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Rare Toys including the Maryanne Wealleans Collection Auction – Thursday 24 October at 5.00pm 3 Abbey Street, Newton, Auckland Telephone: +64 9 354 4646 Freephone: 0800 80 60 01

All Toys illustrated online at www.artandobject.co.nz 325

VIEWING Friday 18 October 9.00am – 5.00pm Saturday 19 October 11.00am – 4.00pm Sunday 20 October 11.00am – 4.00pm Monday 21 October 9.00am – 5.00pm Tuesday 22 October 9.00am – 5.00pm Wednesday 23 October 9.00am – 5.00pm Thursday 24 October 9.00am – 12noon






Maryanne Wealleans Collection 250 – 352 Tin, Plastic & TV Toys 353 – 364 Tri-ang & large Trucks 365 – 372 Britains, Parro-Toy etc. 373 – 382 Dinky, Corgi & Die-cast 383 – 398 Fun Ho! & NZ Toys 399 – 428




273 271



418 417



The TheMaryanne Maryanne Wealleans WealleansCollection Collection

Tinplate Tinplatetoys toys 250. 250. 44handstand handstandclowns, clowns,Kohler Kohler(German(German-US USWar War Zone) Zone)&&22x xChein Cheinbrand brand(US), (US),wind windup uptoys toys ininexcellent excellentcondition, condition,circa circalate late1940s, 1940s,each each approx. approx.h.h.120mm 120mm $150 $150––$250 $250

This Thisfascinating fascinatingcollection collectionbegan beganininthe theearly early 1980s 1980sininChristchurch. Christchurch.From Fromthe theestate estateofof aafamily familyfriend friendMaryanne Maryanneacquired acquiredaasmall small grouping groupingofofLehmann Lehmanntoys toyswhich whichformed formedthe the basis basisofofthe thecollection. collection.The TheLehmann Lehmannpieces pieces caught caughther hereye eyefor fortheir theirdelicacy, delicacy,quality qualityofof construction constructionand andhistory historyofofdelightful delightfuldesign design combined combinedwith withimaginative imaginativemovements movementsthat that are arethe thehallmark hallmarkofofthese thesetoys toyscombined combinedwith with the therarity rarityofofthe theGerman Germanmark markwhich whichare arerare rare ininNew NewZealand. Zealand.From Fromthis thispoint pointshe shebegan begantoto see seeother otherLehmann Lehmannpieces piecesand andwas wasnaturally naturally lead leadtotoSchuco Schucoand andother otherexamples exampleswhich which display displayaasimilar similarapproach approachtotodesign designand and intricacy. intricacy.Maryanne Maryanneoriginally originallydecided decidedtotobuild build aacollection collectionwhich whichone oneday daywould wouldbecome becomeaa legacy legacyfor forher hergrandchildren’s grandchildren’seducation educationand and ititisisfor forthis thisreason reasonthe thecollection collectionofofsome some100 100 lots lotsisisbeing beingoffered offeredatatART+OBJECT. ART+OBJECT.

251. 251. 22Popeye Popeyewaddling waddlingfigures, figures,Chein Cheinbrand brand(US), (US), wind windup uptoys, toys,one oneiningood goodworking workingcondition, condition, circa circaearly early1930s, 1930s,h.160mm h.160mm $125 $125––$200 $200 252. 252. Cowboy Cowboyand andIndian, Indian,Kohler Kohler(German (German––US US War WarZone), Zone),wind windup uptoys toysininexcellent excellentworking working condition, condition,circa circa1950, 1950,h.100mm h.100mmeach each $125 $125––$200 $200 253. 253. Kitten Kittenwith withBall, Ball,Kohler Kohler(German (German––US USWar War Zone), Zone),wind windup uptoy toyininnear nearmint mintworking working condition, condition,circa circa1950, 1950,l.110mm l.110mm $100 $100––$200 $200 254. 254. Pig, Pig,H.H.Wimmer Wimmerbrand brand(German (German––US USWar War Zone),wind Zone),windup uptoy toyiningood goodcondition, condition,circa circa 1950, 1950,l.110mm l.110mm $75 $75––$125 $125

