FIU's Asian Studies Program Newsletter 2012-2013

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A SIAN STUDIES PROGRAM Florida International University



2012-2013 Highlights Japan Foundation Grant Worlds Ahead Graduates Graduates & Student News Events and Activities Chinese Studies Search


Faculty News


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DR. STEVEN HEINE Professor and Director Asian Studies

DR. PAUL KOWERT Associate Professor International Relations

DR. TOM BRESLIN Professor International Relations

MASAKO KUBOTA Adjunct Instructor Asian Studies Modern Languages

DR. NATHAN KATZ SIPA Distinguished Professor Religious Studies

DR. LI MA Chinese Instructor Asian Studies Modern Languages

NAOKO KOMURA Instructor Asian Studies Modern Languages

DR. MATTHEW MARR Assistant Professor Global & Sociocultural Studies / Asian Studies


ASUKA MASHAV Assistant Director Asian Studies Japanese Instructor Modern Languages

DR. JULIE ZENG Assistant Professor International Relations

DR. ERIC MESSERSMITH Lecturer Asian Studies

MARIA SOL ECHARREN Program Coordinator

DR. OREN STIER Graduate Program Director Asian Studies Religious Studies

JULIE LEAVITT Academic Program Assistant

DR. BIN XU Associate Professor Global & Sociocultural Studies / Asian Studies

JENNYLEE DIAZ Office Assistant

DR. LIDU YI Assistant Professor Art & Art History


DR. HITOMI YOSHIO Assistant Professor Asian Studies Modern Languages


Ja pa n Fo u ndatio n Gra nt The Asian Studies Program has received an Institutional Project Support Program Grant from the Japan Foundation, for a collaborative project called "The South Florida Partnership in Japanese Studies (SFPJS) Housed at FIU." This project lasting from 2013-2017 will greatly enhance knowledge and critical analysis of Japanese history and culture through developing an interdisciplinary curriculum and supporting a multi-institutional consortium for promoting research, teaching, and outreach. The project is directed by Dr. Steven Heine, who has been involved in numerous Japan Foundation-funded grants. The SFPJS partners include Florida Atlantic University (FAU), the Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens, and the Florida Delegation of the Southeast U.S./Japan Association (SEUS/Japan). The SFPJS also collaborates with outreach organizations including local community colleges, such as Miami-Dade College and Broward College, in addition to the Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese, Miami Hoshuko, and the Japanese Business Association of Miami. The primary goal is Staff Expansion through the establishment at FIU of a new full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Japanese History with an emphasis on the pre-modern period and engagement with transnational issues. The faculty member who holds the new position will expand studies of Japan as part of the undergraduate and graduate programs of the Asian Studies Program at FIU, which has been growing rapidly in recent years, and will also enable the SFPJS to create an integrated approach to scholarship, instruction, and service. Additional goals include Curriculum Development through course infusions at FIU and FAU; Research Conferences or faculty development workshops for specialist and non-specialist faculty in History and other departments; Library Support to build the vernacular and digital collections; Publication Support to expand the scope of the Japan Studies Review, an annual peer-reviewed journal; Study Tour or research travel to Japan for faculty or graduate students; and miscellaneous items, including an external consultant and clerical assistance. Since Dr. Heine became director, the Asian Studies Program has received 10 grants over 20 years, adding up to about $2 million in external funding and creating 6 faculty positions (2 Japanese, 1 Chinese, 1 Int’l Relations, 1 Sociology, 1 History). Additional positions were created in Asian Studies based on student demand (1 Asian Studies, 1 Sociology, 1 Japan Literature, 1 Art History). Grants received include the following: - Department of Education Title VI (1997-1999) Curriculum & Professional Development - Department of Education Title VI (1999-2001) Hired first Japanese Instructor - Department of Education Title VI (2001-2004) Curriculum & Professional Development - Japan Foundation (2003-2006) Hired second Japanese Instructor - Department of Education Title VI (2003-2006) Hired Tenure-Track IPE China - Japan Foundation/Center for Global Partnerships (2004-2007) K-12 Teacher Workshops - National Endowment for Humanities (2007-2009) Hired first Chinese Instructor - Freeman Foundation (2007-current) K-12 Teacher Workshops - Japan Foundation (2008-2011) Hired Tenure Track Japanese Sociology - Japan Foundation (2013-2017) Hire Tenure Track Japanese History. 44

A s i a n Wo r l d a f fa i r s Tr ac k The Asian Studies B.A. degree offers as of Fall 2013 a new Asian World Affairs Track that is available fully online. This new online degree option allows more flexibility and convenience to FIU students who work full time or do not live in the Miami area. The Asian World Affairs Track is designed for students who have a special interest in Asia and the role of the region in contemporary world affairs. In the 21st century, it is crucial for students interested in current issues of Asian economies and policies, trade and investment, and cross-cultural exchanges and intellectual activities to be well-versed in an interdisciplinary study of the area. One year of study online with a relevant Asian language is required for students to understand better Asia and world affairs. This new track provides students with an in-depth foundation in modern Asian affairs in a global context. This will prepare them for advanced studies in graduate school as well as for careers in the public sector (world affairs, teaching, and service) or the private sector (international trade and technology, journalism or consulting).

Asian World Affairs Track: Required Courses (a) To earn a B.A. in Asian Studies with the Asian World Affairs track, a student must maintain a 2.0 GPA in Asian Studies courses. (b) Language: Student must take at least two semesters of Chinese, Japanese, or other Asian language (6 credits), which is a pre-requisite and does not count towards the B.A. (c) Candidates for the B.A. in Asian Studies with the Asian World Affairs track will complete the required 36 hours of upper division course work in the following fashion: Core Courses (24 credits) Intro to East Asia (ASN 3410) Modern Asia (ASN 4390) OR Dynamics of Asia (ASN 4510)* 18 credits from the Asian Studies course list (9 credits from International Political Economy; 9 credits from Asian Cultural Studies) *Capstone course may be substituted with permission of Asian Studies Director Electives (12 credits) Four courses in contemporary and/or comparative Asian issues, course sample list below. Advanced language courses can be used to fulfill the electives. History of Japan (ASH 3440) East Asian Civilization and Culture (ASH 4300) Introduction to China (ASN 3016) East Asian Texts in Translation (ASN 4810) Comparative Political Economy of Asia (CPO 4507) Japan and the US (INR 3220) International Relations of China (INR 4232) Reading and Translating Contemporary Japanese Literature (JPN 4930) State and Society of China (SYD 4610) Japanese Society in Global Perspectives (SYD 4451)

