zachos Kimara Glaser Gustafson and Eric Gustafson Duane Gorder Marjorie Gores Ruth K.K. Granheim and Randolph L.G. Knoche Charles and Laurie Gustafson Caroline Gustafson H.E. Jonas Hafström Erick and Karin Hakanson Lois Hall and Phil Morton John Hasselberg Priscilla Hawkinson Mary Dee and George Hicks Ann and Bob Hildreth Mary Hirschboeck and David Monson Tony and Diane Hofstede O.C. Hognander Jr. Brad Hokanson and Betsy Henderson Richard Holmberg Patricia Idström Bonnie and Gale Ikola Ruth Johnson Donald and Ann Johnson Erik Johnson Nils Johnson and Kirsti Hendricksen Dennis and Carol Johnson Frank and Peggy Johnson Lowell and Andrea Johnson Eugene and Barbara Johnson June E. and Robert R. Johnson Lois Johnson John and Arlene Johnson Kent and Birgit Johnson

David and Barbara Johnson Bruce Karstadt Charles and Sandra Kelley Duane and Susan Kullberg Kirsten and Matthew Kurz David Larson and Brenda Witt Michael J. Larson and Marijane Tessman Doug and Evelyn Larson Levonne Larson Dorothy Laurence Karen LaVine Charles and Diana Lawrence Anne Siren Levig John and Nancy Lindahl Erik Lindberg and Marcia Glick Carol and Kenneth Lindberg Patty Lindell Rebecca and Paul Lindell Evodia Linner Dr. John Litell and Dr. Britt Erickson Jorene Magnuson Jan McElfish and Tom Ajax Robert and Suzanne Meyerson Ella E. Meyerson Jan and Russ Michaletz Lydia and Scott Midness David Mitchell Randal and Lori Monson Ron and Carla Monson Mary Jo Monson Julie Monson Cory Monson Steven Monson Britta Monson Kylie Monson Erik Monson Kendall Monson Daniel Monson Lily Monson Gimpl John and Susan Morrison Sylvia Myren Robert and Betty Nasstrom Michel and Barbara Nelson Joyce Nelson Genevieve Nelson Leslie Nelson Maud Nelson Bonnie Nelson Mary Jo Nelson and Mike Naas Pat Norby

Henrick and Charlotte Nordstrom Bev Norris Jennifer and Jay Novak Charles and Laura Nystrom Karen E. O’Connor Bette Olson Marian Olson Lyndon and Kay Olson Karen and Jim Olson Lisa Paulson Beverly Pearson Claire and John Perry Elise Peters Joyce Peterson Mary Jo and Winston Peterson Ernest and Caryl Pierson John and Chris Plaisted Michael and Linda Redmond Joanne Reisberg Lynne and Tom Rendahl Todd Richter Rodger and Kathryn Ringham Margareta Ritt

Patricia and William Rosen Barbara Rudquist and Barry Schreiber Jayne Rudquist Quinlan and Dan Quinlan Ewa and Anders Rydåker Jon and Beth Sander Patty Sander Charles Schoen Margit Schott Jeanne Sielaff-Daum Gerald Sjogren Georgia Skjold Myrna and Charles Smith Lorna Smith Bengt Sohlén Keith and Karen Solimar David and Kathryn Sorensen Wendy and Keith Springer Muriel Stock Robert and Patty Strandquist Eileen Swanson JoAnn and George Swanson Carol A. Swanson

Craig and Larey Swanson Rich and Cheryl Theilen Jeffrey and Sandra Thoele Dale Thomas and Ms. Amy Cusick Inge and Helene Thulin Paul and Ruth Tillquist Anna-Lisa Tooker Charles Upcraft Virginia Wagner Steven and Suzanne Walters Lisa Weisman George Werness Adam and Lykke Westgren John and Sandra White Gregory White Jerry Williams JeriLynn Young and Darrick Jensen

extra/ordinary exhibition at ASI

“I’ve been a regular attendee at the @amswedinstitute since before I can remember. I’m a co-member of the Institute now with my grandmother and going to the events and taking Swedish language classes has been an amazing way to connect with her! I’m so grateful for the times we’ve shared in the Mansion and the “new” addition. Each time we go I learn something new about Swedish and Swedish-American cultures through the events and the stories she tells me.” — Kiersten Shea, from Instagram post Report to the Community FY2020


