The Top 9 Advanced On-Page SEO Techniques

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All your website content needs to be presented in a strategized platform so that major search engines can index your site and site pages, along with users taking in your content. Internal linking will help you share more useful and meaningful information with your users through the search engines. Link your published content with other contents that are relevant to your content and will only enhance and extend the information that you are already sharing with your users.

5. Focus on Key Landing PagesYour site has to create a memorable first impression on your audience when they visit your site. Study, track, and identify the landing pages that are most popular on your site. Add more content, images, video, etc., to those pages and keep them updated. Try to understand what your customers want, understand the demand, and deliver right to satiate their needs. Google Analytics will help you track the traffic of all your landing pages and blog posts.

6. Fix Typography GlitchesUsers need to be able read the content of your site easily. Hence, the font type, font colour, font size, and the contrast, everything has to be suited to the right setting to makes things easier for your audience. Keep your eye out for the spellings, punctuations, and language. Your content quality goes a long way in both strengthening your SEO and improving the user experience. Such simple errors will only deteriorate your brand reputation and you cannot let that happen as the brand owner.

7. Site Speed OptimizationGoogle prefers to rank sites that have a fast loading speed. Google prioritizes user satisfaction over anything else. Hence, if your site has a poor loading speed, your bounce rates will increase and Google will bring your site rankings down the SERPs. You page or site must not be taking more than 3 to 5 seconds to load, because you have to satisfy both Google and your users. The loading speed plays a more important role in mobile sites. Make sure to implement AMP pages so that even the mobile versions of your site ensure speed as fast as the desktop version of your site.

8. Optimize URLsURLs are often ignored by site owners but URL optimization is of prime importance. URLs are instrumental in the success of your SEO campaign. Your URLs need to be very simple such that your target audience can remember it very easily. Avoid using capital letters, numbers, and symbols in your URL. Your URL has to be relevant to your business offerings or site offerings. Include relevant keywords in the URL and use robots.txt to block the poor URLs. Last but not the least, optimize your URL for mobile devices.

9. Image Optimization-

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