Students interested should contact an advisor. 55

Asian Studies Program is proud to announce that for the 2nd year in a row, students in our degree programs have been recognized as FIU Worlds Ahead graduates by President Mark Rosenberg. In Spring 2012, it was Adam Johnson (M.A.) who has since joined the military. This year, Karen Cespedes (M.A.) and Sky Choi (B.A.) are both “Worlds Ahead.�

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Karen Cespedes MASTER OF ARTS IN ASIAN STUDIES Originally from Colombia, Karen Cespedes and her family immigrated as refugees to the U.S. when she was seven. Motivated by her personal experience with the political asylum process, she wants to mentor young people going through the same process and to represent the U.S. overseas as a public diplomacy foreign service officer. While working full-time, Karen earned a bachelor’s degree in international relations, a minor in Asian studies, an undergraduate certificate in both national security studies and Asian and Latin America globalization from FIU in 2009. Among her many accomplishments, in 2010, Karen was one of two delegates from Florida to present at the Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan. Her paper on the Hispanic-American experience in the U.S. earned her accolades among diplomats and academics. Karen returned the following year, where she served as a

olitical intern for the American Institute in Taiwan. In that role, she conducted research on hujudicial reform and human rights. Karen collaborated with MTV to spearhead a media cam-

ht trafficking victims and bring awareness to the issue throughout Taiwan. found the time to develop an outreach program to aid human trafficking victims. Karen will

ate Department’s foreign service exam this year. Karen will remain active in the local communi-

g high school students and will continue to manage Esquire Solutions, a multi-million dollar

complex litigation consultant. Karen credits FIU Senior International Officer Hilarion Martinez,

teven Heine and Thomas Breslin with mentoring and inspiring her. 7

“One of the unique aspects of the Asian Studies major is the opportunity to take courses in a number of other disciplines. I was able to combine my interests in mathematics, foreign languages and religious studies with my interest in Asian Studies. The highlight of my experience at FIU, however, was the opportunity to participate in two Study Abroad Programs in Asia (China - Summer 2010 and Vietnam/ Cambodia - Winter 2012). I am very grateful to Dr. Heine and Dr. Messersmith for their guidance and leadership.”


Sixteen-year-old Sebastian “Sky” Choi made FIU history as the university’s youngest graduate ever! He attended FIU at 10 years of age as a dual enrolled high school student and matriculated full time in the Honors College at 12 years of age. He has maintained straight A’s in all Asian Studies coursework as well as Honors College courses. Sky had been awarded a scholarship from the Miami-Dade Asian American Advisory Committee when he matriculated full-time for his academic and community service achievements. He has competed in the 2nd and 3rd Annual FIU Chinese Speech Contests and placed 3rd in Chinese Level 2 and 2nd in Chinese Level 4, respectively. Although Asian Studies started out as a minor, after taking some courses, Sky began pursuing it as his primary major. Sky is also an active member in the Asian Student Union and Music Saves Lives, as well as a member of Golden Key, Delta Epsilon Iota and Phi Kappa Phi. While at FIU, Sky attended two Study Abroad Programs in Asia as first time programs. He attended the Summer Abroad program in Hangzhou, China in the summer of 2011 and attended the Honors College Study Abroad Program in Cambodia and Vietnam. In Cambodia, Sky spent two weeks teaching English, two classes a day, at the provincial teacher's college in Siem Reap. This trip had a profound effect on him 8

and solidified his desire to pursue a career in teaching. Sky has also founded two non-profit organizations in order to raise funds to provide school supplies and access to higher education to children in Siem Reap, Cambodia and provide support for Iraqi refugee children that were relocated in the United States. Outside of school, Sky has worked 15-20 hours a week teaching taekwondo at his family's teakwondo school in Doral for the past three years. He has been training since he was 4 years old and is currently a 3rd degree black belt. He will be testing for his 4th degree in November. Sky has also spent extensive time in Korea, more than a month each year, studying traditional martial arts with various masters and teaching English to taekwondo students at two taekwondo schools in Jeonbuk, South Korea. Sky also trains and competes at the state, national and international level in Taekwondo Sports Poomsae. He has begun training with FIU's Taekwondo Team and will be representing FIU at the upcoming Collegiate Championships this April in Colorado Springs. Post-graduation, Sky will continue to teach, train and compete in taekwondo. Although he has a passion for teaching, due to his age, he will not be able to obtain teaching credentials for another two years. In the fall, Sky will begin pursuing a Master's in Teaching Mathematics via Harvard’s hybrid program. Many classes are available online and the remainder will be taken at Harvard over the course of the next two summers. When Sky is 18 years old, he will begin obtaining his teaching certification and intends to teach mathematics, Ed.D in Mathematics, Science and Learning Technologies at FIU. 9

2012-2013 Asian Studies Graduates

CONGRATULATIONS to this year’s graduates of Asian Studies academic programs! MASTER OF ARTS IN ASIAN STUDIES Julia Beabout Karen Cespedes James Herring Alexis Moore

Umer Rahman Gabriela Romeu Sharon Thieman Ashley Torres

BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ASIAN STUDIES Jalal Akhtar Aneesa Ali-Bocas Katrina Ankrum Frederico Armando Gloria Bailon Jennifer Beaty Vanessa Borras Jason Chamberlain Sebastian “Sky” Choi Devin Chong Jessica Ciocon Jorge Curtidor Rosalin Delgado Jennylee Diaz Alex Fong-Yee

Javier Guardia Gayathiri Gunasegaram Bradly Hammond Ignacio Jimeno Blake Lococo Gabriel Lopez Sean Loret De Mola Vanessa Presbot Adrian Ruiz Ayla Shove Brittany Steele Vanessa Trevilcock Cameron Viscovich Victor E. Zayas 10

MINOR IN ASIAN STUDIES Eric Alvarez Benjamin Castro Ana Galiano Jenner Paulino Daniel Sallato Richard Santin Candice Tao Susan Tapia Chriss Wong

JAPANESE STUDIES CERTIFICATE Aneesa Ali-Bocas Katrina Ankrum Gloria Bailon Vanessa Borras Devin Chong Jessica Ciocon Jorge Curtidor Jennylee Diaz Jenny Escobar Alex Fong-Yee

Javier Guardia Gayathiri Gunasegaram Bradly Hammond John Hauenstein Ignacio Jimeno Blake Lococo Gabriel Lopez Jessica Ortega Jenner Paulino Jose Pavon

Nancy Perea Vanessa Presbot Adrian Ruiz Richard Santin Ayla Shove Brittany Steele Susan Tapia Vanessa Trevilcock Abraham Trewin David Vaca Georiga Zoyganelis