312 312

255. 255. Willie WillieWalker, Walker,Lincoln LincolnToys Toys(US), (US),wind windup uptoy toyinin good goodworking workingcondition conditionwith withfair fairbox, box,h.140mm h.140mm $75 $75––$150 $150

319 319 320 320 316 316 323 323

256. 256. Elephant Elephantcoin coinbank, bank,Chein Cheinbrand brand(US), (US), lever leveroperated operatedtoy toyininfine fineoriginal originalcondition, condition, h.h.140mm 140mm $50 $50––$100 $100 317 317

318 318

324 324

258. 258. Royal RoyalGuards GuardsDrummer Drummeron onhorseback, horseback,British British (possibly (possiblyTriang), Triang),wind windup uptoy toyininworking working condition, condition,circa circa1950s, 1950s,h.150mm h.150mm $50 $50––$100 $100

321 321

327 327

257. 257. Penguin Penguinininred redtuxedo, tuxedo,brand brandunknown, unknown,wind wind up uptoy toyiningood goodcondition, condition,h.140mm h.140mm $30 $30––$50 $50

259. 259. Lone LoneRanger Rangerwith withLassoo, Lassoo,Marx Marxbrand brand(US), (US), wind windup uptoy toyiningood goodplus plusworking workingcondition, condition, circa circa1940s, 1940s,h.210mm h.210mm $100 $100––$200 $200

260 260

315 315

250 250

260. 260. Greppert Greppert&&Kelch, Kelch,Horse Horseand andbuggy buggywith with liveried liverieddriver driverininred, red,model modelno. no.501/39, 501/39,wind wind up uptoy toyininexcellent excellentworking workingcondition, condition,circa circalate late 1920s, 1920s,l.190mm l.190mm $500 $500––$1000 $1000 261. 261. 33Tin TinToys Toys––“Jumbo” “Jumbo”Circus CircusElephant, Elephant,Elephant Elephant with withMahout Mahout&&Turtle, Turtle,brands brandsunknown, unknown,wind wind up uptoys toysininfair fairtotogood goodworking workingcondition condition $75 $75––$125 $125

259 259

269 269

262. 262. 99small smallhopping hopping&&crawling crawlingTin TinToys Toys––22x x beetles, beetles,puppy puppyininblue, blue,goose, goose,frog, frog,dog dogwith with cane, cane,yellow yellowchick, chick,colourful colourfulhawk hawk&&circus circus monkey, monkey,brands brandsvarious variousinc. inc.Japanese Japaneseand andUS US War WarZone Zone(German) (German) $125 $125––$200 $200

252 252 253 253


263. 263. 33Circus CircusTheme ThemeTin TinToys, Toys,Monkey Monkeyon onSeal Seal–– Tokyo TokyoPlaything PlaythingShokai ShokaiBrand, Brand,Clown ClownBalancing Balancing Umbrella Umbrella––Chein CheinBrand Brand(US) (US)&&Monkey Monkeyon on Trike Trike––brand brandunknown unknown(Japan), (Japan),wind windup uptoys toysinin good goodworking workingcondition condition $100 $100––$200 $200 264. 264. Cavalcade CavalcadeDerby DerbyGame, Game,Wyandotte Wyandottebrand brand (US), (US),ininorginal orginalcondition conditionwith withgood goodbox, box,d.d. 230mm 230mm $75 $75––$125 $125 265. 265. Butterfly Butterfly“Push” “Push”Toy, Toy,possibly possiblyChein Cheinbrand brand(US) (US) $30 $30––$50 $50 266. 266. Taxi Taxidriver driversparking sparkingtoy toyininworking workingcondition condition $30 $30––$50 $50 267. 267. Hopping Hoppingchick chickininegg, egg,wind windup uptoy toyininoriginal original working workingcondition, condition,h.h.110mm 110mm $30 $30––$50 $50 268. 268. Ballerina BallerinaSpinning SpinningTop, Top,possibly possiblyMarx Marxbrand brand (US), (US),toothed toothedspinning spinningdevice deviceininworking workingorder, order, h.150mm h.150mm $100 $100––$200 $200 269. 269. Banana BananaJoe, Joe,brand brandunknown unknownbut butmarked markedMade Made ininEngland, England,wind windup uptoy toyiningood goodcondition, condition,circa circa 1950s, 1950s,l.130mm l.130mm $50 $50––$100 $100 270. 270. Charlie CharlieChaplin Chaplin“hat “hatdoffing” doffing”toys, toys,one oneofof German Germanmanufacture, manufacture,circa circa1940s 1940s $40 $40––$80 $80