Heritage Society Members Heritage Society members have made a commitment to the American Swedish Institute’s future, ensuring ASI can remain a gathering place for years to come. Gifts include naming the ASI as a beneficiary in estate plans and/or a gift of $3,000 or more to the Heritage Endowment Fund. E. Viktoria Anderson Greg and Penny Anderson Lee and Penny Anderson Rev. Rodney L. Anderson and Julane M. Anderson Carole and Darlene Arwidson DeAnn Barlow and Kurt Martinson Louise Bauman Gary and MaryAnn Bawden Scott Beekman Kjell and Donna Bergh Bonnie Bergman Gary and Helen Bergren Jackie Bjoin Carl Boberg Daisy Carlson Joanne Carlson Phyllis Carlson Barbara Cartford Mary Jean Dahlstrom Sheldon Damberg Valerie Eastlund Erling and Marilyn Eibs Duane and Marlene Engstrom Vianne Engwall Kim M. Erickson and Bernard Mullen Leanne Erickson Roselyn Erickson Carol Erling Philip Friedlund and Lisa Isenberg Barbara Linell Glaser and Paul Zachos Lois Hall and Phil Morton John Hasselberg Priscilla Hawkinson Helena Hernmarck Bob and Ann Hildreth Laurie Jacobi and Cotty Lowry David Johnson Dennis and Carol Johnson Dennis and Kathryn Johnson Elizabeth Johnson John Johnson Muriel Johnson Nancy J. Johnson


The American Swedish Institute

James M. Kaplan Ray and Dee Kleinow Diane Larson Levonne Larson Anne Siren Levig Evodia Linner Jorene Magnuson Norma Magnuson Edward and Dawn Michael Mary Jo Monson John and Susan Morrison Phil Morton and Lois Hall Bernard Mullen and Kim M. Erickson Leslie Nelson Rodney Nelson Mary Noble Marian Olson Lisa Paulson Richard and Diane Pearson Elise Peters Jean Peterson Dan Quinlan and Jayne Rudquist Quinlan

Judy Reinking Margareta Ritt Barbara Rudquist and Barry Schreiber Dale Schwie Maribeth Selvig Charles and Myrna Smith Bengt Sohlén Keith and Karen Solimar Carol Stoddart Eileen Swanson George and JoAnn Swanson Bob and Virginia Taylor Mariann Tiblin Wayne Tubbs Lisa Weisman Gregory White John and Sandra White Jerry Williams

Easter at the Castle

Serving Our Mission — Volunteer Recognition The American Swedish Institute is indebted to its volunteers for their many hours of valuable service.


HOURS 5,380

Volunteers giving 100 hours or more Patti Carlson Erma Comstock Melissa Hansen Wilbur Hill Ted Johnson Candy LaBarre Chris Lane Cheryl Olson Arlene Restad Pat Rosen Gordy Rosine Dale Swenson Jeanine Westling

Volunteers gathering over Zoom

“With the museum closed due to Covid restrictions, ASI started offering virtual tours in December, focusing on the castle and the Turnblad family. A lot of meatballs were rolled and lefse buttered in preparation for the drivethrough lutfisk dinner in November.” — Elizabeth Skogland, Volunteer

ASI at a Glance 30,414








Facebook Fans

Turnblad Mansion and Museum Admissions

Diners at FIKA

Number of Retail Transactions in ASI Museum Store


Instagram Followers


Festival Attendees (Julmarknad, Midsommar and Winter Solstice)


Volunteer Hours Donated


Adult Programs Participants

Active Member Households

Twitter Followers

Youth & Family Program Participants

School Partnership Program Participants


Virtual Participants


Group Tour Participants


Active Volunteers


Full-time Staff Resilient through the Pandemic


Inflatable Dala Horse


The American Swedish Institute

Sources of Funds and Expenditures for Core Mission Support and Capital Projects Sources of Funds (Without Restrictions) Operations Donations and Grants Memberships Admissions Programs, Classes and Events Cultural Enterprises, Net of Cost of Sales Other Total Sources of Funds for Operations

$1,040,234 $325,956 $193,939 $336,021

Other Donations for Capital Projects and Cash Reserve


$874,988 $510,541 $3,281,679

Expenditures Operations Museum, Program and Core Mission Support


Other Capital Expenditures from Operating Funds


Sources of Funds (With Restrictions)

Donations and Grants


Net Change in Assets

Net Change


For October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020. The above financial information accurately represents operations, but is not presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. For audited financial statements when available, see

Front and back cover illustrations by Tara Sweeney from the book A to Zåäö: Playing with History at the American Swedish Institute

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