Frederico Armando Julia Beabout Isabella M. Burckhardt Jason Chamberlain Sebastian “Sky” Choi Rosalin Delgado Vicky Quintana Douglas Soler Cameron Viscovich Victor E. Zayas

Michael Ramirez Jessica Ramos Katharina Tomisato David Vaca

Gabriel Lopez Madeleen Castro Maria I. Reyes Cameron Viscovich



Lukas Danner Ph.D. Student in International Relations Lukas Danner presented his paper, “Confucian Influences on Popular Values in China and Taiwan” at the 54th annual

Conference of the

American Association for Chinese Studies at Georgia Tech. The paper examines how Confucian influence has been on the rise since the 1970s through the use of media analysis, as well as how the rise in Confucianism coincided with a decline in individualism. Danner will also be presenting his paper, “Regional Security Complex Theory and the Diaoyu Islands Conflict“ at the 2013 East Asia Security Symposium at China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing. Danner will be analyzing, through the implementation of the Regional Security Complex Theory, the various social, environmental, and political security dynamics and what it means for the conflict, namely the potential of armed conflict between China and Japan. Also, Lukas and Mr. Daniel Clausen, another Ph.D. student in International Relations, along with eight other scholars from the South, were accepted to be part of this year's “Young Scholar Program (YSP)” sponsored by the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This was the third annual “YSP” in which the TECO Miami, in conjunction with the TECO Atlanta, sent young scholar delegates from the U.S. South to Taiwan during May 23-29, 2013. 12

Umer Rahman M.A. Student in Asian Studies

Umer Rahman will be graduating with a Master’s in Asian Studies, for which he received the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Excellence Award. He plans to pursue either law school (International Law) or a Ph.D. in International Affairs with a keen focus on policy of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Over the summer, he will be collaborating on a summer research collaboration with Dr. Bin Xu concerning an interpretation of reputation on an international level (topic expanded from Identity, Nationalism and Ethnic Divide: A case study on Dr. Shakil Afridi’s reputation) in order to expand his current graduate research. Umer also plans to travel extensively throughout the summer and fall to prepare for the intensive rigors of a doctoral or law program. For the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters, Umer successfully taught his own sections of ASN 3410 Introduction to East Asia. Umer is the second T.A. to teach this course on his own, while studying full time. Currently, he is considering several doctoral programs including International Education, Higher Education Administration, International Affairs, Area Studies and Political Science. 13

Gabriela Romeu graduated with a Master of Arts in Asian Studies in the spring. She worked as a Graduate Assistant for Dr. Steven Heine’s capstone courses of ASN 4510 “Dynamics of Asia,” ASN 5050 “Methods in Asia,” ASN 4390 and ASN 5315 “Modern Asia” from 2011–2013. Gabriela also traveled to Japan (and South Korea) in order to purchase Japanese history textbooks, which are criticized for containing inaccurate historical accounts concerning atrocities conducted during World War II. She used this research to complete her Master’s thesis, “The Japanese History Textbook Controversy Amid PostWar Sino-Japanese Relations.” In the summer of 2012, Gabriela interned at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens where she lead the hands-on portion of the Summer Tour Plus Program. This program introduced children, who were mostly from disadvantage communities, to Japanese culture. In the spring, she participated in the annual Asian Studies Southern Japan Seminar where she presented her research and methods for her thesis. Earlier this year, Gabriela was selected for the prestigious Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program where she will teach English to elementary and middle school students in Ginoza, Okinawa prefecture. 14

Graduate Student News ALEXIS MOORE Alexis, M.A. student in Asian Studies, was accepted for the JET Program this Summer 2013. She will be travelling to Japan to teach high school students in Hyogo prefecture.

IAN VERHINE Ian, former Asian Studies M.A. Student from 2011, will be returning to FIU to teach as Adjunct Instructor in the Fall 2013 section of ASN 3410 “Introduction to East Asia.”

JULIA BEABOUT Julia works full-time as an engineer and completed Asian Studies as a part-time student. She started studying Chinese from the beginning and became so proficient that she did an internship under Mali as an assistant in one of the upper-level Chinese classes. She also accomplished a masterful translation of a Chinese text for her Master’s Essay in collaboration with Mali and Dr. Heine. Julia also participated in the Summer Intensive Chinese Language Program at the Beijing Institute for Education where she studied Mandarin, conducted research for her thesis, and interviewed Chinese families about contemporary social issues in 2011. She received a State Department fellowship to go back to China for studies in summer 2012, and has received a Confucius Institute Scholarship for new research in China in Fall 2013 after her graduation.

Asian Studies Office Employees  Jennylee Diaz—Office Assistant (2010-2013)

B.A. in Asian Studies & English Literature (Spring 2013)

 María Sol Echarren—Program Coordinator (2010-present)

M.A. in Spanish Literature & Linguistics (Spring 2012); Ph.D. Spanish (current student)

 Maria Magdaline Jamass—Graduate Assistant (2012-present) M.A. in Asian Studies (current student)

 Julie Leavitt—Program Assistant (2011-2013) M.S. in International/Intercultural Education (Spring 2013)

 Kristina Loveman—(New) Program Assistant M.S. in International/Intercultural Education (current student)

 Umer Rahman—Teaching Assistant (2011-2013) M.A. in Asian Studies (Spring 2013)

 Gabriela Romeu—Graduate Assistant (2011-2013) M.A. in Asian Studies (Spring 2013) 15

“Being a part of the Asian Studies Program has been a major highlight of my time at FIU. Whether it be in classes, at extracurricular events, or just out around campus, Asian Studies students and faculty have always been warm, supportive, and intellectually engaging. I feel very privileged to have shared these past four years with them . ”

Bradly Hammond is an outstanding undergraduate student who completed the B.A. in Asian Studies and International Relations with a cumulative 4.0 GPA, with minors in Economics and Japanese Language and Literature. He received the Award in Academic Excellence this Spring 2013 when he graduated from FIU. Bradley lived in Kanagawa Prefecture for three years as a child, and returned to Japan twice as a high school student. His research interests include Meiji translation words and post-WWII language reform. As a freshman, he came to FIU with a full-tuition scholarship from the Florida State Government and the FIU Honors College. During his senior year, he worked on an Honors College thesis on the development of Meiji Era translation words (honyakugo) that involves extensive use of Japanese linguistic sources. He also passed Level N1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test at the University of Washington, where he studied for a year. In addition, he presented a paper on “A ‘Brief Era of Experimentation’: How The Early Meiji Political Debates Shaped Japanese Political Terminology” at the Southern Japan Seminar in February 2013 as the only undergraduate in the Graduate Student Panel. 16

Undergraduate Student News FREDERICO ARMANDO Fred was awarded the China Study Abroad Scholarship in 2012, granted to Asian Studies by the China Scholarship Council and the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Houston, Texas. This Spring 2013, he received the Award in Academic Excellence after graduating with his B.A. and Chinese Studies Certificate. Fred was accepted to George Washington University to pursue an M.A. in Asian Studies as well as the M.A. in China Studies at the Johns Hopkins University. After getting his Master's, he plans to join the Foreign Service.