Schuco Schuco 271. 271. 33animal animalfigurines figurines––Tumbling TumblingMonkey, Monkey,Monkey Monkey Violinist Violinist&&Mouse Mousebellringer bellringer(missing (missingbells), bells), (German (German––US USWar WarZone), Zone),wind windup uptoys toysinin good goodcondition conditionwith withfelt feltclothing, clothing,circa circa1950, 1950,h.h. approx. approx.100mm 100mm $150 $150––$300 $300 272. 272. 22clown clownfigurines figurines––Violinist Violinist&&Clown Clownswinging swinging Piglet, Piglet,wind windup uptoys toysininvery verygood goodtotoexcellent excellent condition, condition,possibly possibly1930s, 1930s,h.110mm h.110mm $150 $150––$300 $300 273. 273. Bavarian BavarianMountain MountainGirl, Girl,wind windup uptoy toyininexcellent excellent condition, condition,h.140mm h.140mm $150 $150––$300 $300 274. 274. Juggling JugglingClown, Clown,wind windup uptoy toyininnear nearmint mint condition conditioniningood goodbox, box,h.120mm h.120mm $200 $200––$300 $300 275. 275. Kommando KommandoAnno Anno2000, 2000,wind windup upcar carininblue blue together togetherwith withSchuco SchucoGarage Garageno.1500, no.1500,both bothinin excellent excellentoriginal originalcondition, condition,circa circa1940, 1940,car car l. l.150mm 150mm $200 $200––$300 $300 276. 276. Phanomenal PhanomenalPetrol PetrolTank Tank5506, 5506, excellent excellentcondition, condition,h.h.100mm 100mm $100 $100––$200 $200


Schuco Varianto 3010 SET E, automobile traffic game, complete with two vehicles in mint condition, tracks, switches, wires and complete instructions, many pieces still attached to original packaging – a superb example, box dimensions 230 x 320mm $500 – $800

278. Sonny 2005, mouse driver with balloon in maroon open tourer, (German- US War Zone), excellent example in working condition with fair box, l. 150mm $150 – $250 279. Mercedes Grand Prix 1936, Studio 1050 in red, wind up car in mint condition with original box, instructions and accessories $100 – $200

Battery Operated and Mechanical Toys 280. Shoeshine Bear, Nomura brand (Japan), battery operated toy in good original condition, h. 230mm $50 – $100 281. Soda Drinking Bear, Nomura brand (Japan), battery operated toy in good original condition, H.225mm $50 – $100

289. 3 Mechanical & Wind Up Dogs – Spaniel, Begging Dog & Terrier, various brands and sizes in original boxes $75 – $125

305. Long Range Cabin Cruiser, Penguin brand (NZ), wind up plastic boat in mint condition in good plus original box, l. 280mm $100 – $200

290. 2 Crawling Babies, one Haji brand (Japan), wind up toys in good working condition, one boxed, l.120mm $50 – $75

306. MS Pacific 706/P Cruiseliner, MS brand (Germany), battery operated toy in mont condition in good original box & instructions, l. 430mm $100 – $200

291. 2 Mechanical Bears – Bruno the Spectacle Bear, Alps brand & My Little Bear, Modern Toys brand (Japan), wind up toys in working condition in original boxes $75 – $125 292. Pressed steel Battleship in red and grey, brand unknown, l. 180mm $50 – $100 293. “Jimmy” Acrobatic Clown, Arnold brand (Germany), wind up toy in fair condition, h. 370mm $50 – $100 294. Friction Fire Boat, SSS International brand (Japan), wind up friction toy in excellent working condition in original box, l. 240mm $125 – $175 295. Champion Racing Car in red, Taiyo brand (Japan), battery operated toy in good original condition, l.190mm $40 – $80