Jorge had the opportunity to participate in an internship at the Wolfson Private Collection. He graduated this Spring 2013 with his B.A in Asian Studies along with a Certificate in Japanese Studies.

JENNYLEE DIAZ Jennylee graduated Spring 2013 with dual degrees in Asian Studies and English Literature as well as a certificates in Japanese Studies, Linguistics, and Speech-Language Pathology. During her time at FIU, she was an office assistant for Asian Studies and a research assistant for Dr. Mehmet Yavaş (Linguistics Program). Jennylee was accepted to Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions in Boston where she will pursue a Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology. She wishes to work with the Japanese population that struggles with voice, language, and communication disorders.


Carol, a current Asian Studies Graduate student and an alumni of FIU’s Honors College, was recognized in the FIU Newsletter for taking heavy academic loads year-round to complete her bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies within two years.

ADRIAN RUIZ Adrian passed Level 1, the highest level, of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). He graduated with his B.A. in Asian Studies with a Certificate in Japanese Studies this Spring 2013.

SARAHIT ZERPA Sarahit studied at Beijing Language and Culture University during Fall 2012. She also received a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council and the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Houston, Texas. 17




THAILAND William visited and studied at many temples and



Lukas traveled this summer to attend the 10th Annual East Asia Security Symposium and Conference at China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing. He presented a paper on the recent Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands conflict with Japan as a case of Regional Security Complex Theory.



Cory traveled this summer to attend the Humanistic Buddhist Monastic Life Program in China at the Fuyan Temple at Heng Shan, Hunan Province. He is pursuing the M.A. in Asian Studies.

Jacob studied Japanese Language and Culture at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto during Summer 2013. He is minoring in Japanese Language and Criminal Justice as well as the Certificate in Japanese Studies. caves in Thailand which are renowned for their association with famous Thai monks such as Ajahn Mun and Ajahn Chah during Summer 2013.

Congratulations to the 2013 18



Maria Magdaline spent the Summer term studying Korean language and culture at Ewha Womans University in South Korea. She devoted time to research the topic of Islam in Korea and find primary sources for her thesis for the M.A. in Asian Studies.



Marcela will be going to China to research the distinctive linguistic features between Mandarin and English to prove a better understanding of how Mandarin is acquired by English speakers during Fall 2013.



George will be studying Japanese language and culture at Kansai Gadai University in Osaka during Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. He is pursuing a B.A. in Fine Arts and Asian Studies.



Dylan traveled to China this summer to improve his skills in Chinese language and to be immersed in Chinese culture in preparation for a future career with the State Department. He is pursuing a B.A. in International Relations and the Chinese Certificate.

3 Fu Foundation Students! 19


S o u thern Ja pan S em ina r The annual Southern Japan Seminar (SJS) promotes research and educational activities of Japan-related scholars in the Southeastern United States. This year’s event was held at FIU’s MMC Campus on Saturday, February 23. The event was a great success and had a wonderful turnout. With seven presenters, divided between the morning and afternoon panels, the audience was introduced to interesting and new ideas on Japanese literature, language, politics, history, religion, education, and economy. The morning panel explored different components of Japanese literature in relation to “women’s style literature” during the traditional period, modern women’s education, as well as the role of Charles E. Tuttle Co.’s post-war publishing of Japanese classics. In the afternoon, panel students from various FIU departments and Duke University presented topics, including the Japanese textbook controversy during World War II; a critique of a Japanese religious text from the 1930s; perceptions of China and Japan during the Bubble Economy; and the invention of Japanese political terminology in the Meiji Era. The presenters at the SJS event were: Dr. Satoko Naito, University of Maryland; Dr. Hitomi Yoshio, FIU; Dr. Steven Heine, FIU; Gabriela Romeu, FIU; Michael Quick, Duke University; Shelly Wick, FIU; Bradley Hammond, FIU; with respondents Dr. Joseph Murphy, University of Florida & FIU Asian Studies Faculty & Graduate Students.

Left: Dr. Hitomi Yoshio explains, “The Ideal Woman and Jogaku zasshi: Women and the Literary Profession in Late 19th Century Japan and Victorian England.” Above (Left): Undergraduate student Bradly Hammond presents his topic, “A ‘Brief Era of Experimentation’: How The Early Meiji Political Debates Shaped Japanese Political Terminology.” Above (Right): Dr. Heine lectures about post-war publishing of Japanese classics. 21

Ja pa n Stu d ies Rev iew The Japan Studies Review (JSR), an annual peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the joint efforts of the Asian Studies Program Yokohama Rāmen Museum to the representaand the Southern Japan Seminar, contin- tion of the “rāmen” dish as a national symbol ues to be both an outlet for publications

of Japan; an analysis of Ozaki Yutaka’s music

related to Southern Japan Seminar events career in the 1980s and his song lyrics; and the and a journal that encourages submis-

effectiveness of teacher feedback on Japanese-

sions from a wide range of scholars in the as-a-foreign-language writing. field.

This issue also features two essays, Appearing




issue which cover topics such as the causes of the

(volume XVII) are five articles dealing ‘Cool Japan’ phenomenon and Zen Master with a variety of topics on Japan, includ-

Dōgen’s teachings on Bodhi-mind. Four book

ing language conflicts with the Ainu, reviews are included on various topics includRūkyūans, and Koreans; an analysis of

ing business between Japan and other coun-

postindustrial generalities and genera- tries, a new Japanese perspective on Pearl Hartional transformation from a short story bor, Japanese manhood, ethics, and power dyby Murakami Haruki, titled “Pan’ya namics in Japanese politics, and Korean workSaishūgeki;” the significance of the Shin ers in interwar Japan.

Japan Studies Review Archive:


For information on how to obtain a copy or to submit an article or book review, please contact our office at (305) 348-1914 or

Ja pa nese Spe ech & Sk it Co ntest

(Left to right) Mr. Masahiro Ogino (Deputy Consul General of Japan in Miami), Naoko Komura (President of AFTJ/Instructor of Japanese at FIU), Sarah Daut (student), Jhonathan Baez (student), Mr. Eiichi Kawahara (Consul General of Japan in Miami & Advisory Board Member of SIPA), Luis Aguirre (student), Asuka Mashav (Japanese Program Coordinator/Senior Instructor & Assist. Director of Language Programs, Asian Studies Program).

Three FIU students won the 2013 Japanese Speech & Skit Contest and were recognized by the Consul General of Japan in Miami, Mr. Eiichi Kawahara, to celebrate their achievement on May 1, 2013 at his residence. The contest took place on March 23, 2013 at FIU. Mr. Eiichi Kawahara invited winners of the contest to his residence because Mr. Masahiro Ogino (Deputy Consul General) who was one of the judges at the Speech Contest was very impressed with our students' accomplishments. Here are the names of the students and the title of their outstanding Japanese presentations: Luis Aguirre 日本と私(Japan and Myself) Jhonathan Baez 日本の歴史(Japanese History) Sarah Daut 行けば都 (Japan is the Best Place To Be) The Japanese Speech & Skit Contest is organized annually by the Association for Florida Teachers of Japanese (AFTJ). 23

NC TA S em ina r 20 1 2 -2 0 13

(Left to right) Calvin Parkes, Lisa DosSantos, Odalys Caous, Danielle Joseph, Maria Lopez, Dr. Steven Heine, Maria Mulet, Fengmei Du, Laura Massa and Claudia Lau.

The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) is a nationwide professional development program for K–12 teachers to encourage teaching and learning about Asia. This seminar focused on Asia Seen Through Film, with key movies shown and discussed. NCTA is designed to give Florida K–12 teachers an introduction to the history and contemporary issues and problems of East Asia, a region whose dynamism and vibrancy is sure to make it an even larger part of the state of Florida and our children’s future. Through the use of films an understanding of East Asian culture and the relation between traditional and modern thought in the context of globalized social history is created. Additionally, this knowledge about Asia can be applied to specific and original lesson plans for incorporation into each teacher participant’s curriculum.


NC TA S em ina r 20 1 2 -2 0 13 Benefits to the participants include: instruction that covers the contemporary culture and society of East Asia, an honorarium upon completion, master plan credit and/or course credit available (where applicable), and In-Service Points available for Broward and Dade County teachers. The main requirement is to create lesson plans infusing Asia into the curriculum through the use of Asian films and other resources. In this year’s seminar, K-12 teachers developed lesson plans highlighting distinct Asian topics, such as: “Cold War Korea with Discussions on Present Tension in the Area” for high school students to learn major post-WWII transactions and current issues in Korea; “Life in the Floating World: Ukiyo-e Prints and the Rise of the Merchant Class in Edo Period Japan” for middle school students to gain insight on Japanese history using famous woodblock prints by Japanese artists; and “A Chinese New Year Tale” for elementary students to learn about Chinese New Year as the most significant Chinese holiday and its emphasis on sharing, based on a story titled “Runaway Wok” by Ying Chang Compestine. The complete list of lesson plans are posted on the FIU NCTA website.

NCTA K-12 Teachers presented their lesson plans that incorporated different aspects of Asian culture to be implemented into their curricula.


NCTA Summer —Chinese workshop

This new NCTA workshop, titled “Introductory Chinese Language & Culture,” is designed for K-12 teachers and other educators interested in learning Chinese language and culture in comparative perspectives. The workshop is free of charge for qualified educators. The course is taught by an outstanding and enthusiastic native Chinese speaker, Claudia Lau. 

“Chinese Paper Dragon” project from Lesson Plan presented by NCTA participant Mrs. Maria Mulet.

In-Service Points offered!  FIU - MMC Campus

To apply for the next session, contact Asian Studies Program at

Chinese Speech & Skit Contest The 6th Annual Florida International Chinese Speech & Skit Contest organized by Chinese Instructor Mali, was held on April 13, 2013 in GL 100 and had a successful turnout with several students participating. The 1st place winners for each category were: Level 1 Speech: Kevin Liguori "I want to learn Chinese" Level 2 Speech: Tori Monforte "It's never too late to learn" Level 3 Speech: Kay-Ann Linton "Learning Chinese is not easy"

Level 4 Speech: Madison Conroy "My history of studying Chinese" Skit - Best Performance Matthew Robbins & Valerik Roumi "Lost in China" Skit - Great Performance Xana Pena, Alyssa Scrivner & Elysa Zebersky "See a doctor"


New Chinese Instructor 0

The Asian Studies Program and the Department of Modern






er/Instructor in Chinese language, culture and literature to begin in August 2013. Dr. Shenggao Wang (Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Instructional Technology from The University of South Florida) was selected for this position. It was vital to hire a new instructor to teach Chinese language as well as literature and culture courses in translation in a growing Chinese program. Dr. Wang will be teaching ASN 3410 Introduction to East Asia and ASN 3016 Introduction to China, as well as Chinese language courses in the Department of Modern Languages starting in Fall 2013. The Asian Studies Program welcomes new faculty member Dr. Shenggao Wang!

“It is very exciting that the Asian Studies Program has grown to be a very strong program after more than 15 years of development. As a new faculty member, I feel extremely privileged to be part of this program, and I would like to make any possible contributions to the program once I begin my career at FIU.”

– Dr. Shenggao Wang


Japan Immersion Day was held on

Several students participated and were

Monday, December 10th from 9:30 AM

truly immersed into Japanese culture by

to 1:30 PM, organized by the Associa-

joining different sessions to learn about:

tion of Florida Teachers of Japanese


(AFTJ), Consulate General of Japan in

Miami, Department of Modern Lan-

Kimono try on

guages, and Asian Studies Program.

In its 12th year, it has introduced stu-

Sushi making

Martial arts

Sumie (Brush painting)

dents to Japanese culture through vari-

ous workshops and activities. Asian


Chopstick decoration / Hachimaki

Studies and Modern Language profes-


sors, including Asuka Mashav, Naoko

Komura Masako Kubota, and Eric Mes-


Japanese Bracelet making

sersmith led the activities in separate

Tea ceremony

rooms in the Graham Center at FIU.