282. 2 Mechanical Strutting Toys, Duck with Twirling Cane & Shutterbug Rabbit, Alps brand (Japan), wind up toys in mint condition in original boxes, h.170mm $125 – 200

296. Dog in Macintosh Coat, brand unknown, battery operated toy in excellent condition, l. 280mm $50 – $100

283. Police Helicopter, unknown Japanese brand, wind up toy in good working condition, l.280mm $50 – $75

297. Rock’n Roll Monkey, Alps brand (Japan), battery operated toy in excellent condition in good original box, h. 310mm $100 – $200

284. Monkey with cymbals, unknown Japanese brand, wind up toy in good working condition, h.200mm $40 – $80

298. USAF Fighter Jet F 104, Aoshin brand (Japan), friction toy in working condtion, l. 380mm $75 – $125

285. 2 Mechanical Monkeys – one drinking and the other eating an ice cream, unkown Japanese brands, wind up toys in working condition, h. 170mm $100 – $150 286. Robot with spark, Yonewa brand (Japan), wind up toy in good condition but mechanism not working, circa early 1960s, h. 180mm $75 – $125 287. Daschund The Sausage Dog, OK brand (Hong Kong), plastic friction toy in original condition with fair box, l.160mm $30 – $50 288. “Mambo” Drumming Elephant, Alps brand (Japan), battery powered toy in good condition, h.240mm $75 – $125

299. Bubble Blowing Elephant & Pipe Smoking Elephant, Japanese battery operated toys in good condition $60 – $100 300. Knitting Bear & Reading Bear, Japanese wind up toys in good working condition $60 – $100 301. Mixed lot of 3 wind up toys inc. Pierrot Drummer boy, Rabbit with Cymbals and Drumming Bear $60 – $100 302. Battery Operated Puppy $20 – $40 303. ME-060 Tank, possibly Masuyada brand (Japan), battery operated toy in good plus condition, l. 190mm $50 – $100 304. PB 70 Space Saucer, Shogokin Brand (Japan), plastic toy circa 1970s, d.120mm $25 – $50


307. “A Gambling Man” Roulette figure by Cragstan (Japan), battery powered toy in excellent original condition with accessories, instructions and good plus box, h. 240mm $75 – $125 308. Express Cruiser B-341, possibly Bandai brand (Japan), friction toy in working condition, l.230mm $40 – $80 309. Sonicon Rocket, Masudaya brand (Japan), battery operated toy in fair condition, l. 350mm $40 – $80 310. A Brumberger Mailbox (US), a Donald Duck/ Mickey Mouse tin drum & a tin spinning top in blue $40 – $80 311.

Country maiden, plastic wind up toy, h. 120mm $20 – $40

Lehmann Tinplate Toys 312.

Gustav the Miller, EPL no.230 complete with flourbag weight, base and windmill, h.480mm $300 – $500

313. Indu, ‘decapitating fakir’, EPL 824, complete with key, d. 53mm $100 – $200 314.

Gnom, self-spinning top, EPL 355, h.75mm $75 – $100

315. Africa or Going to the Fair, boy with ostrich mail cart, EPL 170, string drive mechanism intact. A fine example, circa 1900, l.170mm $600 – $800 316. Zig Zag, EPL 640, wind up toy in good working condition with powerful mechanism, d.120mm $400 – $600 317.

OHO, chauffeur and early auto, EPL 545, wind up toy in good original condition, circa 1910, l. 110mm $300 – $500

318. Balky Mule, clown and cart with bucking donkey, EPL 425, wind up toy in good condition, early variant, l.200mm $300 – $500 319. Oh-My, dancing figure, EPL 685, wind up toy in good condition, h.260mm $400 – $600