Japanese food


Adjunct professor, Masako Kubota, dressing Asian Studies graduate assistant, Gabriela Romeu in a summer kimono (Top left). Undergraduate student, David Arroyo practicing Japanese calligraphy (Top right). Asian Studies undergraduate student and FIU Japan Club President, Laura Gonzalez, demonstrates how to play with traditional Japanese toys (Center right). Materials used to make decorative Japanese chopsticks (Center left). Assistant Director of Language Programs and Japanese Language Instructor, Asuka Mashav, assists students with the art of Japanese calligraphy (Bottom right). 29

Iwa mi Kagu r a : Ja pa nese Sh into

On Friday, September 21st, 2012 from 11 am to 12 pm, the “Iwami Kagura�: Japanese Shinto Theatrical Dance Performance was held in GC 243. Co-sponsored by the Consulate General of Japan in Miami, Japan Foundation, Department of Modern Languages, and Asian Studies, the event experienced a great turnout that captured an overwhelming crowd of students and professors who love and appreciate Japanese culture. The dance group came from Masuda City, Shiname Prefecture in Japan as part of their U.S. tour. This Japanese folk dance performed by Iwami Kagura was originally performed by Shinto priests at the yearly autumn festival as a show of thanks to the gods for the bountiful harvest for the year. From the priests the tradition was passed on to the lay people and became a traditional folk art ritual. This dance is accompanied by a dynamic sound of drums and flutes, with performers wearing splendid

Yamata no Orochi 30

customary attire.


Dr. Chuanren Ke and Dr. Meg Malone answer questions during the Q&A session led by Dr. Melissa Baralt, Assistant Professor of Spanish Applied Linguistics at FIU

(Left to right) Dr. Melissa Baralt, Dr. Hitomi Yoshio, Dr. Rebecca Friedman, Dr. Steven Heine, Dr. Meg Malone, Dr. Chuanren Ke and Instructor Ma Li.


Linguistics Symposium

A Comparison of Foreign Language Teaching Methodologies and Policies in EU & Asia On Wednesday, October 10th, Linguistics Symposium, titled “A Comparison of Foreign Language Teaching Methodologies and Policies in EU & Asia� was held in GC Panther Suite, and it garnered another impressive turnout with an audience of fully engaged students and faculty. This event was co-sponsored by the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence (MEUCE), Department of Modern Languages, and Asian Studies Program. Two top scholars came to critically examine language teaching methodologies, policies, and trends in Asia and the European Union. Dr. Chuanren Ke reviewed language methodologies and trends in Asia, namely China. A leading scholar in Chinese second language acquisition theory and research, Dr. Ke is currently a Professor of Chinese and Second Language Acquisition at the University of Iowa and Zijiang Chair Professor at East China Normal University in Shanghai. He is Immediate Past President of the U.S. National Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA) and founding director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Iowa. Dr. Ke received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from Indiana University at Bloomington. Dr. Meg Malone synthesized the current situation in Europe in foreign language assessment. She is Assoc. Vice President for World Languages & International Programs at the Center for Applied Linguistics and Co-Director of the National Capital Language Resource Center. She directs research projects in English and foreign language testing and acquisition abroad as well as professional development workshops. She also serves as Secretary of the International Language Testing Association (ILTA) and on the advisory board for the Language Assessment Quarterly. She received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University. 33

Dr. Julie Zeng is Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at FIU. She will be publish-

ing a book in September 2013 titled, State-Led Pri-

vatization—The Politics of Economic Reform. It examines the initiation, implementation, and dynamics of privatization in China. Building on rich fieldwork data gathered in three Chinese cities (Shenyang, Shanghai and Xiamen), the book

offers the first comparative study of China’s privatization processes at the local level.




She is also currently revising a paper coauthored with graduate student Yuanyuan Fang, examining how China’s dependent development on both foreign direct investment and foreign technology could bog China down in the “middle-income trap.” Secondly, she is working on a project exploring how state capitalism has been practiced in today’s world, with a focus on China, Brazil, and Singapore. Her primary research and teaching interests are Chinese politics, privatization in transitional economies, and international political economy. Her recent publications include “The Local Politics of Restructuring State-Owned Enterprises in China,” co -authored with Kellee Tsai, in Going Private in China: The Politics of Corporate Restructuring and System Reform edited by Jean Oi (2011, The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center); “Political Compromises: The Restructuring of Small and Medium Public Enterprises in China,” Journal of Chinese Political Science (2010); “Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Severing Ties Between The Chinese State and Socialist Workers,” in The People’s Republic of China Today: Internal and External Challenges, edited by Zhiqun Zhu (2010, World Scientific). Dr. Zeng has offered four different courses at FIU—INR 4707 Political Economy of China, INR 3224 International Relations of East Asia, INR 3703 International Political Economy, and INR 6706 Political Economy of IR. She enjoys teaching and conducting research at FIU.


Dr. Steven Heine Dr. Steven Heine, Professor and Director of Asian Studies, recently has been working on publishing the following books: The Kōan: Transformation and Transmission, University of Hawaii Press (in progress); Dōgen and Sōtō Zen: New Perspectives, edited, Oxford University Press (in progress); Like Cats and Dogs: Contesting the Mu Kōan, Oxford University Press (manuscript completed and now in press); and Dōgen: Textual and Historical Studies, edited, Oxford University Press (2012). Dr. Heine also has published several refereed articles during 2012-2013: “When Dōgen Went to China: Chan Poetry He Did and Did Not Write,” Hsiang Lectures on Chinese Poetry 6 (2012, McGill U publication); “A New Book of Japanese Sources,” Philosophy East and West 63/1 (2013); “Review of Voyager from Xanadu: Rabban Sauma and the First Journey from China to the West by Morris Rossabi,” in The European Legacy 17/7 (2012); “Receiving the Marrow: Teachings on Dōgen by Soto Zen Women Priests,” Buddhadharma (2013); “Remembering Dōgen’s Death,” Oxford University Press’ Blog: Academic Insights for the Thinking World, September 22, 2012; as well as “Is it Armageddon, Señor? Dylan’s Zeitgeist of the Endzeit...Most of the Time,” Montague Street: Art of Bob Dylan (2012). In addition, Dr. Heine organized and prepared a special refereed issue of the prestigious peer-reviewed journal, Frontiers of History of China with an Introduction and a major article for publication in Fall 2013. He also participated in various conferences and lectures during this academic year. Most recently, he was a featured speaker and panel organizer at the Association of Asian Studies (March 2013) presenting on Chan Buddhist Poetry in Song China and Kamakura Japan. In February 2013, he was the organizer and presenter for Southern Japan Seminar, giving a talk on The Tuttle Publishing Co. and Postwar Japanese Literature. In addition, he gave a talk at FIU Interdisciplinary Group in January 2013 and was also a respondent at the meeting of the American Academy of Religion during November 2012. Dr. Heine participated in other conferences, including the Chicago Buddhist Studies Group (November 2012), Florida Atlantic University (September 2012) and other lectures for Religious Studies Department at FIU. 36

Dr. Nathan Katz Dr. Nathan Katz, SIPA Distinguished Professor (Religious Studies Department), has published “Buddhist-Jewish Relations” from Ch.25 in The Wiley -Blackwell Companion to Inter-Religious Dialogue, edited by Catherine Cornille, 2013 (pp. 394-409); and “South Asian Judaisms: Practicing tradition today” in South Asian Religions: Tradition and Today, edited by Karen Pechelis (NY: Routldge, 2013), pp. 143-158. In addition, Dr. Katz organized and participated in a conference on “Neuroscience and Spirituality” – Sivananda Yoga Ashram Bahamas, with Daniel Drubach (Mayo Clinic and Medical School), James Austin (Univ. of Colorado Medical School), and Stephen Kaplan (Manhattan Coll), during March 17-21, 2013.