320. Wild West, bucking bronco, EPL625, wind up toy, bucking gear mechanism intact not functional, otherwise in good condition, h. 180mm $300 – $500 321. Climbing Monkey, EPL 385, in good condition with original box, h.200mm $150 – $250 322. Beetle, EPL 431, in working condition, possibly a copy by another manufacturer, l. 210mm $75 – $150 323. Heinkel HE 70 military plane with Luftwaffe insignia, EPL 817 with original box, l.115mm $200 – $300 324. EPL 1, Zeppelin with celluloid propellers, EPL 651, wind up toy in good working condition, l. 220mm $400 – $600 325. Masuyama, lady with fan in rickshaw, EPL 773, wind up toy in excellent condition with all parts intact. Regarded as one of the finest and most delicate of all Lehmann tin toys, circa 1930, l.200mm $1500 – $2500 326. Paak-Paak, duckling, EPL 903, friction toy in excellent condition, l.80mm $75 – $100 327. Opel Blitz Van, EPL 813 (Gnom Series), near mint condition, l.110mm $100 – $200 328. Jonny the Climbing Sailor, EPL 914, near mint condition in good original box, circa 1955, l.160mm $150 – $300 329. Lehmann Toys by Jurgen and Marianne Cieslik, published by New Cavendish Books, 1982. A superb reference publication of 220 pages and numerous colour plates $75 – $100

Games & other Toys 330. “Newfooty” soccer game (British), a forerunner to Subbuteo, set includes players, goals, balls and instructions $75 – $125

334. Miniature Domino set in wooden violin case & friction rolling dice game inside wooden stand case $100 – $200 335. Mickey and Minnie Mouse coin savings banks in plastic, h. 170mm $50 – $75 336. Medieval Jester figure with porcelain head on rolling wooden stand, h.300mm $50 – $75 337. 2 Maori figurines in plastic, girl with pi and boy with flax skirt $40 – $80

349. Matching Handknitted Golliwogs in yellow and blue, h.470mm & 135mm respectively $40 – $80 350. 3 Handknitted toys inc. 2 Golliwogs, one in orange and yellow/green stripes and one in pink together with another soft toy in pale blue dungarees $60 – $100 351.

Herman Bear (German), limited edition wind up, soft toy numbered 66/2170, in fine original condition with tags, labels and certificates intact, h.300mm $100 – $200

338. Pelham Puppet (UK) – McBoozle the Scotsman, near mint toy in original box $30 – $60 339. Richard Rabbit (NZ), one of the Buzzy Bee family of toys made by Ramsey Toys, circa 1950 $30 – $60 340. Two Toy Collecting reference books, Christmas Collectibles and The World of Toys, both hardbacks $40 – $80

Die-cast & Lead toys 341.

“Arabian” Racing Horse with Rider on Sulky, brand unknown (German), wind up toy in ggod plus original working condition with original box – an unusually complex and fine toy, circa 1950s, l. 165mm $75 – $125

342. Britains Farm Animals, twin horse and cart, lead figures in good condition, l.235mm $30 – $50 343. Mixed lot of Matchbox and diecast inc. 2 x Models of Yesteryear, Ford Tractor, London Fire Brigade, 2 x horse and carts (9 items) $50 – $80 344. Matchbox Disney character cars inc. Goofy, Donald Duck, Mickey & Minnie Mouse etc in fair condition, (5 items) $40 – $80 345. Toy Mincing Machine, Chad Valley (UK) in good plus condition with original box, h.120mm $40 – $80

352. Bubble Blowing Bear of German origin, an electrical moving soft bear which features an ingenious motor driven action which powers the bear’s arm to which a wire hoop is attached and which dips into the bubble mixture and raises to connect with blown air expelled from the bear’s snout. The seated bear’s action is driven by an electrical motor in working order beneath the wooden stool. It is believed that this toy was not a commercially manufactured piece but designed and made for a shop display. The electrical wiring diagram to the underside of the stool is inscribed HVH standing for Hi Voltage Hairpin. Manufactured circa 1930s or 40s, h.650mm $800 – $1500

Toys from Other Vendors Tin, Plastic & TV Toys

331. China Toy Teas Set, hand decorated, complete with six cups and saucers, teapot, sugar bowl etc in original box $50 – $100

Soft Toys and Dolls

353. Aston Martin Turnover Stunt Car, Daiya brand (Japan), wind up toy in excellent condition, l.180mm $40 – $75

332. Lottobingo, battery operated toy in original box $30 – $60

346. 4 soft toys inc. Drumming Bunny, Mechanical Penguin, Beaver and wind up Rabbits in basket $75 – $1000

354. Santa Copter, Illco brand (Japan), battery operated toy in excellent condition in fair original box, l.230mm $50 – $75

333. Escalado Horse Racing Game, Chad Valley (UK), near complete with four lead horses, tabletop racetrack and instructions in original box, early version $75 – $125

347. Mixed lot of four soft toys inc. Spinning girl doll in green with bouquet, 2 clown soft toys and a Minnie Mouse soft toy $80 – $100

355. Space Whale, Yoshiya brand (Japan), rare wind up toy with snapping mouth mechanism in blue & red, l. 240mm, circa 1950s $275 – $450

348. 3 Golliwogs inc. red tuxedo ion felt, handknitted in blue and red and miniature in red $50 – $100

356. Motorcycle Racer, Technofix brand (Germany), friction toy in yellow, red and blue, good plus condition, l.180mm $150 – $250


357. US Army Combat Jeep , Nomura brand (Japan), markings reads 1st Div & 6607 to rear, rare battery operated tin toy in excellent condition, circa early 1960s, l.270mm $250 – $400 358. Mercedes 300SE Coupe, Ichiko brand (Japan), superb large scale tinplate car in metallic blue in near mint condition in good plus original box, l.580mm $600 – $1000 359. Leopard Tank, brand unknown (made in Hong Kong), battery powered, radio control, heavy plastic toy in mint original condition in good plus carded box with interior fittings, l.270mm $150 – $250 360. Rifle Cap gun, Replicas by Parris brand (US), l.740mm $50 – $75 361. Mego Star Trek figures inc. Captain Kirk, Doctor Spock & Doctor McCoy with command console and hotseat & screen scenes, circa 1975, height of figures approx.200mm $125 – $175

Tri-ang and Large Scale Toy Trucks 365. Tri-ang Lorry (UK) in blue and white pressed steel with complete set of plastic Pennybrix, mint example in original packaging, l.370mm $175 – $250 366. Tri-ang Horse Transporter in blue and white pressed steel, extremely rare working example complete with two plastic horses, circa 1965, l.470 $350 – $450 367. Tri-ang 400 series Sit’N’Ride six wheel Long Distance Transport Truck in red and turquoise, early variant with metal steering wheel, l. 600mm $450 – $600 368. Kingsbury Army Defence Gun and Truck (US) in military green pressed steel, model # 255, wind up toy in excellent original condition & complete with wooden shells, extremely rare, circa 1939, l.400mm $250 – $400 369. Buddy L Army Half Track Mobile Artillery Unit and Howitzer (US) in military green pressed steel, model # 3409 in excellent condition with original cardboard box, one of the rarest and most prized Buddy L toys, circa late 1940s/ early 50s, l. in total 570mm $350 – $500 370. Citroen H Delivery Van, JRD brand (France) in silver pressed steel, rare model in excellent condition, l.360mm $300 – $500 371.

362. Sooty Handpuppet, as featured on the BBC classic TV series The Sooty Show which ran from 1955 – 1992. This example was gifted by the character’s originator Harry Corbett to a then make-up artist Sally Brown in 1965. The puppet is accompanied by a BBC diary from 1965 also formerly the property of Sally Brown. The diary details numerous make-up bookings with TV shows and stars of the period including Blue Peter, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Corbett, Val Doonican, The Hollies, Top of the Pops, The Rolling Stones, Marianne Faithful, Cilla Black and on April 28 possibly Bob Dylan! Puppet in yellow and black in fine original condition with some wear to right arm, l.320mm $1000 – $1500 363. Space Game by Tomiyama brand (Japan), table top, spring-loaded pinball type action in tin and plastic, excellent condition with instructions and holders in good plus original box, circa 1960s, 340 x 235mm $75 – $150 364. Star Wars Millenium Falcon, Kenner brand (US), mint condition moulded plastic toy with accessories, parts and instructions in near mint original box, 1995, dms 420 x 560mm $200 – $300

Chrysler Airflow, Marx (US), rare clockwork, wind up pressed steel toy in pale green with wooden wheels in good original but playworn condition, circa 1930s, l. 135mm $350 – $450

372. A pair of Wyandotte Tip Trucks in pale blue, pressed steel toys in good plus to excellent condition $250 – $350

Britains, Parro-Toy and other lead figures 373. Britains 1877 Beetle Lorry Light Troop Transport, mint in near mint box, very rare – circa post WWII $100 – $150 374. 1433 Covered Tender Caterpillar with Driver, mint in near mint box, extremely rare example with driver intact, circa 1948 $125 – $175 375. 1321 Armoured Car in complete khaki green with black tyres and black card chassis floor, near mint in excellent plus box, circa 1934, a superb example $150 – $250


376. Horse Rake 8F Home Farm Series, green rake with red wheels, brown horse, excellent example with some paint loss to horse in excellent box, circa 1948 $75 – $125 377.