Naoko Komura Naoko Komura, Japanese Instructor and President of the Association for Florida Teachers of Japanese (AFTJ), recently attended the Florida Foreign Languages Association's annual conference in October 2012 and gave two presentations. One of the presentations was titled, "The Pedagogical Importance of Warm-Up Activities" and the other was, "Shadowing – Connecting Listening to Speaking." Komura was also nominated for the "Most Valuable Teacher" award at that conference. For several years now, Naoko has led the Summer Study Abroad program to Kyoto, Japan. This past summer she travelled with twelve FIU students to Ritsumeikan University. She is also involved in organizing the annual Japanese Speech & Skit Contest. 37

Dr. Paul Kowert Dr. Paul Kowert, Associate Professor of International Relations, recently worked on the following publications: "(Babylonian) Lions, (Asian) Tigers, and (Russian) Bears: A Statistical Test of Three Rivalrous Paths to Conflict," with Cameron Thies, Journal of International Relations and Development, advance online publication, November 23, 2012; and "Dream On," In His Own Words Feature, Women in Higher Education 21, 9 (October 2012), p. 8. During this academic year, Dr. Kowert also presented on “Grand Strategy as a TwoDimensional Policy Space," at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, California, April 3-6, 2013. In addition, he received a Catalytic Research Workshop Grant from the International Studies Association to conduct a workshop on "Bridging the Gap between Role Theory and 'Role Practice' in Foreign Policy," co-convened with Stephen Walker, Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, California on April 2, 2013. He also has other professional accomplishments, as he was awarded the UGS Provost Award for Mentorship of Graduate Students from the FII University Graduate School in 2013, and was also named for the editorial board of new Routledge Press book series on "Role Theory in International Relations," 2012 to present.

Asuka Mashav Asuka Mashav, Assistant Director of Language Programs and Japanese Language Instructor, has received three prestigious grants this past year: Japanese Language Contest Grant, Japanese Teaching Material Purchase Grant, as well as the CGP Education Grant from the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership. With funding from The Japan Foundation (Center for Global Partnership - Education grant), Mashav will be organizing a Japanese cultural event entitled Viva Japón! Taiko and Etc. in Miami. Currently, the event is scheduled for Monday, December 16th, 2013. 38

Dr. Matthew Marr Dr. Matthew Marr has received an Abe Fellowship sponsored by the Social Science Research Council and the Japan Foundation's Center for Global Partnership. The Abe Fellowship Program encourages international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern. The program fosters the development of a new generation of researchers interested in policy-relevant topics and willing to become key members of a bilateral and global research network. In partnership with the SSRC, the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP) established the Abe Fellowship Program as its flagship program in 1991 (Abe Fellowship Program website). He will be doing an ethnographic study of service hubs serving dislocated and extremely poor persons in four global cities in the US and Japan—San’ya in Tokyo, Kamagasai in Osaka, Skid Row in Los Angeles, and the Health District in Miami. Within each country, he will be comparing a “mega-hub” which is large in population and geography, has a high concentration of social services, and faces intense gentrification (Kamagasaki and Skid Row), with a “micro-hub” which is smaller, has fewer services, and is facing less gentrification (San’ya and the Health District). Dr. Marr will be looking at how the concentration of services affects these people's experiences of human security. On Monday, December 4, 2012, Dr. Matthew Marr published "Two Improbable Locales for Japanese Optimism" on the Council on Foreign Relations's Asia Unbound Blog, based on a sociological analysis of contemporary Japanese society. In this guest blog entry, Dr. Marr gave an example of a group of young Japanese who won the 2012 World Reggae Dance Competition in Kingston as outward looking young Japanese with a global perspective to contrast with negative portrayals of Japanese youth as inward looking and ill-prepared for the challenges of global society. Dr. Marr also used the example of young activists in the anti-poverty movement to show that Japanese youth are politically active and working to promote equality in a society seeing more social polarization. 39 39

Dr. Eric Messersmith Dr. Eric Messersmith, Asian Studies Lecturer, recetly published a textbook called The History of Japan: Ura and Omote. He is president of the South Florida Association of the Urasenke School and regularly attends international conferences in the field of Japanese culture and the arts. He is also a member of the Southeast US-Japan Society and the South Florida Kendo Club in Miami.

Dr. Hitomi Yoshio Dr. Hitomi Yoshio is Assistant Professor of Japanese at FIU since Fall 2012. She specializes in 19th and 20th century Japanese literature and culture. Some of her most recent publications include: "Introduction to Virginia Woolf's Review of Arthur Waley's Genji Translation." Genji Reader, edited by Haruo Shirane and Thomas Harper. Columbia University Press (forthcoming); “Osaki Midori." The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism online (forthcoming); and "Osaki Midori and Nyonin geijutsu: Gender, Genre and Media Technology." AJLS Proceedings. Yale University (forthcoming). She has also translated other works, including "Dreams of Love, etc." Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan by Mieko Kawakami. The Nippon Foundation, 2013, pp.157-167; and "A Once Perfect Day for Bananafish." Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan by Mieko Kawakami. The Nippon Foundation, 2012. pp.58-62. Dr. Yoshio has also participated in lectures and conferences, such as "Performing the Woman Writer: Tamura Toshiko and the Media in Early 20th Century Japan," Association of Asian Studies, San Diego on March 2013; "The Ideal Woman and Jogaku zasshi: Women and the Literary Profession in Late 19th Century Japan and Victorian England," Southern Japan Seminar here at FIU on February 2013. Other professional accomplishments for her include launching events for Monkey Business: New Voices from Japan Vol.3 with Takahashi Gen'ichirô, Ishikawa Mina, and Motoyuki Shibata. New York, May 2013. 40

Ma Li Mali, Assistant Director of Chinese Cultural Programs and Chinese Language Instructor, led the Summer Study Abroad trip to China again this year with several students from FIU. Mali was also very involved in the Asian Studies and Modern Languages committee for new Chinese Studies Instructor search for Fall 2013. She is also in charge of organizing the annual Chinese Speech and Skit Contest.