Farm Waggon 5F Home Farm Series, green wagon with red wheels, 2 x horses & carter in cream smock, near mint condition in good plus box, circa 1948 $90 – $150

378. Timber Carriage 12F, green carriage with red wheels, 2 x horses, log, farmhand and connecting traces, near mint condition in near mint box, circa 1950s $150 – $200 379. Johillco (UK) Small Scale Coronation Series D, consisting of Gilt Coronation Coach & Royal Couple, 8 x Windsor Grey Team with 4 drivers, 4 Marching Beefeaters, 9 Footmen, 6 Attendants, 11 Footguards, 6 Mounted Royal Horse Guards, 5 Mounted Lifeguards with Marshall,53 mint figures and strung to inner in good picture box, circa 1953 $250 – $350 380. Crescent Toys (UK) Model Farm, consisting of 18 lead figures inc. pigs, horses, sheep etc and milkmaid & shepherd $100 – $200 381. Parro-Toy (NZ) Farmyard Set, consisting of 25 lead figures inc. trees, horses, fences, ducks, farmer and milkmaid, dog, sheep etc, extremely rare New Zealand manufactured lead toys near mint to mint condition in goodplus original box $300 – $450 382. Parro-Toy (NZ) Soldier Set, 6 lead soldiers in khaki, mint condition in excellent original box, extremely rare $200 – $300

Dinky, Corgi & Die-cast 383.

4 Lledo (UK) Land Speed Legends inc. Bluebird, Spirit of America, Raiton Mobil Special & Thrust 2, mint in original boxed window packs $100 – $150

384. Matchbox 40, Long Distance Coach in pale metallic blue, good plus with original box $25 – $40 385. Matchbox King Size K-1 Hydraulic Excavator in red, rare variant with refuse in blade in excellent in good plus original window box $50 – $75 386. Corgi 348 VEGA$ Ford Thunderbird in red with Dan Tanner figure, mint in original window box $60 – $100 387. Dinky Battle of Britain toys, No.719 Spitfire Mk II & 721 Junkers Ju 87B Stuka, mint in good plus original boxes & accessories $150 – $250

388. Dinky WWII Fighter Planes, No.739 A6M5 Zero, 741 Spitfire MkII & 721 Junkers Ju 87B Stuka, mint in near mint blister packs $225 – $300

Fun Ho! and New Zealand Die-cast Toys

389. Corgi 1101, “Carrimore” Car Transporter, near mint in good plus original box $125 – $200

399. Motorbike & Pillion Passenger, model 91 in red with white wheels $100 – $200

390. Corgi Gift Set 11, E.R.F. Dropside Lorry and Platform Trailer and Plank Loads, near mint in good plus original box $175 – $300

400. Small Tractor in blue/white and trailer in yellow/white, 300 & 409 $120 – $200

391. Corgi 1100, “Carrimore” Low-Loader, mint in excellent original box $125 – $200 392. Corgi Gift Set 47, Working Conveyor on Trailer with Ford 5000 Super Major Tractor and Driver, near mint in excellent plus inner tray and good outer box, extremely rare $250 – $350 393. Dinky 968, B.B.C. T.V. Roving Eye Vehicle, complete with antennae, excellent in near mint box $150 – $250 394. Hornby Speed Boat Model 5, R.A.F. Range Safety Launch ‘1640’, wind up toy in near mint condition with accessories in good plus box $150 – $250 395. Dinky 772 British Road Signs x 24, mint in mint original box, a superb and rare set $150 – $200 396. Hornby O Gauge/Dinky Toys No.1 Station Staff & No.5 Hotel Staff, total of 11 lead figures in near mint condition in excellent early variant boxes with picture internals $200 – $300