Dr. Lidu Yi Dr. Lidu Yi, Assistant Professor in Chinese Art History, began teaching a new course during Fall 2012 with undergraduate and graduate sections on Buddhist Art in Asia (ARH 3930) and Special Topics in Art History (ARH 5897). Dr. Yi’s research interests include Buddhist cave art.

Dr. Bin Xu Dr. Bin Xu, Assistant Professor of Sociology, recently published an article on “Mourning Becomes Democratic” which appears in a publication of Contexts 12 (1): 42-46. Dr. Bin Xu was also quoted in a BBC News Magazine article titled, “What is 'national mourning' for?” by Stephen Robb on March 7, 2013: Dr. Xu’s research focuses on collective memory, sociology of disasters, and symbolic politics. 41


FIU and Asian Studies alumnus Omar Carrion, 28, passed away on March 2, 2013, after he was the victim of a fatal car accident. Omar was a very bright and vibrant young man who majored in Asian Studies with a concentration in Japanese Studies. In the summer of 2005, Omar participated in a study abroad program to Ritsumeikan University. He eventually graduated in 2007 and taught English to children in Kitakyūshū, Japan for a short time. Once he arrived back in Miami, he spent five years working as a degree evaluator at J. Silney & Association. After five years, he decided to pursue his passion in filmmaking and started the production company Phyxis Picture with two friends. Omar was loved and cherished by his family, friends and co-workers. Those who were blessed to have known him will always remember him for his wonderful smile and his boisterous laugh, as well as his love for films and Japan. Asian Studies Graduate student, Gabriela Romeu, who knew Omar for eight years and regarded him as a brother, dedicated her M.A. thesis, “The Japanese History Textbook Controversy Amid Post-War Sino-Japanese Relation,” to his memory:

“I dedicate this work to my friend, Omar Carrion, who sadly and tragically left this world before I finished. I hope that your passion for Japan can live through me as you watch from the other side.”

Photo by Morataya 43

September 2012 09/21/12 – “Iwami Kagura: Japanese Shinto Theatrical Dance Performance” "Iwami Kagura" dance performance, co-sponsored by Consulate General of Japan in Miami, Japan Foundation, Modern Languages and Asian Studies.

October 2012 10/10/12 – “Linguistics Symposium: A Comparison of Foreign Language Teaching Methodologies and Policies in EU & Asia” Lecture on language teaching methodologies in Asia and the European Union by Dr. Chuanren Ke and Dr. Meg Malone. Co-sponsored by Asian Studies, Modern Languages and MEUCE. 10/15/12 – “JET Program Info Session” Info session for the Japan Exchange & Teaching (JET) Program that offers students the opportunity to work in Japan. Organized by the Consulate General of Japan in Miami.

November 2012 11/05/12 – “Film Series: Quartet! Celebrating 30 years for the city of Urayasu” Film event: Quartet! (2011) directed by Junichi Mimura, shot during the Great East Japan Earthquake. 11/10/12 – “CLTA Workshop: Chinese New Year" 中国新年 2012 CLTA-FL Fall Workshop on “Chinese New Year." Presented by the 孔子學院 Confucius Institute of Miami Dade College. 11/15/12 – “Japan’s Trade Policy: Relations with the Americas” Lecture by Dr. Naoki Tanaka, President of Center for Int’l Public Policy Studies (CIPPS), on current trends of globalization and Japan's economic relations with the Americas. Co-sponsored by Asian Studies and LACC.

December 2012 12/10/12 – “Japan Immersion Day" Japanese culture event presented by the Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese (AFTJ). 12/10/12 – “Asian Studies Holiday Reception” Reception for Faculty and Graduate Students in Asian Studies. 44

January 2013 01/23/13 – “Pray for Japan: Documentary Film Showing & Discussion” Pray for Japan -A Documentary Film- Talk and Q&A with Director Stu Levy at Morikami Museum.

February 2013 02/22/13 – “Japanese Composer Tatsuya Nakatani” Japanese musician Tatsuya Nakatani performed a percussion solo, creating an unconventional musical experience . Co-sponsored by Tigertail Productions. 02/23/13 – “Southern Japan Seminar 2013” The annual Southern Japan Seminar (SJS) presented research and educational activities of Japanrelated scholars in the Southeastern United States.

March 2013 03/06/13 – “Documentary: Buddhism After the Tsunami: The Souls of Zen 3/11 Japan" Asian Studies showed this winning film on perspectives on Buddhism in the midst of Japan's March 11, 2011 Triple Disaster. The film captures Buddhist temples and local communities in their struggles to rebuild. 03/18/13 – “Film Series: Can You See Our Lights? and Setting Sail from the Ruins” Film event co-sponsored by Consulate General of Japan in Miami, Japan Foundation, Asian Studies, Modern Languages, Japan Club, Le Cercle Français and French Honor Society (Pi Delta Phi). 03/23/2013 – “Japanese Speech & Skit Contest” Florida Statewide Japanese Speech & Skit Contest organized by the Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese (AFTJ).

April 2013 04/13/2013 – “Chinese Speech & Skit Contest” Chinese Speech & Skit Contest presented by Chinese Club, Asian Studies and Modern Languages 02/27/13 –04/18/13 – “Asian Film Festival” Film festival with several films that showed Japanese, Taiwanese Seediq, Mongolian, and Korean history. Co-sponsored by Chinese Club, CSSA, ASU, Japan Club and Asian Studies. 04/22/13 –Art & Art History Lecture: Xu Bing Art & Art History presented eminent scholar lecture series with Xu Bing at the Frost Art Museum. 04/24/13 – Five Elements: Asian Art at the Frost Art Museum Frost Art Museum held the 3rd annual Museum Studies exhibit titled “Five Elements” which showcased Asian art.

Japan Studies Review XVIII 2014  National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) 2013–2014  Southern Japan Seminar 2014  Japan Foundation Grant Activities 2013–2014 


ASIAN STUDIES PROGRAM Florida International University Modesto A. Maidique Campus SIPA Building, Room 505 11200 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33199 Phone: (305) 348-1914 Fax: (305) 348-6586 Email: SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS


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