401. Fordson Tractor, 104 in orange with rubber wheels $100 – $200 402. Fordson Tractor, 104b in pale blue with yellow cast wheels $100 – $200

404. Crawler Dozer, 313 in green $80 – $150 405. Oliver Tractor in red/white and Harrows, 81 & 509 $60 – $100

407. Motorbike with Sidecar and Pillion Passenger, 152 in red/pale blue with white wheels (early variant and intact with rare loose passenger) $220 – $300 408. Racer,80 in pale blue with alloy wheels, extremely early variant circa mid 1940s $150 – $250


Large Tourist Bus, 528 in lime green black, a superb example of this iconic NZ toy with all decals intact $250 – $400


Mixed lot of Fun Ho! Earthmovers inc. 522 Tip Truck, 414 Euclid Dumper, 537 Large Crawler Dozer & 526 Large Trailer (4 items) $150 – $250


Grader, 803 in orange/black $40 – $80


Tip Truck, 162a in pale blue and yellow/white wheels $150 – $250


Tip Truck, 162b in red and yellow/white $150 – $250


RAF Bomber, 106b in pale blue, extremely rare and early variant with allow wheels, decal remnants and clear impressed stamping to the underside $800 – $1200

418. Train set, 183 inc. Engine, Tender, 2 x Carriages & Guards Van in red/white wheels (5 pieces in total), extremely rare complete set $900 – $1300 419.

New Zealand Rail Train Set inc. 163 8 Wheel Engine & Tender, 164 Carriage, 165 Guards Van in pale blue/white wheels, extremely rare complete with remnant decals $1200 – $1800

420. Forklift – Jumbo Toy by McKenzie and Bannister (M&B) in yellow/black, a superb example with decal dash $100 – $150 421.

406. Tiger Toys Tractor and Sheetmetal trailer in red/black & yellow (remnant logo on tractor) $140 – $200

410. Replacement set of four wheels in black, d. 30mm $10 – $20

398. Corgi toys no. 261, James Bond’s Aston Martin DB5 with all parts working inc. ejector seat & bandit figure, shield and guns, near mint car with no roof wear, brilliant colour and rare gold bullet proof shield in excellent plus inner stand and outer box, with Corgi Toys makers booklet, a superb example $500 – $800


403. Tractor, 103b in pale blue/white wheels $60 – $100

409. Jaguar XK 120,306 in pale blue/white $175 – $250

397. Corgi 497, “The Man from Uncle” ThrushBuster in deep blue with complete accessories inc. Waverly Ring, protective inner packaging and firing mechanism indicator, Oldsmobile 88 in mint condition in near mint inner display stand and near mint original box, a superb example $350 – $500

416. Fun Ho! Large Revolver, model no 150 with cap firing mechanism intact and cream butt & impressed Fun Ho! mark, with holster inscribedTVNZ (possibly used as a prop), l.215mm $350 – $500

Truck and Flatbed Loader, Jumbo Toy in red and blue/black, excellent example of a rare New Zealand toy $120 – $200

422. Tip Truck and Trailer, Jumbo Toys in red and blue/black, rare example with impressed mark M&B 133 to base of truck $150 – $200 423. Hercules Tractor (NZ) in red and yellow pressed steel, superb example of these extremely rare NZ Made pressed steel toys, with impressed stamp to engine bay, circa 1950s $250 – $350 424. Hercules Bulldozer in pale yellow, green and red pressed steel, with impressed stamp to engine bay, circa 1950s $450 – $6000 425. Hercules Crane Truck in blue, red, yellow and green pressed steel, extremely rare model with embossed stamp to grill $750 – $1000 426. Hercules Steamroller in blue and yellow pressed steel, rare and large model with embossed stamp to grill and A Hercules Toy logo to flywheel, l. 290mm $400 – $600 427.

Jones and Max Tip Truck (NZ) in orange and green, pressed steel with wooden base, extremely rare, circa 1950s, l.295mm $250 – $400

428. Jones and Max Log Truck in red pressed steel with wooden base and cut planks, extremely rare NZ toy in excellent condition, circa early 1950s, l.470mm $700 – $1000

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